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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R0001000900'19-1 I ~ ~k4 ELl CAL i SE~~~!l~ER i979 tFOUQ 2~'7~~ i 0~ i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-4Q850R000100094Q19-1 F'Uit O~~ICIAL USN: ONLY JPRS L/8660 14 September 1979 U ~SR Re ort ~ ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (FOUO 2/79~ Fg~$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 NOTE JPRS publicaCions contain in�ormation primarily from �oretgn newspapere, periodicAls ~nd books, but also from news agency transmissions ann broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sourc~s ar~ trangl~ted; rho~e frnm Eng~ish-l~ngu~ge snurc~s are transcribed or reprineed, with the original phrasing and other characteristics reeained. Headlines, ediCorial reports, and material enc~oaed in brackeCs [J are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicaCors such as [Text] or (Excerpt) in the first line of each item, or following the lasC line of a brief, indicaCe how the original in�ormation was processed, Where no processing indicaCor is given, the infor- maCion was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliCerated are enclosed in parenCheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- Cion mark and enclosed in parentheses were nat clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriaCe in contexC. Other unaCtributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originaCe with Che source. Times within 3tems are as given by source. The content~ of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. For f~~rther infnrmaCion on reporC content call (703) 351-2938 (economicl; 3468 (political, sociological, military); 2726 (life sciences); 2725 (physical sciences). COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGUI.ATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIr1LS REPRODUCED HEREIY REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE O~TLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~ JPRS L/8660 L9 5ap~ember ~9~9 USSR R~PORT ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEEaING (FOVO 2/~9~ '1'his aerial publication conCains articlea, abscracts of articles and news iCems from USSR scientific and Cechnical ~ournals on ~he speci.fic sub~ects reflected in the table of c~nCen~s. Photoduplications of foreign-13nguage sources m~ay be obtained from the PhoCaduplicat3on Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. 205G0. Requests should provide adequate identification borh as Co the source and the individual article(s) d~sired. CONTE~ITS PAGE 11mp].ifiers 1 Antennas 2 Communications, Neeworks; Data Transmission and Processing 13 Components and Circuit Elements Including Waveguides and Cavity Resonators 20 Conferences 24 Converters, Invereers, Transducers 26 Cryogenics and Superconductivity 28 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation; Ionosphere, Troposphere; Electrodynamics 29 ~lectron and Ion Devices 31 Electron Tubes; Electrovacuum Technology 32 General Production Technology 41 Tnstruments, Measuring Devices And Testers; Methods of Measuring 42 Micro~lectronics 46 F'hotioelectric Effect 50 Pulse Techniques 53 Quantum Flectronics 54 Radars, Radio Navigators Aides, Direction Finding; Gyros 57 Receivers and Transmitters 65 Semiconductors and Dielectrics 69 Theory 81 Publfcations 82 - a- II~I - U5SR - 21E 5&T FOUO~ FOR OFFICIAL USE 0~1LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OFFTCIAL US~ ONLY Amp1~.f iere USS~ UnC 621.375,018.756(088.g) A PULS~ AMI'LI~'I~It USSEt AUT~lOIt'S C~EtTIFICAT~ N0, 587598 filed 9/0~/76 No 232237~ puUli~hed 11/O1/78 itt ~usei~n COLIUSOV, N. S. , B~YAllOVSKIY, M. G. an~l MOI20zOV, H. A. [~rom RE~ERATIVNYY ZHUItNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1579 AbstracC No. 1b119F'~ (T~xt~ A pulse nmplifier is suggested, conCaining outpuC, series-connected - compound rrnnsi~tors (T) and ~n input T, ehe base of which is connece~d thrnugh ~ xesistor (R) to the inpue of the device. Zn order to expand thc fr~quency range, 2 n-p-n-Cyp~ T gnd a p-ndp-Cype T are introduced~ wiCh the base of the last transistor connected through the R tio the common point of a resistor divider, conneceed into Che collector circuit of the inpuC T. The emiet~r is connected tn et~e supply bus, while the collector is connected to the input of the device Chrough 2 series-conn~cted R, the common point of which is connected to the base of Che first n--p-n-eype T, connected with com- mon ~mitCer, ':he collecror of the last transistor is connected to the base of the first compound T and through a R-- to Che base of the second n-p-n- type T, the collector 3unction of which is conne~ted in parallel to the base- emitCer ~uncCion nf the input T. The first T of the second campound T is connected wiCh a common emitter and made of p-n-p-Cype T, while its base is connected through a R to ehe common point of a resistor divider connected into the collector circuit of the inpue T. USStt UDC 621.383.292.8 A WIbEBAND AMPLIFIER OF WEAY PHOTOCURRENTS Kiev VE5TNIK KIEVSKOGO UNIVERSIT~TA, FIZIKA in Russian No 19, 197$ pp 50-52 KILIMNIi:, A. A. and ROSHCHINA, G. P. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, EL~KTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Abstract No 1A191) ~TextJ A wideband amplifier of weak photocurrents developed by the authors is described, which can be used for recording the direct current rrom a photoelectron multiplier serving as the signal source. The volCage gain _ can be made equal to l, 10, 102, or 103. This amplifier is characterized by a small null drift and a low noise level. The small package size makes it possible to mount the amplifier right next to the photoelectron multi- plier. Figures 1; references 3. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~o~ o~Frczaz us~ ornY AnCennas UDC 534+534.231,2 r bN TH~ Op~ItA'TION 0~ A HOkIZONTAL LINEAR ANTENNA IN A WATER LAY~It Moscow AKliSTICH~SKAYA ZHUItNAL in Russian No 2, ].979 pp'227-~33 [ArC.icle by V. A. Yel.iseyevin] ('rext] The directi.onal pattiern of ~ linear acoustical antenna horiznntally situated in a flat homogeneous waCer layer with comple~ely refleceing boundaries is discussed. The lengeh of Che antenna ig assumed to be comparable Co or larger than the - thickness of the layer. The sovnd field in rhe layer crea~ed by a nQndirectional point aource em3tting a sir~u3oida]. signal is preseneed in Che form of a sum nf normal waves. The re- sults nf cnlculation of the directivity characteristic of the antentta in the water layer are presented. The propagaCion of sound in sea water ~o ~:ccompanied by reflection from the bound~ries (the botitom and surface) and by hydroacoustic refraction occa- sioned by nonuniformiCy of Che water layer. These phenomena inevitably af- fect the actual directivity paetern of a hydroacoustic antenna located in Che water layer. The relevant calculations for an~tennas assumed to be of sm~ll size in comparison wiCh the layer have been carried out for a ray ap- proximaCion in a number of works, in pArticular reference 1. Below we discuss the directivity pattern of a horizontal linear acoustical nneenna in a waCer layer when the length of the antenna is comparable to or iarger than the thickness of Che water layer. For simplicity we assume that the layer is homogeneous and plane parallel with completely reflecting bound- aries (surface completely ~oft, bottom absolutely rigid). The origin of *.he coordinate system (r,z) fs on the bottom, the 2 axis is directed verti- cally upwards, Che thickness of the layer is equal to h and the speed of ~:ound in the layer is c. The sound field in the layer is created by a nondirectional point source lo- cated at height Zp and emitting a tone signal. A linear antenna with con- stant sensitivity along its length L is located at height Z. In the calcula- tions it is assumed that there is no absorption of sound in the water layer. The signal u at the input of a linear antenna compensated by an angle S* is ~ proportionaL to +Liz (l~ u= ~ us(x)oxp(-jlcxsin~)dx, L/S where uX(x) is the sound pressure at a section of the antenna ~ocated a dis- tnnce x from the center, and k is the wave number. The time multiplier exp {-j~t) is omit~ed here and in subsequent calculaCions. 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-4Q850R000100094Q19-1 ~ox or~zczaL us~ o~.,Y We wi11 rre~t the f~.~ld in eho wuCer ].nyer in Che form n� ~ sum of norm~l w~vey (2, 3~ ? ~ ctx (x) I' ~ cos (b,7o) cos (b,7) II;?~ ( ~~rr), 1., i where R is eha numt~er of Ch~ norcnnl wave, HQ~z~ (~R rX) is the tlunkel funcrion. of the first kind, zeroth nrder, rX is th~ horizontnl distance from ehe emit- ; ter co eh~ x-th 9~'CC~dTI of ehe gnCenna, and ~Q and b~, nr~ the horizontal and vertical componenr~ of the wave vector k of Che R-eh normal wave: ~3) b~~)'/:j-G,~~yh'-~ (~`-`~~).~c~/l+)~'', Tt~e normal waves wiCh ehe loweat numbers for which the value of ~Q is real prop~~ate through the layer without aCeenuation. The maximum number ~ mn x for ~ norm~l wave propagating withouC atCenuation is ueCermin~d by Che con- diCton � ~ l~"~ ~ 2 ~ l ~ w}~er~ a is the wavelength of the emitted sound in free spnce. A1L normal waves with wave ttumber3 larger than R~gX are ~CCenuated, and accordingly we li~nit our discussion ro fields of nonattenuated normal waves, and the infini- ty symbol at Che upper limiti o� the sum in equation (2) is replaced by the value k = Q . mnx For values ~RrX� l, Che Hunkel function catt be replaced by irs asymptotic ' t~> ~ ll tIo ~~~r,) = ~i n-esp C j (s~rx - 4 / J ' For an antenna in free space, the boundary RrP between the near and distant zones is determined by the following condition [4]: (6) R�~='~'~}�, where A is the antenna aperture (in this case A= L). Since each normal wave can be represented as a sum of two plane waves propagating at an angle to each other [2J, condition (6) remains r.orrect in the present case, that of sound propagating in a water layer. Let the emitter be located in the distant zone of the antenna. Then, if r is the horizontal distance from the source to the cenCer of Che antenna and a is the angle of rotation of the antenna in the horizontal plane relative to Che direction to the source, rx in the exponential exnression of equaCion (5) can be replaced by r+ x sin a, and in the denominator under the root sign it can be replaced simply by r. 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~OIt O~FICZAL U5E ONLY '~l~e ar tih~ ~npue nf eh~ 1.~.nenr aneenng may now bQ repr~~ented in Ct~e �nrm ~ �L/3 A u~l Z Y;.;c a`~ r W~ ~~os (b~~'o) c:oa (b,z) i X I~Yr ~ 1} ~_t/~ ~ r~ . X c~p ( y, (r-~x ;~in u) ~-kx sin p]}dx, Changing rhe order o~ aummneion gnd inCegration and, we obtain L ~1 u~j ~}~(~'~G e~p C-j n ) ~cos(L,G~)cos(b,~') ----X /!Y!' ~1 ~r~ Ybt sin[ (G/'!) sin r,c-l::~ici (3) J X exp U~~r) j~,;) sin u~k sin ;i) ~ ~ The signal inCensiCy aC the input of the linear antenna is given by the equtttion uu' = 51~Tr ll. l~...r, D`(a, ~)cos~6~r~,~ ~'L ~ Dr(a, ~)sin(S,r),2} ~ (7) r 3~L~ ~ ~D~~~a~~)+2~, ~D~(a,~)Da~a,~)cos~~~~�~q)+'~~. lt�r i..? r..t a..i+~ where ~ q ~in[ (t.12) (~r sin a-k sin ~ (S) n, (ry. 3) _ - cos (b,Z,) cos (b,7.) ~ ~ r~~2~ ~5~ sin a-ls sin ti' ~ ~ We define the anCenna response in the layer as the signal intensity at Che a�?tenna input, normalized for the maximum va.;.!ie, as a function of the angle of roration of the antenna around its cer.~er a�~1d the angle ~ of compensation: (9) 13(u, ~)=tru'/m1~{ttu'}, tJe note thaC the parameters in this problem appear in the equation for B ~a, R) for antenna sensitivity in the form of the relative quantities L/~, 'i/a, r/a, Zp/a, Z/a (the mult3plier 8~L2/h%r in equation (7) is abbreviated tn the normalization. We continue our discussion using the res,ulCs of calculations made for a spe- cific case. We consider an antenna with dimension L= 102a and a water layer with a thickness h= l0a (the size ot the antenna 10 times as great as the thickness of the water layer). According to condition (4), in this case 20 normal waves can propagate wiChout attenuation. We choose the horizontal 4 FOR ~FFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~OR O~~ICIAL USE ONLY ~t y , ! 2 , 3 . ~ , ~ - - -4 - ~ - D~ i ~4 ~ 6 a , zpna deg F'ig. 1. Antenna directiviCy pateern in free space (curve 1) and directivity Lactor in a water layer for reception of the lOth, 15th and 20th normnl waves (curves 2, 3, 4); S= p�. direction between the em:ttCer and the phase center of the antenna so as to satisfy condition (6), i.e. r=2~104a, and we place both the antenna and the emitter in the center of t:he layer, i.e. Z/h - Zo/h = 0.5. We return to equation (8). The firat three multipliers in the right-hand side, co~(L,'!,o)cos(G,7,)/Y`sr give the dEgree of excitation of the k-th normal wave propagating in the water layer. The last of the multipliers, ,in( (t,/'_')~(S~ ~in u--/: ,in ~3) ~t./'~) ~5r ~in u-1: sin ;i) ) , differs from the expression for the directivity paCtern of the linear antenna in free space by the replacement of the wave number for k in free space (be- fore sin a) by its horizontal component for the R-th normal wave. Thus it is logical to define the value DR(a, S) as a non-normalized direction- ality factor of the horizontal linear antenna in a water layer during recep- ..tion of the ~-th normal wave and the quantity D~2 (a, S) as the corresponding energy directionality. Then the antenna response will consist of two parts: the sum of the energy directivity factors and the sum of the cross products of the directivity factors of all normal waves propagating in the layer. The first part corresponds to the energy addition of the normal waves at the point of reception (energy component of responae) and the second gives the interference between waves of differ~nt wave numbers (interference con,ponent of response), Here the phase incursion [nabeg~ between different normal waves during propagation is allowed for the by the multiplier cos [(~R -~a)r~. - 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOlt O~FICIAL US~ ONLY ~ ~t~}~e directivity factor nR(,d,, differs in two basic wnys from Che directivi- tiy fnCtor oC the ~aame nntienna in free space, aM za ~s . la ~ s ~ BO . 60 yp ZD D ZO yp 60 =pu~aeB ~ig, 2. Value of aM as n function of Che compensation angle g for normal waves of wave numbers ~ a 1, 5, 10, 15, 20. If we define the horizontal component of the wave vector according to formula ~3) ~5 ~ ~ , i�~ :c/?.?, ~ f~~:.~' ry 5t ~:.~.~I.~ ~~~-(l"' 1 ~ 1~-- we see that the corresponding wavelength a~, is greater than the wavelength This ~ ir free space and increases as the normal wave number increases. in turn decreases the wave dimensions of the antenna (the ratio L/a~,) an~d, in thus expands the primary and side lobes of the directivity facxor D~(a, comparison with the direcCionality in free space. This latter fact is clear- ;.y illustrated in Fig. 1, which presents the directionality patterns of the lOth, 15th and 20th normal waves, normalized for the maximum value (curves 'l, 3, 4). For comparison, the directionality pattern of the antenna in free _ space is shown on the same graph (curve 1). The compensation angle is S= 0�� IJhile inCroduction of the compensation angle S in free space leads to dis- placement of the pattern along the a axis by an amount equal to in the case of the antenna in the water layer the directivity factor D~ is dis- placed by an angle different from angle a. In fact, it follows from equa- tion (8) that the angle a M of rotation of the antenna around its center cor- responding to the maximum directivity factor D~, can be found from the condi- [ion SIi1~�CH-~~ alil or a,,==aresit~[sin ;,/Y 1- (t-`!:) ~/~i (h/}.}'~. 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~pR 0~'I~'ICIAL USE ONLY IC !.s cle~r th~t tt~e relat�ianship aM y(3 al.wgys holds, w3Ch Che equ~liCy yign applying when aM and a ure both zero. 'The difference between angles aM ~nd ~ increases ge angLe ~ and wave number Q are increased. I'ig. 2. ~how~ aM us ~ funcrion of a for normr~l waves nf numbers R~ 1, 5, 10, 15 nnd 20, Ie can ~lso be seen fram ~'ig. 2 that starting wieh a c~r~g3n normal wuve number k and a certuin compensnCion angle s, the va7.ue ~f R exceeds 90�. This meAns ~hat normal wttves with numbers greater than R w~.ll not parCicip~te in deter- mining antennn response. As follows from eq~iations (7) through (9), anrenna response Ii(a, S) for a given compensaCion nngle R:Ls ultimately deC~rm3ned by the form of tihe dt- rectivity factors D~ (a, S) and Cheir position on Che a axis. With a zero angle a� compensneion (S = 0), the maxima of the energy direc- tiviry fpctiors and of the cross products of the directivity waves propAg~t- ing in the layer wtLl occur when a= 0. As was shown above, as the normnl w~ve number increases, Che breadth o� the main and side lobes of Che direc- tiviry factors i.ncrease and the positions of the minima are displaced. Ac- cordingly, ttie antenna response will have a single main ma:cimum ~a~ a= 0) and side lobes wtiich ~re broader than in the case of a directivity pattern in free space, This is clearly visible in Fig. 3, wtiich shows antenna re- sponse at a compensation angle 0(curve 1) ~nd also rhe result of energy ndditi~n oF normal waves (curve 2) and the interference compon~nt of response (curve 3). For comparison, the energy directivity pattern ~f the antenna in free space (curve 4) is also shown. , Bl % Z !r ~ ; ~ ~ Z / 1 ~ / ~ i~ ; 4 ~ ~ ; ~ ~~~~-c...~ ` ~ - ~ - -7. -l. . ~ ~ . J � ?Pa~3 ~ ;~~3 deg : -1~ , ~ Fig. 3. Antenna response B(u, g) in a water layer (curve 1.), 3ts energy (curve 2) and interference (curve 3) components, and the direcrivity pat- tern of the same antenna in free space (curve 4); S= 0�. 7 FOR OF~ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~OR O~~ICIAL U5~ ONLY ~'or eompensat.ton angles differenr from zero, Che maxima of the directivitiy fncror corresponding Co different normnl wave numbers will occur at d~ffer- ent values o� a. This di�ference will ~e ~he compensation angle R increases. The ~ntennn responge at a given compensat3on angle wiLl cons:LsC of n series of mAximn correspondin~ to rhe normal waves of v~rious numbers. Ttie Ureadtihs of the maxima will increase as the normal wave number increases, The ma:tima corresponding ro norm~l waves having the lowest few numUers may be combined inCo a s~.ngle maximum, while Che maxima correspondin~ to normal waves of higher numbers will bc c7.early distinguished. This is clearly visi- ble in ~'i~. 4, which shows rhe antenna response and its energy and interfer- ence components for a compensation angLe s= 60�. The energy component oE - response will diff er considerably from the overall response �or the lowest normal wave numbers and will be cl.oser Co ir for the hfgher numbers. 'The inrerf.erence component will have large values and play a ma~or role in de- termining response for the first few normal wav e numbers, while for high wave numbers it will become insignificant. B i ~Z a, ~ ~ ~ ~ r i ~ U4 . t I~ t�'"'` ; ~"~`1 \ , i , ? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ; ~ I ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ i ` Q :L~ ` 6d �.,~~p ....60 a, :pud � deg ~3 -p y ' rig. 4. Antenna response B(a, S) in water layer (curve 1) and its energy (curve 2) and interference (curve 3) components; S= 60�. Fig. 4 shows rhe non-normalized spectrum of normal waves (values of DQ(a, S) ~a= aM) for the case in question in the form of a series of vertical lines. T}leir distribution along the a axis clearly confirms the points made above. The multiplier cos[~~,-~a)r] in the inteference component of antenna response (7) is responsible for that fact that at angles a corresponding to low wave numbers and for nonzero compensation angles, there will be clearly deline- ated maxima on the curve for some distances r and clearly delineated minima for other distances r. 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR O~k'ICIAL US~ ONt,Y , As ~he size of ~he antenna increnses wieh the other prop~gaClon conditiions unch~riged, rhe breadth of rhe main maximum in rhe direcr.ivity f.nctor D~,(a,(3) will decrease, und rhus tor n~nzero compensation angles wn shnuld expece bet- ter resolution of the mfiin maxima corresponding Lo ~~arious normttl waves. 1'h~ ~lir~c~rivity char~ctertstic of an antentta wiCh a large number of rnaxim~ which i5 produc~d fit a compensation angle makes ir more dtf'ficulc tU de- the direction ko th~ emitter and requires ypecial ~:::ocessing of th~ signal ~7t Lhe nnCenna input. lde now repl~ce rhe continuous linear antenna discussed above by a discr~Ce equally-spaced linear antenna consisting of N nondi.rectional poinC SOUild de- tectors of idenCical sensitivity which are acoustically not coupled. The signal uX at the input of each discrete.antenna compensated by an angle ~ can be representPd in the form cv-~)~= u~ u; exp (-jh~id sin 9), ~ . ;~_~.�_~~i: where ui is Che signal at the input of the i-th sound dezector and d is tl~e distance between two neighboring detectors. We assume that the number of elements N in the antenna is odd, Proceeding in a manner analogous to that described above, we obtain " 1 ~ u~r~ !el'i� c~~ ~~j cos (b,7,~) cos (b,Z) X k ~d, Y~r c ~-~,i: X esp(1`srT) ~ c~p[jdi(5, sin a-lc cin j� r.,_i Taking account of the fact that the sum over i in the right side of the above equation is a geometric progression with denominator exp[~d(~Q sin a- k sin and carrying out the requisite conversions, we obtain an equation for the re- sponse of. a linear discrete antenna B~(a. ~3)=Tr..,u~'/mus{tt~, iin'}, where S:~N= f ~D~r'~a.~)-i-2~ ~ DA?~a,~)X ua?a~' = z ~ 1., r t_, c~~+? XD:~~('~~ i~)~o~( (~,-5a)r) } . 1 c~n[ (11T/2)d(~, ~in a-lc sin ) and D:~< = cos (l,,?,o) cos (v,7,) ` ti' ~ N sin ['l:d (~t sin a-k sin ] 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~OIt O~FICIAL U3E ONGY i~ th~ non-nerm~lix~d directiviey f~ctor of ~ di~cr~ti~ 1in~~r ~ntenn~ in a wntcr 1~y~r fnr racepeion uf the ~-th nnrmal wave. , The r~~pon~e of th~ disctet~ lineer ant~nna wieh a given spacing can diff~r fr~m the r~~pong~ of a conrinuous linear anC~nna of the e~m~ len~th. How- ~v~r, neec~rding eo rpf~r~nee 4 w~ mgy ~xpect tih~t the enieul~eion resultg wi11 coinrid~ for a sp~cing d< 0.5~. In fact, ca.lculated reeponses for n d1~cYeCe 1in~~r nntenn~ with a spacing d= 0.5~ of the gnme length ag a con- tinu~ug 1in esr ent~nna and under the same propagation conditione led to identi- er~l resuLts. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1, V, V. U~m'yc~nnvich; Ya. S, Knrtik; snd V. V, Spmennv, "The R~suLtg of ~xperimental Studies of VerCical Angular Spectra of a Sound ~ield," 'Crudy IV V~~soyuznoy ~hkoly-seminara po staticheskoy gidroaku~stike CTrang- ~ctiong of ehe IVth All-Union Schonl-S~miner on Ste~ti~tical Hydroacoustics~. Novuyibir~k, Nauka, 1973, pp 122-129. 2. I� M. Brekhovskikh. Volny v sloistikh sredakh (Waves in Layered Media~. Mdscow, Nauka, 1973. M. BrCkhovskikh, ed. Akustika okeana ~ACOUBC~Cg of the Ocenn~. Moacow, Nauka, 1974. 4. M. U. S~eryshev. tJaprnvl~nnost' gidroakusticheskikh antenn (Directionali- ty of f~ydroacoustic Antennasj. Leni*~grad, Sudostroyeniye, 1973. Institute of Acoustica, USSR Academy of Sciences. Recctv~d 10 May 1978. CpPYRIGftT: Izdatel'stvo "~lauka," "Akusticheskiy zhurnal," 1979. 8480 - CSO: 8144/1602 ~ 'Che compensation angle is the angle through the directionality diagram of the antenna is rotated electrically relative to the normal to its length. 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USSR t1DC 621,396.43 iNCREAS~NG T11~ E~~~CTtVENE5S QF 1tADI0-RELAY ANTENNAS KYRGSSR iLIt~~R AKAU. KAgARLAttY, ~ZV. AN KIRG 3SR in Ru~~ian No 4, i978 pp so-sa KAMAY~V, tt. R. CFrom REF~~ATIVNYY 2HURNAL RAUIOTEKtiNtKA No 1, i979 Absrrace No 1A188~ (TQxtj A~rudy ig m~de of preeeing problcros oi improving th~ reliabiitty of radio relay communicgtion by increa~ing the effectivene~~ of antennga by the ~ge of a pasg~ve reflecting relay unit which ha~ dimen~ion~ equal to the di- mpnsions of the firse zone of ~resnel, and is lacated in th~ zon~ of form~- tion vf th~ w~vQ in the immediat~ vicin3ty of the acii,v~ relay s~ation. ~ig- ureg 4; ref~renceg 3. USS UDC ~21.396.677 CONVEX SCANNINC ANTENNAS. PRINCIPLES OF TH~ THEORY ANU DBSIGN M~TNODS VYPUKLYYE SKANIRUYUSHCHIYE ANTENNY. OSNOVY TEORII t hI~TOUY RA5Ctt~TA in ~ugsi~tn, Moecow, Sov. Radio Press 1978 301 pp. VOSK~~S~NSKIY, D. I., PONOMAItEV, L. I. and ~'ILLiPUV, V. S. [~rom itEPEttATIVNYY ZNUitNAI. ttADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No iB18KJ (Text~ Engineering m~thod~ are preaented for calculation of a neW c18~s of alectricnlly acanning antennag for microWav~ convex antenna arrays. The poesibility is demonstrated of wide-angle, 1o~-distortion scanning, Wid~- band operation and asaurance of loa gid~-lob~ lpvels. The resultg are pre- ~ented of calculation of the radiation pattern, nnd the efficiency and lev~l of gide lobeg; rhe bandWidth properties of coev~x antennas; and structural sygtemg and some experimental datg. Figures 97; referencea 173. 11 FOti OFFICIAL U5~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OFF~CIAL US~ ONLY iJSSR UDC 621,396.677 AN ELECTRONIG SWIT~H ~OR TH~ CONTROL 0~' A MILL~METER BAND PAS3tVE ANTENNA ARRAY 2-Y VS~S. SIi~02. PO MILt,~METROV, Y SU~MILLIMETRAV. VOLNAM, KHAR'KOV, 197$ 'T~~. ~OKL. T.1 [2nd A11-Union Sympoeium on M1113m~~:er and ~ubmiliimeter Wave~, Kh~r'kov, i97g, Abstracte of Reporte, Voi iJ in Rus~ian, Khar'kov 1978 pp 179-180 3TRUKOV, i. F. and RADCNENKO, V. A. (From RE~ERATIVNYY ZHURNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No i, 1979 Absergct No 18171 by C. L, svbolev) ~Text~ A gchem~tic diagram ia preaented of n high-epeed electronic 9witch m~d~ of integrated mierocircuits. The method of ~n~erroggtion of the multi- p1e-element antenna erray, utllizing ehe rhreshoid and modulation propertiea c~f ~h~ loads an pagaive scattering elemeet8, alloae aimplific~tion of the deaign of thQ ewitch. The switch accomplishee control of a 4096-element antenna array in 130 ms, With e time of control of one element of 32 u8, bnd in 520 ms aith a time of control of one elen?ent of 128 us. Fignre ly references 2. 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE OM.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Communi.c~eione, N~ework~; D~t~ Tr~nemia~3on ~nd Proc~ss~ng UDC 621.396,62;621.58:62~..391.832,2 AMPLITU~E-PHASE CONV~RSIAN Moacnw AMPLfTUDNO-FAZOVAYA KONVERSiYA (Amplitud~-Pha~e Conv~reion) in Ru~sian 1979 ~ign~d to pr~a~ 26 D~c 78 pp 2, 254-256 (Annotar.ion and t~b1~ of content~ from book by Gorman Mikhayl~vich Krylov et a1, izdatel'stvo "Svya~,"' 2,600 copies, 256 pagea~ [T~xt] Th~ phenomena, which are combined under th~ name "amplieudE-ph~~e ronversion" (A~K) ~nd le~d eo the occurrence of amplitud~-dependent ph~se ~hifeg in r~dio ~quipment, are ex~mined. The features of th~ passege of ~ignal~ through eircuite with A~'K ar~ analyz~d~ Layout decision~, which ar~~ c.nducive eo the les~enin~ of AFK in 13negr ampiifier~, amplifiers wieh a control amplifier, frequency converters end equipment of the mir:rowave ~ bsnd, ar~ examined, The boolc i~ intended for scientiets, e~ well as engineering end t~chnicai per~oninel, who are engaged in the study and development of rece3ving and amplifying equipment. Cont~ntg P~g~ Forpward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ~ Chgpter 1. Amplitude-Phase Conversion and its Manifest~tions in Radio Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 1.1. General Principles. Coals and Tasks of the Book. 5 1.2. A Short Survey of the Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.3. Classific~tion of Equipment With Amplitude-Phag~ Converaion . 8 1.4. Method of Analyzing Equipment With Amplitude-Phage Conve r s ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Chapter 2. ~l~m~nte of rhe Information Systema Malysis of a Phase Radio Engineering 5ystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.1. Dependencp of Losaes of Ueeful Inforroation on the Phage Inata- bility of the Transmission Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.2. Dependence of the Electric State of the Transmission Circuit on Variations of the Pgrameters of the Information and Con- [rol Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.3. Manifestations of AFK Nith Various Types of Modulation 21 2.4. Ceneral Principlee of Minimizing th~ Equipment Error Caueed by the Aasemblies of the Phase System. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.5. The Principles of the Physic~l Feasibility of a Controi Txane- mission Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 13 FOR OFFICIAL USB ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR O~F~CIAL U~E ONLY ChBpC~r 3. Analy~3$ of eh~ Pae~~ge ~f an Informaeion Si~n~i ~n D@viceg ~npli~tud~~Ph~~~ Gonv~r~ion . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . 2g 3~i~ M~thod~ of D~termining th~ `Tranem~ssion ~unction of ~ U~vic~ With Compi2t~ N~n11n~~riey. . ~ ~ . ~ . . ~ . . . ~ . . ~ ~ . . 2~ 3.2. D~e~re?in~tinn of ~h~ Approx~natin~ ~unceion of ehe Tr~nemi~~~on Gh~rec~~r~~tic cf ~ D~vic~ With AFK . . . ~ . . ~ , . . , . . . 3~ 3~,. Dee~rmin~tian af eh~ G~mpi~x Goeff ieientg of ~n Approxim~eing Expon~nti~1 Palynnmi~l . . . ~ . . . . ~ . . . ~ . . . ~ . . . 35 3.4. Nonlin~nr Conv~rgion of ~ ~~se Sign~l. ~ . ~ . ~ . . . ~ . . . 4~ 3.5. Ev~iu~tion of th~ Influence of TrBn~mig~ion Ch~raceerietic~ on Sign~~ Uietortions ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Ch~pt~r 4. A~npiitud~-Phas~ Conv~r~ion ~n Amplif~er tinitg. 48 4.1. Gen~ra~ Conc~pea Abaufi the C~~~~e of the Oecurrene~ of AFK in Amplifter Unit~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . ~ . . . 4g 4.2. Pha~~-Amplltude Characteristic~ of a tinear Ampllfier SO 4.3. Pha~~ Propertiee of tvg Amplifiere. . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . 53 4.4. Phaa~ Properti~~ of Amplifiers With Variable Amplifica~ion. S8 4.5~ f'haee Properti~g of Limiting Ampiifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . 6~ 4~5. Le~gening of the ~fEect~ of AFK in Amplt~ier Unit9. 64 Cf~apter 5. Pha~~-Amplitud~ Charect~ristics of Ampl3fiers With tov Nonl3n~aricy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 5.1. Th~ Conc~pt of ~ Phaee-Amplitude Charact~rigCic. . . . . . . . . 66 5.2. Harmonic &~lan~e Method. Derivarion of Baeic Rat.tos 66 5.3. Pha~~-Ampiitude CheteCE~fiaEiCg of Amplif ier 3tagr~g. 76 5.4. Nays to R~duc~ AI~K ie Aa~plifi~rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Chapter 6. phage ~tiog in Stages Nith itegulated Gain Control 91 6.1. Phase In~tebility of Stages With R~gulated Gain Control. 91 6.2. Consid~retion of th~ Influence of the Inertial and Nonlinear I~rop~rti~~ of th~ Aceiv~ Elem~nt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 6.3. influenc~ of che Mismarching of ih~ Circuits of the interstege Link and birect Passage on ~he Phase Stability 102 6.4. ~1nye eo Decrease AF'K in Ampli~iers with Itegulated Gain Control . 107 Chapter 7. Pliasp Char~cit~ristics of Amplifiers With e Controlled Load . 111 7.1. A M~thod ~f M~lyzing the Phase Properties of a Stage uith a Cantrollc d Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 7.2. ~hage Rat!o~ in ~h~a 5implest Aperiodic Stage ilith e Controlled Load 114 7.3. !l 5tgg~ t~ith a Controlled R~sistance Attenuacor. 116 ~.4. A ~egoeance Stage With a Controlled Load . . . . . . . . . . . . i19 ~.5. tnfluence of the Capacitance of Nonlinear Controlled Elaaents on the Ph~se Propertieg of th~ Sioipl~et Stages 122 7.6. Phaee Proper~ies of StAg~s i~'ich 'iwo-Circuit Piltera. 123 14 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OF~ICIAL US~ ONLY Chgpe~r 8. Dyngmi~ f'h~~p Ch~ract~ri~tic~ ~f L3miting t+mplifier~. ~.].27 $.1. Trnn~i~Coriz~d LimiEing Amplifi~r With ~ Si.ngl.~ Limieing of O~c ill~t ion~ ~ . , . . ~ . , ~ , ~ ~ , . ~ , , , , ~ ~ , ~ , , 127 ~~2. Limiting Amplif;t~r With ~ Doub1~ I,imi~ing of O~eiLl~eion~ 13, 8.3. Limiting ~npiif3~r Wieh th~ S~qu~nti~l Cdnn~rtidn of Uiode~ . 135 8~4. Curr~cti~n ~f ehe Phg~e-Amplieud~ Ch~r~cr~ristic~ ef Limieer~ 137 Ch~pt~r 9~ An~iy~i~ ~f eh~ Phd~~ Prop~rei~~ of Amplifi~r~ Wirh Con- ~ro11~d ~Q~dbaek. . ~ . . . . . . . ~ . ~ ~ . . . . . ~ . . ~ . ~ ~ . 142 9.1. B~~i~ ttgting for a Gener~l Amplifi.~r With Controlled ~e~db~ck 142 9~2. Conditian~ of th~ Abg~nc~ of AFK. . ~ . , . . ~ . . ~ . , . ~ 146 An~1y~i~ ~f a Single-Stage Amplifi.~r With Contr~ll~d F'eedbnck 14g 9.4. Pha~~ tt~eio~ in ~ MultigC~~e Ampiifi~r. . . , ~ , ~ . . . , , 153 9~5. V~riant~ of Amplifier Device~ With Controll~d Feedbeek~ i56 Ch~pt~r ltl~ llmplieud~-Ph~~~ Convpr~ion in D~vic~~ df ~h~ Micrnwnvc t3~nd ~ . ~ . . , . . , . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iS$ 10.1. Generel ~'~~tur~g of AFK in Microwav~ Deviceg. 158 10.2. Oceurreneh df A~'K in Traneistorized MicroElave U~viep~ With ~angtant P~r~meters . . . . ~ . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~6t 10.3. The rtechnnism af Ehe Occurr~nc~ of A~'K in par~m~tric b~vic~~. 162 1t1.4. Eimplie~de-Ph~g~ Conversion in Devic~s With a Long Int~:action of ~lectron~ Witl~ the Elec~romagnetic Wave. . ~ . . , . . . . 164 10.5. Principleg of Reducing the influ~nce of AFK in Mi;:ruwnve Uevices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Ch~pt~r 11. AFK in Trengis[orix~d Devic~s of thc Mic.rawave Bnnd. 171 11.1. Phgse-Ampiitud~ Ch~rect~ri~tics of Keg~ner~tive Amplifiers With Const~nt ~erameters. D~rivation and Analysis of ehe Bagic itacios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 11.2. Regenerative ~1mplifiers in Tunnel and Cumulative-Transit Diodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'75 1t.3. rticrowave poWer Limit~r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 11.4. Ete~eneretive parsmetric Amplifi~r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lg4 11.5. bptimized Regenergtivc Perametric Amplifier. . . . . . . . . 186 11.6. Eteg~n~rative i'arumetric Amplifier Bas~d on g Varactor WiCh ~ Pgrtiglly Opening p-n- Junction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Ch~pter 12. Phxg~-Amplitude Chr?racteristics of Trnnsistorized Fre- quency Cdnvere~rs . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 12.1. Ceneral Concepts af the phase Properties of ~requency Con- verters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 12.2. Phns~-Amplitucle Characteri:atic of a 5ingle-Transiscor Fre- quency Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 12.3. Frequency Conv~rter M~de With a Uifferential Stage. 200 12.4. ~requency Converter ~titi~ a Variable Transmission Coefficient. 203 12.5. Amplitude-Phns~ Conversion in MicrnWave ~requency Converters. 205 12.6. Amplitude-Pha~e Conversion in Varactor ~requency Multip~.iers. 213 15 FOR OF~ICIAL U5~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 xon o~FZCia~, us~ ort~.Y Ch~pr~r 13. Meehods ef Le~eening Amplitude-Phase Conv~rsion in Microwave Uev~.c~s . ~ ~ . ~ . . . . . ~ . . . . ~ . . . ~ . . . . . 215 13~L. C~neral bemand~ on Devicea for Les~ening A~'K. 215 13.2. Redu~tinn of Ph~~~ Incur~ion~ by Mc~n~ of Auromnt~.c Phase Contro]. . . . , . , ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 13~3 Reduction of A~'K by Meang of Conerolling the Operatiion of a Uirece CUrrent In~ttiuMent . ~ . . . ~ ~ . ~ . . ~ . � . � 218 13.4. Le~~~n~ng of A~'K in a Circuie by Meana of Compensatars. 222 13.5~ V~rgctar CompensnCors of NonlinEnrity . . ~ . . . . . . . . 22b Chapter 14. Methode of Measuring ehe Indicatorg of AFK 233 14.1. Error of Meagur~ment and Precision of Approximat~.on of the Amplirude and Phase-An?plitude Characteristica. 233 14.~. Structura]. Diagrame of the Me~aurement of the Zndicators of A~K 235 14.~. Measurement of St:?Cic Amplitude and Phase-Amplitude Char- c?cCeristics . . , ~ , . . . . . ~ . . . . ~ ~ . . . . . . . 237 14.4. Measurement of the Dynamic Indicators of AFK. 242 Concli~sion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . , 244 Appendix. StrucCural biagrams of Programs for Calculating the Amplitude-Pl~ase Sp~ctrum. . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . � � . � � � . 245 Bibliography. . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 CUPYRIGt1T: IzdaCel'stvo "Svyaz,"' 1979 7807 CSO: 1870 16 ~ FOR OFFICIr1L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ USSit UDC 621,39~,81 DETC1tMINATION Or THE POSSIBILITY OF USING DIGITAL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIS EQU~PMENT ~OR TKE FORMATION OF COMPLEX SZGNALS RADIOTEKHNZKA~ ItESP. ME2HVED. NAUCH.-TEKHN. SB. in Russian No 47, 1978 pp 27-31 BOTSMAN, P~ D~ ~From REFE1tATIVNYY 2HURNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No 1A94j , ~Text] The possibility is demonatrated of constructing a universal shaper for a grid of mul.tiposition signals of programmed structure with coherent _ rules of ~tbdulatinn, based on a digital frequency synChesis system, Refer- encea 6, USSR UDC 621.391.82:621.396/397.2 THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SITUATION ON TRANSMISSION LINE PATHS AND STANDARDS FOR PROTECTION OF RADIO BROADCASTS AND TELEVISION RECEPTION TR. NII ItAbIO in Russian No 3, 1978 pp 49-54 ABRAI~iSON, YU. M. and KAPITONOV, V. V. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No 1A354. Summary] [Text] A study is made of Che causes of development of radio interference along electric power Cransmission lines operating aC various voltages in the frequency range from 0.15 Co 1000 MHz. A probabilisCic method is pre- sented for calculation of the permissible noise level, based on the need to assure good quality reception of signals at a predetermined level of re- liability. Results are presented from studies of the intensity of the radio interference field at measured distances from power transmiasion lines and the noise attenuation factors. It is shown that the amounC o~ radio inter- ference fr'om a power transmission line is usually less Chan the standard re- quired minimum. An esCimate is given of the quality of reception of radio and TV broadcasts at various distances from power transmission lines, given the existing field intensities of the power transmission lines. 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR 0~'FICIAL U3E O1JI~Y uss~ UnC 621,396,a3 STABILZTY 0~ OPEI2ATION OF LINE-OF-SZGHT RADTO RELAY LINKS IN THE S GHx BAND ~L~KTItUSVYAZ' in Rusgiatt No 9, 1978 pp 8-17 NAb~NENKO, L. V., SVYATOGOR, V. V. and KRIVOZHBOV, V~ P~ [~'rom R~FERATIVNYY ZHURNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abatracti No 1A191. Summary] (Text] Summary reau~rs are presented �rom studies of Che atatistical. char- acterietica of signals 3n the S GHz range over radio relay links and experi- menral 1~inks, performed under the climatic condit3ons of the central. Euro- pe~n territory of the USSR and ~ne middle Volga region. Experimental and culculated data are compared. Figures 10; tables 3; references 7. USS~t UDC 621,396.94 A DEVICE FOR SYNCHRONtZATION OF NOISE-LIKE SIGNALS USSR AUTHOR'S CERTI~ICATE No 593322 filed 11/OS/76 No 2359849 published 14/03/78 in Russian GOR, L. A. and GAVRILIN, YE. A. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No 1A326P] [Text] The invention is in the area of radio engineering and can be used in transmission systems utilizing pseudorandom sequences. 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USSR UDC 62~,396,669.8 SUPpIt~SSION OF pULSE NOI5E DY ZNTERRUPTION OF THE REC~PTION CftANN~t, AS APPLICABL~ TO MAR~NE SHOIt7'WAVE ftAblO $ttOAI)CASTS TEt. TSNIZ ~HOR. FLOTA itt Russian No 23a, i9~a pp io~-ii2 CHCRKASSKIY, YU~ A. (~rom REFE~ATIVNYY ZHURNAL RADIOTEKHNiKA No 1, 1979 Ab~Cract No 1A359. Summary] (Text] A etudy is mad~e of problems of overcoming relatively infrequent drmospheric radio interfPrence by interrupt3ng the IF r8dio recept3on appn- r~tus in marine channels used far discreCe shortwave radio communicat3on. A semiempirical method i.a used to produce an ~pproximate estimate of the inrerference sCnbility for re~~ption of FM signsls when atmosph~ric rsdio interference is pres~nt. IC ahowa that awitching off of the channel for ehe time of application of relatively rare, powerfu]. noi~e burats con decrease rhe tnean probab~.lity of reception error by approximaraly an order of magn3- tude. Figure 1; references 6. USSR UDC 621.396.933 TMPROVING ~THE USE OF FREQUENCIES IN THE AIIt~tOBIL~ (R) S~1tVICE IN THE DECA- METER 4IAVE BAND ELEKTROSVYAZ' in Russian No 8, 1978 pp 57-61 BADALOV, A. L. and YEGOROV, YE. I. , (From REFERATIVNYY 2HURNAL RADIOTEKI?NIKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No 1A209. Summary] [Text~ Decisions of the World Administrative Radio Conference on the Air- mobile (R) Service are presented. In order to satisfy the need for addi- tional radiotelephone communication channels, it is suggested that a transi- tion be made, beginning 1 February 1983, to single-side band radiotelephone equipment. ~'igures 2; tables 1. 19 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OFFICZAL USE ONLY Compon~n~a ~nd C~.rcuit ~1,ementi~ Inc~.uding Waveguides and Cav~ty Resonators UDC 537-96:621.319.~. FERROELECTRICS IN MICROWAVE TECHNOLOGY Moscow SCGNC'fOELEKTRIKI V TEKHNIKE SVCH (Ferroelectrice in Microw~ve Tech- nology in Itugsien 1979 aigned to prese 18 Dec 78 pp 2, 270-271 (Annotation gnd eabl~ of contents from book by N. N. Antonov,.7. M. Buxin, 0. G. Vendik et a1, Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio," 4,000 copies 2~1 pp~ [Text~ The book i.s devoted to the problem of develop~ng microwave devices b~~~d on �~rro~lectric materials, wh~ch make ~.t possible to increase sub- ~tantially the pntenCials of microwave equipment. The que~tions of the elecerndynam~cg and Cechnology of ferroelectric microwave devicee are ex- amined. The methoda of analyzing and characterizing Che phage-shi�tiing cir- c~.;its of a high level of power w3th very fast operation and low-noise para- metric amplifiers with a wider dynamic range are cited. The book is intended for specialists involved 3n the development and opera- tion of microwave equipment; it will be useful to graduate studenta and upper class students of VUZ's of rhe appropriate specialties. T~ble~ 1; figuree 190; referenceg 371. Contents Page - Foreward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Frdm the Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Introduction. FerroelecCrics Are a NPw Material ~n Microwave Tech- nologY~ 0. G. Vendik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chapter 1. The Physical Traits of Ferroelectric Materials. 0. G. Vendik, I. V. Ivanov, A. I. Sokolov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 l.l. A~n Elementary Description of Ferroelectric Phenomena (1-3]. . 15 1.2. Ferroelectric Phase Transition [1-7~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1.3. DielecCric Permeability and the Coefficient af Dielectric Nonlinearity of Ferroelectrics of the Displaceanent Type as a~unction of Temperature and the External Field. 24 1.4. Electromechanical Phenomena in Ferroelectric Materials. 31 1.5. Spatial Dispprsion. Oscillations of a Crystal Lattice. 36 1.6. Dielectric Losses in Ferroelectrics Given T>T~. 44 1.7. Diffuse Phase Transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 roR o~~rci~. usE orn.Y ChnpC~r 2~ Yrop~rr~.e~ nf F~rroel~cer~.c ~ilms~ m~N~ Verbit~kaya, I, C~ Mironenko, I� S, Soknlova, b. v. Tk~chuk 62 2~ 1. C~rami.c S~l~d S~luC~,one nnd k'arro~lectric ~'1Lm~ Dn~ved on T1~am 62 2,2. l~1.t~r VerinblE Capacitor~ for Hybrid Inti~grcited Ctrcu~.C~. 73 2.3, ~'erroelectr3c F~.lme Obtained by Prec~pitation Frnm Che Ga~ Ph~s~. . . ~ ~ . . ~ . ~ . ~ ~ . . ~ . . ~ ~ ~ . ~ . . . . ~ 77 2.4. mhe Ef~ecCive Die~.~ceric Permeabiliey of a MIM-StrucCur~ WiCh a ~'erroelectiric ~i~.m ~ , . . . . . . ~ . ~ ~ . ~ . . . . . ~ 85 2.5. On pos~~.bLe Modificaeion~ of ehe Di~~eceric propereies of rerroelectiric ~'ilme, . . . . ~ . . . . . ~ ~ . . . . . ~ . . 95 ChapCer 3. Lumped ElemenCa Made of ~erroelectr~cs in Microwave T~ch- nology. N. N. AnConov, V. N~ Keys, C. F'~ Serebrennik~v. 1b1 3.1. F'lnt Nonlinear CapaciCors Witih a F~rroetectric ~ilm. 10~ 3.2, Calcul~rion of the Capacitance of a Fla~ Capacitor 106 3.3. Thermal Cond~.rions nf g F1at Capacitor . . ~ . . , . . . . . 112 3.4. Elertrical CharacCeristics of Flat C~pacitors. 117 3,5. ~ligh-~requency and Microwave Devices Made With ~lat Cap~ci- Cors . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Ch~pter 4. Microwave Transmission Lines Contgining a Ferroelec~ric Film. I. G. Mironenko, G. S. Khizha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 4.1. Dispersion Properties of Rectangular Waveguides With LE-Type Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 4.2. Dispersion ProperCies of Rectangular Waveguides With LM-Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 4.3. Dispersion Properties of the 51ot Line on n t~minated nielec- tric Substrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 4.4. AtCenuaCion in Waveguide Systems Containing a~erroelectric ~ilm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 4.5. Phase-5hifters Made With Ferroelectric Films 154 Chapter S. Ferroelectric P~rametric Microwave Amplifiers. I. V. Ivanov, L. T. Ter-MarCirosyan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 5.1. Features and Pro~pects of Ferroelectric Parametric Microwave Nnplifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 5.2. ~'luctuaCion Processes in Ferroelectric Parametric Microwave Amplif iers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 5.3. Low-Noise Parametric Microwave Amplifier Made With a Flat F'erroelectric Capacitor [50] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 5.4. Parametric Amplifiers Made With Nonlinear Dielectric Reso- nators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 5.5. Parametric Amplifier With an Active Element Which Is Distri- buted at the Excitation Frequency and Focused at the 5ignal Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Chgpe~r 6~ Mea~uremenC ot ehe ParomeCers of Ferroel.ectricg U~ing hiicro- wave T~'reqLtenCie~, I~ M, nuzin, A. B. Kozyrev . , . . . ~ . . . . . . 199 6~.1. Mea~uremenr of the Coe~�ic~tettCs o� Nonlinearity nf t'erro- eleCtr~.cs , . . . . . . ~ , . ~ . , . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . L99 6.2~ Meagur~ment of ehe DielecCric Logseg of Ferroelecrric~~ 203 6,3. Me~surem~nC n� ehe Cgpac~tance and lliel.ecrric Lossee of P'].at CdpOC~.ti0r8 Mad~ Wieh a~errnelectric F~.lm in the Micrnwave B~nd ~ . , ~ . . . ~ . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . 209 6.4. Cl~cerodeleas M~~surements of Die~ectric Permeabiliey and Uielecrric Losse~ of I~'erroelectiric Films in ,the M~.crowave B~nd. . , , . . . . . ~ . , . , . ~ . . ~ . . . . . , . . . . 212 Appendix 1. Yol.arizat ion of an Ion Crystal . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 218 Appendix 2. Elements of Thermodynamics . ~ . . ~ . ~ . . . . ~ ~ . . 220 Appendix 3. Tensor ttecording o� Physical Values. . . . . . . . . . . 221 Appendix 4. Osnillaeions of n Cryatal Lattice. . . ~ . . . . . . . . 223 Appendix 5. Averaging According to the Heat FluctuaCions of the Po- Centi~l Topography of Che InCeraction of the Sublattices of ~ I'erroelectric CrysCal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Appendix 6. The Oscillator Response Function, Whose Frequency Chr~nges in Time According to a Random Law. 227 Appendix 7. On Che Influence of Surface Conditions on Boundary Con- ditiona f or the Component of Electrical Induction in a ~ Dieleceric, Which Varies Over Time . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Appendix 8. Use of the Method of Graphs for Analyzing the Coeffi- cients of Transmission of Reactive Quadripoles of High Frequency and Micr wave ~requency. . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Appendix 9. Conductivities of ~ and Y in an Equivalent Waveguide Mode1 of a Slot Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Appendix 10. Equivalent Susceptance of a Capacitive Diaphragm in a Rectangular Waveguide With a TEl~-Wave . . . . . . . . . 240 Appendix 11. Equivalent Conductivity of an Induction Diffraction Grat ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 Appendix 12. Distribut ion of Fields in RecCangular Waveguides Con- taining a Ferroelectric Film . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio," 1979 7807 ' CSO: 1870 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~ FOIt O~FICIAL USE ONLY U5SIt UDC 53~..787,913,087.92 PROP~ItTIES UF TENSORESI5TORS MADE OF ARTIF'ZCZALLY ANISOTROPIC SEMICONDUCTORS Moscow GA T~KHNICHESKII PROGRESS in Russian No 7, 1977 pp 27-30 ALIY~V, M, I., KASPIROVICH, G. YE., D2HAFAROV, Z. A., AGASIYEV, A. and VORONOV, V. r. (I~'rom REF~RATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA Z YEYE PRIMENENYY~ No 1, Jan 79 Abstract No 1B475 by Yu. K. Ibayev] , [TexC] The strain-measuring characteristics were inveseigated of tensore- sistors based on the GaSb-GeGa~.3 semiconductor with artificial anisotropy. The average value of the strain sensitivity coefficient at temperature from -50 to +12b�C was found to be 40-h5. The Cemperature coefficient of resi~- tance over the temperature range from -50 to +120�C was found to be 3~10'a/�C. The devices tested in this study withstood 106 cycles under a per-unit strain o� 10'3, r~ta3ning their tensoresistive characteristics accurately within 5 percent. Figures 1. ussR uDC 621.372.852.1(088.8)(47) A PIEZOELECTRIC ~ILTER OF A COMPLEX PIiASE-KEYED SIGNAL USSR AUTHOR'S CERTI~ICATE No. 604135 filed 22/03/76 No. 2340081 published 5/04/78 in Russian KARINSKIY, S. S., KOMAROV, V. G. and RECHITSKIY, V. I. [From REI~ERATIVNYY ZHURNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No l, 1979 Abstract No 1B237P] ~TexC] The piezoelectric filter suggested for a complex phase-keyed signal contains a piezoelectric substrate and transmitting and receiving acoustical surface wave converters (C) on its surface. In order to increase the number of leads of the filter, the transmitting C is made of n sections, located in n parallel acoustical channels and displaced one relative to the other by a distance corresponding to the length of a discrete signal element. The re- ceiving C are made in the form of a matr3x of p columns and n rows with a spacing of the sections in-columns n times greater than the spacing of the sections of the transmitting C. The n section, forming n rows, are located in n parallel acoustical channels. All sections of the receiving C are elec- trically interconnected to allow a change in;polarity of each of the n�p leads from the sections of the receiving C, where n= 1, 2, 3, etc. and p= 1, 2, 3, etc. 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~OR OFFiCIAL U9E ON1.Y Conf~r~nc~~ USS~ UDG 62L.371.39~012,11 TIiL S~COND ALL-UNYON SYM~03~UM ON MILI.IMETER AND SUDMILLIM~T~R WAVES, K11Ak' kOV, 13-15 5~~ 1.~'8 II VSESOYUZNYY SIMPOZIUM PO MILLIMETROVYM I SUDMZLLIMETROVYM VALNAM KlIAR'KOV 13-15 SEN'T 1978 in ttuseien Abetractg of P.~:por~s Volume Khar'kov 197~ 33~ pp CFrom ItEF~RATiVNYY ZNURNAL RADIOT~KHNIKA No 1, 19~9 Abstract No 1A24K ~y A~ V. Lazarev] (Texe~ A~tudy ig m~de of works group~d in the following ChematiC are~~; elpctrnnic microwev~ ingtrument~ in the millim~tex and ~ubmillimeter wave b~nds; millimerer ~nd aubmi111meter wave band tranamig~ion 1ine~ and mea- ~uring genernl-purpose microwave equipment; electronic microwave ~ystema in th~ miLlimeter and submillirt?eter wave bands (including entennae, controli~d and pnasive devices and ~:lectronic microwave eyetem elemente): the electro- dynnmicfl of transmisfeion lines and resonant systems, boundary problems of the theory of diffraction and diffraction radiatian of millimetEr gnd aub- millimeter wgves. USSK UDC 621.396.001.83 INTERNA'fIONAL CONSULTATION COMMITTEE O~S RADIO AND ITS ROLF IN THE STUDY 0~ PROBL~MS OF ItAbIO-WAVE PROPAGATION AND 'SHE DEVELOPMENT OF RECO1~QrIENDATIONS F'OIt pRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE RESULTS OF STUDIES 1~-AYA V5~S. KONF. PO ItASPROSTR. RADIOVOLN, TOMSK, 1978, CH 1, TEZ. DOKL. (12th All-Union Conference on Propagation of Radio Waves, Tomsk, 1978, part 1, Abstracts of Reports~ in Ruasian, Moscow 1978 pp 23-25 BADALOV, A. L. (1~'rom R~F~RATIVNYY ZHURNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No 1A10 by V. LazarevJ (Text] The functions of the International Consultatinn Committee for Radio (ICCR) consists in coordination af the efforts of interested countries on the international scale in the area of most efficient utilization of the radia-frequency spectrum and operation of sysCems of radio communications so as to minimize mutual interference. The ICCR includea 13 research com- miesions, two of which are involved in problems of Lhe propagation of radio waves, which relate directly to the problem of efficient utilization of the FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~Ott 0~'~~CiAi, v9~ ~Nt,Y rndid-~r~qu~ncy ~~~eerue~~ Th~ i~CR h~~ d~v~iep~d and r~~enm~~nd~d m~~h~dg fnr cf~e~rmin~eian of th~ prop~g~tion ehare~t~ri~tic~ ~f r~dia W~v~~ und~r v~riaug ~~n~litiane. An ~tlaa o~ EhQ Worid di~tribu~i~n ~nd ~harg~~~ri~ttc~ af etmo~pheric in~erf~ren~~ ha~ b~en ~ompo~~d for a broad rgng~ of Er~qu~n= ci~~; war1~1 m~p~ af ~h~ index of atm~9ph@ri~ r~fr~~eion ~nd tc~ gradi~nt ~t th~ ~arth's gurfaee, ~s aeii a~ Worid tn~p~ of ~h~ di~~ribu~ion ~E ~rl~i- c~l fr~qu@nci~~ fer ~he ~Z iey@n c~~ve b~~n compo~~d~ 25 FOR OFt~ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OFPiCIAL U98 ONLY Conv@re~r~, ~nv@rt@r~, Tr~n~ducQr~ U'~9R UDC 621.~36.6~~ ~~LM ~At,L~tJM-Att~~NfD~: NALL ~~CKUPS Mog~ow PRtriORY ~~~ST~' UPitAVL~N~YA ~n Ru~~~~n No i97~ pp 35-36 PORTNAY, a. YA. C~rom ttE~'~itAT~VNYY ZHURNAL, E~EKTRON~KA t Y~Y~ PR~M~NENiYE Na 1, Jan ~9 ~4b~er~et Na 1~4~0 by A. V. Y@mel'y~novj (Texe~ Th~ d~~~gn, th~ eechnolo~y gnd the basic char8c~~rie~ic~ of (~aAe- film ttall pickup8 Ceyp~ KhAG-P) produced ae ~h~ te~ra Divi~ion of the Ali- Uni~fl 3~ientifi~-R~B~arch tn~~i~ue~ of Ei~ctromechan~cs are reviewed. The ~dv~flt~~@g of ~hQg~ pic.kup~ ov~r elmilar ~ilic~ gickup~ (DKhlt-7, DKhK-14), germ~nium piekup~ (DKhG-0.5, ~KhB-2) ~nd ~n3b pi~kup~ (Kh6T) ar~ point~d ou~. The po~~ibiii~y of ugiflg th~ GaA~ pickupe at cryo~enic ~emperaeur~~ ig aig~ noeed. USSit UDC 62i.382 itAADtATION f'tCKUPS BASBD ON MULTILAYER STRUCTURES CONTROLtABLE BY THE TRANS- V~R5~ TN~~MA-EMF L'vov ~IZICHESKAYA ELEKTRONIKA (Phy~icel Electronice~ in Ru~sian 1'~ 16, 1978 pp 63-68 E'I1~1T, i. M. and ASHEULOV, A. A. r~rom FtEFECtA'CtVNYY 2HURNAI., ELEKTRONIKA i YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Abstr~rt No 1B478~ (Tex~J Con~id~r~d i~ th~ f~agibility of praducing fundamentally naa pickups for recording th~ energy of nonselective radiation. These pickup~ congti- tute mu1ti18yer bipoler structures~ one of the layers being made of a materi- nl with a thermo-~mf anistaopy. The trensverse thermo-emf induced by inci- dent r~diation controls the bipolar structure. 41aye are proposed to reelize such pickupg aithin various temperatur~ rangee. Figures 2; refarences 14. 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ON1.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 F~JR O~~tCiAi, U86 OPR.Y US9tt UDC 6~i.3~Z.09~.4.0~a.7 PR03PEC'i'S ~Ott U9tNg ~L~CTRBN ~OI~hRDM~1VT iN TNB MANUFACTUR~ OF ACAU~TB- fiL~GTRONiC TRAN9DUCER3 L~ningr~d p6LU~'ROV~DN~it6V~t~ U~fifibY~`I'VA ~ '~~1tlrtdptt~O~~AZOVAT~L~ (9~micen- duceor Devic~e ~nd Th~rmal ~onv~rt~r~) in Russian 1~78 pp 91=~3 VY~OTSK~Y, YU~ N~ and VARLAMOVA, A. rFrom R~FERAT~VNYY 2HURNAL, FLRKTRONIKA i YEYE PkiMfiNENIYE Ne 1, Jgn 79 Ab~~r~et No 19466 by Yu. K. ibay~v~ ~Texej Th~ redi~tive gu~ceptibility of Zn0 fiim~ for piezo~l~ceric trane- duc~r~ w~~ ~tudi~d. AftQr th~ir epr~y d@pogition, theg~ f~im~ w~r~ found to b~ A.1-i.a ~,m thick aieh a h~terodieper~~, d~pple~ or fin~ cry~t~illne ~tructur~. 8omb~rdm~nt feet pieceroe~ of S M~V @nergy yi~ld~d ~erue= ture gp@cim~ng with or~f~rin~, aa a r~euit of diffugion of va~~neie8 gnd dig= iocation~ ov~r eh~ volum~ of cond~ns~te, which ghouid appreci~biy improv~ eh~ir ei~ctricai char~ceeristic~. Ag th~ fiim ehickn~~~ incre~~e~f, th~ fiim ~urface bee~me much smoother. Ttii~ su~gQ~t~ the fea~ibili~y of ut~liz- ing bombgrdment witH fa~t electrong in Che manufacture of pi~zo~l~~~ric tr8ngducecs beg~d on zin~ oxid~. Figures 1. 27 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OFFIC~AL t198 ~NLY Cryo~@nicg ~nd 9up~cnoad~a~iviey vss~ une t~z~.~~ A GttY09TAT F1~R Tt1~RM0~TATiC C~t~TROt, A~ ~L~CTRON D~1i~C~S Me~~ew PEtiBORY I T~KltN~KA ~KSP~R~MBtdTA in Ru~~ian NA 4, 1~78 p 2~0 LfiM~~l1~V, A. ~nd MEDV~fl~SKAYA, E. A. [~rom REFERl1T~1iNYY ZNURNAt~, ~L~KTRON~KA i Y~C~ PRiM~NENiY~ No 1, J~n 79 Abg~r~~~. No iA2~i8 by Yu. Pov~rovj CT~x~~ Thi~ nryog~~t i~ ine~nded for t~ermo~~a~~c controi of ~iec~ron de- vice~ which gener~~e apptQ~iab1Q amoune~ of hege dur~n~ eeeady-e~ate opere- ~ion, in pareicuiar ~ubQg and cyciotroa-rc~~onance ma9~ra of th~ miliim~~@r ~nd ~ubt~ii~imetQr rang~. it cons~.ges of tWO ehiQided niero- ~~n ~on~~in~~g coae~unic~~ing ~hrau~h tubeg~ A~1Q~~Wt COR~9~fl@! 18 mounted on top of ehe upp~r nitrogen con~~in~r ~hrou~h a neak. ThQ entire inside strueEure of th~ cryo~taC is euep@nded on ~ubee �or ie~ting nitrogen vapor in and out. Heiium is povre~ ~n~o i~g coneainer through an ov~rfioW ~ub~ Whc~~ out~id~ ~nd t~r~inat~~s into e~ack~t. Nelium vepor is let our ~hrou~h g tub~ which algo serv~8 ~:~g a eleeve for all the airing. The b~sic param~- t~r~ af th~ cryost~t ar~r h~i~h~ 950 ~i, ou~~id~ di~met~~ 350 a~o?, volum~ nf the helium contain~r d liter~, voiume of thQ n3trogen coneainer8 10 lit~rg, m~~8 38 ir~. Th~ rat~ of helium evaporaE~oe i~ 86 iiEer~/h during ~eoreg~ end i35 iiters/h durin~ opnration. Tiae of continuoug operetion after ona fi11 is longer ttan 40 h. Figur@s 1. 28 FOR OFFICtAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR AFFICIAL t198 ONLY Ciectromagne~~c Wave Propagaeion; ionoepher~, Tropo~pMera= ~1QCtredynamic~ ~gs~ UDC 621~371~21) SdM~ RESULTS OF THEORETiCAL AND EXPERIMENTAL 3TUDIES 0~' TNE CONDIT~ON3 OF ~ROPAGAT~ON OF M~LL~METER RAD~OWAVES OVER THE 3EA 2-Y VSES. S~1~OZ. P~ M~LLIMETROV. ~ SUBM~LLIMETROV~ VOLNAM, KNAR'KOV 1978 TEZ. b~KL~ ~ C2nd aii-Union Symp~gium on Millimater and Submillimeter W~v~g, Kh~r'kov i978 Ab~~racee of Reporte Vo1 2~ ~n Rueeian, Khar'kov 1978 pp i35-i36 L08Kt~VA, L~ M., MISNAREVA, N. SALIVON, YU. A., BERKHfNA, L. Z., LUK'YANCEtUK, A. G~~ STEL'MAKH, V. V., CHERAKA30V, YU. YE., NAbOnENKO, A. I., P~P~V, V. PANIN, A. M., K~SIRATI, YU. A. and DUSNENKO, A. V. C~rom ~~~ERATIVNYY ZNURNAL RADIOTEK~INIKA No 1, 1979 Ab~erect No iB3i3 by Y~. P, Chi~in) (T~xt~ The r~guiE~ ~re pr~sented of a theoretical atudy of rh~ pnvelnp~ of a r~~~ived gignal and an experimental study of fluctu~tiona in nmpiitude ~nd ~n~1~s of errival of millimeter waveband radiowaveg, propagated over th~ ~urface of th~ sea over a di~Cance of 9.6 km. The transmitter operated in ~ conE~~nuou~ mode, with radiation and receiving antenna patterns 5� wide. A~tudy is made ~f the depth of fading of the signal. A method ia developed for ronstruction of a~tatistical model of the ~ignnl for cnmmunication sys- tems to be u~ed ov~r a~ter. USSFt UDC 621.371:(21) STUbY OF TNE RAUIO BRIGHTNESS COt3TRASTS IN TltE SHORTWAVE PORTION OF THE Mt~LIMETBR WAVE BAND 2-Y VSES. SIMPOZ. PO MILLIMETROV. I SUBMILL2METROV. VOLNAM, KHAR'KOV, 197$ 't~z. DOKL. T. 2(2nd A11-Union Symposium on MillimeCer and Submillimeter Waves, Khar'kov, 19~$ Abstracts of Reporrs Vol 2j in Rusaian, Khar'kov 1978 pp 173-114 PARSitIkOV, A. A., POPOV, S. A. and R02ANUV, B. A. (From REFERATIVNYY ZHUItNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No 1B315 by Ye. P. Chigin~ [Text] It is reported that the radio *.elescope of the Moscow Higher Tech- nical School i~aeni Bauman has performed measurements of the radio brightness contrast of varioue sectors of the terrain at 2.2 mm for variaus atmospheric 29 ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OFFZCrAL US~ ONLY conditiong~ mhe conCraet of a�].~e metal platie meaeuring 1.3 x].~3 m a g a i n s C various backgrovnds wae me~?sured. The contraee vari~d from 0 K during pr~cipitation at 1.3 mm/hr gnd fog v~.sibility 700 m Co 2 0 K on a cloudl~s~ day wieh low relative hum~.d~.ty~ Figurea 2. 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~leetron nnd Son U~vicQs USS~ UDC 621,387.3 TYY~ INS-1 INUICATbR; 'T~CHNICAL I~~QUIREM~NTS COST A1.1-Union State Seandard 23054-78 [~rom ~~F'~RATIVNYY 2~IURNAL, ~LEKTRONIKA I YEY~ pRZM~N~NIYE No 1, Jan 7g Abstract Nn 1B497 by M, L. Martinaon] ~Texe~ The bas3c dimensions nnd performance parameeers of this glow-dis- ch~rge ind~.catnr lamp ore: height 30 mm, diameter 7 mm, �iring voltage 65- 90 V, ~ustaining voltage not higher than 55 V, anode current 0.2 mA, luminosi- ty 50 cd/m2. 'The mechanicaL lnads it must withst~nd are: vibration within rhe 1-1000 Elz frequency rgnge with an acceleration of 10 g, rr.petitive im- pect wirh an gcceleration of 15 g, single impact wiCh an acceleraCion of 150 g. Minimum operating time 5000 h. .y 31 FOR OFFICIAL U~SE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OFF~CIAL USE ONLY E1ecCron Tubas; E].ectirovncuum Techno~ogy U55tt tinC 62].~3g5~6 EL~CTEtON GUNS I~OIt I'RODUCING THIN-ItI13BON EL~CTItON 13~AMS WITH NIGH CURtt~NT DENSI'I'Y IN MILLIM~TCtt-WAV~ nACKWAttD-WAVE TUB~S AND DZFFRACTZON-RADIA'1'ION CENCRATORS Khar'kov VTOItOY VS~SOYU~NYY SII~OZI~iUM PO MIT.LLMETROVYM I SUnMILLIMETROVYM VOLNAM ~Second A11.-Un~.on Symposium on 44ill~.mmeter and Submillimeter Waves~ in Itugsian Vol 1, 1978 pp 8~-82 ANTONOV, V~. A., BOGACH, A~ S., LOPA'fIN, I~ V~ and TISHCH~NKO, A~ S. [rrom RE~~RATIVNYY ZHURNAL, EL~KTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Absrract No 1A75 by V~ N. Makarov] ~'rext] Examined are the features characterizing formation of thin-ribbon (0.0~.-0.1 mm Chick) eleceron beams wiCh a 50-150 A/cm2 currenC density, 3n electron-opeicnl syatems, and conatraining ehem by means o� a magnetic �ield. Besti resules are obtained with an impregnated aluminate cathode withouti a focusing electrode near ~.t. The design of an electron gun iB - described with which the output power of a backward-wave tube or a diffrac- tion-r~diation generator can be increased by a factor of 2 to 20. USSR UDC 621.385.6 EL~CTRONIC TUNING 0~' THE FREQU~NCY IN A LENS MAGNETRON TETRODE Khar'kov VTOROY VSESOYUZNYY SIMPOZIUM PO MILLIMETROVYM I SUBMILLIMETROVYM JOLNArt [5econd All-Union S}nnposium on Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves~ in Russian Vol 1, :1978 p 4 I,CVIN, G. YA., LOCVINENKO, A. I. and TEREKHIN, S. N. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Abstract No 1A87] [Text] During the nineteen seventies at the Institute of Radioelectronica (Academy o� Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR) there was proposed a principle of controlling Che parameCers of an electron cloud in surface-wave magne- trons by means of electrostatic lenses. On the basis of this principle lens magneCron tetrodes were subsequently constructed for operation within the 8-mm wavelength band. The problems are examiued of electronically tun- ing the frequency and changing the high-frequency power of oscillations by variation of ehe control voltage across the lenses. The problems of opti- mizing the operation of a lens magnetron tetrode are considered, namely of 32 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~Ok OI~'C~CtAL USC C~NLY mtnimtzinq rhe dr.op of high-frnquency pc~war ove~ eha eunin~ r~ng~, Thr Eea~lbility of ~LaGeronic frequ~ncy runing w3Ghouti ~ub~~~nti~1 powet� v~r.i~- ei~n is d~mon~C~gC~d~ Th~ amp~ieude-fr~qu~ney chgract~ri~eir~ are pr~~ene~d of an 8-mm low-voleag~ lens magnerron Cetrode op~r~e~ng aC th~ 5-W pow~r ~~ve1 wieh an Effic~.ency from ~pprox~.maeely 5 ea 10 pe~cent ~nd wi~h the Er~qUency electronical~.y tun~ble through approx~maCaLy L00 Mftz ~C a 1~~~ rhnn 9 per~ent power drop. USSR UDC 621.385.6 SIIOItT-htILLIMET~Et-WAV~ Mtb SUBMILLIME'~ER-WAV~ ORnT~ON ~REQUENCY CONV~RTE~S Khur'kov VTOROY VS~SOYUZNYY SIMpOZIYUM PO MILLIMETROVYM I SU~MILLIMET~tdVYM VOLNAM [S~cond All-Union Symposium on Millimet~r and Submillim~t~r Wave~J in [tu~ei~n Vnl 1, 1978 pp 29-30 ~USIN, i'. S., KOSTROrtIN, V. P., KUSHCH, V. S., SIN~NKO, L. A. nnd mCtt~K~tOV, A. I. ~I'rom R~F~RATIVNYY 2HURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I Y~Y~ PttIMENENIY~ No 1, Jan Abstract No 1A125 by E, M. GutCSayt~ (Text] Several mock-up models of oroeron frequency converters were studied, with the operating current approximately 60 mA ~t an anode volCage of 3.S kV in g magneC3c f ield 2.5 k0e serong. With the fund~ment~l frequency equal ta 10 C}iz, these models could deliver an output power of the order of 10 mW at rhe 6-9th harmonics, and frequency multipLiers could deliver 1 mW to 50 uW at output frequencies from 140 to 450 GHz, respectively. The transconductance of electronic frequency tuning in an orotron was found to be 30-70 kHz/V and the transcbnductance of electronic biasing was found to be 300-400 kHz/A. The feasibility of synchronizing an orotron by means of a quartz oscillator witli a high phase stabiliCy has been demonstrated. MeasuremenCs of the spectrum o'f a stabilized orotron revealed spectral lines not wider than 7~Iz at the fundamental frequency of 10 GHz as well as at the 6-9th harmonics. References 1. 33 FOR O~F'ICIe~L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~OR d~FICIAL USG ONLY Ug~~ UDC 621,385,6 'I'HhC1ItY qt~' A EtC~I~i:C'fING UIFt~'t2ACTIdN-RADIATION GENERATOR Kltar'kov VTOROY VS~SOYUZNYY SIMpOZIYUM Pd MItLIMETi~OVYM I SUBMILLIM~TROVYM vo~,Nnr~ CS~~~~,a n~i-Union Sympo~ium on rtillimeeer and SuUmillimetQr Waves] ;in Ru~sian Vdl 1, 1979 p 66 BALAKt,ZTSKIY, I~ M~, VOROD'YCV, G~ S., flOSPELOV, L~ A. ~nd TSVYK, A. I. [~tiort? RE~~ttATIVNYY 2KURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I Y~Y~ PRIMENENIYE No Jan 79 Ab~tract No 1A124~ ('C~xt] 'The ~ti~ady-gtate parformanc~ of a diffract3on-rad3ation genarator wiet~ refleceion of electrons is analyzed on the basis of a consistent non- linaar th~eory~ AnalyticaL expre~sione are deriv~d for calculating the gen- ~r~~~d power, Che sCarrin~ current and the ~ie~e~on~~eiiy tunable �requency r~ng~~ Th~ reguitg ~re analyzed qualitarive].y. It is found th~r thE mu].ti- plieity of interACtiion between electrons and the high-frequency field in ehe r~sonntor c~vity of such a diffracCion-radiation generator makea possible an lowering of the current, as Weii as tuning the ~~nerated fr~quency by variation o� the reflector voltage. The theoretical results are compared wiCh experimental inveariggtions of the baeic char~c- teristics of a reflector-type diffraction-radiation generator. US5R UDC 621.385.6 'TN~OItCTICAt. STUDY OF TEtANSIEN'r AND STEADY-STATE PHENOMENA IN DIFFRACTION- RADIATION G~N~RATORS Kher'kov VTOkOY V~50YUZNYY SIMPOZIYUM PO MILLIMETROVYM I SUI3MILLIMETROVYM VOLNl1~S [Second All-Union Symposium on Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves] in Russian Vo1 1, 1978 pp 60-61 LUKIN, K. A. and 5H~ST~PALOV, V. P. (~rom It~FERA'fIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYB PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Abstrnct No 1A129 by E. M. Guttsayt] ('Text] The excitation of a diffraction-radiation generator (GDI) by a rec- tangular voltage.pulse is analyzed by the author's own nonlincar transient _ theory. F~ctors are considered which determine the rise time and the fall time of an emission pulse generated by the GDI. The feasibility of control- ling the slopes and the shapes of both leading and trailing pulse edges is 34 FOR OFFICIe~L USE ONI.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~'01~ U~~~C1'AG U5L nNI,Y ~l~o ~xamin~d, 'Th~ nna~.yslt~ oE seeady-~eatie mod~~ of ~uch ~ dif- fr.~ceion-rndintion gpnergtor includes cutoft of salf-excited oscill.tttlong ~nd ~mt~~idn hygeeresis~ The dependenc~ nf ehe eff~.ciency on ehe dev~.gtiion o� el~ceron velociey from tihe oynchronous velocity ~.s shocm for eh~ case nf a gener~ror curr~nti 50 percent h~.gher ehan ehe starCing current, mhe exis- tennn of ~n npeimum s~ze of tihe field spoe, corresponding to maximum genera- ror ef~'ic:iency, and the poesib313ty of corr~cely accounting for Che effece of sp~ce ch~rge are glso indicated. References 3, USSFt UDC 621.385.6 CXpEItIrt~NTAL STUbY OI' NOISC 0~' A THIN-RZB130N CLECTRON B~AM TRANSMITT~D A130V~ A ['CRI ObI C S'CKtlCTUR~ Khar'kov VTOROY VS~:SOYUZNYY SIMPOZYYUM PO MILLIM~:TROVYM x 5UI3MILLIM~'rROVYM VOLNAM [Second A11-Union Symposium on MillimeCer and Submillimerer W~ves~ in ~ussian Vol 1, 1978 pp 77-78 MAYS'TRENKO, YU. V. [From R~FERIITIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Abstract No 1A136 by E. M. Cuttsayt] ['fext] An experimental study was made of noise due to ribbon-thin electron beams 0.2x5 mm2 in cross sect ion transmitted above a 40 mm long retarding comb sCructure. An electron beam was produced by a diode gun w3th a L- cathode and focused by an electromagnet with a magnetic induction up to 0.1 T, the operating current varied from 80 to 150 mA at accelerating voltages from 2 to 3 kV. The noise within the 1-500 kHz frequency range, due to such an electron beam, was measured in the cathode and collector circuir. The results of these measurements have revealed that at frequencies below 20 kHz rhe beam �lucCuations are inversely proportional to the frequency and can be characterized as flicker, while at frequencies above 20 kHz tt~ey are ].inear and can be characterized as shot-like. It is also noCed that the intensity of noise in the collector circuit, due to such electron beams, increases with slower current aCtenuation, with higher residual gas pressure (above 3�10-5 mm Hg) and with lower magnetic induction (especially below 0.3-0.4 T). The correlation of: noise appearing in the collector and cathode circuit due to electron beams is also analyzed. References 2. 35 FOR OFFICIi,L USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 F~'Olt 0~'~'~C~AL US~ ONLY ~ 1iS51t UDC 621.385,0~9(083.74) 05CILLATOR TUB~S RATED ABOVE 25 W WITH pOWEIt DISSIPATION AT THE PLAT~ GOST [All-Un~.on Seate Standard] 21106.3-76 [~'rom R~F'~itATrVNYY ZHURNAL, EL~KTRONTKA Z YEY~ PRIMENENTYE No 1, J~n 79 AtiStirElCt NO 1A72 S by Zh. M. Nadel'~ [TexC] This USSIt Srandard pertigin3ng Co oscillator tubea rated above 25 W with power dissipaC~.on ~t the plate and intended for operation ae frequen- c:tes up to 1000 MtIz establishes a method of testing ehem for electrical etrengC;a. under quiescent cnndiCions. It also covera general requiremenCS, equipmene and prep~ration for testing, as we1~ as the Cest procedure. US5R UDC 621,385.032 A CONTAINER ~'OR LONG-TERM STO1tAGE OF A VACUUM DEVICE US5R Patent Class B 65 D 85/42 No 60L197, disclosed 2 Aug 76 (No 2391776) published 11 May 78 COLANT, M. B. and RULEVA, N. N. (~'rom REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Abstract No 1A147 by Y e. N. Gordyeyev] [Text] A container is proposed for storage of vacuum devices, which con- sists of an evacuated glass flask and a case holding such a device inside. Th:ts flask has a widening inside which is located a spiral spr3ng pressing witl~ 3ts outermost eurn against the glass and fastened with its innermost turn to the case. Such a widening of Che glass flask wiCh a spiral spring ~ inside prevents axial movement of the case with the device and thus ensures adequate axial as well as radial damping. The container provides long-term protection for vacuum devices against inleakage and reliable shock absorp- tion in transport. 36 FOR OFFICItiL USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOn n1~T~'7:C1AL US~ ONLY uss?t vnc 621..38s, 6a A[t[;LA'1'IVIS'PIC DIACNETItON WZTId MICROS~COND VOLTACE PULSES hloscow PIS'MAY V ZHUItNAL TEKHNICHESKOY I~'IZIKI in Russian No ].4, 1978 pp 823-826 - nrDCNKO, A. N., SULAKSHIN, A. S., 1~OM~NKO, G. P., T5VETKOV, V. I,, SHT~YN, YU. G. and YUSHKOV, YU, G. [From R~FEItATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKT1tONIKA I YEyE pRIMENENTYE No 1, Jan 79 Abstrace No 1A81 by E, M. GuCCsayt) (TexC~ A relaCivistic pulse magnetron with a cold cathode was studied. The device dclivered a power of 0.8 GW at the a= 12.5 cm wavelength itt pulses of approximaCely 0.3 us duration, with an anode volCage of 450 kV and a mag- nee3c induction of 0.4 T. Its maximum efficiency was 30 percent, The spec- trum of oscillation modes is shown obCained without any or with only one axinl variation of the field. The operating mode was Found to be the II-mode, characterized by the shortest wavelength in the ~bsence of r~ny axial �ield var:iation. The separation between oscillation modes is shown to be 6 per- cent. Curves have been plotted depicting the dependence of the anode voltage and of the anode current on Che magnetic induction. As the latter increases from 0.2 to 0.6 T, the anode current drops from 8 to 5 kA and the anode volt- age rises from 200 to 500 kV, Shown are also curves depicting the dependence oF the output power on the magnetic induction in resonator systems closed either on one side or on both sides. It has been demonstrated that pulse magnetrons with resonaCors closed on one side deliver one order nf magnitude more power than those with resonators either closed or open on both sides. Figures 3; references 8, USSR UDC 621.385,64 MILLIMET~R AND SUBMILLIMETER MICROWAVE SURFACE-WAVE MAGNETRONS Khar'kov VTOROY VSESOYUZNYY SIMPOZIYUM PO MILLIMETROVYM I SUBMILLIMETRO`IYM VOLNAAf [Second All-Union Symposium on Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves] in Russian Vo1 1, 1978 p 3 LCVIN, G. YA. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No l, Jan 79 Abstract No 1A89 by E. Pi. Guttsayt] [Text] A series of problems is touched upon which deserve consideration in the study oF low-voltage surface-wave magnetrons, namely: feasibility of increasing the efficiency and output power; special features of starting FOR OFFICItiL USE UNLY 37 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~dC~ tlA'rtCIAL tJSF, ONLY ch~ract~rigtic~ and cxtrnpe~lar rndi~eion; mathod~ of noi~Q reduc~ia~; f.~aAi- l~iliry n~ ~xe~nding th~ cathnd~ lif~, iner~ae~ng thu ~tgbillty nf d~cill~- tinn~; ~nn~~'n~- ~~~flin ~wavelcngthnconseruceingnsubm~llimetertweve~magn~tr~on~. nutlook fnr sho ~ UtiC 621.385.633 - U55R A it~i.A" t'?IS'TIC Mt~.i.Irt~'~~It-WAV~ CAItC?.NOTItON Mogcdw pI5'MA V ZltUEtI~AL TCKHNICN~SKOY ~IZIKI in ttu9sian No 4, 1978 pp 817- ~20 tVANhV, V. S., KOVAL~V, N. K1t~MENTSOV, 5. I~ and RATZ~It, M. D. (t'rom ~EFEttA'TIVNYY ZHU~NAL, ~LEKTRONIKA I YBY~ pRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Abstr~ce No 1A118 by E. M~ Cuttsayt] ['Text~ A relativtstic b~ckward-wave tube oacillating at wavelength within tlie g+l mm h~nd was gtudied. The line::r electron beam was made to irit~raCt with ttie negative fundamental space component of the w~v~, the latter propa- gating through g rpctangular waveguide wieh antiphasally corrugated coide walls. 'Che electron gun wiCh a Cungsten-wire cathode and a cylindrical stainless-steel anode 7 mm in ctiameter produced a beam with a current den~i- ty of the order of 104 A/cm2. This electronulsemsolenoid asiusedaproduc- and ~~mounted to 300-500 A. ~or focusing a p ing a magnetic induction of approximately 1 T. 'fhe power termination of the backward-wave tube w~s benr through a 90� angle, with mica-vacuum seal- ing and nn ouC~ut horn. The purpose of bending the termination was to di- vert electrons and products of caChad~ ~vaporation from the mica window. The output power was meusured with a receiver horn and a cryogenic semicon- duccor-type decector. It was of the order of 10~ W, at a pulse duration of 15-20 ns and an efficiency of approximately 3 perceet. References 4. 38 FOR OFFICI~+~ USE U~iLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~~~t d~~tGtAL U51s dNLY USSk UDC 6~i~~~~~~35 EVApOttATIbN tlt~ M-CATt10D~3 aN VAR~OUS 9A9FS Kiev VESTNIK KtEVSKOCO UNIVERSiTETA, ~fZ~KA in Ru~~~an No 1~, ~.~7~ pp 6~.-66 LUS![KIN, A. Y~. (From RE~ERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONiKA I Y~YE rRiMEN~NtY~ No i, Jan 79 Abgtract No iA152 by F~ 3. Vaynehteyn~ ~ (T~xt] Wieh reg~rd to coatin~~ of M-cathod~g on v~~iou~ ba~e~, a etudy wa~ m~d~ conc~rnin~ th~ ~v~poration kin~~ica ~nd th~ compo~itiion of evaporaeion produces. As ba~~~ served cup~ S mta in di~m~ter m~de of paeeiv~e~d grad~ NO nickei (~.01 wt. p~rcent carbon~+magneeium ~nd ~0~0~3 wt, pe~tcent oth~r impuriti~g), acttvated grade NIKA nickel ~O.OOS wt. percent c~lcium), or grad~ NO nick~l doped with ~a~ ~nd C'~' ion~ at a 20 keV ~nergy level. The mnximum doge of impl~nted barium w~s approximately 10 u literg/cm2. Th~ study w~a perform~d by mas~-gpectrometry With the ~fd o~ unse~?l~d-gla~g mdg~ an~lyzers, undEr a vacuum of the order of 1~"8 mm Hg. The experim~ntal datn havc rev~aled fre~ barium, free strontium, barium oxidp and barium hydroxide at ~ufficientiy high nickel temperatures, and in many casee (especially on pasgivated cathode bases) aleo molecular oxygen. The quantitatlve balance between barium + strontium on tt~e one hand and barium oxide on th~ other wag found to d~p~nd on the degre~ of base ~ctivatSon. In order to produce an M-cathode wich excellent emisgion char~cteristicg, it ie nec~ssary to enaure a high concentration of inetal on th~ oxide surface. The exc~llent emission characteristics are due to the relatively small fraction of free metal strong- ly bonded to the lattice of the oxides. The remaining metal easily evaporates during the first heating stage. References 14. 39 FOR OFFICII,L U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~att d~'~tCtAL tl~~ dNLY US~~ UnC G21.~~~~624tG21.~.032.2~b88.~) A CbLt,CC'TOR ~Oit AN 0-TYrE MICROWAV~ ELECTRON DEVICE USSk P~e~ne Gia~~ 1{ O1 J 23/Oa7 No 571845 di~cioeed 3 May 76 (No 23S54~S) publiehpd 7 Oce 77 GINZBt1ttG, V. Y~. , KURIL~, V. P. , KUCHUCt1RNYY, V. I.,~.EBEDiN3K~Y, S~ V. and Ml11~' TSEVA, ~ . A. (From REFERATIVNYY 2HURNAL, Ei,EKTRONIKA I YEY~ PRiMENENIYE ho 1, J~n 7~ AU~tr~ce No iAi23. Summ~ry~ (`~~xt~ A coli~ctor for an 0-type microwave eiectron dev3ce ie propoged re- ferring to Patent No 271661. For increaeing th@ eff ici~ncy at peak power output frorn eh~ dQVice (by increaein~ the current flow to this collector), th~ precollecCor on the side ad3acent to ehe asynmi~atric elem~nt is made con- vex in the direction of el~ctron motion and has holes faailit8~ing the pas- sage of electroes, with the convex part of the collector eurrounded by a metnilic ring f~stened to the end of the asymmetric element. 40 FOR OFFICII.L L'SE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~t~tt tl~~~C~AL U5~ ONLY G~n~r~l Praduetion T~chnoiogy U53R UDC 621.396~6.002.72:621~757(089.8) A DEVIC~ F~It ~ACKAC~NG OF Ct'L~NDt2IGAL ELECTRON'IG PARTS WITH AX~AL LEADS ~N PAGKAGING ~ILM USSR AUTHOR'S CERTtF~CATE Nc 588571 fi1~d 26/12/73 No 1980554 pubiish@d 24/0l/78 in Ru~~i~n SHEVINOV, P. A., DR~MtlKN, C. M., STEPANENKOV, N. L. ~nd PIGOLiTStN, V. 5. CFrom itE~E[tATiVNYY ZHURNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, ].979 Abgt~~ce No iV533PJ ~T~xeJ A devic~ ig ~ugg~ge~d for pack~ging of eylindrie~l e~eetronic paree with ~xini i~ed~ in p~ek~ging fi1m, iacluding an accumul~eor for ~torag~ of th~ p~re~, meehani~mg for ehaping of ehe film, feeding of ehe film and elogur~ of ~pertures in the f ilm de~igned to hold the parts wieh a roller clo~ing mechanism, a d~vice for plucemen~ of ~he pares, including transpore- ing disks nnd ~uide plate~, and a drive mechanism with a g~ar-type trane- missi~n. 41 FOR OF~ICIiw U5E OYLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOlt O~~~CtAL U~~ ONLY ~n~trum~n~~, rt@~suring Devic@~ And TQ~tQr~; Method~ af M~aeurin~ t73SR UDC 621. ~~7 .7 . ~29. ~i DASIG REQUIREM~NT~ ~OR M~CR~WAV~ RAD~O ELEMENT3 FOR 1~ASUREM~NT APPARATtJS 2-Y V3~S. S~MPOZ. PO M~LLIMETROV. 't 3USMILt~~M~TROV~ VOLNAM. KHAR'KOV, 1978 'fEZ. DOKL. T~ 1(2nd A11-Union 3ympo~ium oa Mil~im~~~r ~nd Submiilime~er W~v~~, Khar'kov i979 Abgtraee~ of Repor~~ Vol i~ ~n Ru~~ian, Khar'kov 1978 PP 117-11~ GERSt{UN, V. I., GERMAN, YU~ A., RtJMYANT3fiV, A~ i. and STARIKOV, V. D. [Frdm RE~EttJ1T~VNYY 2!{URNAL RAD~OTEKNNiKA No l, 1979 Ab~Crac~ No ~A371 by Ye. L~ ~ori~ova~ ('Cexej A eable i~ pr~sented in which the ba~ic types and paramee~rg of microw~ve r~dio el~m~nts u~ed for performance of the main tasks in rndio meegurement equipm~nt ope~ati,ng in the microaave range ~re indicated. The most genera~ requirements for radio elements are fonaulated. U5SIt UDC 621.317.1.029.6 M~A5UCtEMEI~S'T U~ RADIO-FttEQU~NCY EMISSION 0~ THE 1JNDEitLYING SUR~ACE IN TH~ 'I1J0-MILLIM~TER AND TfiREE-MILtIMETER ATMOSPHERIC TRANSPAItENCY WINDOWS IN NdRtZONTAL AND VERTICAL POLARIZATIONS 2-Y V5~S. 5IMP02. PO MILLIMETROV. I SUBMILLIMETROV. VOtNAM, KlIAR'KOV 1978 TEZ. DOKL. T. 2~2nd Al1-Union Symposium on Millimeter and SubmillimpCer 6'~ves, Khar'kov 1978 Abstrgcts of Reports Vol 2~ in Russian, Khar'kov 1978 p 172 f GANIN, YB. V., KU2NETSOV, I. V., KRASNYANSKIY, A. D., KRYUKOV, C. M., KULIKbV, YU. YU., LEBSKIY, YU. V., MAL'TSEV, V. A., SANDLER, B. M., SIZ'MINA, t.. K., ~DOS~1tEV, L. I., SHVETSOV, A. A. and YUROKIN, V. V. [From R~~ERATIVNYY 2HURNAL EtAADIOTEiMNIKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No 1A381 by A. V. Kuzn~tsova~ ~Text~ Th~ results are presented of experimental studies perfor~nad in the spring of 1977 in the central belt of Russia. The fluct~:.tion n�~nsitivity of the supcrheterodyne radiometer was '0.3 K at 2.09 mm and 0.2 K at 3.34 mm. Valueg nf brightnesg temperature of the surface of the earth covered with snow, dry grass, forest and brush, plowed fields, as well as artificial covErings ~uch as asphalt, concrete, etc., are presented. 42 FOEt OF~ICI.u. USE OYLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 , FOR OFF~G~AL U~~ t~NI,Y uss~ vDC 6a~,3i~.~:6ai.391,az2 A SALIU-STATE RAD~OMETEIt APERATING AT 8 A41 WAVEtENGTK 2-Y V3~S. SIMPOZ. PO MILL~METROV. I 8UBMILL~M~TROV. VOLNAM, K~IAR'KOV, ~.~~8 'CEZ. DOKL. T. i(2nd A11-Union 3ympo~ium on Mill~met~r ~nd Subm~.llim~ter Wavp~, Khar'kov i978 Abeeract~ of Report~ Vo~ 1] ~n Russi~n, Khar'kov 19~8 Pp 216-217 KbSOV, A. S., NEMLIKHCR, YU. A~, ~tUKAVITSYN, A. F., SKULACH~V, b. p~ and STRUKOV, 2. A. CFrom REFERATIVNYY ZIIURNAL RADZOTEKIINIKA No 1, 1979 Ab~tract No 1A483 by A. V. Ku~nee~av~~ (Tex~~ A seructurnl di~~ram is presented of a millimeter w3ve band modula- tion radiometer, in whicl~ modulation of Che microwave eignel i~ nchieved by m~en~ of a ferriC~ ~witeh based on a Y-circulator with mean losses in c1~~ tr~n~missian band of '0.7 dB decoupling of the arms of >18 dB, modulat- ing fr.~qu~ney 300 I1~. The radiomet~r is c~lcul~t~d using the signal of a gemiconducCor noisp grnerator made with a Cunn diode. The fluceuation ~~nsitivity of tt~e radiometer is 0.08 K, with a time constant of the output filter of 1 s. USSR UDC 621.317.757(088.8) A SPECTttAL ANALYZ~R USSR AUTHOR'S CEItTIFICATE No 595682 filed 12/07/76 No 2379872 published 28/03/78 in Russian 'fSUR5KIY, D. A., PERETYAGIN, I. V. and ZAKIROV, V. KH. (From R~FEItATIVNYY 2HURNAL ItADIOT~K~INYKA No 1, 19~9 Abstract No 1A430P] (Text] A spectral analyzer is proposed, in which, in order to increase the accuracy of analys~s, sequenrial connecCion of the strobing device, firsC fil.Cer, first detector and difference ele~nent is used, as well as series connection of the second filter and second detector. The input of the second filter is connected to the second output of the strobing device, while the output of the second detector is connected to the second input of a differ- encE element, and also a series-connected circuit consisting of a control unit and a test signal generator, the output of which is connected to the 43 FOR OFFICIe~L U5E OVLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~OCt 0~~'~CIAL US ~ ONLY tciput n~ a pre~Ql~cedr, th~ mecond ouCpuC of ehe contr~l un3e being connreCed tn tlic input nC n h~terodynn w~.Ch linaar l~'M, thc~ ~h~.rd nurpue of the cdnrrol untt Ucing ronneCred Co th~ inpuC ~f Ch~ etrobin~ un3C, while thr. ync~ncl input oE the ytrobing unie i.~ connecred to thQ inpue of ~n indicnCor, the nueput of whic}~ is conn~eted to Che input of tih~ conCrol un1t, the second inpue of ehe control unit be~ng cannected to the outpue of rhe d1�ference ~Lem~ne, USS1t UDC 621.317.75~(088.8)(47~5~) A 5P~CTEtAL ANALYZ~I~ USSR AUTliOR'5 C~ItTIF'ICATE No 600466 filed 15/01/75 No 2097208 published 11/04/78 in Russian KItYUCEIKOV, 0. K. , CFiV~RTKIN, YU. L. and ANTIPOV, A. T. (I'rom RE~EItATIVNYY ZfiURNAL RADIOTEK~iNIKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No 1A419P] ~'Text~ The spectral annlyzer contains m para11e1 channels�with fi1C~^;, detector, ineegrator and a dev3ce for separation of the maximum signr~l in each chattnel, a scan generator, multiswitch, control device and CRT. In order to increase the time resolution, the device contains n-1 cells for sep~~ration of the maximum signal in each of the channels, n-1 series-con- nected frequency dividers and a brightness modulator. The outputs of all m~n cells for separation of the maximum signal are connected through the m~i].tiswitch to the signal input of the CRT, Che output of the brightness modulator is connected ta the input which controls the brightness of the ~FtT beam, the output of Che frequency divider with number K is connected to the inpuC for conCrol of "write without compare" of stage (K+1) and the "write with compare" of stage (K+2) of the array of cells for separa- . tion of the maximum signal, the input for control of "write with compare" of the second stage, the input for control of "write without compare" of the first sCage and the input of the first frequency divider are connected to the first output of the control device, the second output of the control device is connected to Che input which synchronizes the multiswitch and the input of the brightness modulator counter, while the overflow output of this counter is connected Co the input which starts the scan generator. 44 FOR OFFICIru, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOE! OrrZC~AL US~ ONLY USS~ UDC 62~~317~757(088~8)(47*57) A SPECT~AL ANALYZER US5~ AUTHOR'S CCttTZ~'ICATE No 56'7144 filed 6/0~/75 No 2093067 published 15/08/77 ~n IiATT, D. G~, BLATOV, V. V. and NOVOZI~ILOV, YE~ I~. (T'rom it~~'EItATIVNYY ZHUI2NAL RAllIOTEKHNIKA No L979 Abstr~cC No 1AG31P] ~ (Text] A specCral analyzer ia suggested ~.n which, in order to ~.ttcrease ~c- curacy, a wideband fi~Cer, n flip-f].ops, a second decoder, a second counter, nn ~nricoinc~.dence elemene, a s~ave generator producing pulses of ad~ustable length and n tuning e~.ements have been introduced. The wideband fiLCer i~ cannected between the input of the mixer and the input of an:analyzer, to which the first inpue of the anticoincidence element is also connected. The second input of the anticoincidence element is connected to ehe output of the slave ~enerator, one input oE is connected to the ouCput of the second counCer, the inpLt is connecCed to a threshold element, while the other input is connected through the n Cuning elements tn the outputs of the second decoder, the reading input of which aud the blocking input of a sawtooth volCage generator are conneceed to a second counter, while the n other inputs of the second decoder are connected to the n outputs of the flip-flops, the signal inputs of which are connected to the outputs of the �irst decoder, while the clear inputs are connected Co Che output of Che slave generat~r. . 45 FOR OFFICInL USE OYLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~'nIt OA'rICrAL U5~ ONLY Microeleceronic~ U55it UDC 621,382.33-181,48 A BIPOLAR DYNAMIC ELEM~NT FOR LARGE-CAPACI'I'Y MEMORY Moscow SBORNIK NAUCHNYKH TRUUOV PO I~ROBLEMAM MIKROEL~KTRONIKI ~Scientif~.c Trans~cCions on probl.ems ~.n Microe~ecrronics, Collection of Are~.cles] in ~ussien, Moecow '[naeieute o� ~lectronic Eng~neering No 3G, 1977 pp 109-iii n~1t~ZKIN, V. A., VOLQDIN, Y~~ B., GERSH, B. M~ and UDOVIK, A. P. (From R~FERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ~LEKTRONIKA I YEY~ PRIMENENZYE No 1, Jan 79 AbaCract No 1B313. Summary] [Text] Vari~nts of bipolar dynrimic elemente are examined suieable for memo- ries with data storage in Che form of charges on the depletion-layer capaci- tances of p-n 3unctions. The prospects for producing integraeed-circuit memories on the basis of such devices are clarified. USSR UDC b21.382.33-181.48 TNJ~CTION-FE~D INTEGkAT~D CIRCUITS Moscow ITOGI NAUKI I TEKHNIKI VINITI. SERIYA ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE [Results of 5cience and Technology. All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information. Series Electronics and Its Application] in Russian Vol 10, 1979 pp 208-243 KREMLF.V, V. YA. [From R~rERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 - Abstracr No 1B314] [Text] A brief analysis is given of the main bipolar IC structure topogical variants with in~ection feed. A survey is also given of structure-topologi- cal means to achieve a high packaging density in modern integrated circuits and also to increase their speed. Particular attention is paid to the method of functional integration. All known designs of functionally integrated components with injection feed are systemaCically examined and classified. The present state of the art is reviewed and Che latest developments in functional integration are described. The fundamental principles underly- ~ ing the synthesis of this new class of in~ection-feed circuits for in~ec- tion-FE (f ield effect) logic are also outlined. 46 FOR OFFICIn:. USE O~LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 t~'Ott O1~r~ClAG U~ ~ ONLY US5R UD~ 62~,383,292.8.008,8 A TlICitMOELCC'CRtC M~CROCOOLER U55tt patent C1as~ r 25 21/02 Et O1 .T 43/04 No 603812 disc~og~d 10 May 7~ (No 2474101) publ~.shed 3 Apr 78 PdL~TAYEV, A. V~ and SHMURAK, S~ Z~, Znstitu~e of Solid-SCaCe phys~.cs, USS~ Ac~demy of Sc~.ence~ [~rom RE~ERATIVNYY ~HUItNAL, ELEKTRONTKA I YEYF pRIMEN~NIYC No l, Jan 79 - Abstrace No 1A188 (Text~ A ehermoel~ctric microcooLer is descr3bed which ~nclud~s a th~rmally in~ulaeing ~acket. Inside the laCter, coax3a11y, is placed ~ cylindrical m~enl can cone$ining a photoelectron muleiplier, th~s can having a center hdle in one of its bases and connecCed to the thermoelecer3c battery. ~or c? t~igher n~easurement accuracy, the thermoelectric battery is located away from ehe end with a center hole at a dietance 1.1-2 times larger than the radius of the can base. Along the axis of the center hole is placed a her- metic hollow bulb with a vacuum space. USS~ UDC 621.396.6-181.48(088.8) ~ A T~ST UNIT FOR INSPECTING THE PARAMETERS OF INTEGRATED MICROCIF2CUIT5 USSR Patent Class G O1 K 31/28 No 570856 discloaed 29 Apr 76 (No2351714) published 13 Sep 77 DUBOVIS, V. M., EINTONOV, 'YU. I. and CHERNYSHOV, YU. N. [From REFERATIVNYY 2HURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Abstrnct No 1B315] [Text] The test unit for inspecting the parameters of integrated microcir- cuits includes an amplifier with the input connected to voltage d~viders between the IM outputs and a common busbar, as well as a feedback divider between the amplifier output and the common busbar, and a temperature sta- bilizing resistor. In order ta prevent a commutation of circuits in the _ inspected IC, the unit further includes two additional voltage dividers and two resistors of operational amplifiers, with the noninverting input of the first one connected to the feedback divider and the noninverting input of the second one connected through the temperature stabilizing resisCor to the common busbar, while the inverting inputs of both operational amplifiers are connected to the corresponding inputs of the tested IC and through re- sistors to the outputs of these operational amplifiers. One input of the 47 FOR OFFICII,L U5E OvLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 1~'Ok O1~ 1~ 1 Cl I AL Iltii; t~N1,Y thtrd op~rat3ondL ~mplifier i~ eonnecti~d eo one of tih~ ~ddirional voltage dividers baeween the output~ of the fir~t and tha third operatiional Ampli- fiers~ The second inpuC of th~ third operational ampli� is connectied Co the ~d~ond addit~.ona1 voirage div~dQr betw~~n the ou~pu~ of eh~ ~~e~nd oper~- Cional amplifier and the common busbar. USS~ UDC 621.396.69-181.48(088.8) A llIELECTRIC COMPOSITION FOtt INSULATION DETWEEN LAYERS ' USStt AUTHOtt'S CERTIFICA'TE NO 574776 filed 10/06/76 No 2371057 published 3/10/~7 in ttussinn PURON~N~, Z. M~, KRASOV, V. G., KOLDASHOV, N. D~ and TURCHINA, G. V. (~rom REFEIt~1TIVNYY ZHURNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No 1VS11P] ~'~ext] A dielectrlc composiCion is suggested for insulation beCween layers, used in the technology of large hybrid thick-film microcircuits. The com- posiCion includes a sitall cement and aluminum oxide as a filler. In order ed improvE the electrophygicel properCies, the composition conCains silicon oxide, manganese oxide and chromium oxide, with the following relationships of components, wt. percenC: aluminum oxide 16-24; silicon oxide 0.05-0.3; manganese oxide 0.03-0.2; chromium oxide 0.1-0.3; sitall cement--remainder. 48 FOR OFFICI~,L USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FUit U~'FxCIAL i15L ONI~Y vssR unc 62i,396.69-18i.48(oas,8) A CONTACT DEVICE USSR AUTHOR'S CERTIFICATE No. 5~6880 �iled 5/O1/76 No. 2308/30 publ~.shed 16/O1/78 ir Rusaian LERMAN, Z~ M~, MAMAYEV, G. A., RYZHKO, 0. V~ nnd SUSHENTSOV, V. I~ (From R~F~1tATIVNYY ZHURNAL RADIOTEKHNTKA No 1, 1979 Abatract No. 1V513P] [TexCJ A conCact device ia suggesCed, primari].y far connection of inte- grated microcircuits with fLexible lead.~ to band 13nea, containing a base with parallel plateg and a drive mechanism with an eccentric wheel for connection of the microcircuit. In order eo increase the reliab3lity of contacCing and simplify the loading of the microcircuit, the device is equipped wieh straightening and contacting elements and boots, each of which ia placed on ~he base so that it can rotate and interact with the eccentric drive mechanism and is equipped wiCh an elasCic dielectric plate Co press the leads of the microcircuit against the contact elements. Slots are made in one of the guide plates for Che microcircuit leads, while the sCraighten- ing and contacting elementa are located in the other plate. 49 FOR OFFICIiw USE OVLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OF~'ICIAL US~ ONLY PhotoelecCric Effecti U5SIt UDC 621,383,4 ItrCORDING TF1~ RESPONS~ OF INFRAREb AND SUBMILLIMBTER-WAVE R~CE~VERS IN A MICFtOWAVE OFFS~T CIRCUIT Khar'kov VTOROY VS~SOYUZNYX SIMI'OZZUM PO MILLIM~TROVYM Z SUBMILLZMETROVYM VOLNAM [Second All-Union Symposium on Millimeter and Submi111meter Waves] in Ruseinn Vol 2, 1978 pp 194-195 'PIItOGOV, YU. A. [From REF~RATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEY E PRMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Abstr~cC No 18381 by N. N. Volkov] [Texr] A contacCleas photoresisCor circuit is proposed which records infra- red ~nd submillimeter-wave radiation, without contact noise in the photosen- sitive element, much faster than conventional photoresistor circuits. The phorosensitive element is placed inside a microwave waveguide or reaonator cavity. As the conductance.of the photoresistor changes, so does Che reflec- Cion coefficient with respect to microwaves at the photosensitive elemenC. Suc}i a circuit with a~ermanium photoresistor at Che a= 8 mm wavelength is described with which a threshold sensiCivity to noise emission power as high as 10'12 W/Hz1~2 has been artained. The design of a microwave detector head for operation with InSb photoresistors at the a= 3 cm wavelength is also shown. In this case the threshold sensitivity Co noise emission power is 2�10"12 W/Hz1~2, at a noise factor of 10 dB, in the response channel of the microwave amplifier. Figures 3; references 2. U5SR UDC 621.383.4 AN IMPURITY PHOTORESISTOR IN AN INTERFEROMETER TUNED TO THE WAVELENGTH OF INCIDENT RADIATION Moscow RADIOTEKHNIKA I ELEKTRONIKA in Russian Vol 23 No 10, 1978 pp 2189-2193 ANTONOV, V. V., VOYTSEKHOVSKIY, A. V., DUNAYEV5KIY, G. YE. and PETROV, A. S. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Absrract No 1B382] [Text] The threshold characteristics of impurity photoresistors with micro- wave offset are calculated for the case where an underabsorbing device of this kind has been placed inside an opCical interferometer tuned to the wave- length of the incident radiation. It is shown that almost complete absorption 50 FOR OFFICInL USE O~TLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~'Oit U1~~ICTAL US~ dNL,Y of the deCectable incident�ion can be aCtiained by matching the reflec- tion coef�icient at ehe aemitranslucent intierterometer mirror. The spectral char.~cter~.stic and the radiation pattern of ehis k~.nd of phoCoregistor are analyzed. Because of ehe ae~.ece~vity of an npCical ~.nter~erometer, the specCral char~cterigCic of the rece3ver comprises a series of narrow dis- creCe spectral lines. The calculated radiation paCtern reveal.s a etrong de- pendence of the aperture attgle on the absorption coefficient wiCh respect to incidene radiation in the photoresis~or material, - US5R UDC 621.383.52 FUNCTIONAL RELATION BETWE~N PHOTODETECTOR P~R~ORMANCE PARAMETERS AND TH~IR OPERATING CONDITIONS L'vov FIZIC~IESKAYA ELEKTRONIKA [Physical Electronics] in Russian No 16, 1978 pp 59-63 STEAPNOVA, G. A., BARANOV, V. A., GIMATUTDINOVA, G. I. and YUMAKULOVA, F. F. [From R~rERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Abarract No 1n391 by M. B. Ushakova] [Text] The results of a study are presanted pertaining to the dependence of basic photodetector performance garameters (integral and threshold sensitivi- ty, noise) on the operating conditions characteristic of automated systems with photoelectron devices. Empirical expressions are derived ahich describe the effect of background light ~Tcolor 2850 K, illuminance ~ 50 lux; ~ 1 lux), nf the radiation modulation frequency (f~ 200:10,000 Hz, ~f= 50 Hz), and of the ambient teMperature (-50 :+50�C) on the basic performance parameters. The study was based on industrial silicon photodetectors (FD-9K, FD-lOK) and germanium photoreceivers (FD-lOG). Tables 1; references 4. 51 FOR OFFICIr,L USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OFt~'~CIAL US~ dNLY USSk UDC 621.383.52:015~51 ~'~ASI~ILI1'Y 0~ BUILDZNC A PULSE AVALANCNE PHOTODETECTOR WITH A STABLE IN- TRINSIC GAIN ON A METAL-DZELECTRIC-S~MICONDUCTOR STRUCTURE Mogcow KVANTOVAYA ~LEKT~tONIKA in Rus~ian Vo1 5 No 9, 1978 pp 1918-].923 KRAVCHENKO, A~ B~, PtOTNIKOV, A~ and SHUBIN, V. E~ (From ~~~~itATIVNYY ZHU~NAL, ~LEKTEtONIKA Z YEY~ ORIM~NENIYE No 1~ Jan 79 Abstr~cr No 18399~ [Text~ A thenretical and exp~rimental study wa~ made of the pulae ~valanche dynamics in a metal-dielectric-semiconductor (MOS) structure. It has been shown ehat avalanche due Co a linear rise of voltage is a quasi-equil~.brium process~ A complete correspondence is noted between experimental data and the theoretical model. The fundamental differences between avalanche dynam- ics in nn MOS strucrure and in a p-n ~unction are establiahed. Also eatab- liiahed is the fee~ibility of utilizing this effect in the design af new type optoelectronic phoCorecording systemg. Figures 5; references 15. 52 FOR O~FICIl,:. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~ax o~r~c~n~ us~ dNt,Y Pu1ep Techniqu~~ USStt UDC 621.373~52(088,8) AN INFRAR~D ~REQUENCY PULSE GENERATdR USS~ AUTNOtt'S C~tt~tFICATE No. 580629 fi.led 24/04/72 No, 1776042 pub].i~hed 11/11/77 MIKHAULOVSKIY, V. S. ~From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abstrnct No 1G343P~ fText~ An infrared fraquency pulae generator is suggested, containing three time-fixing stage,~ consiating of a current-fixing and discharge transistore with differ~nt types of conductiviry, connecCed in a regenerative circuie, plug nn aacumulating condengor in the collector circuit of Che current-fix- ing trangistor, shunted serie~-connected stabilieron and re~istor, connect~d to the base o� the discharge transistor. In order Co expand the functional capabilities, the time-fixing stages are connected in a loop diode circuit, which is connecCed to the collector of the digcharge eransiator of the pre- ceding time-f~.xing stage and to the connection between the condensor and the stabiliCron of the following tirt?e-fixing ~rtage. Reference 1. 53 FUR OFFICInL L'SE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~o~ o~rzcrnL us~ oN~,Y ~uantum Electronics . UDC 621~396 itOI,OCRAPNY ~N ANTENNA ~NGINEERING Moscow COLOGRAFIYA V MLKROVbLNOVOY TEKHNIKE (Holography in Microwave Engi- neering) in Ruse~an 1979 s~.gned Co prese 6 Dec 78 pp 2, 319-320 ~Annoration nnd tgble of contenes from book by Lev Davidovich Bakhrekh Al~ksandr PeCrovich Kurochkin, Izdatiel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio," 8~000 copiea, 320 pages~ (TextJ A wide range of problems connected with the uae of holograph3c meth- ~ odg in antenna engineering and applied electrodynamics ie examined. ~xperimental marerial is cieed, which illugtretes the achemes end method of solving problems of anCenna engineering and reveals the potentials o� holo- gruphic methods in the deaigning and testing o� antenna aysCems. The boak is intended for $peci~lisCs dealing with ~pplied ~l~rtrodynamica, antennas and radio holography. It will be useful to atudenta intereated in these questions. Contenta Page A'oreword. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ . . 3 Introduct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 List of Ahbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ~ Chapter 1. Principles of Holography and the Optical Procesring of � Information . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . ~ . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . 12 1.1. Ceneral Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.2. Diagrams of the Recording of Holograms and the Reconstruc- tion of an Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1.3. Microwave Holography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1.4. Methods of the Coherent Optical Processing of Information . 24 Chapter 2. SubstanCiation af Holographic Methods of Modeling and Reconstructing Microwave Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.1. Determination of a Field in a Remote Zone From a Known Field in a Near Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.2. CondiCions of Similarity When Modeling Microwave Fields 48 2.3. Integral Transforms and the Optical Modeling of Antennas Modeling the Fields of a Cylinder and a Sphere. 60 2.4. Determination of the Integral Characteristics of Antennas in Optical Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 2.5. Nonscalar Madeling of Images and Diagrams of the Scattering of Volumetric Ob~ects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 54 FOR OFFICInL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FO~t OFF~C~AL UJC ONLY Chapt~r 3. ~orma~ion of tha Completa Diatri.but3one of Fielde~ 69 3~1. Formation of Ampli~.ude and the 9~mpiest Phase D~,etributions~ 70 3~2. Holographic R~cording of ComplaCe Distr3bution~. 73 3.3. Se~.ection o� the SpaCi~l C~rriar ~requency . . . . ~ . ~ ~ ~ 77 3.4. Meehods o� Decreasing the Background of the Reference Compo- nent of a Hologr~m . . . . . ~ . . . . . ~ . . . . . . ~ ~ . 83 3.5. Discretie Holograme . . . , . , , . . . ~ . . . ~ . . ~ . . , g4 ChapCer 4. Optical Modeling of Microwave F3a1ds. Quastions of Pr~ctical Realizaeion. . . . . . . . . ~ ~ . . . . . . . , , . . . ~ 10~ 4.1. Diagramg of ~~v~ces for the Optical Modaling of Microwave Fields. Optical Models. . . ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . ~ 109 4.2. Measurement of the Distribution of the inten~ity and Phase of a Light Field . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 4.3. Analye3s of the ~rrors of Optical Modeling . . . . . . . . . 128 4.4. Some Applicationa of Optical Modeling. . . . . . . . . ~ . ~ 133 Chapt~r 5. UeterminaCion of the Parameters of Antennas by Che ll010- graphic Method According to Measurements in a Near Zone. 145 5.1. Diagrams of the Recarding of Distributione of the Near ~i~ld of an Antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 5.2. Optical Proceasing of the Resulta of Che Measurement of a ~ield on a P1ane and on a Sphere in the Fresnel Field. 160 5.3. Digital Processing of the Reaults of the Measurement of a ~ield on a Plane and on a Sphere in the Fresnel Fiel.d. 171 5.4. Use of Che Holographic Method for Determining the Character- istica of the Direction of Antennas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18S Chapter 6. Errors of the Determination of the Parameters of Antennas by the Nolographic Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 6.1. Errors of the Limitation of the Area of Measurement nnd QuantizaCion . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 6.2. Errors of Me~surement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 6.3. Recommendations on Reducing the Errors . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Chapter 7. The Increase of the Accuracy of the Collimation Method of Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 . 7.1. Diagrams of Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 - 7.2. Methoda of Processing the Results of Measurement 256 Chapter 8. Holographic Methods of the Defectoscopy of Microwave An- tennas and Domes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 8.1. Defectoscopy of Antennas in the Microwave Band 271 8.2. Defectoscopy of AnCennas Using the Methods of Optical and Digital Processing . . . . . . . . ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ . . . . . . . 281 55 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FO~t OF~'~C~AL UJ~ ONLY Not~s of th~ Method~ of Determining ehe P~rameeere of An~~nnas. 292 App~nd~x. . . . ~ . . ~ . ~ ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ . ~ . . ~ . 295 Bibliography~ ~ . . . ~ . . ~ ~ . ~ . . . . . . . . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ . 302 3ubJ ect Index . ~ . . . . . , ~ . . . . . . ~ . . ~ . ~ ~ ~ , ~ . . ~ 317 G~pYRIGEIT: izdatel'gevo "Sovatekoye radio," 1979 7807 C30: 1870 56 FOR OFFICIE,L I;SE ODiLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~OR O1~'CICIAL U5~ ONLY Radare, Radio Navigatora A~,dee, ' D~.raction Finding; Gyroa unc 62~,7,os4~842,ooL ~ TEt80RY OF RAllAR ALTIMETRY Moecow TEORETICHESKIYE 03NOVY itADIOVYSOTOMETRII (TheoreCica,l Principles of Radar A1Cimetiry) in Ruseian ~979 signed ro presg 10 Nov 79 pp 2~ 319-320 (Annotation and table of contenCe from book by Aleksey Petrovich 2hukovskiy Yevgeniy Ivanovich Onopriyenko Valeriy Ivanovich Chizhov, Izdatel'~t~zo. "Sovetskoye radio," 4,300 copiee, 320 pagea] ['Text~ The principlea of the Cheory of onboard radar a1Ci.meters and verti- cal speed indicaCors of aircrafti are set foreh. The principles of construc- tion of radar alCimeters and the means of deriving information on altitude and verCical speed are examined~ The peculiarities of the operation of radar aLCimeters, which are connected wiCh the random nature of a signal reflected from a statisticalLy uneven surface, are analyzed. Questions of the accuracy of radar altimeters are studied by the methods of sCatistical analyais and synthesis. The compoaite evaluations, the fluctuarion and dynamic errors, their interrelaCion the statiatical characteristics of rhe reflecting aurface and the tra~ectory of the movement of the aircraft using varioua types of probe aignals and means of deriving information are specified. The methoda of calculating Che errors of radar altimeCers of various typee are set forth. The book is intended for scientists and grad~~ate students of the radio en- gineering departments of VUZ's. Tables 14; figures 125; references 133. Contents ~ Page Abbreviations Used in the Sook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chapter 1. Areas of Use and Some Characteristics of Radar Altimeters 10 1.1. General Requirements on the Accuracy of Measurement of Alti- tude and Vertical Speed of Aircraft . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.2. A Short Survey of Modern Radar Altimeters 13 1.3. Probe Signals and Measuring Devices of Radar Altimeters 15 Chapter 2. Introduction to the Electrodynamic Theory of a Signal Scattered on an Extended, Statistically Uneven Surface. 19 2.1. icandom ~lectromagnetic Fields of Backscattering 20 51 FOR OFFICI~~L U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOit O~F'~CTAL US~ dNLY 2,2. Probability Den~iCy gnd Momentie of D~.stribueion of Random F~.e].ds rf ScaeCering , . , . . ~ . . . ~ , . , ~ . . . . . . 36 2~3. Probgb~.lity Dens3ties and Moments of Diatribueion of an En- vQlope and thQ Phase of a Ref~ected Fie1d, 48 2~G. Cxperimenral o� Che Lawe of Diseribueion of a SignaL Scattered on Water and I.and Surfaces . ~ . . . . . . . . . . 6]. 2~5. Scartering Characteristice of Statistically Uneven SurfacES 64 Chapter 3. Correlaeion FuncGions and Power Characteristica of a Re- ceived SignaL. . . . . . , . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 3.1. Spectral-Correlation Matrix and the Time Correlation ~'unc- rion of rhe Iteceived Signal. . . . . ~ . . . ~ . . . . ~ . . 76 3.2~ Cross-Correlation I~'requency Function of the Received Signal. 83 3.3. Power Characreriatica of the Received Signal 88 Chaprer 4. Spectral-Correlation Theory o� the Received Signal With Contittuous Radinrion ~ . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 4.1. SpecCral Characteristics of an Echo With Single-Frequency Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 G.2. 5p~ctra of the Coherent Component of a C~nvereed Signal WiCh Angular Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 4.3. SpecCrum and Correlation Function of the Noncoherent Component of a ConverCed Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 4.4. SCructure of the Spectrum of a Converted Signal With FM Radia- tian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 4.5. Experimental 5eudies of the Spectra of a Converted Signal With FM Rad int ion ~ . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Chapter 5. Time Characeeristics and Spectra of the Fluctuations of the Receive~ Signal With Pulsed Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 5.1. Instantaneous and Averaged Echo-Pulses . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 5.2. SpecCrum of Fluctuations of Echo-Pulses and the Cross- Correlation Function According to Time Segments. 133 5.3. Power Characteristics of Pulsed Signals With InCrapulse Moclulat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 5.4. Experimental Study of Pulsed Echoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Chapter 6. General Methods of Analyzing the Accuracy Characteristics of Radar AltimeCers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 6.1. Main Sources of Errors of Radar Altimeters. 148 6.2. Methods of Analyzing Errors of Tracking Altimeters 152 6.3. Methods of Analyzing Errors of Nontracking Altimeters. 158 6.4. Dynamic Errors of Altimeters and the Selection of Smoothing Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 6.5. Errors in Measurement of Vertical Speed. . . . . . . . . . . . 169 58 FOR OFFICIEw USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ro~ orricrnL us~ oN~Y Chgpter 7. R~?dar Altimetere Wieh Continuous ltadiation. 173 7.1. Means o� Processing Che Received Signal . . . . . ~ . . . . . 173 7.2~ Discr~.arination,~Characteriatics and Bigs of Evaluation ~n ~requ~ucy Itadar A].ti.meters. � ~ � ~ ~ � ~ � ~ ~ � ~ ~ � ~ � ~ 1.75 7.3. Fluctuation Characterietice of Metere With Frequency Die- crim~.natora . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . 186 7.4~ Engineering Methods of Cnlculating Errora ~nd the Comparison of the MeCers o� Radar A~.C~mererg Wieh Frequency Detectora. . 195 7.5. Analysis of the Lrrors of a Meter Like ehe Counter of tihe zeroes of a Signal of Beats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . ~ 209 7.6~ Analysis of the Errors of Phase Radar Altimeters. 215 Chapter 8. Itadar Altimetera With Pulsed Radiation. 228 S.L. Means of Processing the Received Signal . . . . . . . . . . . 228 8.2. DiscriminaCion Characteristica and Bias of Evaluation in Pulsed Radar AltimeCere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . 231 8.3. Fluctuation Charactc~ristica of Diacriminators With One Gate . 239 8.4. Fluctuation CharacterieCics of Discriminators WiCh Two Gates. 245 8.5. Engineering Metihods of Calculating Errors and the Comparison of the Meters of Radar Altimetere With Different Time Dis- criminators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 8.6. Errors of Pulsed Radar Altimeters WiCh Additional Intrapulse ModulaCion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 ChapCer 9. Comparative Evaluation of the Accuracy Characteristics of Radar Altimeters and Questions of the PotenCial Accuracy of Measurement of A].titude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 9.1. Comparison of the Accuracy Characteristics of Radar Altimeters 267 9.2. Ceneral Ratios Used in the Synthesis of Radar Altimeters. 2~3 9.3. Synthesis of Radar Altimeters With the Radiation of Noncoher-~ ent Delta-Pulses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 9.4. Synthesis of a Multifrequency Radar AltimeCer 279 9.5. An Approximate Solution With a Breakdown by Zones of Resolu- tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283 9.6. Synthesis of Radar Altimeters With Arbitrary Modulation for the Threshold Signal-to-noise ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 9.7. Solution of the Problem of Synthesizing Radar Altimeters Using Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294 Chapter 10. Indirect Radio Engineering MeChods of Determining Altitude299 10.1. Doppler Speed and Altitude Meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 10.2. Indirect Method of Measuring Altitude With FM Radiation. 299 10.3. Indirect Methad of Measuring Altitude With Pulsed Modulation 304 Append ix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 B ibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312 Sub~ect Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio," 1979 7807 CSO: 1870 59 FOR OFFICIA:. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~ FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY US51t UllC 621,37]..332.3:621,391,883.6(088.8)(47~57) ~ A D~VIC~ ~OR S'TAI3ILYZATION OF THE MEAN FREQUENCY OF NOISE EXCURSIONS ABOV~ A THRCSHOLU LEVEL USSR AUTHOR'S C~R~ZFICATE No~ 603127 �iled 3/OS/76 No~ 2359318 publiehed 24/03/78 in [~ugsian ANDit~YEV, F. M., SHISHOV, N. N. and BYCHIKHIN, YU. 7.. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL RADTOTEKHNIKA No 1, ~.979 Abatract No. 1G111'] [Text] A device for atabi.lization of the mean frequency of noiae excur- sions above a threshoLd leve].. USSR UDC 621.372.332.3:621.319.837.42 T:XPEEtIMENTAL STUDY OF THE RELIABILITY OF RESOLUTION OF RADAR SIGNALS TR. TSNII MOR. FLOTA in Russian No 234, 1978 pp 16-24 DEMIN, I. D. [From ItEFEFtATIVNYY ZHURNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No 1G9] , [TextJ The results are studied of experimenCal studies of the variation in parameters of resolution of ship radars with reliability of the sepa- rate observation of signals under field conditions. Figures 3; tables 1; .eferences 7. 60 FOR OFFICItiL U5E O~LY . ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOCt OrF~CYAL U5C ONLY uss~ vnc 62i,39i,84:62].,39]..883,2 US~ 0~ TH~ M~THOU OF ES5ENTIAL S~LECTLON IN CALCULATION OF TNE C1~IA1tACT~R- ISTICS OF DETECTION OF FLUCTUATING SIGNALS AGAINST A BACKGRQUND OF CORRE- LATED NOISE TR~ TSNIZ MOR. FLOTA in Russian No 234, 1978 pp 1~-1.6 KOMISSAItOV, G. I~'. [From RE~E1tATIVNYY ZHURNAL itADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abetract No 1A64. 5ummaryJ (Texr] A study is made of the appllcation of the method of esa~ntial sampling in appraising the effeceiveness of algoriChms for datection of r~dar signels agnin~t ~ background of correlaeed noise. The detection characteristics of fluctuating signals againat a background of Markov Itnyleigh noise ~re prescnted for two deeecCion algorithms. Figures 3; references 4. USSR UUC 621.396.96:621.371 MODELING OF TtADAR REFLECTIONS FROM THE SURFACE 0~ THE EARTH MObELIROVANIYE RADIOLOKATSIONIYKH OTRAZHENIY OT ZENINOY POVERKHNOSTT in Russian, Leningrad State University Press 148 pp ORLOV, R. A., and TORGASHIN, S. b. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No 1GSK. Summary] (Text] This book is dedicateJ to problems of modeling of radar reflectiona from the surface of the earth. A review is presented of theoretical studies on modeling of radar reflecttons, a classification of inethods of modeling is presented and an analysis given of the statistical regularities of the morphologic structure of vegeCation. Based on the requirements formulated, a generalized electrodynamic model of the earth's surface is preaented and the energetic, correlation and spectral characteristics of scattering are determined. Considerable attention is given to the production of simple calculation expressions not requiring the use of special computer equipment. The book is intended for engineering-technical and scientific workers in- volved in the development and use of electronic devices, but also may be useful to graduate students and upper-level students in radio engineering higher educational institutions. 61 FOR OFFICInL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR BF~ICIAL U3E ONLY USSR UllC 621.396.96:681.32(088,8)(49+57) A DEVICE FOR SEPARATION OF THE CENTRAL PULSE OF A TRAIN U53R At1THOR'3 CERTIFICATE No. 56819 filed 18/10/74 No. 2069353 publiehed 18/O1/78 in Ruasian POLYAKOV, V. I. and FEDININ, V. V. (From REFERATIVNXY ZHUItNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Ab;atract No~ 1G13P~ (Text~ A device for separat3on of the central pulse of a train. USSR UDC 621.396.965.8(088.8)(47+57) A TRACKING FILTEtt USSR AUTHOR'S CE~TIFICATE No. 614529 filed 7/03/74 No. 2003167 publiahed 9/06/78 in Russian VOLKOV, V. K., SMIRNOV, N. N. and CHISTOV, YU. G. (From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No. 1G19Pj (Text] A tracking filter which contains a retunable filter ia described. LSSR UDC 621.396.96:681.32(088.8)(47+57) A b~VIC~ ~'OR PROCESSING OF QUANTIZED SIGNALS USSR AUTHOR'S CERTIFICATE No. 590758 filed 21/04/76 No. 2354267 publiehed 4/03/78 in Russian SAVCHENKO, K. P. (From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No. 1G20P] (TexC] A device for processing of quantized signals. 62 FOR OFFICItiL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~OR Or~ICIAL USH: dNLY USSR UDC 621.396.932.1. bOpPLER ~ILTI2ATION IN SHORTWAVE DIRECTION ~INDING~ ANALOG-UZGZTAL PROCESS- ING OF A MODULATED SZGNAL IN-T ~EMN. MAGNETIZMA, IONOSFERY I RASP1tOSTR. RADIOVOLN AN SSR. PREPR~ in Ruseian No 18, 1978 ].6 pp. iL. (English abstract) AFRAYMOVICH, E~ L~ and pANCHENKO, V~ A. ~From RE~EFt~1TIVNYY 2I'.URNAL RADZOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 AbatracC No. 1G82j (Text] An analog-digital method of cross-apecera]. analysis of LF processes ia described. USSR UDC 621.396.933:527.8 PROCESSING OF' INFORMATION IN OPTICAL DIRECTION-FINDING SYSTEMS tlgRABOTKA INFORMATSIN V OPTICHESKIKH SISTEMAKH PELENGATSII in Rusaian, Moscow, Mashinostroyeniye Press 1978 164 pp LEVSHIN, V. L. (From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 AbstracC No. 1G81K. Summary] [Text] This book analyzes problems of the theory of information processing in the optical and electronic part of optical-electronic direction-finding systems, performing the task of locating a small ob~ect against a spaGially heterogeneou~s background. Optimization algorithms are synthesized consider- ing the finite resolving capacity of the system and the presence of noise in the radiation receiver. ' 63 ~ FOR OFFICIl~L USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OFrICIAL U3C ONLY USSR UDC 621.396.962(OSg.B)(47+57) A DEVICE FOR DETECTION OF ERRORS ZN SYSTEMS FOR TRANSMI3SION OF T~LEMETRY IN~ORMATION WI~i A R~VERSE COI~NNICATION CHANNEL USSR AUTHOR'S CERTIFICATE No~ 582572 filed 21/06/76 No. 2373818 published 22/12/77 in Rusaian MOROZOV, V. M, and ItOMANCH~NKO, S. D~ ' [From REFE1tATIVNYY ZHURNAL ~ADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abstiract No. 1G6~P] [Texr] A device for detection of errore in syatema for rranamission of telemetry information with a reverse communication channel containa a re- ceiver and series-connected predictiion filter, subtraction un3t, compuCing unit and control unir. USSR UDC 621.396,965.8(088.8)(47+57) A MULTICKANNEL PHASE DIGITAL TItACKING SYSTEM USSIt AUTHOR'S CERTIFICATE No. 593188 �iled 24/OS/76 No. 2364711 published 3/04/78 itt Russian BUYEVICH, V. K., POLONNINKOV, R. I., POLUSHKIN, A. I., SKOROKHODOV, YE. M. ! and TOLMANOV, A. K. (From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No. 1G14P] [Text] A mulCichannel phase digital tracking eystem. 64 FOR OFFICIl,:. U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~OIt OrI~'ICYAL US~ ONLY Rec~ivetie nnd Transmittere U5SR UDC 621.371:551.510.52 APPARA'~US FOR STUDY OF THE FLUCTUATING CNAI2ACTERISTICS OF MILLIMETER WAVES 2-Y VSES. SIMPOZ. PO MILLIMETROV~ I SUBMILLIMETROV. VOLNAM, KHAR'KOV 1978 TE2. DOKL. T. 2(2nd A11-Union Symposium on Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves, Khar'kov, 1978, Abetr~cta of Reports, Val 2) in Ruesian, Khar'kov, 1978 pp 175-176 ~ETISOV, I. N. and ZRAZHEVSKIY, A. YU~ [From REFERATIVNYY 2HURNAL RADIOTEKHNTKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No. 1B345 by S. N. Gerasimov] [TexC] A rece~.ver is suggested for aimultdneous recording of ~he inCensity of a signal., and the vertical and horizontal componenCs of the angle of arri-- val under all weather condirions over the transmission path, including pre- cipitation. The vertical component of the angle of arrival is measured using a difference method involving a specixl modulator disk. The horizon- tal component is measured using a phase method, based on the change in the phase shi�t 3n the LF signal which arises upon horizontal displacement of the patCern. The angle-measuremenC channels have a linear characteristic within limits of 100-200" s. An angle of arrival of >1" was measured with an error of ~20 percent. A sCructural diagram of the receiver and a dia- gram of Che placement aperCures on the modulator disk are presented. Fig- ures 2; references 3. US5R UDC 621.376.3(088.8) . A DEVICE FOR RECEPTION OF FREQUENCY-KEYED SIGNALS USSR AUTHOR'S CERTIFICATE No. 603139 filed 16/07/76 No. 2390812 published 22/03/78 in Russian SAZONOV, V. D. and KHRISTOV, V. D. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL ItADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No. 1D12P] [Text] In this device for reception of frequency-keyed signals as in USSR ~ Author's Certificate No. 339013, in order to increase the interference sta- bility, a unit has been added which blocks the output of information, plus a unit for analysis for the reliability of the change in operating frequen- cies. One input of this last unit is connected to the output of a pu1sE 65 FOR OFFICIr"~L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FO[t O~~ICIAL USE ONLY ~ gen~r~eor, eh~ other eo tih~ outpuC of th@ uniC for analyeis of th~ narure of ~heng~ of aper~tittg fr~qu~nci~~. Th~ eueput of the unit for ana~ye~,s of the reli~b3iity of the change in operating frequencies ie conneceed Co the control input of the unit for blocking the outiput of information, the ~i~nal input of whieh i~ connected to the outputi of the unit for formation di th~ output puls~s. USS~ UDC 621,396.61:621,396.2(088.8) A D~VIC~ ~OIt TItANSMISSION OF SIGNALS WITH DELTA MODULATION U55~ ,;L'Tf~OR'S C~RTI~'ICATE No. 577695 filed 7/O1/76 No. 2311989 published 16/11I77 in Rus~ian CLADCHENKU, V. V., POGINSKIY, L. P. and DOLGALEV, S~ D. (F'rom ~EF'~KA7'IVNYY ZHUItNAL ItAL~IOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abatract No. 1D273P~ ~TextJ A device is guggested for transmisaion of signals with delta modu- latton, containing a subCraction unit, the output of which ia connected to the input of a binary modulator, connected through an integrator to the first input of the subtraction unit. The device also includes a series- connected circuit consisting of a synchronizer, frequency divider and strob- ing unit, the firs�. output of which is connected through the corresponding valve (Vett�il'] to the second and third inputa of the subtraction unit and to the second input of the integrator. The output of the f irst valve is ' connected to the other input of the second valve, while the output of the integrator is connected to the other input of the third valve. In order to increase the reliability of information transmitted, the device incl.udes Zn inverting elemenC, a flip-flop and series connected frequency multiplier and "AND" element, the other input of which is connected to the input of the invertina element, and the output of the flip-flop. The f irst input of the flip-flop ~s connected to the second output of the strobing unit, while the second input of the flip-flop is connected to the input of the binary modulator. The second and third outputs of the synchron izer are connected to the input of the frequency multiplier and Che aecond input of the invert- ing element, the output of which is connected to the output of the "AND" element and to the second input of the binary modulator. . , 66 F'OR OFFICIA:. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~oK nr,~icrnc, us~ oNLY US5tt UDC 621.396.62:621.391.8(088,8) A DCVICE ~OR PROCESSING OF COMPL~X 5IGNAL5 USSit AUZ't~iOR' S CERTI~ICAT~ No ~ 607346 fi].~d 25/04/74 No. 2923416 pub118hed 26/04/78 ~.n R~s~ian SMIIUIOV, N. I., ZALICH~V, N. N., St)DOVTSEV, V. A. ~nd SUDAKOV, YU. B., Moecow ~lectron3c Engineer3ng IngCituCe of Communicatiions (From ItEFERATIVNYY ZHUEt~iAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No. LD4P~ ~Text] A device is eugggsted for proc~saing of a complex eigngl, contia~.n- ing ewo band connected nt the input, the outpuC of one of which is connected to the input o� a corr~lator. In order to as~ure invariance rela- tive to the momene of arrival of the signal and its initial phaee, an ampli- tude-phase converter is connected between the output of the second band pasa filter and Che other input of the correlator. USSR UDC 621.396.626(088.8) A D~VICE FOR SPACE-DIVERSITY RECEPTION OF WIDffiAND SICNALS USSR AUTEIOR'S C~RTIFICATE No. 611304 filed 27/09/76 No. 2408681 published 22/OS/78 in Russian GLADKOV, V. P. [Ft;m RE~ERATIVNYY ZHUEtNAL RADIOTEKHr1IKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No. 1D9P] [Text~ The device suggested contains in each of the separated circuits a series connected antenna, amplifier and conversion section and delay ele- ment, the output of which is connected to the inputs of two channels. Each of Che two channels consists of a series-connected matched filter and corre- lator. The outputs of ehe mntched f ilters are connected to the inputs of a reference signal adder co~non to all circuits. The outpuC of the adder is connected to the input of a recirculator. The second inputs of the correla- tors are connected, while the outputs are connected to the inputs of a sub- traction unit common to all circuits. The out~ut is series connected to the input of a decision unit. In erder to increase the interference sta- bility, eACh separate unit includes a series-connected circuit consisting of an additional delay element and a strobing unit, the second input of which is connected to the output of the recirculator. The output of the 67 FOR OF~ICItiL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 , ~Ott ~Ft~'ICIAL U3~ ONI~Y grrobing unir i~ connected to the second inputs of tha correlatore. A synchronizing signal is fecl to ehe input of the additional delay elements. U55tt UDC 621,396.626(088.8) A DEVICE FOR SPAC~-DIVERSITY RECEPTION WITH COHERENT t~DDITLON OF SIGNALS USSR AUTNOR'S C~RT~FICATE No. 601830 filed 16/Ol/76 No, 2313994 published 11/05/78 in Rueai~n SHASHIN, YU. V., LOBANOV, V. I~, SHUTOV, G. A., KRASUTSKIY, N. M~, SERYY, V. P. nnd PUDENKOV, A. P. ~Frum R~~ERATIVNYY ZHURNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No l, 19~9 AbeCract No. 1D10P~ ~Text] A de�vice is prepared which contains in each branch, series-connected atgndardized-level amplifiera, a firat convertor (C), a narrow-band filter and a second C. The other input of the last convertor is connected to the output of the level-setting amplifier. The outputs of the aecond C are con- nected through a circuit, common for all of the branches, conaisting of an adder, band pass filter and amplifier-limiter, connected in series to the second inputs of the first C. In order to increase interference stability and decrease the threshold of operation when communication is started, each branch contains a regulated amplifier connected to the output of the second C, with a square-law detector connected between the control input and the output narrow-band filter of the amplifier. An output adder is connected to the output regulated amplifiers of all branches. 68 FOR O~FICIAI. U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOtt O~F~CfAL US~; ONLY Semlconductor~ and Diel~ctr~ca USS~ UDC 537.31],.33 Et~EC~RICAI~LY ACTI1i~ S~MICONDUCTORS AND THEIR USF FOR MICROWAVE OSCLLLATOR3 ANU FREQUENCY CONVERTERS Mogcow RADIOTEK~INIKA I ELEKTItONIKA in Ruseiaa Vo]. 23 No 9, 1978 pp 1915- 1925 KALAS1tNIKOV, S. G., KAGAN, M. S. and KUKUSHKIN, V. V. (~rom REFERATIVNYY 2HUttNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Abstrgct No iB182] ~'Cexc~ Some reec~lCs are presented of reeearch done at the Inetitute nf ItAdio ~ngineering (USSIt Acgdemy of Sciencea) which pertain Co new uses of semiconductora with hot electrnns for microwave osc:illators and frequency converters. Under conaideration are "ac~ive" aemiconductors with a nega- Cive dynamic voLume conducCivity bue electrically s~able in the abgenc~ of external oecillatory circuits. Centimeter-wave and millimeter-wave oscilla- tors, frequency convertera attd frequency multipllerg have been r~alized ex- perimentally, with the aid of active elements based on gallium arsenide. USSFt UbC 537.311.33 GENERATION OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCES IN SEMICONDUCTORS BY FIELDS OF THERMAL PULSES WITH LARGE TEMPERATURE GRADIENTS Leningrad :'I2IKA T TEK~INIKA POLUPCtOVODNIKOV in Rusaian Vol 12 No 8, 197$ pp 1524-1529 AI3ROSIMOV, V. M., YEGOItOV, B. N., LIDORENKO, N. S. and KARANDASHEV, V. A. (From RE~~RATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Abstract No 1D186] [Text] An experimental study was made of emf generation in aemiconductors with and without a poten:ial barrier, by fields of thermal pulses with large temperature gradients, iollowing absorption of laser radiation pulses. It has been established that the maximum emf in semiconductors with a poten- tial barrier can reach 0.2-0.4 V at a density of incident energy equal to 0.03 J/cm2. At densities of incident energy within the range under con- sideration, the emf in semiconductors with a potential barrier was found to exceed the emf in semiconductors without a patential barrier by two orders 69 FOR OFFICIRL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~OR 0~'FICIAL U~~ ONLY of m~gn~.tuda. Iti has al~o been demonatratad that the maximum emf generated by ~ ehermal pu1~~ i.s 100 eim~e higher eh~n the ~tnf generaCed in a steady,� th~rmal f~eld wi,th the same temperatura drop. USStt UDC 537.31.1.33 PHYSICAL I'H~NOMENA IN FEItRITE-SEMICONDUCTOR STRUCTURES F1tOM THF STANDPOINT 0~ APPLICA'fION IN MICROWAVE MICItOELEC~RONICS Mogcow MIKItO~L~KTRONIKA in Rusaign Vol 7 No 5, 1978 pp 430-443 $~;SPYATYKH, YU. I., VASHKOVSKIY, A~ V., ZUBKOV, V~ I~ and KIL'DISHEV, V. N. [~rom R~FERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jgn 79 Abstr~ct No 1B190~ Summary) (Text~ Physical phenomena in ferrite-aemiconductor structures are analyzed which have eo do with inCeractian between natural oscillations or waves of magneti~atioc? in the ferriCe and charge carriers in the semiconductor. This interaction is mnnifested in changes in the magnetization resonance apectrum, in the appearance of a direct emf upon excitation of natural oscillations of magnetization, in the appearance of an alternating emf upon enhancement of char~e carriers by magnetostatic-waves, and in.the Cerenkov ef.fect when charge carriers drift under the influence of an electric field. All these effecta can be utilized in the design of microwave delay linea with charac- teristics different than those of ferrite delay lines, in the design of microweve amplif iers, in the design of selective microwave probea for mea- surement of power or other quantities, and in the design of information pro- ~essing devices. FurChermore, ferrite-semiconductor structurea can also be used in conventional nonreciprocal devices, f ilters and power limiters. Figures 4; tables 1; references 47. 70 FOEt OFFICI~~L USE OiVLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR bF~'ICTAL US ~ ONLY ussx unc s3~.3ii,3s p-N JUNC'CIONS BAS~D ON CAbMIUM T~LLURID~ Kishinav TEORETICNESKOYE I EKSPERIMEN'rAL'NOYE ISSLEDOVANIY~ SL02HNYKH POLtiPROVODNIKOVYKH SOYEDINENIY (Theoretical and Experimental Study of Com- plex Semiconductor Compounds] in Russian 1978 pp 130-133 KRETSU, I. V., NAGRADOVA, I. A., TAMA2LYKAR', I. YE. and 'TSUKANOV, M~ I. (From RLFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1~ Jan 79 Abstract No 1B202. Summary~ ['fext~ A method ie proposed for producing p-n ~unctions on rhe baeis of electron cadmium telluride by dissolution and recryetallizatinn in bis- muth. The current-volCage characteristica of such ~unctions were measured ae the temperaturE of 300 K. The method was employed for producing, on a low-resistance base, atructures with high direct-currettt densities. ~igures 3; referencea 4. USSIt UDC 537.311.33:546.681'19 SOME SPECIAL FEATURES OF TH~ IA4'URI'1'Y PHOTOCONDUCTION SPECTRUM 0~ SEMICON- DUCTORS WYTN A NONHOMQGENEOUS DISTRIBUTION OF IMPURITIES Moscow IZVESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK SSSR, SERIYA FI2I~'HESKAYA in Russian Vol 42 No 6, 1978 pp 1213-1219 BERMAN, L. V., KAL'FA, A. A. and KOGAN, SH. M. [From REFEEtATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Abstract No 1B17 by V. F. Dorfman] [Text] The spectrum of optical absorption by ionized donor molecules in aemiconductors with sCrong compensation is calculated in the approximation of a hydrogen-like impurity. A comparison of the theereCical curves with experimental data pertaining to epitaxial GaAs suggests that the degree af impurity compensation in f ilms can be qualitatively estimated from the photo- conduction spectrum and its changes with rising temperature or upon intensi- f ication. Special features which should characterize a helium-like ~.mpurity and the conditions for observability of its brightest spectral line are ex- amined. The model is one of 3solated spherical inclusions with a random distribution and an enhanced impurity concentration. It is shown that "dirty" inclusions hardly influence the photoconduction spectrum but appre- ciably deform the lines in the absorption spectrum. This effect is signif i- cant even in only slightly nonhomogeneous materials, and it must be accounted f~r in photoelectric and optical spectroscopy of semiconductors. Figures 2; ref erences 17. FOR OFFICIti;. USE ONLY 71 ~ , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~ox o~riciAr. us~ oN~Y ~ uss~ unc 6ai.3is~592 PItODUCTION OF' AMORPHOUS THIN FILMS FOR SWITCH~S WI'~H M~MO~tY Mo~cnw 5BOEt~1IK NAUCHNYKH TRUDOV PO PR~BLEMAM MIKROEL~KTRONIKI [Scient~fic Transactions on Problema in Microelectronics, Collec~ion~of ArCicles] in Ruse3an, Moscow Inatitute of Electronic Eng~.neering No 34, 1977 pp 24-30 CR~UASOV, A. F., UKRATNSKIY, YU. M. and USOV, N. N~ [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEY~ PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 nbstracc xo ~.si44] (TextJ Thermal and plasma h~gh-frequency aputtering of ehe raw material are compared wiCh respect to reproducibility of parame~ers which characterize swiCching devices with memory on the basis of chalcogenous Ge15Teg~As4 glasa, as well as for the purpose o� find ing the opeimum sputtering procese parame- ters, References 7. USSIt UDC 621.373.51 A STUDY OF THE GENERATION OF MICROWAVE OSCILLATIONS AT FREQUENCIES SIGNIFI- CANTLY GREATER THAN THE DRIFT FREQUENCY BY A GUNN DIODE 2-Y VSES. SIMPOZ. PO MILLIMETROV. I SUBMILLIMETROV. VOLNAM, KHAR'KOV, 1978 TEZ. DOKL. T. 2(2nd All-Union S}nmposium on Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves, Khar'kov, 1978, Abstracts of Reports, Vol. 2] in Russian, Khar'kov 1978 p 44 ~ , ALTUKHOV, I. V., KAGAN, M. S., KALASHNIKOV, S. G. and KUKUSHKIN, V. V. r [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL RADIOTEKHNIKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No.1D115 by A. V. Lazarev] [Text~ A report is presented on excitation of oscillations, the frequency of wY,ich falls wiChin the millimeter wave band is significantly greater than the frequency of oscillations in the domain mode and is not a multiple of this frequency, in a resonant circuit containing a Gunn diode. These oscillations are not identified with known modes of the Gunn diode. Their ~ development may be explained by the fact that the domains moving in the diode have negative HF resisCance. 72 � FOR OFFICIAL USE OVI.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 rn~ o~~zcint, usL oNLY uss~ unc A GUNN CENERATOR OPEREITTNG IN TH~ 60-80 GHz RANGE 2-Y VSES~ SIMPOZ. PO MILLIMETROV. I SUBMILLIMETROV. VOLNAM, KHAR'KOV, 1978 T~2. DOKL. T. 2[2nd All-Un~.on Symposium on M111imeCer and Submillimeter Waves, Khar'kov, 1978 Abstracra of Reports Vo1. 2] in Ruasian, Khar'kov 1978 pp 16-17 VASIL'~V, N. A., KOSOV, A. S. and STRUKAV, I. A. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL 12ADIOTEKHNIKA Nn 1, 1979 AbatracC No 1D177 by A. V. Lazarev] [TextJ The deaign is described of a Gunn generator operating in Che 60-80 GHz range with an output power of up to 40 mW and an efficiency of ~1 per- cenC. The basis of the design is prof iling of a resonator, through whicti the bias is fed to the diode. By changing the diameter of the radial por- tion, the active portion of the load can be tranaformed. USSR UDC 621,382.002 CHARACTERISTICS OF LASER-BEAM SCRIBING Moscow SBORNIK NAUCHNYKH TRUDOV PO PROBLEMAM MIKROELEKTRONIKI [Scientific Transactions o:~ Problems in Microelectrun3cs, Collection of Articles] in Russian, Moscow Institute of ~lectronic Engineering No 34, 1977 pp 77-84 BOCHKIN, 0. I., NIKIFOROVA, S. N. and PARKHACHEVA, YE. V. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Abstract No 1B650 by V. V. Kopitsyn] [Text] The process of cutting silicon wafers with a YAG-laser beam is ex~- amined. A scratch line deeper than 50 um can be cut in one pass, entirely suff icient for spliCting up to 300 um thick wafers into chips 1.5 um or larger in size. The cutting speed must be chosen according to the required scratch depth and the latter, for all practical purposes, depends neither on the grade of silicon nor on the presence of inetallic, dielectric, or other coatings. It is desirable to protect the wafer surface with a latex film against contamination during laser-beam cutting and then to remove this 73 FOR OFFICIlw USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOt~ OFFIC~AL US~ dNLY f:Llm mechanically af~er tiha operaCion, A scrgCch must be m~de aC least 30 um away from IC components on a chip; no deCQrtoration of Cheir character- istics ghould Chen occur. ~'3gures 2; referencea 6~ USSR UDC 621.382.002 AUTOMATION FEASIBILITY STUDY OF TH~ DE1'OSITION P~tOC~SS PARAMETERS INVOLVYNG PHOTOFtESISTIV~ FILMS ON FL~XIBLE TAPES Leningrad POLUPROVODNIKOVYYE USTROYSTVA I TERMOPREOBRA20VATELI [Semicon- ductor Devices and Thermal Convereers] in Rusaian 1978 pp 73-77 KRASIL'SHCHIKOV, M. YA., LYSENKO, L. A. and MAMAYE~', G. I. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Abstract No 1B574 by V. I. Brodskiy] ~TextJ A method has been developed �or deposition of photoresistive films ~rom the vapor phase on 200-mm long and 30-mm wide grade FDI-AP polyam3de tapc. Such a tape was placed in a chemical beaker containing grade FN-11 photoresist. The film thickness was measured wiCh a model MII-4 microinter- ~ ferometer. The qualiCy of specimens was determined under a model MMtJ-3 microscope (x 300 magnification) after etching. Here the dependence of the built up film thickness and of the thickness nonuniformity on the kinematic viscosity of Che phoCoresist and on Che velocity of the tape passing through ehe beaker during the deposition process is shown. It has been established tha~ the Chickness of the photoresist film does nor appreciably depend on the tape sloping angle and, with the viscosity correctly matched, remains wietiin Che required range of 1.5-2.0 um� The thickness nonuniformity does depend on the tape sloping angle and becomes minimum (under 20 percent) at angles from 18 to 30�, which is satisfactory for production of microcircuiCs on carrier tape. Figures 2; references 3. ~ 74 FOk OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~tllt Ul~i~'ICYAL US ~ ONLY USSR . UDC 62i.382.ooa TECHNOLOGICAL pItODL~MS WITH BULKY TERMINALS ~Olt SCMICONDUCTOR DEVICES Leningrad POLUPROVODNIKOVYYC pRZBORY I TERMOPREOBRAZOVATELI (Semiconductor Davices and Thermal Convertera~ in Russian 1978 pp 86-90 SAItAYEV, 0. N., KHODAK, I. YA., SHEKHANOVA, M. A~ and ZAKHARYAN, G. 0. [~rom REF~ItATIVNYY ZHUItNAL, ELEKTItONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 AbsCract No 1B649 by V~ I. I3rodskiy] [TexC~ Problems in producing bulky terminals in hybrid circuit integration are considered. Th~ external nppearance of bulky terminals is shown, afrer a semiconduceor device hns been connected eo the n~rcuiC bonrd by soldering wiCh ~ U-turn. IC is also shown that contact taba can be Cinned by el.ectro- chemical deposition and a small height variation (up to 4 um) between eermi~ nals fr~m hybrid IC component thus attained. The strangth of auch soldered ~oints was checked on a commutator circuit board holding up componenta wiCh 14 bulky terminals 200 um in diameter. Specimens were aleo tested mechani- cally in shear, the resules revealing a dependence of the mechanical strength of soldered ~oints with U-turns on the size of this U-turn ae well as on the heighe and size nonuniformity of solder beads in an assembly of hybrid IC components. Figures 2; references 3. USSR UDC 621.382.002 PROPERTIES OF EPOXIDE-SILICONE ORGANIC ADHESIVES AND THF.IR APPLICATION IN SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES Moscow GELIOTEKHNIKA in Russian No 3, 1978 pp 59-61 BAYBAKOVA, N. N., GRIBELYUK, I. I. and DORMIDONTOV, A. A. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, EL~KTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Abstract No 1B638. Summary~ [TextJ The physicomechanical properties of epoxide-silicone organic adhesive grades K-300-61 and VT-25--200 were studied, as well as Cheir resistance to organic solvents, water and grade PMS-100 polymethyl-siloxane fluid. The grade K-300-61 adhesive has been found to be suitable for bonding silicon wafers into stacks sub~ect to mectianical treatment and heat treatment at 250�C. 75 _ FOR OFFICIr'.,'.. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , USSR UDC 621.382~002 AN ~~FECTIVE TECHNOLOGY FOIt MOS-LSZ N-Ct~IANNEL DEVICES WZTH SILICON GAT~S Mosaow SBORNIK NAUCHNYKH TRUDOV PO PROBLEMAM MIKltOELEKTTtONIKI (Scientiific Traneactions on Problems in MicroQlectronic~, Collection of Articles~ in , Itussian, Mogcow Inetitute of Electronic Engineer~ng No 34, 1977 pp 36-39 GArAROV, p. M., SAPRONOV, V. I., SOLOMONENKO, V. I. and FILIpENKO, V. 0. (~rom REF~RATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE P1tIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 AbatYact No 18663. Summary) [Text~ A eechnology has been developed for MOS transiators with n-channels gnd polycrystalline-Si gaCes~ App].icaeion of thie technology and use of high-resiativity substrate material w~Li make it feasible to pro- duce hi$h-speed devices compatible with TTL circuits in terme of logic ie~~ia. Th'e very reliable separation beeween levels as well as the proceesea of pre- cision oxidation, diffusion, epitaxial growth and photol3Chography contri- buee to the feasibiliCy o� producing LSI circuits with a high degree of in- tegration (of the order of 20,000 components per chip). ussx unc 6ai.382.ooa TECfINOLOGICAL FEATURES OF A COMPOUND STRUCTURE WITH A FIELD-EFFECT TRANSIS- TOR CONTROLLABLE BY A SCHOTTKY BARRIER Moscow SBORNIK NAUCHNYKH TRUDOV PO PROBLEMAM MIKROELEKTRONIKI [Scientific Transactions on Problems in Microelectronics, Collection of Articles] in ~ i'ussian, rioscow InstituCe of Electronic Engineering No 34, 1977 pp 47-55 ADAMOV, YU. F'. and GOLUBEV, A. P. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 ' Abstract No 1B662. Summary] (Text] A structure is described which conCains a bipolar n-p-n transistor and a field-effect transistor controllable by a Schottky barrier, also a p- type conduction channel. The results of experimental studies are analyzed pertaining to some of the technological processes which affect the character- istics of bipolar and f ield-effect transistors. It is shown that ion-plasn~a sputtering of tungsten affects the gain of a bipolar transistor in a micro- circuit configuration. 76 FOR OFFICIl~;. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 rUFt Uri~'T.CtAL t18L UNI,Y 1 ussx unc 6a~,saa.a, STRt1CTUR~5 bASEU ON I.AMCLLAR QaA~ C1tYSTAL5 WITI~ AN S-i~'OTtM CURR~NT-VOLTACE C11AttACTEItiSTIC Moscow POLUPROVODNZKOVA TEKHNIKA I MZKROEL~KTRONIKA [SemiconducCor Technolo- gy and Microelectronica, Republic-wide Ineerdeparementa]. Collection of Arti- clea~ in Ruesian No 28, 1978 pp 53-56 VAYNBERG, V. V. and VARSHAVA, S. S~ [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL~ EI~rKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENCNIYE No 1, Jan 79 AbstracC No 1B271. Summary] (Text~ The nonhomogeneiry o� 1ame11ar crysCals was atudied by Che method of first measuring the potenCial distriburion over an obli.que microsecCion and then the electricnl conduct!.vity during layerwise grinding. Overcompensnted layers wit:h a high resistivity ~(of the order of 105-106 were found to exisC. Subsequently (p~-p(i-)-n'~) structures with S-form currenC-voltage characteristics were produced. These atructures were atudied and rhe tempera- ture dependence of Cheir main paramet~rs found to be linear. Experimental data are now compared with theoretical calculationa according to the model of superlong semiconductor diodes on overcompensated aemiconductors. The length of tihe diffusion path for minority carriers in Che base region of a semiconductor S-diode as we11 as the ratio of base length to diffusion path length are then evaluated. Figures 2; references 6. USSR UDC 621.382.2.011.222 CALCULATING THE THERMAL PERFORMANC~ OF GUNN-EFFECT DIODES Kishinev K RASCHETU TEPLOVYKH REZHIMOV DIODOV GANNA in Russian, Kishinev Polytechnic Institute, 1978 18 pp (manuscript deposited at Che Central Sci- entif ic Research-InstiCute of Technical and Economic of Instrument Making, Means of Automation and Management Systems 16 Jun 78, No 963 Dep.) GEORGIU, V. G. and ZAKHAROV, A. A. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Abstract No 1B236 Dep by the authors] [Text] A method of calculating the thermal steady-state and transient per- formance of Gunn-effect semiconductor diodes is analyzed in detail. It is shown how the results of these calculations can be used for optimizing the design of semiconductor diodes and for measuring the temperature of such devices during operation. References 11. 77 FOR OFFICIi,L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OF~'ICTAL US~ ONLY US5R UDC 621~382.3.002 . INTCC1tATED T12ANSISTORS WITH METALLIC COLLECTORS Moacow SBOttNZK NAUCHNYKH TRUDOV PO PROELEMAM MIK1t0ELEKTRONZKT ~5cientific Transactions on Probl.ems in Microelectronica, coiia~e~on of Articles] ~.n Ruesian, Moscow InaCitiute of Electronic Engineering, No 34, 1977 pp 40-46 ADAMOV, YU~ I~'., MOSHKIN, V, I~ and FETISOVA, S. N. [From REFERATIVNYY 2HURNAL � ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 Abstract No 1B661] (Texr] Results of calcula~iona and experimental studiea are shown pertain- ing to n-p-tt tranaistora wieh metallic collectors, the lateer having been produced by ion implanCation in ehe base region. USSIt UDC 621.382,2:539.213 A NEW KIND OF S'WITCHING IN AMORPHOUS THIN FILMS OF ALUMINUM OXIDE Kiev UKRAINSKIY FIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL in Ruasian Vol 23 No 7, 1978 pp 1213- 1216 FEDCHUK, A. P. and SALTYNSKAYA, T. F. , [Fram REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIICA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 , Abstract No 1B262. Summary] [Text] In a study of the current-voltage characteristics of inetal-dielec- tric-metal structures on the base of aluminum oxide a new kind of switching has been diacovered which cannot be deacribed by the thermal model, The characteristics of this switching made have been found to be affected by the pres~nce of doping H~', K+, Co'}'} and Cd'}"{' ions. For an explanation of Che abrupt rise in conductivity during switching, a model is now proposed . according to which the barrier at the contact becomes more transmittant under the influence of cations drifting along an externally applied electric field. On the basis of such a model, the switching inertia is determined by the kind of motion of impurity cations in the amorphous thin f ilm. Fig- urea 2; references 8. 78 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~ox nrrzczAL us~ ~NL~ U55R UDC 621~382~2:539.213 DEVICES BASED ON AMORPHOUS SEMICONllUCTOR5 Moacow USPEKHI FTZICHESKIKH NAUK in Ruasian Vol 125 No 4, 1978 pp 707-730 ADLER, D. [From REFERATIVNYY 2HURNAL, ELFKTRONIKA I YEYE PRIMENENIYE No 1, Jan 79 AbstracC No 1B26'7 by V. K. Nikiforov] [Tex,t] This aurvey summarizes the results of 15 years of research aimed at cor~structing a theory of amorphous semiconductors and practical application of the effects found to occur in them, It is emphasized Chat not the peri- odicity of their structure but the chemical nature and the electron struc- ture of their constituent atoms provide the key Co undersCanding the proper- ties of amorphous solids. From this standpoint, then, are examined the periodic table of the elements, the energy characteristics of various states in atoms (principally s- and p-states), the modes of bonding and hybridiza- - Cion, as well as their role in formation of tihe nearest order and a band structure in a solid. It is shown how the kind of bonds affects the forma- tion of a complex band structure in amorphous semiconductors and solids. The phenomena of a mobility limit, Cailing of the states density, a mobili- ty gap and localization of heteropolar states in amorphous semiconductors are explained, and the causes of their occurrence are interpreted on the basis of the "active centers:! model. Prominence is givez~ to achievements in realization and development of inethods by which amorphous silicon can be doped for use in several unique novel devices such as a solar battexy with a 6 percent efficiency. Attention is also paid here to the economic aspects and to the fact that producing amorphou�3 semiconductors costs less than pro- ducing crystalline.ones. Known theories of switching are analyzed and the fact is underlined that, while plain switching is an electronic process, switching with memory is a result of transition of a material from amorphous to crystalline state. Data are presented on devices already built.on amor- phous semiconductors (type "61at/Ovonits" memory with a capacity of 1024 bits. and others), extra-large information recording systems with electron and Iaser beams, and information display systems. Figures 11; references 5. 79 FOR OFFICIAL USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOtt OFFICIAL USL dNLY ' U5S~ UDC 621,396.6-181.48 PARAMETItIC METNOD OF COMPENSATING THE EFF~CTS 0~ RADIATZON ON SEMICONDUCTOR SW~TCHINC DEVIC~S Alma Ata V~S7'NIK AKAD~'MII NAUK KAZAKHSKOY 5SR in ituasian No 7~ 1978 pp y4-75 _ mUYNtBAYEV, A. A, (Frnm 1t~FERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, ELEKTRONIKA I YEYE P~tINENENiYE No l, Jan 79 AbsCract No 18319 by D. I. Rubinshteyn~ [Texe~ A method of compensaCing the ef�ect of radiation on tiransiseor switche;~ is dpscr:tbed. ICs gist is to compensate the decrease of the ba~e- c~~rrenC tranafer ratio due ro irradiation of the transistor by a s~multane- ous increase o� Che ~ollector load rQSiatance. Application of th3s method throughout Che enttre range of inciderir integral radiaeion �luxes will opti- mize the energy characteristics of integrated circuite and increasa their radiation r~sisCance. ~ 80 ~ F'OR OFFICIA:. USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 rox ni=r~r,~AL usL drtLY Ttieo~y USS~ UDC 621.3'll i'R~QU~NCY TRANSI~'ORMATInN IN pA~L~CTItICS 2-OY V5~5, SIM~'OZ. PO MTLL~M~~'I~(7V~ ~ SUBMILLIt~t~TROV. VOLNAM. K~A~'KOV 1978 ~.n ~ua~ian Abseraees o� ~eporti~ Volume 2, Khar'kov 1978 pp 38-39 GI2ABOVSKYY, YU. Y~., KOSH~VAYA, S~ V. and OM~L'CK~NKO, M~ YU. (~rom R~~CItATIVNYY ZHU~NAL RADIOT~KHNIKA No 1, 19)9 Abstract No lA3'7 by L. S. Subbotin] (TextJ In the case of non~ineo.r, 4-wave inCernce3on of tiraveling electro- magnetic wnves in a paraelectric, ~ocated in a permanent elecCric field, th~ phenomena of p~rameeric amplification nnd frequency conv~rsion occur simultaneous].y. Therefo~::, these phenomentt cannot be ~eparaeely analyzed, and they can be c~lcurated nnly by the use of compuCers. The results pre- seneed from such caLculations were obtained for ~ryst~Le of strontium Cita- nate, cooled Co liquid-nitrogen Cemperatures, at a pumping frequency of 50 GHz, for a signal with a frequency of 5 GHz~ In order to suppress the upper side band, additinnal electrodynamic attenuation is introduced at 130 dB�cm, gnd the signgl is parameCrically amplified ~y 29 dB~ AC the same time, ef- f ective transformation Co LF is achieved, using the energy of the pumping wave. Figures 2; references 1. 81 FOR OFFICItw USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR O~I~'ICIAi~ USC ONLY Publicatiions Alit TEtA~~IC CONT[tOL COMMUNICATIONS, 1tAUZ0-~tADAIt SUPpORT 5ERVICES Moacow SP[u1VOCHNIK p0 SVYAZZ I RADIOT~KHNICHESKOMU OB~SPECHENIYU POLETOV (Manual on Communications and Radio~echnical Support of Flighr OperaCions) in Ru~qian 1979 signed eo press 29 SepC 78 pp 2, 285-286 [Annotnrian and eable o� coneeries from book by Yu. Z. Dukhon, N. N. I1'yinskiy, and G. I. Laushev, Voyenizdat, 17,500 copies, 286 pages) (Texr~ ~his manual contains material on orgah.izing air traffic control communications and radio-radar support services, meChods of performing th~se services, characCeristics and fundamentals of operation of communica- tions and radio-radar supporC services equipmenC. This manual can be uCilized by officers, warrant officers and noncom- missioned officers of aviation unit communications and radio-radar support services, as well as civil aviation specialists involved in uCilizaCion and aperation of communicaCions and radio-radar support facitities. It can ~lso be of use to commanders, staff officers and military air traffic controllers in their practical activities pertaining to organization of con- trol of aircrafC in the air and air operaCions safety. ConCenCs Page Part I. General Discussion of Air Traffic Control Communications and Itadio-Radar 5upport Serivices . Chapter 1. Basic Definitions and Demands oa Conununications and Radio-Radar Support Services 3 1.1. Basic Definitions in Communications and Radio-Radar Support Services 3 1.2. Demands on Communications and Radio-Radar Suppnrt Services 7 1.3. Types of Communications 13 Chaptc~r 2. Modes of Communications 14 2.1. rlodes of Radio Communications 14 2.2. Modes of Radio Relay and Wire Communications 20 _ 2.3. Modes of Signal Communications 27 82 FOR OFFICIi�'. USE ONLY 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOli n~FZC~AL U9E ONLY Chnp~~r 3. hindc;~ nE Air Tr~ffic Conr~o~ it~dio-~~dar Suppor~ S~rviceg 2$ ~.1. Mnd~q of Ai,r Traffic Conernl Radnr SupporC Serviceg 28 3.2. Air 7'r~ffic Conerol ttadio ~nd Li~hti Signal Support Serviae~ 32 3.3. Scleceinn o~ Po~itions fnr DeploymenC of ~tadio-Radar Sup- pnre F'deiliei~~ 36 Yare II~ Air Traff3c CnnCrol Communicati~.ons and Itgdio- R~dar SupporG Services Cquipment Ch~pe~r 4. n~scrip~ion of Radio Communicaeiong and ttadio-~adar Supporr Service~ ~quipment 39 4.1. parameter~ Chdracterizing 'Technic~l Cap~biliCies o� Radio Communicaeions and ttadio-Radar SupporC Services Equipment 39 4.2. Pttr~meCerg Ch~racCerizing Tactiical Capabilities of Radio Communication~ ~quipmenC 35 G.3. par~m~eers CharacCerizing Tactiical C~pabiliCies of RMdar ~quipmene 59 4.4. paramererg and Indices Characterizing Tactical Capabili- ties of Radio Navigation ~quipment 68 4.5. Description of Illuminaeion ~quipment 80 ChapCer 5. Influence of ~he Atmosphere on Operation of Radio Com- munications and Radio-Radar SupporC Services EquipmenC 82 5.1. Spectrum of Electromagnetic Oscillations 82 5.2. Structure of Che Atmosphere and TCs Influence on Propaga- tion of Radio Waves $3 5.3. Influence of the ~'eatures of Propagation of Radio Waves of Various Bands on AccomplishmenC of Radio-Radar Air Traffic ConCrol SupporC Tasks 85 5.4. Physical Properties of Radio Waves and Their Influence on UtilizaCion for Air Traffic ConCrol Communications and Radio- Radar 5upport Services Chapter 6. Influence of Climatic Conditions on Efficiency of Com- munications and Radio-Radar. Support Services Equipment 109 6.1. Influence of ~Climatic Conditions on Operational Reliability of Radio Equipment During Flight 109 6.2. Effect of MoisCure on Radio Components 115 6.3. Effect of. Neat and Cold on Radio Components 116 6.4. Effect of Corrosion on Radio Components 120 6.5. Intluence of the Biological EnvironmenC, Light, Dust, Sand and Conditions of Aging of Materials on Radio Components 126 6.6. Effect of Mechanical Loads on Operation of Communications and Radio-Radar Support Services Equipment 128 83 FOR OFFICIi~L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 ~'OEt OFF]:CIAL USh dNI,Y t~nrC Zt"L. ~'und~m~ntalg of Sarvic3ng and Ma~.nCenanc~ of Air Traf~~.c ConCrol Communic~t~.on~ and Radio-Radar Suppo~C Servir.e~ i:ryuipmen~ Cl~~~nt~r 7. Principle~ of and Mnl.ntenancc of Commun3ca- tiong and Rndio-Raciar Support 5ervic~s ~qu~.pmenC 13~. 7.1. Subseance and Cont~nC of and Ms~nC~nance of Commun~.caCions ~nd Itadio-It~dar Suppo~C Sarviceg ~quipment 131 7.2, S~rvicing of Communicae3.ons and R~din-Itadar Suppore Ser- V~.C~q Cquipmene During r1~~hC O~er~t3nns 138 7.3. Pueeing Communicat3ons and Itadio-Itadar Support Sa:~:ices ~quipmettti InCo Operation 140 7.4. Methods of Trouble-Shootiing CommunicaC~ons and Rndio-Radar Support~Services ~quipment 142 7.5. Orggniz~eion of itepair of Communications and Radio-Radar Support Services ~quipment 144 7.6. 5Cnra~e of Communicaeions and ttadio-Radar Suppore Ser- vices Equipmene 144 7.7. 5ervicing of Radio Communica~ions and Radio-Radar Sup- port Services ~quipmenC by Che Calendar-Parame~ric Meehod 145 7.8. Estimating the Operating Condition of CommunicaCions and Radio-Radar Support Services Equipment 154 7.9. Safety Measures in Servicing and MainCenance of Com- munications and R~dio-itadar Support Services ~quipmenC 155 Chapter 8. F:lectrical rieasurements Emp].oyed in CommunicaCions and Radio-Radar 5upport Services Equipmeut 162 8.1. I'rincipal Data on Metrological Support in Signal and Radiotechnical Support UniCs 162 8.2. Measuremenr_ Errors 164 8.3. Technical Standards and Measurement of Principal Para- meters of Communications and Radio-Radar Support Services Equipment 166 8.4. Metrological Expert Appraisal of C~mmunications and Radio-Radar Support 5ervices Equipment 189 ChapCer 9. Reliability of CommunicaCions and Radio-Radar Support Services Equipment ].93 9.1. Quantitative Characteristics of Re13.ability 193 9.2. Redundancy in Communications and Radio-Radar Support Services Equipmenr 206 ~ Part IV. Operation of Air Traffic Control Communi- cations and Radio-Radar Support Services Equipment Under Conditions of Radio In- terference and Jamming Chapter 10. Protection of Communications and Radio-Radar Support Services Equipment Against Radio Interference and Jamming 218 84 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100094419-1 FOR OFFICZAL US~ ONLY 10.1. ~~ctory n~e~rmining Yroraceion of Communicati~.ons nnd Rad~.o- [tadar SupporC Services ~quipmenC Aga~.nsti Itad~.o InteYferenc~ and Jamming 2~.8 10.2. MeChodg of i~rotecCing Itadio Communication~ ~quipmenC Agn:tnst R~dio InterEerence and Jamm~ng 220 L0.3. Methods of protecting nadio-Radnr Support Servic~s Cquipmenr Ag~inst ttadio tnterference and Jamming 224 ~ 10.4. M~rhod of ~srimatiin~ ~he Influence of Radio Zneerference _ ~nd Jamming on Opcration of Communicarions ~nd Radio-Rgdar Suppnrt 5ervices ~qu3pment 239 Chxprer 11. ~lectrom~gneric Compatibility of ltadio ~leceronic rquipmenr 248 11.1. Ceneral InEormation nn C1ec~romagnetiic CompaCibiliCy r~f itadin Cl~ctrottic ~quipmenC 11.2. Merhod of ~sCimgting ~1ecCromagnetiic Compatibility nf Itadio ~lectronic ~quipmenti 252 11.3. Appendices 1. Communicat3ons and Radio-Itadar 5upport Services Symbols 262 2. Some Universal ConsCanCs 273 3. Some Dates ~rom the History of DevelopmenC and Utilization of Communications and Radio-Radar Support Services ~quip- ment 276 Biblio~raphy 279 Subject Tndex 280 ~81GG /1796-3024] COPYRIGHT: Voyenizdat, 1979 ~ END ~ ~5 FOR OFFICI~w USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100090019-1