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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R000'10008002'1-9 ~ ~ ;OUS DRUI35 is AUt3UST i979 C FOUO 34179 ~ i OF i_ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084421-9 " ~OR U~F'ICIA1. USH: bN1.Y JPF~S L/8620 15 August 1979 ~l1/c~r~~dwide Re ort p NARCOTIC,S AND DANGEROUS DRUGS fF0U0 34/79) ? FB~~ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 NOTE JPIt5 publicaCions conCain in�ormation pzimarily from foreiEn newspapera, periodicals and books, but also from newe agency ~ratismissione and broadcasts. MaCerials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are Cranscribed or reprinCed, with ehe original phrasing and other characteriatics reCained. H.~adlines, editorial reports, and material ~nclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS~ Processing indicators such as [TextJ or [ExcerptJ in rhe firsC l.ine of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicaCe how Che origin~l in�ormaCion was processed. Where no processing indicator ia given, Che infor- maC3on was aummarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phanetically or CransliteraCed are ' . enclosed in parentheses. Wo~~ds or names preceded by a quea- tion marl: and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originaCe with the source. Times within ~tems arc as given by source. The conkents of this publicaCion in no way repreaent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes nf the U.S. Government. For further informatio?i on report content call (703) 351-2811. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULt#TIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSr.MINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 JPR5 L/8620 ~.5 August ~979 WORLDWIDE REPORT NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 34/79) - CONTENYS PAGE ASIA AUSTRALIA birector of Federal Narcotics Bureau Resigns (NEW SUNDAY TIMES, 3 Jun 79) 1 Queensland Parliament Told New Dzug Officera Needed (THE COURIER-MAILs 7 Jun 79) 2 Cri.minologist: Criminals Lie Over Drugs (Lindsay Murdoch; TEIE AGE, 9 Jun 79) 3 Drug Syndicate Suepected of Murdering Second Couple (T1iE AGE, 12, 13 Jun 79) 4 Pair Alleged To Be Couriers, by Lindsay Murdoch New Zealand a 'Stepping Stone' Queenaland's Record Heroin Haul Made at Briabane Airport (Various sources, various datea) 7 Result of Undercover Wark Seven Suspects Arraigned Briefs Theft From Pharmacy 9 Heroin and Morphine Haul 9 Killin~, Over ~Ieroin 9 Anti.drug Fund 9 Five Heroin Defend~nts 10 Im~.�rtatiea of Cannabis Oil 10 Hydroponic ~~!arihuana Farm 10 - a - [III - WW - 138 FOUO~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 CON'TENTS (Contiinued) Page BURMA Clamp Down on Drugs Pressed (WO1tKING PEOPLE"S DAILY, 16 Jul 79).......����.�.....��.� 11 Briefs Brown Heroin Seized in Mong Hpayak 12 Two Youths Imprieoned ~2 - HONG KONG Drug Carrier Given Five-Year Sentencc (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 18 Ju1 79)...�����~~~�~~������ ~3 NarcoCica Bureau and Customa Service .Toin Efforts Againet Drug Smuggling (SOUTH CHINA MORNINC POST, 14 Ju1 79)...������~��~������� 15 Dangerous Druga Bill Deaigned To Aid Drug Offenders (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 19 Jul 79) 16 Brie�s Deadlocked Jury in Retrial 17 Couple Charged With Trafficking 17 MALAYSIA DEA Informer Testifiea at Drug Trial ~ (NEW STRAITS TIMES, 29 May 79)......�.��..�.�����������.� 18 Narcotic River Flows Through Malaysia (NEW STRAITS TIMES, 23 Jun 79)........��.����.����..����� 19 Million Dollar Heroin Seizure aC Ferry Terminal (Manan Osman; NEIJ STRAITS TIMES, 18 Ju1 79) 20 Narcotics Arrests, Trials, Sentences Reported (Various sources, various dates) 21 Arrests in Apartment Complex Heroin Trial Total Drug Arrests " Trafficking Sentence Involvement of Government Employees _ Heroin Arrests Heroin Sentences Life Sentence _ Opium Arrest -b- - - FOff OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 CONT~NTS (.ConCinued) pgg~ Snme 38,000 Drug Abusers Have Been Identifi.ed (BUSINESS TIMES, 19 Jun 79)..........~..~ 26 PHILIPPINES Hard Drugs NoC Avai~able in Philippinea (NEW STRAITS TIMES, 7 Ju~ ~9).....~ 27 CANADA - Arrest Made in Probe Ineo $100 Million Heroin Ring (THE GLOBE AND MAIL, 27, 31 ,Jul 79) 28 Three-Country Swoop, by Pau1 Palango nail Denied Heroin Program Criticized as Waste of Money (Carol VolkarC; THE VANCOWER SUN, 19 Jul 79)......~..... 30 Briefs Drug Roundup Staged 31 LATIN AMERICA COLOI~B IA ~ Marihuana Seriously Hurts Atlantic Coast Economy (EL TIEMPO, 24 Jun 79) 32 ECUADOR Briefs Drug Trafficker Killed 39 MEXICO Federal Judicial Police Accused of Bribery in Drug Arrests ~EL SOL DE SINALOA, 14 Jul 79) 40 Traffickers Involved in Police Slaying Captured (EL BRAVO, 19 Jul 79) 42 Attorney General's Office Releases Drug Growers . (EL SOL DE SINALOA, 5 Jul 79) 43 Bar Association Intercedes for Farmer Traffickera ` (EL SOL DE SINALOA, 10 Jul 79) 44 -c- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 Page ~ONm~NTS (ConCinued) Judge Acq.uite Owner of Mmxihuana Shipment 46 ~EL ggA~O, ~.9 Jul 79) Cocaine Trafficking Head Receives 7-Yegr Sentence 48 (EL FRONTERIZO, ii Ju~. ~9) Aircraft for Curbing brug Traf�icking in ~~iudad Acuna 50 (EL DIARIO DE PIEDRAS NEGRAS, 4 Jul 79)������~~�����" Y Three Marihuana Traffickera Recaive Jail Sentencea (EL FRONTERIZO, 6 Jul 79).���~~���~~���~�" 5~ " Heroin Traffickers Captured in Mazatlan 52 (EL SOL DE SINALOA, 18 JuL 79).���~��~������ Prosecutor Alba: Marihuana Production 1)own 90 Percent (Conauelo L de Avalos; EXCELSIOR, 19 Jun 79)�.�������~~~� 54 Cocaine, Five Traffickers Seized in DuYango 56 (Rafael Medina Cruz; EXCELSIOR, l.4 Jun 79).���~����~~~~~' _ Tourists Seized With Cocaine at Mexico City Airport 57 (Laura Quintero; EL DIA, 5 Jun 74)........��������������' Traffickers Terrorize Chihuahua State Indians 59 (EL SOL DE MEXICO, 18 Jun 79) _ Briefs 60 Drugs, Weapons Seized 6fl Heroin Trafficker Sentenced PANAMA Briefs 61 Cocaine Found URUGUAY Eleven Tried for Amphetamine Prescxiption Forgery 62 (EL PAIS, 9 Jun 79) VENEZUELA Briefs 64 Drug Arrest 64 Police Seize Drugs -d- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 ~ ~ ' i~~\ Yaa~M~u~~ ~YY Y~Ir� CONTENTS (Con~inued) pgge SUB-5AHARAN AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA Briefa Drug Ring Leader SoughC 65 , WEST EU1tOPE TURKEY _ Narcotica Branch DetecCivea Nab Man With 2 Kiloa of Heroin (CU1~iURIYET, 12 Jun ~9) 66 UNITED KINGDOM Country Termed 'On Brink of Heroin Epidemic' (David Fletcher; THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, 20 Jul 79)......... 67 Clampdown on Misuse of Barbiturates Planned (Charles Nevin; THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, 23 Jul 79).......... 69 4 -e- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 ~ AU3TRALIA DIRECTOR OF FEDERAL NARCOTICS BUREAU RESIGNS Kuala Lumgur NEW SUNDAY TIMES in English 3 Jun 79 p 2 [Text ] CANBERRA, 3at. - each plece oi' iniorms� Agstralia's ~tlop drug tioThe Cuetome Ae� f! hter yai ed here ~rtment computer, yeaterda in a scandal Which la linked to a11 cap� 1nvolving criminal uae (tal citfea, recorde paa� oi 8 Customs De- aenger movementa in artment ~ computer and out of Australla in� ~hat kept track of sus� ciuding details of eua� pected local and in� pected drug amugglere, f e r n a t t o n a 1 d r u g ~he young coupte who Yttnnera. tirst revealed the acan� Cuatoma Mininter Wal dal, David and Iaobel Fite aatd Harvey Bates, ~y{~son, both in their ~16, dlrector of the Feder� twentiea, were found al Narcotica Bureau, re� murdered in a ahallow signed becau~e he op� grave near Melbourne. poaed an outsid~ probe into aliegationa that a $Urye~ll~ncs ~ narcotfca agent ted 1n� The agent, who had formation irom the com� acceae to the computer, puter to an lnternattonal ~,aa able to tell the drug arug ring. , ring whlch of ita couriere Ailegatione were under aurveillance. The ecandal haa been There 'were alao eug- linked to the murder two Beationa that when weekn � ago ot a young couriera � became known cou le, once involved in to the narcotica bureau drug running, who made the drug ring killed , the allegations to police them. one year ago. Mr. Fite waa told ot Mr Flte said the cou� the allegationa only laat le told olice a heroin Monday and he im- P P~ mediately ordered an in- rin pa d the agent vestlgation by a apecfal A;2~,060 (M~81,800) tor pollce team. Mr. Fife did acceae to the computer not conault Batea about ,and Ai1,000 a time for the lnquiry. - Reuter. CSO: 5300 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 . AUSTRAL7A ~ 7 Q~gJ,pND pARLIAMENT TOLD NEW DRUG OFFICER5 NEE~ED . Hrisbane TI~ COURIER-MAII~ in English 7 Jun ?9 p 1 [Text] , , ~THE poliae drug squad urgenfly needed Z00 ~ ~ rnore undercover officers, Dr. Loekwood ~Lib., ~ ,Toowoomba No~th) told State Porliamen! : rasterdoy. . ' ~ He aald the squad a~s drug, and effectlve drug ; ' Qetting nowhere in its ln- squads are needed on the ; vestigations because tts (3old Coast, 8unshlne , offtcers were too well he~aid.nd !n Brlsbane," ~ known. ~ When offlcers entered C'O~ , a plnce where drugs , ~ ~ mlghE be clrculating, the Dr, Lockwood satd tt ~ word was spread qufckly cast between a50,000 and that they re here . S8U,000 s~ year to support ; . Dr. Lockwood said a heroln addlction, so ~ � young people aho could addtcts had to turn to ~ mlx eastly !n the drug crlme. 'ecene needed to be re- ' crutted by the squad. He said the heads of a ~ He said he aRreed with large drug organisatton � Teen Chaltenqe director rvere ensuring that small '(the Rev. Charles Rinq- drug users ~vere otten ~ma) that there aere 2000 caught, to o~erwork pol- + nRular herotn users in ic Youngcloeou~ ersysc~ee~re ( Brisbane. i'"I'he:e has been a rs- plcked up by customs oi- ~ ptd lncrease in the uss ot ficers tipped otf by tlu i - ' thia highly dangerous organisatton, he satd; _ , . . . CSOs 5300 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 ~ ~ Ai1STRALIA CRIMINOLOGIST: CFIMINALS L1E OVER DRUGS Melbourne TI~ AGE in English 9 Jun 79 P 5 [By Lindsay Murdoch] ~Text] ''Victorian criminals are ctaiming 1~1 be heroin addicts to get sympathy~ acoording to a leading cr(minologis~ Mr. David Biles, the assistant DIreG, tor of the Australian Institute of Crimi= nology ln Canberra, said many criminAls ~ . are teliing courts they committed oHences to support their drug habits. ~ "But 1n fact they are not getcin~ easier treatment through the systecn,' Mr, Biles said ~ ~ "'Their jail classitication Is a8ected by an~y alleged involvement with hard drugs.' ' ' _ ~Mr, Biles said tt has been a longdime belief that a convicted person would beneflt if his oc her drug 3maQo b boosted. ~ ~"Ihey think theq have a chance Eo bp sent to a drug referral centre or the like," he said. � � No accurate statistics on drua-relat~d crimes are available. "But people in the business often feel ' there is an exaggeration of drug-related~ c~ime," Mr. Biles said. "Ot course, the number of chemist and doctor surgery robberies indicates. many offenders are desperate for drug~~ alone, "I've seen young, fit footballe~ type~. who claim they committed an offena to support their habits. ''There is no way they would be ~i; ` � tit as tfi~ey were it they had been uaini� heroin tor a couple of years," '~J CSO s 5300 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 AUSTRALIA DRUG SYNDIGATE SUSPECTED OF MURL~RING SECOND COUPLE Pair A1leged To Be Couriers ~ Melbourne T~ AGE in English 12 Jun 79 pp 1, 4 [By Lindsay Murdoch] [Text] I~Iomicide detectives 'believe ''a Mr~, Hawira has~ totd polta of intor- mation given to he~ by a closc associate multl-ntilliori dollar dcug syndi- ot her brother in Queenstartd, includi cate murdered a second New for~dnmigtchargesn �aMst Ollardnto~be Zealand couple in Melbourne, . dropped. The couple were iriends of Douglas end Isabel Wilson, who were shot dead More murders and buried at Rye over Easter. Police have been told that Gregory The investigat(on could not be con- Paul Ollard, 28, and his fiancee Julie . 8rmed in S~~dney last night, Diane Theilman, 22, di~appeared afte~ The Melbourne homicide squad on s row Ollard had with syndicate bosses Sunday flew ~irs. Hawira, :1. from !n Melbourne in late 1977, Auckland to Mel'~ourne ior interviews Police beli~ve the syndicate ordered about her brother. the couple's execution because they The Aucklnnd sources said Mrs. were addicted to drugs, Hawira told New Zealand potIce lZ Detectives have been told thec syndi� months ago about the drug syndicata cate leaders made the decision afte~ and fears for her brother. Miss Thetlman sent police to a Mel� (nspector Delianis satd yesterday . bourne hotei in [r'o~~ember 1977. New Zealand police gave his office in- They have been told that Ollard and tormation about Ollard and Theilman's syndicate bosses were in a room in the disappearance after the Wilsons were hotel. The bosses fled after being tip- identified in May. , ped oR that police were ceming. Ha said investigators had no evidence The couple, believed to have been to suggest the drug syndicate has ' couriers for the syndicate, have not ceased operations, Atore murders may bee.n seen since. have been committed Auckland sources say one ot the ' ~~gut it is pretty fikely the syndicate ayndicate bosses claimed last year that }~g gone to ground following publiciry." � Ollard and Theilman had been Paid Inspector Delianis said. . 587,000 and given two false passports Mrs. Hawira has told detecttves that so they could disappear, her brother would get word to hec ~hat But the head of the Melbourne homi- he was alive, no matter when h~ wa~. cide squad,, Detective Chief Inspector She has said tT1at because of this, and Paul Deliams, said yesterday evidence What she was told during a three-week auggested the couple wera murdered visit to Australia :his year, she is con- and their bodies hidden. '~The~� vanished trom the faa of the ~ vinced her broiher hes been murdered. earth," he said. Mrs. Hawira has betn reporced in An internai NSW police investiRation . New Zealapd as saying that she would ia believed to have scarted following ; , reveal evqdence xbout h'er brother's claims made by Ollard's sister~, htrs. ; killer 3f his body was found. Charmaine Haw~ra, accordirtg to Auck� Inspector Delianis s9id: "We b~lieve ,1and aaurces. _ , the peopie lnvolved in the Wilson m}u�:. 4 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 dein aroro dlrectlv or Indlroctly In~ They 8ald'the cou~le h~d tieen cuww ~ vol~ (n the disappearanre c~f Oltard lera for the syndicate and wdn usw~l+~ and i~ girltrfend," ly on the move, The Wlieon~ ~ro ~lap ' One of cwo men, whoae descriptions belleved to h~ve been courlera. ~ ~wre diatributed after the Wllson~ were Inspector Delianla sald it appeuvid Identtfted. was reported to have been in 011ncd had �a high spending Ilfe, tdd the hoyel room in Novemba~, 1877. was well known In the 5ydney po~ Police have declined to name him, world, They have said they want te intervie~ur Inspector Deliant~ setd 011ard haA~ - the~two men about the Wilson mur� prfor convfctions in New 7xaltnd uui ders. Sallina, NSW. . � The organisers ot the drug syndicate He oPfered , pnlice protectton to any~% operating from Singapore co ri~~ ~o bodv who had informatlon about th~ Australia are also believed to have been ~yndicate, ~ in the hotel room~ Claim~ that lnformatlon from ~ Fed� Police are protecting Mra. Hawir~ eral Bureau ot hlarcoNcs computer ~wr in Melbourne. Auckland sources say leaked to a drug syndicate has 1ed ta ahe has had th~0ats since she hay ~n Inquiry by d~e head of the Victorit spoken publicly about the syndlcace, potice Crime Department~ AasLs~ inspector Delianta said the fact that ~ommiss{oner Rod Hail, Mre. Hawlra has co'me for~vard with 7~e ~Jilsons were repbcted to have, .fnformation put her tn danger. ~irst told policQ about the tealt l~ ~ Homicide detectives last week heard months ago. � ~ tapes ot an interview Mrs. Hawira gave Thn 1nqufry was announced by th~ to art Auctand ,radio roporter. Les Minister for Customs and Excise, Mr. 'I3~ompson, Fife. ' ` It ie believed that atter hearing the 1'he head of tfie Narcotlcs Bureau, tapes it was decided to fly her to Mr. Harvey Hat~s, tesigned after the ~ Melbourne. Government announced the inquiry, but Auckland ~ourcea say Oltard and Iater withdrew his resignation after Theilman wero expected to return to talks with Mr, fife. ' New Zealand to become tng~ed in Poiice have also iinked the sVndlcat~ December, 1977. with the murder af a man at Port Mac+ querte. ~ , . , ~ .,w . Nek� Zealand a 'Stepping Stone' Melbourne THE AGE in English 13 J~ 79 p 15 - [Text] ~"ey LINDSAY MURDOCH ~ New Zealand as a stepping stoea ' to and from Australta. Sen~or Victorian police blame former narcoctcs agenc satd inaction by the Australian from New Zsaland thesd ug coura and New Zealand Govern� ;ers avoid the ti~hter suweillance ments for the "tiiwi connec- checics on ower in~ernadonal ' don" in the local drug scene. pa?^~n~er: ~~~i They say tighter customs "~'rom Ntw Zes~and ttavel b checks should be made. safee~ to and from South,East ' The Minister for lmmigration ~pa where the drugs are ~gh~ and Ethnic Affairs, Mr. MacKel� It is ridlculous. Criminc~ < wich ' lar, and New Zealand's lmmigra- long t~ecords can ireelY enter Aus- trali~. tion Minister, bir. BolRer, mec in Some ot Victoria's senior poltce . Canberra in April and discussed believe the freedom of travel be- the probiem of criminals travel� tween the two countries has al- Hng freely across the Tasman. lowed drug smuggling to mush� Both were said to be aware of room. (Australians and New Zea- the need to monitor criminat ~anders do not need passports to cross the Tasman.) movements, but decided against DNg yyndicates are imown to changing travei arrangments. ~ able to qet false passport~. Couriers from mutti�million But police say chat a requfte- doller drug syndicates~ are using ment fo� passports would at least 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 9ouroei In New Ze~l~nd hive ` ~doM? th~ tnvel of iyndfe~te oour~ Deen abl~ to put rumea to th~ Mn. ~ dnwln;~. NMV 7.~rl~nd ~1r:~.. ,,,~rr.~ levolvement In Awtnll~ would 'i'he wlte ot one ot the men hu not htve surtaced ha~d it not been even told a New Zealond newe� ~ ~oe the dl~covery of the bod~e~ '~Pa~ chat the recognlsed her ot New Ze~landen Douglas and u~band trom one drawtng, Label Wlleon In t arave et Rye He li a 30�year�oid c~r a~lesman on Ni~y 18. with ` prlson record. Buc hia wlte it wo~ not untll the bodles were .~Y~ ehe can prove he was In ldeatiAed two dsys later chn~ Met� Auckland when the Wllaona were bourne homtclde detectives t~arnt murdared. ,trom New 2eatend that anoche~ '~e other man ia 34 and haa couple mlght have been murdered f~ced chargea Invoiving heroln. He wat laat aeen In Auckinnd ta Vlctorla ~ about two month~ ago, and Is eald Meit~ge~ were eent acrosa che W hAVe h~d plastlc aurgery slnce. 7uman about the dl~appearence Auckland iource eay both ~ in Iato t977 ot Gregory Paul OI� ~ro now In Sy~ney. I~rd and hia Mance Julie Dlano Six gang~ ore said to be atilt Theilmnn atter a rpported row fn ~ operating ~n New xeeland, now Melbourne with bosses et the ~ che centro ot Souch Paciflc ayndlcnte blamed tor murdeNng : tnfllcking. the Wtl~on~, The'leaders are ruthtes: protes� ~ Otlard'e itstcr, Mr~, Charmaine elonais who now hotd che respect Hawira, totd New Zealand poi(ce , of the Australlan crimiruls they about fears for her brother 12 ~ once feared. months ego. Desplce threats, ahe ~ Aw:kland detectives Investlget� has been prepa:ed to speak ~ng the drug aangt have had ihelr , ~ liva thratened. publicly About the syndicate. r+Contncts" have been put out M~s. H~wlra'a cl~tma have been on two drug ~quad men. Each backed up by . the Melbourne contrect Is said to be worth homicide cquad. SS0,000, tnd potice protection ha~ Melbourne detectives have re- ~ been provided tor che ofHcers and � ' ieased drawings and descripctons thei~ [amilies. ot two men they want to questton 't'he syndic~?tes ue w+ell umed ~ about the Witson murden. ' and wetl organised. Detectives belteve the same One is alle ed W have ueed s ~ men an direetly o~ Indlrectly in� magazine pub~ishtng company u volved with the dis~ppe~rance ot a'�tront" for its iUicit actlvitie~. OUard and ?heilman. . ~ The magazlne gave ampte ezcuse tor trequent overaeaa trave6 . C30s 5300 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 AU3TRALIA QUE~N3LAND'3 R~CORD HEROIIJ HAUL MAD~ AT BRI3BANE A]RPORT Reau].~ of Undsrcover Work Brisbane THE COURIF~t-t4AII, in English 15 Jun 79 p 1 [Text] A Brisbane D~ug 3qua,d detective xorked underQOVer for 12 montha to crack a gang which mayr have smuggled more than $i miLl~.on xorth of heroin into Queenaland. Seven Brisbane people Nere detaine3 and questioned about the gang's activities a~ter a mar. aarrying 650 grams of heroin was arrested at Eagle Farm airport yesterday morning. ~ Whea broken'dmm tb i' The iquad bellevea taro: ~the tt~ree b~gs eon- would have had atree~ men tett Srtsbane lase lalned 650 grams of he- value betw~een t300,000 ` week and went to � rotn, Irupector Ferauaon ~nd =500,000. South�Eaat Aafaa coun- uld, The Drug 8quad head' try, ahere they bought The men were taken to (InspccWr Terry P+ergu� h e r o t n t o r between Crlminal Inveetlaatlon 'son~ satd the herotn was =20,000 ~nd 530,000. Srtnch otflcet !n M~1ce- ,number three rock grade The two men then nton Btreee for question- (about bZ per cenE pure r~enE to 3ingapore where ~~R. heroln>. ,they boarded a Qanias Lak yesterd~y mom- 2nspeetor Ferguaon ~ n~ hC Lo Darwfn -~nd 1nQ detectlvea rafded aev- utd Lhe dcva ring may 8~bane. I eral houaes fn $risbane have used ~artoua run- F e d e r s 1 Narcolfcs auburbs. They detained ners to smuggle almllar ~Bents watched the a1r- flve people. amounta ot heroin inw craft Iand 1n Darvrin yes- tnspector Ferguson , . Brlabane in the last 14 krday snd kept two mea aaid tt waa possible more montha. under aurvetilance. people coutd be ques-� H e a a t d the rinq~ The fUght landed at tloned. ~ ~ apparentty w�as one ot ~agle Fatm alrport about Five men and two !he bfgges~ operating 1n ~en are expected to Queensiand. Yesterday'a C~tsWcns ofttcers and gDD~ar tn the ~Iaals- tuul aas the iargest he� Federal Narcottca aqenta trate's Court thts moen- roin aefzure ln the State. spproached two men and m` on Zl char~a. took them to a aecudty ~ Dossiers ~m� ~ The Drug Squad beBan ~~~0r Ferguson W close in on the gang ~jd one of the men, tn 'about three montha ago hia mid�20s, had three when its undercover aQent amall ptutlc b~gs taped~ Drov[ded dossfers oa sev- tO ~e �~de ot one of hu in1 DeoPk.. � , ~ le~.. 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 ~w Seven Suapeots Aszaigned ~ Catiberra THE Wffi~Nn AUSTRALIAN in English 16-17 Jur? ?9 p 9 [Tex~] Seven people~ including ~xo women~ appeared in Brisbane Magist,ra,tea Court on Fridiay on ~h~rgea ~.nvo].ving ~he a].leged smuggl.Sng of haroin with a resale value estimated a~ $500~000. Z'he 21 drug-related charges ~ollow the arreat of ~xo m~n at Brisbane Inter- nationa]. A~.rport on Th.ursday ~ The defendants' ages range from 18 to 28. ~ tn addltlon, one oE the women ts charged wich falae " Ohrfatopher LoCtngs' pretences ln connecNon wtth o 540001oan trom the woa deacribed tn court as _ Commonwealth 8ank and one ot the men fs charged Copper'a couHer, It was with rape, alteged that, Customs They arc: Pau1 Canham, 24, panel beater, ot ~offlcera o6 Brfabane Afr- Greenstopes, Brlsbaae, four counts ot deaUng with port found bags of her- lmport ot a prohlbitcd macerlal and cultfvatlon ot a oln flxed to hls upper prohibited planc; John Ftobert Capper, :8, unem- thlghs. � ployed, four charges relattng to importatlon and pos- ' The court was told Lo- aession ot drugs for sa1e; Ftoslyn gright,l3, shop as� ;tfnga admfcced 1~aring aistant, ot Coopers Plafns, four chargea relating to ' obtalned the heroln possesston, sate and lmport ot drugs and one ot false irom Capper In penang pretencey; Stephen John ~3riskey, ':8, laborer, of and thac he was to be Reclclea, one charge related to import ot narcotics 'pald i8000 as courler. and one charge ot rape; Christopher Lotinga, ~1, un- s: Janfcc: Qutnn was to empioyed, ot IIardon, three charges relattng to im- xecefve =2000 for having yoct and possessfon ot heroln; Jgnlce May Qufnn. ~1, tntroduced Lotinga Lo ~ pensfoner, of 3unnybank, two charges ot poss~sston Capper attcr ahe de� and import o[ herotn; Christopher John Hunt, 18, clined to be courter. apprentfce hulydresser, ot 8pring HIII, one charQe ot It woutd be AlleQld conspirina to lmport heroin and two ot poasessina that Hunt was to reCelVe csnnabis and utenslls wtth whlch to smoke !t. 310,000 to f20,000 as cou- 8af1 was retused on all charges aad no pieu were rler. tsken. . � . ~ Ali other chargea arere The court was toid it a~ould b� alleged that Roslyn remar~ded W the Sris- Bright contrlbutetl 55000 toK~ard the purchase ot bane Magistrates Court heroin in bouth-East Asja. on June ~9. 91ie had twrrow~ed a4000 from the Commonweatth � � Bank at Woodrtdge, Bnsbane. to buy a car but had paid Cappec 55000 to buy herofn. It was alleged that Bright totd police Capper in- duad her to apply for the loan and pay hUn t5000. ~ CSOs 5300 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 AUSTRALIA BR~EE'5 Tt~tE~T FROM PFtARMACY--A young man armed with a sawn-off shotgun menaced a~f and atol~ arugs from a Coburg chemiat ahop last night. Three minuteg before he struck~ a police car had checked the shop~ at the corner of Moreland Road ~ and N3cholson 3treet~ Police said the man fled north along Nicholson Street af ter taking the drug~ in a gre~n garbage bag. The hold-up was .~he second yesterday. A man escaped wlth $170 from a aervice station in Fern 2ree Gully Road~ Mulg~cave~ about 1.15 a~m. Polico believe the man had a gun hSdden under a 3omper when he wal.ked 1n and demanded money. [Text~ [Melbourne THE AGE in English 19 J~ 79 P 3~ NEROIN AND MORpHINE HAUL--Heroin ~nd morphine from a St. Kilda flat had a street value of more than $253~000, Melbourne Magiatrate's Court was told on Saturday. Federal narcotics agent Graeme Edwaxd Newman, said he found 256.4 grama of morphine in a 1.arge plastic bag in a flat in Crimea Street. ~ He said the m~rphine s~ld uncut and wholesale was valued at $50~000 but cut the drugs were worth about $250~000. Before the court xas Helen Margaret Barnacle~ single, a hairdresser of Crimea Street. She was charged with pos- sessing morphine and heroin. Mr. G. Hoare, 3M~ refused bail. Mr. Newman said _ a further search of the flat revealed 19 ~rams of heroin in powder and capsule form hidden in a handbag. He said the tieroin had a atreet value ef $3250. ' Mr. Newman said Barnacle's passport had been confiscated by the Narcotics Bu- _ reau because she had been overseas "txo or three timea." [Excerpt] [Mel- - bourne THE AGE in English 18 Jun Q9 p 2] KILLING OVER HEROIN--Sydney detectives tielieve a man xho was savagel,y atabbed to death at Kings Cross on Nednesday night iras killed in an argument over heroin. The murdered man, Hamed Hamdiy, 30~ xas known to police ~om a con- viction for possession of heroin in 1 gj8. Homicide and Kings Cross detectives investigating the murder believe the txo men xere arguing over a heroin deal before the fight. [Excerpts] [Sydney THE SYDNEY MORNIl~iG HERALD in English i5 ,Jun 79 P 3J ANTIDRt1G FUND--Mayne Nickless Limited xill donate $500~000 during the next five years for drug education for teenagers. A compa.r~y director, Mr. Jack Ashby, said Ma~yne Nickless had decided to use one per cent of its p~e-tax ofit to combat the groxing abuse of h~ard drugs in Australia. [Text] ~Melbourne THE AGE in English 13 J~ 79 p 3J 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 F~VE H~ROIN ~EF'ENLIANT5--5ydn~y ~ --F'ive men ~1.1.aged~.y ~.nvo~ved ~.n th~ ~upp~.y o~' h~rnitt v~,~.ued at ~2 mil~.ion appear~d on a n~w oharg~ of con~piracy Sn Cent~al. Cout~1, yuc~t~xdny. Thoy wer~ ~a~ch ch~,r~,ed wi~h with each other and tn oupply hnroir? botwe~n May 10~ ig78 and May 10 thi~ year. In pravi.oue court appearances the flve man have been charged with a number of offences r,on- nected with ~he supp].y o~ posgession of' theroin~ The men are Gerald I{ron~ 49~ ~ostaur~,nt manag~r~ o~ Nor~;h Bondi~ Nyen Vui Yong, 59~ ah~.ppin~ compar~y direc- to~~ of Singapore~ 5tephen Ch~rles Rice~ 30~ unemp].oyed chef~ of Centennial. Park~ Chrig~opher Lance Mel~an~.on~ 41~ compan,y dixec~tor~ of McMahon's Poin~ ~nd Pau~. Robert McMu~ray, 27~ manager, of gelmore~ bail~ palice prosecutor Sergeant No~l Whalan said it was a~.leged that kllog~ams of heroin was invol.ved~ with a street value of $2 million~ He aaid Mel.lanion was allagedly one of the principals involved in the importation of heroin. 5e~geant Whalan said McMurray~ Rice and Yong had allegedly admitted the of- fences in a police recozd of interview and it was alleged by po].ice that Me~- lanion and Kron had made v~rbal admissions~ Mr. KevSn Jones~ SM~ refused bail and remanded the ~ive men to a special committal. heasing on July 16. [Text] [Melbou~ne THE AGE in English 14 Jun 79 p 12] IMPORTATION OF CANNABIS OIL--A truck driver allegedly imported about $500~000 worth of cannabis oil into Perth on Saturday~ the East Perth Court was told yesterday. Mr S. 0'Sullivan, prosecutin alleged that the oil weighed between two and three kilos. Riasi Hussein Taha ~30)~ of Punchbowl~ New South Wales, and Elia Fra3 (34)~ unemployed~ of Ashfield, New South Wales, were remanded in custody till June 20 after bail was opposed~ Mr 0'Sullivan said h~ believed that both men were not residents of Australia and would be great bail risks. Mr T. Mitchell~ for the men~ said that Taha had been living in Australia for about 14 years and Fara,j had come to WA from New South Wales. Both are charged with possessing cannabis oil at Perth on Saturday. Taha is also charged with importing cannabis oil at Perth on Saturday and reckless driving at Merredin on March 10. [Excerpts] [Perth THE WEST AUSTRAI,IAN in English 12 Jun ?9 p 20] HYDROPONIC MARIHUANA FARM--Queensland drug farmers are turning to science for a quicker turnover and higher profits. Wynnum detectives recently seized what is thought to be the first t~ydroponic marihuana "farm" discovered in Australia. Detectives seized 13 elaborate t~ydroponic units~ 150 plants and trays of seed- lings from the verandah of a house at Cleveland. As a result of the raid two people will appedr in court. Detectives said that each plant, wY~en fully grown could yield up to $900 worth of the drug. The units, each about three metres long, were made of two lengths of plastic irrigation tubing. The larger tube was cut open and filled with volcanic gravel. The smaller was sealed at each end and filled with water and minerals. The pipes were joined by lengths of plastic tubing. Small aquarium pumps and automatic timers carr~.ed water to the pipes containing the plants. [Excerpts] [Brisbane THE COURIER-MAII, in English 12 Jun 79 P 3] cso: 5300 io APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 BURMA CLAMp DOWN ON LIRUGS PIt~SS~D Rangoon WOItKING P~OPL~'5 DAILY in English 16 Jul 79 p 1 BK (T~xtj Mnnd~lay, 12 Jul--In a crackdown nn n~rcotic drugs ~buse and via~ and criminal gctiviei~s itt ehe squatrers' wards on Che banks of Irrawaddy b~tw~~n Mandalay and Patheingyi Townships, a police party seized heroin valued at more than K 10,000 ~nd rounded up seven women and ten men this morning. Police officials from Mandalay Division People's Police F'orce and 1~aChe- ' ingyi Township People's Police Force together with Ward People's Coun- Cillors raided some houses in Kyaukthabeik and wards near Daungmin Saw Mill and seized heroin, hypodermic syringes and illiciC liquor. 'fhirty-one penicillin vials contgining heroin solution worth more than K 700 were seized from the house of Daw Mya Nyunt, KyaukChabeik Ward, an aerated-water bottle containing heroin solution from the house of U Kyai Ni, 29 packets of heroin each worth K10 from the house of U Kan Thar, a hypodermic syringe from the house of Daw Su and a hypodermic syringe from the house of Daw Hla of the same ward. Police are taking action under Sections 6(b) (poasession), 10(b) (sale) and II (abetment in the offence) of the Narcotic Drugs Law. Police arrested Kyaw Kyaw and Tun Kyi who were found at the house of ~ U Kyai Ni; Tun Paing and La Mary from the house of Daw Mya Nyunt; Hnin Maung, Tin Aung and Win Maung from the house of U Kan Tha and action wae taken against these people under Section 6(b) of the Narcotic Drugs Law. Tin Pe, Tin tJin, Ma San limi, Ma Maw Kyi and Ma Gwet Htaw who were found taking heroin at these houses were also arrested and action was taken against them under Section 14(d) (failure to register for treatment) of the Narcotic Drugs In addition, five bottles of illicit country spirit were seized from the house of baw Than May and police are taking action against her under . Section 30(a) of the Excise Act. Only a few days ago police raided some houses in Kyaukthabei.k Ward and rounded up 21 drug peddlers and 11 drug addicts and seized more than K 800 worth of heroin. CSO: 5300 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 l BURMA BRIE~5 ~ROWN HEROIN 5EIZ~D IN MONG HPAYAK--On S July, Cuatoms o~ficials in Mong Hpayak stopped and searched ~eep No 8-2033, traveling from KenC Tung eo Tachilek. They found 13 packages of brown heroin, weighing 12.7 kilo- grams and worth ~ver 200,000 kyaC, hidden in~ide the bedroll of driver (Maung Kyaw Sein). 'The driver, (Maung Kyaw Sein), and ownex~ of Che h~roin,(U Kyi mha) and (Ma Ah Ma) oE Keng Tung, were arreated and charged by the people's police force in Mong Hpayak. [Text) [ltarigoon DomesCic Service in Burmese 1330 GM'T 20 Jul 79 BK~ TWO YOU~HS IMPRISONEb--Rangoon, 11 Jul--Pabedan Township CoarC No (2) today sentenced two youths to six years' imprisonment each on one coune and 18-rnoneh term each on another count, on conviction of offences under the Ngrcotic Drugs Law and ordered the senCences to be served concurrently. Th~ case was that on 22 March 1978, Pabedan police led by Sub-Inspector U Kan Myint aearched two youtha in front of Workers Asinyone Office in Shwe Bontha Street. They seized a penicillin bottle containing heroin~ 10 packets of heroin with a street value of K 10 each and a hypodermic syringe from them. The two, Nay Win Shwe alias Mahmed of 32nd Street, Pabedan, and Aung Khin alias Ali of Kandawalay Dhobi Lane, Mingalaraung- nyunt, were arreyted and booked under Sections 6(b) (possession), 10(b) (sale), II (abetment) and 14 (d)(failure to register for treatment) of the Narcotic Drugs Law and sent up for trial before the Pabedan Townahip Court. The Pabedan Township Court No (2) was chaired by U'Tha Oo with U San Myint and U Maung Sein as membera. (300) [Text] (Rangoon WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY in English 13 Jul 79 p 1 BK] CSO: 5300 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 HONG KONG URUG CAI2ItIEit GIV~N FIV~-YEAR S~N'r~NC~ Kong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST ~.n English 18 Jul 79 p 12 ~Texe~ A busineasman, said Co have been tempted into carrying dangexous drugs from Bangkok after loeing all hope of fuCure financial assis~ance fnllowing ~he deatih o� hia father, was aentenced to five years's imprison- menG in the Kigh Coure ye~tarday. Leung Ki.n-kwok (39) broughC Co Hongkong on December 16 1,818.5 grams of a mixture containing 1,130.1 grams of heroin when he returned from Bangkok. The drtigs, which were worth $500,000, were concealed in Che lining of two carCons conCaining fish maw. Leung denied a charge of poasesaion of dangeroua druga for unlawful trafficking when he first appeared before Mr JuaCice Baber on Monday and a jury was empanelled Co try him. However, i.eung reveraed his plea yesterday and pleaded guilty. His counsel, Mr Patrick Yu, said in mitigation that Leung came from a respectable family. Kis faCher, who was a well-known doctor, had given him financial assisCance on more than one occasion to help him in business. But the businesa failed. When his father died lasC year Leung was at a loss as to whaC to do. And without hope of any future financial assiatance, he was tempted to commi.t the offence on the promiae that some benefits would be given to him after the event. In fact he had nothing to do with drugs himself, counsel added. Crown counsel Jonathan Daw conceded ehat Leung's degree of involvement was as a carrier and not as an owner making profits from the sale of the druga. 13 _ r APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 Pggsin~ ~enrenc~, Mr Jugti~.c~ Bab~s eaid L~ung h~d allowed himeel~ ~o b~ used wiCh aoma exp~c~arion of ben~~i,C~. ~he qunn~ity o~ hexoin ~.nvo~.v~d wa~ very large buti ha took ineo con~i.der~- tiion L~ung~e plea oE guilty. Mr Yu wag inaCructed by K.K. and Winston Chu and Co. CSO: 5300 ~ 14 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 HONG KONG NARCOTICS BUFtEAU AND CUSTOMS SERVICE JOYN EFFORTS AGA,INST DRUG SMUGGLYNG Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 14 Jul 79 p 9 ~re~cti~ The Narcotic's' ~ureau' "drop in drug ~muggling ro-' lresult of thc recent a~rcst of a gnd the Customs und Ex- ccntly; and as less drugs arc Customs and Excise fnspecto~ baing smuggled in by sea, cise Scrvice hnvc set up a suspxted of being u member joi n t intelligcncc , u n i t there is a nced for a closer . of a drugs smuggling syndi�� ahich, wili bc in o era� Wgtchatthcairport, cate. B P He seid thc drop is also tions at KAi Tuk nirport , nttributable to the poor crop He said plans tu sat up the from Mondny, � harvcst in the Guldcn Trion� unit were made long bcfure. Its main funetion will be gle and incrcascd cfforts Supt Neil said the unit to gather informatiun on drug madc by the Bangkok author� will be mainl~ conccrncd with traffckers, and the methods ities tostem thc flow of drugs. gathering information, al� used by couriers and pcopie Hc said therc hod beeo a theugh it will cnnduct upera�' who ship drugs by air to numbcr of high Icvel mcet� tioos wherever and whenever Hongkong. ings held recently between the occasion arises, The formation of the unit the Thais and the Burmese i~ a result of long lerm plan� and although it i~ not known He believes thet there ere, ning, It consiats of two teams what was discussed, there had K~eral small syndicates oper� of police and customs officers, been positive results since. a~~ng at the airport as op~ which will be under the direct posed to one large ona command of the Customs and Supt Farnham Aoted that ~ He said seizura are of Excise 5ervice, all this has brought about an ucondary importance to the acute shortage of drugs on Chief Supcrintendent unit as its main concern the retai) market here, push� Malcolm Farnham of the ,ing the prices up. wo~~d be to root out keyper� Narco!fa Bureau, said yes� sonalities involved in the iilic� terday that simila~ joint He said since the begin� ittraffickingofdrugs. ~ operations had bcen conduct� ning of last month. there had He pointed out that once ed in the past, but this is the bcen an incroase of about the rsonalities arc arrested fint permanent joint unit set I,000 addicts seeking trcat= the sy dicates will be easy to up to conduct operations at ment at the methadone crack. the airport. centres - an lncre~se of 18 7he main aim in having ~ per cent. � So far this year customf ~uch a unit is to combine the officers have arrestcd nine ex ~tise and effectivenas nf Senior Superintendcnt P~ couricrs and seizcd a total of both scrviccs. Waltcr Neil of thc Customs three kilos of opium, one kilo Supt Farnham pointed out and Ezciu Service said the of cannabis~ and half a kilo of that there has been a definite. setting uP of the joint intelli�' heroin paste. ' � ,gena unit at K,i Tak is not a~ ' CSO: 5300 . 15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 ~ liONG KONG ~ANGEROUS DRUGS BILL DESIGNED TO AID DRUG OFFENDERS Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA I~RNYNG POST in Englieh 19 Jul 79 p 11 ~Tex~~ , �'"''~he ~ Dange~ous brug`~ The fint is'nort-cuitodiai; ~ '(Amcndment) Bili, which iuch as a fine or probation could have un effect on minor order. d~ug ofPenders, wns intra The sccond Is custodial to duced into the Legislativo' either a prison as per tho Council yesterday. , "Dangerous Drugs Ordinenco The Bili, if adopted, will ar to a drug addiction treat- ment centre as per thc Drug ~ meke it mandarory for co~rts Addiction Treatmen~ Centres �to obtain a drug addiction Ordinance. treatment centre suitability pbout 20 ta 25 per cent of report on minor drug offend� ,all people sent to prison since ers when a custodiai sentence � ~y~~ W~re imprisoned under is intended. the Dar.garous Drugs Ordi- 1`he Secretary for Securi� nance, which relates general- ty, Mr Lewis Davies. said 1,V to possession of drugs or that before an offender is sent related equipment, Mr Davies to an addiction trcatment sg~d, � antre the court is first re- "Mnny of these people can quired to consider a report probably be better dealt with ~from the Commissioner of 4t a drug addiction treatment Prisons on thc person's suit� centre than at a prison where ability for cure and rehabili- thece is no specialised tr~at- tation against the availability ment available. of a place. "The amendment hes bcen. . However, there was no proposed to allow this course to be followed and to at least ~uch provision undcr the Dan� obtain a report on a drug gerous Drugs Ordinance prior offender. to a minor drug offender "Therefore a court,~efter being unt to prison. eonsidering a suitability re- ~ ' There are gcnerally two pott, will be able to ~~ther types oP sentence wh~ch a send an offender to a treat- oourt can impose on a minor ment centre or prison depend- drug offender, Mr Daviea ing on the circumstances and said. . � . ;nature of each case." , , CSO: 5300 16 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 ~ ; , j ~ HONG KONG f l i ~ BRIEFS . DEADLOCKED JURY IN Ft~TRIAL--After 6~ hours' deliberation a~ury 3n the High Court yPaterday failed to reach agreemenC in the re-trial of Lee Chun-kwa3. (30) on charges of manufacturing and poesessing for unlawEul trr~f�icking druga w~orth $2 tni.llion. The Court o~ Appeal had ordered a second trial �or Lee because of misdirec~ion of the ~ury in the original Crial. Mr Justice Baber yeaterday ordered tihat Lee be remanded in cuatody until Che ACtorney-Gener+~1 decides whether to take further proceedings. Evidence was given during Che trial tihaC Lee was arrested by police as he was i.n tt?e act ot climbing to the roof o� a 25-sCorey building. Police found equipment for manufacturing haroin and 20 kilos of heroin mixture inside the f1aC from which Lee was escaping. Crown counsel Bernard Ryan prosecuted and Miss Filan Chua defended Lee. ~Text~ Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 13 Jul 79 p 13~ ~ COUPLE CHARGED W~TH TRAFFICKING--A middle-aged couple appeared in Kun Tong ~ Court yesterday ~ointly charged wiCh trafficking in dangerous drugs worth _ about $200,000. Lam Shu-po (42) and his wife Chow Wai-ling.(31) are accuaed + - of possession of about 4 lbs of No 3 heroin at a Yuet Wah Street f1aC on : Friday for the purpose o� unlawful trafficking. The prosecution asked for a four-day remand pending further police inqu~ries and a chemical report on the druga. No plea was taken. Mr G.C. Byrne remanded the case until ; next Tuesday and set ba31 at $15,000 each. Lam and Chow had to surrender their travel documents and must report daily to a police station. ~Text~ ~Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA M!ORNING POST in Engliah 22 Jul 79 p 7~ � CSO: 5300 i ~ 17 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 MALAYSIA DEA INFORMER TESTIFIES AT DRUG TRIAL Kuala Lumpur NEW STRAITS TYMES in English 29 May 79 p 11 [Text] KLANCi, Mon. - The Ibrahim te alleged ~ to t~te ~ right' side ot ~ tRe I b r a h t m ! n t o t h e Llnited Statem Drug drug nt Hotet Je a nurihn ~~W~ ~ n ori otf ~ n fl~eal~He t h o Enforcement Agency Y p i would never have !(DEA) paid a certain p e t a l i n g Ja ya on Au g. 9 b e l i e v e d t h e y w o u l d j o i n CaueeYhe hadpno~contact auM to com any man�. the same year, the syndlcate. P Mokhtar ta alteged to '(~,lueationed by Mr Au� nnd },e dtd not report to &ger Christof Gerard have bought two return ~stine, Mr Marx sald he the Weat Oerman em� Marx, ~9, to provide afr ticketa tor himaelt ~,~,aa neither a DEA agent baasy because they dtd information on the and another man to take nor an lntormer for the not have a drug entorea� plan by a Malayatan the herotn from Kuula Mnlayaian police, but he ment agency. ~ drug syndicate to Lumpur to Amaterdam. added, " I have been Mr Marx eafd he wns amug le 151b of brown Queationed by Mr Au� working wfth the DEA first approached by a heroin to Amsterdam, gUatine, Mr Marxaaid he for a long time," DE ~ve eevide nen here the Sessions Court ~a~d Mokhtar and Ibra� Mr Marx said he was laat December, but he Was told today, h1m Mr Willfam Joaeph n o t p l e a a e d w i t h had then retuaed, Mr Marx aafd reluc� sea~er was a US anti� Mokhtar's auggeation tantl the mone to cov narcotics agent betore ~ater that he, inatead ot Aaked why he had' Y Y he introduced hfm ae Bill geaaer, finally decided to give er hla expe'naee waa "1n to them in a cotfeehouae c o u r i e rbe W h e ne h!e evldence, he aaid: "Ij hen he ~was cross�ex� in Kua1n Lumpur tn May queried, Mokhtar told vtted to come~here They~ amined by detence coun� 1977' him Scaser waa too ael Sidney Augustine. Mr Marx aatd he told young, he sa1d, but he (the DEA agents) hadi Mr Marx also said the Seaser, Mokhtar and Ib� ielt tFiis was not the rea� been bothering my ottlcel g rahim would have accesa aon: 10 to ib timea and theyl DEA also ave him to narcottcs and Seaser .aaid I would be aub-: U3SS00 tor expenaea and then retended to dis� Mr Marx sald he told poenaed by the court~ ot thie, US=100 was cuas phc matter with Mr Michael Powera, an� here. paased over to Mokhtar other DEA agent, he ~~This ia tha tirat tirne~~ , bfn Min1n while he was Mokhtar and Ibrahlm. would reccive the heroin I arn giving evldence In a eetablishing contacts He said Seaser then ~n Kuala Lumpur on Malaysian court and I~ wfth the drug syndicate, told Mokhtar . he ex� ~ Aug. 9 and take lt ia had agreed to come here Beaides this money, ected to get a tirat clasa Am~terdam the aame because x waa told I Mr Marx said he also pjcket, travel ex~ertsea day. . would have no prob� � received 52,000 tor ex� and insisted on 0 per He took a tlight to Sin� lems." penaes from the ayndl� cent payment~ to enable gaPore on Aug 9 with the Mr Marx aleo told the~ cate. him to engage couru~el tf air~tickets Mokhtar gave court he was an adviaor Mr Marx was testi� he was caught. him the day before. to Loattan royal tamily tying at the joint trial of "Mokhtar dtd not From Singapore, Mr from early 1975. He sub�. Teo Klm Bee, 32, Ibra- make any commit� Marx said he took a sequently worked for a hlm Ahmad, 38, and ment," Mr Marx added., fl:ght to Bangkok where Swias consulting tirm in Mokhtar Minin, 39, who p g k e d w h e t h e r he had Aince been domi- ,Thatland betore he be� are charged with drug Mokhtar and Ibrahim ciled. came the manager of an trafticking. Hrould be so foolish as to He said, acting on Mr Itallan company dealing Teo is alleged to have dlscuss a narcotic deal powers' instructlona, he in essential oils in Bang� packed 876 grams of her� with Mr Seaser, knowing later tried to get a relund kok. oin at a house at the 9~ �him to be an anti� tor the unused sector of. The hearing con- mile Jalan Raya Guar narcotic ag ~1 the~ t me I his air ticket in Ban~kok. Linuea, . . Chempedak in Kedah on replied, "A bAeh~al~o19 7rathim around presaion Mokhtar and b� B~ ~ine tMr Manc afd he rahim were working on did not, lure Mokhtar and CSO: 5300 18 . ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 MA,LAYSIA NARCOTIC RIVER FLOWS THROUGH MALAYST,A , Knala Lumpur NEW STItAITS TIi~5 in English 23 .1u~ 79 p 28 CText ] ~ ~ The7~tlN.ter aleo u~I1~d~~ ~hould Inolutlo vdeatfonal KUALA 'LVMPUR, tor e ~nltorm reg~onsl or trnfr~~g cu"~vutm~~otity FC1. MalEtyat~ lntarnAttonsl law eoveNng otrehu6lqt~tedpeopleh~.v~ f o r m n~ p ar t 0 f a the aontlecetlon ot prvperty returned to druqn u s reoult ""ri8r00tlC 1~1vei'" ~rsftlcker,e ot ma)or dru~ Q~~h;~rbo ablltty to tfnd ~e� . tR?hleh origtnatee !n He eald that unleeo thli In the eren ot aduo~tlon ~ the Qolden'~rlan le in W~ adopted, the prob~em ot ~~nd (nformxtton, t+u ~a~a t11e north and ~lowa etteatlve oontrol would ra tAero wae a need to lnvoko maln. ~ teeilr~~t of antlpsthY u+d dOWn to the Ind18~n ~~Thte la prlmarUy lw� revul~ton lnto eoolety Oeean and the 9outh� cauee ot the numerou, d!e�� towardo narcotta. Ch1na ~ea, Home A!� perltteR In otandard. re~ ~n~elligent' fafra Mini~ter Tan Sr! nrding the dlepeneatlan o! c ~uhtlce to drug tratttckecn, Qh9.Z&li $h8tle ealdt0� ~~Only haroh punitlve He added, however, th~t mea0ure~ wUi hsve ihe do� ~uch a progcamm~ wu dl~� d~'~' � ~1red efteat ot reducfn the �tlcult In the taee of " myth e eald thls narcotie � number ot people Invo ved tntormatlon" and !nlorma� ~lVer was growing ln ~n thUe cruel and ~nhuman tton which wu count~t m o m e n t u m a n d s~me," he ~ald. �pr HeQ~~ietd m~ny ptio� bislayeta le unable to r~mme~ Q afnet dru~~ ~tem the flow on her Rehabilitation aont~tned tsc~ual snd con� ~W"WhBtever tlowe out 'Phe Mfnl~ter rsfd al� captual erron. though the contlecetfon ot It lo tlme our pro� Of Malayei~ lnt0 :hese property wauld rslae tha teeelonal~ fn thf~ ares e~~ ' oCeane wtll atfect varl� eyebrow~ ot clvil Itbertie~' altee that theY are not de~ � oue other nati0ns~" he advocstee, the prtce wsa not Ing wlth an flllterate Sroup added. too high it it en~ured the ot young people. The youth He u!ge~d p8rt1Clpnnts ot ~he young.mentsl health ~e111tgent end poei~e,i~ i ca� 04 the Commonwealth ~~WhQt I sm really c~k� paclty to perceive and dl~� WOCking (3coup ot the ing is whethter you are pre� Ierenttate lhe truth trom ths Adan and Pacftic Re� pared to let your chUd be � hone~t He,' he ~~Id~' gtons on Illteft Druge sombte," he added. In declsrfng the eon� ~ On the queetlon ot re� ference clo~e , here, to ~ofn Malayela ln d Tan Se~ ~tetnmtaR thie tlow. habllltation o~ drug addleb. C}ha=nll eaid the Nstlona H. ~a17 tallure to etem the Mlnlster eaid it waa Actfon Unlt on Dru~ Abtue the tlt~,�~ would ~eeult In eca a complex and dlttlcult taik Contrnl wouid co�operate nomf~, eocfal end polltfcal ae it Involved the p~y wfthnet hbouringcountHe~ InitnDlllty fn the regfon. chologica~ remottvatlon o4 to contro~ the uss oI narcoUe Tan 8rf (}hazall sald tt the lndivtdual. g wa~ fmperative that 1lilclt He aatd rehabUitntfon Eartter todsy the Mln� dtu~ flow be curbed, and tar ~hould not merely tocue on feter met the UN Narcotlc~ tht~ reason the Ant!� etrengthen~ng the addlct BuresuDlrector,Oraeorge phyefcally but also poy, to diacw� UN uiil� Naecotlc Unft !e to be up� chologlcally to enable h1m .dntg~~~~ o' Malwy~~~nd u� ~raded to torm a Narcotic~ to return to ~xiety. Dlvlsion wllhin the Police "Unt11 we achfeve thl~ Dc I.Ing w~n an ob~erv~r De artment. we wfU contlnue to tlnd the ~t the conterence~ , 4'Hy this move I hope to rehabilltated per~on re~ develop ~~trong entorce� ~Peing to the uee ot dru8e .m~nt un1t," he added. Hs, iald rehabllltaifon, CSO: 5300 19 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 MALAYSIA MILLION UOLLAR H~itOIN S~ZZUIt~ A~ F~itRY TEItMINAL . Ku~1n L~mpur NEW STRAITS 'fIM~S in ~n~13~h 19 Jul 79 p 1~K ~Articl~ by Man~n O~mgn] (TexeJ Burt~rworth, 'Tuas--Police recovered two pounds nf heroin aC thp ferry t~rmin~l hpr~ y~~t~rday~ A man wg~ deCnin~d~ '~ti~ herain, whirh ig cnp~bl~ of prdducing ov~r 190,OOa "~hot~," i~ e~ti- mgted to co~t more ~h~n $1 million in the b1~Ck ma~rk~t. mh~ OCPU here, nepuCy Supt. Tuffil~ Nawab Uin, ~~nd tod~y the incid~ne todk plgce at ~bout 4.35 p.m. when the police who were manning Che road~ block at rhe ferry terminal, checked motor-cyclisrg who wer~ coming out from the ferry. He said two men on a motorcyele approached the raadblock. Shart Chase On se~in~ the road-block, th~ men stopped their motorcycle and tried ro eec~pe, but was epotted by an area aecurity unit officer whu wae glso nn duty. The area security unit officer than ordered the two police corporals manning the road-block to give chase. One of the suspecta was caught after a short chase, while the other escaped towarda Jalan Hagan Luar. Police recovered a"James Bond" bag containing two poundg of herain from Che suspect. According to DSP Tuffile, the suapect, aged 29, was an icecream aeller from Lunas in Kulim. Two days ago, two detectives arregted two men and recovered 14 small packets of heroin in Jalan Raja Uda here. 20 CSO: 5300 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 ~ MALAYSIA NAItCA~~C~ ARRE3TS, TRIALS, SENTENCES REPORTED Arraate in Apertmeet Complex Kuala Belait BORNEO BULLETZN in English 16 Jun 79 p 2 (Excerpts) ~ KUCH[NC. - Un been ukd u a' eentie" 4uNtionl~tig== mo~f were' ddpente aRWtcb I+~va dercoder detecdves have where addieu cadd buy relcaKd but wme are extorted money from re� beee n~xing with dnr~ dru~s, ~till heipinv poliee a~lth ~ident~ to enable theM ~ddtct~ In a blak of tlaa Over the put tew their inqui~ia. to buy druR~~ In Kuehing In on at� mon~hi halt�a�donn ad� poliee have pro� The Fint Diviaion'~ tetnpt to truk down dicn have been rounded ~sed to carry out moro ~ice chief~ Mr Vineent ttattie{cen, up and drug~ token trom rafds in ehe Ban Noclc Khoo, aid miny ot ehe Road and Central lto~d addicu wero resW~n~ in The D,lat Flab in them, ~ the tlat~, tnanY we~ $on Naic Rwd aee And eulie~ thii month d~~trice in ehe tuturr. where a 20�year.old Ceteetives moved fnto the Re~ic~enb oE ehe tlau teenaRen but a tew were Chinae irl dni` addiet aroa to keep a clo~e claim addicu have been their early 20s. t M~ Khoo ~aid he wu jumped to her death re� watch on the oceupana using the building for s ~~~nced ehe number oE � oently IeavinR a note and vi~iten to the seven� Ioe~ time, gnin to the d~t ~ddicu in Kuchin~c w~rning younK people to storsy hloek~ ot tlat~, tep tluuor at all ~oun ot wu on ehe incre~te and ~taY away trom drup. Following the giri'i the day and night to ~K~d wu tor more � Kuchins police ~aid death leap from ~(itth talce drugr or to vtiit ~nd t~x~~n to ther have w~peeted the tloor tlat, potice round� puihen. I~ .~Ky e,~ aru~ tnt- .~t bloeiu. ot ttw. hava. ~d:~P..k~t?1..P~PIe toc And. ,j~.: ~ome e~, ~en. Heroin Trial Kuala Lumpur t~l STRAITS TIMES in English 30 May 19 p 15 . KUALA LUMPVR~ Chent !llew~ teetltled (TeXt ~ Tues. - Two mea and that 7~e wae Rlven a� a woman went on erial total ot ib small~ toddy on char1~eN ot packets und two bl` pos`eeelon and teat� packets contalnlna � ~Iekin` in heroln. Iisht brownl~h sub~ Tan Chin Chea~ s3~ Is stance to anglyee. chAr ed wlth posseaa� T h e 1 a p 1 a s t 1 e Ins ~8 plastic packets p~ekets. whlch eoK� eontalnin~t 94.18 tained ldb.996rammes ,~rammes ot he~oln at n of the hrownl~h suM 6ou~e In Jalan Mlduh f~nce~ were found to . ~Ten~nh, Tgman :1tld� contaln 84.19 Rrammes � �6, at about 10 a.m. on ot heroln. - i~n. 18. The two laetlc baRs, Tan ttan K~onR. ~0, N�hich contalned u towl ' and Loh Pa~k Chee~ ZZ~ (temale) are Jolntly ot 3~2.78 Rrummes ot c!u?rRed wllh tr�fick� the b~ownleh sub� laa 1b9.6S ar.~mmes ot ~tsnce~ were tound to beeoln st t~e ssme cont,ain 1b9.dS et hera tlme snd place. ~n� A, Ro v e r n m e n t The hearlns con� obeml~er Me. Lau Unues. , ~ 21 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 Total Urug Arr~~t~ Kuala Lumpur NEW STRAZT3 xIME3 in En~~i~h 21. Ju~? 79 p G ~TeXC ~ t~'~J/1t,A LtjM'pUR, Wed. Vnder the ffi~rt~e~t~noy - A total ot 80 p~opla Aet, hn added, fo~ M~d have been eentenced to been arreetedin 1070~10d 11t~ Imprieonm~nt and In ~077; 2g1 In 197e, ufd~ three, epntenoed to death 4g up to Aprlt thle yeor~ dnoe tha law allowing The Home Aftalr~ ~ ~ n~eh aentenaee wan an� ~ Mlnfrter, he sdded~ wu toroed, DeputyE3omg At� dev~lupfng a two� tafre M1nleter, Uatuk pronged etrate~y to ow 8ert 8yed Ahmed eraome the problem~ 8~h~~?h~buddfn, esfd tu~ Ita t?rat oD~eetlve 1r to eradla~te the deelre ~or Rep1 fng to Enalk Ha� drugb thrnugh eduaatlon shim ~nc7ut ;NF'�U1u und the dtaueminatlon ot ]rtuda), thg Ds uty Min� tntormatidn, and thu l~ter eafd l,~03 dru~ reaond pnrt ot the puiher~ had bpen nr� b~rategy woutd eono~an~ e~ated under the Danger� trate nn tha eradfastlon ou� Drug Ordfnsnce toraement oi the 1~~~ en� ~laoa 1071. Trafficking Seneence Kuala Lumpur NEW STRAI~S TIME5 in ~ngliah 2]. Jun 79 p 6 (Excerpt) � ~ALUR BTAR~ Wed. A e~dl�planter wa~ een~eneed by the Hfgh Court here today ~to 1lfe imprtaonment af� ter he wae found guil� !y ot trattlcking 1n ~~093 gram� oi morphine. ~ Lebal 8alleh bfn Saad~ 66, recelved snother een� tence ot tlve years atter he weu tound gu?lty ot ~ beln ln po,~eessfon ot 10~3~4 [r~am~ ot raw op fum. ~He commftted tfie ottencce et Kampung . Tengah, Kofeng, on Oct. 5970, at about T a.m� 31,Juetlce Dntuk 8ye A~11 arakbah ocder~ the ~e tences to run cOn? eurre tly wlth ett,ect trom t e date ot arre~t on OcL~i,.1970. ~ ~ y 22 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 Znvolvamant of Governmant Bmployaae Kuala Lumpur NEW STRAZTS TIi~S ia 8ngliah 23 Jun 79 p 8 ~ ~Taxt] ~KUAGA LUMPVR ~ ber'iotA, - A totat of ls~` Dteelpflnary aatlon~, ~vernment eervante. inelud?ng dleml~eal~ wu i~ tAk~n on thoee who wer~ were tound to be In; ~nvolved tn drur ~ ~o� ~ volved in drug ao�� tlvitlee stter that date~ tlWtfee 1Aet Year ancf' he eald, ~ ~34 Up tb Me?y thla In eapi~? to �~u year~ the Depu~ty Dfemente~y ue~tlon ~ ~H~m~a Attafre Mtn� H~l~ Nlk ~bdul A:f~ f~ter,Tan8rf8ye~Ah� pA8�pent kalan mod 8hahabuddln~ ~~pA~~Ten8rr8redAh� hu es1d~ y mad ~aid the tirure~ hs Aep_1yina to Mr. Les~ sve fncluded per~onne Lam ~T1+y~ tDAP~Kusta ~n ~e Po11Qe snd aren~d Lumpur 8andar1 he~ toree~. p ufd government o~t~cen `~h@ De uty M1nt~ter� who were addleU were~ eald the aovernment had ~ no intentlon ot ietHn` up' ~1v~n untfl Jan. i, ~97t~ antf~nareotlc unft~ tn~ to �eek treatment~ si� `o v e r n m e n t d~�~ ttfpulsted under a Pub11o~ artme~?ta u~u~a~t~d; e~rvi!ce� Depertment ~r.~,~ e. oUroWar. dated S~pt~mp? ' Heroin Arreets Kuala Lumpur NEW STRAITS TIMES in English 25 Jun 79 p 28 ~Excerpt ~ ~'JOHORE BARU. Sun. ~ kee, buc le l, bette Narcotics otttcere herotn eoatd providt. ~efzed ~i packets ot about e7~000 ~hoEa. ,heroin 1n a ratd on a He sald that Nareotlc~~ Kebun Teh eateid g eurrau otcleeri~ aetln~. y Y on a tlp~ott, ralded th~ Four people lnclud� houie et about ~,4b p.m. ~a~s�ysar�o1d woman, ~~Apart trom the ~i ~rfio w~re ln a room paekeU~ we atio ~elsed where the dru` wa~ one ton6 straw and three tound, have beerr de� ehort ~trawe ot the tafned tor quatfoning. drug," he iald. Thc Narcotfcs Hureau~ The drug, sealed tn~ ~ ehfet tor the southern re�: tran~parent piastlc b~~ t~ b�~~~�~��1 ~e have been `_i o n~ A S P ZS's n n~qy tor dlatrlbuUon. xohamed b1n Wan I~ ~,nother esae~ bu� Do11ah, aatd today that nau ottlCeri arnated a one of thc three men de� m~,n opposite the taxf talncd Is belleved to be ~ itand in Jatan Statlon tr~ftlcker. and ietsed tive packeb He �aid that the o~ heroin. The .dru~ psckets, welghtng about W~xe tound tn one ot tf~. j~ gram� each. wert ~an'a boota� tound cn the tloor oI the ~ASP ~ Wan Mohamed declined to say how tnuch the drugs w~re ~rorth on the biack mar�. 23 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 tle~o~~a 5~s~tancnu ~ueig L~mpur Nk`W ~TitA~T~ xYMLS 3n Yng~,i~h 26 Ju~n 79 p 11. (BXCeXpt~ - ot~eemrn r~tlded n tound ~1,vgp in N,hoo's ,KUALA GUl1tYtlt;, ~,nu!+r In a~~l~n E'gdqn~ pnekpt," hr. enid, , Mf?n~ A mun ?tnd ~yn~~~r areMer w~iter , Khna, in hl~ det~nee, ~ hi~ h~~dnd wlt~ ~v~re a~ttin~ ~ tlp~ett, drnted ~?nv knowledRa toda~ e~nRen~~tl bY iU~nn nppnr.d ll?c at tNe hernln. ' th~ ~~~~nny Gnurt tn dnar, hp ~?tld. I~e nalci an the dny thrCU ,yC?~r,r' Jull , '~Attr.r ~ hnd ldenll~ betdr~ the Incid~nt, ha '.~~?t~h wh~n ihC~ tlpd m,, Hhan teld .~nd Lim, hnd Ju~t nt� 1Vpt~! ~8titlc~ Utlt~ fl~ tt1C (F?Nt hl! hHt~ PC7lCd rlvrd A~b~ ~Jtat, puby~~ninq ~i�ukq, th~ hnu~c nnd then ~Im, ~rohn ty trum tuuk n~p td ht~ bedrnnm Alnr 5twr, denird beln~ ~ tihan glew li~e, gg~ wher~ t~~w ~.Im In the bed~oom ~t tha, ~nd hls wite, Llrn rir.n~ p~NteJ oa u Ned," in~p~ Uma nt t6a xntd. Nup~ ~1, wr~r_ ~dlntiy N'~~n ~ald. ahnrKcd wilh havln~ Inap. Wan ~aid ha nlnt pla~tir pi~CkptS y~~,rrhrd the ruam :?nd containing l8,31 ~m c~t tound pla~tte bu~. hernin~ t~um r~ nhelt. Khoa wr. atro u~� ~~tn thr b+~~ ir~a ca de~red lo rerr~~~P ~ic ymali pstrrei w~upped ettokt~ ot the ~ut~n. In nr.w~pupc~, nnd I~ ~~Mlcr, In~p. Wnn It, i[Oltitd ffittt? (11?1lltiC Kok Chul ~s~la nn Aup~ peCkets, 1l ~CKIp~ Mt1A b Y, t87~, nt uUdut A,d~~ ?~undle nf empty . p.m.~ he ~nd 5evgral plu~tic bu~r~ i_ ~lya Lif~ Sentence Kuala Lumpur N~W 5`~RAIT5 TIM~S in ~nglish 27 Jun 79 p S (Text~ YPOH~ Ztiea. - A soldier waa 4~~ camp at about 3.46 p.m, oni ~ernsll 8fngh wae deafverl~ Coday eenteneed by the Sea� Nov. 30 197T them to the oftfeer. rlone Court tn iife lmprteon- t~p waa aleo charged wfth "Ahmad wae ehihfng the ment and ordered to be given Conveytng 800 1b~. ot eac� bt~me to Kern~11 Singh and hf~ Alx etrokee ot the rotan atter Charlne valued at S9~G001n the vprefon waa higl~ly 1m� he was tound gullty ot tratilek� game vehfele at the aame probeble~" aafd the DPP. tn~f~nce~~or oral Ahmad Din p~acc and tfine. Mr. O'I-tara eafd that as Suktr~ p commander ot the car that 38~ wae aleo flned Three other aoidfers - day~ Ahmad had pcrmftted 1t ;10~000 or stx months' ~afl tor Kernall 91ngh. Z9. 9hukor bin to be driven by Kernail gingh carr ing uncuatomed ooda. ~~ohamed Yuaoft 32 and B ~ ~ and teave ihe camp wlth u Lj~Cpi. Ahmad who wAa ~amaluddln bin Mohamed taa~ civlHan~ whlch he knew was wlth the ilth Roval Malay ~8, who wcre ~ointly chargPd agntnat thc ~egulatfone Reglment camp~ I~roh at the W~th Ahmad were acquf:ted Defence coti: ee1 Mr Chee tfine of the ottence~ burat fnto +~nd d(scharged wtthout thefr Weng Weng eafd ttie cautfoned teara when eentence wa~ pro� defence betug called earifer etatementa by Shukor and nounced. thia month. Jamaluddln were ine?d� He was ch~rged with trat� ~Arifec. DpP J.L. O'Hara mtanable and could not be ficktng fn 9.79Z grammea ot submtttcd the~t. Ahmad, 1n hfs .uecd as evldence agafnet Ah� ~annabts in a commando defencc~ hnd tried to make the mad. umoured car at the reglmen� court belleve that the oode He eubmitted that hie clfent _ were rlee meant tor an o~icer, was never 1n et~ectlve anQ L.t. Abdu1 Rahfm, and that complete controi ot the gooda. 24 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 Opium Arraat - Kuala Lumpur NEW 3~kA~T3 TIt~3 in Engliah 28 Jun 79 p 10 (Text ~ '~,/~~a~ Wed, - Pa 1[ oe have d~tdned s �u~pected dru~ tr~t� tloker and eef:ed tlve pound~ of opfum ~ � , . ' aorth ~bout ~b,o~o st� ~ . ~ ter ~ two�mt e ah~ue a1on~ Jatan Te1ok Qadon ~ here. `t Td ~ ~am~ ha pen~d p,m~ on ondar ~vh~Mn tr~ttle po Ineman m n~delvln~p�stteoMe a t~ftunpin~ro'~jOh'ue dUa He ~svt ehue on hf~ motoro~?ele but t~11td to . ~t i~rnidtl to Palm Grorovi a T~tiiee th~ m~n abi?n� don~d th~ cac and tled wfth two paokeb. ~ Pa~ketr PO Prltem eln~h uk~d tor help trom � puifnr patrol ear~ u?d the ehue eontlnued on t~Durln` th~ 100~yard ohu~~ t~~ man t6rew aw~y the paaket~ whloh w~n 1~ter tound to eon� 4dn optum. Ne wu then aa ured. ~p. Atlu bfn sam at~d a po11ce ~rty an rfYed la3er at t~ie ~een~. ~Atter que~tlonfnR th� ~u~~ . h~ ~ound two ~p~lfeb ot oplum and � peU~t ot herofn on hlm. The, ear~ whleh bore ~Johore reRI~tratfon pumb~r ptaia f~ be- Ifeved to 6e ~tofen. detan~or Chlet Po11ce Ottfcer Datuk P. Alaaen� 'dra ~aid:"We alao be� lleve the optum wu tor dbtrfbutlon 1n KtanF and Port Klaef~ ~nu.' CSO: 5300 ~ 25 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 MALAY3TA ~ SOME 38,000 DRUQ ABU9ER4 HAVE SEBN IDEN2IFIED ~ Kuala Lumpur SUSZNSSS Tit~3 in Bngiieh 19 Jun 79 p 18 ~TaXt ~ . THBiR~ f~ ~utttotent th~ ~eHowneu ot th~ ~ problem ot the traflfok�' ~vldenao to fndlcate that pcoblem would b~ better In~ ~ot llttett dN~," the problem ot dru~t undar~tood it it b rt� ~I~ pofnt~d out that be� abwe li woreening ana alfa~d that li,s per cent tw~~n 1070 snd 1078~ cau~in adver~e ~ re� oi PenlniularMst~yd~'~ ii~T91 k~ ot optnm~ percw~~on~ ln retatlon to populaNon f~ made up ot 470,434 kg ot morphlne h�alth oare earvie~~, ma1e~ between the ~p~ ~40,ebT k~ of h~rbin an~ ~duoatlon~ eoefal behav of le and 30 year~~ 0,000 kt ot dry oannRbl~ lour~ eNminatity~ law ee� From the ~tat~tlo~ it u weli u over ~11,000 toreement and deteHora� wa evident that the per� esnnabf~ plenb totether tlon ot temlly and eom� ione at rtik weee the with ~80,000 pryeho~roplo muNty lite, . youth who repre~ented tableb have been ~el:ed. 8tt~tutiei at the end of the nfo~t v~lusble re� He ~aid that white the I~~t year ehowed that eourae ot the aountry, tl~urei e~tabtl~hed the there were ae many a~ Dr Mahathlr sdded taet that MslayNa wa~ ~8,000 drug abuaer~ In thet "on the baele ot beln6 wed u s traruft l~talay~ta. Ot tht~ 38,000 tdentltfed drua tonte tor the tr~?tttekln`~ numb~r approxfmat~ly abueer~, dependlng on ot flUeit druR~ It wu ~lio f0pe r c~nE were rr~ale~ the ~eale o~ vfiual Cndex becomfn~ Iner~a~fn iy 'nnd~r tM a`e ot s0 adopted, the total popu� avaflsble to uiera wlt~n rean. lation tnvotved 1n dru~ the eountry. ' D~ t u k 8 e r f D r abwt may be in the or� Th� Deputy Pelme ,~tuhathlr Moham~d u!d " der ot 9b6~000 to ~0,000 MtNit~r add~d that fn people," vt~w ot the dynamto~ ot Dr Maha2hlr ~p~~lcfn~ the problem no nation at the opeNn~ ot the eould at(ord to Nt by th~ worktes~r oup of Com� ~ldellnei and "blliituUy monw~dth natfon~ In the d~~re6ard th~ ~ult~Nnp Asfun and Paeitlo Re� ot ib netghbour~ who an don on tlii~lt dru~ ye~� attllcted by thls eruN ~erday ~ald the natlonal dliea~e�" ~atoreement ~senelea Hs sald that ft wu ~ had re~ponded lremen� euentfal to formulate � dou~lr to curb the tr~t� re~fonal re~ponie !n or� ~~w~ oc ~u~~~c arun in d~r to control the dru~ the country. menance. Thfi wa~ a~p~� N~ satd: "Mataytla elally io u the problem by vfetue otlta~ao~raph� eeeo~nVe~ no ~eo~raph� feal poNtlon 1~ faoed wlth fe or polltieal 6ound� an �xtnmely ~~efoua ufea. � , CSO: 5300 26 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 PHILIPPINES , ~ HARD DRUGS NOT AVAILABLE IN PHTLTPPINE3 Kuala Lumpur NEW 3TRAITS TI1~S in 7 Jun 79 p 8 (Text ~ KVALA ' I:UIV~PVR~~ ~ Preiently ttie'~ Phlp~p~~ ;taekte 'the~probfem'hom'~ Wed, Hard dru ge plne� had about 8,000 ;~e~, ~re not s problem In drug addlob, ~ ~~~Relsp~e� by're� ~ the Phllfpplnea. The~'e ' wu' one 6ov !h~bUitated ~ddloEi are The chle~ ot the neuro� ernment run centre and ~QOmmon a11 ovar the the pyohlatrfe ~ervfeei ot vartoue other aentre~ tor Wor1d snd the 80 per cent E~s Nattonai Buresu ot drug rehabll~tation rue ;rate in Ma1~y~fa ws~ not Lfv~~tl`ation fn the Ph11� ga~~a~an~n t a r y o r� ~n I~olated eaie," he ippinei~ Dr. Romeo Y. 'add~d. ' Tating~ ~etd, thti le ba� 11'~ethOd!! ' Ne iald tKere were ~o oawe "drug~ ~ueh a~ ~many oomplex problem~ herofn and morphlne are ~ven though the na� eneountered by tormer not avaflabie In the Phll� ture ot the dr~u~ li dtt� I~~ ~ddieb when they l~p~~e~, terent - fn 1Vralayela'e Q~me out ot rehablltta� �e a e e' h e r o f n a e d tion centree, "Our addtet~ turn to ~morphfne are lnvoivod �ub~tftute~ euoh a~ the Ph11~1ppinee ean learn .~e al~o ~st~' t'~at fili~ couRh�yrup~ tran� ~~ut Ma1ayeta's meth� eountry'~ Nattonal Su� - qufiil~er~ and to ~tue ot tackl(ng the prob� ,reau ot Inve~tt~atlon ~nlttln~, ,1em," added Dr. Tatfng, �taokted problem~ ran`� Dr. TaNn~ �afd the Dr. Tatfri iafd he waa ~~n~ trom imugs~ing and Phfltpplnea wai only a~~mpre~eed ~y the or� ;drup to ~orrup3.on. The trarulE polnt tor heroln . aniied way 1n whlch fbureau wlth ft~ own and otber hard druge ,~g~ayala wa~ tackling arenb eomprlafng law� whleh eame trom ~uch ;the problem. ,yeri end certfited ac� O1~oe~ u Ouam, , ! Era ~aid that altho~gh countanti provided teeh� Iti an Intervfew here ~drug abwe waa a ~erfow N~al uN~tsnee to aow ~~~terday Dr. Tating �pro6lem 1n hl~ eountry~ ft eremsnt and prfvate ~afd the fisrd drug eub~ .wai under eontroi. Iaganefe~. ~tttutei were [reely He ~afd the queitlon Dr. Tatin ~ s p~y avaltable at the dru~ waa not the nature ot the ehlatriit~ s~tendea a ~tore~ and thta paed a druga fnvolved but to ~WOrk~hop on dru re� blem tor the s,uthor� tlnd out the reaioru why habflitatlon he1~ 1n ~hey turn to dru~ and to Panan~ r~cently. u.'. , . � ~ . . ~ . CSO: 5300 . 27 ~ _ . . . . . r. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 CANADA ARREST MADE IN PROBE INTO $100 MILLION HEROIN RZNG Three-Country Swoop Toronto THE GLOBE AND MAIL in Englieh 27 Jul ~9 p 4 (Ar~icla by Paul Palango~ (Text~ ~ One Torontaarea man iudge early~ yesterday aYter� ~heroin irafflc tor mor~ thnn wns ~rrested yesterdny and nonn, Ottice~s trom the two years. another w~s being sought by RCMP and Hnlton Reglonal The fndictments stem thQ Royal Canadlan Mnunt� Police arrested Bruno Plsa- from an investigatlon whlch - zd Potice as part ot a three~ ni, 40, ~ Toronto buslness- st~ned when g mdn de� country swoop on susp~c?s man who iives on Galnstwr� scNbed as a mA)or drug 'in a Sl~mlilion heroln rack� ough Drive In Oakville, Ne dealer, Arthur Plckens, et. wns seized at e shopping began co-opcrating wtth Fourteen ~ men are centre lot at Islington Avc- U, S. tedernl otticials atte~ charged with importing nue and The Qu~'ensway, hls t976 convictlon on heroin heroln into the Unlted Mr. Pisanl was held in chnrges. States. Eight of them were Mr. Pickens now is a arrested yesterday In Cana� custody inst nlght pending ~ember oi the tederai w~t- . da, the United 5tates and arraignment betore a Coun� ness protection program .~~~y. , ty Court judge this morning. Wh~ch uarantees his satet 'Ihe 14 were indicted by a A representative for the g y fe'deral grand ~ury in Butta� U. S. Attorney was expected �i�~e ufry found~that ihe to oppose bail today and ~ lo, N.Y.. on Wednesduy. It seek extradit~on at a later illegai~drug trade was cen- tound they ~were part ot a h~~~g tred in Rome and Naples~ drug ring which movcd hera + and that the drugs were in irom Italy through Cana� The other man, who lives channeled through France da to the United States be� in Nobleton~ coutd not be and Canada to the Unlted tween Jan. l~ 1968, and Dec. located by polfce yesterday~~ Scates. The drugs were des- 3l~ 1976. ~ an RCMP spokesman safd. tined tor murkets In k3utfa~o, The shipments npparently Each of the l4 suspects New York City~ W~shington~ arrived at Canadian ports has been charged in the New Orleans and Detroit. hidden fnside automoblles or United Stutes with conspira- Among those arrested to pieasure ships. 5tewardess- cy to violnte U. S. narcotics date are: Thomas Evege, a es smu~ Icd smaller laws; with unlawtul Im~r- Buftalo real estute broker, amounts be:tween major tation ot heroin into the~ and Melzer Wilkins, an shipments. United States; and with Amherst~ N.Y.~ laborer. In Canadian warrants wpre unlawtul distribution ot New Orleans, potice a~rest- issued by a County Court heroin in the United Stutes. ed Cliftord Porche, a b~il The Buffalo grand jury bondsman, and Altred Gab~ has been investigating the riel~ a leborer. ~ 28 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 Extraditlon procc~dings by the U, S, Attorney to bd atre~dy hav~ been started in Ilwng In Tipparary~ lreland: Italy ~~aingt thra~ m~f~ ~1~he U S, does nnt have an , arrest~d th~re in cdnnectlon extr~ditlon treaty with, lre~ with the c~s~, a snurce close lund, ' - to the Investlg~Nan sald, Mr. McCaud was deponed RCMP in~p~cto~ S~th trnm th~ Unlted States to Ginth~r, he~d nt thg Tnronto lr~lAnd In 197Z, , drug sectlon, yald In ~n In� ~ ~ ' tewlew yeste�rduy thnt the Whlle in Cannda~ Mr.~ RCMP had b~n conducttng McCaud spent mxiny years , an InvesNgaclon tor the U, in prison~ where he gtudled Att~mey ~n ~uftelo "aver th~ I~w. He parned much quite u t~w years," publicity fn the Slxties and Among those Indlctcd by earfy Seventles for hls Ablll- ty nnd success et detending the grand )ury was Nnrmun hlmgelt in~court. , Mc~aud, 45, ~ tormer'foron. ~ � ~ w resldent~ who la belleved Bail Deniad Toronto THE GLOBE ANll MAIL in Engliah 31 Jul 79 p 4 ~Text] ~ ~ T~�o'~1lotro men~ Indicted heroln wlth An estlmnfed years to get enough intorma� In ~utf~lo tor bcing pert ot vnlue of $3~0�mitllon. t~on tor an indictment An mulu�mil� Mr. E~isnni wus urrrsted "which makes you wonder Ilan dullar heruln cunsp~rucy ut u shopping centre lase how lung It w(II be before the ' wer~ denied bull In nn Ontu� 7hursdny And Mr. C~e sur� trtal gnes ahe~d." rlo court yr,trrduy. rendered tn the Royai Canu� ~ Judge Wren noted the In denying bull tor Bruno dian Mnunted E'ollce I~ter ullegudons in the indictment Pisuni, a0, nt Oi~kvllle, und that evening. tnvolve "a widc�rangmg Gordon Duncun Cor, 3d, ut Thry wrr~ umong 14 men inte~nntlonul conspiracy to Nobleton, Cow~ry C~urt ~ncliCted by n U.S. grund truttlc in he~oin M extreme- Judbe ~dwurd W'ren said he 1~ry on Wednesd~y. ~'he ly Isirgr qu~ntides." 'fhe wu~ not cunvinced the men ~nci~ctment suy~ they were Judge suid that courts ure wcre guud ~~skti to uppeur In pmo ntq ot IeroinVfromUl ue g an+t~baillwhe e e.ctradition ~ourt when require.~d. � ~y through Cannda to the proceedings are Ilkely to Federal Crown uttorney Unitrd States between~ Jan. follow, because there is a Heuther Smith opposrd the l, 1968, und Dec, 31. 19i6. ~ treuty obligation to deliver b11I AppIICiltIUf1, ~;ayin~ that 'toronto lawyer David the accused if the, request the indictmrnt ~aid the druR Humphrey arKu~~d that nei� for extrsdition is successtul. cunsplracy wus '�an opera� ther mAn had :ried to flee Mr, Pisani and Mr. Coe tion uf enormous propnr- after the grund ury re- were remanded in custody to tions" involving hundreds of turned a true bill. ~he law- Au~. 8 tor an extradltion kilos ot 94 per cent pure yer sald It took about two hearing. . CSO: 5320 29 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 ' CANADA t1ERGIN P1tOGRAM CRZTICZ2ED AS WA5T~ OF MONEY Vancouver TtIE VANCOUVER SUN in English 19 Jul 79 p A8 ~Article by Carol Volkartj [Excerpt] ' VIC'TORIA - Opposition members tore """MounQng a spirited detencc, ~McClelland'. into the prov(ncial qovernment's heroin eatd that a total ot 950 people have beea~ treatment program Wednesday, c6argwg processed through the centre so far, f the Socreds with wastiag 33 milllon on an The minister said the NDP have con- unworkable experiment n~hile cutting back stantly opposed the pmgram "but we have on needed hospital fundlnq, never heard any suggesttoas ot a poaltive NDP health critlc Den~is Cocke satd it aature from those humanitarians un the proves Hcalth blinister Bob 1dcClelland I~ other slde of the house." �"spendthrift when tt comes to experi� He said all the NDP has ever come up ments but a skinElint when it comes to deil� with is a pollcy of "benign neglect." ing with pcople's real necds." McCtellaad sald that, even it the pro- Speaking during a rowdy debate on an gram was to cost i2U mWion a year~ it Opposition motion oE non-confideace in would be worth it to alleviato the auftering McClel)and, Cocke seid the government ls caused by the heroin trade. And he aaid bavin~ trouble "scratching around" try3ng that, even if it is only 30 or 40 per ceot suc- to tind en~ugh heroin addicts to fill the cessful,"I'llconslderitagreatsuccess." BrannanLaketreatmentcentre. "This is a five�year decnonstration And he satd that, with 320 staff inemben project, the most bold proJectof this sort in to take care of 104 patients, the centre has a the world," he snid. . patienc�staEf zetio that hospitals would The mintster satd that one ot the firn' envy. ~"graduates" ot the program, whom he ,Graham Lea (NDP�Prince Rupertl said called Jerry, ia expected to be back in the there is no recognlzed scientific treatmeat community and working again by the end . for heroin addiction. He said the program of July. ~ amounts to "political chicanery" because He said Jerry~ with a htstory of hemin It Is aimed at making tbe public think and methadone addictton, entered the pro- aomething is being doae about heroin gram voluntarily about three months ago ~ addictton ahen, in fact, It will accomplish and aow says that, tor the first time in 12 aothing. years, he is completely divg�iree and in-. The minlsler ts takIng advantage ot the tead~ W atay that Way. ,......r.~: ~ public's fears about drug addictton, wWch 6as to be "the low of low political trick- . .Rr!'~~' he eatd. . . , . . . CSO: 5320 30 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 CANAUA BRIEF5 DRUG ROUNDUP STAGED--Campbell River--Police are rounding up 28 people in five B.C. communities following a three-month undercover drug inveseigation. Arrestis on charges of trafficking in drugs began Thursday morning with about 10 suapects in custody by Thursday night. Warrants were issued for 17 auspecta in Campbell River, seven in nearby Courtenay, one each in Gold River and Ucluelet and two in Powe11 River. Drugs purchased during Che investigation included mari~uana, hashish, LSD, I~A and cocaine. [Textj [Vancouver THE VANCOUVER SUN in English 6 Jul 79 p A9] CSO: 5320 31 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 COLOMBIA MARIHUANA SERIOIISLY ~iiIRTS ATLANTIC COIST ECONOMY Bogota EL 'I'IF~SPO in Spanish 24 Jun 79 pp 1-B9 4-E [Text] A etudy on the sub3eat showe how muck.~ peak mar~k~uana traffic has influenced the coast eaonon~r. zn 1976 aonetruction in Santa Mar~ta exhibit~d an obvious peal~, From the 37 permits approved in 1975 for a total value of 23 m9.llion peaos9 it went to - 60 permi$s budgeted for 38 million. Tn 1 year ~he number of workers in this branah of produ~tion, who are membera of the xS5 [expaneion unlmown], went from 455 to ~,550. At the eame time Gua,~ira also exhibited notable urban . development. - The phenomenon was also reflected in banking activity. Saving~e, which in 1968 amounted to 14 million aacwmxlated by 121,000 aoaount holders, in 1976 came to 185 million pesos, depoeited by over 8Q0,000 austomers. '1'he eame thing ha,ppened with regular bank deposits involving ooastal commeraial eales and in the entire aativi~ty of the regional eaonoapr. "The appearanae of capital that surfaces as ff by magia and has a ma~or impact on ~he regional and local eQOnomiee, and therefore on t,he eocial domain, directed our attention to the cultivation of marihuana, an aativity said to provide the source for the aaaumulation of euah capitale" - With this aimple explanation, the firat serious etudy on the problem of maxihuan.a, completed by trro Magdalena IIniversity ag~rioultural eaonoapr atu- denta, is introduced to us~ The aaalysiN, the produc~ of inveatigationa, trips and studies conducbed in Magdalena and Gua3ira, is the dissertation which ea-Pxe~ident Lopez Michelsen has commented on, noting that "muoh has been rrritten on this eub~ect in reoent years but e,lmoet all the data are second-hand~ colleated by transients r+ho, along xith TZPSE reportere, apeak of the 'Colombia oonnection,' through bearsay, Thia~ study, With academic embellishmeata, is the result of fieldwork conducted by people rrho, living in the field, axe not only providing ue with firat-hand data on the whole drug traffic but are giving ue their point of view, the auproaoh that ought to be common to the whole region, on the problem." The concluaions reached in the Santa Marta uriiversity students' atuc~y are impresaivet 32 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 Twio~ ~he Nat3.ona]. Bud~~ Colombia oo].leot~ ~8 billion in taxe~ throu~h th~ cirug ~;raf�ia (th~coe tim~e tha nat3onal budget and twioe the total inoome from ooffee)e In 1977, year of ~th~ study, 60,000 heotare~ were plantect and 90q000 Colombians oul~i- vated them on the fring~e af tho law. mhe aame plant~ whioh growe to a hei~t of from 1.5 ~0 2 meters, has r~ised ~11 ~he aoaet~s economia and arime indioee. Az~y hired farmhand earnb 400 pe~o8 a day ou] ~~ie1d, while in Bogota it takes a work~r a who~.e mon~h ~o earzi 3,450 ~eao~, ahiah the roarihuana shf~rearopper makee in 1 week. Inveetm~nt indioee in the aon~truation aeator have risen by 61 pera~nt. - Bank and sav3ngs depoei~s have riaen by 41 peraen~. Coagta~. aommercial ea1e~ have zoomed and along with them food prioes~ There hae beer~~no one to work the cornfields and yuaaa farming has yielded to Amer~.can aanned gooda. It is Selt that the "Santa Marta Golden" aae in part respong~.b1~ for the 30- percent inflation recorded in 1976~ I~ ~977 ~e Bank of the Republio took in ~772.6 million, :five times mnre than in 1972, through the "back door." T'he regional and national. economiea have changed. The people llave chang~ed and it ia feared, with reason enough, that even the faae of the land is being ahanged ~n the fertile fields of the Sierra Nevada and the Cnribbean aoaet, the chiaf fielda for growing this drug that has aleo extended itaelf to cover vast regiona in Colombia. Betty and Frida, the authors of this diasertation, went ~hrough large parte of Magdalena and Gua~ira, epoke with villag~ers and farmers9 found out how the drug is grown, harveeted, conoealed and ezported and came to theee con- aluaionst "7~e cultivation of marihuana is at peak development in this area," they say, "due to various faatore, suah aaa the big II.S, demand, plus the region~s favorable geographical oonditions, plus the avaalability of farmhands as a result of unemployment, plus the lack of faxm plaaning, plus the low atandard of living of the farmera, plue administrative aorrup- tion," It is felt that marihuana cultivation began a�ter the start of this decade. The cultivatSo;~ of the plant and trafffcking in it haa grown so rapidly tha,t they constitute a reality which it is not only impo$sible for us to ignore, but r~hich it is hard for us to faae and find a solutioz~ to: "A reality t,hat is trying to smother itself, or better yet,. to wipe itaelf out r+ith the g400,000 the American Government send$ in the face of a production worth about $3 billion." A Difficult Area The atudents' dissertation begins by geographically identifying the area under study and the problem. ~ 33 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 A U, Con~c~~s r~pnr~ t~ote~ ~hat there ar~ ~ome 204 ~~ar.ei~ aSr~~r:lp~ in th~ Gu~~i~a r~gioi~~ That fSgure aould be trua or. f~.1~~. x'he eucea~ und~r oultiva~ion which require t,h~ ~~ttiz~g up of ai.r~t.ripa ~4 f1y ~the produat out ~~a~re looa~ad in th~ foothi.ll~ uf ~ha BSex~x~ Nevada ~uad in gnme flat regionn o~ th~ aoaetal plain, aamoufla~ed by vege~tatio~a ~,a~ti.rr~ 1;o the region or ~rop~a lika oorn~ yuoca and othere~ ~are and there appec~r an~, two, ~hre~~ five, seven very we].l~til~.ed heo~are~, ~aoS,ra~ed by~ ~nd b~.ending i.n~o th~ eur~cuunding arsa wQ find larg~er ~io~ds und~r aul~ivatxon." Due ~o t~?e nature of the ~r~a~ marihu~a requireg very ~.~.~tte t~ b~.i: o~ e~unl~.ght, water ~nd rr~.nd~ Aacord.iY~g to the study, ~eee under oultiv~~tion are pan~amo, Rl.o piedra~ Guachaca, Cien~ga~ Rto Frio~ Villanuev~?, Pa~sro~ ~a~.moa, T~~3guaah~n~ and Mir~gueo~ the laet-named lmorm ae the ma~cU.xu~r,a cApital. 7'he drug reaohed th~ aoaet and thr~.ved, no~ only due ~o �tk~e ~xoeptionel nature o~ the ~oi1. Z'he land wae tl~xther improvad due ~o ~oaio~oonomia cond~.tione. population of the Sierra Neve~d.a 1.e compo~dd of 1~,tt7.e r~ualei of vaacied origing, mar~y of them people ~rom ~he intexiar wk~o aame ~tu oloar the for~~t, di.e~laaed by violenoe~ ~hey make a li.ving by grow3n~ bar~nag, beans, corn~ yuooa arid marihuana and by a few ~mal.l herdg of oattle~ There ig not much hope for induetxy or aorkt ~he aoa). mine~ of Cexxe~on~ the salt pita of Manaure and a fea natural gas and otl. Ne]le. rras aad 18 aatually one of the chief activities o~ ~kae regio~n beoauae of its proximity to the border� I~ talce~ 8 months to grorrrmrihuaaa~ from planting to harveeting. Cul~ivation doea not ar~y more caxe thaa that of any other farm produo~ and the yield is what finally deoided fa.rmera to aonaentrate cn it rather than o!i other arope aad farm taeks or fishing. While ooffee bri.ngz~ a profit of 12 percent, rice 10 peraent and bananae 8 peroent, marihw~na produaee one of " 35 percent. The oapital needed to begin gror~?ing i.t aa~n be eaeily obtained. The contractora themaelves are ready to pay in advance a~ad even ~o very generouely provide money to aover the risk of imprieonment aad loeses of crops seized by the authoritiea~ Camouflaged Fields ~'he different stages in the cultivatfon of "eannabis sativa" be~n vith the atart of the year. January and Febr�aYq are months ded~,cated to alearing and preparing the aoil while, on the other haad, the aeed beds are loveled, About April, May or June, depending on the rain~, t1a9 ~ ato--~ 5-cur-hi~ seedlinga are transplanted to the fielde. The ueual pattern indicat~ that ot~her crops are alwqyrs planted along with the marihuana as aamouflage. Corn and yucca with their lon~ stalks allow the marihuana to pass unnoticed, even a very short distance ar~ray~ 34 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 Th~ plan~~d ~�~,eldn r~quira on].y w~~d~g, t~rtil~~a~ion w~,th ur~~, the appli- n~?~ion of 3.r~eeatiatd~d, g~enar~l~.y m~~hyl, p~a~hion or DAT~ and fiaa:tly harv~sting or re~ping. ~~auaa of the ~~areay l,nvoived, a~ter ~hati ~he drug h~s to g+o ~hroug)n anothar ~eri~s of p~~cedurea b~fore re~ching the ahip or p18?t~e that wi11 carry St to tha Am~ric~ aon~m~~r oe~it@r~. Fundamen~ally, Colombi~n~ partiaipate in th3g firat ~tage of produotion. Moet of ~h~m are tiena.nt ~arm~ra rrho aro finanoed by the m~.fia~ ~Eh~?~ do ~he traffsok3ng, Th~ c~rihuan~ planta~ione consid~r$bly d~plete ~he eoil and normsl].y require arop rota~tl~on. Hnwever, thi.e aoncern exi~~e only for ~ome of ~he ~~oannabie growers," those who have la,id dorm roota in th~ ragi.on and who regaxd mari- huana as a meane ot; helping themeelvee. Thay are, For oxe~orple~ aoffee growerc~ who oould never get loan~ to buyr pulp-remr~ving maahtnee and Nho now wt~h ~ 9ingle harveet have enough to bvy them and othex m~aahinas nee~ied in th~fr '~1ega1" ~ativitiee, The other ~~grase grouere~~ are thoae who think only of tomor~ow'a harvest and are~ in general, the moet troublesome. Sinae they do no~ devote muah aaro to their aotivity, thinge often g~o badly for them. '!'hey oaanoti meet ~their delivery saheduleg and have to a~ea1 from their neighbo~ce or attaak some hiding placo in order to eave their orm ekine. Thege harve$t or eteal - their crope snd leavei "Mar~y residents of Riohacha relate how odd it rtas to r?atch these people etar?dirag ~n line in front of the Ban]c of the Aepublia in thie torrn, waitl~ng to esahange big eacks full of dollara and horr, onoe they got their harid~ on the money~ they would take off in their Rangers at high ~peed, drinking in the town end firing their guna for a month, in celebration of the h~rveat snd in oorona- tion of the ehipmen~." Drugg~ed Pricea Marihuana prices depend on supply and demand, $ut in addition~ other factore are importantt quality, proximity to pointa of shipment, number of go- betweene, mode of payment (eredit or cash), confidenae in buyer or seller and whether or not the finanaial backer ia direatly involved in the riake inaurred. Be that as it may, prices are rising like "grasa" smoke. At each stage of the operation, the figuree multiply, Thus, while the groaer may get betrteen 100 and 250 pesog a pound (=2,50 aad =6), the importer aho reaeivee the shipment in the IInited States may have to pay from =70 to ~90 for 500 grame, a figure which ie tripled when he puts it on the loc.~ market, 35 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 pr~,oas gb up in aaoorda~ior~ ~ri~~ how hard ~h~ polio0 ~x~ aa~a~.aking dorm on ~ha txaf~So. ~o paakag~e ar?d ~~ore m~.r3hu~, sp~cial plants aace re~ui~d and cleverly oonoaaled ~~~tashes~~ whara the drug oanno~ b~ kept for moxa ~han 90 daye. When the t3me oomea to bri~ng it to ~ha ooss~ or aeors~ airpor~~, t.~e kirid of tixar?gpor~ is vital. mha typiaal Rang+ers of Gua~ir~ txavel over m~ar~y different roads. The mule, unrivaled for use on t,~e tra~ls that panetrate the Sierra~ beoom~~ g deluxe item whiah aan ~rield a~ muah a~ 2,U00 peeos a day per shipment. If, in the aoursa of th~ opea~a~lon, there are fiahermen who rent thetr boatg out, they oan earn betwsen 15'000 and q0,000 peeoe in on~ operation, depending on the eixe of it. ~here are boate that have oax~cied from 40 to 80 tone of ineacihuaria~ ~ust ae there are planer~ t.hat have oarrl~ed as muah ae 30 tone of it. In thoee oaees 3n whiah plane~ are u~ed, fuel ooot~ are high and a gingle landing sad ~ake-off may n~an from 500,000 to 600,000 pesoa. ~aonomia Tmpact Gua~ira and Sierra Nevada fat~mers~ high level of ixaaome ia morely one o~ the indiaee of the extraord.~rsary aharige the marihuana bon~anza hae meant to thid region~ and to the nation~ The dollara with which Amerioan tra,fSiakera and coneumerA pay for ~he eupply of druge have inundated the coaetal region to the exten~ th~a?t the Bank of the Republic was forced to suspend the purahase of dollar bille in Ftiohaoha and Maicao. The baak's so-called "back door" which bu~ys dollara witl~ no queetione asked took in =165.9 million in forei~ excharige ~.n 1974; a year lster that figure doubledj arid in 1977 it amounted to =772.6 milli.on, "It is undeniable," the atudy adds, "that the growing inorease in aonatruc- tion in the departments of MaEd~alena and Gua3ira ie e?tts~butable to the growing of and traff,icking in marihw~na. ~ia ie tkie on]y po~eible erplanar tion, since no other economic eeator co~eads the amount of asp ital need ia this industry." zn ~975 and 1976 alone, investment indices in thie induetry rose by 61 percent. In the banks, without taking the Mortgags Bank into consideration, during the same period deposits inarea~ed by 41.3 percent. ,And eavings~ xhich in 1962 amounted to only 14.6 million pesos, ia 19?6 rose to 185~~ million. ~e diesertation alao investigated the big Saate~ Mer~a departmeat storee, auditing their sales volumes. 0~ the basis o~ a 1952 indez of "100~" it conaludee that in 1960 sales totaled 255.4 pointe, ~n 1970 3,029 ~d ~ ~977 25,498. 36 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 And Wha~ ~bou~ Tomorrow? Th~ invea~igation ooonduo~Ad by the Saioaxian studante looke for the rno~B of tho problam, reveale the truth of ~ha ourren~ e3tuation and ~?ttempta to en~ vi~ion f~turA developmante~ Ir? ~their aonvarsa~ion~ rrl.~h mar3hu~?na ~core~r~ ~d t~fFiak~rr~ t~y ~~Ie~a~ for ex~?mple, about the po0aibili~r of legali~ing ~Ehe drugt "...60 peroent of ~hem aho~red themselvee to be oppoaed ~o Segaliga~ion oF inarihuana oultivar tion beoau~a, if thie vere dane, ins~ead of being ~he privileg+e oF small growere, 3t vould paee 3n~o the hande of the big landoWners, 1arg~e-soala ,fa~re arid rreal~l~y farmers~" ~ For tho foreeaaable ll~ture, there are prioarily a number of walaiown faa ora to whi.ah ~he authors aeaign ~~fa.r-reaahing importaaae." Theee are the fol� lor?ings '~iioa xill the government usa thi~ oapita]., ~inae it ie hardly rea~onable to aesume that t~here are 1l.mite to aoneumption atid there is etill a lot of room for eavings? "Hoa ailZ it eolve the problem of the grorrere4 Yith r?hst reliable market produat whiah will yield a profit t1~t will at leaet permit them to m~?inte?in the gtandard of living they have sttained? "Wt~y ia the national and iaternationa], presa more aonaerned rrith thia region thaa that of the esetern platt~e where, aaoording to ~cotrere, (marihuat~?) i~ very abundent, a8 it is here? l~iho oxn those plautationa? "W311 me~rihuana be legali$ed in the IInited Ststes as riae the oase with alcohol? "What rrould happen then? "How m~uch ~rould deforestation in the Sierrs Nevada damage the flatlande4 Would there be consequenoee atetmming from the eaological chang~ee planued agriaulture for t.his region might give riee to?" 37 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 Oort~ of A Typiool ~ipmen~ 't+his sliip~nsnt oonaietud of ~6~g00 pounde xorth =16,63g~300~ msrohandiee in Colombio~ wS~h th~ lollotrin6 sbippin~t ~~cp~ne~~ e . t,au~nohAe a~d lookou~~ t 73orppp ~ Tr~uak ~ronaport 1 ~ ~3p~ ppp 8tash 100~000 Loadors Road aieari~ng 3~ 570; 000 Supervigore aed direators ~g~ppp~ppp To~o1 coat =17~~00~000 Value of morol~andieo 16, 635, 3~ overail totai =34~435~Soo 11,466 oso: 53~ 38 i ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 ECUADOR BRTEFS DRUG TRAFFZCKER KiLLED--Gueyaquii, Ecu~dor, 5 Aug (AFP)--Reporte received from ~he eouehern border today indicate that Evarieto Cordova, an Ecuadorean drug ereffickere~ Was kiiled in a ehoothout with a Peruvien police parroi. The reporra gtete that Peruvian policemen ae Che port of Las Peacae opened fire on membera of a group of drug traffickere who resisted axresr, The police aiso arreeted ei~ other traffickers who were ~ attempttng to smuggie several kilograma of cocaine paete into Ecuador. IParis AFP in Spanfeh 1710 GMT S Aug 79 PA~ CSO: 5300 39 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 I~XICO ~D~RAt, JUUICIAL POLIC~ ACCUSED OF ~ttIBEItY IN DRUG ARRE3T3 Cul~acan EL SOL DE SINALOA in Spani~h 14 Ju1 79 pp 1, S CText] Mexieo City, 13 July--Last year, agent~ of the Federal Judicial ~olice mad~ de~~~ 3n 90 percent of the warranre for arreat iegu~d by the penal di~- rrict ~udg~~ again~r those impllceted ~n federal crimes. The top-ranking official of the Office of th~ Attorney G~neral of the Repub- iic, Fernando Baeza l~lendez, admitted thia level of corruption, and eaid that the accused had obtaiued their r~lease Wifih large brib~e. He stressed the fact that, "in other cases, the federal agente went eo far as to uee extortion." Baeza Melendez atitributed the phenomenon to the lack of a mechaniam to over- eee the ~ctivitiee of a11 the membere of rhe police force. A eolution to the shortcoming ia being sought aith modern electronic coroputer syatems. On a tour of the haagar facilities af the Office of the Attorney Ganeral of the Republic at the capital airport, the official dem~nstrated the operation of the cou~uters ahich provide information on arrests all over the country, the courae of the preliminary investigations and the legal statua of those in cugCody. T'he eyatem also alloas for overseeing the activities of each investigative agent of the Federal Public Ministry, and thoee of the agents of the police force, as well as the time taken by them to carry out warrants for arrest iseued by the ~udgea, and to complete the preliminary investigations. The Office of the Attorney General of the Republic has over 500 police agenta for making arresta all over the coimtry. This team began to operate 4 months ago, and in Juae of last year the nation- al system for arrests aa~ established. From 1950 to the present, there have been 36,000 arreats for federal crimes recorded. In discuasing the battle against the drug traffic, the official emphaeized the fact that, aince 1976, the index has been reduced by 90 percent. As 40 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 en examp].e, h~ ~a3d th~C, ~.n 1976, ehere wer~ 13,500 hectares in 3~.naloa plant~d wi,~h popp3ge, ~nd that there ~ra now lee~ than 500. Na remarked tihat tha Craditional drug ~rowing araae are now being used for otiher 1ega1 ~rop~. ' ~~~z~ M~1~nde~ ~~id th~t th~ drug tr~ffickara no longer have ~.arge expanees of planeations which ar~ read~,ly diecr~vered. Oehers conceal the cropa with cover3nge, and ~t311 othere disguiee them by mixing the druge with other crope, 3n order to preventi their be~ng spottied. 2909 C30 t 5330 41 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 MEXICO TRAFFICKER3 INVOLVED IN POLICE SLAYING CAPTURED H. Matamorna EL BRAVO in Span~.ah 19 Ju1 79 Sec A p 12 (Texe] A large group of Judicial Police agenta de~a~.led to the state of Oaxa- eg ~ucceeded in ~.ndividuals who participaeed in the recent incid~nCs whera~.n Federal Judicial Police Comdr Roberto Blanco Valdez and an ag~ne under hia command were ahot to dea~h in that state. Thi.g was learn- ~d here in MaCamoroe from Che Federal Judicial Police~ The five persons under arrest, whose names were noe digclosed, are very close- 1y associated with the drug traffic; and, according to the resulta of the in- vestigation, on the day when they killed Commander Blanco Valdez and his agent, they were moving a large shipment of marihuana to the interior section of the counCry. From the reporta that have been made available, it is known that there are four persona who participated directly in the gun battle with the federal agents, who were pureuing them because they were preaumed to be c~rug traf- fickers. The fifth individual under arrest was the brains of the gory incidenta which took place last May in the municipality of Tuxtepec, Oaxaca. It was learned that the arrests occurred after over a month of intenaive searching carried aut in the entire state of Oaxaca, an investigation handled by several special agents of the Public Ministry, who were assigned for this purpose by the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic. These individuals are still being questioned about their illegal activities. The reports that have been released state that, although the gun battle was apparently incidental, after the drug traffickers were unable to evade the stakeout aet up by the Federal Police, it is quite likely that some re- venge on the part of the brains of the crime was involved. This supposition was made because of the fact that Commander Blanco Valdez and his agents had seized large shipments of marihuana, causing the under- world to lose several million pesos. 2909 CSO: 5330 42 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 MEXICO ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFZCE RELEASES DRUG GROWERS Cullacan EL SOL DE SINALOA in Spanieh 5 Jul 79 p 7 [Texe] Mazatlan, Sinaloa, 4 July--The Office of the Attorney General of the Republic waived penal action for crimea against health, and 21 parsons who had been con�incd in the municipal pubJ.ic ~ail were re].eased. At 1000 houra yesterday, they were released after the clerk of the second diatrict court in Siaaloa gave the prisoners peraonal notification. At 2330 hours last Tuesday, the repreaentative of the court and of the agency of the Federa]. Public Ministry arrived at the ~ail to announce the immediate release of the prisoners. At that time, the following were released: Francisco Marga Sarabia, Marcelo Lizarraga Guerrero, LoreCo Lizarraga Guerrero, Francisco Rioa Silva, Manuel Sanchez. Paredes, Jogquin Lizarraga Guerrero, Lorenzo Si1va.Peraza, Mario BreCado Guerrero, Goazalo Satabia Maacinas, Fidencio Sanchez Paredea, Mar- garito Ramirez Torres, Francisco Saachez Perez, Feliciano Luna Garcia, Manu- el Labrador Bretado, Crecencio Renteria Sarabia, Juan Francisco Olivarria Labrador, Ramon Muaoz Bretado, Jesus Ramos Pinzon, OCilio Ramos Pinzon, Gustavo Gonzalez Noriega and Zeferino Rochin Villasenor. The attorney general of the republic, Oscar Flores Sanchez, waived penal ac- tion in the degrees of planting, cultivating and harvesting of druga. The prisoners who were released were taken by the authorities of the dis- trict court themselves to the main highway, so that they would not be ar- rested by any officials, since it was early morning. The ma~ority of the prisoners released reside in rural areas of the south- ern part of Sinaloa, The departure of the prisoners at dawn caused excite- - ment as the report of the releases that had been granted spread. 2909 CSO: 5330 43 � APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 r~xrco BAR ASSOCIATION INTERCEDES FOR FAItMER TRAFFICKERS Culiacan EL SOL DE SINALOA in Spanish 10 Jul 79 p 8 (Text] The "Lic. Eustaqu3o Buelna" Bar Association raquested the interven- Cion o� Oscar F].ores 5anchez, attorney general of the republic, to have 29 of the 62 convicts incarcerated in the IRSS [Health and Social Rehabilita- tion Inatiitute] who were arrested for crimes againet health, tranaferred to their place of origin, Chihuahua, so that the ~.egal proceedinga may be con- tinupd and the neceasary aentences handed down. The r~st of the accuaed were released, as the president of the bar associa- tion, Carlos Gilberto Moran Cortea, explained, when Flores Sanchez waived penal action after their guilt of planting and cultivating marihuana and poppies had been proven, and they were found to be farming victims. In his letter, Moran Cortea makea note of the fact that the fa~cmexs are the leas t blameworthy for the social evil of drug trafficking, because of the country's poverty, lack of culture and underdevelopment, wherein they are cut off from the ostensible benefits of urban life or progress, and are being used by the real drug traffickers, who are exploiting the situation as they please. The ~urisC is of the opinion that the countless individuals confined in the nation's ~ails for this type of crime ahould recover their freedom, whether they are on trial or convicted, because they have already been punished enough from the time when they were deprived of their freedom, with the agony they suffered during their incarceration, in addition to being far removed from their homes and families. Moran Cortes said that they have been 3ailed since December 1978, and the records have been turned over to the first district judge in Chihuahua, who has not requested the transfer of the accused, so that the legal proceedings in each case may be continued. This action has been precluded, owing to the fact that those involved must appear at the time when the legal proceed- ings take place. ; 44 , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 Moran Corteg expl~ined thae tihe let~er was prompted by a transcripti thae Che aCCorney general of the r~public senC the asaociation, in reaponae to rhe private eecretary of the ,president of th~ nation, Dr Roberto Casil.las Her- nandez, ~n which he reported ~he waiver ~.n 33 cases and the posaible action eo be taken as a result in ~he case of the otiher convi.cts. 2909 CSO: 5330 45 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 - MEXICO JUDGE ACQUITS OWNER OF MARIHUANA SHIPMENT H. MaCamoroa EL BRAVO ~.n Spanish 19 Jul 79 Sec A p 12 [Text] After Federa]. Judicial Police led by Gerardo de Avi.1a Avila had spent all day yeaterday, Wed~nesday, combing the entire area in seaxch of Mauricio "Guicho" Caballero Salazar, because he had been identified as the owner of a ton of marihuana which was seized in the Federal District, all. the inves- tigations were suspended in the evening, after notification was recetved that "Guicho" had already been acquitted by a district ~udge located in Nuevo La- redo. Upon being questioned about this matter last night, Comdr Gerardo de Avila Avila said that two residences in this town had been searched, one at Espana and 16th Streets, in ehe Buenavista development, and a farm in the municipali- Cy of San Fernando, but that no positive results had been accrued in thoae locations. The search for Mauricio Caballero Salazar started after.three drug trafficicers had a gun battle on the afternoon of the day before yesterday with agents . from the Federal District's Police and Traffic Department, and one policeman was kilZed. The three drug traffickers finally surrendered af ter the arrival of police reinforcements. The three individuals confessed that they had hidden a ton of marihuana, which they had brought from the state of Guerrero, b ound for the northern part of Tamaulipas. Here in Matamoros they were to deliver it to its owner, Mauri- cio "Guicho" Caballero Salazar. It was at dawn yesterday that the office of the commander of the Federal Ju- dicial Police detafled to this town received instructions to do everything possible to capCure Caballero Salazar. ~ Meanwhile, in the Federal District, a large number of Federal Judicial Po- lice agents and agents from the local Police and Traffic Department con- Cinued a series of investigations in order to apprehend other individuals implicated in drug trafficking and affiliated with the same ring.� 46 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 I The Chree indi,viduals under arresti confessed in the Federal Districti that ehey had on sev~ral occas3.ons shipped J.arge amounts of marihuana owned by Caball.ero Salazar. They also gave tk?e police authorities the names of the suppliers of rhe drugs in the state of Guerrero, as we11 as the ~.denti3.Ciea o� Che members of other rings. Here in Matiamoros, a aer3ea of investigaCions was made pr~omptl.y by several agen:~a of the Federal Judicial Police, who were atCempting at a11 coaCs to cap ture Guicho Caballero, so as to place him at the disposal of the Fede- ral DistricC authorities. At aboue 1000 hours yesterday, they searched several residences in this town, and soon afterward they did the same at a farm owned by the aforementioned drug trafficker. FurChermore, the commander of the Federal Judicial Police, Gerardo de Avila Avila, stated that an intensive campaign would be conducted until Caballero Salazar is captu�~ed, because a death cause;i by his drug trafficking ring should not go entirely unpunished. He was also shocked last night, only about 10 hours after the search for this individual had begun, to receive the provisional pardon granted the latter immediately by the federal court. 2909 CSO: 5330 47 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 , t~XICO COCAIN~ TRAFFZCKINO HEAD RECEIVL3 7-YFAIt 3ENTENCL Ciudad JuaYez EL FRONTERIZO in Spanish 11 Jul 79 Sec A p 3 (Text) Yolanda Ochoa Octioa, aged 28~ another ma~or head of the drug traffic on thia border, was eentenced to 7 years ir~ prison for crimes againsC health in the degree of possession of 2.5 kilograma of cocaine. The exempl8ry penaltiy, with which the agenC of the Federal. Public Miniatry was gatisfied ~nd di.d not appeal, wae handed down by the aecond district ~udge, Ismael Ruiz Martinez. The only ones who filed an appeal, as a mere formality, were the "former queen o� the drug traffic" and her attorney. Yolanda, a native of Tonala, Chiapas, was capCured here by agents o� the Federal Judicial Police on the night of 27 January 1978. In her residence, located at 406 ValenCin Fuentes Street, they found part of the ehi~ment, ~ and t;ie rest was located on the premisea of other property owned by her at 823 South Brasil Street. She admitted to her captors that~ when ahe "learned about the death of Cuco Aguirre, one of the moat active drug auppliera in Culiacan, Sinaloa, ehe went to that lonation and purchased the shipment," the exact weight of which was 2 kilograms, 400 grams and 900 milligrama. The woman who, at that time, was managing the nightclub known as "E1 Chapulin Colorado," on Posada Pompa Street, was arreated with another individual who was released ahortly thereaf ter by the federal ~udge for lack of evidence with which tn try him. � Now, the ~udge has also required her to pay a fine of 7,000 pesos for the antisocial offense that ehe committed. As stated in records, Yolanda's fleeting reign over the drug traffic in the border area was common knowledge after the death of another of the "greata," engineer Arturo Lopez, and the capture of the no lesa natorious drug traf- ficer, Antonio Ochoa, who is the husband of the woman who has now been aentenced. 48 . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 ~ ~ f + : t t~ . 4e`.," : 1' . .-i~k'~ ~~~'t~ ~ ~ ~5~.. ~ 1~~a~ ~ ~R , 1�r~ ~~r~~!`yp 1 . , a ~ . ~t.. LF f 'y .y!Y. t~i3 ~ ~ Y .~ii~j~ - a~i~, ~a 'k_ '~4.~ i+s.'1. i~ J'' y~Y ~~4 q ' , ~ t'w:`{~~~. , ~ -XY.~ ~ ~i.~. ~~q.~, 'fi~,~i . ~ ~ ~ 3~~ i ~ ~ ~ ' . . , Yolanda Ochoa, "queen of 2he drug traffic for a brief period" on this border, was sentenced to 7 years in prieon and given a fine of 7~000 pesoe for poaseasion of 2.5 kilograms of cocaine. 5he has been in the municipal prieon since 27 January 1978. 2909 _ CSO: 5330 49 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 M~XICO AIItCRA~ FOR CtJR~ING DRUG TRAFFICKING IN CIUDAD ACUNA Piedras Negras ~L DIARIO DE PIEDRAS NEGRAS in Spanieh 4 Jul 19 p 1 [TQxtJ The Federal Judicial Po].ice group in this porC under ordere from Comdr Antonio Macias will be an airplane or a helicopt~r for a~.r ~urve~.llance and nan~.toring throughout the entire region. He gave EL DIARIO this informatiion upon arriving in thie porC a�ter ~ week's ~tay in the capitial of the republic, where he engaged in discueaione aimed at ridding the are~ of drug eraffickers, labor traffickers and gamblers, an activity thaC will begin ag soon ae poasible in Che nearby border port of Ciudad Acuaa. The foregoing sCatement was made to EL DIARIO yesCerday by Comdr Antonio Macias, who said that intenaive action has been planned in thia entire town, which has now been converted into what Laredo was prior to the cleanup by prosecutor Salvador del Toro. He added that Ciudad Acuna has a very serious problem related to drug dis- tribution, and that sowe very aerioua situationa have become concentrated in that port, which must be eliminated as promptly as poesible. For thig purpose, an intenaive campaign has been propoaed, including a complete in- vestigation into the claadestine airstrips that on the nearby farrns and mountaina. It must be realized that this is one of the greatest worries of the citizens of Acuna, becauae d~mands for action and calls for aesis- tance are being received, claiming that they will noC put up with this se- rious aituation. A detrimental high xatie of drug addiction among the youth has been noted, including a considerable number of young children who have been led into taking drugs, many of whom are uaing inhalants. The prevailing situation is a very difficult one, and it ia intended to make a general clesuup of thae port which will have to be taken to its final consequences. Ciudad Acuna has become a spriagboard for shipping drugs; and it may not be an exaggeration to say that it could at some time exceed Nuevo Laredo, Ta- maulipas. Meation was made of the constant arrests and roundups of drug and labor traffickers which have taken place recently, on the basis of in- vestigations. 2909 CSO: 5330 50 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 I~:}CICO mNf~C MAItIHUANA TRAFFIC1t~ttS RECEIVE JAIL SENTENCES ~ Ciudgd Juar~z EL FRONTERIZO in 6 Jul 79 3ec A p 4 ['T~xe] C~rmelo Aviles L~bra, a13as "Don Carmelo," Salvador Sapien Quinones nnd ttnge].~.o Nevarez Burciaga were convicted of dtiug trafficking and sent eo ehe st~re penirenriary yesterday to serve rheir reepective terme. 7'he ~econd di~tri.ct ~udge found them eocially and pena].ly guilty of crimes against health in the degreea of poeseesion, trafficking and traneportation of a ton of marihuana, which was confiscated from them on 5 March 1978. "Uon Carmelo," whom the police conaidered to be the czar of the drug traffic in Sinaloa at the tin~ of hia arrest there, was aentenced to 6 yeare in pri- snn, as the owner of the shipment of marihuana seized by police. Sapien Quinonea, who had previously been an agent in the radio patrol ser- vice, and Nevarez Burciaga, who was at one time an agent of the State Judi- � cial Police, were, in turn, aentenced to 5 and a half yeara' imprisonment each, as "Don Carmelo'a right-hand men." . They have been incarceraCed in the local jail aince 6 March of last year. The warden of the penitentiary, Rodolfo Lozoya, reported that he had turned the three drug traffickers over to a group of police agents asaigned to take them to the atate penitentiary. 'The transfer was made ver.y early in the morning, without any ob~ection on the part of the prisoners in question. Lozoya said that the second diatrict ~udge, Humberto Zurita Martinez, repre- senting the legal ministry, authorized the agent of the Federal Public Min- i3try to order the transfer of "Don Carmelo" and compaay to the town of Chi- huahua. The three men are at the disposal of the eighth circuit court of appeals of the town of Torreon, Coahuila, inasmuch as they expreeaed dissatiafaction with the sentence that was imposed. 2909 CSO: 5330 51 ; . ~ I i ! , . _ _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 t~XICO HERO~N TRAFFICKERS CAPTURED IN MAZATLAN CuLi~can ~L SOL DE SINALOA in Sp~ni~h 18 Ju1 79 3ec B p S [Text~ Mazatlan, Sinaloa, 17 July--Federal Judicial Police forces iti this ~ town aeized 1 kilogram and 800 grams of heroin, together with 10 individuals who are impl~caCed. The drugs are worCh over 4 million peaoe. Based on the investigatione conducted by forces from the Office of th~ Attor- ney GaneraL of the Republic in this town, under ordera from Comdr Florentino Radilla GaLlardo, Natividad Sandoval Vergara, who had the drugs buried at his re8idence, was capturad. Invoived in the buainess of aelling heroin, which the first chemical analysea have ahown to be of great purity, wa8 the taxi driver Jose Mendoza Nunez, a native of V111a Union, who claimed to have been kidnapped. The taxi driver, along with the car which is the property of the state traf- fic delegate in Villa Union, were taken into custody. Also captured were Humberto Garate Moreno, who was a contact for the sale, and Ignacio Covarrubias Anaya, also a contact, who was released about 6 months ago from ~ail, where he was serving a sentence for crimes against heal th. In the course of the probe, Jose Luis Tirado Avena was captured. There was a warrant for hia arrest isaued by the district ~udge, and he was also im- plicated in the sale of heroin. Rodolfo Hernandez Echegaray, a member of the same ring who was aeeking con- ' tacts for the sale of the drugs, was captured. In addition to apprehending the aforemenCioned individuals, the Federal Ju- dicial Police arrested Jorge Osuna Zatarain and Jose Maria Sarabia Rellano, also known as Alfonso Palacios Calderon, who had 5 kilograms of marihuana in his possession and who was also seeking customers for the heroin. The pair claimed that they had received the marihuana as paymene for 5,000 pesos owed them by another individual. The two men in custody apparently have a stand in the Juarez market. 52 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 5, A~~d, fin~].1y, Jo~~ M~nu~1 Nori~g~ To~r~s, who h~d ~ ma~~huat~a plBntaC~,on th~~ h~ w~e gu~~di,ng, w~~ q~r~~t~d, ~nd ehe piantation w~~ de~t~oyad~ Aceord3ng to the pr8~,~.minary ~e~tem~n~s, tiha drug~ were del3,vetied to Nati- vid8d 3andoval Vergara by Rooario Valenzuela Atiellano and "E1 Chayo" Val~n- zu~la, who i~ a fugiti.v~ who ~scaped �rom the ~a31 in thie rown. Natividad SAndov~]. V~r$~ra residee on the L~ Urr~c~ farm, near Vil].a Un~.on, wh~r~ th~ druga war~ found. When h~ wae c~ptured, he h~d in hi~ posses~ion 16,000 pe~os, eh~ re~u.].t of the eale of a~mall po~tion of ehe druga. Mdr~ov~r, rh~ publir ~ervice car which wa~ ~~iz~d in Vi1,la Union, with 1i- cenga pl~ee~ 7~-TVS gnd economi.c nwnber 2710, was taken ~.nto cuatody, to- gether with the driver, J~d~ Mendoza Nune~. 29d9 CSO: 5330 ; ~ 53 i ! ~ . I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 MEXICO PkOSECUTdR AL~A: MARIHUANA PItOllUG"CION UOWN 90 PERCENT Mexico City ~XCELSIOR i.n Sp~nish 19 Jun 75 p 31-A ~Articl~ by Coneu~lo L de Ava~oa] [Texr] Ti~uana, Ba~a Californ~g Norte, 18 June--In addiCion to aanouncing th~C marihuang and opium poppy production has been reduced by 90 percent, S~mun1 A1ba Leiva, gssistant attorney general, sa~.d Chat Mexico has nev~r ~ccepted ~nd does not permit internaCional presaure in its permanent struggle againgt drug tra�ficking. He explained that Mexico has always been guided by ita own laws and on this basis "has never allowed a foreign country to intervene in its internal affaira, neither has it meddled in the problems of nther countries." And he streesed: "The truceless war against drug trafficking being carried out ehroughout the country by the office of the attorney general is being waged by Mexico." The antinarcotics ca?~,paign has already reached its highest degree in 6 years, he said pointing out that this is best demonstrated by the report issued by the UN Special Department on Drugs. "This recognition is the best guarantee of the effectiveneas with which the federal government has fought the traffic of druga." In 1977, 70,000 opium poppy fields were degCroyed and this year only 19,000 - have been detected and destroyed. Therefore, it can be said that in Mexico the source of drug production has been closed, permitting an abaolute control - of this cancer. Alba Leiva showed satisfaction with the work being carried out along this border by officials of Che attorney general's office in their battle against drug trafficking. Lawyer Carlos Aguilera Garza, responsible for the mission covering the north- east of the country, was congratulated for the "heavy blowa delivered against drug traffickers." 54 _ _ - _M..__._ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 9ome hou~~ b~f,or~ for ~h~ c~p~~~1, ~feer ~he ~t~orney g~n~ra~., O~~ar ~~.ore~ Saneh~z, ~e ~h~ ~hr~e-d~y ma~ting of pxo~ecutiore oE th@ eountry' g noreliern re~~.on, A].ba L~~.v& ~C~1Ced: "1~ I~nH brrn Euund thnt m~x~ ehan 50 p~rcenC oC th~ druk~ u~cd by Chh rl.~nd~t~ei.n~ drug industry in M~xico comes from the UniCed SCgties, where ie rarurn~ 3n eh~ Eorm o~ p~.].~.s." Sav~nCy percenG of rhe laboraCories confiecaeed in the counery work wiCh drugs from xhe country Co the noreh and, during rhe l~ge monehe, more ~h~n 200 k~.logr~ms of heroin and cocaine, valued ae ~~ver~~ hundr~d million pe~oa, have been ~eized and deaCroyed. 9341 CSO: 5300 55 ' , ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 MEX~CO COCAZN~, FIV~ TRAFFICK~RS S~IZED IN DUItANGO Mexicn CiCy EXC~LSIOR in Spanish 14 Jun 79 p 7-D [ArCicle by Rafae~. Medina Cruz] [Text] Drugs worth more than 150 million pesos were seized by agents of tihe Federal Judic3al Po11ce in the city of Durango, Durango, upea arresting ~ive drug tra�fickers, including two Amer3.cans, poas~ssing 30 kilograma of cocaine and 70 grams o� heroin. The investigation was iniriated after Commander Rafael Dia~ Albores learned that subsCantial drug buying and sellir~g operationa were being carried out in thaC city, the drugs to be sold later in the south of the United States. Diaz Albores ordered the surveillance of public accountant Sabino Gonzalez Campos, who supposedly was the contacC between drug traffickers. In Che investigation it was learned that Saul Renato Renato and Ramiro Gonzalez Campos were also involved. The three men werP arrest~d yesterday together with Joseph Patrick Graham and Paula Jo Phero. The suspects and the drugs were handed over to an agent of the Fede~ral Public Ministry, who asked for the cooperation of American officials in order to arrest and investigate several persons mentioned by the drug traffickers. 9341 CSO: 5300 56 , ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 MEXICtl TOURISTS SEIZED WITH COCAINE AT MEXICO CITY AIRPORT Mexico City EL DIA in Spanish 5 Jun 79 p 6 (Article by Laura Quintero] ['Text] Led by Gen Rau1 Mendiolea Cerecero, directior of the Federal Judicial Police, a group o� agents arrested two drug traffickers at the Mexico City International Airport. Two kilograma of pure cocaine valued at more than 16 million pesos were confiscated from them. Traffickers Bradford b. English and James Edward Lee, American nationals, arrived at Che terminal on Pan Am flight 502, from Bogota, Colombia, and agents of the Federal Judicial Police noticed that they were extremely nervous while walking toward the customs checkpoint. For this reason their baggage was thoroughly checked and five plastic bags o� cocaine were found neatly hidden between the soles and insoles of five pairs of ahoes. In their preliminary statements, both said they had arrived in this capital at the beginning of April, leaving the next day for Baranquilla and Bogota, Colombia, where they madQ contact in order that the drug be delivered to them. The drug was supposed to be delivered to a person whose last name was "Rivera" in Talma, California, United States. General Mendiolea Cerecero explained that each shoe contained 200 grams of pure cocaine, which can take some 6 or 7 cuts and has a price of more than $80,000 per kilogram on the black market. The two traffickers as well as the cocaine bags, shoes, luggage, passports, visas, travelers checks, driver's licenses, two cameras and money in cash were handed over to a c~rimina'1 agent of the Public Ministry. General Mendiolea Cerecero stated during the press conference in which he introduced the traffickers, that everything possible is being done to counter- act the new drug trafficking systems, since the organizatione keep engineering new methods in order to evade the surveillance operating mainly in airports.... 57 ( APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 He ind~.cgCad thati m~n ~s w~ll ~s women agenti~ hgve been comm~.s~~.oned at the ineernat~:on~l airpnre, s~.nce women ~lan carry drugs ~.n dif�erenti ob~~ee~ of personal us~~ In additiion rn rhe dir~ctor of the Federg~ Judicial Police, second commander Armgndn Mnreinez Salgado and agenCs Ju].io Cesar Jimenez Teran and Rebeca Gurierrez Valdez also took part in ehis case. 9341 C50: 5300 58 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 M~XICO TItAFFICKERS TERRORIZE CHIHUAHUA STATE INDIANS Mexico City EL SOL DE N1~XIC0 in Spanish ].S Jun 79 p ~6-A [TexC] Ch:Lhuahug, 17 June--In Cieneguiea de Barranca, Urique municipality, hundreds of Ir?dian have been victims for a long time of Che attacks of inembers of drug trafficking mafias. Immeraed in vast regiona, rich in mining and fnrest resources, the humble and the have-nots subsiat in an environment of terror and in~ustice, where drug-cultivaCing activities sti~.ii prevail as weii as a batCle that is unequal and often un~usC on ~he part of Che forces charged with fighting the mafia. The president of Cieneguita de Barranca's ruling committee, Ruperto Amador, discouraged by the prevailing situation, sent a letter to the nation's attorney general, Oscar Flores Sanchez, stating that "the abusea, crimea and the impunity displayed by the drug tr~ffickers and their accomplices, imposed on the town halls and favored by the traditional political basses of Ct~e region, Curns what used to be the modeat, but peaceful and quiet, life of our communties into a dangerous and distressing one." An exhaustive investigation has been demanded in order Co erradicate cor- ruption from the organizations charged with fighting drug trafficking, since there have been indiscriminate actions against many honorable and peaceful neighbors who are devoted to making a life through effort and reaponsibility - and who often are vicCims of violent investigations and mistreatment to a higher degree than the criminals. There is the impunity and violence exerted by Indian chiefs who are protected by Che power of money and influence, and this makes the lives of Chose who do not participate in mafia ac:tivities very dangerous. In the Sierra region, the Indians serve as guides and interpreters for those officials charged with erradicating drug and narcotics farming, but they do not en3oy any protection. Names such as Valente Quintero, Jose Ro~as, Herculano Delgado, Salvador Ro3as, Valentin Murillo, are known among the families of Munerachi, Guapalayna, Corareachi and other communities of the municipality of Urique, and they have distinguished themselves by unselfishly offering their services in the fight against drug traffickers, but their backs are against the wall. 9 341 CSO: 5300 59 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 MEXICO BRIEFS DRUGS, WEAPONS SEI2ED--Mexico City, 3 July--Over 106 drug tra�fickera were captured 1asC week by Federal Judicial Police agente, who aucceeded in con- fiacatittg more than 2 tona of marihuana, a kilogram of heroin, half a kilo- gram of cocaine, 4 kilograms of opium, and 13 k.~.lograms of marihuana and poppy aeed, as wa11 as aeveral ~ointis of grass. In addition to the druga, the ~udicial police aeized eight weapons, including piatols and high-powered machine guns, 385 cartridgea of different calibere, three late-model pickup trucks, four cars and two light planea, with which the druga were brought in, to the United States in particular. During the inveatigation to cap ture - these criminals, the agents found Chree clandestine landing atrips, which were destroyed by army forces which participated in this endeavor. As part of the campaign against the planting, cultivation and harvesting of drugs derived from poppies and marihuana, the Federal J'udicial Pelice and the air aervices of the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic burned 74 , poppy and 73 marihuana plgntations, aad mixed plantations which contained 172,959 poppy plants and 845,687 maxihuana plants. [Text] [Piedras Negras EL DIARIO DE PIEDRAS NEGRAS in Spanish 4 Jul 79 p 1] 2909 ' HEROIN TRAFFICKER SENTFSTCED--Drug trafficker Franciaco Rivera Quezada earned a~ail sentence of 6 years and 6 months and a fine of 7,245 pesos, of which he was notified yesterday by one of the "clerks" of the second diatrict court. Luia Garcia Romero (head of the second court) handed down his final decision yesterday in proceedinga 198/977, brought against Francisco Rivera Quezada, whom he found guilty of a~crime agatnst health in the degrees of transportation aad trafficking in the form of purchasing heroin, aentencing him to aerve the aforementioned term in ~ail. Rivera Quezada was captured on 13 October 1977 by agenta of the Office of the ACtorney General of the Republic, who found in his possesaion 8.5�.onncea of a brown powder which turned out to be heroin. On that occasion, Rivera Quezada was arrested at . the entrance to the "E1 Rio" Motel. The federal agents conducted~a close ~ inveatigation of Rivera Quezada, since.they had information to the effect that he was engaged in drug trafficking. On the a�orementioned date, the federal agents learned that a pickup truck had stopped ia front of the "E1� Rio"~Motel, and that an individual had left it, heading for the restaurant, while another remained inaide the vehicle. The federal ageats noticed the person in the pickup truck getting out, and begaa aurrounding him, subaequent- ly making Che arrest. [Text] [Nuevo Laredo EL DIARIO DE NUEVO LAREDO in Span- iah 13 Jul 79 Sec B p 5] 2909 CSO: 5330 60 . . ' . r ~ . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 PANAMA BItIEFS COCAINE FOUND--NaCional Guard G2 agents yesCerday captured a twin-engined ~ Colombian plane carrying a sh~.pmenC of cocaine valued at $500~000 on the U.5, underground market. The Colombian plane, registration number HK-1172C, arrived at Paitilla Airport yesterday from Medellin, Local authorities had received advance information that the aircraft was being used to transporC drugs. On its arrival in PaiCilla~ G2 agenCe searched the plane and found three packages containing a white powder which, after a laboratory test, was found to be cocaine, The total shipment contained 614 grams of the drug. Pil~t Luis Carlos Osor~o Botero has been placed in Che custody oP the aCCorney general's office~ According to Osorio, , he came Co Panama on a banking mission and was supposed to return to t2ede,llin in the next few hours. The inspection of the aircraft was con- ducted by experts of the narcotics division of the Finance Ministry, headed by Inspector Octavio Rodriguez, who u~ed a trained dog recently acquired by the ministry to detect the drugs. [Text] [Panama City Televisora Nacional in Spanish 2315 GMT 2 Aug 79 PA] CSO: 5300 ~ 61 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 URUGUAY EL~V~N TRIED FOFt AMPHETAMINE PRESCRIPTION FOI~GEItY MonCevideo EL PAIS in Spanieh 9 Jun 79 p 10 [Text] The Naeional Directorate of InCelligence and Information advisee th~t the Brigade of Narcotica and Dangerous Drugs learned from cont~.dential ~ources that a group of young uaers of controlled drugs (ampheCam4.nea) was falsifying preacripCiona ~.n order to buy at different pharmac~.ea and that one of them had induced his fiance a young 20-year old student to in~ect herself with ehe atimulant. At the atart of the enqui.ry, probes were made in several pharmacie~, ~~eking out the rorged preacriptiona, of which 10 were found. As a reault~ in all 14 young people, of both sexes, between the ages of 18 and 22 yeara, were detained, the ma~ority of them being aCudenta. In forging theae private documenta, they used the so-called tranaferable ~ letters, placing the names of non-existent doctora on them. They were processed in the Sth Court of Inatruction, where the magistrate charged 11 of them with "Falsification of private documents and supply of," and imposed measures in accordance with what is laid down in Article 40 of Law no. 14,294 for the following: 1) Nesror Hugo Sastre Acosta, Uruguayan, single, 20 yeara old; 2) Luis Eduardo Gras Lisboa, also Uruguayan, single, 18 yeara old; 3) Victor Hugo Giovinetti Sosa, Uruguayan, single, 18 years old; 4) Olga Criatina Angles Introini, Uruguayan, divorced, 30 yeara old; 5) Sylvia Milder Sosa Fernandez, Uruguayan, single, 28 years old; 6) Gustavo de Leon Guichon, Uruguayan, single, 20 years old; 7) Roberto Rafael de Armas Sienra, Uruguayan, aingle, 18 years old; 8) Ruben David Mad~arian Tomikian, Uruguayan, single, 22 years old; 9) Martha Belkiss Oliveira Parreno, Uruguayan, single, 20 years old; 10) Jose Antoaio Perez Gonzalez, Uruguayan, single, 20 years old; and 11) Jorge Mario Abade Livio, Uruguayan, single, 18 years old. It should be noted thaC the following are not first offenders: 1) Nesto~ Hugo Sastre Acosta, 2) Luis Eduardo Gras Liaboa, 3) Victor Hugo Giovinetti Sosa, 4) Olga Cristina Angles Introini and 5) Sylvia Milder Sosa Fernandez. 62 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 tlnc~ again, ~et~nCion mu~e ~e dx~wn eo ~h~ ~~v~re p~nale~.~g eha L~w fdr~~e~~ for tho~e ~n~aged in ~ny Cype of ~c~~viey ~.~,nked Co tihe er~Ef~.c - and ~upply of drug8 (marihuana, amphetaminea, conC~colled medicationa, eCc~), ~v~n though rhis be done �o~ frea, since ~.t ~,s Ea1t tihaG they are spreading wh~t ie in eff~ce ~n ~pidpmic. AC Ch~ ~~me t~me, p~rene~ ~r~ warn~d ro t~lce ehe utmose care ~.n over eheir adolescenC ehi~dran ~.n or8er to preventi eh~~.r be~,ng aeeraceed eo th~e wor~d o� horror~ Chae ~.s drug addi,ctiion and which genex~lly ends w~th ~h~ phy~ieal, m~nC~l and mor~l de~truction of Che vtceims. In eh~ evene of any doubte or for purpoaeg o� consuleaCion, addreas your- s~1f ro th~ ~uthoriti~s aC Che Ministry of Healeh, 2nd fl.oor, Office 11210, or alternati~.vely to the Sr~.gade of Narcotics and Dangerou~ Druga of the polic~. ` t ~ ~p r~';` - ~ 5 t ~f , ~ ~f= :y � ~ ~ ' ..~y 7R r~ h,'*~M1 . . . ~ 4~~Yq~ x` + ' ~F �Y;Iy 1~.~M~ ~�~~!'1 x .5~. + yF`'i. F ~R.~ ~ . ' ~ ~..R. J~i.a. . v r~ 1, ~ ~ ~ ' ^.~~'T~ ~ '~`.i~ i � ~,..'~~'Y~ w.~ ~ � C ~3~~'+.~ ~~~t . ti F ~ . ~ I u` ,r..` Sylvia Milder Sosa Fernandez, Olga Cristina Angles Introini, Luis Eduardo Gras Lisboa, Victor Hugo Giovanetti Sosa and NesCor ::ugo Sastre Acosta, the young people who were ~ailed fo r forgery of inedical prescripCions and who were guilty of repeated offenaes. 7129 CSO: 5300 63 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 VENEZUELA BRIEFS ~ DRUG ARREST--Authoritiee have arrested two drug traffickera identified as ~?lfredo Mor~no Vega and (?Diamantiino) Ar3as~ as well as a minor known as "E1 Chivo~" �or poaseesion o� cocaine worth $500,000. They will be arraigned in the appropriaee courts. [Caracas Rad~.o Rumbos Network in Spanish 1530 GM'r 4 Aug 79 PA] POLICE SEIZE DRUGS--Leopoldo Llerena, chief of the Narcotics Division of the Judicial Technical Police, has reported that detectiives from his divigion arreated two international drug traffickera and aeized 200 LSD ~ � pills, 1/2 kilo of cocaine and several pounda of mgrihuana. The Craffick~ra were identified as Leonardo Enrique Marin Duran a Colombian ciCizen, and Felix Omar Ibarra Perez, a Venezuelan citizen. Chief LLerena added that they are conducting furCher inveaCigations to determine if the traffickers had any accomplices in Caracas or in the country's interior. [Caracas Radio RumboA Network in SpaniBh 1530 GMT 2 Aug 79 PAj,, CSO: 5300 64 j . ' il ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 , SOUTH AFRICA BRIEFS DRUG RING LEADER SOUGHT--Durban--Police have starCed a nat3onwide hunt �or Canadian Mr Robert Beck, alleged to be the maeCermind behind an inCeri~ational drug smuggling ring. Mr Beck (29) hae disappeared while facing charges of ~muggling druga from Durban ro Britain. He wae released on bail gnd was due to appear in the Durban Magistrate's Court on Monday. He was arrested earlier l,:~at montih together with two other men, Mr Victor Fanthrope (20) and Mr Edward WolhuCer afCer a police raid on aeveral huCela and premisea in the Durban cenCral area. Mr Beck was granted bail of Rl 500 buC had Co surrender his passport and report to the police regularly. Captain John Wright of the Durban Vice Squad said yesterday he believed that Mr Beck would try to flee the counCry. He appealed to anyone who could give information regarding Mr Beck's whereabouta to con- tact him at Durban 32-7532 or the Flying Squad at 1011 Durban. The three alleged drug dealers are due to appear in court again on Friday~ It has been alleged by the State that they wanted to "export" about 210 kg of dagga to the United States and Britain. Mr Beck is a tallieh, goodlooking man with sandy hair and a light complexion. [Text] [Johannesburg THE CITIZEN in English 1 Aug 79 p 13] CSO: 5300 ~ 65 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 TURK~Y ~ NARCOTSCS BRANCH D~T~CTIVE5 NAB MAN WITH 2 KILOS OF HEROIN IsCanbul CUI~IURIYET in Turkish 12 Jun 79 pp 1~11 [Texe~ In operar~ons cond~cted yeaterday in Istanbul, a Gaziantep bueinessman was arrested with heroin having a market value of 20 million Lira concealed in ~ secret compartment in his car. In separatie operat~.ona in rhe Topkapi markeCs, conCraband elecCronic instruments were seized and 10 persons taken into custody. Narcotics Section detectives of the Directorate of Public Security became susprEcious of Gaziantep businessman Hasan Gunes and made a search of his auto- mobile bearing the plate number 34 UE 803. As a reault of the search, 2 kilos of pure heroin having a markek value of 20 million TL, which was hidden in a secret compartment construcCed beneath a headlight of the privately-owned Ford automobile, was seized. Tt~e suspecC Hasan Gunes, who was taken into custody, confessed that he fre- quently traveled between Gaziantep and Istanbul and that he was going to take the heroin found in his car to Germany himself. Furthermore, Gunes ~ stated that he had bought the heroin in Erzurum but said that he did not know the person from whom he purchased it. Narcotics Section detectives were considering the possibility that the sus- pecC may be part of a large smuggling ring and sCaCed that they were conducting the investigation from this standpoint in a comprehensive manner. In the Topkapi MarkeCs In another case it was deCermined that contraband foreign made merchandise was being sold in the Topkapi markets. Financial Section teams organiaed a big operation to follow up this information, and as a consequence electronic instruments were confiscated with a market value in excess of 500 thousand TL. In con~iection with the contraband goods seized 10 persons were taken into custod.y. Authorities stated that after the closing down of the American markets it had been determined that large amounts of contraband goods were being sold in the market places and for this reason the controls und operations had been stepped up. 9353 CSO: 5300 66 r APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 UNITED KINGDOM COUNTRY TERMED 'ON BRINK OF HEROZN EPIDEMIC' London THE DAILY TELEGRAPIi in Englieh 20 Ju7. 79 p 8 [Article by David Fleecher] [Text] Big increasea in Che number o� hard-drug addicta have brought Britain to the brink of a heroin epidemic, it was claimed yesterday. The increases were announced in a report by Che Home Office, which aCated Chat Che number of addicta receiving narcotic druga from doctora had risen by 19 percent, to a record total of 2,408, over the past year. Ths number of addicts notified for the first time last year was 1,332--22 percent more than in 1977. The Home Office pointed out Chat the figures did not cover the total extent of addiction. They refer only to registered addicts receiving supplies from a doctor, and do not include those who obtain drugs illicitly. "Between 1973 and 1977 an average of 3ust over 1,000 peraons each year were found guilty of offences of unlawful possession, of a notifiable drug or drugs. 13,400 Se3zures "Some of those offenders might not be addicts--for example, pushers who were not addicts--and some might be addicts already notified who had obtained addi- tional drug supplies illicitly." The Home Office said there had also be 13,400 seizures of controlled drugs, mostly cannabis but including heroin, during the past year. This was 40Q more than in the previous year and the highest number in any year since the Misuse of Drugs AcC came into force in 1973. The total quantity of heroin aeized--60.8 kilos (122 lb).--was twice that of the previous year and the total amount of cocaine seized, 16.1 kilos (32 lb) was higher than in any of the prev3,ous 5 years. 67 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 According to Che Home OEfice, thn only drugs offence for there wag an apprec~.~ble drop w~e cu~tivatiion of cannibig planCs. It glen appeared thaC drug addicte were older. The mosr ~requene age of knoc~m addicts last year was 25-30, whereas 8 years earlier the moet frequene age was 19-23. Mr David Turner, coordinator of the Con�erence on Drug Abuse, an body for a number of volunCary groupe concerned witih drugs, said: "I belleve Britain could be on the brink of a heroin ep~.demic. "The panic about drugs in the 1960's was over 750 addicta. We now have over 4,100 o�ficially, yeC we are told everything is under control." CSO: 5320 - ~ 68 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9 UNITED KINGDOM . , CLAMPDOWN ON MISUSE OF BARBITURATE5 PLANNED ' London THE DAILY TELEGRAPH in Engl3eh 23 Ju1 79 p 2 [Axticle by Charles Nevin] [Text] ~HE Government ~ is ~ to ir~treduce legal !or the ' control ~ ot evi~~p~.d.: � ~ , , ;There has been areat r.oncern penalhes for tihe misuse. of barbiturate ~ ~o~c chetr eb~~s~, it is believed thet the,y cause 2,000 deaths a drugs. A Home Office spokesman said las~ year, ~ome or tn~ self~ n~i ht .that the woul~d be scheduled in Class inflicted, and up to 10,000 admis� g y sioni to hospitaL ~ ' " B." of the 1971 Misuse of Drugs Act. De~ths repnrted ~ T~he change sn the }aw could be made by the end They are kno~vn through. of the year, and will mean ~hat any person possessing �brand names such as Twinal, Nembutal, 6econal and 8ndium a barbit~rate without a lawfu'1 prescripHon will be ~,nyte~, and can be bought on liable to ~a sentence of five years and an unlimited ~h~ ~treec~~ for as lit~~e ae 50.---~ ~?ence a Ta~blet. (n I,~ndon's Hne. � ~ ' Piaadipv tha current price is . E'l�50. . The maximum penaity for . ~ ; Another drua which mav illegally supplying barbitura� oome ~under strinaent control ates will be 14 years' ,is the painkiller Diconal. The : ~ Imprisonment and , an un� .Advisory cauncil is expected to limited fine. . ;recvmmend a " heroin�tvpe " ban on the dru~. Dipip~nol ~ The Government's adviso ,ry Hydrochloride, In the auaumn. counci( on the abuse of druas Dicon~l is manufectured e� recommended the control of ~ ~ barbiturates earlier this year ,ert� ~nalgesic, but for some aed the Home Secretary has ~ ~ tYe~ra has been aubjed to~abuse. decided to implement the ;It ~as ~heen a Class A druR reeomr:tndation. � ~~ince 1976, a year after the The Nome Office apokesman Srct Diconal�attributed deatha added We hoRe to cut down Merseyspde ted in Sheffield aod xreatly what we feel was evi� T#~e advlsory council will con� dence of ,youn~ people beiag 'slder whether it ehould be damaaed b.v this dru~:' ~imited, like heroin and cocaine, Barbiturates - Amylobarbi� tone, Rutoba.rbitone. Cyclobarbi� ~fpl' prescription to addicts bv lone, Pentobarbitone and Quin- ~ltcensed doctorc and National albarbiWne - are used as ,~.eAlt1~;,,d~v~ clipic~. . aleening �aids ,~s an anaesthetic. io the veterinery profession end CSO: 5320 ~ , END 69 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080021-9