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APPROVEE3 FOR RELEASE= 2007/02/09= CIA-RE3P82-00850R000'100050032-0 16 MAY 1979 m m (FOUO 28179) i OF 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , JPR5 L/8461 16 May 1979 tRANSLATIONS ON USSR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY (FOUO 28/79) SELEC7IONS FROM 7HE JOURNAL 'QUANTUM ELECTRONICS' U. S. JOINT PUBLICATIONS RESEARCH SERVICE . FOR OFFICIAL USE OHLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 NOTE JPRS publicaCione conCain inEormation primarily from foreign = newapapera, periodicals and books, buC a1so from news agency eransmi.ssiong end broadcasts. Materials from foreign-Language sources are Cranalarecl; rhose from Englisin-Language sources _ are Cranscribed or reprinCed, with the original phrasing and other charactieriseicg reeained. Headlines, ediCorial reports, and material encloaed in brackeCs (I are supplied by JPRS. Procesaing indicators auch as [TexC] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or folLowing the last line of a brie�, indicaCe how rhe ortginal in�ormation was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, Che infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phoneCically or Cransliterared are encloaed in parentheses. Words or namea preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclcsed in parentheses were not clear in the : original buC have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unaCCributed parenthetical notes within the body of an = item originate with the source. Times within items.8re as given by source. The contents of this publicatLon in no way rrepresent the poli- _ cies, v iews or attitudes uf the U.S. GovernmenC. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MA7'ERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICLAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/8461 16 May 19 79 TRANSLATIONS ON USSR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY (FOVO 2s/7s) SELECTYONS FROM THE JOURNAL 'QUANT'UM ELEC1'RONYCS' Moscow KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONYKA 3n Russian Vo]. 6 No 2, Feb 79 pp 267-273, 281-303, 317-348, 351-354, 357-363, 370-377, 344-397, 400-4021 408-411. 417-421 - CONTENTS PAGE Pxxsics High-Pressure Wire-Triggere3 Pulsed C02 Iaser (B. F. Gordiyets, et a1.) 1 Analyais of a Calculation Model af tile Pulsed Chemical DF-C(>) Ieser tV. Ya. Agroskin, et al.) 14 8aturation in Waveguide C02 I,asers (V. V. Grigorlyants, et al.) 28 Parametric Amplification Dased on Four-Wave Parametric Procesaes in a Two-Photon Resone.nce - (G. M. Krochik) 43 Isotope Separation by Multiphaton Molecular Di,ssociation In tlae High-Power C02 Laser FYeld. Prospecta of Practical Realization (Ye. P. Velkhov, et al.) 63 Pstimation of the Intensity oP Sound Which Arises Upon Iaser Light Propagation in the Atmosphere and Tts Ef'Pects on Therasl Blooming of the Beams � (V. V. Vorobeyev) 6 - a- [IYI - U55R - 23 S&T FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFICZAL USE ONLX CONTENTS (Continued) Formation of Laser 8eams With rmproved 8pace-Angular Characteristi.ce (A. V. Gnatoveki.y, et al.) Temperature De,pendence of the Optical Glaes Absorption CoePPicient on Exposure to the Laser Fiadiation (N. Ye. Kask, et a1..) Third Qrder Nonlinear Suscepbibillty of Ionic Crystals Neer Ramn and Two-Photon Reaonances (L. B. Meysner, N. G. PosSib1e Stabilizstion of the C02 Laser Frequency by an - Exrernal Stark Cell With 1-1 DiPluorethe,ne (C2 A4 F2 ) ' (V. P. Avtonomov, et a3..) Para,metric Cdnvereion of the Medium Infraxed Region Radidtion in Zinc-Germaniiam Di,phosphide (N. P. Andreyeva, et al..) High�Power CW Ion Lasers With Longer Service Li.fe (V. I. Donin, et al.) High-Pressure Periodic C02 Leser With the Non-Self- Maintained Discharge and W Ionization (Ye. A. Muratov, et al.) Self-I,ocking of Axial Modes Under Oscillation oP Stimulated Ramsn Radiation (N. V. Kravtsov, N. I. Naumkin) Divergence From a RamQn Iaser With a Slawly Relaxing Medium . (S. B. Kormer, et al.) Small-Signal WavePront Reversal Under Nonthreshold Reflection Frwi a Brillouin Mirror (N. G. Basov, et al.) a An Flectran-Beam-Excited XeBr Laser (I. N. Konovalov, Y. F. Tarasenko) Page 93 104 _ 119 128 . 134 139 146 150 153 160 167 An Electric Discharge I,aser Utilizing SF6 + H2 Mixture Pumped by an Inductive Storage (A. F. Zapol'skiy, K. B. Yushko) 172 Radiation Pulse Lengthening in a Sectionalized C02 I,aser With Succeasive bccitation of Working Ibciiwn (V. P. Kudryashov, et a"l.) 178 _ b _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFICZAI, USE ONLY . , PxYszcs tmC 621.375.826 HIGH-PRF53URE WIRE-TRIGGERID PULSID CO2 LA3ER � Mosoow KVANTOVAYA EGEKTRONIKA in Ruseian Vol 61 No 2., Feb79 Pp 267-273 I [Article by B. F. Gordiyetst B. Koma,, A. G. Sviridov and N. N. Sobolev, = Physics Snstitutet imeni P. N. Lebedev AN USSR (Moacow), submitted 24 Jan 781 [Text] A design ia deacribed of a wire-triggered C02 laser operating in a , wide range of pressures (up-to 3 atm). Diecharge and la,ser radiation char- acteristica have been inveatigated experimentally. On the basis of the the- - oretical model of kinetic processes, the laser action charaoterietice are prodicted over a wide range of discharge parametera. The theoretioal results obtained exe in good agreement with the experiments. - i. Introduetion In recent yea,rs, a great nwnber of pa,pera (eeet for example, [1] ) kere dedicated to the development and investigation of various designs of pulsed COZ lasers xith transverse diecharge. This is due to the fact that this makes it possibl9 to obtain laxge unit poxers of laeer int'rared radiationt high power and efficiency at high presaures of active medium by comparatively aim- � ple means. At present, there are high-pressui�e pulsed C02 laser8 in which discharges are used needle-shaped electrodes [2], double tranaverse diacharges and dis- chargea with prelonirka,tion by ultraviolet radiation [4]. Interesting and comparatively simple is the design of a laeer xith preianiza- F tion by means of additional wire electrodes [5]. Preliminary investigationa [6] indicated a gromiaing outlook for using this type of discharge at pres- ~ sures higher than an atmosphere. Until noK, however, a detailed analyais of the operation of thia type of laser has not been made. The goal of thia paper is to make an installation xith a stable pulaed glox discharge triggered by wire electrodes at pressures higher than an atmoaphere, 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFZCIAL USE ONLY as we11 as to obtain and.investigate in detai1 the optimal modes of laser generation at a wavelength of 10,6 miorons in a mixture of CO2+ N2+He. Experlmental data were oompared ta thooretical results. 2. Description of tkie 7nsta1lation Fig. i shows an axrangement of a diaoharge ohamber. Aluminum electrodes i axe placed in tube 2 made of vinyl plastic. The internal diameter of the tube is 8 cm and it is 60 cm Zong. Electrodes of the Rogovskiy shape, 43�5 em long, axe glaoed symmetrically With respeot to tha tube axia 1.4 cm from each other. Two tungsten wires ii, 0.2 mm in diameter, were atretohed paral- lel to the eleotrodes equal diatanees from the axis (about 2 am) for doing the preionozation. NaC1 pl.ates 3, 0.8 cm thiek, are inatalled at Brewster's - angle at the enda of the chamber. When investigating the disoha,rge, the aham- , ber was plaaed in an optical resonator 120 am longt formed by a mirror with a gnld on a quartz substrate with radiua of ourvature and a flat mirror of germanium on whiah a dieleatrio was aprayed so tha,t its _ coefficient of reflection was about 80 percent. Voltage was applied to the chamber electrodea by a Marx generator conaisting of five sections, each cantaining a capacity C=0.022 mi.crofaxads. The charg- ing voltage of the capacitors of each section vaxied from 7 to 15 kv which made it poasible to discharge from 2.7 to 12.3 Joules, i.e., 0.067 to 0.29 3oules/cm3. The use of a Marx generator provided a five-fold multiplication of the charge voltage, increasing thereby the front ateepness of the puncture. The ends of the wireA providing preionization were connected to the cathode through two capacitors of 470 picofarada each. To determine the power introduced into the dischaxge, discharge currgnt pulses and electrode voltages were recorded in each experiment. This was done by means of an OK-17 two-beam oseillogragh, which was ahielded by a Faraday type metal cage. The current pulse xas taken off a noninductive reaiatance shunt, while the voltage pulse was taken off a voltage divider containing a high ohm reaistance and a ma.tched RD-75 cable. The shape of the pulse generation was recorded by a PEPI-1 modified pyroelec- tric receiver and an OK-17M oscillograph, which were also located in the Faxaday box. A pulse was sent from the current measuring shunt to the second channel of the oacillograph so that it could measure the delay in the starting _ of the pulse generation with reapect to the start of the current pulse, and determine simultaneously the time characteristics of generation and current pulses. 3. Results of Discharge Investigation Durations of current and volttges pulaes of the discharge did not exceed about 0.3 microaeconds. The maximum electrode voltage (about 20 kv) coincided ap- proxima.tely in time with the current maximum (about 0.75 ka). An analysis 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFYCZAL USE ONLY Fig. 1. 'Design of the laser ahamber I. Electrodes 2. Vinyl plastic tube 3� NaCl plate installed at Brewster's angle 4. Plexiglasa coupling 5. Pins for aupporting electrodes 6. Rubber lining 7. Flangea 8. Detent for the NaCl plate 9� Hole for admitting gas 10. Holder for preionosing wires 11. Tungsten wires for preioniz- ing gas of current and voltage indicated that the time relationship betxeen field in- tensity E and current density 3 under our experimental aonditions may be ap- proximated, by empirical formulas E = Eo 0 - e-mf) e-nt; /o ~1- e''"'t) e-"lt where the exponent of the indicators depend atrongly on the diatance betwesn the electrodes and weakly on the compositions of the mixturep xhile 3o and o - are unambiguously related to experimental peak values of current and voltage jn and En , . 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FoR orFIciAL usE ortLY , A/cW fn,aB/cM (3) ,C,,F,fi N6,2 i ; . 40 a 30 6 ?D 4 10 1 / :.IQP~Ac~ rl~9B 2 . ,o � 4~ ----l ~,6 q8 8 0,8 0,*4 . 4 5 1 0,4 0,? 2 0 ' 2 3 A, amM Fig. 2. Relationships between peak valuea of the electric field En (i)o current density J. (2), reduced intensity En/N (3), effective temperature TQ (4) and coneentration ne (5) of the discharge electrona, as well as the relationship betxeen Qp/QC (E) and total gas presaure p. 1. kv/cm 3. atmos~here 2. electron volt 4. v. cm , In all the expeximents, the value of the crosa section of the discha,rge, used - ~ in calculating tho current density, was determined by the bounda,ries of the discharge traae, remaining on the electrodes after prolonged operation of the , laser, and was about 30 cm2 (length.of discharge 43 em and width 0.7 cm). The results of processing the oscillograms made it possible to obtain da,ta on ` the values of En and 3n , as well as to calculate the relationship betxeen the total energy put into discharge W Qp = f ,Udt, , o � and energy , atored in the caP~itor of the Ma~cx QC generator. This data is � shown in Fig. 2 for nixture CO21 N2t He=1l0.5,6.75 and Q,,=0.13 3oules/cm2. This figure shoxs the relationship betxeen the reduced field intensity EIN(N is the total number of gas particles per unit volume) As may be seen 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 ,~f(. r: +.~SC APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 ~ ~rox oFFxcrai. usE otnY I ~ from Fig, 2, raising the pressure from i to 2.6 atmosphexes loade to a linear �I increa$e in P. , whi.le Jn decrea$es with pressurA. In region p< 2,6 at- ~ mos herea t ; P r he vaYue of is proportional to pressure and at pu3 atmos- ~ pheres reaohes about 89 peroant. As the volt pr~$~~ P~ at ~h~Qh ~~e~~ ~ age on the oapacitors inareasesp o nt Jn and Qp~Q~ are saturatedt inareases. ,Thia makes i,t possible by 3ncreaaing oapacltar voltagej to obtain a uniform dischaxge at all Higher preseurea. ~ ' The value of EIN determines the effective temperature T. of the disohasge eleatrons and their drit't veloalty V. It follows from numerioal oalcualtions [73 that T8 (E/N) may be approximated to good aocuracy by tha formula r.aAE/N+B, . - where A is a constant depending r,n the composition of the mixture (for mixture CO2 + N2! H8-2i9j A=0.52X1016 electron volt/voltxcm2= B is the gas temperature, - electron volt. �It follows a,lso from [7] that for a broad class of mixtures CO2 + N2 + Fe the drift velocity is v-02,5- 10" E/N-{-27,5) Km/c. ~ . ~ . (3) Knowing the drift velocity of electrons and the cur:^ent denaity, it is possible to find electron concentration ne which, together with T8, determines the ener- gy impaxted to the N2 and C02 molecules' ne�6,25- I0121/0,25- 101e E/N-}-2,75). . . (4) Fig. 2 showe the relationships between the peak valuea of T,~ and ne in the pulae and the gae pressure found from (2) and (4). As seen from the figure, the values of Te and n~ in the inveatigated pressure areas are found in the area of 0.9 electron volta and 4x1013cmr3 reapectively. We will note that E n , Te and ne correspond to the moment of time xhen tt,e aurrent reaches ma,ximum (pea,k) value. The relationship obtained of E n IN and the total gas pressure p is different from the one cited for essurea 0.1 to 1.0 atmos- pheres in [8]. A reduction in the value of Exith a reduction in pressure within the limita of 1.75 to 1.0 atmoapheres ia due to the etrong ioniza,tion of the gas under these conditione, attested to by the high value of ne . In 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OVFICIAL USE ONLY this case, strongl.y lumi.nescent plasma Jete are formed on the oathode sur- face, the lengths of whlch inorease in the direction of the anode with pres- aure reduction in the discharge chamber= at preasurea leea than 0.75 atmospheree, the dieoharge changes to an arc disoharge. Due to strong gas ionization, the peak value of eleetrio field En decreases faster with a re- duction in gas pressure than in the usual case, when the volume between baaia electrodes is filled with uniform diffusion glowing discharge. This leada not to an inerease, but to a decrease of E#/N with the pxessure. 4. Rel.ationship Hetween the &ergy of the Iaser Pu1ae and Pressure and Aecumulated Ehergy We investigated the relationship batween the energy of the ].aser pulae and the pressure at varioua values of accumulated energy. Experiments were conducted with a mi.xture 002tN2He=110,5i6-75 in a pressure range of i to 3 atmospheres � and unit energies QC=0.067 to 0.29 joules/em3 when changing the charge voltage - of one section V from 7 to 15 kv/ 88etion' The results are,shown in Fig. 3 in the form of curves. It ma5 be saen that the relationship between the radia- tion pulse anergy and the pressure nas a maacimum, the position of whiah shifte to the side of greater pressures when the energy on the accumulating capaci- tors increaaea. 8tarting with Q,Q > 0.13 joules/cm3, we did nat reach the mauimum of "'izl with rospeet to the pressure because the strength of the diacharge chamber did not permit the creation of a pressure higher than 3 atmoepheres. It is well known that organic admixtures that have small ionization potentials ' may change the diacharge aharacteristics [9]. To clarify the effect of such an admixture on the enbrgar af la.ser radiation, we took an n-xylylol, which has an ioniza,tion potential of 8.44 electron volts and a tranaparency opening of 10 to li microns [t0]. It was a.dded to a working mixture of CO2+ Nz* He gases by passing this mixture or one of its components through a cuvette filled with saturated vapors of n-xylylol at room temperature. In the presenee of n-xylylol the discharge bocomes visually more uniform and the radiatSon energy at QC N 0.13 joules/cm3 increase 1.5 to 2 times. At large additions of n-xylylol (when the mixture wsa passed through a ouvette with its vapors) laser generation did not originate. 5. Investigation of Dischaxge Characteristics and Laser Radiation. Compari- aon of an Experiment wiih Ca.lculation We will consider a theorEitical model of a pulsed C02 laser we uaed for the - physical interpretation of the experimental data. 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 rOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ?0 ~ , V,KB/ceKu . 16 16 O,~U 1? ~?3 � 4 . ID Qc,Q~/cM o ~ ? 3p,~M (2) Fig. 3. bcperimental relationship between unit output radiatton energy Eize and the total pressure p and unit acaumulated energy Qb. 1. Eizl' rdoules/cm3 3. V, kv/eaation 2. atmospheres � 4. Q., 3oules/cn~ The ba,aic physical concepts of the mechanixm that provides for the inverse population in C02 lasers were formulated in Eii]. A syatem of kinetic equa- tions based on the introduction af partial oscilla.ting temperatures [13] was farmulated in general form in [12] for relaxation processes of oacilla.ting energy in multiatom molecules within the framework of a harmonic oscillator model. Our calculationa were based on [12]. In view of the rapid energy exchange betxeen symmetrical and unaymmetrical modes of C02,.it was coneidered that the energies of these modes are in quasi- equilibrium with reapect to each other. In kinetic equa,tions for oacillating � mode energies, besides members that characterize the colliaion prooesses of heavy particlea, members were aleo introduced that describe the excitation and deactivation of oacillationa by electrons, while .for asymmetric and sym- metric CO2 modea membera that describe relaxation in the field of laser radiation. For constant speeds of excitation of C02 and N2 oscillationa by , electrons, analytical approximations of quantitative data [7] were selectsd. . 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 I ~ G, . . A'OEt OVFICIAL U5E nNLY _ Effective temperature Te and concentration n of eleotrona, necegeary for ~ e oaleulating velocities of exoitationt were determined #'rom formulas (2) and (4) � IDquations of oecillating relaxations for CO2 and N2 written in thie manner were solved on a computer jointly with equations for gas temperature and density of la$er radiation flow within the reaonator. In this oase, new refined data for conatant collision relaxation [14]9 probabilities for apon- taneous radiational transition 001-100 to CO2 and the widths of the 11nes for a shock mechanism of widening [15] were used. (x) Q OPl~c ~ ~ (3) ~ (5) 00 ; z t,,,,KC ~(6) Fig. 4. Typical time characteristics of discharge (a), active medium (b) and s laser radiation for mixture C02iN2He=1i2:13s pressure p=3 atmospheres at Q= C _ 0.13 joules /cd. c-- gas temperature T and oscillating tempera,t'ures T, ToT100 of nitroBen moleculesp as g ymmetric and deformation modes of CO2 molecules _ in generation mode (solid lines) and amplification mode (broken lin )i d-- generation power P and amplification coe ficient in generation mode ~solid line) and amplification mode (broken line). 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 ~ (d) P, m i 8 ~ ~ " ~ 4 a p 0.5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . Fig, 4 (oonbinued) is j ~ amli/al 7 4, Te, eisotron volts 2. E, kv/om 5. P, rslative wtite - 3, T80 eleotron voits 6. to mloroseoonde on the basie of ourrent snd voltnge oeoillograme and formulaa (i), This figure eleo dhous time relatior~ships ne and T8 obtp.ined on the baaie of ex- perimentsl dsta and (2) and (4). Ueing psper [Q] and the vsluee of ne and Te ghoxn in Fig. 4bl xe found the gas snd osai].latio~n temperaturee, indicators of oaoillation and the poxer of generation. The reaults of esah experiment xere proooased in this me~nner. Fig, 4shoxe the appro.Kinate time ralationehips SQ~ snd F~/N obtsin~d Horrever, the baeic attention in thie paper xas flevoted to studying the effeot of the disoharge parameters on the energy of the radiatlon puUee. The great- est radiation energy ig obtsinsd at equal pmrtial prASSUres oF N2 and 002. _ M inoreaee of 91, 1 xith predeura is due to txo faotorso ati inoreaes in the ~ energy of Qpo put into the disahargep and an increaee of energiee of.qN2 and Q00i' put into N2 osoiilations and the asymmetric mode of Go.. The rel8tio11- - ships betxeen praesure and ratios %oi/4p' vN2/Qp (Qi00t %lO)/Qp (Ql0tapi0 ia the energy used for exoiting the symmetrioal and the deformdtion modee o! COZ)t as xell aa the effiolenoy of laeer generation are ehoxn in P'ig. 5. The increase of energy, put inta oaaillstionel xith pressure is dueg in ite turno to an increaae in the field intensity Nma/N in the area of i to 2.75 gtmos- pherea (aee Fig. 3), leading to an increase in the velocity of oscil3ation excitation. Fig. 6 shoxs the relationehips betxeen the unit energy of laser exaitation in the pulae and the unit aacumulated enexgy for mixture 002tN21He=105i6.75 at a total pressure of 3 atmoapheres. Here alsc the theory agrees xell with the experiment. It xae impoesible to reach e~rgy inputs greater than about 0.3 Joules/cn~ because for QQ ~ 0.3 Joulea/a the voltage spplied to the capaa- itora reaahed values cloee to the alloxed maximum. A calcul,etion of laeer parametera of up to QC=4 Joules/cm? xas oade to olarify the posaibilitiea of raieing E1$1. It may be eeen !'rom Fig. 6 thaL meucimum energy in the Pulse Li.1=0.045 Joules/ccP is redched at QC=1.1 Joules/cm3. A reduction of Eizl for a further increaae in QQ is due to an increeae in the population of the loxer laaer level due to an incrmae in gas tsmpersture Tg. This leads to an increase in the reaidual energy of oacillatione N2 and 9 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . r APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 1-40k C1p'FICJAI, U3F. (1NI,Y an asymmetriaal mode of QOa, 1,e-1 to an osoiliation enerQyr whlch oannot be traneformed into radiation. Fig. 6 also ehotire the oaloulated valuee of the effioienoy and gae temperature 5 mieroseconda after the starb of the pulse _ current, The reduotinn in effioiency xith a reduotion in QQ ir the area of , ema11 q,Q is due to the approaoh tr the threshoYd of generation, Beaides energy, investigatione xere al$o made of the time charaoteristice of pulse generationi delsy time uith reepeot to the starE of the ourrent pulse and the total T'l. Delay time 4r is equal to the time a.fter xhioh thA amplifioatiott ooefficiert beoomes eqttgl to loesegp beoauae the genention procese can start on1.y khen they are equal. The relationehip betxeen d-L''and , energy in stoxing oapacitors ie shorm in Fig. 6. The reduotion of ,0Z'with an increase in Qa in region Q N 2joules/onl is due to an increaoe in the ampli- - fication aoefficient, Haxeverl at a further inareaee in QQ0 due to an in- crease in the gae temperature, oC begins to deoresae, xhioh leads to an increase in d r. ' A t increaeee xith an inorease of N2 oontent. This is due to the faot that ' with an inoreaee in the N2 content, the total energy that pasees from the dis- _ chaxge intn the oscillating mode of N2 molecules inoreases andp at the same timel the velooity of ite paesage into the aeymmetrical osoillating mode of CO2 deoreasee. Heoauae of this# an inoreaea of the unsaturated amplifi- cation eoefficient oocura more eloxly, xhiah leods to a Qorreaponding in- crease in d-r. Measured, and calculated veralons of dt'(p) Were found to be small Which ie due to a reduotion in the unsaturated amplification ooefficiettt xher, the pressure lncreaass, 6. Conclusion The developed installation described in this paper and the cited theoretical ahd experimontal investigations of laser radiation aharacterYatics confirm, in our opiniong the promisa of using a high preasure pulaed laaer xith 002 + NztHe mixture triggor9d. by additional xire electrodea. , The feed syetem u$ed (Marx osaillator) and the installation itae]f are very aimple and parmit the obtaining of a atabla diecharge and leser generation for varioua aompoeitions of the xorking mixture xithin xide intervala of gas eeauros (higher than an stmosphere) and energies in the atorage capacitora (G =0.06? to 0.29 Joulee%m3). Laser radiation in the puLse (about 27 mjoulea/cm3) obta2ned experimeytally gt P�3 atmosphere8 and %=0.29 joulea/cO is not the aeximum poesible. The *Calculated value4r dependa xeakly on the initial effective poxer il of apon- taneous Wi ti n on the laser tranaition. In our calculations, xe u$ed x ,i io- w%a~. io FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 - FOR OFFICtNo USE ONLY Q4 S S ~'~~.~seuat,n~~E 1 ~~MMMNrNIW1't 0 QQ a ? - ~�r�~""t ~ gy , ' t , ~r�u�,rr,u;;Lria;i: �:y .�M,.,...._ 0 f ? jD,om+ i Fig� 5� Qalculated relationshi betxeen the effioienay of 1aser generation - Ei.l/qp (1) and ratios Q (2) g VN2/Qp (3) j COOi74p (4) and Qo10 4100) /Qp (5) Ana tobtLl g88 preeeUre p(QC a0.13 3oulee%mrP) for mixtuxee 002 iNe ' He=ii0.2515.62 (s) and i12'13,5 (b). i. atmospherea I.. (2) (3) Fig. 6. Reletianships betxeen unlt out ut enerGy of laser radiation 3 (1) efficiency of laser generation I =E1ii(2), gastemperature T(3) a~~e delay time4rof tha genaration pulse xit6 respact to the atart Of the current start (4) and unit stored energy q,a 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY experiment showe the poseSbility of obtaining a gtable dSsoharge at higher p and QQ, while the oaloula,tion showa that it is po$eible,in thie caee, to reach a radiatlon energy in the pulae N 50 mjoulos/om3. A comparieon of the theory ar~d tihe experiment ehaxs also that the theoretioal model of kinetia prooesses in the laser piilse 3n mixture C02-pN2 + Ne xe uaed desoribea aor- reotly and to a satiefaotory aocuraoy theee procesgeo i.n a xide range of dis- oharge parameter valueg, BIBLIOGRAPHY i. Kosma,, B.= Sviridovo A. G. Preprint FIANp Mosaoxl 1975, No 160. 2. Hidsonj D. J.= Makios, V.1 Morrisont R. W. Phyre. Letts. 40A, 413 (1972)� 3. Blanchard, M.= Gilbert, J.t Rheaulto F.1 i,aohambre, J. L.) Fbrtin, Ri 2remblayl R, J. J. Appl. Phys. 45, 13ii (1974). 4. Alcock, A. J.t Leopole, K.= Richardson, M. S. Appl. Phys. Lettst 23t 562 (1973)6 5. Iambertont H. M.i Pearson, P.R. Eleor. Letta, 141 (197i). 6. Kosme,t B.j 3Wiridovl'A. G.t 3obolev, N. N.= 3hwaskaya, L. I. "Brief Re- ports on Physice," FIAN, No ii (1975)� 7. Judd, 0. P. J. Appl. Phys.o 45, 4572 (1974)� 8. Gordiyets,B. F.; Ko$ma, B.i Sviridovi A. G.= Sobolev, N. N. Preprint FIAN, Moscox, 1977 No 205. 9. 3chriever, R. L. Appl. Phys. Letts, 20, 354 (1972)� W. Nakanieit K. "Infrared 3pectra and Structure of Qrganic Compounds." Moscow, MIR, 1965. ii. 3obolev, N. N.= 3okovikov, V. V. "Lettera in ZhETF," 4, 363 (1966): 5, 122 (i967). 12. Biryukov, A. S. = Gordiyets gy. F.= ZHURNpI, pRIlCIAMOY MnQ'ANIKI I TII{HINI- CNFsKOY FIZIKI, No 60 29 (1972)� 13. Gordiyets, B. F.= Sobolev, N. N.' Sokovikov, Y. V.z Shelepin, L. A. Phye Lettst A25t 173 (1967)� 14. Volkov, A. Yu.1 Denin, A. I.s Logunov, A. N.= Kudryavtsev, Ye. M.i 3obolev, N. N. Prepsint H'IAN, Moscox, 1977, No 4. 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OP'FZCIAL U3E ONLY ' ~ 15� BSrytikov, A. 9,1 Volkov, As. Yu,l Kudryavteev, Ye, M.1 8srikov, R. I. KVANTOYAYA ZMRCNYKA 3, 1748 (1976) COPYRIGHTi Isdatel'rjtvo "Sovetgkoye radio", "Kvantovaya elektronika", 1979 2291 Cso, 8i44/1033 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 . FOIt OFFICIAL U3E ONLY ~ PHYSZCB t1Da 623.378.33 ANALY8I8 OF A CALCULATION MODEL OF TFIE PUISED CMIIOAI, DF-CO2 LA3ER Mosaow KVANTOVAYA II,EKTRONSKA in Russlan Vol 61 No 2l Feb 79 pp 281-287 Article by V. Ya. Agroskint E. G. Bravy, G. K. VaelYiyev, V. 2. Kiryanov, stitute of Chemical Phyaioe AN U53R (Mosoow), submitted 10 Feb 781 [Text] Computer oalculation has been performed of the charaateristioa of the pulsed chemical DF-CO2 laser and the results have been compared with experi- mental data. 3eparate descriptions of the kinetica of the chemical reaotion gnd laser action have been incorparated into the mod.el. A correlation has been performed with the results of caloulations obtained by other authors. The anal,ysis demonetrates that exieting madels do not achieve eetiefactory agree- ment x;.th the experiment. The probable causes of the discrepanay are con- sidered. i. Introduction Until now, a number of papers [1-4] ha,ve been written dedicated to the calcu- lations of the pulae characteristics of a chemcal DF-CO laser xith transfer of oscillation-excited energy in a chemical reactlon frog moleaule DF to molecule CO21 in which laser action occurs in band 0001-1000( 1=10.6 microns). In all papera,the analysis xae made for mixture D2-F2 -CO -02 -(He), initiated bY a pulsed 8as-diecharge tube (only in [2] was tFie initiation asaumed to be instantaneows). In apite of the agreement noted betxeen calculated and ex- perimental values in them, it is impoesible not to pay attention to certain epecial features of theae calculations. Thus, in [3], the constant of the transmisaion velocity of oscillating energy from the DF molecule to the 002 ~ molecule xas asaumed to be 3x10-13cra3/sact xhich is consideraily loxer than the value determined latar. To obtain an agreement xith the experimant, the author of [3] aeeumed the conatant of velocity attenuation of DF by DF to be loxer than the value 1moi+n at present [8]. In paper [4], the numeriaal agreement with the experiaent xas obtained by increasing the experimentally obtained energy removal by 2.5 times, xhich the authors related to the single-mode operation of the laser. 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOit OFFICIAL U3E ONLY . i ; We will note that in a11 the caloulatione made afastar�ex assumed between the laser level and the deformation.mode (k ti 10"i~o $/ange so wae [93). Now- : evert there is a number of papers [10-i?~ 51~ in whiah the velooity oonstant of this prooees is at leaet an order of magn tude lower (the epread aan be ~ even about two orders of magnituae). We wi1Z note that the preoiee value of this aonstant is unkncwn at present [50]. Neverthelesst for mixturee atrong- : 1y (greater than 20 times) diluted by en inert gast at low fu11 preseurb ; ( . the folloxing condition is fulfilled Q(41j. Glj-(jl/!(wIr Wt)G1'1(W3, Vas) ('O) It folloNS for (6) and (q) that thia condition ia fulfilledo for examplet for transitions ISo`` 'So� 2Sti2- 2 S11s6 !S`1i2-Tg,t in metal vapors. Let further boundary amplitudes of fielda Cil ==o- Ci� 47 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOtt OFFICIAL USE ONLY - eatiafy the SnequalSty ope)alciollceoj0in(&),. wi). (II) Then equationB desoribing the prooess of parametrio ampllfSaation of weak optieal sigttals Oi and 02 at DFP pumping Q~ and Q4 may ba simplified oon- eiderablyl . dC, m _Yie-dCz .m _ ~et ci . (121 xhere _ . , t-Mi:; 8=dk/ml; Y,s-ajt,22CeoC4WM~~ (13) � J(t)"u MlexPClaee IC40 IkxP2L='a44 lceol'Ir'; (14) MI-aSelC48 111-'0144 lCee1''=a�IC4 I'-auA l'. (16) . In obtaining equations (12) xe neglected the DFP amplified fields and their effect on pumping fields, aonsidering that the pumpinga only change due to the DFP. 2.2 In this caee of zero xave detuning (8 =0), the solution of equations (12) has the form Cl " Cioch:C--C;o( 2 sh,~: (168) ~ Cz e -CIo( /ih,x-}- C?och~~ (16d) ~ xhere Rin L a~aA4net"'aiiA3o ai.iA4o+aii'Aao , . �~a3a~o~t_ai4'A3 o a3'13A 4 o- aiaA ao U71 48 POR OPFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOlt OFN'ICZAL USE ONLY Ri, r~osl'~~ ~~,~wy 0 W , 6)1) l~l~ ~ 18 ~aea�uJ w~~~ (61~. A1t~ IC/ l�Cjexp(jT1) aotual amplitudes of the fields= it follows from (16) that amplifica- - tion of the weak radiation proaeeds efficiently, if the DFP crosa seotion of the ampllfied fields is not amaller than the cross section of the DFP of pumping (R > i) and there is strong DFP pumping along the length of the non- linear medium. The latter condition ie fu].filled if the limiting intensi- tiea of pumping satisfy equation a~~~a~~,.: ~~Iw~, (19).. A~o/^~p.:: , xhicho in particular, is true for degeneratred DFP pumping ( w3m%). DFP nondegenerated with respect to frequency pumping is used in ChPPDR for pro- viding conditions for a tial synchronism~ b retuning pumping frequencies near reaonanoea [10, 11r When equation (!9~ ia fulfilled, expression (17) has the form ~~-Rln(I+2 (:0) xhere Ci=a~4A3o==a3iA~o=. (Z1) 2�3� In case of arbitrary wave detuning when fulfilling condition (19), ~ the system of equations (12) may be reduced to the fallowing two differential equations of the second orders zi . F r ra 2 1 dCs.' _R: (1-f- 2ti)-i1i,: = 0� (22) t~ ` I ''2+i J d~i 49 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 , , A'OK nFFYCTAL USE ONLY To 111ustrate the effect of wave detuning, we wi11 considex the case R21 when equations (22) axe equationa with fu11 differentials and their solutions for A40=0 may be presented in the form C, 1(4 -I� a'�I� 2b%--4cos 8ti)' (4s(n 6~1- 4dni)2j'/s X X exp { i arct 4sin 6} 1-}- 48r1 g 4-1- 8' -f- 26241- 4cos d~i} ; (2;~a) l ~ Cz a, (l 2~1) 1(2 - 2cos 8tl d sin drl)' (S 26ti - 2sin dtl / r 8 cos dtl)a1'4 exp { i arctg 48y1 - 9sin dtl (236) 4-, 61 28 lt1-4cus S;l? . 1 ~ ~ For 1~...,ti oo the amplitudes of the amplified fields approach valuea , 2 (~s)'I'Ai .ol A1 b~ 4,~~. Aio, Aa It~�W = 161 \ Wi ~t,~m = Cga which are determined by the ratio of the value of wave detuning (6k) to the coeffiaient of the two-photon absorption of pumping LD~P^2a�A~o' Fig. i. shows relatiorships A','(C') (23)' plotted for vari- ous values �of 6. It ma.y be seen from Fig. 1 that amplified fields reach the maximum values at Z= n(6k)-1; ; at a(6k)-l< i< 2ri(8k)-1, when a reverse parametric conversion of the amplified fielde to pumping oe- curs, the efficiency of wave interaction becomas lower due to the DFP pumping that has occurred on the initial section. Therefore, after reaching the maximum conversion, the amplified fields complete attenuating oscilla- tions with a period of 2n~bk)-1 and approach the value near the maximum. 3� Paxametric Amplification of VKR Pumping As is the previous paragraph, we will consider parametric amplification of weak radiation when strong inequa.lity (1i) is true for the limiting valuea of fields. Then the solution of equa,tions for complex amplit,ides of fi.elds (8), in which CJ.y C4, ahould be replacedl for bk= (kj-}- ks)-(k3-k,)= 0 has the form (16), where ,.'E Rarct~;b(et'-I): b~.A~o~3i~e30W~~ 50 FOR OFFZCIAL USE ONLY 2 Z: =aasA3oz. (24) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OP'FIGIAL U9E ONLY 6 4 1 0 w ng. 1. RelatSonships betxeen amplified fields and coordinatea for varioua values of wave detuning $ (aee (13)g (15). we will asswne that A20 >=DoNAIEo, (8) where Do energy of molecule dissociation= Nq nwnber of moleculea diasociating in the volume oi strong field Vo= Eo energy of the radiation pulse. _ The maximum value. of the coefficient of radiation utilization '?nax =1 is attained when all the energy of the laser pulse goes to molecule dissociation. However, due to the fact that not all excited molecules ha,ve energy greater than the dissociation energy, as well as because of difficulties in creating a volume of dissociation region sufficient for the absorption of the entire � pulse, 71< 1 is realistic. To obtain high groductivity, it is necessary to attain i? as large as poasible. We will consider the available posaibili- ties. Focused geometry of radiation. In the simplest case, the region of a strong field ma.y be created by focusing radiation by a lena (Fig. 2a). Let the diameter,of the ra,diation beam on the surface of the lens with a focal dis- tance f be 2r0, the divergence of radiation then, considering laser 69 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY radiation in the form of a set of plane wavea with a fu11 aperture angle 2T ~ we will obtain a radius of the spot in the foous r1-~I. The density of the pul$e energy in the foous ~1,~=toi~n/~q,4~, 0 from whioh the foeal dietance of _ 1en~ J&2q-' Ir-dln'I',11 . The length of the region in whioh the radiation density ~U~4~tIY (Y>,). and ita volume Vo are equal. 1rw 21201/1' - 1) ~ 2 Eo (v Y-1) (9~ ro rl n V01(ro il) ' Vo,m? (Y VY -0 go (10) 3n (ro - rl) 'vi/ We wi11 evaluate the effioi.ency of laser radiation ltillzation for typioal paxameters of the laser pulae Eo 10joules, 10 radianst 2ro= 3 om. We wi11 aelect for SF6 the energy denaity at the foous from the condition that tU=1, which correaponda to~, = 14 3oules/cm2. Zt was not benefiaial to aelect a greater value of tc1 because then, as follows from (4), the dissociation selecti.vity decreases. We will determine the volume of the atrong field re- gion from the condition that on its which corresponds to 'Y 1.9 (it ie easy to ahow, wsing (3), that the greatest part of the mole- cules axe disaociated in this region). Using (10), we wi11 determine the volume of the region of the strong field Vo ;;z~s 135 00. aiergy of the SF6 dissociation on SF6+F is equal to 3.3 electron volts. Uaing (3), it is easy to obtain V:NAlNo=0,3. . Finally, from (8) we obtain that the coefficient of radiation utilization in the con- sidered case is Jw 0.8%. It follows from here that a single focusing of radiation by a lens is ineffi- cient. The radiation must be focused several times in sequence. However, it is more efficient to utilize a wavebeam guide [10] for creating a strong field in a large volume. Wavebeam guide geometry of radiation. The wavebeam guide (Fig. 2b) is a metal tube with a well-polished inner surface. Laser radiation is focused within the tube and if its radius ri is amaller than rr1ap=(Eo1m(DnoA)ll1, then the gas within the wavebeam guide is dissociated. Dus-to the absorption of radiation by molecules and walls of the guide by reflections, the density of energy radiation is decreased along the length of the guide. Therefore, it is natural to select a length of the guide on the basis of the condition of equality of the energy density at its exit and the threshold energy for dissociation. We have from here exp ()iL)-:cpi%(1)1,or, (11) 70 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY where energy density at the wavebeam entranoe, Zt was assumed here that the radiue of the guide ie approximately eq,ua,l to the radiws of the light beam at its entranoe rik"fT. The abaorption ooeffioient per unit length xLJ xr-I� xo ie written in the general form. The oontribution to absorption by moleoules Xr and walls K,wi1l be evaluated below. For sim- pllcit,y, we wi1l asaume that the radiAion energy distribution is uniform over the oroas aeotion of the guide. Thenj using (3), we obtain . . , NAarnmor.I (wi--u,[ ~Ieq~nov xx, -1]3}dx, (12) where mo density of moleculea excited by the lasero while the length of the guide L id determined from (11). We will introduce a nondSmensional parameter z=mnopll>1, , Inte- grating 12, we obtain NAa(nmdi/x)h (13) where function h(z) has the form h (z)-_ws (1/3 (t's-I)-I-3 (z-1-1)1-f-(m=-wl)In z. (14) Paxameter z changes from z=1 , which corresponds to the disaociation threshold,. to z= 0.14, which correeponds to the diasociation velocity of the wavebeam guide uV=1 at the guide entranoe. From (13) it is easy to obtain the expression for the coefficient of radiation utilizatione � TI DdNA/Eo=(D0rn1/xq)tN1 (t)- (15) It follows from (15) that the situation is optimal when the abaorption by the walls of gixide X. is less than the absorption by moleculea X r . We will evaluate the absorption coefficient for reflected XC , wsing . known metal optics formulas [li]. At incidence angles -y , near rrZ, the ab- sorption coefficient is proportional to angle 7~' -y and it may be preaented in the form R 11 ~u ll (rsi2-V) (16) for a wave, polarized in the incidence plane, and R~ =sAy (:0-iV) (17) for polarization in the plane perpendicular to the incidence plant. Values 71 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ r APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFICLAL USE ONLY of (i lland Q.L are determi.ned by the propertles of inetal and for oopper dll = 12.7t a1W 1,4. Knowing ull and d.1 , we wiii evaluate )t,:. The characteristlc inoidenoe angle fox tro guiae waii where ro is the radiua of the beam In the plane of the �oousing lens: f is i.ts fooal dis- tance. Charaateriatic distanoe X. from the entranae of the guide on whioh the greater part of the radiation enoounters the first refleotion xxp2r, Since, when refleoting from the cyllndrioal aurface of the guide, both po1- arizations axe probablep then for may be written approximately y~� /2 -"'V rQ al i~ ~ a ay s rccD ~ l n � ro ~ 2 x,~ 2xr 2c/l 4 W l Ee 2 We w111 consider norr numarical examplea for dissooiation of 3 SF and pres- sure of gas p= 0.1 mm of the meraury oolwnn for the case of a cop~er wavebeam guide. As before we wi11 assume for the parametera of the laser beam ro = 1.5 cm,(~.10'~ radians. The table for vasious energies of the laser C pulse and parametere z showa xj n and the aaloul,a,ted length of guide L at pressure SF6 0.1 mm of the mercury column, X= 10~ cm- ~'It may be seen that at relatively low energiea E0.4, 5 3oules losses in the guide are basically related to absorption when reflected on walls, since the _ sma,ll amount of energy requires more rigid foouaing of radiation in the guide and increasing the number of reflectiona. In this case, a strong dependence of pulse energy on values of N~n�~12~ 1 .v 0/2 is obaerved. For pulse ener- gies Eo > 5 the basic role is played by SF6 molecules and, in thia case, NAN Eo and I depend very little on Eo. Ewaluations done ahow the wavebeam guide geometry permits raiaing considerably the utilization coefficient of radiation by a lens. Thus, for oi 10 joules in wavebeam guide geometry I- 1796 instead of 0.896 for focwsing. The shortcomings of guide geometry include rather rigid requirements for the quality of the inner surface of the guide. However, as follows from the table, even at x the guide geome- try insurea a conaiderably greater value of ?1compared to Focusing. Two-frequency diasociation of molecules. Another approach to the problem of increasing the efficiency of the separation procesa is using a two-frequency excitation of molecules [12]. For two-frequency excitation (Fig. 2e) the "weaker"field at frequency V,, pro- duces isotope-selection excitation of molecules at several oLicillating levels. Further excitation and dissociation of molecules is done by the "strong" field at frequency v, , tuned usually to the red side from the molecule absorption band. As shown by the first experiments [M 14], in this case, velocity of dissociation -xu increases sharply, while the diasociation 72 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY tihronho1(1 denroasoA ta neveral tens oF Joules per equaxe cenbimeter. Thl,n Smpurbunt oiraumetanne makon it poga.tble bo work with dlreot beama aithout foousing the radiation. At the same time, at two-frequenoy exoitation, there 1s an inorease in the diaaoalation eeleotivity, eapecially in the oase of moleoules uith a sma,11 Ssotopa ehlft in the oeoSllating speotrwnt typioal for heavy elements, Caloualtion of Wavebeam Guide WEI. ~ u* LI11 , 'n ~ 0 ,18 1 9 ,2 0 1 ,4 n~ 2b 9 13 , 9 0,7 0,38 5,8 Ib 0,27 2 0,16 0,2b 0,38 6,9 3,b 2,p 23 30 L 34 3,8 1,6 0,69 4 0,16 2,4 54 I 7,8 0,25 1,2 83 3,3 0,38 0,7 60 1.1 7 0,16 I,0 92 14 0,25 0,5 92 y 0,36 0,3 79 1,4 10 I 0,3G I 0,2 I 1~ I 1?6 i. Eo, Joules. Thus, when retunable lasers are availa.ble$ xhich provide the necessary de- tuning betNeen frequenaie8 of excitation v, and disaociation-Vt , the uae of the-two-frequency method solves the problem of utilizing radiation and providing high productivity of the separation psocess. 4. 3election of the Optimal Arrangement of the Isotope Separation Process An important parameter, xhich characterizes the separation grocess, is pro- ductivity the amount of product with a given content of the desired isotope, obtained per unit time. Its value, naturally,depends on the re- quired degree of separation and the initial concentration of the deaired isotope xo and, for fixed parametars of the laser, ia determi,ned parimarily 73 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 ' FOtt OFFICIAL U5E ONLY by oneffiaient 11 , dissoaSation seleotivity ot and the aeleotion of the eAparatlon asrangement. - Let thero be a mixture nf txo Isotopee. Usually it Is neceesary to obtain astrong Snarease at the exit 3.n the oontent of the "poor" isotope. As mentioned in eeation 2, this may be achieved in two ways. The "rioh" isotope may ba 8isaooiated and enriohment of the deaired Ssotope in the - residual ggs may be obtained. Howevero for an equal coeffioSent of utiliza- - tion of laser radiationt more benefioial Is a grooess in whioh dis6oaiation of the deaired isotope and the enriahment of it with products of diasooiation are produoed directly. kctually, energy required for the disaooiation of one moleclul-e is equal for both ieotopeal however, the initial produot aontains in (i-xo)/xo more of the riah isotope oompared to the r)oor, deaired one. Therefbre, even at optimal (aee beZow) disaooiation of the rioh isotopet the radiatiom inoreases by (i-xo)/xo timea. Thus, for equal utilization of laser radiation when dissociating the desired isotope Iit (0�-x6)/xo1l6- (19) where Jb productivity when disaoalating the rich isotope. Hoxever, this gain Is realized only foro,~>xoi, xhen all the abaorbed energy of laser radiation goea for disaooiating the desired isotope. In the converse case, when alC xoi, basic energy expenditurea when radiating the desired isotope. are related to the dissociation of the rich isotope and the gain in produc- tivity will be considerably le8s than followa from (19)� This case Is real-� ized, for example, in concentrating heavy xater, whose content irr nature ia x- 0.015% and it Is difficult to expect that d. ~7000 can be attained. It may be shown that in the general aase for an arbitrary relationahip between oc and xo ,(xo < 1), ~ L-' Xn ~o (20) I6 a XO 1-}- XO (U' _1) � In the case where cL e* xoi we obtain from (20) Ia=alo. (21) We will now evaluate the productivity of the enriching process in cases where the desired isotope, or the rich isotope are dissociated. Let the region ' 74 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 A'OR f1FFIClAL t13E ONLY 1 -a of strong field Vo In ouvette Vk be oreated by one of the methods Sn seotion 3 ando for simplioity, we will assume that r; Vo/Vkc i~ We will oonelder that the porblon of moleoulee of the exoited isotopal diesooSating in thia volume furing a pulae, 3s equal to p, and of the nonaxoited (due to finite selaotivity) p s 4.1. Diseooiation of the desired isotope. In this oaaee as follows from (7), for a single radiation the degree of separation in dlseoolatlon prod- UQtB qi = 0( � If, it is neoeasary to obtain q> a, then the produota of the dissooiation oan be restored anex iri the initial nalecule and the radiation repeated. =n eaoh such step the degree of separation qi=ct and after n eteps O-01PJr-an~ (22) 3inc eg in the considered methodl rz i ( d. ---,a 25 to 30 for SD6), then oompared to* traditional methods, the ntuaber of etepa ia reduoed eharply and in case of q~ cx, is reduoed to one. Let there be an initial mixture M containing quantity Mo of the desired iso- tope and mo of the rich ieotope. we will assume that an equal pcrtion of the excited molecules is dissooiated at each step. Then, after n stepa we will have Mri_ Mo pn of the desired isotope. we will determine the minimum number of pul5es required for carrying out this procesa. We will assume that at each stept the total number of moleoules in the volwae of the etrong field is constantli.e., p--Mi+ mi = const. It ie then easy to shox that at the 1-th step the number of pulses at d-z>- 1 _ N hf- �~t~ 1 - 1 ! p ` ~ a,-Ixo ) 0 (23) The total number of pulsea for n ateps N=~ N~ M0 f 1- ~e t Mo R 1 P`~ j~- Xo 1- a/a ~ P y' (24) For ~ C a~ 1 ~ value of y�;~+, xoi and the radiation time are 75 FOR OFFIi,LAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFICIAL U3E ONLY determined in the basio time of the fir8t etep becauge N1-~ (Mo/p) xo Finally we have thst the produotivity of the proaes8 when reaching the separation degriie q = ctn is 1q~(A1n'"mn~4/Ny~ (xolx)pnpp-(xdx~~"~a~ (25) xhere x-- the final content of the desired i$otopes 0 frequenoy of pulae repetitiont L 4-- flow of initial raw materiall xhile the number of ateps is equal to n ^ lnq/1no, . Realistl.callyp apparently, it ia difficult to obtain p > 0.5 to 0.6, therefore, at smaller valuea of f3i since the time of the entire prooess is determined basically by the length of the radiation time in the first atepo it is neceassry to increase the radiation time in the following ateps in such a xay that When the gas paeaea through the radiated cuvette, it xould be subjected to aeveral radiation pulees (their number 1> i). In this case, the portion of disaooiated moleoules of the deaired isotope Kill in- creasei 6-(1-o-01. (26) For such a aepar.ation proceas the productivity xill be i4a(xo/x)P611'Lu' (27) n and the separation degree after n steps 9- rl 9r . Comparing (25) and (27)~ xe seo that the productivity in the latter case may be considerably higher, especially at small P . If the laser can excite the desired isotope as xell as the rich one, then the optimal process will appear as follows. The dissociation of the desired isotope is done-in the first step and diasocia- tion degree q;Z;p~ is attained. Since a. > i, isotope concentration becomes comparable, and in the second step (after chemical conversion) the alrea,dy 76 FOR OF'FICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY t, ~ .1, ~ ; unneeded rioh isotope i8 dieeooiated up to obtaining the required oonoentra- tion x of the deeired lsotope Sn the real.dual gas. The duration of the seoond step is considerably sroaller than the time of the seoond step for a:ol, 7'1ti't'ijS (zn�l IkA) ~ Therefore, produotivity is determi.ned only by the duration of the firat step, and for the prooeea it may be writtent (28) 4.2. Diesooiation of the rioh ieotope, Ift for aome reason, the diasooia- tion of the desired poor isotope is imposaible, the enrichment proceas may be done also by the disaociation of the rich isotope, although the produc- tivity in this oaseo ae mentioned beforet is amaller,, 3uch a situation is realized, for example, when enriching isotope 34 S, $ince the region of the retuning of exiating COZ lasera doea not provide for the poasiblilty of ef- ficient dissociation of 34SF6 and the proceas of enrichment may be carried out nnly by diseociating 323F69 Sn thia case, two possibilities for carryit3g out the proceas are available xhich in simplified form, appear as followa. Mode of "deep burn-out." In thia mode, the gas in the cuvette is irradiated up to the obtainment of the given enrichment of the deaired isotope in the remaining ini.tial product. After that, a new portion of gas is pasaed into the cuvette. Thust at the output we have at once a groduct with a givea degree of aeparation q. Ii the initial amount of the desired isotope iri the cuvette ie Mo and the rich one mo, then after N pulses MN Mo(j-p.)N= Macxp(-w,N) ii tnN=mo(1-P)N=moexp(-ruN), and ~rr'~ ~ m~ (1-~) N~ mp exp N ?7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFICxAL USE ONLY - from where the degree of separation is . . Q~ MN ~ M~ =expl(w "wa)1V). I12N m; , the number of radiation pulses to obtain ~the given q N -1n ql(w--cu,): (29) For 1X1 < i, the separation coefficient oL .^�s WAS . Taking into account (29) we obtain ~yN_~May-~'al(~+-~e) ~Mpq'~l(a-~)~ (30) m~-m~O9'u'/(u`U'e):::m0' (31) N Q and content x of the desired isotope after radiation is MN x j. (32) h!N �I- mN I + (mo/Mo) 9^ In this case, the productivity of obtaining product MN.}N* with enrichment q and content x at a frequency of pulse repetition e is equal to ~,'NIV+ mQ 0 A10*0 (W-Wjq-!/(a-i) xoLr (W-Ws)9-1/(a-1) /r N x ln q - x in q ,(33) ~ 78 ` FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 POH 0FFICIAL USE ONLY where xo in3tia1 oonoentration of the desired isotope i L r flow of Sni- tial raw mater.ial at the entranae of the ouvotte, Howaver, suoh an arrangement of ths enriohment process when obtaining a guffioiently high value ot' q is not optimal from the viewpoint of obtainSng ::aximum produotSvity. This is due to the faat that the guantity of di,seo- ciated muleaules NA = mou~le wdurSne one pulse deoreases with the ~time of radiation ae the exoited moleaulea burn out. mhis 1.ea,ds to a raduation Sn coefficient n (8) and to a reduction of the prooees productlvlty as a who1e# therefore, the separation prooeas must be done di.fferently. Mode of constant partial pressure of dissoalated riah isotope. To attain maximum produotivity, it ia neoessary to provide a oonstant maacimwn NA during the entire enrichment proceea. This condition is met by maintaining - congtant presaure of the exoited rich lsotope in the cuvette. As an illus- tration, we wi11 consider the following aimplified arrangement of the process, Let there be a certain amount of initial product so that the masa of the de- sired isotope is Mo and the mass of the rich isotope is mo. The gas is pumped through the irradiated cuve:tte and at any moment of time it contains mo of the rich isotope being disaociated at partial pressure p. To obtain high productivity, it is necessary to hava such a apeed of gas pumping that - during its passage through the cuvette G m*/mo ` of the amount of irradiated aucceed in being diasociated. In our casel the cuvette volume is equal to the volume of the strong field, whieh correaponds to a single gas radiation in the cuvettet ao that Q myma,. 0.icm' It should be'f,xpected that a similax phenomenon may also be found when powerful laser beams arF, propagated in the atmosphere. Although, due to the small absorption coefficiAnt of.a,ir which, in the visi- ble and neax IR bands, will be small, changes in the pressure and density of the medium in the beam may exceed those that are caused by electrostriction. Therefore, in calculating the self-action of beams, they must be taken into account first. Moreover, the intensity oi' these sound waves is high enough to be measuredg which ma,y be found to bd useful for the remote determination of the power and dimensions of'�he laser beam. 1. If the duration of the laser pulse Ls small so that heat tranafer from the beam, due to molecular heat conductivity and convection, ma,y be neglected, the change in presaure p and of refracti�re index n of air may be described by equat i.ons � azp~ar~-u-a1N=�h~- i ~vr/~i; U) 86 FOR OFFICI1II, U5E ONLY 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' ri us Sy n -a (V p0(n� - DyJdf, (2) where yor/oV= u-- speed of soundi noj Po undisturbec~ refraotive 1n- , dex and dens~.tyt J(x, y, so t) power deneity of laser radiation. 3peoial features of sound radiation in a weakly-abaorbing medium is that intensity J ohanges weakly along axis Z, along which the beam ie propagated; therefore, the eound eouroe is oylindrioal and is not a point souroe as in strongly abaorbing media. We w111 ooneider first how pressure varies with time at distanoe r awa,y from the center of the beam, assuming that the distribution in it is Ga,usaSan along the tranaveres coordtnates and step-shaped with respe�et to time ~ ' J(x. ri. z. t)~a~W/na')~xPI-(x~..t.~a~/a9j0(f), (3', . (W-- power of beam). The solution of equation (1) may be written in the form P(r, f) ~ a~~;uaa ~ ' j d4 X � r u! - X exp a9 ) [u20 -(r--4)2 -,q']d ~ i1 . (4) For r} a integration boundaries for ~ may be replaced by ~ oo and values of ~ and ~x may be neglected as compared to re in the denominator of the sub- integral expreseion. As a result of integration we will obtain p~~ a ut 1 u ar a ~ (5) where , ~ e�-E' ~ E1)dt e"~'D_,~~(V2_9); D y funetion of a para,bclic cylinder. The curve of function f(e ) is ahown in Fig. J. Its aa3mptotic behavior (rc/2t)ll . I exp (-V) for E--00, for To d,etermine the change in presaure in the region of beam propagation r< a, it ~1s ~onvenient for the solution of oqua,tion (1) ~~o use Fourier's trans- formtion along transverse coordinates x and y. For the more general case than (3) of 1-,armonie modulation of intensity with tima 87 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOtt 0FFICZAL USE ONLY , 1 ~ Fig. 1 II~ r x� yn n'3" eXP I- a9 --1 cos S?!0 (g) ~ ~ we will obtain . x,a, p (r, t)- a(1' - 1) W exP ( 4 )1o (W) x f x 2n S2 q,x 0 %t (i2 sin 01- ux sin uxf) dx. (7) In the center of the beam (for r=o) ex x=as p(0, 1~~ a(Y-I)W P - 4 ) x 2n J St~ - u" x (0 Sin i2r - ux sin ux!) dx, (g) u For long intervals of time ut q, the integral of the secon4 addend ie approaching asymptotically to zsroi m x= exp (-x2a2/4) sin �xt 2 12' u3x2 dK St~ (rtr)~ ' for i2t Y 1. f� The harmonic member is equal to P (0, t) posin s2t, where po = a( 2nafi) W, ~t0) = (S2~)) g(x) - xE'~ (z2) e-x' = Ei integral exponential funetion 88 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY .r.- . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY equa1 to the value of integral f rxp tdt/t, The pressure amplltude hae a maximum at frequency 12402,82u/a, which oorreaponds to the ].ength of the sound wave ~~ll-2,23 n , In this oase, 9= o. 95� We wi11 compare, first, the change in preseure for a thermal effeot of radia- tion with a ehange in presaure due to electrostrietion Pt,Ta-~2(no-1)W/(,uav) , where a is the velooity of 11ght. For air parameters nn-1-2,f,- 10-1, p=-I-U,4,a=1U-4 cM-1, we wi11 have P~,j,~P~ = 8x10~5 m/a, i..e-o chanEje in pressure due to abaorption of laser radiation ia usually much greater than due to electrostriotion. I We will estima,te the poasibilltiea of ineasuring sound pulses generated by la3er radiation. The minimum measurable 1eve1 of sound aignals when using capacitorniarophones is determined by the level of thermal aooustic noisesp*which may be evaluated [8] by formula ' pa,,=I d,i,up,el/s, where m-- ma,ss i v-- average velocity of molecules = S--area of inembrane s po air presaure= Q f-- width of frequency ba,nd. F'or normal e,tmospheric conditions and S c 1 cm2P 3.4x10-12( d f)I bas/Hzl. the pressure in the sound pulse will exeeed this level at l IV(Br1>:.'ola(ni ]r(ri 1Qf[1iz11'n. 2. In [7], it was shown that for uniform distribution of intenaity in the tranaverse cross section of the beam and its sharp drop at the edge, self- focusing of the beam ia possible during the time)while changes in pressure, due to weak absorption,do not succeed in equalizing, i.e., for ut -CC R . It is shown in this paper that in the case of beams with Cauasian distribution of intensityo absorption always leade to blooming. In the presence of the small-scale apa.tial atructure, however, besides temporal modulation, a self- focusing of a part of the beam is possible. In this case condition ut 0.1 sec or in the resence of inetihane admixtiures to an amount less tihan 10'5%. In [4,5~ , no in�orniation ie given on the puriCy of the working medium, however, they pointed outi thaC special measures were taken to clean it thoroughly. In these experiments, , apparently "'3, Assuming p,,/0Ne3 and deCermining trom Fig. 27 in ~53 1/1 p hY 0.7, we obtain the angular energy dietiribution ahown in F g. 1(broken line). For comparison, Chere is also ehown by a solid line experimental relation- ahip E( e) which agreea well wiCh the calculated ona. Thus, the angular charactieristiice of outiput radiation of a combination laser uaing liquid ni.trogen are explained satiefactorily by an increase in the refractiive index due to the change in the polarizability of molecules in the VKR procesa. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Grasyuk, A. Z. KVANTOVAXA ELEKTRdNIKA11, 485 (1974). 2. Shaw, E. D.; Patel, S. K. N. Appl. Phys. LeCts, 18, 215 (1971). 3. Patel, S. K. N. Appl. Phys. Letta, 19, 383 (1971). 4. Bocharov, V. V.; Grasyuk, A. 2.: Zubarev, I. G.; Kotov, A. V.; Smirnov, V. G. KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, 1, 2185 (1974). 5. Grasyuk, A. Z.; Yefimkov, V. F.; Zubarev, I. G.; Kotov, A. V.; Smirnov, V. G. "Trudy FIAN," 91, 116 (1977). 6. Calaway, W. F.; Ewing, G. E. Chem. Phys. LeCts, 30, 485 (1975). 7. Calaway, W. F.; Ewing, G. E. J. Chem. Phys., 63, 2842 (1975). 8. Brueck, S. R.; Osgood, R. M. J. Chem. Phys., 39, 568 (1976%. 9. Butylkin, V. S.; Kaplan, A. Ye.; Khronopulo, Yu. G. "Izv. wzov, Ser. Radiofizika," 12, 1792 (1969). 10. Vil'gel'mi, B.; Goyman, E. ZhPS, 19, 550 (1973). 11. Kravtaov, N. V.; Naumkin, N. I.; Protasov, V. P. KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, 2, 1585 (1975). 158 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 . FOR OFFICIAL U3E ONLY 12. Baklushkina, M. I.; Zel'dovich, B. Ya.; Mel'nikov, N. A.; P imipetiekiy, N. F.; Payzer, Yu. P.; Sudarkin, A. N.; Shkunov, V. V. 2hETF, 73, 831 (1977). 13. Akhmanov, S. A.; Drabovich, K. N.; Sukhorukov, A. P.; Chirkia, A. S. 2hETF, 59, 485 (1970). 14. Payzer, Yu. P. 2hETF, 520 470 (1967). 15, Anan'yev, Yu. A. UFN, 103, 705 (1971). 16. Suchkov, A. F. "Trudy FIAN," 43, 161 (1968). 17. Kirillov, G. A.; Kormer, S. B.; Kochemasov, G. G.; Kulikov, S. M.; Murugov, V. M.; Nikolayev, V. D.; Sukharev, S. A.; Urlin, V. D. KVANTOV'AYA ELEKTRONIKA, 2, 666 (1975). COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Sovetekoye radio", "Kvaneovaya elektironika", 1979 2291 cso; 8144/1033 159 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PHtszcs UDC 535.375 SMALL-SIGNAL WAVEFRONT REVERSAL UNDER NO'NTNRESHOLD REFLECTION FROM A BRILLOUIN MIRROR Moecow KVANrOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA in Russian Vol 6, No 2, Teb 79 pp 394-397 CArCicle by N. G. Baeov, I. G. 2ubarev, A. V. Kotiov, S. I. Mikhaylov, M. G. Smirnov, Phyaica InstituCe imeni P. N. Lebedev AN USSR (Moecow), submitted 2 Aug 781 [Text] A method is suggeared and implemented for small-signal wavefront reversal (OVF) under stimulated Brillouin acaCtering (VRMB) in a lighCguide. This meChod may find use in nanosecond pulse wavefront reversal. It is we11 known that-the effect of wavefront reversal (OVF) at VItMB of spaeially-inhomogeneous pumping makes it possible to compensate effecCively for phase signal dietortiona in two-passage optical amplifiers [1, 2] . The given meChod, however, has a considerable ahortcoming aince, in view of the threahold nature of the reflection of the initiating radiation from the cuvette with the active eubstgnce, it does not permit obtaining OVF aignals with an inCeneity lower than the threshold intensity. At small exceasea above the threshold, tihe reflection coefficient may change strongly from one laser burat to another due to insignificant intenaity variationa, as well ae to posaible changes in the width of the pumping line [3 All - this makea the practical realization of the given effect difficult in, arrangements where it ie impossible or undesirable to have a signal with an intensity exceeding the threshold by many Cimes [2, 5, 6]. Thia difficulty may be avoided, if a more intenaive wave is sent into the cuveCte'with Che active substance along wiCh a weak signal wave. Then the amplification increment of the reflected aignal will be determined by the intensity of the pumping wavee and in the implementation of the OVF effect, there will be observed a nonthreshold reflection of the weak wave. 160 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , 2. The tiheoretical coneideratiion of acatitiering of the weak wave in the , preeence of a etrong one wi11 be done on the baeie of a tiheory developed in remind the reader that if the pumping field is represented in ~ e forni Be Anbtknr T and the Stokea eignai field is ; Eo " ~am etkmr ~ With km--kM~ , t then the syetem of equatione changes in the Stokea wave ampli- tude along the direction of its propagation may be presented in the form N . . . _ . . . . d e+ y 1 Ani (lQn 2' A~ Y Amam'' Sn � � (1) m-l n~n ' When OVF conditions are fulfilled (see, for example.[4 ]the effect of number Sn (z) ie negligibly amall; ~ . . _ _ � p _ _ . d= � Q v, ( Am Ila^ ' ~ An V Am Qm ~ (2) m System (2) muy be solved on the aseumption that . I akl~< * and the solution has the fotm y~�:. . N _ . _ . � � - - . . A an -Qn (p) e s,~ " ~ % am Ane-z (3) 161 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 . c FOR OFFZCZAL USE ONLY - where N . . . - ~qn,1�, n~1� , �Id. mwl � In developing tihe refleGted Stokea aignal for tihe passage from spontaneous noiaea intienaity 1''Q gYz ~ 1, we, therefore, obtain from (3) hn(=)=rconst Aneg/s, ..`4,.._.....~. . , Leti the pumping field conaiet of two components; Ea=EN~~-}-EK~~, (5) "i _ where is a atrong wave and is a weak wave, while EH I) _ V Ane(knr n=1 EH2' ~ u - Anefknr n�=k-F( IAm~I. ,k I),- IAm..W. ,N I and k N S' I Am 1z D,,~w ( Am n~l nmk-FI 1.62 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 ~ FOtt 0FFICIAL t18E ONLY It follows from (4) and (S) rhnt '& ),.E(s) ,~cnnst - ~N~ ) 'Et1e.�cunst ,EN~'etl:, 1'hus, it has becn ehown thati the OVF will be observed also for a weak - pumping component and the preeence of g strong wave permiCe obtaining the reflection of s weak wave ae effecrively ae a sCrong weve. 3. An experimental inveetigation o� euch a mode of scatCering wae performed on an indtaliation ehown in Fig. 1. The radiation of a nlodymium laser 1 (length of pulee Tti 25ne, width of tine AvH ry 5 x 10' cm'1, divergence - 8 u 3 x 10'4 radiarsl diaphragm 2 0 3oam) by means of a wedge-eh8ped plate 3, which formed two beame, was intiroduced into opticel amplifier 5 with an amplification coefficient for the weak eignal of about 50. One of the beams imitated the weak pumping component and was aCtenuated by filCer Ayseem k, while the other beam was amplified without preliminary attenuation. Ati the ampiifier exit, both beems were converged by means of glass wedgea 6 to one place of phase plate 7(the pheee plate increased the "gray" divergence of the single-mode of the He-Ne laser aingle-modR beam with A,- 0.63 microns end 3mm diemeter up to a value of Bev 2 x 10"2 radiana). The image of the illuminated part of the phase plate was tranemitted by lens 8 with f=25emto grillouin cuveCte at the entering end of light conduit 9 fillad with cerbon dieulfide. The lengCh of the ective pert of the lightguxde was 70cm at a diameter of 2.5nm. Measuring complex 10 served for the determina- Cion of the energy charecteristics of incident and reflected wavea in both beams; moreover, photographa were taken of the intensity distribution of the radiation reflected from theBrillouin cuvette in the plane conjugated with the plane of exit diaphragm 2. Diaphragms were inetalled ahead of calori- meters, measuring the energy of reflected signals, the dimensions of which correaponded to the dimeneions of pumping beame which made it poseible zo measure the reflection coefficients in the directione of weak and strong pumping wavee. Experiments were tnade firsC on the OBF of each beaaa separate- 1y. Photographe of the correeponding dietributiona and the measurement data on the divergence of incident and reflected waves indicated that the value of the revereal parameter (see [2] ) ie near unity. r- 4. Fig. 2 showa the curvea of the relationship between the reflection coefficient in the direction of weak wave and the intensity of the weak wave in the absence and presence of a atrong wave. It may well be seen that in the absence of a sCrong component, the reflecCion has a threshold character uaual for the VRMB. In the presence of a strong component, the reflection coefficient does not depenc: on the intensity of the weak wave and is $lmoet equel to the reflection coefficient of the strong wave and Chere is no threahold. We will note that in the process of the experimenta the inCeneity of the strong pumping component was cnaintained practically 1.63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOIt OFFICIAL USE ONLY cangrane, whiie the refiectiion coefficient of the Aerong wave wge equai eo 17.5"/e. Fig. 3 ahowe the relaeionehip betiween the refleceion aoafficients of the weak and etrong wavee. In rhte case, the inteneity af the weak wave was 1/5 og the threahoid wave. It may be eeen that the refiection coefficiente of both beame were equal in the entire range of intieneitiy change of the etrorg wgve. The given grrangement aleo makes te possible to obrain ef�ective refleceion and revereai o� the wavefront of weak puisee the length of which is emailer Chan the length of the serong component of puising. We ehortened the weak puise to 'L ~ lOns by meane of a mylar film (we remind the reader thar the lengrh of the laser pulse ie 25ns). The intenei.ty of the weak component wiii be in the order of severai percent of the etrong component. The reflecrion coefficienC of the weak component was 7% and of the serong 10%. Thie difference ie explained by the fact thar in the given method of ehoreening the pulee, iCs maximum falls at the rear front of the long pulse. The value of the revereal parameter of the ehort pulse wae wiChin limits of 0.7 - 0.9. Fig. 1. Arrangement of experimental inatallation for investigating non- Chreshold aignal rEflection. 0 164 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 � ~rrr ry � I � p ~ ~S I - tl ~U t, MUn~~r~ FOR nFFICIAL USE ONLY Fig. 2. Relationahip between refleo- tion coeffioiEnt of weak Have and its intensity in the abaenoe (solid lines) and preeence (broken lines) of a 30 Mw/cm2 aonstant intensity etrong wave, i. Mw/cm2 ~ . (L) !a n ~cn " NONAIN o ' _i.3) u ~o ia N~~,,~~~�~. Fig. 3. Relationahip between reflecblon eoefficient of weak wave c;,~:`/, le) and reflection coefficient of strong wave. 1. Rcn 0% 3� RcNnbH 2�' RCA-RCNA,0N 5. This experiment may be inrerpreted in terms of a four-wave shift. However, the given arrangement has a conaiderable advantage compared to the OVF arrangement for a degenerated four-wave shift, aince here the counter waves need not be plane without fail, because the reverse (strong) Stokes wave is obtained due to the OVF and, therefore, is always compre- hensively conjugatad with the incident one. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Nosach, 0. Ya.; Popo ichev, V. I.; Ragul'skiy, V. V.; Fayzullov, F. S. "i,ettera to zhETF, 16, 617 (1972). 2. Basov, N. G.; Yefimkov, V. F.; Zubarev, I. G.; Kotov, A. V.; Mironov, A. B.; Mikhaylov, S. I.; Smirnov, M. G. KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, 5, No 4 (1978). 3. Zubarev, I. G.; Mikhaylov, S. T. KVANTO`/AYA ELEKTRONIKA, 1 1239 (1974). 4. Sidorovich, V. G. :;hTF, 46, 2168 (1976). 5. Bespalov, V. I.; Betin, A. A.; Pasmanik, G. A. "I,etters to ZhTF," 3, 215 (1977). 165 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 pen, % ~1~ J(ll. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFZCIAL USE ONLY 6. Borieov, V. N.; Kruxhilin, Yu. I.; Shklyari,k, S. V. "Lettiere to ZhTF," 49 160 (1978). COPYRIGRT: Izdatel'stvo "Sovetekoye radio", "Kvantovaya elektronika", 1979 2291 CSO; 8144 I1033 166 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 POlt nrFcc; rAL USS nN1.Y PHYSIcs UDC 621.378.33 AN ELECTRON-BEAM-EXCITED XeBx LASER Moecow KVANTOVAYA ELECTRONIKA in Ruesian Vol 6, No 2, Feb 79 pp 400-402 [Article by I. N. Konovalov, V. F. Tarasenko, InstituCe of High-CurrenC Electronice, Siberian Department of AN USSR (Tomek), submitted 14 Aug 78~ [Text] The results are reported of an experimental investigation of the laser action in the Ar-Xe-C2F4Br2 mixture at - 281.8nm. The radiation power of 3Mw and the apecific radiation energy of > 1 joule/liter have been achieved. Eximer lasers using halides of noble gases are being intensively investigat- ed at present. Oscillation has already been achieved on molecules of XeF*, KrF*, ArF*, XeCl*, KrCl*, ArC1*, XeBr*, XeI* [1-8~ . Although laser radiation using halides of noble gas was first ach eved on XeBr* molecules C 1I , DrF and XeF lasere became the moat widely used. This was due to the small radiation energiea obtained in an XeBr laser when excited by electron beams [1, 3] . It Was ahown in [7, 8] that the efficiency of - the XeBr laser increasea when pumped by a fast discharge. This paper ciCes the reaults of Che experimental investigation of an XeBr laser exciCed by an electron beam. An accelerator with 100-150kev electrons, 250 a/cm2 current density in the beam and a SOns current pulse length, was used for pumping the laser. The beam was introduced through a 20 x lcm window into a laser tube 35cm long and 2cm in diameter, made of a steel foil 25 microns thick. The energy put into the gas was calculated by taking into account the electron scatter in the gas and the energy apectrum of the electrons outstde of the foil. The diatribution of the absorbed electron energy across the thickness of the gas layer was taken from [9] and the electron spectrum was determined experimentally by the foil method. The opCical resonator was formed by a flat mirror with an aluminum coating and a plane-parallel quartz plate. Radiation characCeristics were recorded by an 1M0-2 calori- meter, FEK-22 photodiode, I2-7 oscillograph and ISP-30 spectroheliograph. 167 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 , VOk nFFICCAI, USL dNLY ' Tho operating efficiency of an eximer laser dependa to a conaiderebly exeenr on the proper choice of the halogen carrier. Thus, when excitiing en XeBr laser wiCh a rapid charge, the besti resulCs were obtained by ueing C2F4Br and HBr ~7, 83 . We investigated the effect on the efiCiency oi tihe XeBr aser of the following halogen carriers; Br2, C2F4Br2, CZH4Br21 CHBrg. When exciting electrons ofmixtures of Ar, Xe and haingen carriers, the besC resulta were achieved by ueing CZF4Br2 and . CHBr3, however, CHBr3 hae a low pressure of saCurated vapora. Kixtures with Br2 and C2H4Br2 gave for the same pumping smaller radiatinn energy by an order of magnitude. The low laser efficiency when using Br2 was due to the atrong absorption of laser radiation in Br2. This is confirmed by the optimal concentration of Br in the mixtiure smaller by an order of magnitude compared to other bromine carriers. Fig. 1 showa the relationshipa between the radiation energy, energy put into the gae by the electron beam and the deley time of the radiation time with respect to the start of the current pulae of the beam, and the pressure oi the mixture. With an increase in presaure, maximum radiation energies are attained in mixturea with a greater content of Ar and a amaller concanCration of C2F4Br2. Delay time ,3 decreases thereby. HC; Wj MANf (1) Wrskv (2) lS IZ 9 6 3 ! 2 J 4 sp,amM (3) Fig. 1. Relationship between energy put into the gas from the electron beam Wl, (1), radiation energy W(2-4) and delay time of the radia:ion pulse with respect to the beam current tg (5), and the mixture pressure for the follow- ing ratios of components in the mixture; Xe; C2F4Br2 = 40; Ar;Xe = 37.5 (2); 75 (3) and 150 (4). 1. t3, ns; W , m joules 3. atmospheres 2. Wr, joules 168 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY �ro s0 ~ 2~ p�6omM 40 JD s ?0 4 f0 ~ J ' D' 405 D, f[C: F4 Brt], Fig. 2. Relationehip between radiation energy and C2F4Br2 contenti in mixture Ar;Xe - 75 at various pressures. 1. m joules 2, atmoepheres Fig. 2 showa the relationahip between tihe energy of radiation and the percentage of C2F4Br2 content at varioue preesures in the mixture. For a mixture pressure of aix atmoapheree, the optimal pressure of C2F4Br2 ati 200C was 1.8 x 10'3 atmoepheres. Fig. 3 shows oacillograms of the beam current, laser radiarion and the laser radiation apectrum. A ahort radiation pulee at the half-height and a high peak power are characteriatic of the XeBr laser. The radiation apectrum ia a symmetrical line 0.4mm wide with a center on wavelength A - 2818aan. The investigations show that in energy characteristic the XeBr laser with an electron beam excitation is not inferior to an XeF laser. A 3Mw radiation power and a unit radiation energy > 1 joule/liter were obtained using an Ar;Xr: C2F4Br2 m 2000;40:1 mixture. The efficiency of oscillation with reapecC Co the energy put into the gas fraa the beam was abouC 0.4%. 169 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 .i FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i p MBni ( 3 2 f 0 (3) t~s ?0 40 6D t,NC a (2) 40 amN ed, ( 4) J 2 ! D ?Bl,d ?SI,B 18?,2 5 ~ Fig. 3. Oscillograme of beam current pulaes and laser radiation (a) and epectirum of laser radiaCion (b) in mixture Ar;Xe;C2F4Br2 m 2000:40;1 at a presaure of 5 atm. 1. Mw 4. relaCive unita 2. J, kA 5. nm 3. ns The authora thank Yu. I. Bychkov for hie aupport and A. G. Yaetremskiy for calculating the energy put into Che gas by tihe electron beam. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Searles, S. K.; Hart, G. A. Appl. Phys. Letts, 27, 243 (1975). 2. Hoffman, J. M.; Hays, A. K.; Tisone, G. C. Appl. Phys. Letts, 28, 538 (1976). 3. Searlea, S. K.; Appl. Phys. I.etts, 28, 602 (1976;. 4. Waynant, R. W. Appl. Phys. Letts, 30, 234 (1977). 5. Basov, N. G.; Brunin, A. N.; Danilyvich, V. A.; Kerimov, 0. M.; Milanich, A. I.; Khodkevich, D. D. "Letters to ZhTF," 3, 1297 (1977). 6. Kudryavtsev, Yu. A. "Radioelectronics Abroad," No 4, 106 (1978). 7. Lisitayn, V. N.; Razhev, A. M.; Chermenko, A. A. KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, 5, 424 (1978). 8. Sze, R. C.; Scott, P. B. Appl. Phys. Letts, 32, 479 (1978). 170 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFZCrAL USE ONLY 9. Yevdokimov, 0. B.; Ponomarev, V. B. "Izv. wzov. Ser. Fizika," No 3, 159 (1978). COPYRIGHT: Izdatei'sCvo "Sovetiekoye radio", "Kvaneavaya elektironika", 1979 2291 cso; 8144/1033 171 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . PHYSICS UDC 621.378.33 AN ELECTRIC DISCHARGE LASER UTILI2ING SF6 + H2 MIXTURE PUMPED BY AN . INDUCTIVE STORAGE Moacow KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA in Ruasian Vol 6, No 2, Feb 79 pp 408-411 [Areicle by A. F. zapol'akiy, K. B. Yushko, submitted 9 Jun 78, after revision 5 Sep 781 [Text] Reaulta are preaented of experimental studiea of an electric- discharge chemical laser utilizing an SF6 + H2 mixture with an inductive atorage in the pumping scheme. An inducCive atorage circuit is described which makes it posaible to obtain a uniform longitudinal electric discharge without preionization in a laeer cell with a volume of 3.7 liters under mixture presaure of up to 46mm Hg. The laser energy amounted to 6.9 joules, the signal being 40Mw, when the energy etored in the capacitor bank was equal to 3kjoulea. The maximum energy output of 6.2 joules/liter has been achieved from the volume of 0.29 liters under the SF6 + H2 (3: 1) mixture pressure of 68mm Hg. To obtain ahort oacillating pulsea in an HF laeer by initiating a chemical reaction by means of an electronic beam or a high-current discharge, usually a low-inductive capacitor bank ia used which is charged to high voltages. An Arkad'yev-Marx oscillator and a double forming line [1 - 4] are widely used elements in arrangements for feeding lasers. It is also well known that by uaing an inductive storage axrangement, iC is posaible � to obtain high-power electric signals 0.1 to 1.0 microseconds long [5, 6] on the load. This paper gives the results of the experimental investigation of an IiF laser operation wiCh about an 0.1 microsecond oscillating pulae. It is pumped by inductive etorage,'loaded on the resistance of Che plasma dis- charge in the working medium of the laser. An arrangement of longitudinal dischargee was investigated. An SF6 - H2 mixture usually used in electric- charge HF laeers [3, 4, 7-91 was employed as the working substance. 172 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 ; YOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ , , s� ' , f ~ ' 6 6 7 3 , 9 ~ ; 4 4 ' Fig. 1. Arrangement of experimental inetallation: 1-- cuvettie wiCh . SF6 - H2 mixture; 2-- atorage inductance; 3-- circuit breaker; 4-- , IK-50-3 capacitora; 5-- FEK-14 photoelement; 6-- IKT-1 calorimeter; ; 7-- detector; 8-- ehield of illuminated photographic printing paper. ~ Ivestigatione were performed on tha installation ehown in Fig. 1. Two IK-50-3 cepacitore (4), connected in aeries, were charged to +25kv and . -25kv. Their capacitancee of 1.5 microfarads were diacharged through two I controlled apark gapa and a working atorage inductance through the resietiance ~of circuit breaker 3. I The circuit breaker consiated of copper wire 0.06mm in diameCer and 35 cm long placed in a polyethylene tube filled with a ailicon carbide powder with about 10 micron graina. The powder served as an arc-quenching material and, at the same time, reduced the effect of the ahock wave ; originating when the electric rupture of the wires occurred. Laser curveCte 1 with the SF6 - H2 mixture was connected in parallel with the circuit breaker or the inductance. The cuvette, 38mm in diameter and a diatance of 35cm between ring electrodes made of stainless steel (volume 0.29 litera), wae made of caprolan. The cuvette windows of IR quartz were aligned with each other with one window serving se the outpuC window of the reaonator. Kgold-coated dead mirror could be placed insCead of one of the cuvette's windows. When atudying the oacillation apectrum, a window nsade of a BaF2 crystal served 8s the output ::irror of the reaonator. Maximum voltage acroba the cuvette electrodea was obtained at a working inductance of 2.1 microhenries (the total inductance of the loop was 2.5 microhenries). 173 FOR OFFICTAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 ~ O~t 0~'FICIAL U5E ONLY ' . J . . _ . . . . . . ' .f.. , ' . � . , . . J a:\ . f ' . . . . . 1. . . e ~ . . . , . . Fig. 2. Typical aignal oscillograms: ' . a) uFper beam light signal from diecharge plasma into'the laser cuveeee; lower beam current pulae (marke.every�200ns); b).upper beam:-- oscillating signal; lower beam volCage pulses, acrosa electrodes of laser;.cuveCte; Uc = SOkv, Umax = 290kv;I~x a 36ka; 0.85 joulea; p Q 46~ Hg; mixture SF6: H2 = 4s1 . _ . 1: . . Fig. 3. Arrangement of inductive sCorage 1-- laser cuveCte; 2-- circuit breakers; 3-- storage inductances; 4-- IK-50-3 capacitore. . 174 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 ' FOR pFFICIAL USE ONLY Fig. 2shows typical signal oecillograms. Since Chere was no preliminary ionizetion of the mixtuxe, the maximum working presaure was limitied by the value of the voltage applied Co the cuvetite electirodea. To obtain a diacharge at higher preseures of the working mixture, the inductive atorage was connected into a circuiti ehawn in Fig. 3. A parallel connectiion of additional inductancea and a circuit breaker made iti possible noti only to almoeti double the volCage applied to the cuvetre electirodes, buti also increased the awitched power due to a reduction in the lengtih of the current and voltage aignals. Er,Qx (3) 1,S 1, 0 0 0,5 0 1 1 (4) 30 p, mM pm. cm. a F'ig. 4. Relationehips between oacillation energy E r and pressure of working mixture p in the cuvette; a) 0.29 liter cuvette; Uc = SOkv; conilection in accordance with arrange- ment in Fig. 1, mixture SF6 - H2 = 4:1 (1) and according to arrangemenC Fig. 3, mixture SF6: H2 - 31 (2); b-- 3.7 liter cuvette; connected in accordance with arrangement in Fig. 3; mixture SFg: H2 = 3:1, UC = SOkv (1) - and 63kv (2) 3. joulea 4. mmHz The relationahip between the oscillation energy and pressure of mixture SF6: HZ = 4;1 when the aCorage is operated in accordance with the arrange- ment in Fig. 1 is shown in Fig. 4a (curve 1). Maximum oscillating energy attained 1joule for a signal length at the half-height in 100ns. The disCribution of oscillation energy on the output mirror was fairly uniform. Transition lines P2(8) and P2(9) of the excited HF molecule were the most intensive in the radiation apectrum. _ With the atorage working in accordance with the arrangement in Fig. 3 with - the previous capacitor bank, the maximum oscillation energy was attained 175 FOR OFFTCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 p L I 10 ?0 ?0 40 60 p, roM pm, Cm. Q APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FoK orFzcrAL usE oNLY at 3.0 microhenry inductancea and 45cm long circuit breakers. The maximum oscillation power obtained from a 0.29 liter cuvette was increased to 1.8 joules (see Fig. 4a, curve 2). '1'he Eormed voltiage pulse with an amplirude } SOOkv made it posaible Co nbrain a uniform electric diecharge in a 3.7 liter cuvette witih an internal diameter of 9.6cm and 51cm length of the active part. (A similar method for creating a volume charge, but with a different electrode confi uration and a feed from an Arkad'yev-M,arx oscillator, was proposed in [ 4T The relationahip between energy oscillation and pressure in the SF6 - H2 mixture fox this case is ahown in Fig. 4b. The maximums in the ciCed - relationships were observed as the most uniform energy distribution at Che output mirror of the reaonator (Fig. 5). A reduction in tihe oac311ation ' energy at pressurea higher than 30mm Hg was due to a reduction in the efficiency of the energy Cranefer from the storage to the elecCric discharge. The maximum oscillation energy was 6.9 joules at a 40Mw signal and a technical energ,y efficiency of 0.23%. Fig. 6 ahows oscillograms of oscillation signals when Che lasar operates with an arrangemenC of an inductive storage ahown in Fig. 3. Fig. 5. Distribution of laser radiation over the cross sect-,on in the near zone (picture of a burn on the illuminated photographic printing paper); Er - 6.3 joules; p= 34mm Hg, mixture SF6: H2 = 3:1, VK = 3.7 liters. 176 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OF'PICIAI, U3E ON1.Y 'Chun, rhe reeulCA of tiliie paper ehow thati tihe use of an inducCance etorage in the Eegd circuit aE tho elacrric diecherge FiF laser makee iC poesible ro form a uniform longiCudinai elocrric dischergQ in cuvetCes wieh coneiderable volumee er preseuree of working mixture SF6 - H2 of Cene of mm Hg end obtain high power oecillsCion pulses abouti 1 microsecond long. Fig. 6. Oscillograma of ogcillation signals tiaken off a 0.29 liter cuvette (a, p X d llmw, 20na marks) and 3.7 liter cuvettes (b, Pmax � 31Mw, 40ns ma~r"fca). BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Gerber, R. A.; Pateerson, E. L.; Blair, L. S.; Grenier, N. R. Appl. Phys. LeCtera, 25, 281 (1974). 2. Osgood, R. M.; Mooney, Jr., D. L. Appl. Phys. Letta, 26, 201 (1975). 3. Schilling, P.; Decker, G. Infrared Phys. 16, 103 (1976). 4. Pavlovskiy, A. I.; Boeamykin, V. S.; Karelin, V. I.; Nikol'skiy, V, S. KVANTOVtiYA ELEKTRONIKA, 3, 601 (1376). 5. Kind, D.; Salge, I.; Schiweck, L; Nevi, G. Electrotechn. Z-A, 92, 46 (1971). 6. Koval'chuk, B. M.; Kotov, Yu. A.; Mesyats, G. A. ZhTF, 34, 215 (1974). � 7. Batovskiy, 0. M.; Vasil'yev, G. K.; Markov, Ye. F.; Tal'roze, V. L. _ "Lettera to ZhETF," 9, 341 (1969). 8. Dolgov-Savel'yev, G. G.; Podminogin, A. A. KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, edited by Basov, N. G. No 4(10), 69 (1972). 17? - FOR 4FFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 ' FOR rFFICIAL U8~ ONLX � 9. Atinold, 0. P.; Wenxel, R. C. IEEE J. QE-9$ 491 (1973). COPYRIGNT; Izdatellstvo "Sovetiskoye-radio", "Kvantovaya elektronika", 1979 2291 CSO: 8144/1033 178 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR qPFICIAL USE ONLY ['llYt;;I;C., f UDC 621.378.33 RADIATION PULSE LENGTHENING IN A SECTIONALI2ED C02 LASE R WITN SUCCESSSVE EXCITATION OF WORKING MEDIUM Moscow KVAtiTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA in Ruseien Vol 6, No 2, Feb 79 pp 417-421 [ ArCicle by V. P. Kudryaehov, V. V. Oeipov, V. V. Savin, InatieuCe of Atmoaphere Optics, Siberian Department of AN USSR (Novoaibirsk), submftted 1 Sep 77] [Text] Tha.theoretiaal and experimentaa, analysls is given of sectionalized 0 02 lasers wiCh auccesaive excitation of separaCe sections. Optimization of separaee section parameters has been performed (gas compoaiCion and pressure, energy contribution) which made it possible to obtain long (up to 100 Ims) high-power radiation pulsea under electric discharge excitation. Ie is shown that under Cne aucceasive exciCation of two secCions, the laser radiation pulse duration is 2.5 times longer than that of radiation pulses obtained under both independent and aimultaneous excitation of separate sections. When using pulsed C02-lasers with high peak radiation power for technological purposes, a dense plasma foxtns on the machined surface, which shielda the Carget from the laser radiation E1] . The radiation pulse of typical lasers contain a comparatively short initial pesk (50-100ns) accompanied by a long drop (1-2 microaeconda), during which the radiation power is an order of magniCude emaller than the peak. For technological lasera, it is more feasible tc have radiation pulses of smaller power but longer ones (about 100ms) with a high unit energy of radiation. At present, aeveral types of C02 laeers are known in which long (about 10 microsec) radiation pulses are obtained: 1) C02 lasers with low pressure (about 100mm Hg) when the small collision frequEncy provides a long time of existence of inverse population [2~ . 2) C02 lasers at atmospheric pressure with a high concentration of~nitrogen in the C02 + N2 + He mixture (a higher effective lifetime of the upper laser lei�el is provided by the 179 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR AxFICIAL USE ONLY ' tiransfer of energy from the vibration-excitied nitrogen molecules C3~); 3) C02 laeer, exciCed by a nonindependenti charge controlled by an e ecCror beam. The tiime of invereion exieCence may be cloae to the duratiion of the electiron beam [ 4 : r... _ . ~ , ` i s ~....~r t~- ~ j� J �rr ; 5- _-~N ~J r I I~ . p Fig. 1. Arrangement of multiisectiional laseY. The use of the firat two typea of CO lasers doea not provide for two of the above conditions due to the low gensity of active molecules and, there- foxe, the low unit radiation energys By the excitation of the working - medium by electron ionization, it is possible to obtain long smooth radiation pulaes with high unit power take-off, however, higher powu;r characterietica are achieved nevertheleas by ahorter duraCions of pumping since, in this case, the pumping power increases and, therefore, also the gain of the active med3um and the energy introduced into the working med ium [5-7] . Higt-ier-parameters may be obtained by using sectionalized excitation of the active medium in electrodischarge and electroionization lasers. In this case, individual sections of the working medium are excited in sequence, varying the delay time and the energy contribution when exciting the individual aectiona, which makes it possible Co obtain almost any given radiation pulse shape. The total radiation pulse length in such a system may be increased to tx-'~vTC, where 'Gc length of pulae generated by the individual section and N= number of sections. Fig. 1 showa echematically a laser censisting of N secCions with total length L, placed in a common resonator with coefficienCs,rl at:d r2 of the mirror9. Let in any momenC of time one section be excited, for example 3, while the preceding ones (1, 2) were used up and represent An absorbing medium. The absorptfon is related to the higher gas temperature, determined by the value of the energy contribution. To deCenuine the maxi- mum radiation pulse length at a given length of the active medium and a cer`cain method for ita excitation, we will write the condition for quasistationary oscillation: 180 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOIt OFFICIAL USE ONLY Plv xlitil -I- 91)1., (1) where g-- given in tihe ampli�ication region; ~�=~-~�~�~r,~,,)1(2L) loas coeffic3ent in resonator mirror; ly and 1n lengtiha of amplifying and abaorbing regions ,espectively. beaignatiing by 1i tihe length of the i-th section, we obtain Lug relatiionehip whiah dereYtnines iCs minimum length; n-1 It qoL + gn I IA g� (2) k-I As an example, we wi11 conaider a multiaectional laser with an nonindependent = excitQd discharge conCrolled by a lOma electron beam. In tihia case, a gain of abouC 3 x 10"2cm [S ] can be maintained in the active medium. LeC Che lengtha of the individual aecCions be equal, then at the moment of radiation oscillation of the last seceion, when the abaorbing section has a maximum lengCh, relationship (1) acquires the form; b'lv-b'li(L--l.) �N BoL, from where it follows that !y/L = (8n+80)%(b'+b'u) � (3), We will uae the following parameter values for estimating purpoaea; L= 300cm, r, r2 = 0.5, temperature of abaorbing medium T= 470K which corresponds to an energy contribution of 0.2 joules/cm3 to mixture C02; N2= 1.2 at _ atmospheric pressure. By determining the equilibruim population in the lower laser level, we obtain for the absorption coefficient at given levels Sn = 2.5 x 10-3 cm"1 and for resonator losses go = 1.2 x 10'3 cm-1. By substituCing these values into (3), we obCain Ly/'L=1/9, i.e., N= 9. This means that the length of the radiation pulse for the sequential excitation of sectiong may exceed by nine times the radiation pulse length, generated by an individuel section, i.e., may be 90 microseconds under conditions of our example. If iesonatur losses are reduced by increasing the reflection coefficient of mirrors, it is posaible to increase the number of sections: in our example at x1 r2 = 0.8, N= 11. 181 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 N'Ult UN'N'lI;LAL U5b UNLY ~ Naturally, the cited eeCimaties the lower limit for N and ti� . If expreseion (2) is used for determining the lengtha of the following sections, Chen for 11 a 30cm, we obtiain r1 r2 m 0.5, N m 14 and for rl r2 ~ 0.8, N- 20 (Fig. 2), which corresponde Co pulae lengths o� 140 and 200 miarosec respecCively. The obCained resulre ahow that lengeha o� radiation pulaea in the ordar of 100 microsec may also be obtiained with considarably ehorter pumping of individual, aecCions, which is charactieriatic for an independent discharge and tihis ie not relatied to a considerable increase in the tota1 length L (Fig. 2). ' ~ a 9? 10 n vu ~ f~ 3'0 � / / / / f0 Fig. 2. Relationships between the length of individual section and ita ordinal number for rl r2 = 0.5 (1) and 0.8 (2) at L= 300 (solid lines) and 400cm (broken l,ines). Numerical modeling of nonstationary kinetic processes in a C02 laser [91 makes it possible to calculate the shape of the radiation pulse of a multi- , - sectional laser with an electrodischarge excitation. The calculation was made for thze4.aecCions 40, 30 and 30cm long for an energy conCribution of 0.21 joules/cm' and a mixture of C02; N2: He = 1; 2; 3 at atmospheric pressure. The results of calculaCione shown in Fig. 3 indicate that in oscillating radi.ationa by all aections except the first, there may be no high-power peaks and the amplitudea of the outpat radiaCion is found to be fairly smooth. By a gradual increase of pumping power of individual sections, it - is posaible to obtain radiation with increasing power ipig. 3b), i.e., in principle it is possible to form radiaCion pulses of any g3ver shApe. , 182 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY o a e y ~ . (2) 0 Y 4 B 8 t,MKc Fig. 3. Relationshipa between pumping power (a), radiation (b) and time, calculaCed for mixture C2; N2: He d 1; 2; 3 for p= latm and average unit energy contributions 0.2 (broken lines and 0.3 joules/cm3 (solid lines). 1. Iiw/cm3 2. microseconds For experimental implementation of multiaectional excitation, iC is necessary to determine the optimal valuea of the compositiAn and pressure of the gas pressure, as well as the energy contribution that produces the longesC individual radiation pulse with high unit energy. These experimenCs were performed on an electrodischarge laser with a 3 x 4 x 74cm volume of ChP active medium [10] . w, ttQw/cn' (1) (2) l0 5 0 CO? W �Qx/cMJ a p 4,~c ~ 1 1 at,M~ 0 (~2 0,4 0,6 D,D f,0 p,amM ~3~ Fig. 4. RelaCionahips between the length (1) and energy (2) of radiation, and composition (a) and pressure (b) when one secCion is operating. 1. m joulea/cm3 3. atmospheres 2. microaeconds 183 tOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 , rOk 01-rccrnr, USL qNLY C , a ~ c d (1) ' o ? 4 t,MKC ' Fig. 5. Oscillograma of radiaCion pulses obtained at energy contributiions of 0.25 joules/cm3 to the first sections and 0.12 joules/cm3 to the second sectiona; delays between connections of sections and the radiation energies are respectiively 0 microaec and 11.4 tik 3oules/cm3 (a); 1.5 and 11.0 (b); 2.0 and 9.7 (c) ; 2.5 anc'. 2.9 (d). 1. microseconds For the experimental implemenCation of multisectional excitation, it ia necessary to determine the optimal values of the composition and the pressure of the gas mixture, as well as the energy contribution that produces Che longest indivic_1~_-a1 radiation pulse with high unit energy. These experiments were performed on an electrodischarge,laser with a 3 x 4 x 74cm volume of active medium E10] . Fig. 4a shows tHe relationships between the length and energy of the radia- tion pulse depending upon Che composition of the C02 - N2 - He mixCure at atmoepheric preasure and an 0.2 joules/cm3 energy contribution typical for a C02 laser with an electrodischarge system,u,f radiatinn. An increase in the pulse length with an increase in the nitroigen concentration in the mixture is due to the greater time of invErsion existence caused by the long Cime needed for Cransfering the energy from N2 to C02. At the same time, the gain drops due to a reduction in the concentration of C02 molecules [9] , nearing the loss coefficient in the resonator, as a result of which the radiation energy is reduced. For the utilized resonater (gold mirror and germanium plate) the optimal mixture composition C02: N2: He = 1; 4: 5. The effect of preasure on the characteristics of the radiation pulse is - shown in Fig. 4b. The cited data was dbtained for mixture C02: N2: He = 1: 4: 5 for a fixed unit ener,gy contribution W/p = 0,2 joules/(cm3 atm). 184 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050032-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100054432-4 FOit OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sectionalized excitiatiion experimenCs were performed on an electirodischarge lgser consieting of two sections with volumes of active medium 3 x 4 x 34 and 3 x 4 x 40cm, The sectione ware excited by two Marx oscillators with "shock" 0.016 ant 0.02 microfarad capacitiora for a charging voltiage of each stiage of about 50kv. The delay between the aectiion atarts was produced by means oF G5-15 and GI-10 oacillatora and an electronic delay circuit with an operating accuracy no worse than 100na. Fig. 5 ahows oacillograma of radiation pulaea obtained for various deYays. IC may be seen that with a longer delay, the length of the radiation pulae _ increases from tiwo to five microaeconda for an insignificant reduction in radiation energy (oacillograms a-c). A further increase in the delay leads to independent operation of the sections, as a consequence o� which . the radiation eaergy reducea sharply. This is explained by the facC that the energy contribui:ton to the second secfiion ia chosen in ruch a way that the gain during itis op,aration ia only slightly higher Chan the loss coefficienC in the reaot:atior. IC is preciaely under such conditions that . iC is possibla to obrain a emooth radiaCion pulse in the operation of a multisectional laser (Fig. 5a). However, these conditions are not beneficial for the independent oscillation of the radiaCion of the second sectiion, therefore, the total radiation energy for the independent operaCion A of sectiona decreases noticeably. It is clear that an increase of energy contribution to the second section will lead to a jump in radiation power at the moment iC is connected in (Fig. 3b). Thus, by regulaCing the energy contribuCion and the delay length in connecting individual'sections, we have the poesibility of obtaining any required signal shape (rectangular, incremental, etc.). We will note that by aectionalizing the electrode system, it ie possible not only in the longitudinal direction (along the resonator axis), buC also traneveraly, which opena up possibilities for increasing further the length of the laser radiation pulses. In conclusion, the authors express their gratitude to Yu. Bychkov for useful discussions of the described results. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Andreyev, S. I.; Verzhikovskiy, I. V.; Dymshits, Yu. I. 2hTF, 40, - 1436 (1970). 2. Girard, A. Optica Comms, 11, 346 (1974). 3. Girard, A.; Beaulieu, A. J. IEEE J. QE10, 521 (1974). 4. Velikhov, Ye. P.; Zemtsov, Yu. K.; Kovalev, A. S.; Persiyantsev, I. 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