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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-R~P82-00850R000'100050038-4 ~ ~ i8 MAY i979 CFOUO 29l79~ i OF i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/8467 18 May ].9 79 _ r TRANSLATIONS ON USSR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ~ PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY (FOUO 29/79) U. S. JOINT PUBLICATiONS RESEARtI~ SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 NOT~ Jp~;S publicatiions contatn inforroation primarily from fnretgn nea?spapers, periodicals and booka, but also from newa agency traansmisaiona and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sot~rcea are tranalared; Chose from English-language sources arE~: transcribed or reprtnted, with the original phrasing and ` ottrer characteriseics retained. Hea;dlinea, editorial reporCs, and material encloaed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indiGators such as [Text) or [Excerpt~ in the first line of each iCem, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was - pracesaed. Where no processing indicator ia given, Che infor- maCion was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are , enclosed in parentheaes. Words or names preceded by a ques- . tioa~ mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in th~ original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unaCtribuCed parenthetical noCes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within iCems~e as � given by source. , The conCents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . - JPRS L/8461 L $ May 19 79 1'RANSLATIONS ON USSR SCIENCE AI~D TECHNOLOGY ~ PNYSICAL~SCIENCES AND TECWNOLOGY (F'OUa 29/79) ' CONTENIS PAGE GEOPHYSICS, ASTRONOMY AND SPACE New Ruesiact Space Venture Reported . (Pierre Langer~ux; AIR &'COSMOS, 3 Mar 79) 1 Salyut 6 and the Soviet Space Program (Albert ~Ducrocq; AIR & COSMOS, 17 Mar 79) 3 PUBLICATIONS - ' Design of Control Mechanisms for Nuclear Reactors ~ (Y. Ya. Yemel'yanov, et a1.; OSNOVY PROYEKTIROVANIYA ~ MEI~ANIZMOV UPRAVI.EIJIYA YADERNYKH REAICtOROV, 1978) 9 Nuclear Cascade Process ~n Dense Matter ~ (A.I. Dem'yanov, et al.~; %ADERNO-KASRADNYY PROTSFSS V PLOT~iOM VESHCHESI'VE, 1917) 15 ' Radiation Effect on Nuclear Rea~tor Graphite (V.V. Goncharov, et al.; DEYSTVIYA OBLUCHENIYA NA GRAFIT.YADERNYIQi REAKTOROV, 1978) 21 Electro- and Magnetooptics of.lLiquid Crystals ' (L.M. Blinov; ELEKTRO- I MA6KITOOPTIKA ZHIDKIKH KRISTALLOV, 1978) 28 Electronic Microwave arid Quaatum Instruments (N.D. Fedorov; ELEKTRONNYYE PRIBORY SVCH I RVANTOVYYE PRIBORY, 1979) 34 ~ Photoresistors and Their Application (E.O. Bogdanov; FOTORE~IST~RY I IKEi PRIMENENIYE, 1978).. 38 , -a- [III-USSR-23S i~T FOUOj FOR OFFICIAL USE O~iLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 : , _ , - FOR O1tFICIAI. USE ONLY ' ~ CONTENTS (Continued) ~ , pege ; ~ Microel8ctironice: Design, Tqpee o� MicrocircuiCs, Ne~r , ' ~ Directione (I.Ye. Yefimov; MIKRO~I,SKTRONXKA. PROYEtCTIROVANIYE~ , ' ~ VIDY MIKROSI(tiFl~i, `NOVYYE NAPRAVL~NIYA, 1978) 40 ~ Methods of PartiCioning Radioelectronic Equipment Circuits Into Structu~ally Complete Sections (K.K. Morozov; 1KETOD4f RAZBIYLrNIYA SKHEM REA NA ; IGON5TRUKTIVNO ZAICONCHENNYYE CHA3TI, 1978) 43 's Liet of Soviet Articles Dealing With Comgoeite Materials No 1, ~ 1979 . (GOSUDARSTVENNYY KOMYTET SOVL+'PA MIr1ISTROV SSSR PO NAZIKE I TEICBNIKE. AKADFl~iIYA .NAUK SSSR. SIGNAL'NAY~1 INFORMATS~tA. KAI~OZITSIbNNYYE MATERLU.Y, No 1, 1979) . 45 : , LisC of Soviet ArCicles Dealing With Composite Materials No~.~2, ' . f . 1979 , (GpgZ1DARST'VENNYY KOMITET SOVETA MINISTROV SSSR P0 ~ NAUICE I TEI~NIKE. AKADEMZYA NAU1C SSSR. SI6NAL'NAYA ~ INFORMATSIYA. KOMPOZZTSIONNYYE MA'PURIALY, No 2, 1979). 47 List of Soviet Articles Dealing With Composite MaCerials No 3, 1979 ~ ' (G,pgUDARSTVENNYY KOMITET SOVETA MINYSTROV SSSR PO ~ NAUlCg I TEI~iNIRE. AKADg1'iIYA NAUIC SSSR. SIGNAL' NAYA ; INFORMATSIYA. ItQI~OZITSIONNYYE MATERIAI.Y, No 3, 1979). 51 ~ Titles of Articles on Materials Sciences No 4, 1979 ~ (SIGNAL'NAYA INFORMATSIYA. KOI~OZITSIONNYYE 1~iATERIAI.X, No.4, 1S79) 53, Table of Contents Frcm the Journal 'GEOPflYSICAL EQUIPI~NT' : (GEOFIZICHESKAYA APPARATURA, No 66, 1978) 55 Table of Conteate Fro~m the Journgl 'EXPLORATOxY GEOPHYSICS' � (RAZVEDOCflNAYA GEOFIZIRA, No 83, 1978) 59 i' ~ Table of Contents From the Journal 'GEOPflYSICAL EQUIPI~NT' ' i (GEOFIZICHESIWYA APPARATURA, No 65, 1978) 62 - b - - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 _ , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ _ GEOPHYSICS, ASTRONOMY AND SPACE ' L NEW RUSSIAN SPACE VENTURE REPORTED Paris AIR & C03MOS in French 3~ 79 p~ [Article by Fierre I,angereux: "Soyuz 32 Has Joined Up wlth Sal.yut 6"] [Text] On z5 Fet~uary i979~ at 12:,54 pm (Paris time)~ the Soviet Union launched a nex manned space ship, "Soyuz 32~" xith txo 3oviet cosmonauts on boardx the shi.p's commander xas I,ieutenant Colonel Yladimir A. Lyak.hov (J7 yeass old); a cosmonaut aince i967, and the ehip's engineer xas Vt~ery V. Ryumi.n (39 years old)~ a cosmonaut since 1973~ Valery Ryumin xas a member of the first crex xhich i+as launched toxard ~~Salyut 6,~~ on 19 October 1977, aboard the "Soyu~ 25" xhich did not succa~d its rendezvous operation with the orbiting Soviet apace station because of a failure in the guidance syst,em. ~The other member of tha~t unlucky crex Has Vladimir IGovalyonok who l~nl~ year~ on board the "Salyut 6" and together xith Alexander Tvanchenkay, b~oke~the xorld record for spa.ce flight xith 140 days. The orbiting station has been unmanned since that crex returned to earth on 2 November 19'j8. The crex of "Soyuz 32" ~oined up xith the "Salyut 6" station on 26 Feb~uary~ at 2s30 pm (Paris time), irhen it xas gravitating on a 98 minute lox orbit of ?11~~-283 kilometers~ xith an inc3lnation of 56 degrees. Zhe ata,tion (xhich xas launched on 29 september ly?7) xas rea.ctivated and is functioning nor- mally. Upon their arrival, the txo Soviet coamonauts found a message from their pred~cessors them some advice: "Comra,des, xe congr3tulate you on your arrival... Do not become irritahle and be considorate of one another... You have a difficu].t road ahead of you, but take it irith confidence and serenity. I~ is now expected that a new "Soyuz" xill be launched xith a Bu].garian or a Mongolian, accompanied by a Theae 3oint flights of the Inter- cosmos program have already made it possihle successively for a Czech (Yladimir Remek~, a Pble (1Kiroslav Hermaszexski) and an East German (Sigmund Jaehn) to be sent into space. 1 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 ' FOR OI~'ICYAL USE ONLY A French expe~.ment ~he development of alloys and aryat,al.s o~ mRgr?etic materiels under zero gravi~y conditions is to be cerr3.ed out in th~ near future in a~urnace on "3alyut 6." . . -..g . . .F ~ . . . . . .t m ~ . , ~ - . . ,f, ~r~~~~~ . . ~ . 1 ~ . , l~i .';i . . i;. . C' ~ ~ ~ i~ a. ;~m . ~ ~ : . :;Ec'. y', ~ ~ . . ~ . . ,'~t., ~s,~ ~ ~ � r"f . ~ . ~ .J- r.n ~ . ~ � F ~ct t . . . . . ' . . . . . . ,S. . . i. ' Y.V. l~yumin (on the left) and Y.A. Lyakhov ,(on the . right): in t,raining at the Cit;,of the Stars~ near . Moacnx. TASS photo. ~ _ co~i~xT: Paris, nut ~ cosMOS~ i979 ~ 8463 . . CSOs 3100 ' . . 2 . : FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLX ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 ~ FOR Ol~'ICYAL USE ONLY GEO~HYSYCS, A$TRONOMY AND SPACE SALYUT 6 AND TI~ SOVIET 3PACE PROGRAM Paris AIR & CoSM08 i.n French 17 1'~ 79 Pp ~-~7 [Article by Albert Ducrocqs "With Lyakhov-$yumin"] [Text] When Vladimir Lyakhov and Valery Rywnin entered 3al,yut 6 at 1i30 pm~ an 26 Feb~ruar,r~ the Soviet orbital statian had alreac'~y been in apaoe for 515 aays.., ~ Such a length of time seeme~l impressives a~ a matter of fact~ the time xae not so distant when the equipment of a Soviet spa.ce station xag considered "guaranteed" only for a period of 6 months~ Khile ~n i9?3 the Americans themselves eatimated tha,t occupancy of the 3iqrlab xould become ha$ardous ~ af 9 months in spac,e . ; 'jbu undoubtedly knox the story of Johnny's knife of xhich first the handle and then the tilade xere replaced: thus it aax$ys remained nex. Similarly, on board a 3alyut it xould be sufficient t,o replace everything that gets used up or xorn out~ eveiything tha,t ages in a apace atmosphere~ and it ~ xould be possible to dispose of a station xhich is perm~a,nently kept nex. This~ in some Kays, xi1.l be the formula for an orbital atation when a ays- tematically modular construction has been adopted~ xhich xill make it possible to replace at~y piece, any equipment, on demand by them to be b~ought from earth via a Progress. ~ We are not there yet. we know that the 3alyut 6 atation, xhich is xell known because of a11 the studies xhich the Soviets have puhlished, is not of a specifically modular kind, because originally it xas meant~to test the Progress vehicle. Only some elements can be replaced. ~ And in any case, there could be no question of renexing everything on bcard of a space sta,tion. As a matter of fact, one of the ob3ectives of the Soviets is to set up a gradation by distinguiahing betxeen those components which could be considered "permaaent" in terms of the time span during which the station is to be used~ those Khich xill. need to be diam~a~ntled periodically, and those xhich are expected to have to be replaced f~equently. 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 , ~ FOR OPFICIAL U5E ONLY p~ a m~~ter of faot~ the opportunity to ~~uc~y the behavior o� ~hAee eyeteme wag nne of the ma.~or reasons whiah led the 9oviete to reuse the Salyut 6 st,a,tion~ even though they oould very Kell have ueed anot?he~ ~tation numerous observers had announced the immi.nent launahing of Selyut 7� Apparent].y~ thi.a decigion rrae made a~ter nwnerous hesita~ions~ under the emblem of a mission which more than ever ha~d to be considered open. Eva~.uation of the Dquipment Thus, the 8oviete sent a thixd maintenance crew on board 8al.yut 6. Eve~y- ' ~thing was handled like a retake of the i9?8 ecenari.o... Wa recently noted that the Russiana will have to achl.eve manyr new thinga in order to 'be a~7.e to create the ~echnologies which the manufactur9,ng during the next decade of a modular station~ asaemt~7.ed aection by aection~ ttil.l require. It is still not~certain today whether the Soviets ~.zi~end to test these technologiea in the near future: they have obviously given priority, for reasons of the evaluation of the equipment~ to a continued expl.oitation of the Salyut 6 for a period of time~ the length of xhich cannot be eatimated by anyone. ' If the use of Salyut 6 can be continued for a long time, this xould obviously result in the delay of the later operations although there 1s nothing to . prevent txo stations from being occupied simultax?eously by crexs= there is nothing a8ainst it and xe have stresaed the possitil.e interest of euch a formula but, on the other hand~ an extension of the missiona irith Salyut 6 will be evidence of the quality of the equipment~ and this could only cauae the managers of the Soviet apace program to congratulate themse~vee xith regard to the future of their program. Of course~ Soyuz 32 was coupled with the forwasd docking section of Salyut 6. Tt ahould be noted in passing that it was the ~12th time~ (~rinted in bold- face~ that a ahi.p docked with the station. And this single perfoimar?ce demonstrates the imperviousness of the docking sections xhich~ up to nox~ do not aeem to be ahowing any signs of fatigue. Eight times~ ships ' automatic or pilcted have docked at the rear section of the stat~ion~ while four ships docked at the forward section xhich is~ in principle~ limi- ted to the Soyuz carz~ying maintenaxice crexsi up to now~ this forKard section ha,s been usedi - by Soyuz 27r on il January 1978 (vehicle b~ought there by Dzhanibekov and Makarov to be left at the disposal of the first maintenaace crex~ made up of Romanenko and Grechko)i - by Soyuz 29, on 16 June 19?8 (the vehicle which b~ought the aecond main- tenance crex, compriaed of Bovalyonok and Ivanchenkov, on the spot)~ - by Soyuz 31, on 7 September 1978 (transfer to the forHard section of the vehicle which the second ma3.ntenance crex xould use for its return)i - by Soyuz 32~ which on 2b Feb~uary b~.'ou8ht the third maintena~nce crex xith Lyakhov and ~rumin. ~ 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 I FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY Checking of the Ins~ruments After having entered Sa7.yut 6~~Lyakhov and Ryumin fira~ made an on ~he spot check of the.instruments while at the same time reaotivating the s~h,ation. As a matter of faat~ it hsd not been put ~to sleep a11 that much. The Russians nnly ~ta7.ked abou~ a state of waiting and a oerta~.n number of instru- _ ments had cont~.nued to function~ among which the system of orbi.tal. conforma- tion which~ af~er some eight years of efforts on the past of the Soviet , tecY~'nic3ans~ now seems to be working well Cascade and Delt.a machinea: the erosion of the orbit is measured by meane of a globe~ the movements of which~ within a confined space, can be considered to be perfectly ba111atic. It is thus possihle periodical3.y to create the necessary impulses to allow the orbital. parameters to maintain the same val.ues. 7n fact~ a reduction of al.titude ha,s been recorded~ apparently a voluntary one~ as if knowir~g , ~ that with the Progress they are no longer oUliged to save fuel the Soviets ~ have decided to fly theix Sal.yut on a loxer orbit~ which would allow for a better observation of ea~.^th. In any event~ Sayuz 32 is going to be used for a locomotives on 1 March~ - the Soviets announced that the ignition of ita engine tsansferred the spatial complex onto a~08~338 ki].ometer orbit. ~ As of 28 Feb~uary, the cosmonauts have weighed themselves using the ma,ss meter shipped on board the Salyut 6. The Rusaisns have confirmed that~ like last year~ they have retained the principle of a daytime synchronisation with Moscow time: systematically~ the crew's work day begins at 8 am and ends at 11 pm. The checking of the instrwnents turned out to be particularly time consuming as the Soviet bulletin issued on 5 March, when Lyakhov and Ryumin started their second week in space~ announced that the checking operations would continue after the two men had spent their first xeekend in orbit in active rest on the ba,sis of televised reporting and gymnastic exercises. They cleaned up aboard the station which, apparently~"needed it very badl.y. They were able to vote by radio. In a message addresaed to the central electoral committee and l~oadcasted by Radio Moscox~ the ship's commander stated that the crew was voting for Mr Leonid Bre~?,tu~.ev~ candidate for the Soviets of ~ the Union who~ one shoul~ not forget, has first rasponsibility for the Soviet space program a,s well as for Mr Alexey Kosygin~ candidate for the Soviet of Nationallties. Biological Experiments At the f'light center, the conducting of biological experiments by the crews _ has a1 so been alluded to. This cha.pter has been mentioned relatively little since the beginning of the � Salyut 6 flight. As a matter of fact, the Soviets have developed the ha.bit 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY of placing biological samplea on praatioally a11 of their pi7.oted ships~ on a11 the stations. Th~.s time~ 'b~cause of the duration of the flight~ one would imagine that the experiments have assw~ned an exceptional importance. The samples whiah wexe sent ou~ at ~the same aa the station~have now been in space for more ~han ~a year and a ha1f~ [pxinted in boldfaoe]!. Long duration fligh~ for hwnaxi 'beings~ here it i~.. ~ ~ And as far as can be determined by the information released by the Soviets~ , the biological prog2am of Salyut 6 is an extremely complex one. , Some samples indeed aeem to have taeen pu~ in the atation at the beginning. Others were b~ought by the marined Thus~ independently of the Cytoa experiment~ the cosmonauts of Soyuz 26 b~ought "chorelle" al.gae, tadpoles, ' fertilized fish eggs~ as well as ds~osophila flies on 'board the station. These fliea were obviously supposed to stay in their contair?er. Now~ it ' will be remembered for the sake of minor history that as a result of an in- , cident~ several flies maxiaged to escape and that thus a"first" was achieved � completely involuntarily to the great annoyance of the four cosmonauts who were then occupying the stations they auddenly saw the fliea flying around i.n the Salyut! Their firat react~on was consternation and their firat reflex ~ was to try ~o get a hald of the ~.nsects, if possible without killing them~ by using the vacuum cleaner. But~ when they thought about it~ the cosmonauta realized that they had the unique opportunity of making a totally unique study: the flight of fl.ies under conditiona of weightl.essnesa... Biological packages were also entrusted to the Pro~ess fligtits. And appa- rently new samples arrived on board the Soyuz 32... , Weeks go by and Lyakhov and Ryumin still occupy the 5alyut 6. One wonders how long their flight will last and wha,t operations will dis- tinguish it. Wi11 the role of the~two men be restricted to a few woeks of checking the station, somewhat in the manner of the mission entrusted to Gorba,tko and Glazkov in Feb~uary 1977? ~ could the Soviets have decided~ circumstances permitting, simply to doubl.e the mission of Kovalyonok and Ivanchenkov who, as we know~ withstood their 139 day flight surprisingly well arid'wliose readaptation to earth conditions was remarkahly rapid? Was this an excep- � tional case or was it a logical result of the measures taken in relation to Soviet space medecine? Many observers are wondering whether Lya3chov and Ryumin themselves ~rill not rema,in some four-and-a-half months in space. After all~ as long as the Salyut 6 station is capable of crews~ it is technically interesting for it to be visited, and space medecine can only benefit from a repetition - of the long flight of 1978�~� ' 6 FOR OF~'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 " FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY ~ Four Kinda of Opera~ions _ One can in any case imagine the nature of the operations whioh oould take place during a mission. In terms of Soviet in~entions~ no le~s than four kinds of exper3.ments coul.d be realized by the ships dooking at the rear section of the Salyut 6: , 1, - F'~xst ~ Soyuz ahips manned by two Sovi.ets, for the achievement of a cexta3.n number of teahnical experiments, in the manner of what was done in u 19?8 with Soyuz 26. The Franco-Soviet experiment L+'LMA [expanaion unlcnown] could conatitute a response to Cytos 1. 2.- Progreas vehicles~ to aupply the station regularly with fue]., ai.r~ ' water and food, to the formula we are famil.iar with. ' Thus, on 14~ March Progress 5 docked at the Sa7.yut 6~ b~inging fuel ~ food~ mail, scientific equipmen~ and~ the Soviets told us~ various piecea of maintenance equipment to the cosmonauts. 3.- Intexcosmos flights. It was in March 1978 that the training of the cosmonauts of five countries belong3ng to the Intercoamos organization, began in the City of the Stars. Following a preparation pe~iod of 1 year, this training ha,s now come to an end and at least 5 flights are expected. In the following order, if we are well informed~ a Bulgarian, a Hungarian~ a Cub~an, a Mongolian, and a are supposed to fly at the aide of a Soviet cosmona,ut on board that many Soyuz ships. We are saying at least five flights, aecause we would not be surprised if a Vietnamese xere to be put in orbit a1so. They ~ri11 be atandard fllghts lasting 8 days, the rea11- za,tion of which will in any event take much longer tha,n ~I$ days ~ taking into p account at the same time the necessary long delays in preparation and the even longer time required to unload the Pro~ress vehicles in charge of taking _ up supplies between two Intercosmos flights. It would be surprising if all these Intercosmos flights could take place on board the Salyut 6-- even though this would no~ be fund.a, im- possible it would be even more extraordinary if they a1.1 occurred in 1979� Apparently, the missions will be spread over a period of 2 years... Specialized automa.tic vehicles of a new type, rscently annovnced by ~ Shata7.ov. Like the Progress, these vehicles would have the Soyuz engine room. However~ the rest of the vehicle would not consist of a load, but of a specialized compartment which could, for a while, turn into an annex to the ~ Salyut for the purpose of carrying out experiments of a particular na,ture. Specifically, it ma.y be expected that this technique will be used in 1981 for the Gamma Telescope, developed under the sign of a Franco-Soviet coopera- tion program. . . 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 , 4~__ FOR OEFICIAL USE ONLY ~ Zn terms of the fu~ure of astronautio~~ the interest of this formula is obvious. It will be possi.hle ~to aend, from ~he earth to a modu].ar atation~ equipped wi~h nwnerou~ free docking seotions~ a1]. th~ oompartments neoeasary , for the execution of exper3.mental programs~ these compartmenta being asaured of ha,ving the s~ation's energy souraea at their diaposa7. and~ in a general ~ense, the who].e infraetructure which it hae ~o offer. . ~ COP'YRIGHT: Paris~ AIR 8o COSMOS, 1979 ' 84~63 ~ cso: 3l00 . , ; _ J ^ V e FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' _ . . . . - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 ~'OR ONP'ICIAL US~ ONLY PUBLICATIONS DESICCI OF CONTItOL MECHANISMS FOR NUCLLAR RP.ACTORS Moscaw O~NOV'Y PROYElCTIROVANIYA MEKHANIZMOV UPRAVLENIYA YADERNYK~t RFaKT0A0V in Russian 1978 signed to prees 14 Feb 1978 pp 1-S~ 270-272 (Annotation, table of contente ~nd pref~ce from the book 'by I. Ya. Y~mel'yanov, V.V. Voekoboynikov and H.A. Maelenok, Atamiidat, 2900 copiee, 272 PPl (Text] This book considers problems of designing control mechani~ms for nuclear reactors and showa the prospects and trende ta ~he automacia? of nuclear po~er inetallatioae. The damestic and foreign experience in designing~ developiag and operatiag SUZ (control aad protection syat~s] drivee is generalized and 0ystemisad. A deacription of contro l syateme far atomic pcaer pleats and of optimal constructicne of caitrol mechaaisms and their individual uait� if presented~ methode of deaigning them are givea. Tn thie aork special attention is givea to lang-raage treads in the field of ~evelopment of control mechanisms, and in particular to diecrete electromagnetic SUZ drives. Problesa of re- liability afld economical aad techno logical effectivenees are discuaeed. The book is intended for engineere and tech~iciaas engaged in designing aad operating coatrol mechaaisms. It can be uaed by etudeats of collegee and technical schoola taking a couree in nuclear reactor deeign. Tab: 21. Fig. 140. Bibliography 140 titlee. _ Tab1e of Contents Freface 3 - Chapter 1. Operating coaditions of control mechaaisms 6 1.1. Factors determining the operatiag conditiona of control mechanisms 7 1.2. Limitation of the size of cantrol mechanisms 14 9 ~ FOR OPFICIAL USE Pr~~Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 , ruu urrt~uw u~m unLC _ ~ Sibliography 16 Chapter 2. The baric dem~nds m conCrol me~hanissn 1~ 2.1. Servica requitiments L~ 2.2. Cowezuctiim techaological requirameat� 29 2.3. Coaotruction 8conomy raquitiesents ~ Sibiiography , 3~ Chapeer 3. Conotruction of controi machanisma 32 3.~. Control sechanirms for pover reactor~ 32 3.2. CoaCroi machanissa for research reactors 60 3.3. Co~troi sechanina for rhip nuciear reactore 75 3.4. CoitroX sachanisss far nuci~ar reactiore in epace ob~~cts 81 Bibliography 8S Chepter 4. 8tructure cf contrui mecbanisme _ $8 4.1. The baoic structurai elements o~ control mechanisse 88 4.2. P~camp],~e of conatructing ccntroi mechanisms and structurai e 1menCg 90 Chmpter S. Dynamics of control mechanisma 95 _ 5.1. The general equation of motion of control rechanisoa 9b 5.2. InCegration of the geueral equstion of motion 101 5.3. Motian of the sobile part of a driva in eo~ergency operatioa 102 S.ti. Talciag iuto uccount shock ]oade 107 5.5. Dynaaic loads ia vibratioas of control mectunisms 108 . 5.6. Systeo of equatians for non-aCationary ~osian of the con- " troiling smber and liquid in the circuit ~ 11~ ; 5.7. Dynamice of a p~eumatic drive u2 Bibliography 117 ; Chapter 6. Auxiliary devices of control mechanisme u8 ' 6.1. Sealiag of immobile ~aints u8 6.2. Sealing of mobile ~ointe u9 6.3. Bearings 6.4. Devices coupliag control mechaaisms aith controlling members 6.5. Locicing drvices 124 6.6. Cable lead-ias 128 Bibliography ~9 Cha~ter 7. The electrosotors of control mechaaisme 130 7.1. Selection of general-purpose electromotora 131 _ 7.2. Special electronotore 134 10 FOA OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR OFFICIAL USB dNLY > 8ibitography 146 Chapter 8. Deeigu and cal,cu]~at~lon of liaaar �tepping elecrrasotaro 148 8.1. Saeic par~etere aud characteristics of linaer eCepping e~,ectrcmotor~ Lyg 8.2. Deaigu of linnar etepping aLectromotora 152 8.3. Dynsmic aperation conditiare of a drive a linear etepping electramotor 160 g.4. Experimenxai inveetigation of liuear stepping e3.ectraso~ors 165 8.5. 8pecific indiceo of a linear eteppiog electraootor 166 8.6. Bffect of techt~ical d~fects on the c~aracterietic~ of a - itnear eteppiag electramotor 167 Bibliography 173 ChapCer 9. Design and caiculatiou of etepping alectromotore 175 9.1. Parametere and characterietice of etepping elecCro~oCors 175 9.2. DeCerminati m of the permeauce of the ~orking gap of a etepping motor and 3Ce derivative 177 9.3. Control of stapping electranotors 180 9.4. Dynamic operation oondiCions of a stepping motor 183 9.5. Design of stepping electromotore l,g~ 9.6. Sealing of stepping electramotore 188 Bibliography lgp Chapter 10. Arresting aad accelerating devices 191 10.1. Accelerating devicea 191 10.2. Arreating devices ' lg2 10.3. Brakiag devicea 197 Bibliography 201 Chapter 11. Heaas of ineasuring the position of coatrolling members 20~ ' 11.1. Indicator sqatema:vith angular displacement seaeors 204 11.2. Indicator spstema with linear disp]acement sensors 207 Bibliography 216 Chapter 12. Canstruction and design of motion traasducera 217 12.1. Traneducers of the screW - nut tqpe 217 12.2. Transducere of the rack - gear tppe 224 B3bliography 22~ Chapter 13. Canetruction materials employed ta maaufacturing control me~haai~ms 228 13.1. Effect of coolaats on the characteristice of materiala 228 13.2. Corrosioa of the canstruction materiale 22g 13.3. Materiale used in making cemponeats of control mechaaisme 232 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 ~ 1?AR n!~'ICIAL Ug~ ONLY - ` 13.4. Ws]ded ~oints 238 13.5. Mpaeures to impYave the atrength of materiale 239 Bibiiography 241 Chapter 14. Reliebility of control mechgniems 242 14.1. Thaaretical foundati~one of the reliability caiculatione 243 14.2. Erp~Yis~eatai data on the reliability df control mechanisre 249 Bibiiography , 2S4 Chapter 15. Eet~matian of the technological and economicai sffective- nseP of controi n?~c~anisms 255 15.1. Estimating the techaologicn]. effecttvsnees of structure~ 255 LS.2. Egtiimatiug the ecooamicai effectiveneeg of stiructurea 258 Bibliography 262 Appendicea 263 ~ub~ ect indc~c 268 Pref ace The developoeat of atamic power engineering ia inseparably linked aith the progresa in t6e field of control aad further autaoation of nuclaar pos+er .instailatione. The reaction iones of the reactore of large ABS [atomic pover stationa~ have a coQplicated atrucCure with a great number of heat- generating assemblies and controlliag members working uader strained con- ditiane. In order to soive the problem of optimization of the ~aergy gen- eratim in such reaction zones and to increase the operation effectiveneea of the AES, apecial autamation equipment and devices had to be worked out, ensuring control aad operation of euch nuclear reactors. This equipsent shouid al].a+ equalizing tb~ :�~~...rgq generation along the radiue and aititude of the reacticn sone eo cope ~+ith the inetabilitiea arising in large re- actore ahile adhering to all requireaents of nuclear eafety and preventing a ehut-dam of the AES, since this is cannected vith coneiderable ecanomic loesee. Perfection of control Rnd automatioa equip~eent has been attained also in other fielda of reactor construction. At preaent, nuc~ear pover installa- tions are in use in ahipbuilding, for scieatific reaearch purQoeea and in mcp]aration of outer epace. In regulatiag and coatrolling auclear reactora of such installatione the specific require~ents of their operatim have to be takea into accamt. One of the basic and ooat complez problema solved in the autamatioa of nu- ciear poaer inetallations is the developoent of contro! mechaniess. This . is expla~aed by the fact that ttre contr~l sechaaisas are included iamediately 12 FOR OFFICIAL tJ~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 i FOR OFFICYAL USL ONLY , in ehe equipmenC camplex of Che reactor and ite reectian zone. The elEmente of theee mechanieme nfCen work at considergble preseuree and temperaturee under conditione of radiation end vibratioa 8nd ehock loade. The operation of euch mechanieme in ehip reactors ig coupled to the ehip'e heale and Lrims. In epace nuclear in~tallaCione Che actuator mechanieme of the control eyeteme have to operate without eervicing in a high vacuum with coneiderable over- loads at high temperaturee. The structurai execution of the control mechan- iems is closely connected wieh the coneCruction of the reactor elements and with the conditione of their operation. Thus, for example~ the control mechaniems of channe].-type reactore may be exchanged during operation on a working reactor~ while for an exchange of the sealed control mechanisms of body-type reactore with water uader preseure, etopping of the reector and unaealing of the first loop is required. Of couree, the attitude toward the economically ~uetifiable reliability of theee mechanisme is totally different. The space f or mounting of control mechaaisma ie often very limited. On the other hand, the control mechaniams are aleo a constituent part of the cantrol eystem of the reactor inetallation and muet eatiefy a number of requirementa imposed by that syatem, euch as aecuring a certain speed or aeveral speeds of motion of the coatrolling member, eaeuring the necessary precieion in placing the caatro113ng mem~er in a required pos~tion, the time of its emergency operatian etc. Thu~, in developing con~rol mech- anisms, usually a complex problem ie solved an sec~sring the requiremente of control under the conditiona of a c~ncrete reactor. Besides, it ,;hould be noted that the cantrol mechanisma connecCed directly with the�controlling member are the crucial elemeat of the ayatem, ensuring the nucZear safety of the installation. Many control mechanisms for nuclear reactors have been designed ueing differ- ent energy sources (electric, hydraulic etc.) and having diverse construction, but performing the same functions in the coatrol eystem. However, with all that diversitq in the conetruction of inechanisms, at present definite trends are outlined in the field of control mechaaiams in connection with t~e above- mentioned impetuous developmeat of the reaator and, in particular, power reactor building. The more important of the trends are improvement of re- liability; increase in operation speed; creation of universdl mechaniams having the same etructure, but performing different functio~ns in the control system; creatioa of discrete control mechaniams; creation of linear mechan- isms (especially of discrete action) without conversian of modea of motion. Lately the linear diecrete control systems are more and more widely adopted, in which forces of an electromagnetic field are employed in moving the con- trolling member. The characteristic feature of auch mechanisme is the ab- sence of inechanical transmissions in the first reactor loop, Which consider- ably increases their reliability. In designing control mechanisms the constructor has to solve complex problems connected with the constructioa of reactor elements, heat tranefer, chaice of materials, technology of manu- facturing etc. The creation oi a mechanism is usually pxeceded by acientific research and experimental constructioa Work of considerable volume. 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 _ run urri~iew 11D1. UI~Li . At present boeh in the Soviet Union and abrogd eome experience has been accumulated in developing, teeting and manufacturing control mechanieme; eome statistical material on the rellability of in33vidual elemente of thoee mechaniema hae been collected as aell. Aleo patent mat~Y3als in thie field _ are of great interest. However, eo far a generaLiz~tion of the accumulaCed experience on the development of control mechanieme is noC found in the ~ literature and Chere are no eolutiona to g number of probleme on the theory and methodology of deeigning theae mechanisma. A claseification aud analyeis of the etructure of conCrol mechan3sms ie practiically non-exietent. The goal of this book is to make up this deficiency to a certain exCent. The book examinee the etructure of control mechaniema (of any cottetruction) and - ,~gives designe and examplea of execution of the basic elements. The principle of operation of individual mechanisme is set forth in detai~.. 3pecial emphasie is laid on the consideration of progresgive and recent trends in the field of developmeat of control mechanisme and~ in particular, mechaniema with atepping electromotors and of hermetic linear diecrete mechaniems which become more and more wideap~�ead in reactor conetruction. The book presents the operating conditioas and basic construction require- menta of conCrol mechanisms, gives a deecription and construction of the . basic types of control mechanisms, considers problems of their operation dynamics, reliability, effectiveness, manufacturing technology and a number of othera. The book ie based on the data of both domeatic and foreign litierature and on the research and development carried out by the guthora as well. Chapter 1 and 2 is written by I. Ya. Yeme1'yanov, chapter 3 and 8~ointly by I. Ya. Yemel'yanov and a.V. Voakoboynik, chapter 4,5,7.9.10 and 11 by V.V. Voakoboynik, chapter 6,12,13,14 and 15 by B.A. Maalenok. ~ The authora expresa gratitude to B.N. Stirizhov for kindly their diaposal material~ on the control mechaniama of the RBrIIC reactor. The - suChors acknowledge their pleaeant obligation to expreas their appreciation to A.F. Linevaya who was of great asaistance in performing electromagnetic calculation and designing the book; they also thaak Ye. A. Staroatin, A.I. Klyomin, V.V. Gerasimov, M.D. Labzin for valuable remarks offered in the revision of separate chapters of the manuecript aad V.V. Dl'nov for technical aesistance in selection of the material. . COPYRIGH'r: Atomizdat, 1978 12157 CSb: 1870 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 ~OR OFI+ICIAL USE ONLY PiJBLICATIONS NUCLEAR CASCADE PROCES$ TN DII~TSE MATTER Mosrow YADERNO-KA8KAnNYY PROT3E88 V PLOTNQM VE3MQ~ESTVE in Ruesisn 1977 aigned to press 12 Ap~ 1977 PP 3-8, 202-203 ~Annotetion, tsble of contents and introduction from the book by A.I. Dem'yanov, V.S. Murzin and L.I. Sarycheva; Izdatel'stvo "Ne~uk~", 1250, 203 pp~ ~Text] This monograph is vritten on the basis of the experimentel materi4l obtained from cosmic rays, xith inclusion of dntn on acceleration and with a Monte Carlo calculaxion of the auclear cascade procesa. It is ahoti+n the~t up to energies ~v1000 BeV the behavior of c~scade in a denee matter (absorber of an ionization calorimeter) is detarmined mainly by Lhe mechanism of successive interactiona of s"surviving" pe~rticle, in vhieh the decisive inPluettce on tbe dynamica or the csscade drvelopment is exerted by the fluctuations of energy tranaPer (coefficient of inelasticity) in the first intersetion. The publication ia of intereet to epecie?lista in the fields oP high-energy pl~yaics and cosmic rays. Table of Contents Introduction s Chgpter I. General consideration of the nuclear cascade process 9 1. Processes in dense m~tter 9 2. Mathematical description of a nuclear cescade in dease matter 12 3� Fluctuations in nucl~r cascades 17 4. Method of analysis of cascade curves 18 Chapter II. Model stu~y of cascade shawers in dense matter 21 l. Program.I 21 2. Class `.ication of cascade curves 22 - 3. Distributfon of the coefticieats of elasticity 26 4. Accuracy of ineasurement of ~he energy Eo 28 5� F'luctuations of the c~scade curves 31 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 , FOR OFFICIA~, U38 ONLY ' . ~ 6. Reconetruetion of aut-o!l,.oeecadee 33 7,, Meesurement of the energy o! "eurvivi~g" pertiolea 34 . 8. 8uoeeseive interaetioue ~ 36 : 9. Progrdn II . 3~,. l0. A~curaey of the mee~eurdnent of re~gee � 46 ~ 11. Nuc~esr liesiou b1 ' 12. Dietx3bution of E2/~C 43 ~ Zhsptier IIY. ` ~'acperimental. technique~B 46 ~ Principle of daergy measurement with a ~ cslorimeter . G6 . ~ 2. De~~riptiion o! the experimente?1. eet-up YK-3 51 - 3� Aecord4ng syatem 5k . 4. ~aergy measurement with the IK-3 Qslorimeter 55 ~ 5. The large ~elorimeter 60 . , 6. The "Pion" aet~up , � 7. E!le~t oP nuclesr fie83on 66 . 8. Tranaverse distribution o! the ioni~ation 68 Other eslorimeters ueed in coemic-rey experiemente 70 - Chapter IV. Trsditionsl uae of calorimeters . 75 1. ~nergy apectra o! ~oami~ pnrtieles 75 ~ 2. Irrteraction cross-aection of hsdrons in iron 86 3� Abac~ption range of enargy lluucea in dense mstter 91 4. Stu~y of muona wiLh the help of calorimeters ~ 9~+ ~ 5. Stuc~y of th~ apectrum o! aeco~dary neutroue in � an ~ecelerator 96 6. Application of cslorimetric devices in the stu~}r . o! the interaction of the aeutrino ana snti- ne~utrino With matter 100 , ~Chgpter V. Ma~yais of tbe shape o! experimental cas^nde curves 102 1. Clseeific~tion of nuclear esacadea 102 2. Momeats of ~he nuclear cascade curves 106 ; 3 o Fa~m of itadividual csecades 108 1?. On~t-ma~cimu~n cascsdes 109 ' ~5. Cascsdes witb tvo or mo~e maxims 111 - 6. SpecLra ot surviving nucleana 115 _ � 7. Cr.~cade properties st energies abeve 1 TeV ' 121 , 8. Role of secondsry pions in the apectrum !(u) 12k . . 9. The coetficieata o! ine~as'ticity in interactfona o! hsdrons vith varioue stamic~nuclei 128 Che~pt~r VI. Behavior of Psat pe?rticles in the nucleus 132 l. The macroscopic aud elmentsry crosa-section 132 - . ~ 16 : FOR OFFICIAL USB ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR~OFFICIAL U8L ONLY - . 2. Repested intersction in the au~leug i35 ~ 3� Formstian time of the nuel~ar lield 138 Chapter VIZ. MomnsLoue csecsdes 1~3 1. Distribution of EZ/y~C 1~3 0 2. "Lon~-range" pnrticles i~5 ~ 3. Res~tion ty~e 146 4. Correlation of the ~noma].ous et'fe~tg 148 ' S. Mses of T particles 149 , 6. Angulsr dietribution 150~ 7. Mean lifetime 152 � 8. Anomaliea ~t energiee above 1000 BeY 1S4 9. Methodice~7. rmnarks . ],57 10. Nsture a~P the T-~rrect i64 Cc~~clus ion 172 � Apperidix 17S Bibliography 198 ~ Introduction ~ The discovery snd stuc~y of the nuclear cas~sde process in the staaephere ( 1) contributed very much to tbe uaderstaading of the intersction o! hadrons irith nuclei st high energy. . Nwcerous calculations of the nuclear cascade process 3n the atmoaphere have been carried out, in particular in connect3on ~rith the analysis of the evolution of broad atmospheric shrnrers [ 2-4]. Because oP the very large rsdiation length, the successive electron-auclesr cascades in the air overlap, and a direct observation of the atrueture _ of longitudfnal evolutian of the ahover is impogsible. An essentisl difficulty is slso taused by the practical infeasibility of constructit~g a sysbem of det'eetor's ( it would hnve to have a height ofN 20 lc~n) which would allox obeervaaces of ~eparate nuclear ce?scades on mr;ny levels in the atmoaphere. Rhe study of the nuclear esseade process has therefore a statistical chetra~ter based on tbe measurement of the rar~ges of a number of particles and on ~he energy fluxes of varfous pdrticles participsting in the cascad~ evolution. From this vieWgoir~t the atuc~y of the nuclear cascade process bas considerable merits. We can choose such abaorber substances in which the rsdiation leng~h of a t-unit is sma11 compared i~rith the nuclear range. Therefore the electron- ph4ton avaleuiches ~from separate interaction do not overlap aad it is possible 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY � APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 ~ FOR OF~ICIAL USE ONLY to obeerve ~he atructure of the longitudin~?]. evolution oP the casaade. Also it is not diflicul~ to employ sbeorber thickneseee~ equival.~nt to the thicknese of the atmo$phere. The geometr3c Zength of such e~r. 3ron or lead "atmoephere" , ie about 2 m~N 12 inter~etion ranges). Particulsrly great po~sibilities Were opened after creation of the ioniz~tion calorimeter ~rhich permits seeing the instantQneous ionize~tion diatribution along the, whole nuclee~r svalance. This makes prac~3ee~ble the study of the shape diversity of th~ nuclesr cascade curves ( of the dependence of the particle number on the depth in the absorber), i.e. the inveatige~tion of fluctu~tions in the evo].ution of a nuclee~r caseade, ahich y~elds supplemente~y' information about the process. The calorimeter by itae].f does not yield the possib ility of observing the elementary interaction, since only the second~ry electron-phaEon canponen~ arising in the collision act ia recorded. And for this rea~son it is canparQtively littl.e known that xith the help ot' on~y one calorimeter it is possible to stuc~y suffic3ently the fine feetures of the pxACesses of multiple production., special methods are necessery for`this, and the present work is devoted to their development. The method~ described beloa ~ are useflxl mainly in cosmic-rq}r experiments, although they mey prove e!'Pective a].so in accel~rator aork. The ionization calorimeter, as e? device consisting of many roR+s of ianization detectors interlaid rrith matter, is applicable on1.y to the atudy of inter- action of particles With sufficiently heevy nuclei. This is due to the lact ' that the resolving poWer of the calorimeter improvea as the retio t(). decresaes, ahere t is the unit radiation length and J~the interdction range of the hadron. The minimwa condition is t/~510. Placing thin tsrgets of various substances above the calorimeter mekea possible the investige~tion of interaction With practical~Y a].l nuclei. The investigation of interactions With nuclei is now, according to general opinion, one of the most important tasks of high-ener~r pbysics. The mechanism oF multiple particle production in the interection of hadrons with atanic nuclei contains information highly essentisl for the underatanding of the f'undamental properties of nuclear matter. ~ Experiments conducted With cosmic rays and on accelerators indieate the absence of a dependence of the mean coefficient oF inelasticity on the atanic number of the target nucleus, or e very Weak dependence vhich cannot be explained on the basis of the model of successive coU.iaions aith the nucleons of the nucleus. The theoretical treatment of Lhe date regerding multiplicity aad angular ar?d imPulse distribution of secondary particlea is c~nnected with calculation of the intranuclear cascade or with the Clauber - approach and also fsces certain di~ficulties as the nature of the processes taking place in the nucleus is not clear. Attempts to achieve agreement Witb the experiment have given rise to a number of totally neW ideae, for instance, the 2~ypothesis that a nucleon Which has undergone an interaction "shakea off" the magnetic field and cannot interact effectively until the field is restored [5,6~ 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The same conaequence folloWa fram the ideag of the parton theory according ~o Which the interection ef~ic3ency is con~itioned by the presence o!' loa- energy partons; after the intera~tion these partona turn into real p~rticles and eome time 3e needed for the format3on of new 1oW-energy partons [ 7~� Tt can b e expected that the indicated effecte appear in a time n110"2~ - 1G'2~ sec in the proper eoordinate syetem of the incomin~ ps~rticle; ~oneequently (with energy evailable) they should b e noti~eably manifest st diatsncea _ comparQble x3th the dimensioris of the target nucleus. However, until recently not too much attention was paid to the stuc'~y o!' the phenomene accompar~,ying the interaction of hadrons With nuclei. More or less systematic investigstions using accelerators are restricted to energiea ot' the order of ~ens of BeV. At high energies the de~ta on hadron-nw~lear inter- actions are obtsined most],y from cosmic rqys. These data are far trom complete and in m~ny cases conflicting [ 8, 96 Stiich is the specific charecter of cosmic-re~y experiments that the direct methods of inea~uring these or other characteristics of the interaction often proveg to be impractical. There exists an extensive experiment~,l. material _ obtained on the basis of observation of electron-nuclear shoW~re qt high energies in matter (main].y in air). In the regfon above 105 _ 106 BeV Wide atmoepheric shoxers (BhAL) are the basic source of information on the mechaniam of hadron-nucleua interactions. ~ Still a ShAL ia a high]y complicated phenomenon including procesaes of diverse nature, about vhich mueh remains unclear as yet [ 9]. Therefore the inter- ~ pretation of experimental data requires all kinds of aupplemeate~ry assumptions and the conclusions are not alwaya unequivoce~l. SaneWhat simpler is the situation in the stuc'~y of nuclear cascade processes in dense matter. In this case there is no necessity to take into account the effects connected With the dis~ntegration of the comparatively long-lived secondary nuclee~r~active � particles (J~f and K mesons) and the appearance of muons and neutrinos. The spatial divergence of the cascade electr~ns is not large and for the eolution of a nwnber of problems We may limit oursexves to the examination of longitudinal. evolution of the cascsde. Finally, as sras already mentioned, the favorat~i~ ratio of the nuclear r~nge ~ to the cascade unit ( t-unit) in aubstances With intermediate atamic nwnbers a11oWS stuclying the c~scade struCture.l Since there exists e. sufficiently developed theory on the electromagnetic cascade process [ 10 ],it is possible ~ to trace more or less clearly the connection of the che~racteristics of the observed cascade irith the characteristics of the elementary act of ittteraction of hadrons ~+fth various substancea. ~ 1 In iroa, for instance, the length of an electro;magnetic cascade ia of the order af the nuele~r range. ~ 19 FOR.OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR OFFZCIAL U5E ONLY Cfte?pter I contains an examine,tion of general properties of the nuclee~r caecsde process in denae :natter. In Ch~pter II a theoretica7. investigation ot' the nuclee~r caecade process is conducted by the method ot' statistical testa and a eubstantiated method for atudying hadron interactiions with the help of ionization c~lor3met~r is given. Che,pter III br3ngs a description of calori- metric set-upa t+ith which the bas3c experimental restil.ts were obtained; ~heae are given in ~he subsequent chapters (IV, V and VII), In Chgpter VI ~ome aspects of the cascede proceas ineide the nucleus are conaidered. It is our plee~ae?nt duty to thank our colleagues A. I. Anoahin, L. , Basin~agyan, L. I. Belzer, I.N. Ye~rdat~yan, A.V. Gus'kov, Ye. N. Denisov, T.N. ~ Yerofeyev, V. I. Zalomayev, N.P. Karpinek~ya, Y.D. Kobrin, V.V. Pronin, V.A. Roshchin and N.B. Sinyov; and also the workers of the Yerevan Physical Institute - V.V. Avakyan, M.O. Aze~ryan., E.A. NIQmi~anyan, With whose participation the data of the Large Calorimeter were obtained. We thank Y.P. Ivanenka exid A.A. Komar who read aeparate chapters of this book and made a nwnber.of valuable ' remarks. Fina]ly xe thank G.I. GorchakoW for help in putting the meziuscript into shape. ~ COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nau~Q", 1977 12157 . Cso : 1870 ' 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ . PU$LICATiONS ~ ItADIATION EFFECT ON NUCLEAR REACTOR GRAPHITE Moscow DEYSTVIYA OBLUCHENIYA NA GRAFIT YADERNYKH REAKTOROV in Ruseian 1978 ~ signed Co press 2 Dec 1977 pp 1-8, 271-272 ~ (AnnotaCion, table of contents and introd~ction from the book by V.V. Goncharov, N.S. Burdakov, Yu.S. Virgil'yev, V.I. Karpukhin and P.A. Platonov: AComizdat, 1400 copiea, 272 pages] , [Text] In the preaent book data on domestic carbonic structural mater{aYS ~ are systematized for the first time. Technological factora, general poroaity and degree of crystallinity, which determine the graphite properties and their radiative change, are analyzed. Special attention is given to the dimensional atability and.oxidation resistance of graphite. ' On the basis of a generalization of both domestic and foreign data a model of � radiative changes in the properties of carbon materials is propoaed and formulas are given for calcualtion of these changea. Experimental devices ~ employable in reactor research are described. Various typea of brickwork of ~ ' uranium-graphite reactors are considered. The book is intended for scientists, engineers and constructors working in the field of atomic engineering. Fig. 168. Tab. 69. Bibliography 241 titles. Table of Contents Introduction 3 Chapter 1. Structural graphite and its properties 9 1.1. Technology of production 11 1.2. Porosity of structural graphite 27 1.3. Crystal structure of carbon materials , 31 1.4. properties of .graphite 38 1.5. Graphite creep 66 ~ 1.6. Nonuniformity of the graphite properties � 69 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 . ~ . ~ . ~ ~ . . ~ . . } 4.' . ~'OR 0~'PYCYAY. U~~ ONLY , _ Chap~er 2. ~echnique of graphite radiation in nuclear reac~ora 75 ? 2.1. Devices for in-pile irradiation 15 ~ 2.2. Basic facrora affecting materials in radiation $b ~ 2.3. Temperature measurement in the reactor core 92 ~ ' 2.4. netgrmination of the fluence of neutron radiation 95 - Chapter 3. Radiative changea of the cryatal structure and ~ properties~of carbon materials in neutron radiation ~ 99 � . 3.1. Cryatal structure 99 ' 3.2. He$t conduction 107 ~ ' 3.3. Heat capacity 112 : 3.4. Stored energy ~13 3.5. Electrophysical properties 117 ; 3.6. Thermal expansion coefficient 122 ~ , 3.7. Stire~gth and elastic properties � 12k ~ _ . 3.8. Radioactive creep 143 ~ Chapter 4. Change of graprdte dimensions due Co radiation 158 ' ; 4.1. The scale factor 159 ' 4.2. Raw material 162 ~ - . 4.3. Processing temperature ~ 165 . , 4.4. Formation method m 168 , 4.5. Graphite packing 1~2 , 4.6. Coarseness of the charge 115 ~ 4.7. Radiation dose and temperature 175 ~ 4.8. Dimensional changes as a function of fluence and~ ` temperature 189 4.9. Some problems of the theory 191 ~ Chapter,5.' Oxidation of structural graphite 204 6 5.1. Gases applied in reactor technology 204 i . ~ 5.2. Some rules in graphite oxidation ~ 205 5.3. interaction of graphite with a gaseous medium 210 , 5.4. Oxidation of graphite by in-pile radiation 212 , 5.5. Some problems of protection of brickwork from oxidation inoperation � 222 � 5.6. Gas loops of atomic power stations ~ 224 22. . . � ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOIt OFFICIAL U&8 ONLY ChBpter G. tir~phite brickwork 227 6.1. Brickwnrk temperature conditions ~nd tih~ .neutron digtribution 228 G.2. Brickwoxk ~tructiure 230 6.3. R~diative changee in the brickaork 238 , 6.4. Improvement of Che etructure and operation of graphite brickwork 242 ~ 6.5. Exp~rimenC~1 iaveetigstion of Che durability of a grgphire brickwork 254 Bibliography 262 Introduction The development af ~ocial productiqn is directly linked to the increaae of consumption of energy in a11 ito forms and above ali of electric energy. ~he demands for it are met bgsically by putting into operaCion electric porner etgtions working oa organic fuel. Hoaever, the rate of growth of coneumption of elecCric energy is so rapid thet even et present an acutQ deficiency of fossil fuel is manifeat in some economic regiune of the USSR. Thus, predic- tions show that in the long term until 1990 Che electric pos+er coneumption will be conceatrated in the Europegn part of the USSR, even talcing into account a shift of productive forces to the eastern areas of the country. And the energy baleace can be ensured only undsr the condition of exteneive construcCton of atomic power atations in the Europeea part of the country (2j. E~aployment of atomic engiaeering ia the production of electric eaergy aad of heat for the metailurgic and chemical industry and for heating purpoaes allowa to replace organic fuel and to meet any deficit in the fuel balance. The Soviet Union is the couatry that iaitiated the use of atamic ener~yr for peaceful purposes. The firet atomic paarer station in the world was put into operation ia 1954 in the Soviet Union. Through th~ experieace of the First AES and other atomic power stations built Chereafter, the possibility of their reliable and stable operation within a general power system aae proved. _ In conformity with the resolutions of the 24th CPSU Congress a program of extensive conetruction of atomic power stations is being carried out. This program wae further developed in the "Basic Directiona for the Development of the US5R National Economy for 197b-1980" approved by the 25th CPSU Congreas~ in which specif ically construction of AES's is envisaged with reactore of the individual power of 1.SX106 kW. The transi~ion to creation of economic. - powerful industrial AES's contributes appreciably to the energy supply of the national econrnny. The basic types of atomic power stations built in the Soviet Union are AES's with water-water body-type power reactors (WER) and channel-type uranium- graphite high-power reactora (RBM-K). Aa importaat place in the developmeat program for atomic eagineering in the US5R is assigned to AES'a with chaanel- type uranium-graphite reactors. This is due to the high reliability of their 23 FOR OFFIC.IAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 ~ FOtt ~D~FICtAL t188 ONLY opernrion e~ weli ar to the po~ribility of obteining a v~ry coneidarabi~ individu~l poaer (106 kW and above). � On~ af th~ b~ei~ A~e~n?biiee of a high-pow~r ur~nium-g~aphite reacr~~ i~ th~ mnny-tong graphite brickvoYk vhich muet vork xsliab?ly during tha wnole operation of the A88, reaching 30 y~Ye. Nence ~ri~e ~Ciff demando on the graphit~ ag a etructurai meterigi. Soviet physiciatis faced the ~eeactor graphite problem for the firat time in the y~are of tihe Great Patriotic tinr in the procesA of cre~tion of a nuclear reactor. At that time the question of ehe gr~ateet importance was vheth~r it wae po~sible to obtnin graphite of sufficient purity in the necesaary quantity. The dem~ndg on the graphite purity vere very rigid. It suffices to eay that~ for inrCance, the admixtur~e of boron in graphite ves toierated in the quantity of a fe~+ millionth parte. Tha situation was compbicated by tl:e circumetance that the need for graphite amounted to hundreds of tons. O~+ing to measur~e taken by I.V. Kurchatov, a method of obteining high-purity graphite was Worked out and Che induetrial production of the neceesary quantitiee of it aae organized aithin a comparatively short time*. Under the imm?cdiate direction of I.V. Kurchatov the eucceesful etart of a nuclear reactor with graphite maderator~ Che first on our continent, aas accomplished on 25 Uecember 1946. Fo~ the brickvork of the firet domestic reactor 450 . tons of graphite were needed. The exceptionally valur~ble experience acquired in the operation of the first reactor ~nd the investigaCion~ carried out on it made possible the de4ign gad conetructioc~ of other reactors. "After the neceesary expe~ience vae obtained in the first poet-var years in the USSR in ~aaking and maetering re- actore for piutonium production~ aed many complex technical pYObless aere solved, Soviet scientists etarted the next stage in the utilization of the chain reaction, that is, the practical aolution of the problem of pa+er utilizaCion of atoc~ic eaergy" ~133~. Parallel investigations ~re conducted under the direcCion of I.V. Kurchatov, in the course of vhich highly interesting phenomena were discovered of great importance for the reactor operatioa and for the underetanding of the effect of radiation on matter. In studying the physical properties of graphite under intensive neutroa radiation, coasiderable chaages vere detected in them: decrease of thermal and electric conduction, change of voluve aad anechanical atre~gth. It ~as furthera~ore eatabliehed that in annealing radi- ated graphite the latent energy, stored in the crystal lattice, is released. These inveatigations allowed clarification of the nature of the radiation defects in graphite permitted the solviag of a number of problema ~+hich had arisen in designing and operating nuclear graphite reactors. ~PatenC of G.K. Saanikov, N.I. Aleksandrov, N.F. Pravdyuk, V.~'. Concharov, A.V. Kotikov. 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 _ FOR OFFICtAL UBB OM.Y ~ The mo~t vglugbi~ r~sule~ in the ~tudy of graphite properttp~ were ob~ained ~fter~ on ~he initigtive of I.V. Kurchaeov, a very boi~ ~xperim~nt aea r.arried out in diraesembiing the brick~rork of th~ SX10 kW utianiuo-graphite reacror IR after four y~ars of operation. At pr~~ent ahen graphite ie employed ae the e~ru~cturai mat~rial of th~ core gnd refieetor in pa?erfu~ reactorr at htgher parea+~tere, eddit~onat demands on ire properties have baen rafsed. Thie situaeion requires tha con8uctin~ of epeciei exp~rimenta and theorerical inveetigations with the purpoea of developing ecientiific f~und~tione Co en~ure prolonged durability of the brick- aork in power reac~eore. Cr~phite vill be in even vider uee in the near future due to the creetion of high-temperature reactors aith gas cooling vhose employment in various field af the pconomy is planned. The ~pecific propertiee of grephite--guch as ~all n~utron gbeorption croee- ge~tion, good moderating poWer, compargtive egsinese of obtaining chemicaiiy pure material, e~ceptionally high th~rmal qualiCier and sufficient strength-- ~+ere the reaeon for ita wide ug~. Hoi+aver, the properti~~ of graphite are changed coneiderably during radiation in a nuclear reactor becauee carbon atoans are diepleced from their pointe in the crystal lattice by faet nautrons, aad structural changee in it are thereby produced. The radiative change of graphite properties is eggravated by ~he aonuniformity of the f ield of fast neutrons aad c~neiderabie temperature gradiente ~rithin a graphite block. the basic element of the brickwork of a uranium-graphite reactor. The above-mentioned factore acting contieually produce various dimenaional changes in the crose section of a graphite block and lead to strains vhiah may cauae fracrure of some blocks in the course of operation. In predicitng the durability ci the elemente of graphite atruatures in con- temporary nuclear installations it is nec~essarq to kaov th~ lave of the radiative change of graphite properties in a oride temperature range and with a fluence oF faet neutrons up to 023 cn~ 2 and more. The basic properties are~ in thie context, etability of linear dim~eneions. strength, creep, elastic modulus, coefficient of thermal expaneion and thermal conductivity as t+ell as the'oxidation resistance of graphite. ?n the last thirty years thausands of investigatinna on the e~fect of radis- tian an graphite have beea conducted. Despite an abundance of such experi- mental and theoretical research ~rork, the intereat in graphite ia not dimin- ishing: more than that, the number of experimental and theoretical etudies has coneiderably incre.ased in recent years. This is due to nea technical demands on the durability of graphite in radiation field, called forth by the trend to inerease individual reactor pos~er and, in connection arith thie, to raise the operational parametera of nuclear installations. 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 ~ FOR OFFIC~AY. USE ONLY Ext~n~iv~ work ie c~nducted a1i over the vorld on ehe creation af new brande of r~actor graphite aith imprav~d propereie~. Since ~C pr~~~nti the Cheory ailoae predictieg oniy approxiimaf:ely the change in propertier due to radiative ~ damage of varioug meter~.ale~ the creation of ne~ brands ie topped by rgdiation teete not only of;the materiel itseif. but nieo of etructurai elements und~r conditiong a1lo~ring tu eimulBtQ the operaeion of etructures of the graphite chog~n. In thi~ t~rk aa importane place is occupied by investigatione on the durability of brickaork of uranium-graphite reactorg. Reeearch on the effecti of rad~ation on ehe phyeical aad mechaaical propertie~ of tihe materials empioyed in reactore ha~ etimulgted a systematical study of - Ch~ nature of rad~ative disturbancee. Aa a result grephite has become Che firet material in which ehe structuYe-phyeicai chenge of propertiee under the influence of neuCron radiation vas detected. The atudy of radiative dietur- b~ncee in graphite considerably vidane the range of questions of materials eciencQ and 0olid gtaCe phyeics ae well as on reaeaYCh and developmenC of experimental methoda determining the properties of materials in the procees of radiation. An extensive periodical literature and several monographe publiehed ebroad ere devoted to the queetions enumerated above. Generalization of the data on the radiatioe effect on reactor graphite ie furthered coneiderably by various international conferences and eympoeia. ~owever. the publiahed resulte Were obtained in~vestigating graphitp of foreign braeds ahich differ from the domestic brands because of the peculiaritiea of th~ raw material u8ed etc. There are onlq a fea publications in Rueaian devoted to the problem under consideration. The monographs by Nightingale (1962)~ Simmona (1965), Reqnolds (1968), Mantel (1968) have not been translated into Ruseian. In this countrq the first publications devoted to the problem of the graphite of nuclear reactora and the studq of radiative damage in gYaphite vere pre- pared on the reco~endation of I.V. Kurchatov (3ession of the USSR Academy of Sciencea on Peaceful Uge of Atomic Energy iy�, 'tatomnaya Energiya" 1957 Vol 3, No 11). In che book bq S.E. Vyatkin, A.A. Deqev, V.G. Nagornyy, V.S. Oatrovskiy, A.M. Sigarev and G.A. Sokker "Yadernyy Craf it" ("Nuclear Gra~hite") (1961)~ which is the f irat Russian monograph on atructuraZ graphite for atomic engin- eering. its production methods are given, the cryatalline and poroue etructure and the electronic, thermodynamic and mechanical propertiea are deecribed as aell as the interaction of graphite aith some elementa and compounds~ aad the behavior of reactor graphite of various foreign brands under radiation with comparatively emall dosea is elucidated. In the book ~'Atom Naya Lnergetika 20 Let" "~+enty Years of Atomic Engineering") (1974), irritten by leading Soviet scientists~ deta are given on the con- struction and operational experience of the AES's active in this country. Materiala on the Firet AES as a school of domestic and foreign eaergetice are prQSented extensively. ~ 26 FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR OFFiCIAL U3E ONLY In the "Spravochnik ~voy~tv konetruktaionnykh maeerialov na oenove ugieroda" ("tteFer~nce Book or~ Cgrbon-baepd Conetrucrion Materi~l~"), pubitehad in 1975~ the producrion t~chnoingy of domestic carbon materials end rhair properties ~ are expounded in detail. Aa a supplement to the baeic propertiee rome dat8 on neueYOn radiaeion of theae material8 are quoted. The monograph by 3.T. Konobiy~vaki:y "Deystviye oblucheniya na materialy" ("Ef�ecC of Radi~tion on Materigle") (1965), davoCed Co problem~ of radi~eion mateYials ecience, considera aComic collieioee under tihe acCion of radiation of varioue kinde and the structure defecte of crystalline bodiea ariaing in them and Cheir connection with the propertiea uf reactoY materiels. However~ only a few pageA are graphite. The book by B. Kelly "Radiation Damage in Solid Bodies" (1970), publiehed larer in Ruegian~ expounde in deteil the theory of a displacement cascade and considere the reaulte of direct obeer- vations of radiation defects. liowever, problema related to the effect of radiation on materials are congidered only wieh regpect Co the connection of radiation defects with the change of varioua propereies of thoge materials. 7'he ~im of the propoaed book ia syatemarization of the resulta of etudiea on the effect of radiatiaa on the properties of graphite~ description of the formation of properties of domeetic graphite etructural materials in the pro- cess of their~production and of the interrelation of theee propertiee with the behavior of graphite under radiation in a reactor. Yn order to detect these or ather regu~arities, extenaive use was made of model materials; the inveatigated properties Were altered in Chem during the procesa of their pro- duction in a regular Way. The published data on the construction and dura- bility of graphite bricicaork are generalized in thia b~ok. Together with this~ various constructiona of ampule devices are de~cribed as vell ae methode of graphite irradiation employed in inveetigations in this country. In writing this book the authore, having generalized the reaults of both domestic and foreign research on graphite~ have propoaed methoda to a11oW estimating by calculation the radiative changes of some properties of re- actor graphite. Much attention has been given to the influence of poroaity and degree of perfection of the crystal structure of the graphite materials (mainly of domestic production) on their phyeical and mechanical properties both in their original $tate and after radiation. The list of the literature used in this work is not exhaustive because the authors did not consider it necesgary to give a full reviea of all publiahed aork. COPYRIGHT: Atomizdat, 1978 12157 CSO: 1870 27 FOR OF~t~CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 ' ~OR OFFICIAL U8B ONLY PUBLICATSONB ~ ELECTRO- AND MAaNET00PTTC8 OF LIQUID !:RYSTAL3 Moseox ELEKTRO- I MAdH~T00PTIKA ZHIDKII4i KRISTAI,LOV in Russian 1978 signed to press 30 Jan ?8 pp 1-4, 7-11 [Annotation, table of conte~nte, preface and introduction t~om book by L. M. Blinov, Izdatel'atvo "N~uks", 4,000 copies, 384 pp~ , [Text] Th3a book is a thorough general trestment of practicelly sll known phenomena occurring in liquid cryatsls under tihe influence oP e].ectric and magnetic Pie].de. The Firat paY~t of the book (Chaptera 1-3) is Qn introduc- ~ tion to the p2~ysics oP liquid cryatala. In the aecond part (Chaptera 4-8) is a deteiled diecusaion oP orientational and electrot~ydroc~yn~mic efPecte in the nematic phases ~nd structural transformations and ineta'bility in cholesteric and smectic cryatals. The main stress hag been laid upon giving the qualitQtive picture and laying bare the physical aignificence of the phenom~na. Prospectg for practical application of electrooptical efiects sre aleo discusaed. . Contenta Page P~ysical Parameters of Liquid Crystal.s 5 Foreword 7 Introduction 9 A. INTRODUCTION TO THE PHYSIC3 OF LIQUID CRYSTALS Chapter 1. The Me~in Properties oP Liquid Crystels 12 1.1 Classification and structure 12 1.2 The director. Degree of orientatione~l order 20 1.3 A molecular-statistical description of the liquid crystal atate.. 24 Chapt~r 2. Anisotropy of the Liquid Crystal Medium 3~+ 2.1 Optical and dielectric properties of isotropic liquids........... 3~+ 2.2 Magnetic anisotropy........ 40 2.3 Optical aaisotropy 43 2.4 Dielectric conate~nts (static case)....... 55 2.5 Frequency characteriatics oP dielectric constgats 63 2.6 Properties of mixtures 73 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 PbR OFFiCIAL U38 ONLY Chapter 3. Vieaoelae~ic Propertiee....~~..~....~.~....~.~..~...~....... 7'0 3.1 ~'heory oP elas~ieity.~,...,...~ 78 3.2 Mein equat3ong of NZhK ~nemati~ liquid eryetala~.~ 89 3�3 Dir~ctor fl.uetu~tion~ and lighb so~t~ering in nemstic liquid erystals..~ 101 B, ~CTRO- AND MAON~1'00~'1'IC8 OP' LIQU]~ CRY92'ALS Chapter 4~ Orientational Effeete in Nemat3~ Liquid Cryetale..........~. ii4 4.1, Experimentel equipmen~. Orientationgl. metho~s ll4 4.2 The Frederiks trgnsition. Theory...~ 121 4.3 Exper3ment~.1 s~udiea of the Frederiks tr~ns3tion. 8- e~nd D- effecte 135 4.4 The t~riet effec~.......t 141 ~?�5 The "gueet-host" effeet in pure neamatie liquid erystals......... 148 4.6 The P].exoelectric efPect 153 4.7 ~he Kerr efle~t in the ieotropie.phase i66 Ch~pter 5. E].ectro~ydrod~mamic ~ffectg in Nematic Liqt~id Cryste?].e...... 171 ;.1 Eleatrieal eonductivity 171 5�2 Anomatous orientation oP nematic liquid cryetals in an electric field 18y 5�3 The mechaniem oP electrot~ydroc~ynsmic instebility in nemetie cryata].s ~rith Cc< 0 aad emall aa> 0 . 195 5�4 The behavior of nematic liquid cryatals xith e~< 0 above the inst~bil3ty threshold. Dynamic light scattering 221 . 5�5 Some special eases xith 4c< 0 .....................................229 5.6 Electro2~rdroc~ynamic instability in an isotropic liquid e~ad ~ in nemetic crystals with De yi 0 232 Ch6pierT6e pitcheofethe cho esterict piral 244 6.2 Optical properties 250 6.3 Peculiarities of the theory of elasticity and c~jmamica of cholesteric crystals 258 6.4 3tructural char~ges in aholesteric liquid cryatal$ in externsl fielde 262 6.5 Field ut~coiling oP the cholesteric spiral 276 6.6 Characteriatic properties of narrow cells 288 Chapter 7. Smectic Liquid Crystals 295 ?�l Characteristic elastic and viscous properties of smectic phe~sea.. 295 7.2 Field effects 306 'r � 3 Electro2~ydroc'~rnamic inatability in the smectic phase aad ~n the pretranaitional part of the nematic phase 319 7.~ Properties of C and H cheiral smectic liquid crystals............ 327 29 FOR OPFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 ' FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY Ch~pter 8. Prob].eme end Proepeata for the Pra~t3a~,1. Applicat3on of E].eQtrooptic~.1. EPfeetO in Liquid Cry~~~].e. . . . ~ ~ � ~ � � ~ . 333 8.~. In~ormstior? di0pl~yr devi~e~.~~..~...~.~~..~~..~..~......~......~. 334 8.2 Optie~?1 3nlormation pro~aeeing devioe0.~....~...........~..~~..~. 349 8.3 Other exemplee.~.........~.......~.,~.....~ 357 Bibliography 359 YP Foreword ~ ~'he number of publi~~tions dee,ling with inveatiigQtion of ~iquid crystals is ~ncreasing rapidly. Aceording to f3gures from the LOCUS publishing house, Which producee the gpeoig]. 3ouxnal LIQUID CRYSTAL ABSTRACTS, in 1968 ebou~t 180 xorks were pubiishefl, v?hile in 1975 ab~tracta of 800 arti~les and patente eppeared in the e~ne ~ourns].. The number o#' publ3catione dealing with electro- and magnetoopti3cel properties of liquid crysts].s is in~reasing pro- portionatel,y or even sometirhst faeter (the total~ number as of 19Td a~s about 500). But to date there have been no books on the sub~ect either in the UBSR or ebroQd, ~.1.though individual ~haptera of the books by A. P. Kapus~in and I. (3. Chiatyakov have deal.t with aome electro- and magnetooptice~l phenomena. The need for such a book ie currently making itself rather strongly felt, since electrooptical. effects 3n liquid crystals have begun to ~ind extensive application in engineer3ng, and the number of acientists ~?nd engineers en- ggged in eleetronics Who he?ve become intereated in the sub~ect has inorea0ed sharply. . This book is intended to be a signifieantly expe?nded vereion of s previouely ~ publiahed aurvey and is based on a cour8e of lectures on electrical and opti- cQl propertiee of liquid crystals given by the author in 1975 to membera of - the 3cientiPic Aeaearch Institute of Orge?ni~c Intermedistes and Dyes. Al- though there ia s vietr that a book presents" and "a textbook explains," in this book an attempt has been mede to provide a clear description of the phenomena along xith an explanati~an of their p2~raical esaence. In addition the author hss striven to keep in view the quantitative aspect o! the sub~ect, bsaing himselP of the theoretic~l approach of de (iennes' book. Thus the book's purpose is to syatematize experimenta]. snd theoretical data on electro- and magnetooptical phenomena in liquid crysta].s and to elucidate these phenomena Prom a unified pt~ysical vieWpoint. The book consists of txo parts. In the firgt (introductory) part, the pt~rsi- cal b~ses of the molecular-stQtiatical and continuum theory of liquid crys- tels, Which have been de~lt srith very scantily in this country's litere?tiure, are described xithout the use of mathematical formulations. The second part deals with the electro- and magnetooptical elPects themselves. Their inter- pretation makes use of the theoretical~outline given in the introductory part. The author has tried to give e relatively f1~11 bibliograpt~y ot~y in the aecond part of the book; in the Pirst part he has noted only the most lLndamental xorks Which ~rill aid ia gaining au understanding of the pbyaical importance oP the pbenomena. This book is intended for a wide range of scientific 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONSLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR OFFICIAL U3E ONLY p~raonne].: exgerimental p2~ysieis~s, elec~roni~a engineers and chamic~.], ptur~ic3ets. Uni.vereity ~nstrue~ors end s~udente ~pe~i~i~3ng in ~he phygl,ce of d3e].ectr3as and ~ryetala mqy also Pinc1 eee~ions of i~ uaefu~. 9ome in- formation nn liquia eryetal aubs~anaes of a reference nature mqy be of inter- eet to theore~iae~1 phyeicist~ ee ~re~l. ti3rtual,.y al~ the material 3n the book re~.ates ~o thermotropi~ liquid ary~-. ta].a, ~inee eleetro- and magnetooptieal lyotropie meaophasea have not yet been treated ne a Qeif�standing aub~eet. The description of nem~tic and eholester3c subgtancee goea into coneider~bl.e detail, eince heretofore smeat3e 13qu3d erya- ~a~ls heve not formed par~ oP the aubhor'g !'ield of interest. This is, of aourse, ~ shortcoming in the book,~and ~aeured].y not the only one. The author rr311 be extremely grateftil. for critica7. obaervat3ona, uhich ~ri11 unqueetion- ably be of uee in his further aork. The author expreaseo his deep gratitude to hie eolleagues xorkin.g in the electrooptical of liquid cryeta].s: M. 7. Barnik, Ye. 7. Balabanov, S. V. Belyayev, M. F. Qrebenkin, I. N. Kompa~ietg, V. a. Rw~yantisev, 8. A. pikin, V. Chirinov and V. M. Popin, Ye. I. Kovshev at~d V. V. Titiov, in diecus- siong rrith ahom he has been abl~ ~o into many p2~ysical snd ~hemicsl. queations, and e].so to V. A. Kize1.' for va].uable edvice. ' Introduction Liquid cryatals ~re liquids in xhich there occurs a certain order~y dispoei- tl.on of molecules result3ng in an anisotropy of inechanical, electric, mag- netic and optical properties. Even though liquid crystals (meaophases) unite the propertiea of the solid phase and fsotropic liquida~ the electro- and magnetooptical phenomene in them are largely unique, having ae a rule no parallels 3n the solta or isotropic phasea. On one hand, all efPects typical of dielectric liquids occur 3n liquid crys- tals (e.g. the Kerr effect, electro~ydrodynamic instab3lity and so on). At the same time, a number oP effects typical of the solid atate are not obee*w- able in liquid crystals. This is particularly true oP effecta resulting from the in~ection aad movement of charge csrriers, the preaence of unpaired elec- ~ trons, special types of sy~etry (e.g. the Pockela eft'ect) and the like. Liquid crystals are diamegnetic and accordingly all currently-lmown magneto- optfcal phe~omena in them have their corresponding electrooptic~l analoga. In general terms, electrooptics of liquid cryatals is more exteneive than their mQgnetooptics, Por tao reasons. First, the moleculea have permanent elec- tric dipoles but lack magnetic dipoles, and accordingly alao l~ek the poasi- bility of inveations of dielectric aaisotropy resulting t'rom chaagea in the proportion of orientational polarization and other effects reeulting from dipoles, e.g. the flexoelectric effect, the segnetoelectric effect and so on. ~ Secondly, a number of elecLrooptical effects result from the p~?ssage of cur- rent ~electro2~rdroc~}mamic instability), and these phenomena lack magnetic analogs. Honetheleae, xe have not ~rished in our title to reler excluaively to electrooptics, since maqy e,xperimental srid theoretical results he,ve been obteined for the action of a magnetic field on mesophases (although hereafter xe ~rill sometimes apeak of electrooptics alone for the sake of brevity, vhile noting the existence of magnetic analoge). 31 FOR OPFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 , FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY The prepondera,n~e of electro- and magnetooptie~.1 effe~ts typ3ce]. of liqu~d . crygte~la 3nvolve reorientation of the ~irector ~the prim~ry exig o~ or3en~a- tion of the mo~eeu].ea) of a m~oroBaopio quantity ot' the subetanoe under a field or in liquid f~ow. 7'he root cause of this reor3entation i~ the an~eo- ~ropy of the e].ectric and magnetie proper~iee of the ~ubstance (diele~tric and diamagnet3~ suecept3bility, eleetrica:]. conduetivity), but the eourge of ~he procegs d~pends ~lso on anieotropy of viacoelasti~ properties and the ~.nitial. orients~t3on of the mo] o#' t2ae mesophase relat3ve to the fieJ.d. The result of the reorientation is a ehange in the optieal propert3e~ of the substance, sLS11 ag 8 regult of ite opt3cal. anisotropy. Th38 proceas of re- ~ orientQtion of bhe director (~ocalized nr throughout the sample) mqy be tr~ced in li~eral.l.y all electro- and magnetoopt~ea~. effects. ere: the Frederiks transition; cymamic, where ~he J.oca1 reorient~tion of the director results fram turbulent motion of the ~~qu3d; and choleeter3c- nematic phase ahange in a magnebic field, where the director is reoriented during uncoiling of the chole8teric spiral; xave in~tabilitieg of e~n A-type smectic wi~h space-periodic ~h~nges in the director 3n s layer of the sub-~: stance, anc~ so on. The basic procese of reorSentation of the director on the one hand occas:ions a].l the unusual behavior of 1.iquid crystals in extern~]. f3elds, and on the other clearly ~ustifies ~ continuum approach to the theo- retical diecussion of the phenomena in queation. The atudy of magneto- and electrooptic~l liquis cryetale has ~ long hietory, in which two atQges of unequ~l. length can be traced. Starting vork performed by B~ornstshl in 1918, r~nd continuing until 1968-1970,there Was e? alow process oP collection of experimenta]. data, although in the couree of it most of the efYects knoxn tode~y xere diecovered (reorientation in a magnetic field; scattering of light, accordingly deecribed as ~'dynamic"; Yormation of domain structures; the effect oP a Pield on the amectic and choleeteric mesophases and the like). During this stage a great contributiofl xas made by the Soviet school of scientists: V. K. Frederiks, V. N. Tsvetkov and A. Kapustin. During t~he 70's, the prospect of extensive practical employment of liquid cryatals in information displayr devices led to the synthesis of a number of nea classes oP subataacea ~rith mesophase intervals at roaan temperature. The same period also savr he3ghtened interest in liquid cryetals on the part of ~ theoretical pt~ysicists aho had perviously been concerned tirith the solid atate. Thanks to the xork of P. de Oennes, V. Helfrich, 3. A. Pikin and othera, a profound underatanding of tne mechanism of a large number of electrooptical effects has been achieved. The experimental xork in tLis period typice~lly entails preciae fixing oP experimental conditiions such as the type oP external influence, strict determination ~f molecule oriente~tion of liquid monocrys- tals, independent atructural determination and measurement of the basic p~jrs- ica~ parameters of the substancea that determfn~ thefr electrooptical behav- ior and so on. As e result, We may state that the pt~ysics oP most electro- and magnetooptical phena~ena in nematic and cholesteric liquid crys- tals has been rather ful~}r ~rorked out (although this cannot yet be said of various smectic mesophases). Moreover, electro- and magnetooptical experi- ments have formed the basis of a number of ppecision methods for determination 32 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR 0~'FICYAL US8 ONLY of phy03ea]. parametere ot' matter guoh as the Qoe~'t'ieients of el~atioity arrd vieeos3ty, opt~eal anisotropy, the piezoopti~ ooef~io3ent and the like~ A1.1 ~f theae a~hi~vemente have made ~he eleetrn- and ma.gnetoopties oP ~~quid eryeta].g ~n independent, extremely intereatir?g and praatieally uoe~'ul area oP the phyeiee of the ~ondensed etete oi' me?tter. ~ COPYRIQH'.~: alavriqya rec~akteiya f3ziko-m~tematicheskoy litera~ury, iza~tei~ etvo "xauicn~~, i978 a4eo ` cso: i87o ~ ' 33 FOR OFFICIAt USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 . r.. Y~~YY a PUBLICA~IONS ~ ~ UDC: 621.385.6+621.375.8(075.8) , ~ ELECTRONIC MICROWAVF AND QUANTUM INSTRUM~iTS ~ ~ Moecow ELEKTRONNYYE PRIBORY SVCH I KVANTOVYYE PRIBORY in Russian 1979 eigned to prees 28 Nov 78~ pp 2, 283-285 (Mnotation and table of contents from the book by N. D. Fedorov~ Aromizd~t~ 9,300 copies, 285 pages] , (Text] Annotation This book presenta the phyeical principlea of electronic microwave instruments and quantum miarowave and optical devicee. The principles of operaCion, basic characteristice and parametera of flight path and reflecting drift and reflex klyaCrons, traveling and back wave tubes, magnetron-type devices, aemiconductor microwave'devicee, quantum para- magnetic amplifiere (masers), quantum frequency etandards and laeera are analyzed. The textbook ie deeigned for univeraity-level electrical engineering atudenCe. Figurea 200; Tables 12; References 27. CONTENTS For~rard to the Second Edition 3 Introduction 5 Part 1. Electronic Microwave Devices 9 Sectioa 1. Electronic Micro~ave Vacuum Devicas 9 Chapter 1. Electronic Microwave Tubes 9 1.1 Current in the Intraelectrode Gap 9 1.2 Grid Tubes in Loa Amplitude Modes 1Z 1.3 Micro~tav~ Crid Tubes in High Amplitude Modes 14 1.4 Pecularities of Manufacture and Applicatioa 16 34 F'aR OPPICIAL USE ONLY � APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR QFFICIAL USE ONLY Ch~pter x~ Drift Klyatrons . L8 2~1 Operating Principle of ~ riual-Reeonaeor Amplify3ng, ~ Drift Klyetiron ~,g 2.2 Modulation of Electron Flux Veloaity Zp 2~3 Grouping of ~lectrnna 23 2.4 Energy Take Off from Dengity-Modulated Electiron Flux 30 2.5 Parameter~ and Characteriatica of Dual-ReeonaCor Drift Klyetron ~ 35 2.6 Operating Principle o� Multiple-Reeonatior Drifti Klyetron 38 2.7 Parametsre and CharacterisCics of Multiple-Resonator ' K1ysCron ' GO ~ 2.8 Pecularities of the Device ana Parametera of Amplifying Drift Klystiron ~ k4 Chapter 3. Reflex Klystrone 45 3.1 Principle o� Operation 46 3.2 Grouping of Electron 49 3.3 Balances of Phase and Power 51 3.4 Power gnd Electron Efficiency 56 3.5 ~:1ecCron Frequency Retuning 58 3.6 Pecularities of Manufacture and Paramaters of Reflex Klyatrons 61 Chapter 4. Traveling Wave Tubea and Back Wave Tubes Type 0 (TWTO and BWTO) 62 4.1 Operati~ng Principle of Type 0 Devices with Long-term Interaction 62 4.2 Retarding Sy~tema ~ 67 4.3 Elementa of the Linear Theory of TWTO 74 4.4 Parameters and Characteriatice of TWTO 78 4.5 Pec~laritiea of-Manufacture and Application of ZWTO 86 4.6 Operating Princip3~e of BWTO Amplifiera gg 4.7 Operating Principle of BWTO Oscillatora 90 . 4.8 Parametera and Characteristics of Oecillater BWTO 92 ~ 4.9 Pecularities of Manufacture and Application of BWTO 94 Chapter 5. Phyaical Principlea of Type M Devices 95 5.1 Movement of Electrone in Crossed Electrical and Magnetic Fields in the 3tatic Mode , 96 5.2 Movement of Electrona in Croased Electric and Magneti.c ~ Field when a Microwave Field is PresenC 100 5.3 Energy Sp~cifica of the Interaction of a Microwave Field ~nd Electrons in Type M Devicea 105 Chapter 6. Type M Traveling Wave snd Back Wave Tubea (TWTM and B'~TM> 106 6.1 Operating Principle of ^'WTM ~ 107 6.2 Parametera and Characteristics of TWTM 109 , 6.3 Operating Principle of BWI'M 113 6.4 Parametera and Characteriatics of an Oscillating BWTM 114 35 � FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 ' FOR OF~ICIAL USL ONLY Chaptier 7. The Multiple-Reeonator Magnetron 115 ~.1 Static Mode of~Operatiion of tha M~gnetron ~1~5 7.2 Propertiea o� the Oscillating Syetem of the Magnetron 117 , 7~3 Dyriamic Operating Mode of the Magnetrnn ~lg 7.4 5tabilization of the Form of Operating Oacillatione i24 - ~ 7.5 Parameters and Characteriatica of the Multiip~e-Resonmtor ' Magnetron 126 7.6 Pecularities of Manufacture and Application of Multiple- ReaonaCor Magnetrona ~28 . Chapter 8. The Platinotron (Amplitron and 3tabilotron) ~ 130 S.1 Operating Principle of the Amplitron 132 ~ ~ 8.2 Parametere and Characteristics of the Amplitron ~ 132 8.3 Operating Principle of the St~biloCron , 134 Chapter 9. Electronic Devices with Special Typea of InteracCion 135 ~ 9.1 Devices Parametric Amplification in an ~lectron , Flux . 135 9.2 Instruments with Cyclotron Reaonance 138 9.3 Instruments with Diffraction Radiation 139 Section 2. SemiconducCor Microwave Devices 142 Chapter 10. Avalance-Drive Diodea (ADD) � 143 10.1 Avalance Multiplication of Caxriers 143 ~ L0.2 Avalance Mode of Operation of an ADD 146 10.3 Operating Mode of an ADD with a~Captured Plasma '156 10.4 Parameters and Characteriatica of Osci11$tors and � Amplifiers based on ADD Operating in the Drif t Mode 157 ' 10.5 Pecularities of Manuf acCure and Application of ADD 162 Chapter 11. Semiconductor Devices with SpaCial Instability (Gunn Diodes) 163 11.1 Types of Instability of the Space Charge 164 11.2 Domain Modes of Operation of Oscillators based on Gunn Diodes 175 11.3 Mode of Limited Accwttulation of Space Charge and ~ Hybrid Modes ~ 183 11.4 Pecularities of the Manufacture and Application of Gunn Diodes 186 Part 2. Quantum Microwave and Optical Devices 188 Chapter 12. Physical Principles of Quantum Devices 188 12.1 Quantum Transitions 189 - 12.2 Spectral Line Width 194 ' 12.3 Possibility of Amplification and Oscillation in Quantum Systems 199 12.4 Method of Pumping with Supplementary Radiation 207 36 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 POR OFFICIAL USE OriLY Chgpter 13. Microwave QuanCum Peramagnetic Amplifiere (QPA) 214 13.1 ~n~rgy Lavels of PnramagneCic Subetances 214 13.2 Production of a Popul~tiion inverrion in a Paramagnatic Sub~t~nca 215 13.3 Varieties of QPA ~nd their Parameters 216 13.G PeculariCiee of the De~ign end Appiication of QPA 222 Chepter 14. QuanCwn Pr@quency 5tandards (QFC) . 223 ~ 14.1 Requireraents Plac~d on the QFC Opernting Medium 223 14.2 Pas~ive Quantum Fr~aquency Srandarde 225 14.3 Active Quantum ~requency Standards 2;?9 Chapter 15. Laeerg 231 15.1 Upticai ReaonaCors 231 15.2 Conditions of AutoexcitaCion and La~er Poaer 236 _ 15.3 The Redietion 3pecCrum of a Laser 241 15.4 Coherence~ Monochromaticity aad Directtvity of t.~tear ttadiation 246 15.5 Cas Lasers 249 15.6 Solid-State Laeers 2gy 15.7 5emironductor Lasers 26Z _ , 15.8 Liquid Lasere Z~g 15.9 Laaer Applications 270 Symbols Uaed ~ 27g List of Recommended Literature 278 Index 280 COPYAIGHT: Atomizdat, 1979 6508 C80: 1870 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 _ , t+0it OpPiCYAL t18E ONLY ~ ~ pUBLiCA'Ci0N8 UDC 621.383.4 P~0201tESISTORB AND Tt~EIR APPLICATION Leningrad FOTOREZISTORY I IKl~ PRgtENENIYE in Russian 1978~ aigned to press 6 May 78 pp 2, 144 [Annotation aud Table of Coatenre from the book bq E.O. Bogdauov, B~ergiya Pubiiehers, 15,000 copiea, 144 pagee] ' ~Textj The physics of the photoconductivitq process in photorasistoret is briefiy presen~ed in the book, and their baeic characteristics are ~YesCed. Me~hods of designSsig electrical circuits are presented, many o! vhich have not been coneidered previouely ia tectinicai literature. Circuit� and designe of devices vhir,h are both in service and deacribed in the literature for Che first time are aideip repreaented. , The book is deaigned for a`ride circie of engineering aad techaicai vorkers, engaged ta Ctie design aad use oi various devices, in photoresie~tors are esaployed, aad tt can be usef.ul to instructors, and graduate and uudergraduate students of the t?SgAer educatioaal iastitutes. Table of Contents Forevord 3 Chapter One. The Photoconductivity of Photoresistors and Their Characteristics 4 1. Baeic con~epts of the phoCoconductivity phenomenon - 2. The characteristics of photoresistors 8 ChapCer Two. Primar;~ Information Tranaducers 14 3. 2he classification of transducers ~ 4. The baeic camponenta of transducers 1-6 5. Traasducers ahich perceive the radiation flux of an ob~ect of studq 6. Traasducers .+hich moaitor the ~pCicai parameters of a ~oedivm 26 7. Transducers wtiich moaitor the chaage in the position or the geo~netric parameters of an ob~ect ~b 38 FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 . 1~OR OPFiCIAL US~ ONLY - _ ; Chaptar Thraa. Designiag Circuie~'atCh Photioraoiutoro ' 71 8. Ci~rcuit BtYUCeutia aind ci+~~~ifi~ation - 9. Stalic noda citicuie deeign aathods 73 10. Dynamic moda circuit daeign rel~hods 80 11. Factore 3a~iuancing the titianemiesion og an informaCion siguai 89 ChapCer pour. The Biectricai Circuits of Davices 103 12. Genaral priaciples of circuit design � 13. Circuite aith a singie channei nutiput 105 14. Circuits vith a muleichannei output 126 � Bibliography 142 ' COPYRIGE1Ts Izdatel~stvo "gnergiya," 1978 . . 8225 CS0:1870 ~ 39 FOR O~~FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 ~Ott OFFIC~AL tl8~ ONLY ~ PUgLICATI0t~8 ~ ~ UDC 621.382(0~5) MICROSLBCTRONICB s DESIGN ~ Tst'!'P88 OF MTCROCIRCITITS ~ NBii DItt~CTI0N8 Mo~coa M2~OEL~NiKA. PROYEKTIAONANiYE~ VIDY 1~YKROSt(N~i, NOVYYS NAPRAVLE~tiYA in Ruseian 1978, eigned eo prees 3 Jul 78 pp 3, 311M312 ~ (Annot~tio~n and Table of Coatente from the book by I.Ye. Yefisov~ Yu.I. Gorbunov and r.Ya. tGozqr'~ Vyeehaya 3hkola Pubiishers~ 25,000 copies, 312 pagea~ ~ ~Textj The handbook is the aecond part of the book "lliicroelektronika (~+izicheakiye I Tekhnologiakiqe Oenovq, Nadeztwost~)" I~~icroelectronics (Phyeical and Tect~aological Fundamentals, Reliability)~'~, publiahed bq "VqBahaya Shkola" Publiahers in 1977. Queetions of the design of bipolar and MOS integrated circuite, hybrid integrated circuits and large-scale integrated circuita, as weii ae the baeic types~o! integrated ctrcuite aad ne~r d~elopa~ental trends in microelectronics are tYea~ad in it. Table of Contents Foreword 3 Introduction S " Chapter 1. The Fundamental Principles of the Deeign of Semiconductor TC~s 9 1.1. Specific features of IC deeign 9 1.2. Static deaign calculation procedures !or IC's 13 1.3. Steps ia the design an3 development of IC topologq 11 1.4. Plotting the dopiag material profiles for the case of a h3gh conceatration of the diffusiag atom~ 23 1.5. The dLstribution of the doping material atoms tor the case of a t~ra stage diftusion proceas 31 1.6. The determinatioa o! the maia techaical and economic indicatore of TC~s 38 Chapter 2. The Deaign of Semiconductor IC~s Using Bipolar Transistors k6 2.1. Production technology methods for aemiconductor IC~s 46 2.2. The structure and methods of destgniag a transiseor o~ a semiconductor IC 55 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 ~ 1~OR OFFICiAL U3B ONLY 2.3. The eCrueeura end methode of d~eigning a dioda of a eami~onduceor iC gq . Z.4. Th~ da~ign nelcul~tioa sad planniag o! diffueton raedstoro of a aemiconductor iC 62 2.5. ~'t~a de~ign caiculation and pianning of capa~itor8 of e . eemiconductor tC ~g 2.6. The generai principies of ~he layout of the topology oi~ e. aem3conducCor TC 85 2.7. PYaceieai exampies of topolog3cal deaiga 90 2.8. gaeic pr~.nncipie~ of the de8ign of emiconducCor iC~a based on b~,polar ~ransie~ore gg Chapter 3. The Deeign of MOS iC~s 101 3.1. A comparative evaluation of semiconductor TC~s uaing . bipolar aad MOS traneiseors 101 3.2. 7'he operationai princtpie~ end apecific strucCurai featurea of an ~I03 transis~or 105 3.3. Charge coupled devices 116 3.4. The basic principies of the fabrica~ion of MOS seructures 122 3.5. The design and fabr3cgCSon of MOS TC~s using compimentary txansisrors ],30 3.6. Examples of angineering design planning for KOS iC~s 134 Chspter 4. The Design of Hqbrid ICfa 140 4.1. Stagee in the development and the specific design featurea ~ of hpbrid TC's 140 G.2. The determinaCion of the functionai compiexitp of hpbrid IC~s 143 4.3. A procedure for desigaing the optimai structure of hpbrid IC's 146 - 4.4. The initial data for the design of hybrid IC~s 151 4.5. The deeign calculation and planning of film compoaente 158 4.6. The principies of the practical planning and laqout of the topological structure of hpbrid TC~s 164 4.7. Developing the topologq and etructural design of hpbrid IC~s 169 Chapter 5. The Deaign of LSI~s 176 5.1. The specific features of LSI design 176 5.2.'L3mitaCions and problems in LSI design 178 5.3. Basic steps in ti~e deaign caiculations nnd planning of LSI~s 180 5.4. The role and funct~on o! cvmputere in LST design 182 ' 5.5. The determiaation of Che tunctionai composition of an LSI 184 - 5.6. Planaing LSI topologp 1g2 5.7. Aa automated sqetem for LSI design 200 Chapter 6. The Basic Types of IC~s 208 6.1. The classificati,on and designation system for IC~s 208 6.2. The main tppes df digital TC~s usSng bipolar transistors 212 41 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FAR OFFiCiAi. i138 ANLY - - 6.3. The circuit r~ali~ation of the main logic funcCiona of TC~e 21~ 6.4. MicYOpowati logic ic's ~ ZZZ 6.3. Logic IC~g u~ing M03 tr~eaistors 225 6.6. Devalopme~ntai ereeds gor d3gital iC~e 230 6.7. The main types og analog (lineaY) iC~e 234 6.8. iC ampiifiere 23~ , 6.9. B~cemplee of L3I ~ s 240 Chapter 7. Tntegrated Circuits !or ~he Microvave Band 244 7.1, Baeic deginiCione end ineegrat~.on methods 244 ~ 7.2. Microaave xC componente ~ 245 7.3. Microaave TC aubstra~es 24~ 7.4. Microvaae TC microstrip transmiaei~n lines 249 7.5. Paesive componenta ~rLth concentrated parame~ers for microaave TC~a 255 , 7.6. Active components for microwave IC~s 25~ 7.7. Some questions in the des3gn of microaave TC's 259 7.8. The chergcterig~ics of certain ~ppes og micYOVaves IC~e` and their further developoent 263 ~ Chapter 8. New Diraceions in the Developmant of Microelectroaice 266 8.1. Fuactional uicroelectronics ~ 266 8.2. Op~oelectronice 2~3 8.3. Acouaticel e~ectronics 281 8.4. Magnetoelectronica 28S ~ 8.5. Gunn pffect devics 28a 8.6. Dielectric electronics � 291 8.7. Cry+oelectronics 293 8.8. Chemotronics ~ 295 8.9. Bioelectronics 301 8.10. A forecast for the development og microelectronice 303 Bibliographp � 308 COPYRIGHT s Izdatel ~ stvo ~'Vpsshaqa shk~ola, 1978 8225 CS0:1870 42 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 . ; FOR O1~PtC~AL US8 ONLY ~ ~ pvst~zcqx~oNs , ~ , UDC 6Z1.049.73.75t001.2(024) METHODS OF PARTITIONING R:`.DIOELSCTRONIC EQU~P1~iT CIRCUITS INTO ~ 3TRUCTURALI.Y C~LETE 3E~TTONS Moacov MSTODY RAZBIYBNIYA 3Ktt@~t REA NA KONSTEtUKTYVNO ZAKONCHENN~tB CHASTI in Ruseian 1978, eigned to prese 20 Feb pp 2, 134 [Annotation and Table of Contents from the book edited by K.K. Morozov, Sove~skoye Radio Pub~3shere, 11,500 copies. 136 pagee~ [Text] Three groupe of ine~hods of partitioning the electrical circuiery of radioelectronic equipment are treated in this work, whexe the maChe�? matical madle of the equipment circuit is repreeented as a graph. Belong- ing to the Pirsc group are sequential methods, in the utili~ation of ithich each atructurally complete section is formed by meana of aequantiallq se- lecting acceptable loaer level componente. Iteration methods are combined in the second group. All the sectione are formed eimultaneougly, rhile optiaiizatioa ie assured through the rearrangement of the coc~ponettto. The random designation procedure belongs in this group. The methcd o~ branches and bounds ia the basis for the third group of inethods. Te is demonstrated that thia method permits a precise solueion of the problem of partiCioning the electrical circuitry of radioelectronic equipment iuto atructural eec- tions. The book is intended for radio design engineers and specialiets engaged in prableme of radioelectronic equipment deaign using computers. Tt can be useful to atudents in the advanced courses of radio engineering specialists. Some 7 tables, 56 figures, and 41 bibliographic citations. Table of Contents Poreaord g 1. Basic Concepts and Definitiona S 1.1. Sawe information from set theory S 1.2. Concepts of samples ~ 1.3. Graphs and Ways of specifying them 7 43 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOA OFFICIAI~ USE ONLY 1.4. The characterietic numbere o! gYaphe 13 1.5. 3haeee and bloeks ~5 1.6. Methode of making ehe tr~neition frrnn el~crric~i echem~tiicr to graph~ 2. Sequene~ai Merhode for Partitioning Elect~i~ai Circuite 23 2.].. 7'hg~formulet3on of ~ha partitiion~,nng problam for electrical circuite 23 2.2. Saquential aigorittm~s gor grgph partitioning 30 2.3. Partieioning a gtiaph into piec~e using a matir3x of ae~rorka 40 , 2.4. The formation o~ min~mai arraya 3n a graph 47 ~ 2.5. Pert3t3oning a graph uaing a family o! intarnaliq complate 8ubeets of Che ee~ of vertices ~ 54 2.6. A sequene3al algorttt~m for parti~ioning a hypergraph 59 3. Iteration P~oceduree for Par~itioning the Graphs of Biec~ricai Circu~te 62 3.1. A matirix for partitioning a circu:.~ graph b2 3.2. Partitioning by meane of connectedneeg numbers 78 3.3. An iteration�sequential algoritt~ for partttioning a aircuit . gra;~h 88 3.4..The me~hod of random designations ia the case of pareieioning a graph into pieces 96 3.5. Aa iteration algorittna for par~itioning e turpergraph 100 3.6. Partittoning a radioelecCronia equipaent circuit 3ato partis xieh a uailarm dietributiou of the connections 103 4. The Applicatioa of the Method of Branches and Bounds to the Solution o! the Pareitioning Problem for Electrical Circuit Grapha 109 4.1. The method of branchea and bounde 109 4.2. A sequential parritioning aigoxiehm based on the method o� branches and bounde 113 4.3. An iteration partitioning aigorithm based oa the method of ~branches and bound8 121 Conclugioe . 130 Bibliographq 131 COPXRIGNT: Tzdatel~stvo "Sovetskoye radio,~' 1978 8225 CS0:1870 44 FOR OFFICIAL USS OI~1LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR OFFiC~AL US~ ONLY PUHLICATIONS LiST OF SOVIET ART~CL~9 bEALINt3~1ITH COMP03ITE MATERIAL9 NO 1, 1979 MoBeow (~03UDARSTV~tI~YY KOM~:TET 80VETA MINISTROV 983~ PO NAUKE I TF'~iIKE. AKAD~fIYA NAUK SSSR. SIONAL'NAYA INF'ORMATSIYA. KOMP02I7'SIONNYYE MATE~iIALY in Ru~$ian voi 4, xo i, 1979 pp 1-7 (Folloxing is Q list of the 3oviet entrieg from SIdNAL'NAYA IN~'ORMAT9IYA. KOt~OZIT3I0NNYYE MATERiALY ( SI(}NAL II~iFORMATION. CONIl'03TTE MATER~AIS a bibliagr~phic publlcatiort of ti~NIT~. This listing ia from Vol 4, No 197g~ ~Excerpta~ 1. Investigation~of the Early 3tngee of the Interaction of Boron Fibera xiLh Aluminum. Salibekov, 3. Ye., Sakharov, V. V., Romanovich, I. Y. "Metelloved. i Lerm. obrab. metallov." 1978, No 10. 42-44. 2. Solderi~ig of Diemond$, E1'bor and Other 8uperhard Materi~lg to Metale in the Manufacture of Cutting and Dra~ring Tools. Naydich, Yu. V., Kolesnichenko, C. A., Zyukin, N. 3., Kostyuk, B. D. "Svaroch. pr-vc." 1978, No 7. 21-23. 3. P. A MeLhod of Manufacturing Bimetal Parts. Len', 3. D. (Yees. n.-i. i konstrukt.-tekhnol. in-t kompresaor. mashinoatr.). U33R Author's certificaLe, (Y 22 D 19/00, V 22 D 22/04), No 610608, applied for 16 March, 1976, No 2335214, publish~d 18 May 1978. 4. Observations on 3ome Computational Aspects of the Nomogenization Method in Composite Materials. Lions, Zh. L. "Vychisl. metoc~y v mat. fiz., geofiz. i optimal'n. upr." Novosibirsk, 197&. 5-19. 5. Alwninum-Steel Composites. Fridlyander, I. N., Yuclin, 3. A., Konovalova, N. A., Kursikov, Yu. N. "Metalloved. i term. obrab. metallov." 1978, No 10. 36-39. 6. bevelopment and Investigation of a Combiaed Metal-Polymer Slide Bearing With Inserted Antifrication Ele~ents. Shekhovtsov, P. V., Trofimov, N. P. "Metallurg. mashinoved. i remon: oborud." 1978, No 7. 51-52. 45 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR OFFiC~AL US~ ONLY 7 FaQtors APPeoting the Durabi~ity oY 8bruebura~, Compo~aite Ma~eriais. ~ Noealeviah, I. M. , Popova, N. d. "Veote. Kh~?r ~kov. po].3~ekhr?. it?-~a." i9't8 ~ No 14G. 8-~0. 8. A~1-Un~on Confer~nee on "ilee o~' Refr~?etory FSbers for Lining ~nduetrial FVY'n~?Cea~~ . 8hekhoir~ I. I. ~ Qeodu ~ A. ~1. ~ KtltukoV ~ V. F. "Ogneupory. ~978 ~ xo 7. 51-y4. g. P. Thermobimetal. Fedorovich, Y. A., Pasbernak, I. Z., Done~s, L. x., Mo~alov, A. N., ZQkharov, A. I., Cuvorov, V. A., U1'yanovekiy, F. H. (TaNII chern. metallurgii im. I. P. B~rdina). U98A At~thor's Oertifieate, Cv 32 v~y/oo, a a~ a 38/yo, s 22 s 38/30), ~0 602386, applied for 15 Maroh 76, . No 2334277, published 2y M~reh 78. co~~~cxr: virriTt~ 1979 a4eo ~ CSO: 1870 ~ 46 ~'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR O~~iCfAI, t1Si~ ~NLY ~ ~JIII~ICAT~ON3 , L~ST 0~' 30V~~'I' ART~CLES DEAL~Nd NITft COMPOSITE MA'!'~RIALB NO 2, 1979 - Mogcc~v (I~9UDAASTV~NtNYY t~~MITET 30YF.'~'A M~NfSTRBV 8S9R PO NAUI~ I TEtQ~IKE. AKADh'~IIYA NAtJK 959R. SIONAL'NAYA ~NFORMATS~YA. KOt~OZITSIONNYYE 1~lATERIALY in Ru~~i~n, Vol 4, No 2, 1979, ~P 1�il ~Folloiring ie a lis~ oP the Sovie~ en~riee from SI~NAL'NAYA INF~ORMAT3IYA. KQMPOZIT3IONNYY~ MATERIALY (~IQNAL INFORMl1TI0N. COI~OSIT~ MATER~AI.B), A bibliographic publieation of VINITI. Thia 1i~ting i~a ft~om Yol 4, No l, 1979~ C E~ceerpta 1 1. The Effect of A1loying on ~be Speed of Interactiion of TiLanium xith 5ilicon Carbide Fibers. ayzey, L. S., 7.~sev, B. t1., 3hulepov, V. I., Sokolovgk~ra, Ye. M. "Poroshlc. metaliwrgiya." 1979, No 9� 5a53� (Engrlieh resulLs). 2. On the Uae of DiftLsion Nelding Por Enclosure ~okhvatyvqyush~hiy] Compounda of 40Kh 3teel `rith Copper. Lebed~v, N. V., Parqyev, S. A., Avseyevich, M. A. "Svaroch. pr-vo (Moskva)." 1978, No 4/1. 13~-132. 3. Lap Welding of TiLanium and Copper Partg xiLh ~'redominant Meltin~ of the Copper E~dge. Oeokin, A. A. "3v~uuroch. pr-~ro." lq'r8, No 11. 19-20. 4. Ievestigation of the Merhani~m of Chang~ of Arlhesive Propertiee of Poly- mer Coatingg. Usmanov, D. I. "3b. nauch. tr. Tashkent. politekh. i-L." 1978, xo 2. 6g-76. 5. The Effect of the Method of Reinforcieg Csrbon-Plastic Composites on the Strength of Flat Samples vith Cireular Ho1es. Taaevskiy, V. V. "Moflifik. polimer. materialov." ~978, No ~2~-133� 6. A Reaction with ~mulsion Activity o!' a Crazing Layer in a Compoaite. Chen, E. P., 3i, a. K. "Mekh. polimerov." 1978, No 5. 835-840. 7. On the Strength of Camposites Reinforced in R~o Directions. Rabotnov,� Yu. N. "Mekh. polimerov." 1978, Ho 5� 832-834. 47 FOR OFFICIAL U5E 0~'LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR 01~ICiAi. U~P Ot~LY 8~ On St~bi~ity e.nd F1u~tuAtiona of Reinforced 8upported 9h~~~e. N~mirovakiyr, Yu. V,, ~Amsonov, V. I. "Mekh. pol3merov." 1978, No 5� ~78-893� g. On the Effeetive Length Af ~ Rein~oreing Elemen~ in Layer~ci Caimpo~i~e~. Partaevskiy, V. V. "Mekh. polimerov~" 197g, No 5~ 918-920. 10. 9om~ Theor~biea~ ari~ Eeperimenta~ Metho~s of De~ermining the Streas D~- formatiion Stabe oP 9true~ural Flements Mad~ Prom Anisobropie Reinforeed Pl~s- ~ies. 4. ~nveg~ige~ion ot the 9~re~~a Dtetribu~~on x3~h Millimeber~Range F~eetrcmagnetie Ksire~. Pelekh, L., Vasil'~henko, P~, Malekhik, M. P. "Mekh~ polimerov." 1978, No 5� 93~-936~ ~ 11. A HarAne~s Diagram for Na~Ewre?1. Ca~oBi~ea 8aeed on Mypoeu~ectnifl Carbon Steelu. S~arodubov, K. F., Florov, V. K~, D~tayura, K. Ye~. "Mebelloved. i t~rm. obrab. mete,llov." 1978 i No 11. 49~-5~.� 12. Failure and Design Prineiplea of L~yered Met~]. Materia].s. Belov, A. Koryagin, N. I., Mikly~Urev, P� 0., Neahpor, Q. 8. "Plaeti~h. deformatgiya - iegk. i ape~s. aplsrrov.(Moekva)�" 1978, No 1, 22-55. ~13� Planar Deforma~ion of.s I~yere8 Strip ~rith Longitudinal Craeking. � Yuremenko, V. P. "Plaetich. delormatsiya legk. i epets. splavov:(Moekva)�" 1978, Mo 1. 14y-151. 14. The Effeet o~ Rate of Heating on Thermai Deform~?tion of Carbon-Meta?1- Piastics in V~?rious Media. Tret'ya~henlco, a. N., ar~ebev, L. I. "Probi. prochnoeti." 19fi8, No 8. 6~-71. 15� DSmamic ProPerties oP Compositea vith 3tochaatic 3tructure. Maslov, B. P. "Prikl. mekhar~ika." 1978, 14, No 10. 35-~+~� id. StrenEtih aad DePormaLion Properties of alass-PlasLic Composites in a Plgnar Stress State as a Function of Reinforcement Structure. Upitis, Z. T., Rikards, R. B. "Mekh. polimerov." 1978, ~to 5� 848-859~ 17� Optimization of Three-Ls,yer Plates Made of $jrbrid Camposite Materials. Kreger, A. F., Teters, (3. A. "Mekh. polimerov." 1978, No 5. 872-877� 18. A Comparative Analysis of Anisotropic 3trength of (31aas sad Organic Tex- tilites. Sokolov, Ye. A., Kreger, A. F., M~lc~imov, R. D. "Mekh. polimerov." 1978, Nn 5. 941-847. 1g. ~o~y Comp~si~es aad Methods of Controlling Their Properties. 3hipilev- skiy, B. A. "3b. naueh. tr. Tashkent. politekhn. in-t." 1978, No 242. 3-16. 20. 3~me Qualitative Aspects of the Interaction of Metals xith Joint Plastic Deformatian. 1(yuchukov, Y. M., Dinev, B. V. "Godishn. Visah. khim.-tekhnol. in-t Sofig." 19T't (1978), 23, No 3� 99-148� ~Bu18at'ia~?; Rusaiaa and French results). 21. Determination oP the Thicknesa of a Tit,aaium Carbide Coating Applied to Hard-Alloy Plstes. Berger, V. P., Bibinov, 3. A., Mukhameclchina. N� M. "Poroshk. metallurgiys." 1978, No 9. 86-88. (~nglish results). 48 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 ~ ~ ~ ~ FOR O~F~C~AL USE ONI,Y 22~ P. Method of ~'abr3csting Bime~a]. Part~. Brodko, V. V. (Fiz-tekh. ~.n-t AN B~9R). UB~R Author's Cert3f3cate, (V 23 R 3/02), No 59~564, applied for 5 November 7y, No 2190529, publiahed 22 Feb 78. 23~ D~v~l~pme~t ~?nd inti..,tiga~ion of an A1-C Composite. 'Labolotgkiy, A. A., Sal3b~kov, 9~ Ye. "Meta.l,~oved. term~ obrab. n~et~iiov." i978, No 10. ~9-52. 24. P. A Method of ~'ebricating a 3intered Mete1-araphite Mater3a].. Yas', D. S., P~?vlenko, V. I. (T~entr. ~petg. proyekt.-konstrukt. byuro M-va legk. prom-eti." U88R Author's CertiPicete, (V 22 F 3/16), No 599928, applied for - 22 r~r 76, Ntl 234g686, publiehed 11 ApriZ 78. 25~ Epoxy Systems as Matr3eea of Compoaite8. Lishka, V. "8b. nau~h� tr. Tashkent. poi~te~n. ~n-t.~~ i978, xo 242. i2ai2g. 26. the Formation of Reection Me1ts arid 3urface Compaunde in the Technology oP RePractory Materials and Producta. 3vatovskqye, L. B., 9ychev, M. N. "3ovmeetimogt' i adgeaian. vzaimodeystv3ye rasplavov s mei;allemi." kiev, 1978. 130-138. 27. P. A Method of Fabricating a Tungsten-3ilver Contact Material. Kuncheva, M. S., Tomova, T. T., Angelova, V. Kh., Nedelchev, 8. N., Chekhlarov, N. (3. Bulgariatt Author's Certificate, (C 22 C 29/00), No 19936, applied for 20 Nov 't3, No 25027, published 11 Nov 77. 28. Mechanical and Corrosion Properties oP Compositea of the Mg-V Syatem. Stroganov~, V. F., Timonova, M. A. "Metalloved. i term. obrst~. metallov." 1978, No 10. 44-46. 29. Structure and Properties of an A1-B Composite. Chubarov, V. M., Aref'yev, B. A., Nikole~yeva, T. B., Gorina, N. F., 3amarin, Ye. V. "Metall.oved. i term. obrab. metallov." 1978, No 10. 40-41. 30. Properties of Silver Contacta Fabricated by a Trto-Step Proceas. Rovkov, A. D., Lepeyko, I. P. "Tekhnol. i.organiz. pr-va. Nauch.-proizv. sb." 19i8, No 4. 64-65. 31. Corrosion 3tebility of Compoaite Materials with an Aluminum Matrix. Batrakhov, V. P., Komissarova, V. 3., Yegorova, N. V. "Mete~lloved. i term. obrab. materialov." 1978, No 10. 52-55� 32. Determination of the Shear Modulus oP Composites~from Experiments on the Bending of Annular 3emples. Kintsis, T. Ya., Shlitsa, R. P. "Mekh. poli- ~ merov." 1978, No 5� 938-941. 33� A Ner~? Method of Nondestructive Testing by Anisotropy of the Mechanfcal Strength of Fiber Materfals. Yastrebov, 0. I. "Mekh. polimerov." 1978, No 5� 936-938. 49 FOR OFFICIAL iISE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 _ _ ; _ - . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' - . , ~ 34. A F'rocess of Plasma Depoait3on of a Wear-Res3stant Coating Based on ~ Z'ungsten Carb3de. Raytsea, V. B., Rutberg, V. P., Chel'tsov, V. Ya., Shcherbakcva, A. Q., Volcho, V. I., D~nil'chuk, N. P. "Me~allurg. me~ehinoved~ i remont. oborud (Moskva)." i978, No 7, 84-85~ ~ 35 On the Wel.dability of the A].uminum Alloy CAC].. Voahchinakiy, M. L. , PrivezQntsev, V. I., Fedorov, P. M., Shilov, I. F., Sokolov, N. M., Zytner, a. D. "SvaroQh. pr-vo." i978, No 1Z. 24-26. 36. Determination of Interleyer Frictional Stress for Alum3num Alloya and . Copper Under'Plane Deformation. Gorskiy, A. Ye., Koryagin, N. I., Kuznetaov, A. 8. ~'Plastich. deformatsiya legk. i spets. splavov (Moskva)." 1.978, No 1.. ~88-~93. ' 37� The Effect of Fi11er Dispersion on the Process oF Electrostatic Coatin~ of Metal-Polymer Composites. Gurinovich, L. M., Koretskaya, L. S. "7zv. AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tekhn. n." 1978, No 3. 114-117. (English results). 38. A'Welding Material Based on Titanium Caxb3de and Sormite. Dzodziyev, G. T., Kozhkhar', V. 8., Alekseyev, S. A., Bystrov, V. A., Bystrov, A. V. "Tsvet. met~;.ly." 1978, No 10. 99-100. 39�� Steel as a Naturally Reinforced Composite Material. Gavrilyuk, V. G., Meslilcov, Yu~. Ya. , Oshkaderov, S. P. "Metalloved. i. term. obrab. meta].lov." 19j8, No il. 52-54. 40. P. Composit3on of a Metal-Ceramic Tape. Frumin, I. I., Oparin, L. I., Malikin, V. L., Dal'ni,chenko, B. V., Mikayelyan, G. S., Gayduchenko, A. K., Grisyuk, V. N., Kostyuk, V. A., Yeroshenko, A. I. (In-t elektrosvarki im. Ye. 0. Patona, Brovarsk. z-d poroshk. metallurgii). USSR Author's Certificate, _ (V 23 K 35/30, C 22 C 38/58), No 603542, applied for 19 July 76, No 2388263, published 6 April 78. 41. The Effect of the Method of Reinforcing Carbon-Plastic Composites on the Strength of Flat Samples with Circular Holes. Tane~?skiy, V. V. "Modifik. polimer. materialov." 1978, No 7. 125-133. COPYRIGHT: VINITI, 1979 8480 ~ CSO: 1870 SO FOR OFFICIAL USE OI3LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR UF~'ICIAL U5E ONLY PUBLICAm20N8 LIuT 0~ BUVIET ARTICLES DEALTNO WITH COA+lPO~I~'~ MATERYALS NO 3~ 1979 Moscnw (X1$UDAR3TVENNYY KGMITET SOVETA MZNISTROV 888R PO NAUI~ I TE~4tNIt~. AKADF~lIY,A NAUI{ BSSR. S.(}NAL'NAYA INFORMATSIYA. KOMPOZI2'BTONNYYE MATERIALY ih Rugsien, voi 4, No 3, i978 pp i-~ (FolloW~ng ia a listing of the 8oviet entries from SIaNAL'NAYA YNFORMATSIYA. K!1Mf'OZI'PSTONNYYE MATERIALY (SIGNAL INF'ORMATTON. COMP03ITE MATERIALS)~ a bibliographic publication oP VINITI. This catalog is from Vol 4, No 3, 19791 [Excerpts) 1. On a Diffusion Method of Adhesive Modification of PolyolePins. Avotinyy, Ya. Ya., Kalnin', M. M. "Modifik. polimer. materia].ov (Riga)." 1978, No 7. 58-69. 2. The EfPect of W Radiation in Air on Polyolefin-Steel Adhesive Bonding. Viksne, A. V., Kalnin',� M. M. "Modifik. polimer. materialov (Riga)." ].g78, _ No 7. 70-79� 3. The Effect of Degree of Brar.ching oP Polyolefins on Their Ability to Form Adhesive Bonds With Steel. Viksne, A. V., Kalnin'. M. M. "Modifik. polimer. materialov. (Riga)." 1978, No 7. 3-11. 4. Dependence of Radiation Modification of the Steel-Adhesive Capacity of Polyett~ylene on the Dos~, Doae Rate and Irradiation Medium. Zitsans, Ya. Ya., Kalnin', M. M. "ModiPik. polimer. materialov (Riga)." 1978, No 7� 86-93� 5. Effect of the Nature of the'Thermooxidation Inhibitor on the Nsture oP - Adhesive Interaction oP PolyolePins ~ith Steel. Avotinyy, Ya. Ya., Kalnin', M. M. "Modifik. polimer. materialov (Riga)." 1978, No 7. 24-34. 6. Cooling of Composite Materials in a State of a Regular Process. Temkin, A. G., Dzenis, M. Ya., Reykhmanis, P. K., Karlivan, V. P. "Modifik. polimer. materialov (Ri~a)." 1978, No 7. 3~48-158. 51 FOFt OFFICIAL L'SE Ob'LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 _ _ f~OR OPt~ICtAL 1~5E ONLY _ 7. ~r~luuting tihe ~eparg~ion Ree3etance of ~ Composite F~c~~1 xith Met~1.. Khitrov, V. V. , IC~?tarzhandv, Yu. I. , Yskushin, V. A. "ModtPik~ po].i,ner. mat~ria.lov (Riga)." i978, rro 7� i34-i4i. 8. p. A Mer,~.].locers~nic Compoaite Material. Tum~nov, A. T. ,~'rid].yand~r, fi. N., Yudina, S~ A., Kutayt~eva, Ye. I., Kaztikova, I~ M., M~tvey~v, B. I., A1rk~~�y~nko, M. Chusov, A. 0~, Mikheyev, A. A., Belyayev, V. I., Kas- perovich, V. B., Naumovich, N. V. USSR Author's:i Certificste, (V 22 F 1./00, S 22 B 21/00), No 454777, spplied for 4 Jun 7~., N~ i66oi74, publiehed 1 June 78. 9. Investigation of a Process Por Preparing Diaperaion-Hsrdened Al1oyB of the Aluminum-Carbon System. Comomunice?tion l. Lovshenko, F. a., Yangg, a. "Poroehk. meta].lurgiy~." 1978, No 9. 39-44. 10. Reinforcement of Thermoplc~st ti? Continuous Fibere. (lolovkin, a. 8, Shibanov, A. K. "Plest. maesy." 1979, No 11. 38-39� 11. Wear ReeistQnce of 3tructural Ce~rbon Steels in the Machining of Poly- olefin-Based Canpogites. 8tsmburskiy, Ye. A., Berzin'eh, Yu. 0., Karlivan, y. P. "Modifik. ploimer. materielov (Rigs)." i978, No 7� 142-147. - 12. Investigation of the Chemical Stability of Nesr Composite Materials and the Operating Reliability of Parts Made From The~n in Basic Chemical Works. Patalakh, I. I., Dobrolyubov, V. V., Ilyukhin, A. S., Kozlova, M. ~1., Khryashchev, S. V., Solov'ye.w, I. N., Arkdzhovakiy, V. N., Khripuna~r, N. F., Dashevskiy, 8. L., Shmelev, K., Vedenin, G. A., I:ozin, V. M., Kayan, V� M. ~ "Tr. NIT po udobr. i inaektofungitsidam." 1.978, No 233, 13-23� _ 13� .Reinforcement of Blast Furnace Equipment Parts By Standardized Lining Elements With Comp~site Alloys. Kudinov, V. D., Filimonov, B. V., 3tepanov, V. B., Shevnev, 8. A., Dudko, D. A., Maksimovich, B. I., Netesa, I. V. "Teoris i praktika svaroch. pr-va.(3verdlovsk)." 1978, No 2. 84-89. COPYRIGHT: VINITI, 1979 8480 CSO: 1870 ~ 52 � FOR OFFICIAL L'SE OI~SLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PUBLICA'~IONB _ TITLES OF ARTICL~S ON MATERIALS SCIENCES NO 4, 1979 Moscow SIGNAL~NAYA INFORMATSIYA. KOMP6ZITSIONNYYE MATERIAI.Y in Russian Vol 4 No 4, 1979 pp 3~ 4, 5 [Excerpts of titles available from the All-Union Institute ~f ScienCific and Technical Information, Metallurgical D~partment] ' [LxcerpCs] 3. An Investigatiion of ~he InteracCion of a Boron Fiber with an Aluminum Mattix in the Procesa of Deriving the VKA-1 Compoeite Mat~riai. Chubarov V.M., PorCnoy K.T., 3alibekov S.Ye.~ Romanovich T.V., ShcheCanov B.Y., Mukaseyev A.A., Kondratenko A.V., Sakharov V.V., POROSHIt. METAULURGIYA [POWDER METALLURGY~, 1978, No 11~ pp 64-68. 4. The Thettnodynamica of the Interaction of Reinforcing Fibers `rith Metal Matricee. Portnoy K.I., Bogdenov V.I., Mikhaylov A.V.~ Fuks D.L., METAI.LOVED. I TERM. OBRAB. METALLOV (PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND THE THERMAY. TREA~NT OF METALSJ, 1978, No 10, pp 47-49. ~ 5. K. Composite Materials. Vol 4. Composite Materials vith a Metallic Matrix, Editor Kreyder K.M., Mashinostroyeniye Publishers, 1978, 504 pp, with illus- trations, 2 rubles, 20 kopecke. 6. A Technology for Joining Graphite Producta, Filled with Thermal Diffusion Substances. Goryainova A.V., Loychuk L.L., Tatarinova L.V., ttHIl~i. Y NEFT. MASHINOSTROYENIYE [CH4tICAL AND PETROLEUM MACgINE CONSTRUCTION], 1978~ No 10, p 27. 9. Some Laws Governing the Fracture of Structural Components Made of Armored Plastics. Kolgadin V.A., PROBL. PROCHIdOSTI [PROBLP1~tS OF STRENGTg]~ 1978~ No 11, pp 82-75. 14. On the Calculation of Che Metal Preseure on a Roller when Rolling a Bimetal. Gulyayev A.S., Lapis A.V., NAUCHNYYE TRUDY GOS. NAUCEi~TO-TSSLEDO- VATEL'NOGO I PROYEKTNOGO INSTITUTA SPLAVOV I OBRAB. TSVET. I~T. [Ti~ SCIEN- TIFIC PROCEEDINGS OF THE STATE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND PI.ANNING INSTITUTE FOR ALLOYS AND NONFERROUS METAL MACHINING]~ 1978, No 54, pp 6-15. 53 FOR OFFI~IAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 fi0R OI~'ICIAL USE ONLY ].9. '~ha Kin~tiie~ of Se~lin~ Armored Un~.flireceional Materig].s t~ti,th a Poroue Mecrix During I~ree Preseure Tuchinekiy L.T., POROSHIt. M~TALLURGIXA [POWDLR ML~TALLURGY)~ 1978~ No 11, pp i9-27 (English abettcact). 20. ThQ Uyr~amic 3ealing of Porou~ Compo~ite Maeerial~ with an OrChotropic � St~ucture. Tuch~,nekiy L.T., Insr~tuCe for Problems in Phyeical Metellurgy of the Ukrainian Acad~ny of Sciencee, Prepr~.nC No 4~ 1978, 9 pp, ilius~ration~. ~1. StaCic Hot Prees Molding of Otithogonnily Armored Powdar MaCerials. Tuchin~kiy L.I., Institute for Probleme in Phyeical Metallurgy of ~he Ukrainian Academy of Scien:e~, Preprint No 1978, 13 pp, ~tith i1lus~ratione. 22. P. A Method of Obtaining t~ultilayer and Compoeite Producte by Press Molding frod Powdere. Petkov T.Ts., "Metod za izgotivqane na mnogosioyni prakhovon+etalurgichni i kombinirani izdeliya chrez presuvane" ["A Meehod of Pabricating Multileyer Po~der MeCal.lurgical and ComposiCe Products by Presa Molding"], Patent og the Bulgarian People~e Republic (B 22 F 3/00), No. 24569, Claimed 23 Jun 77, No 86708, published 25 Apr 78. 27. Obtai.niiig MulCilayer Materials by Vaporization and Condeneation in a Vacuum. Kharitonova L.D., Tereshkina R.I., Murav~qev V.G., Manyakin S.M., Goncharov G.S., TSVET. 1~TALLY [NONFERROUS METALS], 1978, No 10, pp 85-88. 40. On the Calculation of the Optimal Parameters for the Procese of Hot Preas Molding by Piercing Tubes of a Fiber Composite Material with Longitud- inal Arworing. Anan~yev E.P., Manuylov V.F., Tikhonov A.S., FIZ. T 1tHII~IIYA ORRABOTKS MATERIALOV [THE PHYSICS AND CHFI~IISTRY OF MATERIALS PROCESSING], 1978, No 6, pp 95-100. 41. Electrode Tools Made of a Copper Aluminum Oxide Composite For the Electrical Erosion Machining of Metals. Shmakov G.S., Mitusova L.V., ELEKTRON. OBRABOTKA MATERTALOV [THE ELECTRONTC PROCESSING OF MATERIALS], 1978,,No 5, pp 7-9. ~ 68. Some La~s Governing the Fracture of Structural Components Made of Armored Plastics. Kolgadin V.A., PROBL. PROCHIdOSTT [PROBLEMS OF STRENGTH], 1978, No 11, pp ~82-75. COPYRZGHT: VINTTI, 1979 8225 CS0:1870 54 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 ~'OR OFFICIAL U5E ONtY PUBtICATI0N3 ~ TABL~ OF CONTENTS FROM TNE JOURNAL 'GEOPHYSICAL EQUIPMENT' I.eningrad GEOFIZICHESKAYA APPARATIIRA in Rueeian Na 66~ 1978 pp 214-216 ~Text~ GRAVIMBTRY New Achievemente in the Area of Gravimetric InsCrument Making Abroad (review by literature aourcea 1974-1976) (E. L. Balashova) 3 MAGNETOMETRY Optimal Filtration of a Useful Signal Mixed with Interference by Meana of a Relative Method of Measuring the MagneCic Inclination (B. M. Tsutskarev) 14 The Problem of Realizing High-Apparatus Precision of the Newest . Magnetometere During Aeromagnetic Surveys (G. S. Vasyutochkin) 19 . ELECTROMETRY An Antenna for the Reception of the Vertical Componer.*_ of a Varying Natural Electrical Field (A. V. Yakovlev, A. B. Fedorov) 42 . Experimental Determination of the Electrical Parameters and Optimal Qperating Conditions of a Feeder Line (Ye. P. Alekseyev, A. V. Veshev, A. V. Yakovlev) 49 Mining Apparatus of the Radiowave Method with Measurement of the Amplitude and Phase of the Signal (A. P. Savitskiy, V. M. Studenkov, V. I. Yuzov, I. F. Remesnik) 59 Noise Stability of a Quasi-Optimal Detector of ExponenCial Signals (M. Yu. Vaksman, F. Ya. Shavdurov) . 65 55 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY A Trun~i~tor RuAOnant , (N. I. Uspenakiy~ V. I. Komolov) 7~ AEROGEOPHYSICA'I. METEIODS Studies of and Compengation for Che Magnetic Inrerference of Che Mi-8 Helicopter (A. B. Vatauro, G. N. G~~ev, V. 3. Teire].') 76 An Airborne Mercury Gae Malyzer (B. P. Abramovekiy, V. A. Ionov, 3. I. Patrakeyev, V. P. Chirkov) 88 SESSMOR~iETRY ' Long-Period Seiemograph and ICg Diff~culties (Ye. M. Lin'kov, E. G. Kazhevnukova, S. Ya. Tipisev) 92 A Seismic Video-Controlled 3yetem (Ye. Yu. Yakuah) 99 Plotter of Time-Seismic Sectione (Ye. Yu. Yakuah, V. B. Gaveyuahin) 102 Spectral Analyzer of Spectral Signals (A. A. Dergachev, L. G. Dantsig) 106 Device for Azimuthal Obaervatioas in aa Ore Hole (0. M. Prokator) 112 Apparatus SSP1 for Seismic Studies in Wells (L. M. Slutskiy, I. M. Shtargot, Yu. B. Demidenko, A. V. Grizorenko) 115 _ Well Seismograph Stresses (S. S. Sharifullin, V. P. Bandov, G. G. Safiullin, A. A. Rogov) 117 The Complex Equipment of Acoustic Logging "Parus-1" for Studies of Coal and Ore Holes (A. N. PlokhoCnikov, B. I. Voyevoda, A. F. Devyatov, A. I. Lebedev) 121 Forroation of 9 Boundary Image with Large-Scale Detail in Acoustic~+l Videologging (V. I. Pasnik) ~ . 125 , Logarithmic C~m~erter for 9 Acoustical Logging Apparatus (A. K. Mel'taer, P. D. Reznik, M. V. Tsalyuk) 133 ' S6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 POR 0~'FICIAi. USE ONLY N'UCLEAR GLOPHYSIC3 ~ ConCrol G~11~ of Scintillarion EmanomaCers CM. 5. Makarov~ C. P. Movikov, L. P. Kolodinskiy) 136 Analysie ProbQ of Ores by the Radio-ieotopic-- X-ray-Fluoreecent Method (V. N. Mitov, V. M. Zaba~ygyev) ~ ~40 Appi~.cation of the Apparatiue "Kvant" for the Determination of Phoephorue and Magnesium in an Apetite Conc~nerate (L. I. Vo~neeenekiq, A. A. Volkov, V. E. Gerling, I. N. Sverdlova) 144 7`uning o� the Automotive Photion Beryllometer ~ (A. D. Sudorov, B. M. Ivgnov) 149 Some Characteristice of the Apparatus for Proepecting of Beryllium While in Motion (A. D. Sudorov, B. M. Ivanov) .153 Triple-SIiC Transporter Drill Arrangement (Yu. V. Polkovnikov, Yu. N. Borieenko, V. S. Porrnov~ V. F. Fuzneteov) 159 Changing of 9 Proportinnal Counter to an Amplifier in Bipolar Ttansistora (S. V. Lebedev, A. A. Negrebetekiy) 162 WSI,L GEOPHYSICS Microporosity of Water-Filled Wells (Ye. I. Kranivskiy, A. A. Kovalev, A. P. Ochkur) 165 Poasibility of the Use of Dielectric Waveguides During Impulse Neutron Logging of Geophysical Wells ' (0. B. Anan'in, V. I. Balayev, D. F. Bespalov, Yu. A. Bykovakiy, Yu. P. Kozyrev, A. I. Maltabar, A. S. Taybin, A. Ye. Shikanov, V. S. Chagulov) 172 - Nine-Channel Digital Register of Data From Pulsed Neutron-Lagging (V. N. Dybychkin, G. V. Prokhorova, E. L. Rudenko, A. A. Starinskiy) 176 Application of Gas-Discharge Counters in the Crosscut Drill in the Gamma-Gamma Logging Apparatus (V. V. Stepanok, Yu. A. Gulin) 179 _ Results of a Study of Magnetic Transformers for Control of the Mechanical Condition of Compression Columns (V. A. Boychevskiy) 184 57 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 ~ 1~OR OFF~CIAL USg ONLY COMPUTATIONAL 1'LCHNIQU~S Arre~ngemenE for the Automatic ContYOl of th~ Speed of Reerievai _ oE ~n Oper~tional Dig~tal Cortielator . (C. G. Kh~chiyen, Yu. (3. Kozt~evnik~v, N. I. G~~~, B. Z. K+~~'miehkl,t?) 187 A Miniature Ca1,ip~r for the 3tudy of Or~ end Coal Holee ' (A. 8. Prevyeh, I. K. Graber) 191 EXCl~ANGE OF EXPERILNCL Develo~ment and Unification of Mathode of T~ste of G~ophyeicai Weii Apparatue (V. A. Oprokidnev) 194 Autocontroi by the Operation of a Poine Laser Seiemograph (Yu. N. Shatokhin) 198 Corrective. Measurement of the Counting Rate (V. A. Pozgalev, T. I. Popkova) 201 - COPYRIGHT: IZDATEL'STVO 11Nedra," 1978 9351 CSO: 1870 58 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR OFFiCIAL U9E ONLY PUBLICATIONS TABL~ OF CONTENT3 FROM TEt~ JOURNAI. 'SXPLORATORY GBOPHYSICS' Moaeow RA2VEDOCHNAYA tiEOFiZIKA in RuAeian No 83, 1978 pp 154-155 . (TextJ A Method of Time and Frequency Analygie by Seismogram~ (I. A. Muahin, B. K. Frolov) 3 Inveatigation of the Veiocities Near the F1ank Syatem o~ the Observationa of MOGT by the Program "KOMBIN" (R. Z. Chenborieova, V. M. Karasik, L. I. Ivanova) 10 Choice of Location of Deconvolution in the Proceseing Graph (E. V. Kolenkov, M. T. Orlovich) 14 Equivalent Electrical System of an Electric-Spark Emitter Which Operates in Che Crown Poaition (A. V. Kalinin, V. V. Kalinin, B. L. Pirovarov) 19 Use of the Multiple-Proceasing Method for Obaetvatione of Multiple Qverlaps Under the Conditions of Salt-Dome Tectonics in the ~ Caspian Basin Region (G. M. Yermolayeva, L. V. Dyubina) 26 Characteristics of the Recording Apparatus for Simultaneous Build Up of Weak Effects in Seismic ProspQCting (B. D. Yermakov, M. B. Shneyeraon) 32 CalculaCion of the Influence of Rock Denaity on the Construction of Synthetic Seismograms (M. S. Chadayev, A. A. Malovichko) 40 Stratification of the Reference Subsalt Horizons in the Eastern Part of the Caspian Basin Region (N. V. Nevolin, V. P. Kan, B. S. Tasybayev) 45 Integration of Electric Geophysical Exploration by Telluric-Field- ' Build-Up Sounding and MagnetoCelluric Sounding �or Studying the Structure of Thick Sedimentary Layers (V. V. Tikshayev, Yu. G. Shigayev, L. P. Bessonova~ 50 59 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR 01~F~CIAL U8~ ONLY Evaiuation of tha App~ic~bility of th~ Magn~tot~l~.uric 9ounding Method aith ltecording of the Magn~el.c Fie1d a~ eh~ Baee Pb~flE Oniy in ehe Caae of a Three-Dimensionai HeCerogenaoue M~dium ~4 (A. S. S~fonov) Interpr8eation of th~ Curved TQ].luric-Field-Build-Up ~n ~alt- . Dome Tectonice Condition8 60 (A. 3. Tevetkov~ V. P. Gubatenko) ~ Uee of th~ Magnetomater While Conducting Electr~c-Geophygicei- ~xploration 3tudiea by tha Field-Build-Up 3ounding Method (V. V. Nikitakiy, Yu. N. Popov) ~ 62 Uae of Grevitation proepecting for Salt-Bench Detect3on in the Domee of the Caapian Basin Region (A. V. Matusevich) 65 Us~ of the Localizc~~eton Function for Interpretation of GraviCational and Mggnetic Anomaliee , (A. N. Abramov, N. P. D'yach%ov, A. A. Lyubimov) 71 Calculatieg the Correction for Relief Under a Uigcrete Progr~n of Llevationa (Ye. N. Ieayev, Yu. G. Rus'yanov, G. V. Goryacheva) 76 Tracing Gravitational Stepe (N. K. Roz, Yu. 3. Shmanenko) 82 Thickness of the Reference Network bq t~ans of a Survey Ueing "distinct incrementa." (Yu. S. Shmanenko, N. K. Roz) 84 A Method for Separating 9 Local Gravitational Anomaly in the ~ Presence of a Nonlinear Background (Yu. G. Khorlov) 86 Application of the Extrapolation of the Gravitational Momaly in Mining Gravitational Proapecting (Yu. V. Antonov, Ye. B. Serebryankov~ 91 High-preci8ion Measurements on the Sh~lf by the Controlled Gravimeter (~i-K (V. 0. Bagramqants, L. N. Dmitriyev, A. T. Zverev, G. Ye. Krivitskiy) 97 A Calculation of the Effect of a Site's Relief on Magnetic Prospecting (B. E. Kheain) 102 . 60 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR OPF~C~At. t19E OM.Y Analy~i~ of the Th~rmodynam3c 3Cae~ of the Interv~is of the ~~rrigeneous Pro�il~ ~cedrding to the R~ee of Change of the G~othQrmgi Gradient aith Depth (A. N. Pii'chin) li2 ~neraliz~d Corr~iae3on.of ehe ttel~C4on~hip Beew~~n D~nsiey gnd Tot~t Porosi~y of Rock ~I. N. Mikhgylov, 8. 0. Tara~ovay li~ An~iyeie of the Result~ of Barometric Leveling, Accomp~iahed During g Gravimetric Survey of M~gadangkiy Obiget (R. Minikea~ Yu. P. Kazantsev) 121 Dependence of the Velocity of a Compreseed LongitudinAl Wgve on the D~n9ity of the 3edimentary Rocke of Folded Regions (G. M. Avchyan, G. 0. Akekalyan) 128 rietermination of rhe Depth of Measurement During Geophygical Studiee (V. I. Yeliseev, N. N. 3okhranov. P. F. Frolnv) 134 ~ Automatic Computation of the Volume o~ the iJell During Logging (G. B. Gorbovitskiy) 137 Method of Initial Treatment of Digital Data of the Results of Ceophyeical Studiea of Welis ' (M. B. Lerner) 144 Mndification of the Magnetostriction Source for Loa- " Frequency Acouatic Logging (I. I. Isakov) 147 Cable Drill ICZF-6 ~ (V. A. Andronov, L. A. Gorbenko, M. I. Mar'in) 151 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nedra," 19~8 9351 CSO: 1870 ~ 61 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR OPFICIAt, U9E ANLY PUgLICATI0N9 TABLE OI~ CONT8NT3 FROM T'~1B JOURNAL ~(iE0PMf3ICAL EQUIPMENT' Leningrad GgOFI2ICHE3KAYA APPARATURA in Rusei~n No 65~, 1978 pp 197-199 ~ C rexr ] r~cr~rar~~Y A Sensitive Magnetoatat3c Veriometer a Capacitive Secondary Traneformer 3 (N. P. Krotevich, V. N. Panurovekiy, V. A. La~ureykis) Frequency Photoelectric Transformation in MagnetoataCic Variometere g (N. F. Krotevich, Ye. M. Salmina) Optimization of the Parameter~ of the Three-Component Quantum Magnetometer 17 (B. A. Andrianov) Materials for Iron Soundings with Lour-Level Magnetic Noise _ (V. F. Yefremov, L. G. Kadinekaya, Ye. K. Yur'yeva, 23 T. I. Shchervakova, V. V. Soanin) Calculationa of the Axial Ctiaracteriatica of the Axially Symmetric InpuC Transformers for Meaeurement of the Magnetic Susceptibility Over a Conducting Magnetic Ha1f~Space 32 (E. V. Cherenkova, A. B. Gutner, B. N. Tikhonov) ELECTROMETEtY The Transportable Apparatus (VP,F] (V. D. Zhil'nukov, V. I. Lemets, G. V. Orlov~ 45 V. F. Sarbash, A. V. Kulikov, Ye. A. Shemyakin) Generation of (:urrent Pulsea of Short Duration in Front Section Truncation in a Multiloop Induction Frame ~ 52 (A. D. Yefimov) . 62 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 FOR OF~ICIAL U~~ ONLY bietorC3nn of Ch~ lt~~ulte of Magnet~.c-Field ~ui1d-Up Sounding in the Presence o� Nonrectangular ~xcitiaeion Impulse~ (V. A. Giechikov. A. P. Marinich~v, V. A. 3ldnrov) 57 ~vn~ut~tiun of a Loop AnrQnn~'~ lte~i~tnnc~ eo L~akngea _ (G. L. Mizyuk) 62 A Vibrose3amic Syetem For Ore Seiemic Proepect3ng (A. A. An~.e~nov, V. I. Grishko, Yu. P. Kogut, L. G. Kozlov, A. P. Kopeykin, M. M. Kuderbekov, B. Ya. Kulebyakin, , Yu. P. Lukaehin, A. S. Moiseev, V. I. Nednvniy, V. M. Si11er, V. I. Tolmachev) 68 M Electronic Plotter of Deep Seismic Sectiona (Ye. Yu. Yakush, V. B. Gaveyushin) 70 Apparatug for VisualizaCian o� Che Compreeaed Waves During Seismic Modeling (V. F. Borovkov~ N. I. Khalev3n) ~4 The Complex Apparatue "Region" for Detailed Seiamological Studies (A. A. Derzachev, S. M. Zhdanov, A. N. Arzhenkov) Design of a Magnetostricti~e Sound Emitte~r for an Interwell 5ounding ApparaCus (Yu. A. Bu~uzov, V. I. Shadkhin) 81 Selection of the Optimal Mass for a Calibrating Vibrator Platforta (R. Ye. Sarkisyan) $6 GRAVIMETRY Physical Basea of the Deaigns of Marine Ballistic Gravimeters (L. I. Zadorozhko) gp NUCLEAR GEOPHYSICS Theory of I~�~erse Gamma and X-ray Studies in Gamma-Gamma Methoda (V. A. Artsybashev) g9 Towards a Thenry of an X-ray Spectral Fluoreacent Method of Analyzing of Heterogeneous Ores (V. A. Artsybashev, Ye. P. Leman) 104 Apparatus for Gaumma-Neutron Logging with the Helium Neutron Counter SNM-16 (Ye. I. Kranivakiy, V. V. Yelkin, B. 'v. Mazakin) 109 63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054438-4 , ~ ~ FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY Amplitude Analyaie of Impulsea (0. p. Bukhalo, Yu. A. Petrunin, Ye. I. Ro1ik, R. F. Fedoriv) 116 . A Transformer of Increased Sensitivity in a Proportional Counter for X-Ray Radiometric Testing of Ores (A. N. Zhukovskiy, G. ~A. Ivanyukovich, V. A. Meyer, 120 V. S. PonomaYev, S. I. Korobeyn3kov) New Possibilities for RadiomeCers in Iiydrogeologic Studies (I. G. Skovorodnikov, V. N. Kalashnikov, L. V. Makarov) 126, Expanded Analytic Possibilities for X~ltay Spectral Laboratory Instrumente af Che Automatic Phase-Control Type (N. I. Vetrova, I. V. Serikov) 130 ' WELL GEOPHYS][CS ProCecCion of Geophysical We11 Instruments From Corrosion (Yu. G. Kotlov, V. I. Rogozinskiy-Teryayev, V. A. Kuzn~taov, Yu, B. Prikhnenko, S. G. Polyakov) 135 ' Reasons for the Use of Metallic Casings in an Apparatus . with Two-Coil Induction Probes (A. A. Drannik, Ye. RJ. Cherenkova,.A. B. Gutner, B. N. Tikhonov) 143 Evaluation of the Durability of the Materials in Use in Geophysical Well Instruments (Yu. M. Khmyz, V. I. Rogozinskiy-Teryayev) 148 COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES Organization of Input Information from the Digital Seismic Stations SSTe-2 in tY?e Electronic Computer Series "Mir" ' (Yu. G. Smirnov, A. P. Netesov) 156 Organization of Television Input Images in an Electronic Computer (A. G. Drabkin, V. M. Omelin, S. N. Okhotin, M. V. Smirnov) 160 Modeling of the Optimal Tltreahold Level of Response of the System with Reapect to a Minimum Probability of Error (V. V. Korotkov, G. F. Kolosov, D. N. Morozov ~-b~ EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCE Characteristics of the Design Realization of 9 Non- transformer Time-Impulse Converter � (A. M. Sazhyev, V. G: Kobylyanskiy, L. M. Braslavskiy) 169 64 FOR OFFICIAL USF ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4 p'Ok Otr~TCrAi. U31: nNLY ne~ign ~f g Teeting 3raeion for ~ Plant fnr Making Geophygical Well In~trumenrs (V. A. Oprnkidnev, Ye. C. K~ske~vich) 174 Appnrneu~ for Electri:gl Progpecting by Induced PolarizAeion ' with 5p~ed beaay MeaeurpmenCs (A. I. Chelovechkov, B. V. ICoxmil'Cgev, M. V. po~dnyakov~ V. N. Khomyak) lr~ Uee vf a High-Pr~cieion MagneComeCer Dur3ng I.arge-Scel~ Aerdmngnetin Surveys over Water Areae (A. Chepik, G. M. 3ushko) 183 - COPYItYCHT: Izdatel'srvo "Nedra," 1978 ' 9351 ~ cso: ie~o ~ END r- 65 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050038-4