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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 29 MAY 1979 (FOUO i8l79) m " D i OF 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFI-1CtAL USE ONLY JPR5 L/8484 29 Mgy 1979 TRANSLATIONS ON USSR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BIOMEDICAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (FOUO 18./79) : U. S. JOINT PUBLICATIONS RESEARCH SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 NO'TE JPR5 publiCatinns conCain information primarily from fnreLgn newspapers, periodicals 1nd books, buC also from newg agency Cransmissians und broadcasCs. MaCerials from fnreign-language sources are trttnslated; those from English-language snurces are trnnacribed or reprinCed, with Che original phrnsing and other Ctlc'lYBCCeri9CLC8 reCained, tieadlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets t) are supplied by JPRS. Processing indinaCors such as [TexC] or [ExcerpCJ in the first line of ench item, or follawing the last line of a brief, indicaee how Che originAl informaCi.on was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, Che infor- matinn was summarized or extracted. Unfgmiliar names rendered phonetically or trnnsliterated are enclosed in parenCheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original buC have been supplied as appropriAte in context. Other unAttributed parenChetical cloCes within Che body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this pubtication in no way represent the poli- _ cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. � : COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGUI.ATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION _ OF THIS PUBL:CATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - JPR5 L/8484 29 May 1979 TRANSLATIONS ON USSR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BIOMEDICAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES - (FdUO 18/79) - ' CON1'ENTS PAGE BIOCHEMISTR.Y Effect of Cadmium on the Human Body and Its M stribution in the Biosphere (V. P. Drebitskas; FIZIOLO(}IYA CHELOVEKA, No 2, 1979)�� 1 INSTRUMENTS AND EQUIPMENT Heat Sterilization Using Laminar Flow of Air - (L. aail; KHIMIKO-FARMATSEVTICHESKIY ZHURNAL, No 3,1979) 4 Pneumoconveyance of Tablets (Ye. D. Novikov, et al.; KHIMIKO-FARMATSEVTICHESKIY ZHURNAL, No 3, 1979) 13 Determination of the Power of the Electric Motor of an _ Apparatus for Pneumoconveyance of Tablet Mixes and Tablets (0. I. Bespalov, et al.; KHIMIKO-FARMATSEVTICHESKIY ZHURNAZ, xo 32 1979) 17 Experience of Work in Fulfillment of the Plan of Organizational-Technical Measures for the Zhdanov Plant for Technological Equipment � (Ye. A. Boyev; KHIMIKO-FARMATSEVTICHESKIY ZHURNAL, . Na 3, 1979) 23 PHARMACOI.OGY Microbial Contamination of Soft Medicinals (G. ya. Kivman, S. V. Denisova; KHIMIKO- FARMATSEVTICHESKIY ZHURNAL, No 3, 1979) 26 - a- IIII - USSR - 22 S&T FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' N~ CONTEN'PS (Continued) Page PHYSZOLOC}Y ' Effect of Vestibular Stimulation on My03lectrie Activity (E. V. Lapayev, et al.; FIZIOLOGIYA CHELOVEKAO No 2, 1979) 38 ~ Nystagmographic Description of Reactions to Rotation bf People With Different Degrees of Vestibular-Autonomic Stab3lity ' (B. I. Polyakov, et a1.; FIZIOLOGIYA CHELOVEKA, , No 2, 1979) 47 Features of Tachistosaopic Texture Perception (V. M. Krol', L. I. Tanengol'ts; FIZIOLOGIYA _ CHEI,OVEKA, No 2, 1979) 55 Immunophysiological Aspects of Man's Adaptation to High Elevations ~ (M. M. Mirrakhimov, et a1.; FIZIOLOGIYA CHELOVEKA, No 2, 1979) 61 Some Features of Man's Adaptation to High Altitudes (V. P. Kaznacheyev, et al.; FIZIOLOGIYA CHEIAVEKA, - No 2, 1979) 70 Biochemical Changes Occurring in Healthy People Visiting the Aretic for a Short Time (Yu. P. Gichev, Qt al.; FIZIOLOGIYA CHELOVEKA, ; No 2, 1979) 82 ; PSYCHOPHYSICS Problems of Psychophysics ' (B. F. Lomov; PROBZEMY PSIKHOFIZIKI, 1974) 91 PUBLIC HEALTH Some Features of the Efficiency of Female Athletes in Different Phases of the Menstrual Cyc1e (V. A. Doskin, et al.; FIZIOLOGIYA CHELOVEKA, No 2, 1979) 196 - - b - FOR OFFICIAi. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY BIOCHEMISTRY EFFECT OF CADMIUM ON THE HUMAN BODY AND ITS DISTRIBUTION IN THE BIOSPHERE Moscow FIZIOLOGIYA CHELONEKA in Russian No 2, 1979 pp 370-371. (Report by V. P. Drebitskas on the International Cadmium Conference, 1-3 August 1977, GDRj [Text] Cadmium compounds are enjoying increasingly greater use in 'in3ustry; this is why metallurgy, especially nonferrous metallurgy, is producing continually larger aznounts of wastes containing cadmium. All of this is leading to accumulation of cadmium in the biosphere. However, the problem of saturating the biosphere with cadmium and the mechanism of cadmium's action on the human body have not been studied sufficiently as yet, and thus the International Cadmium Conference was extremely important. The International Cadmium Conference, which was organized by Karl Marx University in Leipzig and Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, was held in Jena (GDR) from 1 to,3 August 1977. The conference proceedings were attended by 142 scientists from 18 countries, and 60 reports were given. The following problems were exaained at the conference: Research on the biological significance of cadmium; cadmium biochemistry; the cadmium load in the biosphere; the harmful action of cadmium on the human and animal body. The reports discussed the dynamics of cadmium accumulation by the body - depending on various external and internal factors. Observed data showed that the cadmium concentration grows gradually with age. Nbre cadmium accumulates in men than in women (M. Anke, GDR, and others). Cadmium is concentrated mostly in the kidneys and liver, but it can also be found in the lungs, heart, muscles, bones, blood, hair, panareas, spleen, thyroid, adrenal glands, and the brain (M. Anke and'I. Shneyder, GDR; G. Makhata, Austria, and others). When identical quantities of zinc and cadmium are taken up by the body, more cadmium than zinc is accumulated in the kidneys 1 ~ FOR OFFICIti;, USE ONLY -J APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOEt OFFTCIAL US1: ONGY and liver. Irrespective of the pathway by whioh cadmium enter.s the body (through the lungs, with food or water, as an injection), within a short time it is deposited in the liver and kidneys. Cadmium is ak,sorbed in the digestive tract and in the lungs very quickly, sinco the body's barrier membranes are fully ,permeable to it. The reports emphasized physiological interaction of cadmium with other bio- elements in the body (with zinc and capper). It was found that cadmium accumulation by the body leads to insignificant disturbance of the metabolism of iron, phosphorus, and calcium, and tn more-pronounced changes in zinc metabolism. Changes in copper metabolism are very dangerous to life. An organism poisoned by cadmium suffers �rom a lack of copper elicited by cadmium uptake, and it may die from this lack. Cadmium blocks the action of zinc and copper. Large cadmium c]oses inactiivate zinc-containing enzymes. Cadmium also reduces iron absorption in the digestive tract (V. Groppel, A. Hennig, and M. Anke, GDR; S. Elinder, and M. Piskator, Sweden, and others). ~ The possibility of cadmium poisoning increases when there is a copper deficiency in the ration. Addition of cadmium salts to the rations of laboratory and agricultural animals elicits a large number of disturbances in their bodies. Cadmium alters the activit,y of alanine-aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phos- phatase, aldolase, and succinate oxidase. Cadmium elicits redistribution of zinc, followed by impoverishment of the body's zinc, copper, and iron supply; it reduces zinc absorption ard causes disturbances in mineral metabolism of zinc, iron, copper, calcium, and phosphorus.. Enzymatic systems participating in diaestion are impaired by cadmium. Cadmium has a negative action on immunobiological reactions and erythropoiesis (A. Hennig, GDR; V. Drebitskas, USSR, and others). Cadmium is eliminated from the body with urine. Small quantities are eliminated with chyle and mi1k. A guod criterion for determining the cadmium load in a given territory is its concentration in animal kidneys. A discussion was conducted on the way (and from where) cadmiucr, enters the animal and human body. Date were presented on its concentration in foocl, drinking water, air, and so on in different areas. Interesting data were presented on the concentration of cadmium in the biosphere of the GDR, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and other countries (A. Rippel', Czechos]ovakia; V. Kharland,USA, A. Regyus, Hungary, and others). There is more cadmium in food in certain industrial regions. lt is faund in cigarettes, and it enters the smoker's body. It is inhaleki with air at enterprises working with substances rich in cadmium. Air is enriched by cadmium from coal smoke as well as smoke from metallurgical plants. Cadmium precipitated from the air enters the soil, plants, vegetables, and fruits, and subsequently the human and animal body. 2 FOR OFFICIiw USE UNi.y' u APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 F'OR ON'F'ICIAL US1: ONLY It has been established that cadmium has a negative influence mainly on kidney and liver function, and that it cauges developmant of anemia, head- acha, chronic pneumonia and pulmonary emphysema, chronic kidney inflammation, chronic gastritiis, hypertension, and so on.. Long contact with cadmium causes disappearance of the sense of taste and smell. There is a certain dependence between human mortality caused by hypertension and atherosclerotic damage to the heart, and the concentration o� cadmium in the air. It is still not clear whether or not cadmium is carcinogenic. But people dying of cancer have a high cadmium concentration in their bodies. When birds were fed cadmium salts, it was �ound that cadmium has a negative effect on egg laying, that .it causes atrophy of sex organs, and that it has negative action on the growth and development of subsequent generations (A. Aennig, GDR; N. Khardebek, FRG, and others). Thus it was demonstirated in the conference reports that cadmium is a micro- element that is toxic to the human body. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", "Fiziologiya Cheloveka", 1979 11004 CSO: 1870 3 FOR OFFICIi,;. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY INSTRUMENTS AND EQUSPMENT UDC 615. HEAT STERILIZATION USING LAMINAR FLOW OF AIR Moscow ItHIMIKO-FARMATSEVTICHESKI'Y ZHURNAL in Russian No 3,1979 pp 92-97 LArticle by L. Gail, "Babcock-BSK" Company, Federal Republic of Germanx7 LText7 There ia great interest in epecial fields of use of technology for creation of ultra-clean compartments when the air-current, in addition to its function of purif ication, also fulfills the function of heat exchange. These systems are widely used to carry on varioua acientific inveatigationh and in industrial production. For several yeara now, to achieve continuoua sterilization o� open, uncon- taminated, glasa vessels more and more use has been made of tunnels in which the procesa of sterilization has employed infrared and heated air. While all working operationa connected with filling Af vessels has been accomplished in working zones on assemblies which operate on the principle of laminar flow, the process of sterilization itself has been carried out under condiCions where the concentration of particles, 0.5 mcm ia aize, has reached up to 104 in 1 1 of air. These particles appear due to formation ' of scale fram the heating elements, wear from a tranaporter belt and, also, by introduction with diaturbed air. The high degree of purity of the air in the asaemblies which work on the principle of laminar f low, giving an air current with weak manifestation of turbulence, auggested uae of the principle of laminar f low for the sterilization process. The highlyvpurified air currenC fulfills in this case, along with the heat-exchange function, the function of protecting (screening) the product being sterilized fram unpurified sir entering from ouCside. Figure 1 presents in cross-section a tunnel for sterilization by a heated laminar flow af air. Glass vessels on a transporter belt are moved through the zone of heating, being rapidly and uniformly heated hereby with purified hot air (temperature 3500C, speed 0.7 m/s). Creation of such a aterili- zation set-up was preceded by extensive research to resolve a number of technical questions such as, for example, the atability of the current at 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 Fig. 1. Sterilized with laminar f low of heated a9,r 1-produr.t being sterilized; 2-belt tranaporter; 3-tisaue filter; 4- air blower; 5-heater Fig. 3. Formulas Co calculate heating of a vessel. Parameters of air flow: Woa -speed; & -temperature; C-heat cap acity; Parameters of the vessel: V-volume; p-density; C-heat capacity; A-surface; e -temperature; Q-amount of heat trans�erred to vessel; K-heat exchange coefficient; tR-time to heat to a constant temperature - Words at top: air flow Word at bo ttom: vessel FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ 7 -�a..-_t__7-~_Tr-- ~ -~---~{.--~-.~_~.-~__3 ~r-- 2 -~'-r--~ L ~C Z- 0 rso 200 250 J00 aso acn Ten+nepomS/pp Bqx&ap. �C,19� Fig. 2. Reaults of biological Cests. abscieEa: temperature of air ;in �C); orciinate: duration of exposure (in min). Ampules, 25 ml; speed of sir f low 0.7 m/s /xa~xw da~dspv . w�:0-;c; Q- , r>> ~ ~N�A�(~rV) . . ' f21 d V_6., . x�A dt. A ~ 131 . ~ S�vc K A "ijQ (4) . v-d,(0.-Q� e yti� (S) 1d=/~~0 19A~' ~ (B) 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY Fig. 4. Heating of vesael ' at different temperatures oF air and value of t, AsAUming sterility (A~. abscissa: time of hear- ing (in min); - ordinate: temperature of vessel (in �C) . Vel- ocity of air 0.7 m/s, - temperature of air assuring steri.lity: 1-5--350�C at t s1~9-18 min; 6-8--2600C " "Ra2.9-5.4 min; 9-11--1700C " "m5.4 min; 12--temperature of glass vgta210-7t o0 u1AC 2Gt7 too 0 0 C q O B !O Fig. 5. Comparison of apace required for usual sterilization and laminar air flow sterilization. 1 -heated zone; 2--cold zone; a--tunnel with laminar �air f low ( ea, =3500C in 3.5 min) ; b--usual aterilization tunnel ( 8)ST -280�C in 20 min) N ~ a M ~ ~ ~ � 2 6 ~ \ -y---- ~ 6 FOR flFFICIAL USE ONLY ~R  J,9tiwH 3 j - " N10 ' 9 '  . i t ~ e APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 ~FOR OF'FICIAL U5E ONLY high, varied Cemperatures and selecCion of high temperature-resistant materials for filters,hermetization and construction of the assembly, with due regard for the work of the air-cir'culation system. At the center of a ttention was the quesCion of development of opCimal conditiona for sterili- zaCion, i.e., should there be interlinkage of such facCors a5 the non- stationary character of the heaCing process, assurance of maxima].1y low temperaCure of the object being sterilized and provision of conditions f or sterilizaCion. It was f ound that, thanks to the system which works under the laminar flow principle, it was possible Co create maximnlly-favorable, uniform and powerful conditions for heat exchange cited earlier, which lead to very rapid and conCrolled sterilixatiion. The fj.lter Eor suspended par- ticles plays here--as for any assembly for u1Cra-fine purificaCion of air-- a dual role: it serves for sterilizing-filtration of air and for rectifi- cation of the air current. Since, in this case, the heating of the object is a function of the velociCy of the sir, a uniform air velocity is of es- p ecial importance here. P'�jz. 2 shows the results obtained in sterilizaCion of 25-m1 ampules. Taking into account the large number of factors affecCing the procesa, a calcu- lated model was creaCed (Fig. 3). Among these factors must be mentioned, for example, such things as the ratio of surface to mass, geometry of the ob3ect, temperature of the air, 'velocity of flow of the air current; the process of heating of each glass object is stiown as the time of relaxation (achievemenC of constant tempprature; tR) (Fig. 4). Results of our studies can be briefly summarized in this way: we achieve the process of sterilization in the shortest interval of time; the degree of purity is rv 1 particle, size more than 0.5 mcm, in 1 1 of air. The short time needed for sterilization (for example, it amounts to several minutes for ampules) requires even substantially less time depending on the volume of the sterilization apparatus. The high degree of purity of a ir completely exc ludes the possibility of contamination of the ampule by extraneous particles in the process of sterilization. A decrease in duratioo of processing the ampules in the sterilizer lowers the probability of contamination of the purified ampv'es and less product- ion space is required f or setting up the sterilizer (Fig. 5). Further shortening of the time the ampules are in the sterilizer can be achieved by raising the temperature of the gas for heating. In Chis case, the filter for catching the suspended particles should not be located in the heating zone. In stationing it, as shown in Fig. 6, it appeared that here, too, the process of sterilization takes place in a medium practically cleansed of suspended particles. In heated-air sCerilization of large vessels the duration of Cheir presence in the sterilizer and, also, in small number, plays an even greater role. 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 ~/0 s 6 ~ ~ Y FOR 0FFICYAL USE ONLY Fig. 6. High-temperature ateriliza - tion wirh f3re heating and zone of laminar f low. 1-sterilizing product; 2-pre-fi.lter; 3-main filter; 4-directing canal; :03 5-support device; 6-burning without cinders; 1-zone of laminar flow; 8-transport system; 9-auction hous- � ing; 10-regulating exhaust; 11- sterilizing gases exit 3-1,i - 3440kr Y�1ADKe ~ . . Fig. 7. Ratio of masses in the Fig. 8. Double-chamber aterilizer chamber sterilizer with laminar flow of heated air 1-heating chamber (1500 kg); 1-hea-Zing part; 2-cooling part; 2-sterilizing product; 3-trans- 3-partitioning glass port belt and tare 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 . FOR OFFICIAI. U5E ONLY Since the work is conducted in s cyciically-deeerminQd rhyrhm, then) in - addition to the product being eteril~,zed, k of the tilg88 of the loaded belr and the maes of the heating room--larger by a factor of 15--ie being heated (Fig. 7); this meang that, herte, extremely little use of the space occurg. For 8 hr work in the ueual gterilixer, 1 m3 in volume, only 1 cycle--in- cluding heeCing and cooling--can be realized. In 8ddition, the product of the eteril+zation is, dur:ng this time, under most unfavorable conditions, from the point of view of purity of the eurrounding air. If the zone of heating ig united with the zone of cooling, then the mAge of the hes.ting ch.Lmber is no longer pertinene (Fig. 8). In both zonem there ie eetablighed the required conerant temperature to rea.h which a substanrially shorCer time is needed. As a reault, there is no longer any neceseity for heating and cooliag large "dead" masaes and thie aubstantially increaees the co- efficient of use of the working volume of the apparatus. Fig,, 9showe the curve of change in tempereture of one of the objects of , gterilization at the stages of heating and cooling. Total duraCion of the procees of aterilization ie determined by the temperature curve in the enldest place in the sterilizer, dor thia case, this ie the lowest level. With loading of the sterilizer with lowwolume objecte, the process ie shorter in duraCion (Fig. 10). Intensive circulation of the air in the flaw-t!:rough part of the double-chamber aterilizer promotes creation of conatant and reproducible conditions of heat exchange. Heating of the product being sterilized proceede evenly in a hot laminar current ao thar, degpite the high rate of heating, internal aCreases in the glase leading to cracking do not arise. The procesa of heating and the regimen of eterili- r.ation can be controlled by the temperature of the exiting air (see F'ig. 10). As a result, the poeaibility has appeared, for the first time in practise, to accomplish the heating, in a chamber sterilizer, precisely by thie regi- men, necessary for neutralization of a given type of microorganism. By simplifying experimental conditions, it is possible to establish, by cal- culation, the temperature curve of the regimen in the process of heating. Fig. 11 presents the parameters learned in a calculated model. Within the limit8 of the segment of time p t for each place of location p x which corresponds to a definite level of the load, calculation is made of the magnitude of heat trangfer to the object beiag sterilized and to the in- - terior wall of the sterilizer. Then, a balance is set up of th e tempera- tures of the air, of the aterilized product the loaded belt) and of the interior wall of the sterilizer for the following segment of time. Temperature curves obtained by calculatioa, and experimentally, are brought into conformity. This method of calculation of the temperature regimen makes it possible to establish the relatioaship between the heat of iso- lation, mass of product and velocity of air and to calculate the dimen- sions of the apparatus for this cyclic regimen of work. If, in a continuous regimen of work, the heating in the sterilization process depends on the form and size of each individual item, thea, in the work in a cyclic regimen ueing a double-chamber method, the heating ia 9 FOR OFFYCIAL U5E ONLY ( , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIAL US8 ONLY 40i0 ~ 2GD too o av 40 60 eo xav "uv xo 3 ~ 200 2 tQO D VV � W J f/ 0 Nf Fig. 9. Curves of temperature change ir. double-chamber eterilizer, with mass of glass 80 kg. abc3esa-time (in min); ordinate-temperature of glasa on surface (in �C): 1-upper; 2- ~ middle; 3-lower; 4-entering P':; 5-exiting air Fig. 10. Curvee of temperatur.e change in double-chamber eterilizert with mase of $lase 40 kg. absciara-time (in mir); ordinate-tem 9 erature of glaes on surface (in C): 1-upper; 2-lower; 3-eatering air; 4-exiting air determined only by the total mass of the sterilization producta. The time of preaence of the product in the sterilizer, needed for eterilization, ie determined with the help of m3crobiological teste. L l It appeared that, as also in the tunnel aterilization, maximum temperature oE heaCing can be represented as a linear function of time of exposure. For ater3lizers which work on the principle of laminar flow it ie not re- Fl- quired to detexmine the duration of pYesence o: the eterilization product at this or that temperature level. Results of teata are represented in Fig. 12. The maximum curve of sterili- zation develops at 1400C vith ejqliration of approximately 40 min on a straight line running parallel ti the abaciesa axis; shown independently of the rate of heating and the temperature of the air fed, is the maximum point of temperature at longer expoaure, in Which the sterilization proceas is ended. Ttie proceas of sterilization of spores of microorganieme under the action of dry heat is represented by the Arrhenius equatioa: alnK F d~1 ! 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ANLY 1.11 , CL AX 19~'"'0 \ t~�mWPAw A~,CQ.KQ , CN,- Kw u 15 JO 4S 60 Fig. ll. Calculated parameters of change of tempereture of glass Parametere: -temperature; m-mass; C-specific heat capacity; Q-amount of heat. Indices: L-air; G-glass; W-wall Fig. 13. Change in temperature of vessel with curves of temperatures of aterili- zation (a) and disruption of pyrogens (b) abscissa-time of exposure (in min) ordinate-temperature of vessel (in �C); velocity of air 0.7 m/s; air temperature assuring gterility (a) end diarup- tion of pyrogens (b) 1-5--3500C at tR=1.9+18 min; 6-8--2600C at CR=1.9+5.4 min; 9-11--1700C at tR71.9+5.4 min. Fig. 12. LimiCing curves of eterili- zation and of dieruption of pyrogena. abacissa-Cime (in mia); ordinate-temperature of object (in �C): 1-curve of disruption of pyrogen; 2-curve of aterilization constructed with uee of literature data. u FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4, ` ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AnoCher empirical function wae found by 8igelovs log NU ~ -h 109 ND, , ~ From thie logarithmi.c relationehip is derivad time D needed for eCerilizing apores in the courea of which 90% of ehe epore population at a defirite eemperature is tnactivated. The indices obtainel are altogether dietinct fr an each otiher and this led ue to the conclueion that, here, a definire role 38 played by interference factore in the heat exchange procee$. Theae factors do not exiat in eterilizers working on the principle of iaminar flow thanke to the intanaive movement of the air and the poeeibility of esCablish- ing atrictly def3ned temperaturee for the object of eterilizarion. Thermal diaruption of pyrogene ie of great importance in production of in- fueion solutiona. It wae neceasary to determine the oriented, buti closely practical, indices for thermal proceseing of the product, contained in a glaee vessel, in a aterilizer, which warke on the principle of lamtnar flow. The firet etep to prevent formation of pyrogene has been elready made thanka to circulatiou in the sterilizer of aterile-clean air which goes through the filters for the suepended particles. In measuring concen- tration of particles in a sterilizer under a loaded belt, 10-20 particlee, 0.5 mcm in size, in 1 1 of air were found. The index of concentration-of particles at that place in the sterilizer ie higher than directly under the filter but it is so small that the interior apace of the sterilizer can be characterized ae an ultra-clean zone. ` The heat resistance of pyrogens is substantiglly higher than that of micro- organisms. Tn break up pyrogens it ie usually neceaeary to piace the pro- duct of sterilization under the action of dry heat about 2 hr at a tempera- - ture of 3000C. The obtained oriented indices Were experimentally confirme.i and gave re- sults compietely correlated with the procese of eterilixatiLm (Fig. 13). Recently, we attacked work on the taek of cooling the produets in the xone of flow-through cold air. After resolutioa of a number of qaestiona, in- cluding selection of the material for filtera and of regimenB of flow, we hope to devise a promiaing method for preliminary handling of producta of sublimatioa drying. Relying on a directed current of air, purified of suspended particles and almoat free of turbulence, ire succeeded ia devising more progressive methods of heat inactivatiou of microorganisms. Copyright: "Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskiy Zhurnal", 1979 8586 CSO: 1870 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY INSTRUMENT3 AND EQUIPMENT UDC 615.453.6:661.122:62.867.8 PNEUMOCONVEYANCE OF TABLETS Moscow itHIMIKO-FARMATSEVTICHESKIY 2HURNAL in Ruesian No 3j1979 pp 98-100 manuacript received 10 Jul 78 LArticle by Ye. D. Novikov, 0. 2. Bespalov, L. M. Obrazhey and N. G. Tanka- yan, Leningrad Chemico-PharmaceuCical InatiCutO /Text7 Use of pneumotransport for movement of tablets L17 has a number of advantagea, the main one being the abaence of contact between man and tab- leta. I There are attendant difficulties that have to be met in aetting up tablet = pneumoconveyance, the basic one being asaurance that the tablets remain in- tact during the conveyance. In addition, the weight of a tablet, which ~ has paseed throLgh all of the equipment of the pneumoconveyer sybrem, should be within the limita allowed by the GFKh. In conaonance with the traditional method of :etermining the hardussa of tablets, it can be reckoned that the "safe" apeed of impact of the tablets with a metal obstacle 3s equal approximately to 4.5 m/s (epeed of a fall from a height of 1 m). It is necessary to take into account that, according to the impact theory, the maximum stress upon collision of bodies arises aot at the surface but at some depth. This situation can lead to the fgct that the initial poei- tive consequence will be adefective one--some time after the teet, the ~ - tablets will disintegrate. Such has been the case in our preliminary teata (cyclone-s2parators, With diameter lesa than 290 mm, were used). Due to the collisioa of tablets moving at substantial apeeds, internal cracks _ arose Which also led, after some time, to disintegration of the surface of the tablets. It was especially neceasary to be cautious in the ultimate deciaion on applicability of a pneumoconveyor if it is set up with a cover for tablets eince the hardness of the cover, ae a rule, is higher than the strength of the tablets snd damage of the surface can ensue after a auff- iciently large interval of time. 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In setting up a pneumoconveyer of tablete it is necessary to eelecC those dimenaions of the cyclone-separator with which effective deceleratiion of the tablete is provided on the way into the cyclone. It ie known tha~ in cyclone chambers with a 1ow relat3va area of entry (fpg/FC  4�AE1 D, where fAE is the area of entry, FC is Che area of the cyclone crose-eection, D is the diameter of the cyclone-8eparator), due to redistributiion of epeeda in the jet enCering the cyclone and due to local vortex formatione, a eub- _ atantial drop occura in the speed level at the entrance. Eepecially eub- stantial deceleration of tablets is to be expected when fAE/FC\ ~ . ~ . . ~ ~ . , , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I setup was checked by comparison of loaseg of preseure on a line calculated by this method using experimental data, with data obtained by measurements of these lossee on an actual pneumoconveyance setup at the "Farmakon" plant. Ie was found thae calculations by the choaen method agree well witih experi- mental resulta. Based on the devised method, an algorithm and a program were composed for the "Mir-2" computer for computiing the baeic characCeris- tics of the pneumoconveyance setup. The mettod of organized excess of para- meters was used to calculate Che required powers of the electric motor of the pneumoconveyance serup. The algorithm for calculation of the parametere of the pneumoconveyance setup is preaented below. Computer Algorithm. _ Varying parametera: Q is the productivity of the aetup (2509 500 kg/h), Vg ia the air apeed 64,20,30,40 m/s), Ln-p ie the adjusted length of the line (20,40,174,348 m) [o, is ehe weight concentration of vanilin in air (1,2,3,4 kg/kg). The order of calculation is as follows Qs @=~ (1) where QA is the flow-rate of air (in nm3/s), B is the apecif ic masa of "normal air (1.2 kg/m3). a 40 4 W (2) ~ n,Ya, - Y ~ where dTP is the diameter of the pipeline (in m) R= 100�deD Va (3) where R is the coefficient of resistance y�d?v ~ (4) 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY where R is the Reynold's number; v is tha coeFficient of cinematiic vis- coaity ?or "normal." air (14.9xl0-6, in m/82); 1d 0,248R; 0-22 0 (5) where is the coefficienti of friction of pure air . I&ps Yt, .(8) , where LNPB is loasea of pre8aure in movement of pure air over a 1 m path (in kg/m2 per 1 m); g is the normal acceleration of the force of gravity (9.81 m/s2) AP,*y -ep, (t + R�). Cn where L, P~m is losses of presaure in movement of a mix over a 1 m path (in kg/m2 per 1 m) pn a APclx�Lap, (8) where Pn is the Cotal losaes of pressure on function (in kg/m2) Yitz = 1.2 (1 -f' 1 -1Pn� 10'4) . (9) where YBgg is the specific mass of air at the start of the line (in kg/m3) pnost =�� E !i, (10) where P77-o a is the losses in pressure on elevation (in kg/m2); F-lg is the summary lengtt of vertical sections of the pipeline (7.7 m) 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ , . . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIAL USt ONLY . a ' 16 f5 _~~`e 20 . 14 , 13 12 7 ...o,.~ !5 !D �-a. 9 9 10 5.-0-----b-- 6 S ~~~+o..~ 3~o-~~~�o~ 4 ,S 3 ~ P ! 1 2' 3 4 1 2 3 4 d 50 ~ S 7 40 c . 5 50 30 40 5 5 5 20 0 S 20 !0 54, 10- S 3 4 1 2 3 4 Computation of the power of an electric motor of a pneumoconveyance aet-up. abscissa- k.; ordinate N(in kwt); solid line-Q = 250 kg/g; dotted line- Q= 500 kg/g; K,-,p20 (a), 40 (b), 174 (c), 348 (d); VB = 14 (1 and 3), 20 (2 and 5), 30 (4 and 7), 40 (6 and 8) m/s ' 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY Y0, sx've pnae � N 2g ~ where PttNN is loases of presaure on acceleratian (in kg/m2) PP a Ia -I- 1(Pn -I- Pnwc -I- pwtx) � 10-41, (12) , , where P is the pre:saure of air before the feeder (in kg/cm2); of is the coefficient of losses in the loader apparatus, equal to 1.2 m- 2,303- 106 (Ig pa ~ P�, 1 ` (13) where (t) is the theoretical work of the air-blower machine, referred to 1 m3 of drawn-in air under isometric campressiom (in kg/m3); Po is the ; pressure of the normal atmosphere (in kg/m2) ~ ~ ; IIQB ' , 1V = 102q (14) ; where N is the required gower of the motor of the air-blower machine (in kwt); Yi is the coeff icient of uaeful activity of the;air-blawer machine, equal to 0.55. Based on results of computation, graphs were constructed and are shown in the figures. Analysis of the results obtained showed that optimum values of vt and VA--which assure the minimum power Nmi of an electric motor in the studied range of hourly delivery (250,4 Qp ~ 500 kg/hr), with an ad- justed length of material-pipe L-,rp, > 40 m-lie at the limit of the maxi- ma11y permissible concentrations and minimally permissible speeds of feed- in Vmin� At a corrected length of material-pipe L , the optimum indices of concentration are a function of the adopted speeds of feed-in. Thus, at Vg 20 m/s, the optimum values of concentration also lie at the limit of maximally permissible concentrations (Lmax. At V 20 m/s the optimum values of concentration f~ * are in the area 14 (t *4. Hence, to each fixed value of Qp, L-7rp Vg there correspond concentrations j-c. * which assure minimum power of the electric motor of the pneumoconveyance setup. It can be found fram the graphs obtained or determined by the developed algoriChm. 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Optimum agreemenCa of the parametera V* at govem Qp and L np. deCermine the minimally permiasible power of the eleciromotor N. From analyeis of computation reaulta iti f ollows also that there is need for theoretical and experimental atudiea of maximally percaissible concentrations of tablet mixes - in and minimally permissib].e--~at theae concentrations---apeeds of feed-in VB ~or tablet mixea with various propertiea. COPYRIGHT: "Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskiy 2hurnal", 1979 8586. cso: 1870 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY IN3TFtUMENTS AND EQUIPMENT UDC 615.47:62t338.984 EXPERIENCE OF WORK IN FULFILLMENT OF THE PLAN OF ORGANIZATIONAL-TECENICAL ME-ASURES FOR THE 2KDANOV PLANT FOR T8CHN0LOGICAL EQUIPMT Moacow KHIMIKO-FARMATSEVTICHBSKIY ZHURNAL in Rueeian No 3,1979 pp 120-122 manuacript received 28 Aug 78 [Article by Ye. A. Boyevo Zhdanov Plant for Technological Equipment.7 ~t /TexL/ Fulfilling Decisions of the 25th Congreas of the CPSU, diracCed toward raieing the productivity of labor, the p1anC devised a complex plan for introduction of leading technology, mechanization and automation of production processee for the yeara 1976-1980; each year the plan is de- veloped for organiz8tional-technical meaeures, mechanization and eutomat- ion for the current year. -For thie, the pisnt director issuee an arder, at the end of each.year, proposing that all of Che pereonnel collective of the enterprise take part in aetting up such a plan for the folloaing year. All plant units, knowing their owa "tight apots" and shortcominge, ~ project measures for their eradication. Theae measurea are discueeed in the active units and transmitted to the Department of Mechanization and Automation for entry into a common, combined plan ahicho in turn, 38 die- cussed in the Technical Council of the Scientific Technical Society vhere the question of expediency of introducing this or that meaeure is reaolved. Into that particular yearly plan, measures are introduced designed for fulfillment in the cambined Five Year Plan. Guided by the plans affirmed by the plant admiuistration, the Department of Mechanization and Automation of ProductioA Processes prepares the tech- nical documentation which, depending on its readinese, it tranemits to the Department of the Head Mechanic where there is a group of specialiats who execuCe theae developmente in metal. The plant has worlced out an enterprise standard, STP 640428-196-77, which provides for the sequence of preparatioa of non-standardized technologica: instruaentation, mechanization and automation of production procesaes, starting with design and ending with handing over for exploitation. The plan of organizational-technical measures has 2 sections: 1) orgaaization- al-technical measures and preparation of non-standardized equipmeat and 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFtCtAL USE ONLY Z) mechanizarion and aukamation of produeeion and auxiliary proceesee. A apecial form has been worked out, provided for by ehe enterpriee atgn- derd, wherein are eetabliehQd the tiime framee Eor fulfillment of deeign- conetrucCion jobe, t3mes for rhei,r realization in metai, expenditureB, ` eource of financing, economic effect and number of freed working foreee. The Departmenr of Mechanization worke in ciose cooperation with the 8ureau of Technical Information of the plaet, from which it continuauely raceives information on achievemente of ecience and technology ar ieading entar- prieee o� the natian; field tr3pa eo these enterprisee for exchange of experience are arranged. In addition, the Depertment of Mechanizatioa is occupied in development of projecte for improvement of technology and betterment of labor conditione; measures are being arorked out for proteceion of ehe atmoephere and wateY baeine from contamination. For improvment of work on mechanization and auComation of production procesees a competition is announced yearly ae the plant With the input of succeeees of the year, in December. Al1 of the plant pereonnel coliective are included ia thie vork. On the basie of euggeeCione receivedg e eupp- lementary plsn of ineasuree is aet up, the most preseing uf theee ara eelec- ted and get priority realization. A etimulus to the search for production reeervee has been the result of work of the induetrial enterpriseB of the Zaporozhe Oblast. The peraonnel collective of our plant also began to occupy itself with the question of certification of manual Work based oa the exampla of enterpriaes of the Zaporozhe Obiast. At the preeent time organizational meaeuree are projected and epecial forme developed. Thia work is echeduled for carrying out over a 2 year period. Along with this, difficulties do exist. In the period of aetting up the plan it is impossible to foreeee all the Work for rhe next yeare since in the courge of a year new ideas manifest themaelves, new measures arise which might not be taken care of by the initial plang and then, ia conson- ance with the devised enterprise etaadard, they take the same path as that in creation of the basic plan. If realization of additional measures is expedient, it is entered into the common plan upon ite reviaion. Fulfill- ment of aork in mechanization and automation of production procesees is often complicated due to absence of easeatial equipment and materials. Hence, it is expedient that equipment and materials for mechanization and automation of existing productioa and auxiliary procesaes be released just as it is for the basic production. In the laet Five Year Plan at our enterprise a combined-mechaaized sector 24 FOR OPFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFfCiAL USh ONLY r was �reated for prepareeion of an induntrial mix in a foundry aliop which $ave the factory 6 ehousand rnbiea saving and the release of 4 people from heavy manual iabor; a centinuous, mechanized iine for preparaeidn of a container from expanded polyetyren@ une pue onerreamo replacing the procens d[ prep8raeien of the ceneainer Erom wood, which was made by hAnd; the seeeors for preparation of heavy naericegt aesenbiiea, traneport and load- ing of meeA1 ahevinge on aurneatic mechinds, the preperation of rods, etc., were a1l mechanized. Deveiop@d and introduced were a paint chamber With hydrofiltere, speaial weiding poer for e1eQtric aeldera, a duat-catehing device Wieh washing action (a USD) for eystems of exheuse ventiiatiwa which provide BubsCenrial improvenent of labor condition8. Much Wnrk hee been executed in mechanization of load-lifting and transport job9 With development end introduction of a eeriee of apecial devices end acromodationa. Neavy manual iabor ia practically ebeent at thQ plant. Ag a reau1r, the total economie effect of the measure9 in the Tenth Pive-Year P1an amounted to about 100 tnoueand rubleg. 'I'he most important of 16 measures realized in 1978 are the centreifzed supply of emulsion for the machinee located on the third floor; n epecigl elpctric closet with automatic regularion of tmperature for heating plates oE organic glags under prafile bendtng; g aelding scctor has been organized With effective ventileting end mechanization of getting the heavy parte being Welded; a stend has been prepered for rolling reductorst and eo on. According to the complex plan for the Tenth PivQ Year Plan, design is fore- seen of a mechanized, continuous line for painting serial itema in an eiec- rrogtatic f ield with an anticipated yearly economic effect of about 30 thousgnd rubles; galvanic shope vil1 be reconstructed in order to lntro- duce leading experience of other plants; a cupola furnace which run8 on fuel, Will be replaced by an induction furnace, moYe productive; also a number of other meaeures Whose introduction is technica:ty and eronomically expedient for our enterprise are foreseen. In the bepartment of Meehanization and Automation oE production processeg of our plent there is a special archivee Wherein ate kept designs for mech- anization, the preparation of g different 9ort of non-staadardized pquip- saent, including that for technological, foundry, aelding, mechanical end ather $hops. These designs can be obtained by interested services cf enter- prises of the Miniatry of Medical Industry to use at their am enterprises. This will facilitate betterment of Work in the fulfillment of ~lana of arganizational-technical measures and of 8ocigiigr obligationa in improving technological proceases, mechanization and automation of production and auxiliary operatic,ns in mechanical repair shops of the chemical-pharmareuti- cal industry and manufacture of inedical glasa and of polymeric materials and,it Will yield a defirtite econamic effect. COPYRIGHT: 8586 CSO: 1870 "Khimiko-Parmateevticheskiy Zhurnal", 1979 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIAL U9g ON1.Y PNARMACOLOOY UDC 615.454.076.7(049.8) MICR08iAL CONTAM3NATION OF SOFT MEDTC2NAL3 Moecoa Ktt'IMIKO-FARMAT38VTICHESKIY ZHURNAt in Rueeian No 311979 pp 103-111 manuecript r8ceived 29 Aug 78 lAreicle by G. Ya. Kivman and S. V. Denieova, State Scieetific Reaearch fneeitute for Seavdardizaeion and Conrroi of Madicinai Agenta, U33R Minietry of Health]' ~ LTaW In the problem topic, microbial cc,aeamination of non-injection medicinal agenes, a speciai plaae ie occupied by queetions of contemination ef soft medicinal forme. This is ralated to conditione of aurvivai of microorgartiems in ointmente due to tfie preeence in the druge, ae a rulep of eao phases and the inclusion of preearvativee in the ovenhelming maj- ority of caeeag (evan if aatibiotice, eulfanilamide8 and oeher eimilar 8ubatancea are preeent ae the prlmary nutriant) ir the compoeitiat of tlte ointmente. Both native and foraiga resaarch vorkere have found thaC tha preaence of antimicrobtal agente does not alaays guarantea microbial, purity of these medicinal fotme. The task of exposure of microbial contamination of ointmente and of other goft medicinala should be reeolved With due ateention to their phyeical chemical propertiee and componeat makeuo vhich, as a rule, hamper the aeparatioa of the miaroorganisme. Necessity for Control of Microbial Contasination of Soft Medicinale. In recent years much attention has been devoted ta microbial contamination of non-injection medicinals. This problem ig of great intereet eince it involves the uratesirable consequence8 vhich eneued ae a result of use of preparatione conraminated by microorganiemay including pathogene. Deecrip- tiona exist of eevere infections caused by presence, in medicinal prepar- ations, of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, itlebaiella pneu- moniae, Salmonella typhi or Alcaligenes faecalis L1_/ Aa incident is reported 117 of the finding of an antibiotic-resistaat etrain of Ps. aeruginosa in aa eye oiAtment into the composition of ahich neomycin 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FAR OF'FIGIAL USE ONLY and amphoc311in hed beea added. Thie eame microorganism was ieolated fr an a ateroid cream prescr3bed gor appiication on the sk3n. The preservative hgent edded to the cream was 0.1% chiorocresoi a�hich ae thi.e concentraeion hae an inhibiting action on Pa. aeruginoae, in aqueoue solutions. Eowever, the presence of chiorocreso1 in the cr@gm did not have such an effect. Analyais ehowed ehat the lowering of aeeion of the antiseptic Wae eaueed by passege of it into the fatty phaee and ingctivation, by 902 LZ/. The authore aleo fcund ehat the praeence in the fatty phase of even l% ehloro- cresol doee noe repel growth of Pe. aeruginoea. Among the pathogenic microorganisms found in ointmente, including coometical the greateet attention, in addition to Pgeudomonae, hns to ba devoted to Staph. aureue. Reporte on ite isolation are met quite often r3-97. A1eo Eound in skin oin4nentt Were Proteu8 vulgarie, Enterococeus, Streptococcue faecalis and other microorgaeieme A0,107� Staphylococci, gtireptococci, various fungi, inciuding 'the Candida family, can evoke eevere diseaseg of the ekin and mucous membr.anes, which, in a number of eaees, are hard to cure. Especially to be noCed are the oumarou9 cases (one of which we recalled above) of isolation, from ointments and other soft medicinale, of micro- organiema, including pathogenic, which are resietant to antibiotics, aulfe- nilamides and the 1Ske. Thus, in eye ointment containing oxytetracyclin, a tetracyclin-reeistant, hemolytic streptococcua Was found L87� The same author ieolated--from some ointmenta far external use--other microorganiems, re8istant Co tetracyclin: an aerobic spore-forming rod, Str. faecalie and Staph. albus. A1ong with thieg Ps. fluore9cens Wae ieolated, reeiatant to tetracyclin, etreptomycin, neomyc3n and penicillin (minimum bacterio- static concentration, respectively, 31,125,250 and over 500 mcg/ml). In discusaing the cited data, it must be noted that in the majority of cases the index of resistance of the microorganisms to antibiotics is aig- nificantly, at the least by an order of one, lower than the concentrations of these the ointments. Lvidently, under these conditions, there are impedimenta to the manifestation of the antimicrobial action of the antibiotice. Confirmation of this ig the result of analysig of micro- bial centamination of penicillin-and furacillin-ointmQnts preparpd in phgr-- macies L37� Along with isolation from them of microorganisms resistant to the cited preparations, various gram-positive rods and cocci sensitive to them aere isoleted. In addition to the danger of infection, the presence of microorganisms in medicinals can negatively affect their stability, therapeutic properties, and so on /11,127. Under the influence of enzymes of the microorganisms, changes can occur in the inttial consistencq of the ointiaent base, and, also, it can turn rancid and unpleasant odors can appear, substantially lowering the quality of the ointment. 2'j FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FoR oFFIcint, vSE orn.Y 3urvival ef Microorganisma in Oinement Sases and Oiie. Reports on eurvival of microorgenieme in oinement baaes end oils, i.e., actualiy, in the aux3liery eubeeancee for soft medicinel formel sre con- tradictory, due, ro a cereain degree, to the methode of etudy uead by different authors. 3eaph. 8ureue has been found in yeliow vageline 3n ehe couree of 10 daye _ 1131, 14 daye L147 and 25 days L157 after contaminarion. In etudy of the infiuence of lannlin on 3taph. aureue, ie r!pn found rhat, ie ehie medium, it eurvived 2 daye 157; according to others, it wae nor seeded afeer e iApge of 7 daye L16~ and 10 days L137. Cocnparison of the maeeriala of ehe rwo laeter reporte permite the aesumption that increaee of temperature , of incubation of the etaphylococcue in lanolin from 4-20 up to 370C leade eo eome decrease in the term of survival of tha microorganiem. In laYd, Staph. aureus eurvived 28 daye; ie eolid peanue oil, 18 deye; in eolid repeseed o31, 25 daya ,L157; in eucerin, 10-30 days L13,1574 in whiee vaseline, 15 deye at 40:: and 10 daye at 200C L137; ie lanolinwaepline- and emulsified-bases, 7 days L177. E. coli in white vaseline, lanolin atid auc~jrin ae 4�C died afeer 40 dayet and in ye11oW vaseline, after 20 daya. Al: tha eame time, in the bases maintained at 20�CO ie died in eome caeer, in shorte.r periode of tima: in White vaseline, aftex 20 days; in yellaw vaseline, after 1.9. uaya; in lanolin, after 30 days; and in eucerin, after 40 days L137; in l8nolin- vaseline baee, it died after 7 daye; in Lhe emuleified baee, after 14 daye L177. The hay bacillue (Bac. subtilis) survived, 3n lard. 40 daye; in yellow vasel3ne and lanolin, 60 days; in eolid peanut and eolid rapeeeed oil, over 60 days; and, in Qucerin, over 90 daye LlSr� Mold and yeast fungi appeared, as a rule, to be quite resiatant to the action of ointment bases; in vaeeline, emulaified and hydrophilic basea and lanolin, they survived, in the majority of caees, from 6 montha to 1 year L17,187. Literature data indicate that survival of microorganisms, including one and the same species, varies in different ofntment baees and oils. There is reason to think of the possibility of antimicrobial action of sane of them; one't exclude an autoeterilization effect under certain conditions. Research L197 carried out to resolve this question made it poaeible to es- tablish the following. Maintenaace at room temperature of non-sterile oint- ment bases and oils--pork fat, white and yellow vaseline, lanolin, rapeseed oil and fish oi~~-led to complete autosterilizatioa of lanolin in the course of the very firat daye, whereas, in pork fat and in White vaseline, aeroBic bacteria were found, and, in the remainder, aerobic, anaerobic bacteria and 28 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FoR oFFIcint. usE oNLY molde, Afeer 2~ monthe, the pork fat was seeri1e. In addition to this, glowed growth af aerobic baetQria wae naeed (eheir appearance on the 8th- 14th day of incubation of the media) on geeding of whiee and yellow vaseline and, aieo, of o31e. In analyeis of an ointrnnnti wieh fieh uil, andt also nf borie aeid and sulfathiazole ointment prepar@d from non-gterise baeee and 9Ub9tafiC@8l bacterie were found. After 1 month of gtorage at room tempera- ture, Che boric eeid ointment was aterile, and tha orhers, gfter 3mdnehs, aere noe eter31e. The authors apeek of complete and pareial autooteriliza- tion of a number of ointmene baeee and ointments eeud3ed by them, which _ were contaminated by microorganieme from the environment. Microbial Contaminaeion of Hedicinal Forme on an Ointment Baee, Including 'CharapeuCic Coametice. We pregented, above, deecYiptions of caaeg of aevere injuries of Che ey@s evoked by uee of ointment medicinals, contam3nated by P8. aeruginosa. According to data of a number of authors, ointmentg are lesa contaminated than ottier non-injection forms /;,5,8,10,200217 but etudies are encountered 1I,8,21-247 in whiWhigh indices are presented. This testifies, primarily, to the great difference in microbial contamin- atfon of ointments,*despite the difference in methoda of performing the analysis. Eye ointmentg prepaYed with observation of the rules of gsepeis, all con- tain microorganisms in a certain percentage ot cases. Of 79 examined phar- macy itema of ointments and ointment bases, 16% contained bacteria and 6%, fungi L227. In another case, of 83 eye ointments, contained in unopened tubea, 71 vere non-sterile L267. The number of microorganisms in eye ointments can be quite large. Thus, in 4 eye ointments of 13 studied, prepared in pharmacies, 180-900 microorgan- isms were f ound in 1 9 [247. AtCention is attracted by a case described in Sweden, where, of 60 studied series of eye hydrocortigone ointment with anCibioCics, 27 contained Ps. aeruginosa, and in large amounts--2000 micro- bial cells in 1 g L17. In eye ointments prepared in pha:macies, staphylo- cocci were also found, including Staph. aureus L3,24,257, Str. haemolyticus, capsule pneumococci [37, Bac. subtilis L1,247, Alcaligeneg [17, individual , species of microorganisms of the Micrococcus genera L247, yeaet and mold fungi and saprophytic bacteria L3,24,257. The majority of the isolated microorganisms were saprophytes. In eye ointments conCaining antibiotics, beta hemolyzing streptococcus and mold fungi were found L87. Among the other soft medicinals prepared in pharraacies, suppoaitories can be Mentioned; in one case alone in a preparation with extract of belladona more than 1000 non-pathogenic microorganisms were faund in 1 g L227. According to data of a number of authors, industrially produced ointments, 29 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICiAL USE ANLY which can be non-etarila, showed, generally, re1atively low microbial con- tamination: 10-1000 more rarely 300-400 microorganieme ie 1 g L1,5,217. A trial was made on ateriliLy of 208 eamplea of var3ous ointmente, in- cluding medicinal coametice, w3th subeequent etudy of microbial contamin- ation of preparaeione which appeared non-eeerila. The majority of tihem (93X) were stierile; 6 eampl8e ehowed up tc 100 bactaria, 1, up to 1000, 2, up Co 10,000, 1, up to 50,000 end 4, more than 50,000 baeeerta in 1 ml. Ae foY fungi) 98% of Che eamples had none, only 2 had up to 100 mold fungi, and 1, up to 1000 in 1 m1. Thexe are data on the baeis of which, w3th reepect to indicatore of micro- bial contamination, eoft medicinal forms containing antibiotica, 3n eome casee can be regarded as cloae to the eof t medicinal forme into whoee com- poeiCion antibiotics were not added. Of 15 aeriee of examined dermatologi- cal ointmente, 3 were non-eterile; of 5 earies of granulates for emulsiona and 5 eeries of emuleione, 9 ware non-eterile. From dermeCological oint- mente which appearad non-sCeriie, smAli'amounte of microorganisme ware ieo- 1ateo--2 to 68 from 1 g. A granulate for emuleions (Polfamucin-Cetracyclin), 4 eeries in 5 which were non-seerile, conta3ned from 12 to 2400 bacteria in 1 g, and an emulsion (Diaropectp S series of S)--from 1160 to 50,750 bac- teria and from 230 to 1780 yeast fungi in 1 g18r. Other soft medicinal forms do not differ fundamentally from thoae cited, on the basis of indices of microbial contamination L1,49221. The apecies makeup of microf lora found in indusCrially produced ointmenCe .-ie quite variegated. Of the number of epore-forming aerobic bactaria in ointments, the moet fre- quently found are non-pathogenic species--Bac. eubtilis, Bac. cereus, Bac. megatherium [1,5,10,227� Many investigators report finding fungi, predamin- antly non-pathogenic L10,107. In the opinion of a number of authore L195,8,9,10, in the number of pathogenic mfcroorganisms, staphylococci are found most often in the ointments. Also to be mentioned are Str. faecalis, gama-Streptococcus, Pr. vulgaris, Gaffkya tetragena, Ps. fluoreacens, representatives of the Enterococcus genua and Alcaligenes L1,8,10,227. In industrially prepared suppoaitories, along with non-pathogenic apecies, in- cluding mold fungi L2270 Bac. eubtilis were found, Staph. albus, gamma-Strep- tococcug and Alcaligenea were also feund [17; in vaginal globules and beadg, Staph. haemoliticus and Bac. subtilis L1,47. A. number of inedicinal cosmeCics are a good nutrient medium for microorgan- isma 167. Thus, in a pediatric cream from 85 to 1000 bacteria and 110 fungi were found in 1 g; in cream for the face, skin, massage, vaseline camrnnile, 155-338 bacteria and 47-850 fungi in 1 g L1077. Isolated from cosmetic agents were yeast fungi, Bac. subtilis, gamma-Streptococcus, A1- ~~caligenes, and, which needs apecial attention, Staph. aureus, Str. haemo- lyticus and Ps. aeruginosa /6,7,127. 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOEt OFFICIAL U5E ONLY Packaging can be viawed as a noeeneiai gouraa of microb3.a1 coneaminntion of a mpdici,nal.` However, in tubes for ointmene, not in asingle case wera mora than 10 eaprophytic microorganiemo found and, in the majority of ehem, mieroorganieme were not found ae a11 /Z2~. rtethodg Eor Determinat:ton of Microbial Contamination of Sofe Medicinale, Control of eterility and of microb3al canramination of ointments involvae gubeeantial diff icultiea since liberation of microorganisms from eurround- ing fatty layers with the aid of fat-diesolving organic eubetances can be accompanied by an effect of the laeter on the microorganiema. The simpleat and, at the same time, according to data of eome authora LI07, a sufficienCly exact method of f3nding aerobic microorganisme in o3ntmenCe, is direct saeding of 0.01 g of a preliminarily preparod eample on the sur- face of an agar medium. Accuracy of the method is 70-80%. A method of definite inCerest is one where the ointment ie emulsi�ied in 0.25% agar, melted and cooled to 500C, with eubsequent seeding on eolid and in liquid nutriene media L31. More ofren, soft medicinals are emulaified in warmed physiological $olution while stirring with glnse beads L277 or without Chem 126/. Also used are buffer eolution, peptone water and the like. Various emulsifiers are ueed --tween-80, apan-80, paraffin oil, etc. The tempsrature at which emuleifi- cation is carried out ia 37-450C, time 5 min to 1 hr L'4,5,22,28-317� Cos- metic agenta are treated likewise LI2,327� At the time of incubation of the studied subsrances, when the temperature exceeda 37�C, caution must be observed. There are data indicating that in emulsifying some ointments at 450C for 20 min, necroeis of ataphylococci and E. coli occurs. The membrane filtration method--which has a definite advantage in a number of cases, in camparison with the direct seeding method--found use in deter- mination of sterility and of microbial contamination of soft medicinale. At the present time, dissolving the ointaents, ointment bases, oils, etc. frequenCly is done in isopropylmyristate usually heated to 470C L34-497� It is emphasized that the time betaeen solution and filtration of the sample should be minimal aince prolonged presence of microorganisms in the ieo- propylmyristate at 470C promotes death of vegetative forms. To emulsify ointments before filtration , in order to study their aterility and micro- bial conCamination, use is made--as in the case of direct seeding--of phosphaee buffer solution, peptone water, tween-80 as the emulaifier and, also glass beads and heating [8/21/24,36,417 Ointments containing 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY antibiotice are proceseed in the eame way but,moreover, afCer filerar3on, the giltiati is washed three rimee with pepCone aaeer and tween-80 /8/. The number of eolvente and emulai.fiers used in testing eoft medicinals for srerility or microbial contamination is quite large at tha presanC t3me. We have 3ndicated the moet-widely used. In addition to those can be men- t3oned n. hexane, dimethylsulfoxide, triCon X-100, peanut oil, sesame oil, etc. /34036,39,40,43-46/. Thare are data that preparatione of taeen /85, 80,60 and 40/ and triton are ut3lized by cells of microorganieme (47) i.e., they can be etimulators of their groweh /48,49/; however, other authore report an antimicrobiai effect of triton and a number of non-ionogenic de- tergents /48,50/. In srudy of the microbial contamination of coamaCics and of the use, for thie purpose, of the ieopropyimyristate and tweeng nuthors /12/ prefer ieopropyLnyristate eince 3r is a good solvent and has minimum effect on microorganiame. Of esaential interest is work which compares the varioue methode for deter- minaeion of microbial conCamination of soft medicinals. Thus, in compar3- son of two methods: emulaificatlon of the ointment (1 g) in physiological solution (10 ml) with glass beada at 37�C and atirring for 1 hr with aub- sequent seeding ot 0.1 ml of Che emulsion on solid nuCrient mediump and, direct aeeding of 0.01 g of ointmenC, preference was given to the second method as the aimplest, use of which Sives sufficiently reliable results /23/. The method of direct seeding, at any rate in study of eye oititmenC,/25/ is defective and cannot be recommended. Carrying ouC a comparative study of microbial contamination of an oinCment using three methods (membrane filtration, hanogenization in aqueoua solution of tween-80 and aequential dilution /38/) indicated that with Che help of the firsC two methada it is possible to obtain good reproducible, reliable results. The third method is regarded as less acceptable by authors /21/. No essential differ- ence was found in determination of microbial conCamination of ointmenta which do not have antimicrobial action, in use of the method of inembrane filtration and hanogenizati4n of samples in 1% solution of tween-80 in peptone water /9/. Other auChors /15/ give preference to the last of the three methods of study of microbial contamination of ointment bases (use of aqueous extraction, direct seeding on agar medium or sugar bouillon, and membrane filtration). Requirements and Norms Which Limit Microbial Contamination of 5oft Medicinals. Proceeding Co direct description of normaCive requirements which limit microbial contamination of non-injection medicinals, it is necessary es- pecially to separate preparations in reupect to which the=e exista a re- quirement for sterility or the quite-close-to-it requirement for absenca of microorganisms in 1 g or 1 ml of the preparation. This refers f irst of all to eye agents. Question of their sterility is not a subject of discussion. One must apeak just of sterility of eye agenCs, not distinguiehing the medicinal forms. 32 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIAL USC ONLY it ie sereeeed /24,42,51,52/ ehat many auehhrs involved in etudy of micro- bial contgmination of non-injection of inedicinals gre of one m3nd about the need of a requirement of aCfrility (or absenea of microorganisms in 1 g or 1 m1 of a preparation) for eubetances appl3ed on the skin aurface, andg n1so, intraducible into a aterile cav3ty. Some authore /53-55/ consider it neces- eary to introduce tha requirement for aterility with respect to preparatione used to treat diseaeea of rhe eye nnd nose, and also for all drugs contain- ing steroide. � Medicinale can be separated with respect to whether Cheir requirement for sterility is unneceseary but tha number of microorganismg in them should be sharply limi.ted. Thia should 3nclude, evidenCly, preparations used to Creat diseases of the ear and nose, those introduced 3nto the vaginal cavity, those used to treat skin dieeaseg and several othera /42,51/. Moet basic 3s the requirement to limit, in theaQ drugs, the number of apaCho- genic microorganisms up to 100 in 1 g or 1 ml, but with full absence of pathogenic nnd condiCionally pathogenic, which should include /34,51/ bac- teria of the Enterobacteriaceae family, and, also Ps. aeruginosa and Staph. dureus. According to another opinion /42/, this list should bQ supplemQn- ted with Str. pyogenes and Dipl. pneumoniae. Finally, there is a large group of inedicinals with respect to which re- quirements limiting their microbial contamination can be minimal: up to 1000 bacteria and 100 fungi in 1 g or 1 ml in the abaence of pathogenic and condiCionally pathogenic microorganisms. Precisely these requirements with respect to microbial purity of industrially produced preparations are contained in the CSSR Pharmacopeia, Edition III /56/. However, as for drugs prepared in pharmacies, requiranents ori limitaCion of their microbial contaminaCion are somewhat different: allowable is the presence, in lg or 1 ml of the preparation, of up to 10,000 bacteria; none of the remaining criteria is differenC than that formulated for industrially produced agents. On the basis of experimental data /22/ for ointments and supposiCories, the following requirements are proposed: preparations should not contain, in 1 g, pathogenic microorganisms, indication of fecal contamination or more than 1000 non-pathogenic microorganiams, including 100 non-pathogeaic fungi and yeasts. An excepCion is ointmenCs for which requiremenCs for sterility are broadened. Aa for cosmetics, whose nunber includes therapeutic cosmetic agenta, a number of authors /12,57/ are of the opinion that they cannot have more than 100 apathogenic microorganisms in 1 g or 1 ml. Along with this, it is stressed /12/ for example, that cosmetics and tooth paste should not contain pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganiams, namely, Salmonella, E. coli, Ps. aeruginosa, A. serogenea, Klebsiella, Staph. aureus, Streptococcus and several fungi. Some authors (Wallhaeuaer, cited in /32/) divide cosmetics into two groups according to permissible amount of microorganisms in them: children's powder, tooth pomade, agents for 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOEt OFFICIAL USE ONLY eye cosmetiics, eun protectants, and the like, should have no more Chan 100 microorganiame in 1 g or imi; otihere, no more tihan 1000, and eome, even 10,000 microorganiams. At the present time it 3s poes3ble to leolaCe a number of direceione in the problem topic, to which the review ie devoted, warranting From our point of view, great attention, EveryChing bearing on aseurance of production of eoft medicinal forme which guarantea their harmlessness on the baeie of microbiological indices is very 3mportant. An indiepeneable condiCion here is control of raw material and observation of requirements of hygiene and sanitation at enterprises. The latter include /1/ regular control of personnel health at tha enter- priaes and in the pharmacies, asaurance o� appropriate purity of equipment and eite, including the storage. No lese 3.mportant ie prevenCior of increase of microbial contamination of soft medicinal fnrmn in the process of their uae. Gregt inCereat is warran- ted in zne search for new preaervaCivee and in study of the peculiaritiies of actiion of antimicrobial agents in reapecti to microorganisme which eur- vive in ointments. Along w3Ch this, there is coneiderable promiee in creation of packaging with a minimum amount of the preparation and-for eye agents -aingle dose packages. BIBLIOGRAP1iY 1. Wozniak, W., FARM. POL., Vol 26, 1970, p 523 2. Noble, W. C. and Savin, J. A., LANCET, Vol l, 1966, pp 347-349 3. Pivnenko, G. P., Chuyko, 0. V., Pertsev, I. M. eC al., APTECH. 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Ya. et al., PRIKLADNAYA BIOKHIM., Bol 13, No 3, 1977, pp 365-369 51. Buehlmann, X. and Hess, H. K., 2BL. PHARM. Vol 3, 1972, pp 675-687 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOtt OFFICIN. U5E ONLY c ~ 52. Wozniak, W., PA3T'EPY MIKROBIOL.j Vol 10, 1971, pp 406-415 53. Engel, A., ciCed in 53 /eic/ 54. COMM. BRIT. MED. J. 11j 1965, p 13161 cited in 53 /eic/ 55. Dony, J. and Gerard, P., J. MOND. PNARM., Vol 1, No 11, 1968, pp 19-32 56. CESKOSLOVENSKY LEKOPIS, 111, Praha, 1970 57. Adatok a Mikrobiologiache von Kosmetika /aic/ cited in 7 COPYRIGHT: !'Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskiy 2hurnal", 1979 8586 CSO: 1870 - 37 FOR OFFTCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOtt OFFICIAL USL ONLY PHY3IOLOQY UDC 613.693:612.89/88 EFF'ECT OF tU5TI8ULAR STIMULATION ON MYOEI.ECTRIC ACTIVITY - Moscow PtZ=OLOGiYA CHELOVEKA in Rugaian No 2, 1979 pp 270-275 (Article- by E. V. Lapayov, V. I. zorile, G. I. Pavlov, and P. B. Solodkov) IText) Wo know that when the human vegtibular analyzer is stimulnted, wQ " obscrve sensory, autionomic, tnd somatiic rettctions which may be accompanied by a worsening of the gonarnl gubjective sengation of health and by a decline in efficfency. In order to determinQ tihe suitiability of An indi- vidual for occupations associated with the effect of adequate stimuli on the vestiibular analyzer, various methods have been created for selectiing tund developinq the criterfa by whfch to assess individua2 vestibular stabflftiy. Neveriheless the problem of preventing unfavorable vestfbular reactions in aviation and cosmonautiics and during sea cruiaes contiinues to be one of tha most pressing problems today. Thus according to Markaryan et al. (1) 12.6 percent of the pilots, students, and flfght schoo2 applfcants exhibited instability in response to vestibular stimuli. This sftuatfon is explained in part by absence of sufficiently fnfor- matfve criteria by whfch to make an objective assessment ui tolerance to vestibular stimuli, and in part by the fact tihat expert conclusions are made on the basis of a subjective means for evaluating autonomic vestibular reactions, suggested by Khilov in 1927 (2). Research has shown that certain vestibular-autonomic and sensory reactions to vestibular stimuli are very variable (3-9). Because inc]ividual reac- tions are not informative enough to permit a judgment concerning resistance to motion sickness, Yuganov et al. (10) suqgested using integral indices such as, for example, systolic and minute blood volume. In addition t;ey _ suggested utilizing various vestibular-somatic reactions which, owing to an inadequate quantitative assessment, never saw practical use. In addi- tion to this some authors (11-14) concede that motion sickness may have a latent course which would be even more difficult to diaqnose. The research that has been conducted indicates that the electramyographic method provides a certain amount of information on the influence of ves- tibular stimuli. It has been established in particular that impairment of labyrfnth functions leads to change in muscle tone (15-25). 38 FOR OFFICIn,�.. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFICIA.L USL tlNLY Ar increase in tlie e1@etric aceiviey of ind,ividual okutetal muoeieo of e heaithy inclivl,dual was revaaled in re8ponce to nptieakir.a+:ie and enloric stinulation (16, 23-26) at the time of $ctiidn of h#.qh angular accelerationa (29). tltilizing tihe otectromyographic metho9, Yemel'yandv (38) riQmonstiYated that threshold and gubthreshold vestibular stiimuli cause arifia1 of veotiibular- eomatir reflex-es in the obsence PtO -.,ensory rodetion in man. But a quantitntive dssessmcnt of etiangag in myoelectric actiivity in r@spong@ to vegtibular stimuli hag not been publinhod. nifferancon 'in the exparimantal data can apparently be expiained by the fact ehtte the authors ampioyecl dif�erent functianal tiaotis, the,y studied diEferanti nugciea with the motior apparatus in dif�erant in3r3a1 atatiQg, and they aseci procedurQg diffQring fram one annthQr. in addi,c.;;n author8 studying changes in muscla electrfr actS.vity 3n response to simulatfan of the vestibuldr analyxer do nat Cite datia concQrning individual sengitiivitiy of thQir subjects to thege gtimulf. Methods The research was cdnducted with the nbjectivQ uf dcttiermintng changou i.n the elcctxfc actiivity of human skeletal musclee in response to Coriolia arcel- oratiions. ElectromyogrAphic research methods werr cmployed. Dosed stiatic -'and rhythmie tenging of the musclcs wan used es the funetfonal test. Stntiic tiensing of mugcles to one-hAlf of maximum effort, dQtermined by wristi dynamometry, was achieved by prcssing on a rubber balloon for 40 aeconds. Tha effort exerted by the sub jeet and experimQnticr wag mdnitored aiy thQ basis af the positifon of the pofnter of a pressure gauge connected tio the rubber balloon. 5:cin electrodes secured in pairs to a textnlite pad were ' used to pick off the biopotentials. Electirfc activity was picked off from . muscles of the upper arm and from the flexor digitorum sublimi.s and the extensor digitorum communis of the right hand. The subjeati's hand was secured in a strictly fdentical position to the armrest of the vestiibulo- metric chair. Muscle bfopotentials were intensified with A Disa electromyagraph and recorded synchronously on paper (Mingograph 42 8) And' on magnetic tape with a two-channel NagrA-IV tiape recorder. We autiomaCically processed the EMG's with an electromyographic analyzer which we developed and tested, the ANiG-1 (29,30). We determined the mean frequency and integral (area) of the EMG for a 16 second interval, beginnfng 5 seconds after the functional test was started. Continuous accumulation of Coriolis accelerations (CACA) was achieved on the electrically operatied swivel chafr by the following procedures: The subjects were turned with their eyes closed while actively tilting the head 30� toward one shoulder and then the other. The time of head movement (fr(xm the right to the left and back) was 2 seconds. The time of exposure depended on the expressfveness of motfon sickness symptoms (hyperhydrosis, paleness, nausea, vomiting), while when such symptoms di8 not occur the exposure time did not exceed 3 minutes in most cases. In some studies the CACA time was increased to 15 mfnutes. EMG's were recorded prior to the 39 FOR OFFICInL IJSF ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOR OFFLCIAL U5E dNLY ;i CACA teeC, immediaeely after the CACA, and 10-15 minutee after expoaure to Coriolie aceelerabione. tn ail we studied 299 healthy individuais (97 of theta twice) fram 19 to 35 year8 old. We obtained EMti'e from boeh Btudied muecl4a in 296 experimenta. Reaearch Ra8ult8 and Diecuesion The research ehowed thet the bioalectric activity of one or both experiences significant chanqee ae a rula in all oubjects in re8ponge eo Coriolis accelerations. On diflerent day8 of no exposure to accelerati;lons, th@ EMG perameters we 8tu9ied vaYied by about t10 percant. The integrul (area) og the EMtt chanqa9 mo8t of aii. in the preeence of accolerations We ob9erved boeh a decrea8e and an increase in mu8cie bioeiectric activity, the expressiveneea of which depended on the time of exposure to aaceleration (Figure 1). The research materials ahow that chanqea in electric ectivity of dif�erent muscles varied depending on the tolerance of the subjects to accelerations (see table). A b 1WITM L J 200MKB B Fiqure 1. Changes in Bioelectric Activity of tte Triceps Extensor Cubitf in Response to Dosed 5tatic Tensinq (Subject S.): 14--EMG prior to rotation, B--EMG after 2 minutes of rotation, B--EMG after rotation but prior to arisal of motion sickness s}mptoms (6 minuntes)= horizontal bracket fndicates 1 second interval. Key: l. Nv 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FAR dFFtCtN, U5E dNLY Chanqea in EMG of the Flexor Digitorum Sublimie and tihs Extiensor diqitioruen Communis Dspending on Tolerance of t1p to 3 Minutes of the CACA (Averaqe &ate for 139 Tested Persons, MUSCie Grou and Acceleration 4b1@rance EMG Zndex Fiexor Extensor ~d Poor Good Poor tntegral (area) Frequ@ncy 19.0 33.2 7.9 12.3 24.3 40.3 14.0 17.3 ee ` S6 ZA, = yd 1 f- ~ 40 ~ !Q ' e ~~0 NNmeepan (2) VecmomQ (3) Figure 2. integral and Frequency of EMG's From Tested Subjects Depending on Tolerance of Acceleration Operating for Up to 3 Minutes (Average Data for 60 Persons): I, II, III--Tolerance Groups Key: 1� Chanqes, t 2. Integral 3. Frequency We can see from the table that changes in bioelectric activity are more pronounced with the extensor, especfally amonq persons exhibiting vestibular- autonomic and vestibular-sensory reactions (poor tolerance). There is a certain amount of interest in analyzinq the experimental materials dependinq on the groupinq of subjects in relation to their tolerance of vestibular influence. Wfth this purpose the subjects were subdivided into 41 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOk dFFICIAL UyE ONLY Mlt .i~:..~ - 8 ~ 20to 2 . C Figure 3. Changes in Response to Dosed Static Muscle Tensing in Different Conditiions (Subject Ya.): A--Before CACA exposure, Fr-2 minutes after a 10-mfnute CACA exposure, with motion sickness symptoms present= 1--flexor digitorum sublimis, 2--extensnr digitorum communis Key: i. uv 2. sec 42 FOR OFFICIAL L'SE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 FOtt dVFtC[AL U5L l)NLY three groups dependinq on axpresgivenegs o� tihe v@stibular-autonomic r@aetions in .response tio different times of CACA exposurr. Tho firsr group Containe8 euljjects axhibitinq no objectiive or subjective sign$ of motion sickneas in rasponse tio 3 minueag of CACA exposure. The bacond group wag made up o� subjects who compiained of unpleasanti sengationg (nausea, weaknesg, dixzinega, warmth, heat) or exhibiting objpctive signs o� mdtion sickneas (palpnegs, hyperhydrosis of skin on the face, forehead, and wrists, and the urge to vomit) following 3 minutes of CACA exposure. 7'he third group consistod of persons who developed signs of motion sicknegs in regponse to 1-2 minuties of CACA exposure. 7'he dQgree of change experienced in the frequency and, Qspecially, the integral of the EMG'g of gubjects in the second and third groups was siqni- ficantly higher (p0 05 c,N%f.K~, r~~~~nlc (9 CB~. I' C~Zo ~Z ~,oo_ f 1,no Q~Z5+24,81 :ci,75�-7,;,1~ 60,J0~h30,J0 f!t,ou+7.~n %~i,J~~:h/12, la o,os >0,05 Tp c ) }~~,YA,~121 8 i1 ,1,43 5U ,ii BJ,OU�f9* I 44,58-�~16,2;1 iS,UU-~:b,l5 42,45�f3,f)SI 7R, >0,05 0,05 , >0,05 , 0,05 Key: l. Parametar S. FFC, 1/sec 2. Low VAS 9. RSC, c3egrees/sec 3. Average VAS 10. RFC, degrees/sec 4. High VA5 11. T, sec 5, ASC, degrees 12. Nr jerks 6. AFC, degrees 13. T1, sec 7. FSC, 1/sec Table 2, Indices of Postrotational Nystagmus in People with Different Levels of Vestibular-Autonomic Stability (VAS) fla aM t I wuun yev I CpeAw~ll YBY I nwro~wn vBy n p 1e p ( i ) hf1~a1 (2) (A.- d1f,~a (4) ) ( A,ti1K,rpaA(~) AEiK t) 7,41�2,5G 6 56 3 43 6,45-�2,S!1 1 6 � 5,0;)�'L,f2 ~0,05 10,05 0,05 ~ , rpad 7 t � , , , 2 2, 7S 4,6712,33 >0,05 ~0,05 Q,O5 lA1K, 1/c S ~ 0,11�0,0! 0,0~1-!-O,Q3 0,0:)�0,2fi 0,05 >0,05 t(hK, i/c (S 0,42+0,10 0,33-!-1,20 0,33-+-0,12 >0,05 n,U~) , ^-0 01 0 o.'1 Tnn. C(13) 0,34-~0,35 1 0~66-0, i i 0,38-F0,55 >0,05 >0,05 ' ~0,05 Key: [See Key, Table 11 50 FOR OFFICIliL U5E UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054455-5 F0[t OF~ ICIAL USE ONGY mable 3. Correlation of the Paramters of Rotiatiional and Pogtrotatianal Nystagmug with Ventibular-Autonomic Stiability (3 Key: BxA MiMrw I ~ AMK I CMK A6K CgK (tIMK IIGK Tnn TP I~{ BpaweTeabuWA (2) ftocrupawaTe~bNwA I--O,W -~0,38 I--0,2i -0,3U -�0,13 --O,3f3 I~-n,181 -0,41 `0,16I 0,1g --0,1~ =0 --U, O,1G I O,UU -0,20I -0,:7 -0~l8 --0,Z8 ~ ~ 1. Type of nyatagmus 7. RFC 2. Ratational S. F'SC 3. Postrotatiional 9. FFC , 4. ASC 10. T1 5. RSC 11. T 6. AFC 12. Nr Tables 1 and 2 show tihe siqnificance statistics for differencea between the mean values of the parameterg of rotational and postrotatfonal nystagmus for groups with low, average, and high stabflity. As we can see from these ' . tables significant di�ferences (p11 (2.2,2) The result noted in expreseion (2.2.2) remains true �or a large aree of aensation in the middle and upper Yangee of intensity sinca it is well known thet the value of Weber's fraction is canstant (and leeeC) pracisely in Che middle range of eensatian intengity. Thus, in Che situation described, we ehould obeerve a uniform decline in the probability of detecCion when etimu- lus intensity increases. The experimenCal verification of Chie propoeiCion wae conducted ag follows: a rendom gtream of signals wus made up; ite inten- . aity could change in fixed gradaCione of 2 db within n range of + 10 db from the stream's average intensity. Within this rnnge, the gradgtiong of intensity had an equal probability of occuring. The sequence of arrival for aignale with different intenBitiee was rnndom. The energy distribution for the entire signal stream conforma to (Reley's) Law. The average level of the signal strenm served as a point of refereace fo. the ~ initial inteneiCy (the analog Af value I in expression 2.2.2). _ Three signal gradations were selected for the analysie: 2 db higher; 4 and 8 db lower than the initial level of inteneity. in uddition, average detection reeults for all signals within + 10 db of the initial level Were estimated. Pive different versions of valuea for the stream'e avernge level of intenoity were studied: four fixed (stat3onary) leveLs o� 40, 60, 80, 90 db and one dynamic (movable)--with the level being ad3usted by the subject himself so that iC was conveniant for the observer. Mareover, the relative position of signalg on the intensity axis was not changed. The results of the experiment are presented in Table 2 and Figures 4 and S. The results show thaC detection efficiency declines significantly when the average (stationary) level of signal stream intensity (for all signals) is increased. Moreover, the average reaction time increases and this also confirms the well known result (R. Shosholl', 1966) on the inverse relationship between the probabiliCy of correct rea- ponses and reaction time during a change in the relative dif- ference between signals. Unfortunately, the daCa cbtained were 163 FOR OPFICIE,L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 FOEt OFFICIAL U5E ONLY nnt auEEicienr to calculatQ precige parameLerg for tho re1-Ationship between detection ptiobnbiliCiee and tialative eignal differenceg for changeg in the inittnl level of intensity. odM t3) ilc " dP,crx. 11: !,B Q6 . ~ ,,e ? 0,4 d ~ d0 60 BO 10 aw (4) Pigure 5. Relationship Between Detection ProbabiliCy Reaction Timr and Average Stream IntensiCy. Key: . 1. Dstection probability (pD)� 2. Average reaction time (RT) 3. RT, in seconds. 4. Intensity (I), in decibels. (5) oo~M 0,4 q1 ~ �F -4 D Pigure 6. Relationship Between DetecCion Probability and Signal Intensity for Different Signal Noise Ratios (Paycho- metric Curve) Key: 2. 3:1. 3. 2:1. 4. l:l 5. Detection probability (PD)� 6. Signal intensity (I8), in decibels. 164 FOR OFFICIkL USE ONLY ; I- ; ! ; a i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 FOCt OFFICIAi, USL ONLY Tnb1Q 2. Felntionship Between Detection Efficiency Yndicas and Average Signal Stream Intensity (ProbabiliCy of Falee Alarms ia 0.005 Eor Al1 Exparimenrs). (1~ CpeAUaN 1"irettc115� IAItlI1CNpIN{b cnrnahu c66t oriroaxr!.11,uo cpennert iuitela cuMNUCtu uoroua Cpequee ;eoaemfe nn rceM cNreuneK noces nomNa cucun� noo, Od re wocri r 6~ +a , enun ~c P oueuT~ eak� uNn gp. ceK. tl61t . Cetoporynnpoeicn 0,60 0,88 I 0,05 0,05 i,25 40 0.82 0,73 0,8: 0,85 1,08 80 . 0,58 0,67 0,78 0,77 1,35 80 0,42 0,57 0,75 0,721 1,42 00 0,10 0,45 0,72 0,88 1,58 KPy: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Average signal aCream Self-regulated. Signal intensity (db) stream intensity. Average value for a11 Detection probability Reaction time (RT), in intensity, in db. in relation to average aignals. (pD) � sec. Nevertheleas, the result is not quite normal. We assumed that the detection probability within this range shuuld not change significantly since the relative difference between aignals measured on a decibel scale does not change when the average level of signal stream intensity is changed. The analog of Weber's fraction which was calculated for this case also does not change. Nevertheless, the detection probability declines as if formula(2.2.2) is correct, i.e., as if there was a change in the relative difference between signals. It follows from this that either Weber's Law does not operate in thia range of changes for complex signals (from 40 to 90 db) or the relative difference between signals does not remain subjectively consCant. It is also necessary to dwell on the results obtained for the variable level of signal stream i.nput intensity. As seen from Table 2, the probability of correct detection was the highest when the subject regulated the level himself. It would be logical to assume that the subjects worked at average stream intensities less than 40 db in this case. However, this is noC so. During the course of the experiment, we had Che opportunity-- with a special device--to record the current level of intensity for the input stream and its dynamics when regulated by the 165 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 FOtt OFFIGIAL U5F: ONtY subjecC himeelf. It turned our that thie 1ave1 nevar dropped below 40 db and never raieed above 80 db. Moreover, a11 20 eubjectg who pareicipnted in the exper3menCg chaaged the level of intensity Eor the gtrpam within very broad limits 3n this range during tha experiment. The individual strategies were extYemely diverae both for the 3nitiel arrangemenC and for the dynamically regulated 1eve1. 2.3. The Effect of the Signal/Noiae Ratio on Detection Chnracterietice According Co the logic of the preceding parggraph and bas8d on purely physical concepts, it ie ciear that tha relntive difference in Y can be dependent upoe the characterigtics of noise or interference and, primarily, upon the aigaal/noioe ratio in Che aignal stream. The effect of noiee on detecting and discrim- inating simple signal8 hea been described in the works by J. Swets, V. Tanner and T. Birdsail (1964), D. GreEn and J. Swete (1966), V. Tanner (1967), K. V. Bardin and Yu. N. Zabrodin (1969, 1972) and others. At rhis point, we are primarily intereated in the effect of the intengity of noise on the detection efficiency indices for complex acousCic signals. In the majority of cases--as wae revenled in the research on visual forms--complex signals are more efficiently discriminated and identified (see, for example, V. Gayda et al, 1971). In our experiment, the signal/noise ratio wag coneidered as the relationship between the average signal stream intensity and the average white Gaussian noise iatensity within the 50- 1 10,000 hz range. Four gradations were selected for the signal/noise ratio-- clo (no noise); 3:1; 2:1; 1:1. The resulta of the experiments are prasented in Table 3 und ~ Figure 6. The resulta show that a decrease in the signal/ ~ noise ratio reduces detecCion efficiency: the probability of correct detection falls from 0.84 to 0.62 when the signal/noise ratio is changed by 10 db, i.e., from 3:1 to 1:1. It can be seen from Figure 6 that the paychometric curves (Che relation- ship between the probability of a corrECt response and signal intensity) drops sharply as the noise intensity is increased, especially in the area for the weakest signals. It can also be seen that a significant reduction in the probability of correct responses only occurs when signals are detected whose intensity is lower than the average stream intensity. The detection of signals whose intensity is higher than the average sCream intensity (in Figure 6, the signals with a positive value for intensity in decibels) practically remains at the previous level. Moreover, as can be noCed, the detectian threshold increases and signals 4-6 db lower than the average stream intensity level become threshold signals. 166 FOK OFFICIA:. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 FOtt OFFICIAL U5E ONtY Tab1e 3. Relationehip Hetween Detection Effic3,ency Indices gnd 3ignal/Noiee Ratio ~~io~ IlumnaNOu+r,rb curna.w t66 01110011tentiuo y~M~nlut 11tIr~HCnU11i~CT11 Itufilrq CjwqH14 10.iInt11t11n nnn raex cirita,tue ItIr11N! QMI'� e~nlWyM -A -8 -1 -7 I +s I +4 4-6 +8 t 'uGH P nr g N: ~ o e 00 0,58 0, i0 0,75 U,!!: 0,85 11,$1 0,412 O,U;i 0,78 O,OO.i l,tl'l 3: t 0,5t 0,07 0,72 0,84 0,lid 0,88 0,00 0,02 O,iiS 0,002 1,25 2:1 O, :tb 0,54 0,48 0,80 0,85 0,87 0,80 0,01 0,78 0,00 1,40 1:1 0,111 0,32 0,32 0,67 0,81 0,88 0,89 0,00 0,62 0,02 f,18 Key: i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Signal,noise ratio. Signal intenaity (db) in relation to the average level of etream intenaiCy. Average value for ali signale. Detection probability (Pfl). Probability of falae alarme (PgA). Iteaction Cime (RT), in seconde. As can be seen from Table 3, when Che observer is working with aeak noiae (a signal/noise ratio of 3:1), the detecCion efficiency indices are on the average higher than when he is Working with noise (confidence level is p 6 0.05). A aimilar improvement in detection efficiency hae also been obaerved in other etudies in engineering psychology and experimental paychology. The experimental fact of a possible shift in the observer's criterion for small signal/noise ratias which we observed can be considered a vtry important result. (aA definition of the observer's criterion as the dividing line for the intersection of the characteristics of detecCed and un- detected signals is provided in the works by J. Swets, V. Tanner,'T. Birdsall, 1964; and K. V. Bardfn's article in this collection.) The criCerion shift can be illustrated by the increase in the probability of false alarms with a simultaneous reduction in the probability of correct detection when the signal/noise ratio changes by 10 db--from 3:1 to 1:1 (aee Figure 9, curve 1). This dynamic relationship between the probability of correct detection and the probability of false alarms also experimen- tally demonstrates that there is a certain reduction in the 167 FOR OFFICIn:. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 ~ _a FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY obeerver's sensory ability within the range being eCudied. A compar3son of the reeulCe preseneed in Tnbles 2 and 3 ahows thae a 10 db change in the signal/noise ratio has n significantly greater affect on the change in the probability of correct detection than the sgme 10 db change in the average stream intensity has within the most unfavorable range (from 80 to 90 db). This change in the probabillty of correcti detection e 0.22 for the signal/noise ratio change nnd 0.05 for the change in the average intensiry of the stream; the differencea are eignificant aC a level p& 0.01. The second difference in the results presented in Tables 2 and 3 congisrs of the facti that a change in aignal etream intensity which reduces the indices for the probabiliey of correct detection and reaction time does not change the value for the probability of false alarms. A change in the noise level leads to a decrense in all three indices for detection efficiency. This fact requires a theoretical explanation. 3. The Effect of Internal Acoustic Signal CharacCeristica on the Efficiency of Their Detection In the previous sections, we stated that the random stream used as the basic material fnr the stimulus in our experimenta was composed of signals which differed in their physical charac- teristics. We used a set of 2,000 nonsense syllables for the signals which made up the stream; they primarily differed from each other in phonetic strucCure. In addition, the signals had different intensities within a+ 10 db range of the average level of stream intensity. Within this range, ten gradations of inCen- sity with 3.ntervals of 2 db were selected. The intensity of each syllable could take any of these ten values. Furthermore, the duration of each signal could take any of ten fixed values wiehin a range of 1 to 10 arbitrary units. This range was within - the limits of 0.3 to 3 sec. on a real-time scale for a stream with an average density of 30 signals/min. Finally, four values were used in our experiments for the probability of a significant signal's appearance (Pg = 0.01; 0.05; 0.10; 0.20) . and four values were used for the probability of reinforcing the significant signal with a simultaneous flash of light (Pr = 0.0; 0.50; 0.80; 1.0). Twenty subjects--experienced observers--participated in the experiment. The results of the experimental research in this section make it possible to evaluate the general principles for the effect of the isolated signal characteristics on efficiency indices for their detection. 168 FOR OFF'ICIiw [SSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 FOtt OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3.1. DeCecting Signals with DifferenC InCensit3es Tha experiments being deacribed uaed acougtic signals whose intensity changed within a 20 db runge 10 dh from the nvnrnge level of the signal atream inteneity). We -selected 10 gradations of 2 db intensity each. This aelection made it poasible tn evaluate certain features for detecting signals whoae relative position remained unchanged on the intensity _ ecale boeh when the overall level fox the stream was changed and when white Gauseian noise wae added. The results of the experimental study are shown in Tables 4 and 5 arad Figure 7. These results show that, when there is a change in signal intenaity, Che curve for the probability of coxrect deCection is like a normal S-shaped psychometric . curve. With a reduction in Che siAnal/noiae ration, i.e., as the conditions of obaervation become worae, the paychometric curve shifta to the right along the axis of intensity and : its slope increases during this shift. If the signal/noise ratio = 1;1--which corresponds to curve 2 in Figure 7--for the conditons of observation, then the value of the detection threshold measured at the level where PD = 0.5 is -4.2 db. This means that the threshold signals have an intensity 4.2 db ~ lower than the average level of signal stream intensity. In the absence of noise, all the signals in the selected range of intensity changes are above threshold signals. This means that an increase in the detection threshold is observed when noise is present. � Table 4. Relationship Between the Probability of Correct Detection and Significant Signal Intensity (PFA - 0.005 when there is no noise; PFA - 0.01 for a signal/noise ratio of 1:1.) (1) currtana (D6) orrz~ocI+renb~ro cneaxero ypoexa YCJIOOIIq 3itCRC� IM1111MCH8110M MHTlItCNB110CTN ifOTOttII paatetna ~ -8 i-g I-i I-2 1 0 I-4~2 I-F6 I'~g 1+8 Key: B01 IUyHfl (3; I 0,58 I 0,70 I 0,75 I 0,78 I 0,82 I 0,85 I 0,89 I O,~J2 I 0,95 Cnraan/niyu 4 0,11 0,32 0,52 0,65 0,80 0~83 0,87 0,8J 0,93 !:i 1. Experimental conditions. 2. Signal intensity (db) in relation to the average level of stream intensity. 3. Without noise. . 4. 1:1 signal/noise. 169 FOR OFFICIn,�.. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 FpR OFFICIAL USIs hNGY Table 5. Relntionship Between Reaction Time nnd Signi�icanC Signxl InCensity. 1. (2`{1H[lNCN9HOCTL CI ~~~HTII Ce11HHOCT ICtl tNPt11tQU CrI''~IInPO y(h1111Ut YC:1ft91111 ~ OHCIItlDitillllT+l ..8 --1 -l 0 2 +1 '}'g '}'8 603 wyua (3) f,78 i'88 l,56 i,53 i,35 i,30 i,21 !,!6 11t3 CurNnn/tuy~~(4) 1,72 1,70 1,78 i,83 i,88 i,53 1,513 t,51 i,5t 1.1 . Key: l. ExperimenCal conditiona. 2. Signal intensity (db) in relation to the average level of stream intensity. 3. Without noise. 4. 1:1 signal/noise. (3) pa6N ~o qs 44 L _B -9 v' ~ 4 Q 7S, PJ (4) Figure 7. Relationship Between Detection Probability and Signal Intensity. (Psychometric Curve) Key: 1. Without noise. z. With noise. 3. Detection probability (PD)� 4. Signal intensity, in db. 170 FOR OFFICIl,:. USE ONLY i i . ~ ; i r I ; ~ i ; � i ~ ; ; ~ ~ ! ~ i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 , ~ FCiit 0FFICIAL U5E ONLY (3) 46 4a G, t ycnt eO (5) F Figure 8. RelaCionship Between Signal Detection Probability and Duration (each divi.sion on the abscissa is 0.3 sec.). - Key: 1. Without noise. ' 2. With noise. 3. Detection prcibability (PD). 4. Intensity in arbitrary units. , The standard deviation for correct detection responses, which is proposed by certain researchers as a measure of sensitivity (Gilford, 1954), can be calculated in the following manner: 6=1,5� 412 Q`=-o'Z+s'S�1,5~4,506 In expression (3.1.1), Q3 and Q1 correspond to the third and first quartiles of the psychometric curve (see Figure 7). The good match between the threshold value (4.2 db) and the value for the standard deviation of the psychometric curve (4.5 db) can be pointecl out. We can see that the psychametric curve shifts to the lei:t along the abscissa toward the lower values for the intensiL�y of detected signals as the signal/ noise ratio increases. At the same time, its slope decreases . and, consequently, the standard deviation of the psychometric curve increases. The curve for reacCion time when signals with different inten- sities are detected has a somewhat unusual appearance. A devia- tion from the well known inverse relationship between detection 171 FOR OFFICIE,:. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and discrimination reaction time and the value of the difference between signals in the threshold zone is obaerved. The greatest deviation and even, contrary to the expected decrease, a certuin increase 3n reaction time for correct detection was noted in our experiment in the area for signals whose intensity was 0; -2 db. Remember that the 1eve1 of average intensity for the stream was selected as the initial reference level. Thus, the deviations noted exper3mentally by the observed curve for reaction time correspond to signals very cloae to this level. This result is not easily explained. It is possible that, ~ when working with signals close to the average 1eve1 of 9.ntens3ty for tihe stream, Che observer begins to experience some doubt in the correctness of his actions. These doubts may not be reflected ; in the value for the probability of correct detection but they ' may objectively manifest Chemselves as an increase in reaction i Cime. 5uch an experimental case was recorded, for example, by ! K. V. Bardin (1968). It is also possible that the observer some- how reorganizes his detection strategy when approaching the level of average intensity for the signal stream and this re- organization is objectively reflected by an increase in reaction Cime. In,.any case, the RT curves obtained are very similar to i the multilevel curves for adaptive reorganization in the sensory system (Krakov, 1946). ~ 3.2. The Effect of Signal Duration on Signal Detection Efficiency Indices In Section 2.1, we stated that the duration of an acoustic signal is one of the most important factors in discriminating iC. We were interested in the problem of within what limits can the duration of a complex acoustic signal ('cs) have an effect on the human capability to detect it within a random stream of different signals with a sufficiently large density for the stream and with noise. In the experiment described below, the subjects had to detect acous'?:ic signals with different durations (within 10 gradations in a stream with an average density of 30 signals/min. and an intensity of 60 db on a background of white Gaussian noise with a signal/noise ratio of 1:1. The intensity cf the signals subject to detection was selected to equal the average intensity of the stream (0 db). Minimal signal duration was 0.3 sec. and maximum signal duration was 3 sec. The results of the experiment are shown in Table 6 (see also Figure 8). . ~ ~ It is possible to approximate a curve similar to the normal psychometric curve with the data obtained. However, a further clarification of the type of relationship obtained is required. Our resulCs make it possible to draw a conclusion on the existence of the signal duration's definite effect on signal detection 172 FOR OFFICItiL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 FOR OFFICYAL USE ONLY TAble 6. Relationship BeCween Signal Detection Probabilitiy and Signal Duration. AnirronbnceTI, c~rciinnu n ycn, en. i L J 4 5 8 7 8 g i0 ptiaR. I O,i2I 0,18I 0,30I 0,43 I 0051 I 0,60 I 0,80 1 0,85 1 0.80 I 0,05 Key : 1. Signal duration in arbitrary unita. 2. DeCection ProbabiliCy (PD). prob ability. Under conditions similar to ours, the threshold signal duration (deCermined for a detection probability P- 0.5) equals 4.5 arbitrary units which is about 1.5 sec. on a real time scale. A correction to the result obtained in Section 2.1 for the maximum density of the stream of different signals which an observer can process immediately follows from this. Let's rewrite expression (2.1.4) and determine the value of the signal stream threshold density for our specific case using the parameters for this expression which were refined by our experiment. n,}-1 = 10 c` �10c:n~ Assuming that all the c4mponents of reaction time increase proportionally under the difficult condiCions of detecting signals in a signal stream with noise, let's calculate the refined value for T'm in the following manner: Tm = T. - , (3.2.1) .o where Tm is an imperical constant whose value was selected as 0.2 sec. when calculating (2.1.4);tot is the experimentally obtained average reaction time for detecting a signal with noise (a signal/noise ratio of 1:1); ta is the average reaction time for detecting a signal when there is no noise. Let's take the data on average reaction time from Table 3. Then : Tm = 4,2 � 1'02 = 0,35. It is clear that if we want to calculate the value of n directly fronl expression (2.1.4), then we will encounter certain difficul- ties. Since t., which is experimentally established, exceeds 1 sec., expression (2.1.4) loses its significance. Therefore, 173 FOR OFFICIti:. USE O(vLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 FOIt dFFICIAL USE ONLY for the convenience of our cnlculaCions, 1et's nor dntiermine , n--whinh is Uy definition the number of signals per second-- but the val.ue n'--the Average number of signals in 2 sec. : Then, the modified formula for calculating the threshol.d densiCy of the signal arream takee the following form: r'�, 2-l. (3.2,2) n'+ 4-ip" C, 1p;77 Using (3.2.2), we can calculate the value of the threshold ~ density o� the stream for the average observer working under conditions similar to ours. AfCer making T'm = 0.35; ; c= 0.5 and ~ 1.5 sec., we get: o,ti , n' -f-1 - 10-0.7. 10^ o or: W 1 ~ !p -0.' From the last expression it follows that n' - 1 or n= 30 ; signals/min. If our assumption about the proportional change for all com- ponents of reaction time during correct detection is incorrect, then T'm should not change significantly, i. e. , T~_-; T. . After making T'm = 0.2; c= 0.5; 's= 1.5 sec., expression (3.2.2) ~ will look like this: 0.5 (3) n' i ~ 10-0,e.10n1 .o,s or; ' i (4) n, + 1 _ 10 n. -o,+ After making the calculations, we will find that n' = 1.33; from this, it follows that n=,40 signals/min. The results obtained for n make it possible to conclude that - the threshold density of a signal stream for an average observer will be within 30-40 signals/min under conditions close to ours. The values of the Chreshold density for the signal stream which were calculated on the basis of the experi- mentally refined data are in good agreement with the results of the other experiment described in Section 2.1. This agreement between the calculated and experimental data confirras - the reliability of the formula for calculating the threshold density of a stream for an average observer with previously determined empirical constants, the�main one being i.� 3.3. The Effect of the Structural Similarity of Acoustic S'Lgnals on Signal Detection The previous experiments have shown that the effect of basic signal characteristics on detection efficiency indices nasicaily complies with the general principles established in the research 174 FOR OFFICIe,L USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY on eimple signal detecCion. The aignificance of signal similar- ities in the detection procesa became the next iasue for experi- mental study. We were intereaeed in the effect of aimilarit3es between signals on certain detection efficiency indices, epecifical- ly, the probability of correct detection and the probabilitiy of false alarms. The following group of experiments was undertaken to aCudy the special features of thia ef�ect. A atream of differenC s3gnals with an average density of 30 signals/min. and a 60 db average level of intenaity for the stream served as the material for the stimulus. The subjecta had to detecti the significant signals among the others in the stream on a background of white Gaussian noiae (a signal/noise ratio of 1:1) and without noiae. The significant ai gnals (syllables like ~ sgs) were aelecCed to form three groups of equal value according to their physical characteristics (number of signals, average signal intensity, duration, etc.). The basic difference between the groupe consisted of the degree of similarity in the phonetic structure of the signals within a group. The firat group was made up of signals wh3ch had the greatest phonetic similarity. The firsC phonemes for these signals actually matched ("r" and "ya"). The third group was made up of signals with the maximum possible difference in their phonetic strucCure. The second, intermediate group united signals which had a sufficiently notice- able similarity in structure: signals with the same first phoneme ("r") were collected here. It is clear that the intra- group similarity was less pronounced in the second group than in the first. The difference in detection efficiency indices for each group of signals was studied independently for the same group of trained subjects. The results of the experiment are presented in Table 7 and Figure 9. Table 7. Detection Efficiency Indices Related to the Degree of Structural Similarity for Signals. GTCneiIiI 2) I'aboTa 6ea tu~-ma Coomowenue curHaa;wyx 1:1 cXOACrea coreaaae I (rpynna) 3~ po6tt (!})Par (3~'o6rt 1(L}) i'Jir 1 1 O,WS 0,83 0,009 . ' II 0,13 0,01/i 0,76 0,020 11I 0,66 0,03+ 0,39 0,050 Key: 1. Degree of signal similarity (group). 2. Working without noise. 3. Detection probability (PD). 4. Probability of false alarms (PFA)' 5. 1:1 Signal/noise ratio. 175 FOR OFFICIlw USE ONLY K. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 FOlt OFFICIAL U5E ONLY 7 0,9 0,6 Q4 pnr (5) Figure 9. Receptor Operating Characteristics for Different Modes of Detection. Key: 1. When the signal/nofse ratio is changed. 2. For signals with different phonetic similarity without noise. ~ 3. For signals with different phonetic similarity and a 1:1 signal/noise ratio. 4. When the probability of the signal appearing is changed. � 5. Probability of false alarma. 6. Detection probability. . Since the isolated groups of signals do not have a clearly pronounced measure (estimate) of the degree of similarity, they are not depicted on a metric scale. The numbers correspond- ing to the groups only reflect the fact of their ordered nature according to the degree of intragroup similarity for signals. Thus, the difference between the groups is described by an ordinal scale and, therefore, iC does not make any sense to make irLdividual relationships between the detection efficiency indice and the value for phonetic similarity (or the number of the group): This can 5e explained in the following manner. It is normally accepted to estimate the characteristics of the observ- er's sensitivity according to a certain psychometric curve. The form and location of this curve makes it possible to find the basic indices of sensitivity--the threshold value and the standard deviation for correct detecCion responses. However, it is well known that an ordinal scale remains invariant for any uniform transformations. This means that, if we had attempted to,construct a psychometric curve based on data measured according to an ordinal scale, we would have obtained any uniformly increasing function 176 FOR 6FFICIti;. USE ONLY .a, I ; i i. ~ ~ i� i ~ I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 U (6) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 FOtt UFPICIAi. U3h: qNLY ns n regulC, for exnmpl@, S-ehnped, linear, logerirhmic, BCept ttCc. From our point of vieW+ ie regulte greater significance to depict th teceptor operating characterietics (ROC) eince the experimental date ncquire a certChp ~~aerimentnlrreeultgid~acribeddinh@y can be compared to P Qectton 2,3. > It followg from pigure 9 ChaC a gradual decline in the observets' ability to detecC gi.gnals ocauYe ne the de;;ree of phonetic similnriCy for the Eignale changee from the mgximum to theThimin- imum (during the Criinsition from gignal group I Co III). is manifested in n in the probability of correct detection nnd a eimtltnneous incYease in the probability o� fulse nlarms. Accoxding to Chenretical concepte, thie dynamic relationghip betwceti the probability of correcC deCection and the probnbility of fglee a].arms may be relaCad Co the decline in the observer's sensury capability ehift in the observer's criCerion along the decieion makin8 axie The ROC curvee in F:Lgure 9 have a curvatureawsiththoeut noise (curve 2) and with noiee (curve 3). degrec of similarity between Chese signalq which must be detecCed on the background of rather strong noise (curve 2), changes, the ROC curve is very reminiscent of the ROC cuYVe for the chAnge in eignal/noiae ratio as an overoll characteris- Cic of the signal stream (curve 1). Let's recall that curve 1 in Figure 9 illustrates the experimental results described in 5ection 2.3 (the curve is construcCed based on the data from Table 3); in this exi~rcgnnbe seencfromeFigurei9ethatthe basic operative factor. curve 1 also chAnges abruptly under the effect of noise. In considering these results, it can be assumed that the form of the ROC chunges in a certain manner under the effect of intensive, externul noise and this form describes a reduction in detecCion cApab:iliCy. In any case, the upward curvature of the ROC mogti explains this conclusi 9uires The following can be pointed out regarding the form of curve 3 in Figure 9. It is well known that almosC any signal, the totality of signals or a mixture of signal and noise can be geometrically represenCed as a certain point or as a lifi~~ed volume in the appropriate multidinensional space (see, example, J. Pierce, 1967). Moreover, it is natural to believe which that a group of si.gnalsion occupies of thesetvolumesa iThenBCa geometric is made up of the combinaC 17? FOR OFFICIi+L (TSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 FOtt nr'FiCtAL USF: ONLY inrerhretiation of the observer's rask in our cose consieeg of de�ining the borderg of this nrea and also ehe best merhod for defining the borders of rhe signals ag cerCnin volumes within Che signal area. WiCh additionnl inteYference, the tegks become extremely com- plicated--it is neceaggry to rhoroughly isolate the signal area from the nonsignal (interference) area and, only after Chie, is it poasible to begin estimating the bordere for the signal clnages. With noiee, all the enumerated borders nre , "washed out" and the oreag do not yield to an unambiguous ' (correct) division, eapecially when, based on its characterietics, the inCerference is close to the borders of the signal classes. The tgsk becomea even more complicated if the interrelationships between the signal classes within the signal area ere not clearly defined. For practical purposes, in our case, the observer's task is somewhaC simpler--it is enough to define the border or to separate the entire signal area from�ehe ; area of inCerference. Moreover, the eimpler and more c:ompact ; the signal area is, the easier it is to detiect signals. It cun be assumed that groups of more similar signuls are reflected in a more compact area or, in any case, in an area of smaller volume in the observer's subjective sensory space. Th:is area can be relatively easily isolated from the area of interference. G;�oups of signals which have sharp differencea in their pro- peLties may be reflected in areas which are pourly related to each oCher or they may even be reflected as isolated volumes. In the latter case, it is natural Chat the aearch for and deter,Cion of the torders of the areas or volumes may be extremely cumplicaCed and, consequently, the detection ; of Che signals themselves may decline. _ The discussion cited here is something of an attempt to explain these poorl.y gtudied phenomena. There is still not a lot of experimental data in this area and it is necessary to conduct a large number of experiments and accumulate factual data before proceeding to a Cheoretical syn*_hesis. However, it scems to us that the research method presenCed here, which Iinks the experimental results of signal detection for dif- ferent degrees of similarity with the construction and ana- lysis of the receptor operating characteristics, may signifi- cantly expand our concepts about the characteristics of the structure of subjective sensory space. The possibility of using more or less prec.ise methods in analyzing the detection situation fer nonmetric characteristics of input signals is very encouraging to us. 178 FOR OFFICI~tL USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y 3.4. Evaluating the Effeat of the Probgbili.ty nf the Signnl Appearing on the Probnbility of 51gnu1 UeGection Changing the probability of a eignificant signal's appearance to sCudy the special features for detecting thig signal has been employed for a rather long time. Therefore, tradition, we decided to verify whether the probability of the aignal's appearance has any effect on the probability of its detection when working with complex acoueCical signal streams. An experiment was conducted for this purpoae; it included aeveral series within which the probability of the signifiCant signal's appearance was changed in accordance with the following gradations: 0.01; 0.05; 0.10; 0.20. The average signal stream denaity was equal to 30/min. The btream intenaity was 60 db; the signal/nuise ration was 1:1. The regulCs of the experimenCa are presented in Table 8 and in Figures 9(curve 4) and 10. ( 1) oaeie Figure 10. Relationehip 1,0 Between the Probability ' of Correct Detection and the Che ProbabiliCy ofthe 0,6 Signal's Appearance ps(2) Key: 1. Detection Probability. 2. Probability of appearance. Table 8. Relationship Between Detection Efficiency Indices and Probability of Signal Appearance. 11~ P, 0,01 0,05 0,1 0,2 P068 I 0,49 I 0.64 0,75 I 0,83 ;2, (g) PaT I 0,017 I 0,015 ( 0,008 I 0,005 Key: 179 FOR OFFICIlJ. USE ONLY 1. Probability of appearance 2. Detection probability. 3. Probability of false alarms. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 FOtt OFFtCIAL U5E ONLY Tlie experimental deCu showQd thaC a nonlinear incrense in Che probability of correcti detection (P D) occurs ag the probability of the aignificant signal's appeargnce (pg) increaseg. Thn nature of the relntionghip noted between PD atd P. cnn indi- caee a ghift in the observer'e criterion toward n lower value for the Chreahold when the probability of the significant aignnl's appearance increases. However, thig sliift dnQg noe completely agree with the we11 known resulta obtained for simple aignnls (.i. Swete, V. Tanner, T. Birdgnll, 1964). Curve G in Figure 9 depicte the receptor opergting character- isCic far a change in Pg. This ROC hae an unugual appenrance. It is rather similar to thP ROC curve consCructed for the dara from the experimental sCudies deacribed in Sections 2.3 and 3.3. It could be thought that Che ROC curves obtained as a result of our experimenCs reflect some kind of spetial features for detecting complex signals. However, such a conclusion may be premature aince our ROC's were obtained for an extremely low probability of false alarms. The latter fact also makea it posaible to assume Chat such an unusual appearance for the opergting characteristics might be linked to an as yet unknown property of the observer's operations within a zone with a vcry low probability of errors like false alarms. A similar result could have been obtained for the ROC if the shifC in crirerion for a small number of false-alarm type errors had not been suf- ficienCly compensaCed for. 3.5 Probability Reinforcement Qf the Significant Signal and Its Effect on Detection Efficiency Indices As is well known, human sensory capabilities are limited. In experimental and applied psychology, it has become accepted to describe these limitations as different kinds of threshold or maximum crzsracteristics of human sensory and perceptual systems. Thus, it is accepted to talk about the maximum throughput capability, absoluCe sensitivity thresholds, detectiun, discrimination and identification thresholds,etc. These maximum characteristics are usually examined in relation to the physical characteristics of streams of actual signals; the following are the most important of these physical character- istics: the spatial-temporal characteristics of the stream and the signals making up the stream; the probability structure of the signal stream; the amount of information transmitted; the intensity characteristics of the stream and the signals making up the stream; the level and nature of interference. In the majority of studies, the maximum characteristics for sensory and perceptual systems are examined when signals directed at a single modality are being received. 180 FOR OFFICIA:. USE ONLY ~ ~ r APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Undar xenl conditiona, ehe individual is at the eame t3me perceiving e number of aimultaneouely operatiing e3gnals of different moda11t3ea. The practical tnsks of rpceiving and procegsing information present a number of probleme for peychologists and paychophyaiologiats, problems connectied with studying Che interaction among the anglyzer's differenti systiems. In connection witih this, the problem of Che specigl features of interaction gnd the mutual effect of the different systems of analyzers on each other (Krakov, 1948; Sokolov, 1958) and the special feaCures of humgn aensory and perceptual organitation (Anan'yev, 1970) iaemerging. The experimental work of paychophyaiologiats and psychologisCs, work which srudies the joint activity of differenC sensory and percepCual systems,,can be arbitrarily divided into several groups. Work strictly in the field of the psychophysiology of sensory systems can be placed in the first group. It the special operating features of each system and Che changes in its characteristics effected by signals arriving at the input of other analyzers. The mechanisms for simultan- eous functioning of different systems of analyzers a.::e atudied. Thus, it primarily studiea changea 3n the aensitivity for signals of different modalities when signals of other modalities are operative (Krakov, 1948; Danilova, 1960; Steklova, 1959, and others). It is assumed that interaction among the analyzers takes place within the overall system of the directional reflex caused by the effect of these signals (Sokolov, 1958; SCeklova, 1959). Moreover, it turns out that, under certain conditions, the functional characteristics of one of the analyzer systems can be increased by including other analyzera in the work. The next group of studies is linked to a study of the possibiliCy of concurrent human information reception when using signals of different modalities. This group of studies is linked Co evaluating the conditons which make it possible to increase human throughput capability by increasing the amount of informa- tion being simultaneously (and independently) processed (for example, the works of Webster, Hazlerood, 1967; Dem'yanenko, 1958 and others). It has been shown that the so-called "inte- grated effect" can appear as insignificant interference to the primary activity in certain cases. However, the possibility of concurrent human information processing is extremely limited: the introduction of an additonal task frequently reduces the level of quality in carrying out the primary task. The group of studies of greatest interest to us are linked to a study of the possibility of iticreasing human work efficiency when receiving information duplicaCed along several sensory channels. It has been proven, for example, that the reaction time for sionals simultaneously appearing along two and three modalities (auditory, visual, tactile analyzer) are shoriter 181 FOR OFFICIE,:. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 FOEt OFFICIAL USE ONLY ttan Che reaction time for the same signals individunlly (Shosholl', 1966; Bernstiein, 1971). In addition, it hus been shown thaC polymodnl informaCion duplicaeion caa signifi- cnntly increase the efficiency of aignal deCection and identifi- caCion. Signalg arriving nlong severul sensory channels can provide a more compleCe deacription of the atate of the object being controlled. Thus, in his research, Griahin (1968) studied tihe comparative efficiency (detection prec3sion) for receiving audio-viaual 3nformarion: monomodal (purely acousCic) and bimodgl (sound preaented simultaneously with a dynamic specCrogram of iC); the meehods of presenting acoustic information were compared. The results of this aCudy, which are presented in Table 9, make iC possible to conclude thar bimodal presentiation of information makes it possible to sharply increase the detecCion and identification efficiency. , Table 9. Signal DetecCion Characteristics for DifferenC Methods of Presenting Information (in percenCages). 'fpem+ponax� HerpeRup0- Cnoco6 npeA16Aeaa111H HcnwTyeMUe �cnierryetaae Baay Antn~~t 59 f 7 G2 ~ i3 Cnyxoao~C 3(~ts 22�12 Iioa~nnexcHWA ~ 6 97 �5 Key: 1. Method of presentatian 2. Visual 3. Auditory 4. Combined 5. Trained subjects 6. Untrained subjects Similar data were obtained by Pomiluyko and Tutushkina (1972); they studied the problem of the efficiency for deCecting new signals when visual information was presented by tachistoscope. Data from the study L~re partially preseni�ed in Table 10. In our terms, the first series is work without duplicating the visual information; the second series is speech dsplication before the visual information appears; the third series is speech duplication when the data card appears with new signs. The results of the study show that duplicating information 182 FOR OFFICIA;. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050055-5 FOIt OFFICIAL USE ONLY actiuully does not reduce the time in aearching for a first, new sign (Cl) buC iti gignificantly decreases the overall time in searching for new aigna (t2) and it reducea detection errore. Table 10. Effect o� Bimodal Information Presentation on Reaction Time-and Number and Quality of Errors. (1~ S~~ vpewa (ceKJ Oroubke,',6 J11 COpNN (1 I t~ 4/ lpl! 11CN S)T~BVOTi 3,31, 1),25 ' 43,2 16,0 11 3,16 7,70 6,8 8,8 lli 3,27 7,40 ' 0,2 9,4 Key : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Series number. Time (in seconds). Errors in percentagea Target misses. False alarms. At the same time, there are a number of works which cite data on the lack of any advantages for audio-visual information presentation over monomodal, specifically, in those cases where information is processed logically (see, for example, Devoe, 1966). In sunimarizing the results for polysensory information presenta- tion (polysensory information models), Filippov (1972) singles out different types of information models, specifically, those where the basic signal is duplicaCed by a signal of another modality. Moreover, the duplication can be continued either throughout the entire period for receiving and processing information or only during certain phases for receiving it. In our study, we propcsed to show how information duplication has an effect on tha efficiency indiGes for Qetecting and identifying complex acoustical signals. We examined two versions of information duplication; multiple repetitions of a message along the same sensory chaanel (monomodal duplication) and inform