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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE= 2007/02/09= CIA-R~P82-00850R000100060064-4 , ~ ~ i OF i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 FnR UI-r1l,iNL US~ ~iVLY ~PRS L/8553 - 29 June 1979 , ~ TRANSLATIONS ON USSR INDUSTRIAL AF~AIRS (FOUO 8/79) U. S. JOIt~T PUBLIC/~TI~NS RESEARCH SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 NOT~ - JI'~5 pUblic~Cions conC~in inform~tion primarily from forcign newspupers, periodic.~lg ~nd book~, bue ~lso from news ~gency tr~nsmissions and brdadcuses, Mttteri~ls from foreign-l~~n~u~ge gourceg ~rc Cr~nslnCed; Chose from ~ngligti-l~nguage sources are Cr~nscribed or reprinred, with the original phr~7sing ttnd dther ch~racteristics reCnined, lleadlines, ~dieorittl reporCs, nnd material enclosed in bruckets ~re supplied by JpI25, prncesging indic~trors such ~s (TexrJ - or [LxcerptJ in the first line of e~ch item, or following Che lnst line of a brief, indicnec how the original inform~Cion wns processed. Where no processing indicaCor is given, the infor- mntion w~hs summurized or extracCed. UnFamiliar names rendered phonetically or rranslieerAeed are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tinn mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clenr in tt~c originnl but have been supplic~d as approprinte Ln context, Other un~ttributed parenthetical notes wirhin the body of an iCem originate with the source. Times within items-are as ` givcn by source, 'i'l~e conCents of rhis publicati.on in no way represent t}ie poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. , COPYRICEIT LAW5 AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MA:ERIALS REPRODUCED }{ERBIN REQUIRE THAT DI5SENINt~TION OF TNIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 ~ i'~)It 0['E' CC: LAL U8[; ONI,Y JI'It5 L/855~ 29 June ].979 - rRANSLATIONS ON USSR INDUSI'RIAL AFFAIRS . (FOUO 8/79) - CoNT~NTS PAGE _ AUTOM(7I'tVi~~ AIVU 'i'ft~1Cm0I~ Iti'nUST~Y W.tys `i'o i~L~ke E;etter U5e of' Automotive Equ.ipnr_~nt Iu Uz~~elc 5SR To ld ( L, A, llktu~tov; OBSHCHE5'i'VENt~`lYE; NAUILL V IrLB ~ YST~INL, No l, 1979) 1 CfiEMICAL SPrDU~mRY ANll RF~I1T~ll ~RUTPbt~'1'12' ;~,.ti'~ ~tors~f,F' of Toxic (mEKIiNIY,A BELOPA5rlOSTI PHT P~ffiIINIIVII YADOI4iIMrIU~7'OV I MINE~EIL' PdYi~i UDOBR~IIY, 197t~ ) . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . Iuclust;ry Enterpz�i~e Cnc~truc~lon S~nprovemer?ts Di::c�ussed (Pt. I. Patrikeyeva, G. L. Koren' kov; KfiIMICHESKAYl1 PftON~SHI,E~iI~fOST' , No 4 , 1979 ) . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 MT~7.'IILLURGY I~,Cf'icieuL U~e of Ener~,y in @4r_~t~;l Production Discu~se~i 4 ( P. F. Lom~ko; 'rSVF:rIVYYF; MLTAI,LY, No 4, ~.979 ) . . . . . . . . 7 _ a _ (III - USSR - 36 FOUO) - FUR OE'E'ICI11L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 ~nit OFFICTAL USE ONI.~Y AUTOMOTIVI? AND TI2ACTOIt INUUSTf2Y ~ WAYS TO MAKE: f3E,TTI:R USE OF AUTObtOTIVC 1:QUIPbiCNT IN UZBEK S5f2 1'OLD = 9'ashltent OdSHCHE57'VENNYYE NAUKI V UZBCKISTANE in Russian No 1, 1979 pp 19- ~4 - [Article by L. A. Alchmetov: "Urgent Questions of Raising the Utilization t;Ffectivencss of the Fixed Production Capital of Automoti~~e Transport"] - ['fext] At the modern stage of our country's economic devclopment;~ the problem of raising the utilization effectiveness of fixed production c~pi- tA1 (OP~), the value of which has reached almost 980 billion rubles~ has acquired the gretttest siRnificance. In 197? alone OPF' in the total amount of about 110 billion rubles wns introduced into use in the USSR's economy. Occupying a major share in the aggregate vAlue of OP~' in the count;ry's economy is OPF for transport, includin~ common-cArrier automotive trans- port; this neces~itates an all-around rise in the effectiveness of its use. L. I. Brezhrev, in emphasi~:ing the importance oF transport, said at thc 18th Komsomol Congress: "What are the decisive portions of the struggle for effectiveness and quality in our national economy today7 Thcre are = several of them, but mninly I would again name capital construction and transport."* In our republic the vnlue of OP~ for common-carrier automotive transport rose from 167.4 million rubles in 1970 to 374.1 million in 1977. Flaving such a substantial productive potential at its disposal, thc UzSSIs [Uzbek SSR] Ministry of Automotive Transport has worked out and introduced a number of highly effective measures for strengthening the production- equipment base and consolidating automotive transport enterprises~ making - wide use of the achievements of scientific and technical progress, improv- _ ing the technology of technical servicing and current repair of rolling - stock, introducing into operation at automotive transport enterpriscs pro- - gressive fonns and methods for the organization and management of haulu~;c~, improving the branch's management system, and widely developing sociAlist competition that were designed for the long term. *PRAVDA, 25 Apri'~ 1978. ~ 1 FOR OFFICI~. L'SE OtiLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 ~'Ok O~~ICiAI, liSl: ONLY As t~ result of the re~tlizs~tion of these und othcr mcasurea, durinb th~; ~ Firs~ years of ~hc Tenth rive-Year ~lan~ the minist;ry ns a whole !:auled about 17 millian ton~ of tnc economy's Preight und morc i;h~n 84.4 million passengers above the plan~ reulized 2 million rubles' worth oP in- dustirial productis ~bove the p?~n, rendered mnre t;han 1 million rublcs' wor~h of domes~ic transport sc;rvice to the populace, and obtained 28.5 y million rubles in above-plan profit from all ~ypes of activity. The results ~tchicved ure t;hemselves ~ naturAl consequence of a ateady im- provement in the activity af the subunits o~ i:he branc}i ~s whole dur~ng - the Ninth ~nd Tenth five -year plans to all tie~hnical~ eoonomic and _ opert~ting indices. As ~n anaiysis indicAtes, in 1977 the utiliztttion coefficient grew by - 11.37 per~ent for the truck fleet and 7.13 percent for the bus fleet, the kilometerage utilization coeFficient rose by 6.49 percent, operAting time for trucks per day increased 5.37 percent, output per registered autnmo- tive vehicle grew by 56.86 percent in tons and by 72.2 percent in tan- kilometers~ output per passenger seat (in passenger kilameters) rose 12.14 percent, and income (in rubles) increased by 32.29 percent per regi- stered vehicle-ton and by 36.06 percent per passengcr scat, over 1970. i Thus, during the past 8 years a distinct trend toward a sharp improvemen~ _ in common-carrier automotive transport operation began to appear in the republic. However, the rise in utilization effectiveness of the OPF' did not always correspond to the growth in cost of the capital introduced. Thus the yield on capital per ruble of OPF value wAS rcduced from 1.85 rubles in 1970 to 1.52 rubles in 1976~ and profitability fell correspond- ingly from 43.3 to 35.3 percent. This is explained primarily by the fact that the extremely necessary - process of forming the material and technical base for autiomotive trans- port enterprises was being executed during all of these years. Therefore, thc pace of introduction into operation of OP~ that was extremely substan- tial in cost surpassed considerably the paee of assimilation of its pro- duction capabilities. Simultaneously, the specifics of the branch's operation that are reflect- _ ed in L-he fact that practically no time had to be spent assimilating thc a capacity oF rolling stock should be noted here. But, as with any produc- ~ tion work~ no little time is spent on assimilating thc design capacity of = - passive capital, which restrains growth in profitability and yield on the capital that is introduced into operation, which is extremely substantial (about 40 percent). This process is inevitable but, at the same time, of a temporary nature, for the indices that characteriae OPF utilization ef- fectiveness increase as the design capacity of the passive capital is achieved. Thus, in 1977 total profitability grew by 9.2 percent; ovcr = 1976, reaching 38.55 percent, and yielcl on capital grew correspondingly by 5.3 percent, reaching 1.60 rubles. Thus, a reduction in the timc spent on introducing and assimilating the design cs~~;~^ity of passive capital plays a decisive role in :,upporting a steady rise in the OPF utilizAtion effec- tiveness of automotive transport. 2 FOR OcFICI~L L'SE 01LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 ~OIt OF'~'ICIAI~ t15C ONI~Y OC no little import~nce in ruisir?g OPI~ utilization ef~eativ~ttess is optimi- 'LAL10t1 of its strueturc:. Unliice the c~asc i.n inclusti~y, i� automo~ive trans- port mu~h depends upon the share of paasive capital, for ~n cxtraordin~ry grnwth in the share oF aotive cupitul is fruu~::t wiLh serious negutivc con- - sequettces. kpsearch Lhat h~zs been conducted and the operatin~; experience of adv~nced autamotive trAnsport org~nizat;ions of the country~s ~ssocio- Lions, including those of the UzSSR, indieate that optimal ratios in the OI~I~ structure ~re acllieved when the v~lue of' the activc part is in the 5'L- _ 58 percent r~znge and the value of the passive part is in ~he 42-48 percent , ~ rangc, nf their ttggreg~te vulue. The fluctuation of these indices at aut�omotive transport enterprises de- pends upon A number of Factors. Av~iluble si;~tistical ds~ta and expericnce indicutc that aehicvement of the indicated ratios within the OPF strueture of automotive tiransport enterprises and s~ssociations provides for A steady ttnd long-term growth of all quantitative and qu~litative teehnical~ econom- - ic and operating indices. Thus, during the period examinPd~ a discontinuity in the improvement of OPF' t~tilizr~tion for common-carrier automotive transport occurred,thanks to Ac- t;~ve me~sures for improving the enterprises' supply und cquipment base adopted by the republic's blinistry of Autom~~tive Transport~ as a result of which the shArc oF value of the pussive ca~ital approximated ~0 percent of thc aggregate value. The successful wurk of such enterprises as the Tash- kent Automotive Combine No 3, Automotive Enterprise No 56, Automotive Com- binc Ko 2(which provides tAxi hauling service) and some bus und taxi flects nf the capital and other oblasts of the republic can be examples of how a satisfactory supply And equipment bASe enAbles high technical, eco- nomic and financial indices to be achieved over a lengthy time period. A sharp growth in the cost of newly received rolling stock, which inevitu- bly led to disproportions in the value ratios of the active and passive portions of the OPF, has promoted reductions in yield on capital and prof- itability. The ratc of growth of the cost of newly received rollit?g stock and equipment predominates considerably over the rate of growth in the pro- ductivity thci�eof; this is being felt especially appreciably in the long - term with the arrival of expensive KamA2 [Ksima Motor-Vehicle Plant] ft~mily trucks. This is graphically evident, for ex~mple, in comparing the cost . of trucks of the h1AZ [Minsk Motor-Vehicle Plant] and KamAZ families that are approximately equivalent in load capability and productivity. Thus, the cost of the bfAZ-503A dump truck is 6,250 rubles, while the KamA2- 5511, which equals it in load capacity (8 tons), costs 19,980 rubles. Thc MAZ-50~lV automotive tractor with 14-ton MAZ-5245 semitrailer costs 7,700 rubles, while the KamA2-5410 automotive tractor with a load capacity of 14-15 tons costs 16,632 rubles. It is completely clear that an increase in thc productivity of KamA2 family trucks over that of MAZ family trucks ~ that are similar in load capacity, by a factor of 3 in t;hc first casc and by a factor of 2.2 in the seco~~d~ is extremcly problematical. . 3 FOR OcFICI~?, L'SE 01LY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 FOEt OI'FICIAL USL ONLY - MAZ family t;ruclcs ure nmong tihc besL� domestic dcvclc~rmcnl,ti in E~11 L�heir t~chnic~l, economic ~znd operAting parametcrs, ~nd, obviously, i;he produc- tion of' these truclcs should increase in the long term. A furi:hcr rise in OF~C u~ilirati~n ePfect.ivaness will require thaL� mecisures hn dc:vclaped und - ini.r~culuceei Cor raising the hr~oductivit,y c~f' newly ~c~rivrd r~ollin~; yt.ock. A strengthening of thc supply ~nd equipment b~se of ~utomotive t:ranspori; ente~rpriscs and associ~tions is of paramount importanee. Althou~h the energetic me~?sures that were ~dopted in recent ye~rs havic enabled the equippin~ of enterprises and associations to be gre~tly improved, the esti- matied provisioning of pzzssive capital per registered motor vehicle is still below the atand~rd. Of n,~ little.import[ince Ai5o is a rise in the utilizration ~ffectiveness of - the passive portion of the OPF, primarily of machine-tiool, garage und other types oF equipment, and machinery, tools and mechanized equipment, where thc technical servicing and repair of rulling stock is performed. A full- fledged worltload must be provided for these typea of capit~l and they musi: be used productiively it1 two or three shifts, ttnd ~lso on S~turdays nn d 5undays. An im~or~ant faetor in raising OPF utilization effectiiveness is u concen- - tration of produetion work and a consolidation of automotive trs~.7s~ort en- tcrprises. In 1971-1976, in the branch as a whole, 22 ATP's [automotivc tr~nsport enterprisesJ and two automo~ive trusts were consolidated, and in . Urgench a production ~ssociation for passenger hauling was established. Measures are being developed for converting automotive trusts to thc two- tier management system. The NPO [science and production associationj Uz- avtotranstekhnika has worked out t he necessary da ta for t he c r e a t i o n o f two regional automotive transport administrations based upon Tashgoravto- trest [Tashkent City Automotive Trust] for Centralized Freight Hauling and the AndizhanskayA Oblast Automotive Trust. It is planned to develop a master scheme for improving the management and development of this branch over the long term. Decisions of the 25th CPSU Congress pointed to the n~:ccl to increase the operating timc af trucks per day. This is an extremely urgent task. Trucks in the republic's common-carrier transport are used less than 10 hours per day, buses less than 12 hours. While there has been steady improvement in all technical, ec~nomic and op- erating indices for the ministry during the period examined, the operating time per day of buses, the level of which fell in 1977 to 96.74 percent of 1970's level, remains the sole indicator that tended toward a reduction. Although this indicator has a certain trend toward an increase for trucks, the impermissibly low truck utilization on Saturdays and Sundays primarily must be noted. An increase in productivity in the use of trucks even to 11-12 hours and of buses to 13-14 hours per day and effective organiza- tion of the productive use of trucks, especially in intercity transport, 4 = FOR OcFICI~i. L~SE 01LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 COR OF~'I.CIAI, i15L ONI,Y f'or fill d~iys uf' l;hc warlc will ennblo prn('.i.tFtbili ~y nnd yiald on c~p.ita] _ I'or entcrprises und u:~:;ocifition~ und ['or the brunc}i ~ts fi wl~olc ~:n be r~ised appreciably. biuch dcpends in this matter on Lhc consignor ~~nd consignee and ~he organi- 'I.AL10Il of loading and unlo~din~; wot~lc in two or three shi.fts and on 5~atur- - days ~r~d Sundf~ys. The cre~tion of b~ses or mechunizat;ion eolumns will be _ cxtremely ef'Pectivc. [n this connecLion, the rreight; Huuling Sectiori of' the N1~0 Uznvtotranstelchnik~ will execute the developments I1CC(ICCj t0 create mechani~atio~i columns;hin th~ TashgorAV~otrest for Centrulired Hreight Haulin~. In the long term, as the necessary conditions Arise, such columns shou]d be crcated ~.n all ob.last cen~ers cind l~rge freight-forming and - freight-absorbing centers of ~he republie. ` In a s~eecl~ to the 18th Komsomol Congrc:ss, L. I. Brezhnev pointed out: "One of thc most important signs of t}ic day for our mot}~erland is the drive = Cor eFieet;iveness ~nd quAlity. This i~ not a temporary cumpaign. This is = the E~nrty's policy, and it was Adopted, As is sAid, in carne~t and for lon6 time. This is not only the key taslc of thc currcnt five-year plan but al~o a deterrnining Factor in our cconomic and socit~l developmcnt; for . many yc�ars to come."* ~,a~, In rcccn+, years aur industry hr,~ faced especially sh~irpl,y the question of raising t}ie efCectiveness a:1d qaality of the haul~ge performed and of providing for~ its regularity and the delivery of freight strictly by thc established ~]eadlines without damage or loss. The comprehensive system of quality control in haulage that Nf'0 U�t.avto- transtc{ch.7ika introdueed in 1978 at Automotive Transport I:nterprise No 1~15 = and at a number of other automotive transport enterprises in 1979 is called upon to play a major role in raising the effectiveness and quality of hau?.age. _ A lar~;c reserve For improving OPF utilization is a reduction in empty runs by t;ruclcs. fiowever, it would be incorrect to achieve just a growth in the absolute value of the truck-run utili�r.ation coefficient to the det;rirnent of other technical and economic indices, as is still being practiced at a number of automotive transport enterprises. Raising the truck-run utili- iation coefficient should be accompanied by the achicvement of the hi~hest productivity of rolling stock, otherwise the high value of this indicator will conceal negative features in organization of the haulage process, primarily abovc-norm nonproductive idle time, a lengthening of time for truck turnaround and for delivering freight, and so on. A further increase in thc amounts and improvement in the urganization of intercity haulage will have an important role in reducing empty truck _ runs. ;he ministry's automotive transport enterpr.ises wil.l provide during the Tenth ~ive-Year Plan for the haulage of 9,055,000 tons of freight ir~ ccntralized (regular) intercity transport-, and, in so doing, haulage in *PRAVDA, 2E April 1978. 5 FOR OcFLCIA?. C'5T' ~~ti:.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 FOR OrFICIAL USE ONLY 1980 wi11. bc G3.3 pcrcenL over 1975. thc currenl; Cive-yeur plun it ia rlnnned t,~> 5encl ati ~ic1e r~uteti 787,C?0O lc~sided t:ri~r.lew, whir.h Khould huul - G,3~16,ODU Lon~ ul' 1'rci~;hL c~n~l 1'or W}11CI1 ~6 addiL.ionitl d.ispnLcher-control posts are to be estAblished. The realizaLion of ~:hesc And other effective - measures has ~lready enAbled the volume of centralized intercity haulagc during the first 2.5 yeArs of th~ Tenth Eive-Year Plan to increase by 61.8 percent, which is subs~antially highGr than the plan indicators. An inerease .in truelc lcilometerage between repairs, thc development of so- cialis~ competition to save fuel, sp~re parts and ti.re5, and f~n increase in t~ uelc lcilometerage ~vithout overhaul will help ~re~ztly to raise the OPI~ utiliz~ition effectivness oF the republic's common-carri~r aut-omutive trAns - port. The b~sic rules for this type of socialist competition were devel- oped severul years ago by speciali~ts of the science and production associ- ation Uzavtotranstekhnika. The socialist competition that has been engendcred a~ several of the mini- _ - stry's automotive enterprises to save fuel, sp~re parts~and parts and to increase truck kilometerage between repairs embraced 123 automotive enter- prises and about 20,000 drivers even back in 1977.�~ Collectives of the _ Yangiyul' ATP of Tashoblavtotrest [Tashkentskaya Oblast Automotive Trust] _ for Lassenger F{auling, Andizhan Automotive Column No 2508 oF the Andizhan- skay~ Oblast Automotive Trust, Shakhrisabz Automotive Entcrprise No 35 of the Kashkadar'inskaya Oblast Automotive Trust, Tashlcent Automotive Column No 252t and Automotive Enterprise No 103 of Tashgoravtotrest for Centralized Haulage were recognized as competition winners for 19?? for the industry and they were awarded first-class ratings. - V. I. Lenin, in presenting success in economic work as a function of the ~ personal motivation of each worker to solve specific prociuction tasks, taught: "Not by enthusiasm directly but with the help of enthusiasm born of the great revolution, and by personal interest, persona] motivation, and economic analysis you work to build first strong bridges that lead to socialism, otherwise you will not lead tens and tens of millions of people to communism."* And experience in developing large-scale socialist compe- tition convincingly confirms the correctness of these Leninist instructions. , Many starts and initiatives that enable daily work to be organized with ' effectiveness and quality and the best OPF utilization to be achieved have ~ been engendered and disseminated on a large scale at UzSSR Ministry of Automotive Transport enterprises, associations and organizations. ~ I About 400 drivers in the ministry's system have committed themselves to ~ carrying out two five-year plans during the Tenth Five-Year Plan, 2,662 ~ brigades are vying for the title, "Best Brigade of the Quarter," "Dest firigade of the Quarter," and "Best Brigade of the Five-Year Play~," and 1~10 ~ enterprises and 1,960 brigades are participating in socialist competition under the slogan, "Work with high productivity and without injuries or ~ _ , *Lenin, V. I. Poln. ~obr. soch. [Complete Collected Works], Voi 44, p 151. 1 _ ' 6 j i_ FOR OFFICIAi. L'SE OtiLY ; i i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 I P~~l~ V~y['LC1f1L UJIi l/l\laY - accidents." nbout a~ ~crcent of thc industry's workers are p,:iri;icipa~ing ~ in t;he competition for ~ commun_ist r~ttit;udc: tnward worlc, ~znd 896 bri~ades t;h~~L embrncc more thz~n 14,000 people have nlre~dy been t~w~arded the high title, "l3rigade of Communist Labor," and 6,914 persons the title, "5hoelc Worker of Communist L~abor." Strict observarice of the amortization periods for operation of o[~r, espe- ci~lly oi' rolling stack, t?~e conduct of a large number oP measures for re- ducing personnel turnover and for creating a permanent, highly quuliPied " contingent ot' workers, active introduction oP i;he achievements of scien- tific and technical progress, t}ie effective organization of centralized frcighL- haulage, specialization in haulagc, a steady increase in the _ amount of haulage in containers, packaging and pallets, wide introduction of the brigade contract, the widest possible propagation of ;he aohieve- ~ ments and initiatives of advanced workers and production innovators, and the conduct of other active measures--these are realistic paths for a fur- ther rise in OPF utilization effectiveness in automotive transport--one of the most important clements oP the economics of a society of developed socialism. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "i'an" L'zSSft, 1979 _ 11~109 - cso: isz~. 7 FOR 0"rFICI~L L'SE OtiLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 _ ~ I FOR OFFICIAL USC ON1.Y CHEMICAL INDU5TRY ANI) RELATED EQUIPNIENT unC 658.382.3:631.8i2:631.563+632.95 - SAFE STORAG~ OF TOXIC CHEMICALS - Moscow TEKHNIKA BEZOPASNOSTI PRI KHRANENII YADOKHIMIKATOV I MTNERAL'NYIQi _ _ UDOBRENIY in Russian 1978 pp 5-26 - LChapter from the book "Tekhnika Bezopasnosti pri Khranenii Ye,dokhimikatov i Mineral'nykh Udobreniy~~ LSafety Techniquea in the Storage of Toxic Chem- icals and Mineral Fertilizer~, Rossel'khozizdat, 1978] _ LTex~ in connection with the intensification of agricultural production our co~:~ntry's farms receive a large number of toxic chemice,ls and mineral fertili2er.s. These chemical agents are stored at the bases and waxehouses of Sel'khaztekhnika associations, kolkhozes and sovkhozes. Managers of ~rade bases and heads of warehouses exe responsible for ensuring safe working conditions during the 8cceptance, loading and unloading of toxic _ chemicals e.nd mineral fertilizers. They organize rooms of safety techniquea, . give the appropriate instructions, provide workera with special work clothing and footweax and with individual protective equi~ent and see to it that ma- chinery e,nd equipment are in good worki:ig order. - The observance of rules of safety techniques by workers and their skillful ' handling of chemical substances eliminate cases of industrial in~uries and occupational diseases. Safety of Work With Toxic Chemicals at a Warehouse Sanitary and Hygienic Requirements _ Chemic al plant protection agents and mineral fertilizers are accepted, str�red and allocated only through the warehouses of Sel'khoztekhnika associations or kolkhozes and sovkhozes. Warehouses conaist of one or several structures, open asphalted grounds, res- - _ ervoirs and motor acceas and internal farmstead roads. As a rule, these ware- ho~xses are built neax~ the railroad stations to xhich the ma~ority of the kol- khozes and sovkhozes of a given administrative region are ad~acent. 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 I~OR Ub'FICIAL U5E ON]~Y . . . Warehouses are located on separate, we11-aired and nonfloodable l~nd plots free from any building and fenced. Greenery is planted on the warehouse territory, which is kept clean. Pas- sages and thoroughfares should be free and roads should have the appropri~te pavements and adequate illumination. Dur3ng the stiunmer season pas~ages and thoroughfares ad~oining production, _ administrative and sanitary-domestic prem3ses are watered snd during the wia- tei� season they are cleaned of snow and covered with sand. Places for the collecti~n and atorage of waste containing chemical substan- - ces should have special devices eliminating the contamination of soi1, under- ground water and air, Waste and xefuse are placed in collectors equipped with tightly closed covers. The size of sanitary protective zones is establiched depending on the prod- _ uct~ list and function of a we,~ehouse. Sanitary gaps from warehousea to - production premises should be no less than 20 meters, to domeatic premises, Y 2; meters and to other auailiary buildings, 50 meters. - Wareri~use premises for the storage of mineral fertilizers and toxic chemi- cals have s~ooth walls. Slanting floors axe instelled at the level of ware- - house ramp~ and equipped with chutes for the drainage of effluents. '1'he places where iloors ~oin walls are made oval. The sizes of door openings make it possible to use various mechanization equipment during the performance of loading and unloading work. The implements and equipment designed for the cleaning of premises are stored and cleaned on premises equipped with washers and drying devices. Devices for cleaning shoes axe provided at the outside entrances to buildings. A double natural and eightfold mechanical air exchange is ensured on the pro- duction premises of warehouses of toxic chemicals and a fivefold exchange, at warehouses of solid mineral fertilizers. e The air temperature at a waxehouse and on domestic premises should correa- pond to the data presented in the table. Air containing dust and toxic gases and vapora must be cleaned before it is discharged into the atmosphere. The distance from warehouses of toxic chemicals to medical and children's in- stitutions, water supply sources, residential and public buildinge and en- for the processing and storage of food products is 500 metera and more. ~ 9 FOP. OFFICLAL iJSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 ' NOIt ttl~ H'tC 1 AL USL t)N1,Y ~'rpquency of Air ~:x~hange at a Warehoune F'reauen~_y_ ot' A~r ~xchanx~ - Aca. to Acc. to I'r~miaen r�_ Tempez�e.ture, C~ infloW exheustion t,onheated premises for thc It in not Acc. to AcC. to starag~ o� tnzic chemica].s ~~ormed ~~t~m~te estim~te and minrrnl fertilixprs Heated pr~tniseo for the ~ storage h; toxic chemirals 8-10 ~he s~ne The e~ne Adninistrgtive pr~mis~~ 18-20 1~5 1.5 Dotaestic premi~es: clasct for cle~.n clothes 18 - - cloaet fcr dirty clothea 18 2,5 2,0 shouAr ~oom 25 Acc. to eetimate : oo~, for deconte~mine~tion of ' s~~cisl ~aork clothes i8 The game re~t room :4 " 50 m~/haur ' per toilet boWl r+ash roo~:n 16 " 1 premises :o: rest 20 5 4 prer~ides ~+here Workers Warta therasplves up 20-2~+ 5 5 ' On preraises Wr.ere the rele$ae of toxic vapors, gnaes and dust ia possible Lhe atr~osphere is systematically investiggted on dates coordinated with lo- cal snnitary supervision bodies. S~qll �ountains ~onnected With the Water supg~}r netWOrk or tanks are in- stalled for the use of drinking xater. Drinking Water tanks are made from easily cleaned end disinfected materials, are tightly closed r+ith covers and ere placed at a height of 1 meter from the floor. The water in tanks - is chenged every de,y. Tanks are regulerly washed With hot water and dis- infected. The temperature of drinking water should be no higher Lhan 20� and no loxer than 8�. Y.iosl:s for the distribution of carbonated water are equipped With devices for rinsing glasses and With drainage ainks. The use of domestic premiees not according to purpose is forbidden. All sanitary-domestic premises are cleaned and ventilated every de~y. Ven- tilation aith raechanical boosting is installed. Closet3 and shoxer rooms are disinfected periodically. Hash rooms are located next to clonets for work clothea. Every Wash basin is equipped with e mixer of hot and cold s+aLer and a device for Washing hands aith special liquida. The number of faucets in Wash rooms deper.ds on the number of aorkers. Nash basins should have soap, a toael or air hand dryers. io ~ POR OFFICIAL USE 4;1LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 ~'Ott U!~'I~ICCAL USL nNIaY Gutt~rs, ehannel~ and dreing Sn shc~wer roomn nnd lav~torien are clenned and wa~shed regularly. ~loor~ ~re kept dry. 9hnWer roo:ng ~re loeat~d next to cloeets. The number a~' ahower networkg i~ determined nccording to the eetimated number of peoplp working in the mogt numernua ghift, Meahanized 1aut.3ries are equipped for th~ Wanhing of work clothem. Depart- _ ment~ for the dry cleaning and reetioratidn oi' cloth~s with impregnstion, an we11. Qs R ahop for the alteration of work clothee, prov3ded in them. - mhe room for drying and deduating clotheg ia located next to cloaetg. The area of nuch a room ia determined depending on the equipment placed Sn them. Premiges fnr decontamin~ting aork clothes are located geparatel.y and their structure gnd area are determined with due regard for the method of deccn- tamine.t:on, SeWage containing toxic chemicalg is decontaminated. Workers assigned for prolonged Work with pesticidea, as Well an those en- lis:ed in seasonal kork st bases and warehou~es, undergo a medical ex~r?ina- _ tion, Which is recorded in the medical book. Individuels who have not reached the age of 18, pregnant and nursing women, _ men over the ~e of 50, as well as individuals Who h~d sur~ery, infectious diseases and dise~ses enumerated in the Sanitary Rules for the Storage, Transportation and Application oi' Peaticides (Toxic Chemicals) in Agricul- ture, are not permitted to engage in work With pesticides. The length of the Work day is 4 to 6 houra. With a 4-hour work day 2 hours are spent in work not connected s+ith toxic chemicals. One hour out of the total Work time is assigned for eating. During Work in respirators a 10- minute break is provided every hour. Acceptance of Toxic Chemicals Tozic cheraicals arrive at s We~rehouse in closed railroad cars, which after unloading are returned to supplier plants. The head of a Wareho+~se examines the arriving cargo. When he detects damuge to a railroad car ~.r container, whieh caused loases of toxic chemicals on the road, he drawr~ up a document for making claims against the road adminis- tration. In case the supplier does not observe the conditions of transpor- tation, packaging ~�nd marking and if the document on the quality of fertil- izers ia missing, h: draus up claim documents for presentation to the sup- � plier. - ii FOR O~FICIAI. it5E ~NI.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 rdti c~i~~tctnL us~ oH1,Y ~ 'I'he technolo~ical proce~g of work ~t ~.vrarehouae envig~ge~ the ~pec3a13z~- - tiot~ of the pl~ceg df unloading, w~rehouoing ~nd lo~ding of vr~rioua tnxic chemicalo. A ra3lro~d car w3th toxlc chemica~.e ig placed f~r unloQding ~t the appropriate o~ction of a aarehouse. A brigad~ con~igting of a driv~r _ and lo~ders unloade toxic chemic~].s from every railroad car. - ~ mh~ driver trangporta empty trays to th~ do~r~ of ~ railroad car on a b~t- tery logder. People in ch~rge of loading open the door~, eet up ~ tran~i- - tinn bridge and begin to p1ac~ th~ cargo on one of the trayg ~t the dnora of a car, The driv~r delivers the loaded tray to a W~rehouse and, according to the inetru~~tion of the vrarehouee man, gtack~ it in e certain section. After the ir:cerdoor space ia cleared, loaders load the traye in- aide a raSlro~d c~r and the driver of the 1o~d~r tranaports them to the Wgre~- houne. . Upon the completion of unlonditig w~i�kers clegn the r~ilrnad c~r from the re- mainderg of the cargo, load it aith returnable c~ntainerg and deliver it to th~ railroad station, first draWing up the appropriete documentg. ih~ pesticides arriving a*. and released from $ warehou~e are recorded in the income and expenditure ~ournal, which is kept by the warehouoc man. The kolkhoz chairman or sovkhoz director signs the recording ~ournal. Storage - Toxic cheraicals are stored at special wareh~uses or in isolated ee~tione of a mineral :ertil:zer r+arehouae. Zt is categorically forbidden to use cel- lars ~nd fuel and lubricant warehouses Qs Warehouaes of toxic chemicals, or to store toxic chemicals under the opc~n al~y or an a~+ning. - Sanitary service bodies inspect the warer.~use designed for pesticide atorage and draw up a certificate for it. The nianagement of a farm reporte the de- 2ivery of pesticides to the rayon administration of agriculture, the reyon r sanitary and epidemiological atation, the neareat medical inatitution and the technical trade union inspectorate. When violationa of sanitary rulea of warehouse maintenance are detected, the chairman of the Stbte Sanitary Inspec~orate has the right to withdraW the r,ertificate and to prohibit fur- - ther warehouse operation. Chemical plant protection agents are produced in the form of duats, Wettable powders, con~entrated emulsions, solutions and pastes. Depending on the for- mulas, preparation~ are packaged in specific containers, that is, dusts and posrders, in bituminized pap~r bags, emulsions and solutions, in metal barrels, canisters, cans and glass bottles ~rith bracings and peates, in metsl drums. All types of containers aith pesticides are supplied With labele written with indelible paint. The color of Warning stripes for groups of peaticides is different, that is, for herbicides, red; for dePoliants, White; for insecti- ~ cides (neaiatocides and ecaricides), black; for fungicides, green; for seed 1~ - FON OFFICIAL ~5~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 _ ~~ok ~~~rir, tnL us~ dct>>Y diginfect~ntg, b1ue; for xoo~ideg, y~lldw~ mhe lab~1~ indicate th~ tr~,de m~rk nr name oi' the eupplSer enterpriee, name of thc produCt and nominal perc~nt of the act3ve eubatance in it, pe~~.icide group, gross and net wei~ht, numb~r of the bgt~hi d~te of r~anuf~c:ture, numb~r of the ~tand~rd or techni- ~aL ~p~cificatidng, d~gignations "~'ir~ D~nger" ~r "~xplo~ion nan~er" (i~ the prepnration tiaa inflr.snm~ble and explooive properties) ~nd price (for p~ckngp~ designed for retail ~a1~)~ A brief ingtructinn for the appllc~tion nnd Conditiong of storage nf the pre- - p~ra.tion ia pa~ted on ~very commodity unit. mhe qugntity of prepsrationg ahoul.d no~ exceed the tonnege envisaged by the warehouae plan. The ~torsge of ~ l~rg~ number of pr~parations at warehouge~ increageg th~ re- quirements for the observe.nce of rulen of safety t~chniqueg. Unfavor~ble conditaons for the gtorage of toxic chemicals lower the gtability of aorking solutions and decrease the content of the sctive substance attd biologicnl activity. The lack nf air tightnesg of containera leads to the accwnulation of s large amount of tozic vapors at ~ aarehouge. Therefore, it is neces- sary tc constantly see to it that containers nre intact and to observe the storage regime. When liYuic preparations are spilled or aprayed, the contaminQted place~ of aarehousea are covered Nith sand end decontaminated. Toxic chemicala are repackaged from damaged to undamaged containers in n sep- nrate room in a vent hood. Containers should correspond to the All-Union 5tate Standard, or to the technical apecifications for the atorage of a given preparation. When loose preparations of sulfur or DttOC are repackaged, metal shovels or acoops should not be used (to avoid spark formation). For these purposea it is necessary to have Wooden scoops. Metal barrels with plu~s are opened aith special ~+t~enches. When a plug is removed~ it must not be hit with a heauaer. Boxes made of planks and other Wooden containers are opened rrith nail pullere, pliers and so forth. It is not permitted to knock dosm the cover With a ham- mer. During the loading and unloading of toxic chemicals mechanical damage to con- tainers (rupture of bags and deformation and puncture of inetal containers) is not permitted. ~he method is selected depending on the type of container. The useful aarehouse area is used optimal]~y. ri'he storage of preparations on the floor is forbidden categorically. � 13 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 i ~'~~t OFF'ICT1lL U~C ONLY a~ ~ ~a'a ~o ~ v~ ti a~ i a~'� ua~ �~�u~~ao~~ ~d ~ qo~ a, ~ ~ aro~ ti r. i ~ C~1 O ~ N ~ ~ d o~ ~ ~ ~ o q ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ d4 _ ~ ~ ~t K7 ~ v ~ O v tn M ,o. u q+~ ~ a dao~~ u ~ ~ + o a ,~c ai a, ~ ~ ~ ~ . o ~ ~ ~w~`~~c. ~ .a ~ a~ o a q n~i ~ u>~ i~, d . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'd 4b~ WJ~r~ ~M ~ gd t3 i tt~? q a a~ tA - ~ i~i ~-~1 b W J 4! M O ~d i+ ,u ~ O O ~ ~ ~ u p' ti A af o 14 F~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 ~OR UF'~'IC LAI, US~ ONLY Preparat~,ons p~ekaged Sn metal and wooden barrela and in metnl and pl~;.nnd drume of a cnp~c3~y nf mor~ than 50 ~3ter~c, n~ w~11 g~ in boxe~, e~re stacked - on flat standQrd tr~ya in three tiera. Toxir chemicala in metal cylindere are placed on ~peC3a1 nhelvee in one tier, Cylinfl~r~ with fwnigantg are stored in a vertic~l pdr~ition at ~ temperature no higher than ~5�C~ Wh~n the temp~ratur~ riaes, the cylinder gurfac~ ir~ cooled with wet When cyllnders w3th fumigunto are d~naged, a valve is opened nnd the cylinder is emptied of gae. This operatioci in performed und~r the ~upervi~ion of a specialiat in the presence of a pnysici~n and after the implement~tion of person~l a.nd public safety m~agureg (diatance ot' no less than 1,000 met~re from ~ettlementa, quiet windless weather and avgilability of ef~icient gae magks). A valve ig opened by standing from the leeWard side from ~ytinderg. - Bottlea and other glass vesselg ~ith toxic chemicals are atored on fla~ trayg on the lower shelve tier, or on the floor in one tier. Meta1 canisters, cans, ~a1~s, cardboard boxes, drwns of a caparity of up to 50 litern ~nd bggs are storP~ on multitier one- and tWO-~ided shelvea, or in stack~ on peclestal trqys in three tiere and more. The height of 8t&Ck8 and nhelvee ahould cor- respond to the t~chniquea of storing preparations. Prerarat:~as With highly toxic and inflammable properties are stored on multi- tier bhrlves, or on ped~atal trays, which ensurea the eafety of containerm. When placing toxic chemicgls, one must malte gure that containers do not come in contact xith aarehouse walls. The distance between the stacks of differ- ent toxic chemicals (herbicides, fungicides and insecticides) ahould be no less than 0.7 meters and the distance for the passages of loadera, no lesa than 3.0 metera. ~very preparation has ita period of storage depending on ita physical and chemical resistance, volatility, t~ygroacopicity, atability, capacity for caking and so forth. The quality of a product is guaranteed during this pe- riod (if the normal conditions of storage e~nd intactness of containers are observed). If the indicated conditions are violated, the quality of prepa- rations cen be loWered even Within the period of Warranty. In connection rrith this toxic chemicals are sold before the end of, the period of warranty. A strict record of the time of arrival of preparations is kept at varehousea. A amall plank With the name of the toxic chemical and the date of its arrivel is hung at every ateck. Toxic chemicals containing Water are especially sub~ect to the effect of low temperatures. They begin to demia, the stability of xorking solutions is lo~rered and the active substance crystallizes. Therefore, agter solutions, mineral oil emulsions, paste and s~e concentrated emulsions ru~e stored at a temperature not belox 0�C. 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 - ~Ott O~~YCIAL US~ dNLY Toxic chemica].s poase~sing infl~aunabl.e and explosive properti~~ require the observance of apeci~l sgfety measurea. Such preparation~ include the fol- lowin~: dichloro~thane, whlch has a 1ow flaeh point; DNdC, which exp~.odes - from sparks and conte,et wi~2i fire upon drying; calcium cyanamide, which strong~y heats up when moistened and releases acetylene; carbophos, phos- _ phamide, methy].mercapto~:hos, metaphog, n 20-p~rcent ~muleion concentrate, butiphog ~nd highly inflammable orge~nophoaphorus preparations; zineb and ziram decomposing with the release of c~rbon disulfide. F'urth~rmore, there are preparations with oxidizing properties (magnesium ~ chlorate, calcium chloride-chlorate and chlorinsted lime), whose contact with hi~hly inflc~u;+able eubetances csn lead to the eelf-ignition of the l~tter. Incomp~tible moxic Chemic~lg Calciu?r? and sodium cyanide mixture Acids, elkalis, dichloroethane and preparation 242 Zinc phosphide Acide and hexachloran on auperphos- phate Magnesium chlorate, calciwn Sulfur preparations (ground ar~d colloidal sulfur and wettable powders), organophosphorus preparations (meta- phos, methylmercaptophos, carbopho8, butiphos, trichlorometaphos, chloro- phos, metl~ylnitrophos, octemett~yl, phthalophos, anthio and so forth); _ 20-percent celtan, DNOC, polychloro- pinene, polychlorocamphene, nitra- phene, G-17 sticks, carbyne, esters 2,4-D, preparation No 30, TMTD, sevin, zineb, hexachlorobutadiene, dichloro- ethane end other fuel preparations Inflammable preparations and oxidanta are stor~ed only on isolated premises ~+ith the obaervance of the atorage regime. Highly active toxic substancea (calcium araenate, granosan, calcium and sodium _ cyanide mixture and mett~yl bromide) are stored in en isolated section equipped - With ventilation and shelves. If it is imposaible to assign especially equipped sections for them, preparations are placed in one aection, but in its differ- ent corners. At the seme time, one must see to it that containers are safe. Formalin, carbathion, amine salt, esters 2,4-D, nitraphene, hexachlorane e- mulsion, phosphemide and concentrated emulsions thickening at a lrn+ tempera- ture (preparation 30, polychloropinene and so forth) are placed in the heated section of a Warehouse. Fire safety rules are observed in the section. Inflaammable prepa:ations (cor.centrated emulsions of organophosphorua prepa- _ rations, sulfur derivatives, DNOC, calcium cyanemide, zineb, ziram, 20-per- cent celtan, esters 2,4-D, sticks and so forth) are stored in special sections 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 ~dit O~~ItIAL IJ5~ ONLY with the obHervctnce of a],1 fire gufety mca~ureu ~nd ruj.e~, In zotte~ whare ~ lctir~e numbpr of ~ulfur preparatiuna (colloidal, ~round and t~~ f'orth) arP appl3ed inflemmnble pr~parations Qre placed in a yeparat~ sec~ion. 2'M'rD, slmaxin~, atrayine acid prop~xine are atored together with them. Large quan- tities of DNOC are atored in ~ nepe,r~te aection. ~ M~negium chldrate and calcium chloride-chlora~e are stored gepnrately. In xoneg wh~re a l~rge number of these preparations ~re uged an ingulated sec- tion iB esaign~d for them. If thig ie impoeaible, oxidante in small vol- wnes are stored in a general section next to noninfla.mmable toxic chemicals _ (d3chlora].urea, 2,4-D sodiwn salt, copper sulfate a.nd so forth). Warning tgbletn "(3u~rd Against F'ire" and "C~ntact With Or~anophospt;~rus Prepar~tions and Sulfur Ye Not F'ermitted~' are hun~ gt the warehouse. Toxic cher,?icals inside the Warehouae must be placed with due re~ard for their physicochemical, toaic and inflammable propertieg. When prepQrationa are atored, the degree of toxicity, effect of the environment, possibility of ~oint storage and funetion group ~re tsken into consideration. - Depending on the properties of toxic chemicals Warehousea are equipped with a minimu;~ of five sections, that is, for highly toxic preparationa, prepu- rations requiring a positive atorage temperature, inflam.mable preparations, prep~rati.~ne with oxidizing propertiea and preparations stored on dry un- heated premtses. Toxic chemicals not requiring special atorage conditions are placed in a sep- arate section depending on their form. It is advisable to atore powdery pre- _ parQtions separe.tely from liquid preparations. In all cases toxic chemicals are placed in sections according to function groups (insecticidea, fungi- cides and herbicides). I. Section of Highly Active Toxic Subatances Insecticides Calcium arsenate--a bright gray 38- to 42-percent poWder. In the presence ' of moisture and carbon dioxide it releases toxic acid. It i~ noncombustible. It is stored on flat tray~ placed in three tiers, as xell as in ateel drums of a capacity of 25 to 50 liters. The warranty storage period ia 2 years. - Mett~yl bromide containing 99�5 percent of inethyl bromide is a transparent, colorless liquid. It is highlyr valatile. At a temperature above 4�C it is transfornaed into gas capable of igniting. A mixture of vapora of bromine methyl with the air explodes within 13.5 to 14.5 percent. It is stored in ~ steel cylinders of a capacity of 50 liters and is placed on flat trays on shelves in one tier. The warranty storage pcriod ie 3 years. FOR OFYICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 ~ FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY Techn3aa~. dichloroeth~ne cont~ining 94 to 96 percent o~ dichloroethane ia a tr~nsparent, colorlesa liquid~ A mixture of vaporg of d3chloroethe,ne - with th~ sir can explode. St ia gtar~d in ateel barreJ.a of capacity of 100 1.iters and in glass bottleg (in bracinga) of ~ capa~ity of 20 1lters. - ne,rrel~ are stacked on f~at tre~ys in t;~ree tiere and botti~ea, on flat trays on shelves or on the floor in one tier. 2'he warranty atorage period ig 2 , Octamethyl is a dark brown 50-p~rcent emulaion concentrate. It is inflam- mable. It is etored in g1QSS of a capacity of 10 litere packaged in iron drums, or in steel canisters of a capacity of 20 litera. It is placed on flat trays on shelves in three tiers. The warranty storage period _ is 1.5 yeara. - A calcium anfl sodium cyanide mixture is ~ 45-percent powder or dark grey gran- - ules. It i~ h~.ghly volatile. Under the effect of moiature it releases t~y- drogen cyanide. Contact with dichloroethane is not permitted~ It ia atored in steal containers of a capacity of 5 to 10 kg. It is placed on flat trays on shelves in three tiers. Granoyan containing 1.8 to 2.3 percent of ethylmercurchloride is a highly volatile light gray to orange powder. It is noncombustible. It is stored in steel containers of a capacity of 1, 5, 10 and 25 liters. It is placed on flat trays on shelves. The warranty atorage period is 2 years. II. Heated Section Insecticides _ 2,4-D amine salt is a cherry colored to dark brown 40 percent water aoluble concentrate. It is difficultly inflemmable and has an average toxicity. It is stored in steel barrels. It is stacked on flat trqyrs in three tiera. The warranty storage period is 2 years. Gamma-isomer hexachlorocyclohexane is a gray to yellow-gray 16 percent min- - eral oil emulsion with an toxicity. It is difficultly inflemmable. It is stored in steel barrels of a cepacity of 100 litera. It is atacked - on flat trays in three tiers. The Warranty storage period is 2 years. 40-percent cexbathion is a highly volatile reddish-yellort liquid With a sharp odor. It is stored in ateel barrels of a capacity of 100 liters. It is stacked on flat treys in three tiers. Nitraphene is a pasteliice or densP dark-broxn mass containing sodium salts. It has en av~erage toxicity. When highly dried, it acquires inflammable properties. It is stored in ateel druma of a capacity of up to 50 liters. It is stacked on flat trays or on pedestal trays. The warranty atorage period is 2 years. 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 rox, us~ nNLY - po~.ychloropinene is a bri~ht yellow 65-pei�cent emulsion coiicentrate. It has an average toxicity and i~ difficultly combustible. I~ i~ stnred tn metaY barrels of a capacity of 100 literc~ and in cirumn of a cepacity or i5 to ~5 liters. Tti is placed on fln.t trays on shel.ves or on pedest~l traya in stacke. The warranty st ora,ge period in 2 yeara. 40-percent phoaphamide is a yellow-brown 1abile syrup-like liquid, It has an averrige toxicity, is highly inflammable $nd, when coming in cor:tact with oxidant~ (mixture temperature of 35 to 40~C), ignites spontaneou~ly. It is stored in glass bottles of a capacity of 20 liters, 3ron drums ar~d metal cane. It i~ placed on flat trays on lower she~.f i�acks, or on the floor in ocie ~1er. The warranty store~ge period is 1.5 year3. ~"ormalin is a 40-percent water soluble concentrate. It is highly volatile, co].orlesc transparent liquid. It is difficultly infleanmable, It ia atored - in gla~~ bottles placed in basl;ets or in aluminum container~ of a cr~pacity of' 20 liters. rt is placed on flat trays on ahelves or in stacks on pedes- tal trays; bottles, in one tier and cans, in three tiers and more. The war- ranty storage period is 3 years. III. Sectic,n for the Storage of Inflcumnable Prep~rations Fungicides Colloidal sulfur in a grayish-yellow powder containing 98 percent of 3ulfur It has a low toxicity. It melts and burns well and, when coming in contact with oxidants, ignites spontaneously. It is stored in five-layer kraft bags - with a bituminized padding of a capacity of 20 kg. It ia atacked on pedes- tal trays. The warranty storage period is 2 years. Ground sulfur is a yellow� powdery substance containing 97.5 to 99.5 percent of sulfur. It has a low toxicity and, when coming in c~ntact with oxidants, ignites spontaneously. It is stored in five-layer bituminized bags of a ca- pacity of 20 kg. It is stacked on pedestal trays. The warranty storage pe- riod is up to 5 years. Zineb is a bright yelloW 80-percent aettable powder. It has a low toxicity. _ It is inflammable and in the presence of moiature and light decomposes with the release of explosive carbon disulfide. It is stored in ,~ute and poly- ett~ylene bags of a capacity of 20 kg. It is stacked on pedeatal trays. The warranty storage period is 2 years. Ziram is a bright yellok 86-percent wettable powder. It has a low toxicity, is inflemmable and decomposes simil~rly to zineb. It is stored in ~ute and polyethylene bags of a capacity of 25 kg. It is stacked on pedestal t:eys. The warranty storage period is 3 years. TM'I'D is a bright gray 70-percent poxder ~ith gemma i8omer heaechlorocyclo- hexane. It has an average tozicity and is inflammable. It is stored in double paper bags with a lining of a capacity of 20 kg. 1.9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 - , ~OIt n~~ICIAL US~ ONLY Herbicides AtrQZine is a white or gr~y 58-percent wet~able powder, Tt has a 1ow toxic- - ity and is inflammable. Zt is stored in five-layer b3tuminized be,gs of a capacity of 20 kg~ It is placed un pedestal tray~ in three tiers and more. The warranty stora~e period ir, 2 yeara, Butiphos is a yellow to light brown 70-percent emuleion concentrate. It has an average toxicity, is highly infleaunable e~nd, when coming in contact with oxidants, can ignite spontaneously. It ie stored in capQCities of up to 100 liters and in polyethylene canisters of a capacity of 20 liters. Can3aters are stacked on flat trays on ahelves or on pedestal trays and barrels, on flat trays in three tiera. The warranty atorage period is 2 yeara. Technical 2,4-D butyl ether is a yellow to brown oily liquid. It has e,n aver- age toxicity and is highly inflammable. It is stored in barrels of a capa- - city of up to 100 liters. Barrels are stacked on flat trqys in three tiera. 2,4��D octyl etY,er is a dark brown 42- to 52-percent liquid. It has an aver- age ~oxicity and is highly inflammable. It is stored in steel barrels of a capacity of up to 100 liters. It is atacked on flat trays in three tiers. The warranty s~orage period is 2 yeaxs. - 2,4-D butyl ether is a yellow to brown 60-percer_t emulsion concentrate. It has an average toxicity and is highly inflammable. It is stored in steel barrels of a capacity of 100 liters. It is atacked on flat trays in three tiers. The warranty storage peri~d is 2 years. Carbyne is a dark ~mber 12-percent emulsion concentrate. It has an average toxicity and is highly inflemmable. It is stored in steel drums of a capa- city of 10 to 15 liters and in steel barrels of a capacity of 100 liters. It is stacked on flat trays on shelves or on pedestal trays in three tiers and ' more. The warranty storage period is 2 years. Propanide is a 34- to 46-percent emuleion concentrate. It has a low toxicity and is highly inflemmable. It is stored in steel barrels of a capacity of 100 liters. It is stacked on flat trays in three tiers. The warranty stor- age period is 2 years. Simazine is a white or yellowish 50-percent wettable powder with a smell. It has a low toxicity and is inflammable. It is stored in five-layer bitwn- inized or polyethylene paper bags of a capacity of 20 kg and in metal or card- board (with a polyetY~ylene lining) drums of a capacity of 20 kg. It is atacked on pedestal trays in three tiers and more. The warranty storage period is 2 years . 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE CNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 ~'OR OH'I~'"LCIAL U5~ ONLY Propazine is a white or 13gh~ ~ray 50-percent wettable powder. It haa a _ low toxicity and is inflemme~ble. Tt is stored in polyetY~yl.ene ba~s placed in plywood drum~ of a capacity of 50 k~ and in steel or plywood drumn of a ' capacity of 20 liters. It is placed on pedes~e,l traya in three tiers. The w~,rranty atorage period is 2 years. - Calcium cyanamide containing 18.5 to 20 percent of nitrogen cyanamide is a - dark gray powder. Tt has an average toxicity and is noncombustible. When moistened, it releases gas and can ignite. It is 3tored in steel druma of _ a c~pacity of 50 to 100 ].iters and in bituminized bags of a capacity of up = to 35 kg. Bags axe placed on pedestal trays and barrels, on flat trc~ys in stacks in three tiers and more. The warranty storage period is 1 year. Insecticides DNOC is a 40-percent water soluble powder or a yellow paete. It is highly toxic and explosive when dried up. It is stored in plywood or metal drums with paper or polyethylene lining of a c~pacity of 20 to 100 kg. It is placed on flat trays on shelves. The warranty storage period is 2 years. Carbophos is ~ 30-percent emulsifying concentrate and a light to dark brown highly labile liquid. It is highly inflammable. Contact with fire and oxi- dants i.s not perruitted. It has an average toxicity. Tt ia stored in e1.u- minum flasks of a capacity of 20 litprs. It is placed on flat trays on shelves. The warranty storage period is 2 years. - Caxbophos is a 50-percent emulsion concentrate and a daxk bruwn highly labile liquid. It is highly inflammable and has an average toxic;ity. It is stored in aluminum flasks of a capacity of 20 liters. It is placed on flat trays on shelves. The warranty storage period is 1 year. Celtan is a 20-percent emulsion concentrate and a brown oily labile liquid. It has an average toxicity and is highly inflemmable. It is stored in steel drums of a capacity of 15 liters, canisters of a capacity of 20 liters and steel barrels of a capacity of 100 liters. It is stacked on flat trays on - shelves or on pedestal trays in three tiers and more. The warranty storage period is 3 years. 20-percent metaphos is an emulsion concentrate and a daxk brown liquid. It is highly toxic and highly inflemmable. Contact with oxidants is not per- mitted. It is stored in aluminum containers of a capacity of 20 liters. It is stacked on flat trays on shelves or on pedestal trays. The warranty stor- age period is 2 years. Mett~ylmercaptoz~�os is a 30-percent esnulsion concentrate and a dark brown oily highly labile liquid with a strong smell. It is highly toxic. When coming in contact with oxidants, it ignites spontaneously. It is stored in steel canisters with a protective cover of a capacity of 20 liters. It is stacked on fl~.~ trays on shelves or on pedestal trays. The warranty storage period is 2 years. L1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY - Polychlorocamphene i~ a light to dark brown 50-percent emul.sion concentrate, _ It has an average toxicity and is difficultly inflammable. Tt is stored in steel barrels of a c~pe~city of 100 liters. It is etacked on fla~ trays. - The warranty storage p~riod ie 2 years, N~ Section of Insulated Storage of Oxidants Insecticidea Calcium chloride-chlorate containing 355 to 370 g/1 of calcium chloride- chlorat e is a cloudy odorless liquid. It has an average toxicity. It is stored in steel baxrels of a capacity of 100 liters. It is stacked on flat trays in three tiera. The warranty storage period is 2 yeaxs. . - Magnesium chlorate (58 percent of magnesium chlorate) axe light brown gran- ules with an irritating effect. They have a 1ow toxicity and are fire haz- ardous. Contact with highly inflammable preparations is not permitted. They are stored in double paper bags with a lining of a capacity of 20 to 25 kg and in steel drums with a removable bottom of a capacity of 20 liters. They are stacked on pedestal trays. The warranty storage period ia 2 yeara. V. Section for Preparations Not Requiring Special Storage Conditions Insecticides and Zoocides Celtan ia a light yellow 18-percent wettable powder. It has an average toxicity and is difficultly inflammable. It is stored in three-leyer bi- - tuminized bags of a capacity of 20 to 25 kg, in plywood drums of a capacity of 25 liters and in wooden barrels of a capacity of 25 liters. It is stacked on pedestal trays. The warranty storage period is 3 years. Sodium fluosilicate (93 to 95 percent of sodium fluosilicate) is a white to gray small crystQl powder. It has an average toxir.ity and is inflammable. It is stored in wooden barrels of a capacity of 40 to 50 liters and in ply- wood drums of a capacity of 20 to 50 liters. It is stacked on pedestal - trays. The warranty storage period is 2 years. Metaphos is a white, yellow or gray 2.5-percent dust. It is highly toxic and noncombustible. It is stored in double paper bags with a lining of a capacity of 20 kg. It is stack~d on pedestal trq}rs. The warranty storage period is 2 years. 70-percent sayphos is a white crystalline substence. It has a low toxicity - and is difficultly inflauunable. It is stored in five-lgyer bituminized bags of a c apacity of 20 to 25 kg. It is stacked on pedestal trays. The warranty storage period is 2 yeaxs. 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 FOR OFFICIAL [ISE ONLY - Sevin is a 50- to 80-percent wettable powder. It ha~ ~.n avera~e toxicity and is inflammable. I~ is stored in polyethylene be,g~ placed in cardboard boxes of a capaci.ty of 20 to 25 kg. Boxes are placed on pedec~tal trays. - The warranty stora~e period is 2 yeare. Thedion is a white or yellowish 50-percent wettab~.e powder. It has a low toxicity and is difficultly inflammable. It is stored in five-layer paper bags of a capacity of 20 kg, it is placed on pedestal trays. The warranty storage period is 2 years. Granulated chlorophos is a grayish 7-percent powder with a weak sme1.1. It has an average toxicity and is difficultly inflammable. It is stored in four-layer paper bags of a capacity of 20 kg. It is placed on pedeste,l trays. The warranty storage period is 1.5 yee,rs. Technical chlorophos is an 80-percent viscous mass. It has an average tox- icity and is difficultly inflemmable. It is ctored in iron drums with a - _ polyethylene lining of a capacity of up to 100 liters. It ia stacked on flat trays in three tiers. The warranty storage period is 1 yzar. ~ Chloropher,ylchlorobenzenesulfonate is ~ white or light brown 30-percent wet- table powder. It has a low toaicity and is inflammable. It is stored in five-layer psper bags of a capacity of 20 to 25 kg. It is placed on pedes- tal trays. The waxranty storage period is 3 yeaxs. - Herbicides and Defoliants Dalapon is a white 85-percent water soluble powder. It has a low toxicity and is noncombustible. It is stored in paper bags with a lining of a capac- ity of 20 kg. It is placed on pedestal trays. The storage period is 2 years. Dichloralurea is a white or gray 50-percent wettable powder. It has a low toxicity and is noncombustible. It is stored in double paper baga with a lini:~g of a capacity of 20 kg. It is placed on pedestal trQys. The warranty storage period is 3 years. Diuron is a white or light gray powder. It has a low toxicity and is dif- ~ ficultly combustible. It is stored in paper bags of a capacity of 20 to 25 kg. It is pl.aced on peclestal trays. The warranty storage period is 2 years. Monuron is a yellow or light gray 80-percent wettable powder. It has an average toxicity and is difficultly combustible. It is stored in polyeth- ylene bags of a capacity of 20 to 25 kg placed in drums. It is stacked an pedestal trays. The warranty storage period is 2 years. Phenuron is a white crystalline substance. It has a low toxicity and is difficultly combLStib~e. It is stored in paper bags of a capacity of 20 to 25 kg. It is stacked on pedestal trays. The warranty storage period is 2 _ years. 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 I~Ott O~pICIAt, U9~ bNLY pyrcunin~ ig ar? $0-perc~nt a~tt~?bl~ pdNder~ It hag u 1ou toxiCity and i~ ctift'icu~.t~.y inflamm~bl~~ It is ~t~red in Sute bagn with a pbiyett~?iene linin~ df a~ap~city of ~5 kg ~ It ig gti~ck~d dn pedegt~l tr~1r~ ~ 7'h~ t+ar- ranty atoraEe period ia ~ ye~rs~ 5odium trichloro~c~tat~ i~ a white to brown 87-p~rcrnt cry~tu111ne ~wnpy pouder. It has a loK toxieity ~nd is dif�icultly eombuntibl~. It id ot~r~d in cardbor..d drwn~ of a e~pACi~y di' 20 litpr~~ Iti ig ~tack~d on ped~etal trays, The Warr~nty storag~ period ig 1 ye~r. ~'ungicideg Green vStriol ~re gr~enieh-blue cry~ta~g of v~rioun eizeg. They have n lnw toxicity and are noncombustible. They are ntared in Wooden barre~~ o~' a cnpncity of up t~ 120 liters gnd i~ box~8 of a c~.pacity of up to 80 kg~ They nre ~t~ck~d on flat trays in three tiers. The w~rr~nty ntorage peridd is 5 y~gr~. Blue vitriol is a blue crystalline eubgtance. It h~g an nvera~~ toxiCity gnd ic noncombust~ble. It ie ator~d in barreln, plyti+ood boxen, drumn of a ctspacity of 50 icg snd bituminized bggs of s capncity of 25 to 30 kg. Be~ga are pl~c~d on pedestnl trays and barrels and druma, on flat traya in three tier~. The Karranty stor.~r period ia 5 yeare. Copper oxychloride is a light green 90-percent Wettable powder With a blue- !3h ahade. It has gn averege toxicity and is noncombu~tible. It is atored ` in double bags or in fibrous cbst barrelg of a cap~city of 20 kg nnd in cardboard drwas of a capacity of 20 kg. It ia atacked on pede3tal trays. The Wgrranty storage period is 3 years. Phthalan is a White crystalline 50-percpnt eubstance, It has a low toAicity. Zt is ~tored in paper bags (With a lining) of a capgcity of 20 kg. It is stacked on pedestal trays. The warranty storage period is 2 years. The warehouse man, Who is well-femiliar With the function and rules of pre~- aration handling, is responaible for the storege e~nd distribution of pesti- cides. 2'he Warehouse man and hic essiatants are permitted to stay at the Warehou~e unly during the acceptance and distribution of preparationg, as xell as for the performance of other operations. The Warehous~ man's duties include the acceptance and distributian of peati- cidea, issue of documents for therc, observence of the i~ntactneas of con- tainers, splection and dispatch of pesticide samples for analysis and orga- nization of work on decon:.aminating the equipment, empty containers, Ware- house territory and loading and unloading mechanisms. During Work st tne xarehouse it is prohibited to eat, amoke, or Work with- out special srork ciothes, respirators or gag masks. FOR OPFICIAL USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 ~Oft U~~'ICIN~ U~L ONLY ttelen~~ of mhxic Chemical~ - mnxic ~hemie~lg f'rem 5~1'khozt~khnik~ w~r~housen are releu~ed td farmg aft~r the Gonfirmation by the rayon a~ricu~tural ~dm3niatrntion of the r,dinesg ~f kdlkhozeg, sovkhnxeg and other agricultural�~ntei�pri~en nnd org~nizatidn~ to accept toxic chemica~.s and to Work With them. mhia certificate is i~~ued only to f~rma hnvin~ Wnr~houae~ for the ntorap,e of toxic chemiCaln, npeC3a1 work clothe~ and individual prntectiv~ equipment, ~pecigl machineg for tt~e tr~neportation and application of toxic rhemiCalg and in~trurtiong ~nd direc- tiv~~ for precaution~ry measures during work with toxic Chemic~ig. F'entiCide~ from th~ w~rehouseg of kolkh~xea, sovkhozeg and other farme are i~nued at the ott~itten drder of the kolkhox chairman, govkhoz director or other m~nagerg to the pergon responsible for the executidn of plant prot~e- ti~n vrork. Pe~ticideg gre released by Weight or by th~ number of container units With an indicgtion of the net weight. An accidentally scatt~red preparatian in plac~d in a container nnd the regt ig deconteminated, Pesticides are rel.eased for 1 day of work and in ~ome caeeg (for remotely located brig~des, if reliable store,ge plncea are uvailable), for g few d~yg. Upon the completion of Wnrk unutilized pesticides are delivered to the ware- house, Which is recorded in the book of acceptance and dietribution of pesti- cides with 8n indication of their amount. :he head of a warehouse or the aarehouae man release toxic chemicals in serv- ireable contsiners with good marking. When preparations gre loaded on motor transport facilities, the incompatibility of some groups of pesticidea is tuken into account. The driver of a loader takes from a stack a tray with toxic chemicals and - brings it to the motor vehicle. The brigade of loaders places the tray on motor transport facilitiea or in a container. If Lhe wurehouse (base) has ~ sufficient number of trays, toxic chemicgls are logded in packageo on motor transport facilities. Decontamination of Containers and Special Work Clothes hteasureE for the decontamination of container~ and special Work clothea are implemented on especially equipped grounds, in the open air or in a room rrith exhaust devicea. People With individual protective equipment and aell- familiar uith safety rules are permitted to engage in this work. Metal barrels, cani~ters and drums cnntaminated With orggnochlorine, orgsno- phosphoric, dinitrophenol and other preparations are treuted With u 5-nercent sol.ution of caustic or xashing soda (300 to 500 grams per pail of water). 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 ~o~ o~~ictnt. us~ otvL~~ Cdnt~in~r~ ~r~ f31~.~d with ~ golution ~nd 1~ft fdr ~i ~0 1~ haur~, ~f~~r whi~h th~y ~re w~~h~d with N~ter m~ny tim~~~ If tih~r~ ig no ~t~d~, it 1g po~gib].e to u~e wood ~gh~g, whlch rirp placed in a contaln~r nnd drenehed ~rith w~t~r until. g liquid maeh 3g formed. Then it ig ghaken uel~ for a comp~.ete removal of tihe prep~r~t~.on fram conb~inpr wal~e and left for ~.2 to 24 hours. AFter that ~he cont~at is pour~d into pit~ and the cont~iner in Waghed With Water many timps. - The f~l~ow3ng ~rp u~ed for th~ d~contamin~tion of contgin~r~ ~mmptied oi' or- ganomercuric prepgr~tions: 20-perc~nt oolution ef ferrnus chl.or3de, 0.~ p~rcpnt gnlu~ion of potiaggium msngan~te ~c3dified aith t~ydrochloric acid (5 ml per liter), Peregud~ pa~~e, or a magh of chlorine?t~d lime (1 kg per 4 liters of Wat~r). Container$ are filled with nolutions and left for 5 or 6 hours~ Then thhy are tr~~t~d with ~ 1-percent golution of pota~eium manganate. At the expi- ration of a 24-hour period containera ~re Waghed with warm soapy w~~er (4 p~ra~nt ~o~p eolution in a 5-perc~nt ~oda eolution). Containers emptied of arsenic cont~ining pesticidea are treated with u 1-per- cent solution of blue vitriol Qnd then with a 2-percent nolution of godg and - ammor.ium sulfgte. ConteSners emptied of dichloroethane and met1~}rl bromide are c~refully ven- _ tilated and treated With vapor (120 to 130�C) until the pesticide amell die- appear~. - alasa and metal coi~tainers emptied of a chlorine mixture are washed with a 10-percent solution of chlorinated lime, treated With ateam and left in an averturned position. Containers emptied of cerbamine pesticides (TMTD and sevin) are decontaming- ted with g 1-percent solution of potassiwn manganate acidified With t~ydro- chloric acid (5 ml per liter), or With a mash of chlorinated lime. Special wnrk clothes contaminated With toxic chemicala and mineral fertil- iZers lose their protective properties ead can become a sourc~ of poisoning. Dirty special work clothes should not be used, brought home oz~ stored on reaidentiel premises. Every dqy after the completion of work special. Work clothes ehould be shaken out, beaten out or vacuum cleaned. Special work clothes fran Which duat has been removed are ht.tng for 8 to 12 hours under an awning for airing and drying. Ar~y special Work clothes are kashed as they are contsminated, but no less frequently than once in 6 Work shifts. Heavily contaminated specisl work clothes made of fabrics without impregna- tion are soaked (for 6 to 8 hours) in a soap and soda solution, boiled (30 minutes~, rinsed in hot (50 to 30�), Warm and cold Water, wrung out an3 dried. 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 ~~d~ or~~~~cinL us~ nrtLx After gpe~ia~. work elotheg made of fabricg with impre~nati~n at�e ~ariked in a nd~p and god~? sdlutinn, they ~re wanhed for 10 minuteg at ~ t~mpera?ture oi' 40dC, rin~ed nnd dried f1~t, A t~~o.1 of g 1,itier~ c~f water, ~.~5 gr~mg of ~dap ~nd 25 gr~n~ of godn ar~ needed for goaking and wash3ng 1 kg of dry apecial Work clothes. A tot~l of 9].it~rs df water ar~ necded for each rinne~ Speri~l a~rk clothee can be d~contomin~ted by noalcing and washing them in solutionn t~I'-7, ~p-1n, and - nIA5, or in the Progresn powder. A~otal df 100 ~rr~m~ nf the ~ubatance ~.r~ used pet~ 10 litprs of aater~ ~pecinl wnrk clothea (footWe~r, glov~g ~nd aprnns) made of rubber and cloth~g made of f~brics with a film ~over are treated With a 3- to 5-p~rrent golu- tion of calcined soda or a~ mash of chlorinat~fl lime and Waghed with Water. 5p~cial work cloth~g contaminated xith organophnnphnrug, dinitrophenol nnd other pestieides e~re ~haken out ~nd soaked in a soap and ~oda nolution f~r - 6 to 8 hourg. After th~t they gre a~ahed tuic~ or three times in s hot gaap and soda solution. burfng manual washing special vrork elothes contaminated with organochlorine pesticides are snaked in a hot 0.5-percent soda solution far 6 houra. At the sgrne time, they gre stirred well ~nd the solution is chc~nged three ti~nes. Uuring machine vrashing soaking in the drum is shortened to 2 houre. Specigl Work clothes contaminated With orgunomercuric preparatinng ar~ gouked in a hot 1-percent soda solution for 12 hours nnd tt~en Washed (three timea, 30 minutes each time) in a soap and soda solution with an addition of alkyl sulfonate. Speciai Work clothes conteminated With several pesticides are decontaminated by method~ recommended for the decontamination of the most toxic and stable - prpparations. Rooms are cleaned With a solution of calcined soda (200 to 300 grems per ~aii of rruter) and a 10-percent solution of chlorinated lime. Land plots contaminated With pesticides are treated aith chlorinated lime and dug again. bust collected by a vacuum cleaner during the cleoning of rooms and speciul work clothes, as well 4s the seWage obtained after the decontaa?ination of rooms, containers and special Work clothes, is treated With chlorinated lime (500 grams per 10 liters of xater during a 24-hour pericd). Toxic chemicals and containers emptiec3 of them cons:~iered unsuitable for uge are destroyed on kolkhozes, sovkhozes and other ugricultui-al organizations by the korkers of the Se1.'khoztekhnika Association in accordance With the order of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture and the All-Union Soyuzsel'khoz- tekhnika Association. ~7 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 ~Ott ~~~'ICIAL U~~ ONLY mh~ m~nnp,~r di th~ ~blr~nt (kray) ~~1'k1~n~t~lthnika Annacintion p,iv~a thr or~]er t~ dc?~troy tnxi~ ~h~emicaln and cc~nt~i�pr~ i'or bad~n and war~hdunpn ~f nbla~~ (krgy), interr~ynn ~nd rgynn ~ubordin~tidn ~,nd th~ m~nager of th~ Sel~khoztekhnik~ A~~~eS~tion, for b~e~s ~nd w~rehoue~~ of r~public eubord3nation. The order indic~t~s th~ n~ne ~nd gmount of the t~xi~ ~heroie~l, the r~~aon fdr ~e~troying it and the individual respon~ibie for th~ p~r~orman~~ of work on the de~truction of toxic chemic~l8 nnd for _ th~ pro~~d~re of the pr~p~ration ~nd execution of Work. On the b~si~ of this order mea~ure~ for the d~~truction of toxic chemic~ls gr~ mapp~d out ~rith due reg~rd for the ~p~cific nurnber of pr~p~r~tion~, - l~~al conditiione, avail~bi].ity of m~eh~nixati~n ~quipment e~nd fu~l r~~ourceg ~nd so forth. After coordinQtion wi~h locQl bodi~es of th~ aoviets of peo- p1e'g fleputies, sanitary gupervision ~nd i'ire protection bodies ~nd nature cons~rv~tion bodies these measurea ~re approved by tihe m~nager of the ap- propriate 5e1'khoxt~khnika ~ubdiviaion. A11 toxic chemieals dispatehed from Warehou~~s for d~struction ~r~ rerordefl in a special book, Which indiratee the folloaing: nam~ of th~ toxic chem- ical sna it~ document dat~; d~te of urrival ~t the War~houee and date af dig- p~tch fbr destrurtion; grosg ~nd net ueight; nwnber and dnte of the docwnent on the basis of Which the toxic chemical 1s g~nt to bQ destroyed, as Well ss the individual accompanying the toxic chemical to the destruction site and regponaible for its safety on the road. It is permitted to deatroy a~mall amount of toxic chemicals (up to 10 kg) on kolkhozes, sovkhozes and other farms. Sites for the destructiun of toxic chemic~ls are located on land plote un- suitable or ir:convenient for other uaes with poorly filtrating grounde and With e stand of ground w~ter af no less than 2 meters from the loWer 1eve1 of bur{,el irith e slant of no more than 1.5 percent in the direction of open reserv~irs. With a slant of more than 1.5 percent provision is made for raiged ditchea eliminating the flos~ of atmospheric Wster a~ong the territory. In this case the gite should have an independent atorm runoff. The distance from the place of location of a aite to settlements and open reservoirs is no less than 5,000 meters. The aite territory is fenced along the p~rimeter. Angbasine-sulfate, nicotine-sulfate, chlorine mixtures and cerbon disulfide are destroyed by adding a double aaount of the mash of chlorinated lime or a 5-percent solution of potassium manganate. Calcium and sodium cyanide mixtures are destroyed With a fre~hly prepared 10-percent solution of green vitriol and slacked lime (6 liters of green vitrio~ and 3 liters of slalsed lime per 100 grams of the toxic chemical). 2r3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 ~'OR OFFICIAL US~ ONt.Y mh~ toxi~ ehemic~?1 i~ put i,n~o the d~c~ntamin~t3ng ~d~.uti~n car~i'u11y, mixed fnr the fir~t 30 minut~~ ~nd pour~d into ~ pi~ ~fter 3 or 4 hours~ C~pYI2I0HTt Ftogee].~kho~izde?t, ~97$ ~1,43g Cso: 8344/135~ 29 FOR OF~ICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 I i~'Ok O~~IC~tAi~ U5L nNLY - CH~MZCAL INUU5TItY ANU ItCLATCU ~c~UIPM~N'T UbC 66:3~8~32~OQ~~1"71" CNCMiCAL iNDUSTitY ~NTERI'ItI5~ CdN5'TRUC'TtG~N IMPROV~M~NTS DISCUSSED Moscow KNIMICH~SKAYA PROMYSHL~NNOS'C' in Ru~aian No 4, 1979 pp 49-54 (Artiele by N. I~ P~trikey~vg and G. t. Kor~n'kov: "Ways of Increa~ing ehe ~cdnomic Cfficiency of Putting New Large-C~paciCy Chemical PrdducCion FncilitieA Into Op~rgCion"J (TexrJ Under the conditions of thp ecceler~ted grnwth of the chemical _ indugtry, an incr~age in the efficiency of putting new indugtri~l enter- priseg nnd facilitie~ into operation ig becoming particularly urgene. One of the main directions of scientific-technical progress in the chemical _ _ industry involves enlargement of the capacitieg of the units, industrial lines and individual assembliea nf the ~quipment. Beginning in Che Ninth Fivp-Yp~r Plan~ this direction of technical progress h~s been char~cteristic of ~11 the subsectors of the chemical industry. While in the Eighth Five- Yenr Plan the capacitq of the individual units of the emmonia production facilitie~ was not over 100-120,000 tons a year, in the Ninth and lOth five- year plans it rose to 450,000 tons a year. The capacities of some units producing emmonium nitrate, nitric and sulfuric acid and other products have also increased [11]. The principal indicators of the efficiency of enlarging the units in the chemical industry, in their planning are: the specific capital expenditures, the production cost and labor productivity. . The indicators of the efficiency of enlarging the ammonia synthesis units in domestic production are shown in Table 1[2~. According to the estimates of the GIAP [State Scientific Research and Plan- ning Institute of the Nitrogen Industry and Products of Organic Synthesisj, putting into operation an ammonia unit with a capacity of 800,000 tons a year will make it possible to reduce capital investments by 11 percent as coc~ared with a unit wi[h a capacity of 410,000 tons a year, and to reduce the production cost of ammonia by 7 percent and double labor productivity [3J. 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 ~OEt O~~ICIAL U5L ONLY T~bl~ 1. T~~hniC~l-Lcdnc~miC Indi~~enr~ Enr dbt~ining Ammnnin With Vnrioug IndusCrial Sy~Ccmg C~Calytic Cnnvereinn nf Conv~r~inn nf ste~m-oxygen natural gag naCur~l gng wiCh tndiC~enre c:onversion witt~ srpam in aream in tubulnr nntiurel ggg at tubuLnr furnaceg ~urn~c~s aC g pr~egure o~ ~C n pr~~sure of pre~~urc of 20 kge/cm2 30 kgg/CmZ 4n k~~/Cm2 C~pxcity, 1000 t/yr 218 400 410-450 Number 0~ sprvice persdnnel, X 100 55 31 Lnbor productivity, _ ~6 100 331 612 Sppcific capital investmenes, ~ 100 62 61 ProduCtion cost of 1 ron ammonia, X 100 70 58 WiCI~ an increase in the production capncity of ttie ~mmonium nitrnte shop from 200,000 to 450,000 tons a year, the epecific capital invesrments are reduced by 20 percent, labor productivity increases by 75 percent, and Che production cost of nmmonium nitrate is reduced by 3 percent. According to the estimates of GIAP, installing large-scale unita with a capacity of 1.5 million tons a year of ammonium nitr~te will mnke it pos- aible to reduce the specific capital investmenCs by 15-20 percent as com- pared with a unit with a capacity of 450,000 tons a year, to reduce the production cost by 5-8 percent and considerably increase labor productivity. ~nlarging the sulfuric acid production capacity also considerably improves the technical-economic indicators of the production facility (Table 2) [4]. A substantial improvement in the technical-economic indicators, wiCti the enlargement of the cupacities of individual methanol production units from 50,000 to 400,000 tons a year, can also be graphically seen from Table 3[5~. WiCI~ an increase in the capacity of the nitric acid production units from 120,000 to 450,000 tons a year, the lahor input per ton of acid is reduced by 40 percent, its production cost is reduced by 30 percent, And the specific capital investments are almost halved [6j. - An analysis of the planning data shows that the work indicators of the enter- prises are improved in proportion to the enlargement of the chemical. units~ with advanced technology ensuring almost half of the entire growth in labor productivi[y. The secon d half of the increase is achieved th rough organi- zational and technical factors, including an improvement in production organization, introducing scientific organization of labor and improving the administration [7j. 3~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 i ~Oit n~~IC~AL USL nNLY `Cnhlc 'l. Lc~dnnmic~ F~ffir.tcn~y nf C,nlnr~tn~; Sulf.urir Arid Pr~~duc~einn rnctltel~H Number o~ C~pncity nf C~p~city of 5p~cific prdductinn L~hdr produC- indu~Crln1 indugCrinl ~hop, cnpiral eo~C, Civity per u?iieg unit, 1(~nn t/yr inv~gCm~nts, rubl~g/ton work~r, 100U e/yr rubles/yr ton~/yr 2 120 740 40. 3 17, gl 2~Z0 1 180 180 ~6.1 17, z5 1745 2 1$0 36n ~0.4 15,~1 254g 1 360 360 26,4 15.03 2548 2 360 720 24.6 14.42 4260 Table 3, t3asic Technic~l-~conomic IndiC~tors oE Methanol produCCion Unity of Vgrying Capncity Ye~r1q capacity, 1000 tnns Indic~Cors 50 100 200 400 Production cost, 50.0 45.5 41.5 37.5 rubles/ton . Same, ~ 100 91 83 75 SpeciEic capital invesrments, rubles/ton 100 $5.0 72.5 61.5 Nauling distxnce, km 200 300 450 650 ~ Transport costs, rubles/ton 0.5 0.75 1.1 1.6 Specific capital investmenCS in trans- _ port, rubles/ton 1.5 2.25 3.4 S.0 In consideration nf the technical-economic substantiations of the efficiency of enlarging the chemical units, in the years of the Ninth Five-Year Plan - the development of the chemical induatry was carried out in two directions: on the one hand, numerous contracts were concluded with the c~pitAlist - _ countries to supply the USSIt with complete industrial large-capacity units and, on ~he other hand, similar large-capacity units produced domestically were intensively planned and designed (8). By the end oF the Ninth Five- Year Plan in the minerel fertilizer industry alone there were 20 large- - scale units in operation, including: for ammonia, with a capacity of 410,000 tons a year--5. for ammonium nitrate, with n capacSty of 450,000 tons a year--6, for sulfuric acid made from pyrites, with a capacity of 360,000 tons a year--$, and for sulfuric acid made from sulfur, with a capacity oF 450,000 tons a year--1 (9J. 32 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060064-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064464-4 ~~dt~ d?~rtctnt, us~; ntvt,Y Uurl~~Y tlie ycrary c~f: Ch~~ Ninth l~ivc~-Y~nr I'l.c~n c~ctp~c~ittcN ic~r tl~r nutpuC ~f 3g mil].id~j edn~ (in ~onventidn~l unitg) of mincara~l fereili~er~ wer~ c~n- gCruc:ted nnd put ittto ~perntion, r~~ the regult o~ whi~h eheir prdductidn reuched 90 millidn ton~ by the ~nd of 1~75, including 3g millinn tan~ for nierng~n fereilizerg ~1, 10). Ammnnin produceinn in th~ USS~ rn~~ frnm 7.6 millinn Cnnq in 1970 to 12 million t~np in 1975 (9j~ 'I'he incr~nse in ~mmoni~ prnducCinn in Ch~ Ninth ~ive-Y~gr plnn w~g ~hChi~ved ~g the reKUle nf launrhing for oper~tien unie~ with ~ c~p~~ity GOn ~nd 1~360 Cans ~ day wieh both dom~gtic nnd impdrCcd ~quipm~ent. Uuring theye ye~rs gever~l ~m?m~nie synChegis units wieh n cnp~city nf 600 tnn~ ~ dey wer~ put into oper~tion nt ghopg nf the Cherk~ssy ~nd itovno Axot prnduCtidn ~ssnrt~Cions, ng well ~g sever~l units with ~ cnp~City of 1,360 tong g dgy .yt shopg of the Nevinnomyygsk, 5ev~rodon~tgk ~nd Nnvom~sk~vgk AznC produ~- eion ~~~ocintinns and Che Novgorod Ctiemicnl Plgnt (9j~ gy the end df 1977 in the USSR ehere wer~ ~lr~gdy in dperntion ~ight cdm- plet~ industrigl lines, imported ~nd designed on t}ie b~gig of dom~~tic develnpments, with u cepacity of 41b~000-450,000 ton~ of nmmonin ~ ye~r. _ tn gmmonium nitr~~t~ prdducCion, by tf~n end of the first year of the lOth ~ive-Ye~r Pl~n, nine units wiCh a copaciry of 450,Of10 tnng n yec~r hnd been put intd ~per~tion [3]. Lnrge-scale units fnr the production of ~mmnnium nitrnte with ~ cupacity of 1,400 tons a day nre in operntion at the Bereznik Chemic~l Plnnc, at the Novomn~kovsk, Cherkugsy xnd Itovnd Azot prnduction ~gsocinCiong and at Che Ionavn NiCrogen ~ertilizer Plant (1~. tn ,hccordence with the resolutton of C}te 25tt~ CPSU Congre~s~ in 197h-1980 ~n tncre~se of up to 143 million tnns in the nutpu[ ~f minernl Ec rtilizer~ i~ ~perified (9~. Thiring the years of the lOth ~ive-Yenr Plnn the produc- [ion oE nitrogen fertilizers should increase througl~ newly introduced c,~p~cities by 26.9 million tons, and reach 65.9 million totis. Ammonia units with a total capncity of 13.4 million tons must be puc into operation for this (1~. The specificity of the characteristic fr.ntures of the current five-yenr plan lies in the fect [hat the incre~se in cepncities is plnnned mainly solely through pucting into operntion modern, hi~hly productive equipment, using sets of machines with a large unit capncity thnt operaCe ~c