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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE= 2007/02/08= CIA-R~P82-00850R000'100030030-4 9 ~ ~ ~ - i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' JPRS L/asz~ 9 M~.rch 1.979 ~ ~ - PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, SCIENTIFIC ABSTRACTS ~ ~ (F~UO 1/79) - U. JOIN1' PUBLICATION~ RESEARCH SERVICE FOR OFFI CI AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 ~o~rL ~ JpR5 publicaCinns conCain intormarion prim~rily from foreign newspaper~, periodic~ls :ill(~ I)U~)ICS~ bue also from news agency ` Cransmissions and bra~zdcasts, Materials from fnreign-language gources are trunslated; those from Cnglish-langu~ge sout~ces are rranscr.ibed or reprinted, ~aith nc~ original phrasing ~nd other characteriseics ret~iined. Headlines, editorial reporrs, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. I~rocessing indicaCors such as [TexC] or [ExcerpCj in ehe firsC line of each item, or following the _ last line of a brief, indicate how Che original informaCion was - processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- - mation was summarized or exrructed. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied asappropriare in conrexti. ` - Other unarCributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items-are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- ~ cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. ~ COPYRIGEIT I.tiWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINAT'i0N - OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 61D~IOGRAPNIC ~ATA 1. Reporc No. 2. Reri ' SHEBT JPI25 L/8327 plent ~ Acce~sion No, . ucrn ute PLOpLC' S RCPU}3LIC OF CHINA SCIENTII~'IC ABSTRAGTS, PIo. ~ ep~tt �ce , (L'OUO 1./79) 9 March 1979 ~ b. ~ 7. Aucha(~) S. Peclamina Or6~oisation Rept. No. 9. Per(o~ming Ocg~nlt~clou N~me ~ad Addre~~ 10, Pro~ect/T~~It/Wotk Unlt No. ~ Joi.nC Publicatione lteaearch Service - 1000 North Glebe Road ~t, ~cooe~.~e Gr~ot No. Arlington, Virginia 22201 ~ i~. Spoe~otiog Or`ROIs~tlon N~me wd Addte~~ 13. Typa oE Repat dc Peciod Co~ered ' .~e above i _ d 15. Supplemeot~ry Noca� ib. A �cnca ~ The serial report containo abetracta in acientific dieciplinea regarding ~ - China. i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - . Key Word� ~nd Documeet Analy~i~, 1 a Da~cciptoa Ch ina Agricultural Science and Technology =Engineering and Equipment Bio-Medical S~iences __Electronics and Electrical ~ Chemistry Engtneering ! - Cybernetics, Computers, and x Genesal Sciencee " Automation Technology = terials Science and ~ Earth Sciences Metallurgy - ~ __P'hyeice and MaChematica 11~b. Id~ocilien/Ogeo-Ended T~cm� �G COSATI Field/Group Ol, 02, 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 11, 12, 13, 20 ~ 18. A~~il~blli~y St~teweet 1.. ~:curity Cl~s~ (This 21. ~ o. of P~ges For OfEicial Use Only. g~'an) 28 - LimikQd Number of Copies Available From JPRS. '~~ec~~,cy z2, P~ e ?o~~w Nri?~~ tia~o~ 1 u~co~wroc ~o~ar~~~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 I~OR OI'PICIA,L US~ ONLY JPRS L/8327 9 March ].9 79 ~ PEOPLE'S REPUBL~C OF CHINA SCIEN?'IFIC ABSTRACTS . (FOUO 1/ 79 ) _ 'I'his serial publication contains abstrac~s of articles published in selected scientific and technical journals. JPRS is unable to honor reque,ts for original source materials or informai:ion as to the availability of fu11 translations of these articles. ~ CONTENTS PAGE HANGKONG ZHISHI [AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE] No 11, Nov 78; � . No 12, Dec 78; No 1., Jan 79 1 ' a' [III - CC - 70 S F T FUUO] _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 FOR OFFICIAL USC ONLY A~;RONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE - AUTHOR~ CAI Shanwu [5591 0810 2g~6~ ORG ~ None _ 'PI7.'LL ~"The Air Force 'Three Learfling Conference SOURCF. ~ Bei HANGKONG ZHTSHI [AERONAUTICAT. KNOWLEDGE] i.n _ Chinese No li Nov 78 p 2 ABSTRACTs Durin~ 10-22 Septamber iq78, the Party Committee of the Air Force sponsored a"Thrse Learning ConfRrence" 3.r~ Pekin~. The conferencc was attc~nded b,y Chairman Hua Cuofeng and high officials of the Air Force. Other Farticipar?ts inc7.uded 1500 . represen~a~ives from Air Force units all over ~he country and ` over 2000 lacal representatives. Dur3n~ the conferance~ Comra~e Zhang Tingfa presented a summary report on th~ status of - = the "three learning" movement. Vice Chairmen Fang Yi, Geng and Kan Shi'en were invit~d to talk about the current political and economical situations ai, hor.~e and abroad as we11 as the current status of scientific development in China. _ Ri1THOR: None ORG: None ~ TITLE: "New~- in Civil Aviation Technology" - SOURC~s Bei~ing HANGKONG 2HISHI [AERONAUTICAL KNOI~VI~EDGE] in ~ Chinese No 11 No'~r 78 p 3 ABSTRACT: This article presents the following news items in the civil avia.tion community~ 1) the installation of ari automatic fueling station at Carrton's White Cloud Airport= ' 2) the successful development of directional organic glass by the Civil Aviation No. 101 Factory as replacement parts for - windows and windshields on large passenger planes; 3) the develcpment of the "76~." detergent by scientists of the Chinese Civil Aviatian Bureau and the Peking Household Chemical No. 1 Factor,y. - 1 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 ~'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AUTHORs LIU Zhengdong fo491 2973 276r] ORG: None TITLE;: "Impressions .from a Visit to West Germany" SOURCE: Bei~ing HANGKONG ZHISHI [A~RONAl1TICAL KNOWLEDGE] in - Chinese No 11 Nov 78 pp 4-6 I~BSTRACT: A Chinese dele~ation was sent to the 12th International Aerospace ~xhibition which took plaae fram 26 April to 4 May 1978 - in ~~Vest Germany. During their stay in We ;t Germany~ th~e delegation received warm hospitality from the German people~ and was invited to visit several 6~est German aerospace research or~;anizations and factories. In this articl~, the chief delegate Liu Zhengdong summarizes his impressinns of the ~ exhibition which included a varie~y of airplanes, missiles, and spacecraft contributed by more than 300 companies and factorie~ from 13 different countries. ~ AUTHOR: SHI Hequn [24~7 7729 5028] ORG: None - TITLE: "A Boat with Wings" _ SOURCE: Bei jin~ i~{ANGKONG ZHISHI (AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE ] in Chinese No 11 Nov 78 pp ~-9 - - AI3STRACT: A conventional boat is limited in speed because it is subject to lar~e drag forces when traveling through water. ~ Generally, there are three types of drag forcess frictional dra~~ wave drag, and turbulent drag. To overcome these drag forces~ a new type of boat with wing surf.aces (also called - hydrofoil) has been developed. The wing surfaces generate - sufficiently lar~;e lift force when traveling at hYgh speeds so ~ the boat essentiall,y travels above the water surface. In - order to ensure stable motion, a mechanism must be provided to control the lift force. On the basis of t}te lift control mechanism, hydrofo~ls can be divided into three types: ladder type hydrofoil~ V shape hydrofoil~ and rotating hydrofoi~. _ 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 FOR OF'~ICIAL tiSE ONLY - AUTHOR: WANG Hen~bin (3769 1854 2430~ - ORG: None '1'ITLL~ "The ProbZem of Rescuein~; Helicopters in Distress" _ aOURC~: Beijing HANGKONG ZHISHI [AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE] in ` _ Chine~e No 11 Nov 78 pp 13-15 - AB~TRACT~ Sta~istics show that the number of accidents and casualties for helicopters are much higher than those for fixed-wing airplanes. In an effort to overcome the difficulty of rescueing personnel fLom a helicopter in distress~ the following approaches have been proposeds 1) the use of parachutet 2) th~ use of eje ctor seatj 3) the use of rocket propelled ~mergency esca~e devicei and 4) complete retrieval o.f passenger compartment using paracY:utes or inflated descent cunes. ~ AU`I'HOR: LING Fugen ~ 0407 4395 2`7o4J _ - ORG: None TITLL: "Historical Development and Application of Rockets" ~OURC~ : Bei jing HANGKONG ZHISHI [AER~IYAUTICAL KNOWI~EDGE J in - Ghinese IVo 11 Nov 78 pp 16-18 ABSTRACT: This article presents a summary of the historical development of rockets in ancient China. S ecifically~ the following historical events are reviewed: 1~ the discovery af � ~the reaction principle as a source of prnpulsion around - 300 n.C. ~ 2) the discover,y of gun powder in China in 682 A.D. and t~ie first historical record of using rockets for milit~ry purpose in 1232 A.D. In addition~ historical evidences are also - _ presented to show the existence of certain advanced concepts - in rocketrys 1) ttie use of multiple rockets to deliver heavy - ~a,yload= 2) the use of multi-stage rockets to increase the total rangei and 3) the use of multiple "warheads" to enhance the power of destruction. (to be continued) 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 ~ FOR 0~'FICIAL U5E ONLY - Au~rxoR: ZHU Baoliu C2612 1405 3177] ORG~ None TITLE :"Mathemat i cs and l~farfare" SOURC~s Bei3ing HANGKONG ZHISHI [AEKONAUTT~AL KNOWLEDGE] in Chinese No 11 Nov 78 pp 19-21 ABSTRACT: T'~roughout the history of human warfare, mathematics - has always played an important role in determining military . strategies. In this article~ simple examples are presented to _ illustrate the application of probability theory, game theory, and queing theor,y to con~truct mathematical models of modern warfare. It is p~inted oiit however, that ma~hematical technique - can onl~r serve as a reference for making military decisionsi it - _ cannot replace the r~ole of human judgement. e AUTHORs None ~ ORG s None - TITLE: "News in Aeronautical Technology" SOURC~: Beijing HANGKONG ZHISHI [AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE] in _ Chinese No 11 Nov 78 pp 22-23 ~ - ABSTRACT: This article presents the follo~nring news items in aero- nautical te chnology: 1) air-dropped anti-tank land mines develQped _ ~ by the U.S. Air Force Weapon Development Center; 2) guided and ~ �nguided ~as .fume bumbs used by the U.S. Piavy and AirForce; 3) ' research and development of a satellite based tracking system for - trackin~; lon~; ran~e bombers and cruise missile by the Rockwell International Company; 4) test flight of the French Mirage-2000 - airplane; 5) turbo jet propelled subsonic missiles which can - be launched from airplanes outside the enemy circle of defense= _ - 6) oceanic surveillance satellite planned b,y Japan; 7) three ~rotot,ype fighter planes - the MIG 29~ the T-58, and a supersonic fi~hter bomber being tested by the Soviet Union; 8) the YAH-64 armed helicopter developed by ~he Hughes Compan,y; 9) laser landing equipme nt developed by the Soviet Unioni 10) new jet fuel being = developed by the Lande Company, and 11) a U.S. satellite launched 4 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY ( contir:uation Qf HANGKONG 'LHISHI No 11 Nov 78 pp 22-23 ) ~ in January 1978 to Meaoure ultra-violet radiation from space. 1 . AUTHOR : None ORG: None TITLE;: "Pictorial Illustration of a Flight Simulator" (Part 2) - SOURCE: Beijing HANGKONG ZHISH I[AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE] in Chinese No 11 Nov 78 pp 24-25 ABSTRACT: The brain and nervous s,ystem of a flight simulator is - an electronic computer which calculates the motion of an aircraft in response to the pilot's control commands. The _ calcu~ated motions are convertE~~ into signals which are sent to the simulatoi� to change the attitude of the aircraft or to simulate take-off or landing conditions. In conjunction with _ the simulated moti.ons~ signals are also generated to simulate the corresponding engine noise and aerodynamic noise and the correspondin~ instrument readings on the instrument panel. 5 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ` APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 ~ FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY i AUTHC~R s YU~N Fang t6678 z~55 ] i ORG~ None , TITI,~s "Applications of Laser in Aeronautics and Space Tachnclogy' SOU~tCI~ : Be i j ing HANGKONG ZHISHI [AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE ] in . Chinese No 11 Nov 78 pp 26-28 ABSTRACT: Becau~~ of its directivity~ intensity~ and mono- _ chromaticit,y~ laser has found an increasing number of applicatione , in aeronautics and space technology. This article discusses = the following laser applications: 1) las~r guided bombing s,ystemi 2) laser guided missiles and cannon shells= 3) laser _ communicatian between satellites~ and 4) high power laser weapons for destroying enemy satellites or long range missiles. AUTHOR: None ORG: Peking Aeronautical Institute~ Radar Training and Research Office - TITLL: "Mndern Fight~r Airplane and Fire Control Radar" _ SOURCL: Beijing HANGKONG ZHISHI [AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE] in - Chi:~ese No 11 Nov 78 pp 28-29 A B"TRACT: The main fanctions of a fire control radar consist of' searching~ dete cting and tracking enemy planes~ and con- . trollin~ the launch of air-to-air missiles. Since its first - introduction in the 195~'s, the fire control radar is now in its third generation of development. The modern fire control ~ radar is a product o~ advanced electrcnic technologies which , include: modern digital signal process techniques whi~h allow , the detection of targets under high interferen~e environmen~t, highly stable phase lo ck loop technique s; and modern rec:ursive _ filtering techniques which allow the smoothing and prediction of target coordinates in four dimpnsional space. In the design ~ of a moaern fighte r airplane, a unified approach is adopte d which considers the airplane structui~e, the aerodynamic characteristics~ the control s,ystem~ the power plant and the fire control sy~tem as an entit,y~ 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY � APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 FOEt Ob'FZCIAI, U5E ONI~Y AUTHOR s None . ORG : None T?TI:~: "Prevention of Bird Damage to Aircraft" SOURCE, Beijin~ HANGKONG ZH1.~~II [AERONAUTIGAL KNOWLEDGE~ in Chinese No ~ii Nov 78 pp 30-31 - ABSTRACT: Throughout the aviation history, there have been _ many incident~ of collisions between birds and airplanes, man,y of which resulted in serious damages to the airplane and loss of human lives. Consequently, measurea have been taken by - _ ~the aviation community ~o dis~ourage or frighten birda away from airports, to ref.nforce airplane structure to tt~inimize - collision damage~ to install microwave, optical, or laser - devices on board an airplane tu disperse birds along the flight " path, and to utilize radar warning system to indicate the posi- ~tion~ density~ and flight diz�~ction of birds. ~ _ AUTHOR s YANG Yansheng 2~;~9 36oi 3932 ORG : lVone TITLF s"How Does a Turbine T,ype Cooling System IrJork?" - - SOURCE : Bei jing HAP~GKONG ZHISHI [AERONAUTI~AL KNOWT,EDGE] in Chinese No 11 Nov 78 pp 31-32 ABSTRACT: Mc~dern airplanes are equipped with air-conditioning _ s,ystems to ensure that the air pressure and temperature are - maintained at a comfortable level. There are three types of cooling systems commonly used on an airplane : air cooling system, evaporation cooling system, and turbine type cooling - system. In a turbine type cooling system, the compressed air = _ is accelerated through a series of nozzles and its heat energy is converted into mechanical energy by expanding ~hrough the - turbine. The main advantages of a turbine type cooling system are as followss high efficiency; high cooling speedi abundant - suppl,y of cooling medium - air; versatility; and ease of _ maintenance. 7 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AUTHORs ZHANG Yimin [i7z8 6654 3046] ' ORG ~ None ~ 'CITLL: `~'rhe JT3D '.l'urbo-fan ~ngine". SOURCE: Aeijin~ HANGKONG ZHTSHI [aERONAUTICAL KNOWLP;DGEj in Chinese P~~ 1'i Nov 78 Pp 33-3~ - ABSTRACT: The J`r3D turbo-fan engine is a widely used power ~ P1ant on man;v passen~et~ a~.rplanes (e , the Boe ing 707 ~ 727 - = and the DC-10) because it satisfies most of the requirements of a modern power plant~ i.e.~ high reliability~ high thrust level and low fuel consumption. Its structure has a~15-stage _ compressor, an annular combustion chamber, and a~-stage _ - turbirle. The ~�irst two stages o~' tha low-pressure compressor , serve as a fan which considerabl,y improves the efficiency of en~;ine op~ration. The higher thru3t level and the lower fuel consumption of the JT3D enable an airplane to reduce its take- ~ off and landing distance~ increase its maximum range~ and _ increase its cruisin~ speed. The disadvantages of the JT3D are its rela~tively hi~h noise level and pollutic~n l~vel, its heavy - _ weight and bulky size. - ~ � AUTHOR: WU Xiekang [0702 3610 1660] URG: None TITI,E :"The runction ar?d Char~acteristics o~' Airborne Guns" SOURCE : Be i jing HANGKONG ZHI SH~ [AEROI~AUTICAL KNGWLEDGE] in - - Chinese No 11 Nov 7$ PP 35-37 - AS~TRA CT: Airborne ~uns refer to machine guns and au;omatic ~ cannons which are carried 'by airplanes or helicopters for air- - to-air combat and for attack~ng ground targets. In this - article~ a brief history of thP development of airborne ~uns R - is presented. The ~mportant rc~le of airborne gu ns in modern _ - tactical warfare and the advantages of airborne guns over air-to-air missiles are pointed out. In addition~ the range of _ calibers of airborne guns, tr~e special features of the ~.uto- matic me chanisms, and the types of ammunitior. used by airborne guns are also discussed. - _ 8 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 r I~'Ok Ul~'~ICiAL ttSL ONLl' ' AU'Pf{d~: LUO Cuoe~i ~5017 Og4$ 7.d8~ ~ ~RG , Nona TTTLi; ~"de ~ection ~f Syatem Leaka~ea o� An Airpl~ne" - ~OURCI~: HQi jing HANGKONG zHrSHI (AERONAUTTCAL KNOWLEDG~: ) i;~ - ChinPse No 11 Nov 78 np 3q-41 ~ /1~STRACT: Airpldne syst~ms such as fuel eyetem, hydr~ulic system, _ ~ir conditionin~ sy~tem.or oxygen sy~tem have many conduits and - fitti~~g~ which are ~ub~ect ~o leaks. Detection of system _ le~ktt~e~ is an important procedure in airplane manufacturing - because they may cause severe damages to ~he cirplane, Mosi :;ystem leakages are the result of impraper a~sembly procedure - or a~;in~; and fatigue uf components during normal usage. A simple ` mc~thod of detecting leakageg is ~o fi11 the systerr, with pres~urized gas and search f~r leakr~ by visuaJ. inspection. In recent year~~ more sophistic~~ed leak detec~ors have been developed s~ach as heat canduction leak detector~ odo~^ sensi~ive - - leak detectors, and chemical salt lealc de'ectors. Tn this ~ article, the basic principles of these detectors are introduced. ~ AU'rHOR: ~~IANG Ginian [3076 507~ 1628] - ORG : None TTTLL: "The Use of SanCwich Structures on Model Airplanes" ~ OURCE : Be i j ing HANGKONG ZHISHI (AEROI~IAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE J in Chinese No il Nov 78 pp 41-44 ABSTRACT: One of the modern innovations in airplane construction - is the use of sandwich structures which significantly inc.reasa the structural strength and rigidity of airplanes without weight penalties. Within the past decade~ sandwich structures have also been used in the construction of' model sirplanes. The most widely used sandwich structures are cardboard sandwich structures~ foam plastic sandwich ~tructures~ and honey-comb sandwich structures. In this article, a step-by-st~p procedure i; presented to illustrate the construction of a radio controlled _ model airplane with cardboard sandw ich structures. 9 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 ~Oft 01~'CICIAI, USC ONLY - AUTHOR ~ 6~ANQ Chuanehan (3769 0278 0810 ~ - OFtG : Non~ ' ' TITL~;: "The 1,uropean Space A~;ency and Its Activities" - SOURCIs: Bei jing }{ANGKONG zHISHT [AERONAU~ICAL KNOWLEDGE ~ in se No i i Nov 78 p 4; _ - AB~TRACT: The ~uropean Space Agericy (~SA ) is an international a~;enc,y,or~~nized by ii western European countries to serve their 3oin~ int~rest in advancin~ and applying space ~echnology. The agency has ~hree ma3or centerss 1) the space resusrch center ' 1oca~ed in Naaldwi3k~ Holland= 2) the space operation cent~r located in Darm~tad~~ Wese Germany, and 3) ~~:e space technical information center located in Frascati~ Italy. ESA has its awn sa~ellite ~racking network consisting of four tracking stations. Since i968~ it has launched a total of 1~ satellites. Its current dctivities include the davelopment of a three-stage ~ carrier rocket and the desi~n of a space laboratory to be launched by the U.5. space shutt~e in 198c~ Recently, there has been an increaeing number of interactions between ESA and the Chinese scientific community. AUTHOR: XIF Chu [6200 2806] ORG: None TITLF.s "A Manned B~lloon Crossin~ the Atlantic" - :~OURCE: Bei jing NANGKONG ZHISHI ( AERONAUTICAL KN06VLEDGE] in Chinese No 11 Nov ~A pg 46-48 and 2 A$;;TRACT: On 17 August 19?$~ a manned balloon successfully crossed the Atlantic Ocean for the first time in history and landed near Miserey, France. The balloon, named "Double Eagle- 2"~ was piloted b,y three Americans: Ben Abruzzo~ Maxie Anderson~ and Larry Newman; the entire journey took six days and six ni~hts. In this article, a description of the balloon structure and a brief account of the trans-Atlantic journey are presented. 1'revious gttempts to cross the Atlantic ocean by balloons are also summarized. In addition, the historical development of balloon~ and manned balloon flights are reviewed. 10 FOR OFFI~IAL U5E ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 FOtt O~~ICLAL US~ dNLY ~ AUTNOR ~ Nnne - ORC : None - TITLL"~ "~ictorial Illus~rations" ~OURCL~ Bei~ing HANGKONC ZHIaHI ~AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDCE~ in Chinese No l1 Nov 78 front and back covers~ ineide front and back cover~ AHSTRACT: The front cover of th3.s issue shows a picture of ~he firs~ ear~h satellite launched by China the "Eastern Red I~o. i". The inside fran~~cover shows photographs takQn during the Ai.r Force "Three Learnin~ Conference" which was held in September 1978. The inside back cover shows a schematic dia~ram of the "Double Eagle-2" balloon which carried three Americans across the Atlantic during .'~u~u st 1~78. The back covers shows photographs of typical activities conducted by the European Space Agency. AUTHOR: None ORG s None 'I'ITLC: "F.stablishment of an Air Route Between China and Yugoslavia� :;OURCE~ Beijing HANGKONG ZHISHI fAERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGEI in r Chinese No 12 Dec ~8 p 3 A B~TRACT: Since 4 May~ 1978~ a new air route has been established between Bei3ing~ China and Belgrade, Yugoslavia. This air route _ covers a distance of 9450 km, and passes over four different coun- tries: Af~hanistan~ Iran~ Turkey~ and Bulgaria. The total flight time from Bei3ing to Belgrade is 13 hours. Tn Rugust 1978~ Chairman Hua guofeng traveled alon~ this route t~ Yugoslavia in a chartered Chinese airliner. il ~ FO� OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 r~0tt O~FICI.AL US~ ONLY AUTHOR, YANG Zhongcheng [2799 0022 zo52~ ORG: None TITLF~ "The Cosmic Exposi~tion in Tokyo" SOURCL'i ~ei3in~ HANGKONG ZHISITY [A~RONAUTICAL Y,NOIr!L~DGE~ in Chinese No i~ Dec ~f3 pp 4-5 A BSTRACT: On 16 Jul,y i978~ a cosmir, exposition sponaored ~ointly by the Japanege educational and scientific organizations was un- veiled in Tokyo. Tha exp~aStion consisted of three bu3.ldings. - Building No.i contained exhibits of Japanese space technologies - and activities~ including the model M and model N carrier rock- ets. Building No. 2 contained exhibits of Ameri~an historical development and achievements in s~ce technologies~ including the space shuttle and space lab. Building No. 3 was the Apollo theatre where simulated moon landing was demonstrated by P com- - bination of movie films and real landing equipment and personnel. In addition~ a v~iriety of carrier rockets were on display on the - - open field outside the Pxposition halls. AUTHOP, ~ HUANG Yonglian~ [ 7806 3057 5328] ' URC ~ None TITI,E: "The 1978 National Model Airplane Competition" SOURCE: Bei jing NANGKONG ZHISHI (AERONAUTICAL KNOWI,EDGE) in Chinese No 12 De c?8 pp 5_7 ABSTRACT: The 1978 natianal model airplane competition was held from 8-22 September at the Ta~yuan School of Aeronautics. This competiti~n was the largest in the model airplane history and included the following events: third class tugged model airplane~ third class rubber band powered model airplane, second class - wire controlled model airplane, and second class radio controlled model airplane. There were also test flignts to break national records in several categories and technical sessions to exchange ideas on new model aicplanes. The six teams having the highest team scores from this campetition were: Shan~hai, Sichuan, Henan, Shaanxi, Guizhou, and Shanxi. 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 _ i~'OR nt~'~'tCIAL USI~: C1NLY AUTHOR, LUO Ming [5012 ?494] - OI2G : None m rr. s~~Anatom,y o~' the B-1 3omber" 50URCE: Bsi~ing HANGKONG ZHISHr fA~RONAUTSCAL KNOWL'EDGEJ in Chinege No 12 Dec 78 pp 8-10 ~ A $STRACT s Althou h g production of the B-1 bomber was halted in t97? by president Carter~ its research and development efforts had contributQd a gr.ea~ deal ~o thQ advancement of bomber tect~- nolog,y. Specifically, it incorporated the following new design features: i) unitized win~ and fuselage designt 2) variable- swee~ wing desi~;nt 3) unique structural design based on fracture - mechanies. Its ma3or performance data are as follows: maximum - _ take-off wei~;ht---t77 tonsi maximum payload--27 tonsi maximum ~ s~eed--Ma~h 2.?. at an altitude of 15240 m, Mach 0,9 a~ an alti- tude of 30 mi cruising speed--Mach 0.85 at an altitude of 15240 mi and maximum range--q8i5 km. A UTHO~t : No ne ORG : None ~ TITLF: "I'ictorial Illustt�ation of a Flight Simulator" (Part 3) :~OURCks ~ Be i jing HANGKONG ZHISHI [AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE] in Chinese No :2 Dec 78 pp 16-1? ~~B.~;TRACTs One of. the functions of a flight simtilator is to pro- ject recorded sceneries in front of the pilot in response to his commanded motion of the aircraft. Thi~ article describes a close circuit television simulator system which consists of the follow- ing components: the terrain model~ the six-degree-of freedom television camera~ the scenery control. terminal~ the simulator command terminal, the me:asuring and recordin~ system~ the flight cabin, the instrument panel, the screen, the computers for simu- ~ latin~ the control s,ystem and aircraft motion, and the televisio n projector. Such a system can simvlate not only various obstacles - during flight but also different visibility conditions in order ~ to fully test the flying skill~ of a pilot. 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 ~ ~Ott O~F'ICIAi, U5B ~ONLY AUTHOR, YU Zhenxin f 0205 ~~.82 245p] _ ORG~ None TITLE~ "Cleaning and Dus~ Preven~ion for Ground Based Gas Turbines' - SOURCE: Bei~ing HANGKONG ZHISHI [AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE] in Chinese No 12 Dec 78 pp 1$-20 A BSTRACT~ An increasing number of aircraft gas turbine engines are being converted for use on the ground or on ships. This article di~cusses problems of engine malfunetions due to the pre- sence of pollutants and corrosive materials in the air. In par- ticular~ procedures of cleaning the internal parts of the en~ine and methods of preventing dust particles from entering the engine - ~re in~roduced. Specific dust prevention devices such as poly- ester fibre dust filters~ inertia dust removal devices~ and ~ chemical sal~ filtere are introduced. AUTHOR: None ORGs None TITLE: "Lifting Body" - SOL'RCE: Beijing HANGKONG ZHISHI [AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE~ in Chinese No 12 Dec 78 pp 20-21 ABSTRACT: Lifting body is a new type of flying vehicle which _ has a very small aspect ratio and is equipped with vertical plates at the wing tips to achieve high lift forces and to ensure flight stability. The payload capacity of a lifting body is approximately 4.5 times as l~rge as that of a conventional air- Plane with the same wing span. However, due to the high induced dra~ sugfered by a lifting body, its climb rate is slow and its cruisin~ speed is limited (^~95 miles per hour). Because of its special flight characteristics~ the liftirg body may be developed into a new tyne of vertical take-off and landing aircr~ft. 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 I~'c~[t dl~'~zCIAI, U5~ ONLY ' AU'I'HUR ~ 7}~{~1NG Taichang [1?28 11~2 2490 ) - ORG : None '~'1:'PLL ~"A ~riendly Competition betwe~en Chineae and French f-'ar~trodpers" SOURC~~ Bei3ing HANGKONC ZHISHI [A~RONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE] in _ Chinese No 12 nec 78 pp 2Z-23 AL~STRACTs in mid Sep!;ember of 1978, a friendly competition - bel;wEen the Chineae and French pa,ratroopers was held south of' F'eking. The competition consiste~~ of four different events: 1000 m. individual and team prec.~s~on ~umpin~~ 2040 m. individual special skilljumping, and four-men p;attern formation ~umPin~. The result of the competion was that the French won the indivi- ciua.l_ special skill event but the Chinese paratroopers won the overall team victory by a score of 31 to 16. _ AUT}{OR s XU Debao (6079 1~95 0202 ] ORG : None 'I'I`PLi,: "Communications Satellites Crowding the Synchronous Orbit" _ SOURCEc Beijin~ HANGKONG ZHISHI (AER~ONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE! in ~ Chinese No 12 De c 78 p 23 - AB~TRACT: Because of the large numbe~r of communications sate- llites that are currently in orbit o~^ are scheduled to be launched in the near future~ the ear1th synchronous orbit (35~600 km above the earth) is becom~ng almost full. It is estimated that the orbit can accomodF~te 120 sate~lites while - 10~3 positions have already been rese~~ved. Crowding of the synchronous orbit and saturation of 1~he radio frequency band in communication char?nels have becomE; recent issues of legal ancl nolitical dispute among many nations. iS FOR OFFICIAL L'SE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 rOlt di~'FICIAI, USE ONLY _ AUTHOR, None - ORC : None TITL~s "Televisi~n Bomb" - ~OURCEs Bei~ing HANaKONG ZHISHT [AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE] in " Chinese No 12 Dec '~8 pp 24-25 = ABSTRACTs Television bomb is a tactical reconnaissf~nc>Q device designed to monitor enemy activities and Qquipment benind enemy lines. It consists of a television camera attached to a parachute which is either dropped from an airplane or launched from a cannon. The cannon-launched television bomb also contains a signal converter, a transmitter~ an antenna, and a power source which allow the television images to be transmitted - - back to the tactical commander. The camera in a television - bQmb must be sufficiently small in size and must be able to _ withstand large acceleration load during launch and during _ its flight. AUTHOR: ZHANG Luqian ~1728 1462 6i9?] ORG: None _ TITLE: "Ci?arge Coupling Device" SOURCE: Beijing HANGKONG ZHISHI [AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE] in Chinese No 12 Dec ~8 pp 25-26 ABSTRACT: Charge coupling device is a new composite material which consists of a P-type or a N-type semiconductor base~ a layer of silicon dioxide insulatxon, and a series of inetallic electrodes. It can be used in television cameras~ moving target indication systems. space communications systems~ and computer storage units. In this article, the basic principle , of the charge coupling phenomenon~ the mechanism of transmitting signals to and from tha charge couplin~ device, and the special - characteristics of the device are desGribed. 16 E FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 ~'Oit 0~'FrCTAL U5~ ONLY ~UTHOR ~ SHU Tian [5289 11~1] - ORGt None TI7'LE ~ "Man-made Heavenly 1'alace" - S OURCE : Be i~ ing HANGKONG ZHISHI [AEROIV'AAUTICAL KNOWI,EDGEJ in . Chinese No 12 Dec 78 pp 27-29 ABSTRACT: With th~ rapid development in space tech~~logy the concept of a"city in the sky" (man-made heavenly palaceS has - pro~ressed from pure fantasy to ~he explorato'ry desi~n stgge. Specifically~ ~he following two designs are cdnsidered to,have a sufficient degree of maturity: i) the revolving wheel-shaped crystal palace which ia expected to aocomad~te 10~(~00 inhabitants and weigh o~ver 100~000 tons~ 2) the cylindriCal twin-city which - _ rotates about its longitudinal axis and is expected to accomo- date a maximum population of 20 ~~illion. In order to reduce the cost o#' transporting construction materials into space, it ha~ been prop~sed to establish a mining facility on the moon and utilize its rich aluminum~ titanium~ and silicon or8s. Both - designs are not expected to be realized until late 20th century or early 21st c~~tury. AUTHOR : None - GRG: None 7'ITL~: "Pictorial Illustrations" - SOURCE: Beijing HANGKONG ZHISHI (AERONAUTTCAL KNOWLEDGE] in Chinese No 12 Dec 78 pp front and back covers, inside front and back covers, and color insert AB5TRACT: The front cover shows a scene in the aockpit of an airplane. The inside front cover shows photographs taken at the 1978 National Model Airplane Competition held in Taiyuan City of Shanxi Province. The inside back caver and back cover show artists' conception of the design of a man-made "Heavenly I'alace", i.e.~ a spa,ce station. The color insert is a photo- ~raph of young m~mbt:rs of' different races who participated in tlie t97~ National A~viation Youth Camp. 17 � a . - FOR OFFICTAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY _ = AUTHOR s None _ - ORG~ None TI~~LE~ "Chairman Hua Yisiting A Military Base" _ SOURCE s Bei3ing HANGKONG ZHTS~{I [AERONAUTICAL KNOWI~EDGE] in Chinese No 1 Jan 79 pp 1-2 AB5TR.ACT: On. 1~ October 1978~ Chairman Hua Guofeng~ vice Chairman YE Jianying~ and Vice Chairman Deng Xiaoping arrived at ~ a certain air force to review a military exhibition - exercise by the Chinese Air Force. The exercise a.ncluded such events as precision flight formation~ aerial target shooting, photography by reconnaissance airplanes~ destruction of ground - targets by fighter bomb~, and parachute jumping exhibition. AUTHOR: YU Quanfu [0205 3123 439~] ORG: None - TITLE: "197$ Civil Aviation Plan Compieted Two Months Ahead of - 9 chedule" SOURCE: Beijing HANGKONG ZHISHI [AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE] in _ Chinese No 1 Jan 79 p 4 - ABSTRACTs During 1978~ significant progress was made by the - Chinese Civil Aviation industry. The volume of air cargo - increased by 38 per cent= the volume of air passengers increased by 40 per cent. Special measures were taken to improve flight ~ safety~ ~unctuality~ and passenger service. Two new air - routes were establisheds one between Peking and Addis Abeba, ~thiopia= the other between Peking and Belgrade, Yugoslavia. In ~ addition~ 66 additional domestic flights were also established to encourage tourism within China. , 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AUTHOR: CH~N Zongzong [ 7115 1350 ~.350~ ORGr None TITLk;~ "Air Cushioned Ferry Boat at Tokyo Bay" _ SOURC~~ Bei~ing HANGKONG ZHISHT [AERONAUTICA~, KNOWLEDGE]in - Chinese No i Jan 79 Pp i4-15 ABS7'RACT: 'rhe MV-pp 1,5 air cushioned ferry boat is the largest Japanese boat of its kind. It weighs ~ tons and is powered by two Avco 2200 horsepower turbo engines. Tts maximum sp~e~ is - 120 km/hr= and its specific fuel consumption is 296 g~m/hp/hr. The MV-PP15 is a product of British technology and Ja~anese i.n~eniui~cyi it was developed under a coQperative effort between the Mitsui Company of Japan and the Vicks-Armstrong Company of Great Br.itain. A unique design of the NN-PP15 introduced by Mitsui eng ineers ie the finger sha~e ejector skirt which reduces drag and increases cushion efficiency. ~ ~ AUTHOR: JI Yunwen [ 6855 0336 3oeo] ORG: None _ ~ - `I'ITLE: "The Harrier Fighter Airplane" :~OURCL: Beijing HANGKGNG ZHISHI [AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE] in - Chinese No 1 Jan 79 pp 16-19 AB~TRACTs The Harrier is a Brit ish vertical and short take-off and landing (V/STOL) fighter airplane designed for low-altitude +actical operations on land as well as over water. In this article, the important flight performance data~ physical charac- teristics~ and fire power of the Harrier are described. The advantages and disadvantages of its operati~~n over land and ~ver ocean are discussed. A new method of ~Further reducing th~ take-off distance by using a ski-~ump on a carrier is also introduced. In conclusion~ the diff'icult:ies ~f tr4ining pilots to fl,y the Harrier and the rather high accident rate are painted out. 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 FOR OF~ICIAL U5~ ONLY AUTHOR: ZHANG Xuegui [ 1728 1331 2'~10] � ORG: NonB TITLE: "Trainer Airplane" SOURCE: Beijing HANGKONG ZHISHT ~"1ERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE] in ~ - Chinese No 1 Jan ?9 pp 19-21 ABSTRACTs Trainer airplane is de~igned to supplement flight simulators to provide a complete training program for new pilota. It allows the pilot to experience the sensation of , flying at hi~h speeds~ to understand the complex instruments of - a modern airplane~ to handle emergency situations~ and to learn the high performanae high mobility behavior of a fighter airplane. There are four types of trainer ~irplanes: 1) propeller driven beginning trainer airplanei 2) beginning jet trainer airplanei 3) all-p~arpose jet trainer airplane~ and 4) f ighter - trainer airplane. AUTHORS: Guo Yongzhao ~6753 305? 6856] ZHANG Guangxi [ 1728 1684~ 0823] ORGs None N = TITLE,o "The Center of Gravity of a M~ssile� ` = SOURCE: Beijing HANGKONG ZHISHI [AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE) in , Chinese No 1 Jan ?9 pp 22-24 - ABSTRACT: An important procedure in missil.e design is the = sele ction of its center of gravity to ensure good flight stability and good control characteristics. Specifically, its location must be properly selected with r~espect tothe center ~ of pressure of aerodynamic forces and thrust farces to achieve the desired pitching moment during ~iight. The actual center of gravity of a missile can be determined by measuring its - - weight distribution using a b~tlance beam~ a support frame with weight scales, or a suspension system. - 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . j APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 FOR OFT'ICTAL U5E bNLY AUTHOR r WANG Ya C37d9 7i6~ J ~ ORG r No ne = TITLC ~"An Ama~eur Sa~ellite Monitoring Group'~ _ SOURC~ ~ Bei3in~ HANGKONG ZHISHI [AERONAUTICAL KNOWLCDGE ] i~i Chinese No 1 Jan 79 pp 24-26 ABSTRACT: Th3.s article tells the story of a group of amateur British otudents and their physics teacher who established an - organization to mon~.tor satellite activities throughout the world. Their achievements ~.ncluded detection and tracking o.f ~ man,y Soviet and U.S. sate~llites~ and discovery of the secret _ :ioviet launch site Plesetsk. l~lith limited funds and conventi.onal ~ equipment~ they have been successfu].1y monitoring satetlite activities usin~ ~che following methods: 1) consistent visual - observations with telescopes or naked eyes= 2) careful analysis _ of satelli~e orbitt 3) careful analysis of radio signalst and - 4) co operation with other amateur satellite monitoring ~roups. AUTN OR: NING Ri~uang [3942 2480 0342] QRG : None TITLC: "An Introduction to Aeronautical Science" _ .tiOURCE: Beijing HANGKONG ZHISHI [AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE] in _ Chinese No 1 J~.n 79 pp 27_28 - ABSTRA CTs Aerona~.ztical science plays an important role in the moverae nt of achieving four modernizations in this country. It is based on the fundamental sciences of mathematics~ ph,ysics~ and chemistry~ and incarporates many discipline~ s~:ah as fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, thermodynamics, solid mechanics~ information theory~ control theory~ electric power and electronics, and material science~ etc. In recent years, laser tQChnology and computer technology have also become important branches of aeronautical science. - - 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 Fox e~FZCr~ Us~ ornY AUTHOR: ZHOU Qinsheng [0'~19 ~36? 3932] WANG Feng C376q 6265~ ORG: None TITLE, "Cooling of Turbine Blades" ~ SAURCE : Be i j ing HANGKONG ZHISHI [ AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE] in ~ Chinese No 1 Jan 79 pp 28-29 - ABSTRACT: To achieve the high thrust-i~o-weight rat io and low specific fuel consumx~tion of a modern ~as turbine engine rQquires very high oX~erating temperatur~es. In ora~.:r to ~nsure reliab,le engine ope~s~tion under these c~nditions~ the turbine blades must be made of heat re sistant alloys and mu sti be suf- ficiently cooled. Generally, there are ,fdur cammonly used methods oF eoolin~s 1) convection coolin~;i 2) air jet type cooling~ 3) air film cooling= and 4) dis~sipation cooling. AUTHOR~ JIA Chengxiang [6328 2052 4382] - ORG: None TITI,E: "Reflections on the 1y78 National Parachute Jumping Contest" SOURCE: Beijing HANGKONG ZHISHI jAERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE] in Chinese No 1 Jan 79 PP 3~-32 ABSTRACT: The 1978 national parachi~te jumpin~ contest was held durin~ 21-31 October in Anyang Ci~y of Henan Province. The events in this cQntest included :~ndividual precision jumping, individual special ski11 jumpin~;~, team-of-four precision jumping~ and team-of-four patte~cn formation jumping. A total - of 97 athletes entered the cont;est and 8 of the me n's ~eams and 3 women's teams broke national records in the team-of-four . precision jumping event i 20 male athletes and 13 female athletes broke national records in the individual precision jumpin~ ~vent. - 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 ~Olt OF~IC~AL U5~ nNLY AU'I'NOR , Nona ORC ~ Non~ - 'I'ITLr ~"passenger Plane of ~he Year 2000" SOURC~: Bei~in~ HANGKONG ZHTSHS (AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGEj in _ No 1 Jan 79 p 33 ~ i = A~STRACT: Recently~ exper~s in ~he international civii avia~ - tion communi~y offer ~he following opinions mncerning future _ development o.f assengar planes ~o meet the deman~s of the = z ist cen~ury ~ i~ fu~ture ~echnolog,y in passenger planea wi11 b~ = improved in terms of aerodynamic erformance, redu~ed struc~ural - weight~ and engine performancet 2~ new structural materials such as titanium alloys and aluminum alloys wi11. be developed for - futur~e 3umbo size airplanes: 3) large capacity~ long ra e supergonic passe nger planes and ehort range verti,cal brnshort take-off and landing pasaenger planes w il~ be developed by the year 2000. AUTNOR, HAN Yunzhong [7281 568~ 0022) ORC s Nor.e `I'ITL~:: "The ~anctions of a Pilot's Earphone" ~OURCEs Beijing HANGKONG ZHISHI [AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE] in Chinese No 1 Jan 79 pp 34-35 ABSTRACT: Th~ earphone is an essential instrument for the pilot of a modern fighter airplane. Specifically~ it serves the followin~; functions: 1) provides communication links be ;ween _ the pilot and the ground radio stations= 2) monitors signals from navigation stations to indicate flight course= 3) monitors flight altitude= 4) receives fla signals from flag statio~s - at the airport during landings 5~ provides warning signals when the airplane is being attacked from the rear= and 6) _ provides indications to the pilot when the enemy plane is within firing ran~~ of the infrared air-to-air missile. 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 ~OIt U~~ICtAL US~ ONLY - A UTHOR~ TUNd Yf ~4~47 i744~ ORG ~ No ne , Tlm~i "How to Meagure the Distance from a S~ar7" SOURCE ~ Bei~ing HANGKONG zHTSHI [AERONAUTICAL KNOW~DGE~ in Chinese No i Jan 79 pp 35-~6 ABSTRACT ~~'hi~ article explains the basi,c principle of parallax ~o measure the range of a distant ob3ec~: using two sensors separated b,y a distance . The method of" " parallax" - is explained allowe range measuremen~ of a dist~nt st~ar by making uae of the annua~ revolution of earth about th~ sun. AUTHOR: JI Zhunsheng [i5i~ 6874 3932~ ORG : None TITLEe "Advantages of a Flight Simulator" - SOURCE t Bei3ing HANGKONG ZHISHI [AERONAUTICAL Y.NOWLEDGE] in Chinese No 1 Jan 79 pp 36-37 , ABSTRACT~ In recent years, flight simulators are increasingly being used by civil aviation community~ militar,y services, and space training centers to train their pilots and astronauts. As a training tool~ the flight simulator has the following advantages over actual flight training: 1) it is more economical in terms of con~truction cost~ operating cost~ and utilization - rates 2) by simulating various difficult fli~ht conditions~ it allows the pilots ~ experience these conditions without - incurrin~ actual dangert 3) training efficiency is grsatly increased by repeated simulations of the same scenariot and 4) actual flight training time can be greatly reduced. 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ . ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 ~ ~Oit d~~YCIAL US~ tlNLY AU'CHOR ~ CUI Lianxin (15og 664~ 02~7 ~ tlaC~ None '1'ITLL~ "New b~velopment~ in Airplane Manufacturing Technology" 50URC~s Bei3in~ HANGKONG ZHISHT (A~RONAUTTCAL KNOWLEDG~jin Chinese No 1 Jan 79 ~~7 AB5TRACT~ To ke~~ pace with ~Che incroasing demands of airpl$ne performance, i.e~~ higher s~eed~ higher flight cei~ing~ and larger thrus~-to-weight ratio~ airplane manufacturing tech- nnlogy haa been evolving along the following lines: i) - incr~ased use of ~itanium alloy~ over aluminum alYoyst 2) increased uee of unitized and honey-comb sandw.ich a~ructurest and incr~ased iabor in ma~erial, processing and machining relat~ve to assembly. ~ AUTHOR r LI Xingfu ( 2621 5281 439:i~ ORG ~ None mITLE: "The Magnetic Cushion Flight Vehicle" 50URCE~ Bei~ing NANGKONG ZHISHI [AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE~ in _ Chinese No 1 Jan PP 38-39 _ ~ ABSTRACT: The magnetic cushion flight vehicle (or magnetic train) is a new type of surface vehicle which travels along a - railroad and is supported and propelled by Qlectromagnetic forces. Specifically, the magnetic cushion or lift force is ~enerated by~ cr~~ting a magnetic field in the solenoid attached to the vehicle. The propulsion of the vehicle is generated by a linear indu~tion motor wk~ose rotors and stators are attached respe ctively to the vehicle and the rails. Compared to conventional sur~'ace vehicles~ the magnetic cushion vehicle is quieter, generates less pollution, and offers a more stable and comfortable ride. In April 19~7, Japan Airline successfully tested its first HSST-OZ magne ic cushion flight v~hicle. 25 ~ _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 ~OR tl~~'ICYAL USC ONLY AUTHORs SUN Bin I1327 ~4~O1 ORG ~ None ~TTLE~ "On the mopie of 'Thermal Barrier ` . SOURC~ ~ Bei~ing HANGKONG Z}{ISHI [ AERONAUTICAL KNOWI,EDG~ ] in Chinese No i Jan 79 pp 39-41 and 26 - ABSTRACm: The so-called "~hermal barrier" refers to the effect of a~rodynamic heating on ~he surface of ~n aircraft due to decaleration of air stream near the leadin~ e~ge and due ta fric;~3ona1 effec~s in the bbundary layer. E~;cessive aerodynamic heating has many adverse effectss reduced st~~u~tural strength~ . fuel evaporation~ discomfort to the fli~ht r,rew~ and d3stortions or malfunctians in aircraft parts and instruments. To overcome ~he thermal barrier, the fallowing measures should be takens 1) applyin insul~a~tion between the surface skin and the interiorr emplc~ying coo~ing devices ~o reduce surface ~emp3raturet 3) using heat-resistant metallic or ceramic materials= 4) fl,ying r~t higher altitudei 5) reducing speed wrhen flying at low altitudes and 6) keeping the surface skin as smooth as possible. AUTHOR s LIL' Daozhi ~r~491 1418 3112] ORG : None _ TITLL: "Three Dimensional Flow in a Turbine" 50URC~: Bei jing HANGKONG 7.HISHI ~ AERONAUTI^.:L ;:;;C~ LLLVI:~] in _ Chinese No 1 Jan 7Q pp 42-44 ABSTRACTs ~in order to improve the operati�g efficiency oF a modern high performance turbine engine, it is re cessary to - accurately calculate the flow field inside the turbine. Three dimensional flow theory is a theory which desaribes the complicated motion of fluid flow in three dimensional space. ~ In this article~ the fundamental principles of one-dimensional and two-dimensional flows are explained in terms of turbine blade desi~n. A simplified theor,y of equilibrium between ~ pressure forces and centrifugal forces along the radial ~ - direction of the turbine blade is also discu~sed (to be continued). 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034430-4 , ro~ d~rtcr:nr. U5~ ONLY - AU~'I{OR ~ 'LU ~h~oxian [4~~71 4f301 0341 ) ORG t i~one TITL~: "Aerial. Photo~r$pher" :;OURC~, ~ei33ng HAiVGKONG ZHISHI [AERONAUTICAL KNOI~JLEDG~] in Ch.inese No 1 Jan 79 pp 44-46 ABS',CRACT ~~~Aerial Photographer" refer~ ~o a radin cuntrolled model airplane which carries camera equipment f'or taking aerial pho~ographs. Because of its unique capabilit3es~ i~t is extensively used by ~he movie industry to film explorations~ activities of animals and birds~ d~ngerous scenes or ba~tle scene~ ~ and difficul~t scenea in water or in the air. AUTHOR s None ORG, None TITLE: "Pictorial Illus~yiations" ~ SOURCE: Beijing NANGKOMG ZHISHI IAERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGEj in ~ Chinese No 1 Jan ?9 pp front and back covers, inside front and back covers AB:~TRACT: The front cover and inside front cover of ~this issue ~how picture,a of Chairman Hua Guofeng and Vice Chairman Ye Jianying and Vice Chairman Deng xiaoping reviewing an exhibition exercise of the Chinese Air Force on 12 October 1978. The back cover shows~ 1) the picture of paratroopers descending during a parachute jumping exercise= and 2) the picture of paratroopers competing during the 1978 national parachute jumpin~ contest which took place from 21-31 De cember. The inside back cover shows a schematic diagram illustrating the sequence of evgnts which took pla e d~l rin~ a~ m'~-a'r ollision b tween a Boein~ 'j27 airplane an~ a Cesn~-1'r2 ~igh~ p~ane above ~he Lindber~h airport of San Diego. 3012 CSO: 4009 - END - - 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030030-4