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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE= 2007/02/08= CIA-R~P82-00850R000'100030060-1 ~ ' ~ ~ ; ~ OF 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/8357 " 28 March 1979 ~ , _ TRANSLATIO(~S ON NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 14/79? ~ ~ . U. S. JOINT PlJBLICATIONS RESEARCH SERVICE FOt~ OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 NOTE JPRS publications contain ittformaCion primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from forei~;n-langua~e sources are translated; Chose from English-language sources are Cranscribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characterisCics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [TextJ or [ExcerpC) in the first line of each item, or following the ~ ~ last ltne of a brief, indicate how the original information was - processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. _ Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or [ransliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- - tion cuark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an - item originate with the source. Times within items ~re as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, v iews or attitudes of t�:ie U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GO'VERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 BIBLIOCRAPHIC OATA Krpon No. 2 Reeipient's Accession No. SHEET ~p~ L/8357 n c an ~u tu c ~ epon ae 2 D March 19 79 = TRANSLATIONS ON NARCOTICS A;~D DANCEROUS D~tUGS cFOUO ~a/~9) 7. Authur(s) t. Pertamina Or6~ni:ation Rcpt. No. 9. Pet(orming Ors~nizotion N~me ~nd Addre~s ~ 111. Projeet/T~slc/1Nork Uni~ No. - Joint Publicatione Research Servi~e 1000 North Glebe RoBd 11. Concncc/Gnnc No. - Arlington~ Virginia 22201 lZ Sponewina Ors~nization N~me ~nd Addre~s 1~. Type oE Report Ac Period Co~eted _ Ae above . t~. 15. Supplementuy Naes 16. Ab~:~accs ' The. aerial repor~ consists of translations from the world preas and radio relating to law~ law enforcement, illicit traffic and peraonalities concerned wit~ narcotica and danger~ue druge. 17. Key R'ads and Document Aoalysis. 17a De~criptocs Narcotics - Drug Addiction Law (Jurisprudence) Law Enforcement . 17b. Identifiets/Open-Ended Tetms - Dangerous Druga Drug Control Drug Traffic 17a COSATI Field/Group SK~ 60~ 6T ia. Availability 5tatement 1'~. Securicy Class !This 21. ~o. of PaRes For Official Use Only. R`P�"~ 49 Limited Number of Copiea Available From JPRS. ��~~~~r i�ss c n~~ 22. P~,� ~ Ps e ~ ~N LASSIF(FD ?oww Mr~s�� ~wtv. ~�~a~ TNLS FORII MAY BE REPRODUCED vseo,.w.oe ~~aea�o~i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 - FOR OFk'ICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/8357 2 8 March 19 75? TRANSLATIONS ON NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS ` (FOUO 14/79) - CONTENTS PAGE - AsIA AiJ."T'RALIA Briefs ~ Heroin Bust 1 BURMA Briefe Heroin Se ized ~ Opium Seized g Seize Heroin, Arrest Woman 2 ~pium Seized in Paungde 3 INDONESLA Briefs ~ Bali Police Detain Smugglers 1~ ~ MESd ZEALAND South Pacific Regional Narcotics Training Program Opens (T~ EVENING POST, 5, 7 Feb 79) 5 = Minister of Police Speaks - 'Ne~ Zealand Connection' Feared Drug Fducation Pr ogram Called 'Waste of Public Money' _ (David McGill; THE E'VENING POST, 17 Feb 79) 7 Police Minister Notes Alarming Rise in Heroin, Cocaine Use (1HE EVF~'NING P06T, 2 Feb 79~ 9 Four-Year Jail Sentence for Heroin OPfense (T~ PRESS, 14 Feb 79~ 10 - - a - [III - INT -138 FOUO) FOR OFFIC;IAL US~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) Pt~ge ~ Hriefs Heroin Trafficker Jailed l.l Sentenced on Drug Charge ]1 ~ Lyeergide Trafficking Charges 11 Heroin Supply Trial 11 PAKLSTAN Seven Centers for Opium Addicts in $yderabad C 1 n r� ?7 V i\ ~ 7 1�YYi- ?9, � ~ ~ � � ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ � � ~ � � ~ ~ w ~ � � � ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ � .i.G SOUrH KOREA BriePg H{roppon Deal 13 ~ THAII~ND _ Po].ice Nab Heroin Courier - - (BAla3KOK POST, 7 79) 14 CANADA _ F~arther CQmmenta on Me, Decriminalization - (Varioue s~urces, various dates) 15 BC Education Miniater Oppoaes - I,egislation Questioned~ Editorial by Dick Beddoea BriePs _ Drugs Seized 17 EAST~ EUROPE CZEC$OSLOVAKTA Briefs Hashish Smuggler 18 - LATIl~1 AN~tICA - ARGENTINA Police Uncovere. Illegal Drug MenuYacturing in IJrugstores + (LA PRF~ISA, 2j Feb 791 19 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY CONTENrS (Continued) P~ge Briefs Drug Traffickers Arreated 22 BABAMA.S Colombia.n Crashen With 20,000 Pound M~rihuana Cache (GUYANA CHRONICLE, 1 Mar 7q) 23 BOLIVIA ~ Briefs ~ Cocaine Traffickers on Trial 25 Cocgine Seizure 25 ` Drug TraPfickers Arreated 25 - COT~OMBI'A _ Briefs Larger Nations Curb Drugs 2G ECUADO�t Narcotics Contz~ol Agre~ment Signed With Colombia (Voz de los An~ea, 3 Mar 79) 27 - Efforts To Avoid Misuse of P'harmaceuticals ~ ~ (EL CONIERCIO, 21 Feb 79) 28 - Briefs Cocaine Paste Exported 30 MEXICO ~ - Accomplice Infcrms on Piedras Negras Heroin TraPficker ' ( EL DIAFcIO DE PIIDRAS NEGRAS, 16, 20 Feb 79 31 - Origin ~f Heroin Discl.os~d _ Special Coordinator Investigating Cocaine Marihuana Traffidflers OPPicially Jailed - ~EL MANANA, 7 Feb 79) 32 - Couple Captured With Marihuana, Cocaine - (LA VOZ DEL NORTE, 2~ Jan 79) 33 - Sentence of Colombian Cc~caine TraffYcker Reduced (EL MANAIRA, 15 Feb 79) 34 _ -c- , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ` - . CONTIIVTS (Continued) ~~e Heroin Laboratory Destroyed in Nogales ~II, DIARIO DE NUEVO LARIDO, ~6 Feb 79) 35 Brieefs Heroin Seizure in Dursngo 36 Pill Trafficker Captured 36 Trafficker~s A,ppeal Tienied ' 37 Opium, Weapona Seized 37 - Tra~ficker~s Sentence Reduced 37 ~Mulsst InPorm on Trafficker 38 Youth Heroin Addiction Rising 38 WEST~N EUROPE - DENMARK Police Ne~rcotics Section Chief Ismente Death Increase (Volmer Nissen Interuiew; BERLINGSKE TIDE~IDE, 21 Jan 79) 39 SPAIN Suapect Arrested Por Pharmacy Robberies (ABC, 14 Feb 79) ...............................o..... 43 Briefs Drugs Seized in Malaga Heroin Traffickers Arrested 44 - Heroin Trafficker Arrested at Airport 4~+ - Cocaine Seiaed at Airpo~t 45 Hashish Found in Marab~ella 45 . Cocaine Trafficker Arrested 45 -d-~ FOR OFFICIe1L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 AUSTRALIA ` BRIEF5 HEROIN BUST~-In Che Melbourne magistrate's court today a 35-year-old man, ' (CChan Kock), appeared on two charges of imporCing and possessing heroin. ~ The proaecutor said (Kock) arrived on a flight from Turkey nn SaCurday and was arreated at Melbourne airport after customs officers found about 600 grame of heroin in ahoulder pads under his clothing. The heroin had a street value of $800,000. (Kock) was remanded in custody until Tuesday _ week. (Melbourne Overseas Sorvice in English 1230 GMT 19 Mar 79 OW] CSO: 5300 3 ~ 1 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 auxrw BRIEFS HEROIN SEIZED--Rangoon, 27 Feb--Acting on information, U Tun Kyaw, a member of ~he South Okkalapa Township People's Council Executive CommitCee, a.nd - a ream of policemQn raided the house of 22-year-old Maung Myo Khin at the Central rinrket in Ward No 8 at da*.~�~ Coday and arrested Maung Myo Khin, i~iaung Sein Than of the Central Market and Ma Tu Tu Mar of No 68, 1S6th SCreet, Tamwe, along with 12 packages of heroin ;aorth 12 kyats eac:h. The police have filed charges against them under Sections 6~B) and 14 (D) [of the _ Narcotic Drugs Law], [Text] [Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 28 Feb 79 p 7 - BK) OPIUM S~IZED--r4ong Ping, 17 Feb--Acting on a tipoff that opium will be trans- ported from Taunggyi area Co Mong Ping, Intelligence Office Lt Khin Maung Swe and a unit from the 43d Infantry Regiment, township people's council executive committee member U Hla Kyi, township police commander U Win Maung and a police squad, and Auk-zay-dan ward people's council chairman U Nanda yester- day searched the ~eep wi~h registration plate B-7614 traveling from Kunhing to Mong Ping. The search, conduciced at the regiment's checkpoint on Taunggyi-Keng Tung Road, uncovered 25 packages of opium weighing 49.25 viss [1 viss equals 3.6 pounds] hidden among the sesame and eurmeric sacks. The ; opium was sealed and confiscated by the police while eight persons on the - ~eep--Aik Lu, Aik Sein, Nayankhan~ Aik Lon, Aik Ywet, Win Kyaw, driver U Lawka and Sai Latt--were charged under Sections 6.B, 7/6 and 10/6 of the - Narcotic Drugs Law. [Textj [Rangoon LOKTHA PYEITHU NEZIN in Burmese - 6 Mar 79 p 4 BK~ S~IZE HEROIN, ARREST WOMAN--Mogok, 23 Feb--Acting on information, Mogok township people's council execuCive committee member U San Tin, police - _ station officer U Tun Pe and a party on 20 February aearched the residence - of Ma Khin Ngwe Thein ix? Mogok's Myoma ward. The search uncovered four penicillin bottles containing heroin. Mogok police have charged Ma Khin Ngwe Thein under Sections 10.B and 6.B of the Narcotic Drugs Law. - ~Text] [Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 5 Mar 79 p 4 BK] _ 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 OPIUM SLIZED IN PAUNGDE--Paungde, 1, Mar--AcCing on informaCion, Sub-inspector . U Ohn Maung and Private U H1a Khin of Paungde People's Police Force eQarched U Maung Khwe of Okkan A,t Sein W~n Tea Shop at the Prome-Rangoon bus station in Paungde at 2200 yesterday in the presence of U Aung Kyi, chairman of the No 1 Market Ward, and U Shwe Tin. They seized .51 vias [1 viss equals _ 3.6 lbs] of r~w opium hidden ~.n his handbag, U Maung Khwe was arrasted under Sectiona 6(B) and 7(B) [of the Narcotic Drugs Law]. Acting on the testimony given by U Maung Khwe that he had bought Che opium from Maung Pauk - Sa of Taingchit Ward, the police arrested and questioned Maung Pauk Sa. [Text] [Rangoon LOKTHA PYEITHU NEZIN in Burmese 6 Mar 79 p 4 BK] CSO: 5300 ~ - 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 INDONESIA BRIEFS BALI POLICE DETAIN SMUGGLERS--Ztao New Zealanders wanted by the Australian po;.ice for trying to emuggle 4.6 pounds of gan~a in August last year have been deCained by police in Bali Island. An Indonesian police spokesman said the two men were arrested at a hot~l room where police also found about 277 kilograms of gan~a. The official ANTARA News Agency said Australian - police had earlier asked for Indonesian help to locate the two men who, to- - gether with 14 other people, tried to smuggle 4.6 pounds of gan~ a into _ Australia last August. (Text] [Kuala Lumpur pomestic Service in English . 1130 GMT 4 Mar 79 BK] CSO: 5300 , - 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 NEW ZEAI~AIdD = SOUTH PACIFIC REGIONAL NARCOTICS TRAINING PROGRAM OPENS MinisCer of Police Speaks We111ngCon THE EVENING POST in English 5 Feb 79 p 6 - [Text] ~ _ EVEN ii the 50 pol4eemen ~ttending the South Paciflc . regional narootics training pmgramme ape~nt all xheir time, :n ~he bar, t;rie tliree�w~eek ~ caur~e ;;w~ bound ~to ~roduc~ results, the Miniater oi Pol~oe ~Mz C}ill) ~aid' today,,.~ ~ - Speeklt~ hfe thst cerettao Tl~ra had p~ au cutcry - - aa Minietu of PoHce be oft~ eg~ihct 1e~islation ~ per- - ~t~ly opened the pr amme mittied ~Mrches vvltfaut war- at ~he Trenthem Pol~oe Ool� raubc � wbe~.. ,~,y~ioe , believed ' bY ~8h 1~beinB~ dru wera 1nv~dved. � - police from the Ua1l.d Statea, m n~adued hail ~~d~p~v d Austr e i la, ` New' ~ Zealand~ People ai "tlf~ tlat~, ~ f at f! _ PApuA Nea Qulne~ and it ~d ~ A~p - P~efltc~lsN~~~e~M~Apr-. ~w ag!~td~, - Mr G'.'.1 eafd the aai~-~d T'Aere hkd albo bee~ a little I abu~t ot dtuLa : had I~ooe'!~ a hnllsbdoo� wheti ~aa I reriow ptobiem nad t6e ava~ was iatroduoedper~t the elbectlve defenc~ aat to "niP nae of Ust~in~ ckvicea~ it W the b~d" ear~jr as por Mr Qi11 eeid society reallaed ~~to. cb.c ~ peaoe ~a tA ~e av~n Corranenting on dfBerin~ ~t� tbc ~vhtr~vithat and po~vere o0 tit~dee to dittennt dnq,s he do wbatp yas neceraary. _ eaid New 7wal~nd hid~~oo~ He safd7ie wu s~u~e that tb~e - - through t~he Dhaee Nhen llber- Pr'a~'aa~me . ~nt~ld pe+eve oi _ ~I~s had claltned ~pajl~u~ta great vlAu~ to tlwoe put- , we~ nd turtpNl. ' , ici~ic~ ft w~~ f~ "it _aa1~d Ee hnpCeeiDi~ for as to wbether varioue dny~ Y~ to sPend this time t~eth- vNee mo� a len bactu~tl er, .even if you epent it ail in tt~aot~e~ ; tbe b~t~ aud not produce soms - He add tDe c~a~s Mwid b~ T~be courae is being coo- deall�~q wltb a11 drup wlth tbe ~tra4 t6e IInlteaof ofP[- . exeeption d dcolwl and to- ~ Perhape iYe a plty that we EdOt~nt Admlct~ Uaf~on at~~Ct~totna~ roalire ta clunp down oa th~se " roet o d dra4i f 1 n' t~ca o tlc a l ~s oL toP~~K ~Y "b- - sodety isc't t+eady foe 6t " ~ eatla d Mr Giri eaid that the worlc of ' dru enforcement a~enciea ~ op~bpera o0. ` ~,m:~.~ctY... . . ~ . 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 ~ .i 'New Zealand Conneceion' Feared ~ Wpllington TEi~ EVENINC PO5T in ~ngli~h 7 Feb 79 p 38 ~ ~ [Text] New Zealand could soon beco~he a ma~or st~~e-post for heroin trgf- ficking Co the United Statea~ a top American anCi-drug officer hae~ told - the New zealand Police. Aa~a~ to 1Kr Jerry Jea Alt~ougn ttk New}end H~ ~ou. aho Qlt+ects tM (Jdted polke had~ t~ported an la� dcut rin~t wm routdt~ Welr 91atM' Wrt Coart d~ut an� crade tn heroto ft+~ ~o~d~~N~t~e~ - ' lvea? zelLt~td ~ Ihe .hopr ~at taoc~ bte'an, ~ lVew oamtrf. !t ~ q ~d� there ~uld 4~ k~ eJ~v ot Ltalaed eoaorakoe ttq de~ ei~~r MheH~r Mew Leil~ed velop betwwa the bsrota cen~ Yd alnead~ bewtne a ~ta~e~ beie~ ~+~od~, trea ot Saut~eart AWa aod po~t. - trn'k~tr'~ North M~rlca. HM~re~. IM aid aoe af tbe ~~dott h - ~~p~ ~ re~Mr lor b14fo~ tbe oor� Mtr tr*![kldn= troo~ 6outh~ callc+r ca~tse ~w to atect tlie a~~oA alt~ce~ld Im/ wdelt ~t ANa b boo~n bllarln~ 8arth PscMc oonntrlea Eo t!x ~~m P~. �~usrksd reduefho 1~ t6r e~tf~od~ the traJActere w~wld ~ 1~ to Y~~~~ a' ~ .ezkan be~ntn cro~p. ~ ~ o,a~ s New Zealand aod otMr �'Wltb the reducttoe d "1Ye k~ ~t � oocaia Soutb PaclDc oo~tr4e~ an heroin proAucdon in Ihe ~e:- ~ 6am a 6~ouW ~ ~~A ko. ~vhlcti b at the low~eat '!b~ hcperta !�I kvd rlect tl~ drot~fn~ d the wa~t b'f'~d~ tfbn lo h~r+da rta New Zea4s1 ao~ ~j0"~n~ Haoo~ula bdbrv pio~ !do Au'ttdla In ocda to prwW~ in trom South~wt Ada W[lll ~ m~W~ad r+ifler ~ ~ ~a. tbe roid. p"~�. Mr lenion dslfrend !di ~~V1?e havr to be atert to tl~e ~ li~s~ N a ~isMbM ihl~r w~rnliyt to New Zqland D~db+hh that Nrw ZedaM bMd~ L~m Pn _ poik~ Mrlkc thk we~k dur� and Atutrali~ ~ad ~aria~s I~ ~ i~t~ lar~d countriei wdH betned ~ tt~t tbe v~cdn{ caw~ tat aaadt poin4 ~la~?~ routes to w~ilr~f w~~ w 8outh Pacjpc 1av ~doros~ tAe t1MtM Staks. '!'M Mlt ~f r~yw rn~t poilce ~t tbe 'ibl~am 'We are mNdnt ev+err d. Polfoe '[b~ t~res tort to tn to mtlcip~te ~rbat ~ ~ we~it CotQ~M is b1t11~ ~tWod� ~ IrafNeMn w111 h7~ to ed bp 6o poilo~ ~rem t6~ f~t Jearc~n ~{d tlat by co- - U,~d St~bM. Aa~lt~. New opersti~qt aod Al~nf ta ad' 1e~s 11~ii~. rYi ]~Ir Z~ ~ aod 1! Pscl~c Itl~od raoo~. t~ P'idfic eouotrin ~ - w~ouid b~ !~r daad t~ Nr Jenson tafd Mdg At~r tbs traitlc~ers. ~~~w `qilr tratina p~11c~ had atreadr oo- tlord an hcnare i~ b~af[ick- hd~ ~ t1~' toa~r~'� CSO: 5320 S APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 _ rrEw z~,nrrn DItUC ~UUCA'TION PROGRAM CALL~D 'WASTE OF PUBLIC MONEY' Wellington TNE EVENINC POST in ~nglish 17 Feb 7y p 6 (Article by David McGill~ [Text] TAE Gaverame~t'~ toath lt waa trom behind t}~o~e ~t,e~,~ u+e oo lad,aot educa. drug�induced cloud~ cxrn~ tba ~�~~e~e n~arear, ordecs to u~ to do tlonal e~a~. and research . 001 dm edncaaoo ~D~I ,nch a~ Darn'i fadlcaka Wat ~ P~'~" about h~M drugi. Yd anY lnRtaat ~f1 cao d~ n~on Lhtnme V PfObah~ ~ ~hpt~p t~proach to shoK~in~ 6era~ Chan wak ot pabUt ~ey. d1 c~iJdna ~otlc druqs like G~~ ~ }~~'j Itero/u tld I.BD. the allowi - Ac ~e�c, Ic b~s4 lmo~n ~ ~~r~-~a .mer a~tw m,~ Nbat btae~t, U anr. tt ~itr~~~addicts to~~t~ard cducatJac~ - rctaols. 'it~ee~wa~ a~dXd~ N111 hav~. At wonR k ~tn~c In ~be da~eoda, ~ t, y tp~ ~ - coald be tardat tld~ a fia ~.,~i t~ree 6~ ~~ocwed on b inaead ot away hbm , A. ~ drop. ~_w-_o~+d. ~at t~o M po~ -}r�~0 suc~ oornmenta arv~ ~ ~ ~M ' ~''~h irom eoorca !n We fie1d d ~rn 0~ s~ le i~ ~ perO~t a~- Mtl~+~ . nlucaUoa. Tbey ~ay tbe Edw f~ ~ Ol~ ~d ~y � ell~M 1Ntr d~ _ raUon Ikpertmmt 4 bdn~ ~r'o~d1 b 1M~era to ~~~lot ~ forc~rl by polttiCal ~esavte ~ ~ to spcnd ita eilocsUoo ...~o m ti~ ~t1L ol d7rs. p~~~ ;b~ tAe pollt~cfaaa caa uy that t~t tb~+e wa~ ~nmcthln~ It betag dG~. ~ T~e The E;ducatJoo Uc~p~a~tao~ot V a d~dM nYtlorldp b~ hu ~wt coma~! ~oo~d a t~ tw d a Md ~rkr d l11a~ aei drup to b~ R~ ~d ~ wch ar Ea~b~o0~ ~ed d~own iD dwroan~. 'fi~ aota RnbMm cama trnm. f~lm~ ar~ made !n i P~iptb w!w trpabd m~ a meet t~ . ~*Y~ ~ Q~ oobd n~~eb mow hn~ndnl year's deadUne. ho OforA Rf~~ ~bo ~~d Y evalwtfm ot tbe Qlta~ eftect ~ IR bett~ bulit In. ta pt+ecise dl W t1~e prob itetemcnt o( bceti tnadc. no ~ ap. km at+ta. ~ t~ C~'deON - pears to h~we been t~lcre al Nkioia~ Dara. la Ma 1977 hmlor ~ D~ o~ ~4t. ~nltseas rexarch npart fot tM Loodoo~aud Thc druS p'~lem i~ that Qtms can be t~ r?ar Ie~tid~ tot t~ Stu~r e( comauudb aoe. not fivt e wav to teach cdfidnen about [xu~ D~peedeaa. ~pate d daaRroom e~ceeel:e. aod drn~ Dubik a~f~ aod ove~tta~ abtr~e b the aa~me whethes t~t Yau w+at to ~tatt ~otHnt tfan ~bout tee~�~d~tiat tho i~l ac_tikpt. - ~~K P~~~. rM ~t� ~ roterat dmuo~ D~'odua R a+r��e e0.~aesawe p~ ~o~ d~+ oa. ta ,o~ne .a~ ~~�~'oae�~'o� ,.p~'a~, ~asyd to me. ~e~t rf~ of H~II. cdiooai ~i a~~?q of p~i~ !re ctny'~ and the daudi of to- '1'b~ ttr~ M~ to bt tn dp ~ bneco anok,e cboid~ tbr trmeerlW tC mfoocs ~ eLe. cmxv.~ cemrnfttte en drut~. the d~e~d~d dlw~re. B+~ N tb~ !ib M7. a a~ otR. t APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 ; .1 . . . ~ r Created brua cducation nc~eda to be warda dtvg~, that pnnental teken alowly~ nnci evb~ ecl iafluence is mlaar, Wa! tbe Ovore~?e dudler ~re a~Ee~ !o conetant anal,vels. tiorn'e ~chooL tntlu~ma b ia ~ t~'n re,e rhow~ed that ~nltlcant. p~ ~~mtowted~ ~OUi '~o? k!d ~ a ~ de~nrpr wW nd m~ke Nm ~ outY oI iddr abotd tbe , d~ 'i~tiv~o ta~ea~W~ ~~t, tbN. , whlch moet are d� ra~~ and detd~ Qttiga Nb ured to imoro~ 1t t~bib ~M ~ad b moer Ukel,y Oo Induce~ aad the more reoa~t all w~nted to be tl~e i~oer ~oot)w a~q' h~n be !ud aAd ~,g~~ - maks tdm Pro~drn`. ~ c~fon e~nd caut~f ~both ~ O~uee.'~Adrtfs ~t ~~e~,~ The Ameelcw b~d e~c� that knowl e aod attlh~dee Lllo~ We ~due~iulW~Yt w10. perieaced tt?e dlurtrna~ et~ lo ~.~~~idrea's Gehev it L t6e adults wb wrd !o ~ oI ta~kla~ dttt~ ont of M~rn nr'd. �0~ cle~n ty tl~lc c~~ ~~b~~~~~. � . o!n likdqle+~. If rre wlmt Lo ictor~an `~h n"�"' ~ ~ t~e a~en a an~a ~re ~c.e ~0 ~1Y~ tl~b I~ tat h~ve to ls~ra about tLem. ~bont ~t n~ thero tltl~ ~~tuee'~y~ a~uaba4 ~~~y ~8' ThcY karu from the p~er Qa: eot 6na~ th~ acb~oL ~~~.~d~ ~PPti+~+ b~ drup In a c~ t~ wroEe K~ ~ ~s~at d ~Zealan~ ~un~clet /�?'1! ~qW ~N YY~ YY li ~ ~ ~ ~ Ile ~!~!N ~l! ~A1~ 0~ t0! ~r ~00~. I~t ~UZV. P~ A~ vl! ~Od~IC'~IOa 0~ ~ ~ p~N.~ C~f11~ f~D Od~ r11~~ Vf~ 0~ ~11~ ~ tiee M6rt Prea~. tlon Mo a~od~r ~ ~ w~la~tloo. Dr~i~l!?b,e~?~e � DaV~ts rcl~1~ ~rop boomed b MBtw~ ~ EWen th~ ~ttlt~ W~t 1~t D~~ Nowl4 ad tb~ UdO~d 8tatet . OtIIa o~ ~ucWoo, Oab ~ to ~ ~ !Om ~ ~Q(~~ , ~0 pee~ d aleo6d "am _ nc~ abnNn. od1~M /r'o~at ~~~,~p ~ &o tar tbens 4 no sl~n tf~at ~ � ~ ~A ~ ~ td1" 1a~1~ daoe. We sW1 ~ ~ ~ ~ wbat wm ~ p~ ~ts aho+~ed aiers. b~ ~ p~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ d~'t�wo~, didltt a~d Wt Fables ~ ~ Y Amecfca ndtc~d !!e Qrs~ 1bq wIIl l~r~ a~1 aod d�Diw" ae~ p~;~ ~ - eduaNon to mon an . oo~oei caeve . ~ti ~~L ~mon th~ ~dutb Pf1~~ ~op po,~,~,y~ - wwt do+~a to~t~r~r ~cbod - {sral with tbe CS~o~dlaa it'!~ oot rit dMr ~ee pireatil~ tb~ amoit eec+ent r~ reri~ ot diort ~tafM "'lb~ Eloi~ fa tbe Wan; ' h~sia~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ve~etable ctur~cten.'ib~ ~iF - rlaak Into tbeM~~hr~oa~n. wbo ~nclal. dc~ ~ ~ ~ a hol~ la t6e te~alth E~e~ v~�~4 ot Rrrene* Dut~ emd a ~L Nroed 0~ OaadL Magfc Pdlon. CNI~a raw ~ ~ ~ ~ lhrough modern hbla the ~0 . d~,a,"~ ,e,r,s, of cfi~atle~. frtna. ~j ~"~,~q~~��~� ~ ~ wbo toot a atrm~ _ ~ ~ ~d tiet ft vat ~ era~ei arDi s~ O~W ~~~a+e4~ r, Y'dr~.~M tttned m b~t~p 1r~a~ ae~t ' to ~pedal ~1Eere~tlrM eJ~rM ~Qr to b~p tbew ~ad, ~ . eaon~. ~)tc~a~a~ to ~ioaiethh~ ~ebe~ do~ ~~be ~drdom d[ ~oct ad~fa - nf~kln~! tlkm fed better. ~~PD~ ~M' tb~t Dcuy~takera tended to 6m D~ t~A Y 3e tnl~~ Eeo ta? apid~ ot theca~ei~ar. tar tafi~octs~ ~dolaoest ab a crsw rzcR~ment. tilUde~ aod b~Aarbar 40~ CSO: 5320 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 NEW ZEALAND PULIC~ MINISTER NOTES ALARMING RISE IN HERiOIN, COCAINE USE Wellington THE EVENING POST in English 2 Feb 79 p 1 f?,_xt] . .Coealn~ hn Mf fIN N~w In Ebs yart Cve yeare 6er- ~~I~nd drv~ K~. ei~ o~eaeer tncreaed b~? - Cocalue. deicrtl~ed ~e beio~ ~'1l~bo ~ in I~i'18. ~ addictiw~ 1~ In fV Maoe tlme tbe ~m- - ~ab~ b~y d[~~ It~undm ~ d~PM iPD~*~ 1~ ~tood to be rellln~ tn N~w aota+t m c~~r tmdvlu~ fl. ~ M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~s~: !w eNe'~ m~o 71~e d~'nR. de'tMed trom tlN L.~R 7elr af1 aope~ted la 8outh Amerlean eoa . ~hrnb eoar? aa ~ ciW't~, ao fo- b widely wed tn tbe Utdte~ ~?s P~+~t on tbe Sta~ee ~tfd ie ce~ problems to c1~a ~ Dtr (,~i! '~tld o~br w~t entorcement agencla. It ha~ sti~ Ibe mort ~b~ned dcu~ tka erful anaedheHe 9~ Dj~ w i ~ w~b~s In ~ etatetneot tod~y tlr ~ 1lis was mona tda AotbM Minisbec of PoUce Mr Gff11 the ~mo~mi sebed L 197f. seid ttiat oa top ~ramatk '"A~ Govrc~eot f~ nd facreases ln 6erola p~d c~ y~~~ bo to~ec~te the' a~ o~bL u~e. he r?~ aMttxd at e+~ is~i af e~c~Wloo !n th~ u~ie.~ aoarth of ooc~ft~ ~ GIM ~d ~ o(teooM;' "Yo~t of thb drq atfd� Ioct~+are~d peealeie~ ~actrs MLa 1D $OUth ArD![k~. TW~ dr~K ~~!a!'I aod rt~eaa~ that ne~? drs~ tri!� leQWsd10 a~tso~ior tb~ tw llcldn~ route~ ~ Deias ol Wtenin; devlcei war erf- wed: ' bs qid. dence ai Govrn~s~Cs eaw- - in a s~avkw e~ tbe dro~ mitmnu to haitin~ tbe .~e. ~r cm ..+a a e,v ec+sm~~. o! heroin bad arocs tbaa ~i~id ~e6aue~ ta tbs prt doubled I~st yeu~ wnb 1M6.~ yaar wee+e p~ool fbat th~ wkh~l,~~ ti~ m 1~lT~l.~~ ~ CSO: 5320 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 Ngw z~D - FOUR-YEAR JAIL SEN~ENCE FOR HEROIN OFFENSE ~ Chrietchurch THE PRESS in English 14 Feb 79 p 4 (TexC] A man who sold heroin to get money for druga to feed his habit was ~ jailed for four yeare by Mr Juetice Casey in the Supreme Court yeeCerday. _ The man~ John Lafutu, 27~ unemt?loyed, had pleaded guilty to a charge of poaeession of heroin for eupply. Mr M. J. Knowles, for Lafutu, es~.d thaC the amount of heroin involved in ehe offence was very emall--only 232 mg. He had obtained the drug on credit and intended to sell it for Sa000~ of which $1000 was fos hims~lf and the remainder wae to pay back the debt he owed hie eupplier. The amount involved wae about half the amount to eupport the legal presum~- tion that poesesaion of the drug was for supply to other persons. Lafutu. _ the father of three chil~~lren~ h~d freely admitted to detectives of the drug aquad that he intended to eell the drug. The drug had b~en so diluted and put in capsules that it would not have ~ endangered an addict with an overdoae. In the case of an addict it Would have been virtually uaelesa in eingle-eachet form. Lafutu had been leee than honeet in his intention to eell virtually use- lese quantitiee of heroin on the atreet at $25 a time~ but as an experi- enced ueer of the dri.g he was well aware of the danger levels. Lafutu _ had eaid: "I don't want the life of anyone on my conacience." It wae a eituation which wae in no way related to a large-scale pusher iavolved in a vaet profit with no po4eible regard for the consequences. Lafutu had beea merely selling the drug to aupport hie habit and his - family, Mr Kaowles said. Hie Honour said that he accepted what counsel had said of Lafutu and that he was a user who had got ic:to debt and had turned to distribution. As a member of a Samoan family he had been unable to cope in a large urban ~ eociety and had got involved in petty crime and eventually in druge. The _ amount of heroin in each eachet was minimal. However, a~,-one better thaa Lafutu knew of the effects of the drug and how eaeily ~t could lead to more disaetroue coneequences~ his Honour eaid. CSO: 5320 10 , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 - NEW ZEALAND BRIEFS HEROIN TRAFFICKER JAILED--Auckland~ Today (PA)--A man who admitted pos- sesaing heroin for eupply was aentenced yesterday to 2 1/2 years' ~ail. A~pearing before Mrs AugusCa Wallace, SM, was Craig William Sloan, 28, painter. When Sloan pleaded on the charge, the quantity of heroin involved wae etated to be about 15 grams. Sergeant W. A. Brown said yeaterday the quantity was 26 grams, and the drug was 19 percent pure. Cou~nael~ Mr B. V. Maclean~ eaid Sloan had bought $2800 worCh of heroin for hie pereonal use and to aell to hie friende. H~ had wanted only $1800 worth for himeelf and hia wife, and intendad to sell the balance. Counsel said Sloan was noC a"Mr Big" in the drug world--he was simply an addict supporting his habit. The Magietrate said Sloan had obviously been drawn into the "filthy" businees of dealing through his own needs. [Teat] (Wellington THE EVENING POST in Engliah 31 Jan 79 p 20j SENTENCED ON DRUG CHARGE--Auckland~ 2 Feb (PA)--A Remuera eales aeaiatant was sentenced to four ~nths' periodic detention on a charge of ueing her premises for supply of heroin, when ahe appeared in the Magistrate's _ Court today. Julia Margaret Hodgeaon, aged 18, had previously pleaded guilty to the charge. She wae appearing before Mr J. R. Callander, SM. The charge had ariaen after a man died on the way to hospital after - injecting heroin at the defendant's premisea. [Textj [Wellington THE EVENING POST in Engliah 3 Feb 79 p 8] _ LYSERGIDE TRAFFICKING CHARGES--A company director and a houaewife were remanded in cuetody without plea when they appeared before Mr J. S. - Biephan, S.M. yeaterday on drug chargea. Graham John Josephs, aged 27~ - ia charged ~ointly with Wendy Dawn Joeephs, aged 26, of possesaing lyaer- gide and of having the drug for the purpoae of supply. The alleged offencea were committed at Leithfield Beach on Saturday. Graham Josephs was remanded to February 12 aad Wendy 3oaephs to February 15. [Text] [Christchurch THE PRESS in Englieh 6 Feb 79 p 5] ~ HEROIN SUPPLY TRIAL--Auckland~ 15 Feb (PA)--A 17-year-old girl wae today committed to the Supreme Court for trial on a charge of poeaeasing heroin for supply at the end of a depositions hearing in the Magiatrate's Court. She was Chrietine Anne Munro, jewellery manufacturer, of Kingsland, who pleaded not guilty to the charge. She was commiteed in cuatody for trial by Mr J. Jaffe and Mr G. A. Beveridge, Juaticea of the Peace~ pending an apglication for bail to the Supreme Court. [Text] [Wellington T~E EV@1ING POST in Englieh 16 Feb 79 p 4] CSO: 5320 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 ~ I I PAKISTAN _ SEVEN CENTERS FOR OPIUM ADDICTS IN HYDERABAD ~ Karachi THE SUN in Engliah 7 Mar 79 p 3 (Text] The Deputy Commisaioner, Hyderabad, Mr Khalid Saeed has opened = aeven emergency centres for opium addicCs. ' The centres which will function as treatment-cum-rehabilitation clinica are located at: Municipal Diapeneary, near Government High School, Risala _ Road; Maula Ali Qadam, Station Road; Mehran Printing Press, Tando Wali - Mohammad; Qazi Qayum School, Liaquat Colony; Municipal Diepensary, Phule- li; Office of Che An~uman Falah-i-Behbood, Mekrani Para and Mohammdi Hospital, Unit No 5 Latifabad. The action hae been initiated on emergency baeis owning to the repdrta regarding aome deaths of addicts dc,Q to the nonavailability of opium, following ban of sale and use of intoxicants. The centres eatabliehed throughout Hyderabad District shall be manned by trained medical staff and personnel of the~Social Welfate Department, to combat eide effects arising due to the nonuse of the drug by the habitual _ usera. CSO: 5300 [r 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 SOU~'H KOREA - BRIEFS - HIROPPON DEAL--T~ao Japanese and two Koreana have been arrested by Che Seoul Metxo~olitan Police on suapicion of having dealt in hiroppon worth about 100 millian won, police reported yesterday. Huruo Nagasaki, 44, - and Muneharu Takahasi, 48, both livimg in Tokyo and Kim Taeain 48, and in Tok-pok, 37, of Seoul, have been placed in custody on charges of violating ` the Habitual Drug ConCrol Law. They are accuaed of having produced one - kilogram of the stimulant drug in Pusan and tried to take it out of tha - country on Feb 28, according to police. (Text] [3eou1 THE KOREA TIMES in English 9 Mar 79 p 8] CSO: 5300 ~ 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 T}IAILAND _ POI~ICE NAB HEROIN COURIER - Bangkok BANGKOK POST in Engliah 7 Mar 79 p 1 ~TextJ A narcotics auppresaion police team yestarday arrested a man wiCh 2.3 kilograma of No. 3 heroin in front of Che Department of Techn{.cal and Economic Cooperation on Krung Kasem Road yesterday afternoon. Prasit Chariyaworatham (27), an auto spareparts dealer, was arreated follow- ing a tip-off that t~e will be delivering the heroin Co customers in the area. At about 3.30 p.m., a motorcycle dropped Prasit in front of the department - and sped away. Waiting police officers asked for a search of the paper = bags carried by Prasit and found the heroin. Prasit is aileged to have told police that he had been asked to deliver the heroin by Mrs Chanphen Phenwatthana (alias Lo Ming-how), wife of alleged narcotica trafficker Chang Fen Pen. Chang, a Chinese-Haw national was arrested in South Vietnam on narcotics - offences in early 1975, and aerved a two-year sentence there before return- ing to Thailand about three months ago. - Escaped Police rushed to Mrs Chanphen's houae in Soi Chiamchan on Ekamai Road only to find that ahe had escaped. Chang was found in the house with another two - Chinese-Haw. All three men were briefly detained for interrogation on the whereabouts of = Mrs Chanphen before being released. Prasit has been de.tained for further interrogation at the Crime Suppression Division pe+lice headquartera. CSO: 5300 14 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 CANMA f FURTH~R COMMENTS ON MARINUANA DECRIMINALIZATION BC ~ducation Minister Opposes Ottawa TH~ WEEKEND CITIZEN in Cnglish 24 Feb 79 p 14 ` [Text] VICTORIA (CP) tually eliminating penalties British Columbia educa� for possession of marijuu- � tion minister Pat McGeer ~a for personal u~,u. s a i d T h u r s d a y h e i s "I am disappointod that opposed to any move by thc federal government the federal government to isn't faci~g up to its res- decriminaliz~ marijuana. ponsibilitia, and is taking - McGeer, a brain re- what appears to be the po- = search scicntist, said mari- litical route~ and that's not juuna is dnngerous, and responsible-so 1'm - this should be made clear against it," McGeer suid - _ to thc public. in an intervi~w. Spokesmen for thc Lib- He said the changes eral, Conservativc and were being brought about Ncw Dcmocratic partics through political pressure _ indicated earlier this from youth groups and . month they were M~illing to some lawye~s, "but 1 can grant speedy Commons tell you there's none from passsegc tq lo~itlation vir- scientistt." Legislation Queytioned c Toronto THE GLOBE AND MAIL in English 27 Feb 79 p 8 [Editorial by Dick Beddoes: "Straight Dope on Stoned Age"j [Text) D OPF�. STORIES are a drug on the The skeptic cannot escape the suspicion market. p~nicularly 1n thls ~ew that self~enllghtened teds o( all parties~ Stoned Age when tedera! politkians corwing up to a national electlon, are court- arc contemplating decriminaUzing t6e uee ot iAg the pothead vote. Ah~ there~ Joe Ctark. marlJuena. Ah, there~ Marc Latonde. i5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 Other assemblies, perhaps mere uware of cerns, that the "drs~stlc use" ol martjui~nu is the peril~ ot drug abuse, ucge cautlon on "highcr in thus~ stUtes whlch htive decrimi- decriminaUzation. nuHze.~d mariJuanu." Councillore in York borough will debste~ ITCM: A study In Oregon = the firat state - - next Monday~ a resolution aponoored by to decrimin~liae tlre drug, In 1973 - reveuled Aldermen Ben (Supercnen) Noblemt+ttt and "an incr~nse ot 35 per cent in use in the ugc - Lois Lane. , , , group 18-29 trom 1974 to 1978." 'I'hey requeet a poetponement ot "qny aa ITEM: lkcrlminuli~ation in Maine has - tion to decNminalize mar~uana" becauee '~demonst~ated the dangers of creating the - "such action wouid n?eke it easier tor youth impression umong users nnd potentlal users to obtAin mariluanA, which is a dangerous that the drug ls harmless. The chuirmun of drug. ~ the Mnine Chiets ot Police Associ~tton r~ _ York's resolution was in eftect seconded ports that in hie own community there was ~ by the central reglon at the Ontario Secor} '~0-per-cent inerease in the nWnber ot sei- dary Headmasters Councll. zures toltowing decNminallwtion." .Time to con~idar ponald K.D. Smyth, supervisor of youth The maeters, in conference , Iast week, P~'ogrums for Alcohol and Drug Concerns, _ petitloned "the appropclate federal otitcials ~mpioys the argot of the street. - to provide adaquate time to ensure that Mart ju~nu, Smyth says~ pungent as a ;iny proposals attecting the law related to snuttle ot angel dust, "is not an OK drug." marijuana may be asses.9ed by ecit~ca~ ITEM: In 19?7, reseurchers Dr. R. Stuab tors and that the implications ea they muy +~d Dr, V. Lynch o( St. John's University relate to our schoola can be thorouighty un- ot Pharmacy in New York "w~rned derstood and anticlpated by tha~e responsi- P*~Ant wome~n to stop smoking mari juana ble tor the weltare and satety of au stu- ~AUSe the drug may incr+ease the risk ot - potentially serious , blrth detects und even dents." � , ITEM: �An educator in North Carolina~ death in offspring. - where mari juana has been decrimL~allzed. ~M: Dr. Robert Kolodny~ ut the claims "IA years ago we werr: aWpping kids Reproductive Bblogy Research Foundation - from smoking tobacco in our eclwol�~ratds. in St. ILoWs, "found the levels ot testoster- one, the principal male sex hormone, in men Now we can't stop many ot them coming smoking marijuana at least tour times a h;~ck trom lunch sWned on pot." aeek to be M per cent lower than in non- Second p~ueASing the effects of inerl juurl~ smokers. And 35 per cent ot the users had a?nsumption is the concern ot Alcc~hhol and reduced sperm counts - ermugh In several Drug. Concerns, [nc., ot Don Mills. At hand cases to render them sterile." - is the group's briet recommending "a mora� I'I'EM: Dr. Gabriel G. Nahas of Columbia torium on legislative changea leading to presbyterian Medlcal Centre. in New York~ ~ removai ot significant penalties or poe~sible concluded trom hls examinatlen of long- tuture decriminalizatksn or legalization of t~rm marijuana smokera that "mnriJuana - c~nnabis subetances." vvankens the body's lmmunity to disease by - Alcohol and Drug Caocerns, representing' inh'biting the productlon ot viru.~-(ighting - "30,000 concerned Canadlam~"� argues that wh~te blood cells." "legislative changc: ought not to c;antritwte q~~~~nt questlon should give every to further escalution ot marijuana use." legisletor pauae. D'you want some slob of a - Uae increa~t dope-pusher telling your kld that mari juana Evidence from the U.S. expeHenoe indi- is an OK drug ~ecause the Government has cates~ accordinR to Alcohol and Drug- Con- made it appear legal? Eh? CSO: 5320 16 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 ~ ~ CANADA BRIEFS DRUGS SEIZED--Toronto (CP)--MetropoXiCan ToronCo Police eay 112 grama of heroin, two grams of cocaina and thYee grams of haehieh oil, with a total aCreeC value of $250~000~ were seized in a raid at an apartmenC Monday. Diane Thereasa Lemieux, 22~ Pierra Ladouceur, 26, and Gerald William Colford, 32, all of Toronto, were charged with poseeseion. [Text] [Ottawa THE C~ITIZEN in Englieh 21 Feb 79 p 68] r� CSQ: 5320 ~ 17 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 _ czECxosLOVaxz,a = BRIEFS - - HASHISH SMUGGLER--Prague--Criminal proceedings are underway in Czechoslovakia againat an alien, Khouzaa Ali Akl, who tried to smuggle to WesC Berlin via Czechoslovak territory over 12 kilograma of hashish worth a total of 2.5 million crowns. Investigatione into the case continue. [Text] [Prague - ~ CTK in Engliah 1102 GMT 21 Mar 79 LDJ CSO: 5300 18 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 ~ ARGENTINA - ~OLICE UNCO'J~RS ILLEGAL nRUG MANUFACTURING IN DRUGSTORE~ Buenos Aires LA PRENSA in Spanieh 25 Feb 79 p 5 [TexC] La Plata (Buenoa Aires). By o,:der of the fed~ral ~udge o~ Court ~ No. 1 in thie capital, Dr. Guatavo de 1~ Serna, so far 5G phas-macies have been cloaed in this city and their managers--about 80 of them--have been arrested, i.n an effort to detexmine tha degree of responsibility - of each af them in the purchase, without bills,' of psychopharma- ceuticals and mind-altering substances in a drugstore by the name of Santa Rosa which wae opened in the City of Dolorea and whose atorage ~ facilitiea were located in this capita~; the pharmacy apparently ia the _ prop~rty of the awner of a well-kno~r~ local pharmacy, located downtown, whicti was closed by court order on 19 February; it was this facility which attracted attantion. _ It was impoeaible to obtain any official information on action taken on Friday and yesterday eince the above~mentioned ~udge stayed away from ' hie office, peraonally directing the im~estigations a1~-.g with provin- - cial police officere who ahortly afterward were ~oined by the Federal - Police. _ The gradual closing of these busineas e~tablishments aroused the attention of the public to the extent that the populution began to have trouble in getting the neceasary medical products=-a situation which became worse ae of the late afternoon houre the day before yeeterday when only a very emall number of pharcn~cies wae left to take care of the riaing demand resu~ting from thie devel.opment, keeping in mind that 50 percent of the remaining pharmaciea are closed on account of vacatione. A quick trip to the bueineasea involved enabled us to talk with their owners who remained in the pharmaciea e~lthough they were under detention. - Some of them would not comment and others were quite astoniahed over the cloeing order in apite of th~ fact that, as they eaid, there was no evidence as to any kind of commercial link with the previouely mentioned = drugatore. _ ~9 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 Announcement The Buenoe Airae Province Phenmciete Aesociation released an announcement on Chie iseue. It was poiuted ouC thst "in view of the maes arrest of profeseional phar- maciete baaed on the n~ling of the Pederal Court~ on charges of making purchaeee from a drugetore that did not eupply bills which, instead, are credited Chrough paymente made, Che Buenoe Aires Pharmaciete Aesociation urgently requaete the clarification of the trial situaCion in viesr of the need for taking care of the public." The announcement was released to the public and at the same time Che week- end opening schedule wae properly worked out. - Reaeone Fox Measure In epite of atrict police security, as we eaid befare~ and obviously in epite of court eecurity on the etepe taken~ we note that the order was ieeued ahortly after a man drove a pickup truck in the toWn of San Vicen- te, with plaetic pouchee conCaining paychopharmaceuticale and mind-chaaging drugs; he wae arreated by the local police. The pereon, whoae identity could not be eetabliehed, sold the above- mentioned producte~ without bille, ia pharmaciea ia varioue towna through- out the province, at a price of more tt~an 30 percent below the goiag rate. On the baeie of the prieoner's ovn etatemente~ the police rapidly deter- mined hie origin aad raided the warehouse and arreeted its awner. ' Oa the basie of the evidence, it was poasible to order the proceduree which permitted the determination of irregularitiee -although not in all caees--concerning the awnerehip of pharmaceuticala Which vere not properly acquir~d and which were obtained in unusual quaatities. It aleo tranepired that laboratories Were dieco~vered ia three phancacies~ complete with machiaery for the manufacture of pills, as well as raw mat- erial, to e degree not connected with the epecific activity of thoae phar- maciee. It wae aleo learned that coded medical prescriptions Were fouad in theae premiaee; thie led to aa in-depth inveetigation in aa effort to determine the purpoae of thoee who ieeued them, as weil ae thoee Who received them ~ in thie condition. We are aleo able to report that s.ime peraons Were arrested by mietake and that an effort ie being made to correct the situation by ordering the iam~ediate release of theae individuale. 20 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 Side l~ffecte The impreesion ie that the diA~-overy af improper eales, wi~ich we mentioned earlier, could have eome unauepacted impllcaCtone in view of the iniCial determinatione made along theBp lines although~ for rea ns of gecrecy, ae cannot go beyond ahat w~e have reported eo far. It wae aleo poeeibl~ to escablish tl~at, parallel eo the local procedurea, provincial police had conducCed aimila~ oper~tiong in towne along the Atlantic zone, leading to the clo~ing of pharmaciee and the arresC of ' their ownera or managere. SO58 CSO: 5300 - 21 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 A1tCENTINA BRIEFS DRUC TRAPPICKER3 ARRESTED--The national gendarmery hae reported ChaC eight - pergane have been err~et~d in Nisionea, Salta and Ju~uy~ and that 250 kilograme of coca leavee were eeized. (Buenog Aizea LA PIt~N5A in 5panieh 17 Mgr 79 p 6 PY~ - CSO: 5300 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 B~AIi~AMA~ COLOMBIAN PLANE CRASHffi WIZti 20,000 pOUND MARINUANA CACHE Georgetown GUYANA CHRONIQ,E in Englieh 1 Mar 19 p 8 [Text) Nassa~u, Bahamae (Cana)--A t~+in-engine six-eeater Aero-Co~mamider plene loaded with mari~ua:ta from Colartbia cra~hAd into a houae here 1Lesday night~ killing two men aboard, tha police reported yeaterday. Ow~r of tha $80,000 two-flae building, Mr. Henry Cleare, his Wife and - _ eight childran aere home at the time but miraculously escaped injury. The plane brought dawn electricity cablee~ and blacked out B~boo TaWn~ a eparaely populated eection of Naseau, bafore hitting the Cleare's hone. Luckily it did not buret into flames. Tt~e two dead men were said by police to be Colombiana, but no nemes were relea8ed. Follaiing the craeh, and bafore police reached the scene, people in v~e- hicles ra~ortedly cerried away more thaa 200 bags (about 100 pounde each) of the mari~uana cargo which wae ecattered over a wide area. Police eaid there wae a large a+mount etill aboard, but gave no preciee figure or the eetimatad value in caah. Officials here eaid thep Were elerted that the aircraft had a load of mari~uana aboard through a meesage radioed by Miami airport. Ttie red-end-+white plane Was ceming in to laud at Nassau aitport irhea the pilot ap~ara~tly picked up the message alerting the local officials, and he changed couree. Police eaid it seemed he tried to laad in a clearing in Bamboo Town, but hit the pvFrer linee and crashed. 23 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 They e~id tihe plane had f1o~m 1900 milea from Colombia with ita load of il- legal drug~. Colanbia h~e daveloped into the principal South American eource of illegal druge fnr the U.~. market, with the Bahamas being incre~eingly ueed ae a Cransit point for the emugglare. CSO: 5300 24 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 . BOLIVIA BRIEFS _ COCAINE TRAF~ICKEEtS ON TRIAI,--The National Control Board of Dangeroue Druge has put (Cristina Tupa~namani de Maroani)~ (Francisca Calderon Laime), (Juenil Fauetino Apaque Choque) and (Clemente Mendoza Quiaca) at the dis- poeal of ordinary juetice for trial. They were arrested on 12 February while eelling 5 kg of cocaine, manufactured at Pocoata in Omaeuyos Pro- vince, La Pa~ DeQgrtment. Three other member:~ of the same gang are et large, being aought by the police. [La Paz Radio Panamericana Network in Spanieh 1700 GMT 17 Mar 79 PY] COCAINE SEIZURE--A large quantity of cocaine made in this conntry was seized by the National Control Board of Dnngerous Subatancea during the laet few houre. According to unoffici~l aources, it wae a large volume of drug handled by a numeroua band of drug trafficl~era, many of wham are now in ~ail. Police said they could givp no other information becauae invpstigations are atill underway gnd more arreste are expected. [La Paz EL DIAItIO in Spanieh 13 Mar 79 p 4 PY] DRUG TRAFFICKERS ARRESTED--Saata Cruz, 22 Feb (PRESENCIA)--Col Raul Sscobar, director of the narcotics department~ told the presa abouC the reaults of three operatione which led to the aeizure of 10 kg of cocaine and the ar- reet of 10 traffickera, who are liated ae folloWS: Alberto Chavez Vaca, Alberto Olmedo~ Ricardo Banegas Picolet and Antonio Estevez Cmnacho, all Bolivian citizens. On the second operation, two U.5. citizena who Were about to board a plane at the international airport were discovered to be carrying 1 kg of cocaine hidden ineide a tape recorder. They are Joae Kurpel and JaneC Piper Mahaaondi. [La Paz PR~SENCIA in Spauiah 23 Peb 79 p 2 PY] CSO: 5300 25 _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 , COLOMBIA BItIEPS - LARGER NATION3 CURB DAUGS--BogoCa--Attorney General Guillermo Ga?aalez _ Cherry ha8 etated that powarful countxiea which are ma~or cons~era of marihuana ehould cooperate in order to curb the illegal Craffic. During a meeting on druge, Gonzalez etated that the funde of poor countries ehould not be the only ones devoted Co curb drug Crafficking; thoee na- tiona affected ehould also provide decisiv~e support. [Text] [Bogota Cadena Radial Super in Spanieh 1100 GMT 2 Mar 79 PA] _ - CSO: 5 300 26 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 ECIIADOR NARCOTICS CONTROL AGREEMENT SIGNEU WITH COL~iIA PA040127 Quito Voz de loa Mdee in Spanieh 1.730 QKT 3 Mar 79 PA [TexC] On behalf of their ewo countriee, Joae Ayala Lasao and Diego Uribe Vargae, the foraign ministere of Ecuador and Colombia, reshectively--the latter being on an official vieiC to thie city--signed an adminietrative agreemanC Co prevent. control and repress illegal traffic in and abuse or narcotics and peychotropic eubetancee. The document which wae eigned, taking into consider~tion the two countries' international conanitments and based on awarenese of the serious social and other coneequencee resulting from the cultivati~on~ proceaeing, traffic in and abuse of thoae subetances~ contains the follawing agreemente. The Governmente of Ecuador and Colombia wi11 harmonize their policies for the prevention, control and represaion of the illegal traf~ic in amd abuse of narcotice aad psychotropic eubetances and will coordinate bilateral pro- - grams for joint prevention and represaion of thie traffic. Tfie cantracting partiea will opportunely and expeditiously process documents _ required for the prosecuXion of crimea covered by this agreement in order to enab le the competent authorities to act ae quickly as posaible. _ Tt~e contracting parties will strengthen their reapective official organiza- ticme that are responeible for the preventioc~, coutrol and represaion of il- legal traffic in and abuse of narcotics and paychotropic eubstances and will harinonize criteria, policies and programa for thia purpose in coordination with public organizations charged with aocial aelfare. CSO: 5300 27 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 _ ~CUADOR ~FFORTS TO AVOIll MISUSE UF PiiAN~MAG'EUTICALS ~uito EL COMEItCTO in Spanish 21 Feb ?9 p 2 _ ~ex~ The Ministry of Public Heslth with the Nstional Divi- sion a,nd Narcotics Inapection is conducting Qn energetic c~.m- paign to prevent the abuse o4 aome pha.rmnceutical products which can be harmful or misused by the public and to provide guidelines on the national and international level to the pharmecoutical laboratories which produce medicines in Ecusdor. - - The Division of Nsrcotice Inspection ahich belonga to the Division of Medical Inapection and Superviaion grnnta the respective permita for the laboratories to produce medicin~aa which contnin nsrcotics and paychotropic8. _ Desides they grent permits to import these products after exact dats is aveilable on the needs of the domestic market and use in Ecuador. Control of Sa,les This department controls on a continuous and monthly basis the sele of products which contain both narcotics as Well as - psychotropics in Ecuador's pharmecies, in addition to e~fi- cently controlling the sale of special medicines. In order to obtain better services and in~pection, the Division and Narcotics Inspection have issued tao types of prescripti~n ~ooks for the use of doctors with sufficient copies to prevent the problem of contaje ~aanot identify--possibly chsni~aje, blackmail]. Rehabilitation For improved de.ily operation, the ebove organizstion has under it a department for the rehabilitation of persons with drug - 28 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 probleme, for wl~ich it h~.s i~, team of two sociologists, a p,~y.. chologist, ~nd n medical psychi~trist. The depnrtment handles all the persons who apply to the divi- sion with the above m~ntioned problems or ore sant by brancheg of the n~tional polico, Interpol or cour~ts. Coordinated It mus~t be explainQd~ says the Ministry of Public Health that the above department works in coordinntion with other nationsl _ as well ns int~rnational institutions within its fiold of nar- coti~s oontr~l. Both within the country ~s well as abroad~ it maintafna a system of monthly ~?nd annual reporting on the work which it asrriea out, working continuously, ~mong other orga,n- _ izations~ aith JIF~ ~nternational Board o~ Narcotics Inapoc- tion7. - The Work which the Quito office is doing extends to 10 provinces _ of Ecuador and th~a GuayQquil oPfice, to the 10 remaining provinces. _ For greater effectiveness, they ma.intain an additional laboratory belonging to the institution where they annlyze ell types of products suapectod of befng drugs, as well as product~ confis- cated by the police or Interpol which might be druga~ in case of possible trafYic or public abuse. ~490 C30: 5300 29 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 ~CUADOR BR~FS COCATNE PASTE EXPORTF:D--Lims 22 Feb (I.ATIN)--A remote Andesn district~ beoame the main "factory" of bssic eocaine paete, with all the inhab~tante being involved in the proparation of the drug,through the inf luence of an enterprising womsn. When the,~oli~e Were surprised by the feveriah activity oP the meek inhabitanta of Miluchaoa in the harvesting of coca, leavea, they becams suspic3oug of the operation when they _ found out that the plant was not sold in the nearby msrke~e. When tl~ey apprehended the aoman, Andrea Pa,dua Saturno, 8he confessed that the town in general devoted itaetf to preparing the paste which aas later re~ined in Colombis or Ecuador. Padua, boes oP the army of workers, seid the.t she collected weekYy some 20 pounda of basic coceine ,paste from the inhabi- tants end delivered it to Enrique Farfen, who "exported" it to those oountries. Miluchsca is located in a remote and inaccessible spot in the mo tsin provi.nce of Huancayo, 320 kilometera fro Lfine,. ~ext~ ~uito EL COMERCIO in Spsnieh 23 Feb 79 p 1~ 8490 3~ , , ~ _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 c MEXICO ACCOMPLICE YNFORMS ON PIEDRAS NEGRAS HEROIN TRAFFICKER Origin of Heroin Diacloaed Piedras Negras EL DIARIO DE PIEDRAS NEGRAS in Spanish 16 ~'eb 79 Sec B p 1 (Text] Yeaterday, Manuel Eaquivel, alias "E1 Manolo," made a seatement to the agent of the Federal Public Miniatry, Xnvier Elizondo, providing detail- ed inforn?ati.on on how he obCained the 8 ounces of heroin which were confis- cated from him. He gave material evidence on the noCorious drug trafficker, Nicolae Hernandez, identifying him as the individuAl in ctiarge of the dis- tribution and sale of the druge. Yeaterday and today, teets were made on the chemical reaction of the druga _ which were aeized, in order to determine their percentage of purity and their actual weight. This was being d~ne aC the health center in this town by experts, who will turn over their f.~indings to the federal suthoritiea. _ The latter will have to have this information in order to determine whether or not both individuals are liable ir,i thia case. Special Coordinator Inveatigating Piedrae Negrae EL DIARIO DE PIEDRAS NEGRAS in Spaniah 20 Feb 79 Sec A p 2 (TextJ Alfredo Aaron Juarez, the general coordinator of the agencies of the Federal Public Minietry, arrived at noon to conduct a more thorough investi- gation and to probe into the existing information on the case of the arrest of Manuel Eequivel, alias "E1 Manolo," from whom agenta of the Federal Ju- dicial Police confiacated 8 ounces of heroin the week before last. - An inquiry ie also being made on why no arreat has been made of the czar of the drug traffic on thia border, Nicolas Hernandez, an individual identified by "E1 Manolo" ae the one whQ gave him the drugs for diatribution. It was also said that Nicolas Hernandez is confined to his home, because his heulth is quite precarious. He suffered his fifth heart attack yesterday, and the Federal Judicial Police are keeping conatant surveillance over his home. 2909 - GSO: 5330 31 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 MEXICO COCAINE, MARIHUANA TRAFFICKERS OFFICIALLY JAILED Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanieh 7 Feb 79 Sec B p 3 [T~xt] Yeaterday, four presumed drug traffickera whose criminal casea were heard in the third district court were declared officially imprisoned, as _ - pereons presumed guilty of committing a crime against health in varioua de- grees. In connection with proceedings 29-979, Jose Javier Montoya Perez, alias "E1 Gordo;" Ale~andro Gonzalez Cantu, aliae "E1 Canay;" and Aatonio Garcia Es- pinosa, aliae "E1 Tony," were declared officially imprisoned. Aa may be recalled, these three individ~ials were captured by the Federal - Judicial Police on 26 January. Montoya Perez and "E1 Canay" had moderate amounts of cocaine in their pos- - session, and declared thgt it had been sold to them by Antonio Garcia Espi- nosa, from whom the sac~ kind of powder, weighing half an ounce, was con- - fiscated. Moreover, the same court issued an order for the official imprisonment of _ Carlos Felipe Saenz Hernandez, as an individual presumed guilty of commit- ting a crime against health in the degree of tranaporting marihuana. This peraon was arreated a few days ago by Federal Judicial Police agenta, who thereby complied with the warrant for his arrest iasued by the ~udge. It was noted that this individuaY evaded the action of the Federal Judicial _ Police on 30 December of last year, when agents intercepted a bua on which - 39 kilograms of marihuana were being carried, on the highway between Vic- - - toria and Matamoros, at the site of "Las Norias." On that occasion, Victor Hugo Ramos Z'erez was arrested, and claimed to be the owner of the druga in association with Carlos Felipe Saenz Hernandez who, taking advantage of the fact that the Federal Judicial Police were searching the baggage rack of the bus, escaped into the woods. ~ 2909 CSO: 5330 _ 32 i ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 , - MEXICO - COUPLE CAPTURED WITH MARIHUANA, COCAINE _ Piedrae Negras LA. VOZ DEL NORTE in Spanish 21 Jan 79 p 1 [Text] Sultillo, Coahuila, 20 January--Cocaine and marihuana which were _ being transporCed as samples were seized by the Federal Judicial Police, and the driver of the vehicle and his wife were arresCed. The incident took place when a Federal Judicial Police vehicle inCercepted _ a pickup truck at the Agua Nueva aettlement 38 kilometers from thia capi- tal, because they con$idered ite occupants to be acting suspiciously. And, _ upon aearching them, they found 60 kilograms of marihuana F.nd 4 grnms of - cocaine, which they were carrying to the border town of Pi~.dras N.gras as a sample for a larger volume of contraband which they intended Co aell. The individual in custody, Jesus Hernandez Vargae, aged 51i and a native of Piedras Negras, Coahuila, told the agenC of the Federal Public Ministry - that an unknown person paid him 5,000 pesos for carr.yiny, the drugs, which he picked up in Amatlan del Rin, Zacatecas; adding tha~� this was the fifth time that he had made trips carrying drugs. Hernandez Vargas has a criminal record. In 1972, he was convicted by the - Piedras Negras district court for crimes against health, and`he wafi a drug addict for 17 years. Insofar as his wife, Elisa Tiestra Osegura is concerned (she is also nearly - 60 yeara old), she told the Publ'c Ministry that she di.d not know at first about her hueband's activitiea, and that when he picked up the drugs and told her about them, ahe urged her husband to take ~hem back; which he did not do, with the conaequences that have been described. The individuals under arrest will be turned over to Federal Judge Fernando A. Yates Valdes next Monday, and he wil.l decide on their fate after analyz- ing the evidence submitted by the Public Minis try. - 2909 ~ CSO: 5330 - 33 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 M~l'ICO S~NT~NCE OF COLOMBIAN COCAINE TRAFPICiC~R REDUCGD Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanieh 15 ~eb 'l9 Sec B p 3 [Text~ The Supreme Court of Juatice of the Nation grantsd a partial pordon - to the drug trafficker, Rafael Jaller Chamat, of Colombian origin, whoae - sentence wae reduced to 6 yeare in prieon and a fine of 6,000 pesos. Ne ie currently eerving his term in the Social Rehabilitation Ceater. In December 1976, the eecond district ~udge iesued a gentence of 12 years and 3 mon:::^' imprieonment, and a fine of 18,000 pesoe~ for the accused. The latter, diesatiafied aith that decielon, filed an appeal with the uni- - fied fourth circuit court, located in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. The magietrates of that court were of the opinion that the penalty wae ex- ceeaive, and decided to reduce the aentence to 8 years and 6 monthe in prYSOn, and a fine of 8,000 peeos. Jaller Chamat aubaequently filed an appeal for direct pardon with the Su- prea~e Court of Justice of the Nation, a~d finally had his seatence reduced - to 6 yeara' imprieonment. Jaller Chamat was captured by agente of the Pederal Judicial Police on the night of 29 Auguat 1975, when he was in one of the rooms of the "San Carlos" Hotel in Reynosa, Tamaulipae, together with Carlos Amador Ricardo. Chamat was from C~lombia, and had brought a suitcase containing 2 kilograms - of cocaine to Reynoea. At the time of the arreet, Jooe Manuel Bravo Ramirez was traveling about in - McAllen, Texas, seeking a cuetoII?er to ahom he could sell the cocaine. ~ 2909 CSO: 5330 - 3~+ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 MEXICO N~ROIN LABORATORY bESTROYED IN NOGALES Nuevo Laredo EL DIARIO DE NUEVO LAREDO in 5panish 16 Feb 79 5ec n p 3 [TextJ Agenta of Che ~ederal Judicial Police based in Sultana del Norte dealt another effective blow upon arresting two individuala whosc: vehicle ained traces of marihuane, because they diecovered a~ite where mari- was being etored in which a l~eroin procesa{_ng laboratory hud also been estnblished. - The headquarters of the Federal JudiciaJ. Police in the northern zone, head- _ ed by Mr Margarito Mendez Rico, issued an announcement yeaterday regarding the arreat of Marcelo Gonzalez Ramos and Joae Armando Maldonado Zamora~ and ' the resulte obtained from the interrogation to which the two persong were sub~ected. Gonzalez Ramos and Maldonado Zamora were arrested last Wednesday in the city of Monterrey, while driving a 1974 Ford pickup truck with Texas license platea MTM-475, in which the federal agents found traces of marihuana. They Confess Their Crime The two individuals under arrest were cloaely questioned, and Marcelo Gon- zalez Ramos eaid that he was the owner of the "Calichitas" furm, in the municipality of Nogalea, Nuevo Leon. The federal agentss went there, and found 66 kilograme of marihuana and a primitive laboratory for processing heroin. The entity headed by Comdr Margarito Mendez Rico reported that the labora- tory coneisted of the following: 'Rao glaes bottlea containing 250 grams of a white powder, which was apparent- ly "cutting" aubstance for heroin; a bottle containing a transparent liquid that was apparently alcohol; a bottle containing a dark-colored liquid which appeared to be a coloring agent; and ~ precision scale. In the same loca- tion, the agenta of the Office of Attorney General of the Republic seized ~ Ste~vena 22-caliber rifle, a Granfield 22-caliber rifle and 20 unused rounds of ammunition for a 7.5 ahotgun. 2909 CSO: 5330 35 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 I~XICO BRIEFS HEItOIN S~tzURE IN DURANGO--Durango, IO ~ebruary--Today, Che Federal Judicial Police here seized 3.5 kilograms of pure heroin, dealing one of the most effective blowa to the international drug traffic, because it is thought that the ehipment wae to be Caken to the United States. The druge are worth about 30 million pesos on the black market. ~'ive pereona were arresC- ed, three being eiblings, and the number may poaeibly increase. The com- niander of the federal entity in Durango, Pedro Perez Hidalgo. announced that those under arreat are: Aguetin, Alfredo and Alicia Carcia Aguirre, and Joae Martinez Jurado and Agapito Reyea Alvarado. He alao said that, :~hen the five pereona were arreated, it was found that the heroin vas being pro- cesaed in a priml.tive laboratory which they had at the "La Herredura" farm~ _ located in the vicinity of Malaga, along rhe highway between Durango and - - Ciudad Lerdot where the druge Were diecovered~ packed in polyethylene bags. Perez Hidalgo added that the find wae made on Friday morning, when the bro- ther and sieter, Alfredo and Alicia Garcia, were arreated, They reside in ~ the "E1 Meeatro" development, in this capital. During the firat interroga- tion, they admitted to all the atepa which they took in the course of their illegal activities. A few minutea after Alfredo and Alicia Were captured, at about 1200 hours~ Agustin was arrested upon his arrtval at the aforemen- tioned farm in a 1979 Ford Le Baron black car, without licenBe platea, which _ he owned. The farm is also his. After Agustin was arreeted, they went to the site where they had set up a primitive laboratory in which the gum was converted into top quality heroin. Fxom the use made of the implementa, it was eatimated that they had been proceeaing the drugs in that location for many yeare. ~Text] (Culiacan EL SOL DE SZNALOA in Spanieh 11 Feb 79 p 4] 2909 PILL TRAFFICKER CAPTURED--The preaumed drug ~:nfficker Francisco Caona l;arcia, who was captured on Monday by the Federal Judicial Police in Reynosa, Tamau- lipas, had 1,000 toxic pille in his reaidence. Francisco Gaona had been followed aecretly for aeveral months, be~:ause drug addicts had identified him ae the main aupplier of paychotropic substancea to the young people ad- dicted to this kind of drug. The results of the investigation proved suc- cessful, becauee eeveral boxe~ containing a total of 1,000 psychotropic pilla were seized from this individual. Furthermore, federal agents detail- - ed to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, raided a residence on Monday afternoon on Kili- _ majaro Street, in the Mitrae development, because they had received a tip 36 - i ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 to the effect that marihuana wae stored Chere, [TexCj [Nuevo Lc~redo i:L MANANA itt 5panish 14 Feb 79 Sec S p 6j 2909 TItA~~ICK~Et'S App~AL U~NIED--Yeeterday, the district ,judge, ~du~rdo Aguilar, notified ~L UTARIO that the sentence paesed on drug trafficker Moise~ Am- - m~rax Medina had been confirmed by the magietrate of the eighth circuit unified court located in Torreon, Coahuila. It w~s ~~id that Moi~es Almaraz Medina filed an appeal because he thoughC that the sentence imposed by th~ - disCrict ,judge was too severe. But that appeal did him no good, because Che unified court decided that the sentenced passed on Almaraz Medina, aliae "La Yufa," namtely, 6 yeare' imprieonment and a fine of 10~000 peaos~ should be suatained. Ae may be recalled, "La Yufa" wae arreated by the ~'ederal Ju- dicial Police with c~ package containing heroin in his posseseion. Nowever, yest~rday, the amount with which he wae captured wa8 not reported, or ratl~er , was not repeated. He wae tried for the crime of poesesaion and aetempted eale of heroin~ in the renpective degrees. [Text] (Piedras Negrns EL DIARIO _ DE PI~DRAS NECRAS in 5panish 13 Jan 79 Sec A p 4~ 2909 _ OPIUM, WFAPONS SEIZED--On 5unday, agenta of the F~.:~ral Judicinl Polic,e de- tailed to E1 Man[e, Tampaulipae, confiscated 1,700 gram8 of r~w opium, ae- veral automatic weapona and eome vehicles; simultaneously cap[uring the presumed drug traffickers JesuB M~oreno Valenzuela, Etamon Oropeza Moreno, Silv~rio Moreno Oropeza and Abel Moreno Quintero. The arrest of the four individual8 to~ok place on a farm owned by Ramon Oropeza Moreno Reports released by the agency of the Federal Public Ministry indicate thaC. seve- ral days ago, [he Federal Judicial Police learned that some traffickera who were engaged in "processing" the apium to make heroin were tiiding out on a farm near Ciudad Mante. This prompted tlie mobilization of the agents, Who captured the aforementioned peraona with 1,700 grams of opium in their possession which they intended to convert into heroin. At the same time, they seized from them several vehiclea~ ae well ae a 12 caliber ehotgun, a sawed-off 20-M-1 carbine and four pistols of various calibers, and also a precision ecale and three bottles containing acetone. (Text] [Nuevo Laredo EL MANANt1 in Spaninh 20 Feb 79 Sec B p 3) 2909 TRAFFICKER'S SENTENCE REDUCED--On the bnsis of direct pardon No 5947-977, which wae issued recently, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation hand- = ed down a favorable decision affecting the notorious drug trafficker, Pedro Torrea Leon~ revoking a long prison sentence of 10 yeare impoaed on him by ' the firet diatrict court of Durango. At present, Torres Leon is incarcerat- ed in the Social Rehabilitation Center, at the dispoeal of aeveral federal courta in which he wae given various penalties for his guilt in committing crimes against health in four triais. With regard [o the sentence that was liftEd, it wae reported that Torres Leon was aentenced to 11 years and 6 months' imprieonment in connection with proceedings No 48-967, for crimea - involving the escape of prison�rs, illegal privation of liberty and robbery. The convict fi1Qd an appeal and succeeded in having the SuprQn~e Court of Justice revoke the 10-year ~ail term for crimes involving the eacape of prisonere and illegal privation of liberty. In connection with this case, Torrea Leon will aerve only 1 year and 6 months in prison for the crime of robbery. [Text) [Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 2 Feb 79 Sec B p 3J 2909 37 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 'MUL~5' iNFOl2M ON TTItAA~~ICIt~R--Well organized ring~ of drug trnffi.ckerg gre - ~ti11 ~p~rating from the interior eection nf th~ country, and ueing "mules" to ~hip marihuana weighing as little as a few kilograms and as much a~ se- 1 v~ral Con~. The foregotng wae proven egain when agentg of the ~ederal Ju- dicial Police captured Abel Yepex Hernandez, Bernardo Munoz Yepez and Gabino Gamino Yepez with a load of 61 kilograms of n~arihuana. Upon being interro- gated, they made a fu11 confession, and informed on the ringleader of the dra~g trafficking group operating from Nueva Italia, in the atate of Michoa- can. 1'he three "burros" revealed that they had been hired by Hilario Ga- mino Ayala to carry the 61 kilograms of marihuana from Irapuato to this border; adding thaC Ch~y arrived at a storage plece located on Rafael Ve- lgrde StreeC, at the corner of 57th, and waited there for e"contact," who was to identify himself ae "Arturo." "Arturo" did not arrive, but the Fe~ deral Judicial Police agenta did, and arreeted them. David Garcia Canales, coromander of the Federal Judicial Police, immediately contacted hia col- leaguee in Nueva Italia, Michoacan, to have them arreat Hilario; because it ie believed that he must have in hia Michoacan storage places not ~ust a few kilograme, but tone of marihunna ready for ehipment to the northern border of the country. (Text~ [Ciudad Juarez EL F'RONTERIZO in Spaniah 14 Feb 79 Sec A p 3] 2909 - YOUTH HEROIN ADDICTION RISING--Despite the high coat of heroin, many young people in thia town are ueing it. This fact was learned from the report that 12 percent of the individuala treated last year at the Mental Health Center were addicted to that drug. It aleo indicates that heroin may be easily procured in this town; and hence the police authoritiea have been urged to take mere effective action against those poieoning the public. The head of the Mental Health Center in this town, Dr Franciaco Javier Rivera Sanchez, gave this information to the reporter from EL FRONTERIZO. He eaid that cocaine was used by 11 percent of the young people who were treated for problems of drug addiction. The profQasional said that mari- huana and peychotropic subatancea are the druga used n,~st by the youth. He atressed the fact that much of the problem lies in the ease with which the young people in particular can obtain druge. (Text~ [Ciudad Juarez EL FRONTERIZO in Spanish 12 Feb 79 Sec A p 7~ 2909 CSO: 5330 38 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 b~NMAttlC POLIC~ NARCUTTC5 SECTION CtiIE~ LAMENTS DEATH INCREAS~ Cnpenhagen B~RLINCSKE TIU~NDE in Danieh 21 Jan 79 p 5 (Interview with Police Attorney Volmer Nissen by Poul Flenmitng: "More than ~ 500 Narcotice Deaths in 10 Yeare"] ~ [Textj The head of the narcoCica divi3ion at Copenhagep Police Keadquartera, Police Attorney Volmer Nisaen, - thinks that the annual number of deathe will continue to increase. About 80 are expected in 1978 as ugainat 13 in 1969. _ The number of deaths from narcotica in 1978 will, when we have the final atatistice in a few montha, ahow a new increase in all probability to about - 80. More than S00 people in the last 10 yeara have lost their livea from narcotics abuse. And there are no proapecta for a decrease in the numbe r of narcotica deaths on an annual basis. On the contrary. _ The head of the narcotics division at Police Headquarters in Copenhagen, Police Attorney Volmer Niesen, maintaina that 1977's extremely tragic figure--70 narcotica deaths--hae already been equalled in 1978, and the - police attorney believes that the final figure for 1978 will be about 80. "Many of the addicta now dying are people that etarted abusing drugs in the mid or late 60's," the attorney explained. [Questi aa] What druge are the addicta using with such fatal results? [AnsWer) At the present time its Pakistani morphine pills and morphine hydrochloride, and then heroin of course. [Question] But lae[ year you said that cocaine was on its way to Denmark. (Answer) Cocaine is here in the drug-abuae world--in discotheques, key clubs and nightlife in general. It's used in high society, but in prosti- tution circles too, by those who also use central stimulants. But cocaine is generally the drug of the upper classes. ~ 39 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 (QueBtionj And is it as dangeroue as heroin? [Anewe r] Yes, it is. Actually you can'r tell if somebody is dead as the - - result of heroin abuee or cocgine abue~. Whether or not they abuae one drug or enother, the r~sult is the same--they become emaciated and die from emaciation. [Question) Is there any regular pattern for people who end up as drug ab- ~ use rs? (Angwerj I sCill believe that the moat important reason by far ia thaC the druge are available. Many Cry it for the f~un of it and get hooked ~ because they suddenly experience a state of well-being that they never - felt before. They want to experience it again at any coat and they think, "I can control it." But we all knaw that the hardest thing in the world for people to do ie to control themselves. lfiat's true for any form of drug abuae, excesaive amoking and excessive alcohol uae for instance. A.~d for those that eat themselvea to death as far as that goes. They're aware, all of them, that they ahould refrain from smoking eo much, drinking sa much or eaCing so much. But the one thing they can't do ia refrain. And it's the same with the druga, only the atate of dependency takea over more quickly and is more dangerous, so that it destroys the abusers. - But it'e clear that when someone takea any drug at all the re is a tempCa- tion to aee if it will have Che eame fantastie effect of well-being again. It's only human nature. ` We have a large number of unfortunate examples of people who got hooked and have told us about how ndaerable they were when they couldn't control themselves. And that's true whether they were using hash or another narcotic. Doctora Preacribe for Themselvea Hash can vary quite a bit. You can get hash that is two or three times as atrong as other haeh. Yea, you can get hash that is eight or ten ticnea as strong as marihuana for instance, and we even have the ext=act--the li- quid hash oil--that can be five to ten times atronger than regular hash. - _ That's why it's really misrepreaenting the facts to speak about hash in general. Haeh also causes a psychological dependence ~ust like all other hallucinogens do with many people. [QuestionJ But are there any places at all where people who have as you say gotten hooked can go to get help? [AnswerJ That depende to aome extent really on who they are. For that to happen of courae you have to prevent their access to the drug. And it's always amazed me that there aeems to be auch easy access to drugs in our outpatient treatment syatem. ~0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 I am remind~d of a tragic example i,n Chis connection. Ther~ wag g physician who was a epeciglisC in internal medicine and to aome extent in narcotics. He bec$me dependent on meperidine. He w~ aware that he would have to cuC htmael� off from u~ing maperidine Co save himalef. And ~ince he was able to wriCe prescripeions for the drug on Che etrength of hi~ licenae to precCice he asked to be denied the right to write Chem for pain-killing druge. - It seemed to be a great idea, but after som~ time had elapsed he was caught in a drugatore with a preacription for mepQridine that he hud writCen in the name of one of his colleagues. Yn a eubsequent hearing he admiCted thgC he had signed hie colleagues' name~ in more than fifty cases in order to get meperidine. He cnuldn't do without iC. Everyone was sorry for him and wanted co help him. Now fifty caees of forgery is not something that can be ignored~ but there was also the fact that he had gotten himself into the situation in order to atop abusing the drug. And aince he hadn't eold the drug to anyone else, the public pro- aecutor agreed--with a long series of conditiona--to drop chargea so that he could ealvage his pracCice. He was suppoaed to aubmit to unannounced auperv~ieory viaits at his office, etc., and he was even given an office be- cause he was an outetanding acientist. He wrote 24-carat scienCific ar- ticles right up to the end. It Ended Up in Suicide There wae a meeting of the board of hePlt~ where he finally found out that everything was going to be OK. Re expressed his exceeding gratitude for all that had been done for him, and the meeting ended. That was at noon. At two o'clock he was caught trying to buy meperidine with a false pre- - acription. So they asked him why on earth he had done it. And he anawered-- and don't forget that drug addicts rationalize differently than we do-- 'Well, I didn't think they'd be checking up today.' A couple of yeara ago he conimitted auicide. Everything had gone to pieces-- - his marriage, hia ~ob, everything. Everything revolved around one thing-- druga. Any one of us could get into the same situation. So its a basic principle of any drug treatment to keep people off druga, and it is a baeic principle with ua if we are going to do our job right to keep our country off of drugs, or at any rate down to a level that not too many people are tempted. After ~ust three recorded drug deaths in 1968 the number has increased on an ennual basis (on the average) in the ten years from 1969 to 1978. 41 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 ~ - 1969 13 19 70 37 19 71 37 1972 54 1973 55 1974 52 19 75 61 1976 62 19 7 7 70 1978 about 80. ~ (QuesCion] Ia iC going Co continue at the same rate eo that we will pro- bably have more than 100 drug deaths and maybe more in 1980 for inatance? (Anawer] It will of courae go on for a while yet. Because it's happening all over the world, and we are an open society, not an ieolate~ enclave. _ As long ae Che problem ie getting wo rse in other countriea it will also be getting woree here. We are all affected. 9 386 CSO: 5300 ~+2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030060-1 SPAIN SUSPBCT ABR~STSD ~OR PEARMAG7 ROHB~RIES - Madrid lBC in 3panish 14 Feb 79 P 51 ' ~Text] Msdrid (Froo our editorial office)-~he Central Narootice ;iquad haB erreated a pereon aho einglehandedly hald up eiglnt pharmaaias in the capital.. The man ie F~nilio Alvarez 8eboeo, 29, rrho had been arrested in Alicante in Jnly tor robbing 12 other pharmaafee. During the laet fex d~ye, a la~rg~e amount of druge atolen during the vave of holdupe,uoet of vhiah vere nnqnsetionably co~itted by Pmilio, have been revier+ed in the identifiaation laboratory ot the 5nperior Police Headquartere. Moreover~ various druge aad n,arcotice etolen dnring the holdupe were confieaated fro~ hio xhen he waa arrested. Moet of the - druga that he robbed lrom pha~oaciee w~ere for hie individual uee, althou~ - at titaes he sold eome of thea or ezahaag~ed the~ for others. He aleo took moneq in a rrumber of holdupe. Dmilio Alvarez traveled in a Seat 127~ license plate M-1796-CC, which had been etolen a fev djqrs before t'rom a garag+e on ~jrala Street. H~ had _ threatened the etation watahnan in order to take poenesion of the ~ehicle.