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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-R~P82-00850R000'100060053-6 ' ~ i I ' ~I ' 26 JUNE i979 CFOUO 8l79~ i OF i' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~rns L/8542 ' 26 Jun~ 1979 ~ TRAPJSLAT I ONS ON USSR POI.I T I CAL ArdD SOCI~LOGICAL AFFAIRS (F~UO 3/79) U. S. J41~IT PUBLICATI~JNS RESEARCH SER~ICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 NOT~ Jp~5 p~iblic~Cions coi~Cain inf~rmation primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals ~nd books, bue ~lso �rom news agency tr~nemissions and broadcasCs. Materinls from foreign-l~ngu~ge source~ ~re Cr~nsl~Ced; those from ~nglish-l~ngu~ge sources are transcribed or reprinCed, with the original phrnsing ~nd = oeher ch~r~cCeristics reCained, Ne~dlines, editori~l reports, and maeeri~l enclosed in br~ckets (j ~re supplied by JPR5. processing indicators such as ~'Text~ ' or (~xcerptJ in the firsC line of each item, or following the ~ laat line of a brief, indicate how the original informaCion was procesaed. Where no processing indicaCor is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracCed. ~ Unfamiliar names rendered phoneticnlly or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses, nc,rds or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplie~iasappropriatc in context. _ Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGUI.~TIONS GOVERNINC OWNERSf1IP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQt1IRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION SE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USF OI31.Y. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 I'O:~ OI'['ICIAL U5[; OHLY JPRS L/$542 26 June 1979 T f~ANS LAT I ONS ON USS R POI, I T I CAL ANU SOC~OLO~ICAL AFFAIRS (FOUQ 8/79) CONTENTS PAGE I N'~ I:kNAT LUNAI, }iook ~n National Liberation Wars (Yevgeniy Ivnnovich Dolgopolov; NATSIUNAL'NU- O5VOf~ODIT~L'NYYE VOYNY NA SOVREMENNOM ETAPE, 1977).. 1 NATIONAL Overall I)evelopment of Territ~ries IH scussed (Et.S. 5akiyeva; IZVESTIYA AKADEMIt NAUK Kt17.AK5KIY SSK, 5~EtIYA UI~SHCHES'I'V~NNYKN NAUK: No 2. 1979) 15 EtI:CI0;1AL Russian Language InsCructicm in Uzbekistan (S. 5h. Shermukhamedov; OBSHCHESTV~NNYYF:~~;AUKI V U7.BEKI5TAN~, No 3, 1979) 24 ~ - a - [III - USSR - 35 I~OUO) FOR OF'FICIAL USF. ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY INx~RNATIONAL - 900K ON NATIONAL LIBERATION WARS Moscow NATSIONAL'NO-OSVOBODITEL'NYYE VOYNY NA 30VltEMENtVOM ~TAPE (NaCional Lioeration W~rs AC Che Present ~tage) in Rusaian 197% signed Co prass 17 Feb - 11 pp 1, 2, 158, :59, 3-12, 148-157 . [AnnotaCion, Cablp of con~ents, introduction and conclusion Erom book by Col Yevgeniy Ivanovich Dolgopolov, Voyenizdat, 30,000 copies, 159 pages] _ [Excerptaj The book reveals the basic concepls of Marxist-Leninist teachinga - on naeional liberation wara as one type of war of the presenC era; it examinea various methods and forms of national liberaCion etruggle at various stagca of the general crisis of capir,alism. Muah aCCention is paid to analyzing jusC wars against imperialist coloniz~rs for liberaCion from colonial oppreafiion, to defend democratic victories, freedom and national independence. A signi- ' L�icant place is given to criticiem of bourgeois, reformiat and revisionist concepts of armed assault during the course o� national libernCion revolu- tions. The book ie intQnded for a widQ range of readers. ~ Contents Page Introduction ...............................................................3 Chapter 1. The Role of Armed Assault in the National Liberation Struggle oE Peoples and the Social Nature of National Liberation Wurs...13 Chapter 2. Methodc of Conducting National Liberation Wars and Condi- tiona for their 5uccessful Conclueion ...................................59 Chapter I. Criticism of Bourgeois, Reformist and Revis.tonist Concepts - of Armed Assault During the Courae of National Liberation Revolutions..108 Conclusion ...............................................................148 Introduction. The present era is characterized by sharp confrontation of the forces of peace, Ereedom and progreas, on the one hand, and the forces of imperialist reaction and aggression, on the other. In recent years, the alliance between the three basic revoiutional forces of today socialism, the international worker movement and the national liberation struggle of peoples has broadened and been strengthened, and their influence on the entire international situation has increased aignificantly. The general ~ crisis of capitalism has continued to deepen and has become more strained, and the world imperialist system has been weakened even further. 1 ~OR OF~'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 ~ - FOR O~H'ICIAL US~ ONLY The national liber~tion movement, ~ componenC of ChQ world revoluCionary procese~ has been elevaCed to a new 1eve1. V, I. Lenin repeatedly sCressed - the in~eparable bond between soc~.alist revolution and ehe national libern~- tion movement oE oppreased peoples. "fhis bond is eapecially pQrceptible in our day. The GreaC October Socialisr RevoluCion laid the foundation for Che world soci~liat revolution and aCruck n heavy blow to ~he imperialSet system. It overthrew the exploiter society in Rusaia, smashQd the chains of national slavery, pointed out parha to genuine freedom to its peoplea, nnd instilled in them faiCh in Che victory of Ch~ir own juat cause~ The Nation of 5oviees has become far all hutmniky a reliable atronghold of social progresa, peace and aecuriCy. V. I. Lenin placed high value on the worldwide, historical importance of Great October. "...The s~ci~list revolution will be not just or primurily a struggle of revolutionary proletariata in each country againsC Cheir own bourgeoisie," he said, "buC a struggle of all aolonies and countries oppressed by imperislism, of all independenc countries aga~inet international imperial- ism."L Hiatory has graphically confirmed Lenin's brilliant foresighC. The capitaliat colonial s)gtem has existed for more Chan Eour centuries. It was born and grew on the soil of unresCrained capiCalisC exploitaCion, of conatant wars of plunder, of the e~slavement and robbery of other peoplea. 'i'he oppresaed peoplea never reconr,iled themselves to hsrah exploitation or to their depri.vation of rights. They fought the coloni~ere stubbnrnly for many long yeara: armed fnsurrecCions broke out, the partisan movemcnt was developed and there were Wars of national liberation. Hrn+ever, the forcea of the combataats were far from equal, and the imperfaliaC colonial syatem continued ita ignominious existence for a long time. The Great October Socialiat Revolution caused a crisis in the colonial sys- tecn and roused the oppressed peoples to active struggle for their libera- tion, a atruggle which firat breached the colonial system. However, on Che whole, imperialisCs succeeded in preserving the colonial gyatem, and indlvi- dual capiGalist statea even managed to increase their cotonial holdinga. The disinCegration and collapae of the colonial ayatem of imperialism began ~ only after World War II. The victory of the Soviet state and its armed forces over fascist Germany and milit~irist Japan facilitated the riae and _ successful conclusion of socialist revolutions ic~ a number of European and Asian countries, resulting in the formation of [he world socialist system, and the bal.ance of forces in the wnrld arena changed sharply in favor of socialism and the entire liberation movement. All this predetermined the fremework of the national liberation movement and inspired the oppressed peoples to struggle resolutely againat colonizers and in~ernal reaction. A mighty Wave of uprisings and naCional liberation revo- lutions rolled through Asia~ Africa and Latin America. The rotCen colonial 1. V. I. Lenin, "Poln. sobr. soch." [Complete Collected Work$j, Vol 39,p 327. 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 ~OR OrFICIAL US~ ONLY ~yatem of imperic~lism crashed down under the headlong pressure of the maesee. Dozena of young sovereign sCatee aroge in p1aCe of forcner coloniae~ ApologiaCs for imperialiam aCtempC to misinCerpreC the revoluCionary libern- ' Cion proc~ss and ite worldwide hiaCorical imporCance. They have crQated a fallaciouc: theory of dec:olonization xnd try Co repr~aenC the EormaCion oF young independent sCates as a unique reaulC of the acrivity oE the coloni- zers who, thay may, have for many yeara gradually drawn theae countries out of dArkness and ignorance into the light of civilizarion and have allegedly given them the gifC of independence. LiEe implacabl~? reEuCes these f.abricaCione. Imperialists never volunrarily re,~ected colonies until they were driven out by force. To Che contrary, even aEter the collapse of Che colonial syatem, they reaorted to various forma of neocoloninlism and direct coercion in order to preserve rhair do- minion in the liberxCed countries, to hold them within the capit~liet eco- nomic system. The downfall of the coloninl syaCem of imperialism wns a serious blow to the colonial powers, their economies, and especially their military-economic raara. In the past, the bourgeois states exported quite n bit oE strategic raw maCerial for military industr; from the dependent counCriea, made exten- sive use of Cheir cheap manpower, and mobilized the indigenous populaCion into their own az~med forces. Now the imperialiets' aituation has changed radically. They no ionger have free access to the natural resources, ter- ritory and hucaan resources of the former colonies. Moreover, whereas pre- viously the colonial troops were often an inatrument of usurpacious imper- ialist policy, the armies of many young states have now become a signifi- cant force in the anti-imperialist struggle and guaxd vital naCional inter- - ests. However, the downfall of the colonial system of imperialism has not aigni- fied the total elimination of colonialism. Imperi.alists are in no way ready to reconcile themselves to defeat in the colonies and continue biCter resis- tance to progres~iv~ development of "Third World" countries. "In the struggle agAinst the naCion~l liberation movement, imperialism stubbornly dQfends the remnants of colonialism, on ~he one hnnd, and on the other, it ~ries t~ hin- der through neocolonialist methods the economic and social progress of the developing states, of cou:~tries which have won national sovereignty. In or- d~:r to do this, it supports reactionary circles, brakes the elimination of backward social structures, and strfves to hamper developmenl� on Che social- ist path or a progressive, noncapitAlist path which hol~ds socialist promise. Imperialists Eoist economic agreements and military-political pacta on these states,which infringe upon their soveraignty and exploit them by exporting capital, through trade conditions not based on equal rights, through price manipulation and a policy of currency, loans and various forms oE so-called 'assistance' and pressure by international financial organizations."1 1. "Mezhdunarodnoye Soveshchaniye kommunisticheskikh i rabochikh parCiy. Dokua?enty i materialy. [International Conference of Coaununist and Worker Parties. Documents and Materialsj, Moscow, 1969, pp 287-288. 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY � APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 ~ roti orr~lcrn~. us~ oN~.Y Thus wae neacolnniAlism described by the 1969 InCc~rnc~Cion~l Conter~nce of Communist ~nd Workers' Partie~. ~venCS of ensuing ye~ira hr~ve convLncingly proven iCe eccur~cy. Imperialiats have tried every means available to pres- aure young st~tes, to peneCrate their economies, and huve used various of coercion to interfere in the intern~l affairs oE other pQOples. They un- leaahed mil.itary conflicte and wara, reacCinnary revolur.iong, subveraion of liberated counrries and, in so doing, have created an Al�m~aphere ot tension around the globe. The r~ggressive intrigues oE imperialis~ aggressors have obligated peoplea to be vigilant nnd ready AC any ins~anr Co def.end by ~rms the vicCoriea won, to repulse the onslaught of reaction. "itevolutionary constraint of exploit- erc in response Co force on their pnrC~" the ~Theses of the CPSU Central Com- mittee in Conneceion with the SOth Anniversary of the Grent October Social- ist RevoluCion' point our, "is a sacred right of people who have Cnken up the atruggle for their own social liberation."1 The guiding documents oE the CPSU and of the 1957, 1960 and 1969 In~erna- ~ional Conferencea of Communist and Workers' Parties provide a thorough ana- lysis of the national liberation movemenC and define ways end means of re- solving immediate tasks in light of specific hiatorical condiCions. After winning political independence, many countries expnnded the struggle for national liberatian ineo a struggle against boCh feudal and capitulist exploi~ter relations. Problems of the national libQraCion movement nC the present atage uere widely and comprehensively discussed at the 25th CPSU Congress of Che Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the CPSU Central Com- mittee report, in speeches by congress delegates and repreaenCatives of for- eign cormnunist, workers' and national democratic partiea. In the Party Cen- tral Committee Accountability Report, L. I. Brezhnev, General 5ecretary of the CPSU Central ConanitCee, noted the major advances made in damestic life and forei~n policy in young sCates following the 24Ch CPSU Congreas~ which is largely to be explained by Che growCh and strengthening of their ties with the Soviet Union and the entire socialist community. "This means a shift in the center of gravity of industrial development to the atate sec- tor," said L. T. Brezhnev, "the eliminaCion of Eeudal land ownership, r.a- Cionalization of foreign enterprises aimed at establishing effective sover- eignty by young states over their own naCural resources, and the davelopment of cadres of their own."2 1. "50 let Velikoy Oktyabr'skoy sotsialisticheskoy revolyutsii. Postanov- leniye Plenuma TsK KPSS. Tezisy TsK KPSS" [SOth Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. CPSU Central Committee Plenum Decree. CPSU Central Committee Theses], Moscow, 1967, p 11. 2. L. I. Brezhnev, "CPSU Central Committee Report and Routine Party Tasks - in the Area of Domestic and Foreign Policy" in "Doklad XXV s"yezdu KPSS 24 febralya 1976 goda" [Report of the 25th CPSU Con~reas on 24 February 1976j, Moscaw, 1976, pp 13-14. t, FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 . FOR OT'T~'ICIAL U5C ONLY An imporCunt role in resolving ~h~se Cnsks belongs to Chc~ workit~g clay~ und ite nlly, Che p~risunery, Co all pro~resyiv~ patrioric Eorc~g, wtiich are be- co~i~ing increasit~gly convir~ceJ thnt building a new socieey is imposgible wiChouC n sCubborn aCrugsle uguingt imperinlism nnd local reacCion, wiehoue persigtenr strengthening o~ their own political selC-relianc~, un indepen- dent Forei~n policy, and economic ~nd cultural cooperaC~on with socialist and oCher Eraternal countries. IC requires fundamentr~l socioecanomic erans- EormaCions in the interesrs of the workers, Limitntion and cnmplote eradica- tion of foreign monopolisric capital~ the formation and development of their . own large-scale industry, agrarian reforins and consolidution oE am~11-sc~le production in urbc~n and rural ~~reas, improvem~nt in the culture and etandnrd oE living ot the populution, and democratiz~tion of soci~l 11l�e. All Chis wil'. Encilitate growth in Che numbers ~nd poliCicttl maturity of the working class ~nd iCa allies, of their influence on Che course of events. The successful implemeciCation of complex new tasks and overcoming the eco- nomic and backwArdness inherited from the colonizers assume buC one path, towards rhrough noncapiCalist development. It was juar such a path which was pointed out to peoples by K. Marx and F. Engels~ the found- ers of scient;Eic communism, in their day. In 1920, V. I. Lenin noted wieh ragard to the new historical condiCions that backward countries cun move to- wards socialism "by-passing the capitalist sta~e of development"1 with rhe assiarance of the proleCAriat of leading states. Today, the experience of many liberaCed peoples confirms the great Lenin's foresighC. They rzre the vanguard oE Che contemporary national liberation movement and exert a great positive inEluence on the populations of Asia, AErica and LAtin America, on their str~:ggle for a bright future. However, in certain "Third World" countries power has been seized by various bourgeois and landowner strata. They are directing development along a ca- pitalist path, which is foreign to their peoples and which does not deliver the workers from deprivation of rights, exploitation, unemployment, hunger, poverty, or political and social inequality. It is no accident Chat dissat- isfaction with the existing order is growing among the masses here, that Che class struggle i: growing sharper and deepening. In turn, internal reaction, with outside sup~.~rt and governed by the old imperialisr colonizers' princi- ple of "divide and conquer," is intensifying its assault on the vital inter- ests of the people, suppressing any progressive patriotic movements, sCir- ring up enmity and conElict among different national, ethnic, religious, tribal and linguistic groups, and threatening national independence and new- , found freedom. The imperialist powers try to draw young states into aggressive military- political blocs and to keep military bases in key regions as outposts to combar the national liberation movement. Imperialists maintain their own troops in a number oE countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Moreover, special mobile units equipped with special military arms and equipment for 1. V. I. Lenin, "Poln. sobr, soch.," Vol 41, p 246. S FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 rn~ o~rzcTnr, USC ONLY conducring comb~h~ opere~Cions in parCicular regions h~~ve been crenred, Ar _ Che sc~me time, quite a Cew oE the imperi~lists' c:nlculuCions nre linked to Che young armies; they atCempC to subordinate ehem Co Cheir own inEluence, - supply Ch~m with equipment nnd weapons on praferential Cerms, send niilitary "advisers," nnd "help" develop ~nilitary cadres. The officers of certain li- berated countriea are often Crained in rhe USA, England and other cupitaliat staCes or at their military bases locally, The rencCionary forces ot are beCting on Clte militnry machir~e Co combaC the naeion~l liberAtion movement, in spiCe of a number oE ma~or defears in recenC years (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Angola). 'They con~inue to strengthen nnd improve thaC machine, Co generalize and widely diasemi- nate experience in waging Local wars and oCher forma of suppresaion o: po- pular resistance to Che colonizers. In a ma~ority of the young srates, th~ naCion~l liberation movement is led by communist or national democratic partias. CommunisCS persistently fnvor rallying the progressive paCriotic f�orces inCo a united anCi-imperinlist front, oE bringing the anti-imperialist, anti-feudal revolution to an end and gradually evolvinF iC into a socialish revolurion. Thorough study of Che nution.ll liberation movement at the presenr stage, oE iCs peaceful and military Eorms, is of important significance. The develop- ment of this movement over the past 30 years teatifies, first of all, Co the Eacr that many countries have achieved political and national independence as a result of a skillful combination o.E peaceful and military methods of. opposing imperialist colonizers and local reaction in strict conformity with the objective, spec ific historical siCuation, wiCh the balance of forces and top-priority Casks. Second, aEter A new power has been established, the struggle of the liberated peoples is still far from complete. Imperialist colonizers and Cheir accom- plices do everything they can to turn back history, to revive colonialism. They exert economic, political, ideological, diplomatic and military pres- sure on the developing states and organize military campaigns against them. All Chis obliges peoples to display revolutionury vigilance, to perfecr their defense capabilities, to be constantly ready Co defend their victor- ~ ies and Co repulse the intrigues of imperialist aggressors. Third, in many countries of socialist orientation one observes important changes in the relationship of class forces Which were a united anti-imper- ialist, anti-feudal front in the first stage of the national. liberation re- volution. Certain bourgeois strata begin to vacillate and brake the further advance of the revolution during the course of radical socioeconomic trans- formations. Under these conditions, solidifying the alliance between the working class and the peasantry, raltying young people, women, students, the intelligentsia, urban middle-level strata, democratic army circles, and all parriotic progressive forces takes on special meaning. 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 ron ort~ICIAL US~ ONIaY FourCh, Che class ~erug~le has bee~i c~ggravated exCremel.y in counCries moving ~long ehe capiral.iSC path or nor yet liberated ~rom coloninl dependence. 'I'he nutional liberaCion movement here is very inCense; ir tukas on diverse Eorms ~nd oECen expresses iCself in armed colliaions be~ween exploiCcrs and - ehe oppressed nu~ssag. In the l~~ter h~lC ot 1976, the nn~ionril liberarion move?nenC in 5outh AErica was e~pecially intec?eified. The flamea of Che popular atruggle AgaineC co- loninlism and racism which burst forth on 16 June in SuweCo 3umped to other Republic of South Africa regions. Popular diaturbancea and demonatrarions many Chouaunda atrong enveloped the largest industrial centera of Che Repub- lic Cape Town, PorC Llizabeth, Durban and oChers. The demonstraCors de- mand~d elimination of Che apartheid system and racial discrimination, equal rights for Africans and whiCes, eliminaCion of demeaning racial laws, and democraCizaCion of political and social life. Barricades were erecCed in Che streeCs of many ciries. These and other facCs tesCify to the onseC of a new stage oF the national liberaCion movement in South A~rica, one which includes not only Che peoples of the Republic of South Africa, bL~ also the peoples oE Namibia and Zimbnbwe. The atCempts by imperialist c4lonizers and racista to paralyze this movement have suEfered one defeat afCer another. E'iEth, Che ideological struggle between paCriotic progressive force~ and re- action in the young sCates is deepening. Tmperialist neocolonizers and their accomplices are attempting Co falsify the national liberation movement, and _ especially the armed struggle of peoples againsC colonizers and ~heir accom- plices, to whitewash Che grasping policy of the imperialist etaCes, to re- move from them the blame for unleashing wars against freedom-loving peoples, and Co sow lies and slander againat the socialist countries supporting the jusr struggle of peoples for their liberation and orogressive development. Apologiats for imperialism try to ideologically disarm participants in the national liberArion movemenC, Co undermine their faith in their own strength and brighr Euture. NeocolonialisC intrigues of imperialist reaction and its anti-communist propaganda are finding support among revisionists of the right and "left" who are, through sctiismatic policies, causing gre~t harm to the national liberation movement. This is why it is necessary to tirelessly unmask the enemy's ideological intrigues and increase the activenesa of anti- imperialist propaganda. ~ As a result of the formation and strengthening of the worid socialist sys- tem, oE Che collapse of the colonial system of imperialism, and of the in- creased role oE the liberated countries in international affairs, the sphere of imperialist diktat and coercion in the world arena h~s been narroWed. But imperialism remains imperialism, with the aggressive, grasping essence and neocolonialist tendencies inherent to i[. A long, difficult struggle there- Eore still remains between the proponents of peace, freedom and progressive development and those who would turn buck the clock and ensnare the young states with chains of a new colonial slavery. 7 FnR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 ~OR OFFT.CT.AL USC ONLY The riim oE Chi~ worlc ia Co r~veal rhe role oE ~rmed Eorce i.n ~hc: nnL�ionr~l ~ liberuCion etruggle of ~eople~, Co nnalyze in dep~h rhe soci~l nuture nn~i Ch~ basic L�nrms and meChods oi conducting nntionnl liberarion wara and the conditions Eor their successful, victorious conclusion, Ca criCicixe bour- + .~eoih, reformist and revieionist concepts ot armed force in course of r.evo- lutions oE national liberfl~i.on a~ Ghe present aCage. Conclusio~i. Mf~rxism-Leninism views wars o� nationul li.ber:i~ion as one form r of Che naCional liber~tion movement nnd reveuls in depth their dialectical Lnterrelationship wiCh uther methods o~ sCruggle nt peoples for genuine in- dependence and social progress. N~rionnl liberation revolul�ions, like so- cialist revolutions, are generated by very sh~rp anCagonisCic contradic:tfons in capitalist society. The use of peaceful or nonpeaceful means of resis- tAnce to Che colonial yoke by the broad mnsses nf people is determined by the specific inCernal situaCion, the acCual balance oE politicxl forces, and Che nature oE rhe actions oE the exploiter classea. _ The hisCorical experience oE the national liberation movemene proves the im- portat~ce oF comprehensive Marxist-Leninist Analysis ot� Che ob,jective And sub- jective prerequisiCes of the revolutionary situarion in ,zny given country, whose level of maturity inEluences tllP. choice of means and f.orms oE the liberation struggle. Moreover, it is nece~sary ro giv~ careful considera- eion to externul factors which facilitate or hinder the :tctory of the re- � volution. The national liberation movement is 1n inCegral part of. ehe world revolu- tionary process and is directly lii~ked to its development. Never betore has the c ourse aiid outcome of the struggle in a given country been so dependent on the balance oE class forces in the international arena as ie is at pre- sent. The basic conflict of our era beteeen socialism and capiralism will in the end determine Che Pate of humanity. It has the most direct bear- - ing on the development and forms of resolving all other social conf-licrs, in- cluding those between the imperialist states and the peoples who hnve thrown off farei~n oppression or who have not yet freed themselves Erom colonial de- pende nce. ' The facCs indisputably bear ouC that the growth and strengthening ot the ~~o- litical, economic: and military mibht of the world socialist system and Che upsurge in rhe international communist� and workers' mo~ement have steadily - weake ned the pcsition of imperialism, Eacilitated the development of the na- tiona 1 liberation movement in "Third World" counCries, and brottdened oppor- tunities For ~he relatively peaceful achievement of political sovereignty. At the same time, events in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Angola, the Near East and a number of orhex regions of the globe have proven thaC armed struggle continues to be an important means of overthrowing the dominion of coloniz- ~ ers and dictatorial puppEt regimes, of defending revolutionary victories. This form of the liberation movement will not have been exh:~usted so long as the danger of imperialist aggression continues. 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 rOR OI~ 1~ IC IAL USL OKI,Y htarxism-Leninism r~quires a concrere-hisCoric~l appro~ch to Che question oL� the Eorms nnd meGhods ol' struggle.l It teache~ one noC eo li,mi~ himaell Co , ~he f�orms oL Che revoluCionnry procegs possible and exisCing at t~ given mo- menC, and noC Co m~ke ~ny up, buC only to generalize, organ~.ze und imp~arC awareness Co Chose meChods which are generaCed of rhemselves during Che cc,urse oF the rev~luCic~nnry movemenC ur,der the ii?jluence oF concret~ con- diCions and soci~l inCerplay. 1 The communist ~nd workers' parties oE the countries of Asi~, Afriaa und L~~- Cin America, led by ri~rxist-Leninist Cenets, have never Cied rheir hands - wiCh any eingle form oF struggl.e. They have nnticipnted both peacetul ~?nd armed development ol national liberaCion revolutions and have pre~~r~d them- selves to combine various meChods of expanding and intensifying Chem in ac- cordance with concrete circumstances. Marxism-Leninfsm delimiCs precisely the general and particular fenCures in- l~.erent to national liberaCion wars as one of Che basic types of just wars. National liberarion wArs are combined with civil wars and with wars to de- - Fend socialist victories, first and fnremost to resolve Che tasks of libar- aCing peoples from oppression at:d exploitati~n and to serve the goals of hisCorical progress. At the sacne time, the generul democr~tic nature of the national liberaCion movement determines its specific feat~area. f As a sociohistorical phenomenon, national liberation wars are distinguished by an organic interweaving of sociopolitical and military elementa. Elements of the firse group encompass questions of the social co:kent of national liberation wars, that is, they express most substanrively wlu~t per- mits singling ouC national liberation wars as an independent type of just war. Sociopolitical factors are typical both of national liberation wars in the form of popular uprisings and of wars by independent natiunal atates against imperialist aggression. Elements of the second group include methods of conducting national libera- tion wars, form~ of military organization, operationsl Cactics, and ao on, ~ are also largely determined by elements of the first group, which is mani- fested primarily in their large-scale, nationwide character. AC the same time, they depend on the opportunities available to the oppresaed peoples ~ for engaging in armed struggle with colonizers and local reaction, and they acquire specific outlines in particular varieties o� national liberaeion wars. The content of national liberation wars is comprised of a mass movement of broad strata oF the indigenous population against the foreign yoke and for naCional sovereignty, with a unique combination of national and aocial fac- - Cors. In the modern era, as the facts bear out, Che proportion of social factors has steadily increased. This is entirely natural, since a united national democratic front under Che leadership of the working clasa or of 1. See: V. I. Lenin, "Poln. sobr. soch.," Vol 14, pp 1-2. 9 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 k'Ult Of~'I~'tCIAL US~ dNt,Y - revoluei~n~ry demor_r~cy ~volvee during rilh r.ourg~ nf nrmed r~gigebnc~ tc~ colnnlzerg and internbl reection~ It is nnC only unei-imperiuligC ~nd anti- ~~udal in otrinnta~inn, bue ~lgn ~nti~~~apitnlist~ in a broad ~en~e, and it ~urd ~orw~rd rhe tegkg of r~diral sorioec~nomic trnng�orn?~tionu. 'The cloe~~ orggnic int~rweavin~ of n~tional and ~anial fecCorn ig exhibited pgrriculurly graphically in Chc~. Vi~Cnga?ege peopld's yegrs-l~ng w~r aguinrt Americ~n imperi~ligt aggreagdrs. '"Having applied Marxiet-I.eniniet - eeaching~ under Viernam condlCidnS~ dur party r~~sed high ewo bnnnere ~E ' nacian~l democratic revolution nnd eociglist revolution nnd uniCed the ~cope of, the movement fox national independence with the might of ~ocigliam fnr roaximum mobilixetion of Cha enCire p~aple~ df our entirQ country, t~ the $truggle~" snid Le Xuan, ~'irst Secrctnry nE Lhe Viecngcneae Workere' Yarty Central Committe~~ nt rhe 25th c;nngre~~ di the Conmuniet PgrCy of the 5ovieC lJnion. "Ie unit~d Ch~ nation's forcee with the revolutionary forcee of to- day, inCernul forre~ aith international oneg~ and used all munner of contra- diction~ wirhin rhe enemy's ranka. In an doin$, enormous, unificd might aaa created for achieving victory ov~er the aggreesor. Our parry relied on Cao Eorces the poliCical organization o~ the 114~~Seg end the revolutionary arn~ed forces~ combined nrcn~d 3rru~gle with pnlitica~ and diplomntic struggle~ cambined ~ popul~r upri~ing uith r~volutioaacy w.~r~ tmpl~a~ nted a conecant offensive strategy~ and in co doing Nere able to achieve viCtory gtep by etep~ forcing tt~e enemy atep by etep to de-escalaCe, ~o oa Co th~a gain complete victory."1 The gro~+th in and might of the wurld socialiat syatem helpe "'fhird World" peopleg win and defend political independence and use nea opportunities for radical socioeconoanic trnnsf.ormations, for progressive, onward social de- - velopment. Attempts by imperialiat aggressors to restore former regime~~ to revive colonialism in soIDe particular form~ have encountered a firm re- jection by the broad masses of people. Each country which aeanda up for its sacred ri~ht to �reedom and independence can count with confidence on the eolidnrity of the entire socialiat community, a factor of Worldwide hiator- ical importance and a practical embodiment of Che Leninist principle of pro- letarian int~rnationalism. The all-around political, economic~ diplomatic and military support nf the Snvie[ Union, oCher freternal socialiet counCries and all the progressive fdrees of the vorld of fighters for freedam will in the final end make the colonial miliCary adventures of imperialism hopeless. It muet not be forgotten, however~ thaC the forces ot aggresaiqn and mili- tarism are still far from having been rendered harmlesa and continue Co be actively at w~rk. This demands that people be cons~antly prepared to r~ject every machinntion by imperialist reaction. "Peace te yet to be for millions of people on our planet~" said L. I. 13rezhnev in his speech et the World Congresg of Peace-Loving Forces in Moscoa. "They are forced to fight with force of a:ms egainst imperialist r~ggresso:s and their accomplices, ag9inst 1. PRAVDA~ 26 Eebruary 1976. I O POR O~~ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 ~Ok di~'F'tCI~U. U5~ ONt.Y Cht ttrbitra~iness of the uqurpers~ for their uwr? Cr~ednm ,1tid indephndence, fnr th~ ~lement~ry right tn b~ the m~~~t~ra of Ch~ir own hnm~g."1 M~~rx1n~:-Lenl~~i~~e ~enchir~~d nn w~ar c~erve nt~ t,?~ ~n~ehudcjloE,icr~l l,n~l~ fnr r~- ~ ~~~~~;; lhC ~?ut.trruv ul nrir~ed Ntru~;~l~ [ar nntlUt~ril r~iul r4nrl~~i 111~~~r+i~,l~?ri, '1'hort~~~~;h ht~hrxi~t-Lani�iN~ rese~~rch on thc mc~tl~oda r~~~d ~c~rm~ ut cnndur~in~ _ neti~nt~l-liberation w~rs ~nd thp conditinns for rheir virturiou~ conclu~sion permit rousing the brn~d~st gCrdCd of the population Co fighC imperialists - nnd loCdl r~actidn rest~lur~ly, using Che most approprint~ comb~t tnetha't ~nd procedures, and comprehensive consideraCion of the internbi nnd ~xtprn~l E~c- Cors which will facilirnee the success~ul development nf Che ttational libern- tion movement. All ehis will in rhe end ensure viceory in eh~ CfltfBd of the n~tionnl ~nd gocial lib~ratinn of penples. Armed ~eruggle With imperiali$e colonizers, in na cr~er~r Nhae form, mugC be viewed not in isolueion, but es cln~ely link.ed to u concrete hidtoricnl cir- ~umgCance, ta eh~ status of rhe large-gc~le revolutionary movemenC. ICs ~uccess Will depe~nd in decisive measure on tiow carefully and thoughtfully ie has been prepared and or~anized, on how �irmly one relies on the revolu- Cinnary upsurgc of the broad etraCa nf rhe population in the r~volutionary yiCuaCion. 'The cocmnunisC and national democratic parties of the libernted counCrieg Cake into account the fact rhat imperialism Will embark on every adventure ~imed at undermining the unity of thc revolutionary forces. They Cherefor~ are unw~veringly attentive to the poliCical~ military and p~aycholo~ical pre- paration of the masses for various forms of arm:d resistance to calonizers r~nd local reactiot~ and strengthen party in�luence in the army ao as to in- - volve And democraCically inclined servicemen on the side of the people. Marxist-Leninist teachingg are a most important means of ideological struggle in the int~rnational arena. They reveal the true reasons for the rise of nntional l.iber3tion wars, uhich are hiddec~ in the ~ggre6sive-colonizer po- _ licies of imper .ilism, and they permit the convincin~ and well-reasoned un- masking of the ~.~ealo~;ical sabotage by imperialism against Che national liberation mover~ nt, aetcmpts tn camo~fla~e Che ag~ressive eesence of cri- minal actions against freedom-loving peoples. Marxism-Leninism acientific- ally proves t~e bankruptcy of bourgeois-reformiet, pacifiat and all other revisionist theorias and views Which falsify the national liberation movement. CareEul analysis of the just n:~ture of armed strug~le by peoples against colonial oppression and the high-principled CPSU and Soviet GovernmenC policy regarding nacional liberation Wars facilitate developing a spirit of proletarian internationalism aawng Soviet servicemen. Tireless 1. L. I. Brezhnev, "Leninskim kursom. Rechi i stat'i" (The Leninist Course. Speecaes and Articles], Moscow, Vol 4, 1914, P 332. 11 FOR OI~FICIAL USti ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 l~bft O1~'~'tC1AL U5~ ONLY ~ - unn~~king nC Che, r~uctionary egnenr~e of loC~l w~rg d~ imp~rialism ~nd eheir d~ng~r to ehe adrld u~ 13r~e hc~a rli~ mngt dir~ct imp~ct on incr~as- in~ Che vigilgnre ~nd eon~bue readin~sg nE ~h~ Snvi~t Army ~nd N~vy, Marxigm-L~ninism rev~als th~ prngpereg oE n,lrional lib~rdCinn r~volutiuns. ~ - 'Chc prdc~~e wh~reby th~ coln~~ial s~~gtem ot imppri~lism coll~pgeg ie irr~- vergible, and nn neocoldnial methode or ~rm~d coercihn whateoever is capable df. r~~tnring th~ dominion oE~ the colonizers ovar the lib~raCed peonles, i'enplhs ere coi~rerned thnt the histnrical process nf nationnl ~nd social li- - ber~tinn proceed pcucefully, without miliCnry conflicts ~~tnd collision~ which ~re Fr~ught hieh 1~igh humnn ~nd materi~l logaea and which h~rbor threaCe to wnrld peace. This requirQS o~ figheers Eor nation$1 and ~ociel progrpea great vigilance ~nd the conatant urun~sking gnd isol~tion of imperialiat ag- greseors in the ineernaCion~l arena. ~roblems o~ Che n~tional liberation movemenC, of strengehening cooperation with youn~ ataec:s and incrcasing their role in peaceful developmenC were 'urnadly rcflected in the work of th~ 25th Congress oE the Communise Pnrey of Che 5ovieC Union. L.I. Erezhnev, G~neral Secretnry ~~f the CPSU CenCral Coromittee, noted in the Centrel CommiCtee Account~bility Repor.t co the con- gress that the fraternal aolidarity betWeen the US5R and thQ entire soci~l- ist comnunity is facilit~ting radical shifts in the internal life and Eor- eign policies of countriea Which have thrown ofE the cotonial yoke. "It is impossible to glanca at a map of today's world~" said L. I. Brechnev, "without notin~ how greatly rhe influen~e of ataCee which aere quite recently colonies or aemi-colonies has become." "One can say with certainty tluit a aiajority of them have remained opposed Nith increasing energy to imperialism by insisting on their potitical ~nd economic rights, striving ta secure their awn independence, ~nd raising ' the social, economic and cultural levels of developu~nt of their pcoples." "The foreign policies of Che developing countries have become appreciably more acrive. This is manifested alon,r, many lines in the politicnl line of Che nonalignment movemenC, in the activity of Che Organization of African Unity and various economic associations created by the developing countries. It is already clear that, given the present balance of World class forces, the liberated countriea are quite capable of opposing imperialist diktnt, of achieving just economic relations. that is, ones based on equal rights. It is also clear that these countries' contribution to the general struggle for peace and security of peoples, already considerable, quite possibly will become even more influential." "We emphasize once again from the forum of our oan congresa tliat [he Sovi~t Union fully supports the legitimate strivings of the youn~ states and their resolve to rid themselves completely of imperialist exploitation, to diapose themselves of their own netionat riches."1 1. L. I. Brezhnev, "Otchet...politiki," p 15. l2 ~OR OFFICIAL USE nNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 ~ ~Ok t~~~~C1AL US~ ONLY Ae Ch~ invitatitin nE ~he CPSU Cenernl Committee, ln3 dcleg.tieidn~ from cnm- muni~C, workQrg', natio?~~1 demoCratic und gocieli~r pgrei~g from 9G countries aGt~nded. th,e 25th Congreae o� Che CommunieC party of the SoviaC Union, Mnny of Cf~em r~pr~gent~d peoplea which had quite rccently brok~n fr~e o� imp~r- ialiat colc~ni~l gl~v~ry, who hgd won poliCi~~l ind~p~ndence in ~ long~ stub- born gCruggl~~ who h~d cr~~Ced ~overeign sear~s and embaxkad nn th~ elimina- Cion of ehe consequencpg of colonialism, foreign cnpiealiae ent~rprisea, on radical aocioaconomic Cr~neformaCione in the intereeCa o� ehe wdrkers, In their dpeech~s at ehe 25Ch CpSU Cnngresg the delegateg shgre~d their axper- ience in herd, complex baCrles uith imperiali~t colonizc~re and loc~l renc- tion and spoke of Che progreseive changes within Cheir own countries in ra- cnnt yc~ara. 'I'hey expr~gsed profound gratitude to the CPSU and the Soviet etate, to the enetre sociali~r communiCy, �or their fraternal moral and po- liticgl support, Cheir economic and military aesistance to the naCional li- bprn~ion movemettt. The collapse of the colonial sysCem has not diminished~ but hns made even sharper the sCruggle between rhe reactionary forces of imperialiam and the peoples which hnve embarked upon the path of independent development and so- cial progress. Imperialism continues to oppose Che nneionr~l liberuCion move- menC, Co interfere in the internal affairs of the young ataCes by relying on counterrevolutionary elemenCa and by unleashing military conElicta and wars. "The experience of the revolutionary movQment in recenC years," L. I. Brezh- nev noted in the report at rhe 2Sth CPSU Congreas, "has ~raphically ahown thaC if a real threae to the dominion of monopolistic capital and its poli- ticnl proteges arises, imperialism goes all out, diacnrding ~11 pretense oE nny democr~cy wharsoever. It is prepared to trample on both state sover- ei~nty and all legality, not to mentton humaneness. Slander, the sCupefnc- tion of the coumunity, economic blockades, sabotage, organizing famine and ruin~ bribery and threats, terrnr, organizing the murder of poliCical offi- cidls, fascist-type pogroms such is the modern counterrevolutionary ar- senal ahich always operates in leagup with international imperialiat reac- tion. But all this is in the �inal analysis doomed to failure. ThC cauae of Ereedom and progress is invincible."1 In directing prim~ry eEforts at attaining the central task of averCing a nuclear world war, it is important to succeed in eliminating all oCher dis- plays of force or threaCs of force in inCernational relationa, to give peo- ple the opportunity to solve problems of their own internal developo~ent, to choose their own socioeconomic and political systems~ without any outeide interference whatsoever. The CPSU CenCral Co~nittee Decree "On the 60th Anniversary of the GreaC Oc- tober Socialist Revolution" notes thFit imperialism has not reconciled itself 1. L. I. Brezhnev, "Otchet Tsentral'nogo Komiteta KPSS i ocherednyye zada- chi partii v oblasti vnutrenney i vneshney politiki," p 37. ' 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 ~dCt nt~'~ICIAL US~ ONLY to ehe 10g8 of its dominion in the new independ~nC sCtttes; iC l~opee Chat by uging neocolonigLiam it cun conCinue t~ exploit rhese countriee, Co conCrol eheir economic r~nd politicul life. However, countrieg freed from Che~ do- minion of the colonizere are gtrengthening eheir ind~pr.ndancp ~nd ncCglergt- inp ecnnomic, rechnic~~l and c~lrurgl prdgregg~ Democratic ~nd ravolutionttry �orCes speaking out eonaisecnely from gnti-imperigllse poaitions nnd atriv- ing fnr radical gocial eransformaeiona are ~rnwing gtronger. 'The Sovi~C Uninn and oeher socialist cnuntries, the deCree aCaCeg~ ttr~ rendering the developing counCries comprehensive supporC in rheir struggle Co implement their own legitimate sCrivings to rid themselves compleCely nf imperir~liat axploiCgrion, to uge their right to manage Cheir own desCinies ehemanlves. 1'h~ most importnnt Marxist-Leniniet teneCg on the nntur~ nf the netionnl li- beration movement and naeional libQration wura were further developed cre~aC- ively in the program docuu~ents of the Communist Pnrty of ~he 5oviet Union and the internationnl communist and workers' mnvement. These eeneCS are of enormous theoretical ~nd pructical importnnce to th~ national liberation movemenC in Asia, Africa and LFtCin America. They point ouC Che patlt Cowards strenbthening ehe friendghip and solid~rity of peoples for gei~ui~~e nneional liberation, full and final destruction of the last foci of colonialism, for esCablishment of fraternal relations which will facilitate Che frc:e nnd pro- gressive development of all counCries and Che msintenance of peace on earth. COI'YRIGHT: Voyenizdae, 1977 11052 CSO: 1800 14 FOR OFFICIA.I. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY NATIONa,L OYERALL DEV~LOPMENT OF' TERFiITORIES DI3~'tJSSID Alma Ata IZVESTIYA AKAU~MYI NAUK KA7.AKSKIY 53R, SERIYA OBSHCHE3~'VENNYIQ~ , 1~1UK, In Ruesian No 2, ~979 pp 1-7 (Article by R. S. Sakiyeva: "Ensuring the Overall Development of Territories--M Important mask of the Local Soviets of People's Deputies"~ (Text) Ueveloped sociqlism whirh is chnracterized by a poKerful economic base and e deepening intr~-state economic i~?tegr~tion ob~ectiv~ly gives r3se to the growing role of the Soviets of People's Deputiea in Qccomplish- ing~the most important ~ocial and econocaic tasks. Z'he Soviets have suffi- cient material and political means which make it possible for them to effectively exercise state authority on the territories subordinate to them. Shoxing constant concern for the Soviets, the Communist Party of the ~ �oviet Union orients them toward a more active participation in the accom- plishment of the tasks of communist construction in the country. One of these ~asks is the overall development of territories. This problem Was also important during earlier periods of Soviet posrer, since an overall development of the territories srh:ch are subordinate to the Soviets has � always corresponded to the urgent needs of a developing socialist society. For this reason, the demand for an overall development of the territories xhich are subor~fnate to the Soviets has been elevated to the raak of a constitutional norm.l V. I. Lenin points to the necessity for an overall development of all territorial Pormation~ in his irork, "On the Food Tax." He noted that help for the centra.l apparatus "has to come from the localities, from the grass roots, from the model organization of a small 'xhole,' but precisely a 'ahole,' that is, not from a single form, not from a branch of the econo~, aot from a single enterprise, but from a totul of all economic re~ations, from the total of econor~ic turnover, albeit of a sma11 locelity." � The problem of the overall development of a territory i~ touched upon to one or another extent in the aork~ or s~~et ~uristg, economiats, and vorkers in local agencies of authority. At the same time, mnny of its aspects have not found a sufficient thecretical interpretation. In the 15 FOR OFFICIkI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 ~'OR O~FICIAL US~ dNLY ~ present artlcle an attempt ig m~d~ to investi~~te certain questiong which are connect~d with thc role of the locgl Savi~t~ in providing f~r th~ overell development of thc territories gubordinate~to them. The probl~m of providing for the overall developm~nt of a territiory which is und~r the mang~ement oi' 1ocn1 5oviete is the restil.t of the very esse~nce of th~ socialist ~cdnn?r~y with tt~ territori~.l division of labor. And the course aimed at an expansion of the ~u~horities of th~ local ~genci~s of authority in the sphere oi' the eCOnon~y t~nd of socio-cu].tural construction is also directed toward ensuring the over~~.l development by them of' their territories. A territory wh~.cli i~ nubordinate to a 1oca1 5ovi~ti has to be a compact inte~rity in which ~11 nf the elem~nts nf the ~con~.nic and social aphere are close~y intercorinected nnd mutually supplementary. In order for an admini~trative-territorial unit (kray, oblagt, city, rayon) tio be a eingle socio-econociic complex it is neeessary to establish a clnse coordi- nation betwten all of the branches of the economy and, Kbove a11, of the specialized, auxiliary, und service Z'he maintenance of the ~ctivities of the local agencies of ~uthority in providing for the oyerall development of their territories is influenced by the fact that on the teri�itories of the loc~l Soviets are locc~ted enter- prises, organizations, and institutions oF diverse subordination: ~ome ~re under the mana~ement of agencies of the Soviet Union, others are under republican man~gement, �~+hile still others are enterprjses of locul subordi- nati~n. In solving their production problems, enterprises and organlzntions of superior subordination may sometimes lose sight of the essential interrate of a territory. In such a caae, basing it~elf ~n the rights granted to it by laa, the local Soviet has to seek to achieve ~ consider~tion of the ~ interests of its oti+n territory as ~nell as of state interests. But since � until the present time the efforts of branch and territorial agencies have not been united to the necessary extent and there has been no single opinion regex~ding the solution of the problems affecting the specific interests of a local population, the process of the development of territories e.s single ` socio-economic complexes has been difficult. The laws on local agencies of authority srhich have been adopted in recent years, and also the neW USSf~ r- Constitution a~nd the Constitutions of the Union Republic~ give the local 3oviets the direct te~k of providing for the overall development of their territories. For this reason, it seems to us that the Soviets should make - s+ider and fuller use of the rights given to them by laW. Before speaking about the factors s~hich deterraine the necessity :or an overall development of a territory �.+hich is subordinate to the locril. Soviets, it is necessary to consider the very concept of the overall development of a territory, especially since there are several definitions of it both umong ~urists on d economists. S. V. Solov'yeva ~rrites: "The decisions of the CPSU and the nea laus on the local Soviets rahich have been adopted in accordance with them are an ic~portant basis for increasfng the role of the Soviets on all levels in the overall development of territories--the coordi- nation of common social, political, and econoraic tasks oP a state, branch, 16 FOFt OFFICIE?L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 ~OR OFFICIAL USE tlNLY ~nd territoria~. chclrrxCt~r."~ A more concret~ definition is given by Ye. I, Korenevnknya: "'1'he overull developmanti o~' a territor~y ia one ot' thp mnnda- tory conditionu for increasing th~ effic3ency of the econo~r, nnd iti 3g provided for, in particu~.~r, by m~~ng of improving the ecnnomic activitic~ of loc~l ~gencies of authority ~nd, ~irst of all, developing th~ir plan coordinatlon funrtiong."5 Econocnists giv~ a definition of over~ll development in application to an economic region. Thus, V. V. Kis~enov notes: "The overal.l nature of an econamic region mc~ns a plctnned, rel~tive ~y many-sided, and harmon3ous development of the econon~y on the basis of national economic specialization, strict proportionality, and with clos~ and atable interrelatinns be- tveen all of the branches and economic sub-regions for per3ods. mhe overal.l development of ~ economic region accorfls with the most important require- ment oF economic construction--the achievement in the in~er~ats of aociety of the gre~test results with the amallest expenditures." Consideration is also merited by the authors of the book, "The Planning of the Overall Development of the Econoa~y of an Oblast, Kray, and ASSR," who believe that "by the overall development of an econoutiy we should understsnd a formation based on att economically substantiated use of the material, naturaZ, and labor resources of a system of pr~portionally developed bran- ches of material production and of the non-production ~phere which performs definite functions in the country'~ social production with maximwn national economic effect."7 All of the above cited definitions do, undoubtedly, reveal the content of the overall development of a*,erritory (administrative unit, economic region), but it seems to us that a clarification of this cor,cept is necessary. In our opinfon, the overall development of a territory which is subordinate to local Soviets is the attairunent of the kind of development of adminis- trative-territorial units in which they are formed as single economic com- plexes With a correct specialization and an expedient etting of industrial and agricultural enterprises; it is the Pullest, active, and efficient use oP the natural a-,d rax material and labor resources of the given territory; the elimination ~f one-sidedness and disproportions in the developm.ent of the branches of the econocqy; and it is the fullest consideration of local conditions and interests and the provision for the needs of the local popu- - lation. Only this kind of development Xill make it possible for adminis- trative-territorial formations to fulfill the task ~et for them by the state - and to achieve the necessary proportionality and harmoniousness in the de- velopment of the production and the non-productfon spheres. The economic factor is one of the main factors Which determines the necesaity for the overall development of a territory. � The state of the country's econoa~yr as a Whole is determined by the correct organization of the economies of the administrative-territorial nations ead it depends upon the harmonious work of all of the industrial, 17 FOR OFFICI~,L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 ~OR OF~ICrAL US~ ONLY agricultural, tran~portation, and tr~de ~nterprise~ and other ob,~ects which are located on the territory oP one or another administrutive-terrttiorial unit . Mverse branches of the ~cono~y are developed in relation to the availability oP a natura]. and raw u?aterial base and of labar regources on the terrii;dry oP the local Soviets. Tn its turn, the development nf brancheg depends . upon a correctl.y selected speci~lizat~on and determines the overall develop- _ ment of a territory. A local agency of authority is interested in the correctneas of the selection of the ypeci~].ization of branches on its territory for which th~re are favorable conditions. And sinc~ overallness ia above a11 the harmoni~u~ development of the econoa~y on the basis of economic specfe~.ization, the local ~gency of authority sees to it that along with ttie specialized branches, auxiliary branche~ and aervice apheres develop in correct proportion with them on the territory. It has to be emphasized that the competence of local 5oviets to select spe- cializgtion is applied basically to the branches of local econor?~y. Mean- w~ile, the overall development of a territory is greatly influeticed by tt~e activities of enterprise~ of superior subordination, and 1oca1 a~;encies of authority are nat indifferent to how correctl.y the specialization of one or ~ another branch has been selected, if only because these enterprises use local raw materials and becc~use a certain quantity of the output produced by them goes for satisfying the needs of the local population, and a certain part of the profits allotments of these enterprises goes into the budget of the local Soviet. The tasks connected with a correct specialization and siting of industrial and agricultural enterp�rises which are set by the Laws on the I~ocal Agencies of Authority determine an overgll and maximum use of local resources and ~ eliminate a wasteful attitude by these enterprises toward the local natural. and rak ma.terial base. Basiag itself on its own natural and geographic conditions and on the re- sources of its territory, at the present time any admini3trutive-territorial unit mqy be a single socio-economic complex. The purely industrial end rural oblasts and krays which did not ~ustify themselves have been eliminated, and there are now no grounds Por a one-sided development of administrative- territorial units.9 Practice shos+s that if the basic branch in a region is agricultural and if there are no grounds for the development of industry, th~ local Soviet of People's Depiities strives to create on its territory agricultural output processing enterprises and a Wide netWOrk of institutions connected With services for the population, and also to make use for these purposes of the vaste products of enterprises of superior subordination. For frequently enormous funds are expended on long-distancc hauls of goods in order to satisfy the needs of a local population, While the racr mriterials :rom which the given a.rticles are produced consist of the Waste products of enterprises 18 FOR OFFICIE,L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 rOR 0~'FICYAL US~ ONLY which are frequently diacarded bec~use they are no~ needecl by production. V. V. Kistanov is correct in nnting; "'Phe ~verall development of an econo- npr doeg not require the mandatory creation in a region of a11 of thr branches of induatry, but presupposes a definition of ~h~ way~ to m~ke the best use of a11 of its labor resources ~.nd me~ns of productinn,"~0 In order for rayon, city, or oblast to meet the requirements oF overallne3s, it is necessary to have the development of n,l~ branches in close intercon- nection not only with related branches, but also within the territory on . which they are located. It is the task of the local Soviets not to permit the isolated development of branche~ of the economy and of cu].ture and to ensure the kind of ratinnal combination of them under which the n~cessary proportionality would be maintained between industrial and agricultural production and cultural and domestic services for the population~ On1y with the correct composition of plans for the social and economic develop- ment of territories which are becoming increasingly wide~pread can this task be accomplished. Enterprises of superior subordination have an important influence ob the state of the economies of adminfstrative-territorial units. For this reason, the coordinating function of the local Soviets is becoming more important. A. I. Kazannik writes: "The appearance and development of the coordinating function of the local Soviets is a result of the ob,jective necessity for combining the branch and territorial principles in managing the econou~y. It promotes the proportional development of the econorqy on the territory subordinate to the local Soviets. As a result of the per- formance by the local Soviets of their coordinating function, the corres- ponding administrative-territorial unit appears as a single socio-economic complex Which occupies e specific place in the social system as a whole."11 The role of the coordinating function in ensuring the overall developrnent _ oP a territory is also noted by Ye. I. Korenevskaya who sees the solution oP this problem in the devel4pment of the planning and coordinating func- tions of the local Soviets.1z Only a differentiated performance of coor- dination With respect to enterprises of superior subordination to the , extent and in th~. rimount permitted by the status of a given Soviet will make it possible to accomplish the task of the harmonious development of a territory. In Article 4 oP the Law on the R~}ron Soviet of the Kasakh SSR it is stated that the rayon Soviet coordinates and controls the activities _ of a11 of the enterprises, institution~, and orgunizations located on the territory of the rayon with respect to residential and municipal construc- tion, the construction of social and cultural and domestic facilities, the productfon of consumer ~oods and of local construction materials, the development and realization of ineasures in the field of improvements, . trade, public catering, public educution, health care, and culture, and in other fields connected Xith servfces xith the rayon's population. The content of the activities of the local Soviets to ensure the overall development of their territories is influenced first of all by the size of the territory, the size of the population living on it, natural and 19 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 FOR OF'FZCIAI. USE ONLY geographic conditions, and the economic potential of the a~m3~iistrative- territorial units. Let us take, for example, an ob~a~t which is ~n integral socio-economic complex. 2'he task of the oblast Soviet ig ~o ensure the close coordination and developarental proportionallty of ~].1 af ~he Uranches of the econot?~y on its territory, Th~ requirement for ensuri~lg overallnees also applies to rayon and city Soviets whose specific nature, in contra~t to nbla~t Soviets,springs if only from the fact that the scope oi' their activity i.s somewhati narrower. PRIIVDA has noted regarding the nverall development nf cities: "The decis~.ons of the 25th CPSU Congre~s devo~e subatantial r~ttention to the problem of the overall formation of cities and provide for a number of ineasurps for their further economic and social development. Yt will be necessary ~to improve the quality nf construcbion, oP architectural solutfons, aand of the economical nature of construc~ion, to plan and build housing in a, complex with facilities from the sphere of services, public health, education, and so forth. Tn order tio successfully accomplish these tasks the city has to be regarded as a 3ingle economic complex. In other wordy, the princip~~s of branch and territorial manage- ment have to be skillfully combined." It seema to us thr~t the use by local agencies of autihority of all the rights grr~nted to ~hem by law will make it possible to properly accompligh the task of ensuring the overall development of territories and to bring about the reality that administrative-territorial units become definite economic complexes. The harmonious development of a territory is impossible without a consid- eration of territorial factors. I~o matter how great the results of the work of enterprises located on the territory of a Soviet may be, if consideration is not given to territori~.7. factors it is difficult to achieve overall de- velopment. The very existence of a specific territory on which all of the ~ production facilities and service facilities are based, the availability on , a given territory of natural and raw material and labor resources, and the habitation there of a specific boc~y of population with specific inter~sts-- ' this entire complex of territorial factors has to be an ob,ject of attention 4 first of al1 from the local agencies of authority, and also from the organi- ~ zations and enterprises located on the territory. . All production and non-production facilities, regardless of their depart- ~ mental subordination, obliged~to make efficient use of the natural and raw material resources of a given grea. They are strict]~y controlled by the local Soviets of People's Deputies. The local agencies of authority should give attention to the establishment of control over the use of labor resoitrces, and also to the elimination of unnecessary population mi- gration. Toxard this end, the local Soviet, in close contact with enter- prises oP both local and superior subordination, strives to crea~e the ' necessary conditions for the work and habitation of people on the given , territory: it constructs residential facilities, cultural and educational, school, and pre-school institutions and it creates a network oF, achools, hospitals, children's,and cultural and educational institutions.15 ~ ~ . . ' 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 ~ , FOEt O~FIC~AL USE ONLY One uf the tasks facing ~he local Sovi.e~s ie the satisfac~ion o~' ~he ~ver growin~ need~ of the local population. Toward this end, ~he Soviet controla the f~lfilLnerit of the plan for the production of consumer goods at Pn~er- prises, regardlese of their departmental subordination. 7.'hus, for a number of years the plan for the production of consumer goods was not fulfill.ed in the City of Irkutsk; only the ent~~blishment of the necessury control by the c3ty Sov3et helped to find additional reserves, to improve the quality of the goods being produced, and to e1.i.minate ~hose shortcomings.l6 An important mee,ns of ensuring the overall development of territories is a correct combination of territorial and branch plenning, and also the esta- blishment Por local Soviets of the right to independently dectde upon the questionsof the ~oint use of those resources whic are allocated by enterprisea for social and ctil.tural construction.~7 Support should be given to the proposals being expressed by both scholc~xa and practical workers concerning an expansion of the rights of the local Soviets in the field of planning and with respect to the use of the re- � sources of enterprises for social and cultural needs, and also the necessity for expanding the budgets of the 1oc al Soviets through allotments of up to 10~ of the above-plan profits of enterprise~ of superior subordination. These proposals should receive the appropriate reflection both in the Laws on Oblast (Kray) Soviets and in the Regulation on Socialist Enterprises and �the Regulations on Ministries and Departments. In addition, the latter should specify what kind of responsibility is borne by enterprises and organizat~ons for violating one or a:lother point of the law on 1.oca1 Soviets.l This will serve as one of the gua.rantees for the achievement by the local Soviets of an overall development of their territories. � The process of the development of any region has a c~ymamic character. It also has its own difficulties. The development of a single methodology ' for composing overall plans for the economic and social development of ~ territories, the skillful application.of the rights which have been given ~ to the Soviets, and also an efficient cooperation between the local agencies . of authority and the enterprises and organizations of superior subordina- tion will make it possible to successfully accomplish this task. FOOTNOTE~ . 1. "USSR Constitution," MoscoW, 1977, p 147. 2. V.I. Lenin, "Complete Works," Vol 43, p 23k. 3� "The 25th CPSU Congress and the Problems of the Theory of State LaW," Moscow, 1977; "Important Theoretical Problems of a Development of 3tate Law and Soviet Construction," Moscow, 1976; I. A. Azovkin, "The Local Soviets in the System of Agencies of Authority," MoscoW, 1971; A. I. Kazannik, "The Coordinating Function of the Local Soviets of 21 FOlt OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 ~ ~ FOR drFIGIAL US~ ONLY , Worker's Deputies," Irkutsk, 1974; V. V. Kistanov, "The Over~.ll Devel.opment and Specia~l3z~tion of the Econamic Regiona of the U35R," : + Moecow, 1968; Ye, ~i. Korenevskeya, "~he Combination of Branch and ~ Territorial Aspects in the Planning and Co~rdinat~n~ Activities of the Local 5oviets," SOVETSKOYE COSUDARS7'VO I PRAVO, No 9, i976; P. Paskar' "Accomp~.ishing the Main Task," SOVETY DLPUTATOV TRUDYASHCHIKHSYA, No 2, 197E; "Planning the Over~ll Development of the Econo~y of an Oblast, Kray, ASSR," Moscow, 19~f~; S. V. Solov'yeva, "The Role of ~he Local Soviets in the Overall Devel.opment of a Territory," SOVETSKOYE ~~08UDAItS7'VO I PRAVO, No 12, 1976; K. S. Sheremep, "The Increased Role , of the Local 8ovi~~s in Economic and 5ocial and Cultural Construction,~' Moscaw, 1967, and others. k. S. V. Solov'yeva, op.cit., p 55. 5. Ye. I. Korenevskaya, op.cit., p 81. 6. V. V. Kistanov, op.cit., pp 6-7. 7. "Planning the Overall Development of ~he Economy of an Oblast, Krey, A5SR," p 19. � 8. V. V. Kistanov, op.cit., p 6. 9. The reasons for the elimination of such formations are quite fully reflected in the book, "The State Legal Status of the Oblast Soviets of the Kazakh SSR," Alma-Ata "Nauka," 1976, p 2b and following. 10. V. V. Kistanov, op.cit., p 8. 11. A. I. Kazannik, op.cit., Irkutsk, 1974, p 6. 12. Ye. I. Korenevskaya, op.cit., p 81. 13. PRAVDA, 13 November 1976 , . 14. The local Soviets do not always actively struggle to see to it that an increase in the number of production facilities is supplemented by a corresponding increase in the number of cultural and domestic, trude, medical, and other facilities. Such serious shortcomings which lead to labor turnover and decrease production efficiency have been noted ~ in the work of certain rayon and city Soviets of People's Deputies~of ` Taldy-Korganskaya Oblast. See: "The Current Archive of the Institute ' of PhilosopY~y and Law of the Kazakh SSR Acade~}r of Sciences. Fund of the Local Soviets, 1977." Such cases are not isolated ones. For this � reason it is essential to establish a business-like cooperation be- tween enterprises of superior subordination and local agencies of au- thority. The skillful use by the latter of their coordinating and control functions will promote the harmonious development of the 22 FOR OFFZCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 , FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY ~ ~ produc~ion and nor~-product3on spheres. ' 15. A.. V. Petrov and E. A. Manukyan, "An Improvemen~ of Organization~l ~ Work: The Practice of Moscow's Soviets," SOVETSKUYE GOSUDARS7'VO I ' PRAVO, No 1, 1977, p 54. . � 16. PRAVDA, 25 June 1977. ~ . 17. 5ee: "To Improve the Work of the Soviete~ A collection," Moscow, 1978; B. Ivanov, "Tn Accordance with the Constitutiona]. Norm," SOVETY NARODNYKH DEPtJTATOV, No 6, i978, p 16; V. Grigor'yeva, "Reserves for P1ann3ng," SOVETY NARODNYKH DEPUTATOV, No 12, 1977; ~ "On the Question of the Competence of the Kray and Oblast Sovieta," SOVETSKUYE GOSUDARSTVO T PRAVO, No l, 1978. ~ ~ 18. A positive experience in solving these problems has been gained in the GDR where the local Soviets actively coordinate the capital 3n- vestments of enterprises of var3ous departments (See: IZVESTIYA, 11 Apr 1978). This experience ahould also be used by us. COPYRTGHT: Izdatel'stvo "NAUKA", Kazakhskoy SSR, 1979� 2959 CsO: 1800 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 I~otl ~1l~t~ 1CtAl~ 1t51: t1Ni,Y itF~(3IONAL RUS9IAN I11NaUA(}~ INSTHU~TION IN U7.BLKISTAN _ 'Ih~bkent O~iSHCttE9TVENNYY~ NAUKI V UZB~lCISTANE iri ?tu:;~i~?n No Ly~h SiE;ned t~, ~~rc~;.~ 'l Apr 79 pp 2G-30 ~Article by 9. Sh. 3hermukhamedov; "Univer~al Attentian to tbp $tudy oP tht Rureian Ieogu~ge," for the All-Union Scientifie-Theoratie~?1 Con~'~rence "~ueelan In uage--the Le?nguage of I~riendship ~nd Cooperation ~f th~ Peopl~s ot the U98R" `Text] During the yea?rs of the Soviet rule nerr in que~lity relatioag, based on mutu$1 truet, respect, friendehip, end eooperation of brotherly peoples, heve been firmly este~blished among all ~se?tionolitiea gnd ethnic groupe of - our country, This has becoma poeBible owing to tbc eteady re:alization of Lenin's ne?tional policy in general and lgnguage policy in particular by Lbe CommunieL Party and the 3oviet government. The previeion of Yladimir I1'ich that the rappmchement of peoplre vill be reelized "exclueively tbrough a free, brotherly union of workere ead Lhe v~rk- ing me?esee of ell natioas"1 hna come true. The (}reat October Revolution, hav- ing liberated all the peoples of our country, haa united tbem into g pover- ful union oP republics vitb equal rights. Tht process of the natiocal republics' development along the noeieliet vny quite naturally raised tbe question of using one language for the reglization ot multifaceted interaational relatione in all spheres of Soviet soclety's life. T6e Ru~sian languase--the lenguage ot the great Lenin, the l~ngwa?ge of e people-giant, poaseeeing the richeet der~cratic, revolutionary traditione and a bigh level oP culture vas voluntarily and ununimously choeen as tbia language. "Aay language poeeesaes," said Sh. R. Rasbidov, candidate member of the CPSU Central Coauaittee Politburo, tirst eecretary of the CC of the Cocape?rty of Uzbekistan, in his report at the All-Union Scientific-Practical Coaference 1 i~enin, V. I. Poln. sobr. socb." ~CocRplete Collected Wo:k], Vol 31, p ~67. z4 ~ok oF~rcrn~. u~E on~~.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 1~'tlk Ui~t'tG1,1L ilyi, t)NLY na the ~u~ai~n L~nguag~ h~1d in ~'~shk~nt ((ktob~r 1q75 "c~rt~?in, inh~r~nt in it virtu~e. At th~e e~me tim~, V. i. L~nin pointpd out, th~re algo exist the eo-c~?li~d world l~ngu~?g~a vhich by fore~ o~ eprt~?in ~i~toria conditidn~ pl.~?y ~~p~cial rol~ in the d~vplopment of hwm~nity. The Ruaeian l~ngw~?g~ i~ oae ot' them."2 'rhe role of the great Hueeien languAgg in ncqu~?inting th~ p~oplee oP tbe 50- vi~t Union With ~.dvaneed uorld culture, ~epeelally vith Ruesian eulture, 18 ~norn~oua . Todgy the Ruoei~?n word acq~aeinte the ~ro.xlfl vith reme?rkable suceg~s~a of tihe 9ovi~~ peopl~ in ~eience, tecbnology, cultiur~, and art. The Ruesi~n vord ie ~ vo~c~ ot peec~, an e?ppt~?1 for equality, broLherly trienQehip, and eoci~l progr~ss of the p~oplps. The RuseiQn languag~ carriea out numeroua fL~netione. tt ia a naLior?el len- guage, the l~ngu~ge of the Rueeian eocialisti nation; the langue?ge oP inter- netional commu~ic~tian of Lhe peoplpe of the U58R; the language of communi- cgtion b~tween the peopleg of the Soviet Uaion and ~ncieligt countriee; it ie gn int~rc~Lione~l lenguug~, one of tihe UN ofPicidl lepguages, tbe working laagu~ge of vorious ~nteraatioaal C~ngr~eees, eonfertncee, eympoelume, and eo on. Otiring to Lhe Soviet-American coopere~tion in Lbe conquering of space the Russi~n snd Engliah languaL~F Were the firet lenguagps o! interr~?tioagl communic~tion in ape,ce. That is vby the intereet in etudying Ruesisa is growing eteadily not only in our country, but in tbe vbole world as vell. Living gnd working in our multinational republic ere repreeentetives of more then one hundred oationalities. With e great de8lre and love they familiar- ize thpm$elveB rrith tbe Ruseia?n language in vbich, according to 3h. R. Rsshi- ~,v's figure of epeech, "are concentrated emotionality and mueicality, expres- eiven~ss and eleggnce, eubtlety and volume, vitelity e?nd tenderaees, tlexibil- ity and laconiem, vividneee and sonority, richnees aad pover."3 The echool of generel educstion in general, aad the oe?tional ecbool in parLic- ular, playe a big role in the inetruction and study of the Rueeien languege. The UzS9R dlinistry of �ducation under the guidsnce of tbe Central Committee of the Comparty of Uzbekistan, flilfilling the vill and wieh oP the peoplee inhebiting the Uzbek SBR, is consteatly end necording to the plao directing ita activitiee to reuder concrete practical seelete?nce in tbe realization oP meaeures to improve the instruction end etu~dy of the Ruaeien langusge in all the linke oP public education, to reiee the level o! knovledge of etu~dents 2 Raehidov, 9h. R. "Ruasian Language--tbe Le?nguage of Mutual Co~uaicstion and Cooperation of All Natione and Nationalities ot the 8oviet Union," RUS9KIY Y'AZYK I LITERATIJRA V UZ8EK3KOY 3E4:OI.B, 19?6, No 1, p 13. 3 KOl~G+lUNIBT, 19'j2, No 12, p 7. 25 FOft OFFTCIAL USE ONI.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 i~nlt uI~I~IClAI, U~I, ~1N1~Y ~f th~ ~tu~ei~n languag~~ ~nd to at~ff debool~, ~ac~ennd~ry and higher p~d~?go- gical in~titutiiong of 1~~i~ning r?ith higt~ly ~ki11~d expert~-Ru~niet~. 'rh~ All-Unidn S~i~ntific-Pre~ctic~?]. ConP~ren~~ on the ~ub,~eet "Th~ ~xp~rirnce _ of Studying enfl ma~ching th~ ~tuesien i.angu~?g~ ta ~chdol~, Nigh~r end 8econd- Qry ~peciali~,ed ~duc~?tional In~titution~ of the Nati~a," h~ld in Te?ehkent la fktob~r o~' 1~7~, made rsa invalu~ble cantribution to tbe r~~ol.ubion o~ topic~?1 problpmg in thp inAtruction ~nd otudy oP the ~ussian lsnguag~~ Oa tihe bs~ie of it~ reeulte th~ Centr~l Committee of the Compa?rty of Uxbekist~n ~dopt~d a d~cre~, On N~aeurea in ~~~peet to 1~trLber Improv~m~nt of Inetruction and Study of thg Ruosian Language in 9choolg, Nigher and 5econdary Specie?1i~~d ~ducational Ingtitutioa~ of the Repubiic." The rollegium of the U~9SR Minietry of ~duca?tion, in turn, e?dopt~d e decree~ "Taeke ot Lbe Orgeng oY Public Education and Pedagogir,~l Fduc~?tional institu- Lions in Respect to FLrLher T.mprovement oP the 9tudy and tnstruction of the Ru~elan L~nguage ~nd Liter~ture in 8chools, Pr~school nnd Extracurrieular In- atitutiong, Pedagogicol ~duc~tional Inetitutioae of the Republic in Ligbt of ~ecommendations of tbe All-Vnion Scientitic-PracLical Conference, 'The Exp~- ri~nce oP 3tudying ond Teacbing tb~ Ruesian Ienguage in Srhool8, Higher end 3econd~e?ry 3peciallzed Edueutional Inetitutione of the Netion,' e?ad the Decree of the CC oP the Comparty oP Uzbekistan, 'On Measur~o in Reapect ta ~rther Iaprovea?~nt of Instruc+.ion and 5tudy of the Ru~eian Ianguage in Schoola, Higb- er and Secondary 3pecie?lized Educstional Inetitutione of the Republic."' The outlined meaeures ~re being eucceesfLtlly implemented in pract~ce. All experts-philologiats--teachera, methodi~te, e~uthora oP Lextbooks, ocien- tific xorkere--are naking a xorthy coatribution to the improvement of the Ruasian language ineLruction, to the communiet upbriaging of youtb on ite material. Questione oP th~ Ruseian l,s~nguege are in the center of attention of the orge?ns of public education, executivea of eehools, secondary and bigh- er educe~tional institutions. Wide sections of the public are rendering active aeeistance in this important endeevor. APter the All-Union coaferpnce in Uxbekistan the concern over teaching the RuBSian language to children, sterting with preecbool, he.s increaeed coneider- gbly. As g result encoura~ging succeases have been nchieved. Nox ie~ the re- public there are 362 kind~rgartens uith s contingenL of mare than 1~,000 cbil- dren where the little ones, educated in netional groupo, ar~: mastering Rueeiaa epeecb under the guidance oP educe?tors who have had special retra?ininq, as rrell aa on the baeie of a program e.nd visual etudy aide devised for the kinderggr- tene. In every oblast' two or three baae kindarg,artens have been opened tvhere the Ruealan language i~ systeme~tically and purpoeefully �Laug2at to tbe rhildren of local natioaalitiee. Mixed kindergartens wbere children of different na- tionalities ere educated have been creat.ed. The practic:e of little Uzbek chil- drea visiting Ruesien groups is expanding every year. This has e fa~orable ePfect on the laying of a Pirm fouadation for further compreheneive gtudy of the Ruseian language by children of non-RuBSian nationalities. 26 I~Ok OEFICTAI, lf5F: ONI.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 t~Uk t~F't~'tc.l J11, Ii~L t1NLY ~ ~or th~ litti~ on~~, noti ~mbrac~~ by pr~eehool ins~itutiinna, pr~p~?ratiory al~?s~~~ h~v~ b~gn organized under the echool~ o~' genpr~~ educatioa~ A gpe� cie?1 program v~p eompil~d Whieh anbicipates pr~par~?1;lon oP chi,ldr~n for eohool~ including th~ Rueaian language~ This ye~?r w~ t~?ve ].~200 Quch cl0egpe, and they embre?ce ~0,000 preechoal~re~ A eoneid~rable amounb of xork to improve inetrucbion of th~ Huesieu? 18n- guag~ ~?nd lib~ratur~ he~~ bepn ~?ecomplieh~d in ~chcwle of g~n~rol edue~tion ahiah conetitute tihe centre?1 link of public edu~ation. One republic ~in Tashkpnt) eqd 10 oblset' boarding erhnols with en in-depth ~budy of the eub~~ct hav~ been created in UxbekieL~n. C]aaaes of an in- depth profile he~vg bp~n organized in the echooLe oP g~neral ~ducetion locs?t- ed in the rayon ~eatere. Now we 2~eve 165 euch Bchools. x'he sub~ect in them is etudi~d according to special prograaoa, Aids, and etudy ple?ns in wbich the number of houre ~'or the Rus~i~n langue~g~ and literature t~e b~~n increased~ A11 our schoolg of genere?1 ~duc~tion ere also xorking eceording to a new atudy plan in vhir.h from the firgt to the tenth grade 47 houre d week ere given to the Rusei~n language ead literature. Fbr tbe creation and expaneion oP Ruseie~n-longuage environment more than 500 mixed schoolo hevp been organized rrbere Ruesian ie one of the lsngusg~e of instruction. In rure?1 echools the number of gradee 4 to 10 vith anre than 25 studenLs, divided into trro groi~ps during leseoaB of the Ruesisra langue~ge, is increasing every year. Nov sucb divielon ie done in 60 percrnt of schools like this, vhereas in tbe 19?7/'~8 echool year it vas done in 53.4 percent of the echoole, and in the 1974/75 school year, only in 37.5 percent. The number of teachers-Ruesiete vith a higher education is increseing every year. In lqrd s tote~l of 2,031 teachers of the Ru$sian language, grsduatee of ped~gagical VU'L's, were sent to nationsl echools, and in 19?8, e?lready 2,775~ In the first to third grades of national schoole sloag vith experts ~ with a higher educatioa Ruasian is being te?ughL by elementary achool teachers who be?ve a right to teach it. Since 1973 republic co~nteata in the Ruseisn langue?ge and litereture ere held every yesr. Many pe?rticipente and vinnere of the contests have beco~e etu- dents of the language depe~rtments at pedagogical YUL'e, inclu~ding the Republic Pzdagogical Iastitute of huseiea Lang~ge e?nd Literature. Elective and sub~ect circles are helpiag to awaken anQ keep up the intereet oF schoolchildren ia the RueBian language. Elective etudiea are being sys- teme?tically carried out in 1,412 schoole. T6e number of Ruedian laaguage circlee in the echools has reached 6,376. The multifaceted rrork of extracurricular children's inetitutions vhich direct- ly or indirectly eervea the goel of teaching the Ruaeian langue~ge to non-Ruesien students hae become perceptibly ~re lively. In the Palaces and Houaes of Pio- neere there is a practice of holding "five minutea of Ruaelan" (vitb the 27 FOR OFFiCiAL US~ ()IvLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 1 I~Utt UI'i~' CC 111L It;~i: t?NLY r~~ding of ~~aemn, fablen, ridfl].~o, provprb~, ~tidri~g, infat~m~?tiv~ annuune~- tnentg 4n eut?;~ectg aegigned in adv~nr.~, and ~o forth), ~~lan langue?~~ day~~ "Ru~01an Wo..~d" fE3B$ZVl11A. Kids etufly With pleagure in thQ ~r~~t~d ia many ~oueee of Pione~ye Rusaian 1~nguag~ cir~les: "9peech D~velopment," "Lit~ra- ry Circles," "~xpreeAive ii~~ding." Cdn~t~?nt atb~ntion ie being giv~n to tbe tr~?iniag of qut~lified Ru~elan lan- gu~?g~ end literatur~ speci~?lintia at the p~d~?gogica]. eflucational inotiitutiono of Uzbekiet~?n, to th~ selection o~ gradud?ting stud~nts emong the na?tive po- pule?tion of Lhe republie for enrollment in tbem, and nleo in the pedegogict~l W'L'e o~ the Hus~iAC? Federation and the Ukr~?ine. , i~: uzbeki~tan teechers oP the Ruagie~a and literuture are tr~?ined at the Te?ebkent, 9amarkand, and Nukue StaL~ Universitieo, 14 pcdagogical inati- tutes, including Andi~han Institute of I.angusges, and 17 pedsgogica?1 seboole which tr~in ~lemgntary ecbool teachers aith ~ rig,ht to t~~?ch the Au~eion le?n- guage. Pedagogicel VU'L'~ oP the RS~SR ~?nd Ukr~?in~ ~re~ rend~ring gre~?t broth- erly aeeietance in this endca?vor. Fbr more Et~n ten yeare nnw they hav~ b~en treining highly akilled tpachers of the Ru~eian langu~ge. Alr~~dy mor~ th~n 4,000 te~cbero hav~ be~n trained. At the pregent time more than 7,000 young men ond woclen from Uxb~kistan gr~ ~tudying there wbo, he~ving m~?utered the profession oP pedagogue-philologiet, will aleo return t~ Uzbek and 1G~rakalpak echoole. Ae to teschcrs of th~ Rueeisn language gnd literature vho have no higher edu- cetion, the oblast' departmeata of public education togetber vitb the gdmin- istrttione oP pede?gogicel instiLutes ere doing a great deal of profea~lonally oriented vork amar~g them. Ae a reeult among the total number of tihose ~nroll~� ing in the correapondence depe?rtment of the Rueeian lenguege end literature of the pedegogicel VU'L'a vithin the ~uriediction every year up to 95 percent are teacher~-pre?ctitioners. Diveraified foroe oP etudies ~nd vork outside the auditorium iu tbe Ruselan language, promoting in-depth mastering of the speciality, ere used at the pedegogical educetional inetitutions of the republic. Thue, since 19'74 con- teste in the Ruasian language t~ve been orgenizefl for student~ nf the insti- tutea and pedagogical achools. Scientific research of problems of tesching the Ruesien langusge end litere?- tur~~ and Lraining scientific cadres ie being inteneified and expe?nded. In 1977 a Council for Lhe Defense of Dieeertationg has been ~atabliehed under the Republic Pedagogical Tnstitute oP Ruesien Lenguage nnd Literature. A department oP advanced training (FPK) Pox inetructore of the Ruasian language and literature of bigher educational institutione oP Central Asie end Kezak2i- etan has been successf'ully operating in tbis YUZ eince 1973. In 1979 e scientific-researeh proDlem l~boratory for the atudy of Ruasian oral epeecb of cbildren ia preaahool iastitutions a.nd schools of Uzbekietr~n hae been apened st the Ta~shkent State Pedagogical IneEituLe imeni Nizami. 28 ~OR OFF IC1A1. USE: OvLy' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 ~ t~'Uk ~)N'I~1C1~11, Ilwl. (iNLY 'I'h~ guce~s~ aY tea~hing and rp~?ring d~p~nd~ m~inly on th~ t~ach~rs, on bh~ir pedagogie~l ~xr~lleno~ ~nd prof~~eion~l ~kills. Cour~~~ of ~dv~nc~d tir~?in- ing s?t th~ C~ntir~?1 Inetitiuta of Advencad 7'rs?ining ~?nd Retr~?ining of' 7'~e?ch~r~ im~ni K. D. Uehin~kiy, ~t th~ aitiy and obleet' inttitutee of ~dve?n~ed tr~in- - ing of ti~achers help th~m to m~?intein a euPftciently high ~ai~nLifi~-bheoret- ieal anQ m~tbodieal 1~v~1. In the aour~e of s~ver~?1 y~e~?re ther~ have b~en orge?nizefl in them ~peaial for ~he inatruetior~ o~' kind~rgartene vho t~s?ve to t~acb Ruesiaa or~?1 epeecb to the childrea, Qnd ~l~o for tihe iaetruc- tora oP preechool p~degogic~,1 schoolB, ].~cturing on the methods oP taaching ~ue~i~n sppech. in gdditlon, cour~~g Yor t~achers of tihe ~uesian lsnguag~ in el~meatary grad~e, pedagogues-pbilologists rrorkiug in boerding ecbools anfl elae~es vith in-deptb etudy oP the sub~ect, heads of elective ettuliee, end Rueelen 1an- guage ineLructore of naLional groups of pedagogical And preecbool echools have been ineluded in the oationel ~conomia plan of inetitutes of advanced training. ZUe number of in~tructora of Rugei~?n philology oP pedegogicel WZ's and schoole, embreced by all fbrms of adv~nc~d training, including gr~?duete atud- vhich ~nrollment Sn the given epecialitiy has l~tely increaeed eeveral tim~s, is Bte~?dily iacreasing. Hy 1980-1981 the xhole body of inetructors of p~degogical edueQtional inetitutiione will be embreced by ndvgnegment in the ~`PK end at the institutee of a?dvanced tt~?ining. A le,rge quaatity o~ plane, programs, texLbooke, etu~dy aida Par lee~rning snd tegching the Ruseian language and liLerature in preechool and extracurriculer ineLitutions, Ocboole of genere?1 educstion, aad pedagogice?1 edueeLional inetii- tutione has been publiehPd. Thus, a lot of work is going on in the republic in respect to the e?11 pos- aible improvement of the instruction and etudy of th~ Ruaeian langusge. But much still hae to be done ia tbis direction. On 12 3eptember 1978 tbe col- legium of the Uz33R Ministry of EducaLion has adopted a deeree, "On Addition- al Meaeuree in R:apect to FLrtber Iarprovement of the Study and Ingtruction of the Ruseian L~agt~age in 3chools, Preechool and Extracurricular Institutione, Pedagogical Educetional InsLitutione of Lhe Republic in Light of tbe Recom- mendatione of tbe All-Union +and Republic Congreseee of Z~eeehera." Concrete measures have been worked out aad approved wbicb, in pertieuler, snticipete: oace m~re to etudy tbe national conting~nL of children, esulres of educators, educatioaal-me~terial baeis of rural kindergartene, and the poesibility oP tranaferring everywbere during the 1,980~81 ecbool year to the teaching of Ruaeien oral epeech to childreq in the prepernt,ery groupe of national kinder- ~?r~ene; to reveal and generalize the best xork experience of educatora of netior~sl . kind~rge~rtens in reapect to teaching Rus~iaa ornl speech to tbe children; 29 POR OF~ICiAf. USF nNt.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 rnti n~~t~ tc i~v, u;~i, c~Nt,v to work out praetice~. m~aBUr~A to improve ti~aching th~ Rue~ian 1~?ngue~g~ to ~ tha p~r~onnel oP U~bek and K~?raka?lpak kind~rg~rtene in ee~ordan~~ with the ~xisting progr~?m; to organi~e y~arly in every reyon and c3ty inetruction in Rugeien ora~ epeech for ehildr~n in pr~pa?ratory groups of aattonel kinderg~rtene and to open oehoole with in-depth study oY the Ruselat~ langu~ge; to eomp~ete by i980 th~ flivieion oP grades 4-10 oP rur~?1 echoolo with m~re bban 25 ~tudente iato groups during etudies of the ~tuselan language; to exp~?nd tibe netvork of mixed school~ and kindergarten~ rrhere Ruesie?n ie one of th~ langue~ges oP instruetiion; to opeu in Mukue, Termez, e?nd Oulieten boarding sehools with an in-deptb study oP the Ruesian leaguage ~nd liternture for th~ gterti of th~ 1979/80 echool year; to cree~te "Ne Study Our Second Native Tongue" circlen in e~ll obl~et'~ rayon, city Hou~~~ of Pionaerg; to continue rsdio gnd televieion progrsms "We 9tudy tbe 3econd Native 1longue," he?ving inclu~ded in them the illumination of questione which are oP inte~eet to the educe?torQ oP ne?tionel kindergertene in reepect to teaching Runeisn orsl epeech to the children; to coa~plete by 1985 the publication of textbooke, aide, and educationrsl end ~ metbodical literature for schools vith in-deptb study of the eub~ect; to etudy once oore the question oP providing teachers of the Russian l,an- gusge and literature to the rural schoole ot the republic and me~lce a eugges- tion to cover the need for cadres, taking into account t~e d2viaion of grades; to complete by1980 work on the iQprovement oP the content of programa o,nd textbooke for the Ruseian l,anguage snd litersture Por sll linke of the eec- ondary ecbool; to etudy the possibility oP introducing in-depth study of the Ru$sian lnn- gt~nge from the Piret grade; to work out by 1 3epLember 1979 practical recommendations to realize counec- tions betveen aub~ects for the sake oP i~proving and expsnding the environ- ment oP the RuBSian language and inteneiPy the uae of m4vies, radio, and te- levieion during work in the e~uditorium and outeide of it; to atrengthen co~unicationa betveen the langunge departments of WZ's and the baaic or contributing schools, to practice goiag out end holding meetinge in schoole, to hold scientific-practical eeminars, conteste, and to involve etudente and inatructora in the lee?dership of echool eircles; 30 FOR O~FICIAi. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 _ t~nlt c~I~'I~'iCtAl, Uyi. c1NLY to ~~va r~Ady by ~h~ ~nd of 198y for pub~,i~attnn ba~ic ~?id~ in the Rugsi~n ].anguage ~nd litier~?ture for th~ natiions?], groups oP WZ'e ~nd ~choal~ (bookg Por pr~?~tieal studiee, rollpotilon~ of b~xte for diQtation, ~o1l~ctions af exer~iees, epecial dictionariea, sebe of teblea~ materi~].~ for epeciQl cours~e end epecial a~minerr on the ].~pguage); to prep~r~ m~nuale on the methods of ueing tiechnical ~nd audio-visual meana for teaching the Ruesian language in ~he pedagogi~al educatioa~l institutione; to prepare until 1 November 19?8 gound suggestione on the inetitu~ioa at the Republic Pedagogical inetitut~ oP Rueeian IBnguage and Literature of gr~duate etudiee in the methade of teaehing Ruesien literature, and until Z January 19'r9 suggestions on the organization of a problem Council oP Scientific Re- search in the Ruaeiaa Le~nguage~ Literature, and the Methode of Teacbing 'I'hem; to provide the ~tional depsrtments oP pcdagogic~?1 VU'L'g snd echoole of Uz- bekistan and also of pedagogicsl VU'L'e of the RSFSR and Ukre?ine, studente of the departments of advanced training on echedule witb original pmgram8 and study aids for the Ruesian language and litere~ture, compiled so e~e to take into account the specifice of the republic; to n~ke a practice of conducting Rusaian Language Days or Weeka et schoole~ presehool end extracurricular institutions~ and pedagogicel educational in- stitutions oP the republic. Zb create in each oP these inetitutions circlee: "l~y Fhvorite Yenguage," "6rest and Mighty," and others, inviting echoolcbild- ren and studente to take part in tbem on a large ecale; everywrhere to cre~te Russian le?nguage circles for echool teachere, kinder- gsrten instructore, studenta, schoolchildren, inatructors of nonlsngunge spe- ciQlitiea of pedagogice~l educationsl institutions; to hold a competition yearly for the best eseay, co~poaition~ scientific and other types oP crestive xork of achoolchildren e~nd etudents. To axard the vinners vith certificates oP merit~ valuable gifts~ anQ other thiage; to organize and carry out during the years 19?9-1985 republic and zonal ecientific-practical conferencea, eeminare-meetinge, and practice~l eeminars on studying and teaching the Russian language; to organize ur~til the end of 1985 the co~pilet~on snd publicatiott oP a eeries of visual etudy aids and phonograph records on Ruesian for schoole, preschool and extracurricular institutions, and pedagogical educational inetitutione. Besidea, in October 1978 one more decree on the Russian language rras adopted by the collegium oP the UzSBR Miniatry oP Fducgtion. It is noted in this doc- ument, in particular, that meaeures undertaken by the Miniatry in respect to ia~proving the study and inatruction of the RuBeian l.ariguage in preschool and , extracurricular institutions, in schoola of general education and pe8agogical educe~tional institutions hrelp to put in practice Lenia's ideas about giving 31 F~R OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064453-6 c~nii ~>>~a~~c;ini, utii; c~Ni,Y al]. nationg and n~bi~nMlitii~~ n~ our ~ountry extennive npportiuniti~e bt, i~a~ ~n~ Rusg3Qa language. F'urther improv~menti nf t;h3e work wa~ an~icl- pa~ed in the decr~e, end a whole series of ~apical probl~roA ~ra~ determincd. Z'h~ UzBSR Minintiry oP ~dueation 2ws ~lso formulated conCretie teekg ror 1979 and 1980 in re~~~cb tio the arganiz~ti~n of group~ in t~+t;ional kind~rgartens Where tihe libtle oneg will be leerning Rwaei~?n spe~nh, ~nd achoole of ~ene- rc~l educet;ion with in-depth ntudy ot' the Ru~sien language; t~rorked oub pl.ane for the dis~ribution ot' eupplS~s of equipment for lingue~phone cabineta among ~he pedegogic~l edu~~?tional icxetitutinae~ boardin~ schools~ and g~hooZs of genera~ education wlth an in�depth Atudy oP the Rus~.tan lenguage and .Litera� - tiure; for holding semineru snd scientific-practicel con:ferencee~ ~nd Por the prepe~ration and i~gtwnce o~ educational-vieuril aidg ~nd plaonograph records. 7Uue, now our chief e~tt~ntion ie given to the quegtions of improving tbg theory and pra~tice of gtudying the Russinn language and ltterature in a11. linkg of public education, achool plane, programa, and textbooka; to the queetiions of eupplying the ingtruc~ion of the ~ub,~ect with technical means and ~ducational visu~?1 aids; of atudying, generalizing, and dieseminsting foremost pedagogical experience; to the propagande of the Rugsian l~ngusg~ tbrough the presa, radio, e.nd televiuion. We attach special importance tn the problems of in-d~pth study oP the Ruaeian - language and literature, fwrther improvement of the txoining of pedngogical cadres, creatioa of various educatiorial aida for the RuBSien lsaguago, and so forth. This year in April a large forum of experts-Kussista--the A11-Union Scientific-Theoretical Conference "Ruesian Ianguage--the IBUgwxge of Friendship and Cooperation of the Feoples of. the US9R"--aill be held in the capital of Uzbekistan. At it there vill be an impoxtant expert talk, among other things about the xays to improve the study of the Ruseian lan- guage vhich e?11 the peoples of our multinatinna.l country are striving to master tboroughly. ~'he recommendatione aud materials of thie conference r+ill become e valuable guide for the multimillion ariqy of inetruc:tore and scien- tiPic vorkere vhose ~ork le connected vith a coaplicated, but honorable cause of teaching the young people the Rusaian language--a poxerfl~l means of inter- national communication, the second native tongue of sll the peoples of the U59R. F~n, cao: i8oo 32 FOR OFFICIAL USF: ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060053-6