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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 ~ QUANTUM ELECTRONICS S DECEMBER i979 CFOUO Sl79) i'OF i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034410-5 FOit OFFICIAI. 1!SE ONI.Y JPRS L/8800 5 December 1979 L 1 USSR Re ort p - PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS CFOUO 5/79) - Quantum Electronics .i FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE . ~ ~ - - FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 _ NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and , other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets [j are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was p:ocessed. Where no processing indicator i~ given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are ~ enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the - origina]. but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unartributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. ~ The conCents of this publication in no way represent the poli- ~ cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S.~ Government. For further in~ormation on repoxt content ! call (703) 351-2938 (economic); 3468 ~ (political, sociological, military); 2726 (life sciences); 2725 (physical sciences). COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY~ _ JPRS L/8800 5 December 1979 USSR REPORT PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS ~ (FOUO 5/79) QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Moscow IC~ANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA in Russian Vol 6, No 9, sep 79 pp 1866-1870, 1903=1910, 1932-1941, 1953-1959, 1966-197~0, 2024-2027, 2033-2U34, 2036-2038 , CQNTENTS PAGE ~as~s anm r~asn~s Decisive Role of Viscoelastic Properties o~ Polymers in ~ the Mechanism of Their Iaser Destruction - (M. I. Aldoshin, et al.) 1 Gas Dynamical Laser With Thermally Nonequilibrium Electric Arc Heating of the Working Medium (B.V. Abakumov, et al.) 8 Quantum Statistics of the Photocurrent of Optimal ~ Detectors of Light Radiation Under Conditi ons of Atmospheric tViewing~ (P. A. Bakut, et al.) 20 Investi gatior.. of Characteristi cs of a Fast-Flow Continuously Operating C02 Laser r,lccited by a Self-Maintained Dii~ect-CLZrrent Discharge (A. G. Basiyev,,et al.) 34 ~ Analytical Theory of Pulsed Lasing of a CO Laser With Line Selection (S. A. Zhdanok, et al.) ........-0 44 - a- IIYI USSR - 21Ii S&T FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 COMl't~,Ml'E~ ( Con t, i.nur:d ) p~,f.~. Efficiency of ~imer Lasers Ut~~lizing Molecules of Halides of Noble Gases Excited by an Electron Beam (V. V, Ryzhov, A. G. Yastremski) 52 ' Periodic-Pulse Oper~,ting Mode of a Quartz-Iamp-Pumped . Iodine Ultravilet Laser (V. S. Zuyev, et al.) 60 Theory of Cavities With Wavefront Reversing Mirrors (I. M. Beltdyugin, Ye. M. Zemskov) 63 - ~ - b - . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY TA5ERS AND MASLRS UDC 678:539.26 DECISIVE ROLE OF VTSCOELASTIC PROPERTTES 0~ POLXMERS IN THE MECHANISM OF THEIR LASER DESTRUCTION 'J Moscow KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA in Russian Vol 6 No 9, Sep 79 pp 1866-1870 manuscript received 16 Apr 79 [Article by M.I. Aldoshin, B.G. Gerasimov, A.A. Manenkov and V.S. Nechitaylo, Scientific Research Institute of Organic Tntermediate Products and Dyes, Moscow, IISSR Academy of Sciences Physics Tnstitute imeni P.N. Lebedev, Moscow] [Text] A study is made of the laser destruction of organic glasses with the repeated and onetime effect of radiation pulses of nanos~cond duration. A - correlation is established between the laser strength of transparent polymers and their viscoelastic properties, in particular, their yield point. - Investigations made earlier [1] have shown that an important role in the mechanism of the laser destruction of polymers with the effect on them of nanosecond radiation pulses is played by the viscoelastic properties of the matrix. In recent times studies [2-4] have appeared in which the laser strength of organic glasses is explained by their tendency toward carbonization during thermolysis [2] or by their supermolecular structure [3]. In [4J a molecular method is suggested for.regulating the laser strength of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). However, the conclusions of the authors of [2-4] were made without taking into account the viscoelastic properties of polymers and in the absence of contrvl of their optical purity (from the viewpoint of the presence and dimensions of absorbing~inclusions). - This study has been made for the purpose of further studying the mechanism,of the laser destruction of transparent polymers and the relationship between the laser strength of these polymers and their viscoe~astic properties. For the purpose of eliminating the influence of the o.ptical purity of polymers on the results of investigation of their laser strength, in the experiments were used the same materials, the optical purity of whiah remained unchanged, and whose viscoelastic properties were varied by adding to the polymer a _ highly volatile plasticizer or by changing the temperature of the specimens over a wide range (from -60 to +80�C). 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 ~ ` FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - A determination was made of the bulk failure threshold of polymers with a ~ single burst, Td , under the influence of a giant (length of approximately 20 ns) radiation pulse af a ruby laser focused by a lens with a focal length of f= 4 cm , as well as of their laser strength with the repeated effect of radiation pulses of a fixed prethreshold strength, If , determined by the number of laser bursts, N, prior to the appearance in the matrix of macroscopic (approximately greater than 100 u) fractures. ~ In one series of experiments with specimens of PMMA, the initial content of highly volatile plasticizer in which equaled 20 percent, a determination was made of Id and N from the degree of volatilization of the plasticizer. _ It is obvious from Pig 1 that with a decrease in concentration of the plasti- cizer and with an increase because of this in the yield point, ~ , of the _ polymer, I and N are reduced. A similar reduction in the laser strength of plastic~zed PMMA (with a fixed plasticizer content of 20 percent~ is ob- served also with lowering of its temperature: With T=+20�C , N> 10`~ , ~and with T=-60�C , N ti 103 . In another series of experiments an~i:~vestigation waG mane of the laser strength of unplasticized PMMA at different stages of polymerization (fig 2). As in [1,3], with an increase in conversion of~~the monomer, the sample's Id is diminished. A rise in its temperature results in an increase in Id , which is apparently associated with a reduction in Q in heating. With an increase in conversion of the monomer N is also reduced (for a monomer N> 104 and f or PMMA N ti 20 Id,amN. td 1) 1,5 N>lOk 1,0 N=700 ~ ~54 ' 6 B ~'e,,kr/Mn~) Figure 1. Reduction in Laser Strength Under the Anetime.and Repeated Effect of Radiation Pulses in Proportion to Volatilization - of the Plasticizer and an Increase in the Polymer's Yield Point _ Key: 2 1. Id , relativa units 2. QVe , kg/mm An increase in the optical purity o~ the monomer results in even more drastic reduction in the failure threshold in the process of conversion of the monomer f into a polymer (table). Let us note that the effect of a reduction of I in the process of conversion from the state of liquid aggregation ta the d solid state is apparently of a general nature, which has been confirmed by us in freezing organic solvents (e.g., glyceryne). 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Id~omN. ed. l~ T , - - ~ - ~ T=BO� ~ ~ 20� 0 10 '10 BO 90 B,% Figure 2. Dependence of Bulk Failure Threshold, Id , on Degree of Conversion of the Monomer, B Key: 1. Id , relative units Table 3~ HcaonxwR ~ 4~ Ovxu~enNdp ~ I1M~tA c 6~:I~CTII~N- K:1 TO p0 M ~ M1~IA I[MDt,~ ,~iM.~ I nMMA (20�.0) QzP ~ Kl'/~IMZ l~ 8~) aB3, Kr/Mn~= 2~ 12 ' 12 3,9 / 2,4 1,0 ;0 �3,5 1,4 ~ 20 90 > 10; Cnpaeovxde Aaxnae Key: 1' kgl~~~brittle ~ailureJ ' S. ~'~~~ied - _ / 2' kv ~}rield point] ' 6� pMM~ ~-th ~;:asticizer (20 percent) g~ 7. Handbook data 3. Initial Experimental investigations have shown that with the repeated effect of laser radiation with a strength of If < Id~ thoroughly purified P1~Il~IA with- stands about 90 radiatio~ pulses prior to fhe formation of macrofailure, wher.eas unpuri~ied with the same strength, T~ , witAstands about 20 x~a,diatton pulses (c~. tat~],e), Such an insign~.~icant (~xom 20 to 9Q radiation pulses) incr~ase tn the laser strength of PN~fA on account o# improvement of its optical purity is practically the limiting increase ~or matrices whose yield point is higher than their brittle failure point. On the other hand, 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ plasticized PI~II~fA withstands mor~ than 104 radiation pulses of strength If even with a lower failure threshold. These results demon3trate that for polymers with different viscoelastic pro- perties there is no correlation between I and N. Consequently, a high value of Id per se, obtained only on account of improvement of the optical purity of a polymer, cannot ensure a high value of N. For polymera with identical visco~lastic properties the correlation between N and Id is observed fairly distinctly. It is obvious from fig 3 that with a 10-fold reduction in If relative to Id unplasticized PNIl~tA withstands not more 4 than 100 radiat3on pulses, whereas pl-~:~ticized PMMA withstands more than 10 laser bursts with a considerably lo~er (threefold) reduction in I relative to Id (samples were selected with an identical failure threshold~. lgN 4 2 ~ 3 1 ~ ~ ~ b 0 1 3 5 7 Id /I f Figure 3. Laser Strength of TJnplasticized (1) and Plasticized (2) ~ ~1A with Onetime Effect of Radiation Pulses of Prethreshold Strength For the purpose of revealing the nature of viscoelastic properties of polymers playing an important role in the mechanism of their laser destruction, by ~ means of a plane.polaroscope a study was made of the morphology of fractures in PMMA with the onetime effect of laser radiation of strength I ti I It was shown that in a series of successive laser bursts in the case 6~ un- ,plasticized P1~fA a macrofracture measuring approximately greater than 100 u arises in a threshold manner in the last burst of the series and is accompanied by a bright spark. Furthermore, around the fracture a stressed-state region ~ is practically not observed. In plasticized PMMA after a certain number of bursts (the more, the greater tha~ difference of Id - I ) a macrofracture originates, measuring approximately less than 10 u, in ~he form of an opaque melted area gradually increasing in size with successive exposures. Purther- more, a visible glow is not observed, and the stressed-state area around the _ strain fracture is increased (fig 4a). Tn the last burst is observed a bright spark, a macrocrack is formed and almost total removal of stresses around the fracture takes place (~ig 4b). - 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . Figure 4. Photographs o� Laser Micro- (a) and Macrofractures (b) in Plasticized PMMA with a Plane Polaroscope Thus, in the Iaser fracturing of polymers a visually observed glow (spark) arises only in the process of formation of macrocracks and this is apparently caused by tribo-effects ~5] accompanying failure of the material near ab- ~ sorbing f.laws resulting from thermoelastic stresses. Heating of unplasticized and plasticized PMMA to the vitrification temperature resulted in the total removal of stresses and strains around fractures, which testifies to their forced elastic nature. "In this connection the correlation which we discovered between the laser strength of polymers and their yield point becom.~s understandable. For the purpose of explaining the experimental results presented let us make _ use of the mechanism suggested in [1] for the laser fracturing oz polymers, associated with their viscoelastic properties. As follows from an analysis - of the system of heat conduction and elasticity equations, in a medium with an absorbing flaw important for the process of laser fracturing is parameter - S, characterizing the thermoelastic properties of the matrix aizd equal to the ratio of the energy of strains in the medium caused by heating of the flaw to the energy of the laser r3diation absorbed by it: T 1' v 2 2 2 o -r ~ ~ Cy 1 - v (1) where c is the velocity of sound, CV is the specific heat, v and a are the ~oisson bracket and coefficient of linear thermal expansion, re- spectively, and T~ is the initial temperature of the spec:imen. Substituting in (1) the parameters of PMMA gives s= 0.06 , which exceeds by a few orders - of magnitude ~ calculatec by (1) for inorganic glasses (e.g., for fusad quartz S ti 10 5). Consequently, the effectiveness o~ the conversion of . the energy of laser radiation absorbed by a~1aw into the energy of elastic strains of the matrix differs substan ially for such "soft" materials as polymeric glasses, for which S~ 10 and for such_3hard" materials as fused quartz, sapphire and the 1 ke for which R< 10 . This difference ti results in the fact that in real (i.e., those containing absorbing flaws) 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ transparent dielectrics with S ti 10 3 laser fracturing originates as the _ result ~f the thermal rupturing of absorbing flaws [5-7], whereas ~n polymers ~R ~ 10 2) elastic stresses comparable with breaking points originate with slight heating of the flaw. Calculati n of rupture stresses, ~eg , near an absorbing flaw measuring a>(XT)i92 (X is the thermal conductivi~y of the medium and T is the length of the laser pulse) gives ~ Qee ~t) _ ~ C~~ TTo) ~ (2~ where T t-- I f Q(t') dt' ( ) - ~v~ (3) 0 is the temperature~ of the absorbing flaw at moment of time t with a power density of the absorbed energy of Q; and p is the density of the medium. . Estimates made in accordance with (2) and (3) demonstrate that in P1~tA _ og e stresses exceeding its breaking point are reached when the absorbing flaw is heated a total of 100�C. Therefore for the formation and development of a fracture in polymeric materials heating of flaws to considerable tempera- tures (wt;~.en nonlinear effects of the absorption of the energy of laser radia- tion beco~ne substantial) is not necessar}?. In connection with this fractures are obserced in polymers with considerably lower (by more than an order of magnitude) radiation strength as compared with the threshold strength for "hard" materials. The experimentally observed dependence of the laser strength of polymers on their viscoelastic properties, as well as the correlation established between Id and N and the yield point, can be explained in the following manner. If ~a a well-known fact that in the plasticization of polymer.s, as well as in heating them~, the yield point, v e, is reduced [8]. This results in the fact that in the process of pulsed ~ieating of the absorbing flaw and a gradual increase in ae according to (2) the yield point is reached earlier than the breaking po~nt. As a result, the material around the flaw experiences - forced elastic strains characterized by considerable percentage elongation and is strafn hardened severalfold as compared with the brittleness point, ~khr~8~� In unplasticized PM~iA the yield point is higher than the breaking po3nt and the material is fractured in an embrittlement manner with the forma- ~ tion of cracks. The relationships given far c~ and okhr explain well the increase in the laser strength of plasticized ~ with tI~e onetime and re- peated effect of rad3ation pulses as campared with unplasticized PMMA. From this viewpoint the effect of a reduction in laser strer.gth in the proceas , of conversion from a monomer to a poly~er also becomes understandable. The 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ fact is that in the conversion of a monomer we have P'k~A plasticized by its own monomer. The reduction of the content of unpolymerized monomer results in an increase in the y1e1d point and as a result in a corresponding reduction in laser strength. The ideas developed here regarding the mech%.~iism for the laser fracturing of polymers can be enlisted also for the purr,use of explaining the increased strength of their surface as compared wf,ch their volume [9]. This fact is Evidently associated with the difference in thermoelastic stresses originating in the vicinity of absorbing flaws located near the surface and in the material's bulk. In conclusion the author~ express their thanks to A.S. Bebchuk for his helpful 'discussion of the results of this paper and to V.A. Golovina for assistance in conducting the experiments. Bibliography . 1. Aldoshin, M.I., Gerasimov, B.G., Mizin, V.M. and Nechitaylo, V.S. "Tezisy VIII Vsesoyuz, konf. po kogerentnoy i nelineynoy optike" ~ _ [Theses of the~ Eighth All-FJnion Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics], Tbilisi, Mersniyereba, 1976, Vol 1, pp 136-137. _ 2. Butenin, A.V. and Kogan, B.Ya. KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, 3, 1136 (1976). 3. Agranat, M.B., Novikov, N.P., Perminov, V~P. and Yampol'skiy, P.A. KVANTOVAYA ELERTRONIKA, 3, 2280 (1976). 4. Yemel'yanov, G.M., Ivanova, T.F., Votinov, M.P., Ovchinikov, V.M., Piterkin, B.D. and Smirnova, Z.A. PIS'MA V ZHTF, 3, 687 (1977). 5. DanileylGo, Yu.K., Manenkov, A.A. and Nechitaylo, V.S. KVANTOVAYA ELEK- TRONIKA, 5, 194 (1978). - 6. Danileyko, Yu.K., Manenkov, A.A., Nech itaylo, V.S. and Ritus, A.I. iCVANTOVAXA ELEKTRONIKA, 1, 1812 (1974). 7. Danileykn, Yu.K., Manenkov, A.A. and Nechitaylo, V.S. ZHETF, 63, 1030 (1972). - 8. Kargin, V.A. and Slam~mskiy, ~.L.~ "Kratkiye ocherki po fiziko-khimii _ polimerov" [Brief Synopses on the Pt~~ysical Chem3stry of Polymers], Moscow, Khimiya, 1967. - 9. Bebchuk, A.S., Gromov, D.A. a~nd Nechitaylo, V.S. KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, - 3, 1814 (1976). COPYRTGHT: Izdatel'stvo Sovetskoy.e Radio, KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, 1979 [27-8831] - CSO: 1862 8831 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . LASERS AND MASERS UDC 621.375.826:537.523.5 GAS DYNAMICAL LASER W~TH THERMALLY NONEQUILIBRIUM ELECTRIC ARC HEATING OF THE WORKING MEDIUM Moscow KVANTOVAYA ELERTRONIKA in Russian Vol 6 No 9, Sep 79 pp 1903-1910 manuscript received 24 Nov 78 ~ ~ ~ [Article by B.V. Abakumov, Yu.V. Rurochkin, A.V. Pustogarov, N.N. Smagin, B.A. Tikhonov and V.V. UkolovJ [Text] The feasibilitq is discussed of creating a gas dynamical laser (GDL) with thermally nonequilibrium electric arc heating o� the energy carrying component of the working medium and with selective excitation of the optically ~active component by mixing it with the hot gas in the area of the critical ~ cross section of the throat channel. The results are given of experimental investigations on detection of the vibrational nonequilibrium of nitrogen when it is heated in a high-current elevated-pressure arc discharge stabilized _ by rapid injection of the gas through the porous wall of the discharge channel. In the range of parameters realized in the experiment (I = 100 to 300 A, p=(1 to 2)�105 Pa) the vibrational.temperature of the ground state of nitrogen molecules exceeded the translational temperature of the gas by 1000 to 3000�K. An indication is given of the possible advantages of a GDL with thermally non- er~uilibrium electric arc heating as compared with a traditional GDL with equilibrium heating of the working medium. 1. Introduction Interest in GDL's as sources of dirc:cted electromagnetic radiation for different technical applications has been growing steadily; however, charac- t~eristic of this type of laser are a number of disadvantages. which considerably restrict their introduction in industry. First among these are the low efficiency of the conversion of thermal energy into laser radiation (0.5 to ~ 2 percent) an3 the existence of expansion of the gas at high Mach numbers (M = 4 to 5). The first disadvantage results in the need to heat and pump ~ a great mass of gas ~ox the purpose o~ achieying high output power, and the second ~n complication o~ systems ~ox delivering the woxking medium and ex- ~ hausting the spent gas into the atmosphere. - Of course, the ef~iciency of the conversion o~' the thermal energy of the gas flow into induced emission ~or a~DL is determined by the competition 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240030010-5 FOR OFi'ICI~T 1NLY " of two factors: by the le~- vibrat~,onal enexgy stored in the gas, charac- ':terized by the vibrational temperature, T, ~nd by the rate of DT relaxation, determined by the temperature of translational iegrees of freedom, T. With '*hermodynamic equilibrium heating the maximum v31ue of T is deter~iined by the temperature of tt?e gas in the inlet of the throat uni~. For ordinary GDL's (hea~ing of a preprepared mixture or production of it in the process of burning fuel) the optimal v~~.lue of the braking temperature, T= 1600 to _ 1800�K , is limited b,y collision relaxation losses in expansion of the gab in the throat unit [1]. ~ - The employment of GDL's with mixing of the optically active component (C02) with a preheated energy carrying component (N2) has made it possible to raise the braking temperature of nitrogen to Z500 *0 5000�K and to obtain experimentally record values of unit power output of 25 to 30 kJ/kg [2,3]. The most effective devices for heating gas to such high temperatures are electric arc high-pressure plasmatrans, which have been used successfully by a number of investigators for the purpose of heating gaseous working media in GDL's [3-5]. It must be mentioned, however, that in spite t~f the encouraEing res~ilts ob- tairled in model e:cperiments the creation of steady-state GDL's with high- temperature heating and selective excitation of the ~caorking medium involves considerable difficulties. In this paper is considered the feasibility of improving the efficiency of a GDL with electric arc heating of the working - medium by utilizing the effects of thermoche:nical nonequilibrium in the dis- charge, stabilized by the rapid transverse in~ection of gas through the porous wall of the channel. As experimental investigations have demonstrated, in an arc discharge of this type it is possible to heat the energy carrying - component of the workin~ medium, e.g., nitrogen, with the gas's vibrational !-emperature higher than iia translational. Subsequent expansion of the nitrogen in the supersonic throat unit with mixing of the optically active component in the near-critical region of tne throat, as the result of the high value of T> 2000�K , makes it possible to increase the inversion density, and the possibility of thereby lowering the translationzl temperature, T< < 1500�K , permits expansion of the rlow to lower Mach numbers of MP< 3, which simplifies solving the problem of mixing components and exhausting the spent gas irito the atn?osphere. 2. Experimental Setup and Investigation Procedure In an investigation of electric arc plasmatrons ~rith delivery of the working medium through the porous wall of the disch:.rge channel [6,7] it was dfs- covered that as the result of rapid therraal and hydrodynamic interaction of the radial gas stream with the current ccnducting nucleus o~ the discharge are formed two zones which differ drastically in their para~neters: a high- - temperature zone of ~low of ionized gas with low density, and a periph.eral . - region o� ~1ow with a temperatuxe close to the temperature of the in~ected gas. These two zones are separated by a region o~ quite h~gh temperature gradients, velocities and concent~ations o~ components o~ the arc plasma. The sudden change in parameters resulting from the rapid removal of heat 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY into the gas surrounding the arc, di�~usion and also the dif�erence at medium energies in the light and heavy components of the plasma are responaible for the possibility of its deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium. For the purpose of solving this problem it is necessary to establish the ex~stence or absence of equilibrium between ~he vibrational and translational degrees qf freedom of molecules of the plasma forming gas, e.g., nitrogen, since it is precisely vibrational excitation of nitrogen which determines the inverse population density of the uppex laser level of the radiating molecule, e.g., CO . For this it is necessary to measure the vibrational temperature of molecules of nitrogen in the electronic ground state and the translational temperature of the gas. 7'he absence of equality between these temperatures will indicate deviatiun from equilibrium with regard to vibrational-translational degrees uf freedom. The experimental unit (fig 1) was a direct-current electric arc plasmatron. The arc discharge, 1, was struck between a cathode, 2, and anode, 5, separated by an insert, 3, between electrodes, with a cylindrical discharge channel - made of a porous ceramic material, 4, through whose walls was injected the plasma forming gas--nitrogen. In the experiment were measured the current and voltage of the arc, the rate of flow of the gas and the pressure in the channel. The arc's radiation spectrum was photographed with a KS-55 spectrograph, 8, - through quartz windows 6 and 7 in the middle cross section of the channel. Investigations were made with the following discharge parameters: arc current and voltage, I= 50 to 500 A, II= 200 ta 13~J0 V; intensity of injection of ~ ~as through porous wall, m= 2 to 16 kg/(m2�s) ; pressure in channel, (1 to 20)� �105 Pa . The inside diameter and length of the ch.3nne1 F:qualed 0.02 and 0.05 m, respectively. e 3 4 6 7 S 1 ~ : ' \ ~ \ ' ~ `I 2~ - / I I . 1--1 ~ ~-1 2 Figure 1. Sketch Qf Expexi~qental Unit The translational tetnpexature o~ the gas was identi~ted with the temperature o~ the population o~ xotational ].eyels, which was determined from allowed rotational lines K~ 12-55 0~ band 0-0 (391.4 nm) o~ the ~irst negative system of nitrogen. The concentration of ~lectrons, ne , was determined from - 10 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFr'ICIAL USE ONLY ' the intensity of cont~.nuous radiation = 495.5 nm), taking into account the contribution o~ the negat~ve continuum [8]. Of course, direct measurement oflt~e vibrational temperature o~ the ground state of a molecule of N2, T(X requires the employment of special - methods of IR diagnostics, t~ie uti~ization of which under conditions of a - high-current e3evated-pressure discharge involves great difficulties and does not make it possible to analyze fully mechanisms for the origin of nonequi- librium. In this study, based on the results of [9], a method has been develo~ed of determining T (X1E+) .~.from ,~1ne measured temperature of a molecular ion of nitrogen, V~ g N2 (B2~u) . _ In [9] ~~as established the absEnce o~ equilibrium between the electronic and - - atomic-ionic components o~ the plasma of a high-current arc discharge sta- ~ bilized by the intense in3ection o� nitrogen through the porous wall of the discharge channel. It was demonstrated that in a great portion of the channel's cross section the temperature for population and distribution of atoms by excited levels and the tempera~ure of electrons substantially raise the trans- lational temperature of the gas. ~ In another study by the same authors of [9] a determination was made of the composition of the nonequilibrium plasma of nitrogen and an analysis was made of the mechanisms for the population and deactivation of electron-excited - levels of atoms, molecules and molecular ions, from which it follows that :.n the plasma of an elevated-pressure arc ~ischarge a major role is played by collisions with heavy particles. State B II is excited in collision wi~t# vibratio~ally excited molecules and molecule~ in the metastable state A E . State C II is populate~d on account of step-by-step excitation by electron collision ~rom state B II . Consequently, under the conditions considered it is not possible to det~rmine the vibrational temperature of the ground state of a molecule from vibrational temperatures of electronically+excited + states of molecules obtained by measuring the intensity of ban3s 1 and 2 of tne positive system of nitrogen, as was done for low-pressure discharges [10]. It2i,~ another matter the state of the molecular ion of nitrogen N+ (B E), which is populated primarily by electron collision and is deac~ivated - in t~ie process of extinguishing with electrons. In one case and the other considerable disruption does not take place in the nature of distribution by vibrational energy levels,2s~nce the moment of momentum and the vibrational _ energy in population of B~ by electron collisio~ va~ry+but slightly, in addition to which the potent'~al energy curve for N(B is shifted but slightly in relation to ~he $o~ential energy curve o~ theuelectronic ground state of nitrogen ion N2 (X as a result o~ which the distributions by _ vibrational energy2l~~el in tli~se states are sim~lax. Consequently, the temperature, T(B , measuared in ~the experitqent ~hould ag~e~ with the vibrational tem~erature o~' the ground state o~ the ion, T(x Since the exchange o~ vitirational quanta between ~olecule N2 ~nd io~ NZ' takes 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY place as the result of the rapid charge transfer reaction N2 + N2 } N+2 + N2 and the characteristic exchange time is two to three orders of magn~tude ~ - short~r+than than the VT2r~laxation time [}1~, it is possible to state that T~ (B E) equals T~ ~X E) equals T~ (X E). The transfer of vibrational energy ~rom N2 to N2 a~ the result of th~ charge transfer reaction, caused by the difference in_~he m~gnitude of the v~brational energy quantum of molecules (w = 2359 cm and 2207 cm does not ~esult in a difference in v~~rational temperature~2of molecules H and N2 , since this. effect under the conditions considered will be substan~ial only at fairly ~ low translational temperatures (TP < 1000�K), e.g., under conditions of a - low-pressure glow discharge. In our experiment the vibrational temperatures of the different electronic states of molecules and molecular ions of nitrogen were determined from the radiation intensities of the appxopriate system of molecular bands. The absolute intensity was determined from a trace obtained in processing a photograph of the spectrum with an MF-4 microphotometer. The sensitivity and its dependence on the wavelength were determined from the spectrum of an SI-10-300 standard tungsten lamp. The error in measuring the absolute in- tensity of radiation equaled 40 percent. The error in measuring relative intensity, compared with reference to the ratio of the heights of peaks of a band to its area, did not exceed 20 percent. _ _ The vibrational temperatures of a specific electronic state were determined from the tangent of the angle of the slope of the direct dependence of ln ~Jv'v"~Qv'v"~4~ on the energy of the vibrational level, E, (where and v are the intensity and frequency of the radiation at the v'-v" transit3on and q__, � is the Franck-Condon transition factor). An approxima- tion was made of ~h~s d~,p~ndence by ~the method of least square~.+ The vibrational temperature of state B E , which was identified with T(X E), was measured in relation to ~}-0, 0-1, 1-1, 1-2 and 2-4 transi~ions ~f the first negativ~ system of nitrogen with an error of not greater than330 percent with _ T= 10 �K . The vibrational temperature of states of N(C II) were measured in relation to 0-5, 1-5, 2-5, 3-8 and 4-10 transitions of the second positive system of nitrogen with an error of not greater than 16 percent. _ 3. Experimental Results In fig 2 are given graphs of the distribution over the radius of the discharge channel (r = 1 cm) ~f+the vibratiqn~l temperature of the ground state of the molecule N2 (T (B Eu) = T~ (X E)) (curve 1) and of the translational temperature of ~he gas (curve 2). gAs can be concluded from these graphs, in a great portion of the channel the vibrational temperature is greater than the translational, which testifies to deviation from equilibrium with regard to vibrational-translational degrees of freedom, especially in the peripheral zone of the discharge. Mention should be made of the fact that in peripheral region3 of the discharge (r > 7 mm) according to [9) in population of state B2E+ a considerable role begins to be played by interactions with solid particles and identification of vibrati~nal temperatures of the electron excited ground state of the molecular ion of nitrogen and of the ground state of the molecule requires additional 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY refinement. Nevertheless, as follows from fig 2, obtained with discharge parameters lying ~~rtthin the range of certainty for experimental determination of the vibrational temperature of the ground state of molecule N, the vibrational temperature is greater than the translational tempera~ure of the gas by 2200�K (T = 4200�K and T=-2000�K Let us note that, according to the results o~ [9], the degree gf deviation from equilibrium and, consequently, _ the separation of T from T, their absolute values and the dimensions o� the zone of existence of noneq~iilibrium make possible regulation of variation : in the intensity of injection and in the discharge current. So, with an in- crease in injec*ien and a steady discharge current the separat~on of T from T grows on account of a reduction in temnerature of the gas. With an~increase - i~i current and steady intensity of injection the central equilibrium region of discharge is expanded and the senaration of temperatures in the peripheral - regi~n is maintained with higher absolute values of TP and Tv . T�f0-J K Lgn~,n J 10 T6 8 24 2 ~ 6 ~ 12 e n 4 \ ~o ?0 ~ ~ \e 2 ~ 3 1B \ ~ ~ l6 D 2 4 6 r,MM Figure 2. Experimental Distribution of Vibrational and Translational Teu4peratures and of Concentration of Electrons in Relation ta Radius of the Channel In fig 2(curve 3) is given also the distribution, measured experimentally, of the concentration of electrans, n, as campared with that computed for an equilibrium composition in terms o~ temperature, T= T (curve 4). From the results obtained it follows that deviation from equil~brium is expressed not only in a separation of temperatures, but also in concentrati.ons of com- ponents of the plasma, e.g., electrons, considerably exceeding eg~ilil~rium values. For example, at r= 6 mm with T= 3000�K , n= 10 m , whereas corresp~nding to the equilibrium ca~e at the same ~emperature is ne = 5.4�105 m [12]. Thus, the plasma of the arc discharge under the conditions discussed is not only nonequilibrium thermally, but also chemically, and the electric arc 1.3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ . pZasmatron with stabilization o~ the diacharge by means of intense "pore" injection in this case can be regarded as a generator of a stream of a non- ' equilibrium plasma of an elevated-~density molecular gas. 4. Discussion of Results The results obtained indicate the feasibility of utilizing vibrational non- ~ ~equilibrium electric arc heating of the gas for the purpose of improving the ! efficiency of a GDL with excitation of the optically active component by ' mixing it with the heated gas. By combining the discharge chamber of the ; plasmatron with the receiver of the GDL's throat unit it is possible to arrange for removal of the gas into the throat from the nonequilibrium peripheral zone of a discharge with a moderate translational (T < 2000�K) and a high vibrational . _ (Tv > 2000�K) temperature. Here it is importan~ that the distance f~om this zone to the throat's critical cross section, where the vibrational energy is quenched, be less than the length of vibrational relaxation of nitrogen with the parameters of the gas in the receiver. Since the vibrational relaxation _ time for pure nitrogen at not too high a translational temperature (T < < 2000�K) is comparatively long, these conditions can be fulfilled. ~or example, with T= 1500�K and Tv = 4000�K (cf. fig 2)g TN = 0.94 ms [11]. Assuming that th~ pressure in the receiver eAv~s p~ = 10 Pa 2 and the mean rate of flow in the subcritical section of the throat equals approximately 300 m/s. we get a relaxation length of R= 28 mm , which the _ r feasibility of withdrawing nitrogen into the throat while maintaining non- equilibrium vibrational excitation. A basic system for implementing one of ! the possible variants of such a unit is shown in fig 3. ~ , ~ 1 2 3~2 5 6 , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ' ~ \ ; ~ , � � k ; Figure 3. Diagram o~ GDL with Nonequilibrium Electric Arc Heating of . the Working Medium; 1--cathode; 2--arc; 3--porous channel; i 4--C02-He in3ection receiver; 5--anode; 6--glow discharge; , 7--optical cavity > ,t The advantages of nonequilibrium heating of the energy carrying component of the working medium is illustrated quantitatively in fig 4 for a C02-N2 GDL. Illustrated in this figure is the supersonic throat of a GDL through , ~ which the nitrogen heated in the electric arc discharge is expanded with ~ subsequent mixing fn the near-critical section of the throat of a C02-He ~ mixture, and illustrated conventionally is the change in translational and ~ ! vibrational temperatures of the gas. ~ f r l~ s ' M FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i ; ; a~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY T ~ ~ ~ COt + Hz o (He1 Nz 3000 j"-- 1000 Tv_ T~ - er2 10~70 -r~-- ~ dI - - . ~ x Figure 4. Quaiitative Picture o~ Expansion of the Gas in the Supersonic Throat of the GAL With equilibrium heating (solid-line curves) the inversion density is deter- mined by the difference DT1 (it is assumed that ~2 (v = 1) equals TC02 - (001) and T~p2 (100) equals T. With nonequilibrium heating two variants are possible for increasing the~efficiency of the GDL. In the first variant (dot-dash lines) even before the critical cross section of the throat T> > T and the inversion density is determined by the value ~T2 > T1 , v whi~h generally corresponds to high energy output. The simplest quantitative estimate shows that with a value of T- T = 2000�K before the throat's cxitical cross section the reserve of vibra~ional energy in the nitrogen which can be converted into induced radiation is three- to fivefold greater than in equilibrium heating of the nitrogen to TP = 2000�K . The advantages of the second vari~nt of nonequilibrium heating (cf. fig 4, dotted linea) are evidenced in the fact that with a lowered_translational temperature, T, for the purpose of achieving the same static parameters ~ in the cavity ~re required lower Mach numbers, which simplifies the problem of mixing components, reduces losses on account of gas dynamical inhomogeneities - in the stream and lowers the pressure in the throat unit's receiver required for exhausting the spent gas into the atmosphere through the superaonic exit cone. Let us indicate two more advantages of n~nequil'_brium electric arc heating of the working medium of a GDL. The first cons;~ts in the ability to increase the pressure in the cavity, since the relaxation time, T[C02(001)] , is reduced linearly with an increase in pressure and is increased exponentially with a reduction in the gas's temperature. The second advantage consists in the fact that because of the reduction in the rate of collision deactivation of C02 molecules with lowering of Tp C02 in a mixture wifh H20 or He can " evidently be mixed in the subsonic zone of the throat unit, which considerably improves mixing efficiency and the homogeneity of the flow. ~ ~5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 . rux ur~r~l~t[~ U5~ uNLY From the results o~ a determination of the camposition of the nonequilibrium _ plasma of an arc discharge in [9] it follows that in the peripheral zone from which the gas is removed through the supersonic throat the conc~~tratior~8of_3 electrons is considerably greater than the equilibrium (n = 10 to 10 m; . cf. fig 2, curves 3 and 4). Taking into account the poss~bility of quenching the nonequilibrium concentration of electrons in the superson~!c throat [13], - in principle it is possible to introduce additional vibrational energy beyond the critical cross section of the throat, e.g., in the glow discharge [14]. In this case the main arc discharge in the plasmatron, in addition to heating the gas, will perform the role of a preionizer for the semi-self-maintained discharge in the region of the cavit~ (cf. f ig 3). 5. Numerical Investigation - For the purpose of a quantitative verification of the influence of preliminary electric arc heating of nitrogen on characteristics of the inverse medium, a calculation was made of the supersonic flow of a vibrationally relaxing mixture of N-CO -He with a determination of inversion density and gain. Gas dynamics2equations ~for the two-dimensional flow of a nonviscous and non- heat-conducting gas were solved by the method suggested in [15] together with equations for vibrational relaxation for a mixture of gases with four vibra- - tional modes [16J. For the case of equilibrium heating, in the critical cross section of the t throat was set a value of T= Tv , and for the purpose of modeling non- equilibrium heating, ~T = T P- T. Tn modeling separate heating of the nitrogen and excitation of ~he o~tically active CO2-He mixture was employed a model of instantaneous mixing. To the point of 3n3ection of the COa-He, the flow cf the N2-C02-He mixture was considered by taking into account only VT relaxation of 1V2 for N2. At the point of in3ection were included the mechanisms for the vibrat3onal exchange of N2 and CO , W exchange in C02 and VT relaxation of CO for N2, C02 and He. Thus, ~he flows of N2 and C02-He were separated (~rom the viewpoint of relaxation kinetics, but not of gas dynamics). � Calculations were made for a profiled throat with an expansion ratio of A/A* = 30 , a critical cross section height of 1 mm and a supersonic section height of 25 mm. The point of injection of the C0~-He mixture, i.e., the ~ point for includir.g vibrational exchange of N2 molecules with the optically active component, was set at coordinate x. Calculation with x= 0 can be regarded as modeling of simultaneous heating and expansion of t~'e mixture. In fig 5 are given characteristic distributions over the axis of the throat of vibrational temperatures of nitrogen, T, of the antisymmetric mode of CO (v3) , T3 , of the combined mode of CO ~vlv2), T2 = T1 , of the trans- la~ional temperature of the gas, T, of ~he absolute value of the inverse population, ~N , and of the gain, It follows from this figure that for equilibrium and coml~ined heating of the mixture (x~ = 0 and ~T = 0) the gain is a= 0.3 m (dotted line), which in order of magnitude agress with the eicperimental results obtained under approximately the same conditions 16 FOR 0?"r'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFEICIAL USE ONLY [16]. Mixing the C02-He in the supercritical region at a distance of 4 mm downstream fram the critical cross section with equilibrium heating (x = = 4 mm and ~T = 0) results in a fourfold increase in a(dot-dash ~ine), which agrees qualitatively with the experiment in [1]. The results of mode.ting nonequilibrium heating (~T = 600�K , x = 4 mm , solid-line cur~~es in fig 5, and ~T = 2500�K , x = 0, fig 6) demonstrate the possibility of increasing the gain six- and 1~-fold, respectively, as compared with equi- librium heating. Furthermorei~the_~nversion density in the latter variant (cf. fig 6) equals DN = 3�10 cm , which ~s an order of magnitude higher - than the inversion value with_qrdinary high-temperature heating. The high _ value of the gain of a= 6 m with ~T = 2500�K and x= 0 (cf. fig 6) is caused by the great difference in temperatures T3 and� T2 , i.e., by the differenc.e in populations of the upper and lower laser levels of C02 molecules. It is characteristic that in this case T3 approaches T4 more quickly than in the calculation variant in fig 5. Th3s testifies to the = effectiveness of the exchange N2 (v = 1) + C02 (000) N2 (v = 0) + C02 (001) . T�f0-';N;oc,M-~~dN�JO ~6CM~J 4 dN ' J T4 2 ~n ~ ~ ~ TJ T,T, a ~ _ 0 5 10 15 70 X~HfY Figure 5. Calculated Distributic,n of Parameters Over Axis of Throat for Mixture 0.2 ~02 + 0.35 N2 + 0.45 He with TP = 2600�K and p~ = 1.8�10 Pa - T 10"'~H: d.M-~;dN�;0"';c,N"s - 5 a 4 3 r4 2 Tj dN / Ip T~ 0 S 10 x,nn Figure 6. Calculated Distribution of ~arameters Over Axis of Throat ~or Mixture o~ 0.1 CO + 0.35 N+ 0.55 He wlth T= 1000�K , ~T = 2500�K and p~ ? 1.8�106 ~a and xV = 0 P 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Let us note in conclusion that the advantages of thermochemically nonequilibriu~ electric arc heating of the working medium of a GDL di~cus~ed in this arfiicle�~ with a C02-N GDL as an example can be more considerable when using as energy carry~ng component gases such as CO or H2, since the effectiveness o~ vibrational electron exchange in these gases is considerably greater than in nitrogen. Bibliography - 1. Kroshko, V.N., Soloukhin, R.I. and Fomin, N.A. FIZIKA. GORENIYA I VZRYVA, 10, 473 (1974). ~ 2. Krauklis, A.V., Kroshko, V.N., Soloukhin, R.I. and Fomin, N.A. FIZIKA GORENIYA I VZRYVA, 12, 792 (1976). - Tazan, I.P.E., Charpenel, M. and Borgki, R. "AIAA Paper, N73-622" (1973). 4. Shall, Migamoto, Horioka,. Murasaki. JAP. J. APPL. PHYS., 15, N2 (1977). 5. Kasuma, Migamoto, Murasaki. JAP. J. APPL. PHYS., 15, N7 (1977). 6. Kurochkin, Yu.V. and Pustogarov, A.V. In "Eksperimental'nyye issledo- vaniya plazmatronov" [Experimental Investigation of Plasmatrons], Novo- sibirsk, Nauka, 1977 p 82. 7. Kurochkin, Yu.V., Pustogarov, A.V. and Ukolov, V.V. IZV. SO AN SSSR, SER. TEKH. NAUK, No 13, 23 (1978). : 8. Biberman, L.M. and Norman, G.E. UFN, 91, 193 (1967). . 9. Rurochkin, Yu.V., Polak, L.S., Pustogarov, A.V., Slovetskiy, D.I. and Ukolov, V.V. "Materialy VII Vsesoyuz. konf. po generatoram nizkotempera- turnoy plazmy" [Data of the Seventh Al1-Union Conference on Low-Temperature Plasma Generators], Alma-Ata, Kitap, 1977. 10. Novgorodtsev, M.Z., Ochkin,.V.N. and Sobolev, N,N. Preprint FIAN,~Moscow, _ 1969, No 172. 11. Yeletskiy, A.V., Palltina, L.A. and Smirnov, B.M. "Yavleniya perenosa v slaboionizovannoy plazma" [Transfer Phenomena in a Slightly Ionized Plasma], Moscow, Atomizdat, 1975. 12. Burchorn, F. and Wiencke, R. Z. PHYS. CHEri., 215, 265 (1960). 13. Bazhenova, T.V. and Lobastov, Yu.S. In "Svoystva gazov pri vysokikh temperaturakh" [Properties of Gases at High Temperatures], Moscow, Nauka, 1967. 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - 14. Biryukov, A.S., M~trchenkv, V.M. and Shelepin, I,.A. TRUAX ~~AN, 83, ' 87 (1975). 15. Tvanov, M.Ya. and Krayko, A.N. ZHURN. VXCH. MAT. I MAT. FIZ., 12, No 3 (1972). 1G. Losev, S.A., Makarov, V.N., ravlov, V.A. and Shatalov, O.P. FIZIKA ~ GORENIYA I VZRYVA, 9, 463 (1973). - COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo Sovetskoye Radio, KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRiDNIKA, 1979 _ [27-8831] CSO: 1862 8831 _ ~ , ~9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' LASERS AND MASERS UDC 621.378:535.3.087 QUANTUM STATISTICS OF THE PHOTOCURRENT OF OPTIMAL DETECTORS OF LIGHT RADIATION UNDER CONDITIONS OF ATMOSPHERIC 'VIEWING' Moscow KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA in Russian Vol 6 No 9, Sep 79 pp 1932-19~+1 manuscript received 15 Jan 79 [Article by P.A. Bakut, K.N. Sviridov and N.D. UstinovJ [Text] Taking into account quantum effects and registration noise, statistics were obtained and investigated, of the photocurrent of optimal detectors of incoherent broadband light radiation for different conditions of atmospheric - "viewing." It has been demonstrated that the presence of atmospheric phase - distortions results in alteratinn of the statistics 6or the photocurrent of optimal detection and worsens the energy characteristics of the distributions gotten. , Introduction In recent years a number of studies have appeared, devoted to the optimal ~ processing of coherent~ [1] and incoherent [2] light fields under conditions of atmospheric "viewing." Investigations conducted have demonstrated that optimal are those detectors which form quadratic functionals of the detected light field. However, in these studies the quantum effects of registration ~ [2) are either totally not discussed or the influence of tur~ulence of the atmosphere on their statistics is n~t taken into account [1]. In connection ~ with this, in thi~ study is considered the.influence of turbulence of the , atmosphere on statistics of the photocurrent of optimal detectors of incoherent broadband light radiation. ~ 1. Realization of Optimal Detection Based on the investigations made in [2], the quadratic functional, Z, of detected incoherent broadband light radiation, E(p,t) , synthesized in the ~ absence of atmospheric phase distortions, has the form Z= 2 ~Zn~s ~ dw ~ v(r, w) dr ~ T E(P, t) e-`~~ H~ (P - r) dt dp ? ' s. sA ~ ~ (1) 20 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY where - V (r~ w) = No ~ nNo)I ~ - ~ ~r~ r ~2~ J(r) is the spatial distribution of the ob~ect's intensity; Nn is the spectral power density of the background radiation; J(w) is tTie frequency distribution af the obj ect's intensity in the transmission band of the pro- cessing s}TStem; SD is the area of the object's pro3ectic~n onto the picturE: plane (the plane located near the object and perpendicular to its viewing ].ine); H(p-r) is a function characterizing in a Fresnel approxirnation the propalSation _ o~ light waves from the pictuxe plane of the object, r, to the plane of the telescope's receiving aperture, p; and SA is the area of the telescope's receiving aperture. ~ Taking (2) into account, expression (1) can be rewritten in the form Z- 2 ~2n)= f V~r) dr f J(w) dc~ j~ E~P, t) z r~,r HW ~P - r) dt dp 2, - . sA o (3) ~Jtilizing the spectral representation E(p, t) ~ E(p, co) e r~,r dw~ _m - i ~ ~4~ we convert (3) to a form convenient ~or physical interpretation o~ operations required for practical realization of Z: Z = 2 ~ V (rl dr ~ dt ~ .l E ~P, H~ ~P - ~ (w) e`~r dw dp 2 . s, o -m sA (5) where k= 2 exp (-ixT/2) sin (xT/2) (dx/x) is a real constant; and H(w) is the ~re'quency characteristic o~ the matched filter, whereby ~H (w)~c2= i H~ (w)121 HA (~)J2=J (~u), ~ (6) where H(W) is the ~requency characteristic o~ the equivalent filter of the dete~tor, taking into accoimt the dependence of the photodetector's _ sensitivity on frequency, defined as - 21 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY IHu ~m)1z=Y ~~~'~~~i~), (7) (y(w) is the quantum efficiency of the photodetector); and Hf(w) is the frequency characteristic of a physicallq realizable matching f3lter. Let us note that the transition from (3) to (5) is made on the assumption that 2~r/T is much less than the bandwidths of the matching filter, Hf(w) , and of . the equivalent filter of the detector, H(w) , and that the detector itself (an energy-sensitive recorder) includes ~ree main elements: a filter, a squarer and an integrator. The optimal processing arrangement realizing (5) can be represented in the form shown in fig 1. Telescope reflector 1 performs a Fourier transform operation of the type E~~~ W) E~P, H~ ~P - r) dP; SA matching filter H(w) , 2, matches the �requency characteristic, Hd(c~) , of filter 4 and of de~ector 3 with the frequency characteristic, J(w) of the rece~ived radiation; photodetector 3 together with matching filter 2, filter 4, squarer 5 and integrator 6 performs the operation r m 2 ~ ~ dt f E(r, w) H~ (w) Hn (w) et`~~dW = Jp (r) and forms in the output the image to be registered of the ob~ect, J(r) . Then this image is scanned photometrically, is digitized and entered~ into - the c~mputer, 7, where in keeping with (5} from it is formed the value of quadratic functional Z . This system realizes the magnitude of Z only as an average, and at each moment of time t the value of. Z is random. This randomness is caused firstly by the randomness of the received light radiation, E(p,t) , and secondly, by the randomness of events of interaction between the light and the material of the light-sensitive screen of the photodetector and is cha.racterized by probability distributions P (n) and P~~(n) , where n is the number o~ events of interact~on b~etween the l~g-ht and the material of the detector's photosensitive screen, and Ps+ Sh~(n) and Psh(n) are the probability distributions of the magnitude of Z in t-he presence and in the absence, respectively, o# a useful signal from the ob3ect. Let us find these distributions. 2. Statistics of Photoreadings of Optimal Detection Let us consider two possible casea: when processing is tqatched with the atmospheric channel, i.e., optimal processing is synfihesized in the absence 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFP'ICIAL USE ONLY of atmospheric diatortion (and it actually is absent or is negligibly slight), and when processing is not matched with the atmospheric channel, i.e., optimal processing is synthesized in the absence o~ atmospheric distortion and it actually exists. - ~ 19956 _ , ' / ~ : ~ Figure 1. Processing Matched with Atmospheric Channel In this case the detected field, E(p,t) , represents a steady-state normal random process [2]. With a fixed field, E(p,t) , the distribution of the number of photoelectrons, n, in an optical detector with direct photodetection obeys Poisson's law P [ri/E (p, t)l =(Z^ln!) e-z (8) with characteristic function (ir~) =exp {Z [exp (ir~)-1]}. ~9) - For the purpose of finding the characteristic function o~ magnitude Z and its probability distribution taking into account the Gaussian statistics of field E(p,t) , it is necessary to average (9) for all possible realizations of E(p,t) , and then from the averaged characteristic function of magnitude Z obtained to proceec~ to ~.ts probability distribution. In the observation of an extended source of broadband radiation quadratic functional (5) can be represented in the form T T Z= 2 ~ f`~ E' ~Pi~ ti) E~Pz~ tz) V~Pi. Pz~ t i, fz) dtl dts dpi dPx, SA SA S 0 ~1~~ where m v~Pi, Pz, t~~ tz) _~2n)z v~r, w) exp [-iw (ti tz)1 X s. X N;~ ~P~ - H~o ~Pz - r) dr dw, , (11) ~ 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 ? FOR OFP'ICUL IISB 0lILY ~ and the correlation ~unction o!' the detected ~ie1d, ~(p,t) , is detertqined by the relationship R~P~~ Pa~ tl, t)= I ~ - s (2n), f.f J(r, w) exp [-iw (t, -12) NW (Ai - r) X - s. X Nw (Pa - r) dr dw Nos ~P~ - Ps) a~t~ - tz)� , (12) Employing the procedure for finding the characteristic furiction of the quadratic functional for a Gaussian field in [3], we find that the character- . istic function of magnitude Z has the form ~%~u) _ 4 cm and CO concentrations of 7.5 to 12 percent with effective ti~hes within the range o~ 0.2 to 0.3 ms. For the purpose of comparison let us use the data on vibrational relaxation coefficients from survey [6]. For these we have (in units o~ (mm Hg~s) 1): -I ~ ~PT)co,-co, = 350; ~PT)co,-N, = 106; i~Pi)co;-H,o = 3' 104~ ~Pti)rv~=x,o = - = 35. Comparis~on Q~ these. cQet~icients s~eaks~ in ~a~yor o~ the ~act that the ~qa~or channel ~or the relaxation o~ vibrat~qnal enexgy~ is CQ2~^H20 co7.lisions. The characteristic re~,axa,tion time ia the, c~,se o~ s hot~ogeneous medfum with our composftion would equal TX = 0.2 to 0.6 ms , which is close to that m~asured experimentally. ~ 41 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ The investigations saade make it possibl,e to dxaw� a nu~qber of conclusions re- garding dif~iculties in the creation o~ and op~rz~fiiag features o~ a~ast-flow steady-state laser utflizing aix and mi~cing o~ CO2 beyond the discharge zone. The experiment has~den~onstrated that it is possibie to cxeate an e~fectively operating discha,xge chantber w3:th an e~~3,ciency~ qt 0.7 and air pressure of up to p= 7.00 mxq H~ and ~1ow� rates o~ approxi~atel,y 200 ~q/s. For the spe~i~ic el.ectrode sy~stem de$ign the unit di.scharge power equaled E ti 70 W/c~p , which ~r�ith a dischz~xge zone length o~ 2 to 25 cm iqakes it possible to contribute up to 300 to 400 ,~/g. ~s coirtpared wlth known designs of electrode s}rstems with tubular (c~., e.g., [9,10]) or plate-type [7] cathode elements, the emplo}rment of pins protruding into the gas stream makes it possible to increase severalfold the e~fective pressure of the m~lecular gas (cf. [9,10]) and the specific bulk power of the discharge and - to reduce considerably losses of vibrational energy on account of relaxation in the discharge chamber (cf. [7]). The gin design of the cathode is simple to make and, as demonstrated experimentally, does not require special cooling in operation. As far as the problem of supplying C02 beyond the discharge zone and sub- - sequent mixing of it with the active medium is concerned, it has been shown experimentally that although it is apparently not possible to achieve homo- geneous mixing of CO at the molecular level, the value of the gain is totally sufficient for effec~ive operation of the cavity. With a mean relative C02 i concentration of about 10 percent, the value of the gain equals Kp ti 1%/cm . The absolute value of the gain would correspond in a homogeneous m3xture to _ a lower C02 concentration, and the rate of the drop in gain on account of the ; relaxation of vibrat~,onal energy has been proven to be close to that expected in the case of a mixture of homogeneous composition. Thus, based on the experiments conducted it is possible to conclude that the ; COZ laser system discussed is promising. ~ We wish to express our thanks to Ye.P. Velikhov for initiation of this study and A.A. Vedenov for the interest he has shown. Bibliography ; 1. Hill, A.E. APPL. PHYS. LETTS., 18, 194 (1971). ' 2. Bullis, R.H., Nigan, W.L., Fowler, M.C. and Wiegand, W.J. AIAA J., 10, ' 407 (1972). - _ 3. Kovsh, I. B. Z.~RUB~ZHNA`XA RADZOEI,EKT~QNZK~1, No 3, 86 (1973) . 4. Ti~~any, W.B., Targ, R. and ~oster, J.D. ,E~~L. ~'IiXS. L~TTS., 15, 91 (1969). 5. Vedenov, A.A. et a~. TVT, 14, 441 C1976), 1+2 ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 6. Taylox, and B~t~~e~n, ~Qp. ~"~5,~, 4~, 26 (1969). 7. Artaut~nvv, A.~`, et a1. KVANTOVA`~A ELEKTRONxKA, 40 581 (1977). 8. Devix, A,D, and Opp~nhei,t~, U.~, A;P~'T� O~TxCS, 8, 27.2X (1969) . \ 9. Ben-Josef, N. et a,~,. ~HX`~.. ~ 4, 708 (1977.) . COPYi~~GHT; ~zdate7,tstvu Sovets~koye Radfo, K'~1ANTOVA'XA ~LEKTRONZKA, 1979 [ 27-~8831] C90: 1862 8831 ~+3 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 r~ux ur�r~t~t~u, USL~ UNLY LASERS AND MASII~S UDC 621.378.33 ANALYTICAL THEORY OP PULSED LASTNG OF A CO LASER WITH LTNE SELECTTON Moscow KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA in Russian Vol 6 No 9, Sep 79 pp 1966-1970 manuscript received 22 Jan 79 [Article by S.A. Zhdanok, A.P. Napartovich and A.N. Starostin, Institute of Atomic Energy imeni I.V. Kurchatov, Moscow] [Text] An analytical theory is constructed for the non-steady-state lasing ; of a CO laser with line selection and a comparison is made with a precise ; numerical calculation. Equations are given for key characteristics of the lasing pulse, such as maximum power, lasing efficiency, delay time and pulse ; duration. Also discussed is the establishment of generation when the pump is turned on. As we know, the lasing spectrum of a CO laser contains a great number of ! vibrational-rotational transitions of the CO molecule. However, in an entire series of applications, such as isotope splitting, laser spectroscopy, - and laser chemistry, it is necessary to have radiation at only a certain single transition. In this connection the investigation of lasing of a CO laser with the selection of different lines is important. In [1] an analytical theory was constructed for a steady-state CO laser with a selective cavity, in which simple expressions wexe obtained for the generation characteristics ' of these syste~s. In this paper an analytical theory is constructed for non- steady-state generation of a CO laser with line selection, and a comparison is made with precise numerical calculations made in [2]. ~ The system of kinetic equations describing the generation of radiation in a ' selective cavity at the (m 1; (m; 3+ 1) transition of the CO molecule, where m and j are the vibrational and rotational quantum numbers, has the form ~ dfo/dt=IIo+, - na+r~, ~=0,1, ~1~ ' ; ' ' dl/dt=c(k-A)l, ~2~ _ , where f is the percentage of Ca molecules in tfie ~,th excited state; Ii~,1 fsvthe flow o~ vibrational populations in the space of vibrational ~ ~+4 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; , , ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY nwnbe~s in the cross seGtiat~ between the v~th and (y + 7,)-th leyels; i is the ~requency o~ excitation o~ the v-th 1eve1 by extern~l sources~ T,�k and 0 are the �rt~di$tipn intensity~, fihe gain and losses in the transition con- sidered; and c is fihe speed v~` light. fin the appxpxi~tion for single- quantum 'W exchan~e, the expreasion ~or i~~~ has the ~'orm in [1,3~5]; ~0}1 v, 1, a a 1 0' ~ �F ~ f+ Q~-I-~ +lf -E f-" Qo. v-}-i~�fofo'~f-1~ ~po-1-1 Av 1 a 1-~- a' /a , ~fo-FI - s f o~ Sa. ntr (3) where ~'~'~t+l A and ~ are the frequencies of W exchange, spon- ~ taneous s~.ntegration and relaxation.from the v-th lev~l .(thermal excitation from the v-th 1eve1 is unlikely); ct ti(m + 1) exp [~-B~ /(T)] is the effective cross section af induced radiation at the (m + 1) m transition at frequency w; d= exp (-2Bj/T) ; B is the rotational eonstant; d is the Kronecker symbol; and T is the temperature of the gas. Be1ow we w~I~ be interested in ~ the case when an external source excites only lower vibrational levels and the ~eneration of radiation takes place only at frequencies where VT losses and spontaneous radiation can be disregarded. Then, proceeding to continuous variable v and using the approximation of resonance W exchange in [1,3-5), system (1) can be approximately substituted by the equation at� =v a ~ ~(v+l)~fn) + a ~h~ ~ af~ +vfo~a(v-m)~, . _ 2AE a'. a' -I- I (v - o')s i 7~ ~ Qv-}-t�a (v-~,1)(v,,~f-1) dv ~ N~p (T), - (4) where d(x) is the Dirac delta function; y= 1- S; ~E is the energy of anharmonici~y; and N is the density of CO molecules. As is obvious from equation (4), f changea at characteristic times on.the order of v 1 The establishmen~ of intensity takes place after a cavity period on the order of (c~) 1. As a rule, v� c~ , which makes it possible Lo employ an approxi- ma.tion of quasi-steady-state generation; Q~m+~ S f r~ =~/N~p. (5) Now substituting (5) in (4) and integrating (4) in the yicinity of point m it is easy to get ~~=v~ u~(m-L 1)2~fm fm+t ~N~o� - (6) ~+5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Since the value of is ~ottnd ~~co~q (4~ (with ~ ~ 0?, and o~ ~~~.1~rom - (5), then the prob],em posed has in principle been solv~d, Let us note that the value of distxibution tunction ~ in region v R m does not depend on the existence o~ generation and is de~eriqined only~b~ excitation conditions. The time fox the start and texminatiqn o~ genexation can be found from (6) by having equ~ted the radiatton intensity~ to zexo~ i,e., by having solved in terms o~ t~the equation f,,,~t) = fm+~~t) � ~7 ~ It follows from (5) and (7) that the time ~or the start and termination of generation corresponds to moments at which at level m is reached a threshold population of f~ _ ~(vYN~~) 1. The threshold characteristics (energy con- trib~ution and pumping power) are now defined as the values of the corresponding ' p:arameters with which for the first time a solution is found for equation (7). Let us dwe11 in greater detail on the problem of co~P uting f(t) . Equation (4), for v< m, by substitution of variable T= r v dt ismreduced to the form p ~ = a s [(v+ I)2 f~], ~8~ which makes it possible to take into account the change in v over time, caused, e.g., by heating of the gas. Of greatest interest are the cases of generation with pulsed excitation and when steady pumping is switched on. As demonstrated in [6,7], it is precisely in these cases that it is possible to find fairly simple solutions to equation (8). In particular, for pulsed excitation with an energy contribution density ~f e, when for a single molecule are necessary n= e(N pi~w) 1 vibrational quanta, in [7] the following solution is gotten to equation ~(8): fo ~t~ _ r 3 n1'l. t ~ 1, l 4 l ~-~-tT~.- ~ ~9) Equation (9) describes the propagation in space o~ vibrational numbers of the excitacion "wave," which was origina7.].y ].ocalized in the area o~ low v. By its ~eans are easily ~ound the ~o].lowing ~axametexs characterizing the process of detern~inatipn a~ tlie distribution function ~ox vibrational numbers : ti~e T ~ox the arriy~,1 0~ the. excitation ~'W,aye" at point m, and time TM ,~oxiIlachie~ying maximun~ population density at le~yel m, and ' its value, ~M ; ~m=(m-~-1)=/(12 n); T~=(4~3)�rrn; fM=(6~~-1. (10) _ ~+6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~'rom cond~tip~ (7~ it f~ pQ.s.~th7,e to o~~ain the ~o~.7.Q~rfin~ expxes~ion ~ofi the tin~e ~or the beginning, T~ ,&nd end, T~ , o~ generationa 4 Ta,~ _---1/: l~!/ t YA/~2~ ~ J) -~'/~J~ ; z . ~ ~ '/i y - al + a~' a'~z = 28a � ~ ( 2Ba )f - ( 3!t ~3 J ; - 1 A = ~3~4n)~~` B = B (vyNco)-`� tll~ ti If the threshold value of f is much lower than the maximum population density of level m detertained by~ equation (10), i.e., the condition is fti~filled of ~/(6YNco) ri (m-~-1) 2, (12) then the time for the start of generation practically coincides with the time for the arrival of the excitation "wave" at point m. The equation for the time for the termination of generation is also simplified in this case: . T~ ~ ~~Nco Y~0)/'~, [3/an(m.{-1)-z]~. (13) - Obviously, corresponding to the threshold case are those values of parameters when the maximum population densitq of level m agrees with the threshold: f~=0/(QY1Vco). - - . (14) Utilizing (10), from (14) we find the threshold reserve of quanta and the threshold time for the start of generation, T: 4 n- 27 o N m I~? 1 aYNr~ ~ Y co ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ (15) Since cr ti(m + 1) , then from (15) it follows that n,~, ("i-~- l) A exP IBI'l(T)1 , nT ~(m-{- 1)a. N~p I - exp (-2B j/T) cxb> In fig 1~s ma,de a, co axi,~pn o~ ~(t) cur~es, one o~ which has been cal- culated by equat~qn (6~ with v= cons~t , and the second was obtained by a numerica~ solution to sy~stem (1), (2), taking fnto account heating o~' the gas [2]. The agreement is obviously fairly convincing. Let us note that 47 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 rvx Ur~~1c:tAL US~ UNLY disregaxding heating o~ the, gas. is ~y~7,id in describing on7.Y~ the ini~ia~. stage o# gen~xation. ~~king into account he,at~ng o~ zhe gas, as already entioned, reduces~ to replacing in a11 equations~ ~pa,g~ctitude vt by ~ v dt , which with a kno~n T(t) dependence complicates the pxoblem inr ~igni~icantly. _ As is obvious ~rom (6) the intenaity o~ xadiation xeaches a tqaximum value of ~ at moment o~ time T~ , wherebq~ 1'~~=NCO''~w~m+t)2[f~Y~2-Y)- aN~o ~1-1'~fM- Q N2 co ~ (17) ~rom (lZ) it is easy to find that near the generation threshold IM ti ti(n - n)(m + 1) , and when the threshold is exceeded considerably, ~ ti ti e2(m + 1) 2~ 1N~~[1 - exp (-4Bj/T)] . For the efficiency of selective generation, in disregarding heating of the gas, it is possible to obtain the following equation: ~I = ~1� nE~ (m -I- 1)$ [F (tl) - F ~tz)~ ~ (18) where E1 is the energy of the lower vibrational quantum; n is the per- centage of energy toward the excitation of vibrations; �t~ 1= TO lv 1; , ~ F~t~ � QN~~,, ~ 1-. Y) ]n t- Y 12v=~ Y) - 2 e^t 4-" 3 Q ~ Y)� - NcoY (19) Unde~ over-the-threshold conditions from (18) and (19) it is easy to fSet ~l ~loNco~ WE-'Y(2-Y)^~ [1-exp(-4Bj!T) J. (20) As is obvious from (20), with high energy contributions (with condition (12)), the efficiency of selective generation tends toward a constant value slightly dependent on the number o~ the vibrational level, m(only in terms of ~ and ~r ) and on losses, Near the generation threshold (18) takes the form ~ ~ 16 ( 3 110 ~eve (10 - 7~y) C n - 1 , ~ n (21) ~+8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I, MBn~/cnt 1) ' � ~ ' . 1 O,B . Q4 . z Q 4' B 1Z t, n,rc _ Pigure I. I(t) Curves with Pulsed Excitation, Obtained in [2]3(1) and from Calculation by Equation (6) (2): e= 0.05 J/cm ; mixture of CO:Ar = 1:10; p= 100 IIan Sg; T= 80�R; A= 10-3cm l; m=9;~=13 Rey : 1. I~~ ~/~~2 2. t, u~ . Let us now consider selective generation in the case when in the system a steadq pumping source with power W(in terms of a single molecule) is turned on aiid off. Then, as demonstrated in [6,7], distribution function f~ in reg3on v< m is determined by the equation fo=c/~v+t)-~I~2~~ (22> for the case of turning the source on, and ~+1 f 1-exp(- cl IJ' ~ l \ ~C fa = tV (n-~- 1) ~ v2C1 (23) for the c$se o~ turnin~ fihe .s.ource o~'~, whe~e C~- ~(~~v . Substituting (22) and (23~ with ~ A~q in (6), it is, poss~ible to o t~in the dependence T(t) Solwing (7~ with. ~ ~xot~ (Z2~~ we obtai;n the following.expxession for the tiine, T~ ,~q9C tlie ~e1gy, o~ genexation ~hen the source i~ turned on: ~+9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY to = 2 r m+ i QYNco 1- . ~ ~ ~ , (24) ti The threshold pumping po~er, W, can he obtained ~rom (24), with T~ tending toward in~`inity~; e 2 Z E, ~s eXp (Bjz/T) ~ l~-v �YNCO ) ~m-~1) ~Iv ~ I1-exp(-2BjIT)~~ N~~ ~ ~ ~25) In the case when the threshold is exceaded considerably, when the condition C>> ~~m-F' 1)~~QYNco) ~ (26) is fulfilled, the time for the delay of generation agrees with the time, Tm , for the arrival of the excitation "wave" at point m: , � T'"-~m~-1)~~2~~ . (27) , I, HBm/c~i 1) . a4 , ~ 0,3 , 0,2 ' 0,1 Z 2~ ` � 0 ~i0 QO 110 160 t, n,rc ~igure 2. I (t) CuxVe ~lotted ~xom Equat~.on3 (6) ~o7c ~u7Cning the Source , On ~nd 0~~ C2~ s~1 ~ 77.4 W~~c~q 3 xe~in~ng paxameters the ~~?as~~i8~. Key : , , ; 1. ~ , ~iJ/c~q2 2~ t , ~t~ ; 50 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Tn fig 2 as an exa;tqp~e i~� giyen the zesult o~ the xadiation in- tensity, I(t), ~rnm ec~ua~ion Cb~ ~or the cas~e o~ turning the source an and off and disxegardiag heat~:ng of the $as. In conclusion let us aote that the equations which we nave obtained can deacribe selective generation a7,s4 other diatomic ~qolecules o~ the HC1, H~', etc. , type, and are als0 eas~ly$eneraltze3 for tlie case o~ selective generation with overtones o~ diatomic ~ol.ecules~. Bibliography 1. Napartovich, A.P., Novobrantsev, ~.V. and Starostin, A.N. KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRON~KA, 4, 2125 (1977). 2. Konev, Yu.B., Kochetov, I.y. and Pevgov, V.G. "Tezisy dokladov II Vse- soyuznogo seminara po fizicheskim protsessam v gazovykh ORG" [Theses of Papers ~t the Second All-Union Seminar on Physical Processes in Gas Lasersj, Uzhgorod, 1978, p 58. 3. Brau, C.A. PHYSICA, 86, 533 (1972). - 4. Gordiyets, B.F., Mamedov, Sh.S. and Shelepin, L.A. Preprint FIAN, 1974, No 28. _ 5. Gordiyets, B.F. and Mamedov, Sh.S. ZHURN. PRZKL. TEKH. I TEKFIN. FIZ., - No 3, 13 (1974). 6. Zhda.nok, S.A., Napartovich, A.P. and Starostin, A.N. "Tezisy dokladov II ~Vsesoyuznogo seminara po fizicheskim protsessam v gazovqkh OKG," - Uzhgorod, 1978, p 46. 7. Zhdanok, S.A., Napartovich, A.P, and Starostin, A.N. ZI~ETF, 76, No 1(1979). COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo Sovetskoye Radio, KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA 1979 ~ [27-8831] ' . ,r CSO: 1862 8831 51 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 1~Ult Ur'1~ICIAL USE UNLY i Ll1:;1,'RS AND MA."~P' S � UDC 621.373.826 EFFICIII3CY OF EXIMER LASERS UTILIZTNG MOLECULES 0~' HAL~DES OF NOBLE GASES i _ EXCITED BX AN ELECTRON BEAM Moscow KVANTOVAYA ELERTRONIKA in Russian Vol 6 No 9, Sep 79 pp 2024 202~7 ~ manuscript received 12 Jul 78 [Article by V.V. Ryzhov and A.G. Yastremski, USSR Academy of Sciences Siberian ' _ Division Institute of High-Current Electronics, Tomsk] . ; [Text] By mears of solving equations fo~c the kinetics of processes in the pl~.sma of eximer lasers utilizing molecules of halides of noble gases, equations are obtained which make it possible to estimate the efficiency of ; such lasers exc3ted by an electron beam. The numerical modeling of processes _ in eximer lasers has demonstrated that the equations obtained can be used for' , calculating efficiency with a gas pressure from 1 to 10 atm. The results are ~ give of calculations of the limiting efficiency of lasers utilizing molecules of KrF*, XeCl* and ReBr*. The mechad of exciting gases with an electron beam is one of the promising methods of pumping high-power gas lasers generating radiation in .the sho~t wavelength region. One of the main problems of the theory of these lasers is the determination of the efficiency, n, of the conversion of the beam energy ~ absorbed in the gas into stimulated radiation. Usually for the purpose of es~timating the maximum efficiency of a laser is utilized the quantum efficiency, equal to the ratio of the energy o~ a laser photon, hv , to the potential for the formation of active particles of plasma, I, whose energy,as the result of a series of e~-~mentary pracesses can be transferred to the~upper laser ; level: n~ax ~ kv ' nkv - hv/x . ; i It is well known that such esti~qates are quite appro~cimate and for some ' systems can exceed the real ef~iciency o� a].asex by tqore than an order of magnitude. ~n this papex equatiqns axe qbtained which ~ke #,t pqssible to - refine, as co~Qa,red ~rtth n~ , the esti~~e o~ the ~c~um e~~icienc}r o~ ; _ las~rs uttl~zin$ ha7.ides Q~ ~ob.7.e gases excited by~ an e7.ectron beapq, because of taking into account the e~~ecti,venes.,s� o~ ~he ~n~ut o~ be~ e~ex~y~ into - fihe gas and the kinetics� o~ pxoces~ses� tn tRe pl,assqa~ , - Let, in the worlcing space o~ a laser, pex unit o~ ~itqe, a be~m ~orm N active particles�, expending on this a portion of the absorbed energy, i 52 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; ~ ~ � I . _ . ' ~ . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and 1et eacti active, paxtic~.e as� the res�u7.t o~; a chain oF re~ctions be able to result in pu~fng o~ the upper ~.a,sex 7.e~ye.7.. If then the laser emits n photons, t11en the e~'~'iciency o~ tliis tn the steady~�~state mode is determined by~ tlie equa~t~on r~= `S~n~N)(hvl/)= ~Y~Ixe� (1) Here factor ~y = n/N characterizes the effectiveness of the transfer of . excitation through the reaction chain to the working 1eve1; it is equal to the mean nu~ber of laser photons required for one active particle fortned by the electron beam in the working ~pace o~' the laser. Equation (1) determines the effectiveness of a laser in the case when pumping of the upper level takes place through a single channel. grom this viewpoint the kinetics of processes in the plasma of eximer lasers utilizing halides of _ noble gases are fairly complex. An analysis has shown [1-3] that in the case when the buffer gas is argon, the working molecule RX* (R is an atom of xenon or krypton and X is a halogen atom) is formed through several channels. - Thus, the energq expended by the beam for the ionization of atoms of argon is transmitted, ~ia conversion pro~esses and resonance charge transfer, to elemental ions R. In addition, R ions can be formed directly by the beam. Eximeric molecules of RX* are formed in these two reaction chains as the result of tlie process of ion-ion recombination. This channel for the formation - of RA* we wr~l ca11 the ionic channel. The energy spent by the beam for the excitation of atoms of argon is trans- mitted via processes of resonance excitation transfer and conversion to metastable levels of R* atoms. Thes~ levels in addition can be excited by the beain directly. Molecules of RX* are formed in this channel, which we will call tHe excitation channel, as the result of the reaction of R* with a halogen c~rrier. The kinetic link between channels is accomplished via processes of electron recombination, as the result of which metastable states of Ar* and R* are - formed. Tn certain cases these processes can be disregarded by comparison with the mor'e rapid reactions o~ ion-ion recombination. zn such a model the link betwaen channels is broken, and the formation o� RX* can be con- sidered independent �or both channels, whi~ch consider~bly simplifies the calculation of e~ficiency. As follows ~rom the sys~te~ emp],Q~red, the beatq energy~ is transmitted into _ each channel+ in two w~yg; yia iQnization ~x e~ccitation of atonqs o~ the buf�er gas and ato~s o~' kr~rpton or xenon. Thexe~pre it ~qus~t be expected that the total e~~fciency vf a 1.asex uti7.izing h$lides o~ noble gases will be equal to the suzq o~ the e,~~iciencies o~ ~each enexgy~ txans~'ex channel. Actually~, solving ki~aeti.c.s.~ equafiions, for the stead~state c~se tn an approxi-- mation ~or tndependen~t ciianne7,s, it is� ppssible to olitain ari expxess~ion �or e~~i.ciency in tYie ~o~ _ 53 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY . n=r~r-}-~�, ~!-~ArVAr~lp~ I'~RYR~IR~ ~g=hv//d, ' ~~-~ArVAr~Ar+~RYR~R. t~g=hv//B. (2~ n*~i~ is the e~~iciency of the excitation channel (or ionic channel); y*~Bg is the mean nua~ber of laser photons ~orm~d as the result of transfer of the beam energy towaxd ~he excitation o~ metastable states of B* atoms (or for the ~ora~ativn o~' B fon~~ ca7.culated for a single active particle; ~ and r~B(i) is the quantum e#~iciency o~' the energy transfer channels. If one disregards the process of collision disintegration of eximeric ~~~ecules of RX* by equating with the pracess of induced radiation, then for YB the follawing fairly simple equations can be obtained: _ ' YR= G-1, , 1'Ar YR~aiaalArizlR)/(1-~-a1C[Ar]2)(1--FaYC[RI), ' yR= (1-}-~s IAr I~R )~acz I Xn ~)-1, ' 1'Ar YR~~1-F-ae~IXn)~~:~Ar]z, ~3~ ; . where p,l 2 are the constants for the convers~on of elemental ions of argon , into moleL~ular and for charge transfer from Ar2 to R; gl 2 are the conversion constants for Ar* into Ar2 and R* into R*2 , respectively; and q, are _ the constants for the reaction of Ar* and R* with halogen carrier1Xn2. Let us note that the values of coefficients YB~i~ depend on the model used ' for processes in the active medium of the laser. Thus, if we use as a basis the model of processes suggested in [1], but assume that in the recombination of Ar* and R2 ions molecules of ArX* and RX* are formed (model 1), then G= 1. And i~ it is assumed that as th~e result of this reaction are formed the com- plexes Ar2X* and R2X* (model 2), then ~=(1-FaaCIAr1 [R 1)~ where a3 is the conversion constant for R+ into R2.. Coefficient C included in t~1e exp~ression ~ox Y~ and ~ i~ equ~l to the _ ratio of the tota7. concentraXion q~ po.s.� i0A$ ~il Xh~ p7,astr~, to the rate of ~orcqatton o~ e~ectrons� the heata, V~ t e � C=[P+J/t~e. (4) ~ 5~+ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In the steady,s.t~te cas.e ~~e[~ i~(~ i~au;~,lx~~ 1=;',,.,.�,~)''-1i1�?,,~Ix,~ I, (5) where a is the constant ~`c~x the adhesion of electrons to thP halogen carrier ~nd a is the ion recombin~tion cvns~tant. 'Values.o~ can be computed by ~he equation e � 1pr== jDleEl. � (6) Here j is the current densityo~ the beam; e is the charge of the electrons; e~ is the energy for the ~ormation of an electron-ion pair, whose values for mixtures o~ noble gases are g~ven in [4]; and D is the amount of energy absorbed p~r unit volume of gas, calculated for a single beam electron, taking into account processes o~ the scattering of electrons and the absorption of energy in the foil [5]. For calcul~'tions by equation (2) it is necessary to know the perr~entage of energy spent by the biam for the ionization of atoms of argon, ~A , and xenon (or krypton), ~R , as well as the energy which went to the ~ormation of metastable and resonance levels of these atoms, ~p*~ and ~R*~~ We calculated the values of these magnitudes for mixtures of Ar=7Zr and Ar xe by modeling the exchan~e of electron energy by the Monte Carlo method [6]. This method makes it possible to make a deta3led analysis of expenditures of beam energy for the formation of atoms and ions in different excited states. An analysis of the results of calculation of the distribution of the energy of an electron beam in mixtures of Ar-Kr and Ar-Xe, given in table 1, show that for a mixture in which the relative concentration of the second component is less than 0.1, the main share of the beam energq (approximately SO~,percent) goes toward the ionization of argon, whereas for the formation of R ions five- to 10-fold less energ~ is spent. Approximately 25 percent of the energy in these mix- tures goes toward the excitation of atoms of argon, whereby almost a third _ of it goes to ttie formation of atoms of argon in metastable and resonance ~tates, Ar*(m + r) , and just as much for the formation of atoms of argon, Ar*(p) , iri~ p states. It is interesting to note that for the excitation of _ R atoms is used ~ ust as much energq as ~or the ionization of these atoms, whereby the beam mainly ~orms atoms of Kr* or Xe* in metastable or resonance states, R* (m + r) . As demonstrated in [6], this ~act is explained by the fact that the cfoss seetions for the excitation o,f these levels by an electron beam are not screened by the cross sections o~ axg4n. _ Let us note that the potentia],s ~ox tti~ exci,taXion o~ ~he ].owex e7.ectxonic states o~ atoms o~ nab7,e $ases~~ Z* , axe ht~h; thex~~pfie a cansiderable portion r of the enexgy (q ti 20 pexcenfi)'i,n t~fxtures o~ noble ga;ses i~ txans~exred to subthreshold electxons~ whose energy~ is lowex than Z* .~n 1,as~ex mixtures the energy o~ these e7,ectrons~f~ txans~exred to ~qolecules o~ the halogen _ carrier and is 1os~t in e~astic collis~ions with ato~s o~ the noble ga,s. _ Calculations made ~or three~eo~sponent mixtures have ~Y?own that in connection 55 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 FOR OFF~CIAL USE ONLY with the ].qw cpncenCxatiQn o~ ~olecu],es~ o~ the h~1,o~en caxxier in lasex mixtures the addi~ion o~ it to a tqi~ctu~e o~ nobl.e p~actica7.~.y does not change expenditures o~ the Bea,m~s energy~for the ionization and excitation of atoms o~ Ar tind it~ There~oxe ~or approxi~mate estimates o~ the e~~iciency of - lasers employ~ing ha~~c~es o~' noble ga~es ~,t is possible to use the results of ~ calculations o~ obtained ~or s~ixfiures+o~ noble gases. For the purpose o~ re~realing ~he area o~ applicability o~ the equations ob- tained, a program was written for the numerical solutton of the kinetics equations suggested in [1], together with equation~ ~or the flow o~ laser - photons. In the program were taken into account processes of the collision and spontaneous disintegration of eximer molecules and the absorption of _ laser photons in the active medium, as we11 as processes of electron-ion re- combination, which were not taken into account in deriving equations (2) to _ (5). Calculations were made for an XeCl laser utilizing a mixture of Ar-Xe- -CC1 excited by an electron beam. The results of calculations of the power ' of laser radiation agreed with those experimentally observed in [4], and the real efficiency of a laser excited by a beam of 50 ns duration equaled - three to four percent. In~~fig 1 are given the results of calculation of the efficiency of the steady- ' state operating mode of an XeCl laser. Efficiency was defined as the ratio of the power of laser radiation in the steady-state region of the laser's operation to the power of the electron beam entering the gas. Comparison o� these~results with the results of calculations by equations (2) to (5) shows that the expressions obtained are of an approximate nature and can be used only for estimating the maximum efficiency of lasers utilizing halides of noble gases. gurthermore, as would be expected, the equations obtained in = model 1 give an upper estimate of the efficiency of these lasers, while model 2 with sufficiently high pressures can prove to be unacceptable for ' such estimates. Analysis of the results of calculations by these equations ' showed that the main contribution to the laser's radiation is made by the ionic channel (as much as 80 percent in model 1). The low contribution of ' the excitation channel is caused by two facts: First, the percentage of ~the ' energy w'~ich goes toward the formation of atoms of noble gases in metastable and resonance states is not greater than 10 to 15 percent (cf. table 1), and secbndly the efficiency of the transfer of energy to the excitation channel is 1ow (e.g., yA* = 0.1 to 0.5 Let us note that the conclusion regarding ~ the decisive role of the ionic channel in the formation of eximer molecules in excitation with an electron beam has been confirmed experimentally [2,4]. . Taking into account the ~act that the ionic channel makes the main contribution ; to the formation o~ eximex molecules, approxf~qate estimates of efficiency can be ma~e without taking into accaunt the contxibution o~ the excitation channel, n ti n � Let us note that in model 1 y$i and the ~alues o~ ~i , as fndicated b}r calcu7.ations; axe ~aix7;y liigh and depending Qn tl~~concentxation o~ _ R atoms and tfie pxes�aure o~ fihe ga~s ~ax~ ~rom 0.6 to 0.9. ~hexe~oxe, ~or - r~ugh e~tfmates o~ the uppe.x ~~3~it o~` e~~fciency~ it fs possible to assume that YAr ~R � 1 and to use tfie equation 56 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030010-5 I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY r- . ~Imaz