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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-R~P82-00850R000'1000700'12-0 ~ iZ JULY i9T9 CFOUO 29179) i OF 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 I " , NOIt OI~MICIAi. USN; UNI.I' JP~?S L/8a67 , 12 July 1979 - CFOUO ~9/79~ ~1/oridwide Re ~rt p NARCOTICS AND DANGEROIIS DRUGS , FBS$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SER~lICE FOR OFFtC1AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 NOTE JPRS publications conC~in informntion primnrily from foreign newsp~pere~ period~cnls and books, but also from news agency transa?issiong and brnndcasts, Materials from foreign-langUage sources are translated; those from English-languagc sources are trgnscribed or reprinted, with the oriqingl phrnsfng nnd other characteristics reCnined, _ Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed tn brackets [J are supplied bv JPR5. Processing indicators such as ~Text) - or (~xcerptJ in the first line of each item~ or following the lasC linc of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. W'here no processing indicator is given, Che infor- mation was summarized or extracted. names rendered phonetically or transliterated are encloseo in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark: and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the ori~inal but have been supplied as appro~.riat~ in context. Other unattributed parenthetical noteE within the body of an - item originate with the source. Times within items are as ' given by source. , The contents of this -ublication in no way represent the poli- ~r cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. For further information on report content call (703) 351-2811. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND RECULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCzD HEREIY REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATIC~N OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFF?CIAL USE OvLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 FOR OP'F"IC~AL USE ONLY ~ JPRS L/8567 - ZZ ~'uLY ls;y _ , WORLDWIDE ~ NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DR~GS (FOUO 29/79) CONTENTS PAGE ASIA AL'STRALIA Queensland Police Observe P1Awly Formed Mtidrug Task Force � (THE COURIER-MAIL, 7 May 79) 1 ~ Drug Center Director: ISD Brisbane~s ~Poor Man's Drug~ (THE COURIER MAIL, ? May 79) 3 Donations f~r Antidrug Fight Go to Hare Krishna (~E AGE, 9 May 79) 4 Briefs ' Heroin Suspects Remanded 5 Hero~n Pusher Jailed 5 Girl on Probation 5 BURMA Briefs Heroin Sr,ized in Rarigoon 6 Five-Year Term 6 Hero;n Seized in Ningalataungnyunt 6 - HONG KONG - Wf?0 Narcotics Expert Arranges Hong Kong Rehabilitation Program (SO~JTEI Ci~INA 1~ORNING POST, 6, 11 Jun 79) 7 - Physician's Training Course, by Adam Williams Expert Be~i~ns Talks Constable I,osps Appea~ Against Bribery Charge in Drug Arrest (SOUTH CF{INA MORNING POST, 6 Jun ?9) 11 - a- IIII - WW - 138 FOUO] - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 E~OK nl~'~ICIAL U5~: ~NLY CONTENTS (Contitiued) pg~e Three Def'endant,s Cle~red in Heroin Trial (SOU'tH CNIPdA MOEtNING POST, 7 Jun 79) 12 Emergence of Cocaine ~nd PCP in Hong Kong ' (SOUTH CEIINA MORNZNG POST, 8 Jun 79) i3 1?ru~ Trafficker~s Appe~l Fails 3.n Court (SOUTEi CHYNA MORNING POST~ 9 Jun 79) 11~ Defendant Claims Heroin ~Kept for Boyfriend~ (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 12 Jun 79) 15 Brief~ Trial Underway for Traffickers 16 Charges of Trafficking I?ropped 16 Emplnyment of Addicts Encouraged 17 Addicts Sent to Center 17 Heroin I}ru~; Trafficker Jailed 17 American on Ilrugs Charge 1? Police Aribush Catches Traf�icker 17 Man Charged lJith Possession 18 INbIA Youth in ~oint Families Prone to I1rug Abuse (THE STATESMAN, 1 Jun 79) 19 JAPAN Japanese 'Mastermind~ in Manila Arrested in I?rug Case (KYODO, 2t3 Jun 79) 21 PAKISTAN Briefs r2'ZSe in Opium Use 23 THAILAND Australian I?rug Defendants Face Long Prison Terms (John Everingham; THE AGE, 5 May ?9) 2Lt Chinese Suspects psrested for Heroin Possession (BANGKOK POST, 2 Jun 79) 26 -b- FOR OFFICIAL L'SE O,JLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 F'OE~ UF~'1GIAL U5~ ONLY CONTf~aNTS (~nntinuod) Pago Tourists, Thais Arrested on Heroi~t Charges ($AN(}K~K POST, 1, 2 Jun 79) 27 I?rugs in Urinking Straws - On ~Wanted List~ ~ivilians, RTAx' Officer Arrested for Possession (BANaKOK POST, 2 Jun 79) 29 Yacht Loaded With Marihuana Seized (Jarin Chanya; BANGKOr~ POST, 31 May 79) 30 HQroin Sold Openly, Residents Ob~ect (BAN(~KOK POST, 5 J~ 79) 31 I?rug Dealer Gets Bogus Pass Qut of Frison (Punmarie Sumondis; BANGKOK POST, 6 Jun 79) 32 CANADA Edi `~rial Calls for Reform of Marihuar~a Laws (Editorial; TEIE GLOBE AND MAIL, 29 May 79) 3Lt Various Drug Smuggling Techniques Uiscusaed (THE W.INDSOR STAR, 19 May ?9) 35 Brie,fs 23-Year Sentences 38 Cocaine Importer Sentenced 38 EAST EUROPE BUI~GARIA Survey of Urug Addiction in Bulgaria (Georgi vikolchev; POGLED, Lt Jun 79) 39 LATIN AMER.ICA ARGENTINA Brief s I1rug Conference !t5 Drug Traffickers Arrested !t5 Traffickers Arrested 1t5 -c- FOR OFFICIl+L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 . i ~~oct n~'~ICIAL U5E ONLY ~ ~ CONTENTS (Continued) Page BOLIVTA Brie1'~ Cocaine Coni'iscated ~6 I?rug Tr~f!'ickers Caught 46 BRAZTL Ar~~nt3nia.ns Among MandrAx, Marihuana Traffickers Arrested ~ (JORNAi, DO BRASTL, 23 May ?9) 1~7 Police FYnd Marihuana, White Powder in R.aid on House (JORNAL DO BRASSL, 19 May 79) ~9 Judge Sentences Cocaine Trafficker to 15 Years (0 GLOBG, 25 May 79) 50 Briefs Coc;aine, MarihuF,~na Incineration 52 Marihuana Plantation in Alagoas 52 Major Marihuana Trafficker Arrested 52 Pervitin, Marihuana ~raffickers Arrested 52 Paraguayan Az~ns, Marihuana Seized 53 Narcotics Seized 53 COLOMBIA Business Leaders Support Marihuana Legalization in U.S. (EI, TIEMPO, 15 May 79) 5~t ANIF President To Promote Legalization Industrialist Offers Support, by Jose Cervantes A,ngulo Return of Traffickers~ Plane Being Investigated (EL TIEMPO, Lt May ?9) 5? Explanation Requested No Grounds for Seizure, by Narciso Castro Y. World Record Claimed in Antidrug ~`ight (EL TIIIKPO, 13 May 79) 60 DAS Breaks International Cocaine Ring (EL TIII~O, 10 May 79) 62 - Defense MinistY^f Announces I?rug Busts (EI, TIEMI'0, 7 May 79) 6~ - d - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 ~Olt O~FICIAL USL ONi.Y CONTFNTfi (Concinund) . Pnga ~ ECUADOIt Planes~ bisapp~.arance Attributed to Drug Z'r~fficker~ (Jorge ~Jurado; E.L TIE~IP~, 18 May 79) 67 Large Coc;aine i!~ipmont Sei2ed, ~i~ht Arrested (EL IJNIVF~tSO, 10 May 79) � 69 Four Cocaine Tr.afflckers Arrested (EL COMI~~RCIO, 25 May 79) 73 Briefs Colombi~n Trafficker Flees Prison 75 MEXICO , International TrafFicking Ring Captured (Various sources, 16, 20 May 79) 76 F�ive Arrested, Laborato-y ~'ound Detatls on Other Members Ringleader Confesses Heroin Trafficker Reported Acquitted, Then Jailed (EL DSARIO DE NUEVO LAR.EDO, 5, 8 May ?9) 81 Insufficient E-~idence ~E1 Marciano' Officially Jailed Heroin, Cocaine, Traffickers Seized (EL SOL DE MEXICO, 3 May ?9) 83 Heroin, Other Seizures Described (EL SOL DE t~'.XICO, 24 Apr 79) 8l~ Marihuana Found in Banana Cargo (EL SOL DE MEXICO, 2!~ Apr 79) 85 Flores: We No Longer Export Drugs (~xcELSZOR, 2 riay 79) 86 Presumed Traffickers Crash in Jalisao (Edaardo Chimely; EXCELSIOR, 26 Apr 79) 87 Eriefs ~:a.xi Ilrivers With Heroin 88 Marihuana Shipping Plane Seized Marihuana Seized, Traffickers Caught $9 - ~ -e- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 F'OEt OF~YCIAL U5~ ONLY COVT~;VTS (Continued) P~ge PANAMA Bri ef s Cocaine 5eizure 9~ VENEZUELA Mandrax Seized, Traffickers Arrested (EL NACIONAL, 28 May 79) 91 WEST EUROPE BELGIUM Briefs Australians on Trial 92 DENMARK Social A�fairs Minister: More Hard Drugs Used (BER::INGSKE TIDENDE, 18 Jun 79) 93 Arrests Made in Gang Alleged To Have Smuggled Cocaine (Anders Wiig; BERLINGSKE TIDEVDE, 11 May ?9) 9Lt FIN LAND F^iefs IIrug Police Arrests 9b GREECE Swede Arrested on Rhodes for Smuggling Hashish (DAGENS NYHETER, 12 Jun 79) 97 NORWAY Cocaine Use in Oil Fields Causes Security Concerns (Ole Kromann; INFO:tMATION, 26-27 May 79) 98 SWEDEN Customs Service Increases Effort To Stem Drugs in Mail (Leif Dahlin; DAGENS NYHETER, 18 May 79) 99 Police Arrest Six in Iriternational Drug Ring (SVENSKA DAGBLADET, 26 Apr 79) 102 - f - FOR OFFICIAL USc, ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 ~OR OI~'F'ICIAI, U5L ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) P~pe Police Hold OvFr 1~0 Suspects 3,n Sweeping Ra3ds (DAGEN5 NYHETER, 5 Ma,Y 79) 103 Holsingborg-Ma]mo Police Ro11 Up Drugq (~ang (DAGENS NYHETEft, 8 Jun 79) lU6 Briefs Amphetamines Seized 108 WEST GERMANY PolicemAn, Accomplice Arrested as Dealers " (DER TAGESSPIEGEL, 2L~ May 79) lb9 Gang Members, Others Sentonced for Dealing (Norbert Leppert; FRANKFURTER RUNDSCHAU, 5 Jun 79) 110 LSD, Speed Dealers Arrested - (SUEDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG, 30 May 79) 112 - _g_ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 ~ nvs~LZa QU~F~ISLAND ~'OLIGE OB5ERYE NEWLY FORMED ANTIDRUG TASK FORCE ~ Briabane THE COUR~R-MAIL in English ? May 79 p 3 ' [Text] Canberra.--An elite tr~sk force to fight drug trafficking will be set - up by the Federa.l and New 5outh Wa1es Governments. ' The force x~ll compariae Commonwealth and State police~ and members of the Fed- eral Narcotics Bureau. 31~ilar forFes will be set up in other 3tates and Territories if the first one is succesaful. The formatiQn of t.he force was announced yesterday by the Prime Minister (Mr. , FSca,ser) and the New South Wales Premier (Mr. Wran). , The new force will Vn~('~Ue' 2~ate access to aU in- i My z~t(ment alth a ' telilgeace intormatton on combinatlon of law en- ~ druQs from both F'eueral fonement bodies a~ould - and Btate law enforce- be a step for~card. ment bodies, but will op- erate indepeacLntly ot ~ The establuhmeat of them. ' the torce is !n ltue aith , The Queensland police noommendatlocu roade toroe aould watch with by the CommonN�ealtlt lntrs+est the eftectlveness and Ne~ South Wales o! the task force, the Aoyal Commissioners aa DepuOq Police Commis= druas (tiir. Justice Wil ; sloner (Mr. Vern biacDo- t(aau and Dir. Justice nald) aald last night. Wooderardl. But !t would be pre- , As well as obtaining , mature to say whether s informstton fmm in- alasiiac force would be set telli$ence unlts, the spe- up in Queensland, he clat force also a~i11' act on ~r, + information uncovered . _ _ . by the Royal Commis- aions. "Through their in-�i quiries the t~vo Royat Commissiona hsve,~ _ . . . . . . 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 probed lnto mnnY areas aasoclated wfth the drug probiem and have been able co identlty posslble lends to people fnt�ol~~ed ln drug trattlckin6." ~tr, Wran and Mr, Fraser aald, "It is now the hope o! ' both our goti~ernments that the task torce wUl _ follow these ' leads and brfng ottenders before the courts, and that con- victlons will Sotlow," Mr. Fraser and Mr, Wran deacrlbed the ex- as unlque. _ A aecrcE squad ot Com� monwealth Potlce has - been active for almost s yYar compiling Informa- tion to lay tbe ground- aork for task foroe o[tl� Cers. . ~ The Federal Go~�ern- ment a~111 pro~~tde accom- modatton and all ex- penses for the task force . except salaries, whlch atlll be shnred equaqy. Mr. Wran and ~ir. Fraser safd the effort in aetting up the force ' ahos~ed clearly their con- . cern at the extent of llle- gal drug trafficking in Auatralla. Mr. MacDonald sald . - � thst in Queen~land. tt~e . drua equad had a close w o r k 1 n R relationship ;.afth the Federal Narcot- , j ks Buresu. ~ i:.. r~..~ _ cso: 5300 ' 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 AUSTRALTA _ - DRUG GENTER DIRECTORs ISD BRISBANE'S 'POOR MAN'S DRUG' Brisbane THE COURIE'R-MAIL in English 7 May 79 P 3 r cTeXt~ " ~ LSD, the popular h~llucinogenic 'drug of fl~o Icle 19b0': and early 1970's, has ~e�emerged in Britbane ot the "poor man's dwg". , Teen ChaUearc Drue that experlenced fcom 8xterral Cenero director smoking dope. (The Reverend Charles ~~The 1S to 1l�year�olde Riaem~?) aald yesterdi~ the drug lre QteeA, yaoc~ dissdvsnta`ed snd fresh klds who dfd not ofka unemployed Lecn- experience the earlier a~ers alarted turnlas to ~D dtug scene. t L e dru~ abouf tl~�e ~~p~p~~ who did, !a ~ awnths a~o Decause IZ m~t cases, s�re now mar- ~ wras cheaper than smok~ ini m~rihuana. ri~� ~me are deed." The "in" drugs in Aus- ~ Chea er tralla hed been am- p phetamines, then marf- Mr, Ringma aatd the h u n n a, ha~hlah, L9D ca~6re n�as very aorrled and, fn t the last fea about the renewed popu- )'ears, heroln, Mr. RIQma lari6y of LSD. oaid. � �Apart from the dan- � � , Berous effeats ot the ~ ~ pa~verfui drug, ahich atfected the central ner- vous ayatem, the LSD ' c o m 1 n Q into BrLbane - _ waa of very poor quali~)~. 3ometimes It a~as laced - l ~ith the potson atrych- nine. ~ ' 'Talcing LSD i~ cheaper tbsn marihuana," Hr. . Bina'ms said. � �A oouple ot dolfars 'will bup one tablet, Usera. - caa get a far greater and~ ~longer lasting high; Shaa _ . cso: 5300 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 AU3't'RALIA DO1dATI0N5 FOR AN~'IDRtJG FICHr CO T~ HARE KRISKNA Melbourne Tt{E AGE in English 9 May 79 p 6 [T~xt] A Hare It=ishna sect Member told a policeman she xas collecting dona- tiona for th~ Drug Dapendence Fourrlotiion of Yictorsa when the mone~r was really ~ going to the Kri~hna. temploe~ the Melbourn~ Magiatrates Court xas told yeater- ~?~Y� C~~p1� l~e~ ~n~. Lanaslutl! s~id t,t ~Iso In.. t1u~11 sald ?~e ssw Anne terviewed Rtkky Purush, of Vypliun~. ot U~nk Stceec. the ~me ~ddress~ and ch~t South MelEourne, ~ppco~ct? Purwh h~d totd him th~t ' Kver~t people to ie11 ~rt!� t13 in her b~` wi~ for the ea.i now~t~ n~~r e~~~~r'~ toundation. Bourke 5treet. C+ty~ oa Janu� A~kcd how much money ~ry p ehi~ yar. ~he h~d colletted that d~y L,~e~~ks?II iald M was on ~nE whether she wa~ a p1alo clothe~ duty ~nd W~t� member ot che N~n Krish� n~ tnovement, Purush h~d ll~tn~ ~~ked it ~e would lik~ st rcpIted "Nue Itrishnu", to buy t flowet to iS. ~ie s~IE. Whcn he told her !~e did Consuble Anthony 8urke not h~ve Ne S5. William~ ~ tAat wl~ile on Quty with qid "wlutever you've aoc u~~=yu~~~ that dty he s~y w111 do" Lan6~k~tli :~id. p~h ~rab Lan~skaill by Whec Langsk~ill showed ~ . ~?I~ ldentity card, W111um� p~~~h ~d uid Wililun~ ~ltetedly told hita: 'Th~ ~yd not done ~nythin~. tnOnty attuiily ~oes t0 th~ Nare KNihn~ movement. Burke satd Purush t~led but~eopi! don't sive to that to pull W?11l~rt?~ ~waY. ~~Y' ~p I WI thtm ft"s !at the (a~ "you eopper t~stacEs u~ DruR pependance founda� nochin~ but a puk of do Uod" out t0 jK us ~n~ ~OU Lan6sk~i11 said Wi111ams die in helt for this'. . had� 5~17.08 �nd wis asked Neithet PurwA, cls~rYed In a t~tu ~nterview whether htnderin~ poliu ind ~he was obutnlnx money ~iQa fasuttlna words. nor uader false pretences. Wiiliarns. eh~r`ed wt3~ b~i� "tl tuppose i ~m. but we a~~. appared ia ~.ourL � ne~d the money at the M~, K. Bur~e~i. SM, Aned' tecnpie and th~s Is a aood p~~sh i60 on aeh c~ur`t: w~y M getting i~" she al� aad Vv,~~ili.amt x'~00.,.. ..s ~ kt~lY nDUtd. . cso: 5300 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 ~ AUSTRALU BRI~FS NEROIN SUSP~C'I'S R~1MNnED--A man ar~ a young woman were remanded yesterday on a ah~rbg of conspiring to import heroin. Kim Anthor~y Hunt~r (2b), unemployed~ of B~rnes Street~ North Innaloo, ~nd Kc~ren Elizab~th Moore (20), un~mploy~d, of F'~ine Court~ Karrinyup~ were ch~rged with aongpiring to import the heroin botxeen November and I~ c~mb~r 1q77. They x~re r~m~nd~d in the East Perth Caurt till May ~ on a10~000 bail with a~5000 surety provid~d they ~urrendered their passports~ remained Nithin the metropoo~Lan area and report~d to the NarCOtics Bureau. [Excerpt] [Perth iHE WEST AU~Z'RALTAN in ~nglish 25 Apr 79 p 33~ HEROIN PUSHER JAILED--There xas no more vile trade in the community than the - i1liCit sale of heroin~ Mr. Justice Connolly said in the Criminal Court yea- terday. He sen~enced William Saxyera, 31~ invalid pensioner, of Douglas Street~ Nashville, to four years' ~ail. Sawyers had pleaded not ilty to a charge of having~ on January 27 year~ had in his pogsessian ~1800 obtained ~ by Lhe commi~sion of an offense agalnst the Health Act. Sentencing Saxyers yesteYday, Mr. Juatice Connolly said it appeared Sa~ryers had been involved in the tra,de to a substantial extent merely for profit. Sawyers had not been pushed on by the need to feed his oxr? drug dependence~ xhich he had conquered~ Mr. JustiGe Connolly said. [Excerpts] [Brisbane TNE COURIE~-MAIL in English 3 ~ay 79 P 7] CIAL ON PROBATIOPI--The community oxed a girl, 17, a cl~ance to be cured of her dreadful habit of in~jecting heroin, ;,r. Cook, Senior S.M.~ sai3 in the Magis- trate's Court yestezday. Mr. Cook told Barbara Lane: "But the motivation must come from yourself. It is not an easy habit to give up~ but you xill be given every assistance." Mr. Cook placed Lane, unemployed, of Milton Road~ ~ Milton, on txo years' probation. i.ane pleaded guilty of having possessed a piece of elastic used as a tourniquet to a~iminister the drug. Senior Sergeant E. M. Murdoch said police who searched a Milton Road boarding house at 6s30 � a.m. on April 19 found tbe elastic and a spoon in Lane's harxibag. Lane told the police she used the spoon to heat heroin and the elastic as a tourniquet to in~ect drubs. Senior SergeanL Murdoch said Lane began smoking marihuana xhen she xas 13 arxi graduated to heroin a year later. Lane at one time had been a registered addict on mettsacione treatment buL had gone back to heroin Khen the meth~.done doses Kere reduced. She reverted to prostitution to obtain money for druss, he said. The SalvaLion Arn~y uould look after Lane at its Coorp~zoo centre, The Haven. [Brisbane THE COUR~:R-MAIL in English 5 May 79 p 21] cso: 5;ao 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 ~URMA BttI~FS K~itOIN S~IZ~D IN R~+NGOI~N--Rangoon, 7 Jun--Acting on information, g ner- cotice conCrol equad of the Rangoon Uivision People's Police ~orce and Ward ~ People's Police ~'orcc and Ward People'e Counciliors thie nwrning seized two packpts of heYOin worth K SO each from Maung Ney Aung (27) neer Che Thi-ha Cinema Hall on Anaarahta Strp~t in Rangoon. Kyauktada Police are taking action agaiflst Maung Nay Aung under S~ctione b(b) and 14 (d) of the Nar- cotic brugs Law. 5imilarly, the equad seized one packet of heroin worth K 20 from Maung Win Mying (23) of 119th Street at the corner of 119th Street and Ah-dar 5rreet. Mingalataungnyunt Police are taking action against Maung Win Myint under 5ectione 6(b)/14 (d) of the Narcotic Drugs Law. [Text) (~angvon TKE WOItKiNC PEOPLE'S bAiLY in Englieh 9 Jun 79 p 1~ ~IV~-YEAtt T~RM--Ftangr.on, S Jun--The Ahlone Townehip Court No. 2 today sen- tenced Maung Myo Thein (19) of Sin-ye-kan Street, Ahlone, to five yeara - under Section 6(b) and to nine months under Section 14 (d) of the Narcotic Drugs 1aw. The sentences are to be served concurrently, Maung Myo Thein wae caught on 14 Jan 1919 with 12 packets of mari~uana when he vae searched by the People's Council of Sinmin Ward, Ahlone Toanship. (Text~ [Rangoon THE WORKING P�OPLE'S DAILY in English 9 Jun 79 p 1) H~k02N SEI2~D IN MIhGALATAIfiGNYUNT--Nine packets of heroin worth abaut K 20 each were seized fro~, one Thein Pe of Metta Street, Temwe, at the corner of 123rd 5treet and Bow Lanc by a police party yesterday. The Mingalataung- nyunt Police are taking action against Thein Pe under Sectione 10 (b), 6 (b) and 14 (d) of the Narcotic Drugs LaW. (Text~ ~Rangoon THE WORKING - PEOPLE'S DAILY in Engliah 9 Jun 79 p lj C~O: 5300 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 . HONG KONG WNO NARCUTICS EXPERT ARRANGES HONC KONG REHABIL TTAT ION PROCRAM Phyaician'e Training Course Hong Kong 50UTH CHINA MORNING POST in Engliah 11 Jun 79 p 18 , (Article by Adam Wiiliane~ CTexr~ A doctor hae to be a bit of a schizophrenic to treat drug addicte eueceasfally. This wae the wry comment of a World Health Organiea- tion cnneultant, Professor Joseph Weetermeyer, who visited Hongkong last week to arrange a WHO training progranme for rehabiLitation and treatment of drug addicte later this year. Prof Westermeyer said many of the moral and profes- eional rules which govern one's own life do not apply when confronted with the problems of addicte. And when more than 20 doctors fran Afghanistan, Egypt, Pakietan, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines . and Indonesia come to Hongkong for the training course _ in October, one of the first thinga they will have to do ia to work out in their own minde their personal attitudes to addicCs and addiction. Prof Weatermeyer (42) h~as atrdied the problems of drug addiction and alco- holiscn among Indiana in Minnesota, col?ege studenta on American campuaes and tribeamen in northern Laos. Beaidea working with WHO, he has been a consultant for the United States ~overnment. He aaid treating drug addiction is unlike any other field of inedicine: a doctor has to be a sociologist as well ae a phyeician. 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 'Phe doc:rorg who attend the four-week course will be lectured by policemen~ docial work~ra, priscm officials, ~ducaCionaliete and lawyere. a 'Chis they might find clifficult to adapt to, eince most doctors tend only to accept training from other doctors and biological ecientieCe~ eaid Prof Westerm~yer. "There ia a built-in dilemma to this problem," he argued. "If rhey are to understand the total problem--which is not totally ~nedical-~ t}iey muse understand what other people do." AnnCiier problem ia tt~aC docCore often h~ve the eame attitude Co alcoholiem nnd drug abuse as the local citizenry. Ttiere is no moral choice involved when a doctor treate a case of pneumonia or malaria--but prejudices may have Co be overcome when dealing with alco- holism or addiction. And the standards used to ~udge one's own behaviour muat be put aeide when judging the addict's behaviour. "That's quite n schizophrenic poaition to be in," said Prof Westermeyer. "The physicians should try to suspend their judgmente during the courae and not allow pr~-conceived ideas to get in the way." The course will also involve a study of the latest scientiific diacoveriea related Co drug addiction. He said a large amount of pharmacological data has been unearthed only very recently, such as endorphine, a narcotic-like substance which we manufacture in our own brains, which rewards ua for our own behaviour rather in the manner oi a drug. The doetors will be introduced to a whole body of new information about h~w dr�igs work throu~h the aerve cells, how genetic components can lead to a dependence on narcotice, and how childhood environment plays ite part. - Prof Westermeyer said one's childhood circucnatances can influence one in favour of drugs or against. As a child of Irish stock in Minneaota, he said he was aware of alcoholiem at a very early age since many of his closest relatives died because of it. Also the severe drinking problems of the Indians in the state fascinated him. These circumstances turned him "against" and in fact fashioned hia future career, he speculated, althouth the same circumstances turned many of hie cousins into alcoholics. ~ 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 The docGors wtll alec~ examine why aome druge work on eome people faeter than oChers; why one man may be dead after 50 daye of s,ddiceion, and another can atill be thriving afrer 50 yeare. Prof Westermeyer said Hongkong ie ideally euited for g training programme on cirug rehabilitatian, not only bec~uee Chere are probably more drug ncldicte p~r equare mile here than anywhere else in the world, but aleo - becuUSe of the many E:ffective techniquea developed here Co deal with the problem~ "Hongkong has inCegraCed ita services very nicely," he eaid. He pnrticulerly mentioned the work camps for addicCS developed here, where they are cured through self-help end hard work. - In America there would not be Che "social willingnees to impinge on people's freedom like that. "Bur in Aaia, freedom is balanced by reaponsibility to group, narion or race." Scorea of doctors have viaiCed Hongkong in recent years to atudy these methoda on a "show-and-tell" basis. - This interest was one of the contributing factors in the decieion to set what will be piobably the first ever treining course for drug treatment anll rehabilitation here. He pointed out that the addicte in Hongkong live in an urban environment, whereae the problem is rural in moet of the countries involved in the courae. However, having studied the problem in ae varying cultures as America and Laos, Prof Westermeyer arguea that the similaritiea in the drug problem outweigh the differencea. ProductiviCy begins to fall off, there is a decline in financial atatus, family probleme begin, new life-styles develop centred on drug-taking, and medical problems arise out of Che habit. "These problems are constant from race to race, culture to culture," he said. However, in different countries, there are different attitudes to drugs, and this has to be taken into consideration wr~en the doctora return to their countries. 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 ~xpcrr B~gins Tniks Hong Knn~; SdU'I'H CHINA h10RNINC ~'O5'I' in I:nglish 6 Jun 79 p 11 ~`I'~xt) A vigiting World He~1Ch Org~nieaCion cnneulCant, Professor Joaeph Wegter~neyer, yesrerd~~y sCnrC~d a rnund of visita in prepaYation for n WHO intcr-rcgional tr~ining course for treeCmenC gnd rehabilitation of drug dependen~ people rd be held in Hong-kong laCer this year. prof IJesrermeyer pnid a courCesy call on the chairman of Che Action Com- mittce A~ninse Nercotic:s, Sir Albert Rodrigues, and had Calka wiCh the Commissioner for Narcotics, Mr Peter Lee, on curriculum planning and other ar.r~ngementia fnr Che courae. lie will }~uvc talks with the Commiasioner of Prisone, Mr Tom Gxrner, the Assist~nt Uirector of Medicnl and Health 5ervicea (Narcotics), Dr K. Chan, and ottier senior officials from Government deparementa and voluntary agencies concerned during his Chree-day viait. The course will be held from October 30 to November 28, and will be aCtended by more Cfinn 20 doctors from Afghanistan, Egypt, pakistan, Burma, Thailand, Mal~ysin, tt~e P}iilippines and Indonesia. 'Che four-week ccurae is to provide an in-depth atudy of the lateat anti- narcotice treatment And rehabilitation policies and methoda, and topica will include the medical, behavioural and social treatment of drug depen- dence, families and community interventions, educr~tion and prevention, legis- _ lation and training skills. , . Prof 4~le:.t,~,rmeyer leavF:s for Gene~ra tomorrow. C50: 53U0 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 - HONG KONG CONSTABLF LOS~S APPEAL AGAINST BRIBERY CHARGE IN DRUG ARREST - Hong Kong SOUTtt CHINA MORNING POST in Englieh 6 Jun 79 p 14 (Text) Thc` Court of Appeal He dppe~red at o magis~ � In th~t ~ ~erving uffi� yesterday di:micseci an ap� cracy and ~he case wus set cer of some years' experience peel by a police const~ble down for hearing on Jenuary should cunvcy to the mind of against a two-year prison 12~ a h~wker that he could inllu� , S3 OOb f~omro hawke rs sg Chau's~ hom~eeandh e kelde him p~~etde cou~t should the cau pacted of a dangerous for 5300 to have the charge � And thut, huving been drugs offcnce. droppcd. succexsful in ob~aining moncy Chau p~id the moncy. on two occasfons, the nppel� The court comprised the However, a week latcr, lent steeply raised his de- Chicf Justice, Sir benys ftob- 'Chu came back and asked 1'or ~ mand on the third occ~sion, e~t~, Mr lustire Huggins and another SS00. It h~d been said on Chu's MrJustice McMullin. Again Chau paid the bchalf fn the court below that Chu Kwok-on (24) told money, he was promptcd to commit the court he wa~ truly re� On Januory I Chu once the offences bccause of per� morseful for what he had more visited Chau and this son~l financial difficultles, done, time he asked for 52,000 not The judge said it would be He ~sked for a ~eduetion to Qive evidence against him. Y ~ery dangerous ida to con� of :entence by stres~in~ th; ; Chau reported to the Inde� sider personai financial ditfi- he had been caoperaiive in pendent Cummissiun Against culties es an excuse to com� the iAvestigation and had Corruption who prur�ided him mit such offences. - pleaded guilty at the outset. with 52,000 in marked notes. The court appreciated the Chu w~s sentertced by a On Januery S when Chu fact that Chu had lost his District Court judge in catlcd at Chau's homc to col� position and had brought Much on threc counts of nc� lect the money he was arrest� dishonour on his fart;ily, but cepting ~n advantage from a the sentence wus not in fruit hawker, Chau Chi�wai. Mr Juitice MeMullin, breach of principle or mani� Chau was arrested on dclivering thc court's judg� festly excessive, !Hr lustice December 10 last year at his ment, said there we~e two MaMullin said. home and charged with pas- Particularly serious featura Crown counsel Colin ~asing a small quantity of intheca�~e: . , White appeared for the dan~erous drugs. Crown. ~ . . ~ ~ CSO: 5300 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 a HONG KONG THREE DEFENDANTS CLEARED IN HEROIN TRIAL _ Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING PO5T in Englieh 7 Jun 79 p 11 (TOxt] Thrce of the defendants in and So ming (40) still face a a 540,000 drugs trial wera chargc of possesaion of SS.B �cquitted by Judge Bcwley in ~rams of a mixture contain� Victoria Uistrict Court yes� ing 14.9 grams of heroin for , terday, trafficking. He' discherged Chuang So Ming was said to be the Yu~g�kang (54), Chong principal tenant of the (let Ming�chuk (30) and Chong and tho others to be sub- Ming�iuen (2S), tenants. Chu~ng and Chong hting� Fung Wai�shing (26) chuk were charged with keep~ pleaded guilty, to smoking ing a heroin divan. heroin, possession of haroin The judge ruled that the and possession of apparatw Crown had not produced evi� for smoking drugs. ' dena that he~oin was being He will be sentenced at sold and therefore had not the end of the trial. proved the keeping of a divan. Police evidence was~given Chuang was also charged that during a raid on a(lat at with possessing dru~s for 7 Cleveland Street, Cnuseway trefficking and possusing ap-' Bay, a mixture containing ` paraws for radio commumca� heroin was found in a number tion. o~ small plastic bags in the ~ Although police evidence drawer of a cabinet. was given that four walkie� Smaller quantities of her� talkie radios, an antenna and oin were found in the posses- a transceiver were found in sion of two of the accused. the flat aith the accused, the Mr Nahar Singh appean Judge said the Crown had not for Chuang and So Ming and proved thcy were the property Mr Stephen Geiser for the of Chuang. other accused with the excep- Chong Ming�suen wa~ tion of Lui Chee�ping who is charged with smoking heroin defending himseif. but the j~,dge found there was Crown counsel, Misi no evidence that he was found Claire-Marie Beeson is prose� smoking the drug. ' cuting. Lui Chee�ping (27),,Lim The hearing continua . . Yuet�lcam, (21), a woman. today. . , ~ �1 CSO: 5300 - 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 HONG KONG EMERGENCE OF COCAINE AND PCP TN H(`'~G KONG Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in Engliah 8 Jun 79 p 16 (Text] Narcotics Bureuu offi- peopie will bc filled by some ` 8ut within the past'12 - cer! a~e conccrncd over lhc nther drugs," he said. months, there hove been defi� possible emergence oF Co- Supt Williumson said nite indicntions of marijuana caine and "angel dust" in Hongkong first snw thc emer� trafficking, he said, Hongkong. gencc uf cucaine~ several ~ "And we have accordingly Thcy fcar thut ~he two Nerks ugo, although its usc is dcployed some of ou~ atten� Jrugs, which arc bccoming bclicvrd to be limitcd to a tion ;owords those who make feirl wides rcnd in North ~ery small number uf non� a p~oft from its importation Ame~ica, could be used b Chinese youngstcrs. ~ ind sale," he said, Y He said the drug hes very Supt Williamson alw re� young ones~s, p~rticulury the definite ha!lucinatory effects voaled some figures on the Thei~ concern was ex� Which have bcen~~cported as a amount of money spent by praud yester~ay by tAe head abuseblo es ~all h s cal fe le ~OCaI drug addicts: of the bureau's investigation p y Based on an estim~te that ~nd operations section, ~"g' there'are about 50,000 ad� Supe~intendent Dick Wil� He said there are some dicts who spend more then liamson, ot a lunch meet� 8ruesome reports in which S60 daily on drugs, he s~id ing of the Hongkong Island abusers choppcd off their Iocal addicts h4ve a yearly South Rotary Club. . hands without feeling anr expenditurc of more th~n 5upt WiJliamson said they pain and a young mother boil- sl.l billion. � fear the two "new" dru s ~ng alive her three�month�old Thi~ figure is eearly twia oould be used by youn o- baby. the atimated expenditure of ple to replace the traduional Another d~ug k~hich is of the wholo police forco, 16 heroin. concern to thc bureau is mari� times greater than the total Latest statistics show that juana, he said. ' value of property lost through ~ mere three per cent of the Supt Williamson said the crime last year and a SI00 total number of addicts are drug has been used in Hong� million more than the com- under the agc of 20, he said. kon~ for a number of years bined profts of the Nongkong "Wh~le this ic a ma~t wel� but its ux had been restricted and Shanghai Bank group to the morc afflucnt. end Hongkong Land. come discovery, wc are ��Marijuana is generally "Even if we could acce cer~nal as8 o~whethegl or not believed to have been import- the human misery which fol~ , ed into Hongkong by people lows drug addiction on the in~the flow f~heroin'to coun for their dwn or fricnds' con� ~le we have in Hongkong, y g� ~u~ption, hesaid. the financial implications are utounding;' he ~aid. , CSO: 53J0 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 HONG 1~ONC DRUG TRAF~ICKER'S APPEAL FAILS IN COURT Hong Kong SOUrH CHINA MORNING POST in Engliah 9 Jun 79 p 10 (TeXt] A plastic's facrory' opcra� Police.seized two poynds family background could not tor yesterday failed in a n ap~ of hcroin ba'se,'six pounds of be given great weight in vfew peal againsl two eight�yeor caffein, cquipment and other of the serious nature of drug - pnson sentances for posses� raw motenals connected with offences. , sion of dangcraus d~ugs for thc manufacturing of danger� "The ~ mooey involved in the purpose of unlawful traf� ous drugs. the drug trade wes high, w ficking and doing un nct Mr A. M. Niamatullah, must be the risk to those who preparatory to the manufac� counsei for Chau, said that were caught." ture of dangerous drugs. the trial ~udge, in.passing sen� The (:hief Justice went on The ap~cIlant, Chau Sau� tcncc, fa~led to give consider� ~o say that the cau~t was of mo (44), pleadcd guilty to the ation to the appellant's family the view that the sentenco of ' two chargas before a High circumstances. Coun judge in htay. "Ne had thrce children ~ight years fot doing an act He was sentenced to eight aged twu to seven and it was a Preparatory to the manufac- ywrs' imprisonment on each sad case that the oung chil� ~ure of dangerous drugs was Y on the low sidc nnd wauld cherge, the sentences to run dren had tosuffer.' therefore not interfere even if ooncurrently. Counsel said the trial a heavier sentence had been Chau was arrosted in his judge shuuld also have con� ~m sed. � home in Fei Fung Strcet, Tsz sidered the fact that Chau ~he Court of A al also Wan Shan, an ~ovcmbcr 9 had no previous conviction, PP~ last year following police ser� and he had admitted the of� ~omprised Mr Justice Hu g- veillance. fence to police at the outsct. Bins and Mr Justice McMul- He was trying to di~pose The Chief Justice, Sir ~1�� ~ of various chemicals by (lush� Denys Roberts, presiding in Crown counsel . Frank ing them down the toilet the Court of Appcal, said an Stock appearod for the ,when police raided his ilat. , offender's .clear reco~d and . Crown. . . , , _ CSO: 5300 1!t APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 HONG KONG DEFENDANT CLAIMS HEROIN 'KEPT FOR BOYFRIEND' Hong Kong 30tlfH CHINA MORN Il~iG POST in Engliah 12 Jun 79 p 10 ~Text~ ' A 23�year�old wom~n Daw lold tho jury that as a' Shatin, aidcd her boyfriend by kap~ result of information receiv A 45�year~old merchent,. in~ e quantity of heroin et hcr ed, Narcotics Bureuu officen Lai Hoi�shuen, was among Aat, u was aliegcd in the ~aided Chu's flet on .the those arre~ted in connection Hiah (3ourt ye~terday, evening of December 14 last with the case. 'rhe woman, Chu Sui�mei, ycar. He was grnnted SS,000 pleaded not guilty to possas� Chu unswered thc door bail plus one surety in the ing 21,76 kilos of a mixture and iodicated to the police same amounl while awaitina containing 5.57 kilos uf her- that the dangerou~ drugs trial. oin for the purpose of unlaw� were in a room. Lai failed to turn up in ful trafficking in her ilat in Mr Daw said the Crown court last Friday when re� LAichikok Road on December olleged that she was aiding quired and Mr Jusitce Baber ~ 14 lest year. and abetting her boyfriend issued e werrant for hi~ ar� She is being tried before Lau by keeping the drugs in rest. Mr lustice Baber end a jury. her tlat. ~ The judge yqterd~y ol~o Her boyfriend, Lau Man- She very f~ankly geve the ordered the estreatment of hoi (26), and two other men, telephone number of her boy Lai's bail money ond the . Ng Chun�mo (35) and Wu friend to police, and this led surety put up by the wife of Chung�kam (40), are aiso on to another raid on a flat in his cousin when he again fail- trial beforc the same jury for Shatin the following day, ed to turn up. po~ussion of dangerous drugs Police found the place to Miss Esther Toh, who hid for unlawful trafficking and be a small fectory used For rcpraented Lai, asked to be m~nufacturing dangerous , the conversion and the manu� dischar$ai. ; drugs. . facturing of heroin. Lau, Ng She ~s now defending Chu They pleaded not guilty to and Wu were pcaent. ~ only. manufacturing dangerous Mr Daw said the drugs Mr Stephen Ma is defend- d~ugs in a flat in Shatin, and found in the Shatin (lat were ing Lau, and the t~vo other Ng and Wu furthe~ denied ~inked with that in the Lai� defendants are repraented by pouessing 6.S kilos of A.:roin. chikok Road Aat in that they Mr Herman Poon. Crown counsel Jonathan Were allegedly brought by Hearin~ oontinua today.~ Lau from the girl's flat to ' CSO: .5300 ~ 15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 HONG KONG BRIEFS TRIAL UNDERWAY I~OR TRAFFICKERS--The Crial of six men and a woman found in x Wanchai flat which allegedly conCained heroin worth $40,000 opened before Judge Sewley in Victoria District Court yesterday. Chuang Yung-kang (54) is charged with keeping a heroin divan, possession of drugs, posa~saion of - drugs for trafficlcing and possession of apparatus for radio communication. Lui Chee-ping (27) is charged with posaesaion of heroin for trafficking and smoking heroin. Chong Ming-chuk (30) ~s charged with keeping a heroin divan, possession of heroin for trafficking and smoking heroin. Chong Ming- suen (25) is charged with possession of the drug for trafficking and smoking heroin. Fung Wai-shing (26) 9s charged with amoking heroin, posaeasion ot heroin and possession or apparatus for smoking heroin. Lim Yuet-kam (21), a woman, is charged with possesaion of heroin for Crafficking and emoking , heroin. Sa Ming (40) is charged with poaseasion of heroin for trafficking. Fung Wai-shing pleaded guilty and the judge deferred aentence. The others pleaded noC guilty. Evidence was given yesterday that a police party who raided a flat in 7 Cleveland Street, Causeway Bay, found a number of plastic packets of a mixture which they auspected was dangerous drugs. They also found suspecCed dangerous druga in a~acket and in a notebook. Three men and a woman were lying or. beds in one of the bedrooms and one of the men w~e in the act of smoking heroin. The trial continues today. [Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 6 Jun 79 p 14~' CHARGE5 OF TRAFFICKING DROPPED--So Ming (40), principal tenant of a flat at 7 Cleveland Srreet, Causeway Bay, was acquitted by Judge Bewley in Victoria District Court ye:cterday on a charge of possession of heroin for trafficking. Police evidence was given that heroin worth $40,000 was found in a cabinet drawer in a room of the flat, but So Ming said he had sublet the room and had no knowledge of the drug. Five other men and one woman said to be occu- pants of the Flat had also gone on trial on drug c5arges. Th~ee of them were acquitted the previous day. Lui Chee-ping (27) and Lim Yuet-kam (21) were remanded on the same charge for a verdict on June 15. Fung Wai-ahing (26) pleaded guilty to smoking heroin, possession of heroin and possesaion of apparatus for smoking heroin. His counsel, Mr Stephen Geiser, told the court that Fung was a drug addict and the judge remanded him until June 21 for drug addiction centre reports. Crown counsel Mi~s Claire-Marie Beeson prosecuted and Mr Nahar Singh appeared for So Ming. [Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 8 Jun 19 p 22] 16 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 ~MPLUYM~NT 0~' ADDIC'r5 I:NCOURAG~b--~or moet drug uddict~ and ex-~ddieCS, ~ the gre~test of all therapies is to be employed, th~ Commisaioner for _, Mr E. I. Lee, said yesterdny. "They Chen feel Ctiey c~re con- ~ri.bukinK membera of lhr c:ommunity," l~e euid. tie wae epeakin$ at Ch~ - fourtl~ eippreclnti~n crrtiCicaCe preaent~~Cion ceremuny nf the e?npluympnr - guidance committ~e fc~r volunCnrily rehabilitated ~tddicta. Husi.n~esm~n ~?nd mF~nuf~cturera ~?ere presented wirh auch certificaCes for their efforts - in employing ti[IJ~CtB. t\ total of 635 ex-addicCs have secured jobs ehrough C}lC comm.t.tte~ since it w~s in~ugurated in J~nuxry 1976. In addiCic~n, 336 of ttiem httve benefitc~d from the cash grant and inrerest�free ?nun asmiaC- ance scheme run by ttie commit~ee, whicti toCalled more than $29,000, Mr Lee ~aid. (Hong Kong S~UTH CHINA r10RNING PO5T in ~nglish 8 Jun 79 p 14] ADbIC'1'S SLiV'T TO C~;NTLR--A 3!+-year-old drug addict was sent Co n drug addic- Cion rehabilitation centre by Judge Bewl~_:y in Victori~ Uistrcit CourC yester- _ day after t~e pieaded guilty to six charges of theft. Chun Tin-shing ad- mitted thae he lurked about buildings in King's Itoad, North point, during _ December and January waiting for solitary women about to enter lifCS, then snaCched t}ieir handbags and made his get-away on public transport. [Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA ~10RNING POST in ~nglish 8 Jun 79 p 22) HEROTN DRUG TRAFFICKER JAILED--A 52-year-old man, Tong Yuk-tim, was yeater- day sentenced to 1~� years' impriQonment after bcing found guil~y of manu- facturinF drugs and posaession of about $1.5 million worth of heroin for unlawtul trafficking. Another man, ZJong Wai-man (65), was dischar~ed by Mr Justice Garcia in ttie High Court after a jury founcl him not guilCy of possess~ion of a smaller amount of heroin for trafficking. iioth Tong and Wong had pleaded not g~ilty. It wa3 stated at the trial Chat cusComa and excise men raided Tong's flat at Mo:~gkok on November 21, and found about 27 lbs of heroin and apparatus set up for manufacturing dangerous drugs. Tong's fingerprints were found on all the bowls that contrained tracea of heroin. Another team of officers also uncovered drugs at Wong's flat in 'Tai Kok Tsui on the same day. In his own defence, ZJong told the court he did not know they were drugs and that they ~:ere left there by Tong. Crown Counsel I. H. Polson prosecuted. ~Ir Paul Cok appeared for Tong .nd Mr A. W. Sedgwick defended Wong. [Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 8 Jun 79 p 22] AM~RICAN ON DRUGS CHARGE--Police last night charged a 33-year-old American woman with possPSSion of dangerous drugs following a raid on her Robinson Road flat. The officers seized a small quantity of suspected heroin, cannabis, prepared opium and smolcing paraphernalia. The woman will appear in Western Court this morning. (Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 9 3un 79 p 1] POLICE AMBUSH CATCHES TRAFFICKER~-Customs officers seized 19 lbs of heroin with a retail value of more than $1 million on Saturday. They had waited in ambush at Man Ying Mansion, Yaumati, for more than 40 hours before making 17 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 th~ g~:xur~ ~~nd drreNein~ g~7-ypnr-o1d m~n. 'ChQ m~n hae b~pn eharg~d wieh po~g~~0ing dnn~erdur dru~~ for Ch~ purra~~ c~f unlqwful er~ffickin~. 1~~ i~ to app~ar in We~ee~t~ Msgigtr~~y thia mornin~. ~l~ineloth~e cu~enm~ offie~rs the m:~n ahen hh arriv~d ee th~ building and went to a fl~r, belt~evhd tn be a drUt~ ~ut1~t. Chemiealg ~ssociae~d wtrh herdin pr~c~esing wpr~ f.aund in th~ f1~~t, al~ng with p~ckaging ~quipment. Two other flgts in ~ Ynumnti ~cid Kowloon rity wcrr ~l~o ~earch~d lg~er, but nothSng wes found. ~arlicr nn 5~turd~y~ ~ 32-y~gr-nld C~rman wa~ ~rr~at~d f~r ail~gedly poe- ~essin~ ~~bout 1 lb df h~ghi~h in hie Ch~ung Che~ flac. 'The drug~ ellegpoly - ronre~led in n pair of 8~10pg~ had a r~tail vgtue nf $~5,000. (H~ng Kong 5011Cl~ CNINA MditNING i'U5'C in ~n~lieh 11 Jun 79 p 1~ MAIV CI1A1tGl~:U WI'I'~{ PdSSF.55I~N--A 27-year-old man app~ar~d in Westprn Court ye~cerd~y ch~rKcd wich po~ee~einn ~f $1 millian worth of hp~nin for th~ _ purpoge of unlawful er~ffirking. Yeung 5he-wnng, A e~lee r~pr~sent~tive, ig aCCUB~d of hnving the drugs in a flnt in Men Ying Mangior~, Yaumati, dn June 9. Nn pl~a was taken. Mr 5. Yanne remanded Yeung in ~ail cueCody until Junp 18. ~Hong K~n~ 50ITTH CHINA MOttNING PO5'T in Englieh 12 Jun ~9 p 10~ C50: 5300 ~G APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 ~NU~A YtlU'CH IN JOtN'r ~AMIL1~5 PRON~ TO UItUG ABU5~ Calrutte THE~: STAT~SMAN in ~ngli~h 1.tu.. 79 p 9 ('C~xt] Npw d~1hi, M~y 31--~'hp ,~nint family ~yetem hgd been found to b~ un~nfe fnr ynung peopl~, aee~rdin~ tn ~ rpc~nt ~cudy by the 'Ce~t~ tn~ei- tut~ nf 5dcidl 5ei~nc~g, gombay. Young joint f~milie~ gr~ pr~ne td drug addiction bernua~ of ~xpc~gure tn ~ mor~ lib~rgl ~nd individu~li~- tiC ~tmo~ph~r~ ar home. A gtudy ~onduct~d amang rnllege gtudencg in Bambny rcveal~ that ~rudent~ fering well in the examinations seem to be more pron~ t~ drug addfction thgn tho~~ f~iring badly. The p~ercentage of drug-addicte i~ high~r among thoee educated in conv~nt/ military/publir rype schnole compared to t1~~gc educated in ather typpe of gchnols, accord:ng to the etudy. 5tudente in the professional cour~ea are more pron~ co drug-taking than their counterpartg in the nonprofeseionel couraes. This runs counter to the belief that the latter are more likely to experiment With drugs as their curriculee nl1oW them more time and leiaure. 5~veral facrors of such curiosity, a craving for gdventure gnd peer-group influence (a desire to belong to thig grnup) are respongible far turning young people into drug-gddictg. Uelhi, Bombay and Varanast have twice as many drug-addicts as Jaipur, Nydergbad and Madras. In the last two named cities, nearly 77X of the students surveyed had never tried a drug. The overall picture of a typical drug-addict in Bombay and Delhi !.s that of a we1l-to-do student whose childhood experiences seem to have little bearing on his drug-caking habit. Thig usually began when he or she starced imitation of the peer group in college. 19 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 Whila ydung men pr~f~r t~b~cro And ~leohol, rainkiii~rs ar~ the mo~e popuiar drug~ with young women po~~ibly b~~ceuee of their u~e dutiing th~ menetruAl p~riod. 'Ch~ percenteg~ of mal~ drug-addicts ~ncre~ees with ~ge whil~ an?on~ f~ma~~g, iC decr~ae~s. The e~udy, how~ver, r~v~a1~ ther th~ eituarion ie not ae "grav~" as it in the Weat. C5d; 530U 20 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 : JAPAN 1 JAPAN~SE 'MAST~RMtNb' IN MANiLA ARRESTED IN DRUG CASE Tdkya KYODO in Englieh 0527 GM'f 28 Jw~ 79 OW (T~xCJ Tokyo June 28 KYODO--The pnlice Thursday ar:~sted a Japanese reaident in Menila as the euspected mastermind c,r' drug smuggling linking the Philippinea, Soueh Korea and Jnpan after he ~as ~xtradited from the Philippines. Two ngtional police agency invegtigators arrested Shizuka Watanabe, alias Jimmy Watanabe, 43, a travel agent, of Manila on a drug charge aboard ~ plene flying him beck to Jepan? Watanabe is believed to have masterminded a drug smuggling case involvinR Japan'e ma~or underworld ayndicate Sumiyoahi Rengo under investigation by the metropolitan police department and Aomori prefectural police. NPA said it found so far that about 10 kilograms of druga worth about yen three billion at atreec value were smuggled into Japan~ in the case. Police said the case might develop into the largest drug smuggling affair in postwar Japan. Watenabe will be taken to Aomori folloaing arrival at New Tokyo International Airport in Narite Thursday night. I~D arrested Watanabe's accomplice on charges on attempting to smuggle about one kilogram of drugs by air from South Korea last March. Aomori police hold a rightist group leader in Tokyo as another accomplice in connection with a drug smuggling incident involving an Aomori gang last April. After obtaining confessions from the two accomplices, NPA asked Philippine police Chrough the International Police Organization (ICPO) to search for Watanbe who settled down in Manila over a decade ago. " 21 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 Wae~nbe was ~rr~~C~d by Philippin~ poliCe at hi~ rented hous~ in Che euburb~ ef Menii~ la~t 'Thursday. Wa~r~nbe wad extradirr.d on the ground that hi~ vi~a for ehort-term aCay p~~~~d it~ validity. . idPA b~li~v~g W~tanabp i~ "in the know" aba~t the ca~e of a~eweler on the int~rnational want~d liet on drug chgrges who has ~een missing in Mani1~ gfnce late 1977, C50: 5300 ~ 22 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 PAKISTAN BRIEFS RISC IN OP~UM USE--The use nf opium in Pun~gb xnd Sind provinces of pakiatan had incre~aed 30 timea since it was banned in February~ an isl~mabad newspaper r~ported on Mond~y. (UNI) (ExcarptJ (Calcutta TN~ 5TATLSNAN in English S Jun 79 p 9) CSO: 5300 23 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 , THAI~,AND AUSTRAL7AN DRUG ~iL1ANT5 FACE LONG PRISON TERM3 : Melbourne T1~ AGE in English 5 MaY 79 p 13 [Report from John Everingham in Bangkoke "Heroin ~ial Catable~ [Text] Kieley, was Qlven 2S years on ' At an carller henring 'Hay- Monday for possesstng 730 a~ard and Fe1lo~vs pleaded , gran~s ot the degdly white ~utlty to the possession char- USTRALIA S al- powder. hoy~~ard and Feilows ge, whtle denying the attempt leged heroin Sttltlggl~qg �Were arrested with elght hilos. to export charge.� sinclalr LT~O, football star ~iay With the court case against meanwhfle has pl~aded not the three Australians shaping ay11~Y to both charges, wardf hairdresser Fel- Under That 1aw, the sen- up, specut:,tton in Bangkok tence of a convlcted crimtnal lows, and Bangkok bar indtcates some sucprlstng out1 ~ a~~omatically halved it he orvner Sinelair will take comes are possiblc. i.egai ' ' ralnds go as far ~.s suggesttng Pleads gutlty. The etfect is to little eomfort that Tl~ai� the alleged kingpin and flnan- encourage detendanta to ac- I811d'S recencl lritt'0� cter ot the operation, Sfnclatr. cept charges wltl~out con?est~ y whom it K~as originally sug- i~ chances of acqutttal seem duced stiff new narcotlcs gested migiit face a firing amail. Hay+v~ard and Fellows, 18W Wlll not be used aquad, could eventuaUy walk ~ught at thelr hotel ~?1th the away free. ~ heroin in their sultcases, have against them. But Hayward and Fellows thus decided to take half the ' ~'are both sure to serve long ~n~ence for possession, wl~ile The three are lucky, per- seneences fn Thai Jails 1t con- hoping to beat the more aeri- haPe~ to have been arrested vtcted. Naturatty, the final ous attempt to export charge. betore the new law (u~hich in- sentences passed wUl depend The charge to export the cludes the death penalty for on what charges, 1t any, the heroln mlght not atlek in thelr a1leQed ~~cime) became Pollce Prosecutor c..n make ~urt. It s reascnably as- ~ etfectlve. stick. sumed that, 1f convicted on Still, the magnitude of the All three ha~e been charged '~~h charges, the two wtlt Dossible aentences betore with both possession ot her- aPend most ot their llves in - them. ff con~�icted, became oln, and the more serious P~son in Thailand. A convlc- c]ear when convicted Ameri- charge ot attemptis~g to ex- � tion on the possesston charge~ - can heroin amuggler. Thomas � port heroln. . ; a~one wUl also brtng a long : ~ � . sentence. Derhaps 20 or 30 , 24 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 year~, though thetr pvpEy pleaa Quarantee thcm on1y, halt the term, , 6lnclatr's ~amble wtth tH~o "no~~gullty" pleas ls reason- ably seen as "the gamble of a~ lttetlme" - itterally a lttetime Etther completely tn or out of prison, And now has becn ~ sugqested that Lhe (3overn- ment may noc have sufticient ~ evtdence to convlct 8lnclair. ~ 8tnclalr wa~ not fn poaaes- afon ot ~hc drugs, nor has ThaUand a consplcacy law th3t would convtct him atong wlth the other two. And legal aources !n Bangkok say that nelther Hayward nor FeUows wlll testity ngainst the alle~ed mastermind. ~Ither the aov- ernment has addltlonal evl- dence that hds not yet come , out, or 8inclalr has an odds on chance ot walking away a free man. Should Sinclair'a detence fa11, a conviction on etther charQe would almost certatnly ensure that he spends the rest oi his days behind bara. . At his age and poor state ot ' health he has Ilttle chance ot outilving a long sentence 1n a Thai prison. Hayward and � Fellows Qamble is ~1so one, that, it faUed, cr ~ld send them to prison for most or all, ~ of their naturai ltves. ~ The Supreme Court of Thal- . ~ land illuatrated that on Mon- dsY. The actual sentence it h~nded down agalnst the' American was SO years tor at- tempted export ot less than a kllo ot heroin. For his guilty~ ;~plea this was cut in hait, . � . GSO s 5300 25 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 k.; ~Y 'p~ ~ ~ ~Y : THAYLAND ~ CNINE5E SUSPECTS ARRESTED ~OR HEROIN POSS~SSYON Bangkok BANCKOK POST in English 2 Jun 79 p 1 BK (TexC j TESTIM1IONY qlven by two Nong Kong Chlnese allegedly apprrhrnded with about ~our kllogrammes of Nu.;t hcrnin at Don lfuang Alr� port last '1'hursday nlqht led Custnms ot~lclals to thr. arrpst yesterday of three more guepecls. Thr three werr ldrn� tn buard a)rt fnr {tnnK me~ uf hrruln ronreated Yuan 7'ee ttatly denled tlllyd as 7'sanK Kok K~~nK~ in the falre buttums of any Invulvemrnt In the Leunq, a NonK Kong Later yeslercluy tnur twowhlskycartnn~tnthe narcuticy tr~de, and Chlne~e who rep~~Nrdly (:u~ctnms m~~n ru~hrd to twu men, whu had been clnimed that he la a held thrre pas.rpurts, 5u~ tiaen.rab~l ott Ftama ~taylnK ut lhe llyatt merrl~unt. Yuan Tee ~~e UhInK, a IV It~ad and ap� NamaNntelxlncr~tayYM, Custums ufficlal~, Chlncqenatiunalresidrnt prrht~ndcd Yuun'I'eesne 7'he twu �cnuldn't however, rharKed him - In E3~nkkuk, and (:han h i n K. A n d s h u ~ t I y produce the address nt and 7'sanK Kok Leun~; nf Yat Kwai, alsn a rrsidrnt afte~wardv l:han Yat Yuan '1'ce, bul sald lhey c~nspirin~; wlth Chan of the (:rown (:nluny. hwat wa~ taken Into rememberrd hls car, ~ W~~ KeunK and (:han 1'sang Kok L.eunK, who cust~~dy frum a ~ented brand�new Kulden Upel F'InK '1'nnK In possesring was lmplicuted as the huux~~ lucated in the lane. keku~d, carrled a red the he~om wlfh tntent to Ilnanc~er by Chan Wal Yuan 1'ea was alleKrd p~~te No. 1007. ~rll und altrmptlnK lo KeunK nnd Chan PinK tu be the h~roln suppller. (;u9tum.r utflclals lhen smuKKle it abroed. Tong, whu were arrested Ac~~urdinK tu the cru~s�cherked with the Nn tnrmal charge was eorller, was nabbed by ~~~~imom� K+ven by Ch~n rar dealer and tuund out hled ~uatnxt Chan Yat ~ ~.uatom~ utfir~als at ~on 1Vai KeunK and Chan Yuan 7'ee's home ad� Kwul yestord~y, Fie was, MuanK Airport yesterday 1'InK '1'unK, Yuan Tee dress. however, bouked (ur mornin~ as he was abo~it del~vered fi~ur kilugram� further Intcrro~aUon. , ii :~z ~r i i ~ Rr'~,,; ~ ~ ;s ' ' , R rx'. , ~A ~ ~ ~.Y ? , ^ . ~ Y ~ ~ ` ~ ~ + ~ ~ r . ` t: t ' ~~j : a tlr~ l~`!'lfv~'~~~ ~ . ~ . .l; ~ ~"~'k;,~ , ~~y x~ ~~sy . . . ~~"~'~~"~iV' ~M-h . ~ ~ ; I"c ' t.... ~ ~ . , ?hree harotn(surp~t~: ~ jrom le/t., Yaa~ �.?le[ iod~Chtng, Chan Wat Keung und Chon Ptng Tong. 7he latter two ~atptilirre~ted'?hursday, and gaue Inj~ormation .leadtng to Ytraii'a orrth yi~t~d4y. ~ 2b CSO: 5300 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 THAILAND TOURISTS, THAIS ARR~STED ON H~ROIN CHARGES Druga in Drinking Strawe Bangkok BANGKOK POST in English 2 Jun 79 p 3 BK (Text] , , ; ; ;r ~ . : . ~ j ` ' ~ ,~~~d~4.. , ~~yti ~ ~ S,fi ~ a s~ ~ .c. _ ~ r ~ $ u~� ` ; . ~E ~ i ' ~ L~,~'r'` . 1 - ,4. ~ :F , ia,~:~ ~ " ~r`~"`~ ~ If:` ~ r ~ c. , ~ ~ , ~ - ` ~ t iF, ' ~ , : . r . ~"r , ' 4 ~t,Y ; A f. ' ~ '~;i.r'I~:;~ ;j~ f j ~ r ' ' ~l~~l~ , t ~ ry ~ ' , ~ , ~ k~7 ~ 'r , ~ y~ ' ~ ' ~ / z ~ v e~~~~ ~ . ~ j-`~i," ~ V'� r 1' i : ~Mti" ~ t '~ii s~ t ~~r. ` . . , ~ .I, ' . ~ ~ ~ , ~~L.'i1~~Y1~_r. .7:'r~ ~ . .,,~~~W 1 ' . .:l'i~t.s~ SEVEN people, Inctuding tive a1� Tabtim Chartyano, ,IleQed owner 7'he ieven were arre~ted at Don Ir~ed drug traf(ickers, ~re seen ot the druga, Lee Namchal, allas MuanQ Al~port iutt betor� with the boxea which potire say Danai or Troung Trung, moat boardlnQ a KLM fllQht to Amster� concealed 1.783 grammes of heroin. wanted by Narcotlc~ Police, Thao dam. Police said they poted ai The dru was swtted Inside a53 lNa Wongwilai, (now cleared) Tek� touriats on a tour of Eurape straws, ~nserted Into the cor� jue aae Ung, Chuefhonq sae Lee, a orQanlsed by Aroon. Thao Ma ond ru~ated spaces in the walls ot tlong Kong Chinese, also cieared, ChueihonQ were later released bo:es o( noodles and mushrooms, 5urat Dtathaworn and Aroon when they convlnced poUce they potice aay. Klalsuwansan, manager o[ Praslt had jolned the tour aroup In all in� The seven are. trom le[t, Mrs Tour. nocence. 27 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 On 'Wanted Liet' Bangkok BANGKOK POST in Engliah 1 Jun 79 p 1 BK (TeXt~ ~nd~ ( ugt m~ ottiri Is Nr~y~t~ 1'u~ur and allpged ~hurl~FlonK had nothlnq rounded up ~ eeven~ urKHniscr ut thr tnur todnwlthlhrrrytotthe mrmbertourgrnupnnd Kruup, '~'hnu D!a ~oup whlch wa~ al� ' two I~nng Knng (:hlneee WnnKvllnl l41), Chuel ~eKpd to oprratr the ner ~nd ael:rd ovr~ ~Ix NanK yap Lr~~ who I~ a cnUre amu~Kling rarkrt kling~emmes of Nc~ 3 netive ot ~iunK Kong under tha di:cKu?ar. ot a heroln In two separate ~nd M1lr~ 't'hapthlm tourlst g~oup. ~rrests medr inside the ~hotiyano. An hour Irte~, ot translt IounKe tit Uon The K~nup was nbout About 8 p,m� Customs Muang Alrpnrt I~~t to board a KLM Jetllner oftir~als arrested twa _ nlght. ~o~ pmst~rdam when Nong Kong�Chine~e In Une mrmbcr of the ~ustoms offlclals and a the tranalt lounge as roup was idcntlfled as ollce unlt trom the they were about to ~ee Namchai, alias ~a~cotlcs Suppresslnn boa~d a Thal Inter~ Danal and Truong ~pntre demanded a natlona1t11ghttorParl~. Trung, whu has bern on yearch ot a cardboard M o ~ e t h a n f o u ~ the narcotlrs pellcr box bearing the name ot kllogrammea o[ No ~ "wanted" liyt slnce Mrs Thapthlm. 'fhe hero~n were tound ~tuf� 1959. Nollce safd that he search revealed 3S9 fed Inside two empty 11� waa holding a bogus tubes nt No 9 hrroln 4unr boxes whlch the Malayslan passport we1~hln~1,78SKrammea. suspecta-Chan Wal when he was ap�, Keung and (.hon Plna prchended. Pollce sald atter Inter� Tong-were olle~edly F'nlice Identlfied the rogation ut the seven cerrying. remelnder~ ot the group su~pects la~c nlght that The two were later ~s Tek Jur sae Ung they brlleved 'Chao hta, aent to the Crime Sup~ (80,), 5urat Mathavorn a Chinese�Laottan who pre~slon Divislon head� (2~), Aroon Kralsuw~n� haa been in Thailand for 4uartera tor turther. queatlonln~. (Editorial Repor~) In Bangkok BAN MUANG in Thai on 2 June 1979 pages 1, 2 further information statea that the value of Che heroin was 14 million baht. The four boxes belonged to Lee Nacachai, alias Tan Ahchin of Ah Tang aae Tang age 54, a Sino-Khmer who was traveling to France with Mise Thapthim Chotyano, age 37, a teacher in Thonburi. Also arreated were Mr Arun Kraiauwansan, 52; Mr Tek Jue sae Ung, 63; and Mr Surat Mathawon, age 28. It was learned from the investigation that Lee Namchai had deceived Miae Thapthim into traveling to France by telling her that her aunt, Mrs Boochuay Chareonmit was ill there. Narcotica Control officera report that Lee Namchai was an international drug trafficker who had been followed by police for t~ro years since he arrived in Thailand in 1977. During that time he had had no �ixed address and travelled abroad frequently. CSO: 53~0 28 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 TNAILAND CIVILIANS,`~ RTAF OFFICEtt ARRESTED FOR POSSESSION Bangkok $ANGKOK POST in Englieh 2 Jun 79 p 1 BK (Text ~ ~p~~ men, Including a Roy~1.Th~l AI~ sald. Ne Is atlll at luge. E'orce offlcer, wcre o~~ested Thuraday Thp ~rnup orl~inolly promlud to e v r n I n K o t t h e Fi o t e 1 Slam sell two klln~rammes ot he~oln worth ' Inte~�Continental whlle they were al� ~00,000 baht, but could not provlde the , It~edly handing hrroln to ~ pollceman ~mount wanted, pollce sald, po~ing a~ buyer, police reported yeater� pollce MaJor Phalrot'fhong�In ot the d~Y~ 7th granch, CNme Suppres~lon Divl� The olleged narcotlca dealers were alon, and two offlcers from the nru~ Idenlifled as Yongyuth Detrungruang, ~ntorcement Autho~ity (DEA), ap�~ Udom Ftungthong~uang, Seng sae Tang Prehended the tour men In the hotel t ~nd Squ~dron Leader 5aneh cottee ~hop. , ' Promwiwat ot the 4~d Alrborne tn� Squadron Leader 5aneh wasturned _ fantry Hattallon. over to the Roy~l Thal AI~ F'orce for seperote detentlon. A titth ma~, Identlfled o~ Viroj (last F'ollce, who contlnued InterroQatlon name not knownl, sald to have utually yesterday, sald the four twpeet~ handed the drug to the pollceman, denled char~e~ ot possessloQ heroln tor maniYed to escape but left two pack~ ot sale. They clalmed the druQ found In AO ~rammes ot`whlte heroln, poltce the rold belon~ed to Viroj. ~ CSO: 5300 29 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 THAIY.AND YACHT LOADED WTTH MARIHUANA SEI2ED Bangkok BANGKOK POST in English 31 May 79 p 1 BK (Article by Jarin Chanyaj (Text] E1GNT hundred kllogramme~? ot marljuano, al~~ legedly en route to the Unlted 5tatea, wos � s~lzed yesterday trom aboard a yacht cruising about flve mlles oft the coast ot BAng 5aray~ Chon Burl Provlnce. Customa otficlals and ~tetropolltan Narcotics Sup~ p~easlon pullcemen who Intercepted the yacht, ar�. rested an Ameriran, EtaymondTexlee,anda pane!Erik Nedegaard, and seiznd an N16 citle and a radlo receiver~transmitter found aboard the vesseL , The pair were charged Accord 1 ng to au� wlth pussessing na~� thoriUe~, the Yuchte� codcs with Intent tu smug� men clalmed they ~le and Illegal possPSSlon had sailed the yacht trom ~of military weapons. the Unlted Statea to , The otticers set off in Thaliand 'and had been the Custums p~tro~ boat herr Cur tl~rre months. : to track the yacht after burinK theirstay here, ' beinK intormed o! the ex� they said. they met an is'tence otthe drWtsaboard Amerlcan whu Identitied himselt as btarty Whltq~ The yachtsmen.seeing and later asked them to'- the approaching patrol smuggle the mariJuana to' boat, tried lo race ahead the 5tetes in their yacht. ' hut were soon overtaken He offered to pay them 10 and stopped. Armed per cent ot the price oI ~ust~~m~ ntllcials the marijuana sold In the� ~baarded tlie to�metre States, they added. ~ yacht and apprehended Whlte rented a house the tHO men. tor them in Chon Buri ' The mari~uana was andlastTuesday,another tound concealed in the Amerlcan and a Thal ar� ~ ~ hull and stutted Insidc rived at the house and' plaatfc oll cans. The yacht Lave them the rifle and was later towed to the radio and ordered Customs export them to set sail yester�� ' , checkpoint at KIonY Toey, day. _ CSO: 5300 30 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 THAILAND ~ ti~ROIN SOLD OPENLY, RESIDENTS OBJECT Bangkok BANGKOK POST in English 5 Jun 79 p 3 BK (Text) "HEROIN, ma~IJuana and 24� ~chlldrenintheso(miahEbecome E{e sald ~he had hour drug in~ectlon iervlce addlcted, because the gana used launched many ralda on avallaDle here" reads , algn them to hand the drug over to the KunK durlna the erected by the disgru~tled Im rustomers. ~ month since he was as~ habit~nts of a aol In a Bangkok "They even ask them to Ilght slgned to heed the pollre suburb. cigarettes for them, and who'a to ~here. 'Che algn went up yeaterday say there Isn't heroln In the ~~Un Aprll l8 alone, we morning at the entrance tb Sub cigarette~," he added. urrested elght perxon~ in Sol Waacharoen in Ph~a that aol on heroin Khanong Dlstrict, in a bld to at� CR IMES charqes,"-he ~aid. tract attentio~ to what the local people teel ta an unhampered epldsmlc ot drua dealfna in the In additlon to the druQ peddl� PROBLEM orea. ing, other crimes had increased ViilaQe headman Yuen since the gang moved in, Yu~n Sukprasert, who also owns the charged, F'ol (;ol Anek, howeve~, toi, located 12 kilometres trom "There have been robberles ncrepted that the Sol the ent~ance to Sol Onnuch on and many crtmes," he sald, Waacharoen problem I~ Sukhumvit Road, aaid the arep I~ ~~he la~t tlme one oi hard to dealpwlth. There bein~ InNmldated by a heroln are only ;f~ ollcemen at aellinQ Qang. ~ the eanQ broke into a ~he siadon, and they h,ve "7'hey selt it as U the Praves houae and tbreatened Its to cover e'l kllometres, he - poUce station wasn't ~ust c oWner s son wlth a pistot sa1d. , kilometre away" he comp ained. In order to make him let yome ot his men have "!t'a Ilke a Sunday market where the drug be 1n~ected Into been fn the area for more anyone can walk in and treely hfm. This is intolerable. than six years and ~re . buy anythinQ they want." He ciaimed police did well known to the inhabl� not take much Intecest 1n tants, so once they enter OPERATIONS the sof, hence the sar� the~soialithedruQsellen � castlc sign. recognise them, he aaid. Yuen told Post re rtero the "Actuaily the people in ~ the soi agreed to march "We seiaed them many heroin sartg moved into the and stage a protest In times but hardly got any vicinlty a year ago. lie charged front o.`.Yraves police sta� evidence because they the pushers we~e che family ot tion, but [ did not want were alerted by thefr Phuad Slnqt~~ong, a notorlous the incident to go that men inside the soi," he drug dealer widely known in the iar. So they decided to said. "They hide the Lumplni area before he moved put up that sign at the herofn before we search his operatlons to ihe soi. entrance to the soi." them, and we cannot Fdt a while they acted as qood charge them if there is no citizens, Yuen safd. Then about E'oI Lt�CoI Anek evidenre,'ColAneksaid. �ix months ~go they started ~ell� S a e n R c h a I, c h f e t o t However, he said, he In~ heroln to addicta who used to F'~aves police station, knows all the drug seliers buy ~regularly trom them when denies ~olice are ignor� in the sol and w111 call the they were operating in Lumpini. ~nq what happens in Sol resfdents ot the soi as Their cilents also included a Wascharoen, whatever witnesses against the number ot foreigners, he said. ~ the residents might drug sellers It he can ar He espressed the tear that thlnk. , rest them. . ~ CSO: 530Q . 31 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 . THAILAND - DRUC bEAL~Et C~'~5 BOCUS pAS5 OUT OF PRISON Bangkok BANGKOK YO5T in Engliah 6 Jun 79 pp l~ 3 BK (Article by pummarie Sumondis) (Text j T~~~ Criminal Court yesterday ~t51~~ ~ tr~ed from tM lau~ched an intensive in� ~~II ~ome tim~ In th~ ~ vesti ation into the rPlQase cnnd n.~r of At~rch, ~ althouKh the ex~ct dite U from ~~il severai weeks ago of a "nA ,h ~ii~~: ,c g,~` notorlous t~C~l~ trafficker K~4an~ prlson h~v.e qid sentenred ~0 life fmpr~son� hr wr~. rrlr~sed ahortly ~fte~ his Ilft santenc� ment. wit uppQld by th~ Ap Convlcted heroln deater 51ri Sltikul w~s pe~ts ~ourt on Ilt~rch 1S ~reed trom the Kang KwanR :naYlmum ~ecuMtr thu yea~. prison when an apparently authentlc court rhe release orde~ wu order~ authurlsing hts release on ball~ w~i dellveredtothe)~Illntht presented to prlaon offlclals. . I~te alternoon, ~nd th~ but Uirecta~~c;enrnl of the Crimin~l Court Nr S~� w~rden. bellevlnt tht nguan tiitthirh~l mide It cirar yesterd~y that the do�ument to be `enulne, court ha~d not �Ilowed 'I'hal natlonal Pras~rn treed 51r1 Immedl~tely, h~il or I~sued a tem� K1anKpanlchkul to 99 P~~~^ oftlelalf ay. Director � Gtner~l S~� porory rete~ae warrant, Yr~~ ~~d four month~ ~~u~n sald the Criminal tor5ir~. Acomm~tteewill for possesslun of 8,S ~ourt ~et up th~ In� Inve~URate the case ~nd k~~narammes of No. 1 ~ttempt to detrrmine st ~~n't tcr~dr hrroln with in� wh~t level the document, tent to sell. i'r~soro'� ~ sentrnce was lower whirh wa~ aroperly writ� because he pkaded ,ten on court piper ~nd ~;wlty. 'I'he Appe~l Court bore the ofhcial rourt upheid the sentences on seal, was (~rged, hc said. tlarch lS this year. 1'he casr rame to ii~h1 Chan and F'rasarn wete a cuuple ut weeks aKo present at the 5upreme when tiiri, toqether wlth ~:~urt to hrar tht rullnR, Irvu ocrum~licrs. w:s abse cec theerc dlnqNo~ � t ~ummuned to the ' Suprcmr IUika1 Court ro the verdlrt wa1 posb hear U� ru11nK un theU Poned ur.ul today. ~ppral9 aK~lnst stlff [)irector � ~:eneral Sa� prls~,n sentenres imposed ~ nquan ye~ terday Insitted , for m.+)u~ heroln of� ~eleaseorderhodbe nls~ (encrs. - sued copies would be held U~HELD In tnecuurt hles, ivosuCh ~,.t . coples have been (ound. Furthermore. 5~�nqwn Nri Un Apr11 ttl. ;977. 5iri notcd, the cuurt would �nd WIIII~m Yan tYo not have summoned Slrt � - t;han, a itonK Konq f~om the prison to heu naUonot, were sentcnced Yhe verdict It it hod been to IJe impnsonment and ~ware that he had betn 32 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 vrbliKntlvr commltfer IU~uinthrc~rp~~kotthe ~ftr~ b~~ink Intorrr~rd bY Uus~t '1'Nnni Ilnfrl. 51r1 thc prlyun Ihu1 ~~n hod dn~ ~'~a~a~n wrre ~p� b~rn rrlp~srd. `I'hr ~m rr?,rndrd ~n the drt ot ve~litt rtton ~hnuld be ~~ndinK thr hr~nln ove~ enmplplyd npat wpek. he ~M~n, ~~Id, Ui~ecfu~ ~ Grne~nl ot 1'hr ~tre~t wrr th� thr Currrrtlnn Uepa~t~ ~rault ot clo~e ro~ m~nt, M~ '~havee upr~atinn betwrpn Thal Chnusap, whn had ra~Uer nunntir+ poUrr dnd thr drellnrd cnmmpnt on U1 Uwa ~ntarcemtnt Siir~'~ dis~ppprrrnce, h~t Admin~~t~ntlon (U~A), now cunhrmrd . thrt he ~Irl hod brpn ploc~d w~.r rrlrryrd ~ttr~' the undrr cin~e iurvelliance prl~nn rrrrlvrd ~n ~p~ ~tlr~ Ihr ~eptrmbpr 1, prrrntly krnuinr rrlrasr IY7tl rel:u~e of 4S ordr~ trum tho CMmin~l k~luK~nmmra of No. ~ Caur1, "bruwn suKar" hc~oln In 1'he p~1~on worder~ H~pMpfl, w'p~t Ce~m~ny hrd ~ctpd according to thp Irrgpst dru~ h~u~ the reKulotlon~ cnnce~m gver mad~ in th~t Ing the enurt�ordered rnuntry. tempnrrry retra~t on b~il 9'hr two ,1tol~yii~n~ of ~ convicttd ppnnn, he tound In pussesilon of the uld. !Ir eald he h~d hernln rnnfes~~d to recelved a tuU rpport on drrm~n poilc~ thit the the matter from the d~uK had comt from p~unn ~uthoNtle~ and 7'ho~lrnd and Implicatb woutd wbmlt It soon to ~Irt ~s ~uppIle~. the fnteNo~ Aflnl~try. 't'hal p~tire were corn 1'he thrre men we~e t~rtrd tn punue thr crse arrrsted on OctoO~r 4~ Irrdjng tn the eventw~ ~rre~u, CSO: 5300 33 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 CANADA I;UI'fORIAL CALLS i'~R kEFOR.M OF MARIKUANA LAWS Toronto THg GLOB~ ~ttD MAIL in Engiieh 29 May 79 p 6 (Ed~.toriai: "EnEorcing a Bad Law"j ' (Text~ ~ Th~~ sH~~et 5t41bkP, watcing through Canad~ saw 33~281 maM)uana conv~c= the student Inunge af G~orge Brown , cion:~; but ft ts estimated that three Collrg~'s Cgsu Loma campus has mlllion Canadlans have used the drug. turned ~our. A haven for students put� The professlonals, the clu~tera ot ting mariluana during thelr lunch smoken in rock concerts~ the students break has been disrupted by Educatlnn putting in communlty college lounges, Minlster ~tte Stephea~on's demund these are r~ot the peopie arrested tor (or a report on the situatlon~ ~nd on~ possession; they are the qufet mtllions - studrnt has already been su.~pended tor who disobey g i~w they do not respect tour days tor amoking mari~uana in the - a law whlch, uitimately~ is not en- hallway. '~Once we got into the ques- torced because it cannot be entorced~ tton oi what is the i~w and that stu- and, by the lack ot even-handed en- ~dents are breaking the law," explalned torcement~ brings all laws into disre~ admtnistrative vice�president John pute. ~ Stephens, "we have to wke action." � Joseph Ciark satd last year that a~ Mr. Stephens is hedging. The admin� Prngressive.Conservative Government' l~trawrs knew what the law w~s all would decNminalize maN~uana, but atong - chat posses.glon o( marl~uana that the issue would not be a prioNty. is, under Parliament's harsh leglsla� He has h�s 1'.,overnment now~ and he tion, Ulegal and punishable by up to should make it a priorlty. The crlminal seven years' Imprisonment. They cer� penaities for possession of maM~uana tainly knew~ ar chose not to know~ thut are scwere out ot ali proportion to the students were ustng hashish in ~ the charge; they are applied unfairly, ln lounge; Mr. Stephens speaks of a poli- some situations and not in others; they ,cy oi "qufet managemenN' ot sott drug have given criminai records to thou. use~ which translated means that sands of Canadians whose only otten~ce . te~chers stmply stayed away from the was using a recreational drug enjoyed tounge. by hundreds ot thausands ot thefr ~ That this flouting ot the law was at peers; they have been condemned by~ least implicitty condoned by the admin� among other informed groups~ the ]strators may come a4 a shock to those Canadian Bar Association; and their. who, bave never attended a rock con� repeal has been advocated by ail three cert and seen hundreds ot joints being ot the major politicai parties. . passed trom hund to h.~nd, or ro those Refocm ot Canada's marijuana laws who have never attended parties. not has been the subject ot hoilow promis- least those held by protessionals like es tor too many years; ic is up to Mr.' doctors, lawyers and architects~ where C~ark to make last year's promise~ the drug was in evid~xe. 1n 1977~ stick. � N ? _ CSO: 5320 j~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 CANADA - VAttIOUS DRUG 5MUGGLING T~CHNIQUES DISCU5SED Windsor THE WINDSOR 5TAR in English 19 May 79 p 54 ~Text~ Montreal (CP)--At firet glance it looked like an ordinary Canadian quarter. But it wasn't. It was hollow. The coin had been uaed to trausport heroin into Montreal and is just one of many methods uaed by drug amugglers. ' "It'g a big gau~e of hide-and-saek," Insp. Gilles Favreau of the RCI~'e drug sq~iad ~aid in a recent interview. Favreau says he receives a monthly bulleCin from drug enforcement agencies acros~ North America revealing the latest techniquea used by smugglere. Md every month there's something new. _ Tires, orangc? cans, records, cars, motors, furniture, fire extinguishers, oxygen tanks, atuffed anteatera and even condoms filled with cocaine and ' awallowed by ccuriers are juat a few of the ways druga are amuggled. _ Last year, an Ontar:o man was arrested at Mirabel Airport when cuetome officers became suspicious at the way he wae walking. They discovered that his shoes had hollow heels stuffed with $90,000 ~orth of heroin and hashish. In another seizure, a customs officer in England coulda't underatand why someone would ship 258 cases of caened fruit to Canada when the fruit was ' readily availabie here. Then it was dtscovered that 72 of the cases contained 3,000 pounds of haehish. "The chances of succeeding are on the side of the smuggler but the odds are on our side," says Favreau. whose department seizes an average of $50 miltion ~orth of drugs a year. 35 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 :.;zt ` . >y*'. . Y ;.:~~,;k~.,',~: : >�,h;~ :~y:,iatic violation of the l~w:~, nnd tlie soci~?o~?i~t in - un..~.~it~ibility tbr lau~z� und impaitment in the f~xmily ancl society. 2'he hurt;:i.nrizin~; of 1r~u~stores, the falsifyin~ of preqcript?oz~s, the ~,urchasing nf ~~;~~~c~tic,; on the "bl~ck market" and whatever else beconie the i�~gular raur, ot' t,he Haat~t~. Inventiveneas reaches such ~ poi.r~t: "A tr~xi. l~ yo~in~ fellow is lyin~ on the ~round. Hi~ friends ~rr. r11i3tered aro~;�~d. The;/ }ire {iemanding Davilla tincture. And the tinsusp~ctinE; uriver open~~ his firat nid kit. After thfs hia other colleagues are turned into su I.ier,...." PF'- Thus on "innocent" experience is ~;rt~dually turned into the worst, drug addic- tion, ~ pathologic state characterized by an insurmountable desire (psychic deoendence) for the systematic t~kin~ of certain narcotics, ~n inereased toler~nce, abstinent phenomena (physical dependence) with the interruptin~ of their taking. And also permanent, in certain instances, irreversible ment~l and bodily disturbances in the organism of those who abuse narcotics. At the outset of the illness in usin~ narcotics, pain disappears, mood im- proves, and a feelin~ of levity and a readiness For creative activity are created. This lasts several minutes or 1-2 hours, and after this mood a~ain declines, and unmotivated irritability, nervousness, depression and constant insomnia appear. In order to relieve these unpleasant sensations, the patients must again take naxcotics and thus become completely dependent upon them. Here it must be emphasized that the initial quantities of the nar- cotic ~re not capable of eliminating the unpleasant sensations, and this necessitates that the narcotics be taken in ever greater quantities (in- creasecl tolerance). At times these quantities greutly exceed the therapeu- tic dose employed in medical practice. Death can occur in patients who shift from smaller to very larger amounts of narcotics in a short period of time at the moment they take the narcotic. And as affirmation: Ii. L. 24-year-old male: "I have been in the ~ume for a long while. From the time of 'good old Yalta' and '~~iagareshki Parrsdise.' ~Iore than one-half is alreac~y dead and the rest of us are in isolation, shut up in psychiatric clinics...." After all that I saw and heard, it was very natural for me to meet with the leader of the clinic, Prof Dr Todor Stankushev, doctor of inedical sciences. !~1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 (Questinn] Profes~or 5tankush~v, I had the opportunity in your clinic ~o meet yaun~ m~n and women who obviously ~r~ sufferin~ from drug addiction. mhis has cau:~ed me to ask oui;ri~ht what is the nwnb~r of flrug adfl3c~a ~n our na~3on7 (An~wer) E~ecently varioua p~opl~, ~nd not ~1.ways sufficiently competent on~s, ha~v~ spoken ~nd written of the drug addicts. The reader, 13gtener and vicwer ~,r~ lcft with the impression that the number of addicts in our country in not small, Thi~ i~ nne ttspect, but the problem o� informin~ our community }in:~ :innth~r, much more important aspect, There are people, some of ~;hem in re~jpnn:~.tb~.~ administrative work, who have officially stated that there is no dru~ addiction in Bul~~~ia. Imagine how the parent~ of these young pedple who you have already seen in our clinic must feel, and what their nttitude taward~such information must be. And in both instance~ we equally lose the trust of people, and we, the psychiatrists, count greatly on it as we1.1 as on their support. And now for your question: in our nation a total of ~~12 dru~ addicts of different age groups and with varying educati~n and profesaions are re~istered with the psychiatric services. The number of young men and women is virtually the same. [Ruestion] llmon~ ordinary people there is the notion that the drug addicts ure encountered more often among persons with a higher educational level. Is this the case? Do you have any scientific studies on this question? (Answei�~ This is a false notion which is created among the people by the behavior of the addicts as they are able superficiully to maintain polite , rel~tlons. Scientific studies which we made several years ago indicated that as an exception the addicts succeed in completing lOth grade. Their education is significantly lower than the young men and wom~n of the same ~ n~e ~roups and amon~r the ~eneral population. [~~.iestion] Fveryone with whom I spoke began using narcotics at the end of the 9th and the beginning of the lOth grade. What in your mind are the rea:~ons that precisely in this age group the first experiments with drugs are made? (I1ns~~rer] Youth has it:~ very definite very specific features. During this perio~l a p~rson is growing and developing as an individual, and r.ew value systems are being creaf;ed. And during this period it is very important under what influences the young person falls and under what conditions he develops. Ia oti: re~eftirch it nas been established that a larger portion of the::e youn~; oeople h4ve certain character traits which are the reason that +,hey turr: tu seeminglf stronger experiences and deviate from the generally acceptcd path of their schoolmates. Thus they come under the influence of a circ~.e of friends in the district or in school and begin to use narcotics. [Questicn; Quite recently the magazine PARALELI printed material the very title of *.~hich caused both ir.terest and concern "The Swedish Nightmare-- Criminals and Addicts at ~rery Step." The data were taken from a Spanish 1~2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 mrL~ttir,t.nF~ rind ittdi~~r~tc thf~t tn Sweclen with t~ popul~tion oC 3 mi~]tnn pcr3on~ thec�e arc c~rnund 15,OOn "3nvetera~e drtig addi~tn." What woulfl you ;~uy ubout t.hi:, fact7 (Annw~r] Not only in Sweden but in a numb~r nf other West~rn coun~rien th~ numb~~r of ynun~ men ftnd women whn tak~ various narcotica is growin~ ~tgnifi- ~ enntl,y, mhi:~ hrza hcen the reason fnr some di' our coYlen,~uen in ~hes~ Cnun- Cr.~~~~ tn ar,~~:z}; ,,t~ ~.;le "drug nddictit~n epidemic." mhe rcasnng !'Ur the wid~ c~,re~d ~~~f drup; a~idicts in the capitt~list countries ure well known. 5ci~ntific rt;;enf�ch mc~~te in nur nt~tion showa that in Bui.~-axia th~~rry d~ not ^XtSI; the sortoeconom.ic conditions and prerequiqites �;r the turnin~; of ~iru~; nddicts into ~ broad medicul and social phenomenon, and thnt tt~~ eco- nomi ~ strucl,urc ~r.d the ideolo~ical, moral, snc:iopoliticF~1 ,~octa,~,~1 tural, admint~trat.t~re ~17d le~;al f'aactdrs present in our society ii~ve, on thr. r~ne h~t:c:, ~ prev�r.nti ve ~et,idn dn the fippearance and sprc.~ad o." dru~ add icti.on, nnd ~u the oth~~r, :ignificantly facilitate their prompt detect;ion and treat- ment. ~ 'ro these factors which assist in limiting the spread of drug addiction and the prornpt discovery ~nd treatment of the ~ick persons, we :aust also add the exeeptiona]. significance created by the increaaed demandc posed by the _ Ministry of ~'ublic: Health for the health worker~. At present, in line with the growing trend toward enlar~ing the number of inedicines for which s pathologic dependence is created, e~ lar~er share of the physicians is ~hawing exceptional attention and carefulness in prescribing narcotics for thei�apeutic use. In the pharmacies, narcotics are put under special super- vision and control, and this also helps to restrict their use. ~2uestionJ Finally, would you in a few words outline the basic directions in treating the addicts? [An~wer] In treatin~ drug addicts the efforts of the physicians and health w~rkers nre ~imed at an entire reforming of the personality of the patient. [n the first stage of the treatment process, the greatest attention must be ~iven to the overcomir.g of the abstinent (withdrawal] phenomena. With the }~elp of modern medicines, detoxification is curried out, that is, after haltin~ the use o� ttie nurcotics, medicines ~re administered which elimi- nate the toxic products found in the organism of the patients. Alon~ with this, certain medicines are also administered for eliminating the tension, irritability and insomnia. The treatment of the abstinent phenomena lasts ubout 20 days. In the second stage, the efforts must be focu~ed on cre- atin~ a critical attitude in the patient to his illness. This is achieved primarily by the means of psychotherapy and culture therapy. Alon~ with this an effort is made to involve the patients in some labor activity in the area of the hospital. The third stage is the lon~est and in it the medicines give way completely to labor therapy and psychotherapy. The pY~}rsician in charge, with the help of a psychologist, a social worker rs~d the relatives of the patient, en- deavor to return him. to an ordinary home environment, in making a special 43 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 effor~ td brc~,k the t3ea b~tween the patients and the ~roup which involved them 3n narcotic~. In th3g re~ard the family 3s of exceptionally great s3E- nif3canc~, as it best provides supervision of the pe~tient during his home leav~~~ mh~ pr~v~ntion of dru~ ~ddiction cun be provided by coordinated and compr~- hens3v~ eCfbrt~ of the m~diC~l, p~dagogical, ie~~i, administrative and socic~l drenn:~ . The restirictions in the production and sale of narcotics also prevent drug - addiction. Our nation is an active participant in a number of international ' organizutions involved in controlling the production and sale of narcotic~. ~ ~'he hiV~ ~Ministry of Internal. Affairs] bodies and the customs services pro- , vide systematic and effective control. over the i1l.egal transporting of nar- cotics into the nation. In rccent years the Ministry af Public Health has introduced a special pre- scription blank for the sale of a large portion of the medicines which con- tain narcotics. In this manner the opportunities for the addicts to supply themselves with narcotics by forged prescriptions have been stgnificantly reduced. The colored prescription blanks are kept under the strict control, accounting and personal responsibility of the position who receives them from the corresponding service. The created alerting systems and the intro- duc~ion of modern equipment into the activities of the NNR bodies make it posaible to detect persons who attempt to steal narcotics. ~T}~e registering o� dru~ addicts with the corresponding MVR services has made it p~ssibte to exercise control over their behavior and when neeessary take the required measures against them, including compulsory treatment for an extended time in a specialized psychiatrie hospital. Article 59 of the Public He~,lth Law ~ives the right to prescribe compulsory treatment for,a gerson wlia suffers from drug addiction and does not want to be treated, regardless nf the stage of the illness. A request �or compulsory treatment can be sent to the prosecutor's office both by the health services as well as by the relatives o;' the patients. A1]. questions relatin~; to the control over the production, sale and consump- tion of tiarcotics have: been codified in Chapter 11 of the Public Health . Law, and in the criminal code these violations are prosecuted under Article 35k� There is no doubt tnat the le~islative measures are of decisive significance in limiting drug addiction, but the main place in combating this must be held by the indoctrination of the youn~ people and creating a correct atti- tude amoa~ ther,~ to:~ard the use and abuse of narcotics. The role of the i'amily, tr.e school, the Komsomol and the remaining social organi2ations for str~nGthening the fi~ht against dru~ addiction is indisputable and their involvement in this struggle is absolutely essential. 1027? CSO: 53')0 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 AR~ENTINA BRIEFS DRUG CONFERENCE--Buenos Aires, 28 Jun (NA)--The conference of the member counCri~s o'f the South American agreement on addictive and halluc~naCo~'y druga which stArted on Monda~ concluded here today with a speech made by Social Welf~re Minister Jorge Fraga in which he expreased a severe warning on the somber paths of drug addiction." "1'he closing ceremony started with the'Ireading of the results of the conference, including the el.ection of Argentina as the seat of the permanent secreCariat of the South American agreement on addictive and hallu:.inatory drugs. Carlos Norberto Cagliotti, current head of the National Commission on Addiction and Narcotica (CONATON) was elected as executive secretary of this international organizaCion. The second conference Co be held by the country members included in Chia agree- menC will take place in Guayaquil during Che second half of next year. It will be organized by the Ecuadorean delegation. In the conclusion of his apeech, Fraga stated his belief that "Latin America will overcome its many faults with Che unity of ide.~s and actions" and at the same time t'Ze members - of Che conference will, with t~-_~ir capacity and determination, seek a solu- tion to one of the w~orst gr~olems that affects our communities. [Text~ [Buenos Aires NOTICIAS ARGENTINAS in Spanish 0150 GMT 29 Jun 79 PY] DRUG TRAFFICKERS ARRESTED--Jorge Alberto Mule, Nicolas Gonzalez and Daniel Horacio Figueredo Oliver have been arrested in Martinez, Buenos Aires, on charges of drug traEficking after 250 grams of pure cocaine were foun~d in their possession. [Buenos Aires LA RAZON in Spanish 29 Jun 79 p 12 PY] TRAFFICKERS ARRESTED---Buenos Aires, 3 Jul (TELAM)---The Federal Police have arrested ~ticardo Hector Bartolome alias Riki, Inocencio Fernandez and Crnesto Marcos Anronio Bravo. They were involved in traffic of marihuana brought in from Paraguay, cocaine and LSD, [Buenos Aires TF.LAM in Spanish 1835 CMT'3 Jul 79 PY] CSO: 5300 45 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 - ' BOLIVIA BRIEFS COCAIN~ CON~'I5CAr~D--Santa Crux, 20 Jun--The police at E1 Trompillo airport nrregtpd IIrr?zilian n~rional Vinicio Leone gC 1700 yeeterdey. Nie grrest ; took plac~ ~uet ae he was about to board a flight to Seo Paulo, Brazil. Police configenCed 14.2 kg of cocaine~ $1~400 and 11~900 cruzeiros. Leone indicated that Roman Cruz Vaca, a known Crefficker~ was hie supplier. ~La Paz FL DIARIO in Spaniah 21 Jun 79 p 6 PYJ DRUG TRAFFICK~RS CAUCE~T--Salta, 2S Jun (NA)--A group of drug traffickera who had been planning to take into Argentina eeveral ehipmenta of cocaine worth ; $280,000 each hag been digbanded and arrested following a year of inveetiga- tions. The group was headed by Uaniel Mtonio Calabreee from Santa Crug, Bolivie, and ite ~embers Were Carlos Alberto Oliver from Punta Alta, Buenos _ Aires province; Ana Maria Senkovich from Santa Cruz~ Bolivia; and Mtonio Alberto Arraya from Pacitos, North~rn Salta. (Buenos Aires NOTICIAS ARGEN- 'fINAS in Spaniah 1630 GMT 25 Jun 79 PY~ CSO: 5300 ~ 46 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 B~ziL : :~Fi~ENTINIAN5 l?MOttG ~tANDR1IX, MARIN~ANA TW~~ICIC~RS A1tR~S'T~U tu~ r?u Janeiro Jc)ItN11L DO BRJI5IL in Portugue~e 23 Nay 79 24 (Taxt~ On~ nf th~ leadinq rings of drug eraffickera oper~?ting in the south- ern z~ne was bzok~n up yesterday by the Narcoti.,s Police who seized 3,766 Mandrax tabletg ~nd half a kilogram of marihuana :rnm three prieoner~. Nam~~ nf famous areiets and of a man~ger of a eoccQr club in Rio de ~aneiro are in the memorandum book taken by the police from Manuel Henrique Marcelo and Oscar Salvador Bateves (ring leaders), both Arqentinians. Ricarda Laus and Mario Sergio Satista were also arrested. iteport t1n anonymous report received by Chief Caetano Maiolino~ of the tJarcotica Police Eteadquarters, caused two policemen to be assiqned to observe build- inq No 15 on Gastao Baiana Street, in Copacabana, where a young man wns said to be dealinq in druqs. He would come out on the street often, talk with the occupants of cars parked in front of the building and go back in- side. 'rhe policemen learned from the doorman that the young man lived in apart- ment 603. One of his customers was arreated with 10 Mandrax tablets. He accused the young man, biario Lampada, whose name is Mario Sergio IIatiata. When he was arrested in his apartment with 3,650 Mandrax tablets, he ad- mitted only that he was addicted and the drug was for his own use. But in the interrogation he confessed that he was an intermedfary for the Ar- gentinians, Manuel and Oscar, residinq in the same apartment. For every 10 packets that he sold at 600 cruzeiros (each packet has 10 tablets), ttario Sergio kept one free. The Argentinians, who had 106 Man- drax tablets, confessed that the drug was brought by bus from Argentina, a month ago, in the false bottom of a trunk. Ricardo Laus, also accused by his companions, was arrested at 209 Redentor Street, apartment 101, with half a kiloyram of marihuana. ~t7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 , Th~ polica revealed nothing on the memorar~dum book seized from tihe tiraf- - fickera. The nameg in it do not nece8sary mean tihat tihay are the nam08 of addiats, accordinq to ths pelica, but~they wi1,1 be tihoroughly inve~ti- gated. 10,042 _ CSdi 5300 r !~8 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 ~ BRA~IL POLICF: F1.1D MARIi{Ul?NA, WHITE POWDER YN RAID ON HOUSE Rio de Janeiro JORNAL DO BRASIL in Portugueae 19 May 79 p 22 (Text~ Poll.cemen from Sao Joao de Meriti arreated, yesterday, two druq traffickera, reported by resS.dents of Vilar dos Teles who thought that they were operating a subveraive apparatus, because the house is in the middle of a grove of trees and there was much car traffic during the night. According to the police, the prisoners, Clero Goncalves Di~s and Jose Bar- bosa Cipriano, alias 0 Pinto, belong to an interstate ring of car thieves, judging by the amount of automobile parts, cassette-players, radios and much 32, 3Q, 44 anc] 45 caliber and 7.65 millimeter ammunition found in the j house. 'iWo Volkswagens and a Kombi, without license plates, were also ~ seized. In the middle of the belonqings of the two prisoners, in the house on Luis Alves Cavalcante Street, Lot 18, Block 18, in Vilar dos Teles, the police found 2 kilograms of pressed marihuana, several small bottles containing a white powder (that may be cocaine and the bottles were sent for exami- nation to the Carlos Eboli institute) and a note addressed to a colonel, stating the following: "Colonel: Please arrange one of those trucks and transport the automobiles that are returninq to 5ao Paulo. Take SP-2 (probably Sao Paulo Hiqhway 2j and delfver in Sao Caetano do Sul, to the Confab Montagens Company. Ask for Celso Luis Lopes, at 374 Prosperidades Avenue, in Sao Caetano do Sul. Leave in the gasoline station in front. It is going to be about 20,000 or 25,000. The trucks return empty. If you meet anyone, give 1,000 cruzei- ros at the most.� This fact was reported to the Inspection and Security Center of the Secre- tariat of Security, so that the authorities might have a message sent to Sao Paulo, in order to verify the address and name appearing in the note. Detectives Everaldo, Pedro Paulo and Jocimar were the ones who arrested the traffickers. - 10,042 CSO: 5300 ~9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 BRAZIL JUUGE SENTENCES COCAINE TRAFFICKER TO 15 YEARS itio de Janeiro 0 GL080 in Portuguese 25 May 79 p 14 (mext~ Yesterday, Judge Mario Guaraci de Carvalho Rangel, of tihe Sixth Criminal Court, sentenced a druq tafficker, Berthier Bacelar, arrestied on 28 December last year with two kilograms of pure cocaine in his automobile, to 15 years in prison, in addition to a fine of 1,250 cruzeiros 50 fine- days at the standard unit of 25 cruzeiros and payment of trial costs and court fees. Prosecutor Ekel de Sousa asked for the maximum penalty for Berthier Bacelar, alleging that "if he were a child, a misguided younq man, the prosecution might have some consideration, but a 50-year-old man who does not'use co- caine but only sells it to increase his fat bank account, deserves a truly severe punishment." In addition to 15 years in prison and a fine, the prosecutor also asked for confiscation by the state of Bertheir Bacelar's Ford Maverick, but the judge did not approve this request, alleging that "there is no evidence that the automobile was bought with money made from the results of drug dealing." "Flagrant Frameup" Berthier Bacelar's defense attorney, Ademar Gomes, maintained that his - client was the victim of a flagrant frameup by three Sao Paulo policemen who came to arrest him in Rio de Janeiro,because of a 1.2-million-cruzeiro ' debt that he did not pay to "a certain Mister Crfstiano," of Campinas. And he requested that the trial be changed into an investigation. The judge, however, rejected the request. ~ Berthier Bacelar was arrested in the afternoon of 27 December last year, in the 'Leblon Branch of the Itau Bank, by three Sao Paulo policemen. On the following day, those same policemen found his Ford Maverick, Campinas li- : cense plate RG-3030, parked 20 meters from the bank. In the trunk, they foun3 close to 2 kilograms of cocaine, a precision scale and material for packaginq the drug. 50 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 AccdreiincJ to ehe t~geimony n� tih~ policemen w}rd ~rre~ti~d him, tih~ tiraffick~r wag on~ oE the mnse i.mporeant ones oparating in ~raxil, with an int~rnatiinn~l reputarion. tte a1lQged thaL ho had borrowed th~ ct~r from a Bolivian by the name of Gutierrez, residing in Santa Crur. de 1a Si~rra, and thati he knew nothing about tihe drug. t~ut he was unable to gtat~ ~x~ctly where the golivian lived or even his given nam~. Yesrerday, ~~gtiimony was given in ehe 5ixtih Criminal Court by two of eh~ poli~~mzn who had ~rrest~d Berthier Bacelar policeman Antionio La- zaro L~zinhd and statinn ahief Alberto Argerami, both from Sao Paulo the man~ger of the Lebloc~ Branch of the Itau gank, Sonia Maria Marrara LQitie, and a watchman, ~dson Eionorfo dos 5antos, who picked up a small bottle of cocaine thrown out by 8acelar at the Cime of his arrest. Accorclinq tin wh~e the polire found out, Berthier Bacelar also had a place in the town of papucaia, on the road to FrSburgo, where he kept a rudimentary distiillery for preparing cocaine that he supplied to larg~ Brazilian citiies like Rio de Janeiro, 5ao Pau1o gnd Parana. fie also had an arrest warrant issued in Sao Paulo, where he has been given a prison sent~nce of 1 year and 3 months for fraud. 10,042 CSO: 5300 51 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 BRAZIL . BRIEFS COCAINE, MARIHUANA INCIN~RATIOtJ--Campo Grande (correspondent)--In Campo Grande, the F,:deral Police will burn, this month, close to 1 metric ton ` of marihuana and 20 kilograms of cocaine. That amount of druga was seized ~ in raids in the capital and otl?er cities in Mato Grosso do Sul and in on varias federal and state highways, primarily the ones leading to cities on the border. (Text~ (Sao Paulo FOLHA D~ SAO PAULO in Portuguese 13 May 79 p 29~ 10042 MARSHUANA PLANTATION IN ALAGOAS--Macefo (correspondent)--The Federal Police in Alaqoas have discovered a marihuana plantation in a municipality located on the boundary with Pernambuco, representing the largest seizure ever made by the Alagoas police. The druq appraised at close to 3,000 cruzeiros was probably sent to the supply markets in Rio de ,7aneiro and Sao Paulo. There were 30 sacks, in the place, each with 30 kilograms, for icRnediate shipment. According to the superintendent of the Federal Police in Alagoas, Valter Carvalho Soares, more ar.rests should be made this month and, there- fore, the policemen cannot diwlge the name of municipality where the plan- tatfon was discovered. In addition to that, also according to the super- intendent, there are arrest warrants issued for three persons, including the owner of the area discovered. [Textj (Sao Paulo FOLHA DE SAO PAUTA in Portuguese 22 May 79 p 16] 10042 MAJOR MARIHUANA TRAFFICKER ARRESTED--Sao Paulo--Yesterday, Aurelio Gomes, 34 years old, involved in the theft of a Seretta pistol from the Army, was brought before the Third Chamber of the Second Military Court. Aurelio, ~ who is reg~rded as the "King of Marihuana," was born in Ponta Pora, Mato Grosso do Sul. He was arrested when he was attempting to transport 140 kilograms of the drug from Paraguay to Sao Paulo. [Text] [Rio de Janeiro 0 GIABO in Portuguese 29 May 79 p 8J 10042 PERVITIN, MARIHUANA TRAFFICKERS ARRESTED--Yesterday, on the border between the states o� Sao ~aulo and Minas Gerais, the police seized 35.4 kilograms of marihuana and 51 ampoules of pervitin and arrested two traffickers, Wander Luis Ferreira Borges, residing in Jatai, and William Vieira Silva, of Rondonopolis. A warrant for arrest in the act was drawn up and both 52 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 wc~rce plaCnd ~.n cugtc~dy in the ig~rdnava rrlgnn, ninttiict police Chaef Gil- b~r~~ ~'r~n~u~1o arregtied tr~ffiCk~rs ~nd ~ucce~d~d in racovering tih~ ~m- poul~s of p~rvitin. (Textj (Sao Paulo d~STAbO b~ SAO PAULO in Portiuguege - 25 May 79 p 18) 10042 PARA(iUAYAN ANMS, MAEt7NUANA 5EIZED-~-porto Alegre--~ederai Police agents in 9apucaia do Sul s~ixed 20 kilograms of marihuana, worth 1 million cru- xeirn~, in addition tn g sticks of dynamite, 9 metera of fuae, a 12-gage ~~w~d-o�f ~hntgun and ~ome small caliber pistols, in tihe rpsidence of tihree brnLi~~rs who were ~rr~sted in the nct. 't'he marihuana, coming from Paraguay, was tn have been di~tributed in Sapucaia do Sul, Sao Leopnldo, Novo Hamburga ui~d ~arto Alegre, th~ citi~s in which the tra�fickers operated. Thptr iden- tity was noti revealed. A large part of the drug was still in the att.i.c of the house, drying. A trafficker, Aurelio Gomc3s ~ wa~s nrrest~d in Ctiritiba while h~ was transporting 140 kilograms of pressed marihuana ready fdr consumptinn in the false bottom of a truck. This grass also came from par~guay and wag intended for Sao I'aulo. (mextJ (Ftio de Janeiro JORNAL DO BRASZL in portuguese 16 May 79 p 24) 10042 NARCOTICS S~IZEb--Uru~; traf.ficker (Placido Ceraldo Rodney Cardozo) ia being hunted by the police, after he escnped from his house throuRh the backyard on Saturday. The police h~d seized his car and found 181 kg oE narcotic~ in Che car's Crunk~ nnd annther 48 kg was Eound in his house. [Sao Paulo Radio Aandeirantes Nerwork in Portuguese 1000 GM'f 2 Jul 79 PY] CSO: 5300 53 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 ~COLOMSIA BUSINESS LEAD~RS SUPPORT MARIHUANA LEGALI2ATION IN U.S. , ANi~' President to Promote Legalization Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 15 rfay 79 pp l-A, 6-A ~Text% The National Association of Financial Institutions (ANIF) has'an- nounced that it will defend throughout the length and breadth of tha Un~tec] S~ates its posi~fon on the legalization of marihuana. Ernesto 5amper Pizano, president of ANIF, has said ~hat he will soon visit � the leading American cities to speak to lawyers, scientists and officials regarding this difficult issue. Samper Pizano insisted that if the two governments (Colombia and the United States) come to terms on the matter, an end will be put to criminal activi- ty and to the high cost of law enforcement to which this traffic gives rise. , He noted that the Colombian armed forces, which operate at a level of pro- fessionalism equaled by few other such bodies in the world, are being forced into the world of bribery, and thus "we are getting a bad reputation, and, what is worse, no money." Hp inciicated that the Colombian passport is considered synonymous with mari- huana anywhere in the world, despite~the unprecedented measures being taken by the Turbay Ayala administration. . Samper made his statement to a group of journalists at tihe close of the : r^ifth Annual Convention of Association Members, held last weekend in Medellin. Asked about Finance Minister Jaime Garcia Parra's announcement that the ~ fanetary contmis will not be lifted, Samper said that the government has every rignt to adhere to what it believes is good for the country. "We have reservations about the strict controls, which have led organized criMe to offer industry the credit it needs," Samper remarked. 5t~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 Hn ~c~id that under thesa conditions, industiry i.s nq~ heing ~orced to reeort - _ tio the gangs, as Fabio ~cheverri Cozrea, ~r~sident of the Natiional Zndus- trialists Associat3on (ANDI), had statied. The president of ANTF' pralsed tha announcement made by banking superinten- dent N'rancisco Morris that a new set of rules ib to be drawn up regarding f.tnancial intermediarie~. "Ti;ere's been a nepd for many enterprises and people accumulating and lending money without being supervised to be brough~ under control and forCed to ~atisfy certatn minimum regulations," Samper Pizano said. He indi~:ated that he was satisfied with the result of Ghe conventtoi;, nnting that it had been a good opportunity for a frank and friendly di~loguQ be- tween t~he public and private sectors. "Pres~,dent Turbay Ayala's presence at our gathering was certain evidence of that. But there were also six ministers and most of the members of the economic team, which is extremely encouraginq," he commented. Tndustrialist Offers Support ' Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 15 May 79 p 6-A /Dispatch by Jose Cervantes Angulo% /Text% Barranquilla, 14 May--Industrialist Karl C. Parrish has expressed support for the legalization of marihuana, suqgesting that within some 20 years it will be necessary to erect statues to members of the "emerging class" (marihuana traffickers), just as they have been erected to leaders of the independence movement. These thoughts were published this morning by the Liberal daily EL HERALDO. Parrish said, "We have to follow the examples of other countries. England has already legalized drugs." He stated, also, "In the United States, for example, from 10 to as high�as 20 percent of the adult population now uses marihuana. Thus the same thing is happening that occurred during the period when consumption of alcoholic beverages was prohibited. That was a complete failure and contributed greatly to the creation of organized crime. It would be better to legalize this situation, which would become the exportation of another product, such as tobacco." ~ 9085 CSO: 5300 55-56 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 COLOMBIA _I ~ ~ RETURN OF mRAFFICKERS' PLANE BEING INVESTIGATED Explanation Requested Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 4 May 79 p 8-A ~Text% The Civil Aeronautics Board has asked the national Attorney General's Office to investigate the case of the American airplane which, after having been seized because of suspected involvement in drug trafficking, was re- turned by the government of Balivar Department. ~ ~ The request may lead to an investigatfon of the conduct of a number of of- ficials; but in the end the two Americans and the plane will elude Colombian justice, for the aeronautics board can delay no further the granting oE - permission foz the plane to leave the country in kaeping with its crew mem- bers' request. The twin-engine aircraft, which bears registration number N-777-EF, was cap- . tured on 12 February in Mompos when it made an emergency landing. Its two occupants, Faul Herman Dieckman and Arnin Virnoky Kawaikal /as published/, said that the plane had suffered a malfunction. In view of the fact that the plane had no flight plan, was violating Colom- bian airspace and was suspected of being used in drug trafficking, the pro- ' visions of the Security Law were invoked, and the aircraft was held on the basis of Bolivar Department Resolution No 200, issued on 16 March. The Security Law states that confiscated airplanes are to be turned over to the Colombian Air Force. However, it was naval personnel who arrived in Mompos to take charge of the plane. , ~ In mid-April the governor of Bolivar, Elvira Facio de Espinosa, issued a new resolution revoking the previous one and ordering the return of the airplane to its oecupants or to their legal representative, Alvaro Angulo Bossa. However, the Civil. Aeronautics Board refused to grant the authorization - needed for the F~lane to leave the country, and it is holding the craft ! 57 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 :,t the Cregpo Aiz~ort in Car~agena. On th~ basis o~f the dec3.~aion rendared by the depar~men~al governmenti, it will be i:m~ossible tio continue refus3ng permission to leave, and the ~lane wi11 quickly depart from Colombiat~ ~erritnry. ~he~only measure availabie to tiha aeronautiics board--a fine for viola~ing Colombian afrsp~ce--has already been imposed. It is 200,000 pesos= and when iti is paid, the two occupants o~ N-777-EF wi11 be able to cscape the raach of Colombian ~ustice. ~The aeronautics board asked the Attorney General's Of�ice to initiate Che investiga~ion because it was learned from U.S. narcotics offfc3als that ;~i.cckman has a record as a drug trafficker. F, numbAr of aspects of the case are unclear to the aeronautics board. Aside th~ fact that the aircraft entered the country illegally, those aboard - it did not report any emergency whatevQr while crossing above coastal air- ~orts. Moreover, if there had been troubla, the most logical step would have been to land at Cartagena or Barranquilla, which have suitable radio navigation equipment, rather than to continue on to the distant and poorly- equipped airstrip at Mompos. No (3rounds for Seizure Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 4 May 79 p 8-A /Dispatch by Narciso Castro Y.% /Text% Cartagena, 3 May--Miguel Enrique Emiliani, chief of the Government ~ Legal Office, said today that the Bolivar Government had ordered the return of an airplane which had landed at Mompos, south of this department, "be- cause there were not and are not any charges against the two people on board." The commander of that community's police district carried out an inspection of the aircraft and drew up a report stating that the plane had suffered a malfunction and that its crew had not been carrying any sort of drug. The report was sent to the co~nander of the National Police, Bolivar Divi- sion, Col ~austo Zambrano, who in turn transmitted it to the governor, Elvira Facio Lince de Espinosa, the suitable official to be informed about the matter. The governor's first response was to place Joaquin Franco Escobar, secre- tary of government, in charge of the investigation. He went to Mompos and inspected the airplane, finding nothing that would provide grounds for charging the plane's occupants with drug trafficking. - A second report by ttie coimnander of the Mompos Police District and the two previous reports supported the statement by the two Americans. Consequent~y, 58 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 ; Honriquez ~L'miliani said, no 1ega1 hasi.s acas ~ound ~or holding them and kee~- - ing th~ airplane, "and thus wQ couldn't commit a�lagrant abuse o~ authority without Qxp~cting to face tih~ consequences~." This morning Gavernc~r Elvira Facto Lince de Espinosa me~ with her advisors ~ ~o analyze the sitiuation= and she has promised to issue a stiatement later in rhe a�ternoon. 'rhat statemen~, according to a source close to the gover- nor, will se~ fnrth the facts underlying the conclusion drawn by the director of the Lagal 0 Efice. 9085 - CSO: 5300 59 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 c~o1~o?~rA WORLD RECORD CLAIMED IN ANTIDRUG FI(~HT Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 13 May 79 p 3-A ~Text% Criminal activity has diminiahed notably in Colombia during the past 4 months, thanks to an intensive effort on the part of the government and to the effectiveness of the measures adopted to reduce crime of a11 types, according to a communique issued by the press office of the president of the republic. The communique states that comparative studies drafted by the staff of F-2 for the years 1978 and 1979 show clearly how satisfactory the results have been. Operations which have been carried out have made it posbbile to markedly reduce such crimes as kidnapping, extiortion, subversive activity and drug trafficking. The government asserts that this partial triumph over crime dces not consti- tute a complete victory, but rather a resolute step toward guaranteeing ~ security and restoring full confidence in institutions to the benefit of the community. The determination with which the authorities have worked during the months of Janu~ry, February, March and April--the coimnunique says--has led to a considerable reduction of the number of crimes against people and property. The bulletin says that during the first 9 months of 1978, 45,588 crimes wPre recorded, whereas in 1979 the ntunber was 44,817, a reduction of 771 crimes, or 1.69 percent. The bulletin notes that one of the most positive accomplistunents in the war against crime is in the sphere of crimes against people. The research conducted by the F-2 statistics section, national police bureau, shaws that the decline in this acti~rity, due to the campaign carried out by the authori- ties, makes it possible to see how magnificent results benefiting society are achieved when citizens work together to insure the existence of a friendlier, more secure country. 60 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 i. ~ ~h~ communique ai~o stutes that in 1977, 20~958 crime~ against peo~le were i committed, wheroa~ in 1979 the figure aas 20,816. In 1979 it was 18,975, which indicat~e guccas~+~ ' Kidnapping Thig crima, in 1977 caused a congiderable stir in the communitiy, haR ; declined to its lowest level as ~he regult of vigorous governmentel dctivity ' and laws in effect. The campaign againse this crime has had auch exceilent results thati during the first 9 months of 1979 only 6 people were kidnapped. Thus gar, 3 have been freed, and 28 members of kidnapping ganga acti~ve in the country have been captured. i The communique provides the figures for kidnappinge, which illustiratea the i decline in this crime in our countiry, It shows that in 1977, 13 people were kidnapped~ in 1978, 12~ and this year, 6. It notes, too, that in the course of efforts to'rescue 3 of the i 6 kidnapping victims, investigating agents killed 5 criminala conaidered ' to be ~xtremely dangerous. � ' i The official bulietin says that in the struggle against drug traffickerg, ; the campaign carried out by the present administration is setting a record ~ n~t only in America but in the world. ' The staff of F-2 has reported that durinq the months of January, February, ~ March and April, the narcotics section handled 74 cases, apprehendinq 145 ; people, includinq 137 Colombians: 126 men and il women. Also arrested during those operations were 8 foreiqners, inclu~'nq 5 menj ' and psychotropic substances valued at 779.950 million pesos were seized. ~ This fiqure is the highest recorded in the history of the countiry's struqqle i aqafnst drug trafficking, the bulletin said. ; 9085 ~ , CSO : 5 300 ' c a i i i ~ 61 , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 COLOMSIA bA5 E~Et~AKS INTERNATIONAL COCAIN~ RING t~gota ~L TI~MI~O in Spanish 10 May ']9 p g-~ /~Cext% ThQ QAS [Administrative Department of SecuritY% has diseovered a mod~rn laboratory.for the processing of rocaine, seized 39 kilogracn~ of the drug, c~ptursd 8 traffickers and broken up a powerful nationwide network oparating in thQ cour~try's leading cities. The blow was struck at "Eucrania" farm, on the outskirts of Armenia. Th~ factory yfas found in operation: While some of the suspect~ Mere enyaged in weighing the 34 kg which had already been processed, the others were using such equipment as filters and driers to obtain an additional amount of cocaine not specified in the official reports. ' The people arrested were identified as Heriberto Loaiza Herrera and Ernesto Carranza Romero, who were said to own the sr.fpment and the laboratory, ~steban Hurtado Olaya, Jairo Forero Hoyos, Orlais Forero Hoyos, Hernando Forero Loaixa, Ana Lili Salcedo and Aida Maria Londono. The six last-named included the laboratory's "cooks" and "chemists." Moreover, one of the women was supposed to serve as the "mule," transporting the large shipment of cocaine to the United States. The owner o� the farm, Pedro Antonio Forero Duarte, was not found in the house at the time of t:~e raid, but an intensive search for hfm has been launched. The laboratory seized at "Eucrania" farm had extremely sophisticated equip- ment for the processing of the drug. In fact, in addition to the hundreds of cans, kegs aad drums of chemicals used in the processing of th~ cocaine, the authorities found high-quality driers equipped with thermostats intendec' to maintain a constant temperature, which makes possible a maximum yielfl of cocaine from each kg of paste, and it helps to achieve a high ~.evel of purity. The,extremely precise scale is also of the highest quality. 62 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 ~ gesi~pg br~aking up th~ gang of cocaine manufacturers and traf�ickprs ati the - f~rm in tih~ Quindio pa~g region, the authorities uncovered their connectiions in gngotia, Mc~dQllin, Ca1i and Barranquilla. mhege connections. extiended to - Cnl~mbiann and foreignc~rs livinq in the United 5tatiea~ e~pecially in the staties of F'lorida and tJew York. mhe names of those othE.r drug tiraffickers located fn Colombia and the United 5tates werr_ not given r.o r.he press, but it aas expected that the First ar- re~ts would soan t~ake place. , , ~ ~ ; > b:'~ . ; ti r~ ` ~ ~ :t ~ ~ ` v!41, w ~ [ W ~ ~ ~ ~ �'E. ~ , ~ ~ ~r:'. ;.3 ' A ~ ~ . . ~r. Ernesto ~arranza Hertb~rto Loaiza , Orlay Forero Hoyos Romero Her~rera ~ 1 ~'~~.A~~~:ikY~ . t ~ ~ '-n~~~ f l, ~ . � ~..i:.h- _ 5 7 t ' ' ~ li., i- ~ . i -S.. ~ � ~ Hernando Forero Esteban Hurtado ~ Loaiza � Olaya Jalro Forero Hoyoa /Photos continued on following page% 63 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 ; ~ ~ !A ~ ".{r.~'X ~1: 1 f t y ;Y 1 1 . , ~ 'r ~ t Aida Marta LondoPlo Ana Lily Salcedo Salamanca 9085 CSO: 5300 61~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 COLOMBIA bEFENSE MINISTRY ANNOUNCES DRUG BUSTS Bogota EL TI~MPO in Spanish 7 May 79 p 11-A /Text% A marihuana farm covering over 10,000 hectares has been found by militiary authorities in La Guajira. The Ministry of Defense estimated that a crop of that sfze could produce 30,000 tons of the drug, the value of which would approach 30 million pesos. The large cultivated tract was found in the area between La Cuchilla del Mico and the Cascajalito area, on the Tapias River, Tomarrazon Corregimfento, Riohacha district. 'I'he official report states that the military unit began destruction of the crop, one of the largest ever found in the country. Other Operations The Ministry of Defense also reported that during the past week several operations were carried out successfully along the country's northern coast, with the following results: The apprenension of 21 drug traffickers, including 1 foreigner. Ztems seized included 7 long-range firearms, 3 short-range firearms, 49 cartridges of various calibers, 2 vehicles, 2 airplanes, 1 boat and 3,082 bales of marihuana. A detailed breakdown of ~hese operations: 27 April 1979: The following materiel was seized at the place called Caricari: 1 F-100 truck; 1'r'-350 t~uck; 12 drums of gasoline; 18 bales of marihuana. 65 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 28 April 1979; 0~~ San Juan del Gui~ the fishing boat Soavina-7," under a Panamanian �lag, was seizec~ and the eight ~eople abpard it, held. 29 April 1979; At the plaae called Buritica 100 bales of marihuana were seizQd. 29 Apri1 19'79: At the place called Waysnepam~ana 2 trucks which had been stolen in Riohacha were recovered and 90 bales of marihuana were seized. , '29 April 1979: At the place called Cardon a twin-engine airplane bearing registration number N-689-S was seized. One of the two people aboard was wounded by an Indian. 1 May 1979: At the place called Rancheria, at kilometer 32 of tihe road from Riohacha to Cuestecitas, 10 suspects were arrested and the following mater- fel was confiscated: Five M-1 rifles; 49 .30-caliber cartridges; 5 c13ps for an M-1 rifle; 5.22- caliber pistolst 5 hydraulic pressesj 1 smoke bombT 125 grams of TNT with primer and wire; 30 tool boxes; 2,500 bales of marihuana. 1 May 1979: bt Plato (Magdalena) an American DC-7 airplane was seized, and one suspect (~ipparently the pilot) was held; and the following items were confiscated: Two M-1 rifles; 2 shotguns. 9085 _ CSO: 5300 66 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 DCUADdR r I~LMiI~; ' D:tSAPPEARANCE ATTRIBZTTID TO DRUG TRAFF'ICKERS Quito II, TSF]KFO in Spanish 18 May 79 p 1 ~Article by Jorge Jura.do_,] [~Text~ Quito, 17 May (AP)--The preaident of the Ecuadorean Chamber of Commerce, Carlos Ponce, yesterday asked for the cooperation of Brazil~ Colombia and Peru in inveatigating the disappearanee of two planea belonging to the national compar~y SAETA that were carrying a total of 116 passengers. According to him, they were hi3acked by drug traff3ckers. "The two planes, which disappeared under identical circumstances on flights between Quito and G`uenca, have unqueationably been hi3acked by or~anizations involved in dru~ trafficking in Latin America," he stated ;..pon leaving a meetin~ with President A].fredo Poveda. He did not gro into detail or clarif~ t~rhat facts he was basing that assertion on. Nationwide Operation He that he had told Admiral Poveda that it was neceasary to provide every technical safeguard for flights in the country and to undertake "a, nationwide operation" to look into every possible clue until the disappearance of the two planes is cleared up. Poveda pledg~ed government assi3'tance to this end. This pas~ 23 April a SAErA Airlines Viscount with 57 persons on board disappeared in flight between Quito and G~ienca, the capital of Azuay Province, 400 kilometers to the south. On 15 August 1976 another SAETA Viscount with 59 occupants met with the same fate alono the same route. Both planes disappeared just a few miriutes before their scheduled ~ ~ la.ndings. 67 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 ~ In both aases great effor~s were made to locate the planea~ inoluding aesietanc~:~ �rom U.S. Air Fbrce unitg. Bu~ a11 efforts were f`r~ttleas~ and npre~ery aon~3nuea ~o surround ~he two planes and their paeeeng~ere. Ponce said ~hat the Chamber of Commerce decided ~o intorvene 3n the matter and to advocate international action with cooperation from the g^overnments of Colombia, Brazil, Peru and Ecuador to reopen the invegtigation. Panic The chamber indicated that a search ia i.mperative because "we cannot i~norQ mysterious incidents without a serious risk that pania will result and erodetpeople's fa3th in air transportation in Ecuador." It is asking the Directorate of Civil Aviation to conduct a detailed stuc~y on the Quito-Cuenca route, which is termed "the route of death" because of the series of a3.r accidents that have occurred on it over the last 10 yeass. The chamber noted that Ecuadorean legislation does not provide for aases of airplane disappearance, and therefore the principle of presumption of death or disappearance cannot be applied unless a definite conclusion is reached beforehand that an accident has oacurred. As an example it cites the case of a missing father who leaves�a wife and children who cannot be re~*arded as a widow or as orphans under the law. Amon~ those missin~ on last month's flight are 25 employees of the Office of the Comptroller o.f the Nation, which has offered a$10~000 reward for information leading to the location of the plane. 8743 cso: 5300 68 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 ECUADOR . ; LARGE COCAINE SHIPMENT SEI2ED, EIGHT ARR~STED ' , ~ , , Guayaquil EL UNIVERSO in Spanish 10 May 79 p 11 ' [TextJ Valued at 200,000 sucres an important cocaine shipment, which had been smuggled into the counCry from Peru was aeized by local INTERPOL agente ! on the grounds of Che SanCa Teresa ranch, located on the 55th kilometer of ~ ~ the Duran-Tambo highway. ~ ~ In this heavy blow against drug traffickera, in addition to 142 kilograme i of the drug confiscated, 4 vehiclea and a motorcycle were aeized and 8 ! members of the group were captured. These members, it has been learned, were acting through "couriers" and liaison men in several towne of Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and the United States of America. ~ � INTERPOL announced that its agents would continue exhaustive investigations to arrest foreign and natianal elements connected with the already dis- ' who were able to evade the police blockade. ~ - Large-Scale Traffic Officially, the provincial headquarters for the struggle againat drug ~ t`raffic announced that from confidential reports it had been learned about mid-Apri1 that the cocaine shipment had been smuggled from Peru. After ~ the initial invesCigations, it was established that the cocaine was trana- - ported on a yacht to Puerto.Callao, Peru, owned by Peruvian tra#ficker N. Vargas. The agents unfolded their operation through several places within the coun- try when it was learned that ~he drug had bee~ moved in a trailer truck normally transporting cement sacks to Pacasmayo, camouflaged with the rest of the shipment until it reached Huaquillas. This is why they had been able to outwit aurveillance at the Ecuadorean and Peruvian cuatoms and police border posCs. _ It was elso learned that in Huaquillas, the cocaine, packaged ae cement, had been trausferred to a national trailer and driven to E1 Triunfo parish, ~ 69 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 w}iere ir was pul: intu a privare ven ea be taken ro ehe SanCa Teresa ranch by ~'elix Pizarro Herrera, bro~her of Jrug Crafficker Nicanor Pizarro, owner of ttie abo~e-m~ntioned rgnch, who had been poaing ae an honeat banana mer- ~ chattt and cettle buyer. The 4perarion Wc~rks; Arreaea According to the informeCian received, it had been known ttiar at Nicanor's hnuae in Milagro tliere had been meetings between Peruvir~n and Colombian traftickers wl~o formed the band, the Santa Teresa ranch had been under aur- veillance and agents had been deployed to Che capital ec~ occupy Ni.cannr Pizarro's tlnuae and try to arrese the individuals impliceted in Ctie traffic of drngs which woula bring millione. F'nr rhis reason, it was pointed out, Ecuadoreans Nicanor, Hector Vanegas Florea alias "Orlando" and Llio Quezada Carrion and Colombian Guillermo Rios Moralea were arrested. Simultaneously, INTERPOL agents went into Santa Teresa and apprehended Felix Pizarro who, as the owner's brother, was the administrator and his brother-in-law, Luis Abril Heras. A vase sector of the property wae aearched and a house, conditioned and equipped with apparatus for refining cocaitte wa� discovered, a kind of laboratory where t~~ere were washbasins, bathrooms, electricity, adhesive ribbons, a precision balance and other equipment. Doga specialized in detecting d:�ugs were used in Che aearch which yielded 1.5 kilograms of the drug in a package protected with poly- ethylene and jute and 200 pounds of paper uaed for packaging cocaine in a corner of the house, underground. Later, after a thorough search, the drug hidin~ place was established, underground, in plastic bags, where the drug traffickers hacl put it wt.en they arrived in the early morning. The drug traffickers are Alfonso Pizarro Herrera, Jose Luis Guevara (=smboa alias "Pepe Lucho," who escaped, and Carlos AsCudillo Noriega who is under arrest in 5anta Rosa. In addition, Jose VFr.tura Rodriguez Pizzaro, who was one of those collabor- ating with Felix Pizarro in the transfer uf the drug from one trailer truck to the other Co transp~~rt it to E1 Triunfo, was arrested in the town of Huaqillas. The 142 kilograms of cocaine confiscated represent the heaviest blow re- ceived by national and international i�ug traffickers here. It is estimated that one kilogram is worth 1~,000 dollars or a total of 2.13 million dollars and, in Ecuadorean currency, 59,650,000 within the country and, upon being resold in the black markets of consumption abroad, each kilogram is worth , 50,000 dollars, thaC is, 7.1 million dollars, or 198.8 million sucres. Three vans, ane automobile and one motorcycle used by the drug traffickers in their illicit activities were confiscated, IN"ERPOL will turn them over to the courr.s so a penal judge can prosecute them for drug possession and trafficking. 70 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100074412-4 r ~ ; , A,,~~ ~ f. . . ~ ~ . ~ n'~~ ~i. "i I,~:~i ~ ~F ~ ! ~ p.: 1{1:1w ~{~l . i ~ `1 F, i " 3,~a��:~ ~ ~:i~;~~~a ~ ~y M M ~ ~Q~ 1 ~ h ~ R ~ ~ . ~ ~ : ~~~~I 43(f2'f.i~:!'~91i. J � ~ i ~~'':r'1x~6~ ~ t ;'�t' `"~.4~ ~s' ~ - NIR' I?ks~.1 rrf.~.�~ fet;~ Ms rarit c~ yti . , 1',.: ~a?'~ i7 ~ 3, y ~~~~~1~�ll~U'" ~'~Mltif,+1 1`.tl�Iaa r ~~~. t w $ 'sM%~ ~ ~ ~ ~4w~ ~~~,t ~ , �i ~e+ iy; ~ ~ +.s