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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE= 2007/02/09= CIA-R~P82-00850R0009 00050039-3 ~ ~ - i ur 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y JPRS L/8468 21 M~y ~.9 79 ~ ~ TRANSLATIONS ON SOUTH AND EAST ASIA CFOUO 3/79~ ~ U. S. JOINT PUBLICATIOPIS RESEARCH SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 NOT~ JPRS publicatione contain information priu~arily from forei~n newapapers~ periodicals and books, but also from news ggency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials foreign-language sources gr~ CranelgCed; Chose from Engliah-language sourcea are eranacribed or reprinCed, wiCh Che ortginal phrasing and other characteriseica retained. Headlineg, editori~l reports, and material ~ncloaed in bracketa are supplied by JPRS. Procesaing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the firsC line ~f each item, or followtng the last line of a bricf, indicate how the original information was procesaed. Where no proceseing indicator ia given, the infor- mation w~s summarized or exCracted. Unfamiliar namea rendered phoneCically or transliCerated are enclosed in Words or names preceded by a ques- _ tion mark and encloaed in parentheses were not clear in the original buC have been supplied as appropriate in contexC. - Other unatCributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items~.axe as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way repreaent rhe poli- cies, views or attiCudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOtiER~1ING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF TFIIS PUBLI~ATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICII#L USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 FUR OFt~'ICIAL tJSC ONLY ~t5 L/84F ~ a~. rRaY; ig79� TRANSLATIONS ON SOUTN AND EAST ASIA ~ ~ (~'AUO 3/79 ) . C9NTENTS. PAGE INTER-ASIAN AFF~IRS Brief e Pakistan Orders Japanese ~ulldozer 1 - . ~ INDONESIA Briefs ~ LNG Pro~ect 2 � Aluminum Plant 2 - KA1~UC~iEA . Norodom Sihanouk Intervieved in Peking (Laurence Masurel; PARIS MATCH, no dat~ given).......... ~ ~Iu Sen Ssys Pol Pot Forces Are Being 'Hunted Down' (Philippe Devillers; LE NOWEL OASERVATEUR, 23-29 Apz 79) 7 ' LAOS ` Information an Lao Milftary Units 9 ~ Information on Lao Military Unite 12 ' a - [III - ASIA - 10~ FOUO] , FOR OFFICTAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 ~ ~'OR ~FFICIAL USE ONLY ~ YNTER+~ASYAN AFFAIRS ~ BRIEFS PAKISTAId ORDEItS JAPANESE BULLDOZER Komatau, Ltd. announced l~nday that ik hae received an nrder from Pakiatan for 400 medium-aized bulldozere worth about 4 bil~.ion yen. The order vas awarded to Komatsu through Kanematsu Gosho, Ltd., a leading Japanese trading houae, following an international biddin.g. The payment for the largest export order so far received by ~Koma~su tnis year will be made in yen and in cash, the conpany eaid. [Tokyo MAINICHI bAILY NEWS in Englisr. 11 Apr 79 p 5 OW] CSO: 4420 - 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 , . + , ' FOR OPFICIAL USS O~ILY ~ INDONESIA w BRIEFS LNG PROJECT--The Indonesian Government has aeked Japan Co take part in a LNG (liquefied natural gas) development plan in Arun, Sumatra which Indoneeia ' had been desiring to promote with the cooperation of a U.S. firm. The Indonesian offer was diacloaed by the Minietry of International Trade and. Induatry [MITI] on 7 Apri1. The plan in queation is Indoneaia's largeet, envisaging an annual LNG output of 4.5 million tona. The MITI plans to seriously etudy the Indonesian offer with a view to reducing Japan's dependence on petroleum and diffusing sources of energy aupply. The Indonesian offer was made by the visiting.presidenC of the Indoneeian National PeCroleum Corporation (PerCaming), Harqono, to MITI Minister Esaki. Indoneaia reportedly made the offer because Indoneaian n~gotiations with a U.S. firm on the Arun LNG development plan fell Chxough after experiencing ro~sgh~�sailing. Preaident Suharto himaelf is said to have inetructed that the plan be changed into an Indonesia-Japan ~oint venture. [Excerpt~ [Tokyo NIHON KEiZAI SHINBUN in Japanese S Apr 79 Morning Edition p 1 OWj ALUMINUM PLANT--Sumitomo Chemicml Engineering Co on 6 April diacloaed that ' it had received an 18-billion-yen order for aluminum refinery equipment ~ including electrolqtic conductor and control syatems from Asahan Altmminum Corp of Indonesia. This equipment will be installed at an aluminum . refinery Co be built at Kualatan~ung, eoutheast af Medan. The Indonesian "Asahan Aluminum Pro~ect" calls for the building of hydro;+ower stations at . Siguragura and Tanga on the Asahan River, which will provina alectricity for the Kualatan~ung refinery to produce 225,000 tons of aluninum ground meCal annually. [Tokyo NIHON KEIZEI SHINBUN in Japanese 7 Apr 79 Morning Edition p 6.OW] CSO: 4105 ~ 2 FOR OFFICIAL DSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 FOR OF~ICIAL USE 01~Y KAPII~UCHEA ~ NORODOM SIHANO~JK INTERV]LEWED IN PEKIPiG Paris PARIS MATCti in Fr~:nch [no daCe givenJ pp 64, 67 [Report on interview wtth Prince Norodom Sihanouk~ former chief of etate ' of Cambodia, by Laurence Masurel, conducted in Peking; no date given] . [Text] Princ~e Norodom Sihanouk, former chief of atate of Cambodia, i _ now livea in exile in Peking. Following independence, he E. - was the " lit.tle prince" whom the socialis~ coun- tries protected. He was deposed in 1970 by the coup d'etat ~ that brought ~he L4n Nol government to gower in hie Gountry~ now a republic. The Khmers Rouges restored him to pot,Ter in 1975 and then arrested him. He lived in Phnom Penh under strict aurveillance before going into exile. Without formal- , ities, he received Laurence Maaurel and Jean-Claude Sauer. "Petits choux au foie gras de France, consomme royal de printempe, filets de sole a la meuniere et aux caprea de France, pommee noisettee, eacalope de porc a la creme et aux oranges de Chine, aiguillette de canard roti, legumea de Chin~ sautes au beurre, 3.les floCtantes aux cheveux d'ange, ' vin blanc doux de Fraace, vin rouge doux de Chine...." This gRStronomical menu was aot taken from the culinary archives of Louis XIV or from a book on the new French cuisine. It is the work of an expert cook named Prince Norodom Sihanouk. It was 11 March in Peking. That day, His Royal Highnesa in exile was giving a dinner in honor of Chinese Vice Premier Deng Xiaopir.g, Minister of Foreign Affa~~ra Huang Hua and their wivea. According to the Prince, I~eng Xiaoping enj~~yed a feae~, although in Szechwan, his native province, the food ia more highly apiced. For this fallen prince who ie scarcely re~o~?ering from 3 yeara of d~ten- tion in Fhnom Penh he has 3usC had a hospital checkup in Peking Che Chinese, his hosts, have not spared any expense. Tt~ey h,qve made available to him ~3 sumptuous palace built in the heart of Peking on the old site cf the F'rench legation. There are over 20 luxurious, ~comfortable bsdrooms, each with an ultra modern bath. The suite of sittin~~ rooma is spacious and furniahed with soft velvet divans. The pro~ection room 3 FOR OFFICIAI. USE OATLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 ~ ~ FOR OFFICIAL ~JSE O~TLY would be th~ envy of any profeeoional and thera i.e an indoor ewimming pool of nei~r Olympic eiae where Hie Royal Highnese swime laps every For tine seke of honor and security, two armed Chineee eoldiers etand guard ~day and night et the entryway to the Palace~ loeated a faw hundred meters fxom Wang Fu Ching. th~ bueiest commuercial etreet in Peking. That evening, in one of the spanking new roome of the Palace, we awai~ed � the Prince. A etring of white-~acketed Chineee servants brought us steam- ~ 3ng hot tea. tie suddenly entered by a narrow door, hie head completely shaven, unrecogniLable. Not being completely sure that iti wae truly he, we hesftaeed a few seconda before rising to greet him. He then moved ~oward us and apoke in French, with an inimitable etacatto accent: !'Welcome, my friende from the Frenah presa." Delightecl at our surprise, the Prince took pleasure in explaining the reason for his "bill~iard-ball" look. "For 2 weeka, I have been on a Buddhist retreat. In my room, I pray before statues from Angkor Chgt I was able to bring with me." His wife, Princess Monique, her face unlined, wearing a brighe blue dreas, underaCood our bewilderment: "You see, with His Royal Highnesa, one is never boredl He always has a surpriae in aCore for us!" Seated in an armchair, talking with his hands, rolling his eyeay he completely dominated the convereation: "Two of my sons and one of my nephews are with me in Peking. My eldest eon, who studied in Czechoslovakia,.is an artise. He is studying mueic in Peking. As for the other (scornful laugh), he studied in Moscow and if you can imagine, is a Fol Pot supporter! He is againet mel My nnphew is another Pol Pot follower. They ati11 defend the Cambod�ian regime even _ . though they were detained ~ust as I waA. They forget that they are princes and that.Pal Pot wanted their hidel" His voice grew softer: "BuL.. - my wife and I are facing~somerhing�worae. We have no newa from two of our daughters, two of our sons-in-law and ten nieces and nephews. When I ar- rived in Chir~a, I asked Vice Premier Deng Xisoping to try to find out what had happened to them. He told me that he would do everqthing necessary. Unfortunately, I am atill awaiting an answer." Princess Monique's eyes grow sad. While the prince continues to apeak, she tells me in a soft voice about their detenCion in Phnom Penh: "It was terrible. We were shut up in the Royal Palace and cut off from the world. We did not know what would happen to us, if ~fie would ever come aut alive. The most horrible thing for flis Royal Highness was knowing that the peo- ple were suffering terribly, that they were being persecuted and that there was nothing he could do about it. All day long, I tried to raise the morale of~my husband and my two aons. Everq morning at 7:U0, we would turn on our little Grundig transistor radio that was our only liak with - the outside world. Sometimes we could pick up Radio France or the BBC. I heard newsmen say, 'Sihanouk~is perhaps dead,' or 'Sihanouk ia reportedly very ill and is said to have become deaf.' Actually, he was quite well and I was the one with ear problems." She continued: "Three times a year, Kieu Sampan came to get us ~nd took us out in a~eep to put us on display in the rural areas. It was frightful 4 FOR OFFICIAI. USE Oh'LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 _ r FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ becauae our peaeante would run beh3nd the car, shouting worda of encourage- ment~or welcome and ~ve did not have ehe right to etop and te1~. them that wa were pri~onere~ that we were suffering too, th~t we were d~operate. Our suffering wae not phyei~al;'we had everything we ne~ded to eaC, soma- timea even imported food. Our euffering wae epiritual. We ware i~olnted, without news from our family, unable tio learn if we were going to die from one day to the next. Our only ent~rtainment was 1lstening to the tranaie- ~ tor radio and reading. Fortunately, my hueband's library was ir~tact. Lon No1 had not taken itl" Gripping the arma of his chair, Sihanouk auddenly launched into a violent ' tirade against Po1 Pot. He romred: "Pol Pot is a killer and the supporters of Pol Pot are like Hitler's SS1" He wenC on, sarcastically: "Deng Xiaaping told me that Pol Pot and Ieng Sary had promised him th~t they Wou1d treat the Cambodian people better if they managed to regain control over Cambodia from the VieCnamese, but (here he laughed sardonical�ly) I do not ege how a ~ ~ Ciger can turn into a puesycat!" He went over the lieC of hie enemies: ~ '"I deteat the Vietnameae, the Sovista also. As for Fidel C~+etro (who re- - cently insulted him), he hates me but I hate him aleo. He is a crook!" . Then he lieted his friends: "China ie my No l friend. Aia for France.... Ahl Francel I ~?anted to go there; I dreamed of it after pleadirig my country's cauae before the United Nationa in New York. But Deng X3aoping, = ~ahom I met there, convinced me to come here.~ I do not regret it. My C?~inese friende treat me well. They are supporting me completely. I do - n~~t have a cent. Sihanouk ia broke...." , We then went in to dinner. This time, the menu had been drawn up under his aupervision by hie Chine~e cook who is a deguty to the Aseembly from Shanghai and whom he ie teaching _ the secrets of French cooking. Sihanouk continued his monolog. Our dishes included which is unthink- able in Peking a conaomme roqal madrilene, vol-au-vent a la~financiere (acCually stuffed with meat and noodlea), a ateak Diane with Chineae leeks in a Mornay sauce, a scalloped dish and floating islands. We w~re meamer- ized by the Prince. Between swallows of Cabernet Sauvignon from Romania - and French champagne, a gifX from the ambasead~r of France to Peking, he axplained his dream: "I want to make Cambodia the SwitLerland of Asia. The Chineae attack on Vietnam wi11 not change the cards in Southeaet Asia. As long as the Chineae support Pol Pot and his guerrillas, nothing will change in Cambodia." Suddenly, he took a learned tone: "The solution - for bringing back peace is to call a Geneva conference as soon as posaible with the three great, the three countries of what was Indochina, Japan and five nations belonging to ASEAN [Association of Southeast Aaian Nations]." He then explained with a profusfon of details how these c,oun- tries could raise an armed force to liberate Cambodia from the Vietnameae - and the "Pol Pot SS" an~ how it could organlse free electioas. He went on: "Furthermore, Sihanouk would be a candidate if that came about. But we have not reached that pointl" And he got up from the table. 5 FOR OFFICI~?L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE O1~YLY ~ In h3s office being aet up on the fireC flaor, he showed us, while sea~ed at his,desk, the manuscripC o� hie memoires which he is writing, im�French and in hia even, fine ecr~pt. "I have ~lready eenC ~he o� the first volume to France;~it ehou~.d eoon be publiehed in Parie. It tracee _ - relations between Cambodia and Vietnam. The aecond volume will deal with , a hiatorical evente such as the fall of Sihanouk and he laughs the government takeovar by Lon No].." . He then aita doWn at the pinao. It is a Chinese-made Hsing Hai inetrument. "I am beginning again to compoae songs ae I once did in Phnom Penh. I would like to atart an orchestra in Peking. It could play modern mueic . at dances in Peking, at Che Palace of Nationalities and the International C1ub." ' In the next r~om, ha opened a wardrobe. We were flabbergasted. Bottles of wine lined two ahelves. "This is my wine cellar. Here you have wine from Aleace and German wine." He �lovingly showed us the bottles he was abla to recover from hia �irst period of exile ir.~ Peking. "They are precioue here," he said, "but you know, you can now get~3cotch at the Peking Hotel." We then found ourselvea~in the projection room, which has a giant screen. "You are going to aee a film made in Cambodia in 1965. I compoand the muaic myself. You wi11 eee the real Cambodia, Sihanouk's Cambodia." Seated in t~e second row, the Prince could not help making com~ents, even in Che ~ dark: "This film has become useful. Why? Because it is historical. _ The Khmere Rougea did away with a civilization. It has therefore become a working tool for hiatorians and sociolog~sts." Before our eyes pasead ~ images of the light-hearted Cambodia of around 1965. Sihanouk Katched them, hia eyea shinitig. Was he holdin~ back tears? "There is ~hnom Penh." Sihanouk aighed. The rice paddiea, the rice gathering, the factories at work. "They arE now deserted." Then we saw the Cambodian dancera with their long fingernails, wearing costumes embroidered with p'recious stones. "If they are not dead, they are now working in the,fields." We eaw the - countryside, the Elephant Mountains, the Cardamones Range: "That ia where Pol Pot's guerrillas fled." For 2 hours, we watched the strange and moving picture of the fallen Prince seeing the images from his past. The crowd preased around him, ahouted with joy. Peasants~kissed his hands. The lights came on. Sihanouk said in a strained voice, "It is late. You . must leave." One last queation: "Will you eveY return to your country?" He replied seriously, "I am retired.~ I do not wish to be in politica any longer. That no longer c~epends on me." The Prince knows very well that his future no longer depends on himself but on the Chineae. They have him and are playing two cards:. Pol Pot, whem they are continuing to sL~pport for the time being, and Sihanouk, whom they are keeping "in reaerve" in his "gild'ed" exile, like a pawn that cauld be used in future negotiationa with the Vietnamese. Sihanouk, who is no longer master of his fate, is therefore making no plans, except for one that is dear to him: to go to _ France for Christmas. COPYRIGHT: COGEDIPRESSE S. A., 1979 6 11,464. GSO: 4200 FOR OFFICIaI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 . . FOR OFFICIAL~USE ONLY KAMPUCHEA HU SEN SAYS POL POT FORCES ARE BEING 'HUNTED DOWN' ` Paris LE NbWEL OBSERVATEUR in French 23-29 Apr 79 pp 60-61LD [Report by Ph3lipp~e Devillera: "IQimers Return 'Home"'] [Excerpt] On the evening of 3 April I had a,meeCing witr. People!s Republic of Canibodia Foreign Minieter Hu aen. He is 28 yeare old. He originatee , from Kompong Cham, was forr~.erly a student and then a Khmer Rouge militiary officer throughout the pertod 1970-77 in the eastern region, and at the Kampuchean National United Front for National 5alvation Congress laet Novem- ber he was elected youth leader before being entruated wiCh foreign affaire in January 1979. According to him, 90 percent of population have now re- turned to their native villages, but the migration continues by all avail- able means--car, bicycle, cart, boat. Since all pexsonal effecta were con- fiscated by Pol Pot, each family has taken wha~ it needs from the cooperative to which it belonged. This general migration is certainly having a big effect on agricultural work and will certainly have conaequences for pro- duction but, Mr Hun Sen said, it was imposeible ;o go against the ardent wiah of the whole people: to~go home.... - To mark the I~mer New Fear (13 April), the government has launched an appeal. It is also the day of the first furrow, and throughout the country it eeea the start of the main farming taska. "There is acarcely anything more Pol Pot can do. He has forced many peas- ants to follow him into the forest. He has even had many people's tendons prevent them from fleeing, but every daq we free more groupe. Pol Pot has only light weapons left. All his army's heavy arma have been re- covered. Admittedly China recently sent arms to him thraugh 7'hailand, but that will not alter the reault. Pol Pot's forces are now being hunted down. They are forced to move around constantly and cannot set up any firm and lasting bases. Moreover Che aituation is returning to normal. When the population are back in their famiiiar environment they will set about pro- duction again." 7 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 ! ~1 'A FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ "Bei~ing's Tool" The ministier did not hide Che fact that, owing to Che maesacre o~ educated people by l~ol Po~, the regime ie ~aced with a tiragic ehortage of cadre~. In order to b~ able to set~up the new adminietration it hae embarked on an accelerated training pzogram. It'~h'ae also ieeued appeals ~o a11 Khmere, particularly those abroad, to come and help rebuild tihe country. "We re- ~ect no one. All who agree to work with us on the basie of the FronC's 8-point program are welcome, including thoae Khmers who, becauee of tihe ~ two previoua regimes, felt obliged to ~ake rsfuge abroad." ' And what about Sik~anouk? The minister did not heeitatie. "Sihanouk has recentily caused us a lot of trouble, and if he atays on in Beijing he will no longer be able to claim the righe to have a say. He is beaoming Bei~ing's tool and our enemy. Sihanouk can come back if he repents, but he muet re- pent soon." . What about the Vietnamese preaence? "Foreigners believe that we are under a Vietnamese protectorate. Vietnam helped us to free ourselvee �rom Bei~ing's lackeye and the Pot Pot-Ieng Sary clique. It still provides us with con- siderable aid, but we follow our own line and we have a policy of our own. This ia what the world muet know and understand. We are determined to play ~ our role in Southeast Asia and to take our place in the nonalined movement in order to rebu~.].d our country as~d conaolidate ita independence in solidar- ity with the other Indochineae peoples. We would like as soon ae poseible to resume relationa with the French people, who have always been our frienda and whom we hope will continue to aupport us." People in Hanoi were ev~a~ive about the future ef the Vietna;nese military prasence in Cambodia, bur Premier Pham Van Dong told me (on 10 April): "The WesC must realize that the poliCical eituation in Cambodia is irrever- sible." COPYRI~ST: 1979 "le Nouvel Observateur" CSO: 4200 . . , 8 FOR OFFICItiI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 _ , 'd FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , . LAOS. INFORMATTON ON LAO MILITARY UNTT5 jlhe lEollowing 3nformation on Lao military unita was extracted from Vientiane . Domeatiic Service br~adcasts in Lao at 0400 GMT unlesa otharwise noted on the dates indicated, or �rom Lao press material as indicated. Unit designators and locations are as given. The remarka include a br~.Qf summ~ry of the information available in the eource.] UNIT REMARKS 2d Consr,ruction Bn under Cleared land for cultivation in 1sC Route 9'Conetruction Corps 3 months of year. (4 Apr 79) � ' 3d Army Br3cige Construction Bn Built 16 bridges, atCended two . political courses in 1978. (4 Apr 79) Bn "J" under Stud3ed SCh Plenum of Central ~Route 9 Construction Corps Committee. (3 Apr 79) ~ Bn "C" Attended military training couraes in Central Region In�antry Corps early March. (3 Apr 79) First Construction Section Built houses in first 3 months of 1979. under Route 9 Construction Corps (3 Apr 79) . Fifth Productton Unit D:.g irrigational canal, built barracks Central Region and planted rice fn f~~rst 3 monChs of year. (5 Apr %9) - Army General StaPf Department Reviewed achievements of grimary Training Off3ce, Vfentiane military teacher's traineea on ~ . 3 April. (7 Apr 79) Local guerrillas, Tasseng Sekong Opened training on strategy and _ Samakkhisai DistricC, Attopeu tactics. (7 Apr 79) Province Youth Office, Army Polittcal Accepted additional Youth Union Department, Vtentiane membera G April. (7 Apr 79) ~ 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ5Q039-3 FOR OFAICIAL USE ONLY ~ naeic ~Konnaadam 5chool Marked cioring of courae on Southern Reg ion 30 Marah. ~A Apr 79) ~ducati.oaai and Culture]. Branch He1d suppiementary educa~i.on and 5outher~: Region Aviation Corps cultural cle~eee. (9 Apr 79) Pub11c Security Force Attended clase~s tio etudy 6th reeolu- - Muaieg SikhoCtaboug~ V~entiane tion of Central Con~mittee in firet ~ Province 3 monChe of 19'1~9. (9 Apr 79) Army Fieh Sa~ice Fectory ~n Cleared virgin land January ~to late Vientinne March. (9 Mar 79) Army Polieical Schoal Scored achievements in foAd production, 'Vientiane epeciali~ed saork January-Zate March. (11 Apr 79) Bn "A," "B," three oftices AtCended poliCical atudy seoeions ' attached to Scuthern LPLA Commaud in late March. ~11 Apr 79~ Southern Regional Medical Section Revieved use of traditional medicines. (12 Apr 79) Army Diseaee~preveation Inetitute ~ield training course for second group ~ of studente on y April. (12 Apr 79) Bn "J" Bui1t 27 barracka, cleared.laad in Vientiane first 3 months of.1979. (12 Apr 79) Bns "Y" and "S" Attended political claeses in Jaauary. Sayaboury Province (12 Apr 7~) Anti-aircraft Bn lOt Attended National Coagreea iu Vieatiane. (1100 CMT 13 Apr 79) LPLA Political Department Gave instructions oa New Year celebra- tioae. (13 Apr 79) ~ Military Training School, Cleared foreste on S00 he~ctares at Vientiane Nam Souang Dam aite. ~13 Apr 79) Local military commauds, administra- Conducted training courses for local tion, Meuang Siang, Ngeun, Luang guerrillas. (25 Apr 79) Prabang; Oudomsai District~ Luang Prabang Women'e Associations, under A~imi+tted neW members in mid April. Attopeu Provincial Military Conmmand (25 Apr 79) _ 10 FOR OFFICIAL tJSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 , , . , - � ~ ~ F0~ OFFICLIL U88 ONLY ~ LPLA Aviation Cor~s Tr~tn~port~d aupplies~ rapaixed yehici~e~ Xi~g Khouiu?g ProvinCe producad ganq~ats in pert 3 montha. ~ ' (25 Apr 799 , infantiry 8a~ Viantiaa4 Hailad succers o~ recaat NatLonai Iafaatry Ba "A," ~orthern Region Congresa of Naroes and Emulation Combatants. (26 Apr 79) ~ Hosp~tai undar 8atitiefrone lA. Heid meetiing on 22 Aptiil to review pub- ' Command in Saisanaeomb~un lic heaith achievementie. (26 Apr 79) . Artillery Bn "N" Hailed succees of Natioaal t:ongrese of Vientiane Heroes and Emulation Combatante. C24 Apr 7~) Southern Ragion Logisti.ce Office Held ceremony on 18 April to reviea ' achievemante in paat year. (24 Apr 79) ' Thr~e of.fices under Cleared virgin land iu April. AC~opeu Provincial Milit~ary C~mmaad (25 Apr 79) ~ Western P'rontter Defenae UntC Condscted patrolg, planCed rice, raieed Champaseak Province animals in first 3 months of 1979. ~ (25 Apr 79) Vientiane S~gnal Corpe Studied party resolutions 16 April. - (19 Apr 79) Air Forc~ Command~ Vient~ane Praised heroee~ emulaCion cambaCante. ~ Intierinediate Kc>mrsadam Scf?ool ~ (18 Apr ~g) Yientiene ~ Houa Phan Provincial Mtlitary Studied party reBOlution. (18 Apr 79) Co~aand ConeCruction Corps under Houa Repaired buildings, produced food Phan Pzovincial I~iilitary Comaoand suppltes. (~8 Apr 79) Vientiaae Defenge Bn "S" ~iailed success of National Congress of ~ieroes and F~ulation Combata~nts. ~ (28 Apr 79) Army Political Office Studied politics~ ehowed filma, repair- Champassak Proviuce ed engines, plaated crops in first 3 months of 1979. C28 Apr 79) Vientiaae A~y Kusic Band Studied party resolution. ~30 Apr 79) Basic Medical ZYainiag School Completed military training. (30 Apr 79) under Logistics Depart~at 11 CSO: 4206 FOB OFFICIAL OSE O~I.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ5Q039-3 FOfl OFFYCIAL US8 ONLY ~ LA05 . r INPO~l~ATION Op ~A+O ~LILITAUY t1NI'r8 , [9he folloving in~or~atiiron on miliCar~? units vas e~cCracted from Vientiane Do~eetic 5ervice broadcaete in Lao~et 0400 GHT unleas othesti?ise noted on ehe dates in~dicatad~ or fro~ Lao press ~terial. as indicated. Unit dasigaatore and locatiions are ae givm. Tba remaYks iaclude a brief surary of the in- for~at~on e~vai].abla ia tha source] UNIT ~ � Local Public gecwcit~ l?orce BtaYChy crops lteuaag Siang Ngaun~ LuaaB praban8 ~1 liay 79) . _ Province ~ Army Logistica Departsmt Bailed euccexs of Natiana~ Congreas of Vi~ntiane Eexoea aad ~ulatLon Co~bataats on 1 May (2 May 79) ~ gQ ~~E~~ Attended political aad oilitary tiraining ~ Vientiane �eeston 28 Apr ~2 t~lsy 79) First Group of LPLA ~laval Unit Studied 6tb :;~rty Pim~'s reeolution ~lir.utiaae (2 May 79) _ public Security Maintenaace ~Tnit Carrie~ out patrols, seat aad racaived ~ Luang Prabang ~ doc~ents. troated sick peopie. planted ctops duriag psst 3~onths (14 Apr 79) gospital ot t~ilitary Trainia8 Treated patients in paet 2 oanths . Scbooi (15 Apr 79) Vi~aattane Ki3itary Sector Corand Ar~y Gasoeat Futory Produced 20,000 pfec~a of clothin8i Yieatiaae opeaed new laada (15 APr 79) Security Uait Carried out duties ia first 3~onths of Luaag Prsbang thia ytar (15 Apr 79) r 12 FOB OFFICIAL IISB O~tLY . � APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ5Q039-3 ~ FOR OFFY~CIAL USB O11LY Regionai and Cuarrilla I?orcee Atti~nded politiical. silitiary cou~aa~ in Muaag Ngoi~ Luang Pr,~bang Provit~c~ b~gianiag of ye~r (16 Apr 79) ~ iiospital a~tachad to Routa 9 Can- Produced tradit3Ana1 ~ad9~eins~ cured ~ structi~on Vnit ~ peopra in'fi~ot 3 sonCtu of ~979 Ceatrsl 8agion ~ (16 Apr 79) ~ Kindergartea Schoai Studied~reaolutiron of 6th Pl.nnm incroaeed Vieatiane Public Securitq Forcea production iu fiset 3 montihe of 1979 ~(16 Apr 79) ' ~ Battiafront IA.Codsond Started digging itirigaei,on canal 6 Apr ~ Muang Saisanaromboun (17 Apr 79) . ~ Regional. 3oldiers Cured patients~ tranaported goode eagaged Oudomeai Province in prnductiou in first 3 mont'6B of year (17 Apr 79) ~ Public 5ecuritq ~chool Atter~ded training coursea, cured patients, Vieatiane repaired housee in first 3~onths of 1979 (17 Apr 79) Military Trainiag School Conveaad ba8ic ailitary and political viantiane training course 17 Apr (20 Apr 79) Local Public Security Forcea Atteaded claaean on apecialised sub~ecta Luang Prabang, Louang Nam Tha (20 Apr 79) . Ptovincee Logistics Office uader floua Phaa 8eid cultural esaainatZons in earlq Apr Provincial Military Cos~nd (20 Apr 79) Army Political Department fleld meeting 16-19 Apr to raviet~? 1978 Vieatiaae achievemente. Representativa of politi- cai Dept, Osakan, spoke at ciosing cere- mony (21 Apr 79) Second settleeieaC attached to Held cereaony 19 Apr to raviev first Army Logiatics Department, quarter achieve~eata (21 Apr 79) Vientiane Infantry Bn "S" EspreBSed deterat:ution to fulfill taslcs Vieat3sae ia 1979 (21 Apr�79) Arnry Basic Auto Bepair Traiaing Opened training course 20 Apr School (22 Apr 79) Vieat3,aae Air Force Co~ancY Held May Day 'eeting (3 May 79) Vieatieae 13 ~ OFFICIAL U8B OHLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ5Q039-3 _ _ . . ~ FOA OFPICYAL U8~ 0lfLY ' . ` ThYS~ Officea of ~oua P'1~?~ 8opairsd rraralwurae fsom 22-30 Apr . Provincial Nilitiary Cot~twd (3 May 79) , Northarn ~egLon 1Go~msda~ Open~d training 28 Apr for ~ifth group : School ~ oi cadrae ~3 Ke?y 79) ~ indapendanti Unit . Attaaded 1~l.].itary Training Course ~ous Phsn Provincial Military ~7 Apr (3 t~tny.79) Co~snd . . . , Cospsny "CH" artachad to Grotmd~ ~B~cprQSSed dat4rminatiion to build atrang - Artiilery ~ co~pany and trsin (4 Msy ~'9) . ~ Bn ~~Su~ Vi.antiana ~ ~ , � ~ ~ . . CSO: 4206 . , . , ~ 14 , ~OR OFFICLIL QSB 0lQ.Y . . . . . . . j . . . . ' . ` , " ` . ~ . . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050039-3