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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 ' . . . 24 SEPT~I~ER ilT9 ~~t~lO ~ iZl~9 ~ ~ i O!~ i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 ' HOR OFFICIAL USE UNLY JPRS L/8678 24 September 1979 ~ USSR Re ort ~ p TRADE AND SERVICES cFOUO 12i7s~ FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION ~ERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 Y NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources ~ are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in bracke~s are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text) . or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original informa.tion was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. - Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- - tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. For fsrther information on report content . call (703) 351-2938 (economic); 3468 (political, sociological, military); 2726 (life sciences); 2725 (physical sciences). COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGUI.ATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN P,EQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION _ OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 ~ , _ FOR U~'P'l' CZA!~ U:.?~ UNLY , - JPRS L/8678 24 September 1979 USSR REPORT TRADE AND SERVICES ~ (FOUO 12/7~) - CONTENTS PAGE F INDUSTr'lAL ECONOrIIC RELATIONS F Industrial Structure in CEMA Countries (Ye. Vorob'yev; VOPROSY EKONOMIKI, Jul 79) 1 CONSUMER GOODS AND DOMESTIC TRADE Penalties for iVondeliveries to Retail Trade Little-Used ~Ya. Orlov; VOPROSY EizONOMIKI, Jun 79) 15 rfAIdPOWER: LABOR, EDUCATION, DEMOGRAPHY Book Views Manpower Distribution Under Socialism (PROBLEMY REGULIROVANIYA PERERASPREDELENIYA RABOCHEY SILY, 1978)............ 27 TRANSPORTATION Chemical Industry Urged To Use Rail Transport More Effectively (N.S. Chernyshov; KHIMICHESKAYA PROMYSHLENNOST', No 7, 1979) 34 � ~ il ~ ~ t~ t, - a [III - US5R - 38 FOUO] - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ i; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAI, IISE ONLY ~ TNTERNATTCNAL ~~ONOMIC R~LATIONS , � - _ ~ ~ INDUSTRTAL STRUCTURE IN CEMA COUNTRIES Mos~.:ow VOPROSYI~EKONOMIKI in Russian N~ 7, Jul 79 pp 102-110 /Axt,i~le by Ye. Vorob'yev: "The Sectorial Structure of Industry in the ~ CEMA Countries' % /Text/ During the 30-year period of activity of CEMA ma~or socio-economic, transformations have taken place in the nakional economy of the fraternal countxi~s; the structure af production nas changed substantially quantita- tively and qual~tatively. As a result of industrialization and the struc- tural reorganization of the national economies the proporti.on of industrial producti~n in the gross national product and the national income has in- creased, significantly, the ciifferences by countries in the structural indi- cators of production for ma~or sectorial blocks have been decreased appre- ciably. Thus, whereas in 1950 in the European CEMA countries the ~~ropor- tion of the net production of industry in the produced national income ranged from 37 to 63 percent, now the range o~ these differences is fixed by the figures of 47-62 percent.l - The proportion of the production of the leading sector of industry--machine _ building and meta].working--in the total industrial production ~f the major- ity of CEMA countries in 1950 did not exceed 10-15 percent; now it has in- creased to 25-34 percent. According to this most important indicator of the structure of industrial production they have reached the level of the most developed capitalist countries, where this proportion ranges from 25 to 37 percent. The proportion in the total industrial production of the CEMA countries of the products of the chemical industry and a number of other modern sectors and subsectors, which are promoting the acceleration of scientific and technical progress, has also increased considerably. Many subsectors of industry and types of works were created anew in these coun- tries. By the early 196Q's a generally quite ramified industrial structure had been formed in the ma~ority of the European CEMA countries. Therefore, in order to clarify the current trends of its development it is often neces- sary to use as a basis for comparison the data for 1960. The high rate of development of the economy of the CEMA countries and t1~~e sharply increased scale of production require the greater and greater C~~, I,~.. 1 . FOR UFFICIti,'.. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 o~~rzcz~L u~,?~ o~n:~, involvement'tii'the f~conomic turnover of n~w economic resources--fuel, power and raw material resources, capital investments and manpower. In a number of European C~MA countries these resourcpe are becoming relatively tewer, and in some of chem a tendency.toward an absolute decrease is even;~Curning up. For example, the'production of coal and anthraciCe in Bulgar;!!a and ~ Hungary, iron ore in the GDR, Czechoslovakia and Romania ancl so c;n is de- creasing.2 In this connection the countries have to devel~p lESS effective , mineral depoeits, which leads to an increase of production costs. -'i~, The problem of finding ways to use resources more efficiently, above all by expediting scientific and technical. progresa and improving on its basis the secCorial structure of production and the interaction of all its sub- . divisione is becoming especially urgent under the new conditions of economic develogment of ehe CEMA countries. The successful development of the econ- omy and the increase of its efficiency in mar~y respects depend on the proper combination of these strucCural links. ~The need for the rational combination and interacCion of all the productfon subdiviaions is inereasing more and more under the conditions of the scien- tific and technical revolution. Under iCs influence new sectors, subsec- tora and typea of worke are emerging, the product assortment is being rapid- 1~ updaCed and enlarged, production tias, the processing method and the very process of product3.on are being complicatea;, its interrelation with sci~nce is intensifying and so on. Under these cor:%iiCions t~e ob3ective need for the further i~ntensification of the international socialist division of labor and tihe syatematic implementation of socialist economic integration is ap- pearing more and more intensely. Integration is making it possible to use more rationally the economic resources available in the CEMA community~ to change the sectorimi structure of production more effectively and purpose- �u11y and Co improve the interaction of their national economies. At the 25th party congress L. I, Brezhnev noted that "the work on implementing the Comprehensive Program has had the result that our economic 3.nteraction has nour already been signi�icanrly inteneified, the complemertariness of the ec~~omies o� our countries has increased--to the great advantage of each of ti~:em." A:. present the solution of the fuel and power problem is of great importarice for ttie Eurther successful development of the economy of the CEMA countries. Speakirig aC the 31st CEMA Session, A. N. Kosygin said concerning this: "'I'he problem o~ fuel and power is one of the mose acute problems ot eco- � nom~c development tihroughout the world. All counCr3es are seeking to solv~ ~lt by means of ~he ~.ncrease of the efficiency of energy consumpt3on and the aubstianL�i.g1 saving of power ~cesources. The United States, for example, ~lans a decrease o� the growCh rate of energy consumption from ~.5 percent over the past 25 years to 2 percent or less."3 In the CEr1A cnuntiri~s power engineering is being developed more rapidly than in Lhe capi~glisC countiries. During the period from 1950 to 1977 the valume of e~.ectiric power ger?eratiott ~.n the GDR, for example, increased near~y 5~f.o~.d, ~,n Czechnelovakia more th~n 7-�o1d, in Hungary nearly 8-fold~ in 2 ~OR OFFTCIAL USE ONLY , ~ , . ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 � ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Polan~l and Che USSR accordingly 12- and 13-fold, in Romania 29-fold, in Bulgaria 37'-fold and in riongolia more than 50-fold, In Great Br~tain, the United States, France, Italy and the FRG the volume of electric power gen- eration increased during this period by 4- to 7-fold. Generatiou of Electric Power in the CEMA Countries and Some Capitalist Countries During 1950-1977 (billi~ns of kWh) 1977 to 1950 1960 1970 1977 1950 ' (times) CEMA Countries Bugaria. . . . . . . . . . . 0.8 4.7 19.5 29.7 37.1 Hungary. . . . . . . . . . . 3.0 7.6 14.5 23.4 7.8 GDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.5 40.3 67.7 92.0 4.7 Cuba . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9 7.7 1.6'~ riongolia . . . . . . . . . . 0.02 0.11 0.55 1.1 55.0 Poland . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4 29.3 64.5 109.4 11.6 Romania. . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 7.7 35.1 59.9 28.6 ~ USSR . . . . . . . . . . . . 91.2 292.3 740.9 1150.1 12.6 Czechoslovakia 9.3 24.5 45.2 66.5 7.1 Developed Capitalist Countries Great Britain. 67.2 137.0 249 289.4 4.3 _ Ztaly. . . . . . . . . . . , 24.7 56.2 117 166.5 6.8 United States. 408.4 889.5 1731 2300 S.6 " FRG . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.2 116.0 237 326.3 7.1 France . . . . . . . . . . . 34.5 75.1 147 213.2 6.2 Japan. . . . . . . . . . . . ~~'44.9 115.0 351 533 11.9 ~1977 to 1970 Sources: "Statisticheskiy yezhegodnik stran-chlenov SEV, 1971" /Statistical Yearbook of the CEMA Member Cour.tries, 1971/, Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1971, p 77; "Statisticheskiye yezhegodnik stran-chlenov SEV,';1978," Izda- tel'stvo "Statistika", 1978, p 74;_"Narodnoye khozyaystvo S~S'R v 1977 g." /The USSR National Economy in 1977/, Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1978, pp 62-63, 73-76;-"SSSR i zarubezhnyye strany posle pobedy Velikoy Oktyabr'- skoy sotsiali~;ticheskoy revolyutsii" /The USSR and Foreign Countries After the Victory,;~f the Great October Socialist Revolution/, Izdatel'stvo "Sta- ,:tistika", 'i970, p 70. Until recently the rate of development of power engineering in the majority of CEMA countries was higher than the growth rate of industrial production as a whole. And this is quite natural. The acceleration of scientific and , technical progress, the increase of the level of the mechanization and - automation of production, the growth of power-consuming works, the inerease 3 r. FOR OFF'iCI~, USE ONLY ` i; . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY in the consumption of electric power in transportation, agriculture and the household require the anticipatory development of power engineering and first of all the generation of electric power. This requirement is also governed by the fact that the possibility of further increasing the level ~ of labor productivity in many respects depends on the increase of the out- put, and at the same time of the consumption of electric power, while the increase of the latter is, in turn, a decisive factor ~f the increase of the production volume (especially under the conditions of a shortage of manpower). As is known, a close correlation exists between the indicators of labor pro- ductivity and the electric power-worker ratio. In 1977 the industrial pro- I) duction volume in the USSR with respect to the volume of U.S. industrial production was, for example, 80 percent, while the volume of electric power _ consumption in industry ~aas about 82 percent.4 The close correlation of these indicators is also observed when they are compared among the CEMA countries. The correlation of the levels of the electric power-worker ratio in the industry of these countries is shown in the table. I~ Electr-ic Power-Worker Ratio in the Industry of the CEMA Countries ~~,,During 1960-1977 (thousands of kWh per worker) Industrial personnel engaged Industrial workers engaged directly in production directly in production 1960 19/0 1977 . 1960 1970 1977 Bulgaria. 3.4 9.9 13.1 4.0 11.8 15.3 Hungary 4.7 7.2 10.0 6.4 10.0 12.8 GDR*. . . . . 8.6 13.8 16.1 Mongolia. 7.1 11.7 9.0 15.2 Poland. 6.6 10.5 14.9 8.5 13.9 19.8 ltomania 3.8 9.5 12.6 4.4 10.8 13.7 USSR. 9.2 15.5 20.1 11.0 19.0 25.0 C~echos"lovakia 7.6 12.2 15.1 9.6 15.9 20.1 � In industry and construction. ~ Source: "Statisticheskiy yezhegodnik stran-chlenov SEV, 1978," pp 47, 120, 125, 166. T'?e cited data attest to the; rapid increase of the level of the power-worker ~~tio in the industry of the~~countries in question ard, hence, the degree of technical equipment of production. They accord with the requirements of the scientific and technical revolution and the effect of the objective law of the convergence and equalization of the levels of economic development of the socialist countries. All this gives groundG t~ consider the anticipa- tory development of electric power engineering an objective law. 4 FOR OFFICIA,'., USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In the so~ution of the energy problem an important place be:Longs to the successful development of the sectors of the fuel industry. This circum- stance stems first of all from the fact that in the CEMA countries the preponderance of all electric power is generated at thermal electric power stations. In 1977 the proportion of thermal electric power stations in the total generation of electric power in Romania, the USSR and Bulgaria reached 84-88 percent, in Czechoslovakia 93 percent, in Poland, the GDR, Hungary and Cuba from 98 to 99 percent and in Mongolia 100 percent.5 In all the enumerated countries the fuel industry is being developed, as a rule, sYower than all industry. And during 1971-1977 in most o� them the _ gap in the growth rate of production of the sector in question and industry as a whole as compared with the preceding decade increased appreciably. This trend appeared especially cle,arly in Czechoslovakia and the GDR. `lfie slight lag in the growth rate of the production of the fuel industry behind all i~dustrial production is not by-chance. It is governed by scien- tific and technical progress and the introduction in production of new scien- tiEic and teclinical achievements, which make it possible to reduce the con- sumption of fuel per unit of production. In the USSR, for examples the con- sumption of conventional fuel per released kWh of electric power from 1950 to 1977 decreased from 590 to 334 g, that is, by more than 43 percent. And by 1990 it will be reduced to 310 g.6 In Bulgaria from 1960 to 1977 this indicator decreased from 613 to 445 g, in Hungary from 589 to 402 g, in the GDR from SI7 (1970) to 446 g, in Poland from 526 to 392 g, in Romania from 376 (1970) to 345 g and in Czechoslovat:ia from 564 to 435 g. Ow3ng to this the countries saved tens of millions ot' tons of fuel. In the developed capitalist countries the unit consumption of conventional fuel for the generation of electric power decreased rapidly only until the early 196~0's. In subsequent years this decrease slowed ~substantially, a convergence of the absolute values of the unit consumptions of fuel by coun- tries occurred. In 1975 the consumption of conventional fuel on the genera- tion of 1 kWh of electric power in Japan was 328 g, in France 333 g, in the FRG 340 g, in the United States 370 g and in England 374 g.~ - Iluring the period in question the structure of the fuel balance also changed substantially in the socialist and capitalist countries. The pro- portion of petroleum in the world consumption of basic energy resources (in conventional units) from 195G to 1976 increased from 23.8 to 41.5 per- cent, natural gas from 8.9 to 20 percent, while the proportion of coal, on the contrary, decreased from 5~f.0 to 28.1 percent.8 In the CEMA countries the proportion of petroleum in the production of energy resources in~reased From 25.8 percent in 1960 to 38.8 percent in 1977, natural and casing-head gas From 7.0 to 20.9 percent, V~hile the proportion of coal decreased from 64.3 to 37.7 percent. In recent years the pattern of fuel consumption in the world has changed radically. To a certain extent this applies to the USSR and the other CEMA countries. The decrease of coal production in a number of CEMA countries 5 ! FOR OFFICI~ USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 I{Ot; OFFICIAI, USE ONLY . is leading, of course, to the increase of its import from other fraternal countries, which substantially increases the workload on the corresponding extractive sectors of the J.atter. Thus, the proportion of coal and anthra- cite imports in the total consumption of these types of fuel from 1960 to 1977 in Bulgaria increased from 0 to 96 percent, in the GDR from 75 to 95 percent, in Czechoslovakia fr�om 9 to 19 percent. The proportion of petro- leum imports in its consumption during this period in Bulgaria increased - from 6 to 99 percent, in Hungary from 55 to 86 percent, in Poland from 79 to 98 percent, in Romania from 0 to 38 percent. In Czechoslovakia and the GDR it has reached nearly I00 percent.~ An analogous trend is appearing with respecC to gas consumption. It is important to note that in those CEMA countries, in which the produc- ~ tion of petroleum and gas is practically absent, their consumption in re- cent years has increased considerably more rapidly than the growth of the overall industriai production. While in the countries, where they are pro- duced (in this case it is a matter of petroleum), either an inverse depend- ence of the indicators occurs (Romania) or these indicators move almost in parallel (USSR). In all the European CEMA countries the consumption of petroleum per unit of national income has increased in past years. Tha tendency for the indicator being analyzed to decrease in Romania is explained, on the one hand, by the quite high growth raCe of the national income and, on the other, by L-he relati.vely slow increase of petroleum pro- duction, as a result of which the country began even to import it. From 1960 to 1975 the national income of Romania increased 3.8-fold, while petro- leum production increased only 27 percent. In the USSR these indicators increased correspondingly by 2.6- and 3.3-fold. Romania's volume of petro- leum imports increased from 0.76 million tons in 1968 to 2.3 million tons in 1970, S.1 million tons in 1975 and 8.8 million tons in 1977.9 Ar_;~the 32d meeting of the CEr1A Session (June 1978) the appropriate long- t'erm goal program of cooperation, which calls for the developmenC by ~oint efforts of a number of new and important mineral deposits, was adopted for _ het'te?- meeting the demands of the CEMA countries for fuel, power and raw material resources. In the program much attention is devoted to Che further involvement in the economic turnover of internal fuel, power and raw mate- rial resources, as well as to their economical and efficient use. In connection with the worsening of the conditions of production pf tradi- t-ional types of fuel the need and economic expediency to develop atomic ~.ower engineering are increasing appreciably. In the CEMA countries spe- ~.ial attention is presently being devoted to this. At the 32d CEMA Session N. Kosygin said: "The Soviet Union is prepared to give assistance in implementing the program of construction of AES's, which is being outlined within CEMA. The fulfillment of this program requires from us all the ac- celerated development of ma.jor production capacities for the production of equipment for AES's, the precise organization of multilateral cooperat~:L~n in the corresponding sectors of industry, the pooling of the efforts-cF~the 6 - ~ FOR OFFICII,;, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY scientific and design collectives of our countries."10 The accelerated de- velopmeut of atomic power engineering is leading, of course, to changes both in the structure of the fuel and power balance and in the structure of pro- duction. ' Consumption of Petroleum Per Ruble of National Income in the European CEMA Countries in 196~-1975 (g). 1975 to 1960 1970 1975 1970 (percent) Bulgaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 722 868 120 Hungary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474 632 750 119 GDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 431 545 126 Poland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 264 307 116 Romania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1600 980 718 73 US SR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 20 1020 107 0 105 Czechoslovakia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 550 670 122 Sources: 0. K. Rybakov,_"Metodologiya sravneniya ekonomicheskikh pokazate- ley stran sotsializmat1'``/The Methodology of Comparing the Economic Indicators of Socialist Countries%, Izdatel'stvo "Mysl 1968, p 180; "Statisticheskiy yezhegodnik stran-chlenov SEV, 1976," pp 78, 349-407. In the improvement of the sectorial structure of industry the development of ferrous metallurgy, which is the main supplier of raw materials and mate- rials for the leading sectoz of the processing industry--machine building and metalworking, for construction, transportatioii and other sectors, plays 3n important role. In the majority of CEMA countries ferrous metallurgy is being developed more slowly than all industry. Ttiis ~hows to a considerable extent the in- - fluence of technical progress, which is manifested above all in the im- provement of the~design of machinery, equipment and other large-tonnage products made of inetal, in the increase of the quality and the 9_mprovement of the grades of inetal products themselves, in the replacement of ferrous metals with aluminum, pl;astics, technical-grade glass and other modern materials and in the tendency noted in recent times toward an increase of the proportion of small-scale equip~ent and less metal-consuming products in the overall industrial productian. The needs of ferrous metallurgy of a number of CEMA countries for fuel and raw materials are being met both by domestic resouxces and by the increase of their recip.rocal deliveries. The decrease o.f the production of iron ore in some of them is being offset by an increase of its import (moreover, the import of~iron pellets, pig iron and ferroalloys) from the USSR. In order to maintain the high 1eve1 of provision of the CEM[~ coun~:ries with 7 FOR OFFICI~;. USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOP. QFFICIAL USE ONLY metallurgical r3w materials in the future, the corresponding goal program of cooperation calls for the joint construction in the USSR of new major enterprises for the working of iron ore deposits. And this will enable them to successfully develop ferrous metallurgy in the years to come. Uneil recently in the majority of foreign CEitA countries the development of ferrous metallurgy with resp~ct to all industry has taken place somewhat more ' rapidly than in the USSR. In the per capita production of steel some of ~ them now already are not only not lagging behind the"most developed capital- ist countries, but at times also significantly surpass them. Thus, the GDR according to this indicator has considerably surpassed Great Britain, - Poland and Romania have surpas~,ed Italy and France. In the USSR more steel is being smelted on a per capita basis than in the United States, whi].e in Czechoslovakia considerably more steel is being smelted than in Japan and the FRG.11 The anticipatory development of machine building and metalworking, which provide the national economy with highly productive modern equipment and - create favorable conditions and the prerequisites for its successful devel- opment, is of decisive importance for further structural transformations in the economy of the CEMA countries. This sector reacts more rapidly than ~ ~ others to the achievements of ~scientific and technical progress and has the greatest reaction to it. In many respects it predetermines the progressive structural shifts in the entire economy and promotes the extensive introduc- tion of scientific and technical progress in other sectors of physical pro- duction and the nonproductive sphere. Under the influence oi scientific and technical progress the output of new means of the mechanization and automation of production, the products of the electronics and electrical equipment industry, instrument making, equip- ment for power engineering (including atomic power~en~ineering), the chemi- cal industry and many other modern works is increasing rapidly in this sector. Th^ increase of the production volume of the new advanced subsectors and . works and the intensive intrasectorial structural shifts in machine build- in~ and metalworking, which are being caused by technical progress, are en- suring their priority development as compared with other sectors aiid indus- try as a whole. The need for such,development is also dictated by the steady increase of the degree of technical equipment of production and by the rapid increase in the machine-worker ratio. The efforts being made by t?ie CEMA countries on expediting the modernization and reconstruction of operating enterprises and on the timely updating of the machinery and equip- rent in operation in connection with the occurring decrease (under the in- iluence of technical progress) of the term of their obsolescence are con- ducive to this. At the same time practice attests that as production is satiated with modern equipment the growth rates of the production volume of machine building and metalworking, on the one hand, and all industry, on the other, in most CEMA 8 FOR OFFICIA:. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY countries are gradually c~nverging. Thus, during 1961-1970 for each percent of increase of the production volume of all industry in Hungary there was a 1.37 percent increase of the production volume of machine building and the metalworking industry, in the GDR--1.43 percent, Poland--1.98 percent, in Cz'echoslovakia--1.43 percent. In 1971-1977 these indicators were equal re- spectively to ,1.23, 1.1, 1.56 and 1.35 percent. ~ The anticipatory development of machine building and metalworking is leading to the corresponding increase uf their proportion in the overall industrial production. The achieved gains in the development of this sector are enabl- ~ng the CEMA co~~ntries to set new taslcs. At present the problem consists not so much in the further increase of the proportion of this sector in the overall industrial production as in the improvement of its intrasectorial structure and the increase of the quali.ty of the products being produced on ` the basis of the more extensive utilization of scientific and technical achievements. Under the conditions of the increase of the tightness of the manpower re- sources balance in a number of countries of the community the urgent need is also arising to inc-rease the production volume of machinery and equipment, means of the mechanization and automation of production for the sector.s in which manual and poorly mechanized labor is still used in a large amount. Such a direction in the development of machine building and metalworking is creating a firm basis for further progressive structural shifts in all the sectors of the national economy. It is making possible the solution of ti.he problem of manpower resources on the basis of the further increase of the rechnical level of production and the reduction of the proportion ot those employed in the sectors in which it sti7.l rema~ns comparatively high. The anticipatory development of machine building and metalworking improves Che indicators of the efficiency of all production.. This is governed above all by the fact that it leads to an increase of the degree of technical equipment of all the sectors of the national economy. Machine building and metalwerking belong, moreover, to the less capital-intensive and m.aterials- intensive sectors of industry. The average output-capital ratio in these sectors in 1975 exceeded, for example, the in:iicators of in- dustry as a whole in Poland by 23 percent, in the USSR by 29 percent and in - the other European CEMA countries by 51-67 percent. , The total material expenditures per unit of gross production (excluding amortization)~ in these sectors in Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Hungary were 5-10 percent lower than in all industry, in the USSR 18 percent lower, in the GDR 28 percent lower and in Poland 3 percent lower (including amortiza- tion, transportation and repair services). The expenditures per unit of fuel and electric power are even lower in these sectors. However, the ex- _ pendirures of living labor per unit of groduction in the sector in question are sli~htly higher than in industry as a whole. :1nd its anticipatory de- velopment requires the additional enlistment of. manpower. 9 : FOR OFFICI~,'.. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR Ok'FICIAL USE ONLY Correlation of the Levels of the 0utput-Capital Ratio - in Some Sectors of Industry in the CEMA Countries in 1975 . (industry as a whole--100 percent) ~d ~ ~ Sectors of industry ~ o ~ o.x `~~f . ~ ~ ~ A ~ ~ a~i o a~ x ~ Pa ~ ci c'~n ~ Machine building and ~ - , metalworking. 162 151 167 92 123 129 166 Fuel industry 37 38* 22*~` 59 46** 45 55 Chemical industry 56 104 75 54 80 73 109 , Light industry. 140*** 140 141**'~ 221*'~* 191 339 111*** Food industry 229 168 236 93 188 250 224'' * ~ Mining industry. Fuel and power industry. Textile industry. Sources: "Narodnoye khozyaystvo SSSR v 1975 g." /The USSR National Economy in 1975/, Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1976, pp 197, 'L23, and statistical handbooks of the other countries. The chemical industry is also among the sectors which are expediting techni- cal progress. Its items are capable of replacing meCal and construction materials, natural'fur and fabrics made from wool, cotton, silk and others, diamonds and other ultrastrong materials. Chemistry makes it possible to develop completely new materials (including with preset properties), which are not encountered in nature. Wichin this sector those subsectors and types of production of it; which most Pully realize~scientific and technical achievements and serve as ve- hicles of technical progress in the natienal economy: for example, the pro- duction of plastics and synthetic resin.s, synthetic ammonia, chemical fibers, chemicals for protecting plants, detergents and many other advanced ~ types of products, are being developed most rapidly. Some of them (for example, plastics, synthetic resins, polyethylene and copolymers of ethylene ~nd others) in the ma~ority of CEMA countries began to be produced on a more or less large scale only in the second half of the 1960~s. ~ - The accelerated production of new types of chemical products created favor- able conditions and the prerequisites for the anticipatory development of this sector as compared with all industry. During 1961-1970, the period of the most intensive development of the chemical industry, the increase of its production volume in the GDR took place 1.2 times more rapidly than all 10 ~ FOR OFFICI.4L USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 _ FOR OFFIC7AL USE ONLY industry, in ttie USSR 1.8 times more rapidly, in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary 2-3 times more rapidly. In subsequent years _ in most of the indicated this lead decreased slightly. During _ 1971-1977 i.t did not exceed 1.1-1.6 times. The rapid growth of the chemical industry in the CEMA countries enabled ~ them to draw close to the developed capitalist countries in the proporCion of Caese products in tt~e overall indusCrial production. The proportion of those employed h'ere with respact to the total number of industrial personnel engaged d�~.i~ectly;in production in the European CEMA countries in 1977 ranged from S.l ti~ 8.4 percent.12 Here the increase of the former indi_cator took place somewhat more rapidly than the latter, which attests to the more rapid increase of labor producti.vity in this aector. Its anticipatory de- velopment is having a positive influence on the overall growth rate uf labor productivity in industry and, consequently, on its production volume. At the same time, the influence of the indicatecl structural factor on the dynamics and level ~f the outpu~-capital ratio in industry is not ~iW~~ys so effective. Since the products of the chemical industry are the most capital-intensive and power-consuming (in a number of CEMA countries 1.5-2 ~ ~imes greater than in all industry), its accelerated developmen~ inereases t}ie total demand per unit for fuel and power resources and capital i_nves~- meit ts . In the improvement of the sectorial structure of industry of the CL'MA coun- the change of the proportion and structure of the sectors of light and tEie food industries is also of great importance. This is conrier_e:ed, f:trst _ oL all, with the fact that in the European CEMA countries from one-foui~th to more than one-third, and in M4ngolia and Cuba inore than one-hal.f, oi: the total volume of industrial production falls to them and, second, the pro- ducts of thPSe sectors are used primarily for the imme~iate satisfaction of the constantly increasing demand of the population, whicii under the influ- - ence of various objective and subjective factors (the incre~se oP wages, = financial security and others) is rapidly changing quantitatively, qualita- tively and structurally. The development of the sectors of light and the food i.ndustries is taking place somewhat more slowly th~n heavy and especially the cti~mical industry. ~ Owing to this their proportion in the overall industrial production is gradually decreasing. This process is taking place intensively in the countries which previously had a lower level of economic development. The decrease oF the proportion of these sectors is also predetermined by the fact that under the conditions of th~a scientific and technical revolu- tion the very :;tructure of co:~sumpti.on is changing radically. In personal consumption, for example, t'~e praportion of durable goods (televisions, radios, refrzgerators, washing machines an~3 so on), o~hich are produced in machine building, the electric equipment, electronics and chemical indus- - rries, is increasing considerably. Such structura7_shifts conform to the -requirements of scientific and technical progress. - 11 FOR OF'FICIA,'. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY At the same t:ime as the decrc~ase of the proportion of the products of light and the food industries in the overall indusL-rial production a decline in the proportion ~f the workers employed in them is taking place. The change _ in the number oi those employed in the sectors and their proportion in the total number of Chose employed in industry in many respects depends on the correlation of the local and overall growth rates of labor productivity. In the sectors in question these rates most often lag behind the analogous average indicaCors of industry. The proportion of those employed in light industry is usually higher than rhe proportion ~P its products in the overall industrial production, which attests to the lower level of output in it of the gross production falling to one employee. The proportion of those employed in the food industry of the CEMA countries, on the other hand, is substantially inferior to the pro- portion of the products of this sector in the overall industrial production. Consequently, the output of gross production per employee in it exceeds the corresponding indicators of all industry (in m~st CEMA countries by 1.7-2.1 times). The level of the output-capital ratio is higher in light and t~e food indus- tries than in industry as a whole (in a number of cauntries 1.5-~2 times higher and more). This makes it possible to ensure the uniform increase of - the production volume in them (as compared with other sectors) with consider- ably less capital investments. Considerably less expenditures of electric power and fuel are required in order to o'otain an increase of a unit of production in the indicated sec- tors, which attests to the feasibility of their preferential development in the countries in which fuel and power resources are limited. It is true that here it is necessary to take into consideration the availability of ra~v m.~terial resources in the countries. The development of the sectors of the food indistry, for example, to a considerable extent depends on the do- mestic raw m,aterial base, the local natural an.d climatic conditions and the direct~ions of agricultural development. And this should be taken into ac- count when planning sectorial structural shifts in the economy of the countries. The need to ensure the rapid increase af the standard of living of the people requires the acceleration of the development of the sectors of light and the food industries. However, the materials-output ratio of the products of these sectors is decreasing the economic interest of the coun- tries in developing them.13 What is more, some of them often give prefer- e-.~ice to the priority development of the sectors of heavy industry (to the d:triment of light and the food industries) even when they are forced to _*~port fuel and raw materials in large amounts. Studies show that the relatively lower profitability of the sectors of light and the food industries is caused, on the one hand, by their corre- spondingly lower degree of technical equipment and, on the other, by the inadequate provision with the necessary raw materials (especially high 12 FOR OFFICI~I. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY quality raw materials). The periodic revision of prices in favor of agri- culture, the products of which are used as raw materials in the sectors of industry in questi.on, also has a definite negative influence on,r.heir pro- fitability. In light and the food industries the increase of the growth rate of labor productivity in these sectors and the reduction oP the expenditures or~ t~e producCion of products are of great importance for maintaining price s~_~uil- ity. The increase of the efficlency of the production of agricultural raw materials for these sectors of industry and their supply at stable or even ~ decreasing prices is called upon to play a significant role. ~ On the basis of tYie conducted rese~.trch it can be stated that the improvemen~. of the sectorial structure of industry is a qu3te broad and multilevel con- c~pt. It embraces the change in the proportions and interrelations among the sectors not only according to the end results of pr~duction (the produc- tion volume), but also according to its expenditures (electric power, fuel, ~ raw materials, materials and so on), as well as according to the number of employed workers, the amount of fixed production capital and capital invest- ments. Therefore, it is possible to solve many national economy problems by means of the structural factor. The diversity of problems being solved by the countries and rhe differences in the o~iecttve conditions and possibilities available to them for this are creating additional favorable conditions and prerequisites for further suc- cessful progrESS along the path of their economic integration. This, in turn, provides extensive opportunities for the increase of the efficiency of the interaction and the adaptation of the sectorial structures of their national economies. T4~e rational utilization oF all these potentials is one of the most important strategic tasks of the further improvement of the sectorial structure of production in the CEMA countries at L�he gresent stage. , FOOTTIOTES 1. See "Statisticheskiy yezhegodnl.k stran-chlenov SEV, 1971" /Statistical Yearbook of the CErtA Member Countries, 1971/, Izdatel'stvo "StaCistika", 1971, p 46; 1978, p 41. 2. See "Statisticheskiy yezhegodnik stran-chlenov SEV, 1978" /Statistical . Yearbook o.f the CEMA Member Countries, 1978/, Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1978, PP 75-77. 3. EKONOMICHESKOYE SOTRUDNIC:~FSTVO STRAN-CHLENOV SEV, No 4, 1977, p 46. 4. See "Narodnoye khozyaystvo SSSR v 1977 g." /Tf:e USSR National Economy in 1977/, Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1.978, p 51. 5. See "Statisticheskiy yezhegodnik stran-chlenov SEV, 1978," p 74. 13 FOR OFFICIti,'. USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' 6. See "Narodnoye khozyaystvo=SSSR v 1977 g.," p 147; EKONOMICHESKOYE SO- TRUDNICHESTVO STRAN-CHLENOV SEV, No 4, 1977, p 47. 7. See L. Nochevkina, N. Chertko, "The Seventies: Peculiarities of th~e In- vestment Process in Developed Capitalist Countries"'::(MIROVAYA EKONOMIKA I riEZHDUNARODNYYE OTNOSHENIYA, No 9, 1973, p 54). 8. See "Narodnoye khozyaystvo SSSR za 60 let" /The USSR National Economy Over 60 Years/, Izdatel'stvo "Statist.ika", 1977, p 121. ~9. See "Statisticheskiy yezhegodnilc stran-chlenov SEV, 1978", pp 2'+, 25, . 76, 374. 10. EKONOMICHESKOYE SOTRUDNICHESTVO STRAN-CHLENOV SEV, No 4, 1978, p 6. 11. The per capiCa production of steel in 1977 was: Bulgaria--294 kg, Hun- gary--350 kg, the GDR--409 kg, Poland--S1G kg, Romania--528, the USSR-- - 566 kg, the CSSR--1,002 kg; Great Britain--369 kg, Italy--412 kg, France-- 419 kg, the United States--535 kg, the FRG--654 kg, Japan--399 kg (see "Narodnoye khozyaystvo SSSR v 1977 g.," pp 66-67). 12. See "Statisticheskiy yezhegodnik stran-chlenov SEV, 1978," pp 120, 122. ; 13. Thus, the expenditures per~`unit of raw materials and materials in light i.ndustry, for example, in the USSR are 60 percent higher than in all indus- try; in the food industry of most CEMA countries they are 25-40 percent highe.r. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Pravda", "Voprosy ekonomiki", 1979 . 7807 . CSO: 1823 14 FOR OFFICI.4L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONSTJI~R GOODS AND AOME~TIC TRADE ,i ~ ~ , i; , PENALTIES FOR NONDELIVERIES TO RETAIL TRADE LITTLE-USED Moscow VOPROSY ERONO~l~Q1CI in Russian No 6, Jun 79 pp 66-75 [Article by Ya. Orlov: "Economic I.evers for Trade to Influence Production"] [Text] Given the uninterrupted gro~th in the scope and rise in the qualita- tive level of the econo~y and increasing complexity of interbranch and intra- branch tiea, continued improvement in managemant and adminiatration aethode and strengthening organization and coordination in the work of all sectors of social production are taking on increasing impoxtance. Smooth, precise work and unconditional plan fulfillment for all indicators and ~ceting all delivery obligations must became laW for each link of the national economy, . including branches of industry producing conswoer goods. Over the first three years of the five-yesr plan, real per capita incoves increased 10.5 percent, and retail trade turnover i.ncreased 13.5 percent during the same period, in co~parable prices. With a vie~ taWards better meeting the effecCive consumer demand for cawmodity resources, we anticipate substantial acceleration of the grawth rate for group "B" industry (fron four percent this past ye3r ta 5.4 percent in 1979). State and cooperative ~ retail trade turnover this year was aet at 251 billion rubles, based on the anticipated consumer goods resources (G..8 percent growth over last year). Moreover, in order to~better meet the needs of the Soviet people an addi- ~ional trade turnover assignment of two billion rnbles vas outlined. " Improvemeut in economic ties and strengthening bnsiriess interrelationships between industry and trade are fmportant Casks whose urgencq was stressed in resolutions of the 25th CPSU Congress and subsequent CPSU Central Co~it- tee plenums. The business partnership betWeen ~anufacturers and trade col- lectives pursues the single goal of providing the people With more goods corresponding to Che ever-growing exactingness of the consumer. L. I. Brezhn~v stxessed at the November (1978) CPSA Central.Committee Plenum that: "Increasing the production, expanding the assortment and improving ~ the quality of consumer goods remains one of the lcey national economic tasks." Appreciable moveu~ent forward has been observed in reaulving this task: nore than 62,000 items have been awarded the staCe Badge oE Quality. In late 1978, 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY industry was r.eleasing over two-fold as much output with that badge than at " the starC of the five-year plan. ~ood reaulta have been achieved by enter- prises of elecCrical engineering industry, where more Chan two-Eifths of all the output produced has received that high evaluation. ~iore than 3,000 of the industry's enCerprises are using a comprehensive quality control eyatnm. Much work has been done in light industry in recent years to improve the quality and assortmenC of goods tn great demand. The production of new gooda (with an H index) has been increased. In the garment and footwear indusCry alone, about half the enCire assortment has been up-dated. Many enterpriaes of light industry consistently produce well-made output in demand among the ~ popnlation. _ The collective of the Tiraspol' Garment Factory imeni 40th Anniversary of the IComsomol has won first place in the all-union competition for 100 quar- ters running and more than of iCa output is items With the Badge of Quality. And it was these same Tiraspol' workera who were firBt in the branch to have developed and introduced a comprehensive quality control sys- tem. The production of items with the Badge of Quality is 20-50 percent at the Kupavinskiy Thin-Cloth Factory, the Ralinin Worsted Combine, the K,aunas Silk Combine imeni P. Zibertas, the "Mayak" garment productiou as~ociation in Gor'kiy, the "Progress" fooCwear producL�ion association in L'vov, the "Sparta" knit hosi.ery factory in Vil'nyus, and a number of other enterprises. At the same tfine, it should be noted that many assocfations and enterpriaea of the USSR Ministry of Light Industry have been slow to improve product qua- lity and to master the release new models of goods in demand. In turn, the - trade organizations are not making adequate use of economic means of in- fluencing ind~astrial enCerprises violating agreenenCs with them as to com- wodity assortment and supplying the trade network with poor-quality products, obsolete fashions and styles, resulting in the frequent accumulation of un- popular goods in warehouses and stores. The CPSU Central Committee and USSR Council of Ministers Decree "On Steps to Further Develop Trade" E1977) notes that interruptions in supplies of particular goods to trade are also asao- ciated in cvnsiderable measure with the fact that many industrial enCerprises cnntinue to produce poor-quality goods and fail to meet assortment and deli- very schedules anticipated by agreements, and trade organizations do not make full use of their right to apply economic sanctions for suppliers` failures to uaeet contractual obligations. Thus, it is necessary to strengthen econo- mic ties bet~reen industrial enterprises and trade enterpxises, to improve de- mand studies, Co improve the substantiatiota of orders, and also to strengthen ~he influence of wholesale trade enterprie;es on industrial enterprises with ~ view towards increasing consumer goods production, up-dating and expanding ~heir assortment, and improving their quality. As we see, the reference is to increasing the exactingness of trade, the ba- sis of the business partnership. However, this to our m.ind indisputable point of vie~ has recently and unexpectedly found oppori;~:~~~s who assert that it is to the advantage`of trade ~orkers to exact fines and return goods to 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 , ~ . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i~ , 11 manufacturers. Zs that so? {~iholesale base checks to monitor goods quality in 1917 resulted in downgrading or returning for corrections 9.$ percent of the fabric, 8.1 percent of Che garments, 6.2 percent of the knitwear items, 8.6 percent of the leather footi+ear checked. In the first half of 1978, the corresponding 'figures, in percent, w~re: fabric 8.8 percent, garm~ents 7.4 percent, knit~+ear S.7 percent and leather footwear 8.6 percent. In this regard, it must be borna in mind that re are giving average indica- tors. A numb:~r of enterprises produce larger amounts of aubatandard goods. For example, 323 of the 450 items ready for marketing Which Were checked were returned for corrections at the No 2 L'vov Garment Factory of the "l~ayak" as~ociation, and all the qen's suits were defective in that they did not ~ correspond to the approveii model (standard) in terms of materials used and had glaring production ~'e`fects. Some 42 percent of the it~ms checked at the Zaporozh'ye garment production association's lead enterprise Were defective. One could not say that the Wholesale organizations are being "extraordinarily strict" in evaluating goods. Many trade bases must reproach them for ezactly - the opgosite: they are still not a reliable barrier to poor-quality items . reaching the ~ustomer, do little to influenc~ industry, and do not make sub- stantiated claims against suppliers. Many wholesale organizationa are not coping with the not aery high assignments set as to defects and sometimPS _ accept goods perfunctorily. Thus, at the Zhitomir Wholesale-retail asso- ciation, an inspection oF garments already checked revealed 20-60 percent defective clothing. As checks made at. tha Rhereon base showed, one-third of the items accepted by wholesalers Were defective, and at the Donetsk base one-quarter. This testifias to the liberalness, and not the extraordinary strictness, of wholesalers; one must speak rather o� increasing their respon- sfbility for goods quality, of increasing their sanctions against unconscien- tious manufacturers and against wholesale bases accepting goods perfunctorily. Goods quality is also checked bq state trade inspectorates of the republic ministries'~~,;of trade. The state trade inspectoraCe statute anticipates that its basic ;:ask will be to check the quality of consumer goods right at in- duatrial enterprises, bases, warehouaes, and in the field. The staCe trade inspectorate operates in both trade and industry simultaneQUSly. Let us restrict ouz~selves t4 cases reflecting the most drastic aeasures ap- plied against enterprises which systema.tically supply defective goods transfer to a special goods acceptance procedure and temporary cessation of acceptance of their goods. These steps are taken only when almost all the items supplied ar~ defective. Thus, i~ 1977, state trade inspecCorate or- gans of the republic ministri.~s of trade temporarily stopped accepting items from 431 light industry enterprises and 153 enterprises were put under spe- cial acceptance procedures. Even iteias with the Badge of Quality do not al- - ways pass the quality chectc: 42 percent ~f t}~ women's light overcoats were defective at the lead enterprise of the Zaporozh'ye garment production asso- ciation, 44.4 percent of t~e wamen's krimplen drpssen at the Gorlovskiy gar- ment �actory and 18 percent of the men's suits at the Berdichevskiy garment Factory. -And~~ that given the fact that state trade inspectorate workers do not and cann~t recei~~e bonuses for discovering defects, since they are not enterprise ~orkers and have diffezent incentives cr~teria. 17 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Product qualiCy is also monitored by stats inspectorate laboratories, agen- cies of the USSR State Committee for Standards. They cannot be suspected of partiality or of try`ing to reject more ite;ms as defective. At tha same time, each year they exclude from report datFi~ on output produced in viola- tion of All-Union State 5tanda;.;d requirementli and specifications tens of millions of rubles worth of marketed output,~~and the unlawfully obtained profit is withdrawn to the state budget. State Standards Committee and State Arbitration Committee materials testify to the ~ac t that factories F:ce h~ld accountable not simply for producing substandard goods, bnt only if to blame for doing so. Before sanctions are imposed or fines levied, appropriate organizations carefully check if the - factory was able to produce a good product, and in a majority of cases it was. As is known, claims against poor quality goods are examined cn the basis of bilateral documents, or if the producer does not agree, of state expertise documents. The subject of dispute is, one might say, material: deviations from standards, specifications, references, modals. Consequently, there are no grounds for maintaining that monitors might reject any item as defective. The existing procedure provides objectiv~ conditions for bringing charges only against negligent producers. Sometimes a manufacCurer will recognize a claim as to quality, but will re- quest thaC the i.tem be returned "as mistakenly shipped" or rejected due to "labeling." If Che customer agrees, the red tape involved in shipping the substandard iCem and in accounting calcvlations begins, Bases, trade organi- zations and stores must send their recollectious about indebtedness and turn to both the city's people's control office where the enterprise is located and ~o its superior organization. Months and sometimea years pass before the ~ndebtedness is recompensed. This is common, unfortunately. Let us cite the debtors of just one trade organization, Che workers' supply depart- ment of the "Rrasitel"' production association (Rubezhnoye, Voroshiloygrad- skaya Oblast): the Kremenchug, Kiev imeni lOth Anniversary of the Ukraine, iCrivoy Rog, Rovno and Pervomaysk footwear factories, the VorAShilovgrad Foot- wPar Asaociation, and others. There is no single procedure for exacting fines for the varioue trade linka. Let's look at the fines dpnamic.and. the use of fines in the wholesale link of the USSR Ministry of Trade system (in millions of rublea) [page following]. .~ttention is~-called to the fact that the total fines exacted by ~holesale crade work~?cs for poor quality of goods delivered to it has decreased, ac- ~ .:ounting for less than 13 percent. More than four-fifths of the fines are paid by industry for failure to deliver goods. That is What claima are pri- marily against. Trade pays fines primarily for failing .to select goods ordered, for trans- _ port idling during loading and unloading and for failing to meet other terme of economic contracts. Wholesale bases pay retail trade considerable firins j 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 1975 1976 1971 ' Wholesale `trade received, total 275.9 312.0 298.7 - including: for undelivered goodg 205.7 245.k 243.6 for poor quality 48.3 47.7 37.5 other fines 21.9 18.9 17.4 paid, total 98.6 105.2 107.5 including: for undelivered goorls (and commodity 83.2 94.5 99.6 allocations not received) - for poor quality 1.9 1.9 1.8 other fines 13.5 8.8 6.1 amount by which fines received eaceeded fines paid, total 177.3 206.8 191.2 to the budget 168.4 1~6.5 181.6 to incentives funds 8.9 10.3 9.6 for nondelivery, failing to ~eet delivery, poor quality of goods sent to stores, and so forth. Since the ffrat year of [he Ninth Five-Year Plan, wholesale organizations transfexred to the ne~r conditions of planning and economic incentives have put 95 percent of the difference betWeen fines received and ~,a~1d (including default interest and forfeits) into the union republic etat~~::~udgets; five percent has remained at the diaposal of the bases and is released to rheir funds; one-half of these funds are rel~ased to the trade develop~ent fund and only one-fourth can be used for ~aterial incentives to workers. In 1977, the wholesale organizations of the 15 union republics directed 4.12 million rubles ipto traale development funds through fines, 2.38 million into material incentives fvnds, and 2.38 million into sociocultuzal and housing construction funds. Some 96 kopecks of the iacentive fund is spent per wholesale trade Worker per month. ~ It should be stressed that in evaluating profit plan fulfillm~nt for aWard- ing bonuses to snpervisory workers and spec,talists, one condition for bonus payment is Eulfillment of the profit glan (excluded is the difference be- tween fines received and fines paid, since the indicated sums are not anti- cipated in the profit plans for wholesale and retail enterprises). Certain economists hold otherwise, considering it appropriate to put the enCire dif- ference into the state budget (including default interest and forfeits). The following considerations are adduced to substantiate that proposal. A store now receives one ruble of profit for selling a pair of shoes costing 20 rubLes, but it receives four rubles for returning that same pair. An- other calculation is added to this: if a customer acquires a coat for 200 rubles, the store gains a total of 10 rubles, but if the coat is returned to the manufacturer, the store receives 40 rubles. In this connection, let us note that trade discount is not to be confused with store profit. The 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICTAL USE ONLY ' former is issued to cover trade enterprise outlays, and only a small portion of it generates profit.. Further, when it returns gooda, a base endangers trade turnover plan fulfillment, the indicator on ~hich bonuses for its work- ers depend. Moreover, it bears the expenses and does not receive a market- ing discount. In brief, such operations in pracCice promise only lossea. - But perhaps these operations are revenue-producing for Che store? Since 1976, retail trade and public catering enterprises have put into the budget the total amount by uhich Fines received have exceeded fines paid. The data presented below demonstrate how that has influenced fines dynamics (in mil- lions of rables). ~ retail trade and public catering 1975 1976 1977 . . - fines received, total 95.5 80.8 75.7 including: �or undelivered goods 43.8 33.7 28.1 for poor quality 44.7 42,1 37.6 others 7.0 5.0 10.0 ~ Eines paid 24.5 22.7 19.8 amount by Which fines received exceeded Fines paid 71.0 58.1 55.9 The data of the table testify to the fact that, as compared with 1975, re- tail trade enterprises exacted 15.4 percent less in fines from suppliers in 1976 and 20.7 percent less in 1977. Less was exacted not because the fac- tories sharply improved the qualiCy of the goods produced or met delivery plans better, but because interest in recompensing losses incurred dropped. Convincing testimony to the fact thaC a qualitp control check is still ne- cessary are data on first-half 1978 rejects at the "t~oskva" department store in Moscow, which is operated basically in partnership with.leading industrial enterprisea of the city (in 1,0~0 rubles): goods percent defective including received checked checked toCal percent (1) (2) (3) garments 35,018 20,403 58.3 1,096 5.3 ~ 373 337 386 footwear 8,407 8,407 1.00 532 6.3 126 269 137 knitwear 16,315 8,814 54.0 188 � 2.1 117 28 43 haberdashery 11,133 5,899 53.0 72 1.2 41 25 6 souvenirs 962 505 52.5 14 2.8 7 7 ::~y : 1. Downgraded 2. Returned 3. Corrected on the spot - More than 60 percent of the 127.2 million rubles ~:�~rth of goods received by "Moskva" department store in the first half of 1978 were checked. Of the 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY amount checked, 3.85 percent were re,jected. Fifty-two co~odity inspectors constantly check goods qualiCy at the department atore; their wages total 80,00~ rubles per year. The total amount of fines receivad by the store 1n 1977 (203,900 rubles) w~as all put into the budget. It should be emphasized that the Wages of au~ervisory workers, engineering- technical workers and other apecialists in trade organizations do not depend on fines exacted for failure to meet deliverp teras. Thus retail enterprise commodity researchers inspecCing goods and monitoring their quality are awarded bonuses for meeting monthly retail trade turnover and profit plans, for each percentage point of trade turnover plan overfulfillment, and for prompt, cozrect campila*_ion of commodity acceptance documenta in the abaence of substantiated customer complaints gbout poor-quality goods. If these terms are not met, the bonuses are paid not at all or in reduced amounts. Wholesale organization workers are awarded bonuses for meeting the plau for deliveries of goods to market and direct-allocation cuatomers, for overful- �illment of the wholesale trade turnover plan and for meeting the profit plan. ~ I,Et's examine in greater deCail haw a store return~s goods to a garment fac- tory. A department store receiving a lot of coat~ from a factory (arbitrar- ily, S00 aC 200 rubles each) accepts them under USSR State Arbitration Com- _ mittee instructions. ~f a sample check sha~s that the lot recaived contains coats with production defects, the sCore calls in the supplier's representa- tive to participate in the rest of the acceptance procadure and to draW `up a bilateral doGwnenC. If it turns out that a coat has a production defect whiGh can be cor:~cted ouly at the factory (~hich is stated in the inspec- tion document signed by recipient and supplier representatives), the lot is returned Co the supplier to correct or eliminate the defects. When the manu- facturer's representative dces not agree With the evaluation of an article, an expert from the couanodity expertise bureau is invited in; if he confirms that there are production defects Which can be eliminazed only at the fac- Cory, Che lot is returned to the supplier. Having returned the lot tc the manufacturer, the ~rade organization receivea less than a full diacount and makas all the expendiCu~es outlined bq the es- timate of turnover outlays: transport exgpnses to ship the goods, etore Worker wages, overheads, which do nat change as a function of trade turnover . plan fu1fi11menC or nonfulfillraent, as ~ell as expenses for calling in expert inspectors snd others. Onder siach conditions, the trade turnovex plan is generally nat met and the cashier's office does not pay the atate Bank the _ - amount oE the rejected products. In this regard, the trade organization will have iusuffici~nt circul.a~ing capital of its own and the budget will receive feWer deductions fro~a profit. There will also be other losses: de- ductions to economic incen;tivea funds will decrease due to nonfulfillment of the trade turnover and profit plans. The bulk of the workers (wfth the ex- ception of laborers and janitors) wi11 receive no bonuses from the economic incentives fund that month. Under exi~timg statutes, the uncalculated por- tion of economic incentives funds is paid to the budget. At the same tiwe, when the trade turnaver plan is not met, the store inc~irs an extension on State Bank loans (by the amaunt of plan nonfulfillment). All this creates 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY financial difficulties and leads to complications in obtaining bank loans. In this regard, the bank imposes higher intexest rates if loana are issuad to meet Cemporary needs (above the 2-4 per.~cent annual rates) and d~mands a guarantee from a superior organization that the ahortage of own circulating capital Will be made up within a certain~time period. The system of inter- relationships bet~een trade and the budget in terms of paymenta from profit is such that overfulfillment of the commodity circulation and profiC plan in subsequent months cannot lead to reimbursement of a shortage of own circulat- . ing capital genera ted in preceding months. Thus, a retail trade organization which does not permit the sale of goods manufactured in violation of All-Union State Standard requirements incurs considerable losse s without being able to cover them. The indicated lossea can be recompensed only by obtaining additional goods from other suppliera and thus meeCing the trade turnover plan and consequently the prof it plan. Roughly the same situation has evolved for wholesale trade organizaCions. But how does Che customer react to product quality? He attaches much im- pnrtance, in the case of clothing, to innovation, stylishness, fabric design and material, workmanship things which remain at a low level, unforCunately. One of the most impor�tant causes of poor stitching quality is failure to fol- low the technology anticipated by the standards. Many goods not in demand accumulate in trade due to fai.lure of part of the assortment of goods being supplied by industry to conform to trade orders and consumer demand or of goods quality to customer demand, and items from enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Light Industry account for a significant proportion of them. Through the January-August 1978 period, Crade organizations reduced prices by more than 1.5 billion rubles. Goods worCh more than 2.9 billion rublea were disc~unted. The average di3count exceeded 60 percent. As of 1 Janu- ary 1979, goods discounted by nearly 1.1 billion rubles had been sold. . Insrructions on temporary prices tor new and improved consumer goods were approved in 1977; they outline the creation of conditiona ro interest entar- p*.ises in up-dating goods and improvfng their quality, as well as increasinp the producer's material responsibility for the quality of the goods produced. U-~dsr the instructions, the anaterial incentivea fund is reduced by three per- cent for each parcentage of output returned for finishing or correction, and workers to blame for releasing.such goods can be deprived in full or in part of awards paid from the maCer.ial incentives fund. The effective use of this ~ever will unquestianably increase the producer's responsibility for product quality. , Tiie amount of prof it withdrawn for supplying substandard output is often iu- aignificanC and has no subst~ntial influence on the indicators of enterpriae economic ackivity, including deductions to funds. State Standards Cammittee labora.tories someti~es fail to demand, as the established procedure requires, the exclusion of rejected goods from xeports on marketing plan fulfillment. The methods instruc tions "On the procedure for enterprises and organizations to introduce into budget revenues the profit obtained from marketing output 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY manufactured with deviations from the de~ands of standards and specifica- kions" need refinement, since it is not always poasible to check the exe~u- tion of a factory's instructicns on WithdraWing profit. Improping the system of enGarprise material responsibility under economic _ contracts is an effective means of increasing induetry's res~onsibility to trade. After the USSR Co~ancil of Hinisters Decree "On the Material Respon- sibility of Enterprises and Organizations for Failing to Meet Assignmenta and Obligations" was adopted, intereat in applqing economic sanction~ in- creased. However, this task is still far from having been resolved, and the economic substantiation of the amount of penalty sanctiona and the procedure f_or recompensing Iossea have not been determined. Increasing the producer's responsibility for prompt delivery and product quality requires thae effec- tive steps be taken to snpply industrial enterprises With modern equipn~ent, good raw material, and so forth. No less important is the implementation of a syatem of ineasures ai~aaed at improving production planning and stimula- tion. - At the same time, consideration must also be given to Ways of covering addi- tional expenditures in the area of circulation which are connected with the struggle for quality.- The experience of the socialist countries testify to ~ this approach. Thus, in the German Democratic xepublic, trade has created special funds, deductions to vhich depend on the cost of defective and re- turned output. Steps have also been outlined for encouraging Workers to sell goods withouC defects. Discounts on items charged to industrial enter- prises have been inst~:tuted in the GDR and Poland, Which have also developed ~ a scale of increased penaltq sanctions for violating particular points of delivery cantract obligations. Under our conditions, such a flexible sys- tem of incentives is also needed for inspectors, quality checkera and salea- persons for keeping off the shelves ite~ns Which do not meet standards or apecifications. ~usiness relations between industry and trade need improvement, of course. It has long since been proposed that the system of fines be made more ef- fective, that fines be paid from enterprise funds when collectivea have failed to meet contract terms. The press has discussed the problem of ex- _ tending the results of a sample quality control check to the entire lot of a commodity. It would be expedient, in our view, to discount the wholesale prices of goods in the second quality category, that is, obsolescent output, if indus- trial enterprisas deliver such goods to trade. These discounts could be used by trade enterprises to recompense losses fro~ discounting obaolescent - items. There are thus no grounds for referring to "excessive" fines. Today, both Wholesale and retail organizations are interested mora in well-made items than in obtaining fines, which often da not even cover part of the losses associ~ted ~rith disclosing defects and returniug rejects to the manufacturar. 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ON'LY Given the fact that fines do not generally have an e�fective impact yet and do not arouse indusCry and trade to unswervingly m,eet all obligations under economic agreements, their role and importance are small. The opinion that the receipt and payment of penalty sanctions are esaentially the shifting of funds from one sCaCe pockeC to another is, we think, deluded. Analyais af relations at the "garment factory - department atore" level shaws thaC - not only industry and trade, but the population and the state as well are concerned here. This ia why it is important to strengChen, using economic , and legal measures, coat-accounting ruble control not only over production, " � but also over markeCing, to increase cost-accounting responsibility to cus- Comers both by industry and by trade. The fine is an important lever of such control, but it cannot and must not be to anyone's advantage. Society is concerned that the needs of the population and the national economy be met more fully and that economic and legal means facilitate this, The question of whether to exact fines has long been resolvQd. Collectives whose legal interesCs have been violated have not only the right, but also the duty to make claims (including for the payment of finea) against Chose to blame. One would Chink that, given this, the profit not obtained, in- centive funds not deducted, funds for supplementing circulating capital not deducted, and other items not obtained bq the injured party would be reim- bursed withouC fail. Fines must be reflected in rhe results of economic acCivity and in material incentives. The deprivation of retail trade enterprises of revenues generated from �inea received eYCeeding fines paid contradicts the principles of cost accounting and the nature of these sanctions. Fines are a definite source for covering Xo~ses for a party injured due to the failure of another party Co meet con- lractual obligations. WiChdrawal of these funds from state retail trade and public catering enterprises, as Chree years of experience shows, deprives them of interest in applying sancCions and weakens cost-accounting relations between industry and trade. The conclusion: it is appropriate to reinstate the procedure whereby the enrire amount by which Fines received exceed finea rnid remains at the disposal of stores and trsde organizations, di~ing halls and restaurants. In wholesale trade, we need to increase the amount by which fines received exceed fines paid remain:Lng at its disposal from five to 20 percent. These funda could be used to create a fund for discovnCing goods in wholesale organizations (which have heretofore had no such fund), to ea- tablish it in a certain percentage of warehouse circulation, or to sCimulate the production of new and lc,w-profitability items. Recently, there has been increasing support for a procedure of trade and in- ~ dustry interrelationships whereby the manufacturing enterprise bears all re- sponsibility for the quality of ouCput marketed. By stressing the neceasity of high demandingness as to the quality of goods being produced, it is pro- posed that a procedure be instituted whereby enterprises wauld be answerable for the quality oF their own output directly to the customer. The folloWing clarificati.on usually accompanies this: if an enterprise delivers its items Co a store, the store is only an intermediary, since it sells the commodity at the instrucCion of the textile combine or garment factory. 1`he effort to 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY increase the responaibili~y of direct producers to the populaCion ia under- standable, but is iC realistic and feasible? The Moscow Footwear Trade Organization alone has upwards o� 100,000 paira of shoes a year returned by cuatoaers. Of course it would be morc prop~r for industry to assu~e rhese exFensea and eatablish direct h~es With custo~era, rather than with an intermediary which far from always aefenda the interests of the consumer in `he pursuit of tr.ade turnover plan fulfillment. ~ It should be said, however, that trade does noC sell goods "on instructions," as is the case with only commission shops. The resC of the trade net~rork, ' first of all, buys goods fron producers and then sells them ro the popula- ^ tion; second, in socialist society, trade cannot and muaC not be simply an ' inCern~ediary indifferent ta whom it tradea with. It is an important link - in implementing party socioeconomic policy aimed at increasing the wall-being of the Soviet people. Tn order to meet cuatomer demand and effectively influence industry, it ia appropriate that product qualitq be monitored in Crade from the production position as~well tconforudty to standards rPquirements, specificatioma, oo- ~ dels, and so forth) and from the custamer's position. Tha saturation of the market with many goods makes just such an approach eapecially critical. The bulk of the goods returned for correction or downgraded bq quality con- trol workers are a result of production defects and poor raw material qua- lity. Trade need not monitor the quality of iCems from those enterprises which value the honor of their brand and supply vell-made goods. ~ovever, industrial enterprise quality control departments ofCen carry out their func- tions poorly and bear no material responsibiliCy wh~tsoever for it; they shift ~ their functions to inspecCors in other departments. Aside fram inspectors of trade enterprises, inspectorates and the State Standards Coummittee, the bank, people's control, State Arbitration CommiCtee, deputy commissions and various other public commissions, among others, are also concerned With theae quea- tions. The existing system of product quality control is expensive and not very effective. It would be appropriate to concemtrate this control right at the production sites and to reveal defects without fail, before output is shipped and accounts are paid. The regulaCion on delivering consumer goods anticipates that "special deli- very Cerms" can anticipate the righ~ of appropr:iate wholesale organizationa (enterprises) and union republi.c ministries of trade to monitor the quality of goods ready for shipment {release) at industry enCerprises, as Well as � the procedure and inCervals for such checks. However, haberdashery trade wholesal.e bases, for example, have thua far been deprived of the right to make quality conrrol checks at industry enterprises, since "apecial delivery terms" have not been ~orked out. The aituation is similar for certain cultural, personaZ and household items. It apparently makes sense to supplement the regulatian on delivering consumer goods with checka when they have been anticipated in a contract se well. ~ � 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR 0~'FICIAI~ USE ONLY ` Since 1978, tt�?e activity of induatrial enterprises producing consumer goods has been evaluated,on the basis of amount of goods marketed, with conaidera- tion of contract fulfillment. IncenCives funds and the amountg of bonuaess to induatrial enterprise leaders depend on this. The new systcm is oriented toWarde sCrict plan and contract diecipline. Practir.e has confirmed the ef- fecrivenesa of this innovation and of its influenca on betCer fulfillment of conCracts for delivering goods to Crade. The number of enterprises not meeting contr~~ctual obligati~ns has dropped sharply, At the same time, ehere are sCill quite a few factories which are not coping with trade or- ders, alChough nearly all are overfulfilling assignments in terms of amount of output sold. Violations of contracCual obligations are comparatively small, but on a national economic scale, failures to deliver goods needed by the populaCion run to the hundreds of millions of rubles. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo PRAVDA, VOPROSY EKONOMIRI, 1979 11052 CSO: 1823 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAL USL ONLY ~ MANPOWER: LABOR, EDUCATION, DEMOGRAI~HY BOOK VIEWS MANPG'vJER DISTRIBUTION UNDER SOCIALISM PROBLEMY REGULIIZOVANIYA PERERASPREDELENIYA RABOCHEY SILY (Problems of Re~~ulating Manpower Redistribution) in Russian 1978 signed to press 10 Nov 78 pp 1, 168, 3-5 [Arinotation, Table of Contents, Introduction and Conclusion From Book by A. E. Kotlyar and V. V. Trubin, "Ekonomika" Pub- lishers, 10,000 copies, 168 pages] [Text] This book analyzes the problems of reproduction of man- power under socialism: the essential nature and socio-economic - scope of manpower distribution and redistribution, criteria for their rationalization, modern organizational forms of planning manpower distribution, Ptc. The work generalizes the work of special labor services, and offers recommendations for improv- ing the organization of labor transfer and population informa- tion. The book is intended for planning organ workers, labor organiza- tions, specialists involved with problems of labor resources, and for party and administrative aktivs. . ~ 27 FOR OFFICIr',L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICTAL USE ONLY Table of contents Chapter I. The place of organized job placement in manpower distribution processes in a socialist society 6 1. Scope of manpower distribution processes 6 2. Organized job placement in labor resource distribution management system 23 Chapter II. General Nature ~f Organized Job Placement Services 38 1. Development of organized job placement services 38 . 2. Bureau functions 1~p 3. GBTIN (City Bureau for the Job Placement and Population Information) Labor Agency Forms General description of labor groups served by the bureau ~.9 5. Analysis of factors influencing population applications to the bureau 66 6. Regarding the question of centralizing manpower distribution in the city ~2 Chapter III. Bases for the organization of job placement services 79 1. The place of organized job placement in the labor organization system ~9 2. Informational support of GBTIN 82 3. GBTIN financial support 114~ Organizing and planning labor intervention (agency) 123 Chapter IV. Indicators characterizing the effectiveness of organized job placement 1~2 1. Economic indicators resulting from reduced interruptions in work related to job placement processes (E~) 11~5 2. Economic indicator resulting from the optimization of retraining procedures for job placement citizens 150 3. Economic indicator resulting from increased cadre stability ~ 152 4~. Comparative ecanomic effectiveness indicator 15~ 5. Indicators characterizing the organizational level of labor intervention 155 ~onclusions 161 Appendix 165 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The decisions of the 25th CPSU Congress have envisaged the necessity for the further improvement in the level of planning management for the national economy suitable for the modern developmental stage of our socialist society. The Leninist principles of unity in a political and organizational (adminis- trativp) approach toward the resolution of economic tasks con- stitutes th~ basis of those decisions. Under conditions of exacerbated labor res~urce problems, partic- ular significance accrues to the development of ways to effective- ly distributp and utilize manpower in the national economy. "The more dynamic the national economy is," stated A.N. Kosygin at the 25th CPSU Congress, "the more rapidly its sectorial and territorial structure changes, and the more acute the task of coordinating the development of material production and the nori-production s~?here with existing labor resources becomes."1 This explains the neces- sity for the further improvement of a systematic method of distrib- uting manpower. Elements of this system such as occupational orientation and job placement envisaged by the new USSR Constitu- tion are guarantees of the right to work for USSR citizens. Article 40 of the USSR Constitution states that the right to work "is provided for by the socialist system of economics, a contin- uous rise 'in producti~re forces, free occupational training, im- proved work qualifications and training of new specialists~ and the development of a system of occupational orientation and job placement". The organization of manpower distribution as one of the most import- ant spheres of economic policy for the socialist state is built upon a foundation of Marxist-Leninist economic theory. Socialist exgansion of manpower reproduction is the unity of its production, distribution, and utilization1. Research of the problems of theory and practice of manpower reproduction--is an important condition for the further improzrement of work in the area of organizing and training, distribution and utilization of cadre in the national economy. At present~ sufficient in-depthy study has been made of economic bases for the reproduction of manpower, the mechanism of organizing occ.upational--qualifica-tion structur. e for cadre, and of demographic bases of the reproduction process. Many aspects of the utilization of manpower have been devel_oped to a considerable degree, including i:heoretical problems of employment, the organization of labor (the structure of work time, labor intensity, work and rest regimens), etc. In characterizing the current state of scientific studies made of prablems with the distribution of manpower, it should be noted that in recent years, a notice~.ble shift has been noted Z9 FOR OFFICI/w USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY from predominantly empirical to fundamental studies. Those in- clude primarily the works of Ye.G. Antosenkov, B.D. Breyev, L.M. Danilov, T.I. Zaslavskaya, V.S. Nemchenko, V.A. Pavlenkov2, et al. The content of manpower distribution processes is detailed in those works--their mechanisms, forms, and regulation methods. The object of a series of special research studies (I,S. Maslovaya~ Ye.A. Yankovskaya)3~was organizational forms of manpower distribution and redistribu-~ioiz and their prospective development. At the same time, , many questions of theory and practice in the distribution of man- . power remain insufficiently developed, which impedes planning management of those processes. This monograph reviews certain theoretical problems regarding the improvement of planned distribution and redistribution of manpower under conditions of a developed socialist society and generalizes the results of studies made of the trial of organized job place- ment. The authors of the monograph defined their goal as defining the role manpower distribution during the course of its reproduc- tion, to establish its economic scope and implementation forms~ to determine criteria for rationalization and using this basis, to demonstrate the place of organized job placement in a planned distribution of manpower in a socialist economy. Chapter I of the monograph was written by Doctor, Economic Sciences, A.E. Kotlyar, professor. The remaining chapters were mutually authored by A.E. Kotlyar and V.V. Trubin. The authors express their gratitude to Z.A. Khotkina, L.K. Alekperovaya, N.A. Ivanovna, and Ye.B. Furmanovaya, who partici- pated in the collection and processing of materials. 1 Materials of the25th CPSU Con;ress, Moscow, Politizdat, 1976, p. 126. . 1 See Kotlyar, A.E. Manpower in the USSR (Problems Relating to ~ the Theory of Reproduction). Moscow, "Mysl 1967, pp 5__21y~ K~tlyar A.E. Reproduction of Manpower Under Socialism.--Economic Sciences ~konomicheskiye Nauk~, 1972, No 4; Kotlyar A.E. Re- garding Categories of Manpower Reproduction. "Economic Sciences", 1976, 1vo 7. 2 Movement of working cadre in industrial enterprises. Editor, Ye.G. Antosenkov. Moscow, "Economy", 197~; Breyev, B.D. Mobility ~f the population and labor resources. Moscow, "Statistics"~ i977; Movement of working cadre in industry. Editor, L.M. .~anilov. Moscow, "Statistics", i973; Methodological problems of sociological research in labor resource mobility. Editors, T.I. Zaslavskaya and R.V. Ryvkinaya. Novosibirsk, "Science", 1~74; Socio-economic problems of labor organization. Editor~ V.S. Nemchenko. Moscow. Moscow State University Publishers, � 197~; V.A. Pavlenkov. Manpower movement under conditions of developed socialism. Moscow, 1976. 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - 3 See I.S. Maslov, Economic Questions Regarding Manpower Re- Distribution Under Socialism. Moscow, "Science", 1976; Yankovskaya Ye.A. Redistribution of labor resources. Kiev, "Naukova dumka", 1978� In determining the long range prospects for future improvement in the redistribution mechanism for manpower~ it must be taken into consideration that the current tension of labor competition under conditions of a developing socialist economy is a temporary or transient situation. Realization of the program advanced by the 25th CPSU Congress to achieve further growth in labor productivity, accelerated scientific-technological progress, and improved mana~ement of the national economy will enable the disproportions in the area of providing the national economy with labor resources. Therefore, when speaking of long-term prospects, it is necessary to bear in mind the development of the channel examined for the redistribution of manpower under conditions of a balance of the material and personal factors of production. There are bases for proposing that under such conditions, the development of an organized job placement system would be oriented primarily toward a procedure for the use of bureau services at the individual initiative of citizens and administrative organs. It follows that ~th~ expansion of the scales of organized job placement is ~ossible only when founded upon a clear conviction of the masses regarding the advantages offered by the intervention bureau. For this~ a substantial improvement in the quality of the bureau operations is necessary, which in turn requires that at least two conditions " be provided for. First, it must follow that rendering assistance to citizens in searching for suitable work and to administrative organs in the selection of cadre is the primary function of the bureau. All aspects of the bureau's activities must be. subordinated precisely to the execution of that function. It is therefore, impermis- sible to charge the bureau with any sort of control function~ and to transfer alik~~?the responsibility for staffing national econ- omic projects1. The sole responsibility which the bureau must bear is the responsibility for providing high quality service to the citizens and administrative organs. ~ Secondly, it is important to create organizational prerequisites providing for the qualitative improvement of the bureau's work. Such prerequisites might be the establishment of a complete system of i~iformation, financial, material-technical and scientific- methodological support. For this purpose, a series of tasks must be resolved. 1. In the area of information support: to insure the completeness, validity, and currency of informa- tion receipt regarding the existence of free (unoccupied) working places in enterprises and in city organizations. For this, it is 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY necessary to establish a procedure for mandatory monthly informa- tion to be provided the bureau regarding all vacancies existing in enterprises and in city organizations; to provide for the efficiency of reporting information to the bureau regarding the results of directing citizens to work. It is necessary here to establish a procedure for the mandatory re- turn within a five-day period of the form "Directed to work" with results indicated (job placement or no job placement): to introduce into practice improved documentation forms: "Notification of existing free work places" (see form 1" and the "Registration Card" (see form 2~, as they~satisfy the requirement for maximum correspondence of the work position description and the candidates for appointment; to serve not only unemployed, but also workers currently employed, and those wishing to chan~e their place of work. For this, it is expeditious to create a special card file and to use the new form of the registration card; to improve the organization of information transmitted to the population through arti~icial channels: by radio, television, newspapers, on benches, and advertising displays. It is necessary first of all, to convert to advertising the bureau's services, its advantages, and in this respect, a significant increase in resources is necessary, those allocations directed for advertis- ing and information; secondly, to develop vivid and substantive texts for articles and radio broadcasts, posters, phamplets, and advertisements pu'blicizing the services of the bureau; thirdly, to organize the transmittal of information by the most effective channels, considering the peculiarities of their use by various categories of the population; and fourthly, to expand ~he limits of inf'ormation dissemination beyond the city, using oblast and rayon newspapers for this purpose. 2. In the area of financial support: < to develope a system .for financing bureau services. Undoubt- edly, the best form of financial support for the bureau would be -the conversion of the GBTIN system to budgetary financing. How- ever, considering the complexity of resolving this problem,,as - an experiment, it would efficient to establish a procedure for financing the bureau by all enterprises and city organizations. To do this, it would be necessary to establish a system of fees, w?th due consideration given the share of administrative organs with differing populations of workers in the total number of cadre received by the enterprises themselves; . to establish optimum estimates for income and expenses of the bureau, considering the necessity for a significant inerease or expansion of staff, increased salary scales for workers, increased resources allocated for advertising and information, maintenance of facilities, and the acquisition of organizational-technological resources. Here it is efficient to utilize existing data on the bureau's expenses, correcting or adjusting them for the necessary 32 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY growth for the appropriate items. to develop a system of material incentive for bureau employees~ considering not only quantitative but qualitative indicators for bureau work (scale of circulation, circulation results, and efficiency of job placement). In this instance, it is considered expeditious to utilize data from systematic (quarterly) analysis of the bureau's economic efficiency in its work. 3. In the area of material-technical support: to allocate to the bureau facilities designed for the influx of significant masses of the population and considering the peculiarities of work with transients. Here it is expedient to incorporate the experience of Ufa and Kaluga (one structure for the simultaneous accomodation of 20-30 visitors and individ- , ual offices for talking to them, etc.); to equip the bureau with the necessary communications equip- ment--telephones, teletypes in the requisite numbers, it would be efficient here to establish direct communications channels with enterprises and city organizations; to equip the bureau with auto vehicular transportation. Ex- perience has demonstrated that the existence and availibil.ity of transportation not only expands the oppor~tunities for adver- tising and informational work, but also enables the employees ' of the bureau to systematically visit the enterprises and city organizations. 4. In the area of scientific-methodological support: to develop the necessary methodological recommendations (for improving procedures for selection of vacanciES, ir~ organizing and conducting occupational selections, for the study of basic tendencies in the processes of labor migrations, to evaluate labor competition in the city, etc.). For this, it is necessary to attract specialists of various specializations (economists, psychologists, programmers, sociologists, advertising specialists, mathematicians, etc.). ~ The resolution of ~these tasks will enable, in our view, in sufficiently short time periods to increase the role of city bureaus in the job placement af a greater segment of urban populations and on this foundation to substantially increase the planned nature of laUor migrations or movements and the effectiveness of utilizing manpower in the public economy. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Ekonomika", 1978 88~1 cso: 18z3 33 FOR 0'FFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY ~ TRANSPORTATION CHEMICAL INDUSTRY URGED TO USE RAIL TRANSPORT MORE EFF'ECTIVELY Moscow KHIMICHESKAYA PROMYSHLENNOST' in Russian No 7, 7.979 pp 3-6 ~Article by N. S. Chern,yshov, deputy chief of a division of the Main Freight Adminiatration of the USSR Miniatry of Railways: "Utilize Rail Transport More � Effectively~~] ~ ~Tex't] The high rate of development of our country'e economic ayatem during the lOth Five-Year Plan is placing new and more etepped-up demanda upon trans- port and, first and foremost, on rail transport in terms of the shipment of freight. As we know, railroads are handling this task under great streee. The eale of fini.shed output is frequently delayed at individual enterprigee owing to the lack of prompt delivery of railroad cars. But the difficulties in transporting freight are not always caueed by a ahortage of rolling stock. There are shortcomings whose elimination would ena,ble one to guaxantee more fully the fulfillment of the demands of the national economy in terme of ahip- ments. It is a queation of a radical improvement in the utilization of rail- road cars on sidings at industrial enterprises and conatruction pro3ecta. A reduction in the time that railroad cars are enga.g+ed in loading and unloading is a large internal resource for the means of transport. Just as in induatry, where a reduction in the production cycle leads to a growth in the output of production, so a18o in transport an acceleration in the railroad car turn- around time, i.e., a reduction in time from the beginning of loading of the car to the subsequent loading~is a powerful means to increase the volume of shipments. The campaign for an improvement in the use of railroad cars and for an elimination of their nonproductive layovers during freight operations is a moat important state task not only of collectives at the atation and on � . b::anches of the railroads, but also of industrial enterprises and conetruction p~~ojects, which are the shippers and consigneea of freight. However, far from all mana,g~era of enterprisee in the chemioal industry axe re- acting in the proper manner to their duty in terms of utilization of railway cars in a rationa,l manner and ase tolerating the delay of cars during loading and unloading beyond any established norms whataoever. During the paet yeax, i978, the layover of railroad cars for the sector as a whole was 11 hours, as 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ � ,s,; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY opposed to a norm of 8 hours, and thie led to a loes of loading reeourcea amounting to more than 67~000 railroad care~ of which the chemical induetry it- ' self was very much in need. Examples of the work of the foremoet collectiveg of i~ndustrial. enterpriaee and traneport ehow that such lossea in the use of the meana of tranaport could be avoided. The practices of the induetrial enterpriaes o.f Chelyabinakaya Oblast ~nd the branches of the South Ural9 RR in reducing layovers of x~.ilroa.d cara during freight operations and in their eafekeeping, which were approved by the CPSU Central Committee, open up great opportunities. The largest enterprisee of the oblaet have adopted pledgea to reduce the layover of railroad care ae against the eetablished norins and, as a:~ule, to ehip above-plan output in the xolling stock th~,t had been economized. The repair of railroad caxs hae been ~et up on the industrial aidings of enterprises. The peoplE; of Chelyabinek are fulfilling their pledg~ea. They are actively engaged here with the pxoblems of improvement of the railway facilities of their own enterprises and with heightening the extent of their equipment with techniaal means. Progressive types of traction, diesel locomo- tives and electric locomotives~ as well as automatic control of switches, are being introduced, wooden ties are being replaced by reinforced concrete ties, materials handling operations are being mechanized, etc. Not only the alloca- tions called for in plans for capital investments, but aleo assets from the production development fund are being utilized for this purpose. The practices of the people of Chelyabinak finding followers at mar~y enter- prises, including those in the chemical industry a~ well. The transport workers on the industrial sidings of the following roduction associations--"Korund" ~~CorundumJ (Dzerzhinsk), "5era" ~Sulf~r~ (Rozdol , "Karatau" (Karatau) Minudobreniya ~Mineral FertilizergJ (Voskresenak~, "Soda" (Sterlitamak~ and the Chemical Plant imeni Ya. M. Svei~dlov (Vinnitea)--are displaying a pro- prietary interest when it comea to the use of railroad carg. A reduction in the layover of railroad cara at these enterpriaes ha.s been achieved by virtue of the implementation of ineasures for the development of transport facilitie9 on sidings, as well as by virtue of introduc- tion of a unified system for work by ~he collectives of enterpriaes and rail- Way etations. Unfortunately, one must talk about other facts as well and cite examples of negligent treatment of railroad cars. Ihzring the three yeaxs of the current five-year plan, the layover of railroad cars on the industrial sidings of enterprises has not, in practical terms, been reduced for the sector as a , whoJ.e, and has even grown at ce~tain enterprisea. If the layover of railroad cars in 1978 was overstated for all ministries and departmente as a whole by 1.6 hours a:~ against the norm, then a.t enterpriqey oi ~~~emical industry this excess conaisted of 3 hours. '~Jhat then are the reasons for such an unfavorable situa,tion in respect to the use of railroad cars at enterprises of the chemical indusi;ry? The chief of 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY theae reasons, in our opinion, is the lack of balance which has emerged in the development of basic production and tra.nsport facilitiea. '~Ihile expanding production shops and increasing the output of production~ certain manag+ere of enterprises and associations are extremely inadequate when it comes to pay- ing attention to the development of the transport facilities on the industrial eicli,ngg. They begin to take an interest in these facilities only when baeic production has already been delayed by them. Take, for instance the Balakovo Chemical Plant. A production complex for the output of double ~binary?~ superphosphate has been put into operation, while the construction of many objects for the transport facilities has still not ~ been comnleted at this time. Coneiderable unfinished work is to be found at the devices for the unloading of pyrite and apatite. The laying of railway tracks has not been completed in the plant's industrial park. Intraplant ship- ments at the enterprise increased when the complex was put into operation, but at the same time the locomotive fleet wae not brought into line with the plan. Instead of aix locomotives, only three are operating, of which two are 1ow- powered. Very in? on the development of the Balakovo and Yul'yevka stations has not been performed. Without a doubt, all this has ma,de for a deterioration in the use of the rolling etock. The layover of railroad cara at the plant wag overstated by an amount that was more than triple the eeta- ' blished norm and reached 50.4 hour,s in 1978. A great lag ha,s been permitted in the development of transport facilities at the Uvarovo Chemical Plant. They obviously do not correspond to the level of basic production and to the gxowing volume of freight shipmenta. And what is more, the construction of the plant's railway station has not been completed, a schematic of storage hoppers at the waxehouses for candle-ends from sulfuric acid production ha.s not been put into operation, a transport system for the transfer of pyrite from the car dumper to the sulf~ric acid shop is miseing and the installation of many other objects has not been completed. Railroad cars arriving at the plant with raw material and other freight are not unloaded oy the deadline. During the pa~t two years the layover of railroad caxs on industrial sidings was actually 33.7 hours, whereas the established norm was 7 hours, Work is proceeding extremely slowly on the development of the railway ehop at tlie Crimean Titanium Dioxide Plant. Production capacities for the second line of conatruction at the enterprise are already being put into operation and the output of production ie increasing, whereas object9 relating to transport con- struc~tion, including even those for the first line, remain unfinished. The trestl.e built two and a half years ago for the unloading of ilmenite from r~.ilroad ca,rs is not in operation owing to the abaence of a railroad track. Tl:e installation of a car dumper was not envieaged in the project planning for ~i..~e plant. Pyrite ig now being unloaded by low-yield equipment at a rate of two caxs an hour. Often hundreda of railroad cara loaded with pyrite pile up while awaiting their place at the unloading front. The construction of units for the defrosting of cargoes that freeze was also not planned. The froet protection houeing installed by the plant does not meet the minimum requirements. 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Its capacities can be calculated only in terms of railway cars and it~s tempera.ture is not sufficiently high. During the winter up to 18 railroad cars ase defrosted over a 24-hour period, which ia several times lesa than actually required. There is no facility at the plant for the repair of diesel locomotives, the point for washing tank cars has not been built and devices for the mechanized closing of the hatches on gondola cars are absent. It is not aurprising that the layover of railroad caxa at the enterprise exceeds the norm by almoat 10 houre. There are also other cases where the frontages for loading and unloading rail- road cars are not expanded, but, on the contr~axy, reduced during the moderniza- tion of enterprisea. Thus, at the Konstantinovskiy Chemical plant, the front- ~ ag~s for unloading railroad cars containing pyr3.te and apatite concentrate Were reduced to almost half their previous length during the consi.~uction of new shops for the production of fertilizera. And this was all done without any agreement with �the railroad. ~lork on heightening the level of inechaniz~.tion of freight unloading and on conatruction of an independent railway outlet to the Kondra.t'yevka station is being performed alowly. Over six years only 60 percent of the fun~is earma.tked for this purpose have been assimilated. It is very important that the principle of comprehenaive develo~ment of the objects of industry and external. rail transport not be violated during the con- struction of new and modernization of existing enterprises. One muet think beforehand about how to haul raw material, fuQl and va:rious cargoea to the future enterprise in a more rationa.l manner as well ae haw to digpatch finished products promptly. Unfortunately, managera of enterpxiaee are doing a poor job of taking up theae agsnda iiems. Here a several examples. ~1 plan for the modernization of the Rosso9h' station of the Southeastern RR, to which the railway siding of the new enterprise is joined, was dr~fted in connection with the construction of the Pridonekoy rlineral F'ertilizers Plant upon the order of the Ministry of the Checnical Industry. Argumente continued for two yeare as to xho was to perform the function of customer, while agenciee of higher instance failed to make it incumbent upon the Ministry of the Chemi- cal Industry to start construction work on the modernization of the station. During the current year the production capa.cities of the first line are being put into operation and they are faced with the output of finished products; however, the plant's industrial eiding is sti1Z "aant~.ated" to the Rossoah' station alon~ a temporary circuit with a cross--section of the main railroad tracks on one level. This is now already hampering the delivery to and pick- up of ra,ilroad caxs from the glant. ~ Work is proceeding slowly on the installation of other objects at railroad and plant atations. Thus, difficulties are being created with the tra_nsporting of freight and the processing of rai.lroad cars even prior to the time when an enterprise ie put into operation. The principle of comprehenaive development has been violated in the construction of the Togliatti Nitrogen Plant of the Kuybyshevazot ~Kuybyshev Nitrogen~ Production As9ociation. The construction 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY of t}iis enterpri:~e will occasion a substantial increase in freight turnover. The development nf the Zhigu.levskoye More etation of the Kt~ybyshev RH, to which the plant's indut3trial siding ia joined, has been envigaged for ite assinula- tion by a plan for external ra.~l transport drafted by the FromtraneNIIproyekt ~5cientific Hesearch Inetitute for the Planning of Induetrial Trtineport,.,~. ~ But this plan is still far from being implemented. All thia oan lead to eeri- ous difficul.ties in the dispatch of finiohed producte. The freight turnover of the Kokurino station of the Volga RR will gxow substan- tially when new objects for the production of nitrile-acrylic acid are put i:~~~ operation at the Saratov Nitron Production Association. The laying of addi- ' tional 9tation tracks with the work attendin~ this ia required. However~ the engineering plan for the objecte for the production of nitrile-acrylic acid was drafted without taking the development of the Kokurino station into account. Now the miscalculation that was allowed is being corrected. By order of the Minigtry of the Chemical Industry, the drafting of the engineering plan is being concluded this year. But the deadline for the start of construction work hae still not been determined. It is totally evident that this is being done with great delay. The production complex has been put into operation~ while the external rail transport has turned out to be anything but ready. Already this is making for difficulties in the shipment of output and is slowing down the turn-around time of railroad cars. One would thi.nk that the necessary conclusions would be drawn from these plee. And wha.t is more, it is necessary not only to put production capacities and objects for transport facilities into operation in a c~~mprehensive and prompt manner, but also to ensure that the development of industrial rail trans- ~ port nutstrip construction of production capacities somewha.t. Then it would i cease to limit the operations of enterpxisea when it comes to shipment of fin- ished output and a reeerve would be created to satisfy the dema.nds that arige for additional shipments, in particular, of above-plan production, as well as , for better utilization of the rolling stock. sreat layovers of railroad cara are permitted at enterprises owing to the un- ~atisfactory organization of loading and unloading operationa, particu].arly at nig:it and on days off. The unloading of railroad cars is being provided for in an extremely poor manner. Daily, more than 850 railroad care containing ra.~:r material, fuel and other materials remain for 18 hour.~ at enterprises of the chemical industry unloaded 'oy the appointed deadline. Mar~y of them are, in eesence, converi;ed into warehouses on wheels. The measures to reduce the layovers of railroad cars that are specified during the conclusion of agreements on the operation of industrial sidings remain unimplemented in the majority of ir,~tance3. Above-norm layovers of caxs are very great on industrial sidings o:~' the Sumgaitkhimprom ~Sumgait Chemical Ir.dustryJ Production Agsociation, t'e NovochPrkassk Synthetic Froducts Plant, the Novgaxod Azot ~Nitrogen~ Production Asaociation, the Jonava Nitrate Fertilizers Plant, the Odeasa Super- phosphatE Plant, the Chirchik Elektrokhimprom ~Electrochemical Zndustry~ Pro- duction Association, the Cherepovets Chemical Plant and some other enterpriaes. 38 FOR OFFICIAT, USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY A ma~or regexve for the f~lfillment of the plnn for ehipmenta is a fl,ill-value load in railroad cars. Under conditione marked by a ehortfall in the fleet of railror~d cars, it is eepecially important to utilize flilly the caxrying capa-- city and tonnag~ of the rolling stock. Instances are not infrequent where railroad cars are dispatched on lon~-distance runa with a great degree of under- loading. Railway workers do not have tha opportunity to ~upervxse che level ~ of the load in each railroad car, eince they would be required to maintain an entire service of controlers for this. The freight ghipper himeelf muat strive to ship more freight with a smaller number of railroad cars. However~ the control checks being made by the ra.ilroads in a selected eampling show tha.t thio rule is not being observed everywhere. Laet year more th~.n 62,000 rail- road. cars loaded at enterprises of the chemical induatry were inepected, of which 12.4 percent were underloaded on the average by 1.3 tone when compared with the weight indicated by the freight shipper in the shipping documents. La,rge underloada are being permitted by the Stur~y Khimprom ~Chemical Industry~ Production Associatian. An underload of more than 152 tons was obeerved in 3 railroad car.s loaded with scrap metal at the eriterpriee, while in two railroad cars the underload was 10 to 17 tons, while in ~ne car loaded with phospYiogyp-- sum, the weight turned out to be 19.5 tons less that wha,t was indicated in tre documenta. Eight cars dispatched by the Voskresensk Minudobren.iya ~Mineral. FertilizersJ Production Association were underloaded by 12.8 tons of m.ineral fertilizera, and four cars loaded with superphosphate at tr.a Odessa Superphos- phate Plant were underloaded by 15 tons, while one cax o~ these aforementioned four was undPrloaded by eix tons. i Such great losees in the means of shipment can be explained neglect of the weighing facilities and by the caxeles~ attitu~.e of certain empioyeee of the enterprises toward determining the wei~t of freight being dispatched. It is necessary to eliminate in a decisive manner ahortcomings in the u~e of the carrying capacity and tonnage of railroad car9. It is neceasary in the short- est period of time pos9ible to carry out the replacement of obsolete beam balance scales with new systems of automa.ti~ electronic scales. One must not ~ determine the weight of freight in a railraad car "by eye." Fbr this will ' lead not only to excess occupation of s~ace in the railroad car fleet, but also to a distortion in the reporting of output snipped, overpayment of the tariff and an overstatement of the actual value of the shipments. Serious anxiety is also being c;rea-t;ed by the ma,tter of the safekeeping of railroad cars on industrial sidings. During last year alone, 1,103 railroad cars were put out of order at Pnterprises of the chemical iadustry. The great- ~ est number of raa.lroad cars were dama.ged on industriaJ. aidin~s at the Yerevan Nairit Production Association, the Konstantinovskiy Chemical Plant, the Kingi- sepp Fosforit ~Phosphorite] Product:ion Association, the Rovno Azot ~Nitro- gen~ production Association, the Cherepovets Chemical Plant, the Rubezhanekiy Krasitel' ~ Dye'_~7 Production As9ociation z,nd. the Dneprodzerzhinsk Azot Produc- tion Associatior, The basic cause of the damage to rolling stock is the groes violation at a nwnber of enterprises of GOST ~All-Union State StandardJ 22235-76 ori the ~ 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094437-1 FOR OFFICTAL U5E ONLY genera7. requirement for ensurin~ the eafekeeping of railroad cars during the perfor.mance of mctiteriale handling and switching operations. .~ailroad care are damaged chiefly by clamshell cranee and there ie no small num:~er. of cases where the rolling etoclt is derailed owing to unsatiafactory maintenance of the rail- road tr~,cke at enterprisea resulting from the uee of railg of a light variety and the presence of defective ties. Returnin~ to the practices of the people of Chelyabinsk, one must note their zealou.9 attitude toward the railroad car. _ They have done much not only to ensure the safekeeping of railroad cara, but have also created facilities at enterprises for the repair of railroad cars. The Magnitogorek Metallurgical Combine and the Chelyabinsk pipe-rolling and metallurgical plants were the first to equip repair points with the neceasary equipment, to organize supervi~ion of the safekeeping of railroad cars and the _ quality of repairs and to determine measures for the financial liability of partiee guilty of d~,maging railroad cars. Other enterpriees eshould arm *hem- selvee with all these practicea. The railroad car is an expensive ~tructure and great manpar,aer, monetary and pY~ysical means are expended on its repair. The removal f~:om circulation of a railroad car damaged during freight and switching operationa substantially re- ducea loading resources. At the present time, and even in terms of prospects for the near future, de- spite the reatocking of the railroads' frei~ht car fleet~ the acceleration of turn-around time and an improvement in the utilization of the carrying capacity and tonnage of railroad cara, ae r~ell as practicea ensurin~ their safekeeping will remain the basic eources for satisfying the national economy's demandr~ for ehipments, which will have grown. The drafting by ministries and departments of ineasures to raise the effective- ne~s of the uge of railroad cars and to reduce their layovers durin~ loadin~ and unloading for 1979-1980 is now being completed. It ig planned to carry nut the modernization a.nd retooling of points for the loading and unloading of railroad car~ on indusirial. rail sidingg and the construction of freight and container pla-tforms, trestles and other objects at the cost of a portion of the depreciation deductions destined for the major repair of the fixed capital oi industria,l enterprises. Thig will to a large extent promote an improvement in the condition of the traneport facilities at enterprises and promote a ri~e in the level of inechanization of loading and unloading operationa. The co].lectives of enterprises of the chemical induetry and transport must to- - gether realize the immense reserves available to speed up the turn-around time o.~ railroad cars on industrial ~idinga in order to provide for the sector's d~:mand~ in terms of shipments. Thi~ requirement ensuea from the decree of the C?SU Centxal Committee, "On the Organizational Work of the Chelyabinskaya Ob- ~~,3t CFSU Committee in Reducing the Layover of Railroad Cars During Frei~t Operationa and Ensuring Their Safekeeping at Industrial and Ra,ilway Enterprises of the Oblast," which is the program of action for employeeg of enterprisea and railway workera. COPYRIGF~T: Izdatel'stvo "Khimiya", "Khimicheakaya promyshlennoet 1979 - END 866j 40 CSO: 1823 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090037-1