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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-R~P82-00850R000'1000700'15-7 ~ ~ i6 JllLY i9T9 C FOUO 9lT9 ~ - i OF i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~OR 0~~'ICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/85?0 16 July 1979 (FOUO 9/79) USSR Re ort p TRADE AND SERVICES FSIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 NoxE JPRS publications contiain in�ormaGion primart],y from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency tranamissions and broadcasCs. Materials from foreign-language sources are translat~d; Chose from Engliah-lan~uage sources are Cranscribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characCeristics reeained. _ Headlines, editorial reForts, and cnaterial enclosed in brackets are aupplied by JPRS. Processing indicaeors such ga ~Text) or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicare how the origtnal inforcnation was processed. Where no processing indicator ia given, Che infor~- maCion was sucnmarized or extracted. , Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or Cransliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a quea- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unaCtributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within ~.tema are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the tt.S. Government. For further information on report content call (703) 351-2938 (economic); 3468 (political, sociological, military); 2726 (lize sciences); 2725 (physical sciences). COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGUI.ATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN ItEQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY JpRS L/8570 16 July 1979 - USSR R~PORT ~ TRADE ANb S~RVICES (FOUO 9/79) ~ CONT~NTS PAGE II~frE1~NATIONAL ECO;~tOMIC REL~TIONS CEMA Cooperation in Coanaunications Discussed (S. K. Sergeychuk; ELECTROSVYAZ~, MaY 79~ 1 - Integration of CEMA Countriea in the r'ield of Mechanical Eagineering _ (VESTNIK MASHINOSTROYENIYA, Mar ?9) lo ' Book Describes Problems of Integratiou in CEMA (B. G. Dyakin, B. G. Pankov; SEV: PROBI,EMY TNrDGRA'TSII, 1978) 18 _ Book Deacribes Legal Problems of Econozli.c Integration (Valeriy Ivanovich Kuznetsov; SEV I'OBSHCHIY HYNOK': ~aVOVr~ ~xOBr~r, i978) 20 Book Describes CEMA Co-operation in the F`ield of Construction (A. N. Grammatikov; SOTSIAZISTIC~SKAYA INPDGRATSIYA I POVYS~TIYE EF~EICrIVN09TI STROITEZ' 5TVA V STRANA1Qi- c~ s~v, i978) 22 Briefs Gas Imlivery Guara.ntee Sought ~5 CONSUM~t GOODS AND DOMFSTIC TRADE Nonproductive Sphere of Econo~y Discussed (V. Komarov, V. Ulanovakaya; VOPR03Y EKONO~IQ, May 79) ~6 MANPCIFT~: LABf~, EI7~JCATION, DII+20GRAPHY National Sch~aols Russian Language Instruction ~5. S. Shamsutdinova;'SOVETSKAYA PEDAGOGIKA, Ap�~ 79).. 39 - a - [III - USSR - 38 FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 , FOR O~FICIAL US~ ONLY - GONTEIJ~S ( Con~inued) ~ge TRANSPQ~2TA~70N Tra.nsporb in the USS~R North Described - (Mazmcxi na~,Y r~ws, i8 Jun ?9) 43 Accounting in Sea Transport (A. A. Cherkesov-Tsybieov, et al; BUIQ~AIl~II33KtY UC~T NA MQR3KO~NI TRANSPCfl~TE, 1977 ~ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 45 _ High Quality Roadbed for the BAM Urged ~ PtT1.' ~ I PUTEVCIYE KHOZYAYSTVO ~ No 2' i979 ) � � � � � � � � � � 65 Wide Ap~ication for Linear Flectric M~otors DevelQped T~ LIAILY YOI~Ik~T, 4 ,7un 79 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 ~ -b- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 i ~ ~ ~ ~'dR OF'F'ICIAL USE ONLX ~ ~ ~ INT~1tNATIONAL ECONO?;IC RELATIONS ; CBMA COOPERATION IN COMMUNICATIONS UISCUS5ED Moscow ~LECTROSVYAZ' in Russian No 5, May 79 pp 1-4 [Articie by S. K. Sergeychuk: "The Cooperation of the CEMA CounCries in rhe Field of Communications"] [Textj Thirty yeara ago, in January 1949, at an Economic Confer~nce ~ of representatives of Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, the Sovier. ~ Union, and Czechoslovakia it was found to be necessary to create tl~ the Council for MuCual Economfc Aasistance CEMA. The movement by the countries which had taken the socialist path toward the planned development of their economies, the common nature of their economic - base, and the international situation which had developed during the post-war period had givpn riae to the possibility and necessity for creating a new form of economic cooperation between the socialist countries. In April 1949 there was held the ftrsC CEMA Session which de�ined the basic direcCions of the work of this ~rganization economic coopera- tion on the basis of a consistent deepening and expansion of the internaCional division of labor in the interesta of the construction of socialism and communism and of ensuring a stable peace in the world. Today the members of the CEMA org~nization are the People's Rep~iblic _ of Bulgaria, the Hungarian People's Republic, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the German Democratic Republic, the Republic of Cuba, the Mongolian People's Republic, the Polish People's Republic, the ' ; Socialist Republic of Romania, the Soviet Union, and the Czechoslo- vakian Socialist Republic; the Socialist Federated Republic of ' Yugoslavia, the Finnish and Iraqi Republtc.s, and Che Mexican United States are cooperating with the C~(A. _ At first the work of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance amounted to coordinating the developing the trade between the partici- = pant countrie~s in order to increase the efficiency of trade operations. By the beginning of the 1960s the basic difficulties of the post-war 1 FOR OFFICI~`.I. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~OR O~FICIAL U5~ ONLY per~od had been overcome in the counCries o� Che socialisC commonwealth. The economies of the European people's demo4racieg were developing at rapid rarea. By 1962 the industrial producCion of the eocialisC coun~rles had increas~d by an ~verage oE 7.5 timea compared Co 1y40 (while during thc ~ame period the increase in the capitaligC countries was 2.7 rimes). SubaCantial successes were achieved in agriculture and qualitative changes occurred in the structure of productive forcea. - A dynamic development of the key branches uf industry upon which supplying the ~conomy with the means of production and raw materials depend was occurring in the European socialist countries, as well aa an intensive developmetit of power engineering, machine building, and chemisCry that is, the development of tihe branches which are essential for technological progress. Thus, in the 1960s in most of the CEMA countries, the time had come for a shift to a more planned formation of Che productive forces, and in the relations between the countries iC was found useful to have a mutual coordination of national economic complexes within the framework of an inCernational. socialist divisfon of ]abor . ~n accordance with this, one of the basic tasks of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance became the coordination of the plans for the development of the economic branches of the CEMA countries. During this period the CEMA member countries adopted a decision for a shift in the work of the Council toward a new type of economic relations socialist economic integration. The iiew stage is - characterized by the development and, then, by the '~eginning of the realization of an Overall Program for a Further Deepening and Improvement of the Cooperation and for the Developmeut of Socialist Economic Integration of the CEMA Member Countries which was unanimously adopted by the 25th CEMA Session in 1971. ~ The intensive development of all of the branches of the economies of the CEMA countries and their strengthened inter-state politi~al, economic, and cultural relations gave rise to a need for a sharp increase in rhe amount of services and for an accelerated and coordinated develop- ment of electricity and postal communications. The questi~n of creating an international agency which would manage all of the problems connected with providing for the needs of the state apparatuses, the economies, and the populations of the CEMA countries for electricity and postal services was put on the agenda of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. In 1971 at the 25th CEMA Session, at the same time that the Overall Program was adopted, a decision was - made to create a CEMA Permanent Commission on Electricity and Postal Communications. In the same year of 1971 there was held the first . 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ' FOR 0~~'YCIAL US~ ONLY i i ' meeting oF the Commission at which the Commisaion Sta~ute was adopted, ; the Commission Chairman was elected, and ehe b~sic direcriottg of Che ' internatiunal cooperaCion oF the CEMA countries in Che field of communi- ; catioris were m~pped out. All of the CEMA member counCries and ehe Socialisr ~'eder~red Republic of Yugos~.avia take pare in the work of ~ the Commi~sion. ~ ; , ~ The Cdtmmission's basic Casks are: ~ ~ the creation of a reliable, far-flung and large-capaciCy inter.national ' network of communications for the CCMA countr.ies with a centralized system of operaeions and ~echnical management; ' ehe development of the technical specificarions for the sysrems, equipment, and apparatus which are necessary for the creation and operaCion of an international communicationgsystem and.for the develop- ment of national communications networks in the CEMA countries; ' the organization of the development and production of the equipmenC, mechanisms, devices, and specialized transporCation equipmenti which are necessary for Che mechanization and auComation of production processes , in postal work and in the dissemination of printed matter. ~ In order Co rea3.ize these basic directions of work which have been defined for the Permanent Commission by the Overall Program, a large number of ineasures have been provided for in the Commission's work plans. In particular, in order to accomplish the first of the above _ ! tasks a plan has been worked out and agreed Lpon by all of the I countries for Che creation of an inCer-coordinated automaCed overall system of communications (IAOSC) of the CEMA countries for the transmission of all kinds of information and an Inter-~overnmental Agreement has been concluded on the creation and operation of this system. An inseparable part of the AgreemenC is the "Plan of Measures for the CreaCion of an IAOSC" which contains concrete measures for the construction (reconstruction) of electricity facilities with a specifi- cation of agreed-upon amounCs of work and fulfillment schedules for each c~ncrete facility. . By decision of the 29th CEMA Session the problem of the creation of an IAOSC was included in the Coordinated Plan of multilateral integration measures of the CEMA countries for the years 1976-1980. The Coordinated Plan is a new step forward in improving the cooperation of the CEMA countries in the field of planning. Of the approximately 300 facilities which are being built by the countries within the framework of the CEMA, it included only nine whose creation was found to be of the greatest importance for the development of the economies of the socialist countries. The fulfillment of the measures of the Coordinated Plan is 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 - F'OR OFFICIAL iJSE ONLY under the consCnnC conerol of ~he leading agenciea o� rhe C~MA 'Phe tnclus~.on of Che IAOSC among the �aciliries in Che Coordinated Plan speaks of ehe great imporCance.that ig being attributed to the . development of a communicarions network between ehe CEMA couneriea. The performance of ~oint measures Co develop and improve the networks and equipment of inCernaCional communicaCions is giving rise to the neceasity �or coordinating Che plans for the development.o~ the communi- - catione of the CEMA countries. This large amount of difficulr work which is being performed by the countries within the framework of the Commission provides for a preliminary exchange of information on the planned development of communications, the pe*:formance of mutual consul- tations by the countri~s on the mogt.importanc economic and scientific and t~chnical programs, a coordination of the amounts and schedules of work which is of mutual inCerest, and so forth. Serious a~tention is being devated by the Commission Co providing Che coma;unications of the CEMA countries with promising equipment which has been created in accordance with technical specificationa which satisfy all (or a ma~ority) of the countries participating in Che wcrk of the Commission. During the time which has passed since the organizaCion of the Commission up to 1979, specialists have worked out the technical - specifications for 12 types of electric communications apparatus, 21 types o� postal equipment, and 8 types of equipment for the mechanization of the construction of communicationa installations. These materials were agreed upon and approved by the Commission; that is, they have acquired the force of a directive document for the counCries in determining the technical para~eters of apparatus. Within the Commission specialists from the CEMA countries are conducting a large amount of scientific research work in the field of communications wtiich is aimed basically at ensuring the accomplishment of the tasks . which have be~n posed for the Commission by the Overall Program. In accordance with the Program, development work has been completed on the technical specifications for the equipment for quasi-electronic commutaCion systems and for the apparatus of radio-relay communications lines. The prerequisites have been created for furCher production specialization and cooperation in the CEMA countries for unified equipment on an auspiscious element basis. The approval in 1978 of technical specifications for quasi-electronic automatic inter- city telephone stations and the introduction of this equipment at communications networks wi11 make it poasible to modernize the existing telephone networks of the CEMA countries and to make use of all of Che advantages and possibilities of centralized program management. � ~F FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~Olt OI~'~ICIAL US~ ONLY nevelopment work Is being continued on an inCegr~l~digiC~1 ea?wnunic~tions - gysCem and it~ apparnCvg. Of practical importance in rhis respect was Ch~ approvdl by ttie Commissiott oF tihe Cechnical specificaCiony tor _ elecrronic auComarie t~lephone exchanges f.or r.ity Celephdn~ neeworks ~nvolving rhe use of uniForm digiCal methods of transmiasion and commutaCion, and als~ programmed control. The use of such stations wt.l]. promote the fureher development in Che CEMA countries o� locnl neCworks which will ensure high parameters of reliubiliCy and accuracy For eransmission, which will be especially important in rhe furure when there will be an ext~nsive introduction of digitnl Cr~nsmission and commutation meChods which will be the prerequisite for rhe use of an inCegral-digital communicaCions system. Researcti hns confirmed Che possibility of using elecCronic automatic telephone ex~hanges in Che old neighborhoods of l:.rge cities on the basis of the existing Celephone networks witt~out their fundamental reconstruction. . , The completiott in 1978 of research and comparaCivt eests on equipmenC for secondary digital transmission systems with positive nnd bilnteral staffing was an important step forward in the creatior. o� unifed digital transmission systems and in curtailing the types of equipment being used. The possibility was determined of creating in Che CEMA countries unif ied equipment for secondary temporary group formation wiCh a universal cycle on the basis of a ui~iform method of uniting digital flows. This will make it possible to ensure the work of secondary transmfssion systems in the many operational modes which are used at the communication networks of the CEMA countries, including digital commutaCion systems with a speed of 8,448 kbit [expansion unknownJ per second. The result has been a decisioi: by the Commission to develop the technical specifications for unified second:,ry temporary group formation equipment with a universal cycle. A decision has been made to make a conCribution to the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative CommitCee on the structure of the universal cycle for secondary digital transmi~:ion systems. The USSR Administration of Communications has been char~ed with making this contribution in the name cf the communications administrations of the CEMA countries. The introduction of digital transmission methods for radio-relay communications lines is becoming very important. An important step in this direction was development and approval of technical specifica- tions for modern apparatus for ground radio-relay lines with increased reliability and maxiinum autocnation which are designed far the trans- mission of digital information. 1fie first practical step in the introduction of digital transmisssion methods on radio-relay li:ies was 5 FOR OFFICI:~I. USE ONI.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 _ + - FOR OF'F'ICIAL US~; ONLI' ~ - Che organizarion of ~o~.nt transmissions on gttalogous arid digital infor- ~ maCion trunka. Research has been begun on the methoda of ~~oint transmission, and also on the methods of telecommunicaCions services and on reserving digital radio-relay lines. Research is being performed on a numbe.r of problems in the creation of optical communication systems. ,In keepin~ with the theoretical research ; wliich has been performeci on the method of transmission at high epeeds and with an improvement of the technological base of the production of : optical fibers, a program has been developed and is beginning to be realized for the creation of an experimental complex af equipment which is designed for a transmisaion speed of 34 nbit jexpansion unknown~ per second; this will make it poasible to organize on the order of 2,000 3oining lines between automatic telephone exchanges with a cable with ten fibers; at the present time scarce materials copper and lead are being expended for their organization. Scientific and technical research has been completed on the selecCion ~ of a uniform system of signalization on the telegraph network of the IAOSC and Che nat~.~nal networks of the CEMA countries, which is of great practical ~:~aportance for ensuring the unity of the telegraph networks of the CIINA countries, the unification of the algoriChms ' for providing services ro telegraph customers and.the operational proc:esses, and also a further expansion of telegraph networks. The ; development of a uniform signalization sysCem will.make it possible to carry out work on multilateral production specialization and cooperation for the equipment of commutaCion telegraph stations. The technical specifications have been worked out for a transmission system complex of unified linear circuiC equipment for 3,600 channels ; which provides for Che interlinking of systems which have different linear ~pectrum constructions, which is especially important in constructing the IAOSC network and in developing the naCional networks of the CEMA countries. . ~ A transmission system for 3,600 channels diff~:rs advantagEOUSly in its ~ technical and economic indicators which were previously developed and used in the networks of the CEMA countries. , The Commission is also carrying out many other research pro~ects which are of mutual interest for the CEMA countries. The adoption of coordinated technical specifications for individual types of communications equipment ensures the possibility of producing , and using unified equipment in the countries. 6 ` FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~or~ orrici~ us~ c iLY ' ~ One of the ch~.ef ~aslcs of the CEMA is the creat:ton of Che preconditions for n socir~~.i~~C produceion special.iz~tion in which one of the countries, in accordance wiCh til~e Agreement, produces equipment for rhe nther CEMA - countrie~ which are able tio use their production capac3.ties Co produce equ3pmenC of a different type. ~ At the presenC time Che Commission is preparing tta~~ agreements on - Che specialization of the producLion of equipment for the formaC3.on of mono and stereo radio channels, and on a mulCilateral international specialization of tihe pzoduct3on of inechanization and automation equip- ment for Che production processes at postal and prinCed matit:er dissemi- In accordance with the draft of these agreements, one of the couxitries (in tihe firsC case the Polisti People's Republ3.c) takes upon its~lf the obligation of satisfying the needs of tihe other par~icipants in the Agreewent for equ3.pment. The cooperation of Che CEMA c~untries in Che field of postal communi- cations and of the dissemination of printed matter is being carried out in order to improve the quality of services for the population and to increase the labor productivity of the H?orkers of these enCer- prises. The Commission has worked out unified technological models and systems of inechanization and auComaCion for production processes in postal communications and printed matter dissemination in six basic - fields of production activity: Che reception of postal matter from the population and from institutions; the processing and intra-production transportaCion of postal matter and printed matter; the shipping of postal and printed matter; the delivery of postal and printed matter; operations connected with subscriptions for and the retail sale of the periodical press; and the processing of the technological data - of postal communications and printed matter dissemination. = A unified tiechnological model is a complex of oprimal organizational and Cechnical solutions which ensure maximum efficiency for the produc- tion processes which satisfy the needs of the interested CEMA counCries. The model contains a description of the technological process, a diagram of the intercorinections between individual units of the complex, the basic parameters of the machines being recommended for use, and a definition of the economic effectiveness of the introduction of the decisions being recommended. During the period 1973-1975 ten models and systems were developed and agreed upon for the most important aspects of the production work of postal and printed matter dissemination enterprises. The coordination of the work on the different models was performed by specialists from the Hungarian People's Republic, the GDR, the Polish People's Republic, the Socialist Republic of Romania, the USSR, and the Czechoslovakian Socialist Republic. Definite difficulties had to be 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 FOR OF'FICIAL U5C ONLY - overcome here, since in different countries th~re had develop~d d3fferenC demanda upon the aervices of the poat office and _ of printed mattEr disseminaCion a~nd differenti postal. rulea had been - evolved. In 1978 the CEMA publishing houae isaued a handbook which contains a brief descript3on of the unified technological models and systems. ~ For each of the models there has been an agreement on a list of _ equipment which is neceasary for the most eff3cient performance of - the production process which includes the machinery and mechanisms already being produced in the CEMA countries, and those which have to be created. The approxim~te needs of the CEMA countries are defined for each type of e7uipmc~nt. All of the work in the: Commission is conducted in a friendly and business-like atmosphere with regard to the forecasts which hnve been developed by specialisCs of the development of the electricity and postal communications of the CEMA countries unCil 1990. One of th~ basic commandments of the CEMA is to raise the 1eve1 of Che industrialization of the countries with a less developed industry and the gradual bringing together and equalization of the levels of economic development of the CEMA countries. For this reason, during the first years of its existence the question was posed for the Commission's participants of providing assistance in the development of communications of the Mongolian People's Republic. Proposals which have been developed by Mongolian specialists together with representatives of the CEMA countries include measures for the construction and reconstruction of communications facilities, for equipment deliveries, for the training of specialists, and so forth on the basis both of the extension of credit to the Mongolian People's Republic by the CEMA countries and non-repayable assistance. Af ter they had been carefully worked up in the CoIIUnission, these proposals were approved by the CEMA Executive Committee and recommended to the CEMA countries for use in bilateral negotiations wiCh the Mongolian People's Republic on the coordination of economic devel.op- ment plans. As is the c~se in the work of any CEMA working body, all of the basic directions of the Council's activities have found a reflection in the work of the CEMA Permanent Cowmission on Electricity and Postal Communi- cations with regard to "coumaunications" problems the coordination of the efforts of the countries in developing communications, an - acceleration of progress in improving the means and services of communi- cations and in creating new types, socialist specializaCion and cooperation in a development of communications equipment, a rise in the level of the development of communications in countries with a less developed communications enterprise, and so forth. 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE OIv'LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~tllt n~~ICtAL U5~ ONLY Creatrd in 1~G9, during the peri.~d of the e~t~bliyhm~nC of s~nei~lism ng a wnrld ~y~eem, in 30 yearg r.he Counri]. for MuCu~l ~~anemi~ Ar~~igt~nCe hge cover.ed an ~normoug pn~h df develnpment~ Ite wnrk h~~ been exp~nded and improved, being enriehed with new ~nrm~ gnd meehndg whiCh ~~~c,drd with ~g~ch new ~t~ge in ehe d~velopm~ne ot the C~MA member counerie~. ~he f]hxibiliCy of the eennomic prinr.ipleg di th~ Cuuncil Eor Mutu~l ~~~nomia Assisrance whieh ia found~d ott g profc~und under~tnnding of eh~ higtdri~al lgws of rhe ecnnamic nnd goaial d~velopm~nC of go~i~ty~ nn equnliey, mutual rerp~et, muCuglly ~dventu~e.oug cnoper~tion . b~tw~en tlie C~IA countri~g, and on pn~uring rtie grndunl pqualixation nf ttie levels of their e~ono~ieg h8s mad~ it po~gible fnr Che countrieg whi~h pnrticipate i.? the wnrk of the C~MA t~ xchieve enormou~ ~uccpgg~~a ' in their ecnnomic dev~l~pm~nC. Over g period of three decndeg per Cnpita industri~l prnductio~i in ehe C~MA counrrieg hn~ incre~sed by � 8 rimeF~ (the avera~e world indicaCor ig 3.2 times). 'I'h~ shgre of the C~MA countrie$ in the prnductinn of world indugtrial output h~e incregged frnm 18 to ~ppro~imately 30-32 percent. National income in the CEMA cnuntcies gs n whole has increegpd by almo~t 9 rimes while ehe amount of Capital inv~stments~ in their economies h~g increesed by 10 timeg. ~rom n coordination of the development of trade at the beginning of its nctivitiee the Council hag mov~d on to ehe coordination nf the economic developme�t pl~n~ of �;ie C~MA ccuntries nnd hag developed guCh historical uocuments ag Overall Progrgm and thc Coordinated plgn. Todgy, at the center of the Council's attention, in addition Co the realization o: the Overall Program, is the develoF~aent of long-term special-purpose programs of cooperation in varfoue fields of the economy. It was emphasized by a C,ouncil segsion that these long-term progrgms define the coordinated cooperatien strategy of the C~MA countries �or the long term in the fields of material producCion and are r. concretization and developroent of the Overall Program. The 25th CPSU Congress very clearly deff~ned the direction of the lang-term special-pur~ose programs to provide through the common efforta of the countries cooperating in the CEMA for the needs of the countries for energy, fuel, and the basic types of raw materials~ to satisfy their demand for consumer goods, to raise the 1eve1 of machine bullding, and to accelerate the developmene of transportation. The accomplishment of any of these tasks is impossible without the widest development and improvement of tlie communica~ions services and equipment of the CEMA countries, b~~h on a national and an international level,and this is the aim of the work of the CEM~'. Permanent Commisaion on Electricity and Postal Con~unications. CO'YRICHT: Izdatel'stvo 5vyaz, ELSCTROSVYAZ', 1979 29 5~ 9 CS~: 182s FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~Ott tl~~ICYAL US~ ONLY ~rrrrn7rr~~o.~rar~ ~corror~cc ~~,mror~ ~ Il~T~RATIO~i OF' CEIM COUNTRIP~ IN T~ FtELD OF I~ODCHAKICAL EI~(3INSERINa Moscov VF~TNIIt MASHINOBTROYSNIYA in Ruasisn No 3, ~r ?9 IyP 3-6 _ ~ext] In Jsuue?ry of this year tihe eommunity o! eocialis~ countriee, sLl progressive hw~nity aarked ~he 30th anniversary o! the Council o! lhatual Bconomic Assistan~e-.tbe firat orpyaniz~?tion of economic coopere?tion o! the countriee o! exidl.iem in tbe vorld. The formation of CENA~ realized st _ the wiil ot ooseunist nnd vorkers partiee of soaislist countries, ~rds s big etep Por~w~e?rd on the xsy to strengtbening the e~onomic pover ot the countries of the conmunity. During 30 yesra CF1rlA couatries 2~sve sultiplied the eco- nomic potential manytold. Thne~ the t~?tional income of atstes, rembers o! CEMA, has increaaed 10 ti~nes sa coa~red to 19~8, sad iaduatrisl production - has incresaed 17 tiares. Oaeupying 19 percent o! tbe territory and having _ 10 percent oP tbe populatioa of the globe, CEHA countrie8 are produeing np- proxime~tely one third oP tbe vorld's indu4triel g~oods sad giving oore tbaa one half oi iacre~ent of induatrial production. The proPound nature aad intensity of t2~e processes ot integrstion, Vhicb is developing u~der the influence of the adopted in 19?1 co~lex prograQ o! eo- cisliet economic integrdtion of CEMA countries, are especielly felt in the Pield oP mechanical enginesring. Reriected tbereia is t2ie flact tba?t Lhe bi~ rste of econoatc developm~ent o! CEMA couatries is directly connected vith the intenaiPics?tion of tbe iateraationsl soci~? division o= labor in Lhe lield of inecbanical engineering. Thie braach ot industry ia developing in CF]~!A countriee e~t s surpssaing rate vhicb f~ct is dictated by the neceesity to re- eolve an aggre~e?te ot important nstion~l. ecoaonic tasks in respect to is~rov- iag production and its etticiency ia sll sress of the econom~y. ~e intenaiti- cation of mutval ecoao~ic r~lationa of C~IA countriee uader the conditioa4 of a tlu~ther deepening of integre?tioual proceesed in t2~e lield of ~rechaaicsl en- gineering e~oerte aa ever-increaaing influence on develapmdent o! this in- dustry in CEMA countries, on t~ture for~tion of aa interoatioaal ~oe~chine- building co~lex of eocislist countries~ ma~bers o! C~?tA. CEMA countriee 2~ave s povertlil fficbine-building bsaie svsilsble to t2iem. ~ere bundreds of thousaada ot desi~tione of goode sre prodyrced, in excess of 22.6 aillion people sre e~ployed. T~e ahere o! ~ec~saical ea~ineering aad aetalvorking ~oods ia tbe groes output of tbe vbole iadustry oi the Stiubpesn 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~~o~z c~H~i'ICIAL us~: oN~~Y C~MA'countrlee h~?~ rieen to 24-34 pernent tahieh corre~pond~ to tihe leve~ of - tihe m~st d~velop~d c~?pitalint netione. Meche?nical engin~ering in CF~W countri~~ vi11 c4ntiuue td develop at a high rate, b~cau~e tn~ rat~ nf - gcientific and technical pro$ress in tbe vhole ~cono~yr dep~ndg on thi~~ Na- tiona7. ecoanmic p'~ang of their development gnticipate to incre~ee the out- puti oP engineering gooda by 1980 as ag~lnet 1q15 in th~ People'e Republic of Bulgerie~ a~rproximat~ly txo-fold, la Hungarien People's R~publlc 1.3-1.4-fold, in polieh People's Repubie 1~6-1~7-Pold, in 3octalist ~epubllc _ o#' Rom~nia 1.7-1~8-ro1d~ in the U9S~i m~re thsn 1.5-Po1d, and tn the CSSR 1.5-fold. The scientiPic nnd terhnic~?1 revolution acce,~eratea the emergenee of new types of production in various bronches of th~ industry, requiring the creation oF n~v tdols of 1~?bor. Under contemporary conditiong not ~ eingle country in the Korld is capable of providing a high Leehnical ~ad ~conomic l~ve1 oP production in res~:ect to the vhole nomenclature oP goode nee~esary for the n~tiona~ e~onocqy. On the other hand, the highest labor productivity and th~ beet indicatorB can be reached only with the optimum ecales of out- put~ permitting on~. to us~ highly productive equipment, autom~ted lines, pro- ~ greesive technologiee end forms of organixation of production--mass and large- seri~e. Not all CEMA countries are capable oP providing such gcalee of pro- duction in reepeet to diveraified types ~P goode, which thet ie eonnected xitb the availsbility of production~ financie~l, lebor, aad re?w ~teriale reaoureee in one or an~ther country. The branehing e?nd iacreasing complicatioa of tbe industrial structure oP mechanical engineering praduction consequently de- mend to limit the cosplex of ine?cbine-building iadustries for the purpoee of achieving an optiar~m armgement oP induatrial interconnection vith e eimulta- neous exp~?nsion of output of the nomencleture of machinea and equipment iden- tical in deeign and technqlagy. On the other h$nd, tbe prerequlaiteB, eaeiug tbe grorrth oP the~ diviaion of labor in m~chanicsl engineering, are ita deei~n- technological and production-organizationbl peeuliari,les which malce it poa- _ sible to ieolate individual induatriea and types of production within aation- el and international limits into apecialized large-scale production units. Al1 thie dictatea the ne~essity of carrying out a harmonious, coordinated policy among CEMA countries in the field of inechanice.l engineering develop- ment on the baeis�vf a tautually profitable uniPication oP efPorte and inten- sificatioa of cooperation. 3upplementing each other with the belp of a for- mation oP stable and iavolved production and trading relations, C~lA countries select end develop mainly those induatries and types oP production for ahicb there are correspondiag prerequieites. In C@~4A countries there constantly occurs a proceas oP formation c~f epecial- ized on an interaatioaal plane induatries, gubindustries, types of production, type sizes of items, easemblies, and p~rts. Thus, the folloving specialized industries and subindustries have been gradually isolatPd: electric- and - m~torcar-building in Bulgaria; bus-huilding and large-eeries productiott of automobile assembliee aad peirts ia bungery; $hipbuilding, cbemical me?chinery building, textile a~chine building, productioa of forging and preaeing equip- ment~ paesenger care in the aDR; sbipbuilding, preduction of road and con- struction machines in Polaad; chemical macbinery building, manufacture of u F~OK OFFICIAI, tISE: ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 , FOtt 0~'~YCIAL USL' dNLY - automobiles aith 8 large cargo-hoieting cepaci~y in the tJ98R and C88~, me?r?u- fa~tur~ ef oil-~xbre?~bi~g ~quipmen~ and locomotive-building in Rome.nia; pro- du~tion of uni,que equ~pment in tbe U88R. , We sre sp~sking abot~t the typificetion of ine?chine-building compiex~s oP CID~A countriee in ~be output oP certain types oP ms~hines and equipment. As ~ reBU].t not only orm aeeds, but e?leo the ne~de ~f obher brotherly co~ntriea are satiafied. Already nov Cfl+lA eountr3es through mutual importe snd exporte eatiePy almoet 62 percent of tbeir neede tor maebines and equipment. Yn 197? exports of theee gooQe increaeed 16.6 percent, ~hile the growth of total ex- port in mutual trade vae more th~n 15 percent. Ae e resulti of tbis in 1977 the relative share of ine~chine-building goods in the export oP CF1~M countrtes - 1~as reached 43 percent, vbich ig suah higt~er the?n in tbe developed eapitslist nations' structure o! forei~ trsde. In the mutual trade of CBMA countriee the ehare of goode of the eleetronic and electrical engineering induetry, automation equipment induetry~ inetrumeat making, e~nd computer teehnology is rieing eysteme~ticslly, vhich fact is con- nected vith the priority development of ne~, more advanced branches of the industry. It is also important to note t~SSR'g key position in the me~cbine-buildiag com- plex oP the eacialiet community which ia explained by the developn?ent af ine- cbanice?1 engineering in our country~ by tbe huge interne?1 ~e?rket Bad tbe for- mative role of ibs ordere for tbe producte of inechanical engineering. Srother- ly countries aell frov 33 to SO percent of the vbole export of inechanical en- gineering producta on tbe Soviet uoarket. In turn, .complex ar?d neceasnry to CF?~A countriee ~e?chinee and equipment are abipped from the 3oviet Union. In the current five-year plsn the volume oP U98R'a commodity turnover vith CD+lA coun~riee vill increaee 1.7-fold e?nd will coastitute nearly 155 billion rublee, whereby export oP mcbines and equip~rent vill increase 79 percent, and their import, 92 percent. The integra.tion of CBMA countriea in oechanicsl engineering is being achieved not only through the groxth of mutual trade, but sleA through a rich arsenal - of ineans, forms, aud metbodg of cooperation vhich eneble the countries to meke closer and more effective connectiona in tbis field. The epecialization and cooperation oP production sre the most impor- tant factor in the intensitication of integretion of CgMA counLriea in tbe field of inechanical engineering. They open tbe vsy for a radical reconstrua- tion and oodernize.tion oP production, renovstion of fixed production cgpital, and speeding up tbe creation ot a nex ma~erisl and techaical baais in these industriee. The specializatioa oP production malces it possible to put in operation large enterprisee vith e high cepecity to seuufhcture goods in qusn- tities coneiderebly ex,ceeding tbe interaal neede of tbe country. On tbis ba- eis favorsble opportuaities are created for tbeir export. At present, Bulgs- ria supplies nearly 99 percent of the Lotal output of electric locoootivee to CEHA countriea; Huagsry,more than 80 percent busea; Polaad,mere thna 70 percent ~ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~,o~i orritcrn~, t~s~, oN~,Y ahipbui],ding goods; f}DR, mnre than 'j~ perc~nti pane~ng~r c~r~~ Nearly 95 per- cgnt of the tot~l o+atput of excavatorg in C~lA countriea fe?1~.~ to the USSN and Poland; n~ar~y 80 pera@n~ of bu~es~ to Hung~ry and the USS~; uwr~ tihan 95 per~eat of blaet furnaee equipoenL, to Romania end the UgS~t. Sp~~i~llr.gtilon of production ie the moe~ important factor in rai~ing ite ~f- fectiveness. Calculatione of Soviet economigtis ehow that for ev~ry pere~nt- age point of labor productivity increase in U99R mrche?nical ~ngineering on the begie of development nf induetirial epeei~l,i~e?tiop Witihin th~ cauntry 1.5-~ timee 1~~s f~uide ure ~penti than for every p~rcentage point oY ~bor productivity increaee influenced by other f~etora. Conseqa~ntly, th~ tesk ~ algo consiste of receiving tbie e~fect on the internetional level ~?a vel1~ b~cause t~,.nsfer to m~?as production on the besis of Within the limits of C~MA d~mands introductilon of neW e4uipment ~nd technoingy ~t the enterpri~es of t aese countriee, hig,her atandarcle enfl orggnir.~?tion of pro- duction, and creates conditions for thp eutomation end mechanixatioa of pro- duction proeeeggg. Al1 this substantially raiaPs the economiceff~etiv~nese of production. Thus, aD~ through intercu~tion~l gpeci~?lization of pe~cking machines production managed to double productiot~. With thi~, labor produc- tivity incressed ~.5 percent, end the production coat of e unit d~crea~ed 15 percent. Ae ~ result oP developmer~t of theee proceesee, Bul~aria achieved seriea production oP battery-driven trucks and electric hoiste five tim+es higher end more th~?n at the largest Vleatern Luropean firma. Hungariaa Icarus . P18?nt became one of the largebt bu~ plants in Eluope, it me.nufacture8 mare than 10,000 buaee a year. The realization oP agreements and contracte on internatinn~l np~cialization e?nd coopergtion oP production helps to iuteneify tbe integration of CEMA countries in tbe field of inechanical engiaeerir~g~ These agreements and con- " tracts are made by the co~~ntries on a multilsteral ar ~ bilateral baeis and specify long-term ~eliveries and i~po.,. of dePinite ty~es of inechanical en- gineering products. At the prPsent tiim~ on a multilateral basie elone there are neerly 80 such agreeraenta, embracing 8,000 descriptione of inecbanical engineering goods. As a reault, mutual export of inechanical eagineerieg goods, maaufactured on Lbe basis of agreemenLe and contracta on the specieli- zation aad cooperation oP production~ increeeed in 19~7'j' in comperison witb 19?6 by 18 percent, snd its relative ehare in the total export of ine?chines and equipment rose from 23 percent in 1975 to 34 percent ia lq?7. The realizption of agr~ements on the epecialization e?ud cooperation of pro- duction helps to concentrate output of specialized goods ~n a limited nuaber of countries. In accordance witb the conawmmted sgreements it vsa plarmed to manuPacture nearly 7~ percent of inechaaical engiaeering goodg in no mt?re than two countries, Including 50 percent, in one. As a reault, oa Lhe baeis of internatione?1 apecialization and ^ooperation there occurs ltirther develop- menL oP tbe pmcess of production conceatre?tion in CEMA countries. Zl~is pro- cesa of production concentratioa was expressed in the complete refusal of in- dividunl countrie~ to manuPacture certain groupe of good~. Thus, Bulgarig end Huagary no longer produce unitized operation lin~s for the Q-,uYacture 13 ~ rOR OE~ iCIAI. US~ (1Ni.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 rok n~~tcinL usc orr~Y of sult'urie, phospboric, and nitiric e?eidg~ drilling rigs, and pe?per- ead cerdboard-m~king iaatalle~tiona. During tb~ yeare 1976-1980 Pole~nd wi11 ab- Bt~?in from the profluctioa of aLaoet 35,000 eurrently msnuf~e?etured i~em8 of mechanieal engineering~ C98R intende to ],imi~ or etop produc~ion of, t'or ex~mple, oil and gss dr~,lling equipm~enti, grain 1~rvesting ~ombine4, cster- pillsr trQCtors, bulldoxere, ~ubxe?y enr~~ and aertsin agri~tittural and tex- tile roe?chines. Resources, released es e? resulb oP thie~ will be directed towara fl~rbber development of epecialized vithin the linits oP CB~1A typee of production. aDR hae reduced to trro fifthe tba nomenelabure of tre?di- tional ~griculturel me?chinee me~nufacbured by it and tranelerred tio import- . ing them, heving correepondingly inareeeed the produetion and export of ~ther me~ehinea. The development of gprcializ~?tion and cooperation of productioa io ~losely connected vith the inteneifiaation snd improvetreat of CBNA countries' eciea- tific and technicnl cooper~tion in tbe field of inechanicel engineering. Un- der the inPluence of eeientifi~ ~snd technical progreee thie cooperstion em- bracea neWer and never.fielcts of production, extending to sucb arese e?s tbe production of stomic equipment, maebine ~ools vith e? prograaoed numerical control, ~cientific instrumente~ vater- ~nd e~r-LreatnenL e~uip~ent, lasere~ snd others. Coopera~tion ie developing in the field oP ~oint reeearch ~nd production of electronic cooputere snd control co~puters. Oa the basis oP broad epecielizstion end cooperation tbe eouatrie4 have eet up 4eries pro- duction of "Ryad" type electronic com~uLere of the tbird geaerstion. More than 20,000 ecientisLe, engineera, ~nd techniciane and ne~rly 300,000 vork- era vere engaged in the ~oint developoent vorlc. Tbe coneolidation ot scientific and Lechnical potentials of CSMA eountriea mskes it pos~ible to create nex advanced typee of ~?chine4 snd equip~ent ~ithin the ehortest time limite. Thus, Bul~ria~ and U38R experts have ~ointly developed snd aseioi- - lsted the production of tbe 1C8-1 grspe-bsrvesting co~bine vbicb reisee labor productiviLy during tbe hsrvestiag o! co~rercisl types of grspe~ 20 tiaes~ and replacee the work ot nearly 100 people. The unilicstion of eltorLe of USSR end ODR experts in the crestion ef KS-6 beet hsrveater~ vhicb r~?ises labor producLivity 2-3 tioes in ewtparison viLb other saehinee, has mde it pagsible to r~fluce the ti~e of this co~binea's creation by tvo yeare. ~e agreement on cooperstion in the !leld of scientific reseerch, e~cperioental sad deeign work, end producLion ot a eingle series of deynebronous mQLors, made betveea the C89R sad the t~98R, hso etsebled the Czechoslovak enterprises manufacturing tbeee m~tors to econo~ize 10 to 30 percent me?Leriala snd 25 per- cent living labor. JoinL developa~enL and cooperatiora in the production of the neveet looms Model STB, raising la.bor productivity 2.5 times~ ere the pride ot CE!!A eountries aa vell. Crestion by Lhe interested couatriea of inter~tste economic orgaaizstions~ internaLionsl econoaic sasocietions, aad ~oint enterprisea is becoaing an i~portsat fora of C~A couatries' integrsLion in tbe field of oechaaicel en- gineering. Already creeted sad sncceeslL~lly operating in Lbis tield sre sucb orgnnizetiona sa "Agro~sah," "Interelektro," "Intertekstil'maob," "Iatentoo- inOtrument," "Yatrans~asb," and othen. T~e crestion of internationsl ecoao- mic orgsaizationa ~oalces iL poesible for CF~11 couatriea oa tLe bsais of aa~o- ciation aad eooraina?tioa of etforts to re~olve ~ointly the oosL la~portant 14 FOR O~FICIAL US~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~ ~ i~d[t O1~'l~ tC 1 AL, USI. c1N1.,Y t~~k~ in the field of naeehanical engineering. Theiz~ activibies promate ~ , more o~bi~tive gatigfaction of tihe countrieg' n~~ds for particular typ~~ of - goodg and intensify tntez~nrtion~], epecialixatiion and coop~rt~~ion of produc- bl,on. In many respect~ th~ aCtivitiies, for ex~mple, oY th~ Organizetinn of Bearing Tndu~try Coopere?tion (OB"P), Whoee members are gu1g~?ria, Hungary, (iDR, Pola?nd, Rom~nie~, tihe U98R, ~nd C~SR, contribut~d to the fact th~?t ap- proxim~?tely 97 p~rcent of tih~ir n~edo for bal~ ~nd roller bearinge theee countries satisfy through their ouu production and mutun?1 d~~,iveriee. '1'be _ ea?ergence of thia type of or~~nixatinng and tbeir developmont in m~ny branchee of inechanic~l ~ngineering not only enrtches and strengthene their cooperation, but ~lao exerta eubetantial influence on the functioning oP machYne-building complexes inside th:. cnunbries. The examples of cooperation intensification in th~ field of mc:chanical en- ' gineering are b~coming mor~ and more numerous, they evidpnce th~ sucresseg of C~NIA countries in th~ir ende~vor to carry on a coordinated ~nd goal- oriented economic policy in the field of inechanical engineoring in the in- tereg~s of the countriee oP the community. At the eam~ time, mechanical a~ngineering of CEMA cnuntries gtilJ. faces a vhole series of probl~ms, on t~e r~solution of rrhicb on an intern~?tional ~ bgaie dependa the effectivenesa of the functioning of the vhole mschine- - building co~aplex oP the commur~ity oP countries and of each country individ- ,~?iiy. Firet oP e11, oLa ehould note the exieting uc~ ustiFied parallelism in the pro- duction o:' eome Lypes of thes~ goods +.n a nwnber of countries, the lagging be- hind contemporary trorld ste?ndarde oP some Lype~ of ine?rketed toole of lebor in , respect to their technical level, quality, and production cost, and the etill elow reali~ation of progreseive abifts in the industrial atructure of aechani- cel eagiaeering uf eome CEMA countries. Speaking et the 32nd CF~IA Sessi~n, held ia Bucharest in July 19?8, head oP - the Soviet delegetion Comrade A. N. IGosygin in this conne:tion pointed out . Lhe need to pay one'~s moat aerious ettention to a more effective utilization aP Lhe industrial poLential of CEMA countries snd poeaibilitiea of the inter- national socielist division of labor in order to aubstantially increase the output and mutv~l deliveriee of nex me.chines o:f high technical standards and quality. � The moet important and still uauaad by ~he CEMA countriee reserve for in- creasing the economic effectiveneas of ine~chine-building production is the de- velopment of progressive forma oP epecialization of production for a~semblie~s, perts, and units and cooperation based on them both inside CEMA cc~untriea and in relations among them. The ob~ect:ve grounda for thie a?re rooted in the fact thaL $0 percent of the production coat of e?11 varieties of ine~chines and - equipment falle on tbe c~nufacture oP aeeemblies and parte. The expansion of coopere?tion and correspondingly the appearance in the mutual exchaage oP me- chanical engineering goods of an ever-increasing number of asaemblies~ parts, 1> FOK n~FICttV. tt5E ~N1,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 COii U1~CICIAL 1JSl? ONLY and items of general ~pplicatlon in aoaQhine building ls an important lebor- aonserving and capital-eaving Pactor, m~?king it poesible a1r~e?dy noa~ and a11 the more in the future, to util.ize better ~he exl~~ing em~?1]. e~nd m~diutti- eixed en~erpri~ee of CEMA countrie~, rrhich have skilled personnel, for the ~ organization in them of large-eee~le apecie?liZed production facilitiea vith a narrox nomenclature of goode, therefore, m~king it poseible to uee modern technologiaa], proceeees aad eyetema of ine~ahines. 8p~ciallzation in aesem- bliea and parte makes it poeeible to bring the produetion of many typee of finished goods to optimus volumea and to manuf~?ctur~ them with much sm,ller outls~ye than at nonepecialized planta. The cooperation of CEMA countrSes in such important Pielde of inecl~a~nical ~n- - gineering ss the production of autome~ted equipment, Porging and pressing and caeting equipment is not developing intensively enough. CDdA countrie~ have ~ extenaive poeeibilities for specinlization and cooperation in metallurg~csl mnchine building, particul.arly in respect to the output oP electrotherroe,l Purnaceg on the baeie of using prngreseive methods of heating, i.e. induc- tion, plasma, and electron-ray heating, as well es equipment for proceseing metal outside of the furnace vith argon, synthetie slag and in a vacuum. The need of CEMA countries for these gooda is great, hoWever, it ie nece~ee- ry not only to develop metallurgice?1 me~chine building Purther, but to reno- vate its contemporsry besie ae Nell. An important Pield oP cooperation in the future, vhere it is neceaeary to concentrate Lhe efforts of CEMA countries, is heavy me~chine building and other metal-consuming bre~nches of inechanical engiaeering. Up to nox there etill re- - mains a eoatradiction betveen the limited resourceB of ra~ me?teriale (metal, ore, fuel) in individual CF~lA countries, Por example in the (3DR s?nd C88R, on the one hand, and the rich production experience, skilled pereonnel, and the ~ existence of production capacities in theee countriea, on the other. This contradiction een be settled by ~ray of opbiaum distribution vithin the region of CE~lA countries of inetal-coneuming production facilities and more accurate orientation tovsrd tbe immediate neede of CEMA countries' mechanice~l engineer- _ ing field for individual types of mchines and equipment both sccording to the nomenclature and according to the technical level. It is neceseary to trane- fer cooperation in these industrie8 to a broad cooperative long-term basie which xi~l me~ke it posaible to reduce not alvays economically ~uatified flowe _ of ore, agglomerate, coke, other types of fuel, and energy, needed for the production oP metal, aad to cut doWn for some CENA countries investment out- � leys for expeneive, deficit, and in the csse of eme~ll-scale production inef- fectively used foundry and forging aad pressing equipment. The esainile~tion aad expansion oP mechanicel engineering goods production xith consideration to the re4uiremente of acientific and techaical progrees, as Well ae development of those brsnches of inechanical engineering Whicb eneure its modernization merit epecis2 attention. In order to reach this goal, it ia ne- ceseary to intensity scientific snd technicel cooperation, carry on the co- ordination of scientific and technica?1 developmente, ~oiat plsnning, design, - snd technological ~obs firet of all in industriea vhich are the ob3ect of ~6 FOR OFFICLAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 I I~bit Ul~l~'i.CtA1, USI: c)N1~Y specialization end cooperatlon o~ production, and etrongthen ~he relation- ahip science--~echnology--produetion. , The need to resolve tha ebove problems ~e eoon as posgibl~ by ~oint effort~ on an intern~tioc~?1 baeie also ari0es in conaection with the tranefer of CE~W countriee to the development and realiza~ion of a 1ong~term targeti program (D'rsP3) ia the field of inechanical engineering~ The draf~t of this progrem (~?long with program~ in the Field of fuel and raw me~terie?1g, ~gri- culture and food induetry) r?as approved at the 32nd CEMA Sese~ian. DTePS in the field of inechenical engineering is directed tnWerd ensuring high rates of development in CEMA countries of th�1 production of modern typee of equipment, machinea, and tnstrumente in to better equip fuel and rav a mc~terie?le industries, agriculture, food industry, and me~chine building proper With the neae,.t machinery, and towar8 the a~eiaril.ation of advanced technolo- gical proceases~ In this reepect, the priority role ie given to undertakinge to increase the output and mutaal deliveries of equipment for atomic power atations, for the extraction of oil and its thorough rePining, e?nd for the exploration, mining, and conceatration of aolid types of fuel end minerals. In respect tu the moat incportant types of equipment a complex of ineasuree xi11 be re;lized, r+hich includea the development of epecialization and co- operation of production, creation of nerr models, expaneion of existing and crestion of new production capacities. DTePS in the field of inechanical en- gineering xill alco help to raise the general level oP machine building, in-. tensify interconnection and interdependence oP machine-building complexes of CEMA countrieg, and ac;celerste scientific aad technice~l progress in this eec- tor. The realization of ineaeuree, contained in thie program, will require the mobilization of a11 exiating Porm+a of cooperation and integration, vill lead to a more accurate distribution aa~on~ CEMA countries of production pro- grams in the field of inechanical engineering, and will exert influence on , eheping the profile of machine-building co~plexes of individual countries. All this vill help to raise the effectivenees of each country's national econo~qy and oP all this cooperation ae a whole. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo Mnshinostroyeniye, VffiTNIK MASHIN06TROYENIYA, 1979 8502 cso: 1823 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE OIVLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY INT~RNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS ' BOOK DESCRIBES PROBLEMS OF INTEG12ATrON IN CEMA ~ Moscow SEV: PROBLEMY INTEGRATSII in Ruaeian 1978 signed to press 12 Mey 78 [Table of contents and brief descripCion of book by B. G. Dyakin and B. G, Pankov] [Excerptsj Title Page: ' TiCle: SEV: PROBLEMY INTEGRATSTI (CEMA: Problema of Integraticn) Publisher: Molodaya gvardiya Place and year of publtca~tion: Moscow, 1978 Signed to Prese Date: 12 May 1978 Number of Copies Publiaheda 50,000 Number of Pages: 176 Brief Descrfptton: This book will discusa the atructure, functioning, and prospects for growth - of CEMA. The main attention of the authors is given to the present stage of economic cooperation-~to the process of socialist economic integration that has developed. An atCempt ia made to comprehend the varied aspecta and difficulCies of this process. A separaCe chapter ia devoted to the role of youth in realizing ma~or measures oP integration. Table of Contents Inrroduction 3 - CEMA COUNTRIES; FROM COOPEItATION TO INTEGRATION 4 ~ CEMA-an economic union of equal socialist atates 5 The Comprehensive Program--a new stage of economic cooperation of CEMA-member countriea 24 ~ Planned management of socialisC economfc integration........... 34 BASIC FORMS OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION 44 International scientific-technical cooperation 44 Cooperation of CEMA member-countries in the spheres of material production 49 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 rn~ n~~zcznt~ us~ orrLY ~ r'oreign tr~de und cr~dit-~~trlementi ral~tinne of C~MA m~mb~r- cnunrriea.,~ 83 12AISING THE ROLE ON~ CEr1A COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD ~CONOMY....~.,.,.,...,., 90 ~he importance of CEMA in the world and ~uropean ~connmy.,.~..,~. 9n ~conomic relations beCween C~MA member-countriea ~?nd ~ocinlisti sC~Ces noti belonging to CEMA........,.~ 95 Cooper~tion of CEMA member-countries witih eC~ras rre~ry relaeions with CEMA. C~MA relations with ~.nternneion~l eCOnomiC org~nization.....~......~..~ 106 CEMA couneries and developing staCes 114 CEMA countries And developed capiCaliaC states.,.........~....... 126 TH~ SOCIAL-ECONOMIC MF:ANING OF THE GROWTH OF C'MA INTEGRATION........,.. 136 The growrh of economic power of CEMA aounCries nnd the rise of the workers' we11-being..~ 136 SocialisC inCegration and youth 145 The deepening of comprehenaive Cies of socialise atates~~....,..~ 162 COPYRIGHT; IzdaCel'stvo "Molodaya gvardiya," 1978 CSO; 1823 ; ~9 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 FOR OFFICIA~~ USE ONLY INTERNATIONAL ECONOMYC R~LATIONS BOOK DE5CRIBES LEG~L PROBLEMS OF ECONOMIC INTEGRATION Moscow SEV T'OBSHCHIY RYNOK': PRAVOVTYE PROBLEMY in Russian 1978 signed to press 30 May 78 [Tab1e of contents and brie� deacrtption of book by Valeriy Ivanovich Kuznetsov] [ExcerpCs] TiCle Page: Titlet SEV ~"OBSHCHIY RYNOK~'~ PRA'VOVIYE PROBLEMY (CEMA and the Comm~on Market : Legal Problems) Publisher: "Mezhdunarodniye otnoaheniya" Place and year of publication: Moacow, 1978 Signed Co Preas Date: 30 May 1978 Number of Copies Published: 6,000 _ Number of Pages: 192 Brief Descrtptton: Legal problems tied Co the processes of economic integration that are currently underway in Europe are examined fn this monograph. The basic diPference between socialist and capitalist integratian ia shown in examples of tt~e activitiea of CEMA and the EEC. This work is intended for scienCific workers, teachera and students at legal and economic higher learning inaCitutions, international lecturera, propagandisCs~ 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 I FOIt 0~'r'ICZAL US~ ONLY m~ble of Cnnten~e = Intrnduct~on.....~,....,..~..,..~..~..~..,........~..,........~.~,...,. ~ r ~ Chnpter 1. 'Two Types of ~ci,nomic Tntegr~t~on ~nd Quest3on of Theory... 5 1. Srudiea on internationr~l.ism--the Cheoretical baeis of soci~liet economic inte~ration....,......~.......~ 5 2. Bourgeois poliCical-1eg~1 theories of economic inL.:graCion..... 28 ChapCer 2. Economic Integcatiinn: A Problem of SovereignCy 51 1. Contenr and form or sovereignty~ 51 2. 5upranationalism~-a too~. of large monopolies 60 Chapter 3. CEMA and Che Common MArket (A QuesCion of OrganizaCional Structure) 83 1. DemocraCic spiriC of the insCituCional system of CEMA~.~.,.~.,, 83 2. The institueional system of assoc3ations in the service of monopolies ...................~....................~....~....101 Chapter 4. Legal Acts of Integrated Un3ons.....~~.,.....~..~...........129 1. Decisions and recommendations of CEMA ..................~.....,,129 2. "European righC" in theory and in pracCice......~.....~..,.....145 Conclusion........~ ..............................~.........~...........171 Footnotes .......................~........~..............~..~........~..183 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mezhdunarodniye otnosheniya," 1978 ; CSp; 1823 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 FOR OF~'Y~IAL US~ ONLY INTERNATIONAL ECONOMtC RELATIONS ` BOOK DESCRIBES CEMA CO-OPERATION IN THE FIELD OF CONSTRUCTION Moscow SOTSIALISTICHESKAYA INTEGRA~SIYA I POVYSHENIYE EFFEKTIVNOSTI STROITEL~STVA V STRANAKH-CIiLENAKH SEV in Russian 1978 signed ro press _ 13 Jun 78 [Table of contents and brief description of book by A.N. Gram~atikov, chief editor] [Excerpts] Title Page: Title: SOTSIALISTICHESKAYA INTEGRATSIY~; I POVYSHENIYE EFFEKTIVNOSTI STROITEL'STVA V STRANAKH-CHLENAI~i SEV (Socialiat Integration and Increasing the Effectiveness of Construction in CEMA Member-Countriea) Publisher: Stroyizdat Place and year of publication: Moscow, 1978 ' Signed to Press Date: 13 Jun 78 Number of Copies Published: 1,600 , Number of Pages: 368 Brief Description: Questions related to the intensification of conatruction production of CEMA member-countriea are dealt with in this collection. Special attention is paid to methode of long-term planning of a construction complex, cooperation in perfecting design-estimate work, the division of labor in ~oint r.onstruction, in the output of construction equipment, in production of materials and structures. This collection is intended for scientific and technical-engineerir.g workers, and for economista of scientific-research, design and conatruction _ organizations, and also for workera of enterprises of Che building maCerials " industry. _ 22 FOR OFFICInL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~rori ~Nrir;rnt, u5r r~Ni,Y ~ rabip ~f Cone~ne~ 3nGi~li~ti int~~r~ri~n. Incr~g~ing thQ e�fQeriv~n~~~ and quality of con~truction 3 V.I~ Koxl~v C~pit~~. cdtt~truation--en import~nt aph~re of widet~~n~ ~nd de~pening sociatise economtc integration end for~ign QCOnomic tiee 20 D.M. Chudnov~kiy, bage~ and m~thod~ of long- Y.L. Shapirn~ term planning of a con~truction Sh.M. Geller complen .............................e.... 37 Kh~ Friche, Socialiee integration tn ehe field of ~ N. Pauligk con~truction ~cience 64 A.N. Grammatikov The development of integrat~d prncee~p~ in conetiruCtion among CF~fA m~mber- countries and the divieion of labor in ~oint coneCruction pro~ect~ 84 Y. Yancharek~ Co-operation of C~FIA member-counCries in V. Kazarinov induetrializat3on and raieing the tech- - nical level of construction 139 A.Yn. Mpilov, Z'he international divieion af labor in V.V. Devyatov, the production of building materials, U.N. Yageman products and technological equipment 110 P.T. Krivoborodov, Economic and scientific-technical A.M. Dmitriyev, cooperation in the development of the D.N. Yageman cement induatry of CP~~A member- countries 189 E. Tsogt Praternal co-operntion in the development of the meterial-technical base of ~ conatruction in Mongolia 205 P. Suarez Fraternal co-operation in the development of the material-technical baee of construction in Cuba 214 V.M. Gusel'nikov The developaient of cepitalist con- struction in Cuba 216 ' V.I. Malyugin Co-o~eration of CEMA member-countries in perfecting eatima~e Work and price formation in conatruction 229 23 _ FOR OFFICI~~L ~a~~ c~r~~y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 FOtt OFFIC~AL U5~ ONLY A~N~ 3hkinev Raising th~ eci~ntific-techaical level - of CtMA normative documenCe on st~ndardiz~tion in conetruction 243 Ya~ 4abo Spacieliaatiion end co ~eration in ehe production of aluminum etruGrur~r fnr building 255 V.M. Didkovekiy The eff~+cti`~~nese of concenrration end apecialization in producCion of laminated wood structures 270 N.G. Kozlov Co-ordination of plans of capital inveeemente and planning of multi- lateral intiegration meaeuree in conaturction 281 .G. Perel'man Economic etimulation and increaeing the effectiveneas of construceion in European G:~lA member-countries 296 V.V. Ustimenko Gro~h in CEMA member-counCri~s of houeing conetruction, of city- building. Conservation of the environment 334 COPYRICHT: Stroyizdat~ 1978 CSO: 1823 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~o~ a~~rcrnL vs~ orn.Y INL'~f2NA~'IONAL ~CONOMIC ft~L~ATI0N5 , BRIEF3 ~}AS DEt,IVERY QuARANTEE SOU~HT--The president of tihe U39R 3te?te Commiesion , for ~oreign Economic Relatiione Wenb to Tehran laet month to obt~?in a guaranbee of regular deliveryr of Iraaiaa natural gae to the U93R. Alao snugh~ was ~he reneual of work on a second gas pipeline ca ble ot bringing to Russi~ 64 mt].].3on cubic meters of gas per year. ~ex~~h~rie VALEURB ~ ACTUFJ,LE3 in French 4 Jun '~9 p 3~ cso: 3ioo ~5 ' FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 , ~ FOR ~FFICIAL U~~ ONLY ~ ' CONSUMER GOOD~ AND DOI~STIC TRAD~ NONPRODUCTIVE SPNERE AF ~CONOMY D~SCUSSED Moscow VOPROSY EKONOMIKI 3n Ruesian No 5~ May 79 pp 133-141 LArticle by V. Komarov and V. Ulanovekayat "Sroeomice of Che Nonproductive Sphere (A Survey of LiteraCure)'~ LTexr/ D~ring the period o� developed aocialiem and ite graduai development into communiem the role of the nonproductive ephere tn rhe life of soCiety i~ increasing, which is explained by the goal of eocialiat social production. Thie causes the need for the redoubling of the attention of economice echolars toward its theoreticai, methodologicel and national economic prob- lems. Typical of the analysis of rhe ecoeomic problema of the nonproduc- - tive sphere, ~udging from the publications of recent years (1975-1978),1 ~ is the etudy of sperific trends in the development of its eectorg. This ie all the more important because this turn in the etudy of the nonproduc- cive sphere is taking place against the background of the more thorough study of the most important problema of ite theory and me~hodology. A number of published monographs are devoted to the entire complex of sec- tora of the nonproductive sphere. It ie this diversity of the problems in question which deter~nined Che group of worke which are being reviewed in thi~ survey and whict~, in our opinion, are subatantially intensifying and expanding the working out of th~ ~��~~rt~re �.�~ich have not yet been covered in detail in economics literature. As uaual the understanding of productive labor and servicea remaine debat- able, although the category of productive labor ia one of the moet important in Marxiet political economy, its int~rpretation hae a direct influence on the solution of cardinal economic problems, such as the methodology of cal- culating the national income and real income ef the population, the deter- mination of the laws of development of the ta?o epheres of the national econ- omy and others. In particular, the interpretation of the category of pro- ductive labor is of great importance for analyzing one of the meet con~lex problems of economica--the ascertainment oc Che role of servic~e in ~ocial reproduction, the nature of the link and interaction of the productive and nonproductive spheres of the national economy in the aocial reproduction process. 26 FOR OFFICIl+L USE ONLY ~ - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 Fatt O~~tC~AL US~ ONLY Th~ qu~~eion of eh~ ~ant~n~ of th+~ eon~@pe "nonphy~~e~i pradu~ei~n" i~ alga highiy d~b~~~bi.@~ it ig w~ii known ehae ~om~ auehor~, it~ ~~mining ehp ~imil~riey ~f boeh ~ph~r~~, do noe ~mph~~i~~ eh~ p~culi~ritie~ of nonphygi- cal pr~duceion end aue~m~eie~ily ~arry ov~r eo the nonprodueeiv~ ~ph~r~ th~ prineipl~~ which ar@ appiieabi~ only to phyaical production. Oeh~r ~`@~p~Y`Cfl@~~~ ~hil@ ittdi~~ting Eh~ differenc~~ b~twe~n ehe two ~phere~, da noe ndr~ ~h~ ba~ie uniey o~ eh~ l~w~ ~ahieh eontrol eh~i~ d~v~laptn~ne. With- oue havin~ dee~rmin~d ehe nb~ectivp ba~i~ of th~ economic proc~e~~~ ~akin~ p1ae~ in ehe nonprodueeive gph~re, ~h@y are noe abl~ eo off~r r~iiabl~ m~thod~ of ~nalyAig, pr~dietton and cont~ol of these proc~~~~~. ~ Th~ po~ition ~~t forth an khi~ que~tion in M. V. Soiodkov'~ mono~raph, "N~proizvodstv~nnaya ~f~ra pri ~ot~igiian~" L'rhe Nonpr~ductiv~ 5ph~re Und~r Socseiiem?, a~ rit~ attention end ie one of ehe poegible golutione eo ehi~ probiem. The author attempts to detetmine tha piac~ ~f th~ nonproduc- eiv~ sector~ in the ~ystem of ~ocial produceion and to reve~i the feacure~ inh~r�nt oniy i~ them. On rhe ba~i~ of th~ Marxi~t mm~thodology of ~nalyzing produe~ive l~bor h~ ~ho~~ hoW the very relation~ of phygicai produetion ow- ing eo th~ logic of their own developmen~ giva riae to ~ neW g~oup of ~co- nomic relatione in the nonproductive ephere. Heving studi~d con~i~tently eh~ gp~cific nature of production relation~ in the nonproductive epherp, M. V. Solodkov convincpngly demongtrates the interconditionalitiy of the r~- 1~cinn~ of che two ~ph~r~~ of ~t~e national economy and emph~gix~~ ~h~t pro- duction relationa have gone beyond phyeical production and are already giv- ing rise outaide of it to neW relationa of the eame type. in our opinion, the anthor correctly 8ubstantiatee the fact that the production r~lations of the nonproductive sphere are an integral part of the entire eystem of production relationa of aocialist eociety. in che aork iC is emphasized that the nonproductive apher~ under eocialism is not uniform from the point of vieW of the production relations arising in it. One part of it, Which is connected With meeting the personal demands oE the workers, is involved in the production of nocum terial Wealth for the comprehensive development of all members of society~ the other has no direct relationship to the realization of the goal of eocialist production. The worker~ of the first kind of sectora of the nonproductive sphere, like the Warkers of physical production, are connected With aociety by the relation of productive labor. The remainder of thp workera of the nonproductive sphere pzovide society with servicps, entering into relations of nonproduc- � tive labor. This division, in pertaining entirely to the aocial form, de- termines rhe social nature of the material and labor expendituree in di.ffer- ent aectors of the nonproductive sphere. M. B. Solodkov's monograph is an interesting and timely work of a methodo- logical nature, which reveals the political economic esaence of th~ compli- cated phenomena and processes taking place in the nonproductive sphere. It is Written on a polemical level and covers a wide range of questions, buC they are far from alaays substantiated thoroughly enough. There are also controversial asaumptions in the book. 27 FOR OFFICII~L U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~dlt tl~~IGIr?L I~~li (~NLY ~n C. M~ A~~b~~'yan'~ b~dk, n~rdixv~dgtv~ i p~erebi~niy~ u~lug v d~~y~tny py~eil~tk~' /'~tie Prndu~tidn ~nd Cdn~ut.~peidn of S~rvi~@~ nurit~~ ~he l0eh t~'ivc-Y+~gr Pi~r?~j, ~ df,ff~r~nt ~ppre~~h ta ~n~ly~in~ t~~nphy~i~~i pradu~~ian i~ ci~f~r~ct, ie~ f~~tur~~ ~nd ~p~e3fie ~~eur~ ~r~ ~mph8~3~~dt "'~h~ int~rpr~-,iln~'nnnphygi~~1 pr~duetion' 8~ a tdpic df ~conomie th~dry ~nd ~canomie prnetic~ pur~u~g th~ gdai df di~tinguisf~ing~and ~tud;ing ~peeially from eh~ pnint of vi~W o~ ~eondmie~ a gp~e~al ar~a af Flte r1yn~mi~t~ ~f ~ociel labor ~nd ~~andmi~ r~l~tinn~ in eh~ li~~ uf g1~Citl1~~t 9~C~~Cy~ with~ue Comp~ring gnd id~neifying th~em wi~h th~ ~r~n~mie ~~1~Cion~ wiCh regp~ce t~ eh~ pro- _ du~eidn ~f m~e~ri~1 w~~ieh" (p 29). ~h~ ~uChdr ~~ggrd~ eh~ produeeion r~laeian~~ ahieh form dir~eeiy in eh~ ~ph~r~ r~f nonphygi~el pr~duction, ag "r~1~?~ion~ of a~~eond ord~r," con- . ~id~ring them ea b~ d~rivaeiveg df eh~ ~conomic r~lation~ of phy~ical prd- dueeion, bue ~e ~h~ ~am~ tim~e "they ar~ asauming ~reer~r and ~r~a~~r ind~- ppnd~nc~, h~v~ b~~n ~ndow~d with sp~cif~.c trait~ and ~g~ p~.ayin~ ~ mer~ ~nd mar~ impore~ne rale i~ ~h~ dyn~mie int~rr~l~tion~ of Ch~ ~neir~ gy~e~rn of ~eonamic r~laeinn~ df ~o~i~lig~ ~deieey." Whi1~ id~ntifying the ~pe~ifie rrairg ~f tha prnducCinn r~lntioag nf ~ gec- ond ~rd~r und~r eh~ ~ondieidng of g d~velnp~d ~ocinlige ac~ci~ey und cxnmin- in~ Eh~ que~tic~n from th~ pnint of vi~w of Ch~ form and cont~nt nf Che reln- Ci~ng in th~ gphere of nonphyeical production, E. ~t. Agabab'yan empha~ixeg th~t eh~ ~xch~t~g~ l~bor f~r ~ p~rt of th~ ~ociali~tical~y g~ci~~ized prd- ducC, whirh ~s~um~s in exchange the form of a wnge, ie typical of "nonphy~i- ca1 produetion." The search fnr a gnuge of the volume o� gQrvice~ i~ among the moet urg~nt directi~n~ o� th~ ~tudy c+f nonphyaical production. Thig quegCion, in gpite of the att~mptg of individual ~utharg to calculate practically th~ "volum~ of ~erviceg in value terms," remaing unresolved. There ig an egpecinlly iarge number of different points of vieW on the posaibilities and methods of the "value" estimation of the production of tho sectors of free services. 1'he production of the service sphere, in our opinion, ghould be calcnlaCed as the end r~sult of the economic activity of ita sECtors. However, since rhe individual types of services are offered on different bases--free of charge or at full cost (services for a fee)--their inclusion tn the total output nf gerviceg hag its own peeuliariti~s. The Cerm "fre~ services" ~hould nor be takcn lit~rally. They are free only for the ultimate consumer, while a certain portion of the physical asseCa and labor, by Which their social value is governed, is spent on their production (rendering). Various opinions exiat concerning the questio,~ of estimating the amount of free services. Some researchers propose to astimate them according to the actual expenditures of the :~taCe and enterprises. In this case the amount of these expenditures is detet,nined in different ways. 5ome nuthors limit themselves to the budget expenditures on sociocultural measures, others al- so include her~ the expendiCUres of enterpri~es and capital investmenta, still others include in the amount of free services the expenditures on so- cial insurance and social security und so on. 2$ FOE~ O~FICIE.L U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~O~t OF~'ICIAL tl~~ ONLY M~ny ~ug~~~eion~ h~ve b~~n roade on the "upward ~d~u~emene" by v~riou m~thoda of tih~ fr~~ ~~~viee~ up Co th~ir fu11 ~o~e.2 A number of eeonomi~~~~ prn- pa~~d eo apprai~~ fraa g~rv3c~~ w3.Ch allow~nce for eh~ prupnrei.on of rhe eurpiu~ product, which could b~ reaLizad in ca~e they requirad a fea. A method ~imilar ro eh~ ona propoeed by V. Mayyer wa~ placed by M. Aga- bab'y~n aC the ba~3a of th~ c~leu~ati.on of Cha synthetic indicgtor of the produetion of aervicea.4 In the opinion of M~ Agabab'yan, "tha eynGhetic indic~eor of eervicea ~n moneCary t~rms--a kind of aggregaee product of nonphyeic~l producr3on--~.~ the Eorm o� ehe cumulatiive reault of Che effec- civ~ activiCy of the nonphy~ical sphere." ~'he p~s~ibiliey of consCrucCin~ ~ eynthet3c 3.ndicator of tih~ production and ~onswnpCion o~~ ~erviceg, in tha opinion of a number of authutis, is governed by th~ faet,th~~C the producti of nonphysical production, noe counC3ng ehe phy~ical and material form~ has a cerCain ob~ectivity--the specific ntiliCy of rhe wealeh which meets varioua aocial demands. The socially necegsary labor, which consieCs of tih~ nece~eary and surplus labor, is coneumed on it~ prdduction. The concluaions of the supporters of Chis poeiCion reduce to th~ fact that the inclusion of a worker in aocinl production autom~ti- ca11y makee him a part nf the aggregate labor force, typical of which is the fulfillment not os~ly of th~ requirement of recovery, but also the ex- pansion of production ~nd consumption. In our opinion, although Chis conclusion is of a debatable naCure, it doee merit attentien. At any rate, it makes it posaible to e~lain rhe differ- ~nC position of workerg from the standpoint of participation in the forma- rion of the resourcea of expanded reproduction. Surplua labor ia typical of all the participants in aocialiet competiCion. The peculiariCy of pro- ductive labor under socialism lies in this. The evaluaCion of the surplus labor, and thereby of the total expenditures of labor as well, in nonphysical production is eapecially complicated. And here the most diverse, at timea mutually exclusive atands are known. The~ methodological approach to calculating the amount of aervices in "Metodi- cheskiye ukazaniya k sostavleniyu goaudaratvennogo plana razvitiya narodnogo khozyaysCva SSSR" /Methodological Inatructions on Drafting the State Plan of USSR National Economic Development/ seems basically correct to us; in it, when calculating the overall value indicator of services it is proposed "Co estimate the amount of services of thoae aectora, in which service for a fee predominaCea,... by the receipts of the correaponding institutions and enterpriaes, and the amount of servicea of those sectors and types of serv- ice, in which free service and service at a reduced rate predominate, by the expenditures of the state and kolkhozes on maintaining the inatitutions of these sectors."5 Here, in our opinion, some clarifications are required. First, the amount of services for a fee should be comparable to the corre- sponding expenditures of the population, since the services rendered to enterprises and institutions are included in part in the total production of the indicated sectors. Second, it should apparently be kept in mind that the amount of free services is considered the result of the use of the as- aets of the public consumption funds, in which the total amount of current 29 FOR OFFICItiI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~ rori n~{r~crni. usL orri.,Y ~xp~n~ieur~~ nn r~ndd~in~ tll~ carr~~pdnding ~~rvicd~ eo rh~ ropul.~Cinn i~ r~f].~~~~d. In ~tudi~~ df reC~n~ y~arg muah ~?ee~neidn ig devoead ~n rhe ~dlueion n� a wid~ ~ange of proble~~ facing ehd ~ecror~ of ehe non~rndunrlve ~phere. Z'he numb~r df publlC~ri~n~ on problemg of non~umar servic~ has e~p~cially in- cre~sed. Obvious~.y this i~ not by nhgnn~, ~ince rhis is ~ comp~rneivel.y "ynung" s8c~or of th~ n~tionnl economy, ~nd prab~~ms Cdttn~CCed with the ~labnrnClon nf eh~dr~ric~1 ~nd methodologica~ problema, Che cl~rificaCion n� th~ ~oci~-pcdnom~.~ ~~s~nCp nf p~rsonal ~ervic~g, Che g~nergl laws d� Che d~velopmenC o� tih~ secCor and iCs place ~n sac3gl reproductinn, wieh th~ ~~ar~h fdr reserves �or incr~gg~n$ ehe volume ~nd ehe qu~liry uf pergnnal ~ervices, wiCh Che ee~rch for criteria of ehe efficiency of p~rgonnl g~rV~CES~ ae we~.l ~s wiCh the improvemenC of the orgnnizntion nf Ch~ wnrk on planning personal services and oehers, conCinue to arise itt Che procesg of ies acceZeraeed developmenC. Thus, in the worke of A~ T, Gor~nin "13ytnvyye uslugi pri gotsializme (voprosy teorii, prakCik~ razvi- Ciya)" lpersonal Services Under 5ocia1lsm (Quegti~ns of 7'henry, rhe i'r~c- tic~ df UevelopmeneZ/, Ai. G. Raze nnd M. B. Rossingkiy "Yl~nirovatt~e raz- vieiya byCovykh uslug (voprosy snvershenstvovaniya metodologii)" /Planning the U~velopment of Pergonal 5ervices (Questions of Improving the Meehodol- ogy,L/, K. V. Smirnnva "Stimuly povysheniya effektivnosCi truda v bytow m obsluzhivanii" /Incentives to Inerease Labor Efficiency in I'erson~l Serv- ices/ and M. G. Roze "Tseny na bytovyye uslugi" %Prices for Pereonal Serv- iccs/ Che reader can fami]iarize himself with Che ways of posing and Che solution of pr~ceically the enCire group of problems which face persnnal services and which ~~ave now become especially urgent. - The nonelaboration of the main theoretical queations of Che development o� consumer service led not only to a certain beliCtling of iCs role in the national economy, but in fact also to its nonrecognition as an independent sector. According to the official classificaCion of the sectors of the national economy of the USSR CenCral Statistical AdminisCration, personal service to this day is considered a collective group and is singled out spe- cially only conditionally "for practical purposes." The evaluation of per- sonal service by economic theory does not fully conform Co the important role which the sector plays in the national economy of the country. The Cheoretical, methodological and national economic problems of personal service were Che topic of study of A. I. Goranin's book "Bytovyye uslu~i pri sotsializme." In it the socio-economic essence of personal services and the general laws of development of the sector are revealed and the role of personal service in social reproduction is speciiied. Moreover, much space is devored to the pec~�liarities Qf scientific and technical progress in the sector, the essence of the impact of Che producCion and consumption of personal services, the factors of growth and Che reserves of the increase of the efficiency and quality of personal services. This monograph is a comprehensive study of personal services under socialism. The distinguish- ing of the theoretical and methodological principles of the analysis of personal services and personal servicein 3t is o~ unquestionable interest. In 30 FOR OFFICIl,L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~flR OFFICIAL USC ONLY ~ddi.tion tio a theoree~.n~1 ~x~minaCion of rh~ poeed probl.em~, ehe ba~k con- e~~.n~ concreCe prupoeals, which makes rhis work espaciglly valuable. ~'or ehe goc~.o-ecnnomic an~lyaie df pereonal service ie is ~.mport~ne to de- rermine the nature of persona~. servicee and the production relations which nrise in Cheir producrion, sale and consumption~ and to develop way~ of ~olvin~g problems. The d~.fficulCy ~.s thaC ae pr~s~nti eher~ is nu unifnrm pointi of view on Ghe tiheory of services~ Z'he auehor stireeses thati "und~r Chese conditiong it would be incorrect to seti aboue analyxing con- sumer services withouC having det~rmined ehe methodological principlea of tha general tiheory of servicea and ~ervice, which would make ie poaeible ' noC only to explain properly the apecific penulinrities of pereonal servicea and pereonal eervice of Che population, but also to simplify considerably both the study of specific questiona of the developmene of conaumer services and the 3nterpretaCion df rhe results of rhe study" (p 30). Concering Che controversia' problema o� aervicea, the authors6 examine from ~ rhe correct, in our opiniot?, methodological standpointi the nature of aerv- ices, their role in ehe reproduction procesa, productlve and nonproducCive labor in the aervice sphere and the peculiaritiea of the atudy of thia problem as applied to personal aervicea. The authora ascribe grear impor- tance tio the definition of the caCegory of peraonal servicea, regarding it as the key point in the correct underatanding of "the esaence of the per- sonal service of the population as a socially organized economic process, iCs significance and role in social reproduction: in creating the grosa national producC and Che national income; in public coneumption and accumu- lation; in the evaluaCion of the efficiency of the aector" (p 73). In examining a personal aervice as a apecific form of Che manifestation of services in general, the auChors atresa that it "includeg all Che esaential definitions of the general concept, bur at the same Cime has ita own peculi- arities" (p 73). FurCher, in offering the most general aocio-economic definition of a personal service, A. I. Goranin and V. A. Yakovlev write: "A personal aervice as a social form of the conaumption of wealth is a ape- cial form of the socialization of the costs of peraonal consumption" (p 73). Having Choroughly analyzed peraonal s~rvices, Chey then turn to an examina- rion of it as an economic form in the reproduction procesa. In this capac- ity the authors characterize personal services as one of the forms of the coaunodity product of socialist production. Here it ia emphaaized that "personal servicea are the unity of the use value and Che value, the pro- duct of productive labor, they are a commodity of a apecial type" (p 74). But the workers engaged in personal service are assigned in the book to the sphere of productive labor, "for their labor meets both the general and the specific requirements which are characteristic of productive labor. In the sphere of personal service not only is the fund of the pay and reproduc- tion of the workers employed in this sphere reconstructed, but a certain portion of the surplus product of society is created," which becomes the property of the entire socialist society (pp 75-76). 31 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 - ; ro~ a~~ic~nL usv dN~.Y , , Th~r~tnr~ eha enngid~raCion df Ch~ producti~n of pr~r~onal ~Qrvicn en~er- pri~~~ i~ imp~rean~ wh~n ~ubsC~ne~.aeing Che d~.reeCion~ of tihe ~.n~re~~~ of rl?n nne~.nn~1 w~1].-b~ing, ~nd prgeCic~ urgant,Ly g d~tierminaCion noe only df ehe uei,li.~y, bue ~lgo of ehe ~ogt of per~ona~. g~rvices and th~~.r rnngider~rion in tihd to~a~. gmoune of Che n~e~,dn~J. incom~ and in ~h~ in~nme 1~vel. nf famili~s. Tiie fg~.lure rn r~ecogniz~~ Chi~ �actidr hg~ tteg~eive aon- ~~quen~~g: ~hc~ ~mnunti ~L r~nl weAlth r~ce~.veclaby Che membarg of ~ociallet soc3eCy ia under~t~ted gnd difficulei.e~ for ehe d~velopment of tihe ~~ceor gr~ artiEic~nlly er~ar~~. A1Chnugh ie i~ noC new~ eh~ problem of cla~g~fyin~ personal e~rvicee a~ beforp, cnttCrov~rsie~.. 7'h~refore A. I. Gnrattin, in cri~iGal~.y pxamining ehe claggif3ca~i.nn~ prnposed by orher regearch~rg, offer~ hig own cigseifica- eion df persongl serviceg, which, in our opinion, makeg it po~sible Co ana- lyze ehe structiur~ nf the sectnr, to determine more comrletely Che economic eff~.ciency of its d~velnpmenr gn~ to charactieriz~ the qunl~ty of consumer ~ervice. Ie makeg ie poseible to properly plan and tek~ ineo account the resultg of the acCiviey of th~ of ehe g~ctior, eo seimulate the labnr of the workerg, as well ag to elaborate eCattdards of Che effective cnn~umer decn~nd of Che population for pereonal eerviaes~ In connecrion wieh the fact that not ell Che ns~umpCions set fnrth in the monograph are unqueseionable, a number of them require addiCional in-depth study. This pertaing above all Co the meChodological quesCiong of Ch~ analy- sis of personal services. Imprecise formulations and annoying conCradiC- tions euist in the book (p 73). Moreover~ in the work insufficient aCten- tion is devoted to one of Che least elaboraCed problems--the probl~m of studying the efficiency of the sphere of personal service. Thie is a new and quite complicated problem, which under present conditions is assuming topical importance boCh from the point of view of increasing the economic efficiency of the aceivity of the very sphere of peraonal servicea and from the point of view of iCs influence on the increase o� the efficiency of social production. It is expedient r~ continue the atudy of this problem. ~ In the book of M. G. Roze and M. B. Rossinskiy, "P].anirovaniye razvitiya bytovykh uslug," the examinaCion of the question of aeaigning enterpriaes td r.he personal service sphere is closely connected wiCh the deCermination of the boundaries of the personul service sphere and with the concept "personal service." The authors write that "it is necessary to establish a procedure, in nccordance with which in contrast Co industriAl enterpriaea there could be ussigned to enterprisea of personal aervice of the popula- tion only those, in whose sales volume of services, worke and products personal services according to the cuatom ordera of the population take up the main proportion (are, for example, not less Chan 70-75 percent)" (p 52). Of course, the lack of such a definition leada to a distorCion of the indi- cators which characeerize the number of enterpriaea of the aector and the state of development of personal service in the union republics, oblases and cities. It is the merit of the authors that, in critically examining the Instruction on Che Procedure of Compiling a ReporC on the Personal Service of the Population, in which 3obs performed in the presence of the 32 FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ cu~tomer and pe~.d for ~cco~ding tio ehe m~.ghti bs artr~.butied ~o per- eonal eerv~.c~s, tihey ~mphae~.ze ehe ~r~oneousnes~ of guch a deeerminatiion, which i~ conduciv~ to the inclueion in tihe concepC "per~on~l eerv3c~~" tiypee of work noe pertiaining to ~hem, and come eo the correcC, ~n our op~,n~on~ conclusion ~har one of rhe moat ~.mporCanti p~nblemg of improving eh~ of the sector is the epecificaeion of the moati important types of pereonal ~arv3ce oE the popu].ation. Z'hi~ monograph i~ davaeed m~inly ro of impYOVing rh~ methodology nf planning th~a development of th~ pereona]. ~ervice of tha population~ which so far have been poorly elaboratied and ~.nadequataly covered in eco- nomic~ literatur~. Much artientiion in it is devoted to problems connected ~ with ehe clarification of ~he specific pecul.iarieies of pereonal eervicee, the dererminaeion of wa}r~ to ~mprove the volume indicstore of the ectiviCy _ of peraonal aervice enrerpriaea and the creation of an iniCial basis of planning, ae well as to the generallzation of the experience of using Che ~tandard method of planning the peraonal service of the population. The problems of increas3ng the efficiency of Che use of the fixad capital of the aectnr, rhe improvement of quality~ the reduction of the coat of per- son~1 eervice~ and the increase of their profitability are also examin~d. Special chapCers of tha book are davoted ro the improvament of pricing, economic analyeis and monitoring of the fulfillmene of the plane of eerving the population. In characterizing the eetablished syetem of evaluating the resulCa of the activity of the enterprie~s of the aector~ the uae of which has the r~sult that they prefer to uae highly profiCable producte to the detriment of the direct service of the population, the authore correctly raiee, in our opinioa, the question of distinguishing in the plane of enterpriees and organizatione the salee volume of servicea on the cu8tom orders of the population. In the secrion devoted to an important component of plgnning--the monitoring of the fulfillment of the plan--the authore demonatrate that it i.s neceseary to monitor not only the correctnesa of the crediting of the salee volume of the main typea of peraonal servicea, but also the composltion of the work, since in a number of cases the invalid inclusion in the sales volua?e of peraonal servicea of other kinds of jabs leads to ita considerable over- statemenC. ~ It must be noted that the monograph is overloaded with examplee~ of which there are especially many in Chapter 6, "Reaerves for Decreasing the Produc- tion Coat and Increasing the Profitability of Servicea," and Chapter S, "~dvanced Forms and Types of Peraonal Servicea." Theee examples are taken at timea from popular science articles and smgazinea~ which decreases ap- preciably the acientific validity of the theaes advanced by the authors. Not all the aspects of auch important problems, Which are raised in the monograph, are covered completely and thoroughly enough. Sotae of them gre given only to raise the problem and require further s~ubatantiation. Thus, too modest a space in the work is allotted to regional aspecta of the 33 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 rdti c~r~~ZCIAL U5~ hNLY planni,ng nf p~rgdn~l ~~rvic~~~ ~G ~~em~ tih~e ~hi~ qu~e~einn, dwin~ ed eh~ pag~iUiliey of ~ver~dming eh~ ~ri11 ~exi~ring gap~ in eh~ 1~v~1~ ~f gervic~ b~ewe~n individu~i r~gihn~, eh~ ~iey ~nd Ch~ ~nunery~id~, nl~u ~ mor~ ~xC~nsiv~ ~xaminaeidn, Congicl~rabl~ ~pac~ in thc work~ nn prubi~mg of dev~loping ~1~~ g~rvir~ ~ph~r~ ig ~11nee~d t~ qu~atinns d~ prieing in ~h~ p~~~nng1 ~hrvice nf rh~ popul~tidn~ in thi~ conn~cC~nn 1~e u~ ~x~min~ itt mor~ d~rnii M. C~ Itex~'~ mnnngr~ph "'~~eny na byeovyye u~1u~i," in whieh ehe prob].~m~ of priring ~r~ eov~red und rh~ p~~uiisriei~~ df ~~eabl3~hing and applying Ch~ pric~~ for p~rg~n~l serv;.c~~ nre ~hown con~id~r~bly mor~ ~xC~n~ively pnd compl~t~ly Chnn in th~ n~h~r bddk~. The ~naly~ie of eh~ cugtnm~ry p;nCedurp and m~in principl~~ of pricing ~na:.l~d rh~ author Cd ~how eh~ diff~rpntieti~n of th~ pr3c~g for s~rvine~ nnd the m~nngemene of Chp pric~ li~C ~y~Cem ~nd to cover ~ numb~r nf other qu~~r.iun~~ At pr~gene eh~ r~~eerch b~ing ronducted in thi~ ~r~~ ig ~le~rly inad~c~u~t~ ~nd far fram rnnf~rm~ td it~ gignificanC~ in eh~ nntinn~l ~conomy of eh~ cduntry. 'The improv~m~nt nf Ch~ pri~ing for peraongl ~~rvice~ ie of greet impnre~nce fnr th~ gucGeg~ful op~raCion of the s~~tor under the condieinns nf ehe iat~n~ificntinn of rh~ mgCerinl inter~~t of itg worker~ und the de- v~lopment af the mntpri~l and eechnic~l bnge of th~ eecCor. A].l thig gt- tperg to eh~ urg~n~y ~nd compl~xiCy di th~ ~olution of the problem of im- proving the prices for ;,~r~anal ~ervi~~~. The ~uthor note~ that nc~ pric~~ for the servieeg of th~ enterpriseg of the gector ~re of a dual naeure. lJhil~ being by thpir erructure nnd methods of formation whnlesale prices, they 8re nt the name time by their nature retail price~. In the bonk it is emphaeized that "the main m~thodg of pricing in th~ sphere of the personal gervice of the populaeion ghould bp bag~d on the poliry af the retail pric~~ for cong wner gaodg. On the other hand, the prices for personnl s~rviceg take into accounC the peculiarities of the enterprises of personal service.., and should be flexible and dyna,~.ic, so as to actively influence the quality and time of the filling of orders and to stimulut~ the creation of the greategt convenienceg for the custom- ers" (pp 15-16). After critically ex~minin~ the exigCin~ procedure of eetablishing the pricea for persnnal services, M. G. ~tnze analyzes some of th~ ghnrtcomings of pricing, which exfst in personal ~~rvices. Noting the exi~t~nc~ in a number of ras~s of economically un~ubgtantiated differencea in thp level of pricee for the id~ntical types of per~nnal services in the union republicg and~ in the republics with nn obla~t division, in the kr~ys, oblaetg ~nd cities, the ~uthor corrpctly writes, in our opinion, thaC "8ome differences in the level of prices for individual types of identical personal services in dif- - ferent regions of the councry ar~ permissible~ if they are caused, Enr ex- ample, by a differenc level of technical equipment of the pergdnal ~ervice enterprises nr by ~ronomic fector,~" (p 21). 3~? FOK O~~tCil.L U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 Fox or~'ICZAL USC ONLY , Until. 1aCe1y ehp di~cr~pgncy in ehe i~~~i n~C pricee fnr similar personal g~rvice~ w~g ~ cong~quenc~ nf ehe face Ch~L� up tio 1965 eti~r~ wns no un~.fied m~rhadnlogical managem~nt o� pricing for per~onal services, tihie work was nne noordinated, ~dvanced, econnmically ~ubetaneiated atiandardd of labor nnd muCerial e~cpenditure~ were not elgborated centrally and there were no uni- form methodological instruct3ons on the procedure uf cogting eervice~ (~ob~). Ae pr~~ene pric~ng in ehe p~r~onal aervice ephere ls fACed ~.mportant tiagk~~ Th~ author eeresses ~hat "the measures on improving pr~cing signify a radical reorganizatiion of tha entire syeeQm of pricing in the personal s~tvic~ ephere, the bas3s of which is the crearion nf a standard base wtiich ' conform~ to Che presenr i~~si of d~velopment of tihe pereonal service of ehe populaeion. For thi.~ iC is above all nacessary Co draw up a uniform (all- union) li~r of ~obs for rhe most imporCanC types o� peraonal services" (p 22). Such a liet with the rechnical charactQriatics of the ~oba and the op~rati.ona con~Cituting them is called for in the unified copies of the price ligtig, which are recommended Co all the union republics by the State CommitCee for Prices of the USSR Council o� Minietera. At present the prob- lem of earabli~hing uniform prices in the sphere of the personal service of th~ populgCion is preseing, and th~ author indicates ehe expedience of exam- ining ie on the scale of Che country. The ~nhancement o� Che atimulat~ng role of priceo in improving the quality df services, raiaing the standard of service and reducing the Cime for fill- ing orders is one of the moat imporCant tasks of pricing, which ia being solved primarily by means of the differentiation of prices and the expan- gion of the forms and meChoda of differentiating the prices for peraonal g~rvicea, In this connection in the work it would have been neceasary, in our opinion, to examine in more detail the queation of streamlining the price list syetem gnd improving the graphic inform$tion on prices and the procedure of appl.ying them, since theae problema are of great importarice for observing atate price discipline and are conducive to Che moat rapid solution of the problems on further improving the peraonal ~ervice of the population. M. G. Roze mentioned them only in paesing. The proper organiz~Cion of the material stimulation of the workera of the personal service of the population plays an important role in solving the problems facing the sector. A search is being conatantly made far the most effective forms and methods of $timulating labor. Thus, in K. V. Smirnova's book "Stimuly povysheniya effektivnosti truda v bytovom obsluzhivanii" much attention is devoted to questions of organizing the material stimulat~on of the improvement of the quality of consumer aervice. The author shows how the quality of personal services is taken into account in the rate system, in the bonus system, as well as in the forms of wages, which are specific to p~rsonal service--wages on a contractual basis and as a percent of the , receipts. The system af economic and material incentives, which is used in the sector, still doea to enaure the proper intereat of the workers in in- creasing th~ level of consumer service, since the results of labor, in con- nection aith the lack of aufficiently ob~ective indicators of the quality of services, are taken into account mainly according to quantitative in- dicatore. ` 35 FOR OFFICIE+L U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 rOlt UrI~ICIAL USL UNLY - ; Wh~.le regarding rhe p~rsonul service nf tihe popul~Cinn us ~ singl~ func~inn~l 13nk of the naC~.nn~1 economy, which ~.s c~lled upon Cn m~eti the ~.ndividunl dem~nds of Ch~ worlcers for p~rsonal eervices and to ~erve ehe prncese nf persottnl consumption, K. V. Smirnov~ Qtresses Chat the increas~ of the maC~- ri~~. inCeresC o~ Che worlcers of the sector in increas~ng the ~l~i~ry oF - services plays a speci~il role in solv3ng ehe problem of incre~sing Che queL- iry af persondl services. The authnr wr~.ties that "�nr tihe 311CC@99fU~. adlu- tion of the probl.ems facing conaumer service iti is necessary for the qual~ty oE personal services Co become the ob~ecC of deliberatie regulati~.on, Che bASis of Che ev~luation of rhe efEiriency o� indiv3duA1 and col~.ecCive labor~ which direcCly 3nfluences the level of pay of Che workers of the secCor" ~(p 16) . In her~opinion, rhe estiablishment of the degree oF utility, the extent of the satisfaction nf one demand or another and the impacC nbtutned in ao doing should become an imporCant methodological principle of determining the economic essence of the quality of services. Ex~mining the concepe "Che quality of personal services" in Che broad and narrow sense, K. V. Smirnovn emphasizes: "In Che broad sense the quality of consumer services as a secCor on the whole reflecrs their conformiCy Co certain public de- mands and Co the degree of satisfaction of these demand~ with speciel uae values, which personal services are. The deg�-ee of conEormity of servicea to the specific personal demands of the workers and the degree of the saC~s- facCion attest to the quality of rhe service which is rendered by a consumer , service enterprise or its individual worker. Such an interpreCuCion char- acterizes the quality of personal services in Che narrow senae" (p 20). At present bonuses play an important role in stimulating the improvemenC of Che c~uality of personal services. However, this portion of the wage is I connected with Che quality of personal services by means of special indica- tors which do not reflect all its aspects and above a11 the consumer naCure of ttie service. As a result there are often cases when workers performing - services of a low quality receive bonuses. In examining the questions of stimulating the improvement of consumer service and Che increase of the quality of the ~obs being performed at the expense of Che main portion of the wage, that is, payments of incre:nents for the grade and skill, the author correctly believes, in our opinion, that Chese increments are noC directly connected with the current results of labor, moreover, a negligible number of workers of the sector receive them. Therefore, the i~lcrements do not have a significant influence on the increa~e of the quality of per- sonal services. On the basis of the specific wage systems used in the sector (on a contrac- tual basis and wages as a percent of the receipts) rhe significanC shortcom- , ings in the stimulation by means of them of the increase of the volumes of personal services, the improvement of the ski11 of workers of certain occup~t- tions and the improvemenr of the quality of consumer service are shown in the book. K. V. Smirnova stresses that under present conditions the im- provem~nt of the indicators characterizing the efficiency of collective and individual labor, as well as the elaboration of criteria which would make 36 FOR OFFICIAI, iJSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~o~ d~~tci~. us~ ~x~.Y ie poggible eo t~ke into the fullp~e acco~nt th~ gpecific~ of the sector c~r~ as~uming p~reicuigr imp~r~~r~ce, ;sinc~ without eh~ prop~r ~v~lue~~.~n ~c~d ~c:counCing of th~ reeuit~ of the lgbor of both Che individugl workerg end nc~?. aneerprise~ a~ a whnle no economically ~ube~antiACed ey~tem of ~eimul~- tinn can be organized. Kence tfie moe~ important direction of economic re- epgrch in ehi~ e~ctor nf th~ narional econnmy--Che asauranc~ of th~ un~ty di th~ collectiive ~nd personal intereats of the worker~ in improving the end r~~ulrg of econnmic acCivity. Thus, :~s the survey of the work~ on rhe probleme of the economicg of the nonproduceive ephere shows, their etudy in recent times hae been ~harply , inteneified~ which conforma to Che tasks of d~veloping thi~ mo~C imporCant s~ctor of ~he nationaL ~conomy. FOOTNOTES 1. V. M. Rutg~yzer, "Resurey razvitiya neproizvodetvennoy efery" Litegourcea far the bevelopment of the Nonproductive Spher~T, Izdatel'etvo "My~l"', 1975; K. V. Smirnova, "Stimuly povyaheniya effektivnoati truda v bytovom obgluzhivanii" Llncentivee to Increase Labor ~fficiency in Personel Serv- ices7, IzdaCel'stvo "Elconomika"~ 1975; M. G. Itoze, M. B. Roesinekiy, "Plani- rovaniye razvitiya byCovykh uslug (Voprosy eoverehensCvovaniya metodologii)" %Planning the Development of Personal 5ervices 'Questions of Improving the Meehodnlogy,~/, Izdatel'etvo "Ekonomika", 1~75; D. I. Prevdit~, "Re~vitiye n~roizvodstvennoy sfery pri sotsializme (tempy, propnrtgii, perspektivy)" /Development of Che Nonproductive Sphere Under Socialism (Rate~ Propnrtions, ProspectsZ/, Izdatel'atvo "Ekonomika", 1916; M. V. Solodkov~ "Neproixvod- stvennaya afera pri sotsializme (Voprosy teorii i metodo,logii proizvodi- tel'nogo truda)" LThe Nonproductive Sphere Under Socialiam (Questions of the Theory and Methodology of Productive Lgbor~/, YZdatel'stvo "Mysl 1978; M. B. Rossinakiy~ "Sfera uslug v ekonomike razvitogo aoteializma (Ceoreti- cheskiye i metodologicheskiye voprosy)" %The Service Sphere in the Economy of Developed Socialism (Theoretical and Methodological QueationaZ/, Izda- tel'stvo Saratovakogo universit~*_ey 1976; V. V. Barmin, "Mal:z finansovo- khozynystvennoy deyatel'noati kommunal'nykh predpriyatiy" /`fhe Analyeis of the Financial and Economic Activity of Municipal Enterprises/~ Izdate2'atvo "Finansy", 1916; M. G. Roze, "Taeny na bytovyye uslugi" LPrices for Persanal Services/~ Izdatel'stvo "Finansy", 1976; "Knmpleksnyy plan razvitiya sfery obsluchivaniya naseleniYa" %Comprehensive Plan of the Development of the Consumer Service Sphere/, Izdatel'stvo "Ekonomika", 1977; M. A~abab'yan, "Prizvodstvo i potrebleniye uslug v deayatoy pyatiletke" I'The Production and Consumption of During the IOth ~ive-Year Plan/, Izdatel'stvo "Mysl 1977; M. A. Abramov, "Proizvodstvo i sfera obsluzhivuniya (razme- shcheniye, vzaimosvyaz', kompleksnoye razvitiye)" LProduction and the Serv- ice Sphere (Location~ Interrelationship, Comprehensive Development,Z/, Izda- tel'stvo "Mysl 1977; A. I. Goranin~ "Bytovyye uslugi pri sotsializmc (voprosy teorii, praktika razvitiya)" %Personal Services Under Socialism (Questions of Theory~ the Practice of Development~/, Minsk, 1977, and others. 37 FOR OFFICIl+L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~~~t n~FIC~AL US~ ONLY 2. Se~ V. M. Rutg~y~~r, "Re~ur~y r8zvitiya nepro~zvod~tvennoy ~fery," - I~d~e~i'~tvd "My~i i975, pp 205-206. "Planirovaniye ,~arodnogo potYebl~niya v SSSR" ~The Plannin~ of publie ConeumpCion in the USSR/~ ~dited by V. F. M~yy~r and P. N. Krylov, Izdatel'- ~tvn "Ekonomika", 1964, pp 36-37. 4. M. Agabab'y~n, "proixvod~~vo i potreb~eniye u~lug v de~yatoy pyati- 1etk~,'~ Ixd8Cel~sCVO "Mys1 1977~ p 70~ 5. "Metodi.che~kiy~ uk~zaniya k soaravleniyu goeudaretvennogo plana razvi- tiya narddnogo khnzyay~tv~ SSSR," Izdatel'~tvo "Ekonomik~", 1969~ p 51~. 6. 7'he indic~ted probl~mg were elaboreeed 3ointily with V~ A. Yakovl~v. COPYFtIGHT: Izdatel' ~evo PEtAWA, VOPROSY ~1CONOMIKI ~ 1979 7~07 CSO: 1823 38 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ' FOR OFFICIAT. USE ONLY MANPOWER: LABOR~ BDtlCATION~ DF.HOORAPHY tiRt, NATIONAL SCHOOL RU35IAN IANCUAGB INSTRUCTION ~ Hoscaw SOSiETSKAYA PEUAGOGIKA in Ruaeian No 4 Apr 7'9 pp 35-38 [ArCicie by 5. S. Shameutdinova: "Rueaian in rhe National School"~ [Text] Russian hae become the languaga of dailq contect and cooparation here, Whare a biaeorically nnW commnity of peopie, tha Soviat peopla, haa evolved. The party and government have sat Soviet p~dagogical ociance and our entire achool syaCem the tas{r of further improving the srudy aad in- etructioa of Ru~siaa. A majority of non-Rv4sian children raally bagin a~- 8imilaeing ehe Rua4ian language in school. Rueaian langusga lasaon~ involva noC only language davalopment, but f~remo~t the ~haping of pupils' spaach okills and habite. Thn national echool provida� non-Russian pu~ii~ aith ~ the theoretical and practical principles of the language and ~hapas tb~ir Rusaian speech abilities and habits. In the national achoola of a ma~ority of the union rapublica, Ruosian laa- guage instruction begins in the aecond half of the lst grade. Russian ia taught as aA indepandent 8abject in eacb uaion rapublic national �chool in accordance with et~udy plans approved by the union rapublic minietri~s of edu- cation. The nvmber of houxs pnr veek in gradae 1-10 (11) variea froo~ 43 (Litbuaaia, Estonia, Moldavia) to 49 (Kirgizia). Diffarencss are obeacved in the union republic study pl~ns not only in the Cotal hours ach~duled but also in the distribution of the stndy timn between concentric cycle `ai~ Thus, - in tbe Baltic republice, 7-8 hours ara devotad to Bu~aian in Che priuoary grades, in Ceorgia 14, Tadzhikistan 12, and in the nstional echoola of Ruasia 26. A cosparatively aniall nvaber of hours are eet a~ids for Ruesian in the upper grades in the atudy plana of the republics of Cantral Asia, the Transcaucaaus and ~[oldavia. In apita of tLe fact that the national schools of all union republics completed the changa-over to up-daCed Russias ~ programs and textbooks in tha 1976-1977 echool year, the quality of Che Rua- sina language instruction, just as the degree of fluasian maatery by national school school pupils, and especially rural onaa, doas not fullq meet ~odera requirea~enta. The practical orientation in Bursiaa languaga training h~?s been atrengthened in the programe daveloped b~ the union rapublic acientific research inatitutes (schools) of pedagogq and approvad by t6e miniatri~s of (public) education. Primary attention is being paid to davaloping pupils' 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 s~ ; FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY RU80~At1 opeech~ to oelaoCing langwga msC~rial and orgenizing it on a eyn- tactical ba~ie. 'Cheea provieione ara rsfi~cted mo~e oucceeegully, in oar ~ view, in Che programs for tha Latviaa and Noldavian achoale. Sut in the ~ programe of a uumber of rapubiics, aspaciaily in Cantral Aoia~ ineufficiant aCtantion io paid ro davaloping pupilo' opaach in thn oaiddla and uppar gred~~, _ continuiry bet~re~a tha primary end sacoadary training link~ i� v~aic~ and th~re ~ io ~o liet of opaach situation~ in the prograau of th~ primsry, 4th and SCh grad~s. Nev textbook~ have bean creaCad and axioting onae up-datad oa tha baaia of new programs in all rapublice. So~a ara eat up on a~uleiparpoea baoid, that ie, to combina work on languaga material vit'h raeding and davsloping pupile' speech. Thua~ the taxt amlysie in taxtbooke for tha Moldavian and Latvian echoole ie oupplamenCed aitb varioua epaach exarcisne. Thie fscili- tatea daveloping various reading �kills and habit� and undaratanding the text of a letter, and it dnvalops spaaking akilir. Ruasian languaga taxt- booka for Che Latvian echoola are clearly and expreosly c~aunicative in or- ienCaCion. They contain corparaCively aomawhae briefly formularad rulas, bnt 2-3 tim~s aa oany exerci~!� as thoaa in similar Cextbooks for oCher re- publice. The nnv Ruseian lAnguBge textbooka for Caorgian priaary grades pay coneiderable attention Co daveloping pupil convareatioaal 4ki11 baaad on sy~- Cematic introduction of standard phraoe~ into pupil8' �paaking. At tha �aoa tima, Ruesian language taxtbooks for the national schools have sub~tantial ~ ehortcomingo basad, in our viev, on li~itad vocabulary rep~tiCion and a lack , of creativa-tqpe assignment4 vhich vould requira pnpil� to u~e tha langwga material they have studiad in evaryday situationa, on insufficient exarcise~ . aimed at developing dialog skills and at pravanting si`takaa in convar~a- tional speech, and eo forth. ; The divergencea in Rusaian language textbooks for the national achoole of different republics probably result fram tha fact thaC, heretofora, no fun- damental method of teaching Ru4sian in the national achool haa been devalop~d and that Chere are no aingle sciQntifically subotantiated requirements for the aCudy procees; the fuadamental quaeCion of training content and mathods hae not been resolved. lieither the t~:ctbooks nor the progrema contain pre- ciee requirements as to the kna+ledge, ekills, and habiCa vhich pupils mu4t have after pasaing aach studq course. Yn a majority of the taxtbooks, th~ aim remains as before, to teach "language in ganeral" and studying the gra~- matical syetes of the Busaian language. A nuabsr of taxtbooko therafore have an unjuatifiably larga nurber of rulna and explanations, and ex~rcisas ~ ~ of a mechanical, analytical nature predo~inate. In all textbooks~ Russian language study relies on comparisons Mith the pupil'a native langwga. Cor- �reaponding exarciaea and assignments are provided for this purpo4n. floWevar, opinions etill differ as to t!u nature of tha corpari~oa aethod at various stages of training in a second languaga. At the sa~oe tims, the change-over , of the national schoole of the Ruasian Fedaration to atandard textbooks in the diddle and upp~r concentric cycles apeaka in favor of atandard Ruasian langu~ge textbooks. Standard taxtbooks vith a pronouncad commuaicative or- _ ientation, With the aim of dnveloping tha akills of undnretanding texta ~0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~att tl~~IC2AL US~ ONLY WiChou~ Cran~lgcion gnd ~etaining Ch~ acCual goalg of r~laC~ng ~o othare 3,n ~ Ruegian~ whtch ~saoci~tee of the USSR AcBdemy oE P~d~gogical Sci~ncas' Sci- entific ~ee~arch In~titute oE Ruseian Language InstruaCion in tha National School are now workin$ on~ wi11 unqueatio~bly be a nev contribution to de- valopfng Che theory and practice of the echool Ruesian langunge texebook for non-Ruseiane. The communicgtive goal of teaching Rusoian murC~ in our view, detarmine Che entire etudy proceos. Tha achool can coeaider iCe vork don~ in thi~ genee if ite pupils have developad the eki118 ~nd habiee of un- darseanding apoken and aritten Rusaian and of axpraseing Chemealvee in Rua- eian. The maeerial-technical baee of Rueeian languaga inorrucrion hae been im- provad eoctiewhat in racent yeare. Hany achoole hava changed ovar to tha etudy-room By8CeG1. Tape recordera, record players~ olidea, movie pro~ec- Core and television eetg have appe~red in tha echoola. However, technic~l meang of training are eCill used exCremaly rarely in the leasons, One rea- eon is npparently thae methods of Rusaian inetruction uaing them have not been aorked ont. In p~rticular~ no method hae yec been devalopnd for using - language-lab equipmenC to study Ruseian in the national ochool. New forma of ltusaian inetruction are being eought out ia a numbar of rapub- lics: Russian study is being organized in preachool inoCitutions~ and they are opening up preparatory classes, schoole With parallel languagea of in- struction, and schools and classe~ with inteneifind Russian language train- ing. Special importance ia being acquirad by optional Russian languaga claasea and by the davelopment of work outaide thn clasaroom and outeide school. At the sama time, the lack of development of the acientific prin- ciples of orgaaizing var~ous forma of extracurricular Work and intensivn language etudy is also one reason for ahorCcomings in practical language ~ training. A atudy of the atatus of the ~eaching and the quality of the knowledge, ekills and habita of national school pupila shows that the speaking and writing ekille of schollchildren in Moldavia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ar~aenia, Estonia and KazakhaCan have improved eomeWhat in recenC years. Howevar, the level of Rusaian speech development among rural national echool pupil~ of the Central Asian republics, Georgia and Armenia doea not alMays conform to program requirementa. Their speech ia dietinguiahed by a poverty of vo- cabulary, an abaen a of exteaded aad complex senCencea, poor pronounciation, and a lazge number of grammatical errore. This is to be explainnd firat of all by deficiencies in the training of teacher cadrns. Many teachere per- mit serioua overaighte in methods of conducting Russian language leaaona, are not able to subordiaaie the atudy of language theory to the taaks of de- veloping pupils' speech, and are keen on grammatical theory but divorced from practical apeach. Very little attention ia paid in the lessona to ehaping pronounciation habits. The ability to underatand epoken Russian is not generally developed. As a result, pupils often do not under8tand spoken Rusaian in unfamiliar speech sitnatione. There are also quite a feW ~ shortcomings in dictionary work in the leseona. ..NewlWOrde are nearly alWaya 41 FOR ~t~FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~ox o~~icinL us~ ornY explained by tranalating tham into tha native language and Ruaeian Worde already gamili~r to tha pupil~ ~r~ nat draan inro tha explan~tionr. Rasort- ing Coo much to the nattva lengnage in Ru4oi~n laugwge �Cudy is typical og th~ Ochooi� of Azarbai~an, Usbakietan~ Turkm~?nia and a numbar of oth~r ro- ~ _ pubiia . Tha work og tha language and litaYatura ta~~her, oopaciaily ie - rural �choole, ie aada mora diificulC by t~ laak of ae~i-daoignad snd aall- , printad didectic au tsrial, epeciai books for outside reading, and rafarenca , literature. i1e feal tha top-priority taek of padagogicai ociencs naw ia to davalop the eciantific-thaoreticai and practical baoe of Rusoisn languaga in4Cruction ~ in naCional acadamic in~eitutions at a qualitativaly nav laval. Bnormoua exparience hae baen accumulatad in the union republice and ia in nead of ~ ekill~ul sciantific ganaralis~Cion. ~hia can ba of great h~lp in improving Ruesiau languag4 in~CrucCion. A policy ha4 nov bean adoptad of creating u atandard Ruaoiae language ieatruction madel for the naCional echool (etar- dard programe~ otandard etudy-mnthoda coaplexae, and othara). The indicated Cvo direcCione musC organicallq eupplnmant each orhar in reetructuring in- etruction of thia eub~ect. 6ood proapacts for improving Russian languaga inetruceion have been opened up in connection aith the devalopmsnt of a nua- bar of ineaauras by tbe USSR Minietrq of Education. Thay anticipata furthsr expansion of ecientific pedagogical raeearch in the araa of Ruasian langwga inotruction in tha national ecboola, the developmsnC of atandard pro~raau, a etandard progra~ for inteneive language study, and ~tandard etudy-~oaehodt complexeo. It ia being propooed tbat needed chaugsa be ~?ade in eha seudy- ~ mathods materiale for praparAtory claaaea~ that reco~and~tions ba Norkad out for organising a variery of work outeids the cla~~room ~nd out~ide the , school, that ~odel methods recoooieadations and content ba praparad for Rua- sian language instruction in uaiom rapublic national preachool institutiona. ~ Appropriata ~tsps hava baen outlined for furthpr i'proving the training of ` Ruseian lauguaga teachera for the nstional schools. It l~as bean rncoo~aAdad that a naw study plan be dav~lopad and introduced at padagogical institutea ` for the apacialty "Rusaian Langwge and Litarature," one vhich anticipatea ' the more fundamental training of teacbers in the indicated apacialty, that { the neceasary adjuataenta be made in exiating programs and that the etudy plans of padagogical institutee and echools be raviaved with a viav towarda more effecCive teacber training and t1~a more effnctive preparation of guidas to work in children'a praschool inatitntiona aud primary gradea. Actvalisa- tion of the meaeuras outlinad vill par~it aucc~saful impla~antation of th~ taska of further i~aproving the stud~ and iastruction of the Russian language in the national scbool. COPYRI(~iT: "3ovntskaya pedagogika", 1979 ' 11052 CSO: 1823 ' : ~ { ~ i . ~ 1~2 t FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070015-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074415-7 ~ ~ ~ FOR OFFZCIAL US~ ONLY _ j ~ i ' 'Z'FiAN~I~OR~'AmrON ; ; ! ' TRANSPOf~i' IN TI~ USSR NORTH D~SCRIBED , Tokyo MASNICHx UATLY NEWS in English ~.8 Jun 79 P 5 ' Tex~ In U~e Sovfet F~r North where wlnter tor C J' , ; perma~roet and swamps, anow ~ titont~~;. ~rua~n tb~?', ~ ' and winds hipder trafflc; the ~~idrat~i+p'~b11~to~6.~~ . extensiye system of routes Is zero, still up to the mark. Its Tt~se are aot exaptions, but ' establishment took years, and the usual norms ot~ lite la inltlally the solution of maay Taimj+r. , Nowever,:. the_. towns trapeport problems was and townsh~ps of tt~ peNnsula monttored on the Taimyr, �neYer loae coatects between` peNneula. . each .other and the maWand A klfo~eter oi the motorway ~ trom whicb 'everytbfng trom in lxal conditions . costs . a flowers to huek~t~oute ehcMc milllon rubles. How can� these locomotives comes tAece; ~ - "golden" kilometerg r be In 1935, when the cbnstiv~tlon ~ ; protected from`the onslaugNtof o~ tLe Indu~rlal'complex' . ~ the awampytwidra? ~ m' T~Imyr tt~ bullders. f~d~ Which matedal~sho~ild be ~ed oNy tr(mk-route tor deli~?~ering foc car ttres to pt~ve~t twbbQt~'~ workers ~nd cargo-tt~ Ye~{Sei trom going ~to pieoes fn teo~y~ ~ R[vet ~ weather? How can the roads~be' .;B1~tt Norllsk,~ the 't ~~he protected trom snow-dritts aad ~ wa~ DetO~ ~;I~O ' bere? Now can pipellnes pe latd Away ft+oaa'tt~e?o6est ~ . . .~~'T�'...' ~1.^'~l~~"~ r. OT@~: ~q i1D~('2CH~8~y~d , Difficulties dec~ion w~t take~ attbat~tlaae: The solutioa of these. ~~d~~~~~~y probiems tnvolved-1~ oi dlf-~ fu the timdra,~~ln.mady.;plACes flculaes. . . ~ ' For niae wintec mouth~' over . , uth ' cover. ~�tbe l7D:k 'yqeter ~ lA0 mi11Mp cubic ~elers uf 8now ,-~e. ; T~,