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APPROVEE> FOR RELEASE= 2007/02/09= CIA-RI:)-P82-00850R000100060040-0 2e ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 7PRS L/8529 20 ,Tune 1979 TRANSLA1'IONS ON NARCOTICS ANb DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 26i79) - U. S. JOINT PUBLICATIONS RESEARCH SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 NO'I'!: JpIt5 publicaCions contain tnformariun primnrily from foreign newspttpers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency Crangmissions and broadcasrs. Materials trom foreign-languabe sources urc eranslated; those from E:nglish-languuge sourccs nre Crnnscribed nr reprinted, with thc originnl phrasing nnd other characteristics retained. Nendlines, ediCorinl reporCs, nnd material cnclosed in brackets - H are supplied by JpR5. Processing indicators such as ['I'extj or (Cxcerpt] in the firsC line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicute how thc originnl information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- - maCion was summarized or exCracted. Unfamiliar nAmes rendered phoneticully or transliCerated arc enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- Cion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in ttie original but have been supplied asappropriate in contexr. Other unnCtribuCed parenthetical notes within the body of an iCem originate with the source. Times within itemszre as given by sourcc. The contents of this publication in no way represcnt t}ie poli- = cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGNT LAWS AND REGIILATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF TEi IS PUBL ICAT ION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFF IC IAL USE ONi.Y. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 JP1ZS L/8ti29 20 June 1979 TRANSLATIONS ON NARCOI'ICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 26/79) CONTENTS PAGE ~ ASIA AU5TRALIA Text of Drug Education Program Fu11-Page Mnouncement (THE AGE, 1 May 79) 1 Taxation Corrunission Aid in Drug F'ight Suggested (THE SYbNEY MORNING HER.EILD, L1 May 79) 5 Commission RecorrQrends Personal Use oi' MArihuana (Melbourne Qverseas Service, 15 May 79) 6 Health Departmen+ To Evaluate 'Addictive' Tranquilizrr (Ron Hicks; THE AUSTRALIAN, 2 May 79) ? Western Australia To Use Dogs for Drug Detection (THE WEST AUSTRAI,IAN, 2 May 79) 8 'Rehabilitated' Addict, Others Jailed on Heroin Charges (THE irJEST AUSTRALIAN, 27 Apr 79) 9 Crown Appeal Against Short Drug Sentence Allowed (THE SYDNEY MORNING HER.ALD, 2 May 79) 10 Man Jailed Ai'ter Selling Heroin To Undercover Agent (THE COURIER-MAIL, 28 Apr 79) 11 $riefs Narcotics Bureau Chief Reinstated 12 Customs Meeting 12 Deat, Blind Man Jailed 12 New South Wales Drug Unit 13 Drug Theft Reported 13 Drug Busts 13 - a - FOR OFFICIAL t1SE ONLY [III - INT -138 FOUO) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 - FOIt UFFICIAL U5F: ONLY CON'I'FNTS (Corttinuc:d) BUWMA Pugc Thai-Bumese Drug 0�ficials UI.SCU55 Joint Program Li (Rangoon D0111@9tiC S82'Vj.C@, 19 May 79) � soosseee� 11 Brief s Heroin Ra3d 15 Upium Possossion ly Yout}i Jailed 15 Heroin Seized 15 = Taunggyi Haroin Snizure 16 Pazunduang Opium Arrest 16 Sentenced to Five Years 16 HONG KONG How Qne Addict Kicked the Habit (SOUTH CHINA MORNING PO5T, 10 May 79) 17 Potential Drug Couriers Warned of Possible Death 5entence3 _ (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 9 May 79) 19 Drug Courier Gets Eight Yeare (SQUTH CHINA MORNING POSTO 11 May 79) 21 Drug Case Defendant Charges Bribe Attempt (Rosemary Langford; SOUTH CHINA MORNING 1'OST, 18 May 79) 22 Drugs Trafficker (}ets Eight Years (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 5 May 79) 24 IJrugs Manufacturer Faces New Trial (SOUTH CHINA MORNIN(} POST, 8 May 79) 25 Hawker Jailed Three Years for Drugs - (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 8 May 79) 26 - Opium Fownd in Fuel Tank - (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 11 May 79) 27 _ Friendly Act Earns Seven Years in Jail (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST) 15 May 79) ..d 28 New Drug Ring Smashed (Torrmiy Lewis; SOUTH CHINA MORNINQ POST, 21 May 79) 29 -b- - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 COK UFF[CIAL USI: ONl.Y CONTEN'I'S (Continued) Page To-srist Re From Bangkok Caught WI th Dangerous Ih-tigs - (SOUTE{ C}IINA MOEtNING POST, 17, 19 May 79) 30 Drugs I'ound in Boxe3 Judge Order;j New Trial RestAUrant Operator Charged With Traff'3.ck3ng (SOUTI{ CHINA MORNING POST, 18, 19 Mny 79) 32 Missing Friend Gets BlFUne _ Jury Finds Nim Guilty Brief's Purchasers Arrested 34 Painter Goes to Jail 3h - Co-Tonants Jailed for I?rugs 34 Add:tct Qets A Broak 35 . British Man aets Passport 35 INDIA Drug Addiction High Among Medical Students (TEiE STATESMAN, 25 May 79) 36 JAPAN I?rug-Trafficking by Gangster Syndicates Reviewed _ (Masayuki. Nagashima; ASAHI EVENIN(} NEWS, various dates) �~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 4. 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 � 38 Briefs ROK Seamen Charged in Urug Smuggling 42 NEW ZEALAND Medical Association Conference Told Marihuana 'Not Safet (THE PRESS, 28 Apr 79) 43 'Unrestricted' Powers To Track Drug Pushers in Schools Discussed ( Edit orial; THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD, 28 Ilpr 79 44 - c - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTEN'I'S (Continued) Convicted Sin,;aporc Pa3r Spared Deportation (TIiE PRESS, 21 Apr 79) 5econd Major Horoin EIaul in April Roportcd (THE EVLNINO POST, 21 Apr 79) Five-Year Sentence on Heroin, Cannabis Charges (THE EVENING POST, 27 Apr 79) Brief's i Heroin Supplier Sentenced Five-Year Jail Term PAKISTAN Briefs Opium SeizQd _ PHILIPPINES Nicocodine Classified as Drzngerous I?rug (PEiILIPPINE5 DAILY EXPRESS, 19 May 79) Briefs NBI Arrests Five SOUTH KOREA Briefs Philopon Smuggler Arrest of Drug Smuggler THAILAND Narcotics OPficial Discusses Aspects of New Drug Law (Bangkok Domestic Service) 6 Jun 79) Police Stage Massive Drug Haul in Golden Triangle (BANGKOK PO5T) 18 May 79) Marihuana Traffickers Arrested (BANGKOK POST, 13 May 79) CANADA Heroin Importer's Appeal Denied (LA PRESSE, 3 May 79) -d - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY P;.1[;r. l1!; V 47 48 48 Lt) 50 >1 52 52 53 5h 55 56 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 FOlt OFrICIAL USf. ONI,Y CON'C EN'I'S ( Con tirnted Briel's Court kZules nn PJarcotias CAse3 Liquid Hashl:h Se1Led LAmzrr AMERIcn COLOMI3IA Briefs Drug Trat'fickers' Arrest ECUADOR BrieFs Cocaine 5eized MEXICO Heroin Tra�fickers Captured, Deny Charges, Are Released (Various sources, vurious dutes) 40*00004090000090 Arrests in Miguel Aleman Charges Denied i.n Court All But Onc: Acquitted Notorious I{eroin) Cocaine Traf'tickers Captured (EL MANANA, 26 Apr 79) Confiscated Drugs Sold to Traffickers in Health Center (LA VOZ DE LA FRONTERA, 8 May 79) Marihuana Traffickers Arrested After 2-Ton Sale (EL MANANA, 3 May 79) Results of April Antidrug Campaign Reported (EL SOL DE SINALOA, 8 May 79) Briefs Jailers Blamed for Escape Arrested Trafficker Denies Charge Traffickers Transferred to Monterrey Trafficker Acquitted Concealed Marihuana Seized Cocaine, Marihuana Confiscated Roundups Net Drugs, Traffickers Marihuana Traffickers Sentenced Heroin Tra�ficker Questioned Guadalajara Called Drug Center Heroin Seized in Monterrey Marihuana Traffickers Arrested - e - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Pu~;e 58 58 59 GO 61 6L, 67 69 71 72 ?2 72 ?3 73 73 74 74 74 75 75 75 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 FOIt OVFICIAL USI: ONLY coNTrNTs (continuo(z) F'111;,, PActA(}UAY E3rl.r.fs Large Marihuann Cache nurned '77 PERU Br3efs Suitcase Yields Cocaiiie Paste 78 VENEZUELA Intornational Cocaine Trnffickers Arrested (Manuel Perez; ULTIMAS NOTICIAS, 6 May 79) 79 Mar3.huana Crops ITiscovered, Six Arrested (Evaristo Marin, Augusto Hernandez; EL NACIONAL, 3 May 79) 82 Mandrax, Marihuana Found, Five Arrested (F'reddy Urbina; ULTIMAS NOTICIAS, 9 MaY 79) 86 _ IIriefs Drug, Marihuana Capture 88 _ WESTERN EUROPE DENMARK Professionals Yield to 'Qrdinary Dane' in Urugs Trade (Helge Kristensen; BERLINGSKE AFTEN, 20 Apr 79) $9 Media Repo:ts Drug Arrests, Trials - (Editorial Report) 93 FftANCE 1?rug Situation Viewed With (Francis Curtet; LE FIGARO, 5-6 May 79) 94 Seventeen I1rug Addicts Arrested (LE MONDE, 19 May 79) 97 Hashish Used in Loire Schools (LE MONDE, 20-21 May 79) 98 Briefs Drug Use Campaign 99 - f - . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 roK oFrIcIni, usr: oNi,Y = CON`I'11"N`P,`; (Cont.inucd) pa f,~ NETE [LRLANDS Atns terdam LosinE! T t.; Ileroi.n Btagr. (RO5eplclry 4,.>>gford; SOU'I'fi Cf(INA MOIZNING POS9') - 21 rtay 79) 100 _ N oRwnY I'olice Chie�:; Meet To Discuss Nurcot9.cs Problem (nRBEZnrRnrAn,T, 25 nEn, 79) 1.01 . Conunittec Reveals 51i-Puiril; En.Eorcement, '1'reatrnent P].an (Tor 111oberg; /IRBETDk-:,RBLADC;`[', 2 May 79) 006000440000. 101l - Court Overrides 'F'rovocatcurt f'1l,a in Sentencing (AFTENT'057,'EN, 28 Apr 79) lUG Dane Arrested for 5muf.;gling 120 Ctrarns of Eferoin (AFTENPOS,"EN, 2 riay 79) 107 UNITED KINGDOM Briefs Smuggler T'ound Guilty 108 - -1 - g - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 AUSTRAL:iA TEXT OF DRUC EDUCATION PROGRAM FULL-PAGE ANNOUNCEMENT Melhourne THE AGE in Engliah 1 May 79 p 14 ['Pext] "How can we talk with our kids about drugs3" There's a good chance your child has more contact with some kinds of drug use than you have. Perhaps you should know more about the types of experiences your children could encounter. Fact 1. Drugs won't gu away. Ignoring the problem won't make it disappeax. I7rugs axe a paxt of our soctety. Chances are your kids are coming into contact with them right now. Don't make the mistake of saying, "It can't happen to tqy kids. It can. It may have al- _ ready happened. The worst thing you can do is pretend it won't. Fact 2. You may not agree with your kid's point of view. But you'd better - listen to it. Too many adults think that ta.lking with their kids is the same as talking at them. Talking with someone entails a responsibility to listen to what they have to say in reply. It may not be something you agree with. But if you're going to communicate with your kids on drugs or any other subject, you have to hear their point of view. You don't have to agree. You do have to respect their reight to an opinion. Fact 3. You and your kids need some common ground. Your reaction to drugs could be an over-reaction. Remamber, your kid has probably seen what happens when people, including adults, take drugs. The fact is, not all drug ta.kers turn into mindless zo;,ibies who froth at the mouth. Try to frighten your kids off with that sort of story and they simply won't believe you. You will lose credibility. So talk from some common ground, based on understa.nding. Fact 4. It isn't the end of the world if your kid's using drugs. 1 w� APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 There are reasons why kids usQ drugs. Because they're urihappy. T3ecause t,hey ~ feel inadequate. Strangely enough, these axe the same reasons a lot of aa�its use drugs. Often the same drugs. Like alcohol, tobacco, arialgesics. Kids wi11 use drugs because their friends use them. Because friends �te11 them drug-taking is an enjoyable experience. 5uch drug use frequently causes prob- . letns . Uriderst,anding. Not myths. That's what you need when you talk with ,your kicis about drugs. Fact 5. Ignore the problem and you could be to blame. ~ There may come a day when your kids ask you about drugs. When that day comes, , you'd better be sufficiently interested to be able to discuss the subject in a meaningful way. If you tell them not to use drugs, and give them reasons that they know ar.en't - true, don't blame them if they ignore you. Blame yourself. If you want help, if you don't know how to begin to discuss drugs with your kids, contact the National ITrug Education Frogram. It's been esta.blished to help you with any informa.tion or advice you need about drugs. If you have any queries, conta.ct us. _ For helpful advice or information: New South Wales Sydney: Division of Drug and Alcohol 5ervices 1 Oxford Street, 238-8583 Chatswood: 8A MacIntosh Str::et, 411-4099 Hurstville: 2 Croft Avenue, 570-3588 Rozelle: _ Inner Metropolitan Health Regiona.l Office, Balmain Road, 827-0200 Parrama.tta : Cnr. 0'Connell & Hunter Streets, 635-3099 Lismore: Richmond Clinic, Lismore Base Hospita.l, (066)21-2701 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 Tamworth: 284 Peel 5treet, (067) 66-1988 Hamilton: 56 Stewart Avenue, (049) 69-4611 Wollongong: - 34 Kembla 5treet, (042) 28-8131 Orange: _ Bloomfield Hospital, (063) 62-4388 - Dubbo: 34 Church Street, (068) 81-2222 Goulburn: 126 Cowper Street, (048) 21-1922 Wagga Wagga: 153 Docker Street, (069) 21-1922 _ Albury: _ 512 Swift Street, (060) 23-0211 Victoria Melbourne: Health Fducation Centre, Health Commission of Victoria, 555 Collins Street, 616-?334, 616-7339 - Queensland Fortitude Valley: Division of Health Education and Information, 5-5 Collins Street, 52-2411 Western AusLralia Perth: Health Eciucation Council of W,A., 514 Hay Street, 325-7911 South Australia Norwood: Health Education Unit, South Australian Health Commission, 65 Beulah Road, 42-3597 Tasmania = Hobaxt: Health Education Section, Division of Public Health, Lepartment of Health Services, 429 Elizabeth Street, 30-3173, 30-3652 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 Northern TerritC*y ` Dariwns Drug Infbrmatinn Centre, P.O. box 1701, 80-2" Alice Springs: IJrug In1'orma+lon Centre, P.O. Box 721, 50-�?211 - Nht1unbuy s Ilrug Information Cantre, P.O. Bnx 421 , 87-1555 ~ A.C.T. Canberra Citys Health Fducation Section, Health I'romotion CQntre, r,$pital `Cerritory Health Commiasion, Childerc Street, 45-4537 LifQ. Don't waste it. The National Drug Education Program A Joint Commonweal th/S tate Program. Funded by the CommonxQalth Governmant. Cso: 5300 I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 AU57;SAL1A '1'AXA'1'ION CdMMISSInN AIU IN bRUG PICf{T SUCCES'I'ED Sydriey '!'NE SYbNEY MORNINC HERALD in English 4 May 79 p 12 [mext] The Tazation Commissioncr should bc xble to glve authority to Commonwcaith and Statc Attorn cys�Gcncral to im�cstigHtc %khrth:r a pcraon is involvcd in largc-sculc drug clcal� ing, thc Dcpwy Fcdcral Oppn,itiun l.caJcr, Mr gowcn, suiJ )csterday. Royal cOmmission+ shouid not be ncedeJ tu get to the bottom ot who was involvcd in Ihc dtug trade. "Money made from drug dcuhng% wually shows up in expcnsive cars and huuscs or ta% tcturns';" he said. "Nowevcr, I do not belicve CommnnweaUh ru.J Slale police ahould be given ditect access to tuntion records." Mr gowen wu speakina cm the CLstomi Amendment Bill which introduccs ncw penalitics for drug otfenders anJ aclJitional methocls of scarching peoplc. Hoth the Government and Oppo.itidn ha%c forcshadnwcd a urics of amcndmcnts to thc legi.lalion. the bill pzucd the second reading ,tagc% iuid Na nferted to a Iegislalion cummiUce lof trporl by May 24. C.SO s 5300 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 AUS'I'ttAL I A CdMAttS5ION RECOMMENUS PE1tSONAt USE 0F MA1tIHUANA cwi5l635 Meiboarre OVertteao 5erviee in Engligh 1230 OMT ly May 19 cU [TeXt] The SoutN Australian royai aomIlission intd the nonmedical uee oP drugs hac reoommended the personal use of roarihuana, the royai aommisgion rapart unn releacoc; by the premier, Mr Corcoran, in Adeiaidg Coday. Antong its 77 reoonnandations uag nno that said the personai or private use oP marihuana ahouid no longer be an offanne but that conrneraiai dealings in the drug shouid contitiue Co be iilagai. Mr Corcoran said that it the guvetnment had adopted thin recommendltion iti uouid bc adoptlnr a courae of aabion !'raupht uith difficulties and danp,orc. Mc- Coraor.n s,atcl the Rovarrtment believed researah done on the effecta oP m1rLhuan-i on cirivinio, Wa; inconclttgivr. Unlike alcohol, cann7bia Wau difficult to d!lLQC6 in LItr l,lood, urlnf, ui� - thc brcath of a driver under ita infltusn:e, and it theretore p3oed opaolal prubiem:, ror road law eni'oraement. Mr Corcoran said it uas impoasible to give the government's views at this ctage on aii the recomiendations, but the objective of the geverriment's policy uould be to minimize the harmfui consequences of nonmedicai use oP drtigs. He had airoady issued instractionc to government departments to examine the impllcaLions of the recomnenda- tions in areas that aPPeeted them. CSO: 5300 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 Li AUO'i PALIA NE11L7111 bEI'Att`Ch1EN'I' 'I'0 EVALUA'I'E 'AVDIC'I'IVC' 'i'ItAPiQUILILEEt Canberra 'I'NE AUS'I'RALI1N iri Engltsh 2 hiay 79 p 2 LArLi_c1e b,y Medi_oal Corre:;pondent Ron E{ickrj ['Cext] 7'!IE Federal }Iea1lh Depart- ment is to rcview a tranqulWser whlch ts reported to be able to send people mad. The drug, hcminerverin, waa re- cently lnvolved tn the ovQMoae death o[ pop atar Kelttt Moon, of The Who, in London, A HriWh doctor, Dr Mfchaet Nes- alon, writing In the latest Issue ot the medfcal Journal Lancet, has catled tor a bon on the drug. He said the tranqulUlaer wss as addlctlve os herotn and lnduced even wnne wtthdrawal aympWms. Includ- .hWucJaattons~C+e, excit~e~ behavlor, rknt~attprf, deaaloa 04Q iplci.. dal WdencliL ' Dr Heaafon. a oonaultant psqchla- triat at a leading Welah hoapltal. aafd: "K'ith thla drug qou lose Wuch wfth resllty. People actuaily tee pink elephanta on the wa11." Dr Heaafon said peoplo came to hta cllnle to overcocne withdrawal eymptoms !rom the drug. :s): 5300 "Patlents ore known to bccome so dependen6 on the drug It le ImpoaaIb1e to wlthdraw It Irom them. 'rhey are lllce hecoUt addlcW," hc aald. "It lu a vcry et(ective drug. It gives patfenta a teeling ot well�being. "gut patlents taking the drug ahould only be allowed to continue on it for a weck. Atter thst they are llkely b be addlcted:" Ttte drug, whlch Is svaUabte on a doctor'a preacrlption In Austratla, fs used malnty to counter acute alcohnl wlthdrawal aymptoms and to over- c:ome aleeping problems, parilculorly !n !he elderly, It tlrat becamo avsUtable In Auatratla w at0 h, lsix ,Ith Deeent t~ e~ mu~pfta, Drug Evaluatton COmmlttee whkh Leats drugs for satety. A spokesmsn for the department said yeateMay the commlttee was now aratcmatically evaluattng all tfruQa put on the market betore 1970 and heminerverln was in the I-plpe- llne" 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 AUS'I'RALIA WE5TEiiN AUS'I'HALTA TO USE bOCS F'OR DHUG DE'rECTION Perth 'I'HE WES`I' AUSTRALIAN in Englinh 2 May 79 p J [mext] I A crack drua dMrctlnn Sy11diCAt'ef. nin gnd nplum but tlte WA Bu t C t tegm trum the Eaetern 3tateg rnuld bp "enifting Mr Bt1tt rafa ftt therr reau n us nms le ma1Ny concerned wlth out" Illegal narcotlcs 1n perth by Ortnber, w" oh t d e t t o o Mshow that b drug syndlratee hproUL , "Juet recently heroln P1ane have becn made opetAt tlj~ouah Perth ~ ana tt~~ Mcrnasel tne haa been taund above the by thc WA Bureau ot naed tOr the doQe. trol tan~C nl a luxury ~ onet rar and one Cuatoms to use Ita new i eecret weapon on Fre� q~ d. c~n check a 1oadoQ eid cOntafner ln t ll p woman paasenyer nt 1 mantle wharts, st tiie Perth Afrport In ware � ~ y,� gbout ten minutes-lt Perth A rport who acted ~ a eourter fbr a syndl. , , hnuaee and to check teik" ttvo customr lA� hau a cate wai'recently arceet� malled puceb. spectors ed Imp~ n~t a blg quan� l r [ h The weepon agalrut the Increaetng Importe ot ay. Do~s cat~ also thorouah� eck ell the luggege 1 ty~ o n, t ~ro 'Ti~n V no ddubt that mone Ia belng �muRalyd Illegal drugs--euch as y c �1 o a d e d f u 11 In than we are now eblr rannabie huehish oll and herotn--iy g team ot four y from s BoetnQ 747 wh11e ctu- to flnd," Mr Stitt eald. speclally tralned Cerman ehepherd "anlitpr" doQe. tottu sQenb Wua11y nnly hsve time to rheck about t tho bag� Mr $tltt wIU bs la charge ot the WA pro� the Mr John Stitt 10 per cant o Rramme and !r conttdent , bureau'a eenlor Inspector 01 speclai services, tn gage. "fie volutne ot tratfle ot the ume euccess wlth the detector doas aa hes safd yeaterday that WA thragh Perth hu In� been experlenced over� , it war hoped that even� ct+eased so much that we seas and In the Eaitern tuaUy the team yvouid be hwe had to chanQe ou 1~ States. boosted to 18 doQa whlch str~teQy. The deQa ~'v "Wt havt mede preiimt� would be roetered to Wow ur W dO an eX� nary bsst~eWnA arrenge. work over a 24�hour per� tre . ly htgh percentagM hort time menti t0~ the doae. Inl� fed, eeven days a week , ch tn at tlally t!~!y wtll be roa- He recrntly went W Ms Stlt4 ral& tered on ar meny ahlfta Sydrky and Melbourne ~They have proven to able tool l ai pouible Includlnq thc I lpm to 7sm ehitt at to see the dogs at work. Perth was gtven a prfoN� u be a very va ot trade e]sewhet'e." Perth Alrport. 't'hey w111 ty ratlng for the doga be� I ternadonal t It T~ do~ ~~1ned to bb " have two daya oll a � ~k. he uld. cauie o n a , canna ~-enftf out hashbh, huklsh otl, her� cso: 5300 a APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 _10 AU5'I'EZALtA 'RENAI3ILITAmEb' AbblCm, b'I'HEIt5 JAILEb ON HEHdIN CNARGES Perth mHE WEST AUS'I'RALIAN in English 27 Apr 79 p 3 ['Cext] A new xealarxier who found himself short of mdney jn IndiFt und illegal- 1y impdrted cannabis regin into Australia te raige funds Nas dne of three ydunl; drug offenders gaoled yestezday by a Supreme Caurt judge. paul Nlcholar Cpaney 1241, of South Canterbu� ry, admitted lmportlna and Qrsing the prohl� blt drug. Mr Jurtla Wlckhem eentlnced him to Si yeaci' aao1, wlth 18 months mltflmum. ('kan~ jud~te~ uld fhat notla a~rug adaici � w" LME10N He hae proMbly learnt hV ie"om but otheeti must learn It toa Im� ~na mwt be dfreour� Bruoe Robert Coot (22), of Churdhfil Avenue, 3u~,b~ a o} a~nd Roa~ ~ t4nu, Crawtep- wwn Ni. olns.o ~aof for herofn ' Cook edmittad po"ers. av, I~n~g odr prohl ed ~ MVJm li- Oyp ~Otcu". ' ~~ien' iioi ~i minlmum of 12 mnnl14 and Moody to 18 monttis wlth M m nlmuft of a1x months. Moody dlaputld lblit he hsa tmponce a~rorn lar nsate. Atter hoaift evf. deaa eacller thb tnonth ~ Jud~ found ~ tae h(r o6vavtdt uN Moody had aeo a wer of hcratn for itx years and wu addlMed when he ktt last year for South�East Asta, the judge uld. ' He wu no longer ad� dfrted. Hb onlyD revlow coavictloru Invoived tlu ls~ 1ns of cannabia ln Y Ntti1ld to b! COt11p1lte. But the impnttrtlon at � he+iot =M It~ I t~ tor W reciiaue, must be 'A~QIOr~iD TM iu4go "16 tlut Oook emme Involved wftM ~.roln fn sydney Wt y M~~~and bodme acf~ dkNd. Ha had tNed to dMlocfab hlrtiuett lroih the lnvolvemeot arW m turned to WA. But then 1u had aoW In t~e dfitrlbutbnof her. oln tor a perfon knpwe to hls tormar 8ydney u. soclater. He taQ pmvldcd dQ~t~ fn WA toe a Cook made lltt3e monrfr trom hls otldms, Md gooA reterenm and no signt!lcant racord. . u� w� M.c: . M ~nna ofowM N0�2#e. ,rnd E . w. ~ Mewh.l ~ ri^JO! 5300 ! APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 AU5mRALIA CROWN AF'PEAL ACAINST SNORm DRUG 3EN'I'ENCE ALLOWED Sydney THE SYDiVEY MORNTNC HERALD in Engligh 2 May 79 p Z [Text] AFuil Bench nt thc Fed- eral Court of Australia in- creased by two yenrs ycster� day the jafl scntence im- posed oa the convicted drug smuggler Dnnald Rny Tait, Tait, who wiki chvrged wilh havin` itown more than 143 k{lotnmi of eannabis into Awtnlia, w~s untencecl to aix vn and eieht months' Ioil by lutlice Mufrhead fn the Suprome Coun of the Northern Territory. ort May 3, lost yeu. A non�porole pcrlw! ot two ytan and ntpe mnnlhs wAs xet. T1w Ctown appealcd aleinst ihe untence, saying that it should be increaseJ. In a unanimou� decision. a Full Hench, coniisiina of Mr lutoice Rrennan, mr luitice Dcane and Mr lusticc (iallop, Allowed Ihe appeal. Tait was sentenced instad lo eitht ycan and eiaht momha` jail, with a non�parole period of four ytan and four momhs. The court di+mi�ed a Crown &ppeai to inetease a untence of tdtte yeam anJ eight montlu with n non�parele periocf of one CSOs 5300 ytur nnd iix month% irnni+scd un Michael I.cunarJ Hunlcy, who was rhargeJ with 1'ait, I'ait rnd gartley had pIeaJcJ guilty tn charRes of hevini, uo lonwry 22. Iist year, uud t Iftht xircratt lu bting mure ihan 147,2 kilograms of buJdh` siicks (nto Austnlia. . The Fult 8ench said Ihese wero the first appeals ogofnst xnteoca inatituted by ihe Crore uader the Federal Court of Awt~ali~ Act, 1976, . $eton the Act ,Crown ooWd not, appeal ar~lt o~L a rw uoea ,dmposd bY tM Su eme Ceun of en Austrillan'~errl� lory, 1n its Jiulgtment' the Full Bench said: "There are gmund% for concluding that the neture f f the cNm� in the � pre%ent tasc alb a IitQe shott of the wont type of uv- ' "it wai tke only imporltilion which ehher defcndAM had Ihui far yrried Ow; thece was nu dement o( vioknce or currup, tion of narcotics agents. 'fhere is u flnding Ihat Tait wna .nw the initigntor nor masterminJ of the Importatfon " 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 nusTltALin MAN JAILLD AE'TCR SELLING HENOIN 'I'0 UP1bLRCOVEFt AC,EN'I' Briabane 'I'HE COURIEit-MAIL in Cnglioh 28 Apr 79 p 10 ['I'ext] A MAN who :old heroin on threo oeca:ions to on under.~ cover police offieer hod balieved the heroin wos for an addlcted person appearing to suffer from withdrawal =ymy ptom:, the Criminal CouM wa: told ye:tardoy. ~ Terry Robert Fromc, 26, of Albert Avanuu, Broadbaach, hod. pleoded 9uil~t~r to chargas of havin9 sold fhe dangorous dru9 heroin, af Burlaigh Headt on Oefcber 43, Oetobar 28, cnd Novembor 2 lash yoar. CSOs He a�as eentenced to three�and�a�hsit yeara' )all on each ot the three chitrgea, the terme to be derved concurrcntly. The Crown Proaecutor (Mr. K. J. O'Brten) aald P'rame aold tour caps tor =110 to the agent on (k- tober 73, three-quartera of a grem ot heroin tor =DO on October 48 and one grsm ot the drug [or $120 on November Z. When Frame had tirst met the agent, tolloRing generat conversatton the tatk hsd got around to "staah" and F'ranie told the aqent he could get tiome for him. On the subsequent two occnalons. Frame met the egent, aaked hfm it he wanted s o m e"ituh" and, ahcn the agent aald he dld. Frame obtatned the heroln. In each ot the three ceaea, Frame obtatned the drugs trom the Bur- letah Neadd area. Poiice ralded Frame'e reaidence on December S and alter not tinding druaa In hu ooaeulon, 5300 toak P'rame to the police atatlon. A f c e r controntatton w I t h !he undercover agent, Frame admftted to seWn4 the drug W the agent end told the pollce thaC he hsd "taxed" eome ot the drua tor hIs own uae. Thc Aselatant Pub11c Detender tMr. P. S. Sveruaon aald Frame had been motlvated to enRage In the transac- tlons becauae he beileved 1t a�ea tor thp purpoae nt asslsNng a person ad- dicted to hAroln afio ap- peared to need the drug becauge he Wna autfortna trom atthAraaai aymp- toms. Withdrawal Mr. Svenaaon nlso clalmed that there had been s dellberate aup- preaslon ot retevant evi- dence. Mr. Juatlce Kellq aatd he accepted thal Frame had aold the herotn be- cause he belleved it vras for a peraon sufterfng althdrawsi symptoms. He aatd there au nothing betore hlm t,Q aupport the ellcgctloM that lhete hnd been s' dellberate suppremlon ot relevant evidence. Mr. Juetlce Kelly ealQ 1t wea txct thnt Frams had taken s commlmton In ewch cwe snd, al.' thouBh he took fnto nc- count that s poltce sgent aas lnvolved. he observed the agent dld not encour= sRe Frame to commit ths ottencca. Thla wss not a caw whcre Frame hed euc- cumhed to an opportun- 1ty on an feolnecQ occa- sfon. The qunntltles In cach of the t}iree casea aere relatlvcly arnalL "T1te preeent need W deter thoee who engage In the sale of dangetoui druga, In partlcular he- rotn, in whstever quan- tltfea and at ahatever tevel, ts constwntly and quttt property streased tor courts whleh deal with these matters" Mr. Justice KPlty seid. Crewn pnwculw Mr. K. J. O'SHIe ucalod. As� .,.uel vraigro o.r.ria.. M.. ; S. 0w06108 a�oeM /e tiMe. 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 AUSTRALIA BRIEFS NARCOTIC5 BUkEAU CHIEF 1tEINSTATED--The chief of the federal narcoCics bureau, Mr Harvey Bates, was described by hia minister eoday as having - been emotionally diatressed when he resigned lase Friday. Mr Bates re- aumed duty in Canb erra eoday after lengthy talka with the minister for business and coneumer affaira, Mr Fife. Mr Batea had resi&ned in protest over not being told thaC an inquiry would be held into allegntions that - someone in his bureau of narcotica was leaking information to drug syndi- cates. In ParliamenC this afternoon Mr Fife said Mr Bates had been - emotionally diatresaed at the time of hia resignation and at talks during the weekend. During Chese Calks he had pue it to Mr Bates that he should = reconsider his aceion, pointing out that he could do more at his desk than in retiremenC. Mr Fife said Mr Batea had been told there was no way the governmenC would change its decision to appoint a joint policy inquiry into allegatiions that confidential files were leaked to the underworld by staff of the narcotics bureau. [Text] [Melbourne Qverseas Service in English 1230 GMT 5 Jun 19] CUSTOMS MEETINC--Customs officials from nround Che wnrld are meeting in Canberra as part of what they describe as 1 continuous fight againse clrug smugglers. Representatives from 72 nations are attending the annual session of Che Brussels-based Customs Cooperation Council Co discuss customs pro- cedures and techniques. The session will also look at customs valuations, tariff details and a unified gystem of coding and describing goods. [Melbourne Overseas Service in English 1230 GMT 17 May 79 OW] DEAF, BLIND MAN JAILED--On 26 April, Ronald Stanley Spice (37), of Walpole Street, Bentley, was sentenced to 2 years in jail, with a 9-month minimum nonparole period, fo.r having sold marihuana cultivated by his father, Thomas Edgar Spice, and his uncle, Ian Youngson. Ronald Spice told the court that he had not solicited bu}rers, that they ha,d been sent to him by someone else. The presiding 3udge said tha.t he accepted Spice's account of the offenses, but that the 18 kilos of marihuana which he haci sold represented a considerable amount and called for ajail sentence. [Perth THE WEST AUSTRALIAN in English 27 APr ?9 p 5] 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 NEW SOU7'H WALES Ul7UG UNI'I--The State's ottly day and n]ght, a:lcohol ctirld drut; withclrawa1 unit--the MCKinnon Untt 1t RnzU11a Nospita:l---niay tiut, bc ca.used, Tho 20-bed clinic, listed among proposod NSE Nealth Conimiosion cutbackn earlier this year, may be reloco,ted. "'I'ha options being examinod now are to leave the CliiliC where it is or to transfor tho prof.,*ram," Lhc ser.r.eUary o.C the NSW 7rug and Alcohol Authority, Mr Brittn 5 tQwaxl;, said yesl;E,niay. ."'I'hc; f inal dQC:tsion will be made as part nf a roview ni' drug and u'lc:ohol service." [Taxt] [5ydnay 'I'HE SYDNEY MOTtNING }IECtALn In Eriglinh 11� M1y 'lC) p 10] nRUC TNEFm REPORTCb--mwo men armed with knives held up a choml:;t ici a I3criLlo,y pharmacy on Monday nighl, nnd stola cash and drugs. One of t;he nien wau ahaut 279 177Cm (5ft 101n) ta11, and of s11m build acid had a f'air camp].c:xi.on arid ginger sldeburns. The gecond man was 188cm (6ft 21n) ta11 and nf slim build and had a ta,nned complexion with greased dark hair pushed back. [Excorpts] [Perth iHE WEST AUSTRALIAN in Engl.ish 2 May 7q p 81 b[tUC IiUSTS--Police in btelbourne hnve irregred 1.4 people Eol.lowinF; an eairly mdrning drug raid on a motel in the inner suburb of. 5t Kild,n. 1'orty armccl deCecCives Cook part in the rMid in which ehree pul.tcemen were ;;cratched wiCh hypodermic needles. Police seized sColen rropcrty and a large qunntity of drugs, including heroin. Meinwhile, in Syciney police have seized more Chan 2 kilometers of heroin Lrom .z bank safe deposit box which thcy say has n sCreeC vttlue of abouC $1.25 million. A 44,year-old m,7n hnv been tirrested in connection wiCh the haul. [TexC] [Melbourne Uversca;c Scrvice in;l.igh 0500 GM'T 18 May 79 OW] CSO: 5300 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 HUItMA THAI-13URMESC DRUG OFFICIALS DISCUS5 JOINT PROGRAAt BK292506 Rangoon Domesbio Servioe in Burmese 1330 aMm iq May 79 13K [Text] A drug abuse oontrol delegabion Prom Thailand led by ChieS of SbnfP of bhe Supreme Command Gen Saiyut Koetphon viaited Rsungoon 17-19 May. Members of tihe delegation were Gen Saiyut Koetphon, Maj Gen Phao Sarasin, Mr. (?Piya Chakkuphak), Col 5omoak 9lsupkiandit, Mr (Anusak Panbun) and Mr (Annn 8uwanphokpha). The delegation--whiah viaited Burma to disous8 mattier8 oP mutunl interes3L aonavrning Thai-Burma drug suppreasion--in tihe aompar~y of Thai Ambassador Mr Thep Thew Ncun met ChieS of StafS Gen Thura Kyaw Hbin, military aesistanti to the State Counail Chairmon Brig Gen Tin U and Chief of the National Intalligenoe }3ureau U Lay Muung at 1530 on 17 May. Ab 1000 on 18 May, the Thai delegation met Chairman of ttie Cantral llody Por Urug fbuae Conbrol oP the Sooialist Republio or the Uni.on ot Burma Brig Gen 3ein Lwin, Viae C}iairmun Maj Gen Aye Ko and Seeretary U Ohn Kyi. At 1400 on the same day, the Thai delegation held talks with members of the Central llocly for Drug Abuae Control--3earetary U Ohn 1(yi, Chief oP the National Intelligence 33ui-eau U Iay t4aung, Direotor Ueneral of Polioe U Thein Aung, Deputy Direotor of Defcnoe Shrviccs Intelligenoe Lt Col (Kan Nyunt), Deputy Direator (ieneral ot Police Lt Col ltla Tin arid Deputy Direator aeneral oi' the Customs Department Maj (Kyi Shwe). The Thai delegation lett Por Thailand at 0800 on 19 May. CSO: 5300 14 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 _ Bui0in BRZErs HCROIN IZAIll--Rungoon, 25 May--At 1500 Coday, members of tlie nrircoCics sup- - pression squad under the Rangoon division people's policc I'orce ratded tlie ' residence of hta 'rhan Ttian Hlaing in NorCh Okkapula's Ok-liun-scik wiird, Mayangon township, and found Cwo packets of heroin, each val_uecl ar 400 kynt, hidden inside a wooden box. Anottier packet oF lieroin worth 400 lcyat and ci "Duya" cigareCCe laced with heroin were also seized Prom a visiCor in the house--Ko Than Win of 13th Street in Lanmttdaw. Mayangon staLton - has charged hta Than 'Chan Hlaing and Ko Than Win under 5ectinn:; 6.11, 103, 11 attd 14.D of the NarcoCic Drugs Law. [Text] [Rangoon LOKTIIA _ PYEITHU NEZIN in Burmese 26 MAy 79 p 2 BK] OPIUM POSSESSION--Heho, 25 May--Acting on a tipoff, Subinspector U 7'in AunP and a party from Kalaw ciCy police staCion on 2 September 1978 senrchecl Che residence of Ma Khin Yi in No 6 ward of Kalaw and found a smcil.l. amount of opium in t}ie pocket of Ma Khin Yi's bodice. She was sent up for trt:il uncler Section 63 of the Narcotic Drugs Law, and Che Kalaw township courC cllairecl by U Ttin Kyaw after hearing the charges sentenced the defendant to 5 years _ imprisonment. [Text] [Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 31 rtay 79 p 6 BK] YOUTH JAILED--Rangoon, 31 May--Pabedan Cownship court No 2 with U Tlia U as ctiairman today found guilty as charged Zeya Win, 20, of Kaba-aye Pagoda Road, Mayangon township, and seneenced him to G years imprisonment under Section 6.B of the Narcotic Drugs Law and to 18 months imprisonmene under Section 14.D, both the sentences to be served concurrently. The case was broug}it to trial after Subinspector U Aye and a party from Rangoon division crime prevenCion division on 19 April 1978 found 7.eya Win acting suspiciously at the corner of Anawrahta and 27th streers. When 7.eya Win was searched, he dropped a penicilLin bottle containing heroin and fled away. He was chased and arrested inside the Rangoon General Hospital compound, [Text] [Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 1 Jun 79 p 7 BK] HEROIN SEIZED--Three packets of heroin valued at K25 each were seiaed from a young man by a narcotics suppression team of the Rangoon Diviston Peopl.e's Police Force at the corner of Anawrahta and Shwebontha Streets in Rangoon yesterday. The young man was later identified as htyint AunF alias Copal. alias Ahmed (20) of Arzani Street, West Yankin, Rangoon. Police are Caking action against him under SecCions 6(b) (possession) and 14 (d) (failure to register for treatment) of the Narcotic Drugs Law. [Text] [Rangoon WORKINC PEOPLE'S DAILY in English 1 Jun 79 p 1 BK] 15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 - TAUNGGYI HCItOIN SEIZUItC--Taunggyi, 21 Muy--Heroin v,ilued at about IC 5,000 was sei.zed from n Mazda car No 5a/8$50 by a police pnrty led by Subinqrector U'run Myint nf Shan State narcotic drugs suppression team at the noreliern npproxch Cr Taunggyi at 9 am on 21 May. Uriver Kyhw Kynw and Daw Sliwe lbn of No 142, Zizawa Stireet, Tttunggyi, who were in the cFir wcre arrested. Police are taking action ngainst Chem under Sections 6(b) (possession), 10 (b) (sale) and 7(b) (tranaportation) of the Nurcotic Drugs Law.--(177) ['TexC] [Itangoon WOItICINC PEOPLE'S bAILY in English 27 May 79 p 1 t3K] PAZUNDUANG OPIUM ARREST-- Rangoon, 21 May--Personnel of the Crimes Pre- vertion Squad of the Rangoon Division People's Police Force met escapee Kyaw Moe a13as Shwe Gai aC rhe junction of Anawyahta and 39th Streets at 0800 today and seized some opium in a plastic bag following a body senrcll. Kyaw Moe was arresCed and handed over to Pabedan police station. Kyaw Moe was arrested by the police in Pazundaung township on 2 August 1877 along with a package of heroin worth 10 kyaCs and was later sentenced to 10 years jail by the Pazundaung eownship court. But one year ago he escaped while working at Hlehlaw-in work camp. Pabedan police has taken action against Kyaw Moe under SecCions 6(B) and 14 (D) of ttie Nurcotic Drugs Law. SW/ [Text] [Rangoon LOKTHA PYEITHU NEZIN in Burmese 22May79p2BK] SENTENCED TO FIVE YEARS--Seikkun, 20 May--Court No. 3 chaired by U Khin Maung Nyo of the Shwebo Township Judges Committee in Sagaing Division _ senCenced Maung Nyo of Hledan quarter, Ward No. 3, Shwebo, to 5 years im- - prisonment with hard labor on 15 May as he was found guilty under Section - 6(B) of the Narcotic Drugs Law. The case was that on 31 January 1979, acting on information, a team of party and council officials led by Sub- Inspector U Khin Maung Aye of the people's council of Ward No. 3 raided the residence of Maung Nyo in Hledan quarter and seized 14 2-ounce pack- ages of heroin. He was thus sent up for trial. SW/ [Text] [Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 24 May 79 p 6 BK] CSO: 5300 i5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 IIONC KONC HOW ONC AUDIC'T KICKCD THC HAI3I'T Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MOItNING POST in Cnglish 10 htay 79 p 9 ['Text] A rchubilitUted dru$ ad- dict yeaterday told of his 20.- yeur ossociation with heroin bcfore catchiq u train to start a now life m China. Mr Lee Yu-shun (54) rP- culled the depresaing period of his life when he was totnlly dependont on drugs and his strugglc to turn over a new leaf through reading the Bibla Hc said hc came to Hon$- kung lo wurk in a mine in 1948 when he wus 24 yenrs uld and soon became hooked om heruin, which he was intra duced to by a fellow workcr. As his demand for the drug increased, ho left the mine to work in a weaving factory to earn more money to pay for his habit. "Just like today, drug ad- ~ , at Rennic's Mill,". Mr Lec suid, "Hc scnt rnc tu u clinic in the urea whcrc 1 wus cxum. Ined by an Amcricen ductnr who eventuully rcferred ma to the Rev John pnul Chan's rchabiliutfon antre," Ho leter found out that the missionary doctor was Dr W. B. Whitehill, a pionoer in the mcthadonc treatment for dru+addicts in Hongkong. ' As my frlend threw me out fnr fear that I might die in his place, 1 thought I might as well lind ahelter in Mr Chen's centre et Long Kair Bey in Sel Kung, "So a fortnight eftcr I had an operation on my atomach, I moved into the ccntrc." � . � ~ ~ i . ~ . ~r Mr Lee (right) talking about his cure as Mr Chan looks on. dicts at the tlmc wcro apat on by the community;' Mr Leo recnlled, "Thc few' friends I had avoided mc likc the plague, fearing that I might borrow moncy from them, "Humiliution mcant so lit� tlc to me thcn, whlle con- stantly prcying on my mind wns to gct my next smoka" He was Jailcd three times, and was forced or voluntarily entored rahabilitatiun centres six times. But he alwaye relapsed into drug dependency. Then, ironically, a sudden illness mede him realiee the errors of his drug taking. "I had a stabbing ebdomi- nal pain in the middlo of the night when I wns staying with a friend at the squatter area 17 F . ~ i ~f'~~� . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 Il wes 1969, 20 yean rher he pfcked up the habit whlgh he thuught he otuld eever get rfd uf. "There wcre 17 other id� dfcto like myselt staying a( the rentre," Mr Lee wid, "Our dafly Ilfe included gu,pel-reading, praying and farming. "The wotken rll for� ffler addlcti gulded us and dlst~- ud wl~h ur uur pwb� lems." After three dayr in the rentre, wMich b run by Uperatfun newn, Mr Lee &ald he felt well enuugh to help on the form. 'In the renue, I realised how low 1 wts and how tired 1 wu belng ik deve to drugs. _ Cso: 5300 �I mede up iny mfnd to quit,,' Ne strycd rt thc centre fur 18 montho, Llfe wet dffficulr end he feced a rrbis tuur yean egu when Ur Whitehill left Nung� knng. But he dld not gd bark to heroin fnr temporory eirope. Inilead he went to rhurrh scrvica whenever he rould, und frequently risited the suft nf Operrtinn bown. The director ut the nrgani� ration, fter lohn Paul Chan, wid that the centre moved to Uawn Island two ye8ts MgO. "Our grnup offers e beha� vlour mudificatfun treatment whereby patients nut only gt dru4i but alw Chan e it wnoie Woy nr iire; " gt said. 18 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 f10NC KONG !'d'1'isN'I'IAL UItUC COURIElt5 WAItNEU UF pOSSIHLE bEATN SENmENCCS !{ong Kong SOt1'TH CNINA MOIWING pU5T in Engliah 9 May 79 r 10 ('CpXC) (nlcrnatiundl drug irafficken arc uffering up tu $10.000 pcr trip to recruit rouriers, the Cumrnisiiuncr fSr Narcotira, Mr peicr Lee, revtaled yesterday. And he warncd younpters thot they would be nsking their liva - literally if they allow themselves to be "exploited" br traffiekers bt� cauu they fitce life, or cven deuth, antenca. He aid he wai porticulat� ly worried obout "unemploy ed young people with clan records w6o have got into finencial troubla" being ap. proached ra courien. He contended that trafficken ere lurin`peo oe to become couriers with re� wardi ot betwern S5,000 ond f 10,000 r- plus expenses for one trip. "The reward certainly does not wmpe nsate for the risk of lira; " Mr La said. As he wunded the watn� ing in his office in the 5ecre- tanat, a telex from Poris came through: a pair of 24� C arold Hongkong passport lden, Chu Chi�kong and Wong Yuk�lin, had ban'r� rated for alle`cdly carryind a pound of heroin at a railway statan over the wakend. He continued: ��beath un� tences hare been handal down in Thailand. Malaysio, 5inppore, Indonaia, and the Philippines. "A total of 20 traffickers were on the death row in 5inppore: the fint two were eaecuted last year. "Sfx were eaecuied in 7hrlland (n ihe past threc yean. "A Chinae troffcker was killed bv firfng squed In the philippna seven yean ayo. "And In cuq where the uunicken wero not executed, they reeeived heavy sen� tenca." The Thoi APpeal Court Mr Lee atd recently uphel~ n Criminal Eourt verdict sen. tencin9 � Ho~nlkon` citiun, Willi8 m Yan Wo-chan, and a Thai mon to life impriwn� ment on charQa oP pos,eaing 8.3 kilat of No 4 heroin with intent to sell. la Hdland. the maaimum sentenoe for tnffickinS - which until thra yean ago was four rean - had been increaud by 300 per cent to 12 yet n. He also recalled the arrat of two 25�yanold Honskong Chinae at Thailand's Don Mwng Airport while trying to imu~ le 3.S kilos of heroin out of the country. Yan Kit�man and KonR Koi�yun are still awaiting trial. In Nontkong. 11 trotfick- en and courien were arrated and chugsd during the fint qwrter of tbis year. At the same time anwher 602 caus oC drog possession and related ollenca were brought before Ihe cduns. ?he maRimumpenehy for trafrckind hcre is Iffe Impr{s� onment gnd e fine nf $S mll� lion. Zot nnly do courlen fece a rier kntence then be� fore but the risk of delectiun is rery much reater thin it was because o~ fncreaud ca aperation between gnvern� meMi" the Commissioner said. "Linlu with Inlerpol and between the indiriduel police ore now very close indeed. "information can be pass� ed very quickly." Although the export of nucotics from Non6kong had stopped Iic wid, il was slil) inal in the export of drugs fram Southait Asia. "11 ii internationallr known tha1 thae eiportt from 5outhast Ada are fi� nanad by ethnic Chinue from 5inippore, Mallkysfa, Thikiland, Europe as vell u Hongkondng. "A Hongkong youths ore be ~ng used in rending the dru i aid he tutpceted that trofficken hare oontaets with operaton of gamblin` joints or loan slurki "rnd the know who hos `ot into EebU.' The courien, be taid, might not even `et anythina out of it if they `et into the ctutcha of loan sharb. Mr Lee riiurlised a would�be courier to be "an unemplored rouni man of no oducatfon but with a daire to trarcl who'i sot into one form 19 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 u1 troubleui aiiuihet:" Lpp Nt ilw pninted out thm, a lot dF errerted c;ourlen lud nu knuwn reenrds here, Owausc nf the Improved ca-aperetidn omon enfon~s� men rgenoia, ~ uld trafi'ieken hAd bw uilne rll sorts of routa tryino to ikmid d!tltlidfl. "Some Nondkond Chinae have bcen errated In Madrid, a new ruute for drue expcru frnm the paklltAn�Af9h11nii� irn re Idn, �e �re kceplnt a rery clae watch on anytF~in{ that mlght influence the drur icene in Honsknnt" CummentTn j on the recent "rest of thres eapatrlite atu� denu while ttyin` to brins tannabii baclc from The{I&nd, Mr Lee ttrted: "There i no Intention to decriminalik cannabis here whuever the rat of the worid is doini." C50: 5300 20 Mrlw APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 NnNG KdNC URUG COUtiIER CETS GtGNT YEAIt5 Hong Kong SOU'T!{ CNINA MbitNING p05T in Engligh 11 May 79 p 9 (reXC ) wu tempted tioInl ot~n7lQi dangerow drup in uch~n~e for at 10,000 deoorAtbn waic oOAtnM wu lentenoed lo eltht yan' impriapment yaterday for potapln din� ~n` p for un~w(UI Choat 14-on (S_~) piaded euilty l~efora Mr lurtloe Power W tbe H_ ijh_ Court to ;6~iame wie~hl~n` 2 6~pound~ for tbe purpae of unlawfui tnt� (~crins. Tse , wbich was Mortb $49,000, oould be oon� verted into No 3 baoin wath $300.000. Tbe ooun Mu told tAat ikt 10.30 am on Deoember 18 autoau ofRcen aw Cbwy and anotber rtua in a ratau� nnt in Toun Wikn. TIKy remtined tbere for luif an bour before baarding a toods .ihicle in Shui Wo Street. T6e rehicle headed ta wardi Cutk Pak Rad fd- lowed by the of'1'icert. Cbohs wu uter um pt- tinS off & vebkk rnd carry- insa rod plutk bn . He walked ba to 5hui Wo Serest and it wu t6ere that be wu iatercspted by the offioas. rn ~ ~ ~i the e.M�on. a~rero� oounsei Mke.el Ozorio tubmitted tn mitip� CSO: 5300 tion that CMml iuocumbed a o momenc's temputbn U order to `et r $10,000 work oontrAM. And thii wu anotA� er eumple of innoant people beie= noed In the viciow " of drug tnfticklng. Counrel uid two diyi W r�e h4.r�n, . relkw aeoo. ration rrorker htd prwni~ed w introdua mm deoontioa worlc to Cbons He met tbe worker on Decerober 11 rt the rataw rant aad tMre Se wu ui~ed to takc a of danjerow drup w 86 Wo Stroet ba roti ee wmw be em the ooetntx. 6k~an~ d tonr ~t~oChi~ drao. Ne wu A mtn of Pod chmcta. daroted a blA fimilp and 6Ad ra crim{nal rooord~ oounul wid. tke ~ ~teAa~ Mr Jur sIlowed hittudf eo~wed fa dros tnfYicklos in retnro fcr fioulcW ramnrd. sed the cautt 6ad to -opws a detst� root untenoe. Crowa couniet Colin White prpmcuted. 21 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 iidNr hnrtr I U(tUG CA5E UEFENUMi'r CHARCES gCiIBE A'T`CEMp`C Nnng Knng SdUTH CNINA Md1tNING pnST in Eng1ish 18 May 79 r 17 [ArEiele by Rnsemary Langford) ('CextJ Lnnddn, May 17. A Chinaa defendant In u heroin trial yeiterday told of an attempt to bribe him to change hf~ evidenoe while he wts In brixton S~apoh Sua ~6S), who b :hu~ea rrit6 da fna In Aer- oin betwan A_ pril tnd July IABt rear, aid In Centnl Crimiul Ccnrt thit Ladis. Iaus Hiarcbiong- Won`e known u Luice Wona who hu AIrady pkadedlty ta baoin imponin= and G Sivi'n~ eridena for tbep'aurution. viiited him In 9 x~i ton Prion Jta his arrat in AupuL"Luke aid hc aanted to SW me M (Abont HlC5,000) to uand on his side And Rive evidena for him. "1 told him4he truth is the troth becawe ehe judse is jwt �o how can 1 help bim," Sun mThe next dar. he uked to be Innsferrod to Pentonviik Prtwn, Sun added. Sun wu born in Artwy in 1914 and went to Honskona from TAibei In 1953 to tun an import4spon Muinea. He teh Nongkas in 1972 and weM to live in hris, :pendinS hb winlen In Nioe.. He wme to 9ritain In 1913, workin` for a C61nae takawvy shop In 9itmins� h,m for two yean and then for � sImlur ukaw,q In Kent oweed by Stephen Claw tnd bb fat6er. Chow hu dw piaded Suilty to heroin impwtins, Sun uid tlut wWk work� ini In tbe raunaet In Kent, bao(a In ba Farb Eoutt tbt " Sun uid tlo otba eatria in the Mabrita passport found In 6b tUt merred w the wmer ot the pwport. He bou`ht tAe paupon In Hon`kong In 1973 for NKS4,000. He fint met WanS Sa 1977 when be wed W aome W ttie C6inm raUunnt diily. He bad bean! Chnw and Wona utk abouc drop. 5un iaid hs kaew tlut ia Siappore "�if yon bad anr- t6in to do witb drnp~ yon oou~ be Aanaed " He hod never Ken dru~ but had read obout them in newip~ n. 5~ Sun: "1 told C1ow Ihis drue busineu wouW only nuke trouble and not nuke money. I toid him wlutever Won+ uid is not t{jht, don't do it, " Ha ikla told Cbow to So teto tha cn(t or paintlng b Su ~n aid t6at In March l~utya r he ame to live In HK~t10) w ek f1i bedln i roan with two ahen. He Oed W ipend abou110 boun a da in the Ooldtn Nunet aa~ (}oldee Hone� i6o~e casinm narbr and did not po out very often beauu of hn fain pusport u 6e wes +rilhtanad polia mi`ht check Sun aid be aad men Woos ptrr aun~ tima in the dtinot. 5ometjma Won wouwsi" eim 15 a118 pmWinj cbip. Sun went on to wy that at � meetinl Cbow told bim tut about ha S6sinnnnm ~dlxoug6tPbaand ck brown supr.� 22 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 At the t ree he dId ndt kndw whet C~dw meant. Chow tater told him (t�was drug: The )ud e commented that enyone wa hed lived le Nangkon, iks Sun dfd muit knnw About heroin. "1 tdld him he must quiek� ly sei rid nr It Gec,uk I', very ddneetdus," Sun uid. Cixtw told him Wonl hed pr` k; ed it would KII verr ARer thAt he taw Wung nni very Aea~100 the cat(� wKtt,000) a 1ime, ~ald(5unut "He plorcd like ere:y, ploying tAble after tabte," he odded. In 1ulr he realiud Chow slill hod the dru . "Chow was like A an to me becauu hii fuher li mr friend; " Sun oonttnued. Ne leter ulked ta rn fn� didn who was riw r ailno re`uler ond uked hfm itaut burind "excitine powder." Sun sald he arnn ed for Won` to mat the In~ion in the bar of the ttejent P`lace Hotel. Chuw rnd onother Chi� nefe bor wert �Iw at IAe meetind. . Sun uid he heard the In� dian ay tAe meeting wu over becawe tAe ptke wu too hish. He abo hard ulk of o rample. in Aulwt Sun ru Arrat. ed aRer A cwtaro And exciu ' oftwer came to h i t room where ther found tfM falm paaport hiddcn under a bed. Hearins cantinua. C50: 5300 23 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 HONG KONG URUGS 'lytAFFIClCEtt GET3 f;IGNT YEAIt5 Nong Knng SOUTH CNINA Mc)RNING POST in English 5 May 79 p 7 (TeXt) A 4(~yar�uld man wes sentenced td elghtyean' im� priwnment in i6e High Court yestctday aher he was found lu{Ity by a jury of poueuing 2SO,OUO worth of dangerous drup fnr unlawful traffick� ing. Tsang pau had pleaded not euilty ta posuuing 2,607 grams ot a mixture contAin� fng S9J grems af mltt of aten of murphine for unlow� ful trofticking nn September S. Hut the jury of six men and one woman fuund him guiltr after deliberating for two houn. The coun was lold that when a police partr roided Tsang's tlat at Ngautauknk on September S, he produced frum under o bed a porcel cuntaining packets of heroin: Police aiso found on the premises polythene bass and a sealing tnachine on which wero Tsang's tingerprinu, (n mitiRation, defence CSO: 5300 cdunse'1 Mfs' N. C. Wung ~aid Tsong had A wlfe and Ihra childten qcd 14 1017, He was a dutiful husband and the sole supponer nf the frmiir. Aport from a minor of� fenre in 1973 for amokins dpium, he had no other crim(� nal record. Tung hod been in vorious jobs as a waver, plulia worker, clrarufng wcxker ond hawker, oounsel jidded. Pwing sentencc. Mr Jus� tice O'Connor iaid the fact ot hovias o clear reard wes not o iignificant point when a perwn was found inp~sa sian of such a quan Iti y of drup, comiderind that the drop oould be uied to tuin many people's liva. Crown oouiuel Miu C. M. Beewn prosecuted. 24 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 NdNG KnNC J UttUG5 MAIJUFACTUitER FACES NEW TRIAL Nong Kdng SOUTH CHINA MOItNING pOST in English 8 Mny 79 p 10 w (7'ext ~ ~ ~ppulld y uf 6e ratr a J �yeer�old mikn after quaihinQ hli conviclion on chargu of monufanuring denterow drug~ and tnQ S2 mitlion worth o heroin for unlawful treflicking, Lee Chun�kwrl, formerly a rutaurant worker, waa seN� tenced to IS yan in jail aher beln found euilty by a jury lait ~ay, He oppealed rg,irut oon� viction and untence. before the Court of Appea1 compris� in4 Mr luuia Hu int, Mr lwtia Pickerina ikn,?Mr Jur tioe McMullin. Lee wvs orratad and cherged followina a polia raid on two adjoinlng Oau on the 23th Oaor of o Waterloo Rad building on November 9,1977. The raid waf made early in the morning `nd dongerow drup and uteruib for the manufacturin` of dangerow drugi were found on the premiut. WhilepoIfa wero uarc6� ing the (iau, La wu reen climbing to the roof from the window of the adJaant flot. Tracu of dangerow drup were found on hii penon and clothins. At the triol La did not d'upute the ~rown's cue about the nid. However, he denied hav ina token part in manufactur- ing dangerow druM. Hc told the rourt in hls defence thrt he had ollowaf hii ttat to be wed by other poople on the undentandlnQ they were msknufacturing Chineu mediclne, M they hd turned hU f1`t Into e meu, he told them to move. One of ther.i wRi A tenAnt u the acjoining t1at, and thay moved their stuff there. Tha court agreed thot the explonidon adraooed by the appellont was not dalt wit6 in the summine up and order� ed tlut'i oonWction M quuhed And the sentenee set ikiide. Howevet, in tM lateratcf jwcice the court otderod & n�triAf ror cee. Ne is now romaaded ta cwtody. � Mr A. M. Nlamatu11s6 reprwnted Lee on the In� stroctloni of Foo and Li. Crown oouruel Tom 0a11 ikppated for the Ctown. CSO: 5300 6ut befon they wer+e tiblo. W cleaar np his (4k pOft, ordved. � ' . Lee sald he wanted to let' thepoliee in but wuprevent- ed from doins w ~nd it wu t6en he knew that they wero engaged in menufuturing dangeroae drug~. Three other men 4nated witA Leo had been convicted, ond ach kntenced to 13 yan. ,'i eppeal aQaimt oon�; victbn wu bued on t6e. und ch.t the trial 'judea; erred in diiectin4. jury oa the robntui of tbe : statutory praumptbc of: guflty knowledae under the ; Danaetow Drup Ordlnince, . and the itandird of prMf required of the defena to. rebut the praumption. Another Sround wu that , the trial Judge dld npt put the defena adequately w the JurY� . Deliverin~g the court's judQment. Mr Juttice Hu - itint aid that in vlaw of t~ fact t6at t6erc Nu a mucD oommon gtouad ia the cue and tlut therc wu w littk foct which the defenoe did not agra, it wu eaential that the trial judQethould ada qwtely deal with the defmca 25 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 liONG KUNC HAWKEEt JAILEU THREE YEAItS FOIt bRUG5 Hong Kong SOU'rN CHINA MORNING pO5T in Englieh S May 79 p 10 [Text) A 32�yar-old bawker, Kwsc Siu�tln4, wu sent to prGon for three yan yatar� dey for poueuinj deroin worth $10,000 for unlrwfu) tntYicklng, He hsd pleaded not guilty. at Victorio Dlurict Court ond Yeun4 5hing�yip (40), a ua� nun, pladed pullty to tlmple pouaislon otdrup. Yeuna wu reminded on bsil untlf May 21 for a proba� tion officer'i repon befora beie`ientenced. Tde oourt wu toid thu on January 9 a polica Pattol wenl to an apartment at Siu Cheung Fone and (aund 1,8 Qrartu ot heroin on Kwok and I.S grenu on Yeunt. On the tloor beside Kwok's bed wero 38.6 grartu in polythenepaekeu. Kwok uid be bad bought the 6eroin for $4,000 for his own uu sinca it wu c6eaper to buy in bu1k. He added t6at three m� men, includtns Yenas who *ere in 61s nAc Wben it wu nided tud oanA w piSy au6- jM but 6e db not teel8ke pla;n~ a he tntde them a cup of tea. Yeung denied he had uJ he Kwok. ~Iulht d~ eJoaapd ed YeM 6td a the tlat to buy 6eroin rom Kwok. � Mr Step6en Uewellyo who appeared for Yeun~; uid. tbe u.aman had a clear reoord iind 6td not pravlously been a d earl~leir tbU yeu he htd to walt tn Hon4kong tor uvaral montlu makina srnngemaau to bring his famfly trom China and durin4 thts petiod of anziety with no job, be be4an to smoke herofn. Kwok wtu uid to have been a drog addict for 20 yean and to havc kven prcvi� ow oonvictiau for drog ~ot fenoa, He was defended by Mr Pau) Fok. CSO: 5300 26 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 HnNG KnNC OPIUM FnUND IN F'UEL TANK Nong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in Englisli 11 May 79 p 9 (TexCJ Cuitoma officcn tevered another "Pekistani Conneatlon" yuterday whcn they sciud $180,000 worth of opium from a PakLtan�ro itered fnighter, The IZ ~ of nw oum were found 6idden imide a ILaI tank oP the Bhafnb foll ina a four�hout roudne seareh, it wu the ieoond ai:uro in two weefn involvinQ drugs grown in Pakistaa. On April 27, cwtomi officen ielted 64 1cp of nw opium, worth about $2 million, durins a routina taroh on bard the United Viioont ihortly wRer it arrived from Kanobl. Local Paklstaaii aro reported to be oonnected wlt6 wme of thae imporb but none bu boen arrated w far. Cwtotru oftioe� wero last niQht oonductin a thorough rcarch on the 3,400-ton froighter ond quert~oninQ iu 49 crewmemben. Up to Ipte lut aight no one hed been arrated in oonnxtlon with the ieizuro. Oftian uid the opium, when pr~e~pared, would have an atimated street wlue of about 5180,000. They said the opium ia believod to be imported from Pakirtau for Ixal ooneumption. The Bhairab arrived from Keracbi shortly before 7 am to pick up carQo for P4kiitan. Superintendent Fnnk Oroenhalah uid 30 cwwnt officen boarded the froighter for a routinc uarc6 slartly aRer it anchored off Watern. The opium, packed in two piaitic begi, was submerged in the fuel tank. It wai the fint drug seizuro on board the Bhainb, which was schedulod to return to Pakiitan on Monday. CSO: 5300 27 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 FKIENllLY AC7' CAItNS SEVEN YEARS IN JAIL Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in Engliah 15 May 79 p 16 (TexC ] An embroidery factory worker, who rald he wai pdd $SO to hold the drup for ~ friend, was yatardey �en� tenoed to seven yean' imprii� ' onment by Mr Juatice Train� I or in the Hfgh Coun, ! Choi YI{rkwai (34) plead� : ed guilty to pasessing . 4,235,2 grams of heroin m(a� ture for unlawful traf(icking. Thc drugs had a stroet valuc of about $410,000. Crown counsel F. C. Whitehouk told the court that on December 16, police, actinQ on informetion, kept watch ouuidc a vauunnt in Lok Shin Rad, Kowloom. About 1.20 pm Choi, carrying a luac bag, was reen obout to enter a building. He wu stopped and in the bag were 10 peckets of her� oin. Choi askad for leniency, saying he was not engaged in the drug trade. He taid a friend had told him to get the drugi for him and had given him $SO to hold them for him. His caunsel, Miu Munira Moosdan, submitted in miti- gation that he hed ban mtde use of by drug tnfl'icken. Choi wes:ingle but had to help support a large family in China. PauinQ gentence, Mr Jus� tice Tratpor wid two fecton ahvoys cropped up in danQer�, ous druQs cues - dettitute dependenu io China and o naaty man in the back4round seducing the detendanu into the offenco. The Jud4e uid he did not think thero was anyone w dull u not to ralise the matnitude of the offena of tntYickina in dan4arous drup. , . Tlw offenoe wu uSrtve if the rewud wu SSO or S3,000, the judge added. ' CSO: 5300 28 HONG KUNC; .p APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 HUNG KnNC NEW DRUG RING SMASHED Hong Knng SOUTH CHINA MOftNING POST in Engligh 21 May 79 p 1 (Article by Tommy Lewis] [TeXC ] Cusroms Investigators yes� terday smeshod a 'ncwly formed Chiu Chow drugs syndicate. The syndicatc ia believed to have been involved in dis� tributing heroin to addicta in East Kowloon for thc past kw months. The officers seized 4 Iba of No 3 heroin worth about $200,000 on the retail market and errested six men. They alsc seized a white Mercedes &nz, belicved to bclong to one of the syndi� cate's top men, who wes last night still being quatfoned. Customs men said their coup was the result of close oburvation and protracted investigations. Investigators got wind three months ago of a new Chiu Chow drug distribution syndicale in East Kowloon - which includes Wong Tai Sin, Ngau Tau Kok, Kun Tong end Yau Ton$. Invutigations revealed that syndicate members werc apparently using a paper products factory in Ko Fei Roed, Yau Tong, as a meet� CSO: 5300 ing placc to plen thcir diatri� bution methoda. Customs men decidcd to move in and a team led by Senior Inspector Mak Kam� lau laid an ombush outsidc the factory at �10.30 on Satur� day night. They wuited for eight houra until they go1 their chance topo unce. The chance cume when they saw two men leaving the factory, hwding for the Mer� cedes parked nearby. One of them wns carrying Zi Ibs of heroin. The customs officers led the two men back into the- factory where two other men were detained. The ractory waa searched. and 1'h Ibs of heroin wes recovered. Investigators believe he el� lowed the drug traffickers to use the fectory aftcr it ciosed forthe weekend. Four more reids were later carried out in Lam Tin and Sau Mau Pin# and another in Broadcast Drrve. Although nb further sei- zura were made, two more men wete deteined for qua- tioning. 29 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 110NG KUNG TOURI5T RETUEtNING F1tOM BANGKOK CAUGHT WITH DANGEROUS DRUGS Drugs Found In Doxes Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNIN G POST in English 17 May 79 p 8 [Text] A High Court judge and two cartons to cnrry, aaying ~ hed to look after the be r were told yeaterda thet wuhen Leung Kin�kwokY (38) B~~ of the only women in the arrived from Bangkok he g p ' carrial two cardboerd boxea Hearing continuu today. in the lining of which were Crown counsel Jonathan ] 18 packets of dengetoua Daw prosecutw. drug~.u ~ customa off iar, nior A Mr Petrick Yu is defcnd- . S6di�sang, said hie Wert Mr nsttuctions ~in Leung on and the i Winston Chu a f K K suspicions were eroused by the unueual thickneu of the . and Co. ~ walis of the boxes, which alw contained fishbaila end dried . meat. Leung, who was arreetod at Kai Tak airport on Deam- ber 16, pleaded not gui1ty to pc�session of 1,818.5 grams of a mixture containing 1,130.1 grams of.esten of morphine for the purpcue of unlewful trafticking. Tho drugs were worth $538,000. Another senior customs offiar, Mr Lee Woon-wah, told Mr Justice Treinor and the jury that Leung had made a statemeot denying knowl- edge of the presence of the drugs in thc baaes. Leung said in his state- ment that a friend invitaf him in Dxtmber to the eighth Asian Gaina and they omod a package tour to ngkok. On their roturn to Hong- kong, his friend hended him : ~ 30 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 Judge Orders New Honb Kong SOU'rH CHINA MOItNTNG PO5T in Cnglish 19 May 79 p 9 [I:xr.erpts] A High Court 3udge yesterday ordered that ri JH-year-old mAn on a charge of posaessing dangerous drugs for unlawful Crafficking be tried again, after he had given evidence. After Leung had been croas-examined, submiasiona were made by counsel for both parties in the absence of the 3ury following which Mr Juseice Truinor ordered a re-trial. - Mr JusCice Trninar said thaC certain information which wue not in the hands of either the prosecution or the defence ar the outset tiad come to light, and he considercd 3t would not be possible to continue witti tlie present jury on a saCisfactory basis. I.cung was released cn bail trial. CSO: 5300 p 31 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 I(C1NC KONC; kF;S'I'AUItANT bpEitA7'OR CHARCED WI'i'1I 7'RAF'IIC:F;INC Missing Frirtid C-eta Blbtnp 1'nng Knng SOUTII CNINA NORNINC POST in Lnglish 18 May 79 p 17 (TextJ A restnurent opercttor ctinrged wit1i poesessing d.7ngeroue druCE; fdr _ unlnwful, clained in the I1igh Courr yesterday that he wns nnt driving the car froti wl,ich twn parce]s cor.tainitig 30 lbg of npium were thrown out. ChAti Ching-wah (52) pleaded not guilty before Mr Justice Raber and d ;jury. ^'he Crowit's case was tliet trolice kept Chan under observatiai, on Decembrr 12 3nd sew him lerive ltis lionie in Ventris F,oac', Kappy Valley. in hir: riir alth - biotlier t-inti .+t A.35 pm. Police followed the rar ta Aberdeen and saw two parce]K being taken inco I he car. As the car nrxivc(l, oproaite a petrol atation in Wongnei-chong Cap Road, police saw two pareeis being thrown out of the cer on tr tt!e ground. ~ They thcu luat sight of thE- car. , But A policen-an in plNinclothea who was on e motorcycle ]nter ctiughC up with tlie car. Thir�� time Chan was the orily pernon in it. The policenian ctiased L)fte.r tlte cnr thro+ipjt I;appy Valley and CnuseW7y ROy but lost rif;ht of it. _ 7'he car Was eventun]ly found in a car park in Gilman StreNt, nEar tte Ma- cati ferry wharf, and Chan Was arreKtect together with his wife in tlte Are.n. Jn hfs drfence Chan saicl a friend called Cheung Sze-foo, who ran a seafooe. business, borrowed ris car on the of December 12 to pick up a friend at Kai Tak airport. 32 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 Cheung ]nter lett Che !n Gi1mE+n Street for liim ti, pic-k up. _ 7'hnt evrning, Ghan said, he mct n tSr Choi itt n hoeel in Cnusewny Aity to ta]k nhour a rngtgurane bugineqs. 1tt hnd ndt used the cer thnC evening. t+'hpn hr was urreated, Chan said, he toid police tie tiad lent his car ec, Hnmrbudy. Anked by Cruwn rouneel Joe riuffy if he hnd asgigted tid]ice ici inquirird tibaut thr mt+tter, Chan anicl he did not know Nhere Cheung wns. ' IIe suid he hnd tried hig best to find Cheung but fallrd nnd thQre was noth- ing ht, cciuld do dbout it. Nearing cnntinueg todny. Mr Anthony Spdgwick id defending Cfinn on the instruceivnt3 of H. N. 1,av and Co. Jury Findg Nim Cuilt�y fic,ng Kong SOU71i CHINA MORNINr. POST in }'ng] ish 19 May 79 p 8 (Excerpts) A restauranc aw�cr was sentenced ro five yeArs' inprisurment yesterday when hc: was found guilty of posseseing 30 lbs of opiun, wrrtil $450,000 for unlpwful trafficking. Hr pleaded not guilty buC tlie jury, after deliberating for threc� hnurs, returne(l a 6-1 verdict of guilty. P:tR:ing sentence, Mr Justice Baber saicl Cfian had been a police officer before nnd he shnulcl have known the seriouFneKS cif the of.fence. ('50: 5300 33 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 NUNf: KnNC HItIEFS YU[tCNA5ER5 ACtkESTEb--Sixteen men nnd one woman were arregted when they ca11ed at a fiat to buy heroin# tt aas aileged in Cgaseway Day Court yeg- terdgy. Another mgn was caught when he delivered two packete of gUBpECC@d dengerous drugg to the flat. Before Mr James Wilean, thz 18 defpndants were charged with offering to do an act preparatory to trgfficking unlgw- fully in dangerous druge. All pleaded not guilty. Police alleged that the defendants were arreeted during a eearch in a Waachai flat on April 11. As the defendants allegedly came to the premises to buy heroin at differ- ent times, Mr Wilson told the prosecuting officer they should be charged separately inetead of joietly. Mr Wilson fixed hearing for June 13 nnd granted each defendant bail of $500 on his or her rnm recognisance. (Text) (Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in Engliah 5 May 79 p 71 PAINTER GOES TO JAIL--A 31-year-old houeepainter, Leung Cheung-pingo weg sent to prison for two yeara and three months by Judge Hooper in Victoria District Court yeaterday for drug offences. Leung admitted posaeesion of a hypodermic ayringe, but denied posseasion of drugs for unlawfu,l trafficking. Nowever, he was convicted. During the trial the court was told that Leung was found sitting on a lowex bunk When golice raided a room in the Chaiwan estate on January 30. A cnixCure containing 1.3 grams of heroin and n sy- ringe were found in the pocket of a blue denim shirt hanging above the bunk. Mr. Michael Bunting appeared for the Crown and Mr Ronald Tong for the defence. [Text] [Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 8 May 79 p 10] CO-TENANTS JAILED FOR DRUGS--1~,o co-tenanta of a Mongkok flat were yester- day sentenced to 12 years and four years' imprisonment respectively for possession of drugs for unlawful trafficking. Tse Man-fai (35), a reataur- ant captain, had denied two charges of posseasing 36.1 kgs of raw opium and 8.4 kgs of a mixture containing 2.6 kgs of salts of esCers of morphine. He was found guilty by a jury of both offeaces and Mr Justice Garcia sen- tenced him to Jsil for eight years oa one charge and 12 years on the other, the sentences to run concurrentlv. Lau Ying-wah (20), a painter, pleaded guilty to possesaing a mixture c:ontaiaing 15 grama of salta of esters of morphine and was sentenced to four years' imprisonment. The court was told Narcotics Bureau officers, acting on information, arrested Lau at a Kowloon 34 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 rentnurgnt dn OCtdber 1 and tddk him bark tc, hie fint in Mnngkok. l'itpre ~ Che nfficern uneovered drugg hidden in rootm drrupied by Lnu gnd Toe. [Textj CNong Knng SOUTN CfiiNA MORNING pOSm in Er,gitsh 19 Mny 79 p 91 ADbICT CF:TS A HREAK--A 50-year-n1d drug addire wna yeaterdny given opecia1 permissidn to eae a meal provided by hia family to celebrate thc wedding of his son. Wong Yau had p1eaded guilCy tn pdgsension of 7.19 grdna of e mix- ture cnntaining 0.06 grarog of sa1ts of pnrers of morphine fdr unlawful traffieking. Mr MiChae1 Stapp at Weaeprn Cnurt sent Wong to a drug addir- tidn eregtment centre afeer reading a fnvourable repnrt from the Cnmmis- sioner of Prisnng. Mr Staff sgid he had nn sympathy for drug traffickerg. Nowever, ehe defendant wgg found trafficking in a reletively gmg11 nnrunt of drugs and hgd no conviction aince 1960. Wona wag rerregented by Mr Chnripg Wong, instructed by Raymond Tnng and Cd. (Text) (liong Kong SOUTN C1{INA MORNING POST in Engliah 22 May 79 p 101 BItITISH MAN GET5 pA55F'OItT--The principgl mttgigtraCe nt 5outh KoWlonn Court, Mr Pau1 Cdrfe, made an of�icinl drder Co return n paegport to a 39-year-old Britigh busineegaan, Peter Howard tewig, aho ie on a dangeroug drugg chnrgp. Mr Charlpe Stnnafield, who represenCed LeWis, made an application to re- duce hig cgsh beil. Mr Corfe reduced hig buil from $100,000 in cnsh to $75,000 but the two personal suretieg of $50,000 each remain unchanged. t.ewig, who appeared before Mr Corfe on Thurgday, was given until yegterdny eo complete the poatinq of his bail. Nie counsel told the cnurt thut ar- rangementa for bail had been completed. Lpwis is alleged to tinvp hnd in hil; posgegeion for the purpose of unlawful trafficking, n quantity of danperoun drugg in u flat in Mansion Building, Nathan Road, TsimalintHUi in April 26. No plea wag taken and the case was adjourned until June 14 rending e chemigt report. (Text) (Nong Kong 50UTN CHINA MORNING pOST in Engliah 22 May 79 p lOj CSO: 5300 35 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 ) UEtUG AUnLG"rION lllGfl AMdNG MEnICAL 5TUdENT5 Caicutea TNE 5TA'TESMAN in English 25 M$y 79 p 9 LNDIA [Text) MediCal gCudentg, who live in hnsCele, gre mnre prnne rn drug addiction than other bdardera, according Co atitudy nn "drug addtrrion in studeneg' hogeela," rnnducted by the indian Ingtituee of Social Welfarc nnd Managemene, CaleuCta. 'rhe gtudy covQred 30 mgle gCudents, Chree of whom were married. `Cheir ageg ranged from 17 to 23. it wae found that 33% of ttte boarderg whd belonged Cn the medical faculty Were dtvg addicCe. IC was easier for ehege students ta prdcure drugs becauge they were attached to hoepitals. Thny Werc aware uf the reaction the drugg could have on the human gystem. 'Cticy could algo get drug$ from chemiste an production of prescriptiong. Next cgme the laa gtudentg who formed 277, of the boarderg. The study Could not give a plausible reason as to why go many gtudentg belottging to tite law faculty had taken to drugs. The study listed a number of causes behind drug addiction. 7'hese werc frustration and failure, anxiety, family maladjustment, boredom, to get a"plpasant experience," to show their friends that they did ttot observe gny taboos and finally, to concentrate on their atudies. 'Phe addicts confessed that they got more pleasure in taking drugs "in the coapany of others." It Was obgerved that "unhappy childhood has no important bearing on drug addictian" since 28 of the 30 students had no problans during childhood. It was revealed that addicts were uare interested in synthetic drugs tttan in cannabig, such as charas, ganja aad bhang. Drugs were talcen in the fom of pills, cigarettes, paan and injections, procured from friends, - Cea shops, restaurants, chemista and "pushers and sellers." 36 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100060040-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100064440-4 '1'hv .iddiety c.une trom fitmiliea belonE;ttil; to clie M. 500--I1n. 2,dUU inconne group and tiiey gpent betwcen Itn. 10 iind ity. 70 evrry wo�tli ou clrug:. Adclirtion way nwre prevalent imcmg atudcntK who brlunt,etl tt+ C;uiiilier tii:it wvee Lneludeel In tlu, higher Itttume j;ruup. Uplniun way equally dividecl on the quesLiun whether drug .iddic:tion was Iiarmlul or not. Wtti1e 11 studentg said "yey," anotlier 11 said "no." 'I'hc regt bclonged tn the "t-do-not-knuw" grvup. '1'hdne wlin wcre cig