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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE= 2007/02/09= CIA-R~P82-00850R000'100050058-2 30 ~ ~ i OF i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000104050058-2 ~OR OFI-~C1NL USE ON~Y JPRS L/8987 30 May 1979 i . � ~ , TRANSLATIONS ON NARCOTICS AND DAN~EROUS DRUGS (FOUO 23/79) ~ U. S. JOINT PUBLICATIONS RESEARCH SERVICE FOR OFFI CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 NOT~ JpRS publicaCions contain informaCion primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also �rom news agency transmissions and broadcases. Materials from foreign-language _ sources are CransldCed; Chose from ~nglish-language sources are Cranacribed or reprinCed, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editiorial reporCs, and maCerial enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as (Text~ or (~xcerptJ in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how Che original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- , mation was summarized or extracted. - Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliter~ted are _ enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied asappropriate in context. - Other unaCtributed parenthetical notes within the body of an - iCem originate with the source. Times within items,are a;; given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE . JPRS L/8487 30 May 1979 TRANSLATIOidS ON NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 23/79) ~ CONTENTS PAGE _ A5IA AUSTRALIA OEficials, Doctors Consider Medical Use of Neroin (Various sources, 11, 13 Apr 79) 1 rlelhourne Doctors' Remarks ~ommitCee To Discuss Increase in Underworld Crime Connected to Drug Thefts (Lindsay Murdoch; THE AGE, 18 Apr 75~) 2 Jury Acquits Unwitting Heroin Importer in Supreme Court Trial (THE WEST AUSTRALIAN, 13 Apr 79) 4 _ Nurse Convicted of Plot To Smuggle Marihuana by Sea (THE WEST AUST~tALIA?~, 11, 12 Apr 79) S . Details of Plot Jury Returns Verdict Australian Drug Traffickers Implicate Bangkok Resident - - (THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 5 Apr 79) 7 Queensland To Test for Drugs in Traffic Accidents (THE AUSTRALIAN~ 5 Apr 79) 10 Briefs Help for Addicts 11 Heroin Addict Jailed 11 $4,500 Drug Naul 11 INDIA ;tadras Customs Makes Dent in ~pium Smuggling k (THE HINDU, 4 May 79) 12 " - a - [IYI - INT -138 FOUO~ FOR OFFICIA:, U~~ OvLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 ~nEt O1~FICIAL US~ ONLY CONT~NTS (Continued) Page liriefs q~~i~im Pr~~duction l') (~i~n~ii Sntred 1~ JAPAN NarcoCics White Paper Released by Hea1Ch Ministry (THE JAPAN TIi~tES, 8 May 79) 14 NCW Z~ALAND Briefs Deportation Canceled 15 Heroin in Garden 15 THAiLAND ~5 Briefs Australians on Trial 16 LATIN AMERICA f3IZ~1G I l. Briefs Record Marijuana Seizure MEXICO CIJ Speaker Fears U.S. Will 'Export Addiction' (EL SOL DE MEXICO, 19 Apr 79) 18 Most Heroin in United States Comes From Mexico (Mario Ruiz Redondo; EXCELSIOR, 21 Apr 79) 20 Principal UNAM Traffickers Arrested (Luis Segura; EXCE'LSIOR, 22 Apr 79) 22 Five Traffickers Found Bound, Murdered (David Renteria; EXCELSIOR, 13 Apr 79) 23 ' Heroin Traffickers Seized iri Sonora (EXC~;LSIOR, 17 Apr 79) 25 Maril~uana, Poppy Seed Seized (Manuel Guevara C; EXCELSIOR, 5 Apr 79) 26 - b - ~ ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 F'OR O~FICIAL U5E ONLY CON'1'~,N'f5 (Cantinued) I'ag~ Clandestine Laboratory Raided ' (CL SOL DE MEXICO, 5 Apr 79) 27 pisRU ()ominican Diplomat To Be Expelled Over Drugs (AFP, 17 Apr 79) 28 Tarapoto llrug Bust Yields 45 Kilos of Cocaine, 3 Traffickers (LA CRONICA, 19 Apr 79) 29 klilltop Lab biscovery Lan~3s ~ntire Family in Jail (EXPRESO, 20 Apr 79) 31 Briefs Special Court for Traffickers 32 Drug Seizure 32 NEAR EAST AND NOItTH AFRICA ISREICL Briefs Largest Drug Seizure 33 MOROCCO Court Renders ~/erdicts, Sentences Drug Traffickers (L'OPINTON, 14 Apr 79) 34 WESTERN EliROPr, DENMARK Copenhagen 'Free City': A Mecca for Nordic Drug Users (ARBEIDERBLADET, 29 Mar '79) 37 N~TNERJ '~NDS Briefs = Heroin Interception; Traffickers DeCained 39 NORWAY Customs Agents To Increase Surveillance of Truck Trailers (ARBEIDERBLADET, 6 Apr 79) 40 - c - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 _ FOK OI~~ICIAI. USC ONLY CONTLNTS (Continued) ~'~se ChieE of O~lo Narcotics Police Reports Huge Case Increase (ARI3EIDEFtBLADET, 5 Apr 79) 42 TUItK~Y Briefs � Heroin Seized 44 UNIT~D KINGDOM Briefs Heroin Seizure 45 ~ - d - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 AUS'I'CtALIA - UC'PICIALS~ DOCTORS CONSIDER MEDICINAL USE OF HEROIN Melbourne Doctors' Remarks Melbourne 7'HE AGE in English 11 Apr 79 p 13 [7'ext] (~~ic:?1 n~tthori[ies yes� tu ban the legitimste use of But the Victoririn spokes- terday reJected a call for heroin because a smail sea man for the koyal Colle~;e the IiftinK of a 25�year ~i~n of the communiry of Ubstetricians and Gyr~ee� hun on the use of heroin abused the drug. cologists, br, Jim ~vans, for mediCn) purposes. He sald the drug's pra said other vul~ctances could They say such a move Perties mAde It a better al� be used in ~~hildbirth ' would increase Victoria's ternntive to morphine In Md the Health (:ommis� ~~r~~~~�in roblem of heroin Childbirth because it did not sion's ;,cting director of ol� 6 P repress breathir~g in infant~. coliol and drug services, Dr. ~nuse. tt also could be used tor the Ababic Kesaell, said the - F:nst A1eibourne doctor treatment of coughs and to heroin problem in Victoria ,t;imes Smibert, in a letter to ~ relieve pain of terminaily iil no longer was conflned to A the'~tedicnl Journal M Aus� patients. small secdon of the com� tralfa', said it ~va5 inhumat~ ~ munity. . Committee To Discuss Perth THE WEST AUSTRALIAN in English 13 Apr 79 p 20 [Text] Australlan hesitln authoMttes w111 dlscuss how herofn can be u~ed to ease ps~in sad help people ~vho u'e sutR~in~; froui p~tnful tenaln- sl d~sea~es. . . The lasue will be exa� Outaide the Houee, Mr "We will contlnue to mined at the next meet� Young aaid that WA was co-operate in Lhe ~earch ing oi the national atand~ repr~e nted on the com- for other w~ys to deul ing commiftee on the mit~e~e by an ofiicer with the problem;' the control o! druQs oi de- irom the ~ublic Health Premler, Sir Charlea pendence. - Departme~t. � Oourt, told Mr A. R.~Ton� The M i n i a t e r for The yVA Gove~ment '~n Morley). Health, Mr Young told would wait ior the~ re~ ' EarHer Sir C4~as1e~ told Mr R. E. Bertram (Lab., sults oi the committee ~Mr Hert~ram that the WA Mt FiAwthorn) in the meeting ~efore dedding .Government had been to Legtel4tive A s s e m b 1 y, whai actton 1t . would ,the � tore amon~ the that the WA Government ta}ie`. Statee~ In Ie~telaUnQ~ for had taken no actton to s~~L~ increased maximum pen~ allow heroin to be used ~e Aseembly waa also altiea in such cases, told that the Government Police activity Srf the Thc importation oi her� was satisfied wlth Com� tield oi detectlon and ofn was controlled by the monwealth eiforts ~to prosecution oi drug o!� Commonwealth, he said . riogrdry~serpug,~lin~� 1endla's. had lncre~etl. cso: 5300 , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 AUSTRALIA INCREASE IN UNDERWORLD CRIME CONNECTED TO DRUG THEFTS Melbourne THE AGE in English 18 Apr 79 P 3 - ~Report by Lindsay Murdoch: "V3olence Hits Melbourne Drug Scene"] - [Text] Criminals muscling in on drug dealers caused one of the worst spates of underrrorld violence to hit Melbourne. Police fear further reprisals after three muYd.ers, an attempted murder and ~ several shootings attributed to the drug scene this year. Police say "rip-offs"--criminals robbing drug dealers and pedlaxs--have in- creased dramatically in recent months. Detectives are alarmed at the in- creasing numbcr ot crlminela turning W Vi^.toria's lucrative heroin marke~ '['hey are either getting into dletrlbu- tion or mbbing dealers who rarely re- , port the crime to police to protect themseives trom proaecution. Potice usuall~ only become involved ' it somebody is killed or inJured Some Melbourne prostitutes are - known to have taken action to protect themselves agalnst being robbed, The street giris ue enaudng that registration numbera are recorded be� : fore they get into the vehicies. Detectivea sey prostltutea have been easy prey for criminala. They estimate thdt nine out ot 10 of them working in the St. Kilda ara~ and massage parlor~ are addicts who sell ~ drugs and carry largQ amounta ot I money. A capsule of advlterated heroM oosts ~ Sso� n sc. w~aa proatta,re re~a+c~y to~a . polioe ahe apends 51~00 a week o'n th~ - drug. The head ad tl~e hoaddde aquaA. Detective Chiet Inspector Psut Delianis. ~ said yeaterday the three drug�related murders this Year and rising Wolence an "the tip ot the icebere" when look� Ing at the overall drug scene. 2 I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 Ne sald more than 60 per cent of Victorla's nrmed robberics are belleved to be drug�relateci. At leust two ot sewen murde~ com- mitted during armed hald-ups ln Vic- - toria 1$st yenr were dru~�linked, lnspec- tor Deliania said. "'Che oftenders were under the Jntlu- ence ot druCs, probably heroin." he said, - - Inspector Dellanis said the commun� Ity could expect the problem W woreen. In incidents this year: � A drug dealer waa shdt d~ad in a - atree~ - � A man died atter fa111ng from a cu while trying to tiee attackers, _ � A man died atter bein6 etabbed la a - cate. Police have stepped up fnveadgationa - into the drug scene loUowln~ the ra cent violence, investigatora smaahed u meJor heroin ring operating in St. Kil:la ln a - series of rnids over Easter, L'etective 5uperintendent E. Caddla said yeater� day. A large amount ot money end aeveral firearms, including a pistol were seized. he said. Superintendent Caddle said he cou~d not disclose fuil details ot the raids because it could hamper invesdgatfons. "St. Kilda has been a hotbed in re- - lation to heroin dealing and prostitution ~ and we ere looking into it," he said. Drug squad nnd special detective~ charged two women in their 20s from Glen Iris and Moorabbin, and a New South Wales man, 22, foilowing the raids. Charges include selling heroin. The specfal investigators are believed to include undercover police. cso: 5300 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 AUSTRALIl1 ~TURY ACQUI7'S UNWITTINC HEROIN IMPORTER IN SUPREME COURT TRIAL - Perth 'I'HE WEST AUSTf~ALIAN in English 13 Apr 79 p 13 [Text] A~ 23-year-old man was yesterclay �acRuttted in the Supreme Court ~ of being involved in the importation ot hcroln. Dou~las Willlftm Sloan, contr~ining i~eroin and ment for hts drug addlc� pr t n t e r, of Willtam cF}rried it bock to Perth tion und wc~s trying to - Street, Mt Lawley, hnd strapped th his ankles ktclc the hablt nt the pleaded not guilty ot but it was found b,y cus� time oi Cluyton's trlp so being knowingly con� toms otficers at Perth inat the csho tak~~e$p o t cerned tn the Importatton' Alrport. P y ~ oi G7.2 grammes oi pure ~Ayton said he was claimed to be aetting up. heroin more than the sprvtn~ an , etght�year He di~ not know that traffic~able quunttty, be- gaol term, with a mini� Clayton lntended import� tween August 20 and Oc� mum term of six years in@ any heroln till after tober i last year. belore' parole. � Cluyton was arrested, Keith Frederick Clayton Sloan told the court ~O~ Satd' (31) s formcr abalone that Clayton had claimed The iury of seven men diver, told the court he he was setting up A busi� nnd ilve women took 2i, was sharing a flat with ness to sell artefactu, hours to return the ver Sloan last year, �and clothes and fnbrics ira� dict of not guilty. ` planned a trlp to Penang ported from~ Asia. ro~o.e Mt Jufpoe WkkA~m .,~a for a hollday and to buy Sloan said he lent C1aY- ~o~;~' M`r"a~' M.�b ua~~v` ro: clothes and toys ior his ton about $'l50 because s~:~~.~ children. Clayton promised him Sloan had suggested im� printing work hom the ~ortin~ some herc~in and venture, about ~600 re- had given him thf name turn on his investment of a trishaw driver in on the first shipment oi Penang who could sup~ ~aods and a partnership p~y i~, when the business was Clayton said he paid the established. air fares and expenses of Sloan said he knew that his trip, and Sloan contri� ~ayton was involved in buted $400 towards the sup~lying heroin a num- cost of the heroin and ber o; years ago, but promtsed him ~$15,000 ~~ayton had never men� from its sale. tloned it during their as- ~ sociation. Clayton saId he bought Slo1n said he was , re- ! 130 grammes of powder celving methadone treat- cso: 5300 4 " . i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 ~ AUSTRALIA NURSE CONVICTED OF PLOT TO SMUGGLE MARIHUANA BY SEA Deta.ils of Plot Perth THE WEST AUSTRALIAN in English 11 Apr 79 P~ [Text] A 24-yeax-old nurse from NSW yesterday denied that she had been in- volved in planning to import a big amount of cannabis by dropping it overboard ~ from a cruise ship off the WA coast. The crown alleged that ~ Mlchael Alexander Mc� Burbnra Sharran W1se Cutcheon .(28)~ welder~ of and her~. boy , Yriend, D~e Street, Fast Gos- David Gluyas, yoth ot ford, had not � been keen East Goslord~ lpqim to become invoIved, but north oi Sy.dney on the took a amall amount oi NSW central coa~~, pYan� the cannabis and re ; ned to put the carulabls turned to Australfa in a Waterprooi trunk with a radid beacon' ~ Miss Wi~' had about 21 - iore dr.opping ft : oVer- kiloe of cannabis that board ��trosn . th@ . crui~e, Gluyas had hldden in his ship Ko~ 8~11. cabla be~ore hia arrest Mlse VYise and Gluyas Mis~ W1se had dumped had therf planned to re- the trunk, beacon � and ' trieve the cannalkls �most o! the cannabia ov- using , d }~y' tlitec~ 'erboard ~ but hid neBrly . with dir~on�lin~tng three kilq~~ irt a eervice - ge~r arid o'thet, ~ E~cjuip- shai~ on the deck, near ment . . ' hpr Oabin.~ . Miss Vylse . at . p~+esen,t The shtp docked at Fre- ' living ~ St~rling � Shxet, mantle on Auguat 3 and Fremantle, pleaded not Misd Wise' wes" cleared guilty to consplring . at through customs wlthout Perth apd elsewhere . to lndderaL �She had re- import canna3~is between turned to the ship , the Ju�e 22 and Auguat :3 next day. . last year. But customs oitlcers She also pleaded not had found the hidden can- gvilty to beil~g in pos- nabis. and narcotica ofii- session of cannabis on cers questioned Miss board the Kota Bali at Wise at ~the ahip~ Mr , FremanUe last year. � O'Sullivan'sald.. Cmwn prosecutor, Mr Misa Wise told . the I S. . W, � O'5ullivan, safd court that Gluyas, had that the plan had been planned the cruise aiter upset when Gluya8 was a. campUsg � trip up the ~aoled in Bangkok ior north coast of WA. ~ _ posseasinQ cannabis. She had packed only - Miss Wise had Contact- her personal eiiects and ed a frfend in Australia had not seen any oi the who mether in Bali. electronic equipment ber fore the cruise started. 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 Gluyae had tolQ her o! 8he had �dumped over� - hte lntentlon ta i~port board the radlo beacon, cannabis only atter they trunk au~d ~annabls irom - lelt FramentJe arKl she ~ ~b~� was not wtt' , h[m .when She had not dumped the he bought th~. cannabls, ~abia.;t,rom the shatt Mlss Wlse sald that she on deck bre~use the crew ~ and Gluyas had separate u~ ~e 8~ often ~tnd , lockable cupboarda in bhe was ah'a1d she would thelr cabin. ~ be caughG � ~ , ' ~ Gluyas had put some ; Mlas Wise said ari~ had cannabls 1n h1s locker ~band~ned the cannabls thc day before hle arrest. 1n the shatt, d1d not con� ~ . She had hld�~most b! the atder ft waa hera and had cannabis in an afr co di� ~ t gone back to retrfeve ~ tloner, and the reai ~n A , servlce dhait on the deck She sald 6ht had re� � near 21ar cabUi. turned to Joln a party oi At Jakartii~ahe' had:~ca� Paegengers who were , bled McCutc~eon to noeet taking som~ of the crew her in Bali , becau~e � ahe ~ on a tour of Perth. ~I was distreased' at,~ Gluy The trial will continue ~ ds'a nrrest and Wanted today. gdviCe on what t0 do r~'~ tAid~I~trQc ~~cou e~ M: wlth'the cann$bie, w. o~sum.,~ ror a. vowo. . ~VisGutcheon had told ' tter'tQ Q~t r!d of ,the.can� nabts. and equlpma:a, as did.the~photographer on the ahip. � , ' Jury Returns Verdict Perth THE WEST AUSTRALIAI~' in English 12 Apr 74 p~~ ~Excerpts] A 25-yeas-old Las published] nurse from NSW was yesterday convict- ed in i:he District Court of conspiring to import carinabis and possessing can- nabis. - Barbara Sharron Wise, of Duke Street, East Gosford~ NSW, had pleaded not guilty to conspiring to import carinabis at Perth and elsewhere between June 22 and August 5 last yeax and not guilty to possessing cannabis on board the ~ Kota Bali at Fremantle on August 3 last year. - After neaxly 3 1~2 hours the jury of seven men and five women returned a ma- . jority verdict on the conspiracy chasge and a unanimous verdict on the charge - of possessing cannabis. Judge 0'Dea said he was satisfied Miss Wise had been involved in the conspira- j- cy from the staxt and kept the cannabis after the axrest of her boyfriend~ David Gluyas. ~ - Judge 0'Dea rem.anded Miss Wise to April 30 for sentencing. cso: 5300 6 . j I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 AUS'CItA1.I A AUS'?'RAL:iAN bRUG TRAFFICKEI~S IMPLICA7'E BANGKOK RESTDENT Sydney THE SYDN~Y MORNING HERALD in Engllsh 5 Apr 79 p 3 ~ [Text] $angkok~ '?fednesday--Two Sydney men~ Paul Hayward and Warren Felloxs~ admitted poysess3ng heroin when they wese arrested lagt October and implicated - a fellow Australi~n, William Sinclai.r~ a court was told here tode.y. Major Virat Chutimit~ a Thai Police narcotics officer~ said Hayward and ~elloxs, both 26~ told him Sinclair had brought them to Bangkok to take 8.4 kg of top- grade heroin back to Australia. ~ Major Virat spent all day in the witness box on the first day of the trial which rt:ay last several months. Felloxs and Hayward pleaded guilty to possessing heroin, changing their earlier plea of not ~uilty. But they maintained their p1Qa of not guilty to the more serious charge possession of heroin for sale, distribution and export. Sinclair, a 66-year-old Bangkok bar-owner, has pleaded not guilty to assisting smuggling attempts. = ihe defendants xere wearing handcuffs and leg shackles~ the normal procedure in criminal cases in Thailand. N:ajor Virat said Sinclair was the head of a ring smuggling heroin to Australia. The arrests of the three men and a Thai, xho is also on trial accu~ed of sup- plying the heroin, haai led to several arrests in Australia~ he said. He submitted documents sent by Auatralian police as evidence of Sinclair's con- nection with at least one of the men arrested in Australia. They incl~ded evi- dence of long distance phone calls~ and photogiaphs. ihe poZiceman said Fellows had passports in txo other names~ arni had used them to visit Bangkok previously. A Thai taxi-driver, Kitti Tmsap, confessed after his arrest in January that he had delivered heroin to Felloxs on several occasions~ Ma~or Virat said. Kitti has pleaded not guilty to supplying the heroin. 7 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 The m~n met Sincl~ir ~ev~ral time~ in b~cs and a 3ewellery ~hop~ he said. - Police rair~~d's room a few hour~ befbre th~ pair w~re due to fly b~ck - to Sydney. Fellows immedi~t~ly s~id: "The heroin Ss in Pau1's room~" ~ccord- ing tn Ma~or Virat. In Hayward'~ room, Fe1l.ows opened a bag with g combinatinn lack containing 24 t~ags of h~rnin. It was worth r.early $US5 million ($A4.3 million) in Australia. Major Virat said the telophone rang while he was in the room and he answered itr. telling a cn~n with an Australian accent that he was the roomboy. mhe same man rang again and Fellows said it wag Sinclair who was waiting for ~ him in a nearby jewellery store. M~3or Virat immediately sent two men to the shop to arrest Sinclair. Ma,;~r Virat will be cross-examined by the defendant's lawyers when the case re- sumes on April 1Q. 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 ~ ~..x L - ~,s ~ � k'� ' N ~ , 6 ~ ~ ~ axy,~~ ,4 ~ E k x ~ ~ ( v ~ ~ ' ~ f a 1 r ~ ~i ~ 'a""~ s s ~F%~ r ~ ~ a ~ ~ . a . , L ~ � ~ .y x*~*~ , ~ s~F Y ~ ~ # . ~ ' 4 ~ ~ ~ . ~ kat~ y z k'e�< ~;;'~3" ~Y '~a = ax. ~ ~ ; ~ , s~'`1 m ; ~ w # e ~ . ~ ~�fX:>f 3.~ i~ ~~i" 't.. ~~:~C Ct~ '~j~; C Y r ~ ~ t ~~'~v K ~ ~ - ~ '.yx ~ m _ ' . ~ x s s ~ L~ 3 ~ ~;b~tF s . ~ " , '2~ ~ s. ` ' s ~ t � ~;s ~~4i . . . . ~ O ~ ~ ~ t ~ ns'~ " ~~f`' ~ O a,r ~ bs'~: x ` 2 : ~ ~ * O ~ ~ ~ '~a s~'x ~ N t 4 ~ � ~ a "'F3Y ~;~+T N ~ O - 3 a 3 ~.:~:�~3.r~ . o ~ _ ~ ~ > lL ~ d , . , tis , ry ~F ~ 3 ~ ' 'o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i ~ b c ~ ~..A_ N ~ . ~ ~~R: C ~ y ro ~ _ .r; . V ' 8599 CSO: 3010 - 30 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 PERU HILLTUP LAB DISCOVERY LANDS ENTIRE FAMILY IN JAIL Lima EXPRESO in Spanish 20 Apr 79 p 18 /'Text/ A drug ring composed of a~ather, his two sons, a family �riend and a woman whieh h~d set up a laboratory on a mounCain,top in E1 AgusCino was brok~n up by the Civil Guard. ' Four o� the f ive members were arrested. The ring leader, the eldesC son, escaped. The police raid of the hilltop netted 4 kilos of cocaine hydrochloride, 4 kilos o� cocaine paste, 1 kilo of cocaine hydrochloride being processed, half a million soles in cash, $240 and 74 cruzeiros as well as the paraphernalia and chemicals used to p~oce~s the the~�drug. According to the Civil�Guard, m~tor vehicles could poC reach the hilltop. = It was completely isolated. Those taken into custody were identified as Edilberto Cuadros Pareja, 54; - Edilberto Cuadros Sulca, 22; Dacio Vasquez Inca, 37; and Claudia de la Cruz. The ring leader, Ricardo Cuadros Sulca, 30, is a fugi~ive and he was responsible for transporting the drug to the United States via Brazil. , { ~,~j` ~Fe~ ~,7 'A;l.',F+t4~N . '^"'M4r.:av+m~ ,Y.~~"i~~.~. . a ~'e , ~ +~~~t~ . ~~g'~' ~Y r 4 t ~ ~ a~r ~ ti " 4 a .t ' a : �y-~ x}l~ ti.1i` t 4 . dr ' 'r . ' :F ~ af ~ j: , ~ Members of the drug operaCing 1 4 { F ~ A Vt ~ 3 ,,i~~, ~l~ , in the mountain district of � ~ ; ~ ' rx.., ~ E1 Agustino appear with their ~ ~q 1y . t ~~�i.:5 ~ r ~ F pk'~ ~~t. ~ in�~~+#' F~~ ,~.~:.Y 1kl~. YY captors� ~ ~ le { A~'~ ~ i~ 4~~ ~ ~ w e; ~ ~Y ~ 5~ 6~~',~ ~ 1' t ~ S ~ it i~ ~ ~ . l:uk ~ li A.` S ~1 ~ . t t . , l~ , ,Y ' F. ~G, ~ c.~ 8599 31 CSO: 3010 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 P~RU BRIEFS SPECIAL COURT FOR TRAFFICKERS--The president of the 5upreme CourC in Lima has created a special court to deal exclusively with cases involving members of organizations engaged in Che international drug traffic. The court will be headed by Jose Hurtado Pozo and composed of intierim members Manuel Benavente Tapia and Cipriano Torres Cal1e, according Co Lima Supreme Cour~ sources. We learned that the special court was created because of ~he need Co speed up the trials of drug traffickers who have been in prison for several years, including U.S. citizens, Canadians and Colombians. The special court will begin hearing cases as of this date. /Text/ /Lima LA PRENSA in Spanish 19 Apr 79 p 8~ 8599 DRUG SEIZURE--Cuzco. 18 April (LA PRENSA)--The value of the drugs seized ' by the police from a ring uncovered in Calca is estimated at over - 30 million soles, according to well informed sources. The arrest of the ring leaders has led to the discovery that the group had ties with drug organizations in Lima and abroad. The members of the ring that was smashed in Calca has been making statements to police which will be used in their arraignment before the trial judge. It has been determined that the group r.ook advantage of the f act that Calca was the only town throu~h which vehicular traffic could leave the ~uillabamba valleys. ~ext/ ~ima LA PRENSA in Spanish 19 Apr 79 p 28/ 8599 CSOs 3010 32 ~ I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 ~ ISRAEL BRIEFS _ LARGEST DRUG SEIZURE--About 2 kgs of herc~in worth 20 million Israeli pounds were seized last week by the Ben-Gurion Airport and Tel Aviv police. This is the largest amount of dxuga ever seized in Israel. The drugs were in the possession of Cwo ~eople coming from Iran. [Jerusalem Domestic Service in Hebrew 1200 GMT 16 May 79 TA] CSO: 5300 33 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 _ MOROCCO COURT RENDERS VERDICTS, SENTENCES DRUG TRAFFICKERS fiabat L'OPINION in French 14 Apr 79 pp 1,10 - [Text] The Specia.l JusCice Courti rendered its verdict in rhe trials of narc~Cic traffickers at 0400'hours on Friday, after'80'days of arguments. Seven~y-eighC persons, of whom 27 are in custody, 12 are out on bail, and 39 are tugitives were implicated in traffic in "ch~.ira" (a hashish derivaCive) in the A1 Hoceima region. ` The accused had Co respond to several counts of indictmenC, including unlaw- ful drug traffic, bribery, and extortion. The 5pecial Justice Court thus pronounced 57 verdicts of ~uilty, 25 of Chem in absentia, and acquitted 19. The penalties range from 1 month Co 10 years in prison, accompanied by fines varying from 1,000 to 10,000 dirhams (DH). - Two cases were dissociated: those of Peter Severt and Oufkir Mohamed. Ttie Special Justice Court, with Ahmed Zegdari presiding, had commenced these trials last 22 January. About September or October 1977, a prosecuting magistrate of firsC instance at A1 Hoceima affirmed thut unlawful traffic, which could perhaps threaten the security of the state, was spreading in the A1 Hoceima region. A com- mission of inquiry was formed and with the collaboration of the criminal police and Interpol exposed an international ring trafficking in "chiira." As a matter of fact the traffickers had very extensive facilities at their disposal for directing the "mercl~andise" not only into the interior of the country but also to Europe and the North American continent. They used trucks and various vehicles, "Zodiac" type out-boards, and three ships as well as an airplane. 34 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 orera~tiong wer~ codrdingted by me~ns of walkie-tniki~g ~nd trnn~mitting- receiving ytations. A roadsCead n~nr A1 ~loceima ~erved eH por~ df embgrkn- tion fnr t1~e "chiira." Among those indicted were ~ l~rge number of MoroCCan citizens ae we11 ag foreigners, including Sw~deg~ G~rmang~ and Spaniardg. - , Un the MorocCnn side there were g public nfficigl, two nfficerg nf the gen- darmerie, four gendarme~s, an rffici~l of the TObACGO Adminigtretion, nnd g deputy, Mohumed Ben Nanunadi Adbib, elected from the Tarquist digtrict. 'C1?is lagt numed pleaded the defenge of parligmentary immunity but Chi~ nrgu- ment wus re~ected at the beginning of the Criulg. AJbib's arrest wgs in fact effected before the commencement of the first parli~mentary ~esaion. Adbib w~s fnund guilty and Che 5pecial Justice Court hag ~ugt senCenced I~im to 5 years in prison and n fine of 5,000 UH. - - The other senCences are as follows: Abbes Betour~ lieutenant in Che Royal Cendarmerie, 8 years in prison and a � fine of 5,000 DH; Ali Soudni and Ali Moukla, both squadron leaders in Che Royal Gendarr,.~rie, _ each to 6 years in prison and a fine of 5,000 DH; _ Drias Maazouz d' Azila, 5 years of solitary conftnement with hard labor and _ a fine of 5,000 DH; Abdallah Charouf, commanding officer of the gendarmerie at Fez, 4 years in prison and a fine of 5,000 DH; Abdelkhalek Adbib, 6 years in prison and a fine of 10,000 DH; Ar~ini Quazzani, Driss Amaa2zouz, Mohamed Ould Moujahid Bakouri, and Mohamed L'cn Abdellah Maouss, each to 5 years in prison and a fine of 5,000 DH; Fiussein E1 Mouhir, 3 years in prison and a fine of 3,000 DH; Belai E1 Kibir, 2 years in prison and a fine of 1,000 DH; Al~med Belcaid, 2 years in prison and a fine of 3,000 DN; Abdeslam Ikdouren, also known as "Rubio," 2 years in prison and a fine of 3,000 DH; . tX~gt~bairi, 2 years in prison and a fine of 1,000 DH; 35 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 Abdeyslam Houtkoura, ~ ye~rg in prigon and u fine o~ 5~000 UN; ' Abdes~lam Adbib, 3 y~~r~ in prignn ~nd ~ fine of 3,000 DH; ti~kouri U~ld ~1 Mou~ahid, g1g~ known n~ "'~chayCchgy~" 5 yegr~ nf goliC~ry cnnfinement with h~rd lnbor nnd g fin~ df S,dOd Dli; end ~'~a~aouase, 5 yeur~ nf goliC~ry confin~ment with hgrd lgbor and ~ fine df 5,000 I~H. - 7'hree other pcr~ong were ~enCenced tn imprigonment fnr more thgn 1 year (in- cludin~ rhe fnrmer supr~me chief of the Torres digtrict). They are: H~~nedouCh Ben Moham~ed et Akiour~ 1~ monthg; Abdelt~amid ziouziou, 18 monChg, gnd g fine of 1~000 DK; and Mohemed Bouttnti, also known as "chef," 18 months and g fine of 2,000 DH. On the otk~er hand 17 persons wer~ acquitted. They are: Hachmi Belt~aj~ algo known as "Rabouz," Abdelhamid Agrouh~ Bouali Laghrifi, Ahmed Ikdouren, Soulei- mane Khattabi, Mohamed Ben Ha~ Keddour Azzouxi, Mohamed ~alla~ Mohamed Nour, Me}idi ~1 Ouezzame~ Abdesslam ~1 Azzouzi, Ahmed Harraq, Nassan Outekni, Atohamed Nirab~t, Mohamed Merouni, Abdellah Hammoudani, Ahmed Adbib, At~med Iien ' tlhdesslam Adbib, and Ahmed Sebti. t,c~m~d Mesbah, n former magistrate at Chaouen, was sentenced to 1 month in prison for trafficking in currency. In addition, the court sentenced to 10 years in prison and a fine of 10,000 DH each of 10 accused who are fugitives. I'our ochers were seneenced, each Co S years in prison and a fine of 1,000 DN. Eleven forP~gneMs (English, Swedish, German, and Spanish) who succeeded in escaping, aiid for whom an international arrest warrant was issued, were eact~ sente~u ed in absentia to 10 years in prison and a fine of 10,000 DH. Tnose convicted, as Ahmed Zeghari, presiding ,justice of the court announced, have tl~e right to file an appeal wiChin 5 days following pronouncement of the verdict. 11,706 CSO: 5300 36 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 DENMAitK COP~NHAG~N 'FREE CITY': A M~CCA ~OR NORDIC DRUG USE1tS Og1n AFtB~IU~ItBLADET in Norwegian 29 Mar ~9 p 13 (~exC] The hippie-culCure, which started on USA's West Coast during the 6d's~ ig definitely dead in Copenhagen's drug world. Narcotics abuse hae returned in its stark~sC form, stripped of any idyllic aura, a harsh environ- - mcnt where addicted young peopl~ from all of Che Nordic countries gr~tdually succumb unless they get help. It is estimated that roughly 5,000 drug addicta live in Che "King's Merry Town," and many of them take refuge in the city of Christiania--which now has become more and more of a slum--and for the most part a ghetto of so~ial problems. This is the kind of gloomy work environment for two Norwegian social welfare counselors, Anna Lise Middelthon and Una Due-Tonnessen~ who are attached to the Norwegian consulate. Together with two Swedish and one Finnish counselore, they occupy an offtce in a Danish center for social work at Halmtorg 3 at the main railroad station in Copenhagen. They look for Norwegian young people in Christiania and Nyhavn and other places who have run away from problems at home. They try to motivate them to return home again in order to get out of the destructive environment. Drug addicts are sent to treatment centers in their home countries when they themselves want to and room is available, and the employment office aesisCs the unemployed to find ~obs in their home towns. This offic~ has existed for nine years, and bare statistics presented by the Norwegian counselors and the ~iirector of Health, Torb~orn Morl~, at a recent meeting, clearly show the need for their work. The number of patients gradually increased to 653 in 1974, and af ter a significant drop during the next two years the number of patients last year reached the same high level as in 1974. During 1978 a total of 388 patients 37 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 ~ w~re ~~nt hdm~--mo~C nf th~m only on~ timp--and 393 n~w patients w~re regigrer~d. 5nci~1 Welfgre couneelor, Ann~ Lie~ MiddelChnn, sgyn thee th~ drug ~buae picture in Cop~tth~~=:~, lik~ Og1o, hg~ b~COQII much wor~~. "'The eeng~tinnal w~y th~ preg~ h~g d~~lt with the drug prnbl~ms hge cregt~d exeggereCed fegr amang pgrentg. Running away to Copenhagen doeg not have - ro be gynonymou~ wiCh becoming a drug gddict, arimingl or ~ pro~tiCute. These p~tient~ already ar~ plagued by a lot of problems before they come here, and only a few of th~m are marphine or heroin ~ddict~~" ehe sayg. Warning to Dregmerg - Most of the problem-plagued Norwegians who come to Copenhggen are between 17 ~nd 22 yearg old, and some ar~ even younger. They come from all of the nation'g counties, but most of them--one third--come from the Oslo area. Other plgces thaC predominate are Berg~n, Ak~rehue, Ogtfold, Veatfold and Rogaland. Common to all of them is that they have left a difficult situation at home and they leave hoping to find work and new good friends. 5ocial Welfare Counselor, MiddelChon. pointg out that everything--both work and a place to live--now is harder to find in Denmark than in Norway. The two counselors have good contacts with treatment centers in Norway~ but they would like to see improved expansion of this type of assistance. They feel that more housing and collectives, or foster homes, should be estab- lished that could provide a posaibility �or ~ob training. The office in Copenhagen is also an intermediary between these young people and their worried families home in Norway. This service often helps the young peoplc to return to their homes. 9349 CSO: 5300 38 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 N~~H~RLANUS ~xi~~s H~ttOIN INT~RC~~TIdN; T~AI~ICKEttS U~'TAIN~D--Uev~nt~r--police interc~pted ~ 6-kg pnekgge of heruin in the ~~pprbdg in Grngg~l, Ov~ri~escl, between Wednegd~y night gnd Thurgday morning. Four guspecCed traffickere hgve been caught but, eccording to g spokegman, the chief ~u~p~ct may hxve escaped. The heroin is thoughe to b~ worth 1.5 million guildere. TC is the biggest p~ckage ever to have been seized in the eagtern section of the country. [Text] (Amsterdnm D~ VOLKSKRANT in Dutch 20 Apr 79 p1LD~ CSO: 5300 39 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 NO~tWAY ~USTOMS AG~NTS TO IN~Et~AS~ SUttV~ILLANC~ OF TRUCK TttAILEttS O~lo AItB~ID~RBLAD~T in Norwegi~n 6 Apr 79 p 2 (T~xt~ "We don't have any concrete proof~ but it is not new Co ue that narcot~cg are smuggled into Norway by truck-tra3lers. It is obv3ous that exceptionally large amounts of hashiah ~nd other drugs cari get in with regular trav~lers, and we are now in the proce~e of increasing our control of rrailerg," saye Consultant Vidar Veetreng from the main Cuetome Office to the Norwegian Wire Service (NTB). A driver of a tra~ler tells VERDENS GANG that he r ecently was off ered 20 per~:ent commiesion in Cothenburg if he smuggled narcotica to Norway. He claims that many of his colleagues, especially banish, Weat-and East-German drivere, are tempted by such eaeily earned money. Chief Consultant Vestreng also states that the Bureau of Customs would like - to establieh its own inspection groups with narcotics doga who could etem the flow of this amuggling. "I'm thinking about the border croseings et Svinesund and Or~e, the ferry locations and, in addition, northern Norway," says Vestreng. He makes it very clear that this inspection role has Co be based on spot checks, as there were as many as 184,000 truck-trailers ~ust last year alone from abroad. Besides, the Customs Office does not have proof thaC drivers of trailers are being paid for smuggling narcotics, but they do have examplea where narcotics were smuggled in truck-trailers without the driver's knowledge. Chief Consultant Vestreng, points to u recent case in Arendel where half a kilo of hash was found in the diesel tank of a Norwegian truck-trailer which had just come on the Kristiansand ferry from Weat Germany. "The narcotics were seized as the smugglers attempted to break the diesel tank to peices, but they did not find the narcotics. The police did find it, however, when the truck was brought to the repair ahop, and the driver was innocent," Vestreng points out. 40 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 In Sw~d~n the paliCe ~nd the cueeomg nffi~e hgv~ ~ev~rnl time~ found n~rc~ei~~ in c~ne~in~rg fn~t~n~d und~rne~th ehe v~hiele with m~gn~tg--including a er~il~r~--~rriving fr~m th~ continene. '~h~ ~muggli~r~ ~r~ compiee~ly gafe. Th~y attach th~ narcotic~, for ex~mpl~, in G~rm~ny ~t~d pick iC up whpn eh~ eruck-rrail~r i~ p~rk~d ~t ie~ dp~tin~tinn. 5o f~r the Norw~gi~n Cu~eomg Bur~au h~~ purch~~pd ~ ngrcoeicg dng~, of whieh 7 gr~ bping tr~in~d ~t th~ U~f~n~~ ~~pertment ~o~ Tr~ining School in Sw~den. `Tt~py ~r~ ~11 x~~i~ned to norehern Norw~y. Ole M~thi~~n, Chi~f of th~ Ngrcoticg Brenrh of th~ Oglo police, t~118 N'f8 that ehey h~ve nat recpiv~d information 1~t~1y in r~~~rd to ~muggling frdm Sweden gnd thp eantinent. "We rer~iv~d g tip from ~n infdrmer in reg~rd to thig kind of ~muggling about fdur or five month~ ego, bue Ch~ invpatigation did not produce evid~nce at thgt tim~," he ~aid. One of the quegtinng which borh the pollre and thc Customg Office ar~ worried about, is the gmuggling of l~sser ~neunte ~f narcotica hidden in th~ vaging or in th~ r~ctum. Some gmuggler~ even gwalloW narcoticg hidden in condome and plageiC cap~ul~g. Branch Chief Mgthisen, sayg rhat up to fivp or gix grams of heroin have been smuggl~d in Chig fashion. "The value of hard drugs is high, and it is there- fore not imposgible to smuggle narcotice valued ag high as 100,000 Kroner in this manner," he says. 5ten Grindhaug, chief of the Criminal Police, tells IVTB that one week ago the police station in Oslo sent a proposal to the Justice Department for immediat~ changes in the law so that they will be permitted to make medical examinations of travelers suspected for thig type of smuggling. Usually it is the ~mall importers of narcotics who smuggle drug~s in thia manner--drug addices Who finance their own addiction by selling th~ drug~. This kind of smuggling has been very difficult Co discover. 9349 CSO: 5300 - 41 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 NO1tWAY CNI~~' d~ OSLO NAYtCO'TICS POLIC~ It~POItTS KUGL CAS~ INCitLA5~ b~lo AR~~ LD~KBLAb~T in Norw~gian 5 Apr 79 p 11 (Textj The 0~1o polic~ r~ported Chgt 38~ ppr~ong wer~ grre~ted during the firgt thr~e monthe of thie year for gu~picion of vio~~ting the drug laws. In cnmpgrigan with the fir~t Ch~ee tnc~nths of last year, this year'8 figuree are an increas~ nf 134 p~rcent. Ther~ Were 211 reporte in regard narcoticg cages lagt ye~r, while there aere 408 ~t the end of March this year~ an increa~e of 84.6 percent. If one ju~t takeg on~ day~ Tuesday of thig week~ the police arregted 12 narcnticg add3ct~. ~hese were users, or usera who also had sold small aawunts in order to get them~elveg druge, gay~ Ole Mathisen, Chief of the Narcotics Branch to AItBEIDERBLADET. "Karl Johan Avenue continues to be the main area for users and emall sales here in the city, and we are constantly getting complaints over the gituation around the Eger Square. Personally, I feel that the Eger Square situntion is mogtly a police problem. If ~e in the Narcotics Branch want to get to the root of our problem we have to concentrate on other matters. Although, of course, we ke~p track of what happens on Bger Square," eays Mathisen. Judging from the seizures made by the police up til now, they indicate Chat many of the victiais have gone to harder drugs. The increase in cannabis confiscation during the first three months of thie year was 29 percent. But the heroin seized this year is more than 32 times the amount seized during the first three months last year. "We are not sure what the going market price is, but the prices quoted to us are between 30 to 50 Kroner for a gram of hashish, and 8 to 10,000 Kroner - for a gram of heroin. In other words, it is not unusual that there ia an obvioue connection between many of our cases and those of the branch dealing with stolen goods," says Ole Mathisen. "A large number of persons were arrested in March, auspected of larceny. The figure is much higher than normal. In some casea there are confessions, 42 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 dth~r 1~rg~r ca~e~ ~r~ ~t3~.1 being proc~~g~d gnd hnp~fully eolved. In a number af e~s~~ ehere is evid~afle~ rh~t the burglgrie~ wer~ t�~d~ witih eh~ ineet~t of p~ying fnr druge," ~ayg the Chief of the L~rc~ny Dep~rtment, Joh~nneg ~echeneten. "Of Ch~ curr~nt ~tatigtic~ for burglarie~ in ~partment~ in 0~1o dur3ng M~rch, ~ totsl of 285 w~r~ broken into by thiev~g~ Twenty-five lgr~~ni~~ were C~n~itCed ~g~in~t priv~t~ hnugeg ~nd 260 againgt apartmenti~~" B~chpn~t~n reporte. 9349 CSd: 5~00 43 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 ~ruxxi:Y BRI~~'S ~iH:KnIN 5~IZ~b--'Two kgs nf pure heroin were s~ized by the special tt~r- COC~C9 squnds of the Igtnnbul Security DirecCoruCe. The heroin is worth nbouC 60 milliott Turkish lirag. A TRT correspondent reports th~t nine packages of pure heroin weighing 2 kgs were seized in a search conductcd in rhe hoCel room of an ~gyptian national in Istanbul's Aksarny quarter. Four persons were taken into custody in connecCion with the incidene. (Texr] [Ankara bomestic Service in Turkish 1000 GMT 20 Apr 79 TAJ C50: 5300 44 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054458-2 UNxTED K~NGDOM HRIEFS I~20~IV S~TZjktE--Two Turks and four British citizens, three of them women, were apprehended whi].e attempting to smuggle heroin in~o Grea~ Britain. The heroin w~zs hidden in secret compaxtments of a Mercedes Benz au~omobile brought into the country by ferry. According to j.nformation supplied by the police, ~Za~ Yuksel., 40 years of age and a resident of Urfa~ o.nd Ahmet Veli Zeybek, 3~ yeurs of age and a Cypr3ot citizen, were ~r.e 2 Turks involved in the in- cident. The six-person smuggling ring was uncovered by customs officials when they detained the auto as it was unloaded a~ Flarwich. Customs officia7.s dismantled the auto and in the proceas confiecated 11 kilos of herol.n, valued - at 2 mi]lion sterling, hidden in secret, cuatom-made compartments. Accord- in~ ~o what has been learned, there is some connection between this emuggl:tng incident and the one which took place at London's Heathrow Airport on - 11 March of this year. Both efforts are thought to be the work of the s~ne network, a branch of which extends as far a~ Turkey. When no one claimed the luggage unloaded from a Turkish A3rlines f`i~.ght that originated in Istanbul on 11 March, the police searched the cont~nts of this luggage and based upon the clues they obtained from the perscna.l belongings ~'ound in the luggage, they were able to intercept the Mercedes as it was un- . loaded in Ha.rwich. ~Excerpt~ ~stanbul MTLLIYET in Turkish 6 May 79 p 1] cso: 5300 END 45 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050058-2