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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000'100'100024-3 _ , ~e, m.., w~s=~! . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y ~ JPRS L/8715 17 October 1979 - ~ ~JSSR Re ort p _ BIOMEDICAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (FOUO 6/79) FBIS FOREIGN b~OADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 I . NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreigr. _ - newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- _ tion mark and enclo~ed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in the body of an ' item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government, For further information on report content call (703) 351-2938 (economic) ; 3~E68 (political, sociological, military); 2726 (life sciences); 2725 (physical sciences). _ COPYRIGfiT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GQvFRNING OW~tERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODtJCED HEREIN REQUIRj" THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE O~1LY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - . � JPRS L/8715 17 October 1979 ~ USSR REPORT - BIOMEDICAL AND BEHAVIORAL $CIEHCtS (FOUO 6/79) ~ This serial publication contains articles, abstracts of articles and news items from USSR scientific and technical journals on the specific subjects - refl~cted in the table of contents. Photoduplications of foreign-language sources may be obtained from the Photoduplication Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. 20540. Requests should provide adequate identification both as to the source and the individual article(s) desired. - CONTENTS PAGE ADVANCED BIOTECHNOLOGY Electrophysiological Study of Directional Ultrasonic - Perception in Dolphins ' (I. M. Smosman, V. A. Voronov; FIZIOLOGICHESKIY ZHURNAL SSSR, No 6, 1979)...~ 1 Examination of Huma.n Skull Bones With Deflected I1ltrasonic - Waves , . (V. V. Dzenis, Yu. I. Purin'sh; MEKI?ANIKA KOMPOZITNYKH MATERIALOV, No 3, 1979) 11 Prospects of Bioorganic Chemistry and M~olecular Biology (I. V. Torgov; VESTNIK AKADEMII NAUK SSSR, No 6, 1979) 19 , AGROTECHNGLOGY At a Reporting-Planning Session of VIR (N. Ryauzova; SELEKTSIYA I SEMEN04'ODSTVO, No 3, 1979) 24 ~ - [III - USSR - 21A S &T FOUO ] - FOR OFFICIAL ~TSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ~ COhTENTS (Continued) Page " Meeting of Seed Growers in the Nonchernozem Area - (A. Novikova; SELEKTSIYA I SEMENOVODSTVO, No 3, 1979) 27 Mechanizing the Gathering of Selectioa Seed Samples ~ (P. M. Zaika, et al.; SELEKTSIYA I ~EMENOVODSTVO, No 3, 1979) 30 The Response of Winter tdheat Varieties to Tur Preparation (V. N. Garmashov; SELEKTSIYA I SEMENOVODSTVO, No 3, 1979) 33 _ Kormovoye 45 Millet (N. F. Basil'chenko; SELEKTSIYA I SEMENOVODSTVO, No 3, 1979)..,....~ 37 Valuable Variaties of Meadow and Pasture Grasses ~ ('L. Yu. Pavlyk; SELEKTSIYA I SEMENOVODSTVA, No 3, 1979) 39 - Selection of Millet for Quality (V. N. Komarov, A. T. Sergeyeva; SELEKTSIYA I , SEMENOVODSTVO, No 3, 1979) ..................e....... 44 , Winter Wheat Specimens Valuable in a Number of Features (V. A. Karavaytsev; SELEKTSIYA I SEMENOVODSTVO, No 3, 1979) 47 High Quality Winter ftye Specimens _ (V. D. Kobylyansk.iy, et al.; SEIEKTSIYA I SEMENOVODSTVO, No 3, 1979) 51 Vernalization of Winter Crops ~n Low-Temperature Chambers (V. N. Musich, et al.; SELEKTSIYA I SEMENOVODSTVO, No 3, 1979) 54 The Specific Combination Capacity of Winter Wheat Strains � (I. M. Norik, A. I. Kr~ysh; SELEKTSIYA I SEMENOVODSTVO, Na 3, 1979) 58 Accelerated Introduction of New Varieties Called For (SELEKTSIYA I SEMENOVODSTVO, No 3, 1979)............ 60 Achievements and Prospects for Development of 'lheoretical - Research (Editorial; SELEKTSIYA I SEMENOVODSTVO, No 3, 1979) 66 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR CFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) page - BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES a International Congress on Applied Psychology (N. V. Tarabrina; VESTNIK AKADEMII NAUK SSSR, No 6, 1979) 72 CONFERENCES Delegation of Soviet Medical Corps Generals Visits France (MEDECINE ET ARMEES, Jun-Jul 79) 74 ECOLOGY _ T'he Problem of Radioactive Contamination of Benthic Sediment and PrEVention Thereof _ (0. M. Aleksanyan, Yu. Ya. Katsenl'xon; EKOLOGIYA, No 3, 1979) 76 INSTRUI~NTS ?,ND EQUIPMEENT The Apparatus Base of the Physiological Experi.ment (B. Ya. Pyatigorskiy; VESTTIIK AKADEMII NAUK SSSR, No 8, 1979) 81 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION International Cooperation in Development and Production of Medical Equipment (on the 30th Anniversary of CEMA) ~ (V. A. Ilvoryakovskiy; N~DITSINSKAYA TEKHTTIKA, No 3, 19'9) 86 ~ PUBLICATIONS Radioactive Carbon in the Biosphere (RADIOAKTIVNYY UGLEROD V BIOSFERE, 1979)............ 94 FUBLIC HEALTH . Study Shows Pesticides a Potential Genetic Hazard (M. A. Pilinskaya, T. S. L'vova; TSITOLOGIYA I GENETIKA, No 3, 1979) 98 ` - c - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . CONTENTS (Continued) Page SCIENTISTS AND SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZATIONS T{mely Pr~blems or the Biochewistry of Peptide��Protein Hormones {A. A. Bulatov; BIOKHIMIYA, No 6, 1979) 104 Galina Vasil'yevna Pustovoyt (SELEKTSIYA I SEMEIvOVODSTVO, No 3, 1979)............ 109 Second All-Union Conference on Pxoblems of Biomechanics (I. V. Knets; MEKHAIJIKA KOMPOZITNYKH MATERIALOV, No 3, 1979) 111 Viktor Valentinovich Portugalov (ARKHIV AIVATOMII, GISTOLOGII I EMBRIOLOGII, No S, 1979) 118 - - d - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' ~ ~ ADVANCED BIOTECHNOLOGY UDC 612,8~+599.537 ELEGTROPHYSIOI~OGICAL SPUDY OF DIREGTIONAL ULTRASONIC PERCEPTION IN DOLPHINS Leningra,d FIZIOLOGICHESKIY ZHURNAL SSSR in Russian No 6, 1q79 pp 820-825 LArticle by I, M, Smosman and V. A, Voronov, I,aboratory of Ecological Fhysiology (headed by A, I. Konstantinov) of the A. A, Ukhtomskiy Physio- logical Institute of the A, A, Zhdanov State University, Leningrad, sub- mitted for publication 26 Jun 78~ _ Abstract. Electrophysiological experiments on dolphins R of the species Phocoena phocoena studied patterns of d i- rectional perception of ultrasonic signals. The summaxy ~ electrical responses were recorded in different auditory structures of the animal brain; cochlear nuclei, corpus trapezoideum, super ior olive, acoustic lemniscus, inferior colliculi. and inner corpus ganiculatum, A shift is shown . in the acoustic axis of the beam pattern f`rom ths side that is analogous to the location of the sound source (cochlear ~ nuclei, corpus trapezoideum~. Each of the aforementioned cerebral structures is chaxacterized ~y a gradua,l constric- tion of the pattern observed during the transition f~ om lower (30 kHz) to higher filling ~equenc~ies (120 kHz). A gra,dual constriction of the directional reception pattern ~ was also found along the ascending auditory tract for all frequencies of the sonic sti.mulus. Key words; ultrasonic signal:s, dolphin, oi~- and off-responses. LText] Study of spatial hearing in animals is one of the most ur ent and intensiveiy worked on ~roblems of ecological physiolog,y ['1,3,4~,11~. For the navigating animals, also including representatives of the Cetaceous order, the working out of this problem has especial meaning since the lo- - calization function in these ani.mals is realized not only in passive, but primarily in active location. At the same it is nece~sary to consider that the functional organizati~n of the auditory a.nalyzer in the dolphin apparently differs for each of the location patterns [4~,17]. In addition, the auditory range in the navigating animals covers the region of sonic and ultrasonic frequencies [1,4]. It :i.s known that as a cons~quence of the short wavelangth ultrasound pos- sesses a number of features that include the pnssibility of creating sonic sha.dows from small objects, emission in the form of a na,rrow paxalle"1 beam, etc. L1]. T herefore, the functioning of hearing in the ultrasonic ~ _ range permits the animal to form a sound field of dixectional - 1 FOR OFFICIti; USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 ~ rOF. OI'FICIAL USE ONLY ' percep~tion, or in other words, to form a beam pattern. It is ~elieved th~,t -the nasrower the pattern the higher the resolution of the locator and the greater the intensification factor of thc~ perceived signals In exper~ments on Delphinus afalinus it rras demonstrated tha,t for ultra- - sonic signa,ls the widtt~ of trie directional perception pattern is only several degrees [2, 10, ~4, 15]. It can be assumed that th.e formation of such a narrow sonic beam occurs by means cf the central r.arve n~echanisms. Howevor, s~Ludy of the lat-ter is ~imited to a sin~le work touching upon the characteristics of the sumtnaxy electrica,l activity of the inferior collicul i ~n the dolphin with a change in the angle of presentation of the ultrasonic stimulus [16], The purpose of this work was to study the parception directivity of acoustic signals in different 1�ink~ of the auditory anal.yzer of Phoc oena phoc ~na. Here tha percaption system of' the phocoena locaior ~unctioned in a patt9rn _ of passive location in the fsequency range 20-200 kHz. Techniqug r~xperimants were conducted in a hydroacoustic bath with dimensions 300 x 100x 75 cm, T he absorption coefficient of reverberation interferences in the f`requency range 2U-2U0 kHz was 0.8. T he hydrophones used during the experiments were calibrated for receotion of sonic ` Steel 0.1 mm in diameter, insulated to the tip with BEN-20 lacquer were used in the work. With the help of stereotaxic equipment they were inserted into various subcortical audit,ory formations: cochlear nuclei, corpus trapezoideum, suoerior olive, acoustic lemniscus, inferior colliculus and inner corpus geniculat~am: T he location of tho tip of the electrode was verified by the Fox-Eichman method ~18~. _ T onal messages lasting 0.2-50 ms wi~th frequency of filling 20-200 kHz were used as the stimulus. T he messa,ges wore formed by a modulator; a tone ~om the G 3-33 generator was fed to its inlst, Further the signal c~.ntered an attenua.tor and then a tita.n~.te-baxium emitter. The la.tter was moved in an arc in horizonta? and vertical planes in relation to the zero position; the axial line of the animal�s head was taken as the zero position. ~ The induced potentials were recorded with the help of a biopotential ampli- fier UBP~-03 and a two-beam oscillograph C1-18. A FOR-2 photorecorder - recorded the elactrical processes. ~ T he experimental material was statistically processed. .The technique of conducting the electrophysiological experiment on Fhocaena. phocaena ha,s previously been described in mors detail [9]. 2 FOR ~FFICIh:. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' _ Study Results In the course of the experiments a study was made of the rela~;ionship of the value for thresholds of detection of summary electrical responses recorded in the subcortical nuclear structures of the Phocoena auditory analyzer with a change in the angle of presentation of the ultrasoni.c st~mulus. Measure- ments were made both fo-r reactions for engagement (on-resnonses) and dis- engagement (off -responses) of the sonic stimulus. - It was found that for the same structure tlie direction of the maximum sensi- tivity of both types of responses was the same, and for all structures was located in the sector of angles 0� 30~ (fig 1~ . Here the curves for the _ off-responses were more compact, which is probably linked to the co~m se _ of the f`requency-threshold curves that have a smoother na,ture with peaks of sensttivity that are smaller in amplitude [8]. TABLE 1. MEAN VALUES Ol~ WIIII'H FOR DIREGTIONAL PERC,~'I'ION PATTERN IN DDGREES (LEVEL 0,7) F~R AUDITORY CENrERS OF PHOCQENA ACCORDING TO DATA OF THRESHOI.~D REAGTIONS WITH INDICATION OF STANDARD DEVIATION 2 LIacroaa uecy~uleli (a xI't[) - HasAanue crPYK'i'YP~ ~ ~ - 30 ( 70 I 110 I 160 Hoaneapu~e ~APa ~ 3~ 72�25 63�10 31�5 50�20 Tpanec~ueai~Auoe ze~-co 60�20 42�15 27�5 40�10 Bepxus~A o~uaa 50�15 40�10 25�10 40�10 Jiazepanbtian nc ~6~ 45~-15 20-�-G 13~5 40�10 Hz~xu~iiii xun~c (~~1 43�14 18�8 11�5 31�11 ~iciy~rpeuuce xor?e~hi foe zeno 24�9 20~10 8~1 22�10 Key: l, Name of structure 5. Superior olive ~ 2, Frequency of carrier (in kHz) 6. Acoustic lemniscus : 3. Cochlear nuclei 7. Tnferior colliculus 4~, Corpus trapezoideum 8. Inner corpus genticulatum It needs to be noted that as the afferent passages transfer fr om structure to st~acture the directivity of the pattern is altered. T hus, the maximum sensi+,ivity in the cochlear nuclei and the corpus trapezoideum is on the same side as ths presented stimulus and is at angle 15-30~. In the su- perior olive a shift in the maximum towards 0� occurs. For the auditoiy lemniscus, inferior colliculi and inner corpus genticulatum the acoustic ' axis of the pattern is shifted to the opposite side in relation to the position of the emitter. In tne lattar cass the smallest thresholds were recor3ed at an angle of presentation 150. . As the filling x"requency of the stimulus increases a constriction occurs in the diractional reception pattern~ which is traced well on the graphs of the normed patterns plotted in polar coord inates, D ata on the width of ~ � 3 ' - FOR OFFICItiI, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y - (1}~90 A 6 B . F~ 1. i - ~ 70 69 ~\1~ . 4Q ` . � ~,~~.,i~ 40 . - 80 ~ ~ ~ ' iG ~ ~'~r 60 ~ / 50 ' 40 90 ; 1// BO 1 ` 70 ~ 60 SO 40 90 ~ e~ ,r__ k~,. ry 70 . , 60 \ SO ~y 40 ~ 90 ~ , l B~ ~ , ~ ,Q ~ : J 60 V SJ � 40 90~~ . r ~ 60 ~ - ~ ~ ' ~ - /V ' .\L / i \ i~ - b0 _ ~ 2~Hnr.u ~~~ro mp~ ~ncu l 3~onm~ Figure l, T hreshoid Curves of Directional Ul~trasonic Perception of Sub- . cortical A uditory Structures _ Key: - On y-axis--level of sonic pressure in db in relation ta 2 x 10-'~ dyne~cm2 ` ' On x-ax~s--angle of stimulus presentation [Key continued on next page] ~ ~ 4 FOR OFFICI~L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A. on-responses B . off-responses I. cochlear nuclei , II. corpus trapezoideum III.superior olive IV. acoustic lemniscus V. infe~ ior colliculus V I. inner corpus geniculatum 1, db 2. ipsi 3. counter T hin solid line designates curves for filling frequency 30 kHz Dash-dot line designates 70 kHz Solid line designates 110 kHz _ Dash line indicatss 150 kHz the beam pattern for different filling frequencies and levels of the ' auditory tract are presented in table 1. T he distinct trend towaxds con- striction of the patterns in the ascending links of the auditory tract is evident f`rom the table. ~ T he next peculiarity is associated with sh~;irpening of the reception direc- tivity at frequency 110 kHz that is manifest in the naxrowest patterns at this filling frequency (table 1~. T he given law is traced well on the graphs for drop in threshold sensitivity (a p) between the points (angles) of maxi.mum and minimum intensity necessar y for the emergence of an elec- - trical reaction (fig 2) . The largest values of dP in all the stuciied - structures, including the corpus trapezoideum, superior olive~ auditory - lemniscus and inferior colliculus were recorded at f~equency 110-120 kHz. - A nalogous results were obtained in a study on the dependence of the ampli- . tude of on-responses on the angle of stimulus presenta.tion, T he strength of the stimulus in this case was 30=~0 db above the reaction threshold. Measurements were made at the frequency of minimum thresholds for the given point of contact~ as a rule, at 120 kHz. T he aforementioned is - well illustrated by the data of table 2. T he previously established relationship of constriction of the width of the directional perception pattern in the ascending auditory tract is also correct in this case. T he question of localization of the resaunding sources in a vertical plans ha.s been investigated ~ess in the navigating mammals. Studies of the _ threshold sensitivity of slectrical reactions to ultrasonic sti.muli were casried out in a vertic~.l plane on the structure ~f the inferior colliculi. During the �axperiments it was established that the zone of optimal sensi- _ tivity is located in the region of the mandible, 2 cm below its upper edge. Above and below this point a gradua.l increas9 in the thresholds occurs. Figure 3 presents the averaged directional perce~ption pattexns in a vertical plane, plotted in Cartesian and polar coordinates. It is 5 FOR OFFICI.~i:. USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 ~ ' FOR OFFICTAL USE OIVI~Y .SU 40 _ 30 20 ~,.v~~"' 10 ( G L . ~ , ~ , 4 � SO - 40 30 ZO ro , p ~ (b)~ ZO 40.'00 BD 100 120 140 16(1 1B0 x/'q - Figure 2, Maxi.mum D5_fference in T hrashold Sensitivity (Q P) of On-Responses in Hoxizontal ~ector of Angles of St3mulus Presentation De- - pending on Filling Frequency - - Key: On x-axis--filling frequency of sti.mulus ~ On y-axis--difforence between maximum and minimum thresholds of on- . responses in sector of angles �90~ of horizontal plane BJ.ack circles--corpus trapezoideum White circles--superior olive On upper graph--b lack ~circles--corpus trapezoideum white circles--superior On lower graph--black circles--auditory lemniscus _ white circles--inferior colliculus a. db b. kHz = 6 . - FOR OFFICII~. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040140100024-3 _ ~ , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . _ L TABLE 2, MEAN VAI,UES OF WII7rH OF DIREGTIONAZ PERCEPTION FATTERN IN DDGREES (I~EVEL 0.7) FOR AUDITORY STRUCI'URES OF PHOCOENA ACCORDING TO - DATA OF SUpRATHRESHOI~D REAGTIONS Name of structure ` Diagram width for frequency 120 kHz Gochlear nuclei y, Corpus trapezoideum 3;+10 _ Superior olive ~r.~-+5 A.uditory lemniscus 30�12 Inferior colliculus 2L~ , Inner corpus geniculatum 15�5 ~~Jd.(~ Jd'I !60 t20 ~20 . +1p 0 _ ~ - f0 -20 . . _30 . 0 f0 20 30 . 40 SO Q 6�~ �30� ~Z~o . ~ - _ - . . 0 � p o ~ -10� .IOK/'y~b~ � - 70 K/'u( b 0.7 -3p� ~ -20� .30~ ~20� ~ ~p ~ 0� p' _ ~ -10�-- ~ZOn~c~b~ ~ ~ f6llK~u(b~ 07 -30� ~p -Z~` Figure 3. Threshold Curves of Directional Ultrasonic Perception for In- - ferior Colliculi in Vertical Plane Key: In Cartesian coordinates--curves plo~ted from mean value of on-responses with change in angle of stimulus presentation. Frequency of stimulus FOR OFFICII~. USE ONT.~Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY designated on figure. In polar coordinates--the same curves normed with re~spect to frequencies a, degreas c, decibel ~ b. kHz ' apparent that, as in the horizontal plane, he-re the minimum thresholds also occur at frequency 120 kHz. Here at all frequencies the direction of - ths maximum sensitivity is shifted to the lower hemisphere at angle 50, T he width of the beam pattern at level 0.7 was defined from the normed values of the threshold sensitivity of on-responsss and at frequency 30 kHz was 20�, at 70 kHz--15�, 120 kHz--S� and 160 kHz--12�. T hus, both for th5 horizontal and the vertical planes a common trend is traced towards coristriction of the directional perception pattern in the ascending links of the auditory analyzer, and a dependence of the pattern - width on the filling ~equency of the ultrasonic stimulus. ` Discussion of Results T he findings indicate that betweer~ the on- and off-responsES there are no significant differences with respect to the characteristi~~s of directional perception. T he foilowing laws governing the formation of an acoustic field in the Phocoena wers established for both types of responses: the region or minimwn thresholds is located in the f~equency range 110-140 kHz; as a transition is made from the starting links to the higher sections of the auditory analyzer a constriction in the patterns occurs~ as well as a shift in their axis from the side that is analooous i.n rela,tion to the outlet electrode (cochlaar nuclei and corpus trapezoideum) to the opposite (auditory lemniscus~ inferior colliculus and inner corpus gsniculatum). . It is necessary to note that the energy maximum for the spectrum of natural sounding signals of the Phocoena, is located in the same f`requency range - 110-140 kHz. ~ Such laws have been noted by a number of authors also for other navigating - animals--bats [13,:19-21]. However i.n the latter no distinct sharpenin~ of - sensitivity was noted for the t~requency of nat~mal na.vigating signal, while in the dolphins this is traced well according to the indicator QP. Its greatest amount always occurred at f`requsncy 120 kHz. Constriction of the beam pattern in the links of the ascending auditory tract is probably associated with the dominant effect of the cnunter- lateral point of entry [7, 21]. Hexe one of the possible physiological mechanisms that guarantee the given phenomenon can be lateral braking, as for example was demonstrated in bats [12]. A shift in the acoustic axis of tha pattern ~om the ipsi- to the counterlateral side during the transition from the cochlear nuclei -to the iruier corpus geniculatum is _ appasently governed by the presence of an tnterssction in the auditory passages. 8 FOR OFFICIEii. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY T he question of ~he formation of directional perc6ption in the vertical plane is more difticult [1, 12]. Possibly, this acoustic process is linked to the antenna properties of anatomical formations of the dolphin head and the peripheral section of the auditor.y analyzer, The position of maximum sensitivity to ultrasound in the lower hemisphere agrees with analogous data obtain6d on other dolphins ~16, 22], Probably this is related to the fact that the sound is conducted to the cochlea primarily along the tissues _ of the mandible [6, 16], B IB LIOGRAPHY 1. A yrapet'yants, E, Sh.; and Konstantinov, A. I, "Ekhlokatsiya v . prirode" [Echolocation in Nature], Izd Nauka, Leningrad, 1974~ g74, 2. Akopian, A, I.; Zaytssva, K. A.; Morozov, V, P,; and T itov, A. A, "Spatial Directi~ity of Dolphin A uditory System in perception of Signals of Different Frequency under Conditions of Noise," "Refer~ dokl. IX Vsesoyuzn, akust, konfer." [Abstracts of Reports f~ om Ninth All-Union Acoustic Conference], 1977, 9� ' 3. A 1'tman, Ya. A. "Lokalizatsiya zvuka" [Localization of Sound]~ Izd, Nauka, Isningrad, 4. Bel'kovich, V. M,; and Dubrovskiy, N, A, "Sens~rnyye osnovy oriyen- tatsii kitoobraznykh "[Sensory Principles of Orientation of Cre- taceans], Izd. Nau.ka, Isningra.d, 1976. 5. Baxton, N, "Radiolokatsionnyye sistemy" [Radax Systems], Izd. Radio, - Moscow, 1976, 6. Valiulina, F, G. "Role of Mandible in Conducting Sonic Oscillations in - Man and the Dolphin," "Morskiye mlekopitayushchiye" [Mar ine Mammals], ~ Izd. Naukova dumka, Kiev~ 1975~ 68. 7. Vasil'yev, A, G,; and Stosman, I. M. "Charactsristics of potential Actions of Cochleax Nuclei Neurons of Bats during Stimulation by Ultrasound ~rom Different Directions," ZHURN. EVOLYUI'S. BIOKHIM, I FIZIOL,, 6, 1970, 642. 9. Voronov, V, A,; Krasnoshchekova, Ye. I.; Mal'tseva, T. M.; and Pro- tasov, V. A. 'T echnique for Studying Subcor�tical Structures of Audi- tory Ar~alyzer of the Dolphin Using Intracerebral Electrodes," FIZIOL, zx , sssR, 63, 6, 1977, 917. , 10. Zaytseva, K. A.; Akopian, A. I.; and Morozov, V. P. "Interference Re- sistance of Dolphin Auditory Analyzer as Function of the .~,ngle of Pre- sentation of the Interference," BIOFIZIKA, 20, 3, 1975~ . 519. 9 FOR OFFICII~;, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ 11, I1'ichev, V. D. "B ioa.kustika ptits" [Bioacoustics of Birds], Izd. NGU, 1972. 12. 1~IatyushIcin, D. P.; and Stosman, I. M. "Analysis af Nerve Mechanism T hat Deter mines the Direction of an Acoustic Signal in Ba.ts," "P~fekhanizmy nervnoy deyatel'nosti" LMechanisms of Nerve Activity], Leningrad, 1969, 200. 13. Stosman, I, M.; and Etmanova, N. A, "Chas acteri~tics of Electric ' Reactions of A uditory Nerve and Cochlear Nuclei of Smooth-Nosed and Horseshoe-Nosed $ats with Change in Stimulus," FIZIOL. ZH. SSSR, 57? _ 1971, 525. - 14, Chilingiris, V. I.; and Ivanenko, Yu. V. "Directivity of A uditory Fercaption of Black Sea Dolphins," BIONIKA~ 2, 1973~ 2~7. 15, Chilingiris, V. I. "Osobennosti funktsionirovaniya ekholokatsionnoy sistemy del'fina afalina pri obnaruzhenii i differentsirovanii pred- metnykh i zvukovykh razdrazhiteley" [Peculiarities of Functioning of Echolocation System ir. Delphinus afalinus in Detection and Di.fferen- " tiation of Object and Sonic Stimuli], A uthor's abstract of dissertation, Leningrad, 1978. ~ ~ 16, Bullock, T, H.; Grinnell, A, D.; Jkezono, E.; Kameda, K.;Katsuki, I.; ; Komoto, M,; Sato, 0.; Suga, N,; Yanigasawa~ K. "Electrophysiological ~ Studies of Centz�al A uditory Mechan~.sms in Cetaceans," Z. VERGL. PHYSIOL. . 59, 1g68, 117. , 17. Bullock, T. H.; and Rigway, S, H. "Evoked Potentials in the Central Auditory System of Alter Porpoises to T heir Own and Artificial Sounds~" J, NEUROBIOL., 3, l, 1972, 79. 18. Fox, A.; and Eichman~ I. "Proper Method for Locating Intracerebral Electrode Tracks," STAIN TECHNOLOGY, 34-, 1959, 39. 19. Grinnell, A, D. ; and Grinnell, V. S. "Netual Correlates of Vertical ~ Localization by Echolocating Bats," J. PHYSIOI,., 181, 1965, $30. 20. Grinnell, A. D.; and Hagiwara, S. "Adaptations of the Auditory Nervous ' System for Echolocation," Z, VEF~ L. pHYSIOL., 76, 1972, 41. 21. Norris, K. A.; Prescott, I, H.; Asa-Dorian, P, V,; and Perkins, P. - "An Experimental Demonstration of Echolocation Hehavior in the Porpoise, T ursiops truncatus (Montagu)," BIOZ. BUZL., 20~ 2, 1961~ 163. 22. Neuweiler, G. "Neurophysiologischa untersuchungen zum Echoortungsystem, der Groben Hunfeisenna,se Rhinilophus ferrum-equinutn," Z. VERGL..PHYSIOL. 67, 1970, 273. ' ~ CQPYRI~HT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka"~ "Fizialogicheskiy zhurnal SSSR im I, M. Sechenova', 1979 ' 9035 10 CSO: 1840 FOR OFFICI~ USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ADVANCED BIOTECHNOLOGY iTVC: 539.3:611.71 EXAMINATION OF HUMAN SKULL EONES WITH DEFLECTED ULTRASONIC WAVES Riga MEKHANIKA KOMPOZITNYKH MATERIALOV in Russian No 3, 1979 pp 508-514 _ . [Article by V. V. Dzenis and Yu. I. Purin'sh, Riga Polytechnical Institute and Riga Medical Institute. s~bmitted 27 Dec 78] [Text] Methods have been proposed [1-4] for measuring humar, compact bone with deflected [deflecting?] ultrasonic waves by means of exponential _ concentrators. The virtually point contact of these piezoelectric trans- ducQrs made it possibl~ to turn to measurement of relatively small bases, to 8-10 mm, which is particularly important in examining biological objects with complex configuration, for example, the vertebrae [4]. The presence of ' a small base, in turn, made it possible to perform a comprehensive acoustical examination of an object by means of taking measurements at different points of the superficial layer; for example, in measurements in vitro the tibia - was examined 3.n 7 regions on the circumference and 28 vertical bands, with a total of 196 measured points [1]; the human spine was measured three times in 9 circumferential zones and three vertical bands, 27 places and 81 points [4]. The accuracy of ultrasonic measurements, evaluated by the coefficient of variation of ineasurements taken many times over in the same part of the - specimen, was rather high and constituted vv = 0.8-1.2% for the tibia and v~ = 0.4-0.6% for vertebrae. A technique was developed in [2, 3] for taking measurements of man in vivo~ The ultrasonic measurements were made on the medial surfaces of the right - and left lower limbs in 10 vertical bands. The medial surface was chosen because the tibia is covered only by a thin layer of skin at this place. Experiments [2] revealed that, under such conditions, the skin, subcutaneous tissue and periosteum have little influence on time of ultrasound passag~, and readings through the skin on the medial surfaces provide objective information about the acoustic properties of bone tissue. In all cases, the coefficient of variation was in the range of 0.5~vv>�1.2%: ~ - Our objective here was to apply the above-described ultrasonic method to determine the condition of human skull bones. We selected pairs of concentrators with natural frequency of 50 kHz and reading base of 200 mm for our measurements. A rubber cap was used, which 11 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY the subject put on his head, was used to fix the measurement points on the ` skull. Holes were cut in the hat, in accordance with a specific grid, intu which the tips of the concentrator were placed during the measurements (Figure 1). The measuring grid was selected as follows: the human skull ~ was divided into two halves at the middle, right (R) and left (L). Seven measurement liiies labeled a to g were drawn in each half. On each line, 4 to 15 readings were taken (each reading site in Figure 1 is designated by ~ the sequential number for that line, for example, a--1, 2, 14; b-�-1, 2, 15, etc.). Thus, 81 readings were made in each half of the skull. In addition, 15 readings were made along the top of the skull between points on lines a in the R and L half of the skull, also on a 2~-mm base (the sites of these mPasurements in Figure 1 are designated as aa'1', 2', 15'). In all, there were 177 places measured on the human skull. The configuration - of the skull of some subjects made it impossible to take readings for all of the indicated sites. In our experiments, the fewest readings constituted 168. e~ _ \ ~1 n,t. � ~ ~ ' ~ ~-r' ~ � :.y ~ 4 . - ~ Figure l. Diagram of ineasurement of time of , e, 6� s, propagation of ultrasound by exponen- 9� o _ a, a� o,s ~s o4~ o- tial concentrators on base Z= 20 mm s "0~9�e o�;,~~ over the human head n' o 0 6, Soao 1 �o~oo ! a 'O:'o ��;'o 1) configuration of skull ~1~qtJp~o 6p5 701 p/ t00a e. , ,1,,, 9 0 4,~a o~ oao , 2) configuration of ineasuring cap 0 �';oa,~ p o os d` 3) exponential concentrator o o e 62.2 km/s ~o~~ 13 FOR OF~'ICIAL USE OPJL,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ . ~ Studies of skulls of healthy individuals retiealed that the ultrasonic method react5 to cranial sutures. In about 30 measuring points (17% of total) a decline in velocity of ultrasound was demcn:~trated. ~s a rule, these points were ab~ve the cranial sutures of man, ~ahich makes it possible to use the _ proposed method to determine the exact lc~cation of sutures. With the measure- _ ment grid we used we fixed r.he sagittal suture (line aa', measurement points 5-11) and, in part, the coronal, lambdoidal and other cranial sutures. - According to our data, the location of the sutures varies in different people (Figure 3). The veloci~y of ultrasound above a suture c~H~~ was r ~ considerably lower, by 20-40%, than the mean velocity of ultrasound e*~H~~ _ measured at cranial points without sutures (Table 1), We added two coefficients of asymmetry, K~ = c~H~n/c~H~n and IC~ = c3n/o'n, where c~H~nand 6n are the mean velocity and mean square deviation of readinQs on the , right side of the skull, C~H~~ and 6n are the same, for the left side. As can be seen from our experimental data (see Table 1), these indices are close to 1 on the average for the subjects, but deviations of up to 6% for K~ - and 18% for IC~ are observed in different individuals. The results of readings taken on 8 men ranging in age from 21 to 65 years indicate a tendency toward increase with age in both mean velocity c(H)~ and standard deviation 6~ (see Table 1). It should bP noted that we had previously demonstrated an increase in degree of acoustical heterogeneity with age in our in vitro measurements of the tibia [1] and vertebrae [4], but in the latter cases there was more marked increase in heterogeneity. Table 1. Results of ultrasonic measurements of skulls of healthy males ~ Goe~fi- - ~ z N RigYLt side Left side Entire skull synmmetry c,,,,,~ . I c� a v . ''CS 4J ~d n c~n1~~Rn' n ~~~1n�Q~ n ~(p)a+Qy' K~ Ka l) ~ U Isi ~'1 ~M~ $ ~ KMI'S KMIS : 1-il 21 78 ].53-�-0,19 81 1,49i-0,19 177 1.51�0.21 1,03 0,98 0.68 1~2 27 76 1,60�0.26 79 1,66�0.?$ 16Q 1,61 =0,27 0.96 0,92 0,68 H3 30 82 1,~19-�-0,19 76 1,~13~-0,16 173 1,48=0.18 1,01 1,18 0,76 - H 4 36 81 1.97 0.29 80 1,95 0,27 176 1,95-~-0.29 1,01 1,07. 0,79 H~ A2 79 1.72-_*0,�I 80 1,74�0,21 173 1,73=0,21 0.99 1,01 O,S3 _ H6 46 79 1.74�0.'_'9 78 1,73�0,29 172 1.71 �0,30 I,01 1,00 0,62 H7 54 81 1,72i-,0,29 79 1,63�0,29 I75 '.,67-~0,31 1,06 1,00 0,63 H8 65 80 1,81-~0,29 77 1,80-~U,28 168 1,81�.~-U,29 1,01 t,0~ 0,68 Mean data for all subjects 1,68-_*0,26 I,QI 1,02 0,71 n - number of readings. Table 2 and Figures 4-6 submit the results of examining patients with patho- logy of the head. The results obtained differ significantly from those on healthy individuals: 1) the patients presented generally slower rates _ c~ than healthy individuals c3 (c3 arbitrarily refers to mean rate for all : subjects, c3 = 1.68 km/s); 2) there was relatively less scatter of experi- ~ mental data characterized by standard deviation 6~ than in healthy subjects 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFIGIAL USE ONLY (0'3 = 0,26); 3) in a number of r_ases, there was marked deviation trom 1 of coeffi~ients of asymmetry (K~ up to 1.22 and K.~ up to 0.5), which was indi- catit?e of localization of the pathological process on one side of the skull. In son~p cases, in the presence of neoplasms o= the brain, the measurement sites where low rates were demonstrated showed the localization of the pro- cess with rather circumscribed boundaries. Figure 3. _ J ~~,~~aoo~ Topology of lowered values of velocity C . ~~:~ooo~ c over a cranial suture. 'The 0 0~�~o~,e~ ~ C~ CY~i, � ~,~,o (x )tu fl F�>.p.~O~P�~c~~ ~ 0 ~(~j`.~'~G,oa~~O~y,~ uumber of points corresponds to the ~ �U�.�a~ O oQO~ oo O \~.,.,;i~ ~~~v U ao fl~,~. t~ O ~~]a number of people, in whom this decline �o ~;~@: D~ ~OQ ; i, ~0~~ 0 a~~lr~~~ was demons trated a t this measurement .p3 U~U ~~~Ll~.;~ site. The black areas indicate that .O ~ the velocit ~~Vp ~~r~~ y decreased at those OU points in all subjects. The decreased velocity of the deflected wave in the case of examining cranial bones could be attributed to several causes. In the first place, changes due to pathology of inechanical properties--elasticity, hardness, solidity, etc.-- _ of cranial bones proper (in our studies of the tibia we esrablished that _ there is a correlation between harness and velocity c~, a 10% decrease in velocity means that hardness decreased by 15%). In the second place, when using exponential concentrators, the deflected wave (antisy~metrical wave of Lamb) in bone tissue is excited, and the rate of its propagation, other conditions being equal, depends on the thickness of compact bone tissue at the measurement site [2]. With change in thickness of a cranial bone, which may occur in the case of pathology, velocity eK diminishes with decrease in h. In the third plac;e, the velocity of ultrasound may change with both change in mechanical properties of the layer of brain adjacent to the cranial membrane and in conditions of skull--brain contact. At this stage of our investigations, we cannot unequivocally determine the causes of decreased velocity of ultrasound. However, analysis of the data obtained from examina- tion of the patients suggests, in our opinion, that the third group of causes play the main role in lowering the velocity of ultrasound in the presence of the forms of pathology we have discussed. Examination of different patients revealed the following. Two patients _ (P1 and P2) had severe contusions to.the brain with effusion of blood into the brain matter. According to the ultrasonic studies, there was a signi- ficant decrease in mean velocity over the brain as a whole in both cases: c~/c3 = 0.72. In patient P1, the lesion was localized mainly in the right part of the skull, whereas in patient P2 (see Figure 4) both sides were - equally involved. 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 2. Results of ultrasonic readings taken on.skulls of individuals with cranial or cerebral pathology ~ Right Left Entire Co~~~ of +~o ~ side sicle skull S~~ o,, a,~ ~z - - ~ Clinical diag~�iosis . Q~ , J-~'~ ~ ~+ula� ~(x)nt ~~~~a� x v ~ b O ~ tn n -Qrt n �an, n aq. Kc Ko ~ W U i xM! xM! KM/ ~ . P1 Brain contusion wi M 3r0 82 1,09�0,11 79 1,26�0,17 17~ 1,i9�0,t4 0,86 0,65 0,71 0,56 intos~rainf blood ' P2 Same M 30 81 1,24�0,12 8; 1,2?�.0,12 177I,22�0,12 I,02 1,00 0,73 0,46 P3 Pituitary. tumor 1~t 31 70 1,20�0,14 7~ I,21-_*0,13 I6S1,19�0,17 ~,99 1,0~ 0,71 0,65 P4 ,Extensive pr.ocess i M11 37 8l ~.~~�O,12 81 I,~12�0,23 17E I;12�O,191,01 'J,52 0,8~3 0,73 ' l~ft occ pital re- gion of ~rain. Large hepatoma found th~re during surgex~y ' ' P5 Primary: ~xtensive F 50 81 1,75-_*0,21 781,43�0,42 179I,59-�0,36 1,22 J,50 0,95 1,35 process in lett brain; secondary: chronic arachnoiditis P6 Left meningioma in bi 54 82 1,60�0,22 ?91,39�0,19 1771,49t0,25 t,151,16 0,89 0,9G parietal region of � skull , P7 Malignant glioma in M 48 86 I.47�0,15 80 t,35�0,29 1771,41 �0,23 1,09 U,52 0,8~ 0,89 left brain . Mean data for all subjects 1,36-_*0,21 1,050,78 0,8t 0,81 n - number of ineasurements. ~ i ~~1* i~~~ '~C~ra~~~,~ _ i ~~~.N~Ric w ~J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I~`I~~g"`' ~~f{p~~~.~ ~ Figure 4 . ,~0~~ p'~io~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Topology of velocities ~ over skull "~E~~4~~'~~ ~I''~~/i~~; of patient P2, 30 years old, with ~~r~p?' ~~~=1' severe contusion to the brain and ~~5;~ ~I effusion of blood into brain matter 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ . ~ I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' ~~~1 ' _ ~'~t'~c~~3,'~ ~ ~ , ..~-'~s: t ~r, ~'r~ ~ c3� - ~ \FSGi~!^C~~' ~ ~ , ~LaD~~'9~ ' ,~p ~/t-~A+~"~C~~~J J ~ ~ ~'ti :Qy/ 1~'~`~ ~ 4 . jG.14WQ~~@~i ~ C~'�~r,'L�;,~~~;,~. 4l�C~~~~Q~ ` ~vr~'j ~ ~ U ~ ~L~~~~ ~~~'~Q~`C~,, `00 ~ (~~t' ~ ~ ~ - m~ ~ 8 ~ ~Q~~ ~~\.i . ~ - Q i ~Tn~.~~~Iti~ ~ 0~ ~ Q~~~~ ~ 11~~~ � ~~0~ ~1' : ~ ~ ~ .~,~~e~~'~~ :r ~ . . ~~o ,~12~' Figure S. Figure 6. , Topology of velocities cH over skull Topology of velocities cx over skull of patient P5, SO years old, with of patient P7, 48 years old, with chronic arachnoi.ditis malignant gli~ma in left brain Ultrasonic examination of a patient with pituitary tumor (P3) yielded ` analogoLS findings: significant symmetrical decrease in velocity in both halves of the skull. The primary diagnosis on patient P4 was an extensive process in the left occipital part of the brain, for which he underwent surgery. During surgery it was established that there was a large organized hematoma at this site, which developed after rupture of a cerebrovascular aneurysm, and this simulated a neoplasm of the brain. Ultrasonic studies conducted before the operation revealed lower values for velocity c~ than in healthy individuals and, in addition, considerable decrease in velocity of ultrasound at 16 measuring points in the occipital part of the left half of the skull (lines II-V, starting at measuring point 10). The area of localization of pathology was well-circumscribed according to ultrasonic data. The initial diagnosis on patient P5 was an extensive process in the left brain. After subsequent neurosurgical work-up no neoplasm was found in the brain, and a new diagnosis was made, chronic arachnoiditis. However, ultra- sonic examination revealed that there were rather sharp differences between this patient's two cranial halves: K~ = 1.22 and IC6 = 0.50. While the right side presented no pathology, there was a distinct region on the right side, with 27 points measured, of low velocities (this area is indicated by dots in Figure 5). Ultxasonic examination of patient P6, with the diagnosis of ineningioma in the left parietal region of the skull, revealed lower average velocities ~ver the skull than in healthy subjects: c~/c3 = 0.89. Moreover, a rela- - ~ tively small area of decreased velocities was demonstrated in the upper . left skull, but outside this area the velocity on the left side of the skull was also lower than on the right and this, in our opinion, is 17 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY of the fact that the pathological process influences the entire lef t half of the skull . . A malignant glioma was diagnosed in the left half of the brain in patient P7. On the whole, ultrasound velocity was considerably lower than in health~ individuals. A relative larger area with low values of cys(dots . in Figure 6) was found on the left side of the skull. - These studies revealed that the ultrasonic mPthod we used can determine the location of cranial sutures, as well as demonstrate pathological changes , _ in the skull and brain, with relatively accurate definition ~f the boundaries of such changes. The method of ultrasonic monitoring that we propose is simple and safe; for this reason it will be useful in defining the bounda- ries of lesions to the skull and brain. After further refinement, the method can be recommended for preventive screening of the public, for the purpose of early detection of pathological processes in the head. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Dzenis, V. V.; Merten, A. A.; Bernkhard, V. K.; and Shumskiy, V. V. "Use of Superficial Ultrasonic Waves for the Study of Properties of Human Tibia," MEKHANIKA POLIMEROV [Polymer Mechanics], No 4, 1975, pp 674-679. 2. Merten, A. A.; Dzenis, V. V.; Shumskiy, V. V.; Bernkhard, V. K.; and Yankovskiy, G. A. "Investigation o~ the Effects of Physical Loads on ' Condition of Human Tibia According to Results of Ultrasonic Measurements," Ibid, No 6, 1976, pp 1079-1083. 3. Shumskiy, V. V.; Merten, A. A.; and Dzenis, V. V. "Effect of Type of - Physical Load on Condition of Tibia in Top Level Athletes According to Results of Ultrasonic Measurements," Ibid, No 5, 1978, pp 884-888. 4. Purin'sh, Yu. I., and Dzenis, V. V. "Study of Human Vertebrae According to Propagation of Deflected Ultrasonic [daves," MEKHANIKA KOMPOZITNYKH MATERIALOV ~Mechanics of Composite Materials], No l, 1979, pp 122-125. 5. Rektin'sh, M. F., and Purin'sh, Yu. I. "Measurement of Velocity of Ultrasound With Exponential Concentrators on Small Bases," in "Nerazrushayushchiye metody ispytaniy stroitel'nykh materialov i kon~truktsiy" [Nondestructive Methods of Testing Building Materials and Constructions], Vyp 3, 1977, pp 75-79 (Riga). - [550/10,657J , COPYRIGHT: Izdatel~stvo "Zinatne", "Mekhanika kompozi.tnykh materialov", - 1979 ~ 10,657 CSO: 1840 18 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ADVANCED BIOTECHNOLOGY UDC: 575.173 PROSPECTS OF BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND MO"LECULAR BIOLOGY - Moscow VESTNIK AKADEMII NAUK SSSR in Russian No 6, 1979 pp 101-104 , [Article by I. V. Torgov, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences] [Text] The development of basic research in the field of the biological sciences and practical application of results achieved make it imperative to discuss the current status and prospects of future development of bio- ~ organic chemistry and molecular biology at special international scientific _ conferences. A symposium organized by the USSR Academy of Sciences and Uzbek Academy of Sciences became one of these major international forums; it was held on 25 September to 2 October 1978 in Moscow and in Tashkent. The symposium was convened under the aegis of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry (IUTAC) and International Union of Biochemistry (IUB). About 200 Soviet scientists and 70 guests from 19 foreign countries, includ- ing many scientists of worldwide fame, participated in the work of the symposium. D. Barton and Kh. Koran, recipients of the Nobel Prize, were unable to attend, and they mailed the:~r papers to the symposium. Opening remarks at the symposium were delivered by Academician A. P. Aleksandrov, president of the USSR Academy of Sciences; he indicated that the problems of utmost important that are facing mankind and related to the limited energy and other natural resources, shortage of foodstuffs, r~quirements of inedicine and public health can and must be solved only through the joint work of scientists and engineers of many nations. The president commented on the effectiveness of international scientific colla~oration in the field of thermonuclear energy as an example that should be followed. Biological directions--biochemistry, biophysics, mole- cular biology--constitute the area of science which will probably have the greatest influence on the future fate of mankind. For expressly this " reason, the president said that we wish great success to this symposium. The next speech was delivered by Academician Yu. A. Ovchinnikov, vice president of the USSR Academy of Sciences, who stressed that the symposium gathered the greatest scientists from many countries, since the meeting 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY dealt with a most complex and absorbing problem of modern science, learning - the mysteries of life. Along this route, particularly great strides were made by physicochemical biology, which absorbed the ideas, methods and approaches of biology, physics and chemistry. Yu. A. Ovchinnikov described the outstanding scientific discoveries made recently in this field: discovery of double helical DNA, identificatiori of the main forns of protein stacking, synthesis of the peptide hormane oxytocin, the alkaloids strychnine and ' reserpine and, later on, chlorophyll and cobal.amine. Many major biochemical advances are to be credited to Soviet scientists: proof of presence of DNA in higher plants, discovery of enzymatic activity of muscle proteins, oxidative phosphorylation, mechanism of transamination. Yu. A. Ovchinnikov stated that the teaching on the origin of life became the foundation for development of biological science and biological scienti- fic institutions in our country. The Institute of Natural Compounds (pre- sently called the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry imeni. M. M. Shemyakin), Institute of Radiation and Physicochemical Biology (presently the Institute of Molecular Biology) and several institutes at the biological center in - Pushchino were organized under the USSR Academy of Sciences. New centers for physicochemica? biology appeared in Siberia, the Far East, Uzbekistan and elsewhere. The creative and organizational endeavors of Academician~ M. M. Shemyakin played an outstanding role in the inception and development of physicochemical biology; the symposium was sched~iled to convene on his 70th birthday. In our country, physicochemical biology is presently on the upswing; it is being given enormous attention by the Communist Party and the Soviet government. In 1974, a special decree was adopted by the CC CPSU 3nd USSR Council of Ministers "On steps to accelerate development of molecular biology and molecular genetics, and application of their advances in the national economy. Today, the most complex structures of biopolymers, proteins, nucleic acids and polysaccharides are being identified; biologically active proteins and genes are synthesized, and mechanisms of kPy processes in the l;ving cell are disclosed. Genetics and gene engineering, chgmistry of biological regulators are developing rapidly, and thereis noticeable progress in research on higher nervous activity. , Yu. A. Ovchinnikov dwealt on the tasks for science with regard to solving such important problems as cancer, intensification of agriculture and environmental pro~tection, and he expressed his hope that the symposium would make a contri- bution to these solutions. The highest scientific award of the Academy of Sciences, the gold medal imeni M. V. Lomonosov, was bestowed upon L. Pauling, foreign member of this Academy, by Academician A. P. Aleksandrov, president of the USSR Academy of Sciences, in a solemn ceremony; the American scientist received this award for his outstanding achievements in biology and biochemistry. 20 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100144424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Aboiit 50 papers were delivered during the sy,~.nposium, and they can be arbi- _ trarily divided into four major cycles. The first ref~rs to papers dealing _ mainly with the study of peptides and proteins, including research on the structure and mechanism of action of enzymes. In a paper dealing ~vith the nature of bonds formed by transitory metals in ~ bioorganic and ather compounds, L. Paulirg concluded,�on the e S ~ f6 0 7 8 fF I. � s' /3 ~ B B~tdnoA ~l~ 3 ~ if ; , � o~B~_- o _ e,e o oea,~ ~ _ n / �o 00 . 4 Q ~~e ~ u o e a ~ \ \ � ~ � � , 13 ~ ~ . ~ e , ~ ~ . _ , � Y YI ~ ffi Z 4 . ~ Fiqure 2. Process Flow Diagram for Processing Selection Seed Samples on Vibrating Seed-Cleaning Machine: unperforated f~iction surface; 2-- vibrating table; 3-- mechanism for attaching trans- verse angle of inclination of the working surface; 4-- hoppers for gathering the separation pr~ducts; 5-- elastic suspension springs; 6-- frame; 7-- unbalanced vibrator; 8-- support plate of frame; 9-- mechanism for regulating the longitudinal angle of inclination of the working sur~ace; 10 feed device; 11 and 12 trajectories of motion of seeds and pieces of stalks; 13 AC electric motor; 14 intern?ediate current drive; 15 V-belt drive; 16 flexible coupling Key: 1. View along A The caefficient forincreasing labor productivity with machine separation of the samples with pre-separation by hand comprised 5-7, that is, the time re- quired for this process with stalk contamination of the samples up to 4,500- 12,000 piec~s/kg can be reduced by a factor of 5-7 compared to manual separation. _ The return of investment for the vibrating machine is less than one year. [465-6521] COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Kolos", "5elektsiya i semenovodstvo", J.979 6521 CSO: 1840 32 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AGROTECHNOLOGY - UDC 633.11"324":631.8:631.5 THE RESPONSE OF WINTER WHEAT VARIETIES TO TUR PREPARATION Moscow SELEKTSIYA I SEMENOVODSTVO in Russian No 3, 1979 pp 33-35 [Article by V. N. Garmashov, doctor of agr'.cultural sciences] - [Text] Three variants: of field experiments with Kavkaz, Odesskaya 51 and ~riboy varieties were organized in 1974-1976 at the Al1-Union Selection- Genetic Institute to determine this problem. The seeds were treated with the tur preparation prior to sowing, the plantings were treated at the beqin- ing of shooting and both the seeds and plantings were treated in the same way. The plantings were sown on bare fallow and after corn for silage on southern and Y~eavy loam chernozem with humus content of 4.5 percent in the plowed layer. The plantings were sprayed (by using a knapsack sprayer) at the rate of 4 kg/ha of dry matter of the preparation dissolved in 20 liters of water, The seeds were treated (simultaneously with semi-dry disinfection) with a 15 percent tur solution (at the rate of 4 kg of dry matter of preparation per 1 ton of seeds3. 7.'he experiments were set up'by the generally established methad. The recorded area of the plantings was 50 m2 and the repetition of the experiments was 4-fold. The crop was harvested by a Sampo-25 combine. The observations showed that the effect of tur on the seeds varied as a func- tion of weather conditions. With good moisture provision, the sprouts appeared 1-3 days later than in the contr~l and field germination was reduced by 2-8 percent. Under dry conditions when sprouts (according to nonfal~ow precursors) appeared during the winter-spring season, germination was reduced by 15-19 percent. The plants which grew from seeds treated with tur lagged . somewhat behind the control plants in growth at the beginning of vegetation ~ during the spring season (on fallow land), but developed better by the~time - of harvest in winter. Their leaves were darker, wider and shorter; therefore, the plants did not spread along the ground. Varietal differences were also manifested. Kavkaz variety responded less than Odesskaya 51 and Prib~y vari- eties to the effects of the preparation. The weight of the plants grown from seeds, treated with tur, increased by 10.2 percent for Kavkaz, 28.7 percent for odesskaya 51 and 36.4 percent for Priboy on the average by the end of spring vegetation during 2 years. It should be noted that the Kavkaz v~ariety changed color and shape of the leaves less than the other varieties. 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ ~ t~ I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The plants became very thick during vegetation during the winter thaw period by the time of spring regrowth. Plants grown from seeds treated with tur preparation also tolerated unfavor- able overwintering conditions. Their mortality comprised 4.3 percent com- pared to 8.4 per~ent in the contr~l during 1974-1976. During the spring season, the plants of all the investigated. varieties, especially Odesskaya 51 and Priboy, were characterized by higher growth rates compared to the control. Bu'c this difference was smoothed out during the shaoting phase and all the plants were identical by the onset af heading. Pre-planting treatment of the seeds with the preparation affected the develop- ment of the root system: the tillering node deepened due to reduction of the _ length of the subcrown internode and was especially strong in varieties of the ~teppe ecotype. Thus, the subcrown internode was shortened so muc:h that the nodal and etnbryo roots were joined in plants of the Priboy variety on bare fallow; the tillering node was located 0.8 cm deeper in Kavkaz plants, 1.3 cm deeper in Odesskaya 51 and 1.8 cm deeper in Priboy. Deepening ~f the tillering node had a positive effect on the growth of roots, while the latter had a positive effect on formation of the undergzound mass. As a result, it became thicker by the end of the fall and the beginning of the spring vegetation. The etfect of tur preparation on formation of nodal raots was mani~ested more under conditions of good moisture provision. `'i'hus, the difference in formation of nodal roots b~tween control and experimental plants was:less upon sowing of plantings after corn, that is, with worse moisture provision - than by bare fallow on a background of N80P80K80 and in the variant without fertilizer. The experimental plants of all varieties grew more rapidly than control plants, especially Odesskaya 51 and Priboy, during the spring period, but _ the difference was gradually smoothed out during the shooting phase and they were all approximately identical by the onset of heading. ; Tur had no positive effect on the root system under dry conditions of the fall-winter season of 1975-1976, when the sprouts appeared in spring, while the experimental plants lagged behind the control plants in the growth of above-ground mass. The data presented in the table convincingly demonstrate the highest mani- festation of the positive effect of tur during any years on plantings (with different types of treatments) located on bare fallow. During wet years, spraying the plantings was more effective than treating the seeds, while the reverse was true during dry years. 7'he increase of yield _ in the latter case was achieved ~y increasing tne root mass. 34 " FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ Grain Yield of Different Winter W'heat Varieties (qt/ha) as a Function of Methods of Treatment with Tur Preparation, Pre- cursors and Nutriant Backgrnunds (~~Ilo napy I Tlocne KyKVpy3e+, y6pexeoq Ha cenoe I ~'4~ h~oP~oK~~ ~ ~ 6ea yAo6pexHf~ ~6 a Copra~l~ S8(INBN~d~onwra :L 6~a ~ ~ ~ am ~ ~ etno ~ ~ q~6K ` ~~,o a ~o Q a ~ ~ N ~ i. mn - msK ~ m~q ~ ' K68K83 Se3 o6pa6ortctt{$~ 48,8 38,4 43,6 40,5 2g,3 34,9 4b,6 26,2 2b,4 C)/(eccxea 51 ~j~ 'fo Hce 48,7 40,6 44,7 38,0 3I,0 34,5 24,9 23.3 24,I , Ilp?c6o9 (],Q ss ~~1~ 48,9 41,b 45,2 39,4 31,7 35,6 :b,4 2b,7 46.8 ICeaKes 06pa6orKa ce? e 50,4 40,6 45,G 42,7 28,g 35,8 25,8 21.2 2$.4 'OUeccKaa 61 To �cc (11~ 51,6 43,9 47,8 42,E 29,1 36,0 26,4 21,0 23.6 IlpxboA ss I 61,3 44,1 47,7 43,7 30,4 37,1 26,2 23,1 24.7 h90KH3 OppdCKNBBNHe~l~~� 49,8 38,1 44,0 42,9 2g,g 36,4 2b,1 Z4,0 44.6 . ceeos ~7ReccKae 61 To.~ce ~1 2~ b6,8 42,4 49,6 41,9 3:.u 37,2 25,7 23,1 24,4 tTp?ibo~ ss ~13~ b6,1 43,8 b0,0 42,0 34,9 3A,b 26,2 2b,8 28.0 1C~IAK89 06pa6otKO ClYRN 50,9 40,2 45,6 42,2 30,4 36,3 2b,0 2b,1 Zb,l H pOC200B , OAeccKan 51 To Hce ~1,3~ 58,6 ~5,2 51,9 42,8 30,9 36,9 28,b 23,7 26.1 ~ I[Px6oA ss b9,8 45,3 b2,6. 43,2 32,1 37,7 Z8,2 24,9 Z6,8 . P('/)~~(14~ 1.34 1,07 3.12 9.0 1.87 2,67 HCPo~pb (q/ru) ' 2.3 2,2 4.2 l.l ~,b 1,0 Key: 1. Varieties 8. Without treatment 2. Variants of experiment 9. Odesskaya 51 _ 3. By fallow 10. Priboy , 4. After corn harvested for 11. Treatment of seeds silage 12. Spraying of plantings ~ 5. Without fertilizer 13. Treatment of seeds and 6. On the av~rage during 2 years plantings 7. Kavkaz Double treatment with the preparation (both the seeds and plantings) had no _ advantages over spraying. Consequently, this pr~cedure may be used in the case when conditions have been created for timely sprouting. ~ Biometric analysis of the sheaf material showed that the structure of the yield is predetermined by the characteristics of the variety and by the - conditions under which it was formed. The productive bushiness was increased = during pre-sowing treatment of seeds in varieties of the steppe ecotype by bare fallow. The ear productivity remained unchanged in 1975, while it in- ~ creased somewhat in 1976 due to an increase in the number of spikelets and - grains in the ear. The yield was increased when the plantings were sprayed with tur, mainly by increasing the ear productivity (a number of grains in the ear :increased with a simultaneous number of spikelets) and an increase 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY of the grain mass. The elements of the yield structure varied to the least extent after corn harvested for silage on both backgrounds. The weighL- o~ the ear increased somewhat in 1975 with all methods of treatment - with tur. The yield decreased due to the lesser thickness of the plant stand in 1976 with pre-planti7g treatment of the seeds. The investigations permit one to conclude that tur preparation has a greatsr effect on increasing the grain yield in varieties of steppe ecotype than the forest-steppe ecotype. This is related not only to the hiqher resistance of - the stem of these plants to Zodging, but also to the selective capability of different varieties to the effects of the prpparation. Therefore, the _ roterdant concentration should be changed. We achieved the highest increase of yield upon treatment ~f the seeds and spraying of the plantings on highly fertile plots. Pre-planting treatment of the seeds should not be done in the absence of moisture i.n the soil during the spring season. ] [465-6521] COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "K,~los", "Selektsiya i semenovodstvo", 197y 6521 CSO: 1840 - 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AGROTECHNOLOGY UDC 633.17:631.526.32 KORMOVOYE 45 MILLET ~ Moscow SELEKTSIYA I SEMENOVODSTVO in Russian No 3, 1979 pp 32-33 [Article by N. F. Basil'chenko, senior scientific worker of the Altay Scientific Research Institute of Agri:culture and Selection of Agricultural Crops] [TextJ Kormovoye 45, a variety of millet for fodder, was derived by the method of individual sampling from a specimen of the VIR [All-Union Scien- tific Research Institute of Plant Growing] collection K--2473 at the Altay Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture and Selection o~ 1~gricultural Crops. It successfully passed state trials in 1974-1976 and wa~ regionalized in 1978 in Altayskiy Kray and Omskaya Oblast. The botanical diversity is regular. The plant is tall, the height of the stem is up to 2 meters, well leafed, has a thick root system, is capable of maintaining a large vegetative mass and is drought resistar.~. The panicle is branchy, slightly droopy and of inedium length. The seeds are elongated, of inedium size and cream-colored. ' The mass of 1,000 grains is 6.5 grams. The length of the vegetation period - is 87-100 days, including from sprouts to ripening (cutting maturity) of 45-55 days. The variety is resistant to drought and to downy mildew. It is not inferior to foxtail millet and sudan g~ass by fodder advantages. One - kilogram of hay contains 0.70 kg of nutrients, 94 grams of available protein, 4.1 grams of phosphorus, 6.3 grams of calcium and 19 milligrams of carotene. The green mass is well eaten by livestock. The average yield of the gxeen mass of Kormovoye 45 comprised 320 qt/ha and " that of hay comprised 87.6 qt/ha durinc~ 1970-1973 during competitive strain testing. The yield of hay of the new variety was 30.8 c;t/ha, while that'of ~ perennial grasses was only 5 qt/ha in 1974 under production conditions on the Kolkhoz imeni Mamontov of Rebrikhinskiy Rayon of Altayskiy Kray. A total - of 230 qt/ha of green mass and 63 qt/ha of hay was produced on the average during 1975-1976 on the Sovkhoz Komsomol'skiy of Pavlovskiy Rayon. The agrotechnics of the millet for fodder does not differ from that used for grain varieties. But in this case one should especially turn attention 37 ` FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFrICIAL USE ONLY ~ to the complex measures on acc~unulation and retention of moisture in the ~ soil: creation of windbreak strips, snow retention, the location of culti- vatio:~ should be limited by multiple disking in sprinq on low-weed plots and the soil should be rolled before and after sowing. Pre-sowing cultiva- tion for sufficiently compacted soils should not be carried to a depth of more than 5-6 cm. If the spring is cold, it is best to wait a short while before sowing to g?ve weeds an opportunity to sprout and then to destroy them. ~ It is better to sow this variety for hay by the solid row method using the SU-24 seed drill. The rate of application is 25-30 kg/ha. If there are � weeds, it is recommended that the plantings be sprayed with 2, 4-D (ammonia salt) herbicide during the tillering phase at the rate of 0.8 kg/ha of dry - matter, while it is not desirable to spray them during the other stages of development. The dose of herbicide should be reduced to 0.5 kg/ha of dry matter in case of severe weeds. Harvest for green mass and hay sh.ould ba carried out at the beginning of blooming. Since the panicles and leaves in the hay mass comprise 45-50 per- cent of the yield according to analytical data, it is better to delay harvest- ing a little while to ir~crease its quantity and quality. The height of the stubble should not be below 10-15 cm for good drying of the windrows and for satisfactory operation of the harvester. The results of our experiments during several years differing in weather conditions and also data of state, ecological and production tests indicate that the new variety should be introduced more extensively in kolkhoz and sovkhoz practice. [465-6521] COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Kolos", "Selektsiya i semenovodstvo", 1979 6521 CSO: 1840 - 38 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AGROTECHNOLOGY tTBC 633.2:631.526.32 VALUABLE VARIETIES OF MEADOW AND PASTURE GRASSES _ Moscow SELEKTSIYA 2 SEMENOVODSTVO in Russian No 3, 1979 pp 30-32 [Article by Z. Yu. Pavlyk, candidate of technical sciences] [Text] Eleven new varieties of ineadow-pasture grasses, eight of them regionalized in 23 oblasts of the country, have been isolated and turned over for state trials as a result of joint ~election-seed growing work of the Ivano-Frankovsk Pedagogical Institute imeni V. S. Stefanik and of the Ivano-Frankovsk Agricultural Experiment Station during the past few years by mass sampling from wild-growing varieties formed on natural meadows of - Drogobychskiy Rayon of L'vovskaya Oblast. Five varieties are discussed below. Karpatskaya meadow Timothy. The variety was regionalized for 1980 in ivano- Frankovskaya Oblast for field grass sowing and meadow-pasture use for hay and grazing. It is related to the central European ecological type. The shrub is straight, rarely low-brariched and brittle. The stems are round and up to 1 meter in height. Busniness is average. Leafing is uniform 45-50 percent. The seeds are small and oval. The variety is medium-early for hay-pasture use. The vegetation period for grazing is 77-88 days and that for hay is 89-114 days. The new variety is use~ for hay and grazing as a component of legume-cereal meadow and pasture grasses. It provides a good stand suitable for 1-2 cycles of use during the year of sowing. It is distinguished by good leaf formation, aftergrowth and resistance to trampling during grazing. Karpatskaya is also characterized by high potential capabilities in formation of high yields and responsiveness to increased doses of nitrogen fertilizers. The seed yield comprised 6-8 qt/ha 4-5 years running; the variety is resistant to diseases and pests and tolerates both excess moisture and temporary flood- ing well. The average yield of the green mass of the variety during hay use comprised 386 qt/ha and that of hay comprised 113.5 qt/ha and it exceeded the standard 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAI, USF. ONLY Kalushskaya local b1 116.0 and 39.5 qt/ha, respectively, during the years of testing at thP Kaluga Strain-Testing Station of Ivano-Frankovskaya Oblast (1975-1978). The high yields of the variety confirm the perennial data o~ its testing at Kolkhoz 50-ricchya Zhovtnya of Hadvornyanskoye Rayon of Ivano-Frankovskaya Oblast. A totaZ of 5.6-6.2 qt/ha of seed and 35-40 qt/ha of straw was gathered here from an area of 5 hectares in 1978. The average yield of the green mass of a grass mixture with spiked Dakota vPtch during pasture use with the 3-4 cycles of grazing was 426-qt/ha, including that of a new _ variety of Timothy --284 qt/ha. In Timothy production, Karpatskaya should be sown for hay with red or pink clover, alfalfa and sainfoin; for pastures it should be sown with spiked Dakota vetch and white clover. Predgornyy 1 multiyield rye grass is related to the central European ecological type. The bush is low branching and brittle. The stems are round and 100-120 cm with medium coarseness. Leafing is uniform and good. The leaves are soft. The root system is well developed. Predgornyy 1 is characterized by high fodder and seed productivity. The yield of green mass in clean sowing comprised an average ~f 583 qt/ha during 1973-1976 testing at the Ivano-Frankovsk Agricultural Experiment Station, and yielded 609 qt/ha mixed with winter rape and 600 qt/ha mixed with winter rye. The yield of seeds is 8-12 qt/ha. It exceeds the standard Mar'inskaya 23 in regrowth intensity after grazinq or n~owing. It grows up rapidly in the spring and after mowings. The yield ~f seed is 8-12 qt/ha. It Froduces 7-8 aftergrowths suitable for grazing during the pasture season. It easily tol- erates soil packing and trampling; it is resistant to cold and drought. It is recommended that the new variety be used for accelerated regrassir.g and for improvement of natural fodder lands. It is a valuable component for ,ieen si~.age and intermediate and afterharvest winter sowings. It also de- _ serves important attention as a repair plant for sowing on sparse plots of perennial grasses, especially red clover. Predgornyy 1 was regionalized in 1978 for hay use in ivano-Fraizkovskaya Oblast. Tall K~rpatskiy 1 rye grass was regionalized in 1978 in ivano-Frankovskaya Oblast for hay use. It is related to the central European ecological type. The bush is branchy and brittle. The stems are round, of inedium coarseness, green and with height of 160-170 cm. Bushiness is strong. Leafing is uni- form. The leaves are soft and without a waxy coating. The bloom is a lax panicle 20-25 ~m long and barbate. The seeds are lanceolate, light green, 8-9 mm long and 1.3-1.5 mm wide. The root system is dense. 40 FOR OFFICZAT.~ USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 - FOR OFFICIAL USE OATLY It is related to the group of early ripening varieties of hay-pasture type " by the length of the vegetation period. It mature~ 6-14 days earlier than the standard Pridesnyanskiy and 5-10 days earlier than the local population - of rye grass, which makes it possible to develop and efficiently utilize early mowings. It is distinguished by rapid development, multicutting, fast ripening, high yield, resistance to grazing and trampling and also by . winter and drought resistance. I~C gives a good stand even during the year of sowing. With abundant fertilization, one can produce 3-4 cuttings of ~ good quality hay. It regrows rapidly during all cycles of use. Hay of this variety in high-quality grass mixtures is eaten well by live- stock; its green mass, both in the cut form and in pasture, make good fodder. Karpatskiy 1 has high capability of forming sprouts. It is a desirable compon~nt in field and fodder crop rotations, in development of cultivated pastures and also in regrassing and improvernent of mountain meadows and pastures. The new variety is also distinguished by high seed and fadder productivity. It exceeded the standard Pridesnyanskiy in hay usage (during - - hay usage) by an average of 16 qt by yield of green mass (281 qt/ha) and by 10.5 qt by yield of hay (69.5 qt/ha) during 1974-1976 at the Kaluga Strain Testing Station af Ivano-Frankovskaya Oblast. As the best adapted to local conditions, Karpatskiy 1 variant began to be introduced into agricultural production as early as 1973 in the Pre-Carpathian area and the Carpathian mountains of Ivano-Frankovskaya Oblast. An average of 5-6 qt of seecls, 25-35 qt of straw and 50-60 qt of hay was produced from 5 hectares during 1977-1978 on the Kolkhoz 50-ricchya Zhovtnya of Nadvoryanskiy Rayon. Stanislavskaya 1 mixed orchard grass was regionalized in 1y79 in ivano- Frankovskaya Oblast and for 1980 in the Transcarpathian oblasts for hay and pasture usage. It is related to the central European ecological type. The bush is low-branchy, brittle and straight. The stems are round, of inedium coarseness, with height of 120-125 cm. The bushiness is strong (29-38 stems per bush), leafing is good and the leaves are soft. The bloom is a 1-sided branchy panicle, lax and awnless. The seeds are elongated, oblate and 5-6 mm long. The root system is thick. This variety is less demandin~~ of the - soil than other varieties, grow satisfactorily on soils poor in humus and with low moisture reserve; it is drought resistant, shade-tolerating and more resistant to lodging~ diseases and pests than the standard Chernigov5kaya. Stanislavskaya 1 not only has high fodder but also seed productivity. It develops early in the spring and rapidly regrows after grazing or mowing in all cycles of use. It is distinguished by high aftergrowth and by rapid development. It produces a good stand suitable for 2-3 ~ycles of use even during the year of sowing. It assimilates nitrogen well. With abundant _ fertilization, it produces 3-4 cuttings of good quality hay 80-120 qt/ha. In 1978 the yield of seeds from the first cutting c.omprised 7.4-84. qt/ha, 2-3 times higher than that of other varieties. The hay of the new variety is of high quality and is eaten well by different livestock. 41 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY When developing pastures, it is recommended that mixed Stanislavskaya 1 orchard grass be sown with white clover or spike Dakota vetch and fo'r haying, ~ it is reco~nended that it be sown with alfalfa or red or pink clover. The yield of green mass of Stanislavskaya 1 during hay use comprised an ` average of 288 qt/ha and the yield of hay comprised 65.5 qt/ha, i.e., higher than the standard Chernigovskaya by 53.0 and 10.7 qt/ha, respectively, during the years of testing (1974-1977) at the Kaluga Strain-Testing Station of Ivano-Frankovskaya Oblast; the yield of grain mass was 405 qt/ha, 74 qt/ha higher than that of the standard during pasture use. _.i . w ~ i ~ ~ ' : . ; i Plants and Seeds of Perennial Grasses: left multiyield ~ rye grass of Predgorniy 1 variety; center tall rye qrass ! of Karpatskiy variety; right mixed orchard grass of ~ Stanislavskaya 1 variety i i Dnestrovskiy meadow foxtail was :ea~onalized for 1980 for hay and pasturs use ' in ivano-Frankovskaya Oblast. ; This variety is related to the central Eurapean ecological type. The bush ! is straight, brittle and low-branchy. The stems are round, of ineditnn coarse- _ ness and with height of 115-120 cm. Bushiness is medium. Leafing is high 42 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (70-76 percent). The blo~m is a false ear, cylindrical, compact and awnless with length of 5-7 cm. The seeds are average size, oblate and egg-shaped. The root system i.s strongly developzd. Dnestrovskiy is related by length of vegetation period to the group of early ripening varieties of hay-pasture use. It is distinguished by good adapta- bility to soil-climatic conditions of the Pre-Carpathian area and the Carpathian mountains. It regrows earlier in spring than other varieties, develops very rapidly and produces highly nutritious fodder during the first grazing cycle, which is of important significance in development of early pastures and efficient use of them. It is relate3 by blooming and maturation to the earlier grasses, but blooms and matures for a long time and irregularly and part of the seeds is always resown, which cor.tributes to propagation and retention of it in the stand. It forn?s a large number of radicle leaves and vegetative shoots. Its green mass consists primarily of leaves. - The plant is moisture-loving and tolerates long flooding well, but suffers severely from drought and heat. The variety is resistant to winter frosts and is shade-tolerant. It grows well in loamy, clay soils and on drained peat bogs. It develops excellently on soils with c~ose deposition of ground waters. The variety is rapidly growing, multicutting, durable, fast ripening and resistant during grazing and trampling. Its green mass and hay are eaten excell~ntly by all livestock. According to data of tl:e State Comanittee, the variety yields two cuttings per summer during hay usage. It is characterized by high fodder and satisfactory seed production. It is responsive to application of nitrogen fertilizers and is resistant to diseases and pests. The yield of grain mass during pasture use comprised 232 qt/ha and the yield of hay comprised 64.8 qt/ha during the years of testing at the Kaluga Strain- Testing Station of Ivano-Frankovskaya Oblast (1976-1978) and it exceeded the standard (Serebristyy variety) by 27 and 8.4 qt/ha, respectively; the yield of Dnestrovskiy was 2Q8 and 56.2 qt/ha, respectively, durinq hay usage, which is 47 and 13 qt/ha higher than that of the standard. The yield of seeds was 1.5-2 qt/ha, that of stra�~v was 25-30 qt/ha and that of hay was 35-40 qt/ha from an area of 2 ha on the Kolkhoz Ukraina of Kalushskiy Rayon of Ivano-Frankot~skaya Oblast in 1978. The new variety of orchard grass should be planted in a mixture with white - clover or spiked Dakota vetch for pastures and in a mixture with pink clover for hay. [465-6521] COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Kolos", "Selektsiya i semenovodstvo", 1979 6521 . CSO: 1840 43 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' AGkOTECHNOLOGY UDC 633.17:631.,524.7 i ~ SELECTIOtJ OF MILLET FOR QUALITY ~ Moscow SELEKTSIYA I SEMENOVODSTVO in Russian No 3, 1979 pp 27-28. ! [Article by V. N. IGomarov, candidate of bialogical sciences, and A. T. ~ Sergeyeva, aandidate of agricultural sciences] ~ ~ [Text] The All-Union Institute of Plant Breeding imeni N. I. Vavilov now ; has more than 8,000 varieties of millet collected from all the main millet- growing regions of our and other countries. ~ In 1968 the entire collection was sown at the Ustimovskaya Experiment Station of VIR [All-Union Scientific Research znstitute of Plant Growing] i (Poltavskaya Oblast). A large number of varieties was isolated by a number ~ of morphological, biological and economically valuable features and techno- j logical properties as a result of this study. Detailed characteristics of ! them are given~in the reference catalogs of VIR, published in 1975. I However, the problem of developing var~.eties which combine high yield with % individual technological and consumer properties of the grain has not yet ~ been solved. The results of a 3-year study of the technological properties of 200 low- ~ film varieties cultivat~d at the Us'timovskaya Experiment ~ Station in 1968, 1972 and 1975, are outlined in this article compared to the best regionalized j - variety Veselopodolyanskoye 38. ~ . i Weather conditions during the years of conducting the experiments were un- ' favorable for growth and development of millet and less precipitation than ~i the m$an perennial value fell. The year 1975 was especially dry and hot: ; 53 days during the vegetation period had relative a~r humidity below 30 ' percent, whereas the vegetation period of specimens under 1979 conditions comprised approximately the same 50-65 days. As a result, most specimens produced a very low grain yield. The most favorable conditions for high productivity and formation of qood ~ technological properties of grain were present in 1968, which made it possible ' to more fully characterize the potential capabilities of the varieties. 44 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Conducted analyses revealed significant diversity of varieties in filminess, uniformity and groats formation. The highest yield of the latter (80.2 per- cent on the average) was produced due to reduction of grain filminess. It comprised an average of 76 percent in 1975 due tc~ the extremely unfavorable weather conditions. It should be noted that the grain was very severely affected by b ac teriosis during this year, which shar.ply reduced the yield and especially the quality and groats formation. The infected nuclei were brittle and disintegrated upon hulling; therefore, the varieties had a very low yield of grain and high yield of flour and crushed grain. However, we isolated varieties which provided high indicators in groats formation 81.0 percent) and exceeded the standard Veselopodolyanskoye 38 ~ by 5-9 percent during 3 years (see Table). Best Local Varieties of Millet from VIR Collection on Groats Formation x~y,l) ~2) (3) (4)BdxoA Kpyrta ~6,. o ~ TlponcxoM~eeae Arpo9KOnoreae- c~a copTOa cKae rpynrtd I I I e cpe~Hew L1eer Kpynd ~ F~S 1968 r. 1972 r. 1975 r. 3a rpx rOAa 8401 spectcxaa o6ip CeeepHaa ~g~ 87,8 85,6 84,8 86,0, 3KenT~R (9) 8411 nbeOHCKBA OGIIBCTb Ceeepean 83,0 86,2 82.0, 83,7 SIPKO-aen'rdA (11~ ' 2891 K}~pCKBA 061ISCT6~1 JI2COCT~IIHBA(13~ 84,5 83.0 81,6 83,0 SIpKO-�cenr~Q 7343 AcTpaxaxctcas o6- IlepeAee�a3xarcKan 81,6 81,6 84,1 82,8 CaeTno�acenia4 (14j ,,.~Tb (15) ~16~ g?Q~ CKC~T~O~ OCTOKHYA SOK0~480-d3N8T� SS,~ 83,6 8~.0 a~.g CElTIIO�MlJITY* ~ ~ 764 ~'MoraneecKaA ~06- CeaeDsaA 86,4 81,2 80,6 84,7 Caerno�xenrYC nacTb ~17~ r~q 8413 Bons~ecKaao6n6rC,'~5q'~~ ,lIecocTenxaA 81.0 83,6 83,0 82,b SIPKO-aenrvf 770 CoyenbcKee]e6~i~CtN IlecocsenaeA 82,8 87,8 80;4 82,0 � RpKO-xearyf ' 8433 6pectcxaao6nacre JlecocTenenr 81,0 81,8 82,6 81,7 RpRO-acea~tdt _ 85fi5 Y3GtKCK~H CCP ~2 ~ CQ0JjH2E]HBTCKEA 84,2 81,0 79,2 81,4 CneraozeaTd~ HHSBNHaA ~~z7 \ 1/ 8645 BeeenonoAOnAttcKOe Aecocreneaa 78.0 78,0 77,0 77,6 7Rensti~ 38 (crasqapT) 2 2 Key : 1. Number by VIR catalog 12. Kurskaya Oblast 2. Origin of varieties 13. Forest-Steppe 3. Agro-ecological groups 14. Light yellow 4. Yield of groats (percent) 15. Northeastern China 5. Average for 3 years 16. East A~ian 6. Color of groats 17. Mogilevskaya Oblast 7. Brestskaya Oblast 18. Volynskaya Oblast 8. Northern 19. Gomel'skaya Oblast 9. Yellow 20. Uzbek SSR 10. L'vovskaya Oblast 2~. Central Asian lowland 11. Bright yellow 22. Veselopodolyanskoye 38 (Standard) 45 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY It must be noted that the determined variEties with high groats yield have insufficient grain size and produce a lower yield compared to the standard; therefore, they require additional selection development. They can be used only in synthetic selection for crossing with regionalized varieties, more adapted to lc~cal conditions and high-yielding. Varieties isolated by a complex of tecl:nological features compared to the standard are of greatest interest for derivation of large-grain varieties. These are K-2843, K-2865, K-3768, K-3891, K-7297, K-7327 and K-8647 (the - steppe Kazakhstan ecological-geographical group); K-7937 (steppe Volga group); and K-8181 (pre-Tyan'-Shan'). They exceeded'the standard by 2-3 per- cent on the average in groats yield during 3 years. Varieties which also produce high yields compared to the standard, along with a complex of high technological properties of grain, are also of great interest. They include K-2908 (Sayan-Altay ecological-geographical group); K-262, K-823, K-8857 and K-9359 (Ukraine steppe graup);K-2867 (forest-steppe); and K-225, K-1703, K-2843, TC-8566 and K-9363 (Kazakhstan steppe group). [465-6521] COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Kolos", "Selektsiya i semenovodstvo", 1979 6521 CSO: 1840 46 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ AGROTECHNOLOGY ~ UDC 633.11"324":631.53:632.12:632.165 WINTER WHEAT SPECIMENS VALUABLE IN A NUMBER OF FEATURES Moscow SELEKTSIYA I SEMENOVODSTVO in Russian No. 3, 1979 pp 26-27 [Article by V. A. Karavaytsev, agronomist] ~ _ [Text] Winter wheat has become widely distributed durinq the past few years in the Volga area. However, winter-resistant varieties are necessary for - this zone where the winters are severe. In this regard, evaluation of 200 specimens of winter wheat from the collection of VIR [All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Plant Growing], conducted during 1974-1976 in Kuby- shevskaya Oblast (on unirrigated land) may be af interest to selection ~ specialists. The sowing was carried out on bare fallow during the optimum period (20-30 August) at the rate of 5J0 grains per 1 m2. The standard , (Mironovskaya 808) was distributed every 10 numbers. The necessary phenological observations and recordkeeping were carried out during the vegetation period according to the VIR method (1967). Meteoro- - logical conditions during the investigations were varied. The most severe was the winter of 1973-1974: the mean monthly air tempera~ure in January was 2 times below normal and. on some days it dropped to -30 to -40� in January and Februaxy, while it decreased to critical temperature at the depth of deposition of the tillering node. The snow cover did not exceed ' 15-20 cm. All this led to significant dying of the plants and sparse stand of the plantings. A severe drought was observed during the spring-summer season of 1975. Varietal specimens of the USSR, Canada, the United States and some Scandin- avian countries were the best in winter resistance under such varied condi- tions (Table 1). U1'yanovka, A1'bidum 114, A1'biduM 11, Velyutinum 97, Triticale 201 and Triticale 206 tolerated the winter more stably compared to the standard and - plants of varieties Veselopodolyanskaya 499, Volna, Kalininskaya 11, Succula, Sideten, Purdus, Rego and Caddo survived less well. The experiments showed 47 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100144424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 1. Most Winter-Resistant Varieties of Winter Wheat (Average Data - During 1974-1976) ` f =c a G ?j o (3) o~ v~tS) q n~oA~- _ ~ ~ o (1) Henaeeee eoWroa xa~eaxe ~ ~ mp, ~',a� ~ ~ ~G~A Gr~,~ .~Y . Jiarec�eec CCCP~7~ 74 680 . 43 920 Ms+poxonctcart 808 ~ 8S 677 MxpoeoecKax 1G ~ 84 679 46 Anb6xAYK 11 s 88 624 . d6 731 Anb6xAyw 114(9~ ~ 87 61b ~ TpHrxKane 20I s 91 696 . 206 ~ 34 70b 44 33~ ~naa ~(11~ s ?0 640 41 147 BecenodoAO Aa- cKae 499 '1 ~ 70 sao 46 957 KawmwxxcKa~~~ ~ 69 650 ' Benarxxyx 97 ~ ~ s 86 610 . Anb6e,qyK 554 ~ 8b 61b BenwTeayr 485 ~ ~ ~ 84 820 ( 1lwrecqexc 492 ~ 8b 616 42 7 3 Sfuloma (1 ~Aonbma B5 680 ~ 42663 Bagadan 60 PY~�A 66 6b0 42 668 Bagadan 34 (1 ~ . - 42 665 BflKK8 Q~R!'7tJ1A8' 19 311 Suecula =1 ~~s A 67 630 41 903 Sadosinske ~exocno- 70 600 aaKnx 40 573 Sldeten (l~~ s 70 830 44 423 PuTdue y 68 630 - 44 425 Columbia s 81 6b0 l'~ 44 398 Re~o s TO 600 45 313 Caddo ~ 7Y 640 ; ~ 44 397 Monoa s 8P 600 _ ~5 079 Apac6e s 74 i40,' � ~ ~ ICsI7 : 1. Number of VIR catalog 10. Triticale ~ 2. Name of varieties 11. Volna 3. Origin 12. Veselopodolyanskaya 4. Overwintering plants (percent) 13. Kamyshinskaya 5. Grain mass from 1 m2 (grams) 14. Velyutinum 6. Lyutestsens 15. Poland 7. USSR 16. Rumania 8. Mironovskaya 17. Finland 9. A1'bidum 18. Czechoslovakia ' that the resistance of the plants to low temperatures decreases with an ~ increase of water content in,.the tillerinq nodes. The most typical for Kuybyshevskaya Oblast is drought during tkze first half ; of the summer. Duri.rAg these years the yield of early grain crops drops ~ catastrophically. However, there are frequent cases of a decrease of yield , due to sukhoveys and premature drying during the phase of grain ripening. ; Some varieties survive the drough~ due to rapid maturation wh~le others, on the other hand, slow their growth and development, while still others have i a well-dsveloped root system and high water-retention capability which I serves as protection. nrought is most dangerous to winter wheat during the i early spr~ng season prior to tillering and during the heading ari3 grain - forming phas~. 48 ; ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Tablp 2. Resistance of Winter Wheat Varieties to Drought During 1976 ~ , - ~ ~ 1 ~ Hj~c~eux- 3acyxoE 3 ~ Y.:!,~~aae coproe oxxdA ne- ycroAag� . - pxoR (Ae.) eocrb , (bann) MxpoxoecKaA 80~~ 4~ 293 b Anb6xRyw 11 Anb6xAYw 114 ~ 2gb 5 ~ ~ Mxpo HoecKas 10 2gb 5 - Sfuloma 300 6 TpBrnKOne 206 ~ 6~ 2g2 g TpxrxKanr Ot . 290 5 ~~Aa 1 290 4 BecenonOJjO11AflCKdA 499 ~ ~ 296 4 KaaxxxecKaA 1] ,~.9,~ ~290 b � BaKxa 310 5 Sidete~: 3l~ 4 Columbls 316 4 MoeoY ~ 1~ ~ Sl4 3 _ Jiar cueac 39 ~ 11 ~ 2g3 4 Key: 1. Varieties 7. Volna 2. Vegetation period (days) 8. Veselopodolyanskaya 3. Drought resistance (units) 9. Ka].ininskaya 4. Mironovskaya 10. Monon . _ 5. A1'bidum 11. Lyutestsens 6. Triticale The characteristics of the drough~ resistance of some varieties by the degree of leaf drying are presented in Table 2. The evaluation was made during the ' tillering phase by a five-unit scale. Each unit corresponds to 20 percent of the area of the assi.milating surface of the leaf plate. The United States varieties ~ere distinguished by reduced drought resistance. , A1'bidum 114, Mironov~kaya 10, Sfuloma and Bakka varieties were isolated by intensity of dry matter accumulation in the grain and domestic varieties which were not inferior to the standard (Mironovskaya 808) and in the size of yield per plant by early ripening. The use and selection will contribute to derivation of v~rieties with short vegetation periud which are stable to soil and atmospheric drought. The efforts of selectien specialists are now directed toward deriving short- stemed varieties of w~eat 70-80 cm high which have complex resistance to diseases and high yield. Specimens of Succula, Sfuloma and Butler have received high marks in resistance t~ lodging and Mironovskaya 808, Mironov- skaya 10, Triticale 201 and Tr.iticale 206 and Priyekul'skaya 481 among domestic varieties have received high marks (Table 3). . The resistance of the plants to iodging also depends on the thickness of the - internodes. Varieties which have a tendency to lodging usually have the second lower internode smaller in diameter compared to varieties resistant 49 FOR OFFICIAL USE dNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' Table 3. Resistance of Winter Wheat Varieties ~o Lodging (Average Data for ~ 1974-1976) . ~2~ Ycroave.( 3 ) ~ la .BNCIII'! BOCTb q Haseaex c proa pacrexxA nonera- ~ (cr) xea � � (6~nn) ' MepoaoncKas ` 122 S � � A~b6xAYw l1 ~ . 66 3 Anbbx,qy?c 114 68 4 S}uloma 102 6 MxposoeceaR 10 ~03 6 ' TpaTx~ ne 206 ~ 6~ 70 S sonxa� 7) ss �4 Beceno oAbnraeKaa 499~ ~ 1 HaKKa ~ 96 4 ' 5ldeten 99 4' Moaoe ~ 9 ~ ' 87 '4 Apeehe 89 4 SyTnep ~ ~ Q ~ ~ 102 b CyKKyJI~ 1 ilpxeKyabcK~s 4 ~ ~.2 ~ 75 b Key : 1. Name of varieties 7. Volna 2. Height of plants (cm) 8. Veselopodolyanskaya 3. Resistance to lodging (units) 9. Monon 4. Mironovskaya 10. Butler 5. A1'bidum 11. Succula 6. Triticale 12. Priyekul'skaya to lodging. For example, Sfuloma variety had a stem length of 96 cm, diameter of second interno~?e of 4.2 mm and resistance to lodging of 5 units; MirQnovskaya 10 had figures of 38, 4.1 and 5, respectively;~Triticale 201 had figures of 58, 4 and 5; Triticale 206 had figures of 56, 4.2 and 5, Bakka had figures of 71, 3.7 and 4; Sideten had figures of 74, 3.5 and 4 and Monon had figures of 82, 3.4 and 4. It is noted that varieties resistant to lodging have well-developed root system, larger secondary ra3icles for each productive shoot and larger root diameter compared to non-resistant varieties. It is important to take all this into account when selecting initial material for derivation of varieties which do not lodge under rich soil conditions or on irrigated lands. [465-6521] COPYRIGHT: Izdatel's~vo "Kolos", "Selektsiya i semenovodstvo", 1979 6521 - . CSO: 1840 50 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ` AGROTECHNOLOGY UDC 633.14"324":631.524.1 ' HIGH QUALITY WIIv~ER RYE SPECIMENS Moscow SELEKTSIYA I SEMENOVODSTVO in Russian No 3, 1979 pp 24-25 [Article by V, D. Kobylyanskiy, doctor of biological sciences, Z. V. Chemleva, candidate of biological sci.ences, and A. N. Rakitina, candidate of agricultural sciences, All-Union Scientific Research Ynstitute of Plant Growing] [Text) The quality of rye grain should be considered primarily in two aspects: by the nutrient value and technological properties in which the baking prnperties play the�main role. The protein and essential amino acid content in the grain is the most im- portant indicator of its nutritional value. Sti~d,y of a collection of rye earried out during the past few years in Leningradskaya Oblast showed a significant diversity of varieties, forms and species in protein and essential amino acid content. Initial material was determined for selection, characterized by high protein content (1~! percent or more) during cultivation under different conditions. Mestnaya K-9514 from Yugoslavia, containing 14'.5 percent protein and 3.69 . percent lysine, Balbo from the United States, containing 14.4 and 3.47 per- cent, respectively, Explerer from Canada, containing 14.4 and 3.45 percent, Tiszakozi Feher from Hungary, containing 14.4 and 3.55 percent, and Manychskaya from the USSR, cor,taining 14.7 and 3.09 percent, are uf special - interest among th~m for se'iection. Specimens which combine high grain quality with large size are of special significance among high-lysine varieties. The mass of 1,000 grains among the best of them comprises 35-~1 grams, which has a positive effect on the increase of yield. Some wild species are characterized by very high protein and lysine content in the grain. Thus, specimens of annual rye (S. silvestre) K-10054 contain 23.4 percent protein and 4.8 percent lysine, specimens of K-10362 contain 51 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY High-Lysir~e Varieties of Rye ~2) Macca 1000se- CoA axxe (5) Konxvecreo nneaes Copr (j,~ 17poecxSacAexxe pen (r) 6enKa ~ ' I I (l~fiX5,7) .r/100 s De~I K 6 K ---t r-- - M~rlehoter AecrpltA~ 38,4 1A,3 0.431 4,19 Wlexlburger To ~ce (8~ 41,4 10,2 0,427 4,20 , ZuaQaua Tauern 31,b 10,1 0,410 4,07 Flelechmanns BexrpxA (9~ 31,0 t0,9 0,464 4,27 Lovaazpetonal To bce 36,0 - 11,3 0,484 4,11 Rltvardsi a s(9~ 41,0 10,8 0,461 4,28 Nagucenkl (1 0~ s, 86,7 10,6 0,437 4;13 MeereaA. K-522 Hranxa(11 :4,9 11,2 0,462 4,12 ' ByPATCKBA (12~ Syparc?caA CCP(1 ~ 18.8 10,0 0,434 4,3~ ' 14 manexcxaA KxposcKaa o6nacrt ?8,6 10,0 0,~23 4,23 ~ Ts6pxRaaa 2 (17~ MocxoacKaa a6nac~~ 5~ 36.8 l0,5 0,428 4,07 Honmadxe CBpdTOBCKBA 06~8CTb 31,3 11,1 0,446 ~,03 Key: ~ _ 1. Variety 10. Mestnaya, K-5223 2. Origin Z1. Ttaly 3. Mass.of 100 grains (grams) 12. Buryatskaya ~ 4. Protein content, percent 13. Buryatskaya ASSR (No. X 5.7) 14. Falenskaya 5. Amount of lysine 15. Kirovskaya Oblast ~ 6. Grams per 100 grams of grain 16. Hybrid 2 7. Percent of protein 17. Moskovskaya Oblast ; 8. Austria 18. Volzhanka ! 9. Hungary 19. Saratovskaya Oblast j- 24 and 4.8 percent, respectively, and specimens of perennial rye (S. montanum) K-9669 contain 21.2 and 4.7 percent, those of K-10361 contain 24.4 and 4.1 ~ _ percent and those of K-10038 contain 20.6 and 4.2 percent. However, S. sil-~ vestre plants are difficult to cross with cultivated rye, while the perennisl wild species is rather easy to ~ultivate and enter up to 30 percent of hybrid seeds, yielding half viable feztile progeny. One of the main features which characterize the lzigh baking properties of grain is its resistance to shooting in the ear (in the root). This is es- pecially important for varieties cultivated in the northern part of the Nonchernozem zone of the c~?untry, where rain frequently f'alls during ripening and harvesting. The activity of its proteolytic and especially of aminolytic enzymes whi~ch break down protein and starch increases upon sprouting of the grain. The Swedish variety Otello, which our selection specialists use extensively, is unexcelled in this feature among the cultivated regionaZized domestic and foreign varieties. However, it poorly tolerates unfavorable overwintering conditions it dies and perishes. Technological analysis of an assortment from Siberia and Kazakhstan made it possible to determine a number of old varieties nat presently cultivated which have high resistance to sprouting of the grain in the head and high 52 FOR OFFICTAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - baking properties, along with winter resistance: K-8181 (Yakutskaya ASSR) ' 250-430 eam, K-8018 (Altayskiy Kray) 260-400 eam, K-8029 225-460 eam and K-8000 (Kazakh SSR) 250-350 eam. Among the gene pr~ol, the best in resistance to shooting was two varieties of local rye K-10409 (Yakutskaya ASSR) and K-8016 (Kazakh SSR), which exceed the world standard the Otelln variety in this indicator. According to data of P. N. Shibayev and his colleagues (NIISiQz [Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture] of the central ~egions of the Nonchernozem zone), YeM-1, a short-stalk donor developed at VIR, received high marks in resistance to shooting and baking properties. Upon cultivation in Moskovskaya Oblast in 1975, the height of the amylogram of YeM-1 comprised more than 1,000 eam, - whereas that of Ote11o was only 640 eain. Thus, even in 1973, which was an unfavorable year according to weather conditions, only grain of variety YeM-1 yielded good quality flou�r. Thus, this variety serves as a donor not only of short stems, but also of the feature of sprouting of the grain in the ear. Moreover, the high technological qualities are well transferred upon hybridization. Evaluation of the first hybrids produced with partici- pation of YeM-1 showed that the flour had viscosity by the amylograph 170- 175 eam higher than that of parent varieties. Besides cultivated rye varieties, genotypes resistant to shooting are foun~3 among wild species. The species S. silvestre, which is already used as initial material for selection for grain quality, may serve as a donor of resistance to this f_eature. According to data of V. K. Plarre (1974), the activity of the alpha-amylase of dead seeds of this species does not exceed - 1.5 unit. It is known that this indicator is equal to 2.6 units in Otello variety. It was established by investigations of some authors (A. Popov, 1941; Th. Roemer, 1939) that the feature of the grain resistance to sprouting in the ear is controlled by recessive genes. This makes it possible to select resistant forms from among hybrid populations after the second generation. The use of a provocation backqround considerably facilitates this task. [465-6521] COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "IGolos", "Selektsiya i semenovodstvo", 1979 6521 CSO: 1840 - 53 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 j FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ! - I- AGROTECF~OLOGY UDC 633.1"324":631.527:631.53.027.327 VERNALIZATION OF WINTER CR(JPS IN LOW-TEMPERATURE CHAMBERS Moscow SELEKTSIYA I SEMENOVODST'JO in Russian No 3, 1979 pp 11-12 [Article by V. N. Musich and A. K. Lyashok, candidates of biological sciences, - and A. M. Chernozybov, candidate of technical sciences, All-Union Institute of S~lection and Genetics] [Text] To accelerate the selection procESS, most scientific research insti- tutions, primarily selection centers, are equipped with greenhouses, climate- control chambers and installations to accelerate cultivation of plants. Phytotron complexes are constructed in some large selection centers for winter crops. Selection institutions having climate-control installations now produce a yield of winter wheat and barley within 60-80 days, which permits cultiva- tion of 4-5 generations p~r year. However, a total of 2 and rarely 3 harvests can be obtained durinq the year during cultivation of winter wheat and barley, which require a rather long period of vernalization. It was established that most varieties of winter wheat and barley successfully , - undergo vernalization processes (both in seed and in green plants) at tempera= tures from 1-4�C. Moreover, winter wheat plants have the capability ov vern- alization at temperatures of +15-20�C during short days.. The procedure of vernalization of winter seeds that have begun to shoot is the most widely used in selection practice. In some zones of our country, seeds are vernalized under natural conditions under a layer of snow, where the temperature is maintained at a level of 1-2�C. When cultivating winter plants under artificial conditions, it is feasible to vernalize them in light during the appearance of green sprouts. This is re- lated to the fact that vernalization processes proceed more slowly in seeds by 10-20 days and frequently by 25 days (depending on the variety). Moreover, the plants from vernalized seeds frequently head nonuniformly and rather long etiolated sprouts are produced upon vern~lization of seeds that have sprouted, which makes it difficult to transplant them into the soil and frequently ~ reduces the productivity of the plants. . 54 _ `FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100024-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104424-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - ~;%Y:':. :.ra:o. ~I ~`r ;:::i,~i~8.~~ ' ;F ::;$4;`:~;:~'.~ r.;Y~~-,q[' ':~G f. f;: . 4...;~(:ri~i:]'{'',~G : )n� : '~0'~ i..: � � ; � 'tir~: d :p ' Y,.~~i :,F,.,v'.'IP:i~i::..j1:}.Sl~:, 9'.,.. : i.~~ 'a.`x,S'-E' .:.~:ikr?.;; r.:{.;i::., ~ ~ . : ' s�. : 5.; : . ''S~{::4:' ;CAF~l ' :i: . S:iiiiii'.':; . ~?~,:}5:ii::}iti~ i~.~: ^ fi.::rii~):::v ii . �r n~:;;:; :�.:ji':i::i:iiiiiri