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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 UF , L  4 APRIL 1979 ~ . i OF 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 I ~ r�� ~b ~ / I IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 ~ ~ ~ m L2 ~ ILO ~ 1.25 I..4 L.6 OEM, r. ~ ~ e) .,,~s ~o ~ 0 ~ , . _ i/ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6" ~gc Phot~~gc'dph~C ~ _ ~ % ~ R O b MflfT MAM StREfT ~ rMHSTER. N.Y. 11580 ( 716 ) q243o APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOP, OFFICIAL USE ONLY JpRs L/ea7a 4 Apxil. 1979 STUDY OF THE SEISMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF LARGE INDUSTRIAL CENTERS U. S. JOINT PUBLICAfIONS RESEARCH SERVICE FOR OFFI CI AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 NOTE JPRS publicaCiuns cnnCain informgtion primarily from fnreign newspapers, periodicals and books, buC also from news agency transmissions and broadcasrs. MaCerialg from foreign-language eoutces are translated; thoae from Englieh-lgnguage sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characterieticg reCained. Headlines, editorial repnrta, and material enclosed in bracketa are supplied by JPRS. Procesging indicaCnrs such as [Textj or [Excerpt] in the firat line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no procesaing indicator is given, Che infor- mation was aummarized or extracted. Unfamiliar namea rendered phonetically or transliterated are encloaed in parentheaes. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unaCCributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the sn�,rce. Times within iCems 8re as given by source. Tfie contents of this publicatian in no way represent the poli- - cies, views or aCtitudes of the U.S. Covernment. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GO'VERNING 0'WNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMIIZATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/8374 4 April. 1979 STUDY OF THE SEISMIC CHARACTERISTICS - OF LARGE INDUSTtiiAL CENTERS Moscow IZUCHENIYE SEI5MIC,HESKOGO REZHIMA KRUPNYIQi PROMYSHLENNYKH TSENTROV in Russian 1978 siqned to press 5 Jun 78 pp 1-188 (Book by Ye. I. Gal'perin, I.L. Nersesov, et al.., lzdatel'stvo "Nauka," 900 copies] CONTENTS PAGE Abstract I Foreword 2 PART I. DEEP-WELL SEISMOLOGY 5 Chapter I. Equipment for Borehole Observationa 5 5 l. Deep-Well Seismametera 6 5 2. Preamplifiers 10 5 3. Amplifying and Recording Unit 13 Chapter H. Sensitivity of Deep-Well Observations aad Structure of the Seismograme 16 5 1. State of the Art with Respect to Seismological Obaervations in Boreholes (Brief Survey of Published Data) 17 3 2. Laws of Variation of Noise Level with Depth 25 4 3. Background Stability at Different Depths 32 4 4. Useful Signal and Seneitivity of Well Observations 42 4 5. Noise Background in the Case of Stationary Noise Sourcea 58 4 6. Observations in Shallow Wells Opening Up the Crys:.lline Basement 67 - a - II - USSR - EFOUO) FOR OFFICIAL U&E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOtt OpFICIAL U5E ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) Page PAttT IY. RADIOTELIIMET1tIC RECORDINC ChapCer III. ,\lma-Ata Seiemological Radiotelemetric Test Area 77 S 1. Ceological-Geophysical ChargcterieCice of the Itegion 77 5 2. Strncture and Technical Indexee of Che Test Area 83 5 3. Radiotelemetric Channel 87 4 4. Equipment of the Central Recording SCation 94 5 S. Equipment for Controlling the Tayga Recorder Dur3ng Tricomponent ltecording of Earthquakea in the Slaved Mode 103 S 6. Means of Smpxoving Radiotelemetric Equipment 108 Chapter tV. Field Data and Procebsing Procedure 112 S 1. Operation of the Test Area and Characteristice of the Data Obtained 112 S 2. Processing Procedure 119 S 3. Er.ergy Classification 133 4 4. Recording of Explosions 138 4 S. Effect of Observation Conditions on Structure of the Seiamograma 150 Chapter V. Observation Results 182 6 1. Seismicity of Zailiyakiy AZatau 182 5 2. Seismic Characterietics of Alma-Ata 194 S 3. Azimuthal Deviaeions of the Seiamic Beams of Diatant Earthquakea 218 � 4. Directione of Future Re$earch 228 Conclusiona 231 Bibliography 233 Appendix I. Bulletin of Local Earthquakes Recorded by Radioteleme[ric System from 1 June 1972 to t. July 1976 for idhich Epicenters Are Constructed 240 Appendix II. Bulletin of Nearby Industrial Exploeions Recorded by the Radiotelemetric System fram 1 June 1972 to 1 July 1976 247 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY a PUBLICATION DATA Engliah title ; STUDY OF THB SBISMIC CHARACTSRISTICS OF LARGB INDUST1tIAL CSNTSR5 ituseian title ; IZUCHBNIYB SEISMICHESKOGO REZHIMA KRUPNYIQH PROMY3ffi,ffiNNYKH T5BNTROV ~ Author (s) ; Ye. I. Gal'perin, I. L. Nereesov, et al. Editor (s) . Pub:iahing Houae ' Izdatel'stvo "Nauka" Place of Publication ; Noecow Date of Publication ; 1978 Signed to preas : 5 Jun 78 Copiea : 900 COPYRIGHT . Izdatel'etvo "Y:auka," 1978 - c - FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~tr ABSTRACT - Tnia book inveatigatea the development of the procedure$ and equipment for - studying the seismic conditions of large industrial centers in agiemically - iiazardous regiona. Stationary observationa in deep boreholes permitting a sharp increase in senaitivity of the equipment and :entralized radio- telemetric recording which incresaea the accuracy of determining the ~ coordinates of the centera in space were ueed se the baeis fur the atudy. A description ie presented of the seiemic characteriatics of Alma-Ata studied by the mater'als of 4 yeara of nbaervations. _ The book ia deaigned for geophyaicista, aeiemologiats, geologieta, design engineera and builders. There are 17 tables, 92 illuatratiuna and a? referencea. 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY rOREWORD The SovieC tinion has many large industrial centers locaCed in seismically dgngerous areae. In particular, theae include the capitals of union republice such ae Alma-Ata, Frunze, Tashkent, Dushanbe, Ashkhabad, and so on, and tene of oblaet centers and cities aith developed induatry. The development and construction of citiea located in theae regiona require seismic regionalization, the statement of the problema of predicting earth- quakes. They are unthinkable without further etudy of the seiemicity of the territory and improvement of the instrument obaervation network. With an increase in construction intenaity the requirementa on the detailed study of the seismicity grow. However, the succesaful aolution of the prob- lem is connected with consideration of certain specific peculiaritiea. The ~ basic one of them is the high level of seismic interference caused by the vital'activity of large centere which limite the seneitivity of the equip- ment and makes it impossible to record weak local earthquakes which are of special interest during perioda of "quiet" in the seismic regime. The stations located at sufficiently greAt distancns from a city stop "noticing" weak local earthquakea even before the city ha$ "felt" them. In addition, for all earthquakes which can be recorded, the accuracy of the constructions falls off as a result of the dietance between stationa. At the same time when studying the seismic characteristics of a local area it is neceasary - to insure high prfciaion of all of the conatruction, including tracing of the zones tnat are seismically active at the pcesent time. These contradictions greatly complicate the study of the seiam;c characteris- tics of large industrial centera in seip^ically hazardous regiona. Accordingly, during t1:e laKt deraaea the Inatitute of Earth Physics of the - USSR Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the lnstitu-te of Ceo:ogy and � Geophysics of the Kazat:h SSR Academy of Sciences has performed research in the development of procedures and equipme-it to study the seiamic character- iatics of large industrial centers. SCudiea have been performed in the vicinity of Alma-Ata, which ie located in a fcrce 10 zone for which a - "quiet period" in the seismic activity is now characteristic. The basic areas were to increase the sensitivity of the equipm;:nt and improve the accuracy of the constructions. 2 FOR OFFICYAL USE LNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY It nppeared that it is pdssible to achieve incre$sed sensiCiviey of the equipmene under the apecific conditiona of a large city by organizing obaervstiona in deep boreholes. Let us note rhar there is no experience in deep-well seiemology in the US5R. _ In order to increase the accuracy of the consCructions, first of a11 it was necessary eignificantly to increase the accuracy of the Cime service.l This could be achieved by centr$lized multichannel recording of the signals at all statione located in the reeearch area with a united time service. The prospectiveneas of thia recording wae determined by one of the basic trends in modern seismology realizing the transition from observationa by a network of ecattered statious located at great dlsCances (hundreds and more kildmeters) from each other to observatione by a large number of stations located in a comparaCively emall area. The groupe formed in thie case permit use ef the directional interference procedure, correlation analyeie of the waves and improvement of the resolution of the seiemic methoda. The principlea of this area of atudy were laid down by the worka of G. A. Gamburtaev on the correlation method of studying earthquakes in Northern Tyan'-Shan', Pamir and Turkmenia �n 1951-1953 (21, 23, 27-29). _ In this book a etudy ie made of the problems connected with the nentioned - problems and also the results of 4 years of study of the seiamic regime in Alma-Ata. The first part of the book is on deep-well seismology. Descriptione are pre- sented of the equipment and the specific peculiarities of performing stationary highly senaitive seiamologic observationa in deep wells (Chapter I), the laws of decrease in level of aeismic noise with depth. An estimate is made of the poasibility of increasing the aensitivity of the borehole observations under various seismogeologic conditiona (Chapter II). It is demonatrated here that in order to increase the aensitivity and accuracy of the constructions it is aignificantly more advantageous to go "under the city" than away from it to the side. Th. second part of the book contains a description of the Alma-Ata test area of automatic ground surface and deep-well atations and also the radiotelemetric recording system (Chapter III). A detailed descr3peion is presented of all elemPntR of the set of radiotelemetric recording equipment. 'The basis for the radio channel was the system developed by V. G. Katrenko [37]. In spite of the fact that the studies were basically of a procedural nature, the data obtained as a result of operation of the test area made it possi- ble to study the seiamic conditions of Alma-Ata. These resulta not only confirm the effectiveness of the developed procedure but also are of independent interest (Chapter IV). A detailed description is presented of the initial mate:ial and the procedure for processing the multichannel seismogrnms. Conaidering the novelty of the operatione, we have conaidered it expadient to present a yuite large nwaber of primary seismograms in the description. 1 [accurate hour's service] g FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FdR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY tn thn cnncluding Chnpter V n descriptinn ig preaentect of the baeic rer.ulinritiem aC the nriamtc conditions. A etudy wne madQ rhere of the ~ eEfect af the nbservation conditione on conetruction of 8eiamograma and the nzimuthnl deviations of the seiemic beams. 'Chc nccumulnted experience has shown that the developed procedures and equip- ment: can be recommended for studying the seiamic conditions of large indus- trial cenl�erb ]ocated in seiamically dangerous zonea and also Co solve other problems of seismology. Therefore the procedure and equipment are described with a degree of deCail which is sufficient for organizatian of analogous atudies in other areas. This is nll the more aignificant in that the study of the weak local earth- quakes la acquiring greater and greater interest in the rtioblem of earth- quake prediction. Thus, in the second phase of the national program of Japan for predicting eartriquakea whicli was atarted in 1976, in order to record the weak local earthquakes in the vicinity of Tokyo provision was madN for the creation of a Cest area of xhree highly sensitive stations, the seismographe in which will be located at deptha of 2500 and 5500 meters [76). The book was written on the basis of reporta fromtfie coworkera of the Laboratory of Deep-well Seismology Ye. I. Gal'perin, L. M. Vorovskiy, R. M. Gal'perina, P. A. Troitskiy, A. K. Trofimov, A. I. Chesnokov. The muterial was prepared by L. M. Vorovskiy (Chapters I, II, Chapter III, 91, 2), A. I. Chesnokov (Chapter*III, �3-5), R. M. Gal'perin: (Chapter IV, Chapter 17, 52, 3), 51 of Chapter V was written by I. L. Nersesov, the fore- word was written by Ye. I. Gal'perin and the conclusion by Ye. I. Gal'Perin and I. L. Nersesov. In addition to the authors, the reaearch was participated in by V. P. Kharin and M. I. Moshul, and in individual phases also by P. A. Troitskiy (1970) and A. K. Trofimov (1972-1973). V. G. Katrenko was of significant assistance :.n organizing the radiotelemetric recording (1971). A. P. Vorovskaya, C. L. Suzdorf, L. A. Ditler and A. V. Frolova basically participated in the processing and interpretation of the materials and the formatting oE the monograph. All of the s[udies were performed under the direction of Ye. I. Gal'perin. The authors express their appreciation to all of the coworkers participating in the 8tudies and the preparation di the monograph. 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY F1~ ~ ti ' ry APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PART I. DEEP-WELL SEISMOLOGY When solving many of the problems of seismology, highly sensitive operatione are the basie determining the level of inveetigation. This pertaina, in particular, to the study of the seiamic characteriatics of large induaCrial - centers. One of the possible means of increasing the senaiCivizy of the equipment is observation in wells or boreholea.l The new area is develop- ing as deep-well seismology, and with each year it is finding broader and broader application. The seismic noise formed basically by aurface waves decreases with depths. ~ Nowcver, even the useful signal at internal pointa of the medium ie weaker than on thE surface. This is explained by the fact that on the day ~ surface the wave ampli.tude is doubled as a result of reflection from the earth-ai.r interface. The posaible gain in sensitivity of the equipment on burying the seismograph is determined by how much fabter the noise 1eve1 - decreF;ses with depth than the uaeful aignal. - For ti;:: .ievetopment of deep-well aeismola>y it was firat of all necessary to build equipment which could be uaed for observations in the wells, to atudy the laws of variation with depth of the seismic noise background under various seismogeological conditiona and to eatitaate the poasibilitiea of " increasing senaitivity of the equipmenx,for o'oservations in boreholea. The - resolvability of the seismic recording is determined not only by the signal/ noise ratio, but also by the complexity of the shape of the useful signals. Therefore, along with the wave-noise distribution with reapect to depth it is necessary t9 study the laws of variation of the shape of thp useful wsves. These probleme are the subject of this part of the book. ` CHAPTER I. EQUIPMENT FOR BOREHOLE OBSERVATIONS Observations in deep wells are connected with a number of specific peculiar- ities of both a technical and theoretical nature. On the one hand, the ltlere and hereafter we shall use the word sensitivity to mean useful Rensicivicy, that is, maximum amplification that can be xealized with an admissible noise level. 5 FOR OFFICIAL USL ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY decreaAe in seismic noiae level;with depth makea it possible to increase thc, Hr.nHltivity nf nce r.quipmenr. On the other hnnd, nH n result of high c:cmpartiturc ;tnd preeHUre, long length of the cable and other reaeons, the equipment noise increases. In addition, the per�ormance of the observa- tions in rhe boreholes is connecCed with ecological difficulties. The basic meana of increasing the signal/noiae ratio under these conditiona is the low-noiae equipment which has been developed and used for ehorC- term (vertical seismic profile) and atationary observations. - 91. Deep-Well Seismometers Before the beginning of the described reaearch in the Soviet Union there were no low-frequency seismometers for stationary seismological observa- tions in deep wells. Comparatively few observations of a reconnaissance nattre were performed in 1961-1962 using ground seiamometers designed for - regl,onal studies (NS'3 with a natural freyuency of 2-4 hertz). However, during the first years after the beginning of studies (1966-1967) low- frequency seismometers were developed for seismological observations in deep For deep well observationa of both short-term, prof ile and stntionary type, aeismometers of two types were used which were developed at the Inetitute of Earth Phyeics of the USSR Academy of Sciences the SBU-V (deaigned by G. L. Shnirman) and SD-1F (designed by N. Ye. Fedoaeyenko). The SBU-V seismometer. The deep-well vertical magnetoelectric SBU-V seismometer (a high-gain, vertical seismometer) is designed for recording the vertical component of the seismic oscillations in deep, specially equipped wells [59J. The general view of the seismometer without the pro- r.ective case is shown in Fig 1, a. In the upper part of the device there is an automation compartment which provides for performance of the instructions transmitted over the lagging cable from the control panel located on the surface. In the lower part of the device there is a pendulum compartment. The pendulum system (Fig 1, b) is in the form of the mass M and the extensir,n arms P1 and P2 on which the operat3ng coils K1 and K2 are fastened. The entire system is suspended on a cylindrical coil spring ii with zero length so that the axis of rotation of the pendulum and its center of gravity are in the same horizontal plane. On oacillation of the pendulum, the operating coils are shifted in the annular radial gaps of the two magnetic systems rigidly connected to the base of the instrument (not shown in the di.agram). The bnsic parameters of the seismometer ar.e as follows: coil resistance ; about 300 ohms, the oscillation period is regulated from 0.8 to 1.2 seconds, , the reduced length is 11+2 cm, the electromechanical constant is no less than 11 Webera/rad, the moment of inertia of the pendulum is 7�10'3 kg-m2, the sensitivity on a frequency of 2 hertz is 0.5 mv/micron, the damping is ~ 0.4, and the operating temperature range is from 0 to +80�C. The container insures a seal at a pressure to 20 MPa. The seismometer set includes the Eollowing: the seismometer itself, the grcund control panel, the feed unit and the connecting cable. The ground control p:inel permits remote realization of the following operations: locking and unloc:king of the F 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY aeismomeCer; awitching the ayatem on and off regulating the poeition of equllibrium of the pendulum; measurement of the natural oscillation period of the pendulum; feeding of the calibration pulae to the coils. The panel feed can be realized either from the 24 volt sCorage batteries or the 220 volt AC networic. Q Po n PL L.- Figure 1. SBU-V Seismometer - a-- General view with sutomation (1) and pendulum (2) compartnents; b-- schematic of the pendulum. Althoug}i the SBU-V seismometer is designed for stationary observations it is necessary to note that it has been used successfully for profiling, withstanding more than 500 cycles of unlocking, swinging and locking with- out any siEnificant failures. During the stationary observations the SBU-V seismometer can operate for years. In practice all of the station- - ary observations were performed by the SBU-V seismometer. 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 Fn[t nFFICIAL U5E ONLY 0-11~ Suigmometer. mhia seigmompter [571 is n dpvice with a magnetie cushion nnd zero redured lengCh. The eesting of the geiemometer and the dpvelopment of the rnntrol gystem for it Werp carripd out aieh the partici- pation of the authors of thfe paper. The serueeurp and the opergtittg princinle of the seigmometer are obvidug in Fig 2, e. Twn magneCg (stationary 6 and moving 3 distrit,itted on aprings of the membrene type il) are turned with the 1fke po1es c.vward each other. Thp moving magnet ig the pendulum of the neigmdgraph. In the gaps of the twn mxgnetir oyetmmg there are opergting coile: a eeationarp coi1 12 rigidiy connected to the housing nf the devir.e and located in the gap of the moving magnet, gnd the moving cdil 14 which ig fagtened tn the moving magnee and in the gap of the scationary magnet. The pendulum di the instrument (the moving magnet) is adjugted and euspended by using additinnal mngnets: asegsing 1 and suppnrting 2. T'hp insCrumenC is locked by pressing the pendulum into the exCreme loWer pnsttion Which ig realized resnotely uging a reversible electric r.wtor 15 fed a direct current from the day aurface. The basic parameters of the aeiateometer are a$ follas,ts: amplitude range of osCillations of the inner masg +S mm; damping 0.4; reaietance to the operacing coil 600, damping coil 400 ahms; the period of the latural vibrations is 1 second; the coefficient of elpctromechanical coupling of the nperacing coil is 1.2 volt-seeonds/cm. _ Fnr remote control of the epiemograph (the seiamometer) a control panel vae used ahich has been developed and manufactured by V. G. Katrenko. The panel is made up of four basic units: the pulse generator, stabilizer, pre-amplifier and switching devi:es (Fig 2, b). _ By using the panel it is posgible to feed a voltage to the electric mocor of the seismograph and tesc pulaes to the calibration coil of the pendulum, to switc}i the inpuc of the pre-amplifier and the operating coils of the pendulum, and to monitor the feed conditions. The pendulum is unlocked by (eeding a voltage to the electric motor 15 (Fig 2, a) Which drive$ the locking mechanism. When swinging the pendulura, its position is controlled by heteropolar adjugtable pulses generated by the pulae generator. '1'he pcriod of the seismogruph ia determined and regulated directly in the Well using a panel specially manuEactured for thia purpose. The electric ~ response oE the pendulum sys[em to the test pulse is amplified by the high-resistance DC amplifier and is fed to the nointing indicator. Afcer swinginR the pendulum and establishing the required period, the seismograph is saitched to the operating amplifier, and the control pulses are fed to the recorder tape. The amplitudes of the pulses of opoosite polarity taust be striccly the same in this case. The SD-lF device Which is structurally simple and easily controlled can be used successfully for deep-wellobserv,tions of the profiling type When multiple repetitions of the unlocking-Lvinging-locking cycle are required. 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOtt OFFICIAI. tI5E ONi.Y d nt /IJO /!!d' (2) dUI Ft 2T ~ /I!A t ~ f /Jlt irM e~ ~ 4/M 'ION � ( 3) ,41 (6) ~ L Figure 2. SD-1F Seiamomecer a general view: 1-- astaeing magnet, remotely controlled electric snotor, 2- aupporting magnet, 3-- principal magnet, 4-- magnetic circuit of the upper converter. S calibration coil, 6-- principal magnet of che los,rer converter, 7-- magnetic circuit of the las+er converter, 8-- houaing, 9-- guide rad, 10 eplit buehing for regulating the position of the supporting magnet, 11 diaphragm type springs, 12 operating coil, 13 nut for regulacing the position of the mag;-t and the magnetic circuit of the lower converter, 14 moving operating coil, 15 -!KH or MSV electric motor; b-- control panel electric circuit: 1-- pulee geaerator, 2-- stabilizer. 3 preamplifier. Key: 1. output; 2. Shl; 3. P3a, P3b; 4. IP1; S. Pr; 6. Knl. 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 Fdtt OFFtCIAL USL OAiI.Y It must be nneed Chae, nn the experience df 5 yeara of nbservaCinns has indicated, the sensieiviCy uf the exigCing eeismographs cannoe be cnnsidered ~ aufficient. For ground obsetwgtiong in the differenC-phaees of the resparch profile, semigCationary and etgtionary series geigmometerg di the SM-2M, N5p-2 end VEGIK type were ueed. Inasmuch ge all of them are manufgCtured in seriee, they gre deecribed in the literature (5), and they have long bpen widely ueed in seismic reaearch, their characCerieCica and parameeers are nat pre$ented. prdtective Housings and Clamping Deviceg. The protective houaing of the deep-well insCrument is deeigned to prnrect the elementg of the inetrument from the exCreme pnvironmenC. For boCh of the deep-well eeismomeCere the SBU-V and the SD-1F field protecCive housings were ueed which were rovered by plugg dn bnth ends. The upper plug or head of the protective - housing ig degigned td seal the hnueing, connect the ineCrument to the cable and place the electric leada connecCing the cable atrgnds Co the fngtrument circuitry in it. A specially developed standardized head wae used itt which conical insulatora with internal electric leada were inserted in the plug bridge. The inside volume of the head (just ae in the series SBU-V) wag filled with chemically neutral cagtor oil which preventg accees of water or drilling mud to the electric lead. The seal of the sciam(,graph housing was realized using rubber aealing rings. The lower plug of tlte preteceive houaing is deaigned only for aealing the housing. The protective housinge vith a universal head that Were uaed demonatrated good reliahility and dperation not only in the case of short-term but al8o long-tsrm atation- ary observations lasting several yeare. For the observations at any given depth and "disconnection" oE the device from the day surface (when it is necessaxy to slack the cable), a clamping device was used which serves simultaneously for rigid fastening of the seismometer to the well Walls. Out of the many types of existing clamping devices, a mechanical type unit vas selected as the simplest one, not requiring additional cable stranda. The basic part of the dc:vice is the spring (one or two springs, depending on the Weight of the Well unit) mechanically released on raising the device and holding it at the required depth. The displacement of the inetrument in the aell is from bottom to top in the closed position. Nith proper adjustment the unit opErates quite stably and reliably. 52. Preamplifiers In connection With the difficulty of improving the sensitivity of neei-well [ seismometers, it appeared expedient to amplify the electric signal directly at the point of installation of it for ahich a preamplifier Was installed. Thc folloWing basic requirements are imposed on the preamplifiere operating in drep aells and combined vith seismometers (the deep-s+ell preamplifier): a) minimum dimensions; b) low natural noiae level at operating tempereture; c) operating stability; d) feed econaay. 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY It ig necessary to note that the difficulties in using the exieting ampltfiere during etaCionary obeervatione at depthe of about 3000 metera and Cempergturee of nare ehan 100�C are determined primarily b y tihe temperature characterietice of the amplifiere and the natural noiee 1eve1. Severgl types of amplifipre were teeted in Che varioua gtggee of Che nbservations, in particuler, the K5E and Che RV3-T. Por obeervatione at low temperaturee (Co 50�C) correspoading to depthe of 1000 to 1300 metere, n preemplifier with negative feedback wae uepd ahich aae developed at the Earth Physice inetitute of the USSR Acgdemyr of Sciencee (Fig 3, a). The amnlifier hes the follmwing parametere: Input imppdance, kilohma about Noiee reduced to the input, microvolte no more than 0.5 T'rengmiesion coefficient with reepect Co voltage, Kn 200 Feed voltage, vo1Ce . 1.5 Intake current, mi111amps 0.5 Operating temperature range, �C from -15 Cn +45 Operating frequency range from 0.6 he;rtz to several kilohertz The circuit diagram of the preamplifier combined with the SBU-V aeiamometer is ehosm in Fig 3o b. Although the preamplifier itself itas small dimensiona, placement of it in the houeing of the seiemometer simultaneouely With the two Mare or Saturn type power aupplq elements has involved some structural changes. It aae inetalled in the lightnitig protection compartment, removing the diechargere. The duration of the continuoue etationary observatione by the deep-well seismometer with the praamplifier ie basically limited by the discharge time of the feed elemente and amounte to about 1 year. Then the iastrument must be lifted out of the aell and the power pack replaced. In order to avoid exceaeive lifting and loWering operations, a power pack has been developed which is placed in the eeiemometer and is fed from the gurface. The achematic diagram of the power pack is depicted in Fig 3, c. It ie a square-pulse generator assembled from txo traneistora. A 6-volt DC volt- age is fed frmn the surface, it ia converted by the generator to the high frequency equare voltage. On being picked up from the secondary aindinge of the Tr-1 tranaformer, it is rectified, filtered and fed to the pre- amplifier power supply circuit. The current intake by the unit is 10-13 milliampe. In order to avoid feeding high voltage to the power pack and preamplifier Erom the control panel of the SBU-V seismograph (as a result of which they _ can be put out of order), the RPS-20 type PO relay ie introduced into the c i r c u i t d ia g ram (Fig 3, b). Thia relay diaconnecte the power pack nnd the preamplifier input from the control lines during the operations of locking (unlocking) and sainging the pendulian of the aeismograph. 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 c~ ~1~ f~JA~~/ ~ b- ~ FOtt O"ICIAL USB ONLY . (3) -~se ~r,,.~ K6 A 166 (5) ftyd (14) xy /roK ~NM ~'Ilti,1 (7) i~ss t ! f t t~""'' (8) ' c , (1 3) 6 AM! i Af mme pi/t q,.ro.r~.nna /s,ner,re ' (12) xi' ~ ~ ( lOs ~+iw~r~tr j ~/~YAr ~iAONOIA~/~Af~ 11 ~ . Figure 3. Preamplifier a Rchematic diagram; b circuit diagram with SBU-V selemometer; c circuit diagram of the power pack Key: 1. input 7. cable atranda 2. output 8. armor 3. -1.5 volts 9. amplifier pover pack 4. +1.5 volts 10. P4 is located in the automation S. P416B compartment 6. C1500x6V 11. to thn automation compartment 12. 1.Dr2, kDr3, common 13. -1.5 volta 14. conmon 15. +1.5 volts 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFICIaL USL ONLY The pincpment of the preampiifier directly at the observgtion point permitg the ereneroteeion of a sufficiently ampiified signal over thd cable Co Che Aurface nnd eC Che same time makee iC poaeible to decreaee the electrical inductione significnntly and increaee Che eena3Civity of the equipment. 93. Amplifying and Itecording Unit The elpctric signal of the seimometQr amp,l3fied at the obaervaCion point by g preamplifier is fed over the KBG-6 or KSB-6 logging cable from the borehole eo the dmplifying recording equipment. beviceg develdped at the Earth Physics Inetitute of the US5R Academy of Sciences were used gs the power emplifiere in the different observation etagea. The recording was done by the RV3-T type visible recorders [1]. Standard pen recordera were connected aC the output of the device. . In pgrallel With the visible recording by the pen recordera at some of the obaervaCion points a recording was made by a ChISS frequency eelection seiemic station with octave filtere (the reaonance frequenciee of the filtere Were 1.4, 2.8, 5.6, end 11 hertz). The recording Was made on photographic paper using tha RS-II recorder. The block diagram of the seismic recording channel and frequency characterieCice are ehown in Fig 4. At the automation etatione included in the teet area, the recording wae made by a radiotelemetric unit which is deacribed in Chapter III. The control of the amplificat~!on and etability of the characteriatice of the deep-well seismic channels Waa carried out ueing the calibration aignal of the constant amplitude magnetic generator (MGPA). Thus, the situation with inatrument aupport of deep-Well aeismology is r,s folloWg: 1. The exieting seta of equipment for thq aeismic obsetvations in deep ' wella normally operate at temperaturea to 50�C Which in the vicinity of Alma-Ata correeponde to deptha of 1200-1300 meters. 2. The uae of a preamplifier directly at the point of inerallation of the eeiamometer in the well easentially increasee the uaeful seneitivity of the equipment. 3. The eensitivity of the deep-Well eeismometer is inaufficient for observation in deep wells. For profile well observations it is expedt.ent to uge the SD-1F seismometera diatinguiehed by simplicxty of control,-and for prolonged atationary meaeurementa, the SBU-8 aeiemometers ahich are atable and reliable in operation. 13 FOR OPPICZAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 xi I ~y UAivNy /.'ep0n0- ~ (c)` i ~ , - -Y ParutmAamo' (d) ~ Nu,v . 4 N,..,~ (1) 0 ~ ~ j ~ ( f ) ! (k) ~ ~LMO ~ lhlA Nllti ,vp l , ~u~ntA~ ~ a , ' b ! ~ ~ r t 0 ~ i . ; i V ~ ! ^_7 - ( n.aoNO~eM,ow I BAOK ~i~ ~ ~ ~an~mPad ~ (h) 4j /,0 r 0 IO f,rq (m) Figure 4. Seismic Channel a-- block diagrani; b-- frequency characteristics of the seismometer (1), the amplifying and recording channel (2), the entire channel (3) and the reproduction fitters of the ChISS [frequency seIection eeismic atationj (4) Key: a. Chronometer h. Filter unit b. Terminal amplifier i. Galvanometere c. Pen recorder J. ChISS (frequency selection seismic d. P.ecorder atation) e. Contrul panel k. Seismograph f. Borehole or Well 1. Preamplifier g. F.lectric power supply m. f, hertz 14 FOR OPFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFF'ICIAL U8E ONLY 4. For the further development of deep-well aeiamology it ie necasaary to improve the deep-well equipment. The basic aregs here are the following _ devplopmente: a) eingle component and tripie component deep-we11 aeismometere with a naCural oscillation period of 5 seconde, the seneitivity of which ie 20-40 timee greeter than the pxiating ane; b) amplifiers with 1ow noiee 1eve1 and Channel multiplexing equipmenC for Crangmiee3on of informatinn from rhe well over the small-core cabiej c) vers3ons of the deep-well equipment with thermal etability to 120�C. 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOIt OFFYC2AL USE ONLY CHAPTER II. SENSITIVITY OF DEEP-!1ELL OBSERVATIONS AND STRUCTURL OF THE SEISMOGRAMS At ehe presenC time the operations with respect to increaeing the seneitivity of geiemic operatione are developing in two areae. The firet of them ie connected with wave selection by ~jrtain parametera characterizing the wave field. Here, in addition to ::he traditional wave seleceion with respect to frequeacy, the weve selection with respect to the direction of propagation and velocity ie acquiring more and mnre eignifi- a cance in recent timea. In procedural reapecta it ie connected aith groupa uf aeiemographe located along the line or on the observation plane. In addition, wave eelection with respect to the polarization attribute (the polar�zation filtration) has developed which is based on wave eeparetion at the point with respect to the direction of motion or with respect to the - nature of the trajectory of motion of the particlea of the medium. The sensitivity increases aignificantly on combination of both types of wave aelection with respect to direction of propagation and polarization of the waves [16]. The aecond area is based on the remnval from the eurface, that is, ehe observatione in the welle [17). In each apecific eituation, depending on the goals of the reaearch, the nature of the wave interference end obeerva- tion conditiona, different methoda of improving the ueeful aenaitivi!y or - combinatione of them can be selected. When atudying the eeiamic characterietica of large industrial centera, the - epecific obeervation conditions greatly coniplicate and aometimes exclude the poasibilitiea of uaing the methods based on wave selection With respect to direction of propagation. At the same time, the wave interference primarily made up of surface wavea gives rise to effectivenese of the second area. Therefore when atudying the seismic characteristics of local sectiona of large induatriAl centere the aeismic observations in boreholes acquire special interest. 'i'his chapter diacusaea thie area. Let us characterize the state of the art with respect to the available published data and thus describe the experimental studies performed by the Earth Phyaice Inatitute of the USSR Academy of Sciences in velle drilled 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOtt OFFICIAL USE ONLY .A to a dcpth of 3000 mntera baeically in terrigenic depogita and located in nrnna with fiigh (Almn-Atn, 'Cnahkent) nnd low (rhe viiinge oF Chi11k) noiee levele and also in ahallow (to 100 meters) we11s revealing the cryeta111nf fnundetion. When egkimating Che aensitiviCy of the equipment ir is neceesary firet of a11 to diecover the laws of variation with dppth of the level of aeiemic noise end useful signal. The variation in noiae level with depth was inveatigaCed by Che meChod of verrical seismic profiling (VSP) (15). Kowever, the background interference not only changea with depeh, but it is also characterized by great variabil- iCy in time. in order to etudy Che time igwa, long-Cerm gemietationary and stationary observations were performed in the wells. buring these observations a large number of differenC earthquakes Were recorded in a number of we11s at different depthe. The performed observations made it poseible to eatimate the poasible gain in sensitivity during the deep-well observations and also to comgare the shape of the recording of individual wells and the atructure of seiemograme obtained at different depths and on the day aurface. 41. State of the Art with Respect to Seismological Observatione in Boreholea (Brief Survey of Published Data) In the last 20 to 25 years studte$ were made abroad (especially in the United Statea and Japan) with reepect to the development of seismologic observations in wells. Sets of deep-well equipment were developed, and studies were made in areag of different structure in the depths range from several tens to 6000 meters. It is necessary to note that in the publiahed materials the data on poseible gain in aensitivity of the equipment are presented only in some of the firat papers; primary attention in the majority of the papera has been given to the Wave interference characteriatics and a discussion of their nature. One of the firat papers on estimating the poasibility of increasing the sensitivity of the equipment during recordinga in wells muat be considered to be the experiment of (80) performed to isolate wavea reflected from the Mohorovichich surface. The observations performed in three boreholea at depttia oE 1000 meters demonstrated that the natural noise background at the surface is appreciably greater than at depth. Thus, whereae on the surface the noiae level reached 40 microvolts, at a depth of 1000 meters it was about 4 microvolts, and in one of the wells it was 1 microvolt and did not differ from the natural noise of the amplifier. The fact of a decreased noise level With depth indicated the important role of the Rayleigh wavea in surface noiae. The resulta of theae observations have conEirmed the theoretical propoaition of the posaibility of increasing the sensitivity of the equipment by b uryiag the aeismograph. 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The seigmological observatione in wella began to develop quickly at the end of the 1950's. This wae promoted to a;raat extent by the epecial studies to compare the recording additi.ona tn cased and uncased wella, which demonetrated that undel the condition of a we11-cemented well and a reliably clamped seiemograph the recordinge in' the frequency range of 15-70 hertz were not diatorted by the effece of the casing (71). The compleCe identicelness of the recordings 3n the cased and uncased wells wag also proved and, at the eame time it wae demonetrated that the cased we11s cemented to the head did not dietort the recordinga in the frequency range from 1 to 10 hertz. Theee resulte greatly aimplified further studies, for the recording in an open well ie always fraught with the danger of losing the aeismogreph and failure of the well iteelf. Eor convenience of inveetigation, all of the borehole obaervatione can be prnvisionally divided into three groups: observations in shgllow welle (to 100 meters) (66, 77, and ao on], medium-deep welle (to 600 metere) [77, 78, and so on), and deep wells (more than 600 metera) [64, 70, 72-75, and so on]. The drilling of ahallow we11s ie appreciably cheaper and observntiori eimpler in connection with which the evaluation of the feasi- bility of increa8ing the sensitivity here is of special interesC. The observaGions in deep welle aLe coupled with great technical difficulties caused by increased presaure and temperature. Let us present the basic observation results. bbservationa in Shallow and Medium-Deep Wells. The moet cotaplete atudies of noise in shallow wells are preeented in reference (66), which permitted its authora to formulate certain concluaiona. Apache Well (Oklahoma). This area is one of the "quietest" placea in the continental United States. The depth of the borehole is 18.3 metera. The weatttering zone ia very thin, and the ground seismometers were inatalled directly on limeatone. The background in the period range of 0.3-1.4 aeconds is made up almost completely of oscillations with a neriod of 0.5 aeconds; the 0.5-second apectral peak ha8 a mean amplitude of about 0.2 nm2/hertz. On a still day no signiEicant difference was observed between the noise level on the surface and in the well. The probability of the occurrence of a bnckground of the given or smaller amplitude is illuatrated in Fig 5, a t)y which the decrease in noise level connected with wind at a depth of 18.3 metere is obvious. From the histograms of noise of different periods on a still day with a aind velocity of 20-40 km/hr it followa that the noise is repreaen[ed basically by oscillations With a period of 0.5 seconds; the insigniEicant predominance of the long-period component in the borehole by comparison with the surface is noticeable. The depth of the borehole is insufficient for complete disappearance of the aind noiae. Wichimo Mountain Well. The surface and deep-aell seismographs Were installed on bedrock (granite). On a still day the background interference level on the surface differe little from the background interference level in the borehole. During windy weather with a wind velocity of 30 km/hr at depths 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY i I D M 04 0410 e+1 ~ v ~ g O Q pa ~ O 4C p; � s} M 3 ~ ~ or J a ~ w ' u tl . S v ~r.r1 ~ 1 ~ o ~s--� ~ N ~ ~ v . s ��S . e ~ '+,''0 4 Z N ~ c ^ ! ~ a ~ V ~ YM 1 ~1 b ~ . v V ~ Z M 14 a ~~a O z .~L ~ . v1 R) Cl ~ L 14 ~ ti -w W 'I"1 ~1, W r4 1 ~ ~ w N O ~ w 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY r APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOtt OFFIC2AL USE ONLY . [Legend and key �or Fig 5, pxeceding page] a-- probability of occurrence and percenCage content of noiae in the period range of 0.3-1.4 seconds at the surface and at a depth of 18.3 m (Apaahe, Oklahoma): 1-- etiill day, aurfaae and a depth of 18.3 metera, 2-- wind velocity 20-40 km/hour, depth 18.3 meters, 3-- wind velocity 20-40 lc.m/hr, surface; b-- energy epectra of the noise in the Pinedale well (Wyoming) on the surface (1) and at a depth of 32 meCere (2) and in the Winner well (South Dakota) aC night (3) and in the daytime (4); c-- amplitude ratios of the noise shifts in the we11 at different depChs and on the aurface (Japan) for different frequency intervals (1, 2-- horizontal componenta, 3-- vertical component). Key: 1. nm2/hertz 2. 1`, sec - 3. X, nm 4. f, hertz ~ of 61-36 meters, no wind interference wae detected; at a depth of 18 m only an inaignificant part of the background is connected with wind. Pinedale Well (Wyoming). A well 61 meters deep waa drilled in shaly clay having a longitudinal wave velocity on the bottom of Vpl3.0 km/eec. On a still day the background level with respect to SOX probability level decreased with depth and at the bottom was 0.7 of the aurface value. The amplitude of the useful aignal at the same depth decreased to 0.9 of the surface amplitude. Table 1 shows the results obtained when analyzing the recording at different deptha. At a depth of 61 metera the noise connected with wind is not obaerved in practice. The peak in the borehole noise epectrum (Fig 5, b) between 0.7 And 0.4 seconds is caused by the fact that the noise connected with wind doea not diminish at this shallow depth. Table 1 V~ noe (3) C~cea~cNNe a~, ~ I ( y' 0) A cKe I 'xM H, u A /A cKS noe 2 - (4) ks) (6) 0-8 2,5 ' 2.0 32 ' 0'8 35-50 6,5 � 2,8 . 32 0.43 0-8 2.7 2,0 48 0074 . 30-35 4,0 2,3 81 ' 0.58 50-80 8,8 2,3 81 0,34 Key: 1. V, km/hr; 2. Aaurfa , nD; 3. borehole; 4. Aborehole' - 5. H, m; 6. Aborehole~~surface 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Winner Well (Soueh Dakota). The level of microseiemic background in thia area is very high 26 nm; Chexefore the "wind" background is not isolated on the surface recordinga. The decrease in background wtth depth takee place on the average from 20 rnn at the eurface to 16 nm at a depth of 56 metera and 5 nm at a depCh of 302 meterr,. The mean amplitude of the signal at a depth of 302 meCera was 0.33 nf the eurface amplitude, and therefore the aignal/background ratio increased by only 1.9 timea. The peak at 0.35 aeconda at night (Ffg 5, b) ia appreciably leas than'in the dayl:ime, and thts indicates the "cultural" origin of the background. In the opinion of the author of reference [66], a reduction in background level with removal from the surface is explained by a decrease in intensity of both aurface wavea and volumetric waves. Ttke decrease in amplltudes of the surface wavea in the presence of a low velocity zone takes placea eapecially rarely. The decrease in the noise with depths, which is especially faet in the upper part of the section, is also cauaed by a decrease in the noiae of "wind" origin. Tolcyo Meteorological Institute [78]. When studying noise at depths of 10, 20, 50, 100, 150, and 200 metera the following resulta are obtained, 1. The decrease in noise level is more significant for nigh frequencies, which is obvious from Fig 5, c. The noise amplitude ratios in the well and at the aurface for different frequency intervals are indicated. For example, for a depth of 50 meters (vertical component) the noiae amplitude ratio in the well and at the aurface is about 0.05 in the frequency range of 6.3-10 hertz. 2. The low-frequency noise amplitudes (less than 0.5 hertz) decrease weakly with depth. 3. Significant improvement of the signal-noise ratio is achieved at a ~ depth of 50 meters. In general the optimal depth depends on the geological structure,andfor each area it must be determined experimentally. 4. The noise connected with a passing series of transport vehicles or with falling of heavy weighta ia not sensed by the borehole instrument even at a depth of 50 meters. In reference [17) a description is presented of the observations in bore- holes 64 meters deep (Nokogiriyama) and 380 meters deep (Hongo) performed to increase the signal/noise ratio when recording microearthquakes in a frequency range of 5-100 hertz. The noise ratio at the surface to the noise in the well 64 meters deep is equal to two, and in a well 380 m deep, 10. The signal/noise ratio at a depth of 64 meters is only somewhat greater than on the surface, and at a depth oE 380 neters, three times greater. The useful signr,ls are recorded more clearly in the boreholes; therefore it is expediem. to obaerve microearthquakes in the we11 even if it is not very deep. 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 1Ott AFFICiAL USB ONLY nbservations in neep We11s. A detailed gnalyeis of Che observgtion materinls in Chree deep wplla is pregented in reference 165j. Grapevine Weil (T'pxae). Thp Clrapevinp iie11 is 3040 neeers dpep, iC is cased, and the cement ie raieed 304 meCers from the bottom. '1'he noiee characteristic in the weil is ehovn in Fig 6, a. The curve for the decregse in nnise amplitudp dppth ig constructed aith reepect to the 502 probability level. The greater pare of the noire in itt the period range of 0.3-0.6 eeconds. The noige decreaspe rapidly With depth and approgches a coneCant value of 1.5 nm; thie is caused, in the opinion nf thp author, by the volumetric wavee, ehe noige 1eve1 from which, in cuntrast to the surfgce waveg, doeg not change vith depth. The Hobnrt Well (Oklshona) is about 3000 metere deep, it is caeed. and the rement ia reieed 304 matore fran the bottom. With respect to the noiae variation curve With depth (Fig 6, b) it is obvious that to a depth of 2130 meters the iaw of vgriation of the noiee amplitude is the same ae in thp Grapevine We11, which indicaCee the eame type cf wsve. Lcnier down, the noise level again begine to increase. This depth corregponde to the low-velocity layer, and tfie increage in noiae lavel can be connectpd With kave guide phenomena. Orlnndn Well (Florida). The Orlando tiell (Florida) is 2080 meters deep, it - is cased and cemented 945 meters from rhe bottom. The surEgce noise is - highly unetable ee a reeult of law-f requency interference (0.3-0.5 eec) comiected with the tictivity of tnan. At depth the long-period noiee pre- dominates (0.8-1.5 eeconds). Along the curve (Pig 6, b) the noise varia- ~ tlons aith depth coristructed by the 50% probability level it is obvioue that the noise decrease corresponda to the damping of primary mode of th8 ?tayleigh Waves. A aharp improvement of the eignal/noise ratio for high- frequency signals is a characteristic feature; the high-frequencynoiee almoat completely disappeare at a depth of 1975 meters. In the opinion of the author of (65], obeervations in three welle demon- strated the following: 1) The noise level decreases vith depth; the degree of the decrease depende on the frequency and the eeiamogeological charecterietic of the section; 7) The amplitudes of the useful aignal decrease aith depth aed reach a minimum at a depth equal to half the aavelength reflected from che surface; 3) The Rayleigh vaves predominate in the noise; 4) The recording divisions in each aell are different, and the estimation of the gain in sensitivicy for each of thera must be especielly determined. In general, the submersion of the seismographa will perroit us to obtain a signal/noiae ratio of the same order as in the "quietest" continental areas. 22 fOR OFFICIAL IISE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOtt OFFICIAL URg nNLY t0 ~ 0 \Y 41 J t ! ~7 ST ~r ~e . ~T ' ~i 4.01 Figure 6. ttoiAe in Deep Nellg a-- probability of oecurrpnce of noiae gnd vdridtivn nf it vith dhpth in the Grapevine Well (rexae) in the period rgngp of , 0.3-1.3 seconds: 0-- eurface, 1-- 0.2, 2-- 0.5, 3-- 0.6, 4-- 1.3, 5-- 1.80 6-- 2.4, 7-- 3.0 km. Curvp I age conetructed for a predominant period of 0.3 eeconds; b-- the abeolute and relative noiep amplitudpe in the Nobart Weli (Oklahoma) (rurve 1) and the Orlando Nell (Floride) (curve 2). The numbera at the dote are the predominant periodg. Key: 1. X, nm 2. Arelative Nature of the Noise. If the lave of variation of the noige level in the aell accnrding to the data of vArious euthorg agree among egch other, then the opinions of the authors diverge in the problem of the nature nf the noise. In eome papera (64, 74, 751 the noise is interpreted as a combina- tion of different modea of the Rayleigh wave, in (691 and other papere the basic propertiee of noise are explained from the point of vies+ of the stationary compresaion vaves. In reference (67) uhere the results of many years of etudying the noise background in the vells with different geological atructure are suoaaed up, the nature af the seismic noise is explained as a mixcure oE volumetric and surface vaves. Defined combinations of different typea of Wavee correspond to different period ranges. Thus, the ratiog of the noiae epectra at the gurface and at a depth of 5200 meters and also the cheoretical curves of the firet three Rayleigh aades and P-wavee for normal anglee of incidence for the Fort Stockton Well (Texas) permit the author to coneider that the cauee of the noise in the aell can be the 23 FOR OPFICIAL USE ONLY h APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 v 1 Z  I% MI APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFfGtAt, USB ONLY presence of different cypee of aavea in ehe adjacene period rgnges and aloo the presence of Love aaves. 'Phe regultg obtatned in ehe pinedgle Nel1 (Wyoming) are expiained bese of ail by e combination of P-+wavee and the basic ttnylRigh mode. For the ApaChe Ne11 (Oklahoma) thc experimentel empiitude-depCh ratios in the perind range of 2.0-0.8 seconde agree ae11 aith ehe theoretical eurves and the P-Wavee in the Rayieigh tcode. '1'hp gutocorreiation analynir of the reeordings after digitai fiitration performed to separate these t`o casrg demonstrated thgt the noise ie made up of surfece aeveA. 'Phe noise in the peridd renge of 0.8-0.3 eecond� ie uauaily connected vith regpect to its nature to the cioseness of populgted placer and their greater "cultural" , gctivity. Thp noise spectra for the Qrapevine Wali located near the lgrge indugtrial center of Daligs, Texas, are characterizpd by a vaet decreage in noise vith depth ahich ie determinpd by the primry Etayleigh mode. At depehe Where the ampiitudp of the primgry mode ia email, the aeplltude- depeh ratio cgn be expiained either by a combination of higher mndes ar by voluroetric aavpe gnd interference of tao typee of vaves. Reference 1821 containe a degcription of the obgervatioris in the Crepevine Nell perfonapd eimultaneously by four three-component devices loceced at depthg of 139, 1062, 1951 and 2885 metere. The reeulta obtained confitm the fact thet the selemic noise is mde up of a eet of Reyleigh aeve modee, but, in addition, different Love vave modee are alao present. The volu- metric vavee aere not dptected in the areA ahich is connected aith the pre$ence of a high level of "cultural" noiee. It ie noted that ie the areas Whpre thpre is no high 1eve1 of "cultural" noiee. the volumptric Wevee make a eignificant contribution to the eeisraic noiee. In eddition to thp above-noted baeic wotks, others [72, 73, 79] are knovn in ahich atudies aere made of the seismic noise and its nature. A8 a result of analyzing the-publiahed papere it ie possible to draw the follnwing conclueiona. The noise level decreasee aith deptha; at great deptha the differencee in noise intensity for different areae and veriability of noise aith time aithin the limita of one section are appreciebly lees than on the day surface. The degree of decreaee in noise with depth for different areas is differpnt end depende on the frequency and the aeismogeological characterietic of the section. The fastest decreaee in noise irith depth !e obgerved in the areas With a high level of "cultural" noise. Por losr- noise areas, the decrease in noise aith depth is observed only for the high-frequeney cotoponenta of the epectrum. In the individual eectiona of thp vell egainet a background of general decrease in noiee, local buildup of che noise can be obeerved connected with the vaveguide phenonena. The aignal level decreases With depth and reaches a minimum at a depth equal co half the uave length. 1("Cultural" is ueed throu hout to refer to noise geaerated by eepecially ae in ci[iea.# 24 FOR OFFICLAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOtt OFFICIAL U5K ONLY Usefui SQasietvity af ehp Bnrehole 3eaeidns. This indpx must be specially pseimnted. Thp grhatest ggtn can be obteieed in areas with high graund ndise levpl. In g11 cases the eubmergion of the seismograph makea it poaaible eo obCain asignal/noise ratio of the eamp order ae for ground observaeione under ehe moat fgvorable conditions. The gignal/noige ratio at a depth of 100 meters increaeeg by 3-4 timee for frequencieg of 2-10 herta. The number of igolated earehquakes in the prpgpnce of borehole observacions increases by 2.2 timeg. 11 The appliaation af complex vereical oygtem ia effective only fdr arean - with a high level of ground noise and ashgrp decreaee in them with depeh. Here the signal/noiee ratio cen reach vgluea of 15-25 decibele. 42. tavs of Variation of Noiee tevel with Depth - 'Che obgervationg Were perfermed by the VSP Cverttcal eeiamic profiling] methnd in Wells loCgted in different grege with respect to noige level. "fhe Tdghkent and Alma-Ata Ne11e are located under cond!tione of high ground noise lpvpl conneeted with the vital activity of large indugtrial centere. In rhe Novo-A1ekseyevekaya Well the high noiee level ig connected with a concentreted gdurce lOCdted nearby (the building mnterigle combine) gnd the Chilik iJp11 ig located under high noise level conditione. Obgervatfone in Largp induetrial Centere. Taehkent. Thie borehole is designed epecially for geoprygicaY measurements and it was drilled in 1968. It revealed Quaternary, Neogenic, Paleogenic, Cretaceous and Triaseic- Juragaic deposit8 and WQnt into the Peleoaoic at a dQpth of about 2400 m. The bagic obaprvations aere performed in June and October of 1970. The reaultg of the observationa of different eeries egree with p8Cf1 other. According to the grephs of the variation of maximum noise amplitudes with depths (Fig 7, a) it le obvious that on che day eurface che noise level is very high and fluctuaceg at different timee of day with brnsd limits. Nheress in the daytimp (the dntted eurvee) at night ~ (the solid curves) it ig a total of 80 cm. Nith an increase in depth, the intprferpnce background diminieheg. The sherpest decrease in noiee level is observed in the upper part of the gection. At a depth of 350-400 meterg the noiee level already decreasee by approximately 1-1/2 ordere. At greater deptti the decrease in noiae takes place appreciably more elowly. In the depth rangh of 400-1000 metere the incerference background diminiahes on the average anty by 2 timea. tn the depth range from 1000 to 1800-1900 meters, a total oE tvo series of observations Were made at different timea. The inteti-ference level decreases still more slovly here, and at maximum depths nt night it is 2.5-3.0 and 9-10 nm. 25 FOR OPPICYAL U5B ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOIt OFFICIAL U3E ONLY ~ ~ r r ti - ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~+t ~ a e ~ ~ : . ~ : ~ ~ � 26 FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY a 0 0 w u ttl d ~ a r. ~ ~ 't! H ~ O ..~R . ~ N ~ 00 a~~p N ~ ~ 01M.q Ir u ~ u ~ dM O O V N OkQ O ~ O Vl vvM " 0 v d~ato u ~ v aai~t`ok co d ~ w ro~ w u CI a~ 41 aaod w a �1. aai u H CI ~p ~0 w do ~ . N V u ~ ~ w w m K i d .e � A a+ .-4 AL / APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFICIAI. USg ONLY A gtab1e differencp ig obeerted in the noise backgrdund ieve1 gti nfght and in the dgytimp.. On the day suxfece the noiee baekgraund 1eve1 in the daytime can be an order higher rhan at night. Wirh an inereaee in depth this difterence diminiehee, gnd in the depth range of 300-1000 metera the ratio of the background noiee 1eve1 on the average in two. 'Che noise beckground both on the day eurfgce and at interngl pointa of the medium aas obgerved ae night on a holiday. For thie aeries gignificantly amaller decregge in noise ampiicude aith depth in character- istic ttian for the nthpr nighttime obgervation gprien. For cdmpariaon with the background amplitudee on the eurface and 3n depthg synchronoug recordinge were mede of the borehole and ground seiemographg. The varigtione in background ratio on the surface and at depth ere pre- apnted in Fig 7, b. Por the day geriee the raeio in the upper part of the seceion incrpagee sharply at first. Thua, in the depeh renge of 0-200 m it varieg by morp than an order. Nith a further increaee in depth it greag aignifiCantly mnre gloWly, and in the 200-1000 meter rgnge it triplee in n11. At night the ratio of the noige amplitude in the aell end on the surfece in the upper part of the sectiori increaaes more elowly, end the velue of ten ig regched only at a depth of about 400 metere. At greater depths the "night" and "day" graphA coincide. The Sunday obgervatinn series for Which minimum noiee amplitude ratioa are characteristic constituteg en exCeption. At a depth of 1000 meters this ratio is 14, at the eamp time as for the remaining series it ie 50. A comparigon of the graphs constructed with reappct to the maximum ampli- tude level and With respect to the avetege maximmn amplitudeg indicatee that the average values are smaller than the maximum values for approx- imately 20-302. The predominent interference aave periods on the day aurface amount to abouc 0.2 seconde. At the internal points of the medium g]ready beginning at SO meters, the perioda are equal to 0.3 eecondg, and they vary very slowly Wi[h depth. At night the predominant noise period is eomewhat greater than in the daytitae. Alma-Ata. A aell 2000 meters deep Wan drilled in the terrigenic coaraely claecic depeeits for ahich continuoue increeae in velocity aith depth ia chnracteristic. In the upper pert thia groath tAkea plece nwre eharply, and with depth, the velocity buildup gradient decreaees. The curves for the amplitude variation in the depth range of 0-950 meters for three day- time observation aeries and four nighttime aeries (Fig 8, a) indicate that the obaervationa of the different eeriea egree aell with each other, grouping quite narroar bands into tRro: day and night. The interference backgreund in the daytime and at night differe on the everage by two timee, nnd the neture of the aaiplitude decreaee aith depth is approximately the 27 FOR OFFICIAL USS ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FoR o"Ictnr. usE orn.Y gamh. Zn the upper pare of the seeeion (50-250 meeera) a sharp decreage in noiae wirh depeh in nbnervedt the noise gmplieude decreaees at night in praeeice by en order (frdm 270 to 25 nm), and in the daytime by g haiforder (from 220 to 40 nm). in thp depth range of 250-950 meCere the noise ampiitude decreaaee a totai o! 3-3.5 timQe (from 40 to 13 nm in thp daytime and from 25 to 7 mn at eight). The staeiaeical processing of the 10-eecond noiae recording ineerval of _ the daytime serieg made it pasaible to coneCrueti the prabability curves for ehe occurrence of noise of given or loapr ampiirude (Pig 80 b). By rhe Gurvea it i8 obvieug thae, for example, at a depth of 150 metera the probability of occurrence of noise aith en amplitude of 40 nm and 1esa ie 60%. At a depth of 850 meters it ie pooeible to expecC Q ehift of 8 nm or laeg with the eame probability of 602. For the aame dapth the = probability that the background amplitude aili not exceed 17-18 nm wili bp pqual to 100X. For compgrison, in the same figure the dara ate part of the curve obtainpd in the f;repevine We11 (Texas, U3A) in ahich a very large volume of aork wes done to study noige. Comparieon ehowe that on the rurface the noise ievel in Almg-Atg in eeAentially higher t1tan in the Grapevine Well. Thue, +ahereae the probability of the occurrence of noise with an amplitude of 100 nm .,r legs in Alma-Ata at a depth af SO metere ia 15%, nn Che eurface of thp Grapevine Well it is more than 90%. At the eame time at a depth of 650 metere the probability curvee ditfer ie practice 1itt1e. The difference in intarference levels nbviouely ie explained by the fact that the Crapevine Well, in contraet to the Alma-Ata Well, ie a distance of abaut 50 km from a large city (Dallae). The curve for the noise amplitude as a function of depth for the day eeriea of obeervatior.s in the Crgpevine We11 congtructed aith reapect to the SOX probgbillty level (the heavy line atth circles in Pig 8, a) lies in the regioe of the "night eerieg" of observationa in the Alma-Ata i1e11. From che graphs of the noise apectra at different depths (Pig 8, c) it is obvioug that maximwa noise amplitude both at the day eurface and at greater depthe correepond to the long-period caoponenta of the spectrum. In the frequency band from 0.2 to 0.8 hertz the nature of the decrease in noise aith an increaee in frequency at the day surface and at depth ig identicnl. At a frequency of 0.8 herez the noise level at the day eurfece aill be 0.08 nm. The noise level at a depth of SSO meters in this frequency range is approximately an order loWer than on the daq eurface. Beginning aith 1 and up to 4 hertz, the neture of the decrease in noise variee shnrply. At the day surface ngeinet a background of sharp peaks, aome increase in noise level fs observed at the eame time ae at a depth of H=SSO meters.the noise level decreasee, but this decreaBe takes place eppreciably more eloWly than in the low-frequency range. In the 5-7 hertz band, the noise amplitude at a depth of 550 metera is 40 times lees than at the day aurface. Por the entire imreatigated frequency range the retio of the apectra at a depth of N-950 meters and at the eurface (Fig 8, c) . M FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 I FOIt OFFICIAL USg ONi.Y f~ io 1ean than one. "Che raeid becomea minimal in the 1*7-2.7 hertz band. 'Che neture of the decreaso in noise on frequencipe in the range of 0.2 Cn 1.0 hertz permite tfip coneideration thae the basic moden of the Rayieigh waves predaminat@ here. In the higher frequency band the noiae can be reprenented by a combieation of baeic, firat and gomet3mes second _ Rayleigh moden and tfie volumetric waves. Inaemuch an the well in lacnted directly an the edge of euch a large eity as Alma-ACa, the nuige ean be expiained primarily by the "culturgl" activity of the . ciey. Observationg in Arpag with Loot Level Nttgp gt UepChs of 300 and 600 Meters. 7'he observations in we11s severel hundreds of metera deep are of grpat interest. Thie ie explained by the fact that the we11e gre aleo compara- tively cheaper and can be driiled by portable drilling rigs. In gddition, i frdm the technical point of viea the obeervatione at thpge depths gre appreciabiy eagier and equipment is appreciably eimpler. At the eame time, ng xae demoneeratpd, the eharpeet decreaee in beckground occure in the - upper pgrt nf the eection. The pnggibilities ot the observatione ere eetimated by the materialg obtained in the Chilik borehole. In contreat to the Tashkent and the Alma-Ata We11s, the Chilik We11 is located at a gignificant distarce Erom the large citieg which cauees apprpciably emaller background of the above- ground interference and permitn synchronoim observgtione on the day surface and in the well. The Chilik Flell, the depth of Which ig 600 metera, is located on the edge of the rayon center of Alma-Ata Oblagt aith the same name approximately 100 km east of Alica-Ata. in geological reapects this area differs from the previougly investigaeed onee by leee thicknees of the gedimentary depogite Which reach a total of 1350 metera here and are represented, just as in Almn-Ata, by terrigenic coarsely claetic rock. The vertical seismic pro- filing by individual eeriee in the day and night with a step of SO meters over the entire depth interval uade it possible te obtain the curves for the vnriation of the noiae amplitudee for tao night and txo day seriea (see Fig 8, a). In the daytime the noiee level quickly decreasee aitli depth, nnd at 100 meters it is en order loaer than on the surface, gnd at 300 mptera, 20 times loo+er. In the range from 300 co 600 metera the noise amplitudes are cut approximately in half. At night the noiee background on the day surface is essencially 1oWer than in the daytime, and it decreases aich depth more slovly than in the daytime. Thus, at a depth of 300 metera the noiAe background 18 3 to 4 times less than on the day 9urface. The predominant-noi9e frequency on the recordinge obtained on the surface is abouc 3 hertz; at a depth of 600 meters it decreaaes to 2.5 hertz. The apectral analyeis shoWS (Fig 8, c) thac the nature of the epectral curveg for the Chilik Nell is analogous to the same curves for the Alma-Ata iJell. 29 FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR 0FFICIAL t15B ONLY . ~ � ~3~ . . M b 1 1I ~I !r !0/ X N~r~ ~ ~ 1.00.0=0 o pr N a a a ii . . i ~ ~A . 1AV (3) 1N X, NM l/y ~Owt~~ 1V1/ 'ay Figure 8. Noise background at night (solid line) and in the daytime (dotted line) in the Welle of Alma-Ata and Chilik g-- noiae amplitude ag a function of depth for the Alaia-Ata and Chilik Wells; b-- probebility curves of the occurrfnce of noise of the given or lower amplitude at depths of 1-- 850 metera, 2-- 750 metere, 3-- 650 metere, 4-- 500 metera, S-- 450 m, 6-- 300 metere, 7-- 150 metere and 8-- SO meters in the Alma-Ata upll. The dotted curves are the data on the Crapevine Well (Texas) for a depth of 650 metere (the circle) and the surface (croegea); Key: 1. Alma-Ate 2. Chilik 3. X. nm 30 FOR OPPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOtt nFFICtAL USE ONLY c ` . 1i 0 0 A  Figure 8 (continued) c apectra and spectral ratio at depths of 1-- 50, 2-- SSO, 3-- 950 meters for the Alma-Ata Well and 4-- surface, S, 6-- 600 metera for the Chilik SJell. Key: 1. f, hertz 2� Avell/Agurface 31 POR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY ~ TIM K 1 , ~ ~ ~ + 1 ( r f ~ . { ~ T; ; M ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OF'FICfAL U3G oNLY A The maximum noise umpli,tudea are oboerved in the lowrfrequency part of the epectrum, and rhe dilferencee in levele on the eurface and at depth are minimat hera. With nn increase in �raquency by approximately up to 1 hertz the noise level decreaees eharply. Ai frequeaci@e of more Chan 1 hertz, the decreaee becomea leaa eharp. On the day surface the noise 1eve1 decreaeee very little with lrequency, and e relative maximum of ehe noise ie observed at a frequency of 2.5-3 hertz. At a depth of 600 m the noise level.reaches valuee of 4-6 nm on a frequency of 6-7 hertz. For the Chilik Wpll, the minimum ratio of the epectra at a depth of 600 m and on the eurface ie 0.02 on frequencies of 3.5-4.5 hertz (Fig 8, c). Lawa of Variatiun of Noise Background in Three We118. For the day serieg, the background level in the Chilik Well ie gpproximately half the back- ground level in the Alma-Ata We11 and four timee lese ehan the background level in the Tsshkpnt We11. Let ue remember that the general background level in the Taehkent We11 is gr8ater than in the Alma-Ata Well by approximately two timea 121. Ae a depth of 900 metere, the noise amplitude in ehe Alma-Ata Well ie 12-13 nm in the daytime and it is close taith reapect to value to the noise level in the Taehkent We11 at night. The different noise levels in the wells can be explained by the fact thaC the Taehkent Well is in the center of the city, near lerge induetrial enterpriees and other aources of noise, and the Aima-Ata Well is on the edge of the city and ie comparatively remote from the baeic explicit eources of interference. At a depth of 600 metere in t'hedaytime che noise amplitudee in the three wells reach 10 (Chilik), 20 (Alma-Ata) and 40 nm (Tashkent). The nature of variation of the background in the Chilik Kell for the day aeries coincides with che variation of the day background in the other tWO Wells. At night the decrease in background in the Chilik Well is appreciably weaker than in the Alma-Ata and the Taehkent Welle. Whereas for the last tao We11s the ratio of the background on the eurface to the background at a depth of 600 meters is 30-40, for Chilik it ie 4 to 6. Some increaee in amplitude of the background on the surface in the frequency band from 2 to 4 hertz ia observed for the Alma-Ata Well. It is poasible to think that thia increase is eonnected with the "cultural" activity. The nature of the peak in the apectrum of the aurface noise in Chilik at 3.7 hertz is atill unclear. Poseibly, it ie riused by a local eource Which has ite effect only when recording on the eurface. 43. Background Stability at Different Depths The noise stability hae important significance in eetimating the eensitivity. The noise stability hae been apecially inveatigated. Stationary end aemi- stationary obaervations have been aet up in tWO ae118 Alma-Ata Which is characterized by a high level of ground noise, and Chilik, where the ground noiee level is la+. . 32 FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOtt OFFICSAL USE ONLY ObnervnCinne in an Aren w3Ch High Gxound Noiee Level, The noise background in the praeence oE ACnCionary obeervaeions 3r Che Aimn-Ata Well was invuntignted aC depthA of 1950, 954, 700, 500 and 300 metera. Noise Leve1 at a UepCh of 1950 metera. StaCionary observations at a depth of 1950 meCers were performed in the firae phase of ehe operation, and they were recorded by the aeismograph without a borehole preamplifier. Under theae conditions the baaic source of the noise limiting the uaeful aensitiv- iry of the equipment wae elecGrical interference. The microseiemic oscilla- tiona caused by atorms on Lake Ieayk-Kul' constiCuCe an except3on. Electrlcal interference ie unetable with respect to intenaity and frequency, and it varieg both during the courae of the day and on different days and in different months. Frequently this type of interference ig asaociated with one time nf day. Among thP electrical interference it is poseible to isolate geveral types which are noCed during vsrious time periods. If we do not coasider the individual pulses, then the low frequency intenee irregular oscillatione with a frequency of 0.4-0.8 hertz were observed for the longest titoe. For noise of this type a stricC time coordination is characterietic. This type of noise appeara in the evening from 2100 hours eo 0200 hours local time. Sometimes comparatively high frequency (2-4- hertz) oecillationa are rucorded which form long arce on the seiamographs. Observation experience hae demonetrated that the baeic electrical inter- Eerence ia connected with leaka, Usually after atarCing the seisenograph for the firat time the interference level is comparaeively low. However, later leake appear in the linea and the intensity of the inducCions increases aignificantly. The following law has been noCed. In the day- time there is basically cennparatively weak and high-frequency noiae. In the evening and at the bef;inning of night, the long-period noise predom- inates. At night, as a rule, the noise atops, and thid time is character- izpd by a comparatively qtiiet background. Seismic interference has been investigated only in the perioda when the electrical interference level was comparatively low, which has made it possible to raiae the gain of the channel. However, it has noC been posai- ble to determine the quantitative amplitude of the aeismic interference. With respect tc+ nature of variation of the amplitude with depth which is typical of the majority of wells (including in Tashkent), it ie posaible to consider that the amplitudea of the background are included in the range of valuea from 2 to S nm. Even at depths of about 2000 meters the "cultural" noise is felt. In the daytime the interference background usually is one or two times higher than at night. Thia increase in ampli- tude of the day background is characteristic approximately for 65-70X of the total observation time with the exception of the night hours and holidays when the industry of the city is not operating and the noise level is the same in the daytime and at night. 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOtt OF'FYCYAL USE ONLY Oue of the seiamic inCerference duri,ng obeervationa at a depth o� 1950 m, - the mose inrsnse is the 3nterference caused by aeorme on Lake Iesyk-Ku1', but the level of Chie inter�erence ie appreciably lower than on the day surface. Frequently even intense etorm microae3sme recorded at the - Talgar stae3on by the KSE channels (To1 hertx) and the Stai channale (Tp-0.6 herrz) wieh a r-ecording amplitude of 5-10 nm'have not been noted in the well or at a11, or were very weak although the uaeful aignals (the earthquake recordinge) in thie case were comnensurate with respect to intenaity (Fig 9, a). In these cases the eignal/noise raCio in the well _ Curns ouG tu be almoet an order higher than at the Talgar etation. Thia difference in interference amplitude is explained not only by the depth of the observation point but obviously by the fact that at the Talgar etation the frequency characterietice of the KSE channel and, especially, the SKM channelo are eomewhat ehifted in the low-frequettcy direction (Fig 9, c). The storms are obeerved on Lake Ieaqk-Kul' most frequently in the winter when there can be 15 Co 16 atormy days per month. Noise Level at a Depth of 950 Metera. At a depth of 950 meeera the stationary obaervatione are performed with a well type preamplifier placed directly in the seiamograph. This has made it poaeible aignificantly to - reduce the noiae background of electrical origin. The electric inkerf erence remains only in the form of individual, comparatively rare pulses. As a result, the useful senaitivity is limited only to the aeiamtc interference, the amplitudea of which amount to from 4 to 15 mn. However, for the greater part of the recording time (75-80X) the valuea of the amplitudea are 7-14 run. These daCa agree with the results of atudying the interferenee background by the method of vertical profiling. At a depth of 950 meters the eff ect of the vital activity of the city is felt to a higher degree than at a depth of 1950 metera in the daytime the noiae background increasea by approximately 2-2.5 times by comparieon with night, reaching valuea of 12-15 nm. Noise Level at Depths of 700, 500, and 300 Metera. The increase id noise amplitude with a decrease in depth in this interval is comparatively small. The values of the minimum and maximum background amplitudea of depths of 700y 560 and 300 metera amount to 5-20, 6-30 and 7-50 nm respectively, but in the greater part of the recording time theae intervals are appreciably leas broad. The changes in the noise with depth in the range of 950-300 metera were _ estimated by the variation in amplitude of the atorm microseisms of Issyk-Kul'. For this purpose, the amplitude ratio of the microaeiams was determined at each depth on the SKM channel located in a drift and acting both as the standard and as the well channel. The magnitude of this ratio varies within the limits of 3 to 5, that is, no clear dependence of the ratio on depth was obaerved in a range of 950--300 meters. An example of recording the storm microseisma in the well at a depth of 700 metera and on the S(QK channel in the drift is preaented in rig 9, b. On the SIQH _ channet the useful signal cannot be isolated against the noise background in general. A comparison of the recordings of the storm microseiams at depths of 700 and 1950 m indicates that their level has increased aignificantly at 700 meters. 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFICZAL U5E ONLY a b i VON (1) ' c . . 0,4 O,i ~(0 r r si,i ~Ot;ra ~Z> Figure 9. Recordings of storni microseisms and distant earth- quakes at the Talgar station (SKM channel, upper recordinga) and in the Alma-Ata borehole at depths of 1950 meters (a) and 700 meters (b); c-- frequency characteristics of the equipment: 1-- well channel, 1969 (H-1950 m), 2-- the same, 1971 (H-960 m), 3-- KSE channel of the Talgar station, 1969, 4-- the same, 1911, 5-- SKM channel of the Talgar station Key: 1. Vrem; 2� f, hertz; 3. 10 seconds; 4. 12 June 1969; 5. 0448 hours; 6. 0512 hours :35.. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOlt O"ICIAt, U5E dNLY - Observatinns in an Axpa wl,th toi Crnund Noiae Level. The low noiae 1eve1 in elie vieinity of Chilik hea tmde ie poggible tn pprform dynchrenoue obgcrvntiona uging identicel equipment in the wel1 Qt depthe of 606 and 300 meters and on the surEace. Unfortunacely, the resuleo of rtudying the noiap in time do not ciaim to high eccuracy. Thie in explginad by thp fact thgt the recording of loa amplitudes depends stroagiy nn thp ciamping of ehe pen. dbnervation experipnce indicatee ehae quantitative procenning in meaningful fnr amplitudee pxceeding 2.5�3 nm, and the escimaces obeained for the veriation of the noise level arp, in our npinion, of defined ineeregt. brpth of 300 rieters. The total racording time at a depth af 300 mpcers wae 50 dayg. During this time the noise levpi varied aith reeppct to amplltude from 6 to SO nm. The noise amplitude disCribution vith reepeee , to the recording time ie illuatrated beirn+s A, nm 4.0 8.3 12.5 17.0 33.0 t, X 1.0 40.4 5.5 52.7 0.5 Thus, during 98% of the total recording time the noise level at a depth of 300 meter8 aas included in the range of amplitudee from 8 to 17 nm, and it varied by no more than 2 timea. Depth 600 Mete,rs. iihen making the tranbition from a depth of 300 to 600 m the noise amplitudes decrease by approximately 2 timee. Thp aaiplitudes and the range of their variationa (see Fig 8, a) agree qualitatively aith the vertical profiling data. At bnth depths (300 and 600 m) a atable difference in noise level ie observed between night and day. At night time (from 2100 houra�to 0600 houre local time) the noise level decreases by almost 2 times, vhich confirma the "cultural" nature of the noise. On holidays (Saturday and Sunday) the noise level in the Chilik Wall, in contrast to Tashkent and Alma-Ata, does not decrease, ahich is obvioualy connected with the absence of induatrial enterprises in the vicinity vhich are the basic sources of interference. The noise level on the day surface varies vith time Within significantly greater limits than in the well from 15 to 500 nm, that i8, by more thpn 30 timee. Since the obaervations Were performed during the quieteat summer months, it ie possible to consider that this range aill increase significnntly in the fall and winter as a result of aind interference which is not recordcd in general at a depth of 300 and 600 meterg. For illustration of the variation of the noise level from the day surface and in the well let us pr.esent several aeiemograms. Nith equal cha-nnel gains (k�2) the ground noise level is appreciably greater than at a depth of 300 meters, but on increasing the ground channel, it ie half chat in the well (k�1), the noise amplitudes are comparable (Fig 10, a, see the insert). At a depth of 600 meters (Fig 10, b) f4r k=2 the noise level is comparable to the ground channel the upper part of the seisnwgram 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 PdP. oFFictati'UsE o - ~ ^ � ' - - ~ 7~ . ' ~ , ~s~ ~ t~. -~�s:"-^"---~------ ~Z't,F�;,.,~~^~' tr!k+ll t .'.....a.. ,Li-*'y^t~ . ~ i ,l i ..i~..~ . ~ ~a ~ ~~r %tiA ~'.._?.~.�w~ ray~,'S'.f:r'.',t.i_L'~~~'r'j~�,i=_ ..,.�:++�..�.i4~~.-~� ~Y~i`s~:�r~~-,..~.. .~C"~~.w�~...'x...t,..+'"':~'> ~2:~�."'..~'~'i"..i.,.~'Y~~...,~`~.- . _ : ~ ---~-.~....r.... ~11~~ lul~it~ ~~i t ~'*`t~~_t~' ~''='a`-T,,,V,'..'.....~-""`_~''!~ . . ~ o _ .r,~ - ' - - - "'~tlllhlm~ ~-t= ~ _ K~ - - - ~L~~:: i�}~. i'; �j`~~ S~Xy 1!~i ~.~~',~.,.`~.aaiG7~ Y~ ~xt~ ,,,t,.~~.~.~ =".~`1 w.�' ~Ny~Zy-i~~1~`F~:++ ~'y=~Ri~r,~~.. ,t�:~l'"-:�~ - - ~ . . . + ~ . , ~ . - . , . t . ~ . ~ w�~ .w ~ . . ~ ' �~~~r 1rA (4) . ?0~07'"S6f ~ 27. p,p 71A N�60I~ ~ 9n . T ?3h J7ml~ 't . 1~ ys blN � ~ilMA~w. / . . t . . . , ~ ~'~""'ri""' � � . . : . + . ~06 ~ . .vM .1 N.� 1V w � ~ ~ ~\w~~4< ~ ti ti t='~~~-"'~�-.,~ ~j"W"~IY'kyr~''r. , ~ 'I~~~~it . . . ~~~~~'.x~Y.t ~ ~VI: ^r+ ~f�~u 'yF~ 1� ~.y ~'11~ r1, r'1~ ~VAN wa' `~-~S ~w �M~.Mr ~w ` 'i ~w ~L~~'~: ` ; M' ~4' �r.~"i+~:. #L �t'J J ~1.. ~ ~ ~ 'f~ ~~~.,tr/; ._'f 1~� `~1 . . . . . . . _ . � ~g ' ..r. FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 Ftlit O"ICIAL U3g ONLY Figure 10. [aQe preceding page] Noi,ee backgzound on the day gurface and in the Chilik Neii at depeha of 300 (a) and 600 metere (b). Keys 1. 4 August 1971 2. 0500 hourg and 39 seconde 3. 2317 hour# and 7 gerondg 4. 27 Juiy 1971 S. 2007 hours and 56 epconde ~ � lJ.d.6lt.~1~ ~ (2) ~is~rr (4) � j - . ' - ' . ~ = � ~ x . r _ i~ = ~ . r~1� r~�  � ~ a. Figure 11. Recordings of earthquakes by the ground atation (1) end deep-well atation at a depth of 1950 metere (2) in the city of Alaa-Ata and the KSE channel (3) of the Talger atetion. The errovs indicate the - errival of the P and S aavea. Key� .1. 15 February 1969; 2. 1357 houra; 3. 23 July 1968; 4. 2012 hours 39 FOR OFFICIAL USS ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FoR o"ictat, vsB oNt.Y A�, (1) t . d . ~ , . a ~a �~Ni~~~~~~ w � r~ a ~~a~a~� � ~~rr ~i j � ~ �J / j l ~ V : ~r~ �M L~r~� ~M~� ~~~~~~~Y~~~~~ ~ ~ 19, El ~lt~ 10 .+m ~0 .~Pf fy t~y�t (3) Figure 12. Amplitudes and periods of near (a, b) and distant (c) earthquake� by the deep etation (1950 meters) and the Telgar station (ICSE chanael, drift, June-July 1969) Hiatograms of the valueg of Tp and TS in the vell and the drift are aleo presented. The figuree at the points oa the graphs are the number of coinciding valuea. Key: 1. (Adrift/Awell)P. S 6. TD~~il) 2' (Tdrift/Taell)sp,g 7� T~p�S(vell) 3. tS-Po sec 8. Well 4. Tp.S(drift)' aec 9� TSt eec 5. Tp(drift)' sec 10. TPt eec 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 . ~ FOR 0"ICTAL U5E ONLY b - C4 ) c ~ ~ ~r ,t~ t/ r,,.,,�f (s~ t 1 v / lti~' ~ (7) AL (8) (4) ~ . . AV n r_~+ 8 j ~x ii l~ M . 4i 10 rj 41 .fi lo~ ~ v 4f tr i/ T~, t Figure 12 (End) [see key, preceding page) 41 FOR OPPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOlt O"ICIAt, U5E ONLY but ehen the noise ievpi on the aurfane in shnrpty amplified, and the signni (2317 houre) en the ground aoiemogram became typical. At the same time, at a 8ppth of 600 m+atexs no increaee ia noiee oacurrad, and ehe nigflals were reliably epparated during the entire rQCOrding time. Thus, for obeervations in aella not only doed the noise ieve1 dacreaee, but ite stability in~:rea0ee sharply. 54. Uspful 5igna1 acid Seneitivity of We11 4beervatinng The etudy of the ugeful signal in the we118 aae made in areas aith high ground noiee level (Alma-Ata) end loa ground noiee level (Chi13k). In order td egtimate the gain in eeeeitivity the obeervation materi8ls in the ' alma-Ata We11 vere compared with the recordings of the tao ground etatione, ' one of ahich (Alma-Ata) vae located within the city vith high ground noiae ~ 1pvp1, and the other (Talger), under f8vorable seimgeological conditione aith low noiee level. The beismometere of the eecond station vere plared in a deep drift [mine tunnpl]. Obeervationa under High Cround Noiee Level Conditions. Stationary obaerva- tiong in the Alma-Ata Well were performed at different fixed depthe. Uepth 1950 Meters. A comparieon of the obaervation materials of the vell station with the ground station in Alma-Are demonatrated ttut the eeneitiv- ity of the latter is 20 to 40 timee loaer. The recocdinge nf these gtations are in praccice incompargble. Earthquakee (dietant (ir near) vhich are isolated on the seigmngrams of the deep-We11 station either are not recorded At all by the ground station equipped aith xtandard equipment or they have a very loa amplitude (Fig 11, aee the inaert). It is expedient to carry out the comparieon with the Talgar ground station sepgrgtely by the recordinga of digtant (tS_P>1 minu be) and near (tSp]0 seconds) is approximately 6-8 timeq higher in the well than for Rround observations (Fig 219 b), For distant earthqual:ea the gain in sensitiviCy of the well channel is less than for near and locnl earthquakes, and it is 5-6 timea (Fig 21, c). The 3Cfl3iCiVii} of the well channel when recording induatrial explosions in the Atedeo (Fig 21, i) is,approximately tiie same as when recording near earthquakes, thnt is. 6 to A times higher than the ground channel. Thuw, iti spite of the high interference level caused by :!:e operation of the combines, the sensitivity of the well observations in Novo-Alekseyevka is essentially 1iigher thnn the ground observations botii in recordirig earth- - qunkes and when recording industrial explosions. .ib. Observations in 5hallow Wells Openinp, Up che Crystalline Basement 9'hc investiRated results indicate that under the conditions of great thick- of the sedimentary series, for a significan[ increase in useful 3et1giCiVity i[ is neceasary to b u ry the seismometers to significant clepths. It was possible to expect significantly bet[er results when submerging seismographs in the wells opening up the crystalline bnsement at shallow depcfis. In ordcr to estimate the gain in sensitivi[y for the well observa- ti(ms tmder such conditions on the Ukrainian shield, studies were made in shallow wells (several tens of ineters) opening up the crystalline base- ment. Ttie observations were made in three wells located at distances of about 20-25 km from each other. 67 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 F0R OFFICIAL U5B ONLY InasmuCh aa the rpgulCs of the obeervaeiong 3n gll of the wellg are analdgdug,,we shall limie nurgelveB to e deacription of the resulee in one of thpm 1ocaeed several kilometers from the rayon center nnd disCin- guished by the highest leve1 of ground noise. The depth of the ae11 is 86 metere. The thiCkneas d� the epdimente repreeenCed by alluvium of the Neogenic age (gand, clay, loam) is 54 meCers. From 54 tn 71 metere ig wentihered granite, below 71 meters to the bnttom ig fresh, hard, massive, fine-grgined granirp in which Che SBU^V deep-well seiemumeter was installed. The ground seismometer was installpd in the alluvium directly at the head of the well. T'he gtudy nf the lnws of variarion of noi,ee with time nnd the ueeful nig- nn1 wgs perfnrmpd by the semistationary dbservaCiona in the frequency rnnge of 1-5 hcrtz. In order to obtain average statistical estimates of the noige gt different times (the hours of the day, days, weeke), brief recording sessions were held with large increasea of the equipment 8 pa8g bnnd of 1-20 hertz. Noise 5ources. For observations in n well, the primary noiae source is the crushers of several rocY, cruahing planr.a located approximately 4 km - to the northeast of the well. tf we do not conaider the lunch breaks and short-term preventive maintenance ghutdowns, the cruahers operate contin- uously, in the steady state mode. The noise level is determined by the _ number of rock cruahing planta operating simultnneously. Another source . of interEerEnce is the industrial explosions in the open pit mines, but they are very short-lived, they are produced in the majority of cases at one and the same time (usually about 1800 hours local time), they are easily recognized on the recordings and do not limit the senaitivity of the observntions. On the day surface the basic aourcea of interference are transportation (automobilea, tractors, and so on), farm machinery operating in the surrounding fielde and various machinery in the lumbering section in direct proximity to the well (beginning with 200 meters and more). The rayon center locxted at 6 km and several villages near the well ure also sources of notse. In addition, interference can be connected with the regervoirs located 200 meters from the well and the dam over which the water is disc}iarged into the river flowing out of it. Observation bata. The semistationary observations were performed in April 1976. The amplification oE the Rround channel was given depending on the noise level, 16,540 or 33,000, and the well channel, 140,000 or 280.000. The stabili[y of the equinment was controlled by sys[ematic recording of the calibration siRnal. An example of seismograms from*a visible recording is shaom in Fig 22, a. By the seismogram obtained in the daytime (from 0900 to 2100 hours locnl time) it is obvious that on the ground channel with amplification of 16,500, the recording was brokpn by transport noiae with an amplitude of 25-30 rmn. At the same [ime at a depth of 86 meters, with chAnnel ampllfication of 140,0()0, the amplitude of the hackground noise does not exceed 1 mm, At night (from 2100 hours in the 68 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 ~ b V  Jd S00 F, tcr,~ .~.a:l� ~ u ~.~.�4,,~� - s ....r. . ..(.r.~.~.a...:".~,r...- M"~i+ � ~.~r . = . ~ ~ ~ ~"r"~~~u. AM..~..w..+~. . � . .,~.~o. . ~ -:4 ' - . . . r � � . . � . ' = 'W.. V T~ q~p00 ! 7 IS~hJm NfOH . ~I~ 'r4p ~ ~'~+'1~~~'~~T~~~~4'1~" V �2 800000 ~6N V=B00000, l6.LY. 76t, 2~ J^+ ON '1I~+`fi'`~4~ ~h~~++V~'~'~r~1~'r~~~ V�.f 500000 B6N ~ ~ ~ ' 1~~; . ~'f~~"~ ~`;p~ ~ Y=200000 lB,~.76J, 7S~SB"~ OM V�2800000 . 66~ V a f~00000 l9.IY. 76t. 2h00m OM ~~~~~,+~~'~4~a~;~~~,~'~i'~~t~~h'~'~~i1j,iW,%11JAI YaZB00000 B6M ~,~I,~,~ ~ n~1l~q'i~~ a~~~ ~~~~,1~~~  ~h~~ ~.y s~i~~~u n,~l( , (f J~ a ~y ~"'~Il~~'iid~Jl~fp~~'~~'~~I~~~~N~~'ar~ri~'li`lUl(~~~I~~~~i Cigure 22. Seismogram of the noise and a distant earthquake recorded by the welt and ground channels during semistationary recordings (a) and photooscillogrAms of the noise with high amplification (b). 69 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR +D"ICIAL USE ONLY evening to 0900 hour8 in ehe maxnirig leca1 time) the trAnaport noise makep up 5n9; of the tatal obnetwat3,on time. Uuring rnntinudus obaervatinna, the we11 ehannpl wae uaed to recoxd more thnn 70 diffprent nignAle, including 15 d3etant parthquakee, but of the SS nrnr signa1s the majdrity ere indueerial explosions from varioue diaeancen. The grnund channel Wgg ueed ta reeord d tntal of nbout 20 gignnla, and of them none wae a digeant earthquake. This ig explained by ingufficient sengitivity o# the ground obaervations 13mited by the high intrrferenre lpvel. `Che higfily aeflsicivp recarding of noige wae earried out i,n three minute gepginng evpry 2 hours for 4 dAye ('Thursday, Friday# Saturdity and Sunday) trnni 15 to 18 Apri1 1976. ExamplQe of eeiemograme are shown in Fig 229 b. 'Che neiqmegrnm at 1430 houra wAe obtained in the dayt3me, and at 0200 hours at night, but the baeic interference in both cases wae the noise of the crushprq recorded both by the well and by the ground channels. The noiae Erom mntnr vehtcles was a18o auperimposed on the ground chennel recording of the seismogram at 1430 houre, The seiamogram at 0203 houre i�uatraCes noise under conditions wherh not all of the crushere of the rock cruehing plants were in operation, and the seiemogrem at 1558 houre, When all oE the crushcra were not in operation. On the recordings of the well channel, the low-frequency interference ie quite vigible with a period oE about 3.5 sec which is hardly neticeable on the ground channel rerordings in connection Witli the gmall realized amplification~artd the high amplitude of the high- frequency noise of the motor vehicles and the crushers. _ Observation Results. Analysis of the materials showa that in the wella three noise levels are observed which differ signiEicantly with respect to amplitude and duration. The higheat level with displacement amplitudea of . .tibout 10 nm occupies about 70% of the total observation time and ig determined by the operation oE the cruehers of the rock crushing planta. Tlie frequency of this interference is about 4 hertz. The mintmum interfcrence level with diaplacement amplitudea of about 2.5 nm occupies a total of 10% of the time ouc of the total duration of the observationq, ancl it is tied to the periods whett the crushers of the rock crushing plants are not in operation. The intermediate noiae level oC about S nm is obviously associated with times when part of the crushers are oper,7ting. Flith respect to duration, [his level takes up about 20% of thc [otal observation time. The minimum background level corresponds pre- dominantly to the period brtween 0200 and 0600 hours nt niglit locnl time, occupyirig short intervals of 1-1.5 hours. The noise level of 5 rtm is observecl hnsically from 1600-1700 to 2100-2200 hours in intervals lasting 1-2 to 4-5 hours. The st.ltistical processing of the data was carried out to estimate the Crom the various sources. The avernge noise level from the rock r.rushing plants in the well is 6 nm (line 2 on Fig 23, a), it is constant and does not depend on the time of day. The transport noise (region 3 70 FOR OFFICIAL IJSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFICIAL 1J5E ONLY In F1g 23, a) daep nOt pxr.eed the plant ndipe with respeer rn level, ChnC is, it -lg no more ehan h nm. 'Chey are observed on reearding only in the Cane the eruahera are nnt in eperaeinn nnd the mntor tranaporeaeion mavaa direcely nt the head nf the wpil (10r20 meters), When motor trana- pnrtaeidn moven ae digtancpa closer than 20 meCern from the head, the noisc frum it in noe igelated on the we11 channei reanrding. In the we11 1ow-frequency nniae ia alqo reeorded with a period of about 3-4 geconds, the arithmetic mean levei of wh3ch fluctuates around a value of 300 nm. During the observdtions in the well, the low-frequency inter- ferenr.e was eoneinuougly obgprved. Tho interferenre 1evpl in Fig 23, a ig prdvigidnally illustrated without a time arale. InngmuCh ag thia noise fn ouCgidp the page bnnd di the equipmene, ite.amplitude doeg noe exr.eed 2 mm on the reCOrding. nn tlie day 3urfnce nt the head of the well, the noisp level reachps 2000 nm _ (regton 3 on Fig 23, a), nnd it 3a determined bagirAlly by the transport tnterEerence. With regpect td time it occupies 759; of the daytime recnrd- iny;, attcnuating only at night, The transpdrt noise level on the gurface ciepenctn on the distance ut which the moving transportation ie located, and to a tesser degree on its form (nass). For example, during movement of n motor trangport at a distance of about 150-200 metprs from the obaerva- tion pnint the noige level reaehea 400-600 nm, and with a decrease in distance to 15-20 m, this value increaseg to 2000 nm or more, that is, 300 times higher than in the well. In t}ie abaence of transport interference, the noise amplitude on the surface reaches 50 nm in the daytime and 30 nm at night (line 1 on Fig 23, a). The decrease in noise at night indicatea Chat some part of the [otal noise level is determined by the "cultural" noise connected with the vital activity of nearby populated places. On the surface, just as in the well, a low-frequency interference is recorded with a period of 3-4 characteristic in general for the given area. The - interference levei on the surface is somewhat greater than in the well, and it reaches about 400 nm (region 4 on Fiq 23, a). As n result of the statis[ical processing of the data for the surface and the well, curves wcre constructed for the probability oE occurrence of noise oE the given or lowcr amplitude (Fig 23, b). In the absence of transport intcrferencc tlie noise in the well is determined by the crushers (curve 1), the menn amplitude of the noise with respect to SOX probability level is 6 nm; the noise amplitude varies from 2.5-3 to 12 nm. On the surCare under annlogous conditions the noise reaches values of 45 nm (curve 2). The variation of the noise amplitudes on the surface is 15-90 nm. 1n the case wliere only part oE the criishers are in oreration, the probabil- ity curves are shifted in the direction of smaller vAlues of the noise amplitude (for example, curve 3 for the well and 4 for the surface). When the crtishrrs are not in operation, the averaqe noise level in the well is 1.5 nm, varving within the limits of 0.7-4 nm (curve 5 in Fig 23, b). In this case on the snrfare (curve 6) the amplitude varies from 8-10 to 50 nm, and the mean valuc is 25 nm. 71 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 j FOR 0FFICIAL USB ANLY ,C, *+a~ " ~ � ~ !IO iG - - J 7 /O !0 y0 t0 e !04 !0 ~ 1 !,0 i ~ 1 QJ0,1 0,1~Q6� 1,0 t ~ i~~~ . - � ~1~ Cigure 23. Characteristica of noise during observationa in a shailow well openinR up the basement. n noiae level in the daytime And at night on the day aurface and a depth of 36 meters; 1-- noise level on the surface without cnnsidering trnnsnort interEerence, 2-- the same in the well, 3-- transport iioise on the stirface and in the well. 4-- low- frequency noise on the surface. S-- the same in the well; b-- probnbility curves for the occurrence of noise of given or lower amplitude at a depth of 86 m(1,3,5) and on t}ie surface (2,4,6,7) under various condicions; c-- average noiae spectrum at a depth of 86 meters. Key: 1. X, nm; 2. day; 3. night; 4. hertz 72 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 .,..,.~3~ ~2)Mi MJ 0 4' M; � h APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFYCIAL U5E ONLY Fdr abservacions on the sur�ace 35% of the time Ie characterixed by the prpsence of trnnsnnrt i,nCerferancp. Curve 7(Fig 23t b) i,s conetructed in lccordance with the noi,ge recording i,n the prpsence e� transpoxtaCi,on mnving nt n dieeance of aboue 200 meters Exom the nhservntion point. A lnrkc rnnpE oE vnriation of the nnise amplitudua (�rom 30 ro 500 nm) is charnCterigtic, and the mpnn value w3th reapect to the SOX probgb3,lity lpvel is 150-170 nm. The specCrgl analysis of the noige in the well at a depth of 86 meters indicgCes thae the maximum amplitudes correspond to the 1owMfreqvency part nf the specCrum (Fig 23,c), With an increase in the frequency, the nniae level derreases sharply. For example, with an increase 3n frequency from 0.2 to 0.8 hertx the noise level decreases by more than two ordere, With further increase in frequency, the noise ampllCudes decrease sisnif- icuntly more slowly. In the 3-4 hprtz range, the relative maximum connected with the operetion of the crushers is observed. The nature of decrease in the naise with increase in frequency in the 0.2-1 hprtz range wi11 permit us tn propoae that the basic mode of the Rayleigh wave predominates here. Sensttivity of Well Observations, In connection with the presence of a high level of ground noiae the recording on the surface under the condition oC rrcording on the aeismonram of normal bacr.ground with an ampl3,tude of morc than 1-2 mm is realizable only for amplificationa not 500-1000. Inasmuch as the high level of ground interference is characteris- tic far 75% of the observation time, the atationary high-frequency observa- tions are in practice impossible. The sensitivity of the well obaervations is more than 2 orders higher than that of the ground observationa. Distant earthquakes considered as uaeful signals which are clearly recorded by the well channel are not separated in the ground channel under these conditions. In the abflence of transport interference (about 25% of the total observation time) the sensitivity of the well channel is approximately 5-6 tiries higher than the ground channel. For example, if the earthquake at 1730 hours (see Fig 22, a) is recorded by the well channel with an amplitude which exceeds by 10 times the background level, the araplitude of the signat on the ground channel recording will only exceed the background level by a s 1 igh t nmount. A comp:irison witfi the ground seismic atation, the seismometers of which are inst.zlled on outcrops af bedrock approximately 10 km from the well indicates ttint the sensitivity of the two atations is comparable (Fig 24). The higlier low-frequency noise (T-3-4 seconds) on the ground station is explained by the fAct that the natural period of its seismometers is 1.5 seconds (the natural period of the well seismometer is 1 second). Let us Identify the results of the well research. 73 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OT+F'YCIAL U5B ONLY Fnr d high level of ground noise 1. Under the condiCiona of the large i,nduatxial ci,ti,ea the noise level on ehe day surface ie very high and ungtable, The range of variaCion of the nninp amniitudes:with time exceede 2 orders. Howeverp approximately to 300-400 metprs thp noiae 1eve1 ie etabilized and beeically varies from dey Cd night by 2-3 timee. 2. The sharpesr variaeion of the backgxound takes place in the upper part o[ the Hectinn (the Eirst hundreds of inetere). With lurther increaee in depth the gradfent of the amplitude variation o.f the noise decreases rapidly. ~ Thus, whereas on going from the day aurfgce to a depth of 600 meters the noise amplitudea decrease by 30-40 timesg on making the transition from 1000 to 2000 meters the noise amplitude decreases by a total of 2-3 timea. 3. The maximum noise ampl3tudes both on the day aurface and at great depthe correspond to the low-period components of the apectrum. With an increase in frequency the noise level decreasea aignificantly faster in the well than on the day surface. ` 4. The recordings of the ground and deep-well atations located in Alma-Ata are in practice not comparable. The earthquakes, the recordings of which are readable at the deep atationa are not recorded by the ground station and, vice versa, the earthquakes recorded by the ground station are com^ pletely washed out on the recording by the deep station, A compartson of the recordinQs of earthqusi:es obtained under city conditions in a well at a depth of 2 km with the recordings of the Talgar station located far from the city in a drift in crystalline rock indicatea approx- imntely identical useful sensitivity of the etationa. 5. The results obtained make it poasible to recocunend the creation of highly sensitive stations with seismographs buried in deep wella to study the setsmic characteristics of large cities located in seismically active zones. F'or a low ground noise level 1. Ttie noise amplitudes decreage with depth significantly less sharply than in areas witti a high noise level. The nature of variation in the Chilik IJell for the day series coincides with the variation of the day noise in the Tashkent and AIma-A[a Wells. At night the noise level in the Chilik Well decreases significantly more weakly than in the daytime. Wherels �or the TAShkent and A1ma-Ata Wells the ratio of the noise level -it th( - surface and at n depth of 600 meters is 30-40, for the Chilik Well it i4 4-h. 2. On tlic- dny stirEnce the noise amplitudes can vary by several tens of tlmes witli time. At a depth of several hundreds of ineters (300-600 meters) 74 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOEt OFFICIAL USE ONLY L- tlir iiriiNv lrvrl vrtrl.ra, nA n ruir, hy nn morc+ ehrtn 2-3 Cimrs. Theer clll'I't-rvii(-eH iirc, ulrilily conni--r,Led wJ,tli nn 1,ncreaHe .tn nnige in the dayCimp. 'Che gnin in useful sengieiviCy is appreciably lower Chan in the areas wieh n liigh level nf grnund noiee. Nowever the high stnbillry of the noise even at shallnw depehs increases the effpctiveness and the value of the well dbservariane shnrpiy. VlJ2000 V-1B0000 (1) !l.1R W a. Mb rjm N-ON .;,...nA li , _ . U . B6~ V�16J00 OM Figure 24. Recordings of a distant earthquake by the well and ground stations, the seismographs of which are installed on outcrops of bedrock (upper trace) and on sedimentary rock at the head of the weZl (lower trace) Key: 1. 11 April 1976 3. In tlie well the shape of the recording of each individual wave is determined primarily by the superposition of the pulses of the incident wave and the wave reflected Erom the day surface. In the section of the well ad;3.lcent to the dAy surface, the shape of the recording of the tnd[vidtinl wave can be more complex than on the day surface. The length of tliis section depends on the shape of the pulse of the incident wave, i[s predominant frequency and the high speed section. At depths where the pulses of the incident and reflected wavea are resolved, the shape of the individual wave is newly simplified, but in this case the number of waves recorded on the seismogram increases, and the atructure of the seismogram becomes significantly more complicated. Por noisc Erom stationary sources 1. Uncler the conditions of the effect of stationary noise sources their level at the surface can be very high. Nowever, the range of variation 75 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OI+F'ICYAL USE ONLY ciC nmplltuclaA timc� ip nppxQCinbly '1'huH, whcreas i.n Alm1-ACa And Tashkent orders, in Novo-Alel(3eyevka it ie less lnwer thun �zom the etandaxd sourcea. the ranga of variation exceeds two than an order (7 timea). 2. 'I'here are two "noise" conditiona �or atationary eourcea differing Htinrply between eacti oCher with respect to level and nature of variation nf the noise "quiet" and "noisy." The former is characterized by a low noise level and a monotonic decrease in naise with depth. For the latter, a aharp decrease in ampliCude in the upper part of the section (400-500 meters) and smooth increase in amplitudes with furrher increase _ in depth are characterieCic. Thia decrease in noiae indicatea various typag of waves predominant at different dapths; in the upper part the surface waves predominate, and deeper than 500 meeers the volumetric waves predominAte. The higher frequencies decrease more aharply �rom Che surface to a depth oE 500 metcra. Below 500 mptera the total increase in noise amplitudes with depth takes place primarily as a result of the 5.1 and especially the 2.6 hertz components. 4. The gain in useful senaitivity for well observations in Novo-A,lekseyevka when recording at a depth o� 1200 meters for local e.lrthquakea is 8�,10, for nearby earthquakes 6-8, and diatant earthquakes 5-6 and industrial explosiona, 6-8 times. With respect ta useful sensitivity the ;Jovo-Alekseyevakaya atation is comparable with the other well stations of the test nrea (Alma-Ata, Ali). For shallow wells which open up the crystalline basement 1. Even under conditions of high ground noise level, completely excluding the possibility of high frequency ground observations, submersion of the seismograoh in a well to the crystalline basement permits amplification of about 300,000, that is, tt makes it possible to obtain the sensitivity w}iicfi is commensurate with the useful aensitivity of the station located on the day surface directly on outcropa of bedrock under unfavorable con- d[rtons. 2. The gain in sensitivity obtained is connected primarily with the transition to the crystalline basement. It is possihle to assume that ttiis gain depends little on the thickness of the sedimentary series and will be ohserved in ather regions of analogous structure. 3. Considering the high velocity gradient in the upper weathered zone of the basement, it is expedient to bury the seismog,raph 10,45 meters into stronger rock. 76 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY t APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PART II. RADIOTELF.METRIC RECORDING The centralized radiotelemetric recording with a unit time service permitting the accuracy of the constructions to be increased is one of the basic Features of the developed procedure. A more detailed description is pre- sented of the Alma-Ata radiotelemetric teat area and the equipment of the nutomated well and ground stations and also the radiotelemetric recording system. 5pecial attention has been given to a description of the experiment and the observation results. CHAPTI3R III. ALMA-ATA SEISMQLOGICAL RADIOTELQ4ETRIC TEST AREA The observation the vicinity of Alma-Ata are characterized by the presence of a very high level of seismic noise caused by thP vital , activity of the city and its h igh variability in time. At the same time the seismogeological situation near Alma-Ata which is located in a force-10 zone requires a detailed study of the seismic char- acteristics of both the city itself and its environs. The necessity for highly sensitive observations arises also from the fact that at the present = time the basic characteristic of the seismic regime is "calmness" of seismic activity. In order to discover and trace the'seismically active zones it is necessary to increase the accuracy of determining the coordinates of the earthquake centers. Thus, the basic specific requirements on the observations in large indus-- trial centers are, first of all, high sensitivity of the equipment and, sec:ondly, high accuracy of determining the coordinates of the earthquake _ centers. The satisfaction of these requirements has led, on the onL hand, to the creation of highly sensitive deep-well seismic stations and, on the other hand, to the organization of centralized multichannel radiotelemetric recording of the signals of all stationary observation points. Both of these areas were basic to the creation of the Alma-Ata test area. 51. Ceological-Geophysical Characteristics of the Region In adminlstrative respect4, the observation region belongs to Alma-Ata Oblast .znd includes tkie city of Alma--Ata directly, 77 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOtt OI+FICIAL USE ONLY 'C1to rekinn includeg areng rhat are differene wirh respeCt to their geu- mnrphntogical appearanrr from plaing and mildly Main y nrenn in thp north to the mountainaus nrp~n in the south. The Tltyskayis locgted in  the noreh, it runs in a subintitudinal di.rectidn along the 2ailiygkiy Alatau Ridge which is located in the eouthern pare and ia eppareted from the Kyungey Ala-'Tno ttidge locaCpd farther eouth by the Chon-Kemin itiver valley. In the wegt, the Zuiliygkiy Alatau is ep1iC into Cwo branches the Kastekakiy nnd the Chon-Keminakiy Ridgee. The highest a1C3tude nf the 7.ailtygkiy Alaeau reachpa 5000 mpters. Strong dismemberment of the ridgpg is a characteristic fpaCure. Tecronics. On the regional level the district is in an area of joining nf the Caledonian atructures of Northern Tyan'-Shant with the Hercinian strucCureg of the Dzhungaro-Balkhaeh Province which is complicated by .hlpine discnntinuous tectonicg. The Kungeyskiy, Zailiyskiy attd Chu-Iliyakiy anticlinoriya and Iliyskiy synclinorium are large structures. 1'he Kungeyskiy anticlinorium ie made up of inetamorphic aerieg of the PrnterozoiC with inclusions of large masses of intruaions of Silurian and Ordovic:ian age. In the north the anticlinorium joins the 7.afliyekiy anticlinorium along the deep Chilik-Keminskiy fault of nncient occurrence. in the core of the Zai:iyakiy anticlinorium, on a modern scetion Proterizoic deposits are noted which are highly intensely dislocated and form smttll - isoclinal folds. The lower Paleozoic series are repreaented by a system of narrow folds of the sublatitudinal direction. Together with the Proterozoic, Chey are the only LoWer Paleozoir structnral Ftate. - ;he surfnce effusive-sedimentary series of the Devonian and Lower Carbanifer- ous occur unconformably on the Caledonian folded base in the form of a number of comparatively gently sloping synclinal folds, forming the 2siddle Paleozoic structural stage. In the north the Zailiyskiy anticlinorium borders with the Iliyskiy synclinorium througr the Zailiyskiy zone of faults of aublatitudinal atrike which is a structural element of the Upper Paleozoic stage. There are no Devonian deposits liere, and the Carboniferous and Upper Paleozoic deposits of basically effusive-tufogenic origin occur unconformably on the dislocated = rncks of the Silurian, forming gently sloping brachysynclinal and anticlinal folcis. The t;ently R1oPing bell-shaped poles are made up of Mesozolc forma- ti.ons, and the Iliyskiy intermontane trough with a flat bottom and several upliftrJ limbg is made uP of Cenozoic deposits which maintain almost un- disturhed horiZOntal bedding or their depth corresponds to the slope of the Pa1roz4ic hase. In Quaternary time the most intense vertical displacements of the blocks tocik place hoth with respect to the renewed ancient tectonic futures and wit}i respect to the newly occurri.ig faults which has created a stepped relicE system so characteristic of the region. The systems of deep faults are illustrated in FiR 25, a. 1 [Ili River Bssin] 78 FOR OFFICIAL TJSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR ONFICIAI, USE ONLY GenphygiGal 5tudy. The fireC lnrge�~~itle seiemic eCudien in NorChern Tynn'-Shan' nre cdnneceed wiCh the names nf G. A# Ggmburtsev, K. I, Satpeyev and D. I. Knzanli. They were starCpd immediately efter thc disnstroun AahkhAbad enrthquake, The firAe etudipe were made of the deep aeruCture uf thr rrgion by the deep seismi.r. sounding Cechnique in 1949 (22, 241, and the basia wao laid dnwn for the reginnal network of seismnlogical sCntions (Alma-Ata, IIi, Chilik, Kurmeney, Itybach'yes przheval'sk, Krasnogorka, Naryn). Theee sCgtions made it poasible to record parChquakes beginning with the eighth energy class. itere, in the vicinity of A1ma-Ata in 1951 G. A. Gamburtsev began the firet highly apnsitive observationa to study the weak local earthquakes in the high-frequency renge (5-30 hertz) by the correlation method of studying eartliquakes (h?tIZ) [20, 211. 2t ia nec:paeary to noCe that the npplication of Chie meChod at the present time ie the basic Crend in the development of seismnlogy. buring the period from 1965 to 1967, in connection with the deaigning of a number of hydroengineering etructures in the I1i, Charyn and Chilik River basina, a aet of operationa were performed to gtudy the degree of seismic danger of this region. In addiCion to the regional network of atations in the Chilik and Charyn interfluve, a group of four eemporary etations were organized which made it poasible to record weak ahocks and more pre- - cisely to define the parametera of the earthquake centers. Since 1966, the complex regional geophysical studies, including seismologi- cal studies with the zemlya [earth] stations have been performed by the Kazakh Geophysical Trust and the regional network of seiamic stations of the Institute of f:eological Sciencea of the Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences. Nowever, these observations have insufficient detail to study the seismic characteristics of the city of Alma-Ata and its environs. Deep Structure. The earth's crust in this area is�characterized by sub- ho:�izontal layering ,and it is separated into individual blocks by vertical or 9tCLPlY dippinR fractures [3). The thickness of the earth's crust is from 40 to 60 km. According to the geophysical data, the roofs of the base- ment, the Conrad and *tohorovichich boundaries are isolated (see Fig 25, b). The Cnnrnd surface is submerged from west to east to e depth from 20 to 35 km and it is characterized by a complex structure. It is cut by the Kurtinskiy, Altyn-Emel'skiy, Kemin-Ushkonurskiy and the Chilik-Keminskiy cieep Ernctures in the northeasterly direction coinciding with the strike oE the structures of the Kungey-Zniliyskiy anticlinorium. The Kemin- llghkonurskiy and Altyn-Emel'akiy faults are traced in the entire series of the earch's crust to the ttohorovichich interface. Tlie "hasaltic" layer hounded hy the Conrad and rtohorovichich surfaces Iias a thickness from 20 to 35 km, increasing toward the. east in the direction of the submersion of the Mohorovichich surface. 79 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 ~ ~ POR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY ~t ~ . o / zr caur~A',9N (2) u. ' b 0, Bt A~ a s - cJ~ do (3) -1,401' K~~ I,S ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ nvA.o ~ yu po~AO~+ t p p ~ yU 1~R�~ ' 6 ( 7 )~I,n~"',~"~ ~ 8 ~',ry ~ON ~K I ~ a1/rOM = MPCrATO _ (7) p'`'�H Op~Kctrc ~ ; , , (10) geo AAaa-AmQ 1 (9) ff :sis Figure 25. Schematic of deep faults (a) and structural diagrams (b) with respect to the basement roof (on the left), the Conrad boundaxy (on the right), the Mohorovichich surface (at the bottom) and accorcling to the data oE [3J. [See following page for legend and keyJ 80 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFPICIAL USL ONLY [Lepend gnd key to I'3g 25, precedi,ng pngp]; n: 1-- epiCentprs nE deerrucCive garehquakea in the paat, 2-- deep fnults (I Yuzhno-rizhungarekiy, II MAlay.Sarayekiy,.xTx Knskelenskiy, IV Altyn-Emellskiy, V-� KarukasCekekiy, VI Raragayly-8ulukekiy, VIi ~�-Kemin-Uehkonurekiy~ VIII Aktyuzekiyt IX Severo-Keminakiy, X~- Chilik-Kemkiekiy, XI Severo-Kungeyekiy, XII Tyupskiy); 3-- active deep laults; b: 1-- isohypaes nf the interfaces, 2-- deep faulte. Key: 1. Alma-Ata 2. Lake Issyk-Kul' 3. A1tyn-Emel'gkiy fault 4. Kemin-Ushkonurekiy fault 5. Alma-Ata 6. Chilik-Keminskiy fault 7. Altyn-Eme1'skiy fau1t 8. Kemin-Ushkonurskiy fault 9. Alma-ACa 10. Chilik-Keminakiy fault 'l'he "granite" lnyer which includes the seriea bnunded by the roofs of the 1.ower pnleoznic basement and the Conrad surface has a thicknesa of 14-22 km. Thc PIIlE'.07.03C basement is distinguiahed by a block structure and it ia cut by a qeries of differently oriented tectonic fractures with amplitudes reaching 500 metera. The depth of occurrence of the basement ie different in different parts of the area. In the aouth and aoutheast the Paleozoic formations emerge at the surface. The Paleozoic seriea in the north a.nd northwest are also close to the aur�aceo In the central part the depth of occurrence of the basement is maximal. The series of tectonic ulslocations with a brectk in continuity deep fractures roofs of the Pd?,iozoic base- ment in the vicinity of Alma-Ata are broken down into three blocks: southern, central and northwestern. The southern block is a monaclinal which dips steeply to the north to a depth of up to 3000 meters. The central block is separated from the southern and northwestern blocks by faults complicated by a series of small discontinuities of latitudinal and north- easterly direction, and it is the most submerged. The thickness of the sedimentary deposits here fluctuates from 2.5 to 3 km in the west and to 4 km in the center. The northwestern block is also se-par.ated from the adjacenC fractures and is characterized by uniEorm (quiet) bulging of the basement in the northwesterly direction. According to the data of geophysical research, the nropagation rates of the longitudinal waves in the earth's crust have the following values: the sedimentary layer is 2500-2700 m/sec, the "granite" 12yer ia 5700-6600 m/sec, the "basaltic" layer is 660n.-7300 m/sec, the subcrustal layer (the riohorovichich surface) has a velocity discontinuity to $100 m/aec. The velocity an the surface of the Paleozoic basement does not depend on the depth of its occurrence within the limits of accuracy of the determina- ttans. 81 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Seiem3Ciey of Che itegi,an.1 A chnracCPxieeic gepeure of NorChern Tyun',Shan' iq ehv fnr.e thnr f.n n qhorr i,nter.val four diaustrous earthquakes have orr.urred hera; Vc+xnrnnkaye (1887, 11-7-7.25), Chil.ik (18A91 Mtl7.54)' Kehi nqlcoyr. (19110 M-H. 7) and (1938, Ma6. 5) . D, Gutenberg anaigned a mnximum possible magni.tude of 8.7 to the etirongese of them, the Kebingkoye eArthquake. 5rronger enrthqugkes did noC nccur 1gCer, and rhe seismiciey ig connected with the appearance of weak and roed-twn earChquakes. For Che gren nonuni�o rni disCribut3an of the earthquake epicenCers is characeeristic (see F'igureg 73, 74), The basic number of them is concen- traCed in the central and easeern pares A separategroup o� earChquakes is located in Che Chilik and Charyn interfluve in the epiceneral zone of the 1889 earthquake. A clearcuC law is observed in the mutual arrangement of the epicenters of the weak (K$10) and stronger (K5,11) earthquakes. The stronger earthquakes are eystematically located at some diaCance from the accumulations of epiCenters of earChquakes. They outline the zonea of i.ncrra4ed nctivity formed hy Che weak earthquakes. A characrerigcic fenture is the almost complete absence of earthquake centers beyond the limits of the crust and coordination of the majority of tliem with the "granite" Layer. The basic number of centers with K~9 have a depth of 5-12 km; the earChquakea with Ks 0(23) lttiretuA rigure 26. Diagram of the arrangement of the deep-well (1), - the ground surface (2) and portable automatic stations of the Alma-Ata radiotelemetric teat area. The black triangles are the atationa of the regional network. ICey: l. Kurty 14. Ozero 2. Kapchaguyskoye Reservo:kr 15. Talgar 3. Kapchagay 16. Plato 4. Ili 17. Talgar 5. Kaskelen 18. Alma-Ata 6. Nikolayevka 19. Issyk 7. Ali 20. Novo-Al(2kseyevskaya 8. Dmitriyevka 21. Turgen - 9. Chemolgan 22. Chilik 10. Burunday 23. Kurmenty 11. rabrichnaya 12. Kaskelen 13. Uzunagach _ Let us note that when selecting the lc,cations of the stations, the can- ciitions oE insurance of stab.le round the clock radio communications in the ultrnshort wave range,and also the presence of stable electric power lines for the system transmi,tters had decisive significance. BS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 (i) (PI) ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , , (1) (z (6) p ro aa 6o eo ~ J/'00 -~-~-r~ v C Io0 ~ e d k d d 1 ~ �~00 'y ~ ~ 1100 . ~ Figure 27. Geological -J00 � t lt00 ~ sections (a) and tempera- , ture curves (b) with ~ ~ respect to the Alma-Ata �600 _1 _ t00 Q41 well (I) and the Novo- Alekseyevskaya well (II). ~ f -OD 7 ty00 06' The provisional notation is . Z~c ~ 7 as follows ' -t � ~ e ~ 1100 For a(II): 1-- shingle, 2 gravelites, 3 sand- stones, 4 clay, -AM ~y ' 1600 argillites, 5 silty clay, aleurolites, 6 ~ clay with sand admixture, -~00o b i�, 1700 7-- clay, lime argillites, 8 carbonaceous-clay deposits - ~~oo ~ - = zsov Key : 1. grotip; 2. system; =~ro~~ 190D 3. depth; 4. lithologic column; S. thickness, m; 6. depth; 7. Cenozoic; F lJ00 ~ JCOO 8. Paleozoic' Pz � ' 9. Paleogene, Pg; 10. Neogene N; 11. Quatertiary Q -s. 9 - ~.t~0 . _ 86 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY r APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFYCIAL USE ONLY Table 5 060- (3) KoopaxHeTU Paccro~N~ Moway araHUxaMr, w (?raiwwA aNevr. 1 rro Z ~ A A,," I lt, ,i T' 0 A-A A I I-A K q (5) (6) Tairap 03oP0 T 0 430 14,25 0 770 13.55' 43 04 2 1200 - - 27 20 40 17 110 li (7) Ama�ATe A_A , 8 7E3 89,28 43 17.23 78 58,56 2900 - 27 _ 24 35 41 108 800 L000, 20 2 4 - 31 23 0 (8) AnM Hoso-Anon A H A 43 33.02 77 02.13 , 84 ' 2000 ' 550 800 40 88 31 - 25 72 1S 45 (9) - CNbCkIlA - 49 23,86 ;7 13,84 . . 700 1200 17 4~ 23 25 - 68 36 (i~j n;~~ n 43 53,6 7u zo sso - iio ioa e4 72 ea _ ' ' ios 1700 _ i r e ia as 3e ioa . (12) I7pmwoaaHMe. A_ sucoTe pea ypooHCM Mcpry ll - rity6iwa npN6ope s cKeemme. Key: 1. Station 7. Alma-Ata 2. Notation 8. Ali 3. Coordinates 9. Novo-Alekseyevskaya 4. Diatance between stationa, km 10. Kurty 5. Talgar 11. Plato 6. Ozero 12. Note. h ia the elevation above sea level, II depth of instr ument in the well. 53. Radiotelemetric Channel In 1971 the laboratory of deep well observations began work on the development of the equipment and the process for centralized recording of signals. In 1972 V. G. Katrenko took the radio channel in Tashl:ent as the iniCial one. The development ended with the construction of the radio- telemetric test area of highly sensitive sutomated stations in 1972. Later the equipment was improved significantly and a great deal of experience was nccumulated in its operation. Let us consider the individual assemblies and units of equipment which are not seriea manufactured by industry. For this purpose we shall use the materiuls of reference [37] in part. The radiotelemetric channel includes the equipment at the transmitting and receiving stations. The equipment makes it possible to input seismic data ta the communications channel �or which the series radio relay RP.S-1M stations ,zre used. 87 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOlt OFFICYAL USE ONLY Basic Cechnical specificationa ef radiotelemetric e (withouC A cnmmunicaCiona ch8nnel) are aa followe; Frequency bnnd of transmitted aeiemic daCa, herCz Dynnmic range (withouC the commun3cationa channel), decibels Nonlinearity, Y Operating temperature range, �C Feed voltage (from storage battery), volts quipment 0.5-10 60 AO. S from -15 Co +40 12 The functional diagram of the telemetric channel ia preaented in Fig 28, a. The basic linkA of the channel are as followa; a aeismograph with pre- amplifier, an amplifier-modulator, tranamiCter, receiving radio atation, demodulntor, low-frequency amplifier and recording device. The S13U-V seismometers are used as the seismic converters iift the deep-well stationa, and the SM-2P1 at the ground surface ataCiona. Amplifier-Modulator (UM). The Ut4 module (Fig 28, b) is made up of the amplifier, modulator and feed voltage stubilizer. The low-.frequency amplifier, to the input of which the seismic signal is fed after being picked up on the preamplifier is a low-noise five-stage amplifier with direct couplings between stations.' It is encompassed by two loops of common negative feedback which rigidly stabilize its parameters and 3hape the frequency characteristic. For compensation of the characteristic of the pendulum conversion, the transmission coefficient of the UM in the frequency range of 1-10 hertz is inversely proportional to the first power of the frequency. Basic parameters o� the amplifier; Input impedance, kilohms 8.2 Output impedance, ohms 1 r-i � a . -i +I , ~ 41 . . r-I cd o� , , 44 ~ . a~ ~ 90 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100044410-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' itselF) piay the role of the controlling awitches. The multivibraCor Crequenr.y dependa on the charge cuxrent developed tay the input circuits, and ir is controlled by the output current of the amplifier. Basic parameters of the �requency modulator; Central frequency, herrz 1850+15 Frequency deviation, hertz g1600 Frequency atability, hertz 1�10'4 Output impedance, ohms 600 The frequency modulator signal of the amplifier modulator unit is fed to the radio station modulator which takes the signal to the ultrashort wave band. r The ultrashort wave signal goes through the air to the receiving radio station, from the output of the receiver of which the frequency-modulator signal is picked up in the 300-3400 hertz band and it is fed to the modulator-amplifier unit. Demodulator (D). The basic purpose of the demodulator is converaion of the frequency spectrum obtained in the receiving radio station (300-3400 hertz) to the low-frequency spectrum of seiemic information. Let us briefly dis- cuss its operation (see Fig 28, c). The demodulator is executed from five triodes and five diodea. The ouCput - signal of the subcarrier frequency with an amplitude of 5-8 volts, similar with respect to shape to sinusoidal, goes from the radio to Che demodulator input where a threshold unit of the Schmidt trigger type (T1, T2) converts it to square pulses. - The shaped square pulses are differentiated; then they go through the C3, R7 _ circuit to the slaved multivibrator (the triodes T3, T4) which shapes the pulses of constant duration and amplitude independent of the input signal parameters. Only the frequency o.f shaping of the pulses determined by the input signal frequency is a variable. Then the pulses go through the emitter _ repeater TS directly to the demodulator D5, D6, R15, C8. 'Che a(lvantages of t}ie described demodulator circuit are the following: a) Cconomy the demodulator does not require a separate feed and is connected to one power supply (a 12 volt storage battery) jointly with other units of the channel; - b) Absence of mutual effects between the channels and, as a consequence, quite high noiseproofness; c) Resistance overload, simplicity, reliability, a small number of parts. 91 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 Uf L. 4 APRIL 1979 ,I ! a 2 OF 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR UFFICIAL U5E ONLY The low-frequency sipnal is .fed from the demodulntdr nutput Cd the recnrding oquipment. (.h;iiiiit, l (:n I Ihr;it toil, 'I'lit - iirnhlemy tir rn 1lhr,httng tliv peiqmir equipme nt, th,it [K, dei.erminatinn of thr frequenry-amrlttudr ind phage charecterigticg of thr neigmic channel and algo amplification of it have been inveatigated in many papers, for ea;ample, in (45] and other papera. The callbration df the racltoeelemetrir r.hanncl hns ita own sper,ific charactprigticg. Accually, on an ardinary seinmic gtation all of the channel elements are lor.hted in direct proxfmity to each other. In the radiotelemetrie channel the individual eleme�ta nre located at grQat dietanCes, in pnrticular, the recr_ivinR And transmittinK parts are several tens of kilomecers gpnrt. In- asmurh as Che tran9mittinK radio stati3n is rigidly "tipd" to the AC network rower yuprly, in the srarch for a"quipt" place it ia necessary to remove ~ the 5ciqmometers to gignifir.anc (up to 300-400 meters) distanceg. Simul- tnneoualy, in order to avoid induction fren the tranemitter icseif, the rrc,7mnlifier and the amplifiPr-modulator are moved Chere. Additional diffirulCiea occur when calibrating well channels, the seiamometerg ~ nf which are located !.n the wells at great depths and are connected tn the E;round cquipment by lo�g lines (the ronstruction length nf the series-pro- duced armored logging cables is abouc 3500 meters). 'I'he influence of such long lines on the parameters of the entire channel must be taken into account. 1n addttion, at grea[ depths (to 3000 meters) under high tempera- ture conditions reaching 100�C, the seismometers change paramecers. Thi.s is taken inco account by introducing the correspondinR directions or aprroaching the actual operating conditivns to the maximum When calibrating the channel. Inasmuch as the radiotelemetric channel is made up of seismic and radio cortmiunicacions channels, the latter must be individually tuned and adjusted before calibration in order to avoid its influence on the 5ei5mic channet parameters. Frequency Characteristic of [i;e Channel. Accurding ta Fig 4, b, the characteristic on the 0.7 level has a pass bnnd of 0.8-7 hercz. In order to comPensate for the nmplificacion of the seisnopraph emf with an increase in frequrncy, an inteqrating cell is provided in the amplifying-recording equirment (see curve 2. Ft� 4). Whr_n prenaring the r.idiotelemetric channel for operation when all of its = astirmblies are ]ocaced on the central recording station, the frequency chararteriscic of bnrh the entire channel and its individual elements can he nicked up hy any oC the known procedures. When part of the equipment is instai leci at the svismic� and data transmission point, the most convenienc for determinatten of the frequenct characceristic of the entire channel as n whnle is che provedure f.or which the signal is fed from the generator on v,riouti frequcncirs aireccty to the input of the concrol coil ahe:hPr it is a Itrotincl gcismomecer or a deep Well seismometer. This prc+cedure is con- vvnlent for daily nonitoring feeding the signal of a constant amplitule 92 - FOR OFFICIAL USE QvI.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 Fntt OFFICIAL U5E ONLY mxgnetiC generardr (riCpA) to the auxiliatry coi1, it ie poeeible to con- tral bath the shape and levpl uf the frequency charactextstic of the r.hannpl operativrly. 1t ia alKO rngeihle to piCk up the frequency charnctpristtc of the amplify- inti 3nd recording channel, feeding the gignal frnm the generatdr to ite inrut. Then multiplying it by ttie frequenCy characterisCic of the - qeiamumeter and introduring a correction for the seismometer `onverter, we nbtnin the frequency charncteristic of the entire chgnnel. C:hnnnel Amplification. Under laboratory cdnditions, before-seCting up the ch.ynnhl Enr operation, the amplification, jugt as the frequency character- istfc, can be deeermined by varioue methoda (tor examples electrodynamically or by the mpthod based on direct meaeurement of the diaplacement of the rendulum by a microscope [321). Usually the recording of the frequency characteristic and determination of the amplification both in the labora- tory .hnd in operation are handled in the same way. For determination nf the amplific3tion by the procedure moat convenient for an operating radiotele- metric channel, firat it is neceesary to determine Clte senaitivity of the amplifying and recording channel as a function of frequency, feeding the signal from the generator co the input of the prenmplifier. Here we simultaneously obtain the frequency charactertstic of the amplifying and recording channel. The amplification of the channel is calculaeed by the formula V=SU2nGRinput amplifier/Minput amplifier+RK)' where S=Arer_ord/Uinput' m/volt is the sensitivity of the amplifying and recording channel equal to the ratio of the recording amplitude on various frequencies to the voltage fed from the generator to the input of the pre- -implifier; U is the frequency characteristic uf the seismometer for the adopted d vnping coeEficient D Which is taken from the standard curvea; C. is the electrodynamic constant of the seiamograph coil; R is the reduced length of the pendulum: Rinput amplifier is the inout impedance of the amplifier; Rk is the resistance of the operating coil of the seismograph. ` Lec us note that the values of the amplification of the same channel taken by (I{fferent procedurPs usually are quire cloae and do not differ by more th:in 5 to 10Z. Therefore the choice of procedures is determined by the arFumenta of convenience under certain specific conditions. Controlltnk the Identity af the Receiving Parta of Radiotelemetric Channela. This rontrol can be realized by two procedures. The first c�onsista in the fact that one transmittinR station is organized at the rentral recording stntion co which all of the receiying stations are tuned. Peeding the voltage on various frequencies co the input of the modulator (nr scismomeier) frc,m the Renerator, it is possible to cons[ruct the lmplitude-frequency characceristics for each receiver ard then compare them. 93 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY A" I n ernnd, striCter and more objective prncedure consiaCg in Cuning all nf ~tha~,rrrriving gtntiong td any one transrniteing etation 1ncnCed aC the Ae, ismic data transmiesion point and recording identical seismic informaCinn for some eime from the eame eeismograph. Channel Control. For operative control of the parameters of each channel nn the tranemitting station, automatic feed of the control eignal of the itGrA to the control coil of the seiemograph has been introduced. The Contrnl signgl makes it poagible to dctermine the parametera of the entire rndiotelemetric channel and trace their atability. For thig purpoae the circuit has bepn developed (see Fig 28, d) for automatic feed of the cnntrol siRnal. The control signal from the rtGPA is fed to the control coil of the seismograph through a potentiometer by meana of which the required ampl!tude of the conCrol signal is eaCablished. The circuit diagram of the MGPA [constant amplitude magnetic generaCor] contains a rectifier, a time relgy P1, servorelays P2, P3 and the electric motor D, the ahaft of which is installed coaxially with the ahaft of the MCPA, and both are connected to earh orher by n epring couplinq. On rlosure of the contact K of the alarm of the Slava electromechanical clnck, the relay P1 is connected ttirough the normally closed contacts to - the relay P2, and the electric motor spins the NGPA. After 10 to 12 seconds during this time the frequency of the MCPA reaches 10-15 hertz t1le relay P1 is switched on, and the power is disconnected from the electric -notor, simultaneously connecting the outnut of the MGPA to the control coil of the seismometer through the contacts of the relay P3. Thia reTay remains connected until the contact K of the alarm on the clock is broken (approximately 2.5-3 minutes). The duration of the control signal is 1-1.5 minutes. The power supply for the circuit is realized from the oower supply unit of the RRS-1M radio station (12 volts DC and 127 volts AC). 94. Equipment of the Central Recording Station At the Novo-Alekseyevskaya central recording station, after demodulation the seismic signals are recorded in two modes: continuous and slaved. Conttnuous Recording. The recording ia made by a nen recorder, and it i.s basically a display. It permits observation of the seismic regime, opera- _ tivc: determination of the directions of the sources of distant earthquakes and the coordinates of the centers of nearby earthquakes. The directton of the source can be determined without interrupting the recording several minutes nfter recordir:g the first wave of the earthquake. In additioli, the display recording permits continuous control of the operation of the stations, the noise level, and so on. For rontinuous recording, the RV3-T visible recorder is used in which power ampliEiers have been utilized which were developed at the Earth Phyai.:s Tnatitute oE the USSR Academy of Sciences (Fig 28, e). The amplifierq are assembled from fivc triodes in a circuit with galvanic coupling and 94 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 _ FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY HymmeCric emiCCer rcpentera nt rhe outpuC. In order to ineure sCgbility of Chp parametera, the amplif.ier ie encompgesed by Cwo common and two ineprnal negative feedbacke, and it has five pogitione fnr manual regule- tinn of the gain (6 dhribels ench). Basic parnmeters of the amplifier; Mgximum amplification coefficienC with respect to voltage 800 rtinimum input impedance, kilohmg 9 Output impedance, ohms 50 Structurally the recorder contains four amplifier modules loaded on the pen recording heada with a resistance o� 800 ohms and a resonance frequency of 8 hertz. Inorder to record the aignals from the radiotelametric syatem, eacti unit oE the.amplifier also has demodulatora mounted in it. Instead of a collectorleas nC motor, a DSM electric motor ia used to wind the paper tare. It is fed from the 224 volt network. The power supply for the demodulntors and the amplifiera comes from the same 12 volt storage battery. 5laved Recording. The slave recording system organized at the central station makes it poasible to record only the uaeful eventa, the recording of which is uQed for basic processing of the materials, anal,yais and compar- isun of them. The four-cfiannel slaved recording system was first organized on the basis of the device with magnetic memory developed and manufactured by the apecial design office of the Earth Phyaics Inqtitute of the USSR Academy of Sciencea. However, the significant deficiencies discovered when checking out and test operating the equipment led to the necessity for significant alteration and improvement of its assemblies and units. The specific peculinrities connected with the multichannel radiotelemetric recording led to the develop- ment and manufacture of a special analysis and switching unit. A description uf the slaved recording system is presented. 'i'1le baqic clements oi the system are the analysis and switching uniC and the magnetic recorder. Analysis and Switching Unit. This unit switr_hes on any of the recorders (one or several simultaneously) on aPpearance of a uaeful signal confirmed by three radiotelemetric channels and it disconnects the recorders when the signal intensity drops below the siven level with reapect to a:il three channeig. The circuitry of the unit (Fig 29) includes a contrnl panel, threshold circuits, logical �ilters, disconnect relay, connect relay, servorelays, selector circuits, and comparison circuit. Let us briefly ronsider the operation of the elements of this unit. The clireshold circuit is made up of matching stages eaecuted from the T1-T3 triodes and the Tshl-Tsh2 Schmidt triggers. It is used for shaping square pulses at the output in the presence of the seismic signal at the 95 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICTAL USE ONLY inpuC exceeding the gtven tevel. The xegulation of the rpAponae thrnahnld is reatiyed by the It1-R3 rotenCiomeeQrx. 'L'hr. 1ngLcn1 Ciltet'g whirh genpratp the instrucCi,on Cu AwiCch on axe exeruCecl from Criggere ronnecCed by the counting circuit in such a way rhaC the triggers Tgg, T96, Tg9 are set to the one condition when four atart pulseg nrrive from the tiireahold circuit (which correaronds to four periods oE the input signal). The -10 volt level ia taken as the onea condition. Thus, the Eilters filter out ones noiae. The disconnecC relays periodically c1e=r the logicAl rriggera og the filters in order Co erase Ealse information. This information is atored by the logicnl filters on random arrival at the threshold circuiCs of signals - exceeding the given response threahold. The disconnected relay is nade up of the trigRer Tglo, the time relay based on the triodes T6 and T7 and the P1 relay. On appearance of the pulse from the threshold circuit of any chunnel and passage of it through the Ott collecting circuit (TS, D10-D12) the tr.igger Tglp is set to the ones condition, it starts the time relny and after 10 seconds the P1 relay is switched on, through the contacta oE whirli the clenr signal is fed on closure to all triggera of the circuit, including Tg1o. The signal light L1 indicates the passage of a single or periodic signal the given level through one or several chnnnels. On clear- ing, the entire system is initialized, and the light burns. IJiCh the arrival of a single signal the operating cycle repeats. This condition of the cir- cuit is slaved even in the presence of a regular signal at two diodes simultaneously. I The switching on relay closes the circuiC of the servorelay IR in the presence of a signal at the outputs of all of the logical filters simul- _ taneously and it disconnects IR after diappearance of the control signals - from the threshold circuits. The switching on relay is made up of the trigger Tp,ll, the time relay T8-T10 and the relay P2. On arrival of a regular signal above the given level at all three inputs, the threshold devices develop the start pulses of the triggers of the logical circutts with frequencies equal to the f.requencies of the incoming signals. After passage of four oscillation periods along each of the channels, the ti�iggers T93, T96, Tg9 fiip to the ones condition and thus switch on the comparison circuit (Tq, D13, D15)' The signal passing through the comparison circuit trips ttie trigger Tgil which leads to response of the relay P2 which by one oE i[s contacts includes the servorelay IR, and the other, the preset input 2 of the triRger TR11 to the output of the OR circuit. in this mode the trigger Tgli i,s initialized by the clear signal from the disconnect relay and it is again set to the ones condition hy the input signal of any other channels. The re?.ay PZ will stay in the on state until the input signal level falls below the threshold value on all channels. After disconnection of the relay P2 the recorders are disronnected, and [lie connect relav aRain connects only to the output of the comparison circuit. 'Phe system goes into the slaved regime. 96 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY r  APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 ^ 2i aI o~ o 0 i-. i. tl c ~ c+~ F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY N M rl rl rl , vv v rIV M/ cm. Bd rAff,fd ~~l1Al00P tk ~ p u u ~ ~ a!r,r5  ~ gq~ if6, ' ~loy~, ~ ~ ~ N I " ~ M! co u ~ . ( I 44 $4 d200 tan the group ceasee to onerate for determination of R and only one nomograM ie eufficient to determine the azimuth at the epicenCer (see Fig 90). In addition to inconvenience of eelecting a large number of nomngrams, their deficiency is loa accuracy of detprmining the depth of the center H. For the poesibility of increaeing the accuracy of determining ttte hypo- Centere ahich are inherenc in the radiotelemetric multichannel recordittg, the gelection etep size for the depthA of S 1-m ie too large, and decreas- ing the scep requirea additional nomograms. This ie not justifi.ed, for the accuracy of determining N quickly decreases With an increaee in the epicentral dietance (Ftg 38). At R>20 km from the central statione (Almn-Aca or Talger) the resolution With reapece to depth is lov, and for R-30 km it is in practice zero. At the same time under the conditions - oE the Alma-Ate ceet area for the ma)ority of the obeerved centere the epicentral dietances frotn the Alma-Ata end Telgar atations are more thgn 30 km. tn the nomogram procedure only the P Wave$ are used. Exclueion of the 5 waves from the inveatigationg the Arrivals of ahich ueually are clear on the recordinge of the locA1 earthquakes eliminates ndditional informa- tion Which percoits control of the convergence of all of the data and the exclusion of groea errors. Therefore the nomograms aere used to decermine the poAition of the induacrial explosions (11-0) and for opera- tive approximate determinAtion of the coordinates of the epicentere. 122 FOR OPPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR O"ICIAI. USE ON'LY ~ ~ t D ~t - .�e (1) dt ~ . ! . a-~ t o-.  . ~ ~ � ~ ~1~;~ (3) ti � ~ T T (4) i -J? -!B -6 -0 -t / t V i / 11d~�9(2) I Figure 36. Difference in time of arrival of the 5-Waves (AtS) at two etationa ae a function of the difEerence in the time of grrival of the P-aaves (6tp) according to the data on the local and nearby earttiquakea for three paire o: atatione. 1-- Ozera-Z'algar, 2-- Aima-Ata-Talgar, 3-- A1i-Talgar. The light symbnls are in accordance aith the dieplay recordings, and the dark gymbole, by the slaved recording seismograms. Key: 1. stp, aeconde 3. north 2. Ats, 9econde 4. aouth 'fhc divergence with the data of other ,vi~un uutermining the epicenters by the nomograme ie explained by neglecting the apatiel po9i- tinn of the system etations; for gimplicity hereafter We shall agy "negleccing the day surEace reltef." igikaWn Procedure. It turned nut that the determination of the positions of the centers by che IgilceWa procedure (4) ueing the fictitious velocity VF gives large errore. The determinations made by c+ifferent triplets of atations gave error triangles vi[h 10 km sidasand more. The deptha of the cencerA Fere also found to be differenc. Bxamples of such conatructiona are shown in Fig 39. For example, let us consider the construction of the epicenter of earthquake No 124. Three positiona of the epicenters 5 to 6 km frem eACh other were decermined by the Iaikawa procedure vith reepect to three triangles of statione Alma-Ate-Ozero-Telgar, A1i-Alma-Ata-Telgar, Ali-Ozero-Talgar. The depths at the points of interaection of the chords are different, and for the different station triangles they are 16, 20 123 FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OPFiGIAL U9B ONLY and 22 km respectiveiy. The obaexved conseructi,on errora, as anelysis has shown, wpre beA3caliy cauaed hy neglectirg thp d3fferent altitudee of ehp obgervation pointe. Actually, the differenee in abeoluee aititudee for the tpet area gtationa exceeds 3000 m@terat the Ozero station is located high tn the mountgine with an altitude of 3000 metera, ehe Aima�Ata station io in the plaine, and iCg eeiemometer ie Aubmerged in g aeii to a depth of 1000 metere. in addition, the eeiernogeological cc+nditione are differpnt for thp etations. The Ozero and Taiger etatione arp on bedrock. At the Ali station there are 50 meters of eediment betaeen thp aeismometQr and the roofe of the bgaement. Under the eeismometer of the Alma-Ata station thQre are 3200 m of sedimenCary rock. Al1 of rhie led to the neceeeity for eelecting a aingle reduction ievei. The depth of the baeQment under the Alma-Ata ~ station 4200 meters under the day surface WAa taken as this level. 'Che diegram of huw the gtatione differed aith reepect ro elevgtion relative to eaCh other and ebove sea level and eleo the positinn of the rpduction 1pve1 are indiceted in Fig 41, e. rtme Field Nethod. The neceseity for introducing time corrections for the relief geve rise to exppdiency uf conetructing the opicenters by the time field method. In order to recalculate the obeerved Cimee for the P-wave to reach the reduction level it ia eufficient to take croas eectione of the time field by the horizontal plgnes et daptha equal to the amounts the etatioea are above the raduction level and to take them aa ehe zero depth levels. For the different etetions the depeh of these levele is different. For the Ozero station it is 6360 metera if ve coneider that the time field ie conetructed with the cencpr at the pnint vhere the depth is equal to zero; for the Talgar station ir ie 4600 metera, for the Ali station it ia 3500 meters, for A1ma-Ata it is 3240 meters. The only time field 'of the P Wave, just ae for the uniform medium aith Vpu5.9 km/aec was constructed for the firet three stations. For the Alma-Ata station the time Eield Wae conetructed for a two-layer horizontal-atratified medium: che sedimentery series 4.2 km thick aith Vp-4.0 km/8ec and the halfspnce -Vp=5.9 km/aec. - Further operatione to determine the poeition of the centers ueing the time Eielde were of a atandard nature (8, 52). Examplpe of these determingtiona can be seen in Fig 40. us consider tite detetmination of the hypocenter of earthquake No 203 by che time field method aith and withouc coneideration of the relief by the four stations (Fig 40, a). The epicentersturned out to be close, 2 km Erom each other, and the deptha of the centers. 14 and 20 iap respectively. Hoaever, in the firet caae 14 tcm Wae reckoned frocn the reduction level, and in the aecond case, from a day eurface, the elevetion of ahich is unkna+n. Reducieg the depth by 6 icn (14 inetead of 20 km) increases the error triengle by 10-15 timea. Thue, the radiotelemetric recording made it poesible to reiae the accuracy of determining the depthg at distances not exceeding 30 km to the nearest station to +1-2 km Which led to the neceseity for considering the epatial poaition of the atationa. 124 POR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 F01t d1n+ICiAt, U38 ONLY t,~ J J J A _j Figure 37. Nomogram for determiniag the pogition of the epicanters 7'he differences in time of arrival of the direct longitudinal waves at different patrs of stations are plotted on the axes. The igolinp parammetpr R ie the distance from the epicenter to the Alma-Ata station. The numbers of the isolinee are the azimuths of the epicenters. Key: 1. aeconds 2. Medeo 3. Kotur-Butak 125 FOR OPFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 , ~ ~ 4t / y ~ ~ loo N 0 v i ~ . 126 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY POR oFFtCrAt. ttSa nur.v w ~ M ~ ti 1 00 \ \ 1 V L I 1 I v ' ,r ~ ~ CO fr1 d M ~ M a APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR O"ICM USE ONLY . ~ ~ a a ~ L h ~ A M N ~ ~ u y g'+ o d ~ O " d ~ a~ W 1 W 1 ~ M y~ ~ ~ y ao M ~ ~ y i r. oao M w ~ b u 0 V d q r/ ~ 127 FOR OFPICIAL USB ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 "P 'i' ' i' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 1OR 4P'rtCIAL C19E ONLY tim+:.~~"" ~wr~Arrt Ci) fl~ r nr ''-~r ~ AtiI. J~ A~11 1 Ai'rf/ x~ ~ . ~,,,e I~ ~ .,~f. A�J! ~t J . off r"v . ti~ 1A! !t~ s r #~t~t r A ~ ~ ~ t ~n r ~ � ~ . rAl.l.~J . , Figure 39. Decermination of the earthquake epicentere by the ieikaaa procedure aithout conridering t�elief (1) and aith introduction of a correction for the relief (2), by the nomogramg (3) and by the time field methori cons_idering relief (4) Key: 1. Atroa-Acl, 2. Ta 1 gair 3. Ozero 128 FOR OPlICIAL USS ORLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOA O"ICIAt. t1S6 ONLY F l+Mr � I l . ~ LV ~`/~III , C2) r�,.f�p . . ~ ~ 1 I ~I.AI- ARrr rt-4Mf ~jw . / . L. L , , I ~ ~ ir (7) (7) 7 w~iv ~ (6) ' ii #.i r p" (6) r iix,~ . . M&Ar,MCr~` ~ . ~z . CS~ 04 /rI AA~in ~ t%~J � . ~ ~�A t +v . ~A~ j / ~ Ih/ (1) (4) u,' t ~ p ,v~ ~w t ~ - . . FtRure 40. Oeterminatioa of :.he earthquake epicenters by the cime Eield methad [See folioving page Eor legend arad key) 129 FOR OPPtCtAL t158 ONL.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOk O1tFICIAt. USs ONLY [Legpnd and key to Fiaure 40p pxecedi,ng pagp]; a cansidering (i) and Withouc coneidering re13ef (2); b-�. according to the daea of three, four and Eive etgtiong of the eoot areal e-- uning the data from Ghiiik and the Ituneeaty stationg Keyt 1. A1i S. Novo-Aiekseyevskaya 2. A1ma-Ata 6. Kurmenty 3. Taigar 7, Chilik 4. Ozera Correecions for Relief. The eoneideratton of th@ different elevationg of the bbeervation pointe changes the porition of the hypocenter deteraiined Without consideration of the reiia, thet ig, it leads to a change in the cddrdinateg af the eenter R, # (in the polar coordinate gyet@m) and H. In ordpr to Qntimete the magnitudeg of theee correctione under the conditions of the teet area, calculatione aere mnde for three etation triangleg: Tglgar-Ozero-Ali, Talgar-OLero-Alma-Ata, Talgsr�A1i-Alma-Ata, four depthg 0.5, 10, 20 km and for 60 pointa located in the circle 40 km in radiua atth its center at the Talggr station. On the correction maps (exampleg gre presented in Fig 41, b) the ieolineg AR,6# and aH have a compieac ghape, especially A#; their configuratien varies for different depth9 and different triplets of etations. For the deep earthquakee (N,1 S-20 1un) the earrection� cfianging the poeition af the epicenter can reach sR-+3 km, Ad-�15' and even exceed them. -lith a decrease in depth of the earthquake centera cheme correctione decreage, eR beconee no more than +1.5 km, gnd e4st(2-5)0. 'Phe correctione for the depthg of the ceaters for a11 af'the earthquekes are identical, and they are aithin the limits of 0-(-7) km. The introduction of the correction for the relief into the pogition of the hypocencere determined by the IaikaWa procedure by the Talggr-Ozero-A1i station triengle (Pig 39) made them cloee to the hypo- eonters fodnd by the time fieid method. However, in connection vith the iabor congwaption of the proceeeing by this method, the conetruction of the hypoGenters beeically aaa done by the time field method coneideriag relief. Final PrnceeaYng Schetae. for Qarthquakes recorded by no 1ees than three gtatione, the following gequence of operacione aas used to determins the ;mgitinn of the center. 1. The search for the hypocentr.11 dietance R1*71 7 cs"P km and the time ac the center TOftcpl-R1/S.9 by the recordirig oZ the station for erhich cS_p ig dpcermined maec rpltably. 2� Calculation of the cime to get fram the center to the remaining atatione Tn=tpn-TO. Srlection aE the depth of the cencer correeponding to the intereection of the taorhrons wich mioimum erro* 5y the isochron templetes or time fieldg. 130 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 Fox oFFicini. usE otnY The cdnsCrurtione were done on a 1000000 gcg1e. The values of ts_p were determined with respect to a1i of the etations; redundant in�ormation was used eo esCimoee the internal convergencp of all of the deCexminaeions. dnly snme ef the fictitioua wnves failed to be used, for the value of tgp ig deeermined by the etations with a di�ferenC degree o� reliebility (the applicetion of only the vertical seismograph ia frgughC with inaccuracies in determining the arrival of the S-waveg at the same time as the arrivalg of the p-wnvea are determined more reliably). Examplee of conatruction of hypocentere in different directions from the teet area according eo the data di three, four and five stations arc presented in Fig 40, b. For a11 of the determinaCions the intereectiona of the isochrone are within the limits of the circle (a d3ameter of 2 km on the acale of the mgp) dee3gnating the epicenter. F'or pst3matinn of the accurecy of the conetructions, in particular fnr mor.e rpmote easterly epicentprs, data are presented from the regional network stations df the Kazal:h 55R Academy of Sciences, Chilik and Kurmenty. Aa cen be seen 3n Fig 40, c, the agreerient of the data ia good; all the isochrone intersect within the circle. Thedretical calculationg to estimate the accuracy of determininF the poaition nf the epicenters and the depthe of the centers by the described procedure eonsidering the position of the Alma-Ata Cest area stationa were not per- formed. The experimental eatimatea of the accuracy of determing the posi- tion of the epicenters and the depthg of the centers of the baeic number nf earthquakes (wiehin a radiue of 40 km from the Ozero station) give values of +1-2 km. For the edge earthquakes adjacent to the eastern part oE the circle bounding the test area, the accuracy drops to +3-5 km. In casea where the earthquake was recorded by only two atations, the poaition of the center could nat be determined by the indicated proceduree. However, in order co use these recordings to estimate the seismic characteriatica (the number of euch earthquakes has reduced with the years, Table 9) the determination of the epicenter was made by the interaection method, the radii of Which are equal to the hypocentral distances for each etation Rn07�7 ts_p. For the construction, the intersections of the circles at two points are obtained, the azimutha of which differ by 180�. However, as a reault of the actual position of the centers of the earthquakes south of the northern Tyan'-Shan' fracture zone (see Fig 79) it turned out to be possible to exclude one of the two points from the inves[igation, for it fell in nn aqeismic terricory. If this exception could not be made, the earchquake vas not nrocessed. The accuracy of determining the epicenters by tWO stncions ia signifirancly loWer, and for small R depends primarily on the depth of center inasmuch as with the described method of constructionf the hypocentral diatances Were identical with the epicentral distances. ThercEore, the deeper the centerl the more removed the epicenter from its actual poaition. For small centere located west and eouth of the teEt area (Aee the depche nnp in Fiq 82), the epicenters are detetmined by two 131 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 i , v v ~ t + ~ . . ~ ~ t  ~   t  ~ ~''":Q'~ t4 ~ ~ '0~ a~4~' ~ :r~..���.�,.:,. ' �  � �  : .b* ~ . + + � + + ^ @~     + + b    + + � ' � � + t     +     ~    + ~4   +  i 4 t + i  +  4   t    + t +    i  + �    t t      ~    + a xoa o"xcrat. usE orLY . , 14 . ~ ~o . . . F . ,c . � ~ ~ v v � ~ � N ~ ~ � ~1~ ~ 0DlO . ~ ~ � ~ M. ~ . � ' ~ ~ d h ~ � w u � t H ~ 4J � 44 0 ~ ~ T m .�c a ~ d . ~o v, ti 41~H � 44 ~ ~ ~'~,�f` ~ ~M ~ u T: ~ ~ +1 ~ Q a ij � N w tr r-4 u r: � 0 w ~ a ai O ~ tA H 'l7 0. ~ Q . 41,� eo i ,H u~ %c r: %c a . ~ ~0 ' .41c�N . o41 e~o w r~i ~ ~ ~ N 09 � ~ ~ M a~ � ~ � � A ~ ~ � ~ ~ s ~ 4 � a O ~ dj N oo e~ ) 1-4 a ~ . M M N RI r-1 rl w oHad ' rr N M 17 ~ d ~ 132 FOIt OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY sCgCions with greater accur.tcy than for the eourheaetly deep earChquakea for which the epicenCral distances can 5 to 10 lan high, Thia is quite - clear by the summary map of epicenters ~;see Fig 79), in the souehwesterly cltrection the epicenters found by the two srations are grouped eogether - wirh the epicenterg constructed by three or more stat3ons. In the south- ensterly directinn the epicentera as a whole are ahifted somewhae farther ~ eo the eouhhenat with Yespect to the entire mase of epicenters deCermined _ by the ehre-t stations,. 53. :nergy Claesifi:ation The energy classification of earthquakes is of primary significance, for the disCribution nf the earthquakea in apace and time ia considered as a �unction of Cheir energy. The observations at the Alma-ACa tesC area were made only by verticnl seiamographs; therefore we used the energy , estimates of the earChquakes by the data from the Talgar seismic station where ane of the tesC area stations was iocated. The accuracy of determining K considerinp, the damping of the seiamic energy in the given area is high 6K=0.2 Co 0.3 (36]. UnPortunately, energy estimates were not available Eor all of the earthquakea in the bulletin (the high background of Issyk-Kul' microaeiama or skipping of recordings at the Talgar sCation). _ Therefore in order that the incomplete representativeness of the data not - distort the eatimate of the recurrence rate of the earthquakes of different energy classea, an effort was made to use the recording time T'of the weak earthquakes for the energy classification. The correlation between the energy class K and the oscillation time t was _ used by numerous authors for different areas [11, 39, 40], and good agreement was indicated with the data from direct determinations of K by the amplitudea of the P and S oscillations. We selected 122 earthquakes recorded by the Talgar station and the sCations of the Talgar and Ozero test areas and thus having an energy eatimate. The value of K of these earthquakes fell within the range from 4.5 to 10; the majority of the earth- quakes are characterized by K-5.5 to 8.0. The number of shocks with K>8.5 and KfS, that is, the longitudinAl wave is higher frequency, its ehape is complex, unexpreesed end unatable (Ffg 48, b). 142 POR OPPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 , . Atir~+4n (2) . , . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 11014 OPriCtAt ME C1NLY ~swr~~~sw~a �  s : ~ .iwi~. s~s I~~ ...r`......w,..,.s .p;.: . ; . . . . ~ . . . . . 1~�`i , , u drox"�P . ca) L~=! ~t4~,rR ~i" . , . . ti.., ~ � , ~ ' ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ;a~i t /r' . . : ' ' ~ . u . ~ . . ~r � ~ . ~,~.1 /Jtfl . 1 . � ~ n~' N/ . . i f . , . � . c,r oftAv ~s) . . _ . . . _ . . . . . . . . . � . . _ : . . : : ~ . . : . � . . . . I � Y  � ~ ~ . ' - , YY ` ~ AM � ts~ , ' ~.rc ~i.-~.~~~~ _ ~ _ _ . . . . . � . . ~b~ � . ~ ' ~ ' . . � ~ '~~t,~: ' ~~M~� w � ~,.h ~ . . . - � ~'A : ~ ~ � ' .i : ' 9 I ~ � . . . . , � . . . . . . . . : � . : ' � � . � � . . FiQt,rt! 48. Display seianagraas (a) end slaved recording seiamograme (b) of exploeions in Medeo Key: 1. Tnlqar drifc; 2. 10 seconds; 3. Aliaa-Ata vell. 4. Osero; S. Ali vetl; 6. Novo-Alekseyevskaya well. 143 POR OPPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 POR OAPICTAL t1S$ OttLY (1) (2) (3) (4) ~1) (3) (4) Key: 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 'Calgar drift Alma-Aca ae11 uzero Ali we11 20 aeconds 6. 40 geconda 7. 30 secondg 8. SO eeconde Anocher characteriacic feature of the recording ie obeerved et the Ali atation where 20 to 30 eeconds efter the Eirst arrivals an inten8e low- freq uency train af surface vavee ie recorded f requently predominant aith regpprt to intensfty over the enomalously high-frequency initial part of the recording (inctuding the P end S wavea, Fig 48, a). No such "tei18" are obgerved at the recordinEg of otfier etetione, and the amplitude dpcreaseg eharply with an increase in rerording time t. An analogoue charecteristic, but less clearly expreseed, ig obeerved aleo on the record ings of earthquakes at the Ali atetion. For the exploaion recordingg an unclear arrival of the cransverae aave is characterigcic which is most frequencly observed at the Talgar gtation and , 90fA@ti0lE8 et the O:ero etation. Ac the Alma'Ata gtation the arrival of the S-wave ugually ie good ae a result oE the differ8nce in frequency composition and the P and S oscillationa. Explonionn in the Kotur-Bulak Quarry. Just as the exploeion8 in Medeo, chey .rc recorded syatemetically. buc much aare rarely, on the averege 8 to 10 explosiong a year (see Table 8 and Appendix II). Here more Erequenciy than in Medeo. there are largp explosions, and the excitation 144 FOR OPpICIAL USS ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 Pigure 48, b (continued) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR O1rFICIAL U5E ONLY candieidns are different, This is reflected in variation of the dependence - n� Kon ehe weight of thp eherge ()Fig 49). rhe atab3.liCy of the exc3cacion conditioes and the eonotancy of the location of the exploeions give rise to a stablp characteristic ehape of the recordirig. Let ug eompare it with - che different Atations. Thp examples of recordings of explosione in the Kotur-Bulak quarry are pre- nented in Fig 50. The most intenee recordings are obeerved at the closegt Talgar and Alma-Ata etatione, and at the reet the ampiitudes are comparable. rhe recarding at the A1i gtation is dietinguiehed by the presence of intenae 1oa-frequency oecillations in the tail eection 25 secondg afrer the first errivale whieh exceed aith respect to gmpiitude by tvo timee or more nll of the preceding dacillatione (Fig 50, a). At Ozero aCation thp shape of the recording algn has a typicel configurarion the 5 aave is almost ndt expressed With respert to inteneity end frequency. The transverse wave ia �norly ieolated at the Tal$ar and Alma-Ata station, but for a different reasofl the valUe of ts,r is emall, and the intensity of the P-wave is lnrge (Fig 50, a). The Pand S waves ere aeparated more reliably as g regult oE che difference in their frequency composition by the oscillograma di the frequency aelection seismic etation (Fig 50, b). r:xplosions from the Vicinity of Kapchagay. The recordings Were started in 1913. There are comparatively few of them (aee Table 8). The e_+cploeions Were in a largp area (see Fig 45), and the shape of the recording is unatable. Examples of eeirAograms are shcnm in Fig 51. The maximum intensity of the recording is obaerved at the Ali station which is closest to the exploeions. The arrivals of the S-Waves are even. At the remaining statione 'falgar, Ozero, Alma-Ata the recording u9ually has a characterietic ehape Which ;ls typical of remote explosions. It is weakly expresspd dynamically. Difference in Recordings of Explosiorts and Earthquakea. When atudying the geigmic characteristics of the cicy, a great deal of attention must be given to the diACOVery of the criteria for recagnizing the explosions in Medeo, Eor they nre in a seismically active region. There are many of them, and unrelinbte classification of them as earthquakes is fraught aith the con- gtruction dE fictitious centers shifted in the southeasterly direction With re9peet to Medeo. Let us formulate the basic criteria for distinguishing the recordinge of expiosions in ftedeo Erom earthquakes, The kinematic signs are necessary and of primary aignificance. These include the values of tS_p and the differences in timrs of arrival of the Whves nt the test nrea stations (see Table I1). In the case where there are insufficient kinemacic signs, it is necessary to refer to the dynamic signg. 145 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 ~ ~ ~ ! 1 1 ~ I ~ t ~ot FOR OFFICIAL USE QNLY P.ff (1) j  r r ~ , � � , , . 1 � . j . . e !i (2 � ~ � ~ � � � / " ~ � . o i.r~s� i * � f ii X. _ Figure 49. Energy of the oscillationa K a8 a function of the weight of the charge Q for the exploaiona in Medeo (1) and Kctur-Bulak (2). The dotted line was constructed by the data of F. F. Aptikayev for an explosion in Medeo [6) Key: 1. Q, kg , 2. year We shall distinguish two dynanic signs r- frequency composition and recording ahape. The frequency composition of the recordings of earth- quakea and explosiona in Nedeo differ etably. The average apectra of the frequency selection seismic station of the P and S wavea from earthquakes and explosions are compared in Fig 52, The apectra of xhe S waves from exploaions at all of the atntionA are signif icantly lower frequency= on che 1.3 and 2.6 hertz filtere the relative amplitudes Ag/A5.1 hertz ; oE tlie explosion recordings are 2 to 4 timeR greater than fmr the earth- quakea. The intensity oE the recording on the high.-frequency filterR of 5 and 10 hertz for the earthquakes ia eesentially greater than for the explcsiona. For the P-waves this law is clearly expressed onlq at the Talgar station. 146 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICI:.'. USE ONLY - 'Che critprion for the xenording ahape is lesa specific Chan frequency. The general characteri.sCic of the recordings of explosions includes leas clenr arrivals o� the S-wavee, wozse dynamic expresaion o� the S-oscilla- tiong and the worse, the greater the epi.central diatance (thia ia especinlly nnticegble on the recordings at the Ali atation). The ratio Ag/Ap for the explosions ia less than for the earthquakes. The specific shapc of the envelope of the recording A(t) at the A13 station for explosions is expresaed aignif icantly more sharply than for the earthquake (see Fig 43). Wherene for earthquakes the intensity of the tail parC of the recording is smaller or, in the best case, comparable with the intensity of the preceding oscillations, for the explosion the 1ow-speed componenta predominate wiCh respect to intensity on the seismogram. Finally, anoCher ; dynamic characteriatic, also pertaining to the Ali station, is that the , recordings of the explosiona are always much weaker than st the other ' stations. Frequently they are in practice absent (except KapchagAy). ~ AC the same time the reccr-lings of earChquakes at the Ali station are , comparable with respect to intensity with the recordings of the other sta- tions. ~ The time of day when an event occurs can serve as an indirect attribute of the explosions: the majority of the explosions occur in the range of 10-12 houra Greenwich (1600 to 1800 hours local time, see Appendix II). The recordings of an explosion and an earthquake in the vicinity of Medeo are illustrated in Fig 53 for comparison, The differences in time of arrival of the waves at the test area stations for groups of recordings I and II are cloae. The consideration of the dynamic criteria helps to distinguish an explosion from an earthquake, namely: 1) The earthquake recording at all stations is essenti311y higher frequency. 'Chis is quite obvious by the oscillograms from the frequency selection seismic stations on the 5 and 10 hertz filters the disturbance from the explosion is almost absent at the same time as the intensity of the earth- quake recording on all filters is comparable; 2) At the Ali station the intensity oE the recording of the explosion is mtich weakcr than an earthqtiake (by comparison with other stations); - 3) The clear nrrival oE the S-wave is not as obvious on the seismogram of an explosion at the Ali station as on an earthquake recording; 4) The intensity ratia of the tail and initial sections of the oscillations on the explosion recording (Ali station) is more than on the earthquake recording. 147 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 1OR O"ICYAL US8 ONLY Y ~xr~/b! ~ � !/.1a7J~. ,~~.~._i ti,,..� ~J~J � .....r . ~1 ~ ~ . s L. : '4~+r ~a~~~. ~r~ �r~..~. . ~ . . ~ ~ . ~ . ~ +T:. ~ A1~ A'Aa ~ ...rr r ~~nc loWaP . 1) Alt I r"' ~ ~~'t ' ~ ~ 1~ A + ~ . ~ ~ ~1 r.~ rst~N i~~}a i# I r~ a.1 ~i+ � � ~~�'Y ~t :1:'.I ~ ~ ~ ' � L'.. ~ : ~ . , 71.Bt. fJt. ~7r1~ t.: . : ; � 'i t ' ~ w...:.. : ~ w i~: ~a : ~ r~~. r. 'r . . . � ~ _ . . ~ c~~ ~.e.,~~,~.~.,r, ~ ~ M  ~ r~~; ~~�1' ~ ~ i, . , . A 1 ~r~~1~b 'NwJ� ~ a ~r r~ � ' , ~r+~~~ - I ' � ~ ~ ~~1 ~  I t ~ ~ ~ ' ~ � ~ � ~ ~ ~ ~ '7" ~ ~ ~ . . . ~ . r{... ~.T.i . . . ~ . � rrr~. , r� � . `~1~ , ~r~~~.r r~ S.~ N : �r. ~ ~ ~Fw .~N M ~ /Jt~I ~S~ . . . . t...~' . . w+~ w � .w... ' ~ ti~ ~ . I. ~ � n~~l - lb MN. N.. 11"ra" ~ � ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I /r . as ~I.Ii~ OJtPO CA'~ AANpv4i710 LUA, T/Al/0 Q Figure 50. Seismograms (a) and oscillograma of the frequency selection seiemic atation (b) of explosions in Kotur-Bulak quarry Key: 1. Talgar drift; 2. Novo-Alekseyevskaya well; 3. Ali well; 4. Alma-A[a well; 5. Ozero 148 FOR OPFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 19.17. y// .4 1P l!/X Arj�rAlOfI ~ 1) 5 ) JOt . . . . . . . . . r ,r � ~ ~ . , . . . . . r . . . . . � . . . . . ~ s . . p . , ~ . . . , ~ ' ~s ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ' ~ ' . . . P(2) . ~ . ~ r . OarPo ~ (3) ~ � V . � N ~ A �w ~~~Y~~.~ � . � � � ~1~YA1~~~� �y~~~~~r� ~ ~y � � ' � � ~ ~N/~ ~ I N ~ � ~ . ~~~M/~1~Y~ rY � I~ � V ~ � �  � ~ ~~rM~ ~ ~~r.I . �~r ~'y~ ~l. .r~~~...~~%�~ ~dNq~.~r~ . . ~ . ~ o.~�~ � ~~��~~~~r~r...~. ~'V~~.� . . ~ � � �\~~M.~~ 1�~~ /~/~SM 1~ � � � I~ M~  ~ ~ �~I:~~~I~~~~~ �r 1~.� ~ , ~ � � 1 rM � V ~ ~..�!1.T~. , 11 j;. ~1 . FOR O"ICiAL USB ONY.Y - A. . ~ r~ ~ y V 1 I ~ (4) Key: 1. 2. 3. Figure 51. Explosion seismograms in the vicinity of Kapchagay Talgar drift Alma-Ata well Ozero 4. Ali well 5. 10 seconds 149 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 .i . TAA OYYYC2At, U31! ONLg , A,ft (2) J , . I ! n n K 40 4~ /1 n ~s ,s ii ~ ro W F jo cs0 . r~ tr rr a ~J t l,1 tt _ 4e' ` n ~t tt 4f z. .t-f V >i 4f 4 zr 0 AIM Figure 52. Average epectra of the P and S waves of earthquakee (solid lines) and exploeions in Medeo (dotted line). Key: 1. hertz 4. Talgar 2. Ali S. Ozero 3. Alma-Ata - �S. Effect of Observation Conditions on Structure of the Seiamograma The development of seismic research and, in particular, thr trend toward more complete interpretation of the wave field are more and more frequently leading to the neceseity for considering the effect of local etation con- ditions on tht atructure of the seismograms. The seismological situation in the research area and the uae of raadom wells for the observations have caused location of the stations in the radio- telemetric test area under sharply differing conditions (see Chapter II, III). We liave studied the effect of the reception conditions on che ehape of the ' first wave and structure of the initial pert of the recording of remote earthquakea aqd also the ahape of the recording of local earthquakes. Unfortunately, the single-component recording has essentially narrowed the 150 FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 MR OpFICM bgB OMt.Y pagnibilitien of nnnlygin, and hereafCpr ie wilt be neeeagnry to keep in mind eh8e a11 hf the prepented eneimaten are given by recdrdings of the vertical component of the osciiletions enly. CEfect nf Obaervntion Condieione on the Recording of Distant Earthquakps. 'Che initial pere of the recerding of disrgne earthquakee i.n the vgrioug eeisroologicgl seudipA ie of srecigl interpst, Thie pereAina, in partieular, tn the probiems of intprferhnce recepCien in order to ieolate the ueeful $ignal, study the exchange tranemieted wevee, and go en. The initial partg of the recordings of diatant earthquakea recnrded gt one station, as a ru1e, differ from Qach other. The recordings oE a aingle earthquake obtained at different stgtions a1so differ. These differencee are cannected with the conditfone bdth at the gource (center) and in the recepCinn area. Thp larqe volump of geiemologica1 reeegrch performed in recent yeare basically when studying pxChange Wavpa hag madp it poegibie eo aeudy the effect of the gource erea. Ir wae demonerrated [51) thet firnt of n11 the depth of the center hea astrong effecC on the initial parC of the recording. The eimple initial part of the recording representad by one wave out of two or three oecilletion phaseg correspondg ueueily to depths of renters of 200 km or more, With n decreage in depth, the initial part of the recording is compiicated. The parChquake recordings are the moac complicated, the centers of Which are located in the crugt. Table 12 Azimuth from No of the ralgar earth- J Area _ station, deArees quakea Alaska. Aleutians 20-50 10 Kurils Kamchatka, Japan 50-80 17 Marianas Islands 80-100 10 - Indonesia 110-150 40 AEghanistan, Hindukush 210-230 14 Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru .'i0-320 16 Arctic Ocean 330-0 10 151 ZOR OYTICIAL DSS ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 m 0!'rICLL m aN.Y Table 13 xey: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ~1) ( (3) 4xono caeoe~rasna~c wa~cai ~ p sa~nr- Aiat~i- ~ T~uvR Jlraia� Taiwa Aiar�� Twm~pe Tmn r~np ~ ai ~ ' A'r'ti , Po ~ Avti k~P~"M 0"Ps k~p'nt Ary po~p,o amm Amt A'~'~' ~ ~ I1 � y~~ ~ ~ �YI7il~ s_ , AWr- w�  ~ � 1e72 aa s~ 4 e ' io 1973 es as q 4 T sz as 37 1974 til) t*oro 80 iee sa _ _ 23 iii 8 is 17 ea ee eo Year Total number af recordings No of compared recordings Talgar, Alma-Atat Otero TAlgar, Alma-Atat Ozero, Kurty Talgar, Alma-Atat Kurty 7. Telgar, Ozero, Kurty 8. Talgar, Alma-Ata, Osero, Ali 9. Tslger, Oxern, Ali 10. Talgar, Aima-Ata, Ali 11. Total 5tudies were also madp af the ehape of the recordings aa a function of the areae in ahich the earthquakes occur. The simpleet form of recording ia obeerved moat fYequently for the Qarthquakes in Kamchatka, the Kurile- Jnpane8e zone, the Pacific Ocean and Indoneeia. No clear depeudence of the ehepe of the firet Wave and the etruceure of the initial part of the seismograma on the epicentral distence i9 noted. The eEfect of the reception conditions hae been etudied appreciably lnas. WQ selected diatant earthquakee recorded by three or four statione of the test area in 2 yeara from March 1972 to April 1974. The baeic principle for gelecting the material was eimplicity of shape of the recording of the first Wave the preaence of a ehort pulee at even one of the test area etations. For anelyeis 188 recordings of distant earthquakes were taken which are coordinated aith the different epicentral zones locaeed in differ- ent azimutha With reepect to the teet area Which made it poaeible to exclude the effect of the direction of arrival of the wnves. Table 12 shoWa the basic epicentral zones, their nzimuths and the number of investigated earthquakee in each of the zones. In addition, a study Was made of the recordings of individual earthquake8 from Europe, India, Oceania, Iran and other areas. Sharply different station conditions lead ta the fact that the recordings _ nt the different atatione differ significantly from each other, Therefore, even the high quality of visual comparisons Gurned out to be inadequate to discover the baeic laas of theae differences, 152 Fm 0"ICLL Dsi ON? APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FM OTYYCIAt. 98E OMy.Y .."y ~f'ett re~~~y . ~ ' = ~~,n~ ~i~ /~1~ r".' ; ~wrr.~s . > w ~ ~ .rr ~ ~I � ~~~~~~~~1~ ~ &T~ ~ ~ � ~ i~i .E~ .1. ~ . r � y ; ~ ' ~ ~s..~~ar~+.~. . ~Y ~ ; . p`i t~~ ~ i~i~i~iiii:ii:.:iiiiii~~a~ ` ~ ~.~rr~~~r ~~1 . r. . � ~ ~ a ~..~...a.. _ :s.. ~ N Ir i� � ~ . yw~� i ~Y ~Y.~i'~w 4< ~ M ` - / Yr . r~+ ~r + ' sa�. �~~.iss r ~ ~aa ar! ~ ~ L : i ~ w r`.~ f ' � - ~ N  a w s ~ ~ ~ ~l ~r."� ; . ~ ~ a~~1ir/.+~ ~ ~ � ~ �i ~S .i\� ~ ~ ~.i�~.1:: iis M � ~ ~ ~r ~ ~ 1 j~ ~ ~ � . . i~r a , ~ � . � ~ ~i . � ~i~. .r+..~n~ . / � � ~ ~ ~ ~ i 'I~c Nd-1r Imv . .t.�~ � � r~ 1.~ ~ ~ r~ ~ , ~ , i ~ ,'`T, � f ~ . �  . . � � ~ aij'~~..~.i~' �1 ~ s~ ~ � ~ N , ~ ~ ~Y G' % i , . ',1'~ j t ~ ~ ~ ' � ~.i:.. t~i M ii~ ~ i ~ . ~ � . ~ ~ � w.... r..r.. ~1.w~. n� ~ Z' . . ~.~r �;r~ 1 . ~ (y~p'~ ~IAV - _ . . . . _ _ . . . ~ �r.~ ~r~V~~^w1~1~ ; ~I .r~.. :V � \ ~ � ^w ~ I~ ..t : � . ' '.~rl'.tLa r ~ i:~ . Figure 53. (See folloving pageJ 153 FM OmCIAL OSE 01L? ~ r~ ~ � . � ~ r. f . � . ^ .ii i ~ i~ (b) M-.t2, uv ~ (3) 14) ~(S) , t~ (2) 6 13) ` (4) rs~ i. . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 N1I rOt 0MCLi. M ONLY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!t!kl . ! M v ~ , ~ � ~ ~ . 0 ~ y . ~ Figure 53, c(aee folloWing page) 154 FM OWFICIAL APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 ~ V ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ z 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 lrolt OMCM M CNf.Y Pil;urr 53 (See precedinp, page). Dispiny oeismngrgms (n) and stgved reeording neiamegrams (b) and omcil,lagrame eE Che frpquency aetecli,on npiemie etation (c) of an expiosion (i) and an earthquake (II) in the vtcinfty oF Medeo Key: i. 10 gecondg 6. Novo-Aiekeeyevokaya Weil 2. 'Caigar drife 3. A1tna-Ata we11 4. dzero S. Ali well b . c p j ~ tI j Ll Lop"'If ~ t/ "A T 0 rR,N A, t I A-Al A Figure 54. Earthquake dietribution With reepect to nature of recording at the Talgar, nzero, Alma-Ata and Ali stations a-- the simplpst (1) and the moat coroplicated (2) structures of the seismograms of the initial part of the recordinga; b-- shape of the recording of the first Wave simpleet (1), moat complicated (2); c-- Ere4uency oE the first wave, highest (1), loWest (2) The recordinge of groupA of stationa preaented in Table 13 were uaed for r.ompurison. Tiic rcsulta of comparing the recordings at the Talgar, Alma-Ata, Ozero and Ali xtationA nre presented in Pig 54. InitiAt t'art of the Recording. When analyzing the structure of the initial part of the recgrding (about 40 seconds) consideration Was given to the number oE aaves, [heir inteneity, mutual arrangement, correlatability on the recordinga of the different stationa. The results of the analysis lead to the following conclusione. Among thr ground stations of Ozero, Talgar And Kurty located on outcrops of bedrock, but under essentially different conditions of the ground relief high in che mountains, in the foothills and on the plains the aimplest initial pxrt of the recording is observed at the Talgar station. The simple$t atructure of the recording is recorded 10-15 times more frequently here than at the Ozero station. 155 FOt OmCIa USE OQ.? APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 iiOl dfIRGYeL M tNL! pra ri~s*~ r~ r* 2117m r ~.rhrR � . ~.J~ . ~ . ~ . 'r'~ p ~~w,~.~,~.'~.,.... . � � r I n.l .FIC - I 0 ' .ti x Ir Key� �I. 2. loe s ~ 6 1'iRure 55. Compariaon of the recordings of dietant earthquakes by thc ground surface and deep wells on RTS 8tationa (times o! Arrivnl at all stationg are camparable) peconda 16 September 1972 156 !M Offi1LCIuL Osi ow APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 t'L t' !]?'7Jt. 79,t # 'r X ~ .sW* ..Il llhtp .1 T - t , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FM 8MCtAt YJSX ONLY The mogt Compiex atructure di the iniei,al parC of the recdrding in obaerved ne Otern oeation in 70 ta 902 oE the caees (when comparing the recordin~~ of dtE[ Rroupp cf ntneidna). The iniEf.a1 part of che racording hpre in the mnpt exrrnded, tntpnoo end ieane reaoived by comparieon aieh the reCerdinqo of ether stneiona (Fig SS), Sueh a gharp camplicgtion of ehape of the recording on the station lacated in the mounCains was of great intereat. in order ta txcludp the effece of any stricC1y 1oea1 eguaes cnnnected with the ingtaliation site di the insrrument, obeervations Werp made at three points within g fea kilomptera af eaeh other on the ehere of 8alahoye A1ma-Atinakoya Lake, at the corongey station dnd the GAiSh Obaervgeory. AC a11 of these pdines the reeording differed peraiatently by signifieantly greaeer complexity ehan at the remaining statione of the eegt areg. Althdugh the Kurty gtetion is lacated in the p1ains, it is chargeterized by asfgnificantly more complicated structurp of the iniriei parc of the rpcording than the Ta]pr gtation end aomewhat simpler or rommeneurate aith respert to complexity of the recording of the Atern gtgEion. All the aub- gQqupnt part of the recording at the Kurty etation (Fig 55, recordinge, S. 6) is represented by groure of oecillations, sometines inferior vith reepect to intensity to the firet wave, at the same time eg at the other etaeiong the Eir9t pulee predominatee aith reepecc to intensity. The complex etruc- ture of the recording at thie etation obviougly is caused by nonLniformi- ties oE the upper part of the eection. The observations at the Kurty ete- cion aere short-term, and they ate inadequate for gtacietical eetimates of the material. Deep-Wel2 Stations. It is not poasible to compare recardings in a Well and at its hend on the day surface directly. The Wells of the test aree are lacated in populated places, under conditione of high eurface noiae levels; thprefore the recordinga at the day surEece and at depth are nnc cnmparable. Usually earchquakes which are recorded in a Wpll With rpadgble _ amplitude arc not recorded at a11 on the day surface. On the contrary, the recordinPs of stronger events Which give readablp amplitudes on the day gurface nre crnnpletely Washed out ac the deep�well gtation. Therefore the oscillograms ot the aell statione can be compared and they can be rompared Wich the seismograms of the ground atatlons o: Talgar, Ozero and Kurty. At the Almn-Aca, Ali and NovcrAlekseyevskaya aell stacions the initiel part of the rccording, As a rule, is much simpler than at the Talgar ground gta- tion and the more sn at the Ozero and Kurty acations. The recording in the uell ia characterized by a short Eirst pulse and A smaller number of Waves er their absence in AubAequent arrivais. The aubsequent o8cillations are morr frequently Weaker than the first vnve. The seismograms of distant enrthquakes in Fi$ 56, a illustrate this relation in the exaamle of record- inga in the Almu-Atn and Ali 'aells qnd in the Tnlger and Ozero ground stAtions. 157 !M QyRLCLL IIlii ONL! APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 F01t 0"iCIAL U5E ONLY The nwnber of cegea ahere the aimplent gtruceure of the reeording at the Aima-Ata 3n obgarved ie 702, at the eame time as at che Taigar station ie ia 202, aad ae the Ozero scaeion, 1.5% (Fig 54, g), This form of mor8ing at the Talggr anA Aima-Ata eeaticna in observed rimultgneoualy in the majority oE cases. The diEferencp in atruceure of ehe recarding at the Ta1gar and Aii stgtione ig iesg aharpiy expreased. Here about 302 of ehe recordinge arp comparable reapect to romplexity, gnd out of rhe ren+aieing onee the simpipet recerding at the Aii station ie enceuntered on the average'2 timee more frequently ehan at thp Taigar station. Thue, by Fig 54, g it in obvious that in 452 of the caae8 ehe A1i station hee the siwplQAt form of recording (in 252 of them it ie comparabie aith the recordings of rhe Alma-Ata _ atation) at the agme eime aa at the Talger stetion the simpiest form ia abgerved only in 202 of che cageg. in the majority of them this in simul- tanpouely with the Alma-Ata stgtion. tf we compare the etructure of the rerording of the deep-ae11 steeiens to eaeh other, then it turns out that it ig comparable on the whole. If it differs, then the eimpler form is obeerved more frequently at the Alma-Ata gtation. The eeiemograph is buried to a depth of 1 km in the 4-lcm aeriea of terrigenic aedimenta. The more complex ahape of the recording ig characterietic of the Ali station vherQ the eeiemographe are located in direct proximity to the basemenc (Fig 561 b). At the Nova-Alekaeyevakaya deep-vp11 atation, obgervetfong Were performpd in a gignificantly smaller volume then at the Alma-Ata end A1i etatinne. The recordings are che closest wich reepect to shape to che recordings of the Alma-Ata station. Let us note that the condition8 of the observations at the Novo-Alekgeyevekaya and Aima-Ata etations are also close. The pxgmples of compariaon of the recordinq� of theee etations are ehoun in Pig 56, c. It must be emphneized that the similarity of the ehape of the initial part eE the recording of the well etacions ie greater than the ground etations (see, for example, Fig 56, b). In casee where the lov frequenciee predom- inate on the eeigmograms, ahich is characteristic of dietant earthquakes, che shape of the recording oE not only the first aave, but aleo all of the predaminant Waves in the eubsequent arrivals cae repeat uell at a11 of the - test aree etations ground and deep aell in spite of such different obeervatlon conditions. The examplea of thpse recordinga can be eeen in pig 56, b, aeismograns 3, 4. Fig 57 showe the Aeiemogram of a diatant earthquake reproduced from the magnetic tape oE the sleved recording syatea. When matching the timea of arrival at nll the stations, good correlatability o! individual intenee oscilletions in subeequenc arrivals is clearly obvioua on the recording. 158 FOR OFFICIAL USB ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USS ONLY a r. ~n i.,:; (2) M,. V 0 rw, i~ m e'~~~M mvr. th ,,,,M,��,~�W46-M4 , ,~+M,y~,,~~ . . ..1�,~ . ' D A ~ ~ Z , ~ �a~~r~a b� i9 J a 71.14 I t. r, xro. r 0 r ~ ~ t c i2. P 7Z~ J~t y 72~c T 7z ww~,N,w~,w~~~~..-._~~~M+~'~~,+w~~w~--~~n;~~~~~~ J 2 ~ ~ /Oc , Figure 56 159 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAL U9B 4NLY F'igure 5� [eee preepding page], Simple ehape o� a recording 3n ehe we11 ~ aCnCians of A1mA-Atn nnd Ali (a), cempnrieon of the recordinga of the deep wetl and ground eurface etarions (b) and pecu]iaritlea of the recordings of ehe NovdyAlekeeyevekaya ae1i atation (c) Key: 1. 10 seconde 2. 7 December 1973 5hgpe of the Firet Wave. Yn order to solve some of the epec{a1 problema, for example, eetimate the operating efficipncy of groupe of station,s forming the interference eyeteme, to etudy and interpret the exchange waves, and so on, the ehape of the first oscillation hae great significgnce. The ghape of the firet wave wae Qetimated by Che number of extreme and the nature o� the envelope. When comparing the recordings of the ground stations at Ozerot Talgar nnd Kurty it ia po8sible to draw the conclueion that the eimplesC form of the first waves juat ae the entire initial part of the recording, ie observed at the Talgar atation. Sometimes the ahape of the first oscilla- tion at this atation is the aimpleat it ia made up of two to three extreme (Fig 58, a). However, even in casee where the first pulee ie not ~ distinguished by such a simple shape$ it is etill simplEr than at the Ozero station. 1) 2) 3) k) ~v '(4) Qiapo (3) R4AW-Arear (2) W,rop (1) Figure 57. S1avEd recording aei,smogram obaerved (at the top) Key: and after matching the times of arrival (hottom) 1. Tulgar , 2. Alma-Ata 3. Ozero 4. Ali 160 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 ~ � P'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ i / (2)J,pld. 72.t!/~7~^ 10~7tttl~! ~lJLr. nd ~ioI/A~ r r - T . ~ ~ ~ roc K 0 I 0 = � i~ : � t , - , re. r A-A ~ o .~a (1) . , . ~ . . . ~ . ~ . _ Figure 58. Initial part of the recording of diatant earthquakea. a-- similar structure of the initial part of the recording at _ all etationa; b-- ahape of the recording of the first wave different (1) and comparable (2); c-- complex interference nature _ of the initial part of the recording at the Ozero station Key: 1. 1 second 2. 23 AugusC 1972 ~ Although a complex shape of the initial part of the recording is observed at the Kurty station, the first wave turns out to be frequently just as simple as at the Talgar station (see FiR 55, seismograms 5, 6) and some- ;imes even,simpler (Fig 55, recording 7). The simplest shape of the first wave, just as the initial part of the recording, ia observed in the overwhelming majority of cases (70-80%) at Ozero station located in the mountains and it is an unbroken train of ogcillations of great duratioc (see Fig 56, a). In essence even here it - is impossible to talk about the f3,rst wave, for a large number of waves are imposed-'on each other. This law is stable~ and it does not depend on the area where the event occurred, Comparing the recordings of the Talgarw A1ma%,Ata and Ozero stations out of the investigated 111 earthquakes in 76% of tlie cases the first wave has the most complex, extended form at the Ozero station, at the same time as this is observed in only 16% of the cases at the Talgar station (see Fig 54, b). 161 FOIt OFFICIAL USE ONLl' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OPFICIAL USE ONLY Howevpr, it ie neceasary Cu tlbtp thgr recordinRa are encounCered (abouC 15X) where the pulso oE the firat wave at ehe f)zero station has ehe Aimrient ahape, Frequhntly thie is norpd eimu],taneously also at the Talgar station (see Fig 56, b, eeiemogrem 3; Fig 580 a, b, eeiemogram 2). This occure when the firet pulae turna out to be outeide tnCerpreCaeion with rhe complex train of oacillaCions following it (Fig 55, recordings S, 6; Fig 560 b, recording 1). In rnre caseg the shape oE thp f3rst comparable. Thue$ in Fig 58, b, two ' of which ia typical and illuetrates ing of the first oecillxtions at the recording is characterietic, attd it the good repetition of Che ehape of oE the ground sttttions. wave aC the three ground ataCiona 3s recordinga are preaented, the firer the difference in shape of the record- three ground staCiong. Thp second ia pncountered rnrely. It illustrates the recording of the first wave at all At the deen-well etationa of A1ma-Ata, Novo-Alekseyevekaya, and Ali, Che shape of the firat pulse is usually much more complex than at the Talgar statfon, but it is esaentially simpler than aC the Ozero station (see Fig 58, n). Thus, for example, when comparing the recordings of the Talgar, Almn-Aen and Ozero stationa it turns out that in 439: of the casea the shape of the recording of the Alma-Ata well is the simplest (here in 12% of the cases, simultaneously with the Talgar station). Ar the eame time the aimplest shape of the wave at the Talgar station is obaerved in 55% of the cases, and at the Ozero station, in ly 157: of the cases (see Pig 54, b). The recording of the wells is distinguished by a larger number of extrema (by one or two) and greater duration than at the Talgar station (see Fig 58, a). In Fig 58, c, a aeismogram of the initial part of the recording of a distant earthquake is presented with matched times of arrival at three sCations Talgar, Alma-Ata and Ozero. It is obvious that at Talgar station the pulses at the beginning of the recording have the simpleat BhaPe. At the Alma-Ata station Chey are much more drawn out, and at the Ozera station they merge into a long, unresolved train of oscillationH. Fo+- explanation of the observed changes in ahape of the recordinq of the wells by comparison with the simplest recording of Che first wave by Che Talgar Fround station, a calculation was made of the interference oscilla- tion formed as a reault of superposition of wave reflected from the day surface on the wave approaching from the bottom. The pulses of simple shape and ac differen[ frequency observed at the Talgar station were selecteci as the initial pulses. The time of arrival of the reflected wave at different depths was determined by the vertical setsmic profiling data in the Alma-Ata well, Fig 59 shows the reaults of the calculation for three earthquakes, the first pulses of which difEer siqnificantly with respect to frequency. The puises rec:orded in the Alma-Ata well and in the Talgar drift are shown in Fig 59, a, b Eor each earthquake; in all cases those aC Talgar are simpler. In Fig 59, c calculated pulses are presented for different depths from 162 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY E APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OF'FICYAL USE ONLY 700 to 1600 mererg, It i,s obvi,oug Ch3C a depeh o.� 1200 meeers the pulses are extended by comperison with the iniCial pulees,,and with reapect to shupe ehey approach the pulses observed in the Alma�,ACa well. The compli- catton of the pulse ahapp ie different fur different frequenciea. Thus, wherens in g pul'se'wieh a peri.od of Tr1.1 aecond at a deprh o� 1200 meeere only the nmplitude ratio of the aecond and third extrema varied, for the pulse witlt a period of 0.8 seconda the complication of the ehape is expressed in the manifeaCAtion of additional extren;a, and for a pulae with T-0.5 seconde, two hole extrema, which increases the pulae duration by 1.5 ttmes by comparison with that nbserved on the day eurface. At the differene well stations " Alma-ACa and Ali or Alma-ACa and Novo-Alekseyevskaya the ahapea of the first pulses are fzequenCly close (see Fig Sh, b, Fi$ 56, c, seismograms 1, 2) or aomewhat more complex at the Ali staCion (see I'ig 55, seismograms 3, 4). On the whole the number of cnses where the simplest (just as the most complex) shape of the firat wave is observed nt the Alma-Ata and Ali stations is commeneurate. Out of the ground stntions, the one closest to the well stationa with - respect to the shape of the firet wave ia the Talgar station. In Figures _ 55 and 56 it is possible to see the similarity of the recordings of the ~ Talgar, Alma-Ata (see Fig 55, seismograms 2, 3; Fig 56, b, seismogram 4)i ' Talgar and Ali (Fig 56, a, recording 3; Fig 56, b, seismograms 1, 2), ~ and Talgar and Novo-Alekseyevskaya stations (Fig 56, c). - A comparison of the recordings of different well stations leads to the --on- - clusion that the difference in shape of the first wave, just as the inLtial - part of the-recording is anpreciably less here than between the earthquskes ~ of the sround stations (see, for example, Fig 56, b, seismograms 1, 2). - This is obviously explained by the fact that the well stationg are located - in a comparatively uniform series of terrigenic deposits. In rare cases good similarity of the shape of the first wave on the record- ings of all of the test area stations is observed (Fig 56, b, seismograms 3, 4). Frequency Peculiarities of the Fit'st Wave. The estimates were made visually by the display recording and in small volume, by the oscillograms of the - frequency selectirn station (ChISS) obtained by reproducing the magnetic tapes of the slaved recording system. It must be noted that the predominant oscillation frequencies at the differ- ent stations differ little from each other, and in 30% of the cases the recording frequency of the first wave at all stations of the test area are i.dentical. This is explained basically by the fact that the maxisnum fre- quency spectrum of the first oscillation of the distant earthquakes is usuatly outside ttie pass band of the frequency characteristic of the seismic channel. As an example we have the frequency selection seismi.c statioii oscitlogram of one of the distant earthquakes in Fig 60, a. Inasmuch .ns 163 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 NOR OPFICIAL U3L ONLY .1 t 1- m xn't itf mt . . . , ~ . , , b c . 7W -~v Jt~ ' . . . . ! f ~ . A;,N ~ r s  ,s ~  � : J,t ~ 11(l) Figure 59. Recording of the firat wave in bhe Alma-Ata well, H=1200 meters (a), in the Talgar drift (b) and Key calculated for different deptha (c) : 1. seconds the recording with 0.3 hertz filtration is diminished by 6.4 timea with respect to amplitude, it is clear that the maximum of the apectrum of the first oacillation is on a frequency not exceeding 0.3 hertz. In cases where the spectrum of the initial signal contains components with frequencies above 1 hertz, the frequency of the recording as a function of the thickness of the sediments under the station is most clearly manifested. The higheat frequency oscillationa are recorded at the Kurty and Talgar ground statians located on bedrock (aee Pig 55), On comparison of the recordings of the Talgar, Ozero and A1ma-Ata stations in 53% of the cases the recording at the Talgar station is the highest frequency (gimultaneously 112 at the Alma-Ata station and 7% at the Ozero station) and in only 12% oE the cases, the lowes[ frequency, half of them simultaneously with the Alma-Ata station (see Fig 54, c). 164 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFt+ICIAL USE ONLY d I.1d 71~,t 11~1~'~ f ~t~~17~i~ !~!1"! : JN;r'I I ~ ~ 04 u (1) ' IJ n',~;, X �n n n,.A n 1L ~ ' . . ~ . _ . . � ,,,"Yrt~r ,,.-.r.....- ~1 ' � 4rry ~i w�~.M.~w�-. ~M...- . 0"� T'I ~ A�A :.,r.~.. i A Figure 60. Oacillograma of frequency selection seiemic atation of diatant earthquakes a-- Talgar station, recording amplitude with 0.3 hertz filtration diminished by 6.4 times; b-- Talgar, Alma--Ata, Ozero and Ali stationa, recording amplitude with 0.6 hertz filtration diminiahed by 6.4 times. The slaved recording seiamogram is presented at the top. ~ Key: 1. seconda , At the Kurty atation located in quiet relief, the highest frequency record- ings are observed by comparison with the rest of the stationa of the Ceat - area (see Fig 55, recordinga 5-7). The lowest frequency recordings are received at the Alma-Ata station where the thicknesa of the sedimentary mantle under the seiamograph is about 3 km. In 40 to SOX of the caseg the recordings at the Alma-Ata station turn out tv be the lowest �requency, more than half of them aimultaneously with the Ozero station. The low��frequency nature of the recording of the first wave at the Ozero station located in the inountai,ns is in all probabil- ity connected with the phenomenon of interference of a large number of waves under the conditiona of the complex relteE at the day aurface. In the Ali and Novo-Alekseyevskaya wells the frequencies�of the first oscillation are usually higher than in the Alma-Ata well, and they are often commensurate with the frequencies of the recordings at the Talgar station. 165 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FoR omicYni. usg ornY Thie is obgerved eepeci,aily fzequently for the Aii etation (Fig 56, b, Fig 560 c. neismogram 3), which is the reault of the effect of the sedimentary series (under the geiemograms in the Ali weil a rotal of SO m of sedimente, in thp Navo-Alekseyevakaya we11, about 1,7 km). For illustraeion, Fig 60, b showe the recordingg of the sCations of the radintplemetric test area and the aeiemograme of the frequency selection aeigmic stgtion nf a diatant earthquake by which it is obvioua that Che oecillation components ebove 2 hertz have 1ow intenaity (one the 0.6 herc;z filter the recording gmplitude ie diminfehed by 6.4 rimes). If we estimate the rario of the amplitudes of the oeciilatien componente at frequencies df 0.6 and 1.3 hertz for different etationa, it turna out that wherpver the ingtruments are lncated on bedrock (the Talgar ground station) and in direct proximity to bedrock (the Ali well atation), the relative intensity of Che high frequettcy componenta (1.3 hertz) ia greater than at the Alma-Ata station located in a seriea of sedimentary depoeita. Effect of Observation Conditiong of the Recording of Local Earthquakes. In order to study the effect of the reception conditiona on the ahape of the recording of local earthquakea (t5.p$10 aeconds), the seiemograms of all local earthquakea recorded by no lesa than three atations in the teat area over a 3-year period from 1 June 1972 to 1 June 1975 were analyzed. It turned out that there were about 160 of them. A comparison of the recordinge was made qualitatively for the ground etations (Talgar, Ozero) and the deep-well atations (Ali, Alma-Ata, Novo-Alekaeyevskaya), primarily by the slaved recording aeiamograms where the scanning rate is 6 timea greater than on the diaplay seiamograma and also by the frequency-selection station aeismograms. Whereas for the distant earthquakes the structure of the initial part of the recording in the shape of the first wave were investigated aepargtely, for local earthquakes the duration of the recordings of which usually is 20 to 30 seconds, it is natural to investigate the entire recording and to consider the number of waves in groups of P and S-oscillations, the intensity ratio Ap/Ag, the overall duration and frequency composition of the recordings of different stations for its characCeristic. It must be noted that in the case of nearby earthquakes such factors as the epicentral distance, the azimuth to the center, the depth of center and the earthquake energy can have defining effect on the nature of the recording and mask the efEect of the observation conditions on the shape of the recording. It is necessary to take these peculiarities into account. The results of comparinR the recordings af local earthquakes obtained at stations under easentially dif�erent conditions lead to the conclusion that on the whole for local earthquakes the same laws are observed as for distant earthquakes. EfEect oE the Parameters R, H and K on the Shape of the Recording. It is necessary at least qualitatively to estimate the effect on the shape of 166 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OPFICIAL USE ONLY the rec:ording of the opicQntrai diatanrp R, the depth nf centpr Nand the energy oE the earthqunke K under the condirions of the A1ma-Ata teat area. mhe dintnnce R hns a sCrnng influence on the etrucCure nf the renording nf the verticnl companene, espec3ally when the cenrer of the earChqugke is ldeated close to any station. Tt attenuates with removal of the cenCer frdm the eest nrpa. Although the centere of the local earthquakea occupy e differene pogition witti respect to the test area stationa (see the map in Fig 79, Chapter VI), fnr the majority of them the Ozero aeation turns nut Co be nearest, the Ali etation turns ouC Co be the mose remote. In urder to study the effect of the obaervntion condieiona, it wge necpeggry to select earthquakes so that the effect of the parameter R will be excluded for the compared recordings insofar ae poesible. `Che efEect of the parnmeter R on the inteneiCy of the longitudinal wave, rather nn the Ap/AS ratio and the recording time, is clearly illuatrated, _ for example, by the seismogram of earthquake No 265 (aee F'ig 68). This raeio on the recording of the vertical component depends gtrongly on the direction of approach of the wave. For the same earthquake the maximum value of Ap/AS and the greaCeet duraCion of the recording are obaerved at the Talgar etation closeat te the center (see the map in Fig 80, d). On going away from the center the ratio Ap/Ag on the recording of the vertical component decreasea, and it becomes minimal for the most remote Ali atation. This is connected both with abaorption of energy and with a change in direction of approACh of the waves. On going away from the epicenter, the recording time is also reduced (the Ali atation is an exception in respect). The other two parameters H and K, which also influence the shape of tlie recording, can be neglected when comparing the recordings of one eartliquake at different atations. However, when diacovering the effect of the st:ation characteristics on the recordings of different earthquakes, they cannut be neglected. As an example of the effect of the parameter H on the shape of the recording Fig 61 shows the recordinga of three earthquakes witli difEerent depths of center. All of the centers are located south of the Ozero station (see Fig 80, c) and they are cha5acterized by values of Ka6-7. As is quitc obvious by the seismograms, with an increase in depth (Eor Rzconst) the intensity of the longltudinal oscillations and the Ap/AS ratio decrease. The effect of the parameter K characterizing the energy of the earthquake is expressed in an increase in the ratio Ap/AS and the recording time witli on increase i.n K, The geagraphic position of the center of the earthquake has defined influence on the shape of the recording. Thus, when analyzinq the recordings of local earthquakes it is necessar.y to deal with the total effect of many parameters on the shape of the recordinE, and it is not always possible to isolate the effect of only the 167 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFYCIAL USS ONLY ~d P 16. . M!'z i "P (2) l ofrawm's NII/ *V, r; N.o 6. ld. 70L, 11, 7'Ma , y M J P ~ !Ox A N-/37 ~ A'-7~ N�9KN J P N!#! lU~. roAto . ~ ~ lla6f j N~/7AKN ~3~ tUm.To~toP Anao-An~ (4) A~c~vaAi,Si~ L R~Jiw~~dlr (4) ~ (i i t+'e , (S) ~ra~o ( 5 ) CKQ l~ixt .rrwAWw4* (6) Key: Figure 61. Recording of local earthquakea at different depthe of center II 1. seconds 2. 26 June 1974 3. Talgar drift 4. Alma-Ata well 5. Ozero 6. Ali well observation conditions in pure form among them. Therefore we ehall dis- cuss only the most stable laws. Ground Stations. A comparison of the recordinga o� the ground stationa at Ozero and Talgar for earthquakes identically removed from both atations indicates more complex shape of the recording at the Ozero atation, which was also noted for distant earthquakes. If the epicentral distances for the two statione are different, then more complex recording is observed at the station which is closer to the center. Let us illuatrate what has been said by some examples, 168 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY E' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OPI+YCIA'L IlSL ONLY - Fig 62 ehows the recordinge of foux earthquakes, two of whioh are located cioeer to the Talgar station (a), and two closer to ehp Oxero station (b). On the recordings in Fig 620 a, tha most unreeolved nnd prolonged oscille- tinns are recorded by the Talgar staCion, and in Fig 620 b, by the Ozero gCnCinn. Thie can be seen most clearly on the slavecl recording 8eiemograms. The fase damping of the high-frequency components and predominence o� Che low frequenGies in the tail section of the recording most charantprieCic for the Talgnr staCion on nil recordinga attract atCention. Thia ie eepecially clearly exhibited in the osrl.llograma from the frequency gelectian aQismic station. For example, earthquake No 231 (Fig 63) at Ozero e[ation located two times Closer co the cenCer than Talgar has a more complex rennrding more extrema, more prolonged and resolved record- ing nn all filtrations except the loweat frequency 0.6 hertz (reCOrdings with 0.3 hertz filtration frequently turn out Co be unreadable as a result of the high background). On a frequency of 0.6 hertz the recording of the Talgar station predominates with respect to intenaity and duration. The analogous picture can be observed also on other oacillograms of the fre- quency selection seiamic atation. Now tet us conaider aome examples of recordinge for which the effect of the parameter R is excluded, that is, for the two ground stations Talgar and Ozero the epicentral diatancea are close (Fig 64). The depths of all centera H=13-15 km, and tlte energy class of the earthquakea K-7.4 to 7.7 vary within their own limits. On all the seismograma the recordinga at Ozero station turn out to be more complex, more prolonged, less resolved than at the Talgar station. ~ The recordinge at Ozero and Talgar stations, which are similar with respect to shape, are encountered rarely, and they are basically characteristic of the most remote earthquakea. Some examplea of such recordings can be seen in Fig 65. The most useful sensiCivity realized at the Ozero station and cloaeneas to - the basic centers give rise to the recording of part of the signals (on the average 159;) by only this station (Fig 66). Theae are predominantly very close shocks with tS_p-1.5-3.0 seconds. Some of the recordings are characterized by significant amplitudes, at the same time as at other ata- tiong the usEful oscillations hardly exceed the background (Fig 66, a). Tlie largest number of auch signals were recorded in 1974-1975 (see Table 8). Wiien analyzing the shape of the recording of local earthquakes at the f;round stationa of the test area it was of intereat to compare the record- ings of the Qarthquakes trom closely located centers (oossibly the same center) obtained at difEerent times. The selection of such recordings was � made in Fig 67, The centers of these earthquakes are approximately 27 km sautheast of Ozero station (see Fig 80, c, d). The depths of centers H=11-14 km are close. A1l of the earthquakes are characterized by in practice the same values of K=6.6-7.4. The stability of the shape nf the recordings at the Talgar and Ozero stationa attracts aitention. ,:n the deep-well stations the recordings are much weaker, and analysis of their shape is complicated. 169 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAI. U58 ONLY N~N Mal"r a�12"rw t Y . ~ *,l. .~~J: ll ~dJ~: ~ ~ ~ , ~ , � ~Nlds K�9,J ! ~~.-~.~~1, ' ~ i : '�lI. I, f'lM;.?~Jf" j ! 1 1 ~�r ~ ~ ~ . ~ ` . ` ~ iLJI ~ ' 1 ~ ~ � 1~ . ~ u~ ; t � w(~~~ , a ~l.~ ~ ' ~VVl. , ~t ~'t i MlJI IY~6 N~0 ' v/mc Ta.~op (2) CN~ l~M~T-~qfQ (3) A M. F4t. I � - . . . ~ c~~ cs) mo lV J.V NJWN..... ~ f JQ~:7qt t0h1/p ' lUa , JQP.7f~~t t0~ll"~ b 7pAae~. . � ~ (2) . Wlip! ~ � ~r (4) ' " (6) � ' ' , � ' ~ . , . . , . . . ~ : � � ''''~""I(~ MOtiI/Ir,a - (5) . ~ . . ' (3) ' ~ , . . ~ (3) (4) 5) Key: 1. 28 January 1974 2. Talgar drift 3. Alma-Ata well 4. Ozero Figure 62. Recordings of local earthquakea for different epicentral diatances atnd lacation of the centere closer to the Talgar (a) and Ozero (b) stations 5, Ali well 6. seconds 170 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~r d f ' 1A' j iW~~~~� ~ ~ 0-ropi (4) Ar4,&v ~S) }~.~�r} i_ r_. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOtt OFPICYAI, USE ONLY = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .a 171 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 ~ ~ ~ r V V ~ wt M ~ ~ ~ M ~ 19 ~ N 1 0 0 > E ~m 3 ~ > 9 v 1 vM N W ~ v O ~ C . , ai u x ~ AJ~ ro~ ~ ~ ~ a i a ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 3~~ ~ ~ o cn O d~ o ~ a o 0 T R ~ M rl 0 0 . . . . ~t ~1 IO f~ Q 1~+ 1~+ H > ~ ^ ~ ~ a N a , y 3 d v 9: b m 0 w a ~ ~ o r-i Ha r-i N C+1 ~ G7 x I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 Foa oFFiciAt. vsa oM,Y yr~c i ~f~ :z, ~ ty W. ~kw,?,~~, !!/n To~top t2) NY! NtDJ .._..m .._00...1 IV.p 1.u r r Figure 64. Recordings of local earthquakea. Earthquake centers equidistant from Talgar and Ozero atations Key : 1. 27 August 1973 2. Talgar drift 3. Alma-Ata well 4. Ozero 5. Ali well 6. 10 aeconda The time intervals between adj acent earthquakes are not the same 2 days, 17 days, 8 months. On the upper two seismograms (an interval.of 2 days), impressive aimilari:y of the recordings at the same stations is observed. Not only the low frequency conEiguration of the recording characteriatic of Talgar station repeats well, but even its complication with high frequency. The next seismogram was obtained 8 months later, but the correlation of the recording at the Talgar station is good, juat as before; only individual high-frequency contractions are distinguiahed. The high- frequency recordinS of the Ozero station is reproduced worae. It is possible to proooae that in the segment of the trajectory from the center to the Ozero station a change in state of the medium took place during this 172 FOR. OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 ~ +~~'t~++r~ ~I~~ (6) G. AXt! (5) u APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAL U5S ONLY (1~ Y. 79~~e !t ~ I"' t~r. r:~ IV 1/1 ~"'4d'j MNAWAI d P .N10 AiipA (3) r / ' . 7 I . '   Pi~'I  _ n t ~ ~ AAMQ- a� ~ _ ; . _ ' ~.~...,~,ry~,~ _ 11 tl~ ~ ~ 1�" ~ ~ Ore (5) - " - . � . � , />d ~ ~ (6) . _ , . . _ . . ~ ~ Figure 65. Earthquakes with cloae ahape of the recording of all of the test area stations Key: 1. 9 May 1974 4. A1ma-Ata well 2. 10 seconds 5. Ozero 3. Talgar drift 6. Ali well time which was "noted" in tne high-frequency components, at the same time as on the path of the center to Talgar eithex the medium remained unchanged or its variation was not reflected in the low-frequency component of the recording. Actually, between the center and the Ozero station several earthquake centers occurxed during these 8 montha, and between the center and the Talgar station they were not observed (see the maps in Fig 80, c, d). 0� course, it is impoasible to exclude the possibility of nonidenticalness of the center influencing the hip,h-frequency probability recording. Finally, on the last seismogram for both stations similarity is observed (in general features) between tbe sfape of the nscillation recording and the shape of the waves in the first two seismograms at the same time as 173 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OP'P'ICIAL USB ONLY .,r........... . t . . ~ ..a~, r, ....r,.,. , : CN~ AIlMO-Ili~O (2) � w w/r~ N ~ � M� 1~~~ ~ _ . , ,..r..,.. . . . ~ � w . ~.~w ~ . . ~ . . . r~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~.Mti.. �r~ \~f ~ � ~ ~1~ ~ M~w p ~ . . L._,.:. :W ' ~ ' ~ ,~~ti' ~ ~ � . ~ ~ 16-www~.. 2, � . 1. , . . . .t~ . , . . r~� � � . . .:r~. :w~ .~l.~Y~� � { ~ _ I, � ~ ~ ~ . . IM �~~r4M~r!iV:� ~~-yL'''?;JL: r� A M �tJl' tih~ y~1.wr . ~ : � ' � ~ i~ ` . ~ . . . . . , . ~ ' / , � � \ r=nr � 7~SM ~ � � ,MV. V .V . 'IA- ~NVNiI , D.repo (3) ~ ~ A~� �....~w~..~r+.~+� � . ~ . . . ~ �.r~. � ~,1.r.~ . ~ ' . . ' � . . ~ �G.;�.ri~~.~t, zat. N,t W^ _ ~ . . ~ : Z Z. N4 (4) ~ _ I~ ~ l, `Mr 1 t I f .M ' J P � a. . _ ~i~ t~ Figure 66. Recordings of earthquakes recorded only by Ozero station Key: 1. 31 May 1973 2. Alma-Ata well 3. Ozero 4. Ali well the relative intensity of the 2ongitudinal oscillations (and shape at the Ozero atation) chanRed several times, The last seismogram was obtained 9 days after an earrhquake occurred 60 km to the west (4 January 1975) whicfi was the strongest during the observation period (K=11.5), which could be �elt in the condition of the environment and could lead to an increase in langitudinal wave abaorption. 174 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 I N I'm K~x o FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 8 ro,. Ixh 1/A r . . ~ . N Figure 67. Recordings of eazthquakes at the Talgar, A1ma-,Ata, Ozero, and Ali stations occurring in one place Deep-Well Stati,ons. Where the shape of the recording of distant eaxth- quakes at the deep,.well atations is much si,mplez than at the gxound stations, thi,s is not so obvi.ous for local earthquakes. When comparing the shape of the recordi,ng $t the deep-well and ground stations for local earthquakes it is difficult to exclude the effect of the factor R, for all of the deep-well stations are north, and the majority of the epicenters are in the south and southeast, closer to the ground stations. 175 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ; , ~ i ~ i ~ ~ ! ~ ~ , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 NN7lY7T Nll n. e A nI A A 1..1 Al it7.[LL7/&'Jh9im ' NtSi' K-6,6 �H!ZJ 1d1.7S42A.Um T � AA _ _ _ ~ A. 0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFYCIAL USE ONLY VrhnuenCly the shnreer nnd nimplex .forma oP xecording at the Alma-Ata well ytntlon rind aqpeclnlly Che Alt well ptntion, ns the moet remote, cnn be conneceed with Chie (see Vig 62, No 190; Fig 61, No 141), In C}1e case where itA,ApEt , the rpcordinge of the Alma-Ata and Talger gearions are comparable ~ith reapect to shapp (see Fig 61) at the same timp ns the recording of the Ozero etation which was cloaeet to the epi- center ig the moet complex. For the wegtern centern RA_AZRO the recordinge nf the Alma-Ata and Ozero sCgtions turn out to be eimilar with reepect to ahape at the eame time as the Talggr station, which ia far from the western c:enters is characterized by a aimpler shape of the recording (see Fig 68, No 186). The recording nf earChquake No 265 (Fig 68)0 on the contrary, is more complex at the Talgar stgtion, for the center is close to the seation, and at the Alma-Ata and Novo-Alekseyevskaya well atationa the recording is simpler and close with regpect to shape to the recording of the Ozero atation (Fig 62, No 232). The recordings of more remote earthquakea can turn out to be comparable witli respect to shape at nll of the test area statione ground and deep- wel.l (see Fig 65). For the observations at internal points of the medium, the waves reflected from the day eurface can iave significant in�luence on the shape of the recordinga. For the high �requency local earthquakes the interference of the incident and reflected waves, as the calculatione have demonstrated (see Fig 59), can lead to the most different effecta, in particular, to the nppearance of additional exCrema and extension of the recording. However, - the experimental data frequently give the inverae picture the recordinga in the wells for local earthquakes, just as for distant ones, are character- ized by simpler shape. Obviously, the effect of the day surface on the shape of the incident pulse turns out to be frequently more aignificant (15] than its distortion by suoerposition of the reflected waves when _ recording at the internal pointa of the medium. As nn example let us compare the recordings of the earthquake of 8 June 1968 in the Alma-Ata well and at the Talgar station (Fig 68). On the well seismogr.m the recording of the S-wave is shorter; sometimes by one or two exCrema, and it is more complex than the Talgar station. ug comp.1re the shape of the recordings at different deep-well staCions. Ttiia prohlem is nat simple, fer in addition to the influe.;1;e o� the factor R, which is eapecially strong for the northernmost statio cf Ali, anomalous recordinRs are observed at the station Y- intensive ioW-frequency oscilla- tions appear in the tail section, The number of recozdings in the Navo-Alekseyevskaya well is limited. The recordings of all three well . stations are compared in Fig 53, a, II, The recordings of the local earth- quakes at the Alma-Ata and the Novo-Alekseyevskaya stations are similar with respect to shape. At the Ali station in�the tail section of the recordings low-frequency intense oscillations are recor4ed with reduced [ 176 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FuR 0FFICIAI. U5E ONLY /,~r rf4 1012rm r :,hAf* ,s ~ N i/i IY�70,! i Nti/ 0 N t6S ' � A'~7,J; N~J1,S~r R-A . . MI , ~ ; , , ~  . ~ , " .:t~ , ~ r~l ~ . . . . f~~ q . . ~i . 6 ; . � ~ ~ , ' t ~ . . , . � � D ~ , ~ . , ~ . � � 1 ~ ~ . . , ......~...i. < N1I< I{ i k � . :,r ~ , ; ~ 0 � ~ 2) . . r; ~ . _ . . : . . . 1 ! . . l~ i86i~ f~s'"' ~ � . � ~~~1 j � ~ ~ . , r�c, . Figure 68. Recordings of earthquakea at the ground surface and deep-well stations Key: 1. 10 Marr.h 1975 2. 10 seconds velocity frequently rommensurate with respect to intensitywith the group oE S-oscillations (see Fig 648 Fig 68, No 265). On some of the recordings the intenaity ef the "loop" decreases (see Fig 61, No 157; Fig 62, No 138, No 190); in rare cases the low apeed oscillations are aLsent (Fig 61, 177 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAL U3L ONLY Na 141; Fi,g 65), and then Che Ali stati,on is chaxacCerized by the eimpleeC ehape nf the recordings. It wae nor poseible uni,quely to relate Che pecul3arities of the recording at the Ali seation eo poaiCion and parametera of the center R, 0, H. It is only poesible to noCe that the majority nf reeordings with 1ow-frequency "loop" are caueed by deeper earthquakea located to the southeaee of the tese areg, and the ahort recordinge are connected both wieh shallow attd deep centera located eo the northeaet and eouthweaC. Table 14 Kome- (3) 4aarora th (9) KPyr,cM orMCmn ~2 ~ 1 ypow. :a ypow. ,p.od,,.. no" n~ 0,7 015 : (8) caotspos (4) _ (5) Ot8/b~? t07MIO.5 (10) P -"Mv Tenrap � 24 2,043,0 1,7-3.6 c~ 03" ie 1,e-4,3 i,s..e,s (13) M= 8 � ;L,4-8,8 0,8-8,5 (14) Atom"ra 28 2,7-8,8 1.7-7,5 � (15) S-swaw (i~) T.m-ap 'zs . i,as,d 0,6-3,5 (12) 03qO , ie 1,0.3,0 , 0,6..3,7 (13) Anx .a i.s-s,s ..s,a (14),Anwa"As. ' 24 1,5-3,2 -3,8 Key: 2.4 0,65 o,es 2,8 0,79 0,?3 8,0 0180 0,80 4.2 0M 0,8? 1,7 . o,so 0.89 1,7 o,as 0,81 � 2,4 - aei z,? - 0081 1. Station 10. P-wave 2. No of average spectra 11. Talgar 3. Frequency, hertz 12. Ozero 4. on the 0.7 1eve1 13. Ali 5. on the 0.5 level 14. Alma-Ata 6. predominant 15. S-wave 7. left slope 0.5/0.7 8, right slope 0,7/0.5 9. Steepneas *By the predominant frequency we mean the geometric mean of the values of the limiting frequencies of 0,7 level, Everything that has been stated about the peculiarities of the shape of the recording of local earthquakes at the ground and Well st$tions o� the test area reflects the complexity of the situation and complicates the solution of the problem of the effect of the reception conditions on the shape of the recording. l 178 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICYAL USE ONLY Frnquenc:y CharncCerisrics of the Recoxdings of Locdl EarChquakee and tixploaions. Let us consider the e�fect o� the observaC3on conditiona on the frequency composition of the recordings. It wAS reasonable ati firse Cu analyze the �requency o� the explosion recordinga 3n Medeo Canyon, which Cook place in practice ae one location, and their numher was the greaCegt by comparison other exploaiona. The fre- ` quency selecCive seiamic statiott ogcillograma of 26 exploaiona were obtained, the energy class o.f which is basically equal to K-6-8. No dependence of predominant apectral frequency on the claes K was obaerved in this narrow energy range. IE we exclude the effect of the epicentral disCances, it ia possible to expect thatdifferences in the frequency apectra of explosion recordings at ttie sCationa of the test area are connecCed with the peculiaritiea of the observaCion conditions. T}te bASic information abouC the apectra of the P and 5-waves of explosiona in Medeo is presenCed in Table 14, and the average relative (reduced Co f=5.1 hertz) frequency-selective seigmic station spectra of these waves nre presented in Fig 69, a. The spectra were processed by the generally accepted ptrocedure [35, 58J. As a result of analyzing the spectral characCeristics, it is possible to draw the following conclusions. 1. The spectra of the P,wavea of the explosions in Medeo at the different sCations differ from each other. The differences are observed both between the spectra of the ground stations and the well stations, as well as between the individual apectra at the ground stations (Talgar and Ozero) _ and the well stations (Alma-Ata and Ali). The observation conditions at the Talgar and Ozero stations are approximately identical, and their spectra are also similar. The differences which exist nevertheless (at the Ozero station the spectrum of the P-wave has more gently sloping sides and is somewhat broader than the Talgar station) can be explained by the fact [hat the Ozero station is located closer to the explosion point. 2. The spectra of the P and the S-waves of explosions at the Ali and Alma-Ata well statians are broader and higher frequdncies than at the ground stations, which is connected with the complete (Ali) and partial (Alma-Ata) exclusion of the sedimentary series. 3. The spectra of the S,waves of explosions in Medeo at all of the sta- tions on the whole are simt,lar to each other, especially with respect to their right slones. In the example of the Scwave spectra it is obvious that the observation conditi,ons are felt in the frequency characteristics essentially more than the diFferences i.n distancesl thus, the spectra of the S-wave at the Talgar and Alma Ata stations located at an identical distance from the explosions (approximately 16 km) liut under different 179 FOR OFFZCIAL USE ONLY 4 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ af Figure 69. Key: hertz Qi Z6 I0~/4 (1) Average normalized spectra of the shift of the P and the S-waves of explosions in rtedeo (a) and local earthquakes (b) at the Ozero station (1), Talgar (2), A1ma-Ata (3) and Ali (4) conditions, are different from each other. At the same time the spectra of the S-waves on the recordings of the A1ma-Ata and Ali atations although located at different dietancea (about 16 and 50 km respectively) but under identical conditions, are identical. - In order to study the e�fect of the observation coriditiona on the frequency characteristica of the recordings of local earthqual:es, more than 40 seismograms were selected for which it was possible to obtain high,quality frequency selection seismic station oscillograms. For the selected earth- qual;es the predominant value of K is included within the range of 6.0-7.5; H=0-15 km, tg_p according to the Talgar station it is equal to 5.0-7,0 sec. In order to exclude the effect of random factorso average normalized shift spectra of the P and S oscillations were constructed for all the stations of the test area (Fig 69, b), An analysis was made of the amplitude ratio, which does not depend on the signal level -A,fIA5,1 hertz' The first thing that attracts attention is the anomalously high-frequency nature of the recordins at the Ali station. This pertains to the P and the S-oscillations, and it is a consequence of the observation conditions (it is remarkable that the Ali station usually is removed to the maximum 180 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY s ~ t a . !O 41 41 JO i b APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 46 .46 , 41 4s /o APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 P'QR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY frnm the epiccntere), Thie anamaly was obAerved sometimes A18o for cliHranr aazrhqunkeA. 'Che avoriiRe sper.tra for the xemaininR etatione (7'atgnrt Ozero, Almn-Atn) ngree wiCh reeppct to ehapet but with emall diEEerencea nnd more expressed for the P-wave. The spectra of the longitudinal waves at the Ozero and Talgar atatione are very similar, and at the Alma-Ata etation they are lower frequency. This is connected with the fixed aeriea of sedimenes under th3s atation. The noted apectral characterisCics of the recordinga of the different ata- tinns are well illustrated by the frequency aelection seismic atation oscillograms for local earthquakes. Thus, according to Fig 53, c, II, it is obvious that at the Ali station the maximum recording amplitudea are noted on the 2.6, 5.1:, and 10 hertz filtera. For the other stations the relative intensiCy of the P and the S wavea on these filters is much lower. ' Thus, during the time of the 4-year observatinns from 1972 to 1976, the = automated stations of the tesC area recorded more than 18,000 earthquakes, distant, nearby and local, including 978 signals with tS_p,10 aeconda, which were inveatigated when studying the seismic characteriatica of Alma-Ata. Of them there were 692 local earthquakes and 286 explosiona. Among the latter 10% were explosions in Medeo. More than 85% of all the earthquakes recorded by the test area stations belong to the fifth to seventh energy classes which are not represenCative for the Kazakh regional station network. The estimate of the energy of the weakest earthquakes recorded only by Ozero station gives a value of K on the order of two. The minimum recording time of the earthquakes with tS_p=1.5-2.5 seconds is 13-14 aeconds. Under the conditions of the - Alma-Ata test area the earthquakes of energy class 6 are representative. The relief of the day surface has the strongest effect on the structure of the seismograms. The recordings of the stations located in the mountains are distinguished by the greatest complexity and 10v resolvabil- ity. Many waves, polarized in different directions, are recoxded here. The nonuniformities of the section under the conditions of azimuths of ground relief can have a strong influence on the structure of the seismo- grams. The developed procedure for processing the multichannel seismograms of centralized radiotelemetric recording considering the spatial arrangement of the statians in the test area made it possible to determine the hypo- - centerq of the earthquakes with high accuracy, The study of the peculiarity of the recordi,ng of explosions, including those occurring in Medeo in comparative proximity to the locati,ons of greatest concentration of local earthquake centers demonstrated that the basic criteria for recognizing explosions and earthquakes are the frequency composition and the shape of the recording. The local earthquakes can be higher frequency than the explosions. 181 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAY, USE ONLY CHAPTER V. OBSERVATION RESULTS The basic area of work was the equipment-procedural study. The aeismic regime was studied by the way. However, the reaulte obtained not only confirm rhe correctness of the developed procedure, but they can be of independent interesC. It is appropriate ta coneider the aeismic regime of Alma-Ats in Connection with the overall aeismicity of Zailiyakiy AlaCau. 61. Seismicity of Zailiyskiy Alatau The Alma-Ata seismically active region is wholly within the limita of Northern Tyan'-Shan'. In the north it ia bounded by the Dzhungarskiy Alatau and its spura; in the west it is bounded by the line from the city of Tolanak to the mouth of the Kurty River; in the south it is bounded by the north shore of Lake Issyk-Kul' and Kyungey--Ala-Too, and, finally, in the east, by the lower courae of the Chilik River. The central part of the area is occupied by the Zailiyskiy Alatau Ridge, the axial part of uhich extends in northeasterly direction, reaching the highest elevation on the Talgar Peak. The north slopes of the Zailiyskiy Alatau are expreased by low terraced Eoothills. The foothills make a sharp transition to the Iliyskdya basin whtch drops with insignificant slope to the I].i River basin. The north sYopes oE the ridge are cut by the deep transverse slopes of the following rivers; ,Kastek, Karastek, Kasl:elen, Aksay, Bol'ahaya Alma-Atinka, Malayn Alma-Atinka, Levyy Talgar, Issyk, Turgen' and the longitudinal Pravyy Taigar and Asy River valleys, The sauth slope o.f the Zailiyskiy ridge is di,smembered by short transyerse river canyons, and in the western parC it belongs to the Bollshoy Kem3,n system; in the eastern part it belongs to the Chilik River system. 182 FOR QFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY Figure 70. TecConic diagram of North Tyan'-Shan' 1-- deep fracture zonea: Northern Tyan'-Shan' (a), Kaskelenskaya (b), Alma-Ata (c), ?.ailiyskaya (d), Kemino- Chilik (e), Tyupskaya (f), Terskeyskaya (g); 2-- active regional faults; 3-- inactive regional faults Key: 1. Kurty 7. Alma-Ata 18. Charyn 2. Malay-Sary Ridge 8. Kirgizakiy 19. Panfilov 3. Ili 9. Tokmak 4. Kapchagay reservoir 10. 2ailiyskiy Alatau R3dge 5. Talgar 11. Kyungey-Ala-Too Ridge 6. Uzunagan 12. Chu i3, Iasyk Kul' Lake 14. Przheval'sk ~ 15. Tekes 16. Kagen 17. Ketshen' Ridge - The hyungey-Ala-Too Ridge extends in latitudinal direction almost parallel to the Zailiyskiy Ridge from the south o'' it. Cts highest point is - Chotkal Mountain, located to the southwest of tlie Talgar Peak. In the west the ridge ends up at the Chu River, and in the east it branches into two parts between which the broad section of the Chon-Aksu valley is located. The south slopesof the ridge, dz:opping down, end up as the shore of Lake Issyk,Kul', The 7,ailiyskt,y Alatau and Kyungey-Ala--Too }tidges, on approaching the more central section, form a single Kemino�,Chu Plountain complex, to the north- west of whicti the city of Alma-Ata is loca..ted in the valley of the Malaya nnd aol'shaya A1ma-Atinka Rivers, To the west and east the distance betwec:n tlie ridges increases, and the ridges are s by the two river valleys of Chon-Kemin and Chi,13k which are elongated i.n the sublatitudinal direction. 183 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAI. USE QNLY The baaic large etructuxal elemente of the inveatigated parC of Northern Tyan'-Shan' are aeparated by deep faults exi,ating since the Paleozoic, The intensity of the movemente along the faults in Che I aeC stages of geologicnL development wae the greateet, The echematic of the deep faults is depicted in Fig 70. The faults cnntrollins the movements of the inveatigared region muet be considered to be the Alma-,Ata fault with the Zailiyslciy fault adjacent to iC aeparating Che mountain aystem of the Zailiyekiy Alatau from the Iliyakaya baein, and the Kemino-Chilik with the Tyupekiy branching from it. These faults have the greatest extent and are characterized by eapecially intenae lateat movements along them. Obviously, an important role in the tectonic development of the region is also played by the faults of shorC extenC, the aetivity of which is exhibited in the Holocene. The differentiated nature of the tectonic movements of NorChern Tyan'-Shan' m ~the intenae ascending dieplacements of the mountain etructurea and the descending basins) finds ita reflection in the nature of the aeismicity of the region. WiCh reapect to level of manifestation of modern weak seismicity Northern Tyan'-Shan' differs comparaCively little from the seismicity of all of Tyan'-Shan'. However, againet this comparatively "quiet" background the largeat seismic disaeters quite frequenCly occur. Thus, aC the end of the last century and the beginning of thie century four earthquakes occurred here, one of which (Kebinskoye 1911) ia the largest; ita magnitude reached 8.44.6. Close to it with respect to intensity was the Chilik earthquake of 1889. The magnitude of this ahock is estimated at approximately 8. The weakest, but moat destructive for Alma-Ata (previously Vernyy) was the Verdy earthquake (1887 and, finally, the weakest of them, the earthquake of 1938 (M-6.5), the center of which is located at the confluence of the Chon-Kemin and the Chu Rivera. The three strongest earthquakes appeared at the earth's surface in sections of significant extent of residual deformations (Fig 71). All of them have been preserved up to the present time. The center of the earthquake of 18$7 was located between the valleys of the Alcsay and Talgar Rivers [41], Here the earthquake deformationsvere exhibited most clearly on the Zailiyskiy fault. The degree of these deformations decreased from Aksay to Talgar. The earthquake of 1889 was accompanied by large dislocations with a break in continuity and landslips in the valley of the Chilik River from its source to the meridional turning of the river to the north [42], The dis- turbances of the surface and the landslips were also observed somewhat to the south in the vicinity of Dzhalanash settlement. The eastern edge of the center of this earthquake has a moxe intense manifestation at ground surface by comparisan with the weatern edge, After the meridional turn 1Compiled by V. N. Krestnikov, N. V. Chigarev, T, P. Belousov. 184 FOR OFFICIAL USL ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY t ~oa � ~ O � + I M; , 1) ~(2) ~N~ ~ ~S 3) ~ 117& (18) y rw n A S~7)~ C6, . N~t/t 1 (ti) 6) r ~.e 9) ~ ~ /1 no`10 N TO O . .0 . ~ ~ ~ � ~ � ' . . . r ~ ~ � ~ (11) A~ ' ~ Of *t *r 04 *8 06 OF Qf of Figure 71. Map of atrong earthquakes in Northern Tyan'-Shan' _ Provisional notation: 1~- K=12; KQ13; 3K-14; 4-- K=15; 5-- Ka17; 6-- K=18; 7~- 1929-1950; 8-- 1951-1967; 9-- 1965-1975; 10 deep faults; 11 regions oF deformation _ of the day surface Key: � 1. Kurty . 11, Tezskey-Ala-Too Ridge 2. Ili 12. Lake Issyk-Kul' 3. Kapchagay reservoir 13. Rybach'ye 4. Panfilov 14. Zailiyskiy Alatau Ridge 5. Ili 15. Kyungey--Ala-Too Ridge 6. Charyk 16, Chu River 7. Chilik 17. Uzunagach 8. Ketshen' Ridge 18. Alma-Ata 9. Tekes 10. Przheval'sk in the Chilik River at the present time no noticeable residual disturbances of the earrh's surface are vis3ble, but it must be noted that the isoseisms of this earthquake have clearly expressed northeasterly strike. The region of force 9 tremors encompassed a significant area in the eastern part of the Alma-Ata region. The force 8 isoseism extended from Dzhungarskiy Alatau 185 ` FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY in the nnrtheast to the xouth ahares of Lake Ieayk-Kul', and from Chundzhi in the eust to Talgar in the weat. The axia of this recording is etretched Co 260 lan in rhe northeasterly direcCion and 160 km in the AublatitudinAl direcCion [31]. The Kebin earthquat;e of 1911 exceeded all of the preceding ones with reapect to force [7]. The most clearly de�ormation procesaes were expresseci in the Chon-Kemin River valley over its entire extent and on the Tyupakiy fault from where it branchea off the Kemino-Chilik fault to the northeastern ahore of Lake Issyk-Kul'. Significant deformationa are also obaerved now in the eagtern section of the entire center regi.on of this earthquake. In addition to the huaic diaturbances along the faults, deformations and landalipa were obaerved on the Tyungey-Ala-Too Ridge and the Zailiyakiy Ridge. Thus, the entire southweetern part o� the investigated region of Northern Tyan'-Shan' was encompassed by this earthquake, The rotation of the center of the earthq uake from aublatitudinal in the Chon-Kemin valley to southeastern along the Tyupskiy fault ie a highly characteriatic and important chsracter- istic of it. The Kemin earthquake of 1938 had a small region of, force-9 tremor at the confluence of the Chu and the Chon-Kemin Rivers [10]. Its force 8 iso- seism was observed only in the weaterly direction, and the force-1 encompassed a significant territory af Central Kirgizia and the entire region of Northern Tyan'-Shan' of interest to us. The noted earthquakes are noC the only ones according to the catalog data [43]. The earthquake of 1807 is known in the Medeo Canyon. There ia undefined information about the earthquakes of the 18th century. K. I. Bogdanovich [7] reports a deatructive earthquake in the 9th century. The geological data indicate the seismoCectonic nature of the rock-dammed - lake Issyk in the upper course of the Isayk River. There are substantiated fieological data on the seismotectonic processes in the Kirgiz Ridge. At the southern boundary of the investigated region 18 km east of Przheval'sk the Sarylcamyahskoye earthquake occurred in 1970, the magnitude of which was 6.8 [13]. A brie� description of the strong earthquakes in Northern Tyan'-Shan' - indicates that their centers have significant dimensions, and the residual Phenomena are in the majori,ty of cases coordinated with the zonea o� deep faults controlling the tectonic li:fe of the entire region. In addition, some of the peculiarities of the shape of the isoseisma of these shocks indicate tnat the centers of these eaxthquakes can he coordinated not only with the explici.tly, expressed fAultst but they are also connected with the newl; formed tectonic zones, These data indicate that both with reapect to strength of the known earth- quakes and with respect to their recurrence rbte, tha, region of Northern Tyan'-Shan' muat be considered one of the potenl-ially most dangerous regions of the USSR in seismic respects. _ - 186 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFYCIAL USE ONLY An instrumenC study of the earthquakes of Northern Tyan'-Shan' was started in 1929 the time of opening several of the seiamic sCaCiona in Centiral Asia (Alma-Ata, Andizhan, Frunze, Samarkand) to aupplemenC the Tashkent station exlating at the Cime of B. B. Golitayn, This quite meager network - equipped wiCh Nikiforov aeismagraphe permitCed deCermination of the poaition of Che epicentera of Che earthquakes correaponding to clasaes 11-12 with respect to energy K, although with large errors. " Fig 72 showa a map of the epicenter Por the period.from 1929 to 1950 when the station network did noC change. In spite of the limited poasibilities of the first network, it ia impossible not to noCe the fundamentalness of thia period of instrument obaervAtions giving the firat clear concept of the nature nf the seismicity of all Central Asia and, in particular, Northern Tyan'-Shan' [53]. (1) " lwr.~..~a.....e. (2) ' w+ T~ry11+~1Mw ON Q+l ~n ~u ~ 14 ~16 ~ (4) � n ~e ~ ~ 44 � O fl~w~r~ 3 ~ N 1 (7) , ~6) I O 0~ ~ (4) O ~ AM �ATA ~ ~ MN { ][RJ M Y _m N39 O(B r.~ . 1~ 11 IQ ! 1~ 1 ~i ~ nOM~s~NeM . (9) ~E ~ � p r r~ c c (14) 0 O 15) . 0 o Y K... 17 a~ 0 ~60 b Fi.gure 72. Earthquake epicenter map �ar 1929-1950 Key: 1. energy class 5,, Kapchagay reservoir 9. Kir!'iz P.idge 2. Taldy-Kurgan 6. Alma-Ata 10. Zailiyskiy Alatau Ridge 3. Pnnfilov 7. Chu 11. Rybach'ye 4. Ili 8. Frunze 12. Issyk-Kul' Lake 13. Przheval'sk 14. Terskey-Ala--Too Ridge 15. Naryn River - 16. Ntlryn! 17. Chatyr-KQ1' Lake 187 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FAR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , - The year 1951 was the turning point in the development of aeismological studies o� Central Asia and especi$11y Noxthern Tyan'-Shan'. Beginning - in thar year a new, significantly broader network of atationa began operatian in Asia, and Academici,an G. A. Gamburtaev organized the regional network of etations of the Earth Physica InsCitute of the USSR Academy of Sciencea in Tyan'-Shan', permitting determination of the epicenters of earthquukea with quite high accuracy, in individual cases also their depths were determined, and mak3ng it possible to compile the energy - classification of the seismic shocks [9]. This neCwork included the following stations: Ili, Talgar, Fabrichnaya, Kurmenty, Chilik. The Alma-Ata atation operated as before. The Przheval'sk and Rybach'ye sta- tions aupplemented the network on the south. As a reault, sixth and seventh class earthquakes began to be recorded, although from the point of view of representativenesa, the exiating observation-system for these classes of earthquakes was atill insufficient. The increase in number of stations up to 1961 and their reequipment with the new SIQrt devicea insured a further increase in accuracy of determining Che geometric parameters of - the earthquakes and also the energy classes. Beginning in 1969 all of the aeismic operations in Northern Tyan'-Shan' were transferred to the Geological Institute of Che Kazakh SSR Academy o� Sciences, and in 1976, to the Seismology Institute of the Kazakh 5SR Academy of Sciences where the development of the seismic operations in Northern Tyan'-Shan' is continuing jointly with the Seismology Institute of the Kirgiz SSR Academy of Sciences. _ The maps of the epicentera in Figurea 11-74 give an idea of the aeismicity of Northern Tyan'-Shan' in the vicinity of Alma-Ata for different time intervals. Figure 71 showe the epicentera of the strongest seismic shocks from energy class 12 and up during the entire period of inatrument obaerva- tions. A complete idea of the nature of the seismicity of the region is given by the map of the epicenters of energy classes 9 and 10 (Fig 73), inasmuch as these classes are the most representative for the entire observation time. However, it is necessary to consider that the accuracy of determining the epicenters before 1951 was essentially lower by compari- son with the subsequent years. In Fig 74 it is possible to isolate several localized seismic zones. First of ull, let us note the seismically active zone extending from the sAUrces of the Chon-Kemin and Chilik Rivers along the southwest slopes of the Ryungey-Ala-Too Rfdge, This zone approaches the city of Alma-pta with a small turn somewiiat to the west and breaks off shaxply. Then in the western part of the region, pximarily along the noxth slopes of the Kyungey--Ala-Too Ridge to the Chu Riyer a seismic belt is traced which has compar;titi.vely low activity, From the northeast corner of Lake Issyk--Kul' to the epicenter of the earthRuake of 1889 thexe is a xegi,on of highest seismic: activi,ty, The dimensinns of this zone are not great, but the greatefit density of earthquakes in Nortnern Tyan'--ShanR is obaerved within its limits. ' 188 FOR OFFT';IAL USE dNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY From tho epicenter oL Che ClrLlik earthquake of 18$9 two somewhat worse l.acntecl directions of propagation of, the epicenter9 are noCed: uE;e of Chem coincidea closely wiCh the Chilik River valley after its turn in the meridional direction, and the other has a northweaterly strike in the direction of the mouth of Che A1ma-ACinka River. It is possible to note small meridional accumulation of epicentera in the region along the - Turgen' River in the cenCral part of the first of the investigated zones. Within the limits o� the remaining part of the territory the epicenters are scattered quite randomly, and there is an insignificant number of them. 7e p 0 y40 O ~ 0 EPO CA Cl) 0 0 ~ N O v. 0 O 0 � (4 ~ 0 0 ~ a� y~ O �3) ~ 1 IIe9r. iA�J ~(O AIIMA�AT(y ~ � C///] , U O ~ O ~ ~ CS~~, ,r - ' " r a ' ~ N ~ ~ ' / ~ O ~ ~ ~1911r. _ _ h. O � ' (6) Pr6*4b� ~ ~ r ---M~ " (Dl ~f 7S e ~s.~ ~ Figure 73. Map of eaxthquake epi.centers for 1951-1967 The epicenters with Kz-,9 (1) and K=10 (2) �or 1961-1967 are crosshatched, Key: 1. Ili; 2. Kapchagay reservoix; 3, Alma-Ataf 4, Charyn; 5. Zailiyskiy Alatau Ridge; 6. Kyungey-Ala-Too Ridge; 7. Rybach'ye; 8. Lake Issyk- Kul'; 9. Przheval'sl:; 10, Chilik. 189 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 bF LI tGE I NDUSTR I AL CENTERS 4 APRIL 1979 , . ~ 3 OF 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 P'OR OPFICIAL U5E ONLX LJ 0 0~ C 1, yo GP o e w Z~A&A 6 Q ~ e , 0 ~ ~ ~10 O ~ � 0 0 o (3) " � o p 8 o(6) ~ o~ 9)o CSj. ` . 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 o p 0 10) A,At 0 p~ o p 4u~~o W (11~ o � w 0 ~ 00 0 ~ t ~~ro . 0 06~ 0 00 ot ~ 0 O O 0 0 O 00 ~ ~ � ~ 3 ~ 19 ) 08 0 ~ d 0 0 ~ 0 ~0 o Of p� O� ON O u ~n Figure 74. Map af earthquake epicenters from 1965 to 1968. The numbers on the earthquake symbols indicate the energy clasa K. Key: 3. 11i; 2. Altyn Emel' Ridge; 3. Ili; 4. Kapchagay reservoir; 5. Charyn; 6. Kaskelen; 7. Talgar; 8. Turgen; 9. Chilik; 10. Alma-Ata; 11. Talgar; 12. 7.ailiyskiy Alatau Ridge; 13. Kyunge/- Ala-Too Ridge; 14. Chon -ECemin; 15. Tokmak; 16. Chu; 17. Rybach'ye; 18. Lake Issyk-Kul'; 19. Keqen r v On ttie map of the strongest shocks (see Fig 71) on the whole an analogous pic�ture of the earthquake diseribution is observed, The moat active is the cnrthquake belt coincidir.g with the Kyungey-Ala-Too Ridge and ita poK! tion in the direction c+f Alma-,Ata. Some "fuzziness" of the observed Jistrihution ot ttie epicenters is explained by the lower accuracy of determination for 1951. Ic is necessary to pay attentlon to the fact that Rtronger and stronger shocka in recent vears have occurred in the eastern : parts cif the region alonq the line coinciding with the meridional direc- tions of the Chilik River. 190 FOR OFFICIAL US� ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Finn]1y, lot us dineuen the map in F!,R 74 conoeruCted by the observarlnn data f,or 1.965-1968 eeparaCely. Durtng th1s zimp the complex eeismolngiral pxreditian in Northc-rn Tyan'-Shgn' openc�d up a number o� tempornry etn- ttorin which mndp it rogAible Co increasc the accuracy of determining the epicenterg gnd their depthe (Fig 75). Frrnn investigaCion of Fig 75 it followg that the majority of the earthquake centers of low energy c1asseg gre AgBdCiAtP.d wieh the narrow range of depehe from the first kilometers eo 12. T'he deeper centers are encountered significantly more rgrely (acedrding to the data for recent yeara). and in the majority of cases they belong to the etrong seismic ghocka nf clasa 11-12. In Fig 74 the basic nature of the earthquake distribuCion ig analogous to the earthquake distribution on ttie preceding mapA. Nevertheless, it is possible to note some characteristic features. In the west two clear beltg nf epicentera of nnrthwesterly gtrike are isolated whirh intersect the deep belt zones. The basic number of earthquakes in this map, the region L of propagation of which occupies a eignificantly greater area, belong to energy class 7. Beginning with energy class $ the earthquakea are located - ncar the bagic seismically active zones (aee the beginning of thig item). - The "contraction" of the earthquakes of stronger clasaea into narrow zanes is 7 quite characteristic feature of the manifeetation of seismicity. Thus, tlie geiemic material indicatea that the modern :einmicity appears quite stably in different obaervation times, and the use of weak earthquakes _ to isolate the seismically active zones turns out to be juatifiable in spite of the high degree of "diEfuaion" of the epicentera of the weakest shocics. On all of the maps of the epicenters it is obvious that east of the city ' of Alma-Ata on the Alma-Ata and Zailiyskiy faults no r.learly expressed grouping of the weak earthquakes is detected althoug~i the strong earth- . quakes of the past were connected with them. The region of increase in modern seismicity is closel;i connected with the sections within the limits of which the disastrous earthquakes at the end of the past century and the beginning of this century were atrongly exhibited. The available material does not permit a definite conclusion to be drawn about whe[her the modern weak activity is aftershock activity of the strong earthquakes of the past or the zones isiilated with respect to weak seismiciry will be future locations of strong earthquakes. Never- theless, the fact that the seismic activity of recent years is gradually inrreasing in the eastern part of the region (on the tneridian of the Chilik River) deserves fixed attention, The experience of studying atrong earth- quakes in the different seismically active regions of the earth indicates that the Atrong earthquakes occur nost frequently againat a backRround of a general rise in activity of the regton adjacent to the center of a strong shock although before the shock itself on this background uz increasing activity weakening of the seisml.c aetivity can be observed. 191 FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OPFICIAL U5E ONLY Q ~ f o (P. ` O 8 ow~ Ce ,d O . . rs p ~ 0 O rt ' b - . ' o ~ m- J('~b ~ ~tr3#o~~ d ~o~r v Of ~o o~o o a, o, u . 010 i t0 vOK~ O n- Figure 75. Diagram of the dietribution of the depthe of the earthqueke centers in the directions from the northeaetern corner of Lake Isayk-Kul' to Alma-Ata (a) and to the epicenter of the earth- , quake of 1889 (b) Cey : . 1. energy class � s A is A _ Figure 76. Recurrence rate of the earthquakes of Northern Tyan'-Shan' 1-- 1929-1950; 2-- 1951-1961; 3�- 1962-1967; 4-- 1972-1975 (RTS) n 192 FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR O1tP'ICIAL USE ONLY I Figure 77. Benioff graph for Northern Tyant-Shan' Key: 1. years; 2. j aijles Let us consider the grapha of the recurrence rate of earthquatces for different times of instrument observations (Fig 76). The period from 1951 to 1961 is marked by increased activity by comparison with the later times. During this period the activity A10 reduced to an area of 1000 km2 and the time interval of 1 year had a value of 0.2 for an anqu:ar coefficient of the slope of the graph Y-0.47. The next time interval of 1961-1967 has A10=0.1, and the slope of the graph Y-0.55. 7'he increase in the slope is connected with general attenuation of the activity for the 1962-1965 period. During this period the number of earthquakes of energy classea 9 and 10 was mininww 1 for the entire observation time. The later time interval of 1968--1972 (not presented in Fig 76) is similar with respect to level of activity to the preceding one, Y=0.5 [55, 56]. A comparison of the graphe with the radiotelemetric syatem data (RTS) of the observations in recent years indicates that the graph of the recurrence rate 4 turned out to be somewhat higher with respect to activity level, A10-0.13, and the angular coefficient of the graph Y-0.46, which is connected with general Weak increase in activity of Northern Tyan'--Shan' in recent years. It is sig-- nificant tha[ the weak earthquakes of sixth to aeventh energy clasa are indicated with a common behavior of the recurrence rate graphs in the preceding years. This fact justifies the study of the characteristics of the region with resnect to weak seismicity, and the relation of the weak earthquakes to the atronger ones (K-10-12) can indic$te the nature of the activation of the region in the future. The graph for the isolation of seismic energy of the region o� Northern Tyan'-Shan' is presented in Fig 77. On construction of i[, the assumption was made that during the periods of weakening of the seismic activity oi the region the course of the energy release differed little from that 193 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 Mao lis' �oi i111 Mw APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR O1rF'YCIAL USL ONLY observed by the instrument datx �or the period since 1929; the energy of - the seiemic shnck of 1807 was npproximately ~he same 4s the earthquake of 1887. From the graph it is poes~,ble to draw the conclueion that the relative quiet in the seiemic activity observed in recenr yeare muat be replaced in the near future by e3,gnificantly growing acCivity. The gvail- able time reserve muat be apent on the development of more detailed geo- physicgl and seismological operations in order ro predicC the time of a possible strong shock. On2 of the phases of this work is the radio- ` telemeCric recording system. - 42. Seismic CharacterisCics of A1ma-Ata The Aima-AtA tPat area is in a seiemically active territory which has been studied by aeismologista for a long time. The most complete information ~ an the seiemic conditiona of the entire region and also the A1ma-Ata - seismically active region for the period from 1951 Co 1967 were obtained as a resulC of the work ;,t the complex seiamological expedition of the Earth Physica Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences for the period from 1966 to 1972 the Iliyskaya expedition, and in recent years, the Institute of Geology and Ceophysice of the Kazskh SSR Academy of Sciences. The specific nature of the obaervationa of the test area of highly sensi- tive (even in the territory of the city) sutomatic atations with radio- telemetric multichannel recording and a united time service inaured more complete recer.ding of the weak ahocks and higher accuracy of determination of the position of the centera of the local earthquakes in this area (+1-2 km) at the same time as in the preceding papers the accuracy of determining the position of the epicenters and the depths of the centera, as a rule, did not exceed +3 to 5 lan. This made it poasiblp to atudy the time-space laws of the distribution of the weak loca' I earthquakes in a very local region adjacent directly to the city of Alma-Atn wliich is impossible to do by the regional network observations. Let us proceed with the discussion of the results obtained by the observa- tion of the seismic conditiona for the period from June 1972 to July 1976. Wlien studying the seismic regime, in addition to determining the spatial position of the earthquake centers (the construction of the epicenters) estimates were also made of the mean recurrence rate of the earthquakes and its variations in time for the area as a whole. Cpicenter Mara. The maps of the epicenters reflect the spatial position of the centers in the investigated region, In order to construct maps uf the epicenters under the conditiona of the test area, the fixed energy class of e:trthquakes is representative, for the epicenter distribution does not depend on the location of the atations for it, The epicenrers of the fifth energy class earthquakes are basically constructed by the two southern stations of Talgar and Ozero; for thero tg~ uaually is 3-5 seconds, These earthquakes characterize the seismic conditions in a radius of 25-30 km of the Talgar and Ozero stations. 194 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The depths of the centezs are reckoned from the reducCion line (aee Fig 41p a). Their gradation on the epi,center maps is given every 10 km; on the depth maps it is given every 5 lan. The maps of the epicenters are pre- aented both wiCh respect ta years and for the entire observation period. The center depth map wgs compiled aeparately. Over the exCent of the entire period of insCrument observation from 1929 to 1967 according to the data from the complex seismological expedition and from 1966 to 1971 according to the reaearch data of the Iliyakaya expedition with the Zemlyn cyre equipment [3, 50, 54, 55], the 2ailiyskiy - and Kungey Alatau region appeared to have the same seismic activity. rig 78 ghows a map of the epicenters of the nearby earthquakes of the - Alma-Ata seismicnlly active zone for 1966 to 1971 from reference [54]. The territory that we investigaCed is outlined on it. The reaulta of these ~ studies are of inCerest as directly preceding our obaervations in the radioCelemetric test area. As follows from investigation uf Figures 78 and 79, the epicenters of the earthqunkes in the inveatigated territory are distributed highly nonuniformly. The greateat density of the epicenters of all the energy clnsses on both maps is observed south of the test area. This is the central part of the Zailiyskiy and Kungey Alatau Ridgea. A line running through the sections with increased density of epicenters according to the 12-year observations of the complex seismological expedition (1956-1967) and also the belts of high seismic activity according to the data of reference [3J is plotted on Fig 79. Accarding to our data, it is possible to rezlize a more detailed breakdown of the region of High seismic activity and locate the individual sections of concentration of the earth- quake centers. We have provisionally isolated three zones of high seismic activity. Let us call them the "western" cone, the "central" zone and the "eastern" zone. The "western" zone oF concentration of epicenters extended in the form of a strip with a width not exceeding 20 km in the southwesterly direction from Alma-Ata is more clearly outlined (it is also no�.ed in Fig 78). The earth- quakes are observed here in a wide range of energy classes, including K-9, 10 and 11. The western zone in the southwest ends with the epicenter of the strongest earthquake during the enttre observation time in the test area with K=11.5 on 4 January 1975. The direction of the strike of the strip forms a small angle with the direction of strike of the Alma-Ata and 7,ailiyskiy zones of deep fractures (Fig 79), The second zone the central zone K- is separated from the first section hy reduced seismicity; this is a section of maximum concentr.ltion of epi- centc�ra of all energy clagses. It ,'.s located to the vouth and southeast of the stntions of the test area and it is associated ;oith ttie central part of the 7,ailiyskiy and the Kungey Alatau Ridges, The zone does not have a clearly expressed direction of strike. In the south It is surrounded by 195 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR Or'FICIAL USE ONLY � ~r  Figure 78. Schematic of the epicenters of nearby earthquakes of the Alma-Ata aeismically active region for 1966-1971 [54] Provisional notatton: 1-- deep fracture zones penetraCing into the mantle (a) and into the basaltic layer (b); 2-- deep fracture zones renewed in alpine time; 3-10 epicenters of earthquakes of the following energy classes: 3-- fourth, 4-~ fifth, 5-- sixth, 6-- 9eventh, 7-- eighth, 8~- ninth, 9tenth, 10 cleventh; 11 epicenter of the disastrous earthquake; 12-16 locatian of hypocenters With respect to depth in km; 12 to 101 13 11-20, 14 20~300 15 more than 30, 16 depth not de[ermined. The fracture zones (the mimbers in the figure) are as follows; 1-~ Taukumskaya, 2-.- Central Kazakhstan, 3-- Bakpatinskaya, 4--- Yuzhno-Dzhungar9kaya, 5Sarykumskayai 6�-.� ALtyn-Emel'skaya, 7-- DzhaZair-Naymanskaya, 8-- Chemolganskaya, 9-. Severo-Tyan'- Shantskaya, 10 Chiliko,Keminskaya, 11 r- Severo -Isayk-Kul'skaya. [See key an following page] 196 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 + � . y � r FOR*OFFYCYAY. U5L ONLY ~ (Key to Fig 78]: _ a. Ballihash block; b, Taukunskiy block; c, Chuiliyskiy block; d. Moyunkunekiy block; e, buzhungarakiy block; f. Koskudukskiy block; g. Targalakiy block; h. Chilikskiy block; I. Chuyskiy bYock; J. Alma-Ata; k. Zailiyskiy block; 1. Kungeyskiy block; m. Iasyk-Kul'skiy block a region of quite sharp reduction in seiamicity (at a distance of 40 to - 45 km south of Ozero atatton) although the earChquakes wiCh K>6 would have to be recorded by the Ozero, Alma-Ata, and Talgar statione. To Che east the densiCy of the epicentere decreases gradually, and the outline ~ of the zone is blurred. i)n the whole rhe strike of the zone close to ` latiCudinal which matcheg wSCh the aCrike of the mountain ridges in the general acheme of the tecCOnic atructure is noCed. The section with three zones of deep fractures joined is characterized by the greatest activity: Severo-Tyan'-Shan'skaya from the west and the Kemino-Chilik and Tyupskaya from Che east. Within the boundariea oE the _ zone there are tcoo centery of disastrous earthquakes in the past: at the southwest extremity, the most serioue disaster in the world, the Kebin earthquake af 1911 (MQ8.7), in the central part of the zone, the Vernenskoye earthquake (Mn1.2). The zone spreads to the east, and the epicenter concentration increases. The third zone of clustering of the epicentera is located on the eastern edge of the region of investigation. It separates the strips of retatively ~ low activity which are less clear in the southeasterly direction from the "central" zone. The position of the epicenter concentration belt agrees generally speaking with the zone of high aeismic activity isolated in reference [3]; it is true tYkat the epicenters are shifted somewhat to the east. The denaity of the epicentera in the zone is not very high. It increases in the southern part of the zone in the eastern spurs of the - ZailiyAkiy A3.atau. In this zone the e{ghth energy class earthquakes are concentratea to a hi�her degree than ttll the rest (especially in the south). This is partiully connected with the remoteness of the zone from the station network. tJhen investigating the summary map of the epicenters (Fig 79) the complete absence of centers north of Alma-Ata and Zailiyskaya fracture zonea is noticeable, indeed even in the central part of the zone. This fact was not noted earlier (see, for example, the map in Fig 78). The high accuracy of the construction provided by the radiotelemetric recording made it possible to locate both the xegions of accumulstion of centers and the aseismic regions, Activity of Indi,yidual Sei,smi,c 2ones in Time, The annual :paps for 1973, 1974, and 1975 and the semiannual maps fox 1972 and 1976 give qualitative representations of the variation In acti,vity,,of the investigated region on the whole and individual zones of it in time, From Fig 80 it follows that the migration of the centers in time and in snace ts significant. This was alsa noted in a number of other papers j3, 54, SS]. The activity of the aones is manifested differently in time. 197 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAL U5E CNLY J Figure 79. Summary map of the epicenter according to the � observation data in the Alma-Ata teat area for the ~ period from 1 June 1972 to 1 July 1976. Provisional notation: 1-- deep fracture zonea: Severo-'Tyan'- Shan'skaya (a), Alma-Atinskaya (b), Zailiyskaya (c), Kemino- Chilikskaya (d), Tyupskays (e); 2-- zones of high seismic activity according to !-'~e data of [31; 3-- line passing through the sections with increased density of epiccntera fo�r 1956-1967 according to the data of the complex seismolof;ical expedition; I^I,, II-II', III^III' axes of the Rtrips for which the time- space laws of the earthquake disttibution were analyzed. Key; 1. Energy class; 2, K not determined; 3, depth; 4, not determined to 10 11-20 21-30; 5, K,:skeleni 6, Alij 7, Talgarf 8, Issyk; 9. K.zlchagay reservoir; 10. Novo-Alekseyev,icaya; 11. Aa,ma-,Ata; 12. Talgar; 13, Ozero; 14. Chiliki 15. Zailiyskiy Alatau Ridge; 16. Kyungey-A1n-Too Ridge; 17. Lake IsaykrlCul'. 198 FOR OFFICIAL USL (,NLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In the second ha1� of 1912 (k'ig 80, a) the seiamic activity is low, - The acaumulat.tons of the cenCera are observed in Chree azeas; eauehwest n� A1ma-Ata - the grea,teat concentx$tion in the "western" zone; south - n A1m.-,Ata' in the azea of the "central" zone where two earthquakes of energy class 9 were recorded in di,rect proximity to the city, one of them was fe1C as a force 3 Co 4 earChquake, and in the eastern spure of Kyungey-Ala-Too Ridge where the accumulation of epicenters ia associated wiCh the Tyupskaya deep fracture zone. An earthquake K-9 was recorded here. Tn the eastern zone only individual earChquakes were observed, one n� them with energy class 10 on 4 November 1972. ' In 1973 (Fig 80, b) the aeismic activity of the area increased signifi- cantly basically as a result of the weak earthquakea of the sixth energy _ class and lower. The number of earthquakes of energy class 9-10 decreased from 8 in 1912 to 3 in 1973. The seismic activity in the "western" zone and in the vicinity of the 'Cyupskayu fracCure zone was reduced aignificantly. South of Alma-Ata, no earthquakea were observed. Then the "central" zone of Zailiyskiy and Kyungey Alatau became active. The high concentraCion of epicenters here encompaesed a large territory of latitudinal strike. Two energy class 9 earthquakes occurred. A separate group of centers appeared east of the Tulgar station (by 25 to 30 lan). Fina?ly, the seismic activity of the eastern zone increased, in the northern part of which an earthquake occurred on 24 January with K=10, the only one in 1973. In 1974 (Fig 80, c) high seismic activity remained in the region, but the _ internal structure of the epicenter distribuCion changed. Again the western zone became active. An earthquake of energy class 10 occurred tiere on 6 May. Near Alma-Ata a small accumulation of centers of weak - earthquakes wns obaerved (46). The concentration of the centers in the central zone did not decrease. Only the configuration of the area of high seismic activity changed somewhat it moved toward Alma-Ata (close to Ozero station), growing in the southwestern and northeastern directions where it encompassed a group of epicenters to the southeast of the Talgar station. In the centrai seismically activa zone an earthquake occurred on 27 April with Kl10, one out of three in this year. The "eastern" zone became ac[ive in the soutt;. An accumulation of centers with K=8-10 was observed here (an earthquake with Ka10 occurred on 31 December) characterized by shallow depths of occurrence. 6y the epicenter map for 1975 (F1g 80, d) 1,t is possible to determine some decrease in seismic activity in the "central" zone and in the southern part of the "eastern" zone, The activl,ty of the "western" zone remained. On the southwest end, at the yery beginning of the year (4 January), an earth- quake of enzrgy class 11 occurred (Km11.5). Two months later in the oppo- site, northeastern edge of the "Westernv zone an earthquake was recorded with Ke9, one out of three in that year, and then an earthquake with KQ8. 199 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICYAI. USL ONLY Figure 80. riapa of the epicenters for the period of 1 June to 31 December 1972 (a), for 1973 (b), 1974 (c), 1975 (d), for the period from 1 January to 1 July 1976 (e) Key: 1. energy class 8. T$lgar 15. Kyungey- 2. K nut defined 9, Issyk Ala-Too Ridge 3. depth 10. Alma-Ata 4. not de�ined 11. Talger 5. to 10 12, Ozero 6. Kapchagay reservoir 13. Zttiliyskiy Alatau 7. Kaskelen 14. Chilik 200 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 w FOtt OFFICIAL U5E ONLY Figure-80 [continued]. The numbers near the epicenters are the order numbers�of the earthquakes in the catalog (Appendix I) Key : 1. Kaskelen 8. Ozero 2. Kapchagay reaervoir 9. Zailiyskiy Alatau 3. Ali 10, Chilik - 4. Talgar 11. Kyungey-Ala-Too Ridge 5. Isayk 6. 41ma-Ata 7. Talgar In the central zone the configuration of the area with maximum density of the epicenters again changed i,t extended i.n the latitudinal direction. The group of epi,centers in the eastern part of this zone between the - Zailiyskiy and the Kyungey Alat$u T:idges was singled out Where dt the end of the year twa earthquakea of energy class 9 occurred. A small group of epicenters has been observed in the northern part of the zone near Talgar station. 201 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Figure 80, c L'continued]. Key: 1. Kaskelen 7. Talgar 2. Ali 8. Ozero 3. Kapchagay reservoir 9. Zailiyskiy Alatau 4. Talgar 10. Kyungey-Ala-Too Ridge 5� IgeYk 11. Chilik 6. Alma-Atu The seiamicity of the "eastern" zone$ 3n contrast to the preceding year, is very weakly exhibited, including in the active southern part. During the first half of 1976 (Fig 80, e) a clear drop in seismic activity is observed. Although the map was compiled by the observations for only the firat half of the year, the decxease in activity is obvious. This is especially noti,ceable In the area the usual maximum deneity of the epicenters - to the south of the test area, 202 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY  ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICYAL USE ONLY ,S�PIt , n r , ~ t_ - 3 ~ (x-p- ~ . ~ (1)~~'~ ' (4 ) ~ (6) H0n0�A NCssiCNsII Asra�Ata ' si0 79J~3I9 Tig~J ~ 4 311 820 L~ 964 263 ~76 ~791 ?ap  260 0911 ~ 0960 � 4d6 l ~e~ A A t ~ r 21e ~;loo 317 t)a��aee 9w5 A ~ yra.. 2e1 K900 294 307Q267 329 309 *2eo aoa~ *~07 S 3I3 480~733 2e9 334 (12~) � 4796~ 2a2+~s~~~sii�~ro 23aa~ 0 i~aos A ~ei~r2 33ZZi7 314 3:4Q t:ZpB ~Y ~ Y70~ 7B~ C N 3~0 3489D7 ~398 321 320 J/ N ~ p 7953 4~:5 :1319 ~304 . 786 L3 *471 (10) 7930316 295 r E 1 #315 jA- T 0 0 p M ~see ~ f� ~1~ - t x - - - � � -b = 0=-8 Figure 80, d [continued) Key: 1. Kaskelen 9. Ozero 2. Ali 10. Zailiyskiy Alatau 3. Talgar 11. Kyungey-Ala-Too Ridge 4. Issyk 12. Chilik 5. Kapchagay reservo{r 6. Novo-Alekseyevskaya 7. Alma-Ata 8. Talgar ; Out of the highly lctive broad central zones (accordi,ng to the obaervations , of 1973--1975) a small chain of epicenters remained in the headwatexs of the Chilik River in 1916. The "western" zone was represented by .four earth-- quakes on the northeastern li,mb, - The strongest of the earthquakes recorded du;-ing this 6-months period included one with K-9 and two with Ke8 they were concentrated in the 203 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOlt OFFICIAL tJgB ON1.Y ~ , i ' ~ . . . c3,t ALZ) ~ ~  C6, -'i~4) . , ' ~r~ , ' C~ " o~~ T . pwN / yu.~ (9) (12)_ ~m s'� A ' r � � ~ . (10) i *ft, ~~u . � ~ . - - - _y_.._i= Figure 80, e (continued) Key: Keekelen 9. Ozero 2. Ali 10. Zailiyskiy Alatau 3. Talgar 11. Kyungey-,Ala-Too Ridge 4. Issyk 12. Chilik 5. Kapchagay reservoir 6. Novo-Alekaeyevskaya 1. Alma-Ata 8. Talgar southern part of the "eastern" zone, A small group of epicenters Wae located by itself in this zone northeast of the Novo-nAlekaeyevskaya station . An anelogoua group was obaerved in 1974, 204 FOR OFPICLAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OP'FYCTAL USB ONLY Time-Spnce Grapha. Td gupplemene the annuai:mapg di the epiceneerg 1ee ug canaider the sequpnce of earthquakes of differenr energiea and time w4ehin the ]itniCe of the limited BecCl,ona of the invesei,gated areas Three strips were aelected about 12 km w:lde each - two along the direction of etrtke of the northern zoriee of the fracrurea and the mountain ridgeB (i-i' and and one acroas the gtriket �ncompaesing the region of maximum conreneraCion nf the epicentere (ZII-2II'). The longitudinal 8xps nf rheee etripg ere ahown in Fig 79. The earthquake, the epicenters df which fell into the etripg, beinng ro the axial line. The gplt I-I' (Fig 81) stretchee aYong zhp Alma-ACg gnd the Zailiyeltaya fracture xone. Ita eeismic activity ia very nonuniform. The "wegtern" zonp of increased activity iselated by us was encompasged by this etrtp and extended lrom 0 to 60 km (to Alma-Ata). The seiemic conditiona of the western zone were analyzed in Cime by the annual epicenter mape. LeC us give attenrion to the fact that the etrong earthquake of energy clage 11 in the wegternmoet end of the zone (0-20 km) where rhere were very few earthquakes Wae essentially amaller than in the eastern half (20-40 km). It accurred against a background of almost C0f11p10t0 seismic quiet and was noC gccompanied by gubsequent ahocke. The center of the earthquake ig 15 km from the cenCer of the dieaecrous Kebin earthquakp of 1911. 'Che central part of the fracture zone, ae has already been noted, is in prnctice eaeiamic. The northeast end of the atrip (110-150 km) encompasses the northern part of the "eaetern" zone. Tfie comparatively high aeismicity was observed here only at the end of 1973 and the beginning of 1974. Belt II-II', which is similar With respect to etrike to belt I-I', encompasses the Zailiyskiy Alatau Ridge and the north slopes of the Kyungey-Ala-Too Ridge, that is, it passes through the section of the "central" zone (20-100 km) wtth greatest density of the epicenters. As is obvious from Fig 81, over the extent of 3 years of observations the central part of the zone (40-60 km) is characcerized by increased seiemic activity and the maximum comes in 1973 and 1974. A tenth class earthquake occurred here ahich wae preceded by some increase in activity and then quiet directly before the earthquake. There aere feW eubaequent ahocka. The level df bctivity was high in the central part, decreasea sharply to the southwest and northeast where individual, rare earthquakes nre obaerved. The wectern edge of the belt (0-20 km) looks in general aseismic (although the Kebin earthquake was located here) and it reflects the aeak activity of the Wesc end of the Alatau ridges during the entire period of the instrumenc observations aince 1931. The time-space graph of the seismic conditions in strip III-III' clearly itlustrates the displacement of the centers for Lae 1972-1975 period from the aoutheast to the northWest, Cemter Depch ttap. By the data oE the precedirig studies 13, 30, 311 the earthquakes with K400-,500 km) were SBiICtEd Which have been recorded -.luring the 1972-1974 period and Which had sufficiently clpar arrivalb of first wave insuring accuracy of determining At no luwer than *0.2 aeconds. The majority of the earthquakee were recorded by the slaved recording gyatem where the accuracy of deteraaining At Was �0.10-0.05 seconds. The majority of the procesaed 366 recordinga of dietant earthquakes are $rnuppd aith reepert co defined regione, each of which characterizea the predominant valuea of V* (eee Fig 90). The obaerved values of the apparent velocity lie wfthin very broad limita (from 6.5 to 60 kai/9ec), the angle of Arrival e variea from 25 to 85�. Thp predominant values of V* nre 10-30 km/gec (e-55-80�). The represencativenegs of the regiong ia not identical. The maximum number of recordings aere obtained from the reRiona of Indoneeia, the Philippinea, Japan and the itamchatka-Japanese zone; the minimum number, from the arees of Chile, Argentina, Peru and Mexico. The processing reaulte are illustrated in summary grapha of the nzimuthal deviations as a function of azimutha of the epicenterg (Fig 92). Thc curves for the maximum inscrument errors for tWO valuea of V* are depicced on the same graphs. The azimuthal deviatione are of intereet, the roagnitude of xhich atably go beyond the limits of possible errora. Let us consider the azimuthal devl,ations defined by the Talgar-Ozero-A1i triangle (Fig 92). The values of Aal and Qa2 for the earthquakes are plotted on the grAphs from the provieionally 3.solated five sectore located in different di,rectione. 224 FOR OFPICIAL USE OXLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OPFiCIAL USE ONLY Tabie 17 Key: Am ~tt cftow P.Aoa ~ttmwrpan~� ra pooo*c+i� V40a4/6 ' (1) (3) 103 ar (S) 20r Xlf 21o01 loro-soorovmee o-w Xorco (g~ D65 11t8 20. XI 7,38 Npea ' 2o3 13,4 14. Xtl . 8o18 g) KacnMAdooo Mopr ~ 2,8 1810 10. x1 8j48 Mopo GewAas NauoueouM C~) 968 2860 28. Xlf 7o38 6oramn��4sw ' (10) i8 32,0 1. DaCe 6. Southeaseern Honahu Ieland 2. Time of day, hours, minutea 7. iran 3. Region R. Caepian Sea 4. Epieentral dietgnce, 103 km 9. More Bandg, indonesia S. V*, km/see 10. Bolivia-Chf1p 1. The Kamchatka-Japgnese aectnr (azimuth 50-80�) corresponds to the range of ema11 in9trumpnt and atation errorg. The lntroduction of cnrrectiong for the relief ingignificantly change the pogition of the experimentnl poinrs, but it grouped them more corepactly. The emall, but gtable negative azimuthal deviatione on the ordpr of 5� are etill observed after introduction of correctiona for the relief.� , 2. The Indoneeian sector includee azimutha to the epicenters of 90-140�. Por this sector a maximum number of recordinga Were obteined, and eig- nifirent scaetering Qf the expQrimental pointe is observed. 7fhe large rorrectiong for the relief in the sector essentially diminish the diepersion of the points. The azimuthal deviations of the beama in the sector of the azimuth 90-130� are etable. They are negative and they anwunt to 10�, that is, they coincide With respect to sign With the Aa for the Kamchatka- Japanese aector, but they exceed it by 2 timea with respect to magnitude. 3. The Chineae sector contains azimuths of 110-190�. The number of observation points is smell, and the centera are near; therefore the _ values of V* are amall. The large time corrections for the relief dt ahich can turn out to be aomewhet high and the azimuth range correspond to the maximum 6ngt, The introduction of the correccione for the relieE ghifte the pointe beyond the lf,mita of poesible errora; the valuea o� che azimuthal deviations become poaitive and equal to 5-10�. The results of eetimatinq Aa for the earthquakea from thta sector are not very convincit . 4. The Nindukuah sector is the aztmuth oE 210420�. In thia very narrow sector af dirertions there are mAny o6servation points ahich are piled together. The correctione for the relief are In practice zero. Stable posicive azimuthal deviations of 10-15� are obeerved. The most reliable results are obtained in thie aector. ` 225 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR O"ICIAL U88 ONLY Tobie 17 Cconebued.j Mradr� (i) (2 ~t, o � ~ ' , e. ~ 1~~ i"1 p~' lT"'tA &1 '~s C3) ~ ~3 o ~'s4 -o,,2a e `..ia �.7 ~ zi sa Q~ ~tZZ , �8 't 4 ;4 177 289 280 433 AZi -0 l1 3 0 izo ++oaa 117 aso -aso xo -22 .9 to SOZ 918 268 0*30 -420 ~ZO 16 �r1 is Key: t. azimuth, � 2. azimuthal deviatinne, � 3� Aaingtr 5. The Lat3n Araerican eeGear (aaimuthg 30-350�) has fpa data gnd great digpergidn of the experimeneal points ea�+30�. The correeeioas fnr the relief are large; rheir introduction has decreaspd the dispersinn of the pdintg eomeahat. All of thie end aloo the large valuee of V* reduce the accuraCy nf flstermining Ag. Hoaever, on the whdle it ig possible neverthelpgs to eay that the paeitive signg of gzimuthal deviaeidns predominate, the magnitude of whieh ia diffieult to eseimate. Thus, the experimental obeervationg of the dietant earthquakee by a group of gtations in the Alma-Ate tegt area revealed stable deviatione of the directiong of propngation of the firet longitudinal waves from the azimuGh ta the epicenterg caused apparently by nonuniformities on the path of the benms. The values of the size of the deviations are different for beams and different azimuchs. The accuraulatinn of thig inforaation ia of greac interesc from the point of viea of gtudying th~s nonuniformitieg of the medium. The development of the procedure for such obaervationa under complex conditions of the ground relief and also the diacovery of azimuthal deviations as n function of the epicencral distance are of intereat. This ' analygis has not been specially performed. it ie only pogeible to give attentinn tn the fact thAt tWn such regions as Indonesia and China, ahirh are in the game azimuth sector but at different dietances from the obgerva- tinn point, are characterized by azimuthal deviations of the seismic beams of diEEerent gign. 226 FOR OPFICIAL USS ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 AOR 0"ICIAt, USE bNLY Q C~) ~y,~~ ~~wi( A'.~,Mi r~6,~ . ~ +~arr . I'"1 ) , a 46 ~I � � M~M~N1M ~ ~..]~1~i ~iMM~y ~ s~ ~ ra �~~~i~'~I~ , , � ~ ~ w ! j~ ~M � ~w ~M~.~� ~ ~ w,i~ ~�.~..N+~�� � . ~ ~."1"~"1~~ j Iit' am..e p I . ' � + 4. Figure 92. Azimuthal deviationg aa a function of the azimuth of the epicentera vithout considering (a) and considering (b) the ecatian correcciong The maximum instrument errors (1) and the correctiona for the relief (2) Were calculatkW for two values of the apparent velocity g Itti1/8EC (the side lines) and 20 km/sec (the dottpo lines). Key: 1. Kuri]a 6. Ninduku8h 2. Japan 7. Chile 3. Kemchatke 81 Argencina 4. Indonesia 9. Peru S. China 10. NexS,co 22y FOR OPPICIAL U:1S ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR O"tCiAL U9E ONLY 94. DirpetiOng aF Puturd Roaeaxeh Thp inventigatpd rpsuita of the highiy aenaiti,ve dbeervat3ons aieh r$din- teiemetric reebrding indicate thae the generai nature of the aoismic picture obtained in the Alma-Aca highiy eensitive teee area and by eho drdinary netaork of sEeEiona turns out ed be appreximately idenfica1, This makeg it possible to tnakp e flumbpr of remarka wieh respece eo fureher imprnvement di the highiy sangitiva oporationa with the radioceiemecric recording oygtpfi. Firat of a11, it in neeoanary ta note that under the catnditione of fixed norieg of sedimeneary deposies With a h3gh ieve1 of microegiamic int@r- fprpncp in the vicinity nf alarge city the seirmic obgervationa in deep velis gre the oniy mpans of recording earthquake� of weakpr energy claaaes vhieh increaapo the reprogentaciveneea of the aeismogeological dgta for acomparetiveiy low ievei of overeli seismic background. The pdanibility of uging the aeaker ahocka to charactertae the reismic con- ditfann in time is the moet Impercant reauie of the research. Une of the basic prublpmg of the development nf seismologicgl gtudien in the regtang of probable oCcurrence of etrang ppinnic evente is the use nE inatrumenc ob9ervetiong to predict the time of occurrenee of strong earehquakea. in order ta expand the foreceeting poegibilities in the inveaeigaEed arpe the firsc gcep is the expanslon of the observation oyatem, first to the eaet, and then to the wpar, and then eouth. Beginning aith the noige 1eve1 of the erea, the nev eaetern nnd weetern etntione muat be lncated in especiatly drilled weils. rhe developmpnt of observatione in the south is posaible under the condition oE tieing lov-pover and economical rfldio communicatiane ehannele, the operation of ahich is inenred by the autvnomoug poaer eupply. The improvement of the entire radiotelemetrtc obsprvetion ayetem, aa a minimum, requiree the organizgtion of cwo or three stgtidne in the aeet, one in the eagt and two or thxee in the south. The experience in operation of the R'C5 indicates thac after expanding the encire obeervatica ayetem it will be po88ible basically to do away With the application of ordinary eeiemic etatione and etthe same time eignifi- cantly gimplify the pntire organization of the eeismologicai aork in Northern Tyan'-Shan'. Lt is neceesary to convert frmn the vertical geismographe to the obaerva- tion sygtmn vith cricamponent ingcruments. This observation syetem wi.ll pe nait more reliable gcudy of the variation of the ratio of the velocities of the longitudinal and cranaverge aavea in Alma�Ata geismically active region. The expaneion of the p$ss band of chc- :.elamic channela in the direction of the low frequenciea will permit ua co etudy the spectral composition of the seiemic recordings, including ac the timea of BcaCtering of the voltage at the Qarthquake center. These characteristics can be uaed for forecaeting atrong eerthquakes. The syatcm of observacions muat alao provide the poeaibility of reliable 228 FOR OPPICIAL USE Ot?LY k APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR 0"ICIAL ti9E ONLY deeerminaei,en bf the mechanigm d# thtCenee_g, The exrprience of ouch tn the Garmakiy ttayon of Tadahik 3S1t 3,ndicateg eltat during the period nf preparation of stxdng earthquakes,. a ehange eaken piace in the mechanism of the eentera of the weak ghockgt Ye ie eignt,f3cant ehae the eentralizpd reCbrding9 can ingure reliable deeerminatlon of the di.fference in paeh of the spismie Waves through the zone af the prepared etrong aHaek. The avai1ab1e daeA indi,cate ChaE thia eheracterieeic can a1ao be df n fdrpcasting nature. Thus, the ceneraiized h3gh-frequency reCOrding of earthquekes can insure signiEicant pxpans3on of the aQigmolagicei data obeained as applied eo the prablpm of prediceing serong earthqUakes. The effectiveneeg nf the prediCtion studipe can be inereaeed ag a reeule of the uee of large gtationg not only for etudying the eeiamologicgi observetions, but aleo ae a reau1e of the drganization of obeervations of other geophyeical gnd genchemical ateributea in the same we11a. in particular, in the we11s obgervationg can be madh of the acou9cic noisp, threshold pregsure in the deep water-ggturnted horizon, the pgrameters of the gpochemical regime of grdundaater uging automated geochemical analyzers. The expaneion of the rgnge nf observed parameters Will require the appl3cation of more mu1Ci- channel radiotplemetrir gyscem8 reepectivfly. Thie systpm cen be crented nt the present time by the industrially manufacturpd Konreyner (Containerj - gtatian. In order to incregge the opQrativeness of the forecaeting obaervatione it ig necegsary in the negr future to organize the input of all of the information to the computer and insure ite automatic proceeaing. The areas of gubaequent experiments noted here Will depend in the future on a number of techniCal poeeibilitips, but the prospeceivenesa of such experiments is quite obvioue. Thus, ne a regult of the 4-year operation of the radiotelemetric test area a gtudy ie made of the seiamic characteristics of Alma-Ata for the period from 1 June 1972 to 1 July 1976. Tt1e basic peculiaritiea of the regime are as follows. 1. The seigmic eCtivity for the Alma-Ata area i$ A6=0.7, And the angular cnefficient of the repetition rate graph Y-0.46. 2. The seismically active region of 2ailiyskiy and KungEy Alatau known by the data from the preceding atudieg i,e broken dotm into several zones rharuccerized by defined laWa of the seismic regime. The ectivity of the diEErrent zonea ia exliihited diEferently in time. The highest activity is associated With the section ahere the three zonea of deep faults join ;Iorthern Tyan'-Shan' wich the taest, Keaino-Chilik and Tyupskaya with the east located 25-,30 1n i,n the southeasterly direction �rom Alma'Ata. 3. Signifirant migration of the centers occurs in time and in space. 229 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 N'OR OPFICIAL U8L ONLY 4. '1't�rc ure Nec:tore nf the axi,muehis td the diseanC earthquakee foz which the eeablp deviations of ehe direetions of propagatinn -of ehe �irse 1angitudina1 waves are characeeriaCice For the Japanese-,KAmchgtka geCtor negaeive aximuthal deviations of 5� are observed; fox the Indonesinn eector, negative deviations of 10�; for the Hindukush sector, poaitive nximuthal deviations of 10-15�. The experience Chat we heve gccumulaeed indicgeee the expndiency of further work in the following areass a) Expansion of ehp genphysical research dnd crpaCion of equipmenC for such observgtions in we11a; b) The development of mulCiplexing equipment for the radiometric recording channels and the use of eeries, economic radio relgy syst ans; c) The development of Che method of eCudying the set of phyeiral pnrnmeCera; d) The study of the polarization of seiemtc waves, in pnrticular Crnnsverse waves. 230 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY CONCLUSION5 The most aignificanC difficulty the detailed study of the Reiemic chargcCerietica of large induetrial centers located in seiamically danger- ous rpgiona ie the high level of interference connectecl with the vital ncei,viCy of the city. The baeic requir.emente on the procedure are insurgnce of highly seneitive observations and high accuracy of determining the centers of local earthquakea. Theae, Co a great extent, contradictory, requiremenCs correapond to the developed procedure based on seiamological observations in deep wella permitting a sharp increase in useful seneitivity of Che equipment under the conditions of high ground noise level, and in centralized multichannel recording with a united type service aignificantly raising the accuracy of all of the conatructions. The effectivenesa of the aeismic observations in the wells arisea from the fact that the noise level decreasea more rapidly with depth than the uaeful eignal. The gain in useful aeneitivity during observations in wells for different regiona is different, and it depends primarily on ~ the noise Ievel on the day surface. The higher the ground noise level, the higher the gain in aenaitivity. At shallow depths (to 100 meters) in loose aedimentary rock the gain is determined primarily by the absence of the interference of wind origin which is not felt at depths of 40-50 M. A large gain can be obtained for observations in shallow wells discoveripg the basement. Here even at a depth of 30 to 40 meters with a very high level of sround noiae sensitivity can be realized which is close to the sensitivity of the ground atations located under favorable conditions. At average depths (to 500-600 meters) the gain is determined by a sharp decrease ln noise level in the upper part of the section and also atability of the noiae. Under hish noise level conditions the observations in loose sedimentary aeriea .zt depths of several hundreda of ineters can give a significant gain, Ttie observations at greater depths (2000-3000 meters) in practice in all rases permit us to obtain sensitivity which is close to the sensitivity tor ground observations under favorable conditions, However, the diffi- culties of working at great depth under the conditions of high temperatures and pressure Justify such observations only in cases where there is no free choice of the investigatioct point, In particular, this pertains to the study of the seismic characteristics of large industrial centers. 231 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFfICiAL U3K ONLY 1'hc! expcrimrnt .in the npereEion df the tpat axed of automated htghly genditivp deep ae11 and grdund stationg created in th@ vlciniey of Alma-Ata with centraltzed muicickanhe1, radidtpiemeEric recnrding rnnfirmed the effectivpneee of euch obgervAeions oyaeoma f~~ ~tudying the nciAmic regime df ierge induntriai centers, Such oyateme are charaGeorizpd by high usefui sensitiviry of the ataeiohg, high eccuracy of the construc- Cinns, operativeneee of proeeaaing permiteing datetmination of the poai= tion of the cpaters nne to tvo minutpn after the beginning of the @areh- ryuake and aiao eeeneiniCalnese of the operationa baaed on the tiutdmatic mode of aperation nf the stations. A toeal di three apecia1isto nerviee n test area of f ive atetione. Under the conditiona of eeiemic quiet charaeterietic uf the florth siopes of the zuiliyekiy Aletaut the automatpd etatiana of the eeat Area racarded about 700 local eerthqunkee in 4 ypgrs With tg,.p(10 aee gnd about 300 exploeions. More than 85% of the local earthqugkee rpcorded by the test areg stgCions belong to energy ciaesee 5 to 7 vhich are not represpnt- ative for the regionai netaork of eeationg. 'Che veakegc parthqugkes recnrded only by Ozero station belong td energy claee Z. The strong ef�ect nf the observation conditions on the structure of the seismogrgms in Eelt. The eEfect of the dey eurfaee relipf end alsd the nonuniformity oE the upper part of the section have the greateet eignificance. Nhen atudying the seiemic characteristics of the city it ie necessary on the recordinge to diecover the local explosions and exclude theca frao the subsequent proceseing of the local earthqugkee. The explosions in the vicinity of Medeo differ froto the local earthquakee vith respert to ehaQe of the recording and lower frequency compogition. The procedure for proceasing the multiGhannel eeismograme from centralized _ radiotelemetric recording considering the spatial arrangement of the test nrea etations insures determination of the centera of the local earthquakes with an accurecy of +1-2 laa in plan view and aith respecC to depth. This makes it possible to recommend the dEVelopment equipment and the obsetva- tion proceduXe to etudy the seiemic characterietica of large industrial centera or other local sectiona in seismicelly dangerous areas end to sulve various problems of aeiemology. 232 FOR OPFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR O"iCtAL USS ONLY BtLtt`mtUPNY i. Akaenovich, C. i.; Belovo B. ao= Krist@v, Yu, G., @t ei. 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B.bZ#Z ~ 4o4 79a ~ 3 ZZ Z 11.VI.72r. - 21.30.20,8 4,1 lft8 9}4 12 ' 3 12.%'1.72 r. - 17.a0.i4g1 - 2 � 4 13.Yt.92 r. 0.18.3000 860 � . 81A 20K 0 8 13M.72 r. ~ 17.31.3811 8o9 7,7 ' 3K.4(c) O 8 r. 4.V1.7" 1 1.64.00,0 803 8o4 3 7 7 I 1 17~V'.~f(i r. - 8, 44~ i ~ ~ 8#` ' i r 6 011.72 r. � 3.4 2268+ � 600 8t8 3 ~ 8 011.72 r. 10,80.3001 8t6 8o1 11~Ko K 10 � 3.0 6. ~ 11.7? r. � 0.4p.11.7 2i0 0o8 3 0 11 19.V11.9. r. 18,22.06,3 408 8o1 3 G iZ 22.1r11.72 r. 3.83.76,9 769 8o8 Z � 13 29.V11:72r. 17.18.4468 414 804 3 a 14 7.V111.72r. 12.328A03 d,8 808 3+K,4 10 . 16 7.Y111.72r.� 1235.12,2 86A 8.2 2 ~ le 13.VI11.72r. 8,10.31o2 7t2 d.e Z - 17 15.V111.72 r. � 81A 809 Z 18 22.Yt11.72 r. 31.57.41,4 e - S ZO lA 28.YII1.72 r. 23j20.2202 4g8 e,l Z � eee ead 20 3.IX.72 r. - � 8.90.2464 at8 8,8 9 1708 of table t 21 4.iX.72 r. � 14.39.4066 518 7.5 Z 22 5.1X.7~ r. ' 13.34.23,3 8,5 8j4 3 a page 246 23 7.FX.72 r. � 20.8939.6 4,8 5.1 2 - . 24 B.IX.72 r. � 2218.3095 8t8 8.4 ' 9 10 25 B.IX.72 r. ~ ' 8,0 319 2 - 28 10.1X.72r.� 8,20.280a 418 8�4 3 10 27 B:X.'M r. � 4.38.8391 3,8 2 � � 18 14.X.72r. 2.89.40,2 7*2 7o8 3 90 29 16.X.73 r. 21.25. 8te 912 - 3 30 30 16.X.72c.� 818 - 9 ZO 31 24.X.12r.� 8.15.34,8 467 6,0 2 - 32 4.X1.72 r. � 8.38.38o3 8t8 9,9 9 90 93 20.X1.72r. � 15. 8. 063 8o1 8,7 9 10 94 21.X1.72 r. 7,4 901 2 - ' 95 23.Xi.72 r. 7.99.34,7 8,0 8t8 Z 98 3.XfI.72r.: 22.17. 8o8 10.0 8.4 2 - 97 8.X11.72 r. � 1. 8,, 8s9 5.7 693 9 19 38 10.X1:.72 r. 4,8 8,0 � 3 14 36 B.F.T~c. � 8.17.17#7 8,2 8s4 - 2 - 40 9.1.73r.: 18. 0.3701 9,0 7.e z+K o 41 181:73r. � 5.32.48,8 408 5.2 � 2+K9 4 0 42 19.1.73 r. ; 1.13.89,3 2,8 - 3 8.5 Key: l. Earthquake numbe r; 2. date; 3. time, houra, minutee, aeconde; 4. ok l , ee conds; S. K 6. number of RTS etations plus the regi network; (a) from the etation bulletin T(Complex Seismological Expedition) (b) day, month, year (c) Ch 240 FOR OFFICIAL OSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOlt OFPICYN. USE ONLY Appendix I, Gdntinued i a s { a e y a A 91 ~ 99 . M urr w w� rA ~ d6 ....w.� 28.1.73 r. ..0 r�~ya Z.32.Z?,8 io~ !!O!! i1~0 001 3 Z 0 . .40 29.1.73 r. 3.17. ai0 4ta 8o4 9 0 48 1.11.73 r. 23.1Q40,8 U 8t0 2 _ 47 48 I.N.13 r. S l1 73r 11.17.20,2 8l8 8le Z 49 . . . , S~ti.73r. Zai.Z4i8 4.91.34,7 0l8 ejo 7j4 ega Z Z ~ ai 1S.11.73r, 14.43.41,9 a,o esa s o f 82 83 IS.N.73r. 18.N.73r. 14.+18.18r8 22.47.4408 8i8 4o3 8o0 8,6 .3 2 , i~ ~ 214 19.N.73 r. 23.08.1300 4,1 dl3 Z aa !!8 S.ItI.?i~r. ll ifl 73 r iQ48.d100 8,9 60b 2 57 . . . 22.IV.13 r. 237.4461 St6 8t7 8l8 7o0 9 2+K 18 0 88 29.tY.73r. - 29.48.a9s# 4,8 8.2 2 aA 80 1�Y�13r. 2.V.13 r. 18.38.28,1 3.11.43 8 10.0 4 3 8ta 3 8 3+K.4 Z 9 81 3.V.73r. j 17.49.1316 , 0l8 , 803 . Z ~ 82 83 S.V.73r. 6.d.73 r. 17. 8.18,0 217.43*0 .8l8 4j9 798 8,2 3+&4 Z 0 m e4 85 10.V.73r. 12 V 73 r ia.iZ4aj4 as7 e,e 2tKoy ' o . . . 12.24.1A17 8op - 2 ~ es 13.v.73r.. s.rt.asoe 4la a,s z 87 19.v.73r. � 10.33.4e94 4,a 8,9 z 88 89 23.Y.73 r. 20.32 3,0 4,2 883 4 10 70 30.V.73r. 2.12.3�5 7j7 7,4 4 0 71 31.v.73r. 2a,.3a.ia02 ati a.i si o a2 � 1.V1.I3r. 10.Z4.43.8 " 8o8 8.8 ZK ' .9 S.V1.73r. 2248.a308 - - g a 74 15.V1.73r. 18.41.1118 8o0 - Z ~ Ta 26.V1.73r. 18.28.40,7 683 8,1 8+14y 0 78 77 28.V1.73r. 29.V1.73r. 23.48.44t2 8 1 3 1 . 6,8 7.4 3+l4q 8 7e 8.V11.73r, . . . 10.15.4,e - 3,8 8,1 7,e 3 4 a la 7e � 13.v11.73r, 3.51.61,2 4,7 7.5 4 ia 80 23.V11.13 r. 22.25.48,6 +,3 6,8 Z m 1 1 25.V11.73 r. 9.34.48,3 6,4 8.1 4 gp 2 25.V11.73r. 21.40.2e,5 4,2 5.7 z 83 3.V111.13r. 7.42a4,3, 119 5.4 Z GO 84 6.VI11.73 r. , 23. 24.49,n 8t0 - 4 �3 8s 7.V111.73r. 23.44. 1,3 4j3 ~ Z ~ 88 87 10111.73 r. 17.VII1.73 r. 4.35 86 3" 3,1 7.2 9 ZO 88 17.Y111.73 r. . . 23.30.54,0 � a,8 6.6 2 g ~ is 68 . ' 19.Y111.73 r. 18.59.10,1" - _ 3 10 6i 27.v111.73 r. 460 7,7 4 ia 02 10.iX.73r. � 8,0 7,7 Z 83 14.1 X.73 r. 4,0 3.3 Z . ~ 94 16.IX.73 r. 22.13.30,4 _ . Z ea 17.IX.73r. 15.31.13,2 a,s ese s ' o 88 22.tX.73 r. 16.54.18,3 g8g _ Z _ OT 23.(X.73r. � -, a.i - 2 98 98 11.X.73 r. 13.X.13 r. 23t 7.40.8 7. 5.24 9 4.5 8 0 5.6 8 Z _ ~ . . .2 4 33 241 FOR OFPICIAL US B ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 Appendix i, concinued t+OR OPFICiAt, tJSB ONLY s ~ 4 I g I ~ I 7- , ioo , 14.X.73r.~ 4l7 eto 3 s 101 Is.x.73r. . 7. ,4.4eoz a,o a0e � 2 _ 102 1S.X.73r. 18.17'.s0o7 6l7 8,Z ~ Z . 109 17.X.73r. 23.40.9Aj4 6o8 8l8 9t4 . 0 ia 19.X.73r. 0,4e,52.4 4ja a,o 3 e 108 28.X.73r. 14,32.4a18 � 3,0 4,8 ~ 2 ~ l08 29.X.73r. 18,14.37.8 4jA !!,9 , Z 107 29.X.13 r. 22.24. aa-2 6.1 7,8 3 ,~p' Lo8 30.X.73 r. Zio18.!l1,4" 4,4 Z l0A l.X1.73r. 7.18.1419. 8ID 8t8 9 91 110 12.X1.73r. 4.33.68o0 8i8 864 a p Yli 13.XI.73 r. 7,34.8ao1 8,9 8t8 ~ Z iiZ 19.X1.73r. 21,33. 29Z !!,O 7+9 Z 113 19.X1.73 r. Z3,61.2168 1*9 !!,0 9 a 11+ 201.73r. 1221.31j4 402 ' dt8 9 lA 11lS 26.XI.73r. 1224.10.0 ao0 8e9 9 10 118 27.X1.73r. 22,45.49.4 6gZ ' 8s4 3 90 117 30.X1.73r. � 21.47.11s9 4,0 Z ~ 116 9.X11.73 r. 17.41.18.d 9o1 704 3 20 118 15.XI1.73 r. 6.44.12,5 , 400 5,7 Z 120 . 19.X1I.73r. � 3.15.11oB 4,4 sea Z ~ 121 19.Xt1.73r. 3,3 - Z . ~ 122 ~ 21.XI1.73r. 402 893� 9 la 123 23.X11.73r. 21.93.18,8 8t0 a7 3 p 124 2011.73r. 18.22.47o3 ' 4.5 8�7 4 18 125 24.X11.73r. 23.38. 3.3 860 8,4 3 95 128 26.X11.73r. 21.80.51,4 40a 864 3 O ' 127 28.Xtt.73r, 128e.51,e eto sto 2 128 31.XII.73r. 7.36. 199 3ia 8,7 2 ~ 129 31.X11.73r. 17.41.21o8 8o0 7s3 9 ly 130 2.1.74 r. � 23.28.28,3 202 8,0 , A 0 isi 7114r, io.i4.ssoe 4ja e,a 2 . _ 132 8.t.74 r. 4.38.44,9 8,0 5,7 � Z . 133 14.I.74r. ' ?.di. 7.2 A*a 869 4 0 194 19.t.74r. 4. 1. 3,2 as3 5,9 Z _ JL33 20114r. 8.45.53,2160 8,4 8,1 3 8 137 21F.74r. 23. 1.16,8 3,7 - ' 2 - 138 28.04 r. 22.55.4900 3.2 7o9 3 17ia 139 3.11.74r. 14.14. 3,1 8,7 8ja 4 23 140 E.11.74r. 20.37.11,8 8,Z ' 8,8 4 15 141 8.11.74 r. 18.59.38,4 bt8 , 8,b 4 . 17�8 142 8. N.14r. 23,30.37,3 8t8 8,8 2 _ 143 9.11.74t'. 23.45.35,5 3,8 - 3 1,~ !.44 I1.11.14r. 10.55.1?,6~~ = _ Z _ 145 15.11.74r. 5.34.21,8 809 8,1 + 148 16.1f.74r. 10.44.25,3 4,3 8l1 9 19 147 16.11.74 r. 11.23.2203 0' 8'8 - 2 4 0 148 17.11.74r. 1234.21,8 4,4 - 2 ~ 148 20.11.74r. 4. 5.29,4 3,5 7,4 4 150 23.11.74r. 7.21.48,4 3,0 8O5 9 18 181 23.11.74 r. 7.2 2.27 2 S 0 7 1 3 18 152 24.11.74t'. 21.25.22,9 bi2 ~ ~ 153 26.II.74r. 8.40. 1,7 4,5 8,0 .14 39 242 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR O"ICTAL tJ3B ONLY Appendix I, eonCinued 2 r - 3. , 4 7 . iR4 iaa 26,11.7+r. 28.11.74 r. 9.48,34,1i 8.18.48 8'* 4,7 ' 008 . . ~ i88 2.111.74r. * 0,6 7t0 Z 3, ' ~ lo 087 i~e 6.1114r. ~.Ht.74 r." 064288l9 i~ ie e a ' 8~9 7 7,4 , + ' 9 ' ite 6.111.74 r. � . , , . 23. 8.48~4'� ~e 410 . . 4 ' Z o 180 � iei 7.N1.74 r. � 7.trt.t{ ~a~8: o;a ~ 7'9 aa' .3.. 4' ' za ssz . 183 I2.I11.74 r. : lS.ill.Tir. Z 2. 2 A.98t4 � 22 8 48 8'y s 4,8 � 4 7t0 3 , ze ig , , 184 leg 18.III.74r. . . # d . ,2 4,0 8,9 9 9 ZO la 188 21.111,74r. 22.II1.74 r. 1.11: A,T 0:49.9009 . '9 8 . 7 7 Z 4 m ' 187 i88 ' 29.111.74r. 2 1V 74 r 12.48.45,900 e 910 * � , p 0' ie9 " . . . 2.I-V.14 r. i8.18.i7j7'� 760 9 1 0*4 � 4 O 170 171 7.IV.74r. 7 IV 74 r - 18.27.89,1 a 0 -4j8 eo$ Z 9 a 172 . . . 10.tV.74 r. - Zl. i. 818 8.33.2309 3,9 atp 887 Q -g 4 3 l?,d � 174 17a 15.IV.74r. � 0.38.a4,1 a,8 t 8o7 4 0 10 178 15.IV.74r. - 17.I{.74 r. - 18. 4.98,8 21.38.18g0 80g 4 0 7t2 3 8 4 � Z 0 177 178 18.IV.74 r. � 9.34.4108 * 1 4gp , 4 ~ a 178 28.(V.74r. 1P,.iV.14 r. 4.1a.480e" 4.40. 1,5 3,4 8 a 8,8 2 Z Z ' 180 181 1S.I.V,74 r. 27.1V.14 r. � 22.21.34,4 7.i1 Z1 2 t 8,0 4 7 8,8 4 ' 14 182 183,74 r. 27 iV 14 r . o 7.3 6. et a 6 *a 7e4 6,8 4 4 11 ' 1203 184 . . . 28.IV.14 r. � 10.3064700 13.49'.18,2 4,7 8l8 9,8 a 9 ' 4 Z 14 , . 188 188 , 4.V.74r. 6.V.74 r., 23.21.:a.o a1 98 4 21 ata , 806 . 9 M 28 - 187 9.V.14 r. ' . . , 12. i. 2.3 8,8 201 lq,i 6,a 4 4 ,4 -0 188 16.V.74r.," ' . Z 189 180 20.V.74r.~ . 30.V.74 r. 23.42.48,lf .20.18.3200 .7,9 7 3 8;2 Z 181 182 31.V.74r. I.VI.74 r. � 21.48.2063 60 1E'.48 9 4 � - _ 4 9 -3 la ies 4. v1,74 r.~ . @,i a,7 2,0 4 2 9 z. 20 . 184 , 198 S.V1.74 � 7.VI.74 r. 3.11. 4,5 14.3$.83 4' 21,3 a 8 , 8.a 7 S 11 ' 198 197 13.V1.74r.� 19.V1.74r.� . 27 0 2R 7 t 3,p g j0 ao7 Z 3 - lZ 198 20.V1.74r.� . . . 7.46.16,1 93 6,a g8e - + ~ 200 201 26.V1.74 r. � 12.V(1.24r. � 9. 252.7 21,.s8.4? 0 6,8 7 5 ee1 a 4 ~ 202 25.V11.74r. . 1A.14.2781�� � g b , a t 3 4 13 - 209 204 22.V11.74 r. 23 VIt '4 r 4 a - 10 19 205 . . 24.VII.74 r. � 3.44.27,a 21.44.18,0 469 7 b 6 3 ~ ~g 2~ 207 24.V11.14r. � VI1( 10 74r 21.54.31,8 ,8.lf * 8t 9 a ~~'s 25 , . . . . � . 3.5 4.8 Q . 243 FOR OFFICIAL USB ONLY L. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Appendix I, cnnCinued 2 7 208 14.V1104r. 23.18.41,8" 808 ,q p'� 209 21VIIt.74 r. 8.21:23,8 2*2 8,8 2 - , 210 23.v111.74 r, 9,40.4%3 aea ae7 s 2 211 23. V111.74r. 12.38.3800 b10 800 . 2 - 212 23.VtII.74r. 18. 8. 7,0 8O8 8,8 4 20 , 213 S.IX.74 r. ! 9.57.4000 248 4,8 , 2 m 214 13.IX.74r, -8.38.23,8 8g0 7l7 4 18 215' 18,IX,74r. 5.2868 400 8l2 3 1T0lf 218 1 8.I -X .74r. ?.a2.4810 8,8 7o2 3 90 - 217 ~ f LO.IA.74 r- 7� iL.4Igi7 as voo Z � zle 22.rx.74 r. � 7.28.06,7 ~s s,o 3 a 219 2$,iX.74r. 4.41.50,8 4,2 8o4 , 4 �0 220 25.(X.71r. 8.58.14j5 3r2 SO8 3 24 221 27.IX.74 1. 11. 2.8900 400 4 Zl 222 29.IX.74 r. 8. 0.3800 4,0 - Z. 224 1.X.74r. 17. 1.5202 N9 6;6 2 - 225 S.X.14r. 8. 0.35,4 408, a,8 3 ' i 228 10.X.74 r. - 217.44,8 407 8,3 3 0 227 13.X.74r. 8.98.49,2 3,8 - � 2 I 228 10.74 r. 18.38.43,b 8.3 .7o2 9 0 229 15.X.74r. 9o0 � 4 0 230 23.X.74 r. , 2,30.2115 808 8,8 2 - 231 ; 2.X 1.74 r. � 4. 8.43,5 3,1 808 4 12 232 ^..XI.74 r. . 2,2 *8,0 � 4 .0 - 233 4.XI.74r. 19.1. 1,4 8,0 8~8 4 0 234 20.X1.74 r. 0.28. 8OO 6,7 8,0. 2 - 238 23.X1.74r. 9.15.2c3,0 408 - 3. 10 238 23.X1.74 r. 2213.43,9 390 bOb 3 � 10 237 27.XI.74 r. 7.19.4b,1 48 - 2 ~ 238 2.X11.74 r. 10.45.48,5 10. - Z ~ ~ ' 299 9.X11.74r. 14.12.22,0 ao5 8,9 2 � 240 12.X11.74r. 15.29.13,0 803 807 4 0 243 18.X11.74r. 6.23.11,7 70'0 8g4 g ti p 244 21.x11.74 r. ' e.30.3205 - - z 1 _ 245 22.X11.71r: 8,2 ' 8o0 , 4 0 � 248 ' ' 22.X((.74 r. 21.3Q. 26,1 7,5 6,2 4' O 247 27.X11.74 r. � 1, 0, 70g 4o7 792 4 11 249 30.X11.74r. 4.22.25,4 - - g � ig . 240 31.XII.74:'. 7.23. 7,0 3,0 808 3 230 30.X11.74 r�.~� 7.45.1007 3,7 8,2 .4 ~ 251 3U.X11.74 r. 3,5 8.3 2 - . 282 31.X11.74 r. 14.22.51�3 30 10 4 Zp 253 ' 4.I.75r. b. 9.38,1" - � 2 - 234 . 4.1.75r. � 21.47.4807 . 9,8 11j8 3 20 285 5.1.15 r. � 230. 798 - y . Q�. 288 13,1.75r. 20.33.11,0 8,0 " .6l8 4. 1268 257 ' - 1,1.1.75r. 8.28.2E-;1 3~9 3,0 Z . 258 9.11.75r. 7.13.1 2,0 - _ Z ~ 258 10.11.75r. 19.45.54o3 3,3 7.8 ' a� 8 280 16.11.75 r. 7.55.24,8 8,0' 7,0 3 ' . '20 281 21.11.15r. 8.18.49,5 4,0 Tl3 . 4 1295, 282 1.111.75r. M15.13,8 b'8 8,7 ":4� -3 . 283 3.111.75 r. 7.56. 7,8 � 4,7 8,8 3 � O 244 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 Appendix I, conCinued FOR OP'FICIAL USE ONLY 284 6.II1,75r. 9.69.18j4 4,8 7;8 4 p 285 10.111,75r. 10,28,18j2 2,8 7j3 4 12,5 288 14.111.75ve 17.b6.3719 10 6,9 3 �3 287 23.111.15r. 3.43.4710 2,8 6,g 4 12,5 288 23.111.75r. 8.43.13j0 4t2 b07 2 289 25.111.75r. 0.88.47,7 7.4 8'8 3 90 27 0 26.111.75r. 0.47.1793 4,0 8,3 3 - 211 29.I1I.75 r. S. 8.38j0 8.8 704 2 - 212 29.111.75r. 13.43.07,9 861 707 4 .0 273 3.IV.75r. 3.13.31,7 7o3 7,5 2 - 274 27.IV.75r. 18. 4.3115 S,0 b05 2 - 275 28.IV.75r. 20. 3.13,5 467 8,5 4 10 218 11.V.75r. 3. 4.27,9 309 861 3 4 277, 12.Y.75r. 8.28.35,4 3,9 3,8 2 - 276 12.V.75r, 10.47.23,8"' 3,7 _ 2 _ '278 13.V.75r. 1?.29.49t4 7,9 7*9 4 0 280 15.Y.75r. 12.45.82,4 4.4 8'8 3 14 281 16.V.75r. 1.45.20,5 8#7 7j3 � 3 0 282 16.V.75r. 18.43.83,4 8,8 8,4 2 - 283 19.V.75r. 11.31.58,9 8,0 7j0 3 � 0 264 24.V.75 r. 8. 2.52g9 81*8 6,3 2 28g 30.V.75r. 23.23.1795 8.0 8,8 2 288 1.V1.75 r. 3.10.88, 3 8,4 , 7,8 3 18 287 IO.V(.75r. � 0.28. 6j2 4,1 805 3 17 288 18.V1.75 r. 18.38.4067 6,0 5,7 2 - 289 4.V11.75r. 4.45.22;2 8'8 8,5 4 a .280 11.VII.75r. 5.58.29,5 2,3 _ 2 281 20.V1f.75r. 4.57.46,8 . 8,2 7,1 3 0 282 25.V11.75 r. 17.11.14,8 - 5,8 " 3 0 283 28.V11.75 r. 1 d.53A4.2 4,4 8.4 9 8 284 2.V111.75 r. 10.53.24,9 494 508 3 8 295 S.YtII.TS r. 15. 1.29,9 6,0 790 2 - 288 6.V111.75r. 0.29.38,0 7,0 7.2 4 -�3 297 9.V111.75r. 5.38. 8.2 1.4 802 4 ` -3 ' 299 15.VI11.75r. 0.43.18,6 8,0 - 2 - $00 19.Y111.75r. 1,4 5.8 b � 0 302 27.V111.75r. 18. 4.446 4,0 5,7 3 -3 303 30.V111.75r. 23.18.20,8 4,5 8,8 3 10 304 6.tX.75 r. 7.35.28,3 3,8 8,0 3 0 305 6.IX.75r. 8.10. 3.6 4,5 - � 3 20 908 6.IX.75r. 23.39.31,8 7.2 - 4 20 307 7.fX.75 r. 23.12.37,3 %3 7.6 4 7 308 .17.IX.75r. 19.32.45,6 5.6 - S 12 910 18.iX.75r. 2221.43,2 1'1 5,7 4 2 311 23,f X.75 r. 7. 8.34,3 g .,g 312 24.IX.75r. 6.16.53,5 5,1 _ Z ~ 913 1.X.75 r. 6. 0. 3'5 208 3 �p 314 9.X.75r. � 10.19.35,2 4.2 0.7 9 12 91S 16.X.75 r. 5.54.58,0 8.0 8,3 3 ib 318 17.X.75 r. 0.47. 8,4 7v? 7,1 4 18 917 � 26.X.75r. 18:49.49,2 4,3 800 8' 14 818 34.X.75r. 18.22.26,8 8,0 7g0 3 ' p 318 2.X1.75r. 4,7 5,6 4 -3 245 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 Aiiiirnil I x I. itottt1 iiuvd FOtt 0PPICIAL ifSg ONLY r I i 2 3 +1 6 8 7 320 8.X1.75r. , 7.88.72o7 7o8 7,7 ' 3 O 321 13.X1.75r. 7. 1.61j3 808 8OA 4 iD _ 322 14.XI.75r. 1.38.4208 701 6,2 3 323 20.X1.75r, 22.40. lo8 4t7 D13 Z r 324 22.XI.TSP. 21.04.8403 4,0 86+1 Z ~ 328 24.X1.75r. 20.89. 8,1 801 � 2 � 328 30.XL75r. 18. 6.3409 , 401 � Z � 327 2.XIt.75r. 8.41.81,8 A04 6~3 4 iT 328 3.X11.75r. 18.16. 6:8 8"1 �A,~ 3 18 928 6.XI1.75 r. 3,47.1803 3,5 ~ 4 8 330 9.Xft.75 i-. 14.31.38,3 4o2 5,0 ~2 331 12.XIt.15r. 23.58.83s7 M 8j7 2 ~ 332 19.aIt.75r. 21. 8.14,7 8s8 a,8 4 7 333 19.X11.75r. 21.44.10,2 6o0' 800 3 I'M 334 20.X1(.75r. 3.58,28,6 8l1 803 4 d 338 2.1.76 r. 3.a8.a9oA 9o7 8,8 0 338 l.lf.lbr. 0. 8.48t4 402 E3,4 337 14.11.76r, 10.10,2006 a,a s0a o 338 16.11.76 r. 6.28.21o8 d,lS 803 O 339 10.11.16 r. 1241. 8s8 4,4 ,5,9 ?.8 340 1 1.11.76r. 1215. 7o8 408 ,a,8 . 0 341 1.11.76 r. 21. 9.41,8 3,1 - 4 10 342 6.11.76 r. 4. 4.48,3 407 8,4 A b 34: .111.76 r., 3.33.34o4 7,8 7,2 3 0 344 111.76r. 17.40.37o4 8�0 7o8 8 O 345 .:'f.76 r. 11.38.48,4 4,0 ao7 2 � 348 '.76r. � 20, 8.12,3 901 8,5 9 008 347 1.76 r. 14.54.68,1 8o3 7,2 3 -9 - 348 . 1.76 r. 19.49.4118 268 8,7 a 12,5 '348 Y.., 11.76r. ' 1. 0.:~O-j 408 8o2 9 1?,a 380 2.1 V.76 r. 13.19.000 4o2 7,a 8 12 351 12.IV.76r.'' 2.22.82t1 601 so 9 0 352 300.76 r. 4o1 8,8 � 3 0 . 383 4.V.76 r. 2.20.85o8 8,3 7ob 4 6 354 15.V.76 r. 3.28.14~0 7,0 7,0 3 14 355 27.V.76 r. ,~7.49.88~7 400 6o3 2 - 350 . 1.V1.76 r. 4,6 � 6,9 4 8� 387 1.Vt.76r. 17.13.82,0 5.0 7,4 ~4 . 4 358 S.V1�16r. S. 3.85,8 8o4 T.3 3 0 _ 359 20.V1.76 r. 20.27.31,2 8,7 9,3 4 0 380 21.Y1.76 r. 20,81.11l8 � 407 b,8 3 30 3E31 27.VI.76 r. 12.21.18,5 808 8t8 3 O 382 28.V1.76 r. 21.48.11o3 3,0 7o8 4 la Noteg. The depth of the basement under the Alma-Ata atation of 4.2 km ie taken as the reduction level HrRO. *The Kurmenty (K) and Chilik (Ch) stations of the regional network are indir.ated, the data of which were used to find the coordinates of the syatem. **Tha earthquakes not recorded by the complex aeismological expedition atntion. The time was taken by the T(RTS) station, 246 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ 19 ~ i , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OIFICIAI. U58 ONLY ~ APPENUtX II. UULt,E'CIN OF NEARnY IWriUSTRIAL EXk'LOSiONS RECORDED riY TNE itAbtdTN:f,EME'CRIC SYS'CEM FRpM 1 JUNP, 1972 to 1 JULY 1976 1~1 Aer~ Ap~M~ ~~.~.o K ( M~cro apA." i - -Ny1.72 r. ~ 0. 1.32ea ~ 7.9 2 Is.vt,72r. e.31,49,7 $;a 4 19.W.72r. 11,80,67o9 � 409 4 S.Vt1.T2r. ~ 12.,97' 7it 8 6.Vtf.72r. ~ 11.84.48,4 5,9 6 I1.V11.72r. � 1.14. 104 7 15.V11.72r. - 0. 1.3208 e 30.V11.72r. � ~ 0.0. 1008 ' 8 a 9 1.IX.72r.: 11.38.49ii 0 y0a 10 11 18.1-X.72 r. - 20.tX.72 r. ' =Z;22,2:00 ~ i0 '3.30i9 . 00 . 8 4 12 22.1X.72 r. . 8.34.08,2 0 4,4 13 14 8.X.72r. 1lf.i4.lAiO a,a, . 3.X1.72 r. � 10. 0. 3e2 7,3 18. 2.XII.72r. 10.20. e#2� e,A ie 13.L73r. ~ 8.81. 804 lf07 17 31.1.73r. ~ 10.80.4A*2 703 18 S.ti.73r.: 8.53,38.8 b03 19 23.N.?3r.;. 8.36.45,2 ' 706 20 ' I1.VI.13r. e. 5.43,8 _ 21 S.V11.73r.: 14.40.1169 7,8 22 19.V11.73r. 0.13.4790 7,4 23 19.V11.?3r.; 10.27,31.0 6.8 24 29.V11.73r. � 22.12.4Ar0. 603 25 31.V11.73r. � 11.18.08,2 28 , 4.V111.73r. � 8.28.3203 7.3 27 8.V111.73r.; 18,25. 803 ' 8e8 28 10.V111.73r. ~ 10.37. 8ea 7,3 28 18.V111:73r. � 20.'7.8198 Mideo of of u of of u of Kotur-Bulgk Madao KoCur-Bulak Medeo Kotur-Bulak n of of it Medeo Kotur-Bulak Madeo Kotur-Bulak Iseyk Kotur-Bulak Kapchagay Medeo KaRchagay n North of Alma-Ata 30 4.IX:73r. A.11.8018 5~a Kotur-Bulak 31 S.fX.73r. � 8.40.28,4 ' � Chilik 32 93 20.FX.73r. ~ 25.FX.73r. � il. 2.54,2 10. 1.1802~ 9,a 8,8 K,a chagap KoCUr-Bulak �S4 4.X.73r. 11. 7.38,8 5.2 Medeo . 35 38 S.X.73r. � 6X 7 f.33.30,2; 12 4 - chagay ~g . 3r. . 8, 8,0 8OA eo 37 B.X.T3r. 11.50.28,8 5,7 Medeo 38 9.Y..:'3r. � 11.28.27,7 ' 6,0 " 39 10.X.73r. 11.28.85,5 _ " 40 12.X.73r. 11.48.45,8 . 5,8 _ 41 U.X.73r. 11.31.45,6 a.; " 42 14.X.73 r. . 11.31.54,8 8,4. Key; 1. date; 2. time, hours} minuteal seconds; 3. place of exploaionf 4. dny, montli, year; S. *at Ta7.gar atation 247 FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Appendix 11, coneinuQd ~ I , g ;a 11 4 f R _...1 4 ...-~~.73...._..+ 1 . 3.29.2007 I . , I WedeA 44 16,'.73r. 12.34.1402, r 4e1 ' 17,X.73r. 3,04 al D . � . ' . . i8 19.X.73r. ii. LQi;D ' 602 +7 20.X.73r.; 1%.18.5803 , . 4,6 � 4e 24.X.73r. � 12.28. 904 � ' 40 25.X.73r. e. o.aa,a . a � . 80 27.X.73r. , ii.i4.340i 8jy � ' . 81 .27.X.73r. � 11.98.2a04 808 82 �2.X1.73r. il. R,;JA#O ' 83 3.X1.73r. .8.22:18e3 B07 54 ' 3.XI.Z3r. I1.27.3700 408 ~6a 16.X1.73r. 11.38. 4,0 a64 , � ae 20.XI.73 r. B. 0.2402 1008 ~ 87 25.X1.73r. 10., 4.12,5 lSoe, � ' 8s 28.X1.73r. . ii. e.34,e a,a ~ � . ae '30.X1.73 r. . s0s � ~ 80 30. XLT3 r. i i.17.11, A ~ 8~ A� , : ei 4.XI1.73c. 10. 8.28j9 790.. Korur-Bulak ' 82 , � 4.Xt1.73r. 11;87:30ld lSj7 Medeo . 83 11.X11.73r. ~ ii. 3.2504 8l8 . 64. 18.XI1.73r. 11. 8:14# d 7p7 . 88 19.X11.73r. 18.87. 000 902 Kapchagay 88 25.XI1.73r. 8.33.Z9,1 - Medeo 87 2 6.XI(.T3r. 11.13.44,3 8,7 8B ~ LA.{~A1L73r. 7W4.57,4 ~ . � . ge 29.X11.73r. I1.53.1e,3 e0a Kavc)aaav. 7p 7.L14r. 11.31.24,0 . 8,4 71 8.04r. � 5.10.0104 3.7 . Medeo 72 8.1.74t'. � 12. 2187o1 ' - t ' � ~ 73 . 9.1.74r.~ il. 7.89,9 - ' , 74 � 22.1.741'�: 11. 9.27.4 r � 73 � 23174r. � 8.44+1160 4,6 . , fig 25.1.74r. ; . 8.10.15,0. ' . , 77 25.1:74r. . 11.39. 8,7 . - 78 99.1.7 4r. 10.59. 3.8 - ' ' Kapchagay 78 30.t~.T4r. .702 Kotur-Bulak 80 .5.11.74r. � 11.14:28.9 703 Medeo 81 7.104r. 1l.1 7.42.3 � a0s � 82 9.11:74r. � 1.57.41,0 7s0 , � � . ' � ~ 83 . . 12.11.74r. � 11.13.14,1 . � ' 501 , . � � 84'~ 12.11.74r. � � 8,3 ICB chagay ~ ga 16.IL7ar. 11.10. ^~s 507 ~ s Mc eo . 88 '19.f1.74r. . 21.28.b2~e 706 . West� of Alma-Ata 87 22.I1.74r. 12.28. 70b 7.0 Kotur-Bulak 88 23.11.74 r. � 9.28. �360T 8p2 _Medeo 8e 1.!it.74r. 11.23.44,8 ' 8r? ~ ' � ~ � ' � 90 3.I11.74r. 12. 8.87.4 ' - ' . ' . . ~ 81 4.10.74r. 11.22.54,9 , 792 � . ' 82 12.IiI.74r. 12. 7.38,4 818 - ~ 83 13.111.74r. i. 8.24,8 . 4;8 � 94 ' 22.I1I.74r. 5.47.28,8 � 8o8 Itapchagay 248 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOtt nFFICIAL U8B ONLY Appendix 1I0 aontinued r a s 4 e an 211i(.74r.. 0.42,97,9 ~ Kotur-Bulak A8 30.111.74r. 19.90.1110 8,0 Kapchagay 67 14m4r. 19. 8.18f8, 8Ia -of 98 4 r. 11. 5.54o4 S,4 Madeo ' 99 . 4r. i1.10. 6.8 slO 10p '11.I-Y.74r. ' 0.27.10,0 l~~d � ~ . 101 , I2.1-V.71r. 1i.37.4Aoi � ioz 16.1y.71r. , io.s4.aiqe a,5 tcotur-Buiak 103 18.'V.74r. ~ 11.18,4804 - Mado0 104 22.IV.74'r. 11.48.Z86o 8#7 Kspc}utgay 105 23.IV.74r. ii.ii~48,3 8O0 Madao 108 24.IV.14r. 12. 1.90j4 � 7,1 iCotur-Bulak . 107 26.IV.74r. 11.28. 718 704 Modgp 108 28.(V.74r. 8.44.18j2 s,d ' 109 7.V.74r. 11,12. 212 d,s � 110 B.V.T4r.: i1,lA.2Ao8 ' 8,8 Kapcyaggy 111 22.V.74r. 11.17.1,902 8,2 Miadac 112 29.V.74r. � 11.21.2A04 8,8 113 29.V.74 r. � 12.10. �,A - Kapchagay 114 10.Vi.74r. ii. 9.24,9 8,7 " 118 12.V1.74r. 11.18.84,8 5,8 Mgdeo 118 13.VI.74r. 11.18.98,2 8o8 ' 117 22.V1.14r. � 8.11.23,4 807 ' 118 23.Vi.I4r. � 8.38.14,4 S�B ' 119 29.YI.74r. � i. 0.9317 8.S � 120 30.Vt.74r, 605 ~ 121 9.V11.74r. 11;36.24,4 807 ' 122 13.Vp.74 r. 1. 0.12,5 887 I8e4_Kull 123 13.V11.74r. 4. 0.15,0 ' ' 124 18.ViI.74r. , 11.29. 9,4 - , Medeo . . u 125 '..'O.V(I.?4r. ii. 8.20,9 ' 126 25.VTiN r. 0,28.19A 807 ' 127 128 6.VII1.74r. 9.V111.74r. 0.28.30,0 0,48.9104 8.5 IC,~tr-Bulak 128 I1.YIII.74r. b.25.23.5 8~8 , t~edso � 130 13.V111.74r. 0118. 010 7,8 131 24.V111.74r. 0.43.19,8 701 ' 132 27.V11I.74r. 11. 1.13,7 - 133 28.V111.74r. 11. a.44,2 8,1 134 135 2.tX.74r. 3.iX.74r. il. 8.2702 20.22� 2.7 8.1 7,7 Kapchagey 138 4.FX.74 r. 11. 0.30.5 - Medeo 137 7.IX.74r. 7. 8.34017 7,9 138 1.X.74r. � 11.28.23,8 - ' . - 138 6.X.74r. 7,8 � 140 19.X.74 r. 10.57.41,0 8,0 ' 141 22. X.74 r. 11. 1. 8.3 5,5 ' 142 30.X.74 r. 11.57.40,2 7,4 ' 143 2.X1.74r. 8.47. 4,0 3,7 Kotur-Bulak 144 3X1.74r. 9.20.38,7 5�9 Southeaet of Osaro ~ 145 12.X1.74r. 11.17.22,5 7.8 Medeo 249 FOR OFFICIAL US8 ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFIGiAL U3E ONLY ~ Appendix It, conCinupd 148 .17.X1.74r.- 8.87.4007 . 8,1 ' Medao 147 2b.Xi.71r. Z2.43.4808 qjg itapchagay 149 22.XI.74r. 10.22.20j8 - 8'g 140 22.XI.74r, ii. a.40i6 _ ~ 18Q 29.XI.74r. ' 7.33.4810 gj7 Medeo 151 B.XI1.74r. 10. 8. 2,3 9,1 Kapchagay 182. 1S.X11.74r. a. e. 0;0 709 North of Alma-Ata M~� 183 15.XII.74r, g.48.371e ' 184 16.X11.74r. 10.90. 003 8 2 North of Alma-Ata 18b 17.X11.74r. 7,2i.31j4 Madeo 1SV 19.X104r. ii. JL. 2 G7. 1 ',i � y 157 22.XII.74r. 8:33.2102 7,4 ~ lg8 20.XI1.74r. 9.34.11,8 8.8 I North of Aima-Ata 188 27.X11.74r. 8.82.9908 70p KaPehgggy 180 28.X11.74r. 10.49.4904 Kotur-Bulak 181 31.Xi(.74r. 10.29.480A ,8 Medeo 182 9.1-.75r. � 7. 5.4008 3 ~g � , 183 I 4.1.75 r. 11. 7.0411 70a � . 164 20.1.75 r. 10. 1.41,3 185 21.1%75r. 7. 6.02,7 507 . 188 26175 r. e. 1.14,8 .7.8 , � 187 3117Sr.; 8.48.23,0 - � 188 2.(i.75 r. 7JI � 18A 6.I05r. 11. 0.20,9 804 � 170 &N.?Sr. 7.48.Zi1p 8'8 � 171 10.105r. 11. 7. 6,8 . 5.8 � ' 172 11.11.75r. 11.18.58,3 5,2 � 173 16.105r. 2.02.3408 805 ~ 174 20.H.ISr. 8.35.28,0 � . 178 21.H.75r. 11.23.50,8 7,8 � ' 178 1.[iuSr. 8,8 . � , 177 10.HI.75r, il. 1.38,8 8,2 . ' 178 I1.111.75r. li. 7.4509 768 Kotur-Bulak 179 12.N1.75r. e,5e.13,8 70g Medeo 180 12.111.75r. 18. 3. 4,0 4,8 � 161 14.Ii1.75r. 12.38.41,8 ' 8,0 ~ 182 15.H1.75r. 11,23.21.8 ' S04 f� 183 15.NI.7Sr. 11.24.18,1 � 5.8 � 184 18.I0.7Sr. 1.98.20,6 9,2 Kapchagay 185 23.01.75r. 8.10.51,2 8.4 Medeo 186 28�I11.75r. 8.18.3@01 ~ " ' � 187 . 1.W.75 r. 6032.42,2 r 804 ~ 168 4.tV.75r. � ii.Z3.Z1l9 8ta � ieA 8.tV.75r. 12. 4. 890 ' Near Medeo 1~ 10.tV.75r. 7,94,6 ~ 8,0 Medeo 191 15M.75r. 8.48. 8,7 802 ~ 182 WV.75r. 11.90.24,8 a,8 � . 183 . 18.tV.75c. 7. 2.2ioa a.8 � � . . , , 194 18.V1.75r. ' T. 2.8000 , 507 250 FOR OFFICI AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 FOR OFFICTAt U98 ONLY Appendix II, conCinued Z I, 9 j , 4 !f 160 19.1V.75r. . 13.41.19o8 7~g ' K~pchagay 198 20IV.75 r. 7~8. , Modao 197 23.iV.75r, 8.23,4$t0 oth KoCur-Bu1ak ice 23.iV.75r. 11.14.5sl3 ri,7 MedBo 168 . 6.V.75r. 11. 8.9801 7 8 � 200 12.V.75 r. 11.96.48o9 0 8I9 . ' 201 18.V.75r. 3.98.3911 8,8 � . 202 22.V.75r. 12.16.14,0 8~i ~ 703 23.V.75r. 11. 8.4~6A 8~8 Kptur-Bu18k 204 25.V.75r. 7.51.26,6 '8,8 Madeo ZOa 91.V.75r. 10.38. 7j0 8 'f 208 2.VI.75 r. 11,48.2A,0. , 8t0 Korur-'Iulak 207 - 11.32.38,7 8o1 MQdao 208 8.VI.75r. e.88,87o0 7pA � '208 13.VI.75:'. 8.11.1303 7v0 � Z10 14.V1.75r. 6 02.42 3 7 7 211 17.V1.75 r. , 0 8.97.34,4 l 718 , � ziz 22.v1.75 r.. e.34.42oa - . ~ . 213 .22.VI.75r. - ' 214 27.VI.75r. T. 8.44,4 '7,3 � 215 1.V11.75r. 7. S. 9 0 - 7 0 " 218 7.V11.7Sr. . 0 11. 8.22 6 , 8 4 217 8.V11.75r. , ii. 8.87 1 , S 8 ' 218 9.VII.7Sr. 0 7.28. 8 4 e 8 8 � 218 11.VI1.75r. j 20.49. 6,6 e et2 Kapciiagay 226 12.VI1.75 r. 10.28.40,4 - Kotur-Bulak 2Z1 14.V11.75r. 7.08.Z4j3 8,7 � ' 222 19.VI1.75r, il. 2.47.7 807 229 '21.V11.75r. ' 11. 1.92,4 . as~ . � 224 25.VII.75r. 4.28,4791 1Gotut-Bulak 225 27.V1I.75r. 8.46.28,7 8pa 228 30.V1I.75r. 11.19.42,0 608� 227. I.VI1I.75r. 12.48.11,6 8,4 ' � 228 3.V111.75r. 8.59.21j4 7,8 ' 229 10.V111.75r. 14.98.41.Z ' 807 � 230 i7.V111.75~. o ' 7.12.22 7j5 � Z31 17A111.75r. , 18.89. 8,Z 8,8 � 232 23.V111.75r. A. 5.5e 7 294 26.V111.75r. 9 11.18.21 8 238 2'.V111:?5r. . 8.58.39 8 ~ � 298 29.V1((.75r. 8 ii, 8.27 ' A. el Fi � � 297 30.V1(:.75r. 4. 4.1q,9 : � ' 23e 238 4.IX.75r. � S.iX.lSr. � e.42.68o8 � ' Et,3 To the northeast . . , . . . . . , of Alma-Ata 240 &[X.7Sr. 12. 7.52,2 ' � 812 Madeo 2-11 16.ifi.72 r. I1.12.30.e3 8,4 � , � 242 25.iX.iSr r 5.18.a4l1 ' - � 243. . 25.IX.75h. ii: 0.86,2 � e,o � � Z44 2.X.75 r. 11.22.3302 ' a.8 11.X.?Sr. 6.50.1002 8,9 Kotur-Bulak 251 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 Appendix II, conCinuad FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY ~ ~ l . ~ 3 4 , g 148 lt.~.�"5r. . 0.20. 0j7 . 8l0 ' Madeo _ _ , 247 50 2,..,.,r. 11.18. 8o6 8o0 . ~ 248 30.X.7Si. 18.P4.18j3 707 ~o the northweeC of A].ma-Ata 248 31.X.75r. 8.10. 8t8 . Medeo' 280 1.X1.75r. 8.8i.47j8 8O8 ' 281 S.Xl.75r. 8.48.87j6 8tA ' . 252 14.X1.75r. 8.28,58l4 708 _ KoCur-pulak 283 25.XI.75 r. 7,5e,28,7 8,A ' 254 10.X11,75r. 8.48.1818 70a . ' Medan 266 '11.XII.75r. 8.33.i.g,8 ' ?~e . ' 288 22.XI1.75r. A.4b.780i ' 7~b xocur=nutak 287 23.X11.75r, 10,88.48,2 8l8 Medeo 289 6.1.76r. 20,33.1668 6l8 . ' 258 10.1.76 r. 11.42.38j3 9 8 ' � 280 21.1.76r. Z0.1a.10otS' , eie Kapchagay 281 31.I.76r. 711 Kotur-Bulak ' 282 31.1.76r. 8.81.33j4 8j2 Medeo � 283 10.11.76 r. 6~ 83.11,1 70.4 284 29.11.76r. e. 2.55,2 608 ' 285 29.11.76 r. 11.52,15, 3,3 ' 288 9.111.16 r. ' 11, 8.48,3 8,4 " Kotur-$ulak 287 24.111.76r. 11. 2.52.8 8,7 288 24.111.76r. 11.27.20,0 Soi Medeo 288 26.111.76 r. 4.34. 2,0 8,3 270 6.IV.76r. 11.18.3808 6,a ' � 271 9.1 V.76 r. 8.38.30,3 7,0 ' 272 31.IV.76 r. 11.20. 6,7 8,0 ' ' 273 30.IV.76 r. ?.32t11,7 7,2# ' 274 30.IV.76r. 8.42.39,1 7,4 Kotur-Bulak 275 7.V.76 r. 8.52.2812 8,0 Hedpo .278 18.V.76r. 11. 4.32.4 8,0 . - 277 29.V.76 r. 10.44.42,0 ' . 7,0 ~tur-Bulak 278 2.V1.76 r. 11.30.3760 - 278 9.V1.76 r. S. 2.46,8 7g5 Medeo 280 1 i.V1.76r, 11.1e.45,5 7,2 � 281 18.V1,76 r. 11.27.35,8 8,7 ' 282 24.V1.76 r. 11.28,22,8 .5,1 : 283 29.V1.76 r. 8.11. 708 8,5 � COPYRIGH'T: Izdatel'etvo "Nauka," 1978 10845 CSO: 8144/0935 - END - 252 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5 . 40 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040010-5