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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE= 2007/02/09= CIA-R~P82-00850R000'100050004-'1 Z~ ~ ~ i OF i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 FOR UrFiCIAL USE UNLY JPRS L/8433 2 May 1.9 79 ~ ~ ~ TRANSLATIONS ON NARC~TICS AND DANGERQUS DRUGS (FOUO l9/79) ~ J U. S. JOfNT PUBLICATIONS RESEARCH SERVICE FOR OFFI CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 - NOT~ JPR5 publicaCions contain informaCion primarily from foreign newspapera, periodicals and booka, bue also from news agency Cranamissiona and broadcasCs. Matierials from foreign-language sources are tranalaCed; tho~e from :nglish-language sources are Cranacribed or reprinCed, with the nriginal phrasing and _ other characteriaCics reCained. Headlin~s, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied hy JPRS. Processing indi:ators such as [Text] _ or [ExcQrptj in the first line of each item, or following the , _ last line of a brief., indicate how the original information was processed. Where no ~,roaessing indicator is given, the infor- _ mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliteraCed are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- Cion mark and enclosed in parenCheses were not clear in the original but have been aupplied asappropriaCe in context. Other unatCributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originaCe wiCh Che source. Times within ftems-are as given by source. The contents of Chis publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or atti.Cudes of the U.S. Government. COPi'RIGHT LAWS AIv'D REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERI300 43 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 COIAMBIA WAFt ON DRU(}3 BT~PPE~ UP Iio~oi,a ~L TSF~lPO in Spanish 4 Mar 79 P 3-A ~Text~ ~he offieial campaign eondueted on the Atlantic coast between 23 ~'ebruary and 2 March 1979 againat the drug traffic yielded the seizure of morr. than a thou3and packages of marihun~, three planes and three vehi- ~.le n . ~ According to a report from the Defense Min3stry, troopers from the Cart~~gr:na ' battal3on seized 550 packages of marihuana, e. .44 ca].. rifle, a 9 mm pistol, ~nd an F-100 truck on 23 February on the Abra road, at km 30 between Riohacha und Cuestecitas. The same day three arrests were made in Riohacha and a Renault 12 bearing license JT-5900 was seized along with a.45 cal. pistol. On 2~? February, troopers from the Cordoba battalion arrested three people 3.n I,u Tagua and confiscated 325 packages of marihuana from them. At i;he Monteria airport troopers from the Junin battalion captured an American-licensed Cessna and its pilot, Barry Cooper Smith, who Was carrying a map on which several clandestine runways were marked. Trooper^ from the Air Force's Rondon group confiscated 86 packages of mari- F?uunu iri ar~ inlc~ on 26 February on the road from Cuestecitas to Hato Nuevo. ln i,he general ureu of Amaine, troopers from the Rondon Air group confiscated an F'-350 truck and 22 packages of marihuana. At La Tague, troopers from the Cordobu battalion seized 13 packages of marihuana. Oii 1 Mnrch in Pueblo Vie3o, a municipality of Cienaga, an American airplane, re:~i:;tr,y No N-205f~ that had crashed into the ocean was found. Inside it was tt?e bod,y of one of the plane's pilots. Ti!e plane had hit high tension wires - a;; it wu.^. ~earcliing tor a clandestine runwa�;~ in Cienaga after the inter- - ?iaLic~c~al airport at $arranquilla hud authori::ed it to land there. Ltlt APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 A~ Lu ~r~u~ the ~?rm,y ~eized two ~nd ~ hal~ bundl.~s of marihu~na ~e~ds ~nd on tha 3an~a Marta-Riohacho h3ghway, ne~.r the place c~1,l~d C~m~rone~, ~n Nnr.r:lcari N->~.U2 plan~ was found. Ita crew m~mbers managefl tio ge~ ~w~y from tl~c~ i,rn~pc:rn f r. om bhc Co~doba ba~tc~lion ~ 7'h~ airpl.ane hafl run out of gas ~ ~z6~ Cso: ,300 ?~5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 _ COLONIDIA ~MAF'IA~ CHIEF MANJARRES KILLED Bogota E~Z, Z'S~0 3n Spanish 3 Mar 79 p 1-A, 6-A [Text) Rafael Aron Man3arres, AKA "Maracas," one of the most feared god- fathers of the narcotics traff3c mafia, was shot and kill.ed Thursday night iri Sarita Marta. An 8-year-old girl, Claudia de la Rosa, was wounded in the leg. Aron Mo,n~arres had himself elected a titular member ~f the city council of Santa Ma.rta for the 197$-SO term in the last elections. He was killed when he wr~s visiting his deputy, A1.berto de la Rosa, in Gaira a few kilometers outside the c3ty. The killing took place at Calle 16, No 13-01 in Gaira, a few blocks from a home owned by the victim who also lived in that district. According to police reports, Maracas had gone to visit his deputy on the r council, Alberto de la Rosa, during the evening and at about 2230 hours three individuals, their faces whitened with cornstarch and pretending �~o be drunk, entered the house in a friendly manner and after saying hello, took out automatic weapons and began firing right and left. - The attackers, using pistols and magnum, fired more than 20 times. Ten bullets hit Aron Man~arres who died immediately when his skull was destroyed. " The little girl, Claudia de la Rosa, was hit in the leg during the shooting _ but her condition is not serious. According to the official version, the gunmen fled in a car that was waiting nearby. Without a Boc~ygua,rd According to eArly reports, the well-known murder victim did not have his usual bodyguards with him. They almost never left him. It is not known why he was alone; presumably he got careless because he was in his own district and perhaps thought he was safe. Barcl,y 2 months ago one of his constant companions was also shot and killed, w}?en he wa; standin~ in front of a tire shop. 1~6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 ~ Amu~~~ed u ~'ortune iZutnc~. Arc~n Mta,n,j~rr~c, borti in Itioha,cha and ~+l when he died httd liv~d in ;Suntu M~.rta from t~1C ti.m~ hc was v~ry youn~, and had gon~ to live in (~air~ whc~rc tic bti~.~.t a m~.n~ion wortih ~ever~l mil~.inn p~sos. W3th tfic f~bu].du:~ fbrtune he ~.massed ~'rom the drug traff3C, he h~fl the hobb,y ~ nf dwning the ~atest mofl~~, mo~t luxurious c~r~, espeCi~.~ly sports ears~ It w~~ ~~i:i he ch~nged car~ 1;he way ~nyone ch~nges h3s sh3rt. nefore he got int~ the drug traffic, Aron Nf~n3arres h~d been a police 3nspector ;~everal t~mes in this city. fie l~ft that to g~t ~.ntia drttgs and cl3st:in~uish~d hims~~f ~s ~ne of the bd~dest and most fe~red traffickers of ~ all. "evera~, deaths were attributed tn h3m, which 3t w~s never pn~sib].e Lo conf'irm. He wus also very fbnd of automatic weapons, particular~y expensive pistols nnd the notorious Magnum. He was arrested sever~~ times for possession of arms that were for the exc~usive use of the military. Or?e of' the most dramatic episodes in Aron Man~arres' active life was the kidnupping of h3s daught;er, Sandra Pa+,ricia Aron Duran in early September 19~r~r. 'Phe ki.dnapping of Sandra Patricia caused a sensation nt~tinnwide and the kidnc~p~~crs demanded 50 million pesos for her return. A week later, however, she was return~d safe and sound and the kidnappers were captured. The osten- ;ib1e h~:ad of the band was a Lebanese. "Maracas" wa~ one of those who arranged for the rescue of the kidnap victim. A few mir.ates before her release, the daughter of the Lebanese was kidnapped. Stie [Sandra Patriciaj was found a few hours later. nlamc for the secand kidnapping was attributed to Maruc~s and his gang who uppurently believed in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. 'i't~e w~zkc i'or Rafael Aron Man~arres was held i n the city council chambers _ arici }ie wa~ buried in the afternoon. - 9�~G~3 C:;O: '~300 47 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 COLOMHIti TRAFFICKER5' AIRPLAN~S SEI2ED~ ARRESTS MADE Bogota EL SIGLO in Spanieh 7 Mar 19 p 8 ~Textj Two aircraft used in the drug traffic were rE;.ently aeized by author- � itiea engaged in combating the gange which ere operating along the Colanbian Atlantic Coaet. The operation reaulted in the aeizure of druge valued at 16 million pesos, and Chree individuals, two Americana and one Colombian, were arreated. The initial vexaion given by officials of the town of Jagueicitio on the Magdalena River indicated that a plane had craehlanded seriously in~uring Che three occupants. The plene came from Miami and was again taking off for ite point of origin. Inside the plane were 10 packages of marihuana and several kilograma of cocaine. The namea of thoee arrested, all aeriously in~ured, could not be ~ aecerCained, as they had to be taken immediately to emergency centers. Again yeaterday, an abandoned plane was diacovered--thia time in Gua~ira; it appeare that it crashlanded for lack of fuel. All ita occupanta abandoned the plane~ whose licenae number was N-58-DZ; the plane was taken immediately to the Riohacha Military Base and placed at the diaposal of the Colombian Air Force. Colombian autihoritiea have recently dealt her~vy blowe to drug-traffic ganga to the ~xtent that, thia month alone, they have aeized drugs valued at more than 100 million peaos and arreated more tY~an 20 peraons. Yeaterday, the office of the Judicial Attorney General reported the seizure . of more than 800 grama of cocaine at the Eldorado International Airport of Bogota and the arrest of four persons. The drug was hidd~n in the shoulder straps of handbage and in belts. 8568 CSO: 5300 48 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 ~ COLOMBTA COCAINE I,ABO~tATORY RAID~b ~ Bogota EL S1�LO in Spanish 13 Mar 79 p 8 /Text/ A well-equipped cocaine laboratory was diecovered by NaCional Polic~ units esaigned to the Department of 5antander, in ehe township of Capitane~o; aC the same time it wae posaible to capture two individuals who were turned over to the respective auChorities. Uniformed police officera diacovered Che laboratory, which conCained every- thing needed for the procesaing of the alkaloid on the basis of confessions made by eome peraons who had been caught recently. This illicit buainesa was located on the "Trasnochador" estate, in the town- ahip of CapiCane~o; two citizena~ who were identified as Maria Reyes Godoy and Eliseo Godoy were taken by ourpriae in the eaCablishment; at the momenC of their capture, they were procesaing a large quanCity of coca leaves. The residence also conCained 100 packages containing leavea from which the valuable hallucinogen is extracted, along with several pouches of cocaine which, according to the information source, were ready for sale. The two peraona apprehended were turned over to the general ~udge ~ udge who tries criminal and civil casea/ in the town of Capitane3o, who had already initiated the reapective investigations. The discovery of the _ modern laboraCOry took place during the early hours yesterday morning after an operation had been aet up in an effort to discover the illicit ` busineas. The identity of the peraon arreated--who provided the leads enabling the authoritiee to discover Che laboratory--was not disclosed by membera of the National Police who indicated tnat the equipment confiscated may come to as much as 20 million peaos. The two individuals who were inaide the home, where the business was being operated, did not offer any reaistance since the officers took them by surpriae. 5058 CS0:5300 1~9 , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 COLOMBIA LABG^,ATORY RAID~D IN CAUCA DLPARTMENT BogoCa EL SIGLO in Spanish 6 Mar 79 p 3 ~Text) A new blow wa~ dealt yeeterday morning to drug-eraffic gangs oper~t- ing in western Colombia by mambers of the police force of Cauca Department, who diacoverad a modern laboratory for the proceseing of cocaine and captured three pereone who were in the building houaing the illicit trade. According Co information iseued by the presa department of the National Police Directorate, the operation was carried out on Casablanca Road in the ~uriadiction of the municipality of Almaguer. In raiding the reaidence owned by Cristobal Jimenez~ the police found a modern laboratory containing ~ all neceaeary equipment for producing cocaine. Three individuals were captured during the operation, one being the owner of the building in which the laboraCory was maintained and the other two answering to the namea of Neftali and Nestor Gomez; all three were taken to Almaguer and handed over to the proper authoritiea. In addition to the procesaing equipment, 100 arrobas of coca leaves were found in the dwelling ready to be converted into the highly valued alkaloid. According to information received by this newspaper, the individuals taken captive yeaterday had been denounced by other membera of the criminal organ- ization, who had fallen into the hande of the authorities and, after inten~se questioning, had revealed the identity of thoae arrested on Casablanca Road. According to official estimates, the value of the laboratory might come to as much as 30 million pesos. The individual~ seized were placed, together those arreated, at the dispasal of the judge of the municipality of Almaguer, who initiated the pertinent inveatigation. The laboratory had been in operation for about 3 months and its employees had been charged with the dietribution and procesaing of all the alkaloid sold throughout moet of Cauca Department. 8568 CSO: 5300 50 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 COLOMgIA COCAINE LAB RAIDED IN BOGOTA~ TRAFFICIC~RS CAPTURED BogoCa L~L ~SPECTADOR in Spanieh 8 Mar 79 p 9-A [TexeJ In cerrying out an operaCion which began last Tueeday evening and ended yesCerday, r:~~~ers of Che Adminietrative Department of Security [DASj di~covered a modern and compleCe laboratory for proceseing cocaine gnd cap- tured 11 pereona bglonging to a powerful gang of drug traffickera. They Were "Working" The laboratory was discovered at 16-72 19-A St, Santa Fe precinct, and some of the traffickere were caughr in the act of processing the alkaloid, 2 kg of which had already been marked for distribution to the market. In addition to an abundance of equipment for processing cocaine, the aecret agenta seized 10 kg of coca paete, the raw material uaed in producing the - dangeroua drug. ~ Movie-type Pursuit buring the raid aome of the drug traffickers succeeded in firing a number of shots but, seeing they could not win, decided to give themselvea up; others attempted to escape over the roofs of neighboring houses, where they had to be forced down by the detectives after a spectacular pursuit which lasted more than 2 houra. Second Raid During the operation the agenta also raided apartment 302 of building No 16-59 on 19tt~ St, located in front of the house in which the laboratory was operating, and here other membera of the gang were captured. More Captures As previoualy etated, the operation carried out by the DAS lasted until yeeterday afternoon, and it reaulted in the capture of three more men and 51 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 on~ woman, who cgme eo the lgbozaCory unaware Chat their crcmiee t~ad b~en appr~h~ndad and thet eeveral secree agenCg were in the house waiCing fnr them, Identities Although 11 pereons altogether were cgptured, only Che following namee were releae~d pending a eearch for other members of the critninal organization: Juan .iose Munoz~ 8lanca tnes Caetillo Chavea, Fabio Barreneche Acern, Jeime Cee~r Sandoval, Henry Sgnabria Pacheco, Libardo Silva Ro~ae and Ja3r G~2rgYdo Bernal Cuestae. In connecCion with the capture of the drug traffickers and the seizure of ~ the laboratory equipment, the 2 kg of cocaine and the 10 kg of coca paste, the corresponding trial wae conducted by the Judicial Police in the presence of a repreeentative of the Office of the Attorney General Delegate. 8568 CSO: 5300 52 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 COLOrffiIA BRIEFS COCA PLANTATION D~STROYED--Bucaramanga, 8 March, by Jairo Saravig. The Office of the ACCorney General of the Nation and the Police atruck the hardeat blow ev~r to the drug-trafficking mafias when they discovered 15 hectares planted with coca, estimated at a value of 500 milliona. This blow coxs struck at an eaCate located in the township of Capitane~o, on the border of the Departmente of Santander and Boyaca; 30 peasants were arrestpd. The operation was directed by Col Omar Franco, CO of F2 in thia department. The crop area was diacovered on the "San Joaquin" ranch, in the township of Capitane~o~ which borders on the township of Ricaurte. /Text%~.Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 9 Mar 79 p 8-A/ 5058 DIp~C DRUG SEIZURES DESCRIBED--Drugs worth more than 546 million pesos were confiacated by the narcotics detachment of DIPEC /expansion unknown/ this year; the unit also managed to arreat 69 men and 8 women who were caught by surprise while they were taking care of the marihuana plantations or while they were in poasesaion of large quantities of cocaine. The operations, totalling 42, were carried out in various placed throughout Che nation hy membera of the armed establiahment. During January and February of this year, detachment F2 of the police carried out the following operations throughout the cauntry; 22 men and 4 women were arrested and 477 kilograms of cocaine, worth 313 million pesos were found on them; 11 laboratories for processing the alkaloid were diacovered and 22 men and 3 women were arrested there; officers also confiscated components for the production of Che hallucinogen, worth more than 2.5 million pesos. The members of the narcotics group of the HQ of F2 confiacated 11,853 kilograma of marihuana worth much more than 23 million peaos. In the course of the raida, during which the drugs were confiscated, the officers also arreated 17 men and 1 woman. Concerning marihuana crops, the authoritiea spotted five huge plantations with an approximate output of 103,000 kilograms; one of the plantations consisted of more than 2,000 shrubs estimated at a figure of 750,000 pesos. The membera of the narcotics group also managed to arrest six~persons who were growing this plant. Overall, 42 raids were csrried out, leading to the capture of a total of 69 men and 8 women, the confiscation of marihuana and cocaine as well as processing laboratories for the above-mentioned alkaloid --all in all worth more than 546,000 pesos. As reported, the results were excellent thanks to the hard wor don b the personnel of the National Police throughout the country. ~Text~ ~Bogota EL SIGLO in Spanish 10 Mar 79 P 12~ 5058 53 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 G^V~RNdl2S' AUTHO1tITY VOID~D--The Colambign 5upremg CourC d~nlared a f~w momenee ago Che nullitiy of llecree 402 of ~979 gra.iting the governore epeci~l powere to desCroy illegal landing stiripe used for marihuana emuggling. The vAlue of marihuana seixed by Colomb~gn authorities during the paee 6 month~ hae been eet aC 270 bi111on pesos, n high-rgnking governmenC offic~.~1 m~id in reportiing on the etruggle againet drug trgffickiire~ La Gua~ira Covernor Rafeel Iguaran eaid that aince tha beginning of this adminietration there have been 187 murders in La Gua,~ira and noC a eingle arrest has been made. He directly accused the military and police authoriCies of neglect~ The governor charged thar corrupCion had eroded a11 government forces eent to control the drug trafficking mafia. ~Bogota Cadena Radial Super in Spanish 0000 GMT 21 Apr 79 PA~ TRAFFICKERS' PLANE SEI2Ell--SanCa Marta, 5 March--Two Americang and on~ Colombian were in~ured when the plane in which they were flying and which was loaded with hallucinogenic druga crashlanded in Remolino ~urisdiction. Information received indicates that the aircraft mishap occurred today in the localiCy known as "Jagueicito~" in the vicinity of Remolino, a town lo- cated in the ao-called river province, in Magdalena Department. The plane wag carrying at leaet 1 million capeules which, it appears, it had taken on at some of the clandestine landing atrips located in thoae areae. The drug traffickera were taken Co the hospital in Barranquilla. The plane was identified as a twin-engine craft, and it had suffered considerable damage in landing on a paeture field in "JagueiciCo." The druga being smuggled were said to be worth ae much ae 25 million peaos. Another American plane landed in the vicinity of Riohacha and ita occupants abandoned it and dis- appeared. Thia plane ia an Aerocommander with licenae No N-58 DZ; it landed on a large beach near Camarones a few meters from the main highway of - Caribe, which connecta Guajira with Magdalena Department. The twin-engine plane is white and red and apparently made an emergency landing due to lack of fuel, according to experts in this field. [Text] [Bogota EL TIII~iPO in Spanish 6 Mar 79 p 8-A] 8568 BUCARAMANGA COCAINE SEIZURE--Bucaramanga, 5 March--Members of the Administra- tive Department of Security (DAS) seized a tractor trailer which was trans- porting 267 kg of raw material for producing cocaine; the shipment was valued at 100 millivn pesoa on international markets. Local officials told EL TIE~iPO that the aeizure took place in the vicinity of the municipality of San Alberto in Cesar, when the vehicle had left Bogota headed for the Atlantic Coast. Juan Cuellar, the truck driver, was also apprehended and he, together with the vehicle and drug ahipment, were brought to this city. The 267 kg of cocaine were contained in drums in the form of cheeses. [Textj [Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 6 Mar 79 p 9-A] 8568 CSO: 5300 5?~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 y- ECUADI)R _ SOLDIER INVOLVED IN INTERNATIONAL DRUG TRAFFICKING Quito EL COMERCIO in Spaniah 23 Mar 79 p 14 [Text] The ~udge from the Seventh Penal DiaCrict of Guyas, Dr Marco Mantillo Murillo, referred to Che District Superior CourC of Juatice the trial of a group of drug dealers who operated on an inCernational level and from whom paste cocaine worth 4 million sucrea wae confiscated. The case was transferred to enable the Court to settle a dispute between the ~udge of the Seventh Penal District of Guyas and the ~udge from the Fourth Penal DisCrict of Machala where a suit for the same offense had also been initiated; the Guyas ~udge had conducted a preliminary hearing of the eame case. Lt Col Luis Alfredo Santillan, from the battalion "Conatitution" quartered in Huaquillas, E1 Oro Province, appears seriously im- plicated in the case. He is accuaed of driving a military ~eep to carry a drug dealer,Hernan Cueva Pinzon,with a shipment of cocaine. The officer presumably received over 100,000 sucres paid by Galo Canessa Barrera, the eatablshed chief of drug dealers, who is called "The Godfather." He has a long record of drug dealing offenses, including abroad where he served a partial sentence. Juriadictian Defendant Cueva advised the ~udge of the Fourth Penal DisCrict of E1 Oro that he had been arrested within the ~urisdiction of the ~1 Oro Province and therefore his regular ~udge should be the one who has ~uriadiction in the E1 Oro Province. As for the other defendant, Lt Col Santillan, he petitioned the Guyas judge to pro- hibit the drug dealing trial from proceeding further. The case presenta many peculiarities, such as, for example, the Eact that all the defendants, including Lt Col Santillan, deny participation in the offense under investig~tion, pointing out _ that the impounded money--240,000 sucres--was for legal commercial transactions. There is also the fact that the prosecutor in the 55 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 r.n~e w~i~ ~ppo~ed Co Che suit being sent Co the C1 Oro Court ro ~eet1C the diepute, cone~.dering that the ~udge of Che Seventh Uie- trir.t hn~ th~ nuthnrity to continua the ~ction, Tn nnothQr conneceinn, the depnrrment for th~ fight ggainst drug addicCion relegsed a report attributed to the U~S. conaulate and relating the operatione of the gang. 6857 CSO: 5300 56 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 MEXICO ~ DEFENSE SECRETARY COP4tENTS ON 'OPERATION CONDOR' RESULTS Culiacan EL SOL DE SINALOA in Spanieh 18 Mar 79 pp 1, 6 (TexC~ Gen Felix Galvan Lopez, aecretaYy of natinnal defenae, gave aseurance here yesterday that, as a result of Che action taken by the Office of the Attorney General of Che Republic and the Mexican Army, the cultivation and trafficking of drugs hae declined between 85 and 90 percent, "a percentage which by no n?eane appliea to Che international black markete." The head of national defenae gave an exclusive interview to EL SOL DE SINALOA ' a few minutes before his departure for Mexico City, followin& a quick working tour of Sinaloa, during which he was accompanied by Gen Rodolfo Perez Gonza- lez, commander of the Ninth Military 2one. Calvan Lopez declared that, because of the succeas achieved in "Operation Con- dor," officials "from abroad (he did not apecify which nation) will be coming to learn about the systems used to combat the dru~g traffic. It is possible that they will be here sometime next week but (as he said) I do not yet know . from which country those officials will come." Ne then claimed that, based on the positive results achieved in 2one 06 with "Operation Condor": "We have managed to reduce the drug market between 85 and 90 percent, to the point where the United States Government is also interest- ed in learning about the implemenCaCion of the campaign that we are running against druga." Upon b~ing aeked about the plane craeh which occurred a few days ago in the Sinaloa mountaina, in which two soldiers and a lieutenant from the Mexican Army were killed, the secretary of national defense said that the members of the military had never tortured the pilot: "It was aimply that, upon ar- riving at Santiago de loa Caballeros, in the municipality of Badiraguato, the aircraft began to experience mechanical failure, and eventually crashed. The pilot's action was not premeditated, and it was found that he was, in- deed, a notorioua drug trafficker who, furthermore, was enroute to that lo- ' cation to pick up 4 kilograms of pure gum." This theory was backed by General Perez Gonzalez, who added that aeveral mem- bers of the army had been killed by the drug traffickers in that location. 57 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 . ~l~ewhere in hi~ rero~rkg, C:.1vgn Lopez announced thaC ~ per~onnel ~hife in thi~ milit~?ry zone ig imroi.nent, ~fter they have served for 6 monthe in th~t podt; but he did not diselose when the tranefer would take nlace. - Finnlly~ he eaid Chat hie vieit ro Singloa wge mainly for th~ purpo~e of per- sonally obaerving ehe treatmenC received by the troaps, "eomething thae I do ~very weekend, when I tour rhe mil~.eary zones in each ge~te, and ehe lo- cation~ which are reggrded as troublesome." Yesterday afCernoon, Che head of national defenae returned to Mexico City, ` after hie brief tour of Che atate. 2909 CSO: 5330 58 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 MEXICO RTNG OF' TRAFFICKERS, COUNTERFEITERS CAPTURED Nogalea DIARIO DE NOGALES in Spaniah 8 Mar 79 p 4 [TexCJ Mexico City, 7 March--A ring of drug eraffickera operating in Guate- mala, the United States, Peru and Mexico, which was attempting to bring counterfeit dollare into circulation, wae broken up by agenta of the Judi- - cial Police under ordera from Gen Raul Mendioleg Cerecero, wher? they cap- tured seven individuals. Erick Rafael Julio Cesar and Jamea Mendoza Quandt, Francisco Urbina Moralea, Jeaus Heliodoro Go~aez Serna, Victoria Castellanos Martinez de Urbina and Ingeborg QuandC de Mendoza are in the lockup of the Office of the Attorney - General of the Republic undergoing close quesCioning about their activities. According to the inveatigation mac~e by the federal agents who succeeded in capturing the drug Craffickere and counterfeitera, the latter's bills were made in South America, and their circulation was planned in M~exico. The arrest uf the criminals took place in a downtown hotel on Reforma Avenue in this city, as well as in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, and Tapachula, Chiapas. The individuals in custody operated as followa: They arranged the purchase- sale transaction for cocaine in Peru; then planned its shipment to Guatemala; it was aubaequently brought into our country through Tapachula; and was taken - f rom there Co the United States Second Comdr Rodolfo Castano Arambula, since he had a tip that a transaction involving the purchase and sale of cocaine was being arranged, ordered strict aurveillance of the hotel where the drug traffickers had been diacovered. When the criminals had been spotted and the activities in which they were en- gaged were learned, they were arrested with nearly 1 kilogram of pure cocaine; and, when the room in which they were s taying was searched, eight bundles of $50 and $100 billa ~:re diacovered. 2909 CSO: 5330 59 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 MEXICO RURAL POLICEMAN SHOT BY POPPY GROWERS Culiacan EL SOL DE SINALOA in Spanish 27 Mar 79 [Text] The commander of the rural defense detachment from the setClement of Villa Angel Florea was s~~;iously wounded in a shoo t-out after the police, as a result of informaCion provided to them, approached a plot on which poppy plantations had been de~ected. Eleodoro Garcia Zavala is the name of the commander who, with his subordina tes, Juvencio Aispuro Beltrany Guadalupe Soto Sauceda and Lorenzo Monzon Medina, drove in a 1972 Ford pickup truck without license plates to the site where they had been told there was a poppy plantation, which they discovered af ter an intensive search. But, as soon as they got out of the vehicle, Chey were met by gunfire from high-powered weapons. The rural police immediately re- turned the attack; and Commander Garcia Zavala was felled by the first sho ts, while his comrades managed to save their lives by taking shelter behind th.e truck, and drove off the attackers. It was announced, though briefly, at the State Judicial Police hea~iquarters that, a few day3 ago, the same members of the rural police had located and destroyed another poppy plantation within that same ~urisdiction, and on that occasion did not succeeded in capturing anyone. Last night, they lef t with the same intention of performing that 3ob; but they encountered the men who were apparently waiting for them; because as soon as they got out of the patrol car in which they we~e riding, they were met with heavy gunfire in which the coinmander was seriously wounded. It was also said that, at that time, the buds were being "scored" ro _:.tract - the liquid, or "gum," and several individuals were apparently keeping watch. They were the ones who observed the movements of the patrol vehicle which was approaching Che site like any private car; but, upor~ noticing the police maneuvers, they decided to open fire immediately, apparently to prevent the capture of the "scorera," and thus give Chem sufficient time to escape. Comclr Eleodoro Garcia Zavala, seriously in~ured, was Caken from that location, ` _ between Zapatillo and Constituyentes in the township of Villa Angel Flores, directly to Guamuchil, where a Red Cross ambulance took him to this toGm to be examined for several gunahot wounds in the thoracic area, some of w~iich penetrated it, seriously ~eopardizing the policeman's life. 2909 _ CSO: 5330 60 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 M~XICb - BRIEFS MARIHUANA, WEAPONS 5~IZED--At d~wn yesCerday, there was a confrontaCion be- tweer, agente of the Federal Judicial Police and a group of drug erafficker~ ~ in a wooded area of Huasteca, San Luia PoCoei, in which three of the laCCer were killed and �ive individuals involved in the drug traffic were arre~te~. A tot~l of 965 kilograms of marihuana, a rifle and five pistols were aeiz~d from them. The federal investioe~or~ had arrived at the "E1 ltefugio" farm in the municipality of E1 V~:nado, San Luia Potoai, where they discovered 71 burlap bags containing 870 kilagrams of packed murihuana. They arrested Hi- ginio Arriaga Hernandez, who was armed with a 16 caliber ahotgun. At dawn, ' 2 kilometera from the farm, they were intercepted by four individuals, three on horseback and the other on foot, who ahouCed st them, "you won't take any- thing from here!" and began firing. During the gun-battle, the ~ederal po- lice killed three of the attackers, and the fourth one managed to escape into the denae woods. The police retrieved from the site a rifle, two pisrole = and two horaea, which they placed at the disposal of Che Federal Public Min- istry together with the bodies of the deceased. [Text] [Nogales DIAF.IO DE NOGALCS in Spanish 9 Mar 19 p 4] 2909 HEROIN TRAFFICKERS ARRESTED--Tt~ie Federal Judicial Police ar~ on the trail of Che drug traffickers who were supplying heroin to taxi-driver Jeaus Gradillas Cruz and his ac~:omplice, Victor Duarte Orduna, who were arreated by agents under orders from Comdr Jose de Jesus Gerardo Serrano. Several packages containing pure heroin of the best quality were confiscated from them. It was claimed that the two suppliers have been fully indentified, but their names were not released so as not to interfere with the investigation; since they are expec:ted to be apprehended by the federal authorities at any moment. According to the agency of the Federal Public Ministry, the suppliers were selling the heroin to Gradillas for $80 per gram; and he aubsequently resold it in nightclub~ in the red-light diserict for $100 per gram. Both of the arrested men were placed at the disposal of the Federal Public Ministry agent, Humberto Garcia de Alba. Cradillas ie charged with possession and purchase- sale of heroin, while Duarte Orduno is accused of concealment; because he, as driver of the taxi owned by the former, was driving him to all the sites of the transactions, mair~ly in the red-light district, knowing that drug sales were being made. It was noted that the pair would certainly be re- ~ manded to the second district ~udge, Cayetano Hernandez Valencia. [Text] (Nogales DIARIO DE NOGALES in Spanish 7 Mar 79 p 4] 2909 61 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 _ TRA~'~ICK~It5 CApTUFtLD, nEtUCS U~STItOY~U--M~xicn Ciey, 11 March--Uurittg Che paet G d~ye the ~ed~r~1 Judicial Police Captured 42 drug er~fficker~ during Che coura~ of 24 operationa condurred na parr of the progr~m to eombat drug Cr~fficking~ They confiec~ted h~rdin, m~rihuana, toxic pi11s, haehiah, we~pnng ~nd vehicleg frnm them, A1so, over the week~nd, Ch~y located and destroyed 1,091 poppy planr~tiun~ and 53 m~rihuana plattCationg in ~rarious ~~ce3ong of the etates nf 5inglo~, Gu~rrern ~nd znCneecge. Likewise pgr~i- cipating in th~ ~ederal Judacial Po1i~e gction were forces frnm the Mexi.catt _ Army, and both st~Ce and municip~l authoritiee, according eo an announcement m~de by Samuel A1va Leyva~ depuCy ae~istant prosecutor of the Office of the ACtorney Ceneral of the Republic and coordinator oE the camnaign againse ehe drug traffic. They s~ized 266 kilograms of marihuana, 5 grams of heroin, 1,179 toxic pi11s, 2 ki].ograms of poppy seed, 26 kilograms of marihunna seed, 12 pieces of hashish, 11 firearms, four automobiles, six dynamite Charges, eighC blasting caps and two scales. The Federal Judicia]. Police capCured Crescencio Chavez Zuniga with several marihuana cigarett~s and six r.oxic c~psules in his pnsse~sion. An hour later, they also caught Americo de 1~ Fuente Alvarez, with 300 grams of marihuana in the form of 3oinCs which he wAS car.rying in~ide of the apare tire of his Chevrolet with l~i.~- cense platea 372-YHE. The 1~tCer individual served gs ~ supplier. The - air services of the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic spotted A clandestine landing sCrip in Che vicinity of the town of Puebla. [Text] (Culiacan EL SOL DE SINALOA in Spanish ~.2 Mar 79 p 4) 2909 - COURT SECRETARY AMONG TFtAFFICKERS-~Acapulco, Guerrero, 6 March--The secre- tary of the lower court, Manuel Casarubias J., ~ockey Ricardo Villa Tornez and four other individuals were arrested Uy the police for drug trafficking. - The arres ta �occt~rred ~.n the Hueao dis tric t, where about 50 Federal and State Judicial Police agents apprehended them at the residence located at 50-B Margarita Maza de Juarez Street. ~Ialf a kilogram of gum, a product - derived from poppies, 1 kilogram of marihuana, decks of cards and weapons were found in their posseasion. The other individuals who were arrested are Ale~andro de la Cruz, Ricardo Padilla Garcia, Manuel Ugarte Solis and Miguel Angel Carcia Villa. (TexC] [Nogales DIARIO DE NOGALES in Spanish 7 _ Mar 79 p 4j 2909 TRAFFICKERS AP.RESTED--During the last 72 hours the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic has apprehended 42 drug traffickers, seized mari- huana, heroin, cocaine, toxic tablets and poppy seeds and mar~huana seeds valued at more than 10 million pesos and confiscated four automobiles and arma af vnrioua calibers which were used by the gangsters. In addition, it discovered and cloaed down a landing etrip which was used by U.S. planes to load drugs. These actions took place in the states of Tamaulipas, Sonora, _ Ba~a California, Guanajuato, Coahuila, Colima, Jalisco, Puebla, Gu~rrero, Sinaloa, ?.ncatecas, State of Mexico and the Federal District. The arrested peraons range from planters to large distributors of the drug in the United States. All were placed at the disposition of the Federal Public Ministry on the presumption of responsibility for crimes PgainsL the public health. [Textj (Mexico City EXCELSIOR in Spanish 10 Msr 79 p 26-A] 9204 62 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 M~Nb~OLA; B~TT~R ~QUIPM~NT~-When he dieclo~~d Ch~t during Che lasC 9 day~ three cnnfront~tinn~ beCween drug traffickerA and federal agente h~ve taken plnce Cen Rnul Mendinl~a Cerecern~ director of the Judicial Police~ eCated Chn: to check, the ~ttacke of nutional nnd i.nternational banda of ~angetara better ~quipment will be ~upplied to the unit; in addition~ ehey wi11 have the ~upport of Croops. Mendio:.ig Cerecero explained that cnncerning th~ guthorieies' fighr againet drug treffickera, ehe trafficker~ attack polic~ and eoldi~re w3Ch impunity; however~ he eCated Chat the c~sualties hav~ been in the rgnke of the drug traffickere. He meneioned thnt yesterday in Uurango~ when federal ~gente atationed there went to carry out an ord~r Co arrest Elpidio Eetrada Guerrero, a well-known drug trafficker, they were greeted wiCh gunfire from three pereona. Af tier Caking cover so as to return fire~ the federal agenta arresCed ~lpidio Estrada but firse wounded two of hjs accomplices and killed a third. Fidel Pacheco Moralea died and Adrian Vlvargdo Msrtinez and Jeaue Pacheco Morales were wounded. (Text] [Mexico City ~XCELSIOR in Spanieh 7 Mar 79 p 26-A] 9204 'fliR~~ DRUG TRAFFICKERS DEAD--In a shootout in San Luia Potosi between federul agente and drug traffickers, three of the gangatera were killed while attempt- ing to free five of their comradee who had been arre~ted. The shootout took place 2 kilometera from E1 Refugio Ranch in the municipality of E1 Venado, San Luis Yotos3. Federal agente had come there to arxeat two drug traff3ckere who were concealin~ 8~0 kilograms of marihuana. The agents rpported ta the Federal Judicir~l Police [PJF] Headquarters that tney had been underway for about 3 minutes when six fully armed pereons on horseback intercepte~ them and after firing at them aeveral times warned them Co release the prieonera if they wanted to etay alive. The police took cover and repelled the attack. Three of the traffickers were shot down and the rest fled. ,The 3nvestigators _ began their investigation in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, with the capture of Pedro Segundo Palomo who had bought and eold marihuana there for transport t+~ the United States. Segundo Palomo, interrogaCed as to who supplied him with the drug, revealed that in San Luis Potosi, at E1 Pozo Ranch, municipality of Villa Cuadaupe, two of his relatives, Manuel and Francisco Segundo Rodriguez, had 95 kilograms of marihuana which they were going to use as a sample for a large order. Gen Raul Mendiolea Cerecero and Gen Joaguin Figueroa Luna, director and assistant director of the PJF, respectively, coordinated their agents by shortwave telephone ao that they would go out and find the Segundo Rodriguez brothers. When arreated, the brothers reported that Higinio and Asuncion Arriga Hernandez were at another ranch of E1 Venado municipality, San Luis Potosi, and had in their poasession 870 kilograms of marihuana which they were going to aend Co Monterrey~ Nuevo Leon and from there to the United States. Tlie police continued the search and also arrested the two Arriga Hernandez. [Text] [Mexico City EXCELSIOR 7 Mar 79 in Spanish p 26-A] 9204 63 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 _ _ MARIHUANA SAI~L~S MAIL~n~-A well~organized ngraoeic~ which works nut nf Onx~c~ use~ Ch~ Mexicgn po~eal. gervin~ to send sampl~g of unproc~~g~d marihuana and mgrihuana in powder form. The digcovery was mgde y~~rerday ut ri~e main international poet office ar panCaco by a euperviaor who im- mediately contacted the Fed~r~1 Judicial Police. Ja~.m~ ~xparxa Cortina, ' nn ~g~riC of th~ Fed~ral Public TiinieCry of the 2nd board of ehe ACtnrney General'e Office, took nfficial cognixance of the facts ye$terday aC 1000 ~ houra ae the office of Iemael Medina Oc~n~, chief of office No 1 of Che internaCional mails o� the Mechanized PogCal Customs Off~.ce located on - C~y1an No 648, Pantaco. M~din~ Ocgng snid that ae packagea were being gr- r~?nged otte of them fell and when ehe prcteceive wrapping paper broke, the marihuane, which came from Oaxaca 3n fiv~ similar packages, was exposed. � The five packages were viewed by ~L 50L bE MEXICO. 'Phey bore stampa is- aued by the official postal aervice and official seals with cuseoms permit numbers. SCrangely, although the return addresses were filled out in Oaxaca they were made ouC in varioue names with addressea in California, United 5tatea of America~ and the packages were addressed to different people in California. What is involved in marihuana in powder form and un- proceseed marihuana. (Text] [Mexico City EL 50L DE M~XICO in Spaniah 15 Mar 79 p 10-AJ 9204 cso: 5300 6t~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 PANAMA $RIEFS COCAINE TRAFFICKER ARRESTED--The Finance and Treasury Ministry's Narcotics Bureau arrasted an American drug trafficker at Tocumen Internationa]. Air- port on Sunday. Denie (Whitferd Jordan) from North Carolina was arrested as he triad to enter the country with half a pound of cocaine valued at approximaCely 30,000 balboas. He wae coming from Bogota, Colombia. [Panama City Domeetic Service in Spanish 2230 GMT 17 Apr 79 PA] The narcotice aection of the Finance and Treasury Miniatry arreated Denie Wilfred Jordon of North Carolina for carrying half a pound of cocaine valued at approximately $25,000 to $30,000 in hie ahoea. He arrived aboard a Braniff flight from Bogota. (Panama City CRITICA in Spaniah 18 Apr 79 p 32 PA] CSO: 5300 65 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 PERU ~ ~ BRIEFS DRUG TRAFFICKER'S ARREST--Lima~ 13 Ap~ (AFP)--The police today arrested 30-year-old Victor Luis Torres ae he tried to board an airplane for BogoCa with a euitcase filled with 17.5 kg of basic cocaine paste. The police repor~ed thaC ao far thie year it has confiscated approximaCely 500 kg of basic cocaine paste and 19 kg of, cocaine hydrochlorate at the _ Jorge Chavez Airport. [Parie AFP in Spanieh 0151 GMT 14 Apr 79 PA] COCAINE PASTE SEIZED--Lima~ 16 Apr (LATIN)--According to police aourcea, the police seizad almost 20 kg of baeic cocaine paste valued at approxi- mately $75,000 ae it was about to be 311egally shipped aboard a commer- cial plane to Cali. The drug was hidden in a auitcase and was dis- coverad by an official of the Jorge Chavez International Airport who was conducxing a routine check of Che luggage that was being loaded in the plane. (Buenos Aires LATIN in Spanish 0255 GMT 17 Apr 79 PA] DRUG ARREST--Lima, 20 Apr (EFE)--The Peruvian police have arrested three drug traffickere and confiecated 43 kiloa of baeic cocaine paste worth $292,OOC after chaeing the traffickers' motorboat along the Huallaga River. ~ao of those arrested, identified as Ramon Pena and Honorio Daza, are Colombian citizena. The police have reported that the Huallaga River hae become a channel for tranaporting drugs to Brazil and Colombia. - [Madrid EFE in Spanieh 0837 GMT 20 Apr 79 PA] COCAINE TRAFFICKERS' ARREST--Lima, 21 Apr (EFE)--The police have arrested membere of a cocaine traffickers gang which had processed 500 kg of basic cocaine paste during the past 8 months. The gang was compoaed of eight Peruvians and Colombians but three were able to escape when the police _ raided their inaCallation in a Lima neighborhood. [Madrid EFE in Spanish 2236 GMr 21 Apr 79 PA] CSO: 5300 66 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 V~N~UELA COCAINE TRAFFICKERS SEIZED Caracas EL NACIONAI, in Spanish 3 Mar 79 p D-24 ~Textj The Narcot3ca Squad of the PTJ [Judicial Technical Police) has announced the seizure of a k31o of cocaine from two supposed traffickers. The announcement was made by inspector Vicente Palomo who said the prisoners handed over to court ~urisdiction in Reten de Catia were Jose Juan Palma Linedo, 36, and Demostenes Enrique Castillo Gonzalez, 26. ~ According to the inspector, they were arrested in a Dodge pickup, 13cense ACW 572, in which the kilo of cocaine was found in two plastic bags. In a later search of an office used as a front, located between Termopilas and Horn3to in La Pastora, 46 tubes of cocaine ready ~or distribution were seized, plus Mandrax tablets and film cartr3dge containers filled with marihuana. The PTJ placed a value of one million bolivars on the materials confiscated. Palma Liendo, according to the police, has a past record for the same crime; Castillo Gonzalez, a Colombian, was carrying a transit document and when arrested said he was an industrial mechanic. They were turned over to Interpol for possib~e reguest of bond from Bogota. 9268 cso: 5300 67 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 v~rr~zu~LA BRIEF'S SEIZUR~ OF' COLUMBIAN nRUGS--Members of the PTJ [Judicial Technical Police) searched a residence in the auburb of Las Brisas in Barquisimeto, impounding a large quantity of druge valued at over 500,000 bolivares and they are looking for its presumed disCribu- tor, identified as Jose Concepcion Pina who was not in the houae at the time of the search. The operation was carried out by means of a court-ordered police search, upon confidential information on these illegal activities indicted by the PTJ. It was learned that during the operation the PTJ impounded 29 cakes of marihuana and 4,524 tablets of mandrax which were apparently brought in from the neighboring country of Colombia. The detectives also found a large quantity of contraband dry gooda and a car used by Pina for his deliveries. The local PTJ hopea to succeed in arresting the suspected Joae Concepcion Pina accused of being the distributor of the drugs impounded at his residence on Calle 53, Vereda 8 of the Las Brisas auburb, west of the City. [Text] [Caracas EL NACIONAL in Spanish 19 Mar 79 p D-21] 6857 SENTENCE FOR DRUG TRAFFICKERS--Dr Ramon Lara Aparte, ~udge of Che Second Superior Penal Diatrict, aentenced Orfelina Garcia de Ramirez to 2 yeara in prison for complicity in drug trafficking. The defendant had been aentenced to a 4-year term in the 20th CYfn- inal Court of Firat Instance after it had been proved that she was in possession of a suitcase containing cocaine antlshe admitted thinking of taking the drug to Miami. The defendant's confession, the police records of the arresting officers and the opening of the ~ suitcase in criminal court in Che presence of a public prosecutor leading to the diacovery of the drug proved that the woman was in- volved in drug trafficking. However, the arguments of the defense - counael, Dr Claudio Gorsira, together with the good conduct of the defendant prior to the offense, influenced the Court of First Instance to impose a minimum sentence. It also applied in Second Instance,but.the confirmed complicity of the defendant determined the commuting of the minimum sentence to a midway term of 2 years in prison. [Text] [Caracas ULTIMAS NOTICIAS in 5panish 21 M~r 79 p 26J 6857 CSO: 5300 68 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 MOROCCO BRIEFS DRUG TRAFFICKERS SENTENCEA--Rabat--Early thia morning the special courC of ~ustice in Rabat pronounced its Rentences in the case in which 78 people were accuaed~ including 39 in absenCia, of smuggling and trafficking in - narcotics and bribery. The trial had lasted for 80 days. The court ~ sentenced 57 people, including high-ranking officers in the Royal Gendarmerie, - to prison sentences varying from 1 month to 10 years and asaessed fines of between 1,000 and 10~000 dirhams. Twenty-five of theae were aenCenced in absentia. The court acquitted 19 defendants. It also sentenced former assembly deputy Idbib to 5 yeara in prison and fined him 5,000 dirhams. The court also sent~nced 14 foreigners in absentia to 10 years in prison and fined them 10,000 dirhams. The foreigners include two Spaniards, Chree Britons, one Frenchman, one German, three Americans, one Swede, one Australian and one Colombian. [numbers as received) [TextJ [Rabat MAP in Arabic 1040 GMT 13 Apr 79 LD] CSO: 5300 69 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 ITALY YOUNG SOCIALISTS PROPOSE FREE HEROIN Rome LA REPUBBLICA in Italian 4/5 Mar 79 p 5 [Interview with Enrico Boaelli, national aecretary of the FGSI [Italian Socialist Youth Federation, by Carlo Rivolta, of LA REPUBBLTCA; date and place noC given.] [Text] Enrico Boselli talka about the FGSI law. Young socialiata propoae Eree heroin for dope addicts. Rome--In the course of a 3ittle more than 3 yeara, the Italian drug law has proved to be completely inadequate in Che matter of countering the new danger, heroin. The result of patient compromises and reCicence, the law of December 1975 allotas ~udges ample possibility for interpretation. Thus, poaseseion of a gram of haehish in Milan is not punished; in Bari, it leads to ~ail. The main problem continues to be the dramatic one of black market heroii.. Today, among young people--but the problem pertains not only to them--ti~. heroin problem ie foremoat in political dis~cuasion. Young communiste, in CITTA FUTURA, opened the discueaion. Radio Popolare, in Milan, ia fighting for depenalization for the poasession of heroin. Young socialiets are preparing a parliamentary bill to provide for free availability of this drug to drug addicta, as has been the case for years in Great Britain and as occura in some American states. Enrico Boselli, national aecretary of the FGSI, maintains that the socialist proposal (very realistically ~udged "a difficult fight, in view of the political aituation") can contribute to aolving the problem. "We are not advocating liberalization. Inatead, we are speaking of legal, controlled allotment through the syetem of public and health organizations that already exists and that can be further developed." ~[Carlo Rivolta) "What induced you to formulate this bill?" 70 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 [Enrico Boaelli] "We etarted subetantially from one reflection: the fact that ~here ie no eign that the dietribution of hard druge--heroin most of a11--ie diminiehing. On the con~rary, in the past few monthe, the trend has been preciaely that of an expand~ng mgrkee. To be specific and to counter the figurea of the minisCer of Healtih, who dangerously underesCi- matea the matter, eix young drug addicts have died in the past 30 days-- an average of more than one death per week." [Carlo Rivolta] "We11, then?" (Enrico Boselli] Today, by meane of a law, it would be posaible to limit the dangere that result from hard druge. T~+~~ political point of view of our work in thie field is that the "reflux" will be defeated not on~.y through an added capacity for init3ative on the part of the workers' forces of the Left, but also by the iniCiative of young people with reapect to facing epecific and dramatic probleme. Heroin is one of these and it ia aenseleas to maintain the moralistic attitude of limiting oneself to standard petitions." [Carlo Rivolta] "And have you contacted other youth organizations regarding thia matter?" [Enrico Boaelli] "Up to now no dialog has been etarted. But there are poaitive aigna; for example, in the FGCI internal debate, unthinkable up to a year ago. It is another matter when young people come together, as - in the ca~e of free radio broadcasta." [Carlo Rivolta] "What are the ob~ectives of an anti-heroin law?" [Enrico Boselli] "The first is to strike against the black market, which cannot be wiped out aolely through police initiatives. Then the terrible interrelationship uf conaumer and pusher, which t~ a great extent is at the root of the drug circuit, could be restricted. Another goal is to limit the vaeC epreading of thia kind of criminality on the part of young people-- a criminality that prospers as a result of the need of drug addicts for more and more money to eatisfy their ever-increasing dependence on the drug. And finally there is the ob~ective of curbing the succession of - deaths that reault both from over doses and the cutting of doaea." 8255 CSO: 5300 71 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 F'OR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY I'TALY - TWO I:CYPTIAN PUSH~itS ARRESTEU Milan COItRIERE DELLA 5~RA in Italian 16 Mar 79 p 18 [HxcerpteJ A race track ~ambler by day, a drug puaher by night~ Luigi Alberrario, 51 years old, of Via zoagli 5 was arreated yesterday by the nurcotics aquad. The police confiscated 50 grame of heroin from his "500" about 10 Rrams of amphetamine from hia home. Ari he waa nbout to carry out an operation, the trafficker (who is an uf:siduous frequenter of racetracks) was stopped near his home. The policemen found 50 grama of "brown sugar" and of Turkish heroin in his pnsaeasion. The drug was hidden under the gearshift box and in the "~~ockets" of the doors of his "500." And, finally, in via Zoagli, the 10 grams were confiscated. When Chis search was completed, the same narcotics squad policemen ar- rested two known heroin pushers who were operating in the area of corso Lodi. They are 26-year old 'Abd al-Masih Ma~di and Muhammad Nabil Zaki, b~~th Egyptian citizens, staying at the public dormitory on via Ortiea a~id in a small hotel in the suburbs. Suspected for gome time af pushing hard drugs, the two were trailed to a biir on piazzale Medaglie d'Oro and then stopped. They had on their per- sons about 100 grams of pure heroin, valued at almost 18 million lire. It: tiie drug had been sold at retail, it would however have yielded a t~~tal profit of about 70-80 million. ~ xM a . f ( x ~ f: 1 ~rS~ 4 `C s �S ~ `Y au . F. . ~%q~ ' f r . A^ x�..,'� _ COPYRIGHT: 1979 Edieoriale del "Corriere della Sera" S.G.S. C:~U: 5300 72 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' ITALX - . COURT ORDER TO HOSPITALIZE DRUG ADDICT Milan CORRIERE DELLA SERA in Italian 18 Mar 79 p 14 ~ (Excerpt from article by Augueto Pozzoli] For the firsC time the court hae i.ntervened to unblo~k the aituation. To hoapitall.ze a drug sddict, an order from a~udge ia necessary. The reaietance of hoapitala with regard to admitting drug addicts was overcome by the authorities. For th~ first time, a~udge intervened and - ordered the hoapitalization of a youth who, notwithstanding the intervention of the police for an entire morning, was not able to find an available hos- pital bed. The order came from Livia Pomodoro, examining ~udge at the police court of Milan, in behalf of Ariberto L., 21 years old, a resident of Corvetto and a uaer of heroin for 4 years. Some days ago, Ariberto could no longer go on. He had come to the point of wanting to fight against his state of slavery and, not knowing where to turn for help, went to the Porta Romana police station, to Marshal Ennio Gr�-~..~li~, who in the past had stopped him aeveral times to check on his movements. 'We have by now become the last resort for many of these unfortunate young people," said the deputy officer, "but we can do very little for them. Ariberto asked me if I could help to have him admitted to a hospital for treatment. Iie aeemed aincere; wanted to give up; and could no longer go on living that way. So I began to telephone several hospitals; but as soon as I said that it was a question of a drug addict, there was an immediate excuse to say no to me. I also got in touch with an assistant district attorney, who told me to use his name and to apply to the management of the San Carlo hospital. But thie attempt also failed. And thus it went, in the presence of the boy, during the entire morning." , Marahal Gregolin, however, did not give up. The next day the case of Ariberto L. was on the desk of Judge Livia Pomodoro who, in the name of the law,had to protect the right of the unfortunate youth. 73 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Th3a ia the text of the order with which Che ~udge ovex'came the resistance of city hoapitals in the matter of attending to drug addicts: "Having conaidered that Ariberto needa urgent medical treatmen~, in accordance with articles 99 and 100 of law 22~ December 1975, n. 685 pr~vides that he be hoapitalized in San Carlo hoapital for whatever period ia necessary." Thus, the bed that up to the day before was not available, became available on the order of the ~udge. Ariberto ia in a private room and his detoxifi- cation treatment has been started. The youth is hoapitalized in the same hospital where last Saturday the Anti-Drug Addiction Committee had organized _ a demonatration, at the end of which a delegation had asked permission to discusa the matter with those in charge of the unit and to ask for a guarantee of hoapitalization for drug addicts. The communique that was issued at the end of the demonstration reads as followa: "The hoepit,al's anawer was clear right from the beginning. We were received by a big array of policemen who prevented us from entering. ` Finally, aome representatives succeeded in talking to the only official who was present, the doctor on duty. But to the request for hospital beds, we werP given the anawer: 'for drug addicts, not even one bed."' The - hoapitalization nf hriberto L. took place only because the ~udge ordered it. - COPYRIGHT: 1979 Editoriale del "Corriere del~a Sera" s.a.s. 8255 CSO: 5300 7~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 ITALY URUGUAYAN DRUG llEALER CAPTURED IN ROME Montevideo EL PAIS in Spanish 1~ Feb 1979 p 13 [Text] A dangeroua Uruguayan crim3nal, who in recenC years had risen to the internaeional 1eve1, waa capeured in Rome, accordin~ to information received yesterday by Interpols~ National Central Bureau. Apprehended was Irio Adan Quintana Miralles, who was born 3 July 1939 and has u long Criminal record boCh in Uruguay and in Europe. This dangerous indivi- _ dual , apart from hia vile trafficking in prostitution, which extended from South America to ~;urope, was found guilty several times of possesaion and oale of narcotics. ~ ,P.ccording to information received officially late yeaterday afternoon, Quintana Mirallea. 42 years of age, known in hia world as E1 Fiolo Adan, was arrested by Rome police and found to be in poasession of false identi- fication and a certain unspecified amount of cocaine. AC ~his moment Quintana Miralles' case is in the Italian courts, and while he is awaiting ' trial Interpol has contacted Uruguay and other cou~tries in the area--in addition to Spain and France--asking for background material so as to obtain better information on the criminal. The shady pimp and drug puaher began hia criminal "career" on November 195 [i1l~gible text, probably 1956] when 'ne was arraigned on charges of homi- cide. Then 8 years later, on 21 April 1962, he was ~ailed for assault and - battery. The same year, on 29 October, he was ~rrested for illegal posses- aion of firearms, and on 19 January 1964 for attempted robbery. After a period of apparent inactivity, he was arraigned for robbery on 30 Marct~ 1968, and finally on 18 November 1969 for attempted homicide. He is � present?y being sought by Uruguayan police~ as well as Spanish and Italian authoritiea, who are pressing an intense search. It ahould be pointed out that in 19)4 Quintana was connected with the ~ murder of a women who had been taken from South American to "work" in Europe. The incident occurred in Barcelona, and the victim was identified as Nelida .Tustina Signer. Quintans was sought by Italian police from 31 75 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 July 19'76 Unti1 5 February 1977 when he was arreetied in Gex~oa for traffiaking in gnd imporeaeion of 111ega1 al~.eng. (2uineana cont3nued his activiCies nfter dbtaining hie freedom, even to the , pnint of ~oining eh~ notorious Capocasale gang, whose prostituCinn ring ex~ Cen@ed from Rio d~ 1a P1ata Co the avid European continent. (Capocaeale was recently arreated in Spain, yet again.) In ~ebruary, 1977, the lgst time anyone had heard of Quintana, he wae ~rres- Ced in Rome in poaseeeion o~ cocaine and aeveral false passpor.te. Arrested with him were one man and two women who, once arrnigned, spent time in Italian prieons. In riay, 1974~ Quintana Miralles wae shot at cloae~range by several members of a rival gang when he appeared on the streets of Rome r3ding in a laee model car. He was struck by six bulleta and cri~ically wounded but was able to aurvive because of his physical AtrengCh. Quintana was also sought in June, 1976, following the death of an Argentine pimp, who was found dead in a river on the outskir~s of Rome. In~their insane fury they had cut off hia hands an8 torn out his tongue, as well as ahot him. Cluea led authorities to another Uruguayan, Heber Cardozo Rivero, and finally to Quintana, who quickly fled. Aaeuming that the Italian police had forgot- ten him, he returned to Italy but was arrested shortly thereaf ter. It seems that after leaving ~ail he did not leave the country and, not having altered hie intentions in the leaet, wae again captured with druge in his posaesaion. ~ 9077 CSO: 5300 76 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 ITALY DRUG SQUAD MAKES ARRESTS IN TWO NARCOTICS CASES Ftome TL TEMPO in ICalian 27 Jan 79 p 6 [~xcerptJ 'It,ro antinarcotics operations were carried ouC successfully by Doctor Di Gennaro of Che drug squad, with the collaboration of 5ergeanCs Maio " and ~'izzuto. lfao puahers have been arresCed and 300 grams of pure herion seized. The first operaCion had its beginnings in the arrest of three Egyptians by the Uanish police and the discovery in Copenhagen of an illicit drug traffic - originating in Thailand and directed toward Rome. Investigation of one of the three arrested Egyptians, Zohdy Saiet, led to Clara Vitaloni, 35, residing at Via Felice Grossi Gondi 95 in Rome. The polic~ searcr.ed the woman's apartment and found 180 grams of pure heroin sewn into the shoulder pads of coaCs. And so, Clara Vitalone, "smuggler" - for an inCernational organization~ was handcuffed. The second of the operations carried out by the drug squad also throws the - spotlight on Thailand. It was discovered that Enzo Valeri, 25, residing at Via del Pigncto 3, frequently traveled to that country. Unsuspectedly, the - pc~lice tailed him and, sensing drugs, moved in. In his home they found a passport showing Thai entry and exit stamps, and evidence that the young man had brought in 1200 grams of pure heroin. It was now a matter of discovering his outlet, which led them to a little villa located in the neighborhood of Valle Martella in Zagarolo, owned by Valeri. There, the police seized 110 gram~ of pure heroin, other "cutting" ingredients, a percision scale, and 1.5 million lire in cash. Enzo Valeri was arrested on charges not only of importation and possession but also of sale of narcotics, and the investigation continu~s in an effort to discover Valeri's accomplices. Four other drug pushers--of hasiiish this time--have ~aeen arrested in Tor- pignntara by the men of the 3udiciary police squad or the first police ~ district; Sandro Alessandri, 26, residing at Via Bartolomeo Peristrello 20, . 77 I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 m~nnger nf. Che bar ~t Vin de11a Marranell~ 121; 5~vino Giordano~ 24~ residing ~ nC Via Cencclli 59; Luigi SanCa�ede~ 29, residing ~t Via Pavoni S~; and Itoberto Ituttgliano, 30, reaiding at Vin Pavoni 92. RoberCo Moscatelli~ 29~ ~ r~qidtng et Via Angilotti 13. wag also arresCed on che~rge~a of poseession of W~:npc~ne of war and r~r.etving of etolen goode. During the search of his homa, poliCh found a DereCta Mod~l 92, 9 mm Parabellum piatol Chat had been etolen 1~st October from the home of a noncommiaeioned officer ~f ehe P5 [Corp~ of Public Security Guards]. 9399 C50: 5300 ~ 78 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 I ITALY DRUG SQUAD SEIZES 2.382 KILOGEtAM5 OF PURE HEROIN Milan CORRICRE DELLA SCRt1 in Italian 19 Feb 79 p 10 [CxcerpC~ A~ents of the drug squad's Section 3 have seized 2.382 kilograms ~ oE pure herotn worth a total of 12 billion lire, in an operation which has lyd to thc arre~t of four persons and the incrimination of nine oChers, and w{i[cli Is still in progress. The investigation, which was being organized by Assistant District Attorney Emilio Alessandrini before he was killed by a _ Front line commando in the Via1e Umbria ambush, went into action a few months ago wlien the magistraCure opened an inquir,y aimed aC determining the uses hetng made of the monies obtained through kidnappi;~gs. The ~~olicr have actually succeeded now in establishing that part of the pro- ~ cecds from kidnappings by Mafia bands liave been and c.ntinue being used to bu,y l~rge quantities of drugs on the Oriental and European markets to be . retail.ed in Italy. Francesco Milone, 31, born in LaLiano in the province of Brindisi, residing at Via Martinetti 29; [Milan]; his wife, Caterina Brugz~ani, 26; ~iuseppe Giannetti, 36, born in Canosa, Puglia, residing at Via Brunelleschi 4 in - Corsico; and Luigi Fiorentino, 35, residing at Via Camozzi 30 [Milan] have been ,jailed so far in this operation, charged with possession and sale of narcotics, possession of firearms and explosives, and receiving of stolen goods. - . : : :;.:~,.>�~;: ~ .n;> f ~ . '�`3 y~y y~~ ' ~@., q~_Y . ...r J K . . x : Z'd.% t' � ~ . . 9399 CSO: 5300 79 ~ , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 ITALY Nt;APO[~LTAN HASHISH GANG DESTROYED Rome L'UNITA in ICalian 13 Feb 79 p 5 (TexC] Naple~s--Peddling hashish in Naples did not pay. So some 15 Neapoli- tans started following the Sixeh Fleet on its various rounds of Mediterranean - porta--from Naples to Palermo, from Taranto to Trieste--to supply thQir "devoted clientele," acquired in the, with precious hashish. F3nally, however~ the "movements" of these "drug-peddling camp followers" � aroused Che suapicions of the police and the carabinieri~ who succeeded in laying hands, between Naples and Palermo, on nine members of the band, and in identifying three other persons. The police operation started last November when Antonio Bisaccia was arrested in Naples and 18 kilos of narcotics were confiscated from the home of one of his relatives. But t~is did not halt the peddling of hashish. The investi- gations moved to Falermo. There~ upon indications from the Neapolitan inves- tigators, the forces of order of the Sicilian capital began tailing certain Neapolitan characters suspected of peddling hashish to American military personnel. After stalceouts and inquiries, the carabinieri moved in and nabbed Antonio Frattini, Gae~ano Cerrato and Antonio Palladino. But two Neapolitans succeeded in escaping, and so the investigation moved back agaii~ to Naples, where, yesterday, the flying squad nabbed six other persons who I.;ad tAken part in the setting up of the original distribution system: Giulia Sceral, who had replaced Antonio Bisaccia as head of the gang; Fiorina Stria, 26, (who had the ~ob of approaching customers); Francesco Tomi; Vincenzo Leopoldo; Antonio Martello; and Salvatore Quintano. ~ 9399 CSO: 5300 80 ` APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 I TA I,Y ROM~ DRUC, PROS'CITUTION DEALER5 ARRESTED Mi1an IL CIORNALC NUOVO in Italian 4 Feb 79 p 7 [t~,xccr~~ts] Rome, 3 February--"From producer to consumer" could be the trade 51o~;~n of Clie band of drug pushers Chat operated in tiie peripheral quarCer of Centocrlle. The gang, in fact, engaged, by means of "couriers," in the cllrect purcliage and lmportation of pure }~ero:.n from Thailand, and, in Rome, "cut" tlie dru~. packaged it in doses, then distributed it Co a network of - :;mall peddl~rs. Along with this activity, the organization also exploited protitilution, rerruiting Che girls from among teenaged addicts who did not . IiAVe money to pay for the "merchandise." Thc arrests began on 7 January with Vincenza Manzo, 21, and Spartaco Tras- '1'rasciotti, 25, both drus retailers, who landed in prison. It appears that, under c~uestionins by Judge Infelisi, Chey confirmed suspicions regarding ttiree ~~c~rsons: the brothers Giacomo and Lorenzo Rizzieri, 25 and 23 respec- ei.vely~ and Cnzo Canapini, 36, alias "Zimbetto." Telephone intercepts en- abled tl~e police to identify these as Che managing staff of the organization tt~at ohtained its supplies of heroin through Maria Fiamma Brignola, 23, who was being frequently sent to Bangkok with a male friend. � Tii~ polic~� operation was concluded during the past few days with the capture of che retit of Che band: Lorenzo Rizzieri was arrested at his home on Via clelle Palme, where he had 9 grams of heroin hidden; his brother Giacomo, w1~~, hnd t,xken rrfuge in a ailla in Cerveteri, was taken by surprise in that locality; Cam.~pini was visited by police at his home in Centocello, whe're tliey founcl, in addition to a small quantity of the drug, the documentation of tf~~ ~peratlon contained in ledgers in which the expenditures and revenues were cliltg~ntly entere~. - '1'i~e laGt to end up in prison was Maria Grazia Brignola, in whose hoi,ie, on V[a I3ixio, there were 7 grams of heroin and the receipts fur expenses incurred on two trips to Thailand. 939~) CSO: 5300 ~ 81 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 _ ITALY BRIEFS MtLAN DRUC ARRESTS--Following n montl~ of investigations, agents of Che 4th secrton oF the drug squr~d, led by Doctor Macri, intercepted a cocaine traffic o~~r.ratton ~~t nortn 'Picinese and arrested two pushers: Um},erCo Vena, 45, of Viri I)e SanCi;~ 50 and Anna Luigia Longo, 3$,, of Via deg3i Apuli 4. The couple Iir~J :i ane-room apartment on the Sth floor of a building at Via Gian Giacomo Mora iii tlie neighborhood of the columns of San Lorena.o, in the Carrobbio Section, from which they dispatched the drug to the sddicts. In the apart- ment, ttie agents confiscated 44 grams of cocaine (being sold at 40,000 lire per grnm), along with scales for wei~hing, syringes and waxed paper for packagins the "doses." [Text] [Mi1an CORRIERE DELLA SERA in Italian 15 Jan 79 p 8] 9399 MODENA-VCROIVA DRUG RINC--Mc>dena--A vast antinarcotics operation has opened witt~ tlie seizure in Ancona of large trailer-truck loaded with one and a I~alf ton~ of tiashish worth 7 billion lire. The facts are now well known: I.ast Satilyday, a ferry entered the port of Ancona carrying on board a large trailer-truck loaded with yarns, automobile replacement parts and textiles. _ The vehicle, owned by "Selam~~gu," a Turkish suComotive transport company, passed through normal custotr,s inspeccion in good order. However, a little - ilog in the antinarcotics service, togethQr with its customs agency trainer, ' discovered, hidden within the cargo, 1,700 kilograms of narcotics. The 'furkisl~ drlver of the vehicle, Ahmet A~ali, 56, of Istambul, was placed under ~rresC. Wirli help from Interppl it was determined that "Selamogu," head- quartered in ankara, diepatche~d around Europe, at regular intervals, as many ~~s 80 liuge trailer-trucks, which traveled from Turkey into Greece, then to [taly by ocean ferry, th~:a, after stops in Modena and Verona (the headquarters oC nc~: two Italian subsidiaries); to the capitals of the norChern countries. 'I'he discovery of the load at Ancatia opened the way for a series of operations. ObviouGly, the first of these took plsce in Modena and Verona, where, at the "Selamogu" offices, customs agents proceeded to arrest at least six other ~~erson5 wtio may be connected, in various capacities, with what appears to be thc most ~;igantic drug ring ever discovered it, Italy. [Excerpts] [Rome I.'i1NI'('A in italian f, Feb 79 p SJ 9399 82 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 Att(tI:S'l' OI~ '1'WO COUEt'C~It5--The hiding place for Che drug w~s noC original, ' but ih. w~s u record ~mount. 'TogeCher Chey had heroin worCh ~ billion in th~ir. intesCine~--770 ~;rams of pure herain, if cut 80 percene and resold ttt ret~il, would have yielded precisely 1,000 million. The two ernffickers, boCh Ne~politans, were arrested yesterday morning at P'iumicino nirport. Tiiey l~~d ~ueC l~nded Crom n flight from Bangkok. They wer.e Giovi~nni A1Uan~~se, 27 yenrx nld, r~nd AnConio Lombardi, 23 yenrs old. Attcr being ~~rrested and forced to expel the little plnstic ba~s thiit contuined the l~eroin, they were t~ken to Itegina Coeli. A very sma11 r~mounC nf Che dru~ had been found in a tiny hiding place inside the heel oE n shoe of one oE the Cwo men. nut r_his was ~ust a diversionary trick. The Cwo were counCing on Cl~e matCer ending with those few grams of heroin9 ~t worst. But ~ more 7nd careful search, conducted with the added coopera- tion af. ~ docCor, foiled Cheir plan. In Che end, Che two confessed every- thin~;. They had noC caten for 2 days in ord~r Co lenve enough room in Cheir tntestine~ for eh~ small baRr, of H ~in, inserCed Chrough the rectum. Al.b,~nexe had nine lieroin pellets wrappec, in plastic in his intestines; I.nml~~~rdi, five. AmonK oth~r things, they both risked their lives. If oiie oC tt~e small ba~;s had opened, they would have died in a short space of rime. The 770 ~rams of heroin that they~ tried ro bring to Italy would tiave yielded about 50,000 doses of Che drug, [Excerpt~ [Rome PAESE SERA in Italt,zn 17 Mar 79 p 12J 8255 CSO: 5300 ~ 83 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 TURKEY BRIEFS NEk'a~ARCOTICS BRANCH DIRECTOR--Korkut Onder, who for 2 years has been chief of the homicide desk in the Istanbul Security Directorate, was recently appointed director of the Narcotics Branch in that directorate. Onder began hia career in the Istanbul Security Directorate as a police officer 17 yeare ago. He served as a team chief, head of the robbery desk, aeaistant director to the Touriam Bureau, chief of the homicide _ deak and Bakirkoy security chief. [Text] [Istanbul ~UNAYDIN in Turkish 19 Mar 79 p 3] ~ CSO: 4907 ~ 8~ - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 _ ~ UNITED KINGDOM ALLEGED PLOT TO SMUGGLE COCAINE IN WINE BOTTLES REVEALED London THE DAILY TELEGRAPH in Engliah 27 Mar 79 p 19 [Text] A plot to smuggle large quantities of cocaine in wine bottles inCo Britain was alleged yeaterday when 13 people appeared in court. Part of the operation was to import it from South America by what Mr Nigel Mylne, prosecuting, described ae an "ingenious conspiracy." He eaid that the cocaine was flown into Europe in wine bottles carried by a courier, who would pa,ss them to another courier, usually returning to Britain by ferry. "He would nut have a South American stamp on his passport and, as far as Customs were concerned, might have been a day-tripper." - The cocaine, he said, was dissolved in a hydrochloric acid solution to disguise the distinctive white colouring. At its destination the acid was evaporated, leaving the reconatituted cocaine as powder. "They then had an easily marketable and very valuable drug." Facing committal proceedings at Havant, Hants, are: Brian Crump, 27, of London Road, Waterlooville, Hants; Kevern Davies, 39, Fifth Street, Portsmouth; David Ellis, 30, Chapel Lane, Swanage; Carol _ Rawding, 30, Mitchell Road, Havant; Trevor Scattergod, 24, The Crescent, Hayling I~land; Stephen Simmonds, 38, Clarence Gardens, Shanklin; . Geoffrey Speak, 34, Park Road, Swanage; Sarah van Leeson, 25, Stonebarrow Lane, Charminster, Dor~et; Stephen West, 27, Ireland Way, Waterlooville; Diane Jeram, 28, same addre,es; Kenneth Ford, 43, Lowe Lane, Bembridge; Peter Williams, 29, The Ridgeway, Acton; and Graham Wood, 26, Garsons Road, Southbourne, Sussex. Mr Mylne said that police had been watching the defendants for months. They swooped after Scattergood [sic], a courier, missed a rendezvous - with his "day-tr.ipper," Kenneth Ford, in Paris, '~e said. Scattergood had to risk bringing his four bottles through Heathrow, where he was - arrested. 85 , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 Mr My1ng said thaC the boCtiles coutained Weii over a kilo of cocaine worth 250,000 pounde. Before being caught, said Mr Mylne, Chey had amuggled in cocaine worth thoueands of pounds in Che same way. "We are unable to say where it went. There has been a wa11 0� silence." Simmons was deacribed as the brains who bought the chemical and provided details of how to uae them for hie man in South America, Ellis. rIr Mylne said that the other part of the operation involved amuggling cannabia in~o Britain from Eurape. _ CSO: 5320 ' ~ r ~ 86 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1 UNITED KINGDOM BRIEFS DRUGS LAB RAID--Scotland Yard Druga Squad offycers yesterday found a drugs factory in a flat in the North Finchley area. The flat conCained a room set up as a laboratory to prnduce amphetamine sulphate. Police took away nearly half a hundredweight of maCerials, which they believe would have made aufficient quantity of the drug Co be worth about 250,000 pounda when sold on the atreets. [Text] [London THE DAILY T~LEGRAPH in Engli~h 29 Mar 79 p 19] C~O: 5320 END ~ 87 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050004-1