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,TpR5 L/8348 .
22 Merch 1979
~ ~ /
(FOUO 13/19) ~
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030051-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034451-1
JPRS publicaeions conCain informaeion primarily frnm foreign
newapapers, periodicals and books, buC alsn from news agency
tranamissiona and broadcasea. Materials from foreign-language
, sourcea are Cranslated; thoae from Engliah-language sources
are tran~cribed or repri.nted, with the original phrasing and
other characteristics reeained.
Headlines, editorial reports, and material encloaed in brackets
are supplied by JPRS. Procesaing indicators such as [TextJ
or (ExcerpeJ in the first line of each irem, or following the
last line of a brief, indicate how Che original informaCion was
processed. Where no proces~ing indicator is given, Che infor-
maCicn was summarized or extracted.
Unfamiliar names rendered phoneCically or transliterated are
enclosed in parenCr~eses. Words or names preceded by a ques-
tion mark and enclased in parentheses were not clear in the
original but have been supplied asappropriaCe in context.
Other unatCribuCed parenthetical notes within the body of an
item originate with the source. Times within items~.aze as
given by source.
The conCents of this publi~ation in no way r~preaent the poli-
cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Govern~~nent.
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SHEEYGRAPHIC DA7A 1� Hrpoct Nd. Jp~ L/H~48 2~ liecipient's Aceeieion ~o.
4, it r~~m 5ubt ie e S~ epon ue ~
(FOUO 13/79) 6~
7. Au~h~~r(.1 A. Ne~rforming Or~~niz+tion Rept,
- 9~ t'criurm~nX Urgrnizntinn Name ~nd Addrre~ 10. Proiect/7'uk/ubrk l:nit Xo,
Joint Publicationa Reeearch Service
1000 North Giebe Road il. Coecc~ct/Gr~nc No.
Arlington, Virginia 22201
12, ~punxot~ng Urgrnization N~me ~nd Addtess 1J. Type o( Rcpott k Petiod
As abovc
15. Supplcmcnea~y Noecs
16. Ab9tf:ll'~3
The serial report consists of translations from the world press and radio
_ relating Ca law~ law enforcement, illicit traffic and p~rsonalities concerned
with narcotics and dangerous drugs.
17. Key w'or~a and Documenc Analyais. 17a Deacriptors
Drug Addiction
Law !Jurisprudence)
Law Enforcement ~
176. IJencifiers/Opee-Ended Terma
Dangerous Drugs
Drug Control
Drug Traffic
17e. COSATI Field/Group SK~ 6~~ 6T
18. Availab~lity ~tatement 19. Seeurity Class (This 21. \o. oi Pages
For Official Use Only. R~P��~ ~ 55
Limited Number of Copies Available From JPRS. � ecuruy Class ~This ~s, r~~�
~owM rvr~s�~s ~atv. i�~t~ THLS FORM MAY BE REPRODUCED vstoM...oc ~u~:�?u
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JPRS L/8348
22 March 19 79
(FOUO 13/79)
Druge Go Out on Flighte From Sabah and SaraNak
(NEW STRAITS T IlrIES~ ],6 Feb 79) 1
Cop on Drug Charge 2
Youth Jailed 2
Jail and Rotan for Electrician 2
Clandestine Morphi~te Factory Smaehed 3
Opium Tablet to Drugs Addicte 3
Thirteen Addicts Die 3
Six Yeare and Cane for Wardar Who Puehed Drugs
(THE STRAITS TIl~IES~ 16 Feb 79) 4
T~ro Charged With nr~g Trafficking 5
Fight Againet Ganjc? Menace 6
Drug Haul Spark. Hunt for Frenchman
(&1NGICOK POST ~ 16 Feb 79 ) 7
~-a- [III -INT-138FAU0)
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CONTENTS (Continued) Page -
Police Nab Two Drug Puchere _
(BANGKOK POST~ 28 Feb 79) 8
26M Baht of Marihuana Seized at Port
(BANGKOK POST, 23 Feb 79) 9
SQri Baht Worth of Merihuena Seiaed
(UAO SIAM, 23 Feb 79) 10
Aue~ralian Arrested on Herflin Chargee
(&1NGKOK WORLD, 28 Feb 19) 11 .
Police Seize Heroin, Marihuana St3.cke 12
Heroin Found on Jet].iner 12
Courier Sentencad 1~
Warrante Iaeued for 37 on Drug Charges
(Michael Frezell; TtiE WINDSOR STAR, 3 Feb 79) "15
Statietice an Drug Arreste in Past Decade
' (THE WIN DSOR STAR, 3 Feb 79) 17
Political Partiee Diae?gree on Marihuana Decriminalisation
(THE GLOBE AND MAIL, 8~ 10, 21 Feb 79) 18
Three Fartiee for Eliminating P~altiee -
Editorial Commente, Editorial
Sociel Credit Party Againet Bill, by M~ry Truanan
Latin American Illegel Drug Traffic, Production Increasea ~
(Miguel Carreira; LA OPIIVION, 3 Fnb 79) 21 ~
~ 'CHR(JNICLE~ Seeka Nation~e Help To Abate Marihuana Crisis
(GUYANA CHRfJNICLE~ 11 Feb 79) 27
- b -
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CONTENTS (Continued) pa8e
Marihuana Tr~ffickore Cherged
(GUYANA CtiRfJNTCL~~ 6~eb 79) r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29
Poppy Pientatione Bum ed, Tr~ffickere Arrested
(LA V02 DE LA FRONTERA, 9 Feb 79) 30
Dangemua Trafficking Ringleader Captured~ Sentenced
(~L MANANA~ 23, 28 Jan 79) 31
'E1 Artiata,~ Accanplicee Arreeted
Official Order for Tinprieonm~t
Marihuana Trafficking Ring Menbere Captured
(EL FRONTERIZO, 28 Jan 79) 34
Cocaine~ Haroin Traffickere Caught After Gun Battle
(EI, MANANA, 30 Jan 19) 36
Fonner Convict Diecovered Smuggling Iieroin `
- (EL SOL DE SINALOA, 1 Feb 79) 38
Ring of Cocaine Traffickers Given Prison Sentencee
(EL MANANA, 9 Feb 79) 39
= Trafficker Freed for Lack of Evidence
Tra~'fickere Reveal N ew Drug Smuggling Rvute
(LA VOZ DE LA FR(JNTERA, 3 Feb 79) 42
Plane Carrying Cocaine Craehee 45
Marihuana Plnntation DeBtroyed 45
Coceine Smuggling Ring Captured 45
Psychotropic Pill Diatributor Caught 46
Expolic~nan With Heroin 46
Druge Seited in Nightclub 47
Heroin Seized in Durango 47
Haehieh Seizure 47
Heroin Traffickers Sentenced 47 _
Opium Seized 49
- c -
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CONTFIVTS (Continued) Pege
Haehieh~ Opium Seized 50
Amphetamine SmuggLing Trial 51
- d -
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Kuala Lumpur IJEW STItAITS TTMES in Engliah 16 Feb 79 p 7 BK
['Pext] KUALA LUMPUR, Cu~toma ' pnd our ~even drugdo a--s1x
Thure, Drug eyn� naY~cotice do~a at the 4erman La~radors
dicatee are making a i r p o r t a i n t h e and an Iriah ~etter -
uae oi airporta in penfneula. a11 gltts irom the Un�
Sabah and 8arawak to "To eto p thte we are ite d S t d t e a G~ s t
emuggle out druga to going to eet up two One of the dogA, Tinp,
countriea ltke Hong more do~ unite tn eatablished A wor l
Kong, 3abah and 9arawak record when it sniUed
w o a u c h c a s e s g t
i r- a o o n," he ea l d out b~ lbe of heroln at
faced last year, Cus� They will be wed at 8ubang xirport in De-
toma Director�(3ener� the airporte to snitt cember laat year.
al Datuk Abdul Rahtm out druge, ~ Datuk Rahim eaid:
Tak dlecloeed today. Dru traffickere ~~~ye expect to get four
�"We have lntorma� are act~ve in Maiayala dogs irom Awtralia,
tion ~hat the e~n� as it le ~n the lnterna� . l0 ~rom Giermany.and
dicatee are ueing lie tional drug route that bthers trom ~the Un�
alrports especially at leada to the United ited Statea. Wa',hope to
Kuchfng and Kota Statee and .Euru~e, obtain at leaat 80.doge -
i{inabalu ta fly out the Datuk Rahim, who ~n bY o~,~ n~
drugs that the~y+ re- viaited tho Customa Ye~.,~~
ceive irom the t,rolden narcotice dog centre -~j ht ofii~ere have
Triangle. at ~alan Bellamy here g
thla morning, aald two .:u' returned irom
More units other dog unite would ~~~g at ttie Front
~'`~e htrve been be set up in Kedah and Roysl Dog 'Fralning
. forced ,,{yq ,do thie aa P~ngnB� Academy at VirglNa,
they hav4 found it~di!?., United l~tatea. F`lve
t~cult to get tt?e~r A Y'eCOI'd �:ot~Ura ,..are L~vin~
~next mtfhth for trait?-
dxugq, tNroygh tfiQ, Cuetom~ now have tng.
CSO: 5300
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COP ON DRUG CHARGE--Johore Baru, Sat--A police constable was today charged
with possesaion of 42 straws of heroin weighing 3.4 grama. V. Karunanetihe,
22, of the Y'olice Depot, ,pleaded not gui~.ty. He is alleged to have committed
the o�fence at th~ JKR quarters here at 1.15 ~.m. yesterday. He was free
on $2,000 bail. [TexC] [Kuala Lumpur NEW STR/'~YTS TYMES in English 18 Feb 79
p 14 BK]
YOUTH JAILED--Johore Baru, Sun--A c3-year-old youCh was sentenced to three-
and-a-half years' impxisonment by the Sessions Court yesterday for having
heroin. Abdul Jalil Khamis of Kampung Pengkalan Renting, Rampoi, admit~ed
having 22 tubes of heroin at Kampung Pengkalan Renting at 10.30 p.m. Co
Feb 8 last year. He also pleaded guilty to a second charge of having 0.04
grammes of heroin at the 5 1/2 mile Jalan Scudai at 9.45 p.m. on Jan 11
this year. He was sentenced to three-and-a-half yeara' on the first char~ge
and a year's imprisonment on the aecond count. The sentences are to run
concurrently. [Text] [Kuala Lumpur NEW STRAITS TIMES in English 19 Feb 79
p 7 BK]
JAIL AND ROTAN FOR ELECTRIC?AN--Kual~ Lumpur, Wed--An electrician was sen-
tenced by the Sessions Court today to three years' jail an~ ordered to re-
ceive six strokes of the rotan after he was found guilty of possessing
heroin. Sito Kam Ong, 34, of Jalan Kolam Air, Sentul, had 5.01 gram~nes of
the drug in his house on Sept 4, 1976. In his defence, Sito had denied
possesaing the heroin. He wae defended by Mr Bhagwan Singh. IDSP S.S.
Chung was prosecuting. Chief Inepector Haji Saiful Yazan bin Haji Ahmad
testified that on the morning of Sept 4, 1976,.he carried out a house-to- I`
house check in the Sentul area. He said he knocked'on the front door of
House No SM, Jalan Kolam Air and pushed it open when no one answered. In-
side Che house, k~e knocked on the door of a roan, he said. He said that a
short while later detective Yaacob bin Sheikh Mohamed, whom he had in-
atructed to stand outside the window of the room, told him that Sito had
thrown out a cigarette box through the window. Haji Saiful added that he
examined the box and found inaide it a plastic packet containing heroin.
[Text] [Kuala Lumpur NEW STRAITS TIlriES in English 22 Feb 79 p 9 BK]
- CSO: 5300
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CI,ANDi:5TINE MORPHIN~ ~ACTORY SMASHED--Islamabad, Feb. 13: Pakistan
Narcotics Control Board Coday smashed a clandestine morphine factory,
which was engaged in rhe preparation of morphine pow~ler and tableta in
I,nl~ore, it was offici~lly stated today. About five and a half kilograms
oE raw opium, 380 grams of morphine powder 200 tablets of morphine, 800
grams of white powder, a substantial quantity of chemicals aLong with _
the equtpment, which also includes a tableting machine, have been seized
from the premises of the f.actory i~:i~;ulber~ 111. Saidiq Masee~, sCated Co
be operating the factory at the t:?ine o.f Che raid, has been arrested. The
rnid was ~onducted under the supervir~ion of Deputy Director, PNCB, Lahore
Cl~. All~h Dad Khan. Further investigations are being made. [Text]
[Quetta f3ALUCHISTAN TIMES in Cnglish 14 Feb 79 p 1]
OPIUAt'I'ABL~T TO DRUG ADDICTS--Karachi, Feb. 24: The Sind Excise and Taxa-
tion Department has decided to provide opium tablets to addicts on medi-
cnl grounds in the province, says an official handout. The Cablet, each
~f 500 mg shall be sold at Rs. 2 by the Excise Off icers at all the disCrict
headquarters on tl~e recommendations of the concerned medical superinten-
denCs. The sale proceeds shall be deposited in the Government treasuries
daj.].y. It may be mentioned that the Pun~ab Government has already decided
to provide oPium to the addicts in the province. [Te:~tJ [Karachi THE SUN
i.n Cnglish 25 Feb 79 p 4]
TFiIRTEI:N ADDICTS DIE-- Islamabad, Pakistan: Thirteen persons have died
tt~roughout Pakistan because of a shortage of opium, hospital and police
_ r.eported Friday. The victims, who died because of sudden withdrawal from
ttie dru~;, were all opium addicts who maintained their habits through
~ovcrnment licensed shops. Those shops were closed Feb. 10, when
P.~kistan's president, Gen Mohammed Zia U1 Haq, enforced the Islamic ban -
on ltquor and narcotics as part of the implementation of an Islamic legaL
code. (AI'j [Text] [Manila PHILTPPINES DAILY EXPRESS in English 26 Feb 79
P 8)
CSO: 5300
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Singapore THE STRAITS TIMES in English 16 Feb 79 p 10 BK
[Tex t] ~ A ~PRI80N oA~Ce1' and onan Road wdtt~n
iound, aitec orq~iha on them, Wlthttt Lhete _
s wsrder t0 , e~rip, ot ~heroin ~ iu4p/
, tihat ho hAd hldden In~e~ttptlons ~howee
in h!e underpanta, cnet Hw.ain acted se an
�tirawa of h e r o i n fntermedfgry ~vhen he
' wrapp~ed Ln newa- .~eac w one ~[.d,?m
.papera on whiah were uun �, tfac
namea such aa Coo- ~e ~Q~
~ Av~�~
Ic1e and Deaettla 4~ tound out, ta deUrer a
~ Thek btmee ttirned note from her hu~band, ~
Q4~t to be yKudonyma of Yeo Chal Huat ~Ilss,
lwnere fo ahom the ~~le, s crfa4inal law
~ detalnee ~t tda qRP.
e r d e r was taldna The Court ~e~td tbat
dru~~. ~ittr recN~ the note
Ye~terd~ay , Hwuln bin rh~ b~nd�t ate~w~ of
iAhmad, ~d; p~~ Jv1ed twrolu to N~ln. Hs
ter vx r~~re with ~lx dlvfad. th~m lato~ a~:ya
~t[olcei of the rotw 0y, a pacbq' and ~rrsD3xd
d1~Mct court toe.. tr~f- th~m' l4, a newapapee,
tfeldnr f.t6~ of heroin at s~~~Q ~ the lnitn~C-
~~rto~vn ~ R e tn a n d Wo~aa ot "Ooolde"~ the
n op J~n 7'1, D~ewbnrtn,ot Ohew L!
Le~, saotber crlminal
Se~rch 1~p detaf~e at tt,e qRP..
Dfetrfct ' JudQe Byed ' ~~~nt � '
A1pee bin Al~r~e sUo
Jtlled htm for � g~~ ~ ~
�nd the ~enkneee are
W the dcu b~elc~for Chew
r u n concurrently, for ~p ~~u~ ~~~r ~ p~_
havir~~ 0.77Q ot We drus ~o~r~ a h o a e p~eu-
at h1i Maraaret ~Clae donytiu were ~vricten on
home on the +~ame day, the p~cl~e~ oi heroln.
He ple~dsd ~ullty to both
ot[mce~. xBuQhelll~ihu before~ de
In~yec~or K. KaLh1rR- ~
~ee, p c o ~ a c u Wn~ safd ~a ~~~h, ~ he
th`c on that moratn~, ~ed ~~1 NarcotiG
prlnclyal reh4bf11t1at1on Bunau aad C o r r u p t
otllcer Hr M. Chellfah practfces In~att~atlan
made a specfal ~e~rcb gureau oQlcen to hfi
on priion wardets on home �where they re-
duty. � '
On eearchln~ ~uM~tlt~, cover~d, irom a pockei
~rho wns ~iked to atrlD, s~~ +~ctui of
Mr Cheldah iound 1n hf~ 0.77Qn of;ml+o/a.
underDan4 A D1aatlc H~~ ' a~~ for
~achet contanina sevea 1�A~�~
amall tiacteta wnDDed court"not to iend 2Um to
QRP "th4t is
1n new~Aaper~, pfOh ot pprk."
name Hotak 8, PoDo 8, In~y Kathlrarsaprep-
Dav~!d Ooolde, Dracula ed toe a det~at sn-
4. I~al 8teven, I.D(3 4 tence 1n hew ot tM
ierloumea~ ot tt~ ,+~f:
fenCe. ,,~1';~e, : .
CSO: 5300
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TWO CHA.RGED WITH DRUG Tt~AAFFYCKING--~wo men were charged in a magiatrate's
court yesterday with traff~.cking Ln a total of 5,198 sticks of cannabis. _
Mala;rsian Kadir bin Ha~i Jalil, 44 was accused of trafficking in 5,000
aticks of the drug at Block 19, Upper Boon Keng Road, yesterday at 12.15
am. Adnan bin Anas, 36, a1l.egedly traf~icked ~n 198 sticks of the drug
at a park near the ~uncCion of Geylang and Guillemard roads on Friday at
9.15 pm. Both casea will be menttoned on March 10. K,adir was allowed bail
_ of $20,000 in two sureties while Adnan was granted $10,000 bail in one
aurety. [Singapore THE STRAITS TIMES in English 18 Feb 79 p 16 BK]
CS~: 5300
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FIGHT AGAINST GAtJJA MENACE--A chrRe prongad att.ack is eo be launched by the
National Narcotics Advisory Board to combat th~ rapidly increasing menace
of ganja ~buee in the country. The Board which is now aonduuting a survey
on the extent of ggnja abuse ie to take effecti4e steps aimed at out
the production of ganja in Sri Lanka. Several proposals in this connection
will be put forward a~ the National Narcotics Advisory Board meet~ng which
will be convened by its Chairman Mr I, P. Werapitiya later thie month.
According to Police Narcotic Chief, DIG, Ram Sundaralingam an aerial survey
ronducted seven years ago indicated that there was close to 2,000 acr~s of
cultivation in the Uda Walawe gan~a belt alone. Prebent ganja production,
he stated, was on a far better organised and a~ider scale, and he was hoping
to utilise the services of the Armed Force~ ~:o ~oriduct intensive canbing
cut operatione end raids on these plantations. In vieW of the fact that
much of the cultivation was being done in the ~ungle nreas the police were
geeking the assiatance of the Air Force to both spot the plantationa and
spray these areas with insecticides. The Board is presently diacusaing the
quesrion of aerial apraying ;~ith the agriculture authoritiea. Commenting
An the transport of ganja Mr Sundaralingam indicateo ~hat ganja Was ~eing
brought to Colamto in fish ane vegetable lorries and eve?~ as pots of curd.
2he methoda of ttansportation he stated aae getting more and more devious.
And recently it was found that ganja aae being taken inside coffins and in
hearses. [Ranil ~leeraeinghe~ ~Text) [Colombo SUN in English 9 Peb 79 p 1
CSO: 5300
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Bnngkok IIANGKOK POST in ~ttglish 16 Feb 79 p 3 BK
[Text] rHAt pollcE hwe caDled bou~ht, tne teok h~n� .
French ~uthorttle~ to In� dicr~ft~ le Ch1~n~ Mai
tercept ~ F'reneh nar� ~nd latar brouQht It lo~
cotics ~u~pect ~tter pockln~ ot the Chl~n~
poUce here uncovered .1~~I bnnch ot gan~ke:t�
two k~lo~~~mme~ ot Hn. 9 b~sed goonma Movina
heroln hld~en ~n wooden ~to~oge Company.
h~ndlc~a(t� de~t~ned tor Whm norcoUce po~lee ~
tY~nce. rhecked the conel~n�
The FYenchm~n, Narc ment, they tou~.d no
h'te~~, lelt B~n~kok early evldence oi drup, they
thlt week ~fter he al� uld. HoM~ever, they I~te~
- I~~edly ~~~anQed ~hla ~arnt that I~'eere hod ar� ~
ment o( ~Ix Item� ot can~ed to mak~ the ahlp
woodan h~n4lcntt~, in� m~nt by ~1~ vl~ the
elutllnQ ~ set of alta~ ~nd B~nQkok offlce of the
two te~k eleph~nti, ln movln~ comp~ny located ~
whlch the drua~ w~e� in Hu~ M~tk.
iccretetl. In th~meanttme, E'eere
Nollce iafd E'eere h~d Aod lett 8an~kok tor
Deen unde~ survelllance ~~an.^~, pre~umably to
Oy ,northern narcotlci aw~lt dellvery o! the con�
~Qent~ ~Ince he arrived In ~t~nment, police s~ld.
Ch1~nQ Mal on J~nuary TAeCrlme Suppreulon
2a. They s~ld they h~d DIvINOn police,�with the
been tlpped otf th~t ~opentlon of the mov
t'eere Intended to ~hop ~n~ compony, then
tor tht d~uQt In the ~e~rched the con~i~n�
lVorth. ment on Wedneid~y and
I~~e~e reportedly uncov~na two kllo~ of
CSO : 5300
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B~ngkok BANGKOK PbST in English 28 Feb 79 p 5
' (rextJ Twu wucr~n were c~ught red-handed yesterday morning with 245 tubes of
No G first grade heroin by police agents disguised as custotoera, p~alice re-
ported. '
Aceing en a tip-off that drug pushers often delivered their goods in the area
of Mahan~k m3rket, Plabplachai I police chi~f inspector Lt Col Mahit
Chnntarachaya earlier this month had ordered an investigation and arrest of
the "pushers".
Early yest~rday mdrning at around ~
. a.m., two policemen diaguised as work-
ere aaked to buy the drugs from two
women, later identified as Mrs Sunan ~Y� "
Thaithong and tirs Sa-ngium sae Pia,
and set a rendezvous in front of 4 ~
. .
Muhanak market. ~ '
' .~~''3+ ~ _ ~ ~ . ~
. 3 ix fa ~"Y~ ~ ' ~ k
The twd woroen caa~e with two paper
~*;~.t , �
bngs coiitaining 245 tubes af heroin.
They pleaded guilty upon arrest and
admitted that they hav~ been sup-
plying herotn in the area at 250 ~
baht per tube.
CSO: 5300 , ~
~ r",._ -
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030051-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034451-1
B~ngkok BANGKOK POST in ~nglieh 23 Feb 79 p 1 BK
[~'~x r] q'R'~y7'YNix ol 9o tun a~ata~,wWd, wrre w M r~~d,te tM tlata+d
8tala~ wro� ywt~cd,y tound to ooa~al~ i~A74 Iclla of ~t1alc.mRrfJuaea
woeth 96~7 mi111on b~6t ~~~lewt prloe~ Id ~i~w?Yoel~.
Tb~ dru~, woMM ~ aNro 1,N/~100 b~6t at itewt
pa~lcN In Sae~tcok. wa:~x~r~nd by oMc1~U of the
BnNrtln~ t~ood~ feup~ctla~ qrl~loa ot tbe q~b~
D~P~tteM~t ~t tUe DIrWoN'~ Maskek ~n~cw. ~
A woa~~s~ Mn ~ayi~ H~c~wluebon, M~o
brous6t th~ entN In t1~ne tr~eb fo te~ lup~ctlq~
DlrWoa~ wu beW fo~ ~Ntlorl~.
Aecordles to Divl~loo Dlreetor Nw~l Lt U~a
BrAatl~d~ tM woaun ~rMr~d ~t tbe DItIMo~ oMee
~ r~~"t~' MN~ea li dellir~r ~tY~
ao~f~l~~~ M~tN~~lt cnta te /i~ dn~Aww~,
It~au M~le~ rN wn~t~ New York k~~w
to ~?1~ t~ tr~ .d~ItN My~i tMkarM~b.
�t~tn. ~ are ~r ~
N~M~~er. I~lel~~~ ~a ~ t� tr~ee thl~
omelaM otrerM a re~eel~ t~~Yt. ~
~adforNl~~ttrerwatN Ate~rdl~t t~ ~.t -
eo~Wasd W M~wtes uM~. tM~ ~w~ Mu
ot ~eyw~ w~ll~ osly M+~1t hw~ 7'V utbe
thrN ~t1~� e~~tdasd ~ ~ . .N~p
POttM'y ~N.Nler NeN !'Iwi~'~l~~le~ nd at?
M~fM. ~IrN I~ Mttll~k yNUF
Q~~~tlo~~a~ Mr� yp~
~ ~ II~rIJ~a~~ ~~II� la
gqi wJd ~N W ?~eo .~kok ~t No Met ~
hlnd er ~a ANMrl~aa ~ ~ ~ ~w Y~tk ~t
IouM~t nan~ed JaAaae~ V. ~~~oUan a W~. .
C50: 5300
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030051-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034451-1
Bangkok DAO SIAM in Thai 23 Feb 79 p 1 BK -
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Narihuana for export. Bunying Hansakhachon was
arrested for attempting to export SO million baht
arorth of marihuana.
CSO: 5300 10
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030051-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034451-1
tfun~kok t1AN(~KOK W~ItLD in Lngliah 28 Feb 79 p 3
('1'c:xe] CugCnm~ ofCicials ~nd CSD police yagC~rday arrasCed an Au~tralian
nnd un Americ~n tourige on charges of possesging heroin in An ~irport swoop
:?n~ ~n unr~l:it~d rnid on u Bangkok hotel room.
Arre~ted et 9 p.4~, ~t t~IN comp~rtment of ~ ~y~31TE0
Dun MwnK Alrnoec wb~(~ briefa~e end t6ne ~meU
~bout to boerd e Ifi~ht fn peck~~ee in hb ~ultew. Ret~ll~dc w{d'M ~e ~n
Bomb~y we~ Au~ttdl~n Hrroin wo~ d~o fou�d in� ~rtl~t ~dd ~n ~nNQue
n~tion~l Chrf~top her eid~ ~n urn In hI~ brieEcue, ~va, g' f~ to
Ch~riw R~uQ~ck. Polkv Cu~tami MRcfab aid. .h~w vWted
uld tbey tound No. 4 ~k tin~ in tbe
h~roln w~iRhinR ~bout 934 Cunoou officLl~ th~! he TM Amf~
Rremma in hi~ p~seee~i~,n. ~~u^~ ~~g~~~
s hom Chu Md a~ ~'ri� Hofhe~n, ~lb ly to~d
Eerlwr yMterd~y, Crime M
3uppre~ion bividon Police dey u~d ~n~ off~ned the ~ia M b~d t tAe
r~ided the Cmtury Hotel on C~
e(tkisl~i wW N~e MY t fu b~d
Fi~,ipnrob Roed when they ~reat on to tb~
smet~d Chrhtop?~r D~vid� ~oeet eLheed eb h~v~ to
~d8tl~!in tMlt
NoffaAU~. Pdia aid they P~id 40~000 Daht lot the
found heroin w~i`hinR Mn'0~~ ' '
ebwt 600 ~remtnN ip ~ . � � ,
wltcaa ~nd ~hoa In ht~
Ret~ll~ck errived in
HenRknk un Februs 8 ~nd ~ � - ' ~
~ea?n~dty e~w po~tn h~ ~ s y.
hed ~t~yed in ChianR M~1 ~ it~ ,+='3 ~~r
u e . � ~ . , :
st e S u e et haur. C u e t
o m e f y-~~'~`~._t�# -
ofticieb bec~me iciow u'. k~+
wAen Retetl~ck to , .
exeh~n! rtK~' in � ~ b~ ~t � , . , t , , ~ ~
~t4er ~trltne o(tkia4i h~d ~ .x-~- �
dn~dy eaqed h[s Irpi - ~ ~
AStwqn AiRh~ ~ b ~
A wuch ua� ? ~ ~ , : : .
oownd two li~hlldd~n r:
of Na ~ hK+cfn in � _
4~' ?
L r._ * ~
Fj*~~~ k� ~
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(SU: 5300 ~ ~ ~ . ~
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CAriitopAe? ~ K brtoAJat thi~ ~naiunR~ot t CwtanA Lkzxutmrnt
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030051-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034451-1
POI~ICE SEIZE f1ER0IN, MARIHUANA 3TYCKS--Police yesterday arrested two men �
in Hat Yai fox poes~eaion of heroin and seixed 125 kilogra~oes of mari~uana
sticks from a ten-wheel truck in Khon Kaen Province, it wae reported. Chai
Sirirat and Prachak Ruangdet ~ere arreated by Border Patrol Police who were
acting on a tip-off thati a delivery of drugs would be made in Hat Yai. A
team of plainclothes policemen were waiting ~t tha scene whex? Chai and
Prachak got off kheir motorcycle. A routine check of a brown paper bag
carried by Chai uncove;red 700 granmaes of heroin, police said. Chai re-
portedly tio~.d police that he was hired by a Chinese man to make the deliv-
ery of the "brown paper, bag" while Prachak dsnied any knowledge of the drug
and maintained that he only gave Chai a ride. Meanwhile, Crime Suppression
police early yeaterday morning aeized 125 kilogrammes of mari~uana aticks
_ found in a secret compardnent of a ten-wheel truck in Ban Phai Dietrict of
Khon Kaen province. Acting on a tip-off, a CSD team headed by Pol Capt
Sombat Tanthannn set up a check point on a hfghway in the dietrict. A ten-
wheel truck ignored the police aignal to etop and inatead aped on ita way.
After a brief cha8e, police found the truck parked some ten kilometres past
the checkpoint but the driver wa8 noWhere in sight. Upon aearching the
truck, police found 52 packages of mari~uana aticks. [Text] [Bangkok
BANGKOK POST in Engliah 21 Feb 79 p 5 BK]
HEROIN FOUND ON JETLINER--Custotae officials found 24 packagea containing
20 kilogrammea of No 3'brown augar' heroin in twa unclaimed overaight bags
aboard a KIM flight which t~as about to take off for Amaterdam tast night.
Officials said a last-minute search of the 1QM flight 812 at 7 p.m, led to
_ the diecovery of the two bags etashed in the rear galley of the aircraft.
Security officera initially believed they contained explosivea. None of
the paeaengere aboard the flight claimed ownerehip of the bags, officials
said. The heroin, popular among European addicts, wae said to be worth an
estia~ated four million baht at the atreet price. No arreata have been made
so far and police said they had no clue about the o~mer of the drugs which
~+ere handed over to the Crime Suppreeaion Diviaion Police. [Text] [Bangkok
HANGKOK POST in English 20 Feb 79 p 1 BK]
COURIER SENTENCED--The Criminal Court yesterday aentenced a~roaoan druga
courier to 33 years and aix months in jail after convicting on charges of
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030051-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034451-1
poasasaing heroin witih intent to s~auggle and ae11 abroad. The court first
~ailed Mre Rerai Wetchanukhrd, 44, for life but reduc~d the penaltiy reason-
ing that her etaCements to police during interrogatiion were beneifical to
the case. The court dropped the same charges ~gainat four other women,
Mra Amphon Niteaicharoen, Miss Chitraphon Sae Keng, Mies Sompong Sae Heng,
and Mre Waraphan Hanchirakhachon on grounde of inaufficient evidence. _
Rerai was arreetied on June 15, 1977, at Don N:+i~ng Airport when Customs
officials uncovered two kilos of No 3 heroin hidden in a apecially-desi,gned
suitcase. [T~xC] ~Bangkok BANGKOK ~'OST in Englieh 17 Feb 79 p 5 BK]
CSO: S300
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030051-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034451-1
- Wi~idsor '1'fiL WINDSOIt STAR in English 3 Feb 79 pp 1, 4
[Article by Mich~el Frezell)
~i~�mui~~h undrrcov~r drug in~�~s� . Sgt, Pratt said the w~dercover o era-
ii~:;iii~~n ~~~n~ludcd I~riciay ~~ith thc tiun centred on thc "~enior level of
;irrc~t ~if ul Icu,t .I ~crsun~ un c;hurgcr trufPcking in chcmicals" such ns the
u~ ~rlling drug~. W;irrunts h;ive bcen illc~ally manufactured methamphew-
i~�urd f~~r .~7 rcr,un~, ~
k('\11' In,r. Truinur F~raser tiaid mine commonly known as apoed, us
SIfN1,UlNl ~~urth uf drugs w�ere pur- W~~~,s LSDnnd PCP, -
rha~~d in u"rr;~Jungcd and intrnse" ~ (nsp. Fraser said the investigation
~~mhr~+fdrupdcnlinFin;~nurr,~stetch� coneernGd a number of independent
in~ I'rum 11'indsur t~~ C'hatham. oprrotors, not a drug ring.
Some drugs werc takcn during the
'The churgcs, under the Narrotic arrosts. A tally wu~ not available but
('untrul Act ~~nd the Fuod and Drug Sgt. Pratt said the seizures included
:\rt, invc~lve the ulling of heshish, about1~000unitsofLSD,
marijuanu, h~shish oil, LSD, amphet- Some of those arrdsted Frida were
umiq~,~~;unr~ a horsc try, nquilliter Y:
known as PCp, and u new hallucino- remandod in custody pending~ bail
~cnir drug known on thc street ~s hearings next wak. Others were re-
Pc' I�:. leused on thcir own recognuance and
Insr.l~ra~ersuidthedrugsboughtby ordered to rcturn to co;irt Feb. 12.
w~dcrcover nfficc~s cume in buys rong� They were told to rcport any chunge of
inF from 5?0 tu a single purchnsc of addresstotheRCMPandsomeagrcxd
5G,00f?. not to enter licensed atablishments in
ftCM P ~~fficers from other rcgions Euex County. ~
~ntcrcd thc urcu to work aa underrover N'urr~nts were still outstanding for
u~cnt. m~king purchasr~ ~nd tu carrv several persons in the Windsor are:i.
outsurveill~nce. Seven persons in the Chatham areu
tr;im of 3S policemen from the were named in warr~nts.
k('~tf', Windsorand Ch~th~im policc Sgt. Pr~tt said further chargts ;~re
;~nJ ~hc Ontario provincial polia ezpected in connection with the under-
hr�un r~iids at S e.m. Friday to round co~etinvati~ation. '
ur thr ,uxpects, RC MP Sgt. John ~'hc follow~ng is a liac of the peraons
I~r;~tt, hrad of thc Windsor area arug ~txraigned. on tral'tickir~ ehargts Fri-
~yuad. Hus in churgc of the investiga- ,d~y eRernOon befo~e e Juitia of thc
li~tn. peac~. � . ,
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030051-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034451-1
J~el Bi~garo 23~ of Meadowbrook Pamela Wilson~ 30~ of McKay Ave�
Lane, one oount of trefPicklng mari� nue~ one count of trgfficking marijue�
~ juana ond .one count of tref~ickin~ na; .
methampheut7inN;~ Pcggy ~adder; 2S, of Victoria Ave-
Terry Poa!er 22;~of ~~tiu ~tood~ tivo nue, twocount~ of trafficking LSD;
- counts of~ tta~feicl~~ ~ metlumpheu� Todd Martindlo, ~19, of Atwater
,mines; ' ' Crescent~ one charge of trafficking
` tre
' Martin tttri0..26~ o~lCin Btreat, 4nd LSD;
Ernp~t F#Ue~ult,' ~9, ~f Rotd'B,oulevard~ Lawrence Martinello~ ~0~ of Atwater
a Joint ch4rae,of tnf'I'Ickina metham� C~~e~~ counu of trafficking
- phetamine~; ~ , I,SD; '
lamie Santin 18, of MeDouRali pon~ ~~t; 29~. o~~ St. Pierre
A~enue, ~onp -e~mr~e of,. a~ffi~king
LSD; ' , Strobt, Tecumath~ ein~{q,dtt es of
QeorgE PAN~ 29, of Highway 18, tratlicklnaPCP,oocaineqid,~C~;
LaSalle~ one cha~ga of traffickina Knliteth Field~~ 2~~ .~~id Muriel
mar~juana; Fiddr, ~ 36, of 6tysw~Ur' Ct~eacent,
Ch~istopher dow, 18, of Winder� chug~d jointiy wkh one obuntof traf- :
mere Road~ one eeunt of trafficking ficki~ ntar~wn~ md one~count of _
LSD; traffic i~PCP;. _
Matthew Oetopovich, 23, of Perent Tetfancc Hunter. ot ~ruca Avenue~
Avenue, one count of trefCcking LSD onech~t~oft~l~dCin~mv~uana.
and nnothe~ ch~rQe of t~~ffickin~PCP;
Perry 0'Keete, 20, of L~b~die o~d,
thracounta of tnffickln~ LSD;
Gory Rudak~ 20~ of Riv~~d Avenue~
onechorgeoftnfficking mar~jwno;
Evangelos 5i~noti 26, of Rlvenide
Drive East~ two oounb of vafFickin~
Danitl Kalas~ 22~ of Univdraity
Avenue Wat~ sinsle char4a of traf� _
ficking in marjjuano, PCP, LSD ~nd
Cindy Carder~ 18, of Al~x~ndrine
Street, two cbarges of t~~fQckina GSD;
CSO: 5320
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030051-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034451-1
Windsor TH~ WINDSOR STAR in ~ngllsh 3 Feb 79 p G
A lorgaicelo d~uB taid in Wind~or end Chatham squad hom i t~oiler parkod behind a Maldon ltad
Frid~y'mry prove to be the buat of tha deade In the ipme,
tri�oounty trea. Police e~timated the v~lue of the ~ei:uro at S 140~000.
Police ~l~tated at Icast 21~,per~ons on 37 w~rrant~ for Two n~ wae a~rcated in Toronto in eonnection
drue tramckin~ F~Iday, About SI00,000 wonh ot' witht e~ei~uro.
dru~uu wero:bouaht du~inQ the invpti~Ation tnd m~ro A lu,ge xi~uro o~ LSD occurred at Windaor Ai~port
. were+eited duringthearrosta, in Novnnber, t97,, tRer o twaw~ek poike invatiga�
in.Februity of 1971, a raid brought the srraau of 16 tion.
pera~ia charQed with trafflekln$ and po~easion for A 24year-old Michi~an man waa cha~gai with pos�
the pu~pai~ of tra~cking ~nd 530,000 worth o~dru~ sasbn of LS~ for ~he pu~pae ottramckin . Confi:-
wen confiscated. . ~ cated iq th~e 4rroit were 13~9T0 uniu of LSD,~.3 gruna
~ Thoee ~rroatsculminated 4 tbur�month invatt~tion oi' huhiih ~nd fivo ~nms ot mar~wn~ ~lth ~ to~al
by Windar polica~Ont~cio provieciat police ~nd the v~luao~S42;000. ~
�RCMP. . � A combined cache of marjjwns. LSD~ huhish ~nd
Sevcral oeher raide during the put 10 yean ~ulted other unidentified dru~ wu di~oovered~ln'i raid ~y
intheseiturooflaraaquentitiaofill~~ldrugs. RCMP~ndWindsorpolioeinJptwry'of197t.
About 2,000 pounda of m~rijuan~ was found bypo- At laat.fivapa~arti= wete atreated in the r~id ind
lice on two farma nea~ Chatham in Auguat ot 1977. policx c~lled it thebiagat drug buu ever in Windwrac
Their atrcet value wu atimated u nearly 5700,000. the time.
At the time, police diuovend a virtual fecWry with The.value of the drug: could oot be atimued but
rlants beina cultivoted and marijuana proaskd~ polias~iathemar~juanaw~worthS~O�000.
cured and wrapped for u~e,et ~ale. Asf~r b~ck u 1969. RCMP ~aized t2S~000worth of
Four tri�county ua3 men were charQed with poua- heroin ~nd "more than S00 cap~ula beliwed to be
sio~ of inerijuana for thepurpose otu4flickinQ, ~mphetamin~a in wbu u one ot Windso~'~ biggest
In 1972 e cache of 700 pounda of mar uana in brick heroip h~ul~: A~1,S.'man wattakae intocustody in the
form was ~eized by the RCMP and the~indsor druQ . raid. ~ r� �
CSU: 53'LO
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030051-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034451-1
Three Parries for ~liminaCing Penalties
Toronto THE GLOBL AND MAIL in English 8 F'eb 79 p 1
~'rexC ~
OTTAWA (CP) Liberal~ Coneervatlve Leader The Government has long
CunaervutlvQ and New Joeeph Clark and NDP promised to r8move ottenc-
Demncratic Party apokes- Le~der Edward Broadbent es inwlving cannabis - the
man expresaed willingness sa1~! they would appoct leg- generic term tor mariiuana
ye~terday to grant epeedy isls tion decrlmineHzing and hashish - tmm the
Cnmmons paeea~o to le~!s- marliu~na. Narcotlc Cantrol Act~ whlch
latlon virtualiy ellminat~Ing ~~1t Lalond~'is serioue on provides a maximum seven-
penaitlee tor po~ee~lqt ot the' matter he ehould move Y~r P~ ~ tor simple
mariJuana tor pereonal we. possesaion.
The Conservatlve and 9Wckly~ Nr. C1ark said~
.~r adding t2at hia~,~
y wou{d Mr. Lalo~xle has sald that
undcrtukings in intcrvlews ~~awveiy it the Government brings in
atter Justice Minister Marc Q~~y atter soa~e debate. a bill~ it will be� simllAr W
Lalonde told the Commons He sald the Ca~aei'vativea ~~t P~ a few
he is wllling to oonsult the W~.P~er W e~eud more
oppositlon on whether dme an tbe bW, but wlth an
elecUon csll� loom ~ our ~r PaPe~' , betore the
d to
aebill to decri�, backs ue W the ~vall~.
' ~mmons had a chence to
minalize po~e~sion of mxri- Last Friday~ Mr. Lal~de ~y ~d 1~ave abo{-
Juana. ~ told Mr. Dlck~ the MP tor' ~e ~ v~~
Mr. Lelonde reetated the Lanark�Rentrew�Carleton, ~
Liberal G~ve '~Dng. that he dfd not have high
~k~MluRr' n~i~G~i that hopes that Pariiament ~'~~r
p~~,ye:.~ion of mari)uann would move qWckly on the Tnideau said laat � he
shc~uld remais~~an� ~ffence matter and he did not want
though not one tYabavould to raiee expectations talaely. ~~i~ ~
IMd to criminal .~aeWction Yeaterday. the miniater passsge: _
w~da crfminal r~d~.~ turped aelde a euggeWan U ~ the ~ Ser~~ WII,
Preeeed by Ca~Ative (rom Mr. Dick that two ~anr~is drugs .s~ ttie sa
youtb' cricic Paul ~ to Cabinet ordera be pessed a ~ drn~- wa~ld be
euD.~liln why the Gqvern- place mari~uana under tbe brq~t ~der
be Food and
met~t I~e hjled to act on the Food and Dn~ga Act instead p~ ~ ao~? co~~
matter~ the~,Juatice Minister ot the Narcotlc Control Act. p~
e~iQ"t1~F1~'i~l~Apd19 par- That ~oiutiae was not so #s ~LSD a~d amphet-
tlerc promle~ w caoAeratc simple becau~e it could oomma?ly lmown
~~we witl be vety happy Oo result 1n rcnwving the pos- b~s s
ccon p
It~~ ~see twv? taot we ottencee co
lana trom ~ev?r. .~4 rnme~nt
has been talkinp~aboat dec-
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030051-1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034451-1
i'iminulizMion I~r su lang
thut u tNiH~! !1NI14U U~ INglli�
nwcy h~tN twen cr+~t~~~d
amodg young p~~ple,
Mr, nlok euitl tho Cons~~M
vat~tres would noed tu ptudy
thd ex~ct tarm~ ot the prn-
ould besupproveA.
� patty hae'takcnt t.~u e~t~a~Kl
thnt it suppor~ dc~crimtnuli,
r.~tlon. ~ ~
Lditorlal Comments
7'aronto 7'HL GLUB~: AND MAIi., WLEKEND I.UITTON in t:c~glish 10 reb 79 p 6
(Edi~orinl: "Fro~en in Uttawa"]
[~r~Xc: ]
P~rhaps we should think ot this as a branded with criminal records for lite;
,quintess~ntially Canudian dtlemma. in one small .coreier of i~~ atfairs, a .
`The three major federnl poHNcal ~ar- more sensible attitude would prevail
ties are agreed - clearly and on th~ .and trie natior~ wouW proceed to mat.
record - that peri4lties for posse~sion ,tsrs o~ greater momant with at Ieast a
ot smail amounts of mari juana ought token ot maturity in its waloe.
to be reduced, that chere should no But this is Canada, wh~ere uaanimity
longer be a crlminal stigma attached is ~imknown~ ahere Qo~ensus is rare
'to the offence. The appropriate meana ~dsu~port fQr any issue
of put~ that agreem~;nt into practice is ~ phenomencm to be regarded vyitF~
are stra ghtforwurd; the course was ~
e ore t ic a l ly c ha r t e
c! more t han t
hree ~i~~~ a~ by
_ year:s ago by ti~e Canadtan Senate ~~m ot lmees Md so
when it gave npr,rnval to a biq remov- iE is that federal Justic~ MiNster Marc
L,akmde oontintx~ W uiak8 trai! noises
ing marijuuns from tho jurlsdlcuon of ~p~~ h~ .W~~~ ~
the Narcotic Control Act (criminal ~p~~ ~cating tt~t n~ one should
l~gislatitm) and placing it within the ~d his bir,~th in ex}~ctatiun ot
meliowec precinets ol the Fc~d and pro~ A~on by Ottawa-.particulal=
'Drug Act though the blll was subse~ ~ u~~ t,~~ a certaln
quently permitted to die on the order ~~ic,pungency tam!liar. a~t recent
paper. There are more than enough, q~nt,. w at lea8t three milUart Cana.
Ameriean precedents irom which to
draw coursge~ ending us far back es N~r ~ 8 '
1973 wben Or on became the tirat ot ~~o~ ig m~-~
many states of the union to render' 7 ~APo~
simple posisesslon ot mari juana a very frora boq~ the N~vv Damocratic and the
- minor ottenoe. There is broad, substan. ~~'~~Ye P~~: mind that
tlal ana di~tinguished support in Cana� Mr. La~londe hia~seil, with tbe tormal
da for a simtlar mwe, support that ~~ent oi his aom GoMernment,
includes a tormal resolutlon of the ~~n favor of such actlon; never min~d
Canadian Bar Asaociation cailing for ~at thie is 1979 and tbe Covernment
the civliization ot our oppressive and ~~~m~i~ ~~Y~~B
obsolete mari juana laws. $oes) to the reduction of penaldes for
Sur~fy, in almos~ any country twt ma~l~ P~~ sinoP 197Z. New
Canada~ the next stage of the drama er, never mind. For we are in the midst
~?ould unfold with all lhe grace ot of. a quintesserttially Canadlan d11em-
spring following winter; po~,~s~ors of ma: tor once. the pacti }s clear, the
small quantities ot d~ied toliage would P~ems are solved~ opposition has
no langer be threutened with seven time tor adion is at
yeArs' imprisonmcnt; they would rso hand.
longer be dragged through the stern . Pity poor Mr. Lalonde. He simpty
corridors of criminai judicature, doesn~c lrnow what ta da,
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Social CradiC Party Agr~inst Bi.ll
Torontio THE GLOBE AND MAIL in English 21 Feb 79 p 1
[Article by Mary Trueman]
- [Textij '
OTTAWA - Justice Min� spukesman on marlJuana, to yupport a guillotinedype
ist~:r Marc Lulonde said According to his office, measure on ~n impbrtunl
yasterday that early Intro- The Social Credit caucus b~~~~
ductfon �and apeedy pas~age is W conkr today with its Mr. L~atonde s~IW ~'In aa
uf A bI11 spttening mariJu~na leader, tbrne Reznoaski, int~rview in December that
possesslon nalties has who do~lte not,hold,a seet in he wottld ~be pc~aring a
been biock by the Soclal the Commone. A~ pariy atatt mariiuana bill the second
Credlt !?arty. member eald nariJuapa in ,sli~t~y cnore ~tMen1 tuqr
Lfberal, Conservative and may be discuesed. However, :?6e tirst~ a~ Se+aate
New Democratic Part therr~ seemR' llttle chance qy
ro~Ight~taweM ~Mr.
spokesmen expressed wll - that the socially conserva- e wtdle~~e vlGiis'If~iiNs-
Ingnesa on Fe6, 7 to ~rant five t,'redltlatee woutd ever ter ot.NAtla~al.~~Y~altft~8iid
switt paseage to euCh egls- changu thelr position. Mr. Welfare; died in 1975. The
latlon, which Mr. Lalonde Rezrrov?~sici, in a telephone mtnister said in December
had earlier lndlcated he interview trot~ his W1nNpeg thAt JusUce and Health And
hoped W introduce before an home yes~~+;~~. .said he Welfare ottlciale a+~d offi-
electlon. opposes sotte~,ling ~ta?l~ua~t ' cials in the Solicltor-Gener-
But Mr. Lalonde said in pe~laltlee bec~use ul's Dep~rtment were atudy
un Intervlew yesterday that tieves ,tnarijuana le~tds~to ing the whole area ot dan-
the Social Credit ~arty Is harder druga. , gerous d~ug legislaNaii "on~
ncit willing,to go along with ~y~t}j~ntne members In the an urge~tt basis"~nd~would
the~uthem~ Commons, the SocrPds could report to him by the end ot
! csn t proceed. 'fhey hold up a bill t~r about 17 January. . ,
will not gu along wlth it. hours ot Commons time. Bul
They do not want any this would take a deter-
chunge, he said. mined ettort~ ~ advan-
However, sources ln the ~"g -
Justlce Department said ~eBe. o[ . all ~~pportunities
work on drafting Ehe bill was t~~~ ~ ~ available
still continuing. ~~6~ Commons rules;
Mr. Lalonde said the So-. The other perties could
cial Credlt poaition had been. thwart~ this by moving t~
stated to him by Leonel Ilmit time on the debnte to
Bebudoln, the MP tar Rich- two or three days; a majoN-
mond. Mr. Beaudoin, an ty otparties In the Commonti
insurance agent and tather can do thts under Standing
ot 10 trom Bromptonvillo. Order 7bB. However, some
Que., is the party'a otficial members mip,ht be reluctant
CSO: 5320
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ARG~~rT~NA ~
Buenos Air~s I,N O~I~+ION in Spanish ~ ~'eb 79 p 3
L~rtiir.le by rii.~u~]. Carreira~
~Text~ 'I'he International i:arcotics Control Organization
recently requesL-ed its mEmber governraents to investi~ate the
real or~ar~izer~ of the world drug traffic by maint~inir~g a
stricter wltch on r.~oney movements. in its annual 2�eport~
the or~anization, wYiicti belon~s to the Lnited A:ations ~ states
that clandestine narcotics production and s~,ugRling pene~-ate
hu~e amounts of spendin~ and prnfits. 7his ~eans that goverr~-
ments can work against drug dealers if they ~ri11 cooperate more
intensively in watchin~ the interna~ior.aZ movements of large
~;r.?ounts of ^~oney . The orRanization states in its report: "It
would be desiraale for governments to consider~ perhaps ev~n
by means of international agreerr.ents, the possibilit;~ of in-
vestigating extreme~.y carefully the capital used to finance
internaticnal dr ug traffic. This wo uld make it possible to
ic~enti:;~ the �inancial backers who are the real organizers
behind ~r~is traffic." Particuiarly in Latin America~ dru~
smu~~linE~ and production have continued to grow in recent times.
^he follo~ring ~rticle is a s~u~?y o:' drug production an~d sales
in Latin America. ine article is based on ~nformation gathered
by ~hc rrench Fress N~ency.
1'ari;. ~'~lo~~bia, t'ri~~ scurce o`_' the most souPht after and
apoa: enrly :n~st select r~arihuana in the world is toda
alon~ with the "coke" :'ror.; ~eru anc; Bolivia the oain
Lati;~ Ar~erican source supply for sor.,e 40 million I�?orth
Ar^erican addic~ s.
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nurin~ 197$ ~ from Argenti3na tio ?iexico ~~he tiotial. figures ~ wh~ch
a~e of eo~~~se somewhati imprec3~e~ report tihe confisca~ion or
~Aizur~ of 3~593 tons o� marihuana, ~q,29? k~.los of cocaine,
2 991 do~es of LSD~ 200 kilos of hero~.n 96 kilos of ~ var~et
o~ amphetami.nea and ~arbiturateg~ and 4~ lcilos of opium.
According to datia from the v~rious nat~onal police force~~
stirictly regional drug addic~ion lasti year sen~ ~0 3ai1 6 000
pers~ns in Mexico (100 of whom were U.S. citizens)~ 2000 ~.n
Chi1e (1C percent of whom were minors)~ 1~43 3n Argentina~
106$ in Er,ua~or (44P deal.ers an~ 660 add3cts~~ 300 in Bolivia
(in the past 4 years)~ 33 rings of dru~ dealers in Venezuel.a~
165 person~ involved in drug running (or "") in Colombia;
also in Colombia~ nine planes and 24 ships carr~?in~ marihuana
were seizec~..
mhe Source of "Snow"
mhe ~valanche of "snow" which~ starting from the South American
tropics, pcurs intio the industrious north~ startis with the
_ clandestine coca plantations in Peru an~ Bolivia~ but its
main shipping port is in Colombia~ facing on both the Atlantic
and Paci:ic Oceans.
With its 1anc~ area of 1 141~014 square kilometers, Colombia '
harvests at least 100~Ob0 hectares o: top quality marihuana
including the famous "Santa Marta." Colombia also cultivates
cocaine~ although in small quantities~ It does however~ pro-
cess the coca extract that comes from Peru, Bol~via~ and
In Peru~ where the authorized coca plantings 10 years ago came
to about 10~000 tons~ it is estimated today that~ despite the
efforts made by the authorities to wipe ou~ its planting and
cultivation~ both legal and illegal production now come to
over 30,000 tons.
Peru produces the basic cocaine extract~ an impure drug with
a~ensity of one and a half times hydrochloride. This is
sent to Colombia and Mexico to be processed anc~ purified. A
kilo of cocaine in the U.S. black market sells ~or between
~40,C00 and ~50,000.
Fiolivia is potentially the largest South American producer
of cocaine. Official sources in La Paz say that 38 percent of
the cocaine consumed in the United States is of Bolivian origin.
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'I'~~~ U~ dr~.~~ ~nfor~~r~ant ~~enci~g recently r~pc~rt~d tih~a~
c~urin~~ 1~~7r~ th~ ~dc~9:n~ h3?d~ochl~rid,~ smuQ~].ed in~o til~e enun-
t~'y ttmc~unC~d to t~ns ~ of Wh~eh 17 ti~n~ ~am~ frc~m n~~.ivi.~.
Ar.corain to the~~ ~~urc~~ in 1g7~ drup de~lers ~~rnad
;~1 ~~0(~~b~0 from e~c~inc~ ~~~es, ~ut 7'Itd~; m~~�~~ine re~ortied tihe
U.S. rt~. ic dru~ ~rofits as ,~1 bil.~i~n~
The n~tiural cdc~ leaf, a plan~ netiv~ to the r~~inn~ h~~ b~~n
kndwn f'c~r eentur3.~s ~~nd il; is tradi_~ivndlly cnn~um~d 3ti th~
~3olivian hip,hlanc~ b~.~cause af fr,s stimula~ing pr~pertios when
fdod is scarc~. One ~ram of cocaine hydrochlorid~ can be
produced �ror.~ 1 kilo o>� coc~ 1eav~$ ,
t~texir.o is essen~i~? ly t1~e "p~rt ~f ~n~ry" intn vhe U~S ~ drug
ma^ket, ~nd is al~o a produ~er and consur,ter df and
' of s~m~ vari~ties df opit;m pap; ~ ~ccordinp ~o ~n official
report, ~usti in the ~tate nf Sin~loa alone there ~rr~ ~v~r 2~000
concealed landin~ s t:�ips .
In adc~.itiion to Sinaloa in the no:theast~ there are the
hr~l]:ucino~enic" ar~$s o: 1`~ayar2t ar~~ Guerr~ra in the �~aast~
both located on the pacific. Productiion is dc+..e by peasants
in mountainous arens that are harc3 for the arug services to
rEarh .
The n~her Latin A~erican countrles primarSly Ecuador~
Venezuel~, 3razil, Uruguay, Chi2e, and Argentina ~re
lnr~ely points o:' connectian or consumption, some~ sueh
a~ Ecuador, do ri~ve some plantings.
Drugs do not seem to be ~ny great socia? probletr. in Cuba
accordin~ to observers, but a Cuban o:'flcial recen~ly remarked
tha~ the probZem of dru~ sr~ug~lin~ oceL~pied the fourth or
f ~ftr, place in customs work.
Traditja~allr, Irdian hemp leaves or an extract of its :'lowers
aere the drugs nost in demand w~th Cuban drug addicts~ and
cnly some o.� the upper classes used cocaine, heroine, or
In recent years ~he^e have been :ew cases iavolvin~ any
sizeabl~ amvun~ o: draF traffic r~ported ir. i:avana? and all
in~�olved dru,~s bein~ smug~le~ by yacht~ or small Flanes froa
o~her Ca:ibnean islands and goin~ to the linited 5tates.
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The "Laundryn
C~sta Rica i3 bo~h s producer ~nd conswn~r of tnar~huana~ buti
it is a f~~~ure i.t shar~s wi~h o~her Central Amer~.can
~ountries a cou.ntry whi~h dr~tg au~horit~~s b2lieve ~s us.ed
by ~~ug ~~~1er~ as a "l~und~y.n
Thi~ "~,aunderin~?" of money invol~?es fan~ast~.c sL+.~ns tihat can
not be rainvostiQd ~n the Unit.~d St?zties b~cau~e of ~he problems
~r~tailed 3n ~us~ify~n~ its source to ~he ~~easury.
As fb r hard drugs~ Costa Rica annually consumes abovt 25
kilo~ o� Per~vian or Colombian cocaine, but 80 pe~ccen~ of the
popu].~tion between th~ ages oF 15 and 30~ especially secondary
1~v~1 ~tticlents~ sm~ke~ r~arihv.ana.
A:narihuana "puro," which is a c1~ar~ttie ~~.itt1~ 1ar~er than
th~ standa~d size costs 5 colones in 5an Jose (8.6 colones =
w1) and a pounc~ o~ marih~;ana~ which sells 1oc~11y for 1~300
colones~ in the Unitec' Staties cos~s ~300 to $400.
r~o1i~~ sbur~es ~s~im~te ~he dru~s ~~~it~~ in~o Cast~ Rica fron~
~~ru or Colombia at about 125 kilos of cocaine a year~ almosti
all of which is reexporte~ to North America.
Last October a lar~e drug ring was caPtured in San Jose witih
6 kilos of cocaine in their possession. Accarding to the
pollce, this gang had smuggled $3.8 million worth of cocaine
intio the United ~tates.
Penalties for dru~ dealers anC users vary in Latin America.
In almost all countries~ the ad~ict is consiuered ill~ and the
dealer or producer is treated as a criminal.
For the dealer or producer, prison terms ranae between 3 and
15 of prison in Argentina~ over 5 years (with no early
r~lease) in Mexico, �ro~: 3 to 5 in Cuba, from 10 to 15 in
Central Au~erica, fror,: 4 to 8 in Venezuela~ from 2 to 8 in
Uru~uay, fr~m 3 to 20 in Brazil~ from 8 to 12 and fines from
w40 to w2,000 in ~cuador, 25 in Peru, and :rom 2 to 8 years
in Colombia.
In Peru where the illegal coca crop has quintupled in recent
yeers, no~~ amountin~ to 70 percent of the world crop~ the
penalti~s drug violations have still not been applied~
anc~ it has been learne~ that sone ~udges have been penali2ed
for their readiness to release some suspects from prison.
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c;~r~~r~~.~.~,y L~tin Am~r~.c~n ciru~ prd~z'~mg ~~ndue~~d by
~p~~ia1 ~~~~.i~e servic~~~ ~l~hdu~h M@xS~o~ Col~mbia, and to a
1~~~~~ ~xt~t~t, Ghi1~, h~ve us8d ~r now u~a th~ ~rmy ~.n a war
w~.tih~ut ~utt:~t;~ r ~.~~in~ t ~lru~s .
Aa~e~m~nts ~~ain~t b~ti~ D~al~r~
I~ 1~~~ C~l~mbi~ ~i~n~~ ar~ ~~r~~:m~nt with the Unit~d Stat;~s
t~ "~xt~rmina~~" c~ru~ tt~~ffick~rs and 3ust ~ man~hs a~n
~i~nec~ ~ aPre~m~n~ with Vpne~u8la.
'I'~~ ~~vernm~~t ~f ~'rasi~~nt J~lI~ C~sar Turb~y d~cl~red "war"
~n dru~ and th~ 1oc~1 c~nsumption a� cncaine and
m~rih~;~n~~ ~nd ~ f~w days agd th~ Colombian mini~ter t~f ~8-
f~n~e r~v~n~,~d tn~ pur~ha~~ pl~ne~ t~ b~ u~~d
t~ st~~ngth~n th~ dru~ tr~ffic c~ntrol pr~gr~m.
~he Colombian d.rug campaign~ being carried au~ by tti~ grmy~
~~liC~~ air far~~, ~n~ navy ship~ ig b~inK w~~ed prim~rily
al~ng tihe AtlantiC ~dast, espQCi~ily in the n~rthern dQpart-
m~nt o� la~ Gua3ira~ the i~igg~st pr~ducer of ~n2.rihuana.
Th~ biP~~st h~u1 of mnrihuana in Colonbi~ o~~ur~d in la
~u~3ira, in a~1ac~ known for drugs. 35 dealers w~re caught
and 680 tons ~f dru~s were cdnfiscat~d thQ police.
tt �~ras als~ in 1a Gua~ira that the "bonanz~" marihu~na
p?antatiun coverin$ ~2~000 hectares �,a~~ c~i~cover~d.
~n ~cuador drugs come in frat~ Cnlombia throu~h the Amazon
~ungles, the u?ountains, and the coast~ in automobiles~ sraall
planes, :3ui~cases wi*h �alse bottor~s ar~r~ motarboats. 95
oercent ~s shipped on to the United S~tates, an~ 5 percent is
consumed by local addicts.
The :~rug F~unning Cow;tries
`I'he In~.~rpol of:ice in Ecuador recently caught a number of
powerful int~rnatiot~ai drug rings. According to the source~
the smup,glers travel directly to Bo~.ivi~, :~cqui re the extract
or cocain~ in t.a Paz Cnc:~abamba~ Gruro~ or 5anta Cruz de la
Sierr~, ~nd then go ~o Gusyaquil~ the main Ecuadorean port~
~rom where th~y go to ~olombia.
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Or ~o gr~zil~ a~ is shown by ~h~ a~~~ur~ ~.n Rio de in
ea~ly January 1979 0~' a smal~ plane coming from ~o~.ivia w~th
ov~r 17 kilos of caeaine des~ined for the Uni~ed Sta~es.
Travel3n~ in tihe plane were five pr~s~.cned dru~ ~raffickers~
but only on~ af tihem~ a natiive of Hong Kong cl.aimed the
responsib~litiy f~r the shipmen~ and was sen~enced to ~ years
in prisan.
Ih Hrazil the most widely eonsumed dru~ ~.s s~i11 mar~huana
produced in Bra~il eomin~ from Ma~o Gro~so and aoias~ s~ates
in the central eas~~ ,Maranhao in the northeast~ and Para and
Atna~onas in the north.
The alka~oid~ consumed ~n Brazil a11 com~ from Bolivia and
P~ru. NormAlly the drugs arrive in a hi~hly refined statie~
are distilled~ and then sent to North American and European
In Vene~uele~ despite the existenee of some plantations near
~he Colombian border~ the main feature of its drug market
se~ms to consist~ according to reliable opinions~ of its
~tatus as a"reexportin~" ~r "flrug running" country.
It dnes seem th at the Venezuelan shippin~ services arouse
little suspicion~ and ~ecording to estimates of the PTJ
LJudicial Technical Polic>~ only 10 percent of the drugs
~nter3ng the country are confiscated. The rest is sent on to
the United States and Europe.
Chi1e, considere~ 8 years aRo to be one of the ~,Fin ~~?orld
druQ distribution centers~ has arnarent?;~ won its batt:.e
tt~ainst ~?.ru~ abuse. In any event, official reports reveal
that cocgine consuL~ption and traffic now amount to 10 percent
o!' the dru~ activity poing on at the beginnin;; of this decade.
Argentina is essentially a transit point for dru~s and drug
dealers. Becaus~ of the lengtt? of its borders~ drug dealers
consider it as a link between the cor.sumer cot:r?tries and supply
In 1q7Q the Argentine :cderal Police arrested 1,433 people,
confiscatin~; over ha1:' a Con of nt~rihuana~ 2?5 kilos of plants
and seeds, 3~~500 kilos of cocaine nydrocnloride, 935 units
o~ vr~rious a~phet~mines ar.d barbiturates, 1~244 doses of LSD
frorc ~mster~am, and 18 ~rar:s of opium during the same perio~.
cso: 5300
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't~~ifZC1NICl,I;' 51:1;1~5 NATt(~N'S HCLP 'To A~~1'CC MAt2iHUANA CRi5t~
Ctear~;rtc,wtt GLtyANA t'.f{kC1vIC1.i~, itt ~tt~lt~h 11_ I~Cb 7~ ~ 6
{ I;x~�rrf~~~s ~
'TH~ nNlian wae Why ~ahould the seeking yeuth3~ and not
~toggered lat .weelc ~s puynneAe netion be much wo~ done b;~ the
polke reported Ihe rn~etncd? authorhks.
~rizu~r ot an e~tlmaled ~ec~u~e th~i i.i not a ln 19'f4~ fivc pennns
nne i+nalbn do4n M cwe of some pampered werr rha~gcd and taken
m~riju~nn In middk~ci~ss~ teenagcrs tothc courta forbcing in
. Ceorgetowa. trying out "weed" to ~se~~bn of the atuff.
. MAf~1~Ri1,.; c~nm~bb {~d out whet ic ~ afl By 1977 thc ~iguc~ h~d
s~tlva... indMn Hemp... about. '[?~b ts nocaae of }urnped to 'over 40
~rns~... weed,,. pot... or ~}hek g~?nja finding hs peaons charged - an
g~~. CbU N what you wuy ~ Ouyana by ac� i~~~~ or ~oo ~r ~~~c.
ike. h b time the natbn cident or a~"pu~her" in 1974 the total amouni
CuY4~ ~p feeling out the mnricet. aetzed wai abnut 10
And be.coaccrned about '~t styte h~ passed a pow~ds. i~st~ year h
~~n e~il way of llfe that ~g ~}~c, Tatay the exceeded SO pcnlndt end
~breatens tu destroy the p=obiem seems to have I~st week thore was the
tabric otQu~sock~y. reach~ed frightening ~ rtcord,amount seited
'iT~e probiem is an prop~ions. Where is the marijuar~a
intemational onc, but it ~~e you any idea co~ from?
is during cri~icat times Wh~~ five stuffed A~ccading to the poCce '
whcn peopk a~e more suitcnses of ganj~ the p4?nt can be grown
Gkety to "try somcthing could mean to a com- ~ C3uyana. in fact, the
to rclievc thc tension." munity if rt ia distributed Guyana police have in
lt is always the same a W~e erca? the paat found pltntt
thc m~ssec being ex- ~at amount of dope if growing in peopks'
pbaed by a few bent on w~~p, d~tn'buted caa Y~ ~ Cfeo~eboMn, a
amassing weaith and to reach thousends of ~ fum at tlnden u~d in
heli with the con� aopk. certain areu of the
sequences. And if 10,U00 persona hhtedand.
We can deff our hats to took a for the fiRt time. Therc are even
the potice for heving medical experts say. at n+awua. akhou~h the
gotten hold of such a k~c SO per cenc of them poli�e has denied thi~~
largc ' cachc. but thc wo~ ~~y ~t that dope was grown at
paucm of dope-~cddling Up to fn?e years ag4 Jonestown.
ts likc the eaphah lake in pcopk in Guyaas? 3G CAAR~D
'iYinidad as soon as a d i s m i s s e d " Q o t- ln the tait 1 S montlu at
hok is dug it i~ fiUed up smoking" a4 just a habu teast 3d per~ons mostly
the next dav. A~qo,~,,,a few tbrili- ~n their 20 t. inciiiding
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women h~ve boen c~ken As the' Ciuyana court~
to the courts oe ' be~ln to t~ke a more
m~r~? chu~es and aedous view of the
the amounta ,ofdope eitt~etion ~ the poiice
fouad on th~m have d~closed that they were
been in~rotuir?~. Thla maldng cont~cts with
ihaw~ tlut them b a t~eir countarparta In
~teady eupp~? route la other Caribb'Qan
exirtence. tettitorks to proba., the
Nowever, tho police ~ poss~k exbtence of a
betbve tlut the buUc of regbnal dope networ~c.
the dape i~ oomin~ into G1~ime Chkf "Skip,
Ouytaa Mom ovene~t Roberts'pent a weekat
s,~~. '+;$pme an internaNunal ner-
th~ dop~ m~y b~ cottcs conference in.
Gamtn~ in by oc~~n- ~ Ltin America to ~ick up
~~g~~i~, weful hints and
~toeo~then the~ Wlu
Seizureg in th~ p~gr q,~h h~reotica teun
~lgo ~hnw th~t it 3~ ~und ~he wotW~
~omin~ ei~rdugh in- No doubt the rccent
eoming flightg nt ~bi~ haui wW en~our~e
Tim~hri Airport. the police to further
5ome praple ggy ~t~ntit~? their cam~n
thnt th~ grawth of +~~~t the useofdope
the Rn~t~furien b~~a"
mov~m~nt here is ~ tb~ ~s~Ct the
re f 1~c t i ng an in- coutts of Ouyatu c~n
. b~rp thest~ of the
creag~e in its use ~~t
- be~~u~~ they are coatidente vkw of thr
cultivnting the Ct+eepif~~menue~:
w~ed. But the 'ifie warW hts seee
courts ~~rr not N6a mit~ry ~
allawing rulture to ~d ~ b~d�kioas 1~oe
be nn excuge for coctine tad hetnin can
u~in~ pot. Th~ ,~~nu. Fortunately
Ciuyana hu naver h~d a
of fen~e of poKges- ~ dcP~ Probkm~ but
~inn ~~f m7rijunna ricent devetopmentt
~nrrics n fine of ~y~ =bpMp ~ the
$2,f10b nnd eWO yenrf ~ s~tiOn can become
impri~unment in the ' troublesome and
mA~i:~trntc rourcx wuranu a rut6ks:
:md $ 5~(100 ~nd attack befote i� =ets out,
five y~.~r~ if ~r~d� ~~~ajob
char~;cd indict- ~b' fa t6e poiic~ ~nd
.~b 1 tbe couia. t pr for
Y � � t~or~ of thc
__r____ J
CSO: 5300 -
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~IAatIIUANA `I'it/~Nf~ iCKt?RS CEtARG~n
Ganrf;~~t~~4~n CUY~~NA CIlRON1CL~ in Lngli~h 6~'eb 7g p 1
( I~;xr.~~Y~~~w ) A CFttPpl~l~ ~mon~ Ihroe wben ther appe~~ed befo~
pennn~ chureJ wi~h beGy Chkt t~lasbtra~e 1Vf~{u
in po~~e~~bn of !1m �orth Alexander. �
ot mar~u~na uited h poice ~'hrbr wu pl~eed oe 3~00~
nids in tAe c6X Mut ~rid~r. and the othea ~n tS~000
' And whtn 2~�ye~r old e~cb. Thep ue to ~etma to
Ceor~t g~teier~ pualp~ed court AprlhO.
from the wetat down. ' laNyer ~ta~ley Moo~e
reuhed coun in a pohce ~aat~nd ~ppe~ra~ee
vehkk yesterd~y. ~e had to yatetd~y o� i~~df ot
bc helped into tAe coweroaa 8utcher atid uid li c1e~t
by G~IMeGai~r,l7~~sot6er ~ww compiete4? deperdat
~ccwed. � ~ on w~er penau to wore
~oth n~ea~ of 6a~t ~rouod. Mr. Moo~+e uld
ttuirnveldt, ~rrived in coun Bdte6tr ~ alw 1e~tilde~
wlth their 'dteadbeks' u/ ~t i~ tM Yore ~r~Y ~
wtapped in 1o.?eb ~od bp na~b~~OlotlKn~rlieaedope
their~idew~s t~eMt~Tqbr. wufor~Q.
~0~ of Nonh Rad~ tAe otbe~ Ptotecpto~ I~tpeetor
accused. . NevW.Oe~t told tw ~tt
'1'he thhe arc c6anedwith .tnat te~tnl by~ u~d ~
' bein~ la pottarioo of ~wt' ot' e~at~ay Met~e
qu~ntity ol?'eau~bl~ ratka' ~d ia We iaid a~A ,abed
more popukcy kaowa u tottrA~aetilb~ibecarseot
mar{~uaaa oa Fcbtuary Z ad t~e value ot~Ye ~ei~ed idd'L
'd thrae pleadb ~
~'ti1): 5 iO0
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030051-1
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Mexicali LA VOZ DE LA FROPiTERA in Spanieh 9 Feb 79 Sec B p 12
~Text] Mexico City, 8 February--The Federal Judicial Police dealt Che drug
tra~fic a heavy blow when they located and destroyed ~~SS poppy plantatione
in rhe settlement of Vainilla, in the municipality of. Baraguaguato, Sina-
loa, which covered an area of 38,305 equare meters in the middle of the
Western Siezra Madre. _
Ramon Duarte Castillo, aged 34, one of those responsible for gnarding and
cultivating the drugg, was arrested at Che same location as he was attempt-
ing to escape, carrying in several trucks 1 ton and 750 kilograms of raw
marihuana, which was perfectly packed in burlap bage.
The public miristry of Culiacan, Sinaloa, with the aid of federal agenta
and army forces, proceeded to burn a total of 500~890 plante which were
gro~.+ing there. The individual under arrest refueed to di~close the iden-
tity of his accomplices.
In the town of Choix, in the same state of Sinaloa, the federal police dis-
covered in son?e huta 29 bags containing 2 tons and 500 kilograma of packed
marihuana, a can of opium gum and another b~g containing 8 kilograma and 200
grams of marihuana seed. Three of the drug traffickers escaped, hiding in
the mountains.
The Office of the Attorney General of the Republic announced that, for the
first time, poppy plantati~ns were discovered in the atate af Hidalgo,
where they were found on an area of 78,354.9 square meters, near the state
capital, and were also destroyed. No arreats were made.
Moreover, in the tawn of Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Victor Manuel Lucero Valencia,
t.ourdeg Nerme.linda Araiza de Lucero and Francisco Lucero Valenci$ were ar-
rested for selling marihuana to students in that location. A bag containing
2 kilograms of graga was seized from them. Finally, in Nuevo Laredo, Tamau-
lipas, Ju~?n Juarez Luna was arrested ~rith 14 grams of hashish in hia posses-
sion. All of theae individuals were placed at the disposal of the Federal
Public Ministry.
~ 2909
CSO: 5330
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'~1 Artigta,' Accomplic~s Arregeed
Nuev~ L~rzdo ~L MANANA in Sp~?nigh 23 Jan 79 Sec B p 3
C~~xc1 ~h~ Federal Judi~ial Palic~ detailed to thie town, under orders from
Camdr Margarirn M~ndez Rico, achieved grear succpss nn Sunday nighe when ehey
disbanded ~n ~ntir~ ring of pr~sumed drug txafticker~, ~nd cnptured the head
o.f this group, who turned out to be the nororiou~ murd~rer and drug ~muggler,
Artpmio Canzalez P~na, aliag "~l Artieta," who is wanCed by the police autho-
riciES in nearly all parts o� the state.
Very reliable gources etated yesterday that "E1 ArtisCa," who also goes by
tl~e namc "Armando~" and "Armando Gonzalex Pena," hae a veritable litany of
crimea In his record, including the murder of Rene Barrera, alias "La Ma-
lilla," whom he shot ro death on 30 December 1977, in the "COD" bar in Ciu-
dad tlier, Tnmaulipas.
Lnter, in an inctdenc which occurred in Nnvember 1978, he shot to death the
state rural policemgn Ramiro Infante, with his girlfriend, a Channel 3 te-
levision reporter fro~r Tampico, Tamaulipas, shooting them and, afCer ki,ll-
ing them, driving r~ truck over them.
On this occasion, according to inforn~ation provided yesterday by the coor-
dinating office a~ the agency of the Federal Public Ministry (AI~F), headed
by Alfr~do Aaron Juarez Jimenez, "E1 Artista" was arrested while in the com-
p~ny of his accomplices, Fernando Pozo Carza and Ismael Garaa Barrera. At
~lbout 2200 hours on Sunday night, federal agents under orders from Margari-
to Mendez Rico made a sudden raid on the "San Jorge" farm, in the municipa-
licy of Jimenez, TAmaulipas; because they had in�orn~tion to the effect
that "E1 Artista" was hiding there.
About 100 kilograms o� the marihuana known as "lamb's tail," were seized
from the thzee aforementioned persons, as were a 12 caliber shotgun, a 30-06
caliber carbine, several pistols o~ various calihers and ammunition for these
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The three pr~~umed drug txa~~i,ckexQ wexa tak~n eo Ch~.a town, Where rhey were
~CiJ.I cio~eiy que~t~.onea aboue the drug traP~~c as oP yesrerday.
With the arre~t o,f "~1 ~xt~ata," the ~~deral Judi.c~al Po1~ce complied with
two arreat aarrants, one issued by the second d~etricti ~udge in connect3on
w3th proceedings No 47-977, Por wh~ch he ie aanted as the individual pYe-
sumed guilty of a cr~m~ aga~net ~ealth ~n the degr~e of eror~~e and pos~
ae~~ion of marihuana. The other arrest warrant wae issued by a penal ~udge
of th~ Pirst inatance ~.n M~guel Aleman, in connection with the murder com-
m~eted by Artem~o Conzalez in an attack upon the late Rene Barrera, a].ias
"La Ma1i11a."
As aoon as the investigations pertaining to the drug Craffic in which "E1
Artista" is involved have baen completed, he will be placed at the disposal
of the Federal Public Minietry, which in turn will complete the preliminary
panai invesCigation that is required. Subaequently, "E1 Artista" will also
b~ placed aC Chp diepo~al of the ~udges who wanC Gonzalez Pena eo Chat he
may answer the charges Chat have been brought against him.
Of~icial Order for Imprisonment
Nu~vo Laredo EL MANANA in Sp~tnish 28 Jan 79 Sec B p 3
(Text~ The second district ~udge issued an order for the official imprison-
ment of Artemio Conzalez Pena, alias "E1 Artista," as an individual presumed
guilty of commiCting a crime against health in the degree of storage o~
The judge considered the evidence againat "E1 Artista," which was aupplied
by the Federal Public Ministry, to be sufficient to warrant the declaration
of his official imprisonment.
At about 1330 hours yeaterday, Gonzalez Pena was taken out of custody and
brought to the offices of the aecond district court, where he was notified
of the deciaion of the head of that court in connection with proceedings
No 47-977.
The proceedings in question began after the Federal Judicial Police seized
about 7 tons of marihuana which had been stored ina warehouae located on
the "La Morita" farm, owned by Celerino Pena Garza.
A toCal of 405 bags containing the injurious grass had been concealed at
Pann Carza's farm, and the latter had teased the warehouses used for this
purposes to "E1 Artista." In that occasion, Celerino Pena confessed that
ehe drugs belonged to "E1 Artiata." This was the reason for the issuance
of the warrant for his arrest, Which wa~ carried out a few days ago by
federal agents.
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At Ch~ Digpoaa~. a,~ Chfl ?TUdg~2g 0,~ th0 COUxC 0,~ Et(~~,t}~
_ Artemi.o Gonz~lez P~na, ali,a~ "E~. Artista," who ~,s wanted by the penal ~udge
of Che ~~rst in~eat~ce oP Ciudad y~c~oria, as we11 as by anotheY :.t,uxt of
eRuity~ in Mi~ue1 A~.eman, Tdmaulipas, was incarcerated in Cha Socia~ Rehgbi-
1it~C~on Cente~ in th~s toam. He is charged w~th eeveral crimes.
Released ~n Proceedings
xn proceedings No 17-979, a~~ order was 3esued ~or rhe release of Artemio Con-
. za].ez Pena and Iamael Garza Barrera,, for lack of evidenc~ wtth which ~o try ~
them; whi~e F~rnando Pozo Garza wag dcclared official imprisoned as an in-
dividual preeumed guilty of connniCting a crime again~st health, in vari~us
CSO: 5330
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Ciudad Juarez EL FRONTERIZO in Spanish 28 Jan 79 Sec A p 10
(Text] Upon the interception at dawn yesterday of a tru~k loaded with 430
kilograms of marihuana and the death of the Cuban-Yankee drug Crafficker,
Rene Lichtl Cruz, Che police discovered, disbanded and arrested all the
membera of a ring of marihuana buyers and sellers which had members in
several staCes of Mexico and connections with the Mafia in Los Angeles,
Not only was Erick Lichtl, brother of Rene, Che trafficker who was shot
Co death, captured, but also Laura Montano de Gonzalez, Martin Ortiz Esco-
bedo, Anselmo Saavedra, Ramiro Gonzalez de la Torre and Juan Jose Gonzalez
Gonzalez, the latter two of whom were heads of the organization.
The ring operated in this manner: Ramiro Gonzalez and Juan Jose Gonzalez
made periodic trips to Jerez, Zacatecas, to buy marihuana there, but by the
They were the owners of a 1977 stake-body truck, and carried their shipments
in iC to this border.
On this latest trip, they hired the services of drivers Marti~ Ortia Escobe-
do and Anselmo Saavedra Sanchez, having the latter carry 450 kilograms of
grass in that truck. Before reaching Glorieta, at kilometer 20, they turned
it over Co Rene and Erick Lichtl and Laura MonCano de Gonzalez.
Martin and Anselmo continued, as they had been 3nstructed. With the truck,
Chey reached the third or fourth kilometer before Glorieta; and there, af-
ter each had received 15,000 pesos for his services, they turned over Che
truck and the grass to Rene Lichtl, who at that time, 0330 hours in the
morning, was waiting for them at this location, with his brother, Erick,
and Laura Montano, who were going to guard him in a Volkswagen. Rene,
behind the wheel of the truck and with the 450 kilograms of marih uana, made
the mistake o~ driving at high speed.
He was traveling very fast, and this attracted the attention of Federal
Higbway Police agent Jose Angel Marin Lopez, who on that date and at that
Cime was assigned to the intersection of the two highways. "
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- Hr ncdrr~d the dri.ver the veh3.cle c~rrying th~ in~urfr+ua ~r~g~ td ~tap,
~~nd th~ l~ttpx ~hpyed. Ne ~topped but~ bE~ore a~~nt Marin Lop~~
r~ach~d him, he h~gan ~houcing at him. Almogt ~imultt~tt~bu9lyj ~rick end
, Laura n]~o beg~n firing ~C ehp Ppder~l HighWay Police oftic~r.
'~h~y wounded him. Although h~ re~eivpd three eAot~ in the ~h~st~ d~~p~t~
htg wound~ he r~turned the attack, and kill~d itene and wound~d ~rick in
ch~ ~orehead.
Upon ~eeing Ren~ on che ground and Erick wounded, L~urA, who wes th~ on~
~xivink the Volkawager?, tri~d Co leave the gcene. Sh~ gtar~ed up the Vo1ks-
wagen and~ with ~rick at her right, ghe took the Pan-American Highway at
high ~peed, hedding for ehe downtowtt Areg of rhe town~ At the ~ir~ o~ thp
La Pdsada Moeel, in Marques, she lost control of thP compace egr, which
overturn~d. They were found there and arr~gted b,y twn redio paCrol nffic~r~
who were behind the Volkaw~gen at the tim~.
After q~egtionirrg Erick and Laurx Montano, police inspector Hermila Gutier-
rez and thp conmiar?der of gpecial aervice~, Salvador Siller,obtained a cnn-
�essinn from them regarding the identity of the drivers and th~ headg o�
tt~e ring.
Agent:~ under orders from Inspector Gutierrez and Coamzander 5iller arrested
the latter two~ R~miro Conaalez de la Torre and Jur~n Jose Conzalez at the
Los B.zlcones Motel, which wns the location where they werh to receive the
merihuan~ so as to send it later to ~1 Paso, and subaequently to Log Mgelos,
C50: 5330
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Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 30 Jan 79 Sec B p 3
~'~ext~ Last Saturday, the Federel Judicial Police dealt the organized drug
traffic a heavy blow upon arresting three individuals who were engaged in
amuggling cocaine and heroin. Ttao persons who have been fully identified
, eaceped as they were about to be arrested and, in their flight, opened fire
on the agente, one of whom~ named Fernando Rodriguez Escobedo, wae slightly
The Federal Judicial Police seized about 200 grams of heroin and several
grams of cocaine. Alfredo Aaron Juarez Jimenez, coordinator of the agency
of the Federal Public Miniatry in the states of Nuevo Leon, Coahuila and
'famaulipas, announced yesterday that~ during the course of the investiga-
tions, Jose Javier Montoya Perez, Alejandro Conzalez Cantu, alias "E1 Canay,"
and Antonio Garcia Espinosa, alias "L1 Tony," had been captured.
The main ringleaders of the gang succeeded in escaping after Wounding the
aforementioned federal agent, who was well on the way to recovery yesterday
since the wound that he sustained was slight.
All this atemmed from the arrest that the federal agents made on 26 January,
upon discovering a package containing a small amount of cocaine in the pos-
sesaion of Alejandro Gonzalez Cantu and Jose Javier Montoya.
Upon being queationed, the latter said that the drug had been supplied to
them by Antonio Garcia Espinosa, alias "E1 Tony." An immediate search was
made to capture Antonio Garcia Espinosa, who was arreste~d on the morning of
27 January. He had half an o~ince of cocaine in his possession. "E1 Tony"
stated that he had brought the cocaine from some drug traffickers whoae cen-
ter of operations was a residence located on Corona Avenue (they did not give
_ the exact addresa), and several federal agents went there. While tha agents
were keeping surveillance over the two members of the underworld, they sud-
denly rushed out of the houae and opened fire on the federal agents.
While they were shooting, they succeeded in boarding a Blazer typ~ yellow
Chevrolet truck~ in which they fled to an unknown location.
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One af Chp bull~e~ thsr wa~ Pi.r~d wound@d ~g~nt ~'~rn~ndn Rodriguez ~gcobpdo
in el~c~ faxeh~ad.
Inside the res~dence lrom Whieh the two gunmen and dzug Craf~tek~r~ had ~m~rg-
ed, th~ ~ederal Judicial ~olic~ di~covered several �0~1 package~ conCaining F
~pproximat~ly 200 grems ot broWn heroin. ,
The Traffickers Who Eecaped Hav~ Been ~ully Tdent~Pi~d
Ju~r~x Jimenez disclosed that the individuale who succeeded in e~caping hav~
been fully identi�ied, and that the ~~deral JudiCial Polic~ gre mgking an
essiduous effort ta appr~hend Chem, something which will probably occur at
nny time.
C50: 5330
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Culiacan EL SOL DE SINALOA in Spanieh 1 Feb 79 Sec B p 6
~Text~ Yesterday, Che agent og the Pederal Public Ministry turned Rodolfo
B~ltran Pacheco and Aurora Alvarado de Gonzalez over to the Culiacan dis-
crict ~udge so that the pertinent penal proceedinga could be brought against
them, based on preliminary investigation 35/979, for a crime against healCh
in the degree of purchase and supply nf heroin.
Beltran Pacheco, who has a condiCional release, killed Franciaco Beltran
Rocha in 1973 and, after having been tried, was aentenced to 10 yeara in
prison~ but wae freed because of good behavior. Now he will have to serve
the sentence for his previous crime~ and also for the one that he committed
on this occasion.
Upon noticing the presence of the Federal Judicial Police, Beltran Pacheco
asaumed a suspicious attitude, which the agents did not fail to observe;
and they arrested and questioned him. At first, he confesaed to his crime
of murder, but upon being pressed with questions he was found to have been
engaged in bringing heroin into the IRSS (5ocial Rehabilitation Institute
Th~ pertinent investigations were conducted, and resulted in the defendant's
disclosure that his supplier was Mrs Aurora Alvarado de Gonzalez, who is a
resident af Los Mochis. The Federal Judicial Police agents went there, and
apprehended her, et the same time seizing a polyethylene bag containing a
dark substance, presumed to be heroin and weighing 52 grams.
The case was compiled with this evidence, and turned over to the agent of
the Federal Public Ministry in this town, who completed the preliminary
investigation and who has now ordered Beltran Pacheco and Aurora Alvaradn
de Gonzalez to be remanded to the district judge to be tried for a crime
against health in the ~egree of purchase and supply of heroin, in addition
to that of heroin possession.
CSO: 5330
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Nu~vd Laredo ~L MANANA in Sp~nish 9~eb 79 Sea B p 3
CT~xt) Yp~t~rday, ~ group of notnrioug drug traffickerg from thi~ localiCy
and Monterr~y, Nuevo Leon, wer~ given pri~on sentences by the third d3grrict
~udge, whd regarded th~m ag p~nglly liabl~ for the commigsidn of ~ crime
against health in various degrees.
Mont~rrey engineer Joaquin de Luna Flores, Jorge Perex C~rdona, Joge i.ufs
Aya1a Lozano and Perfecto Gayt~n Elias will each serve 7 y~ar ~ai1 aenrences;
and, simultaneously, the first, third and fourth named individugls will have
to pay a fine of 25,000 pesos, or else remgin incarcergted in the Social
Rehabilitation Center for an additional 2 months. The second pergon will
pay only 10,000 pesos ag a fine.
tn the g~me proceedings, 158-977, Eduardo Alvarado Rodriguez wus given ~ 4-
year ,jail sentence and will have to pay a fine of 5,000 pesos.
All of these individuals were members of a well organized rin~ of dxug traf-
fickers with which Jose Contreras Olguin, Santos Vazquez Villdloboe and Ra-
miro Guerra Barrern, who received their release through legal meana a few
mottchs nEter th~ir capture, were associ~ted.
In July 1977, the Federal. Judicial Police arrested Eduardo Alvarado, who had
a sample of cocaine in his p~ssession and who, upon being interrogated, snid
that t~e worked for Jose Con[reras and Perfect Gaytan Elias.
Caytan Elias, in turn, claimed that he bought the cocaine from Santos Vaz-
quez who, for his part, obtained it from Joaquin de Luna Flores, through
Ramiro Cuerra Barrera, in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon.
l:very time that Sancos Villalobos purchased cocaine, he [urned it over to
Jorge Pere~ Catdona, to be concealed in his home located at No 925 Colima
Cngineer Joaquin de Luna~ moreover, claimed that he bought cocaine from Jose
~ I.uis Ayala, who in turn purchased it from an individual Who made frequent
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trip~ from South Am~x~,ea to Monterxey, ~o~c the puxpoae of conduceing trans-
aceions the putichaae and aale o$ cocaine.
Thtg drug~ Wh~ch the ueidenri~~ed ~ndivtdu~l ~old to ~To~~ Lu~.s Ayala Lozeno,
co~r $24,000 per kilogr~m, accoxding to the ~ratement made by the lateer eo
the ~ederal Judic~al Po1Sce.
Santoa Villalobos tureed over 8 ounces o~ cocaine that Jorge Perez Cardona
had been keeping, while 3 ounces of the same "powder" aer~ con#iscated from
Joaquin de Luna.
CSO: 5330
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Nu~vo Lnredo EL biAR20 Nt1~V0 LAREDO in 5pani~h 2G Jan 79 ~Qe B p 3
[Text) Y~gr~rday, the doore of the ~~il opened for an individual whom Ch~
Federnl ralic~ con~ider one of the czgrg of the dru~ traffi~ in north~tn
Nueve Leon and Tan~aulipas.
Thanks to ~n incident involving thp di~appearance of information foster~d by
hi~ defendera, Juan Manuel Saenz Ochoa received g favor~ble d~cision hended
down by the eecond diatrict ~udge, Luis Garcia ltomero,who ordered thQ innne-
dinte rNlease of the individual in custody.
Proceedings 50-978 had been initiated agsinat Saenx Ochoa for a rrime againat
healtl~ in vario~e degreeg. His defenders managed tn gubmit expert testimony
~s a final recourse to secure his release~ and succeeded in their efforts,
when the second district judge iasued the pertinent writ for hig release.
A cbemist hired by the defense for Saenz Ochoa, alias "E1 Johnny," decided
chat a powder seized from the individual who has now been exonerated was not
~ny kind of drug. The chemists from the local health center concurred in -
this opinion and~ on 10 JanuAry, they handed do~+n their decision on behalf
oE the defendant.
Based on this expert testimony, Garcia Romero decided that the corpus delecti
}~ad not been proven and, in view of thig fact, iasued an order for the re-
lease of "~1 Johnny," who left the ~ail yesterday when he had exactl; [
more months of his year's imprisonment left to serve.
The records show that, on 23 March 1978, when the Federal Judicial i~olice
ratded a farm in che municipality of Comales, they found a labora[ory for
processing heroin which was being run by Ju~n ~tanuel Saenz Ochoa.
In tf~e laboratory there were all kinds of implements for processing drugs,
incl.t~dine pteciaion scalea; and in some receptacles they found traces of
powders that were regarded as heroin and cocaine. The Federal Judicial Po-
lice also obtained a confession from Saenz Ochoa, wE~o told those authorities
that he was supplying drugs to Erasmo Jaime Carza, Cesar Pena Vera, Albino
Garcia and Cesar Cruz, alias "F.1 Mexico~" all of whom have been killed as a
result of their connectiona Wich the drug traffic.
CSO: 5330
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_ ~xico
Mexicali LA V02 DE I.A PRONTERA 3n Spanish 3 Feb 79 Sec A pp 3~ 10
~Text~ Mexicali--Peraonnel Prom the Office of the Generai Prosecutor of Jue-
- tice of ehe Nation have diecovered a new route uaed to ehip drugs to the
b~ack markeC in the United States. _
Now, the heroin originates ie San Luie, Arizona, within U.S. territory, from
which it ie sent to Mexico when a buyer arrivee. The transaction takee place
in Mexico, and the individual involved returne to the neighboring country.
This was diacloaed by an investigation conducted by the Federal Judicial Po-
lice detailed to thia toWn, in cooperation aith the agent of the Federal
Public Minietry, Oecar Felipe Caetro San Martin, Which led to the arreat of
four peraons, and the seizure of a"pedazo" [a little over an ounce] of he-
roin, ae well as S4,200.
The individuals under arrest are Ramon Hernandez Bautista. aged 53. a reei-
dent of Wateonville, California, and former employee of Pedro Aviles, in
San Luis-Rio Colorado~ Sonora; Rita Ramirez Zarco, aged 33, proprietor of
the "Rita" grocery atore at Jaliaco and 20th Stre~zts, in San Luis-Rio
Colorado; Jose Luie Salazar Mendoza, aged 22, Who livea on Guerrero Lane,
between 4th and Sth 5treets; and Roberto Ayala Mota, aged 21~ a resident of
1804 Libertad Lane, also in San Luis.
The first to be arrested by agents of the Federal Judicial Police ~ras Ramon
Hernandez Bautista, who was found to have a"pedazo" of heroin and the $4,200
in his posaession as he Was attempting to cross the border on foot to enter
the United Statea.
I1is three acco~aplices, with Whrnn he had come to this town a few days earlier ~
to buy the drugs, a~anaged to escape, because they were separated from one
another, so that each one would cross the border using a different route.
An ~ntire Chai.n
Ramon Hernandez Bautiata, who claimed to have vorked as an errand boy for
Pedro Avilea, who Was one of the most powerful drug traffickers in northwest
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MexiGn, ~on,~e~,~l~d th~e h~ h~d l~,~t W~egdnvil~.~, C~l~,~drn~.~, on 27. J~nu~ry
of .t~~te y~ar,
An An?eri.~an ~euple ~nd an i:nd~,vi:dual ot PuQrto ttican or~.gin, who knew that
he had 1iv~d i.n San Luia-1ti:o Colerado, proposed thar he tak~ cti~m to buy
hero~.n, so a~ to d~~tr~bute ~t ~n Hie res~denc~. They wanr~d et 1~get about
four "p~dazoe."
They arrived in Snn Luis-ltio Colorado ehat eame ~venin~. Th~ Amerir.~n~ wer~
waiting for him in the park at Obregon Avenu~ and R~mon Sereet, gnd h~ left
th~m carrytng $6,000 in hie pocket.
lle SmmediaC~ly went to the reeidence of Itita ltamire~, g~ ,laligcr~ ~nd 20th
Streeta, eo whom he Cold the purpose of his visit. Th~y were n:Ld fri~nd~~
They mad~ ~n appointm~nt ~or the next day.
Rit~ took him in her 1971 Volkswagen with Arizonu li.cenge plates TXN~469
to the home of Jos~ Lui.s Salazar Mendoza. tiite hergelf asked him for se-
v~ral "pedaxog" o� heroxn, ~nd Jose Luis reqves,.ed that they return lnter,
~ince he h~d to go ~c~d ~ind his cone~ct, in turn.
Ramon gnd Rita lefc, return~ng at 1500 hours. Joae t.uis asked them eo com~
back again, sincQ he had not found his contact at home.
Ia Che afrernoon, he met with Roberto Ayala Mora, whom he r.nld thAt he need-
ed severAl "pedazos" of the drug for a cuatomer; nnd the latt~r offered to
obtain them for him, noting that he would aell them to him for $1~400, be-
cuuse the quality was not very good.
He went to San Luis, Arizona, where he purchased them from a distributor for
$1,000 per "pedazo." Ke was to obtain six more "pedazos" for him within a
period of 8 days.
aob~rto returned to San Lu~s carrying the drugs with him in n well wrapped
plasCic cantainer. Ke met witl~ Joae Luis at hie residence, and boarded the
latter's car, a 1971 Ford Galaxie with Arizona license plates PFD-720.
They went laoking for Ramvn Hernandez and Rita Ramirez, whom Jose Luig noti-
fied that he had the drugs in his possession, giving them instructions to
follow him in the Volkswagen.
They drove along sever~~l s[reets for a long while, circling the block at
timeg. un[il they reached an empty house at Jalisco and 8th Streets which
was owned by a rclacive of Jose i.uis. Th~re, the latter obtained the "pedazo"
of heroin, which he gave ta Ramon through Rita.
Ramon complained because they had brought him only one "pedazo," but he was
satisfied when che sellers offered to supply him with six more "pedazos"
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within s o~ 8 day~, ~n Sal~na~, Cal~.~oxn~,a, &nd ga~ve h~.m a te].ephona _
number st Whi~ch he Wa~ ta #c~ach th~tn.
Ramon agreed~ ~nd paid them $1,800 ~or the heroin that they gave him. Of
the $400 wh~ch ~tas due ~'oea Lu~s~ he gave $100 to Rita for 6ringit~g the
cuetomer to h~m.
They separated, and Ramon met w~ith the Americae couple, and the Puertd Rican.
The group r~mained in San Lu~a to spend the ntght agaic~.
On 24 January, they o~rent to Mexicali in an old Chevrolet, in order to cross
the internationaL border at thet ~rontier port.
Upon arriving theq instructed Ramon to cross the border on the p~destrian
walk, carry3ng the drugs him. They gave him the $4,200 go that he could
make subsequent advance paymente on more drug purchases.
'They could not carry the h~roin, because they are addicta, and their bodiea
were acarred with the needle holes through which they took the drug.
They obtained an additional $9~000, which they divided among them ao as not
to arouse auspicion that ~uat one was carrying such a large eum. They met
in McDonald's parking lot, and separated.
Agents of the Federal Judicial Police arrested Ramon on Crietobal Colon Ave-
nue, as he was heading for the international border etation.
They followed the clues, and succeeded in arresting the other three indivi-
duals who were located in San Luis-Rio Colorado, Sonora.
CSO: 5330
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P~ANE CARRYING C~CAINE CRAS~fi~S--M~2xico Ciey, g~'ebru~ry--~~d~ral Judic3~1
Poli~e agente and forceg of the Mexican Navy aseigned ~o Ch~eumal, Quint~na
Rno, are gearching the bottom of the Caribbean SE~ for a smali plane which
erashed 3 days ago, and whi~h, according ro 3nformation suppli~d by INTER-
POL, wag carrying over 1 billion pesos' worth of pure coc~ine. Accnrding
:~er~+n~utical reportg rel~ased from Bo~ota, th~ Cegana plane, with r~glstra-
ti~n numher XB-LYG, was enroute Eroa? Celombia a~~d was b~ing flo~n by two
Mexicen pilots. Several ehips arp sailing over the ei.C~ where the gircraft
preaumably crashed, and ~ol~ere its remaine were floaein~. Accdrding to in-
formation from Gen ltaul Mendiolea Cereceo, Diego ~nriquez Gutierrex wag
drowned in that accident. However, the other crew member, xrancigco Lo~~x
Oliva, survided, managing to float in a drum for over 24 hours tmtil he
rEached the nearby ahore. Once on land, 1~e eucceeded in traveling to Me-
xiro City, to contact the purcheserg of the drugs gnd eo ~?rrange for the
selvage of the air~r~ft. 1'he Pederal Judi.cinl Police 1e~rned uf i~ia loca-
tion after the victim of the wreck hired the aervices of divers and boats
to salvage the drugs. [Textj [Nuevo Laredo ~L MANA?vA in Spanish 9 Feb 79
p lj 2909
MARINUANA PLANTATION DESTROYED--Mexico City~ 25 January--'Ch~ P~deral Judi-
cinl Police discovered a marihuana plantation And also confiscated 2,000
kilograms of thaCgrag~ worth a total of 15 million pesos, in the stat~s of
Sinaloa, Michoacan, Tam~ulipas and Chihuahug. The plantntinn Was epotted
fram a Y~connaissance plane of the Off ice of the ACtorney Ceneral of the
Itepublic, in the town o� Cerro Prieto, Sinaloa, and 200,000 cgnnabia indica
plant~ were destroyed. Also, in Morelia~ Michoacan, the drug trnffickers
Filogonio Moreno Carcia, Quadalupe Selaxar Sanchez and Nermenegildo Ambriz
Pacheco were captured. They had been selling the grass in joints at seve-
rnl achools in that area. The F'ederal Judicial Police agents geized 756
kilograms of that drug from them. (rext~ [Nuevo Laredo ~L MANe1NA in Spgn-
isti 26 Jan 79 p 1 J 2909
COCAINE SMUCGLINC RINC CAPTURED--Mexico City, 22 January--The Pedcr~l Ju- Folice dealt che international cocainp traffic anc.cher btoW by
capturing a ring of drug traffickers With 1.5 kilo~rar~ of cocr~ine valued
at over 21 million pesos. The investigation began when it aas learned
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thar ~n ~.nmaee o~ ~he ,ja~.1. ~,n Nueyo ~.azedo! Tamaul~.pas, A1,~~andro Pana, in-
tend~d eo arxange ~ puxchaa~ ~n~l ~a1~ txan~acti~,on ~,nyolv~ng Cha~ dxug with
BolSvi~n ~ang~~~xs, rAxough ht,s W~,~e~ ThosB unde~c axre~e aze the ~olivian
Os~raldo Max ~once Acost~~ Bprtha Cec~,l~a Sanchez ~loree, Maxia de la ~uz
Salfnae Pen~ gnd Jeeus Mediana Zevada. The ~~xs~-named individual wae r~s-
pons~ble .~or 6ring3ng t1:~e merchend~se Prom Bol~via acrose the Guatemalan
border, and carrying it to an epartm@nt in the Federal Dietrict. From there,
Bertha C~cilia aas eo take it to her house in Ciudad Satelite, where plena
would be made to sh~.p the druge to Che city of Chicago, Illinoie, where two
individuals known as Ca13 and Agu~rre aould receive them. Unfortunately
for the membere of the gang, thie time the Pederal Judic~,al Police wqnt
intd act3on ~uet when BertAan Cec#l~a was taking tt~e cocaine on board a
Combi pickup truck wi,th license plates 219-ADD; and~ thanks to her confe~-
eion, th~ rest of the ring wae captured a few hours later. (Texr~ ~Nuevo
Lareda EL MANANA in Spanish 23 Jan 79 p 1) 2909
PSYCHOTROPIC PILL DISTttIBUTOR CAUGH'r--An inveterate dealer in psychotropic
gubstancea who had been engaged for a long time in distributing thia type
of stimulant was captured on Tuesd~y ntght by Sta~e Judicial Police agenta,
who found 1,890 toxiC pills in hie possession. After being arrested, Mari-
ano Amador Lopez, aged 44, and a resident of No 1936 Donato Guerra Street,
was turned over to the Federal Judicial Po13ce for the pertinent investiga-
cion. Judicial Police agents reported that, cah~le making an inepection
tour on Tuesday night, ae they crossed the intersection of Peru and Riva
Palacio Streeta~ they noticed an individual acting in e suspicious manner.
Th~y intercepted him and, upon searching his pergon, found 13 stripa, each
containing 10 of the pills known as neopercodan. Upon being questioned, he
said that he dealt in this kind of drug, and that he had a larger quantity
at his residence. The agents confiscated 176 boxes, each containing 10 of
the same pilis from the residence of the individual in custody. (Text~
~Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 1 Peb 79 Sec B p 3) 2909
~XI~OLICatAN WITN HEROIN--Last night, Francisco Javier Morales Hernandez,
a former agent of the State Judicigl Police, was arreated with Mrs. Raquel
Adam~ and Raquel Solis, and four ouncea of heroin were found in their pos-
session. The arrest was asade by Radio Patrol Department agents~ but the
arrested individuals Were immediately turned over to the Police Inspector's
Office, and later to the Special Services Department, to continue the in-
vestigation of the case. Moralea Hernandez and the two women were appre-
hended in the Morelos development located in the Zaragoza section. They
Were apparently waiting for an airplane to take them to the state capital.
As of laat night, there was no further information on the arrest of these
drug traffickers. since the police probing it are Working in great secrecy
in order to locate other major drug traffickers. The person or place from
which the three individuals in custody obtained the drugs was not known
last night~ nor Was the identity of the person to whom they ~rere going to
gell them. ~Textj [Ciudad Juarez EL FRONTERIZO in Spanish 10 Feb 79 Sec A
p 6~ 2909
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DItUCS SLX~~T7 ~N NxGH'TCLUB~~Gu~rrero, 30 ,Tanuaxyr-Sevexal homoaexu~~:Ls, wair-
~r~ and the managpr ~nd adm~,ni,atrator v~ the n;tghtclub known ds "Uisco 9,"
a gar d~:acotflequ~ i.n thi~ par. t, Nere arrearted ~y rhe Feder~l Judi.c~.~]. Pn].ic~
wh~n ehey ~re ~ound e~ be druga among the cuseomcr~. Membpra
of ehe ~'ederal sudici~l Palic~, w~eh a eearch w~rranC, entered ehe premises,
- where they s~~zed 72 toxi~ p311s, a bottle o~ morphine, 150 grama of marihu-
nng nrid a gma11 Pla~k contain~ng 110 milli$r~ms of heroin. According ~n
Che ~gent d~ th~ Federal puBlic Ministry investigating Ci?e c~~e, ehey were
using the druge for their own cnnsumption, in ttie establishment itsel.~, nnd
the waiters were selling them. ['TaxtJ [Piedrgs Negras ~L DTARYQ n~ PI~bRAS
N~CRAS in Span~.ah 31 Jan 79 p~.} 2909
li~ROIN S~IZ~U IN DUIt,AVGO--nurango, 10 Febxuory-~--Todxy~ ~he k'ederal ,ludici~l
t'olir~ con�isc~red 17.5 kilograme of pure heroin, der~ling on~ nf the h~~vi~
est flowa ae Che international drug traPPic, becau~e it is aseumed that the
ghipment wme to be taken to rl:e United 5taees. 'Th~ dru~s had an approxi-
mate binck market value of 30 million pesog, There ure five indi.viduals
under arrest, three of whom are siblings, and the number may possibly ii~-
cr~age. The Federal Judiciel Police commander i-~ Durango, Pedro Perez
Hidnlgo, ennounced that those i.n custody are A~ustin,Aifredo and Alicia
Aguirre, as well as Joac Martinez Jurado and Agapito Reyes Alvarndo. He
also said that, when the ~ive were arrested, it wa~ found th~t the }~er.oiti
was being processed in a primitive laboraCory that they had on the "La
Herr~dura" farm, l~cated in the vicinity of Mal~ga, along tt?e highway be--
tween Durango and Ciudad Lerdo, which is where the drugs were found, pack-
ed in polye;:hylene hags. (T~xt] (Nuevo Laredo E1. DIARTO Di; NU~VO i.AREDO in
Sp~nish 11 Feb 19 p 1 J 2909
HA5IiISH S~I2UR~--The Federal Judicial Poltce were tnaking a care�ul investi-
gation of an individual named Juan Juarez Luna, aged 45, 1nd a resident of
No 4540 Oaxaca Street. According to the press bulletin rleased yesterday
by Che Coordinating Office of the Office of the Attorney Ceneral of the
Itepublic in the northeastexn zone, Juarez Luna was arrested because they
discovered hast~ish in his possession. In a brief bulleCin, the o�fice heAd-
ed by Alfredo Aaro;~ Juare2 Jimenez annoUnced that 14 grams of the afore-
mentioned substance hgd been confiscated from .luarez Lursa, and that he is
ct~erefore under close investigation. (Text] [NUevo i.aredo EL DIARZC? DE NUEVO
LA*cEDO in 5panish 8 Feb 79 5ec B p 3~ 2909
HEROIN TRAFFICICERS SEVTENCED--Yesterday, the third district ~udge imposed
a jail sentence on the members of a ring of drug traff ickers that was ope-
rating in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, G~hich ~;as disbanded by the Federal Judicial _
Police in May 1978. Andres Cruz Martinez handed down his final decision
yesterday in proceedings 102/978, and or.dered Roberto Reyes Martinez and
Ricard a Villarreal (widow oE) Vazquez to serve an 8-year prison term and
pay a fine of 15,000 pesos. Ne also senienced Jose Camez Retana to a Jail
term oi 8 years and 6 months, and Vicente Re}�es Conzalez to a term of 6
years and imposed a finE of 10,000 pesos on the Iatter. The third district
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courC announced tha~~ on 15 ~Jar o~ 1a~t yeax' ~edexal agenCa captured the
a~oxement~,oned ~,'ndi.v~dual~ and, ~hen the~,x ~xeaumed' gu~,1.t o,~� a crime againse
health was eatatil~;ahed, tli~y~ ~texe tuxned ovex to that couxt, and the ~erti- '
nent pxoceed~nge aexe bxoughC ~ga~nst them. Accord~,ng to the records of
the arra~gnment o~ Rotierto Rey~et~ Mart~nez and h~a code,~endants, on the
date in que~t~on the ~ederal agents arxeated Roberto Reyes and Vicente Gon-
zalez at tTie ~nt~rsect~on o~ PorP~rio Diaz and Aldama Streets, in the town
of Reynosa, Tamaul~pas. The latter was carryr~ng a 38-caliber revolver.
Upon inspect~ng the veh~cles~ tfie federal agents d~scovered a package con-
taining 400 grams o,~ hero~n underneath Cfie lront seat. Roberto Reyes con-
fessed thaC the drugs had been given to him by Rt,carda Villareal (widow of)
Vazquez. [TexC] [Nuevo Laredo EL DTARIO DE NUEVO LAREDO in Spanish 25 Jan
79 Sec B p 5] 2909
CSO: 5330
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OPIUM S~I2CU--Th~ Afghan anti-amuggling authoritiea hnve g~ized 713 kilogr~ms
of opi~m in Chezni Area, radio Ka3u1 reporCed last evening, `Che cnntreb~nd
opium, the radio said was being amuggled to Kandhar. [peahawar lC~iYB~R MAIL in
Engligh 1 Mar 79 p 1)
CSO~ 5300
- 49
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FiASHISH, OPIUM SEIZED--A shipment o� narcotica valued ~t $7~5 million wgg
uncov~red by police dogs durir~g the search of a Turkiah truck which ent~red
Italy from ehe Adriati: port of Ar?cnna. The 1,400 kilog of haghish and
325 kiloe oE opium were discovered hidden among bales of aCrylic cotcnn
bound for ~rueaels~ Th~e 56-year-old driver of ti~~ truck bearin~; Ankara
platea, identified as l,hmet Abati, hae been taken into cuatody. It was
reported that the tr~;ck hr?d been ferried to Ancona on a Creek ferryboat.
(Textj (Ietnnbul :'r;RCUMAN in Turkiah 3 Feb 79 p 3)
CSO: 5300
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A1~HETAMINE SMUGGLING TRIAL--Two children sitting unhap~ily on the back
seat of a car were "window dreeaing" for a large-scale druga run from
Holland~ a~udge was told yeaCerday. But it wae th~ look of obvious
diacomfort on the children's face~ that alerted Customs to Che biggeat
haul of amphetamines aeized by them in Britain, eaid Mr John Duveaux,
proaecuting at Lewes Crown Court. The drugs, worth nearly 120,000 pounds
on the open market~ had been packed so tightly that Che children, aged
eix and seven, were forced to sit on hard seats throughout the ~ourney~
he said. John Eggenton, 26, the children's father, of Fairfield Drive,
Wormley~ Herta, pleaded guilty to amuggling the druga into docks at
Newhaven, Sussex. He was ~ailed for two yeara. Mr Duveaux said: "The
two children and Eggenton's wife, MerediCh, were the window dressing to
give this venture a semblance of a faunily holiday." Eggenton, he added,
bought the druga for 20,000 pounds in Holland and then drove to Dieppe
_ where he caught the ferry to Newhaven. [Text] [London THE DAILY TELEGRAPH
in English 30 Jan 79 p 3]
CSO : 5320 FND ~
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