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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R0009 009 0009 5-3 ~ ~ _ _ ~ ii OCT06ER i979 CFOUO 43/T9) i OF i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/8706 11 October 1979 Waridwide Re ort p NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOU~ 43/79) . FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the r~riginal phrasing and other characteristics retained. a Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the ~ las* line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are - enclosed in parentheses. Words or name~ preceded by a ques- tion nark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item or.iginate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents ~~f this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views o�r attitudes of the U.S. Government. For further information on report content call (703) 351-2811. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSE~IINATION OF THZS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 FC'R OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/$706 11 October 1979 WORLDWIDE REPORT ~ NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS ~ (FOUO 43/79) ~ONTENTS PAGE ASIA ~ - ~USTRAI.I~ Big Heroin Shipment Seized in Western Australia (Melbourne Overseas Service, 26 Sep 79) 1 Australia Concerned About New Zealand Heroin Traffic (Melbourne Overseas Service, 20 Sep 79) 3 'AFP' Reports on Fremantle, Australia Drug Haul (AFP, 26 Sep 79) 4 j INDIA Brief s - Charas Seizure 5 JAPt1N ~ 13riefs Drug Smuggling Arrests h ` YAKISTAN Briefs Charas, L.iquor Seizures 7 Export Cargo Yields Charas 7 Charas Seizure in Kapuli 7 J PEOI'L~'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Twenty Drug Peddlers, Users Deported (NANFANG RIBAO, 9 Aug 79) 8 - a - [III - WW - 138 FdUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 FOk UFr ICI~I. USE ONI,Y (:ON'I'P;N'I'S (Continued) Pci};c , PHILIPPINES At Least Fort;~ Percent of School Kids Addicted to Drugs (T. Pe. Rimando; BULLETIN TODAY, 29 Aug 79) 10 Drug Abuse Prevention Committee Formed (PHILIPPINES DAILY, Z3 Sep 79) 11 . Drug Seized in Northern Luzon (BULLETIN TODAY, 12 Sep 79) 12 'fwo Hong hong hien Held on Drug Charges . (BULLLTIN TODAY, 30 Aug 79) ].3 - '1'HAILAND Provincial Palice Destroy Plantations (BANCKOK POST, 12 Seo 79), 14 Thai Seaman Arrested Aboard Freighter (Various sources, 1 Sep 79) 15 Her.oin in Ice Bucket Customs Makes Arrest Smuggling Charged to 11 Foreigners ~ (Various sources, 11 Sep 79) 17 Heroin Fcund hnown Traffickers Held Tc,tirist Hc.ld for Heroin Possession (BANCKOK POST, 9 Sep 79) 18 TouristsArrested Accepting Delivery of Heroin (BANGKOK POST, 29 Aug 79) 19 BrieEcases With False Bottoms Used in Smuggling Attempt (BANGKOK POST, 3 Sep 79) 20 Three, With Long Trafficking Record, Found With Heroin (BANCKOK POST, 12 Sep 79) 21 Three Women Arrested Packaging Heroin (BANGKOK POST, 4 Sep 79) 23 . - b - F'OR UFFICIr,:, L'SE OiJLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 _ FOit OFFIC T~L US1~ ON1,Y CONTENTS (Continued) Page CANADA _ (:AN/11)!1 Reduction of Penalties for Marihuana Possession Urged (Editorials, THE GLOBE AND MAIL, 27 Aug, 4 Sep 79) 24 Mandatory Minimum Sentence Criticized Law Change Needed Three-Month Investigation R'sults in LSD Seizure (THE WINDSOR STAR, 8~Sep 79) 27 Statistics Show Drop in Narcotics Offenses (THE iJINDSOR STAR, 10 Sep 79) 28 LATIN AMERICA BRE1?IL Briefs Cocaine Seized 29 P ERiJ Briefs Drug Traffickers Arrested 30 N~AR EAST AND NORTH AFRICA IRAN Shiraz Reports Narcotics Dealers Arrested, Convicted (Shiraz Domestic Service, 4 Sep 79) 31 One Gets Death Sentence Fasa Narcotics Dealers Arrested Briefs Distributor Arrest in Fasa 32 Warning to Unregistered Opium Farmers 32 Confiscated Heroin Destroyed 32 . Death Sentence to Dealers 33 _ LEBAIvON Briefs Hashish Seizure 34 - c - FOR OFFICIl~L USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 FOR OFFl'CI~1L USE ONLY C(1~TF.NTS (Cotitinucd) P,ige SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA MADAGASCAR llrug Crisis Examined at Antanarivo Faritany People's Council Meeting (I~IADAGASCAR-MATIN 20 Aug 79) 35 SOUTH AFRICA Dagga Cigarette 'Fr:a.ctory' Found Near Transkei Border (THE WINDHGrK ADVERTISER, 18 Sep 79) 38 Briefs South African Drug Seizures 39 WEST EUROPE TURI:EY - Briefs Hashish Seized 4~ UNI'~:ED KINGDOM Hidden Cache of 'Operation Julie' Drugs Located (Charles Nevin; THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, 12 Sep 79) 4]. - d - FOR OrF'ICIr,L USE OiVLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 AUSTRALIA BIG HEROIN SHIPMENT SEIZED IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA Melbourne Overseas Service in English 0710 GMT 26 Sep 79 OW [From "Focus on Australia" programJ [TextJ Australian customs officials have discovered an illegal shipment of h~~roin aboard a southeast Asian cruise ship docked at the port of Fremantle near Perth. It is possible that the heroin could have been sold for as much as $15 million if the smugglers had succeeded in importing it into Australia, (Jerry Mar) reports from Perth. It i~ not unusua7_ to see a party of narcotics agents and customs officers wait:~ng at Fremantle fur the Kato Bali to berth. The ship has an unsavory record in drug smuggling. There have been several arrests and convictions in rc~cent years the discovery of drugs on the ship, mainly Cannabis from Southeast Asian ports. But yesterday there was a new air of excitement among the officials waiting on the wharf. Word had filtered through from Malaysia to the Australian " narcotics bureau that the Ghip was carrying a huge consignment of heroin. The orord was that the heroic had originated in the notorious golden triangle and tiad made it way south via lndonesia. When the Kota Bali docked she was boarded and searched, but the search did not take long, perhaps an indication of the accuracy of the information re- layed to Australia from Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. In a container inside a water tank in the ship's stern the searchers found between 12 and 14 kilo- grams of heroin, a record haul for Australia. The importance of the find can be gauged by looking at recent heroin statis- tics for Australia. Last year narcotics agents seizQd 18 kilograms. Until - yesterday's haul the total this year was 10 kilograms. In.itially a value of $1 milliun was put on the heroin, but 2 years ago a h aul of only 4.5 kilograms was valued at more than $3 million. The heroin had been concealed in a Jaguar car shipped to Fremantle from Penang in another cruise ships. 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 'I'he :Latest haul was in 18 packets and is said to be 60-percent pure heroin. Narcotics ofLicials regard this as grade three, which they say can be cut down several times before being finally distributed to users. The average purity oC street heroin in Australia is only 10 percent. Several members of the crew of the Kota Bali have been interviewed about the heroin, but so far investigations appear to have drawn a blank. But given the accuracy of the tipoff at the Malaysian end it is likely the au*_horities know more about the shipment than they are letting on. _ CSO: 5300 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA CONCERNED ABOUT NEW ZEALAND HEROIN TRAFFIC Melbourne Qverseas Service in English 1130 GMT 20 Sep 79 OW [Text] The immigration minister, Mr Mackellar, said today that he was con- cerned that heroin was being brought into Australia from New Zealand. Mr Mackellar told Parliament that he and his New Zealand counterpart were anxious to minimize abuses of the free movement system between the ~:wo couritries. He ~~as answering a question from Mr Clyde Cameron who said that when he was lab~~r immigration minister he discovered th~t most heroin was brought from New Zealarld. Mr Cameron asked whether Mr Mackellar would introduce a system of :identity control for people coming from New Zealand. Mr Mackellar said he was anxious to preserve the special relationship between the two coun- tries and we did not want to unnecessarily hinder the movement of people across the Tasman. CSO: 5300 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 - AUSTRALIA 'AFP' REPORTS ON FREMANTLE, AUSTRALIA DRUG HAUL Hong Kong AFP in English 1330 GMT 26 Sep 79 OW (Text] Perth, Australia, 26 Sep (AFP)--Heroin seized aboard a ship in the port of Fremantle yesterday may be worth 2 million dollars Australian. The Australian federal narcotics commissioner Mr Harvey Bates said this today after experts had examined the haul more closely. The heroin--the biggest haul in Australian history--was originally valued at 1 million dollars Australian. Mr Bates said today the heroin had been officially weighed at 14.2 kilograms. Everi the revised value is considered to be conservative. Smaller quantities of similar grade heroin have been given much higher values in recent court casFS. The heroin found yesterday is number three grade indicating a purity of about (?60) percent. It was found in an unused storage area at the stern of the ship Kota Bali. The ship had just returned from a voyage to Bali. Customs officials in Perth had received a tip from Singapore that the vessel could be carrying drugs. Meanwhile narcotics agencies in Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand have begun investigation into the source of the heroin. CSO: 5300 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 INDIA BRIEFS CHARAS SEIZURE--New Delhi, 17 Sep (AFP)--Five hundred kilograms of contraband charas (drugs) worth half a million rupees (62,500 US dollars) was seized by the police ~.n Uttar Pradesh, near Bahrich town on the Indo-Nepal border f rom the possession of three persons on Saturday last, PRI;SS TRUST OF INDIA (PTI) news agency reported today. PTI said, quoting po].ice sources, that heavy dope traffic from Nepal to the plains of the Uttar Pradesh had been noticed for the past one month and special cells consisting of officers from Nepal and U.P. police had bFen set up to keep a st-rict vigil on them. [Text] [Hong Kong AFP in English 1613 GMT 17 Sep 79 BK) CSU: 5300 S APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 JAPAN BRIEFS DRUG SMUGGLING ARRESTS--Osaka, 29 Sep--Police had arrested by Saturday 18 mem- bers of a narcotic smuggling ring in Osaka on suspicion of violat~on of the stimulant drugs control law, it was learned the same day. They also seized 571 grams of amphetam:tnes, a pistol of Italian make and a Japanese sword fro~n the homes of some suspected smugglers. Police said Masatoshi Bo, 33, bought one kilogram of amphetamines from Kim Chu-hak, crewman of a South Korean freighter, for yen 4 million in September last year. In total, Bo smuggled i.nto Japan from the same source 11 kilograms of stimulant drugs worth yen 3.3 billion in street v~lue before his arrest in July, police said. The smuggling ring was affiliated with Sugaya-gumi, a gangster organization in Osaka, they added. Police were still investigating the routes through which this ring was selling drugs~. [Text] [Tokyo KYODO in English 0539 GMT 29 Sep 79 OW] CSO: 5300 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 PAKISTAN BRIEFS CHARAS, LIQUOR SEIZURES--The Excise Intelligence Bureau Staff seized four kilogram charas, nine bottles of Indian liquor, and SO grams of contraband opium on Saturday. The staff received a tip that Qamar Din of Syed Hotel near Railway Station was dealing with illegal transaction of illicit commodities fo-r the past many months. He used to supply ch.~ras, opium and Indian liquor to people putting up at his hotel. A ra:.d was conducted and the illicit commodities were recovered by Qamar Dici for which he was taken into custody. A~case under Shariat Act was registered. [TextJ [Lahore THE PAKISTAN TIMES in English 19 Aug 79 p 3~ Ei{I'ORT CARGO YIELDS CHARAS--Karachi, Aug 28: The antisr~uggling squad of Kal-achi customs seized 480 kgs of contraband charas worth Rs 1.70 crore in the international market from the export cargo of a ship at West Wharf yesterday. According to a Customs Press release information was received that charas will be concealed in the export consignment of local goods destined for the United States. The staff of the anti-smuggling kept con- stant c.atcn over the export consignments arriving from Lahore for loading on the ships destined for U.S. A consignment of "brass horns for taxis" _ booked by a commercial firm, arrived at West Wharf from Dry Port of Lahore. The consigruaent was to be shipped to New York on board U.S. President Line ship President Roosevelt r,,rirhin a day or two. The twenty wooden crates aere off-loaded from the container which on examination revealed nearly half ton of contraband charas packed along with brass horns. The goods were seized immediately and removed to the Customs House for safe cu~- tody. Further investigations is in progress and some arrests are ~ikely to be made in near future. [Text) [Lahore THE PAKISTAN TIMES in English 29 Aug 79 p 8) CHARAS SEI'LJRE iN KAPULI--Inspector Abdul Ali Khan, SHO Kabuli Police stz.tion recovered a sizeable quantity of charas from a house in a City Mot~allah Ghulab Khana on Wednesday. Inspector Ali Khan, accompanied by the Additional SHO Syed Karim Badshah raided the house on an information and arrested the owner Jumma Khan s/o Hyder Khan. [Text] [Peshawar KHYBER ~ MAIL in English 23 Aug 79 p 1) CSO: 5300 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 PEOPLE' S RIsPUi3LIC OF CIII NA TLJENT~ DRUG PEDDLF.RS, USERS DEPORTID Cuangzhou NANFANG RIBAO in Chinese 9 Aug 79 p 1 [Article: "A Number of Drug Peddlers and Users Deported--Determination To Eradicate Criminal Drug Activities"] (Text] Based on the reports of the masses, the Guangzhou Bureau of Public Security recently arrested a number of drug peddlers and users from Hong Kon7 and Tlacao and penalized them in accordance with the law; twenty of t}~e unlawful elements were deported from the country yesterday (8 August). In recent days a small number of unlawful elements from Hong Kong and Macao have utilized the opportunities of visiting relatives or friends to enter Cuaagzhou to engage iTi drug peddling and use, severely damaging the repu- tation of our country and disrupting our social order and security. Many com~atriots of Hong Kc~ng and Macao as well as the masses of Guangzhou have reported their criminal activities to the department of public security. To arotect the reputar_ion of the socialist motherland and to preserve the socialist legal system, the Guangzhou Buieau of Public Security has dis- ' ci~lined a number of unlawful elements engaged in peddling and using drugs according to the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China. On 31 July action was taken to eradicate drug peddling and use within the municipal district. Twenty-five drug peddlers, users and hoarders werc~ caug}it, and quantities of drugs and drug apparatus were seized at t}ie samc limc. To punish the criminals and to educate the masses, on 2 and 3 August t}~c public security organization took the unlawful elements to the hotels and locale of their unlawful acti~~i.ties and called a mass meeting to announce their criminal activil-ies and imposed penalties according to law. Twelve of tlle 25 unlawful elemelts are being detained administrativeZy; in addition to administrative detention 10 have been fined; and the remaining three have been disciplined in some other way, Chen Jiawei_, Li Guohui, Chen Yongji and 17 other unlawful elements were deported yesterday (8 Aug) and are not allowed to reenter the country again. 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 7'he disciplinary actions taken by the public security organization against the unlawful elements in accordance with the law have received support from th~~ masses, patriotic overseas Chinese and the compatriots of I{ong Kong and Macao. When on 3 August the unlawful elements were brought to Huaqiao Mansion ior a public decision, the action was applauded by t1~e workers, c~vers~as Chinese and compatriots of Hong Kong and Macao. They said: "The unla~aful elements should be penalized according to law," "From now on, if one more is caught, he will be likewise penalized." As a resulr of this c:vent, the workers of the hotels that receive overseas Chinese and compatriots o.C 1{ong Kong and Placao, will be increasingly on the alert for drug violations. They have strengthened various systems, security measures and their determi- nation to protect the reputation of the south gate of our motherland. h178 cs~: 5300 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 PHILIPPINL5 AT LrAST FORTY P~RCENT OF SCHOOL KIDS ADDICTED TO DRUGS Mar~ila BULLI:TIN TODAY in English 29 Aug 79 p 22 (Article by 'P. Pe. Rimando] ('CextJ Cotabato City, Aug. 28--Drug addiction has spread in colle~;es ancl major public and private high schools in central Piindanao, the PC ha;; reported. Ma~ I3rassim A1. Mamalinta, provincial commander and police superin~endent of ~~laguindanao, said at least 30 to 40 percent of the s~:udent popula~ion in t}~e affected schools are addicted to drugs. Fle said the affected institutions are found in the cities of Marawi, Cot_abato, and Iligan as well as in the big towns in Maguindanao, Sultan, Kudarat, Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, and Lanao del Norte. Mamalinta identified the affected schools in Cotabato city as Notre Dam~ uni.versity, Cotabata City National High School, Philippine Harvardian coll.ege, and the Notre Dame high schools for boys and girl.s. '1'he provincial. commar.der claimed that local school officials f~aci admitted the prevalence of drug addiction among thei.r students. One of them was Cotabato City National High School principal Pike Tilc~nclo. Mamalinta, this year's most outstanding provincial commander in Region 12 also reported that not a few out-of-school youths have also turn~d to drtigs. He said a Constabulary anti-narcotics unit team led by Capt Gerardo Alvarado apprehended recently some groups of students and out-of-schoolers in possession of prohibited bottles of drugs. He said a pusher identified only as "Robert" from Davao city was con- sidered the principal source and distributor of marijuana leaves to local drug addicts. CSO: 5300 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 Pl1ILI1'P1N13S bRUC ABUSE PREVENTION CONIl~'IITTEE FORMED M,:inila PHILIPPINES DAILY in English 13 Sep 79 p 2 [ '1' e x t ] ~y~p~ BAGAT- SING earmarked dialogue between the yaterd'ay PS0,000 a: 014' e~~cutive; the initi~l fund for e M~trY of Education newly=cteated,n ' ~ a d school commlttee on'~ dru~ a u t h o; i t i e~, ~~i s abuse prevention and compaed of Albarr~cin education to be headed ~ c}~r~; pionisio by EducatIon Deputy 'Congco, preaident of Minister Narciso p}~pp~e ~~~~on Albarracln. of Collegea md The corrunittoe waa Univenitie: (PACtn� created to combat the~ Dlrector Anastacio prnliferatlon of drug ~ Reme~to of abuse in the dty nadonal cqpital reglon; schools and universities pr, J~q~ Niv~ of and to lulp young ~ ~ty atudent~ from falling ~~f; ~d Brig. Cen. prey to this dangerow J~a ga~~~ yye~tem situation PolIce District The committee, . superintendant, as which was an offshdot members. o f the five-hour CSO : 5300 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 I I'llll,ll'I'1N1~:5 llltUC SEIZED IN NORTHERN LUZON Manila BULL~TIN TODAY in English 12 Sep 79 p 13 [ T ex t~ Considerable quan- ' tity of m a ri juana ~~~a plants, four plants and' leaves 8rams of marijuana were seized by the seeds, and 38 kilos Constabulary d~uring of marijuana leaves. The ~ o v ernment a raid of three wide- af,ents arnsted se- ly separated mari- juana plantations in ven persons suspect- ' northern Luzon. Ea as ~itivators of the mariiuana plan- Reports f 1 a s hed tation raided. yesterday to Minister In sitio Puegey, of Defense J u a n A~ m alueyluey, Bu� Enrile said that: ~tas, Benguet, ele- In Nueva Vizca,ya, ments of the 190tn elements of the pro- pC compan,y under a vincial ~ o m m and SRt. Lista rafded an- headed b,y Lt. Col. other mariJuana plan- Romeo Odi, provin- tation the other day cfal coinmander and and uprooted several Capt. E. Saldivar m a r i fuana nlants. ralded Lwo marijvana The suspected cul- plantations in sitio ti v ator, a certain ba~ui, B�lani, Du- Magti~igan Itorig, was pax. tak�n into custody The raiders seized by the raiders. 1.600 full-Qrown ma- CSO: 5300 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 Pt(fLIPPINL;S TWO HONG KONG MEN HELD ON DRUG CHARGES ~ Manila BULLETIN TODAY in English 30 Aug 79 pp 1, 12 [Text) Two Hong Kong re- Lt, Renato�~afiel seized 80 kilos of dried sidents were arrested of the Metrocom's intel- martjuana teaves in two ye~terday by PC Me- ligence and s e c urity related operations, trocom i~i.t e lligence group (M~6G), who led The seized .prohibited a~ents whilQ they were ~e tearof~ ~hat arrested leaves, when processed, selling ~15,000 v~~orth Yeung ,ii~d Ching, said would�canmand a street of Mog~adon tablets. that t~i` ~two commute price of P1,240,000. regul~hy � between Ma- Six persont, one of a regulated drug, at nila :~d Hong � Kong. them posing as a lieute� Manila's ChinatoWn, 'L$ey would ofier ap- nant in the tnilitary in- a'~lso, Finance Minis� ples and oranges~ whble- telligence s~ecvice~ were try intelligence men sale to the Iocal~ Chinese a~�rested and immedlate� aeized the other day in Chinatown. ~ ly charged in court, !12 million worth of After .three 1 e g a I Cruz identified ~ them marijuana leaves in deals, Petfafiel said, the as Juan Radito who said Reparate apprehensions two would then offer to he was Lt. Joselito Ca- sell prohibited�drugs. bacun an� in La Union and Ben- pne, of the: Ongpin of S a. ~Maria~ Iocos guet. businessmen to whom Sur; Romulo Dato. Sta. Arreated in China- they offered to, sell the Maria, Ilocos Sur; Vi� town were Y e u n Q drugs went to the Me- c e n t e Baragosa, Sta. Tak-yu (E n g 1 i s h nocom and ~ reported Maria; and a certain name: Robert Yeung), the matter. .~~oy 42; and Ching Wei Capt. Panfilo �Lacson, The six were arrested Fung, 26, (English chie!' nf :tke NgSG's po� 1n San Fernando, La name Martin Ching), lice it~telligerfee'~ bsanch, Union, while about to asslgned ~ Fefiafiel and weil one travelin ba of Both are Hong Kong his mer? � to watch the dried mari uana leaves, residents and are Bri- two Hong Kong~visitors. two sacks of dried ma- tish aubjec~s. Yeung and C h i n g riiuana leaves and, one They were nabbed were nabbed along.Alon- with :5,000 tablets of 2o street, . B i n o n d o, Paper bag c o ntainin~ while clasin a. deal ~'ied marijuana leaves. l~lagadon which are g The vehicle used by valued at H3 each. with a.local Chine~e the suspects, a Toyota businessman. ~ Ta�maraw with p 1 a t e At Camp Aguinaldo, number IP�796-P-44-78, Commissioner P e lagio was also seized by Cruz of the Finance F1yIB agents to be ased Ministry i n t e lligence bureau 6aid .his men ~'~~~~Y~}~x?~~~ CSO: 5300 , 13 , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 , - THAII,AN~ PROVINCIAL POLICE D~STROY PLANTATIONS Bangkok BANGKOK POST in English 12 Sep 79 p 3 [TeXt] ~EI wite, Huay (82) for THREE persons were ar- que~Uonin~. rested and police pbout 3,770 kilos ot desCroyed marljuana harveated mari~uana plantations covering a crop were eeized and total area of 20 rai Mon� t~en to provincial pollce day, it wac .reported headquarteraoevidence ' yesterday. aQalnet the three ar- rested p~nons: [ 2 1/ 2 ra i= 1 Provlnela! authoHUes acTe] have recendy launched � nn operaUon to destroy Paovincial police, tlp- mariiuana cropa to stop ped off that mari)uana narcotic tratttckin~ st has been discovered be~ the wurce. fng grown in the jungles of Wang Saphung and Phu Kradung dlstric:ts, eent two torces to the ~reas. The tirat unit of 40 policemen waa sent to Batt Pasamyod in Tambon Pa-in-plang, Wang Saphung District, where they lound ~bout 10 rai oi marijuana plan- tation. They destroyed the crop and~ arrested Rien Sithongtham (38), owner of the land before he , could escape. ' Thirty policemen of the second unit tound another 10-ral marijuana plantation at Ban Kokpakwan of Tambon Phakhao, Phu Kradung Diatrict. They deatroyed the crop and held ownera Choo Sala (85) and hls CSO: 5300 14 I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 THAILAND THAI SEAMAN ~RRESTED ABOARD FREIGHTER Heroin In Ice Bucket Ban�kok BANGKOK POST in English 1 Sep 79 p 3 [ Text ] THE Customs DepertmenYa Preventlve Dlvieion ot- ficials yesterday seized 3.9 klloQrammee of No.4 heroin allegedly tound in the po~aeselon of a Thai ~ citizen on board Panama trelghter '�E~etern Power", anchored at Bangkok'3 Klong Toey Horbour. The Customs otticlals became auapicloua ae the suspect, Mangseng sae Tta, boarded the freighter wearing a loln cloth and car,rying a.,plastlc container. Cu~t~?tna otfleia le led -by ~ M'r Nfpon~ $ow~nplem~ fol� lowed Mahgseng onto the ~h1p and demanded a search. They allegedly discovered aitogether 3.9 kllogram� mes of No.4 heroin in aeven plasUc bags inalde the plastic ice contalner and three In tlie Kao Mar loln cloth round hls walat. Mangseng allegedly confessed that he waa hlred tor 2,000 baht by an unidentifted man to hand over the heroin to Mr Hoe Jong Meng, a M~layslan mechanlc working on the freighter. Customa offlclala then cal� ~ led Hoe for interrogatlon at their headquartere. ~ Customs Makes Arrest Bangkok NATION REVIEW in English 1 Sep 79 pp 1, 8 [Text] A MALAYSIAN sea- Klong Tcey police cus- ~ man was t~eld for interro- tody. , gation by Thai Customs bteng was identified by a officers after he had been Thai worker, Man SienB Sae named by a Thai worker as T~a, 45, as che person co the ie0elve[ Of 3.9 kll0- receive the drug which btan graitls Uf No 4 heroin for Sieng said he had been en- Futthec resale. tmsted by another unidenti- fied man. Ho Jong Meng, 30, a Thai Customs officials ~Ialay sian national wo[k- found Man Sieng carrying an ing for a Sin$apore-bound ice buckct and around his , Panama freigtttel, Eastern K'aist was wrapped with unu- ~ . Pqwer, was still in the . 15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 HEROIN FOUND - wvly thick cloth wh11a he wae ~ ' ~FR cllmblpg aboord the Panam4 . cugo ehip. The hernin w~e - ~ I': � ' hidden in the ice bucket end ` aound Mon Sieng's waiet. ' Mon Sfen~ told the Cur ~ ~ ' x~~�~ tom~ offkiale thvt he tud been - s� ~ hlred by a man to cury the dtu to Ho Jo~ Men~. ~~tomi officW~ ~t Don r_. Muang Airport, meanwhile, urested an Ametican and two ::v'. ~~':!;;~s~:. ; Thais together with 280 ' grammes of heroin No 4 be- fore they boazded a plane for ; ,s�~... ' :;;~;K-,~ 1 Rome. ` They were identificd as ~ n Stephen Lee Ramabe, Saming . MANSteng(ftondcuffedJ~wtth heh7tn and o CustO??tt. Parawattana and Saengwan OfftClal..: < Parawattana. The heroin was ' ' " ' found in their suitcases. CSO: 5300 16 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 I - TH~IT.AN~ SMUCGLING CHARGED TO 11 FOREIGNERS Heroin Found Bangkok NATION FEVIEW in English 11 Sep 79 p 1 [Tea:t] I;LCVEN foreigners, induding'11ong Kong Chinesc, Tai- wanese and Flaw Chinese were formally charged at the Criminal Court for posse;ssion of 15.5 kilogrammes of heroin with tlie intention to smuggle it to foreign coudtries. The public prosecutottesponsible for the case told the Cri- nunal Court tliat the eleven persons, including one woman, were arrested at Klong Toey Port.and on Silom Road on Nay ? 1 tliis year. ' Police found 29 packs of heroin wortn in Thailand about 460,000 baht together with a total cash of 16,000 baht in their possession. The public .presecutor also requested tl~e Criminal Court not to allo~v bail to the defendants on the ground that they are foreieners and liave some financial influcnce. "They would escape if they are bailed out", the publicprosecutorsaid in his statement to the court. Out of thc elevcn defendants, five have confessed to police interrogator~ tliat they committed tlie crime. Tliey were iden�~ ti~cci as Pakyok Lin, Chern Vouisin, Chungsi sae Chern, Loo Cliuan f:ia and Yuna sae Cha1. fhe si~ pcrsons ~vho denied the charges are Hang-nieu sae Ho, Cheng Ar-kai sae Kae, Bueypor sae Beh, Takfah sae hw,~ng, Tie~~�meng sae Tang and 61iss 1Vong Saotng. Known Traffickers Held Bangkok BA~TGKOK POST in English 11 Sep 79 p 5 � THE publir pmsecutor thr~r alleged ac- tu be taken ~?n board a [Ter.t] y~.,terday furmally iiled complices, - most o[ Ho~ Kong�bound c�h~irge~ of heroin po5ses- them Hong Kong and freighter. and two kilos ~i~m and intent to smug� Taiwan Chinese - were ~n an apartment in Silom I r f o r s a i e a b r o a d arrested in series ot raids orea. ' a~; a i n s t 1 1 a I 1 c; c d by Narcotics Suppression pak Yok and most membrrs cif a narcotics ~~entre,police in 8angkok of the suspects allegedlY t~ a n g. A m o n g t h e Atetropolis May 21�22 thls p~Eaded guilty on arrest, suspe~cts arc i'ak Yok Lin year. while some deny any and Chucng Ah Kai, ar A t o t a l o f 15. 45 knowledge of the heroin. c u s e d ~i f n ~ i ki logrammes of lVo. 3 The public prosecutor - internatinnatly known "brown sug~r" heroin asked the court to deny drug traffickers. M+ere alleged found - ~ny rcqucsts for bail. P~k Yok Lin and 13.45 kilos hidden in a Chucng Ah Kai, with ]~ss stick shipment about CSO: 5300 17 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 ~r~~~t i.nrr~ TOURIST HF.LD FOR HEROIN POSSESSION Bangkok BANGKOK POST in English 9 Sep 79 p 3 [Text ] A GERMAN national was yesterday ar~ested in Klong Toey on a charge ' ot possesaing 5 grammes of heroln, police i,:: ";r ~ ~ , reported. I Nobert Braun was ar- reated atter he allegedly ?S purc.hased the drug from two ,*.raffickers, a wom~n and n man, wi~o managed to escape on a motorcy- cle. The arrest took pla:e ~ tn front of iClong Topy Rama cinema and conducted by narcotic Y agents from Metropolitr.n ~r~'~. Narcotics tlnit and the Offic~ of the Narcotlr.s ~1 Centre Board. PolIce said Braun ar- rived in Thailand on June 22 from Frankfurt and ~ stayed at the Atlanta Braun Hotel. He was scheduled to check out from the hotel yesterday. Police later searched his hotel room but did not find any drugs among hls belongings. CSO: 5300 18 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 'CIIAZT l1Nl) TOURISTS ARRESTED ACCEPTING DELIVERY OF HEROIN Bangkok BANCKOK POST in English 29 Aug 79 p 5 [Text] A CANADIAN and an Auetralian were arrested , a- ` - , after allegedly teking ~ 4 { ~~t:� ~Y delivery of ?50 grammes ' kT ~ i ` of No. 4 tirst-grade ~ ~ heroin from a Thai ; .9` " woman at a reetaurant j'~ ` off SukhumVit Road on ' Aionday night. ~~~~.t~ ~ t~, The arreat of the two ~ ~ ~ ~ foreigners and the Thai ~ 1 woman wes the reault of a ' ~ ~ Joint invesUgadon con- : ducted by the Metropolftan Narcotlcs Unit (MNU) and thetr . ' Canodian 'counterparts. ~t` The arreeted~ tourlsts 4~` ~ r"~`; were idendfied as Barry ~ r` . Brian Ackerman ~allos ~r'`"~~' Harnld Adler), 30, a Cana- ~ ~ , dian natlonal, and - ~ ; ~ . � - AuatraNan Norman John ' ~ :r Walker, 28, ` ' They were arrested . ' ' whlle allegedly taking delivery of the heroin ' . ' from Mrs Yuporn Klab� ~ � aree (25) at Chlt Pochana reetaurant in Soi 20 ott � � ~ yx Sukhumvit Road. . Auatralian Norman John W.6lker, 29;:.a~ed orold Adler, 30, a Canadian seen MNU police were in� formed thet the two men at Thong. Lor polace atat~on a/ter the~r^arreat~;',~, plrnned to smuggle the heroin for eale in Canada, CSO: 5300 police said 19 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 THA f.L~N17 BRIEP'CASES WITH FALSE BOTTOMS USED IN SMUGGLING ATTEMPT Bangkok BANGKOY, POST in English 3 Sep 79 p 3 [Te]~:t] t\N Arnerican national and two Thais RamaKe as buyer of the heroin ship- were arrested on Friday night after ment, according to police. They alleqed (:ustoms men allegediy found 250 gram- that Ramage had contacted them to car- mes ol' No. 4 fir�st�grade heroin in the ry the heroin to Rome, were the money briefcases belonging to the two Thais was to be paid upon arrival. who H�ere about to board an Alitalia . flight to Rome together with the American. SMUGGLE Customs offic:ials led by Mr Varin Thattipong detained the American, Stephen Lee Ramage and charged him The allegedly admitted that they ' initially with attempting to smuggle , agreed to co�operate wlth Ramage in at� currency out of the country after tempting to smuggle the heroin to ItSS13,700 in cash was allegedly found Rome because they needed the money in his belonging. to support a younger brother who is The officials in the meantime also stitdying in the (Jnited States. ; became suspicious of the behaviour of They alleged that Ramage planned ~ the two Thais, Saming and Seangwan all their expenses, including alr fare to ~ Palvatana, who were in Ramage's com- Rome, and provided the false bottom. 'i pany and were scheduled to leave on briefcases. ' the same flight to Rome. They were initially charged wlth pos- Searching their briefcases, Customs sessing heroin yvith intent to sell and at- ~ officials found the heroin packages tempting to smuggle it out of the secreted in the speciallymade false bot- country. The three were detalned at tom of the briefcases. the Crime Suppression Division tor 'fhe tw~~ men immediately implicated further questioning. CSO: 5300 20 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 ~~~tnTr,ntvu THREE, WITEi LONG TRAFFICKING RECORD, FOUND WITH HEROIN Bangkok BANGKOK POST in English 12 Sep 79 p 1 [Text; A MAEtRIED couple and aaother man were ore+e~ted w6ile allegedly in poreeseion of7lcg of . prep~red opfum and 7.3 kq ot No. 3"brown " ~ L t~: = r' ' ~ugar" 6erofn yerterday atternoon. ' ' ' ~ ; ; ; Police alle~ed that the ; � i ~ ~ . ~ s' couple - Twand Tas� " ! ~ ' ~ ` wnapremsln and hts wite ~ V~laiporn-had a lon~ ' record of traf[lckin~ heroin trom Ban~kok to , ~ Europe and the lJNted States. Their passports ~how~d ~~cvrdr of trips . t11 t1i! UbltMtl St~'tea. : Wett Gtrmany and lYance polke wid. , ~ ~ . PoUce nid Tawna! ad- ' - mltted .upon arrest that ~ . ; � � ~ug ~Y< ~ A ~i'~ ~leddcu~ito - : , , ~ t ' Enf6~il. arlter tt?ia Year. ~ a u?d tf~at the drup Kized ; Y - yerterday were to have - !~~~y e ~K:` been ~mu~~led to the , , ~ ~~S~l L~ UNted States. ~ ( , . Y~-~~~; Taaand aUeQedly toid a~' t;; U?e police he wae a lon~- ' ~y' ^ tlrm herOin addiCt. ~ A police spokesman ~�"is=' ~ . said the couple'a ac- , , ~ tlvtties had attracted the .:q~ ' int~rest of Narcotlc~ Suo- ~ ~ion Police. ~ - * ' �~...t A~pollce team t~ited the ' _ ~ ~ } i ~ ~ ' couple after tflly left their house in Lrd Prao ia a ~re~y �edan late yesterday morning. 1feY Duked the cat by K1on~ Prapa. Fialt an hour later, Suspects Tassanai I right), iua wiJe ~Valai~iont and~ o0~e satd , thelr a1leQed their aUeged acc~~nplrce, Yuhai, pictured witit tht' ~ompHce, Vlchei sae Lim~, ~rrived with a paper druks seized by pnlicr yeaterday. . bo: and got inside the cu. waitin~ police im- ~pld at~ly approoched 21 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 the car t~r a scarch and alle~edly found 15 p~ck~gee ot No. ~ heroln and tour packa~e~ ot oplum !n the Qlove box. TYe~anrl aleo h~d one tube ot No.4 heroln for hle own con~umption, pollce said. Police then eearohed Vichot's houae, also In l~rd Prao area, and al- le~ediy found another two packages ot opium there. The three auspects were charged with pos- eession ot heroin and opfum wlth lntent to sell and were handed over to Crime Suppresaion Pol[ce for further questioning. CSO: 5300 22 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 THAILAND THREE WOMEI~ ARRESTED PACKAGING HEROIN Bangkok BANGKOK POST in English 4 Sep 79 p 3 [Text] ~t.... ~ I, �~I A.~Fi�: ~ .I~~' tf I� ,(1I~I ~ Iil 'I , . ~ 1 ~ � ~f.;~ i < 1 t r *S ~ 5 S ~ ~~s . t+~c fa-, 1::~ ~ . ~ ~ ~f ~ y ri ~ ~ i i 7~~ y'}, " '.'plirn' np~ . kj ~ I 'h ~~l . : ' 1~''C,~,~ ~nsn,~'~ - Y y;? i 4;~ ~ ~i'.'~," ~ ~ f s .SC ~tt+y~,~+,~' . . , .J s ~ "F~ ~ ,i ~ :~:e a, ~ . j i ti~ 4y .i,: a x- t~ P~~. i o ~,.Ef . ~~i w ~ ~ ~ ~,;t~~ gF N e. 1. ? ~ y l .;M^ TH womee: : on. ` ~ ~ ryp' IL6tut~iee. ot'Iia~. Burl. Y~'d~Y ue ree wlt6 D*~P~ed ooiu~. Polloe wy ther. Mw ~.w~o~w~ I~t~r fden- ~WO� d~ ~d~[ P~ tlMd:~�Mt~+B~niw1N Ktitwpa (leltl car- a~ll~ w6ie6~volle~ w wu fa t6Mr p~wr� , e7 I~e by:leto t6~ boY~s, ud Mbeed do~ ~t� tlr tlw d~rewt: ud~ w~rehed; the veeml~. l~olldwir~ t~e~ dle~ed; di~ooveep oC6,6~ ~d t6ey [aud. wme n~reutia moepYl~s blodo~ �~iua ~ed: two t`s wo~ were dttle~, ~nd so~e . wel~6ia~. 2.A kllo{a~m- ~lu~: c6oppin~ knife ~nd wIN sw. th~ woc+e~ weee ~ae~ed:with porw dwwhNe le ths bu~e. do~ ud Inteat to ~ell: 7tis ~nat followed � sost6�Iw~ In� ~~Oo~wl wu t~keo to ~nd6e~ ve~tl~~tioo by N~r�otid 8u0D~lon le ns~rby 9oi IClomruedee, where Polloe. ToW trat two dM~n. Mn Am� Polla M,p treY unooverod leore oplum ~ed Do+~~� Ms 2'1/n' (oMtis) ~sd: Mn Asp~i ~' be lllled wiW 6~roin for loc~l Po~WwthaaK: (e~~6t) would~ ~adw a~r- ~ . , ootla hmn r nmthero coYriK~ Ool~a Me~ MOoee~ri d~KediY ~dmitbd. t6~ w~tc6ed~t6dr hor~e~in 8si:7LbawD~ D~o , uMum wr�ben. whila tbe ath~r 'tw~o R6~eoos-C6omt6ons Road In B~~/ dsnied ~11 c6~r~. CSO: 5300 23 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 CANADA REDUCTION OF PENALTIES FOR MARIHUANA POSSESSION URGED Mandatory Minimum Sentence Criticized Toi-onto THE GLCIBE AND MAIL in English 27 Aug 79 p 7 [Eclitorial: "Logic ~ersus the Law"] _ [TE:xt ] ~'wo importers ot mari juana have imprisonment for Ilfe but not less than been sacrificed on the altar ot Parlia- seven years." A judge~ ra matter how ment's obstinacy. Its tailure over the excessive he may consider the seven- pa ,t ye~rs to address. and tackle. a year minlmum, is obllged to entorce it. sweeping rtvision of the narootic pro- In 1976, Counry Court Judge Stephen visions in the Criminal Code has added BoNns tried imposing a lighter sen- at least two yeara to the c:onvicted tence, ruling that the minimum consti- men's sentences. tuted "cruel and unusual punishri~ent" Harkel Daoosta and Doravan under the BiU of Rights. But the Onta- McKenzie weee iwr~d guilty oi impoct- rio Supreme Cour~ called his reasoning ing ~67 pounds at marijuana into Cane- "debatable and dubious", and in- da, by sealing the drug in cans purport- creased the prison term to seven years. ing to cont~in Jamaican ackees. Since Judge Whealy had no choice. "I will the two were flrst ot(end~~ra, Judge of course bow to the wiU ot Parlia� Arthur Whealy ot York County CuuR ment," he ruled, "but I do so very favored a sentenoe ot betMeen tMO and unwillingly. Under no other circums- tive years. The term~ hs aajd~ ~ould tances. would I have sentenced e1- "not only serve the lnterestE ot eoctety ther of these accused persons to seven - in deterring crime, but would take into years." He has been denied the prerog- acc~unt the personal ciri:umetanoes ot ative ot discretion. His right to "bal- each of the prisonets b~tore cne, the ance the lnterest ot society as a whole amount ot ~the drug imported and all against thoee ot the accused personal- those miscellaneous tacts that go to ly", and to consider "questions of de- make up that very unscientiflc judg- terrence~ rehaWlitation~ public repudi- ment as to what ia an appmprlat~ sen- ation ot the oonduct~ social values and tence." retributioa", has been pc~e-empte~i. It waa a senter~ce he waa prevaited Worse~ the mandatory minimum by law tmm passing. sentence demanded by section S is Under aection S(2) ot the Naeootlc exceptional. Although piracy, rape~ air Control Act~ every person who imports hijacking, kidna ing and robbery are a narcotic Into Carrada "is liable to crimes which. a o~n~ with murder. "in- 24 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 tlame the passi~ms~ oF the law-abiding This and other gerierations~ he sald, citixens most vialently"~ Parliament have built a aay of life around, and a has not teit it nec~essary W provide a market tor~ cannabis products. Ottawa minimum penalty. In tact, Parliame~ has vowed tor years to alter what it has (mpoeed such a penalty in conne~ reoognizes as a string of harsh laws tion with only three crin~ee punishable gov~erning the drug. Yet nothing has by life Imprisonment: murder~ high ha~er~ed. "As a member ot the iudi- treason, and importing a narcotic. "i ciary," says Judge Whealy, "com- am utterly unpersuaded," he told the pletely independent trom and unsub- courtroom, "that the offence ot impvrt- servient to those elected officials who ing a narcotic, whatever the twrcotic make the laws of Canada~ including is, is as serious as,(murder and ttea- criminal law, and by the same token, ~son)." When the narcotic is camsaMs. determine the penalty appropriate for the comparison becomes ludicrous. the crime~ I cannot help but think it is a "It is a matter ot common and pu~ disservice to the general populatlon W lic knowledge~" the judge noted. "that perpetrate , the ambivalence of the at the outset of the recent tederal elec- law." tion, three ma jor political partied all Judge Whealy was onr~ a special stated that there had beett unanimous iederal prosecutor in drug cases. He app~nval in Partiament (that) canna- knows his subject, and his logic is flaw- bis substancss~ including marijuana. less. He is calling for a repeal of mini- could have bc~en, by ~,onsent~ redefin~d mum mandatory sentences tor. import- in same fashibn from narcotics to some ers of narcotics. And he is echoing lesser and l~+s p~inishable category. irom the bench what Judge Borins~ If that unantmoa;:, consent had been lawyers, assoclat[ons and indivlduals fortl~coming in j~ai�liament~ then it have been saying for years - that woutd be W me, qult~~ clear. that there continuing to treat cannabis as a nar- wou:~d be no mitimum sentenc~e ot cotic, with the consequent criminal seven years for importfng cannabis penalties, makes a mocke .ry of the law. pro~ucts." ble forthat lawntafford n~ot to list n? Can it afford not ~o act? Law Change Needed Toronto THE GLGBE AND MAIL in English 4 Sep 79 p 6 [Gditorial: "Son of the Cannabis Bill"] [TextJ Fiov~e~�er ner~:ou~l~,~: huwc�ver cau- And he called for a debate iiz !'arli.i- tiou~ly, Hcaith i~linister lla~~id Crom- ment lo alert the public to the effects hie hus promisc~d to introduce legisla- of the drug; recent. ~tud!e~, he tiaid, ticm this fall to reduce penalties for have indicated that marijuana can si~nple possc~ssion of cannabis. It is a damage ihe lungs, upset hormon~l prcmise we have heard many times balances in men and women, anci - befUre, from many mouths, bul ir ~S lower thc body's resistance to dis- norie the less welc~mie for that; we ease. car~ only hope the Government is seri- But while the~~e s~udies should be ous in its bid to changc a bad law. made available tc? a~ wide an audi- Mr. Crombie noted that the thrce ence as pussible, jus~ as the harmful major political parties are on record effects of ~?Icohol and tobacco are~ as favoring lhe reduction of penalties widely publicized, the Government for possession of the drug. He should not tie the carripaign to the st.ressed ~hat it will remain illegal. speed with which it changes the law. 25 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 Chc ~ir~;um~~i:l (~~r deci�iminalizing possrssi~.~ii a1' m~~rijuana has never rested oii Ihc case lhut lhe drug is harmless. Il has rested on the futility, and the danger, of endorsing a law which is nat and cannut be evenly enfurced, wliich ignores the fact that millinn~ ot Cana~iam have used lhe clrug. ,~nd which h~ii~ds criminal re- cord, t~ those thousands whose mis- f~~rt~uie il is lo be caught wilh small quan~itie~ of a substance used without hara,5ment - at rock concerts, at parties - by their peers. Mr. Crombie seems unwilling to see the criminal penalties go. "If the federal Governmenl decriminalizes cannabis 100 per cent," he says, "then it doesn't have anything more to say about it. It then becomes a provincial responsibility. I'm inte- restr~d in discouraging its use." But does the Government need to retain .juri~diction o~ver the offence ~n order ~u warn lhe public ot lhe dru~'s side- cffects? Does Ottawa, in its pursuit of ��hei~,hte~necl ;~ublic concern with th~r h;td effects of cann~bis use", nc~ed t~~ danhie the threal. of criminal records nver th~ public's heacl? Tf~~c ru~swer, as different voices h~~ve been saying for years, is no. 1~rea~ing pos,es5ion of marijuana as less ~han a criminal offence dces not make it legal, and dces not, implicitly ~~r e:crlicitly, condone its use. Il sim- piy ,icknowledges that the prescribeci penaltie5 ~s the law nnw stands are c~~.~t ot all proporticm to the severity of . ihe act. Mr. Cmmbie's statemenls are a first step toward that acknowl- c~dgment: wiil the G~vernment, and ~he Opposition parties, have lhe wis- ~ dom tn the full distance? CSO: 5320 ~ 26 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 CANADA THREE-MONTH INVESTIGATION RESULTS IN LSD SEIZURE Windsor THE WINDSOR STAR in English 8 Sep 79 p 4 [TE~xt ] A three-month in~�estiga- dissamination of LSD into morearrestsmaybepending. tion headed by Windsor various parts of Canada," The thra persnns were RCMP culminated Friday in Prattsaid. arrested in Tsermengas' car the arrests af thra people Schoduled to appear in on Rossini Houlevard near and a ma or drug seizure of Windsor provincial court thia Tecumseh Road East at S:OS several t~ousand units of morning on charges of pos- p.m. Friday. lysergic acid diethylamide session of a restricted drug Daviau, who operatss a (i.SD). for the purpose oFtrafficking tattoo parlor on a part-time Sgt. John Pratt, RCMP are: Charles Daviau, 31, of basis at his Tecumseh Road drug squad spokesman, said 448 Tecumseh Rd. E., Win- addresa, was also empioyed the arrests and seizure of dsor; Fay Tsermengas, 22~ of byChryslaCanadaLtd. 10,1k10 hits of LSD, with an 4549 Sixth St.~ Ecorse, Mich.; &cause the investigation is estimatedstruetvalueof$30,- and her brother, William continuing, Ptatt would not 000 to ~50,000, followed the Tsermengas, 31, of 4549 reveal details about the inves- lengthy investigation of an Sixth St., Ecorse, Mich. tigation or how the LSD was international drug importing Pratt said the investigation broughtintoCanada. ring. is continuing with the help of But he admitted the seiaure "7his investigation ho~e- Windsor police and the U.S. wiU disrupt the distribution fully interrupted the ma~or drugenforcement agency and of the illegal drug in Canada. CSO: 5320 27 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 CANADA STATISTICS SHOW DROP IN NARCOTICS OFFENSES Windsor THE WINDSOR STAR in English 10 Sep 79 p 2 [Text] 1'ORONTO (CP) - The Untario Provincial Police marijuana shipment stopped number of drug offences in spokesman with the drug in Vancouver in July of last Canada declined in 1978,, enforcementsection, year involve countless hours preliminary Statistics Cana- "It is a waste of timc in whei�eas street convictions da c;rime figures indicate. some respects," he said in a don't take very long." 6ehind the drop is a~ve- telephone interview. "We "We are putting more per�cent decline in the num- spend more cime cracking emphasis on heroin and co- ber of cannabis offences, the down on the traffickers, go- cainc as well," Brown added. category of marijuana and ingafterbiggerthings." Ail three spokesman said hashish that continues to The inspector in charge of that they don't think the de- dominate Ca~iada's drug sta- the Metropolitan Toronto cline in the number of' drug tistics. , offences last year is an indica- Police s narcotics bureau The total number uf drug tion that the use of drugs is offences declined to 60,747 attributes the decline in can- declining. last year frorr~ 63,843 in 1977 nabis offences and the rise in -a4.8-per-centdrop. the number of heroin and The statistics, expected to Marijuana and hashish cocaine offences to a tenden- be published earty in No- offe.nces reported to Statistics cy of drug users to graduate ve~nber, show that 43,777 Canada by police made up fromthesofterdrugstousing adult males and 5,098 adult harderdrugs. females were charged with more than 87 per cent of drug "It is what we have always drug offences last year. offences in 1978. There were said happens," said Forbes About 2,000 male juveniles 53,378 offences last year, a Ewing. "It's a natural pro- and 378 female juvoniles were drop of five per cent from the gression from that drug (mar- charged. More than 1,000 56,447 in 1977, ijuana) to the use of harsher juveniles involved in drug However, neroin and co- drugs." offenses were not charged. caine offences, whilesmall in The head of the Toronto number compared with can- RCMP drug investigation nabis, jumped dramatically bureau said that more em- in 1978 - by 19 per cent for phasis is being placed on heroin to 1,221 and by 16 per convicting large dealers and centto 1,030forcocaine. importers. "The reason behind the "The numbers of convic- decreasing number of convic- tion may. be down but the tions 1 feel is because there is qual~ty is up," said Insp. not as much enforcement of DavidBrown. the softer drugs," said an "Some of the bigger cases like the multimillion dollar CSO: 5320 28 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 BRAZIL BRIEFS COCAINE SEIZED--Bauru (0 GLOBO~--Police Chief Jasp Pedroso reported yesterday that the Bauru police has seized 7 kg of pure cocaine found in a suitcase abandoned in a train of the northwestern railroad which links Brazil and Bolivia. The police chief could not explain how the merchandisP crossed the Brazilian-Bolivian border, although he indicated that some clues will � probably lE:ad them to the members of an international ring. [Rio de Janeiro 0 GLOBO in Portuguese 7 Sep 79 p 10 PYJ CSO: 5300 29 . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 PERU BRIEFS DRUG TRAFFICKERS ARRESTED--The Peruvian police has broken.a ring of drug traffickers who during the last 8 months manufactured 100 kilograms of cocaine base worth more than 500,000,000 soles. The laboratories were found in Villa Sol, Lima, and (Vicente Espinoza), 34; (Jose Luis Sanchez Abaleta), ~ 25; (Guillermo Zuniga), 35; and (Justo Daniel Valenzuela), 36, were arrested. [Lima RADIO UNION in Spanish 0100 GMT 11 Sep 79 PY] CSO: 5300 , 30 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 IRAN SHIRAZ REAORTS NARCOTICS DEALERS ARRESTED, CONVICTED One Gets Death Sentence Shi.raz Doinestic Service in Persian 1830 GMT 4 Sep 79 GF [Text] One: narcotics dealer in Shiraz received the death sentence, and two others were scr..tenced to life imprisonment. According to reports received by our correspondent, based on tlie verdict issued by the prosecutoris oftice of the Islamic revolution for the city of Shiraz, Amir Qoli Darang-Zadeh received t:~e death sentence, and Seyyed Alcbar Khatunaki and Siyavosh Keshvari were both sentenaed to life imprisonment. The prosecutorTS oftice of the Islamic Revolution for the city of Shiraz had held a mee~ing to hear the accusations against these three dealers and distributors of narcotics, and last midnight issued and announced its verdict in the case of these three individuals. Fasa Narcotics Aealers Arrested Shiraz Domestic Service in Persian 1830 GMT 4 Sep 79 GF [TExt] Four narcotics distributors were arrested in the town of Fasa. The arrested pez~sons turned over to legal authorities by the Corps of Islamic Revolution Guards for the ci;;y of Fasa. CSO: 5300 31 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 ~ IRAN BRIEFS DIBTRIBUTOR ARREST IN FASA--A narcotics distributor was arrested by members of the guards corps and police officials in the city of Fasa. According to reports from our correspondent, 8 grams of heroin were seized from this dealer at the time of his arrest. [Text] [Shiraz Domestic Service in Dari 1830 GMT 16 Sep 79 GF] WAFNING TO UNREGISTERED OPIUM FARMERS--The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has issued a warning that a number of,people, because of their ignorance of the regulations governing planting--and without obtaining permission to do so--perhaps may embark on planting opium poppy. ThE~refore, in c+rder to obviate any losses that might arise out of prepar- ing the ground in the current year, before the government's policy--the area and regions to be planted have been made public and the planting agreement has been signed between the agriculture departments and those planters who are competent to do so--is emphatically forbidden. Moreover, offenders will be dealt with in accordance with Article 13 of the amendment to the law forbidding the planting of opium poppy, appraved in 1959, which is quoted verbatim; t:hat is, if someone embarks on planting opium poppy, apart from having his plants destrayed he will be sentenced to imprison- ment and hard labor for from 3 to 15 years and a fine in cash equalling 100,000 rials for each hectare, or less, of land under such cultivation. In cases of repeated offenses, apart fror~ the payment of a fine in cash he will be sentenced to life at hard labor. The statement also states: . Opium poppy plantations, once discovered, will be sprayed with weed killer and toxic chemicals f.rom the air. [Text] [Tehran Domestic Service in Persian 0930 GMT 15 Sep 79 LD] CONFISCATED HEROIN DFSTROYED--The Central News Bureau has reported that 15 kg of heroin confiscated from our smugglers in Malayer was destroyed in the presence of the governor general of Hamedan, the public prosecutor of Malayer, the religious judge, the chief of police of this town and a group of people yesterday morning. [Text) [Tehran Domestic Service in Persian 1930 GMT 14 Sep 79 LD] 32 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 DEATH SENTENCC TO DEALERS--Two narcotics dealers were faund guilty and sentenced to death by the Islamic Revolution Court for the city of Shiraz. According to reports from our correspondent, the Islamic Revolution Court for the city of Shiraz held its session this morning to hear charges againse Seyyed Mehdi Peymani, son of Mohammad, occupation furniture manu- facturer, native and resident of Esfahan; and Jaber Hejazi, son of Esshaq, native and resident of Tehran, occupation peddler. On the basis of the court's verdicts, the above two individuals were charged with possession and distribution of 135 grams of heroin, found guilty of corruption on earth, and given the death sentnece. The order of the Islamic Revolution Court for the city of Shiraz will be carried out after a 2-day delay to make it possible for the convicts' families to visit them. [TextJ [Shiraz D~mestic Service in Persian 1830 GMT 16 Sep 79 GF] CSO : 5300 33 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 LEBANON ~ BRIEFS HASHISH SEIZURE--Police seized six tons of raw hashish, ready to be processed and smuggled abroad, from privately owned vehicles near the town of Talya in the Biqa~'. The hashish was then transported in a large truck to Beirut where it was to be inspected and destroyed. [Beirut AL-SAFIR in Arabic 20 Sep 79 p 12J CSO: 5300 34 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 MADAGASCAR DRUG CRISIS EXAMINED AT ANTANARIVO FARITANY PEOPLE'S COUNCIL MEETING Tananarive MADAGASCAR-MATIN in French 20. Aug 79 pp 1-3 /Excerpt/ A preliminary meeting of the members of the faritany commission responsible for education and all social problems was held following the observation by responsible sources of the dangerous spreadin~ of drugs, parti_cularly among young people, that is to say the thousands of high scho~l and college students who let themselves be drawn into using this dangerous product. In its report the commission emphasized that drugs--in particular Indian entered high schools and colleges and that Toaka Gasy, an illegally produced local alcohol whose fermentation products often constitute poisons without known antidotes, has been added to it. In speaking of drugs in general, according to the observations of the security forces charged with inquiries in the faritany of Antanarivo, Indian hashish is the most widespread since it can be grown in maize fields or manioc fields and 3t least three firasisana are known for this clandestine cultivation. The facility with which this plant--which is deadly to the mental health of the consumers--reproduces is of great advantage to its cultivator~. Distri- butors need only harvest the necessary quantity and sell it to consumers, whose numbers keep increasing dangerously. It must be stated that the sa]_e price of the drug varies with the season and with the zeal of the prosecu- tion: 50 Fmg per gram, sometimes 100 Fmg per gram and a bag of Indian hashish,sreighing S-7 kg, represents a truly golden business for the dealers: 500,000 to i50,000 Fmg. The commission has also observed that the dealers trafficking in drugs are ~ difficult t~~ trade since they change the planting locations, as well as the means of transportation, misleading investigators. Sometimes the dealers find unexpected means to camouflage their merchandise: frequently coffins are used for it. Often it is a quiet bi.cycle rider or simple cart driver who gets the job to deliver the goods to a certain address, which is changed constantly. 35 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 'l'h~~ commis:~i.on has also looked into the motives leading to drug use and has come to the following conclusions most of the young people who acquire the drug habit are without occupational trainin~, have come from the rural areas and are in a difficult situation once they arrive in the capital, or in one of the larger cities, where they expected to find work. The disappoint- ment drives them to forget everything or to search for it through drug use. There are also young people who have gained a certain level of education, among them even some who have attended institutions of secondary education and are in the 15 to 23 age group, but have brusquely turned their back on it, no doubt out of defiance. Perhaps they do it to acquire the nerve to engage in the new and profitable accuptation of banditry, since it is so dangerous. The commission has sounded the alarm about a fact which may put the future of our country into peril: Ten percent of the addicts are female, the weaker sex. The taking of drugs is perhaps also due to the fact that certain young people who nre timid or awkward hope to assert themselves among their peers by mean~� of it. Along with the youngsters, artists who look for inspiration from drugs while composing their works are also being accused. Fina]ly, there are the children of the rich living idly off their parents and ~,~ho would rather take drugs than go to work. In br�ief, tliere is danger all around for the future of the country since the young people represent 60-70 percent of the island's population. Some Solutions Faced with this state of affairs the commission has judged it useful to advance some solutions for the common welfare. The construction of treatment centers for drug addicts is not an adequate solution since it would offer encouragement to them and they could, one day, find a refuge in them. The members of the commission think that it is much better to fight a ceaseless battle agair~st the drug peddlers and their acolytes throughout the entire faritany and in all of Madagascar, since drugs move easily from faritany to faritany by devious and multiple ways. They recalled the existence of a National Advisory Commission on Narcotics, =reated in 1974, to be more exact on 15 Nov 1974, and that representatives o~ the ministries affected by the drug problem: health, interior, justice, . finance, and economics, welfare and foreign affairs, took part. Resolution `~0 60-073 oi 1960 condemned the planters, sellers, distributors and consumers to severe punishments of 5-6 years in prison and a fine of 10,000 to 100,000 francs. Unfortunately this National Advisory Commission on Narcotics which, in principle, is supposed to meet~twice a year is in a state of lethargy and the Central Office for Narcotcs, which was also created in November 1974 and whose activities are supposed to be regulated by the commission, finds ttself paralyzed. 36 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 The study commission of the faritany has thus recommended the reawakening of the National Advisory Commission on Narcotics, known as CNCS, to permit the Central Office to carry out its task effectively, which is an urgent require- ment at this time. It has also asked that from now on representatives of the young people, of basic and secondary education, of information, defense and population, be included on the commission. Decentralization of the activities of the CNCS is also necessary, since solutions can be found only by staying close to the problem and only by collaboration of the security forces with the decentralized communities, particularly in the fokontany where most of the cultivators of hashish and other drugs are, so that the activities of those notorious poisoners can be eradicated once and for all. But while waiting for the CNCS to awaken from its slumber the commission at Che faritany has asked approval of the following proposition by the people's council: The creation of commissions at the level of the decentralized communities, for the purpose of a close-up examination of the means for checl~:ing this scourge that menaces the future of our country, to arrange semir~ars to acquaint the population with the nefarious effects of drugs and to hE:lp the young people with counselling. Among the solutions advanced, sports in general figure in first place as a method that allow�s our youngsters to work off their exuberance by means of competitive sports. The establishment of communal villages where young people woulZ learn to know the team spirir_ could also become an effective means in the fight against drugs. T~ghtening of discipline in the schools will also be asked of those in responsible charge of them, to bar the way of drugs into the schools. The commission also asked that regular searches be made on trains, where drug dealers are never disturbed. In al.l this the responsibility of the parents has never been forgotten and the commission has emphasized that young people enslaved by drugs are most often in conflict with their parents and are searching for refuge in the poison. It has also recommended the establishment of permanent dialogs between the two generations so that the young people should not feel forgotten or abandoned. 9291 CSO: 5300 37 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 SOUTH AFRICA DAGGA CIGARETTE 'FACTORY' FOUND NEAR TRANSKEI BORDER ~ Windhoek THE WINDHOEK ADVERTISER in English 18 Sep 79 p 7 [T~xt] DURBAN: Police discovered loose dagga worth more than to open fire during follow-up a dagga cigarette "factory" in R25 000. operations. the suburb of Sydenham, here They also found a gun.. "17~ese smugglers are recendy. In the past two months ruthless and because of the big Members of the Narcotics Durban detectives have sm- money involved ~they will do Bureau, led by Warrant Of- ashed three international drug- almost anything to' get 6cer Basie Bower, and a team smuggling networks and through. The price of dagga of police frum Port Shepstone seized dagga worth millions of overseas is about six times had kept watch oa a long rand. ~ what it is in Durban and inter- stretch of the Transkei border British, C.anadian and national gangs will go to a lot Pur severe.l days. Dutch citizens have been of trouble to compact and dis- Many people were detainod. guise it." questioned and a large sum of Hundreds of bags of dagga He said the main probiem money was found in a car they have been seized on the South was to prevent dagga from be- stopped at a roadblcek. Coast and Transkei border ing smuggled from Transka. Further investigations took areas, ,and a,number of cars During the past year police to the house in Spencer have bcen impounded. helicoptcrs had been used to Ro~,. where a dog trained~W Captain John Wright, Head find dagga fields in Natal, smetf out dagga found 3 000 of the Durban Narcodcs which had led to a marked zois in the ceiling. 5ix people Bureat?, said some of his men decline in its cultivation. - were arrested. had bcen shot at and had had Sapa Police then went to a house in Clermont where they found CSO: 4420 - 38 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 SOUTH AFRICA BRIEFS SOUTH AFRICAN DRUG SEIZURES--The South African police have uncovered an inter- national drug smuggling ring and seized LSD and marijuana worth more than 100,000 rand. Three men detained by the police are believed to be members of an international gang involved in smuggling drugs to and from South Africa. After arresting one of the men in Johannesburg police seized a large quantity of I,SD tablets from the Netherlands. On the same day a consignment of com- pressed marijuana, apparently destined for overseas markets, was found at a holiday house near Durban. Ttao men, including a British citizen,.were arrested. Earlier this month another drug ring involving nine British nationa]s was uncovered in Cape Town. [Text] [Johannesburg International Service in English 1500 GMT 20 Sep 79 ~D] CSO: 5300 � 39 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 TURKEY BRIBFS HASHISH SEIZED--Narcotics teams of the police department seized 38 kg of ~ powdered hashish in hidden compartments of a Federal-German licenced car, which was about to be shipped abroad. Three Turkish citizens were taken under custody in connection with the shipment, which was estimated to be worth 10 million Turkish lira on the market. [Text] [Ankara ANATOLIA in English 1515 GMT 29 Aug 79 TA] CSO: 5300 40 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 UNITED KINGDOM HIDDEN CACHE OF 'OPERATION JULIE' DRUGS LOCATED London THE DAILY TELEGRAPH in English 12 Sep 79 p 1 [Article by Charles Nevin] [Text] Pollce have unearthed in a Bedfordshire wood the 5 million pou.nds worth of LSD tablets which were missing at the end of Che "Operation Julie" investigation. The hidden cache, 1,000,000 tablets of the hallucenogenic drug, was found by police teams code-named "Operation Craig," formed from members of the Bedfordshire Constabulary, and "Operatioc: Countryman," whose members are drawn from provincial forces. A statement from Mr Leonard Birt, the Assistant Chief Constable of Dorset, who is heading "Operation Countryman," said the find followed "in.formation from most delicate but reliable sources." Since November, members of the "Countryman" team have interviewed a large number of prisoners, some r~f them serving long sentences. As a result of the information received, "Operation Craig"---named after the son of one of the team--was mounted in August and the huge find, one of the biggest ever in this country, was made last Friday. _ The principal purpose of "Operation Countryman" is to investigate allega- tions of corruption against Metropolitan and City of London police officers. Fifteen Jailed "Ogeration Julie" was responsible for detecting one of the biggest LSD production and supply rings the world has kt~,own. In March 1978, 15 people were jailed for terms ranging from two to 13 years. The sentences were passed at Bristol Crown Court on defendants who included two highly qualified chemists and two doctors of inedicine. 41 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3 Richard Kemp, a brilliant research chemist, and Henry Barclay Todd, who set up an illicit laboratory in Hampton Wick, Surrey, were both sen- tenced to 13 years' imprisonment. Dr Christine Bott, Kemp's mistress,.said to be the banker of part of the proceeds, was jailed for nine years. CSO: 5320 END 42 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100015-3