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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-R~P82-00850R000'1000800'13-8 I ~ 9 AUaUST i979 CFOUO 33179~ i OF 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080013-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084413-8 H'()It OF'~I('IA1, 11~1~. ONI,Y JPRS L/8612 - 9 August 1979 Worldwide Re ort p NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS CFOUO 33/79) ~ FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080013-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084413-8 NOTE ' JPRS publicatiiona conCain information primarily �rom foreign newspapera, periodicals and books, buC also from newa agency tiransmissions and broadcasts~ Maeerials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from Engliah-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, wiCh ehe original phrasing and other characteristics retained, Fteadlines, editorial reports, and roaterial encloaed in brackets ~J are supplied by JPRS~ Processing indicaCors such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the �irst line of each item, or following the laet line oE a brief, indicate how the original information was proceased. Where no processing indicator ia given, the infor- maCion was summarized or extracted. UnfamiYiar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tiori mark and enclosed in parentheses were no~ clear in the original but have been aupplied ao appropriate in context. - Other unattributed parenthetical notea within the body of an item origina~:e with the source. Timea within ~.tema are as given by source. The conCents of ttiis publication in no way repreaent the poli- ciea, views or attitude~ of the U.S. Government. For further information on report content . call (703) 351-2811. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080013-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084413-8 FOR OFFICxAL USE ONLY JPR5 L/8612 9 August ].979 ~ WORLDWIDE REPORT NARCOTICS AND DANG~ROUS DRUGS (FOUO 33/79) CONT~NTS PAGE ASIA AuSTRALIA Federal Folice Ordered To Investigate Narcotics Bureau (Various sources, various dates) 1 � Bureau Head Resigns, by Gary 0'Neill Statement on Investigation Resignation Withdrawn, by Kevin Love Background on Reaignation, by Tony Walker ~ Government Handling Criticized Information 'Drought' Feared Antidrug Fight Vital, Editorial Campaign for Melbourne Odyssey Program Cont�xnues (TH~ AGE, 1, 5, 6 Jun 79) 8 Fo~undation ExecuCive's Remarks U.S. Expert's Warning Drug Epidemic Feared Business Leaders' Pledge Use of Heroin Reaches Epidemic Propc?rtions, Expert Says (THE WEST AUSTRALIAN, 4 Jun 79) 11 Consultant Describes Australia's Drug Problem (Catherine Martin; 'THE tJ~ST AUSTRALIAN, 5 Jun 79)........ 12 Magistrate Denies i~cceptfag From Drug Agent _ (Lindsay Murdoch; 1'~IE AGE, 6 Jun 7g) 13 Eight on Trial in Sydn~y for 'Giant' Smuggling Try _ (THE AGE, 5 Jun Z9) ................m..................... 15 - a - [III - WW - 138 FOUOI FOR OFFICYAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080013-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084413-8 ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Conttnued) page ' Briefa 5muggler's Passports ~.6 Woman F.~+ces Tria1 L6 Drugs Thief Remanded ].6 Heroin in Coata 16 Three Heroin Of~enders 17 - riarihuana LegalizaCion Supporeed 17 Austra'lian Drug Sentencea 17 JAPAN Tokyo MPD Arrests 13 for Smuggling Stimulants _ (ASAHI EVENING NEWS, 17 Jul 79)~~ 18 MALAYSIA Hospitals To`~Be Drug Centera (NEW STRAITS TIMES, 9 Jul 79) 19 House for Addicts Plan Held Back (Khairuddin Hassan; NEW STRAITS TIMES, 29 Jun 79) 20 Police Found Heroin in SepCic iank, Court Is Told (NEW STRAITS TIMES, 1 Jun 79) 22 NEW ZE.ALAND Police Minister Accused of Drug Trade 'Whitewash' (THE EVENING POST, 28 Jun 79) 23 Court Hearing Heroin Charge Told of Yacht Trip to Bali (THE EVENING POST, 26 Jun 79) 24 Heroin Dealing Charge Denied at Trial (THE EVENING POST, 20 Jun 79) 26 Seven-Year Jail Sentence for L~D Dealer ~ (THE EVENING POST, 22 Jun 79) 27 Briefs Heroin Use Rises 28 Heroin Conviction 28 PHILIPPIN~S Briefs Drive Against Pushers 29 Growing Drug Trade 29 -b- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080013-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084413-8 FOit OFFICIAL US~ OrTI.,Y ,L CONTENTS (f;ontinued) Page THAILAND ~ Drug Offenders Risk Death or Life Imprisonment (Nei1 Ke11y; TH~ SYDNEY MOItNZNG HERALD, 31 May 79).....~. 30 Chiang Mai Crop Substitution Program Showe Initial Results (NATION REVIEW, 25 Jun 79) 32 ICalian Held With 'Hero3n P111ow' in Airport Check (BANGKOK POST, 24 Jun 79) 33 Arrest, Suicide in Khampaeng Phet (BANGKOK POST, 12 Jul 79) 3G Brie�s~ Treatment o� Australians 35 Marihuana on Yacht 35 Udon Thani Plantation Burned 35 - ~ Drug Team in Bangkok 36 American Jailed 36 Hong Kong Trafficker SenCenced 36 Sri Lankan Trafficker Sentenced 36 CANADA - Hallucinogenic Mushrooms Seized in Montreal ~ (Andre Cedilot; LA PRESSE, 6 Jul 79) 37 Montreal Resident Convicted of Drug Trafficking, Conspiracy - (Bernard Morrier; LE DEVOIR, 22 Jun 79) 39 Eight Accused in Montreal Drug Seizure - (Bernard Morrier; LE DEVOIR, 27 Jun 79) 41 BriQfs Drug Ring Bust 43 LATIN ANIERICA ARGENTINA National Entity Completes Study on Drug Abuse - (LA NACION, 29 Jun 79) 44 Interpol To Assist in 5earch for Drug Trafficker (LA NACION, 29 Jun 79) 46 - Marihuana Fields Discovered in ~ao Provinces (CLARIN, 24 Jun 79) 48 ~ -c- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080013-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084413-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONT~NTS (Continued) PAge BRAZIL prt CgpCain Charged WiCh Drug Traf�icking (Varioua sources, varioua datea) 49 CuptAin Sought by Police Cnlonel Itefutea Churges Mu~or Sao Pttulo Trgffickers Arrested, Drugs Seized (0 CSTADO DE SAO PAULO, 13 Jun 19) 52 Medical InstiCute Incinerates Drugs (CORREIO BRAZILIENSE, 14 Jun 79).........~ 54 'Three Cocaine Traffickers Arrested After Shootout (0 GLOBO, J3 Jun 79) 56 Traffickers Lure Minors InCo Drugs, Later Use Them (JORNAL DO BRA5IL, 10 Jun 79) 58 Cocaine-'rrafficking Couple Arrested in Brasilia (COEtItEIO BRAZILIENSE, 18 Jun 79) 59 Briefs ! International Drug Conference 62 Cocaine Trafficker Arrested 62 COLOAiB IA Briefs Reduced Crime, Drug Traffic 63 Two Arrests in Drug P?.ane Incident 63 Drug Traffickers Arrested 64 Marihuana Seized 64 MEXICO ~ - Federal Public MinisCry Appeals Traffickers' Release (EL MANANA, 23 .Tun 79) 65 Further Details in Case of 12 Tons of Marihuana (Various sources, vatious dates) 66 Traffickers Deny Charges ; Father, Son Officially Jailed Accomplice Captured -d- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080013-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084413-8 FOR 0~'FICIAL USE ONLY - CONTENTS (Continued) Page Cocaine Traffickera CapCUred, Suppliere Sought (EL MANANA, 23 Jun 79).~........~......~.......~.~....... 69 Six Heroin Traffickers Deny Chr~rges in Statement (EL MANANA, 6 Ju1 79) 71 Marihuana Traffickers ConvicCed, Sentenced ~EL DIARIO DE NUEVO LAREDO, 4 Ju1 79) 72 Police Destroy Marihuana Plantation in Tamaulipas (EL MANANA, 5 Jul 79) 73 Trafficker Accused by Accomplice Denies Charges (EL DIARIO DE NUEVO LAREDO, 4 Jul 79) 75 Briefs Heroin, Other Drugs Seized 76 Pharmacy Clerk Selling Pi11e 76 Marihuana Trafficker Denies Charges 77 Heroin, Cocaine Distributor Jailed 77 VENEZUELA PTJ Arrest Six International Drug Traffickers (Freddy Urbina; ULTIMAS NOTICIAS, 23 Jun 79) 78 Briefs Revision of Drug Laws 80 NEAR EAST AND NORTH AFRICA EGYPT Briefs International Drug Gang Arrested 81 ~ IRAN Peasants Expected To Harvest Record Opium Crop (THE WEST AUSTRALIAN, 5 Jun 79) 82 ISRAEL ERRATUM: In JPRS L/8557, 8 July 1979, No. (28/79 FOUO) of this series, p 99, please change headline to read: HEROIN SEIZURE CONFIRMS IRAN MAJOR SOURCE OF SMUGGLING. -e- , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080013-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084413-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (ConCinued) Pgge WEST EUROPB AUSTRIA Brie�s Marihuana Seizure r~t Airport 83 BELGIUM Police Break Up Australian, Bollvian Cocaine Ring (LE SOIR, 5 May 79) 84 Briefs Malaysian Heroin Smugglera 86 FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Blow Against the Heroin Trade (Various sources, various dates) 87 Smugglers Carrying 13.5 Kilos Thais Arrested in Airport FRANCE Briefs Cannabis Resin Seized 88 GR~ECE ERRATUPi: In JPRS L/8557, 8 July 1979, No (28/79 FOUO) of this series, p 111, please change first BRIEFS headline to read: TURKS WITH DRUGS ARRESTED: in text in line 3 change "cocaine - were found" to read "cocaine [probably Iranian coke, or heroin] were found". NETHERLANDS Briefs Arrest of Heroin Dealers 89 Heroin Smugglers Detained 89 Arrest of Amphetamine.Dealers 89 TURKEY Briefs Hemp, Opium Destroyed 90 Heroin Seized . 90 -f- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080013-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084413-8 I FOtt OFFICIAL USE ONLY - CONTENTS (l:onCinued) Page UNITED KINGDOM Briefe r- Pi.lot Jailed for Smuggling y.'. -g- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080013-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084413-8 AUSTRALTA FE~tAL POLICE ORDERED TO INYESTIGATE NARCOTICS BUREAU Bureau Head Resigns ~ Canberra TI~ i~YD AUSTRALIAN in English 2-~ Jun ?9 p 1 ~ - [By Gary 0'Ne~ill] [Text] The head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics~ Mr Harvey Batee~ has re- signed. in protest at the Federal Government's decision to order a police ln- ~ vestigation into his bureau's operations. The Minister for Business a.r~d Consumer Affairs, Mr Fife~ said on Friday a 3oint force t'rom Queensland~ NSW, Victoria and the Commonwealth Police had been appointed to investigate the bureau. The shock announcement came late on Friday night five days after allegations that a multi-million-dollar drug ring bought information from the bureau's central computer which led to the murder of a New Zealand couple at $y?e~ Vic- - toria~ last month. ~ Mr Ffle said ~ Mr Batc~ '.made aubmissions W a succes- ~ ob~eclcd to thc composition ot sion of federal ministers ques- the police incest~~atinn team. ~ ~t[onlnc the operations of the "I telephoned Mr Bates on narcotics bureau and its Monday atter reading the a11e- method of conducting drug g~tions in the netiespapers;' lnvestigations. ~ MrFifesald. The Ministcr tor Admin- �'It then became apparent' istrative Ser~�~ces, hir DicLeay, that the narcotics bureau had who is responsible for the }cnown ior some time about Commonu~ealth Police, on Fri- the allegatlous but i~ad failed ~ day retused to name tl~e ot- td pass the information on to ticer who will head the inqulry me," but the name should be known He said the Goternment 1~ad late on Saturda3. decided on a special imestiga- The inquiry is 111~e1y to cause Won without consulting Mr shxk waves through a1l arcas Hates. of the burcau's operntions. It is understood AIr Bates The fdcntity~ o! the aRent particularly objected to the who alleRCdly fed lhe in(orma- inclusion ot Commonwealth tion to druq gangs Js still no6 ' Police in the int~estigatfon known. ttam. But the murdcred New Zea- ' There has bcen a running land coupic, Dougia.s and 1sa- ,battle between the ta~o agen- bel Wilson, told Queensland ;cfes for some ~�ears and the ,police as earty as June Jut ; ,Commonwealth Police have, 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080013-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084413-8 'yr~irtlfere h'ad been a 6~'e '~oltce' sources'quoEed lh"31 in the securltY ot the bureal~'a newspaper report on Monday' computer tapcs. , alleged that an unldentitled ~ ~ Mr Fife sald on Frlday the nnrcotlcs agent 1~ad been paid ~ompu~ers '~~~ere orlqlnaliq~ a 525,000 retatner by le4decs ot ~programmed wtth immigra-! a drug ring nnd S1000 a time ~ tion and intormation~ for each package of lnrorma- ~ but recen6ly lnteillgence i~~lor tton obtained from 6he com- : matlon irom tlie narcotics' puters, ~ , bureau was atso ted into thcm,t . It 1s believed tihat Douglas ; ~ bir F'ite sald he decplY; and Isabel Wlison are not the E~ regrrbted ~ir Bates' reslg-a , only people assoclated wlth natton. ' , the 1Utcit drug trade murdered , - He h~d telephoned Mr Bates' recently. , to ask him to rcconsider his The tnvestigators ot the declsion, but he had retused to~ nnrcotics bureau wlll re~ort to back down, � 'the Government, probablY in ~~Whtle he had no obJectton~ aecret. Then the Attorney- ~ ahatsoever to the establlsh- ccommendnawl etDher c t1 era ment of an lnqutry he obJected to the manner in ~vhtch 1t l~ad � ahould be any further action. been brought about and about Mr McLeay said on Friday the compositton of the investt- the ' police team had been Qatlon team;' Mr Fite said. given wide powers ot tnvesti- Mr Sates is the most senfor, take~severalanon hs, tt~ Gov~ ~ and experienced narcotics ,ernment was presstng for the officer isi Australia. ~ ~.a qW~est possibie report. Statement on Investigation Melbourne THE AGE in English 2 Jun 79 p 13 ' [Text] ThiB ie the joint state� ~n ~~e bodfes were ~re- ~ Sedous. Allegations o[ ment b the Minister or cently dlscovered at Rye in ~ thls nature, which Is sub- Y f Victoria. The Narcotics starrtlated may lead to crim- Administrativ� Services, Bureau declded at'that time I Inal charges, require the Mr. McLeay, and the to keep the allegations most thorough and consid- ~ Minister for Business under review, ered (nvestiRation, not only - n~id Consumer Affairs, The allegatiort~ came to so that wrongdoers mnv be ~Ar. Fife, yesterday on the notice of the Govern� brought to book but so that - th: Narcotics Bureau in- ment on ~tonday last. 'fhe the inte~ritp ot the Narcot- v�stigation: Government believes that Ics Bureau ls mainained at ~ The Government nas de- the allegations require the hlghesc stand~rd. dded to establish an In� police Investigation in the The Government and the vest?gauon lut~ sei ious al� ~ight ot the possibi}1ty that community have beert well Icgatious maue against an criminal events may be re� served by tl~e hiRh stand- unnamed officer of the Nan lated to the allegations, and ards and dedicated work of cotics L'ure:~u in Sudney, that the investigatiort should . the Narcotics Bureau in the 1'he investigation ~a�ill be be by an Independent group. flght aYainst the drug made by a joint police The Government bclieves tra(iic~ a task which has the ;roup head^d by a sen~or that the assistance o! State total support of the people ~.?~cer of d~e Victoria Police police o(ficers In the in� ot Australi~. The purpose ot . torce and assisced b a sen- vestigatlon is appropriate, this lnvestigation is to en- ior officer from each ot the ~!h as a matter of sound hance and not diminish the New So?nh \Vales, Queens- pract:ce and ha~�ing irt mind bureau's work. Iand and Commonwealth the caoperation ot State The investigating oPAcecs Police forces. . police torces will undoubt- have been asked to proceed tl~e alic^~tions . were edly be needed ac the In� � expediHously with their in- ~ vestigation proceeds. vestigation and reoort to made initially to ' the The Government is ap- the Attornev-General as. Qw:ensland poitce in June~ preciative o( the ready re- qulckly as possible. ~ �14~1~ by ~ lfr. and Mrs. Wil- sponse it has trom the State Goveraments concerned. ~ 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080013-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084413-8 Resignation Withdrawn ~ Canberra T~ AUSTRALXAN in En~lish 5 Jun 79 p 1 [By Kevin Love] [Tezt] T8E Director of the Fed= ~~`UCIED - eralBureau of Narcotics~ Mr It ~S belicved that Mr Bates i ~i'arvey Bates, late iast night had offered to �lthdraw hls ~ ;wittldcew hls resignation resignatton if tt~e common-. ~ wealth Police are excluded ~ after iurther falks wlth the iromthetnqutry. ~+Iinister ior BUSiness arid Because ot yesterday's talks ConsumerAffairs MrFlfe. Flfe did not appear in the ~ ~ ' ' House of Representatives dur- ~ Mr Sates, who is recognised ing Qucstlon Ttme, Hhen Op- , ' ~s one of the top narcotics~ position membcrs had pianned agents in the world, resigned ~ to launch a maJor offensive ~ ott Frlday in protest at a Fed- ` 9gainst the Government over ~ ~er~l Qovernment decision to ~ the handling ot Mr Bates' res- ; hold an inquiry into allega- ignation. - tionsotbribcryinthebureau. � Mr Bates, the ploneer o[ � Mr Bates had been expected � Australla's drug entorcement to oifer - or be asked - to ; agency, is hlqhly regarded ' Withdraw his resignation aiter among anti-drug policemei~ in � a day of talks with Mr Fife in the United States and ln :Canberra yesterday, South-East Asia. ; The news that Mr Bates During the past 10 years he ~ ~would return to thc 3ob today has devloped close relatton- ,ca~mc after talks had con- shlps with such organisations .tii~ued late into the evening.: ~ as the U.S. Federal Drug En�~ Mr Flfe's porLiolio includes re� ~ ~orcement Agency. . , aponsibility for the bureau. Mr Eates, 45. an NSBE, has ~ Senior government sources been involved in Australla's aaid the Government was very : ilght against�drugs for almost keen to keep Mr Bates because 30 years. � "he is too good a drug chief to As ~ young customs ofticer lase:' he gained a reputation ior fer- The �iormer director was reting out contruband on : u~set that ]~e was not consul- ships and wharves in Mel- ted about the inquiry before bourne and Sydney. Cabinet decided to set ii up. � Assoclates say he ls tough. ' Mr Bates had also objected �2vthless in his dealings witlt to the composition of the in-' ~~arcotics d~alers, totally in- � ~ quiry - ofticers from the Vic- corruptlble and a gitted ad- torlan, NSW, Queensland and minfstrator. Commonwealth police forces - He arrived in Canberra as a ~ ahd the effect on tl~e bureau's 6eniorcustoms otticer in 1967. hlghinternationalstanding. � Two ycars later l~e� was The inquiry is being held bc- promoted to becorne the tirst - cause of allegations that the director of the Federat ` b~reau and its computer in- NarcoticsBureau. formation banks had been in- His squad of 12 has now tiltrated b,v drug trafiickers grown td about ]50 o[ficers. and organised crime. ' including five mcn based ln' The allegations were origi- � Asia. i~ally made to Queensland ~ � The Sinqapore and police last year b~� a New Zea-. Malaysian gocernments have ,]and couple. Douglas and , Since modelled their dru~ Irene Wllson, x~ho ~cere found ' , aBencics on the Canberra s~hot dcad at Rye. Victoria, in' ; system. ~ ~r~:~gY! . . i�a.... . I:i~a ~ . 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080013-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084413-8 Baclcg~cound on ReaignatSon Melbourne THE AG~ in ~ngliah 5 Jun 79 p ii [From Ton~y Walker Sn Canberras "Wt~y DLd Harvey Hates Resign4"] [Text] ~fit1'ARVEY BA'i'~S may a concern that mey eeem a ltttle .i7.look IikC a gentle pre~umptuous eon~IdeNn the ~ oount achoolteacher, but I'd 'erlouy qIlegatton9 ot a lea~CaRe ot rY ~ Information befng levelted against ~ rate ~him as one of the wocld's the Nercotlce Bureau Itselt. top na~cotics agents." But Mr. Satea, who, as Senator That pralse of htr, gatcs~ capa� Ch1pp e~ys, does have thn appenr� bltitles come~ from hi9 torme~ ance ot a gentie country achool� ' boy~, 5enator Dnn Chlpp, who e~ moste~ ove~ the yeara hae singir Minl~ter tor Customs set up the ~ni~de~ly attempted to promote ' - Pederal NarcoNc~ Bureau a~ an the exclusivlty ot the bu~eau from fndependent operatton in 1989, ather law enforcement egencies. Accordtng co 5enator Chlpp, ,~t~ dates from hls day~ a~ a - Mr. Bates has "almost e tanatl� young customs inspector on the ci~m" ebout his ~ob and there ls q~~re~ of Melbourne whe~~ it ~bsolutely no question about hts ~,gs apparent thet a single drug competence or inteqr(ty, entorcement egency, backed by Slmilar assessment~ were glven ~pU h leglslation, wv~ needed to ~ yesterday by senior offlcers fn the c~~tt the growtag dru~ prob- . bureau end others who have ' � worked wlth him tn Customs tor 1~' � . ebout 30 year~, It wae one of tfie Ironie~ ot the In no case was theM eny sug� aituetion that Mr. Eates resigned . gestlon that bir. Batee, 47, Is Jwt ~ hts dream ot a powerful - pe~t~ulant or unduly headstrong, N4rcotics Bureau with vastly Whlch make3 all the more sur� increased resource~ i~ belna prising the manner of his resig� e+eallsed. - natlon as chiet ot the Narcotic~ Mr. Bates had seen the bureeu Bureau last ~riday and ht9 dect� `taa? from a atatt of 12 In 1969. ~lon to withdraw the resignatioa when hl~ tltle wa~ ~htet investlga� last night. 1ng otticer, to It~ present statf of Why should a man of M~. between 130 and i40. Bates' experience and reputation The bureau is now backed by suddenly decide to quit? the tou~h legistatton that senior The reason given pubiicly wes oHicers heve argued for over the thet he objected to not being con� yeen and lt has elso been given suited in advance about an in� the money to buy sophisticated quiry ordered by the. Government sutveillanco equipment trom � --a police Investfgauon of clefm~ oversea~. - thet a Ptarcotics Bureau aRent ha~ " Whlte In the public mfnd there been selling information to an In� mey be some suspicion that Mr. , �ternettonat drug rln~, , Bate~ reslgned because his or� � But lack ot consu tation is onty ganisation has been penetrated by part of the explanation ot the '~n informer, almost cectainly this Hates bombshell. would not have been a(actor in ~ It wa~ not oniy the mxnaer In hv decision. � whfch Cabinec reached its dect� pllegadons ot corruptton slon which prompted the re~ig� ' ~gg{~g~ ~he Narcotics Bureau aro nation but also that the Govcrn� , nothing new. I recall interviewing - ment decided to entrust the In� tylr. Bates !n his office in Sep- vesttRetions to Commonwealth tember~ 1977, atcer allegations aad Scate police. against narcotits agents were While htr. Sates or other ~enior publ(shed in `The Bulletin' magt� ot~cers in the Narcot(cs Bureau ztne. would not say ic pubticiy, they On that occasion Mr. Bates~ have a deep�seated suspicion o! who apoke str(ctiy on a back- the abitity oi State poltce to keep ground basis, conceded as he satd - secrets. then th~t there could be some in other words, there was con- "b~d apples" in the bureau. But siderabte alarm at the prospect thia w~s a problem drug entorca ot State otflcen. wha~ever thetr ment a~encies faced all over the seniority, pawing through the top- ~tld. secret workings of the bunau - 4. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080013-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084413-8 � ' Mr~` BAta ara~ then rnpplln~ fno~! of the hureau'i auccess ha~ ~ alth whet he describ~ o~ the ban ~n t~acking down Importen "~xptosion" in the omount ot ot cennabla re~in, heroin coming Into the country. Whlle there have been aeveral Thl~ wa~ caused, he bellev~d~ farge heraln aelzurea, na~cotics ~ - by the exodu~ of American ser� agents would concede th4t they vlcemen trom Vtetnam and the have been las~ aucces~tul ~n com� aeed for big intematlonat drug battng the Intlow of heroin (now tyndlcates to And e market ese~ estlmated to be a bu~ine~~ worth where. 5100�~700 milllon a yea~) than tt was thc beglnn(ng o~ the btg ~ey nve in r~strlcting the flow dn~g push into Auscralla, And of cannabls. wtUle Mr, dntes dlrl not say so, It 'fhere I~ no slmpte exptenetton wo! obviou~ that the Narcotlc~ ~ for ehta, but it could have some� Bureau's resourcrq tn combat the thin to do with the scale of the problem were Inh~cqunte, hero~n importera' operatlon~ and A measure of the prior{ty ac� the ~ Intormatlon they allegedly confed by ~ucces3lve Govern� have been eble to '~buy" about roent~ to the burcau Is lts head� effocb to crack the svndicate~. quarters tn Canb~rr~. 7he nerve 7'he brlbe of 525,003 ai~egedly centra for AustrnNas' antl�drug e1d ta the Intormant within the eftort Is Ilttle more then a col� ~ureau which set oif the presene lection ot 8bro ~hacks, ~ crlsts would be littla more than But It Mr. Bates was unhappy petty ca~h to the two or three aith his lot he was caretui not dicates which control Au~tra� to gfve that impres~ton. ~qually~ 1 a's heroln trade. he was most reserved about his If Mr. Bates has any moro tlght own explofts, to ihed on the event~ which caus� ` For exampte, he passed up the ed hts n~igndtlon he will not do ~ 0pportunlty of relating storles ~o - publlcly at lea~~ About how he had dres~ed as a At a Pres~ conterence tast ,hippie to penetrate the Sydney ntght he gave no reasona tor his dnig market In 19GOs, or about decislon to reaign and then to the time he wny bashed up in the withdraw the resignat~on. HI~ course of duty, decision to rvoid comment ts Ia in recent years. a~ directo~ and keepIng with hi~ appro~ch to _ then commissionPr~ M~. 8ate~ has public atatement~ dunnq JO�odd - masterminded a number of big yean on the trfnge ot the murky ~B hauls, but signiflcantly~ worid ot customs violations. - Government Haniling Critici~ed - Canberra THE AUSTRAI.IAN in English 6 Jun 79 p 8 [Text] THE extent o! inftltratton of the' '~'~'~+e realgnttion ot Mr Harvey Batea o~' Federal rarcotics Bureau by drug trat� a~hd awat niy add d oant lgue at4reidy fickers had to be estabUshed be(ore aurround~ng the atfair. the Oppoa~uon ma there couid be any cont?dence in the tion ~old. bureau ln Austratia or orerseas. rir tn rcpts, the Minister for Buslness and Chtis Nuctocd Lab, SA s~id ~esterda , ~nsumer Attatrs, ~tr F~te. sald find~ngs ~ ~ ~ Y by the police squad u�outd bc a~atinble to the drugs ro~~ai comm~sslon. The commis- A1legations of tntiitration ot the bureati ston, headed by ~tr Justue W~Iltants. a�ould were the maat scnous that coutd be made. exam?ne the squad's report and recom- he satd 1n mo~~ing an urgency motlon on mend whctMcr addttional action should be "che Frascr C3o~~ernmenrs incompetent taken. IC Kas posslble :hat the polfce In- handiingot the Fcdcral hareeacs Burcau:' quiry veould result in crtminai char~s I~i~ Nur(ord ca(Ictl :or thc Cio~�crnment's bcing laid. tnquiry into ti~e allcRations by a t~am ot He announced ehe lnqufry on Friddy poUce otf~cers. ��htcl~ he satd looked i~ke a atter Cabinet dec~ded thaL aliegat~ons ol kangaroo court. to be w~idened te a ro}�al fntocmatlon leaks t~om the narcotlcs - commission, perHars bti� extending the bureau compucer to a cranstasman drug krnu ot retercnce oi ct~e hrescnt tederal rfnq had to bc exam~ned. ~fr Bates resig- ~Ya~ commis.yon into druRS. Aed almpst iinmedlatelY tn pcpteat at the 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080013-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084413-8 'b~S1Yf~8ditto~[ And tcrn1~ oC~~l~rltl~e' ot th~ ~qulry, Hut lAte on Monday he wlthdrew hfa rcalgnatton a~ter tt~ree do?ya ot eachqus� Uve ealks w~i~h Mr Fite, The min?atec told pnrUamen~ durin~ _ Questlon Time ~~ceterdny that Mr Batca was emottonally dlseressed atter hls rea~g� - natio?~, Replying to Mr L, R, Johnson (Lab~ - N6W1 Mr ~I[e sald that when he contacted Mr Sates at the weekend Mr Bates had been "under great atress;' ~ Mr xite sald: "I muac say he was etnotfon~ al~y dlatressed at tl~e tlme,' He ~nnounccd the role ot the drugs royai~ commisalon later fn the House when he, aas detending. In ehe tace ot the Opposl-. ~ tlon's motton, tl~c Ciovernmcnt's handlfng ot the Narcotlcs 8ureau Issue, He admltted ic ~eas undc~atandabte thaC ~he Oppositlon ~hould ralse the matter "iri the Ilght ot the la~t tew days;' The pollce contingent to exam~ne the feak a1leRatfons conststed ot senfor otttcer~ from NBW. Victocta. Queensiand and the Commonwealch Poltce because the claima~ ~oncerned aU ~hose torces. The e~~ents ot Lbe past few days a~ouid undoubtedly inter- . eat the royal commisslon and tho fntttal re- ~ ~ QocL wouid be torN�arded to It. ~ Mr F'ite sald Mr Bates Mlthdrew his re~tg- 'aation on the underatandtng that there woutd be no change in the terms o;the in� qutry. ~There aere no bsrgafna and there aCC~~e pp desL~;' he eald� . . ~ . . . Information 'Drought' Feared Melbourne THE AGE in English 6 Jun ?9 p 4 [Text] GANBERRA. - The Fed� ' 6ed the quatity of thr fa~ "T'hese intatonI:ms ~iviit' eral ' NarCOties Bureau ~~~tion mvy be ~ftected. not make ~n inveetig~tion Da W11son a(~o criticised into the burwu ufy easier." ra~es a toreign tnforma� Federal (Tovernment~' Dr. Wilaon, the author o! � tion drought because of decision to use senior ot� books on drug iyndicates, a1l~gations that a senfoc ticers of the Queensiand~ ssld the tnvestfqAt(on into offlcec sold intormation t0 Victorla and Commonweelth the bure~u thouid be by a a drug ring, accordinq to poiice forces to inquire into tuit Judici~l inquiry. an international drug the atiegation~. ~?he tnqulry should in� e~ert. ~"Rfghtly or wrongly some volve some of the country's Dr. Paul Wilson, erimina ot these forces h~ve been top buri~tnrs with the as� togist and readet In socla tainted by accusations o! sistance of e number of )~gy at the Unlversity of inetfic(ency and involve- foreign investi~~rors;' h~ t~ueenstand. said toreign ment with p~ns ot the dn?a uid. rarcotics and inteiligence trade" he said. "idealiy the tnqulry gencies were certain to be . , should be ~ssisted by ex- ..iuctant to treety pas~ in� Tensions perb from the Uoited tormation to the bu~eau. ~There are iong�stAnding S~u�s. Sin~aporo and BN� 'rtliere is no doubt the tensions and anugoni~m be~ tain. bunau's credibility will be tween these torces and the SY ealling on the services dsma ed by tha alie~a� nucotics bunau Which of top lawyer~ and inter� tion~ � he, sdd. � have m~de the whote busi� national txnerts, Austnl~~ ness of tnvestig~ting the wou~d be able to et a tresh "The exchange of forei~t ~~t dicates ditlicult. "non�police" loo~ at tb~. I~forcutton will ~low down ~ � problem. � ~6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080013-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084413-8 Antidrug FSght Vita1, ' Canberra TFIE AUS~'RALIAN in ~nglish 5 Jun ?9 p 6 [Ddltoriala "Urug~s FSght Comee Firet"] ~Tex~~ . . . . THE imporEance of the current The Covernment had a rlght to ~ ~ Wrangle over how the ]eakage of inior� order an investigation. The mWster :'mation about thc activittes of the Fed� had not been kept intormed of matters eral Narcotics 5quad should , be in� whlch most certalrily should have been ~~vesflgated lles not 1n who is right and put be[ore him. But 1~ir Fife should who is wrong and which party or mem� have been aware oE the pricWy rela� ber oE parliament makes polltical tions existing between varlous police , mileage out of ft. The vitally importar?t iorces and the narcotics aquad and. consideration must be that the activi� bandled the matterdiplomatically; � ti~s of the squad not be hindered or the T}~, however~ is not to say that Mr ~work oi hunting down and preventing Bgtes or his officers have any rlght to - the evll work of drug importers not be Consider themselves untouchable. slowed or handicapped in even the ~ey were badly~in error ~ first by smallest degree. allowing the leak and then by faillng to ~ But,there are disturbing signs that ~o~ ~e ~ter. this wholly undesirable result will be Y~ duty of Parliament and the the outcome of a situation whlch has ~p~~uott to kee the Government on } arisen from three intemperately hasty its toes. But fine ~udgment is needed in actions: the Government, through 11ir cases such as thls as to where the FUe, acttng to have the leakage in� ~~on'srealinterestltes. � ' vestigated without thinl?ing through ~ ~ ' : the method of inquiry; the hair�ti3gger To repeat, the prevcntion ot fraHic testtness of the squad's head,lir Har� in drugs 3s the number one priodty. � trey Bates~ in firing in hls immed.tate Personal antmosities, inter�forces ~ resignation; and the eagerness of tho squabbles, wounded egos and polltical Opposition and Senator Chipp to fuel manoeuvring all come well after that the controversy for the sake of politt� prime aim. And all those concerned calpoint�scoring. ~ shouldrememberthaG ' , . . . CSOs 5300 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080013-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084413-8 AU~TRAL,t1l QAAfPAIGN FOR MEGBOURNE ODYSBEY PROGRAM CONTIl~IUP~S - Foundation Executive's Remarks Melbourne THE AGE in Engllah i Jun 79 p~ [Text] goth patients and s'taff at~some dxug rehabilita~tion ~ centres In Australia were using~ drugs, the autumn school on alcohol and drugs was told yesterday. , ~ tn aome cent~es male +taff de� ~ manded sexuat Eavors from te� By PHILIP Me1NTOSH, male putients under threat of our M~dieel RepoMe~ throwfng them into the stree~ , Mr, Mflton Lugcr, executive and a whole range ot b~utal and director of the James McGrath shoddy practices;' Mr. Luger ~ Foundatton, which supJores sald. Odyssey House in Australia, said , Before Odyssey Nouse wes ' he had seen these practices on u opened in October, 1977, he in� ~ tour of rehabilitation centres. spected drug programmes~ , Mr. Luger also told the school mostly in Ncw South Wales. at St. Vincenc's Hospital that a ~~I saw some programmes ' recent survey of lui Odyssey where you couldn't tell the dif� House residents found they had ference between the patients and , cost the community S2 million in the stnft because they were ail the yeac before thefr admis~fon. using drugs," he said. � Factors taken into account were "You want to take n~ood took ~ time spent in hospitals or other at what you are doinq: ~ 'institutions, illegal activicles, pro� ~~Therapeut{c communlties" bation costs, lo~t taxes on ~vages, varied greatly. ~ weifare benetics, iegal aid and ~~Some robotise y the cosc of car accidents. you so ou can By comparison, it hnd cost be a drop�oupt for Ute. Others. like Synamon (in the US) put ' S4500 for a~�ear's re~idency ac rattlesnakes in your letter box it Odyssey House in Sydney. they don't likz what you do," ~ir. Luger compared this ~vith he said. 510,000 per ~�ea~ for a uaining The Odyssey House pro ram� achooi and S36.000 tor a year in me had earned the reputaton ot _ hospital. having a marine corps regiment Australia could learn from the "and we're proud of that". litany of mistakes made when Odyssey House did not believe the United States experienced its in ~epiacing one � addiction or , � drug epidemic. drug with another and no heroin Wetfere agencies which hod addict had ever died f~om with� �nothing to do H�ith drug abusc, drawl, Mr. Luger said. chanRed their charter overni~hc tn the 20 months Odyssey . to qualify for huge go~~ernmert House has bee~ open in 5ydney handouts for rehabilitation pr~� it has~taken 408 admissions and ,~nmmes, he said. 31 per ant of residents have re- 'There were fantastic ~ rip:o(f ~ 4 mained,in the pro~ram~ae;, 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080013-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084413-8 U.B. H~Cpert's Warning Melbourne AGE in ~ng],Seh 1 Jun 79 p i ~Tex$] '~rugs of 'addictlon a~e causing~ ,a breln drain in Australia~ an American expert on cchablli� tation aaid ye~teMay. Dr, Judianne bensen�Gerber~ founder of the Odysiey drug ther� apy prog~amme, sg~d nn unusually high number of Intelliqent young Auatrallan~ were addlce~, "Eighteen per cent of the (n� take at Odyssev Nouse in Sydney have iQs of 1~0 and above, Thl~ 1~ over three tlmeq the propoN tion of people in the general com� - mun~ty wtth thi~ tevel nf lntetll� gence," she said. There is b braln drain fnto~ narcotism Instead of the ettort going lnto building up the counr ~ryA S1 mtlllon apoerl has been launched to ret up an bdYsaey � Hous~ in ~telhournP. (t wiil be the Stete's flrst drug�iree therepy prm~ramm~ f~r ~~dd ct+. Odyssey, launched in New York 12 years uRO by Dr. Lknsen~tier� ber, ot(ers dcug�free re