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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R000'100030024-'1 ` ~ ~ . 8 MARCH i979 : CFOUO i4179~ ~ i OF 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/8321, 8 March 1979 ~ - TRANSLATIONS ON USS R SCI~NCE AND TECHNOLOGY PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY CFOUO 14/79) U. S. JOINT PUBLIC~0.TIONS RESEARCH SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 , cvo~r~ JpR5 publications CO[lt~nin inform~~eion primarily jrom foreign _ newspapers, periodicals ~nd books, bue also from news ~gency transmissions and broadcases. Materi~~ls from foreign-language - . sources are translated; those from Lnglish-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the origin~zl phrasing and - oCher characteristics ret~~ined, lieadlines, ediCorial reports, and maCerial enclosed in bruckeCs - are supplied by JI'12S. Processing indicaeors such as [TexC~ or [CxcerptJ in the first line o� each ieem, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information wAs processed. Wtiere no processing indic~tor is given, ~he infor- naCion was summarized or exrracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in p~~rentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark ~~nd enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unaetributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items-are as ~ given by sourcc. The contecits of this publication in no way represent the poli- cics, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. - COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGUt.ATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF - MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. " ..:e APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 UI(1LIOGRAPHIC DATA I~~~~~ N~~~ 2. kocipicnt's AC('pgpjU~~ ,ti,,. sNe~r ,iptts L/ 8321 A, I I~ ,~n,l ~uln u I~ S. Rc~,urt hntc _ 'l'ItMl5LA'1'LUN5 UN USSk SCILNCI: ANU 'CI;CtINOI.OCY - PHYSICAL 8 March 1979 - SCiI.NCl:S ANU 'I'ECIINU(,Of~Y~ (FOUO 14/79) 6. ' 7, 1u~h~ui.) 8. I~cr(cxming Or�,~niz~~tiun ficpt, No, 9. I'rrlurnuni~, ur':,iaii.uiuo N,~m~~ ,in~l AJJr~�a~ 10, I'rojcrt/1'usk/Wcxk Unit Nn. ,Jaint E'~iblications Reaearch Service 1000 NOi'th Clebe ROtid 11. Contrart/Grent Nn. Ar1LnRton, Virginia 22201 12, `I~~~n.~~rin~; ur~t,~nii~~tian Name an~l Addrr4v 13. 7'Ypc o( Report ~t I'etiod CovcrcJ r1s .ibove 14. - IS~ '�u~q~li mruinr>' fVu~i~v = 16~ 11~. ~r.~~ r, ~ 'I'he report contains information on aeronautics; astronomy And sstrophysics; il ~?tmospheric sciences; chemistry; earth sciences and oceanography; electronics and electrical engineering; energy conversion; materials; mattiematical _ ticiences; cybernetics, computers; mechanical, industrial, civil, and marine engin~erinK; methods and equipment; missile Cechnology; navigation, communications, detection~and countermeasures, nuclear science and technology; ordnance; physics; propulsion and fuels; space technology; and scientists and scientific organization in the physical sciences. 17. y u�r,l�, nn,l 11~,~ um~�nt An:~ly.~ti. 11a. Ur4criptor. U5SR ~:lectronics Missile Technology Aeronauttcs Electrical Engineering Navigation and Astronomy Energy Conversion Communications Astrophysics Materials Detection and - ~1tmo;~pheric Sciences Mathematics Chemistry CounCermeasures Mechanical Engineering Nuclear Science and Computers Civil Engineering Technolo (:ybernetics Industrial Engineering ~ Ordnance gy I f~,arth Sciences Marine Engineering Ph sics ' t)ceanograpt~y Methods y - l i~t,. i.,, ~~i,, ~,.i.,,,i,.,i i,.,,,,.. Propulsion and Fuels Equipment ~pace Technology ~ I ~ 01,03,u4,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,16,17,18,19,20,21,22 1N. h~~L~l~~l~~y 19. Sccurity Claxs (This 21. no. of f'aRc~ r - Rcport ) 11 6 I~or UCEici~l Usc Only. T,imited - Number of Copies Available From JPRS �~~~~~~~y c:iass ~~~n~s Z2. HdR~~ u~c~t.n�sir� iF:n , , , � ~ ~ ~ ~ 1'll(S FURM MAY BE RF.PROQUCED USCOMM�O: 1~p11�P)~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPR5 L/8321. - 8 Maroh 1.9 79 TRANSLATIONS ON USSR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ~ - PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND. TECHNOLOGY (FOCro iA/79) CONTENTS PAGE - ~ ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ~iGINEERING ' Nucloar PoWer Generating Unite With RSdK-1000 Reactors Described, Evaluated (L. M, Voronin; ELEKTRICHESKIYE STANTSIT, No 1, 1979) 1 A Method of Interchannel Synchronization in the Playback of a - Multichannel Recorfling of a Wideband Signal With Frequ~cy - Divieion ' ~ (AQ I. Grechikhin; RADIOTF.KffiVIKA~ Nov 78) 13 Filtering Discrete Mul.tifrequ~cy Signala in Nongauesian Interference (I. M, Pyehkin~ et al.; RADIOTEKI~IIVIKA~ Nov 18) 20 A Shield in the Shape of a Double Ring Tq Shield AnCennae Againet Interference - - (Yu, M, M el~nikov; RADIOTEKHIdIKA~ Nov 78) ..~.,,.,,s...... 31 The Structuxe of a Receiver and the Optimwn Detection - Characteristice for Signals With a Randaa Inftiel Phaee, Amplitude and Duration (G. D, Filin; RADIOTEKfIIdIKA, Nov 78) 38 The Application of the Methode of Game a Theory to the - Racognition of th e Signals of a Source Where Traneforming Type Interference Ie Preeent in the Channel - (Yu, P, Kuzneteov; RADIOTEKHNIKA~ Nov 78) 43 A Quantitative Evaluation of the Economic Engineering Efficiency of Diecontinuoue Canmunications Service (F, F. Yurlov, L, A, Roahdeetvenekaya; RADIOTEKI-IIVIKA, Nov 78) 49 - -a- (III -USSR-23S&T FOUO) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 rox or~ict~, us~ oM,Y CONTENTS (Co:ltinued) PBge ~quivalent, Pare~metore of Gunn DiodQ in Two-I'requency Mode (A, S, Kosov~ T. A, Strukov; RADZOTEKHNIKA I ~LEKTRO~IIKA~ No 10~ 1978) ~~7 Principles of Miniaturization of Pasaive Microwave Strip - Elgnente - (Ye, L. Bachintna, ~t al.; RADIOTEKHN IKA I ELEKTRONIKA~ Aug ~8) ~~~~.....~r~.~....,,~...~..~~~... 63 GEOPtiYSICS, ASTR(JNOMY AND SPACE Furidamentale o� the Theory and Technique for Neutron Activation Element and Sa1t Analyeie of Sea Water Under Full-Scale Conditione (Ye, M. Filippflv~ I. A, Lamanova; MORSKIYE GIDROFIZICHESKIYE ISSLEDOVANIYA~ No 1~ 1978) 68 Poesibility of Detezmining Sea Water S~Linity and Deaeity From Gemma-Radiation Attenuation (Fo, M, Filippov; MORSKIYE GIDR(JFIZICHESKIYE ISSLEDOVANIYA, No 1, 1978) 81 ~ Experim~?tal Check of a Baselsse Method for Measuring the Electrical Field in the Sea (Yu, P, Butrov, et al,; MORSKIYE GIDR(JFIZICHESKIYE TSSLEDOVANIYA, No 1, L978) 89 Calculation of an Ec~uivalent Base for a Meaeuring Syatem With Current Fairing of e Rectangular Fonn ~ (V, I, Lopatn ikov~ et al.; MORSKIYE GIDROFIZICHESKIYE ISSLEDOVANIYA~ No 1~ 1578) 96 PUBLICATIONS Infoxmation Netw~orke and Their Analyaie (A, D, Kharkevich, V, A, Gennash; INFOFMATSIONNYYE SETI I IKH ANALIZ~ 1978) 101 _ Liat of Soviet Articlee Dealing With Compoeite Materials (GOSUDARSTVINNYY KOMITET SOVETA MINISTROV SSS& PO NAUKE I TEKI~JIKE. AKADII~IIYA NAUK SSSR. ~IINAL~ NAYA INFOI~IATSIYA. KOMPOZITSIONNYYE MATERIALY, No 21, 1978) 110 = Liet of Soviet Art'Lcles With Compoeite Materials - (GOSUDARSTVENNYY KOMITET SOVETA MINISTRAV SSSR PO NAUKE I TEKHNI.KE. AKADII~IIYA NAUK SSSR. SIINAL~ - NAYA INFOFd~lATSIYA. KOMPOZITSIONNYYE MATERIALY~ _ No 23, 1978) 112 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOtt OFFICIAL USE ONLY , ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING NUCLEAR POWER GENERATING UNITS WITH RBMK-1000 REACTORS DESCRIBED, EVALUATED ~ ~ Moacow ELEKTRICHESKIYE STANTSII in Ruseian No 1, 1979 pp 10-15 [Arttcle by L.M. Voronin, candidate in technical sciences, Scyuzatomenergo _ [Nuclear Power Alliance]: "Experience in Startin~ up and Mastering the _ Rated Capacity of Power Generating UniCs with RBMK-1000 Reactors"] - ~ [Text] In keeping with the "Main Guidelines for the Development of the National Economy of the USSR for 1976-1980," adopt~~d by the 25Ch CPSU Congress, there has been an unprecedented advance in nuclear ~ower in the European sector of our country. During the years of the lOth Five-Year Plan period ~ alone, the plan is to add 13.7 million kW of capacity at nuclear power plants. ~ At the present time extensive construction is under way on nuclear power genera- ting untts at the sites of the Novovoronezhskiy, Kola, Kursk, Chernobyl', Leningrad, Smolensk, Armenian, Beloyarsk, R~vno, Southern Ukrainian, Kalinin, Ignalina and other AES's. ~ . At nuclear power plants whose construc+.ion is planned for the next five to 10 years will be installed chiefly large power generating units with nuclear re- actors with an electrical capacity of one million to 1.5 million kW air.d turbo- - generator sets with a capacity ~f 500,000, 750,000 and one million kW. An important contribution to the development of nuclear power in the lOth and following five-year plan periods will be pow~r generating units with type RBMK-1000 and RBI~IIt-1500 channel-type uranium-graphite boiling water reactors. Each power generating unit of an AES with an RBMK-1000 is furnished with two 500,000-kW turbines, and in units with an RBMK-1500 will be installed two turbines urith a capacity of 75~,000 kW each. The installation in a power generating unit of two turbogenerator sets operating - from a single nuclear reactar noticeably facilitates the mastery of complex AE5 equipment and promotES better utilization of installed capacities and efficient organization of repair servicing of turbines and auxiliary equipment - in turbine rooms. At the end of 1978 in operation were fAUr power generating units with RBMK-1000 reactors (two at the Leningrad AES and one each at the Kursk and Che:nobyl' 1 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR OFF'ICIAL U5E ONLY AI:5's). 'I'he CoCa1 electrical capaciry o� power generating units ~~rith type - RI3MK reactora in operation and under construceion ar Che preserc time is _ 20 mi111on kW. About one hal� of a11 the elecCric power whi::h will be generated ~nt nuclear power plants in the lOth Five-Year Plan period is planned for pro- . duction at ARS's with RBMK-1000 reactors. , The fir~t pr.oCnCype power generating unit with an RBMK-:.~00 at the Leningrad AES was put into industri~?1 service in December 1973 and reached its rated capacity of one million kW by the end of November 1974. A second similar unit = at this AES was put inCo service 3n the widdle of 1975. Bot.h power generating = ~m ito at the Leningrad AES have been oper.ating reliably and sCably in the - Lenenergo [Leningrad Power] System in ti?e basic load mode. ' Iu 19"74-1978 about 45 billion kWh of elecCric power were generated with them. _ I3road utilization o� the know-how gained in starting up and masCering the protoCype power generating units at the Leningrad AES has made it possible Co master successfully similar units at other nuclear power plants. For example, ~ in December 1976 the first power generating unit at the Kursk AES began to produce power, and its rated capacity was reached in the first half of October ~ - 1977. At the end of September 1977 the first power generating unit went into industrial service at the Chernobyl' AES, and its rated capacity was mastered as early as in the second half of May 1978. The Lirst phases of the Kursk and Chernobyl' AES's differ little from one - another with regard to design solutions. They consist of two power generating units with an electrical output of one million kW each. The basic equipment ~ of each of these units is an RBMK-1000 reactor, two K-500-65/3000 turbogenerator sets anci two type TW-500-2 generators. The basic technological layout of - ~ a power generating uniC with an RBMK-1000 is shown in fig 1. A distinctive feature of AES's with type RBMK reactors is the fact that th~ - technological layout of each power generating unit is of the single-circuit type and differs little in this respect frnm the traditional layouts used i,n - thermal electric power plants. Serving as the source of thermal power are channel-type uranium-graphite reactiors of the boiling water type with water ~ _ as the heat transfer agent. The water heat transfer agent, at a temperature of 270�C with a total flow _ rate through tl:e reactor of 45,000 to 50,000 m~/h, is supplied through indi- vidual pipelines to the reactor's fuel channels (TK's), where it is heated to the saturation point and is partly evaporated (the mean vapor content at the outlet of a TK is approximately 15 percent). Then the steam-water mixture through individual pipelines from each TK enters a drum-type steam trap. - After separation, the steam, at a rate of about 5.4 million tons per hour r at 284�C and a pressure of 70 kg/cm2, is sent to the turbines, and the con- ` - densate Erom the turbogenerator sets, passing through feed-water heaters, is mixed with the water from the drum-type steam traps and is supplied to the - TK`s by means of the main circulation pumps (GTsN's). - 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 - FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY ' ..............................................................n....�..~ oooo'oaooeoo - .~~~~~~~~M~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N~� V ~ O ,Q � K daphv/?lepy ~ ~oooooo ~ i � ~ 1 ~ . 8~ 1~) ~ 1. � f4 _ _ _ - _ _ - = - uB,4 9 U H~( r.. - - - - - . ~ ~ e ` ~ �~~~1~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' � 12> _ ~ ~ , ~ 13 ' ~ , : , . noaa y~ o,~~ coae~ ~v , , . ~ , I ~ o 0,...~._ 0..~ ~ 0 z>o~ ~ j o i..'Z " 3 ) A i ~ o rQ ll3N - - - - 4~6 ~ 0 9~ lfoN(leHCarnNeieNacOCe~ 13) 0 0 5 g � 0 2 , ~ _ - g ~c~ j � Ip Pll g 3 a ~ooo d ~ p - e o , ~ - , _ - 3 � _'._.111 -��-YI e , _ - o _ _ o g o ' e o - o - o ~ 4 = O ~ o ~ o _ g o o 0 e ~ S S o g � o ~ - o 0 e ~ e o g o g o _ 0 _ a o o � g o ~ 0 e � 0 �~CMece NC+NZ oo g - � , , e s ~ ~r7 0 , ooooo~aooaa~l~ e ~iVOepooooooooopoopooooo00009o0oop0ooqooooqv � c~oooo - - Figure 1. Basic Technological Layout of Power Generating Unit of an AES with an RBhIIt-1000 Reactor: I--heat tranafer agent; II--decontamination loop water; Il"I-- steam-water mixture; IV--steam; V--feed water; VI--condensate; . VII--gas loop; 1--steam trap; 2--reactor; 3--induction manifold; ~ 4--GTsN pump; S--pressure header; 6--heat transfer agent de- contamination system; 7--intermediate steam trap; 8--inter- mediate steam heat~r; 9--turbir.e; 10--condenser; 11--condensate decontamin~tion system; 12--feed-water heater; 13--deaerator; , 14--generator; A--water to SUZ [control and protection systemj channels; n--cooling of deflector; C--cooling of SKh"L" system; D--water from washing system; E--to second turbine loop; F-- to KTsTK [fuel channel circulation loop] system [Key on following page] - 3 � FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Key : _ 1. E 9. PEN [delivery pump] 2. F 10. TsVD [h3gh-pressure cylinder] ~ 3. A 11. T'sND [lo~-pressure cylinder] - 4. B 12. Cooling water delivery - 5. C 13. Condensate pumps 6. rIixture HC + N2 7. D S. To bubbler The repeated forced circulation loop (ICrL�Ts) for the heat transfer agent con- _ - sists of two independent parts, each of wt?ich contains two drum-Cype steam traps connected by connectors f.or steam and waCer, downcomers from the drum- - type steam traps, the intake and pressure manifold~ of the GTsN's, four - G'raN's (three active and one standby), group distributing manifolds, and - ' also circulation pipes and the necessary stop and regulating fittings. A circuit waCer ion exchange decontamination system wiCh a capacity of 200 t/h is provided for both parts of the KMPT~. The steam partly used up in the turbirsQ:s, at a temperature of 140�C and a ~ pressure of 3.5 kg/cm2, aFter the high-pressure cylinder (TsVD), is senC to 2 - steam superheater traps. Steam superheated to 263�C at a pressure of 3 kg/cm enters the law-pressure cylinders (TsND's) of the turbines, and then the condensers. Th.e ma~or condensate from the turbines, after the condensers, undergoes total decontamination in ion exchange filters and is heated j.n the recovery system to 155�C, and is then sent to the deaerators, whence it is delivered to drum-type steam traps by means oF delivery pumps. The key reactor and Curbine equipment is remote controlled from a unit control console. All technological monitoring at the AES is performed by means of - the "Skala" totally automated computing and information system, making it ~ - possible to monitor the state cf equipment, make measurements and record para- _ meters, warn of deviations in parameters from established limit values, and to calculate the ma3or conditions and technical and economic indicators for operation of the power generating unit. At ehe Kursk and Chernob}~1' AES's a recycling water supply system has been - used which employs open artificial reyervoirs. From the reservoir, through an open delivery channel, the cooling water is delivered to.the pumping staCion and then by means of circulation pumps ~.rith a flowrate of approximately 105 - ~n3/s is delivered to a delivery tank with a capacity of 20,000 m3, whence the water by gravity flo~a enters to cool the turbines' condensers. This arrangement . improves the reliability of the AES's operation, since it makes possible normal cooling of tu�bine condensers even with a brief interruption (3 min maximum) in power in the circulation pump motora. The electric pr~wer of the first phases of the Kursk and Chernobyl' AES's is being released into the united power systam through three 330-kV overhead lines, originating at each of these electric power plants. With further expansion of rhese AES's, power will be released also through 750-kV overhead lines. 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ Each RBMK-1000 reacror is supplied wiCh a machine (RZM), deaigned Por remo~~ing apent Puel elemenLe ~rom the reactor'g core and inatalling freah elementa there. The deaign uf the RZM makes it possible ~ Co perform these imporCant o~erationa in a reactor withouC reducing the outpur of the AES. ` Based on the experience of conatructing and puCting in~o service existing _ AES's, there has been further elucida~ion of ~he main aspecCs nf and steps in ~ starting up and masCering power gene~ating unita with 1tBMK-1000 type boiling water chanr~el reactors. The specific features of Che technological process at an AES, the presence of a cansiderable amount of complex special equiFment, and the need to - ensure nuclear and radiation safety impose special stipulations and require- - ments on the quality of performance of building and erection work and startup ~ operations and tests, especially of tests which determine the extended capacity for work uf equipment and pipelines in the process of operation. One of the ma~or conditions having a favorable influence on the quality and duration of startup and ad~ustment operations, as well as on progress in the - mastery of the rated capacity of AEc: power generating units with an RBMK-1000, is a high degree of rea.diness, from the construction and erection standpoint, to begin startup, on the part of all equipment, key and secondary systems, _ and buildings and space of the AES, since the appearance of ionizing radiation and radioactive contamination after startup of the reactor unit considerably hinders and at times makes impossible the performance of startup and ad~ustment _ work. The technological sequence, extent and structure of startup and adjustment = operations at nuclear power plant~ depend to a considerable extent on the type of reactor unlt used at Chese AES's. ~ On the basis of know-how gained in constructing.and pufiting into operation the first power generating units at the Kursk and Chernobyl' AES's, as well as at other nuclear pow~r planCs, it is possible to single out the following - ma~or steps in starting up and mastering the r3ted capacity of power generating units with RBMK-1000 reactors. _ 1. Testing, ad~usting and putting into service secondary equipmeat, systems and units enabling the startup and normal operatic+n of key technological _ equipment (under this heading come chemical water treatment systems, electrical ~ equipment and electrical service equipment of the power system for the AES's - internal needs, lubrication maintenance, nitrogen and air compressor units, , industrial water supply systems, and the like). 2. Post-assembly individual and systemic cleaning ("shooting through" or - blasting), as well as hydraulic testing of the equipment and pipelines of the IQ~Ts and all other systema enabling the operation of the reactor and turbin~ units. 5 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~ti:,. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3. Co1d and hor circulaCing ~1ush~ng o~ the IQ~PTs. - 4. A hot running teat of key reactor equipment and thorough ad~ustment of technological ayat~me under conditions approximating to a maximum operaCion at rated parameters. 5. InspecCion and examinaCian of the condition of key equipmenC of the KMPTs and individual units of the reactor after the hot running test. 6. Thorough check~and final ad~ustment of equipment of the regular and _ sta,rtup sysrems for controlling and protecting the reactor (SUZ's). - 7. Initial loading of nuclear fuel into the reactor's core. 8. Physical sta.rCup of the reactor (checking neuCron physics characteristics ~ and the effectiveness of the SUZ's absorbers, organizing iniCial loading of - the core, and also bringing the reactor to the capacity 1eve1, on the order of - one percent of the rated, which is m~.nimally controllable by the regular SUZ). 9. Power startup of the reactor unit. f 10. Thorough testing ~f equipment and all technological systems of the startup power gPnerating uniC when operating at the zssigned electric power in parallel with the powex system. ~ 11. Step-by-step mastery of the rated capacity of the power generating unit. _ Experience has demorer;tXated that for the purpose of improving the quality of - and shortening the ttme required for startup and ad~ustment operations at an AES it is advi~able to perform all key startup operations according to regular systems and to refrairi ~o a maximum extent from using tempor~ry technological and electrical systems for testing individual equipment or systems. A typical feature of the startup of an AES with RBMK-1a00 reactors is the considerable amount of work involving post-assembly decontamination and flushing of reactor equipment and pipelines. Post-assembly flushing of the KMPTs and secondary technological systems serving the reactor unit represents . essentially the beginning of startup operatiocis at power generating units under construction. Flushing of KMPTs equipment and pipelines is performed in two stages: First - high-speed water flushing is performed on individual elements or sections of pipeline mains and technological systems according to an open system, with discharge of the flush water into the waste water system or into special con- - tainers, and then hot and cold circulating flushing is performed an the ICMPTs as a whole. In high-speed flushing o� individual pipelines and systems it is necessary to ensure the required rate of flushing water (as a rule, water rates are _ set 1.5 times higher than design rates). Flushing of pipelines and ICNIPTs 6 = FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 I FOR OFFICIAL USE OIYLY _ equipmerit it is a gcod idea to beg~.n with individual rap3,d flushing ("shooting _ through"), with chemically desalted water, of each fuel channel for 3 to 5 min " = at a raCe of flow of aboL~t 150 m3/h.. After individual flushing of all key _ - ~.nd secondary pipeliries and equipment, cold (maximum water tempe~rature of _ 50�C) and then hot circulating f9uahing are performed ia each separate half of the I~Ta. _ Hot closed-cycle flushing of the ICr~Ts 3s p~rformed for the purpase of guuran- - teeing the nec~ssary cleanliness of the inside spaces of equipment and pipe-- lines. The water ia heated in the TCI~''~s on account of the heat releasec? during - the operation of the GTsN's. Experience has demonstrated that in hot clo~ed- _ cycle flushing it is advisable to turn on two GTsN's apiece alCernately in = esch half of the ICi~Ts. Then the temperature of the water in the circulation _ loop is held steadily at 150 to 155�C with a total rate of flow of approximately 30,000 m3/h, and continuous cleaning of the water is performed by mesns of mechanical regular bypass decontamination filtprs and special sieve-type filters temp~rarily installed in th~ group distributing headers. Closed-cycle flushing of the IQ~Ts is terminated upon achieving the required qualiCy of the flushing water. For example, upon conclusion of hot closed-cycle flushing of the ICMPTs in - the first power generating unit of the Kursk AES, the quality of the water - in the loop was characterized by the following figures: iron content-- ~ approximately 0.1 mg/kg; chloride content--not greater than 0.05 mg/kg; hardness--about5 ug-equiv./kg; and presence of oil--less than 0.2 mg/kg. _ An important feature of single-circuit AES's witr RBMK-1000 reactors is that ~ the ma~or amount (up to 90 percent) of iron corrosion products enters the reactor's KI~Ts from the turbine room along with the feed watex. Therefore, the condensate delivery channel and c~ther secondary loops of the turbine - room especially made out of stainless steel shou~.d be sub~ected to a thorough ~ _ cleaning and washing, both for post-assembly cont~m3.nants and corrosion pro- ducts. At the Kursk and Cherno~yl' AES's, for these purposes extensive use is made ~ _ of manual and mechanical cleaning and of rapid water flushing, as well as of chemical flushing of the most contaminated sections of equipment and pipelines. For the purpose of making possib?_e acid flushing of the condensate delivery line, circulation of a chemical washing solution has been created at a rate of 800 to 1000 m3/h by means of special acid-rPSistant pumps, containers for ` chemical reactants, and temporary pipelines provided for in the planned tech- ` nological system for post-assembly flushing. - As a principal washing solution for acid flushing, recommended is a composition - consisting of "Trilon B" (3 g/1), citric acid ~3 g/1) and a moderate a~.ount of a special inhibitor. Acid ~lushing of the condensate delivery line takes about 20 h. After its conclusion special ammonia passivation has been carried _ out--the loop is flushed f~r not less than 8 h with a water and ammonia solution tpH higher than 10) at about 50�C. - . 7 FOR aFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOIt O~~ICIAL U5~ ONLY Acld ~lush3ng a~ loop~ made o~ ete3,nlesa steel givea good resulte. I~t ttie , ~ ~ame time rhe experience oE aCarCing up the firet power generating unit ut - the Kurek AES demonatraeed thnt 3n individual cns~e at nn AE5 with an ItBMK-1000 ~ ~.t i~ poeaible to refr~in completely f rom ncid f~ushing of the conder~snte de- livcry line, limiting oneeelf ro thorough pre-sknrxup waghing ~f ir gnd a11 steum pipes with wuter~ ae well ne to blasting through with sCenm the mnin - stc~m pipea in the regular eystem leading from Che reactor operaCing at low ~ ouCput. A yuite important und criCical step in uperations at nn AES is the physic~l - startup of the reacCor. The ~na~n ob~ecr.:tves of a physical startup of an - RI3MK-1000 reactor are Che fozmation of r.t~e composition of the i.niti~l l~ad of the core nnd an experimental check of the key ptiyaicaY ct�.aracterietics of the reactor. _ At A~5's with RBMK-1000 renctore fuel assemblies (TVS's) are loaded into the renctor in several ateges. AC first so-called minimal loading of Che reactor ia cnrried out, whereby only 23 or 24 TVS's nre loeded (with initial 1.8-percent fuel enrichment and without water in the fuel channels and SUZ channels). Then the number o� TVS's loaded is increased sCep-by-etep, while at tl~e same Cime installing additionnl absorbing rods (DP's) in the core. i~rom the know-how gained in starting up Che Kurak and Chernobyl' AES's, the _ initial load for the core of an RIIMK-1000 reactor is approximately 1445 to 14S5 TVS's and 230 to 240 DP's. In the procesa of step-by-step formation - of the composition of the initial load for the core, the critical ~;tate was ~pprouched at a very law power level (on the order of 10'S to 10'4 percent of rhe nominal) and a precise determination was made of neutron physics charac- teristics of the reactor, the effectiveness of the SUZ rods, and of other - characteristica of the core. _ Physical startup of an RBMK-1000 reactor concludes with bringing it up to the minimum power level controllable by the regular SUZ (to the MKU), which is maintained steadily by an automatic control and equals about one percent of its nomttial thermal capacity. After t}~e completion of operationa relating to the procedure for physical startup of the reactor, all key and secondary equipment and systems of the power generating unit are readied Eor the power etartup, when the unit is brought up to a power level greater than one percent of the nominal. ~xperience in constructing an AES with RBMiC-1000 reactors has demonstrated that it is advisable to perform ttie power startup of a power generating unit ` u2so in several stages, constantly broadening the amount of checks and tests, as well as the makeup of technological equipment and systems taking par' in the power startup. - 'Che first step (stage) in the power startup for a power generating unit with an RBMK-1000 is customarily coneidered blasting the main eteam pipes with - _ the steam of the reactor when operating at an output of eight eo 10 percent 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~OK O~~IC~AL U5~ ONLY _ of Che nominal. ~or proper cleaning o~ rhe main ateam pipee of nn t1~5, - iC is nec~seary Co provide a sCeam ;lowraCe oP up to 350 t/h, with a preasure in the drum-type sCeam erape of 12 ec 14 kg/cm2. Blasting of the etegm pip~s ~hould be performed according to the regular eyatem, using an insignificant number of t~mporary pipeline~ eo enable exhaueting the blasCing ateam intn rhe atmoaphere above the roof of Che turbine room building. The total blasting period for all eteam pipes is about 15 Co 20 h. During blasting of ehe cnain - eteam pipes into the atmosphere, it is necessary to arrange for careful monitor- ing of the radiation ~ituation in the area of and in ~reae in the A~S, as well - as around it within a radius o� a few kilometere. The experience of aCarting ~ - up the Knrsk and Chernobyl' AES's demonsrraCed that performance of this blasCing ~ practically doee not exert an influence on Che radiation ~tate of the environ- ment. The second eCage in the power starCup includes ad~us~:ing nnd mastering rhe - - operatinR modes of the key and secondary equipment of the power generating untt at a thermal capacity of a maximum of 10 percent of Che nominal. buring this time safety valves and rapid-reaponse reducera are ad~usted, emergency aCeam admisgion systems are teeted, and other startup and ad~ustment work is performed. The time required for the second stiage of the power atartup de- penda on Che level of readiness of reactor unit and turbine room equipment and systema. At the Kursk and Chernobyl' AES's this atage took not more than three to five 24-hour perioda. The third stage in the power startup can be either a Crial startup of Che power generating unit laeting up to 8 h, with alternate uf turbo- generator sets in operation with a relatively moderate power load (50,000 to 70,000 kW), or a 72-hour thoraugh test of the power generating unit when operating with a specified load. A thorough teat of the power generating unit's equipment and syatems is the concluding stage in the power atartup of an AES. The main ob3ective of this test is to test the working capacity of the po~wer generating unit's equipment when operating under a load with parameters cloae to the ratPd. The load level, procedure and conditions for the thorough teat of the power generating unit are aelected on the basie of the representativeness of this test for the purpoae of confirming the reliability and working capacity of the key equip- ment and all systems of the AES. The following are the key parameters of the thorough test cycle used in the startup of the first power generating units at the Kurak and Chernobyi' AES's: Parameter Rated With combined equipment Thermal capacity of reactor, thousand kW 314Q 650-900 Electrical output of a single . (nr of each) turbogenerator, ` thc+usand kW 500 150-220 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR O~~TCYAL USE ONLY 1'reseure in drum-eype eCeam L�rape, kg/cm2 70 65-70 - Feed water temperature, 'C 168 155-16k ~lowrate oP water in 1Q~4'Ts. - thousgnd eone per hour 36 24 Temperature of water in Ki~Ta~ _ 284 275-280 Numbpr of operaCittg GTeN's 6 4 Mean ateam content in fuel channel~ ~ 15 4.5-5.5 After a successfully performed Chorough test of power generating units, - further mas~ery of the rated capaciCy ie carried out in sCnges at Che follow- ~ ing levels: 20 to 35 percent, 40 to 50 percent, SS to 70 percent, 80 to 90 percent gnd 100 percent of the nominal (thermal,) capac~ty of Che reacCor. At each atage in maetery of the rated capacity, a large amount of work ia done relaCing to studying and ad~usting operating modes and optimizing the dietribution of energy release in the reactor's core, along with other work relating to eneuring reliable operation of the power generaCing unit at various power levels. - In single-circuit AES's of especially great importance are high-quality ad~ustment and maintenance of the required waCer chernistry in the IQ~IPTs, in the condensate delivery line and in other loops of the AES. For the purpose of running power generating units with an RBMK-1000, a correction- free neutral water chemistry ia uaed for the IC1~Ts and condensate delivery line. The standards for water quality are the following: - Index For KMPTs water For feed water pH indicator 6.5-8.0 6.8-7.2 Iron content, u8/kg < 50 < 10 - Copper content, ~g/kg < 50 < 2 Chloride content, ug/kg < 100 - - Oil content, ug/kg < 200 - _ Hardness, u8-equtv./kg < 5 < 0.5 Electrical conductivity, un/.cm < 1.0 < ~�2 Radioactivity of water, curies/1 2�10'3 - The t'~me required for mastery of individual stages in the rated capacity of the f.irst power generating units of the Kursk and Chernobyl' AES's is shown - in table 1. In the proceas of mastering capacitiea at the Kursk and Chernobyl' AES's, ' individual defects and maladjustmenta were discovered in the operation of heat exchange and pwcping equipment, fittinga and secondary systems. Por example, durit_~ the initial period of operation there occurred increased vibration of feed water equipment and pipelines. This requirPd additional 10 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~OR O~F'ICIAL US~ ONLY unfaseening o� pipel~,nes anc~ re~,n~orcement o~ suppoxts, which made ie poesible to reduce vibration to the normal level. - Tnble 1. 5tage Capacity, Time required for mastery~ 24-hour periode thoueand kW P~~rst unir of Kurek F3.raC unit of Chernobyl' ALS AES 1 350 53 27 _ - 2 500 89 65 - 3 650 100 83 4 800 210 85 5 1000 272 23g For the purpoae of improving the aeparation of moisCure in drum-type ateam trapa with different loada~ the internal equipment in the druma was modernized. Improvements were made in Che planned aystems for additional feeding of the 1QtPTs from emergency delivery pumpa, in circuita for electrical powering of ~ pulaed safety valves, and i~~ ot.her systems. In the courae of mastering the f irst power generating units of the Kurak and Chernobyl' AES's, new progresaive measures were also introduced, such as, for example, the employment of nbsorbing rods (SP'e) for the purpose of equalizing - the distribution of energy in the reactor's core and extending the length of Che operating period; the improvement of gas purification systems, ~nd the like. All this made it posaible in a relaCively short time to ensure reaching the rated level of capacity and the stable operation of the power generating units of the Kursk and Chernobyl' AES's in the united power sqatem. The key operating figurea achieved by the first power generating units of the Kursk and Chernobyl' AES's are given in table 2. " - Tab2e 2. Indicator Rated Figures achieved Kurak AES Chernobyl' ~.LS Thermal capacity of reactor, thousand kW 3140 3140 3140 Electrical load of turt~genera- - tors, thousand kW 2 X 500 2 X 500 2 X S00 - Maximum capacity of reactor's fuel chAnnel, kW 2990 2700 2650 - Maximum bulk ateam content in TK~ X 20.1 20.0 17.0 Reactor's nonuniforo heat r.~elease factor: In terms ~f radiue 1.21 1.27 1.18 In terms of height 1.2 1.33 1.26 ~Continued on folloWing page] 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~OR OF~ICIAL U5E ONLY Minimum ett~ety ,~actox px~,ox to heat removal cri,ais 1.0 1.05 1.10 ttnCe of �1ow oP heat trAns~er ngenr through reactor, thnu~~nd m3/h 49.0 48.3 49.4 - Preseure in drum-eype etenm treps, kg/cm2 70 70 70 ltate of flow of oCeam to turbines, t/h 2 5400 5470 5450 Live ateam preseure, kg/cm 65.~ 65.9 65.8 Live steam temperature, �C 280.4 280.4 280.0 Feed water temperaCure, �C 168 164 165 ~fficiency of power generaCing unit, ~ - Net 29.9 29.8 29.8 Grosa 31.84 31.84 31.8 Conclusion The operation of two power generating units with RBMK-1000 reactora at the Leningrad AES. as well as the experience of sCarCing up and mastering Che rated capaciCy of the firet power generating unite of this kind at the Kurak and Chernobyl' AES's, have demonatrated that the key equipment of these nuclear - power planta operates completely reliably under all rated conditione. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo Energiya, 1979 8831 CSO: 8144/0756 12 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . I - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOIt O~~ICIAL USE ONLY ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENG?N~ERING A METHOD OF INTERCHANNEL SYNCHRONIZATION IN TH~ PLAY$ACK OF A MULTICHANNEL RECOEtDING OF A WIDEBAND SIGNAL WITH FREQUENCY DIVISION Mogcow RADIOTEKHNIKA in Russian No 11, Nov 78 pp 48-52 (Article by A.I. Grechikhin, manuacript received 24 OcC, 77J [Textj When the volume of a aignal in which there is no redundancy exceeds the capacity of one iransmisaion channel, which cannot be increased, one reaorts to multichannel transmission of this signal. A special case of such tranemiesion is the multichannel recording of wideband signals. ` - A block diagram of a aignal conversion device is shown in Figure 1 for - _ N-channel recording with frequency division. The signal spectrum which - occupies a bandwidth (0, f), is split by frequency filters ~k (1 ~ k m N) into N ad~acent sections, the width of which ia F. Then using record converters, PZ, the spectra of each of the high frequency aections (2 ~ a N) are converted to the low frequency range (0, F), corresponding to the - passband of one record-playback channel. The record carrier synthesizer, SZ, is synchronized by a pilot signal (PF), fed from the GPS generator [pilot signal generator]. The pilot signal can be recirded in any of the channels. During playback, the pilot signal iF segregaCed from the infor- _ mation aignal, back conversion is accompliahed in the high frequency chan- nels, as well as the combining of the individual signals into a composite signal. We shall assume that the components of the signal conversion devicea, with- in the limiCs of the corresponding frequency bands, are nondistorting, and assume that the recording and playback in the K-th channel reduce only to _ Che time del$y Tk(t) of the reproduced aignal, where dTk(t)/dt � 1. It is then not difficult to show that a component of the spectrum of the input signal which appears foll~wing division in one of the high frequency channels, uk(t} = Ak cos wkt (2 ~ k< N), and following playback and back conversion of the spectrum has the form: ~l ~ = B~ COS l~A ~I - T# ~ ~OA ~T1 ~ tOR ~l ~I ~ ~ ~1~ 13 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR OF~'ICIAL U5~ ONLY wher.e w ~k ia the frequency of the cnrrier For the pluybnck convereer oE tt~e k-th (ie ip na~umed thnt ubk - 2rrkF for simpliciry); ~r~k(t) is the ~ . cl~~]rry c~l' Chie ~i~nn1, ahici~ ie identical Co CI~~ delay in thnt channel whcre tt~c nilo~ aignnl ie recirded, which is uaed for its generaCion. _ As follows from (1), for rhe precise restoration of Che composite signal - during playback, it is ctecessrary to meet Chree conditions: - 1� ~rl~(t) Tpk(t), i.e., to generate tt~e carrier for the back conversion �rom the pilot signal, rec rded in "iCs own" channel; in Chis case, rhe k-th section of the aignal is reproduced within ehe precision of the group delay Tk(C) and Che phase ahift wpk(Tk - Tpk) is eliminated in (1). - 2. Yk(t) = Tm(t); k� m. This means Che eliminaCion of the mutual inter- ct~annel time shifts, and Che complete resCored composite signal differs - from the original one only in the delay, i.e., uout~t~ � const uin (t - - rk(t)J. - 3. The elimination of time scale distortion in the composiCe signal, for example, by means of a delay block with a delay function T(t) = T~ - Tk(t); t~ = const. - Input ~ Bzod ` 6. FNChl [low pass filter 1); ~~~r ~',v 2� 7. Low pass filter K; 8. Low pass filter N; 3� n3~r 4� ~M 9. KLl [switch 1]; C~ 5~ 10. KLK [switch K]; 6, mHV~ mi++~. 7, g~hvM 11. GPS [pilot signal generator]; K~~ K~K10 " " 12 � Record; +-j rnc 11~ 13. T1 [time delay 1]; - i i 14. Playback; ~ a n v c a 15. Time delay N. 12~ 13 fi f tn 15. 14B0cnpo~~De~enue, For the case of multich~nnel recording � � on a moving vehicle, for example, on Figure 1. magnetic tape, one of the most serious causes of distortions in the waveform Key: 1. F1 [frequency �ilter 1J; of the composite, reproduced signal 2. FN [fre~~uency filter Nj; is interchannel time shits ATmk(t) _ 3. PZK [record converter K]; ' Tm~t~ - Tk(t). 4. PZN [record converter N); The classical timeswise procedure for S. SZ jrecord carrier synthe- sizer); correcting interchannel shifts using delay blocks, which are controlled by ~ 14 FOR OFFICIE+L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 - ~OR OF~ICIAL US~ ONLY the output voltages of pilot eignal phnse detiectorR [1]~ hns a number of drawback~. Controlled delay blocka are required with a wide pnagbnnd (up to the frequency f). It ia necessary to record the pilot aignal ln each channel, something which makes it difficult Co mutually decouple the in�ormnCion e~gnal and the pilot aignal. Phase detecCors are required as well as individual playback syntheaizers for each of the high frequency channels. - Pluybnck BoCnpOU,fDedPNUe The dietortions of rhe reproduced aignal + can be substantially reduced using phase enc equalizaCion [2] wiCh considerably simpler � - means, without resorting to reducing the ce physical sizea of the interchannel shifts. ne3~ ne Depicred in Figure 2 is a signal cot?version K M 4� channel for playback wiCh phase equalizu- _ 5~ ~N 6~ tion. The back conversi,on carriers for all _ the high frequency channels are generated . E from one pilot, recorded only on the track o� one low frequency channel (only I~'i6ure 2. the key KL1 [9] is closed during recording). It follows from (1), Chat in this case, the Key: 1. VPS pilot signal signal in the k-th channel will receive separator; phase distortions in Che form of a phase 2. SV [playback shift wliich does noC depend on the frequency, _ carrier synthe- A~k(C) ~~k [Tk(t) - T1(t)J. By represent- - syzer]; ~ ing (1) in the followir~g.form 3. PVK [playback converter KJ ; u' f- B cos {u~,~ - T~ (t) - ~i l~ 4. Playback con- R ~ ~ - + Rl ~ ) verter N; ~ F1 [frequency Following some simple transformations, we filter 1j; derive an expression for the equivalent time 6. Frequency shift of the spectral component of the re- filter N. produced signal having a frequency wk in the k-th channel with respect to the signal in - the first channel (the low frequency one, where the pilot signal is recprded): 0 :kt ' : ~Tkl ~ 1 - ~~A1 ~2 ~ ~ O1R J _ It can be seen from (2) that the most complete equalization is obtained at _ the upper frequencies of the channel passband, and at the lower passband frequencies, there is the greatest uncompensated residue (more accurately, an ~ver-compensated one). We will note that equalization is possible only with respect to the "duty factor", but not with respect to the envelope, 15 FOR OFFICItiI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 _ FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY , ~itice c:hanges Li Clte cnrrier phuse can influence only the phuse of the c:on- verCed componettrs ~f the signAl und no way influence Che group delay in Che Chnnnel. Thus, Che m~Chod i~ b~ged on Che p~rCi~l correcCion of the Cime sl~i�e (delay) in rhe passband by n phnse shifC of the componenes of the specCrum in this passband, which does not depend on the ~ignal frequency. = The dietorCion tn Che signal waveform which results in the ch~nnel (in a portion o~ the wideband eignal) nonetheless has leas influence, ns shown below, on r.he disCorCion og the reproduced signal ae a whole thnn the ab- - s~nce of equalizACion wiCh the combining of Che undistorCed portions of the signal, while Che record and playb.~~k unir proves to be significantly , ~impler. Only one pilot signnl deCector, VPS (Figure 2), is required, and - a synChesizQr converCere and record f ilterssare auCiable for playback (see ' ~igure 1). ~ F ,iF ti'F f We shall assess the capabilities of 2, 4 ,y�en vro the phase equalizxCion method from ~(11 ^~~,P~~4~~U ~ Chunnel the viewpoint of signal distortion. ~ I � d Number Shown in Figure 3a is an idealized ~ ay - ~ ~r phase-frequency respotise character- - (a) isCic (FChKh) of the through chan- N-4 I ~ nel of a four cnannel record-playback 6~, ~~C 1 system with phase equalization for ~2~ naKC ~ the case where Che shifts between C yba,TOl~,~i. ~ ~E~ ~~PP~^~uU~~ " signals reproduce from ad~acent 0 F?F ~F 5~' HF f tracks are identical in Che time in- 1 2 3�S 5 6 7 N�,rakc�Q terval being cot~s~dered and are equal to ~T so that aT ~T m- k) I ~ � . ~ )6~~J K07~,1A�uu Channel ~ mk - ~ ~ _ - Number where m and k are Che numbers I of channels. Such an assumption is ~b~b~ close Co realit if the ma or cause Y ~ ~ N_' ~ of interchannel shif ~s is the dynamic ~ c .misalignment of the tape. The phase- ///yyy~~~fI'r ~ A~ frequency response for playback with ~rJ~~i~lOV~4 /~G~~4ira~u~~M 4 the generation of the carriers from f \ ~ ~ t?i�8X+ the pilot signal of "its own" channels, ~ Figure 3. but without correction of the time shifts, is also shown here for com- ' Key: 1. Without correction; Parison. The maximum deviation of 2. With phase correction. the through phase-frequency response from the linear response representing the extension of the phase-frequency response of the first channe'l, without - correction is equal to Am~aX = 2n(N - 1)NF~T, and with phase correction is `S`~max � 2n~N 1)FDi, i.e., it is N times less. It is not difficult to show that $n increase in the number of channels promotes a reduction in the distortion of ~he reproduced signal with phase correction, since in this case, the through phaae-frequency response will have overshoots which are smaller in size, although more frequent (Figure 3b). On the other hand, ~ 16 - FOR OFFICIl.L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY in this case, one can a11ow a greater swing in t~pe mianlignment (an increasc in ~TN1) while mainCaining the permiseible nonlinearity of Che phase-fr~quency re~ponF,e. Playback I~1hen iC 3s undesirable Co increase , Bocnpuu~ecdeHUe Che number of ch,~nnels, then with 2. large values of the interchannel - 1�w7c, er,cK sncN shi�ts, a combination eime-phase cor- _ rection proves to be ex~remely pro- 3 ca 4~~rqK ,qN 5. mising (Ftgure 4). Time correction ~ is first accomplished in the Iow fre- ~J s~K g ~JN 6 . quency passband by means of controlled dela blocks BZ's. For this it is nBK g� ~BN 10� neceasary to~record the pilot~signal in each channel, and pilot aignal 11 ~i ~'K 'PN 12~ deCectors and phase detectors, FD's, E are required. Then, during the back - conv~rsion of the spectra of th~ high - frequency chunnels, Che phase r_orrec- _ Figure 4. tion reduces the disCortions which - can ariae due to the residual inter- Key: 1. Pilot signal separator channel ahifts, not eliminated by 2. Pilot signal separaCor :V; the Cime corrector. 3. SV playback carrier syn- thesizer; A study of the time cha.racteristics 4. ~DK [phase detector Kj; of a two-channel syst with fre~uency - 5. Phase detector N; division, which was conducted both 6. BZ1 [delay block 1]; theoret~cally and experimentally, has 7. Delay block K; con�irmed Che arguments presented S. PVK [playback converter above. Kj; 9. BZN [delay block NJ; Shown in Figure 5 are the transient ` _ 10. PVN [playback con~verter characteristics of a two-channel N~~ system calculated for the same con- 11. P1 [frequency filter 1]; ditions as abo?e, where the system - 12. Frequency filter N. has ideal filters for cases equivalent to the recording of the pilot signal - in the high frequency channel (Figure Sb) and in the low frequency channel (Figure Sa). It is not difficult to see that with identical values of the time stiifts, the significantly less with phase correction. A shift of Tp ~ 5.5. nsec corresponds to an overshoot of 12X without correction, - while Wfth phase correction, T~ = 17 nsec. - _ The operation of the phase corrector is well illiistrated by the oscilloscope trnces of Fiugre 5(a: with phase correction; b: without correction), re- corded When testing an actual two-channel system for signal separation and addition with [he same boundariea of the frequency bands as in Figure S, - 17 ~'OR OFFICItiI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 _ FOR O~~ICIAL USE ONLY 0-5.5 MHz o-ss~;~ru ~ - T ~ ~--~r---, - - ' % ~ ~ ~ A'/Ud p~q ~ ~ J'~ - ~ ~ ~Z S�o d ~ ~~/8 ~ ~ ~ fp�II~1 ~ - ~5-~o~M~u ii ~z , 5 J I_~ s~/s i _._C~. ~ i ' ` i i ~ ~ g~~- ~ ~ ~ - o L__l. ~ _ . ~.~sMru T yu ~'(t _ ,r ~'t J i ~~t ~i o Z^'~'~ 09 ' ~ E ~ ~r~'~o'~ ~ !~`I I ~ ~r? 0 7 ~ ~ ~ ~~8 ~ - ~ J 35-J[;t Nr� ~!1h/� ~ - ~/4 ~ i I I~ Z qs . ~~I_i ~ t~ ~ =~-U- 43 ~ I( I I , fl Irl i ~ ~ fo~ _ b L~~ ; i.~_ t_) _ l~ f~ i J`~:; J i~; r l% a~ 2 0 4 6 0 :-:"i;C - -QI _ ~ , naec - . 92 ' Figure 5. oz~-o J ~ . 5 nsecof~J~ _ 10 nsecn4'm,t7~+c~ . 15 nse~tnf~~ _ = 22 ;?tKL'o~ nsec~ 35 ~1se~~~ ~ (e) ~ cb)~ - Figure 6. 18 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR O~FICIAL USE ONLY for the case o� a ainusoidal variation in the inCerchannel time shifta at a frequency of 600 Hz and amplitudes of ATm d 5~-35 nsec. A sequence of ahorC ` pulses with a wid~h of 10 nsec (d pulse) was fed to the input. The output pulse of the first channel wae uaed for exrernal synchronization of the oecilloscope. The distortiona in rhe pulse response of Che through channel were hardly noticable gt ATm Q 15 nsec,which in our case corresponds to d~ ~ 0.5 iad. This resu].t is in complete agreement with the requirements placed on the phase characteristics of video and pulse ampli�iers ~3]. BIBLIOGRAPHX - 1. Federal Republic of Germany Patent No. 1071754 � Class 21a1, 32/11 (H04m), - 1960. 2. A.I. G~echikhin, Patent 575678 [USSR]. 3. S. Gol~dman, "Garmonicheckiy analiz, modulyatsiya i shumy" ["Harmonic Analysis, Modulation and Noise"], Moscow, IIL Publishers, 1951. COPYRIGHT: "Radiotekhnika," 1978 8225 _ CS0:1870 19 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL IIVGIlVEERING - ~ UDC 621..391.019.4 FILTERING DISCRETE MULTIFREQUENCY SIGNALS IN NONGAUSSIAN INTERFERENCE Moscow RADIOTEKHNIKA in Russian No 11, Nov 78 pp 52-60 - ~ ~ [Article by I.M. Py~hkin, V.V. Druzhinin and R.T. Pantikyan, manuscript received 17 Feb 78] [Text] Introductiort. 'In the ma~oriCy of modern radioelectronic systems, useFul signals.are detected and discrimaCed against a background of inter- ference which differes substantially from gaussian noise. This is manifest particularly clearly in asynchronous address information transmission sys- - tems (AAS) [1], where along with the internal noise of the receiver, cross- - talk interference also acCs which coincides in structure with the useful " signals. Subscribers to an AAS are arbitrarily distributed over a large ~ territory, and for this reason, the interf ering signals have a considerable dynamic range of amplitude variation, and because of this, the mutual inter- ference at the input to the receiver (even for a large number of interfer- - ing signals) is not normalized. In this case, the operatienal characteris- tics of receivers which are optimized for normal noise are substantially - degraded. This leads to the necessity of: in the first place, finding a = system of address signals which create minimum mutual interference, and - which in terms of Cheir statistical characteristics, tend towards normal noise; in the second place, synthesizing structures which make use of the difference in the probability densities of the acting mutual interference - and ~the gaussian noise to improve the receiver characteristics, The best results under. these conditions are given by systems of discrete, multifrequency signals [2j,.studies of which as applied to AAS's were started in [3, 4). To improve the receiver characteristics for a discrete multi- frequency signal (DMCh), a stiff limiter [2] which performs the useful nor- malizing operation on the crosstalk interference, is introduced into the device on analogy with an ShOU noise limiting amplifier circuit [5]. A study, was made in [2] of the noise immunity of a nonlinear receiver, where the processing of a discrete multichannel signal consisting of n frequency samples is performed by an n-channel filter, which differs from a matched filter by the presence in each channel of a two-way amplitude limiter� 20 _ FOR OFFICItiI, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - A suboptimal c3rcuit for the p.rocessing of such a signal is synthesized - in the following~on the basis of statiatical decision .*.heory, where the circuit takes the form of a matched filter, in each channel of which g nonlinear network ia employed which procesaes in nn optimal manner a sig- nal element againaC a background of atructuraZ interference and noiae. The synthesis of tlte optimaZ deteetor of u si gnaZ eZement. An elem~a~ uM(t~,), of the interfering signsl (structural interfer~nce) and noise act on an element U(t,~?) of the useful signal, where Che noise interference is approx~ imated by white noiae, and where ~ and ~ are the random initial phases of the elements of the ~usetul and interfering signals, which are uniformly disCribuCed over the range [0, 2n]: - ~ ~ z,~ z~ ~n . 1 ' - 4a~ SeXP f -~[S(r(t)-u~~~~)-uM(l.'~II'.dl+ 10 . tn y - ~ ~ ea~~ 1 - ~ r ~ (x _ uM (t~ dl -r. _ ~ ~r~ , - � ~ S tx - u 'P))t dl~} d~d'~ ~n � T~ ' - - + S x~ ~r~ de]~ aY t~ ~1~ where T3 [Te] is the width of the useful and interfering signal elements; the moments of appearance of the interfering elements in the range have a ~niform distribution; zn is the overlap time of the useful and interfering elements. If the ampliCude of the interfering signals is much greater than the ampli- tude of the useful signal, i.e., uM(t,~,) � u(t,~), expression (1) assumes the form 2, r, ~-1exP{-N~ S(x(t)-uU~~)~'dt}d~ ~ - ~ !0^ � - T~ exp l N� S x' (1) dt} ~2 ~ _ ~n _ It can be seen from (2) that the network for processing the signal elemet~t - against a background of an interfering signal and moise element (see Figure 1) should consist of a matched filter (SF), which is cut off during the time the element of the interfering signal uM(t, acts. The circuit contains a 21 FOR OFFICIhI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~Uk d~~ICtAL US~ ONLY _ inatct~ed [ilter ~or ttie element u(t, of the ugeful ~i~n~~l (5~p), ~ nnise ~ deCector (OP) an n switch (K) which does not pegs the input gignel to the Eilter i~ interference is Contained in it. The interference detector f~r - ttic r~nge At ~ Ci~.~ ` ti Te detects the interferenCe ngainst th~ back- _ grnund of noi~e, ~nd i.n acCC~rdance wiCh th~ deci~ion which ig m~de, controlg - the oper~eion aE K [tlie ~wiCch]. The prdbabilitiy r~tio for the interferettce Z~ element, tnking into ncCdunt the aCtion oE noise, is equal tot p~ 3. ~x r~+er , 1 r ~i ure 1. � ~F' ~xp {~~.l ~(a (r1-- uM fl, v)1' dt,} d~ ~ ~~o- ~ r~+ nr K~y: 1. K [switch]; ~ � 2. 5Fe [matched exP ~ x~ (t) dt} ~ filter for 'i the use�ul and correspondingly, Che optimal detection signal element); circuit for the inCerfering signnl elemecit 3. OP,[interfer- ~ with a random iniCial phnse consists of the � ence detecCor~. matched filCer wiCh a deCector nr a quadrF~- ture correlator and a Chreshold device. 3. Taking this into ~ccount, the circuit of i ~igure 1 assumes Che fotm of Figure 2 and - ~ n~a` ~ I c~' consists oP the matched filter, which de- j~-� ~ tects the element of the interPering signal I 4. I in the range ~t (SFOt), ~ nn envelope detector ~ i (D) and the threshold device (PU) with a ~ So 6 ~ threshold of Up. The voltage from the ouC- ' ut of the threshold ate controls the C~ie D ~ P 8 f I opreration of switch K, to the~input of which the input signal is fed through a de- Figure 2. lay line At (LZat). When an interfering signal volCage is present in the input sig- I:cy: 1. LZOt [delay line~; nal, K is cut off, t~nd there is no voltage 2. K[switchJ; at the output of the roatched f ilter. 3. SFe (matched filter for the usef~l sig- With At tending to zero, the portion of, the nal element]; block diagram in Figure 2(see the dashed 4. PU [threshold gaCe]; line) is replaced by a nonlinear elemer.: 5. SF~t [matched filter (NE) with the characteristic (Figure 3): for At]; 6. D[envelope ~ C~~~ np?i ~ U~* L~o, detector] . Uout � U"" ` 0 npii ~ Uo~ Ua (4) ~UBX a Uin~ Zz FOR OFFICIkI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~OR 0~~'~CIAL U5E: ONLY ;~u~~l~ c~ tt~~ttl.incr~rity f.r~rm c~si~~ b~ ec~c~ily rec~lized. Correqpondingly, the opti- mum prac;e~~in~ circuit t050~) f~r the elemenr u(t, of the u~e~ul gignc~l ' ngdinge Che back~round oE the ~l~ment uM(t~ ~y) of the interfering signul (uM(t, y> u(t,~)J nnd the noi~e interference c~ngiete of a bandpag~ filter - (T~), ~ ndnlinear ~lement with the chargct~riseic ~ a matched til~er for the ugeful gignel elempne (~igur~ 4). Uw;~out The block dingrgm of a~uboptimum receiver fnr filtering a disCrete multifrequenCy -u, u, stgnal ggninst a backgr~und of mutual inter~ I ~a~ ference and moise (~igure 5) is ar n-ch~nnel U filter, each channel of which consigts of in dn optimal nonlinear filter for the sign~l ~igure 3. element. - 1~ 2. 3. Noiee irimunity anatyr~is. We ~hall consider i ~.~.__~.....,,........._..r..~ the gignal to noise ratio et the output of ~ nm -n ~ one of the ch~snnels of Che suboptimal filter ~__�r,J ~s tt function of the threghold level Up in 4. the abgence of mutual interference. When ~igure 4. the signal and noise pnss through the non- _ linear element; the power is redistributed Key: 1. E'~ [bandpass with reapect to frequency aC the output es filter]; compared to the input, something which 2. N~ [nonlinear must be taken into account in calculating element]; the error probability. ~or this, we shall 3. SE'e [matched compute the correlaCion function of tt~e - filter for the signal nnd noiae mixture at the output of - ugeful signnl Che nonlinear element. In accordance with element~; (6J, taking into account nonliuearity of 4. O50e [optimal the form of (4), we write processing ^ R� _ circuit for B(t, t)=~c�(t)c�(t n! ' the useful ~=o (5) signal elementj. Where R ~t - s~n 2-~~c - 1 j~~fS cosa~n~ is the noise OCO� correlation coefficient at the output of the bandpass filter; Or'0~, r ~ r.~- a tofl1f / xH~ ~x - U cos fi~ e` ~ dx; oc~ J c" = v~~ a 0~~ ~igure S. Q is the mean square deviation of the noise at the output of [he bandpass filter, v2 = K~y: 1. OSOel [optimal = 2N~AF; AF a 1/Te is the bandWidth of a procesing circuit signal element; Np is the spectral noise _ for useful signal density; A~~.~pt is the total phase of element elj. the signal; U is the signal amplitude; 23 - FOR OFFICItiI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~Ott O~~ICIAL U5~ dNLY x~ ,H~(x) _(--1)" axn, (e~ npi~ ~t 0, 1, i~ a Kermite polynomial. When U/~ � 1, we have: ~ x- eo~ ol' u, x, 1 I~ I~ ~40~~ ~ 4e~ e` z('~�t Q x~ IR ~ a_.~~cosk0~ , 1. ~ I r.~-~ e tef 11t ~ ~ Hn C.x a~ COS @r ~ d" x n d C.t o CoaA~ r.~- ~ ee~ i1 ~ ~ 1 u+ ~ \4 ' / dA - x ~e ' e X dx~ x{e ~~~o ~ a X~ -f- IR ~ o x~ cos k0,~ , R=~ then ~o~l~~ i~~4o~~e-,:+ j~~U~) 2 U� e-z:~lUcos9~ l a n o ~ ? ~ U' UU j � c~.; oio~4o~~(0~ a~�~e-+`~[fi\ a�1_ 7/ r o� e-z;zl~ J ~ ~ z tn 0 - ~~n t - I i~ � ~~~4 ~~~oCUa ~)e~~�;E' Z.+~~7R x t ~C f71~-~ ~ Q~~ 'I" J~1n+1 ~ o~lJ' _ Correspondingly, expression (5) assumes the form: � , B~T~ 1).'~' co(!) ~o~~ S) ~Cln+~ R^- .r~-~ ~t~ . (6) ~_o (.,t -h 1)l From (6), we find the mathematical mean ml and the dispersion D at the eutput of the matched filter; U ~ r.+ m~ ~ l0~40; e''' - V n Q~ ~'~~~T1 cosp (7) ~ q T _ D.~ 'S, ~2n1~ S 1 jZaR+~ (c) cos cuoid:. ~8~ - -r - We represent the integral in (8) as: 24 FOR OFFICItiI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~dit U~~ICIAt, US~ UNLY " r r Sr-~- (t~CO9 wptdt - ~ r' rs~n~QS2t ~7n+~~OS~n+?wotd; _ _ I. 2w ~ Q ~ r~~Xx1z~+~cos~~+~ eQ .rdx~ ~ 1 where x~ enr ~ es~; 2,re~. 'Then when u~~/A!1 � 1, Cottsidering only the con~tane companent of the geri~s h CnS?~+3 oQ _ ~..~....1 ~ ~ /hn '1' 2\ x ~ R~o ~ k / X cos 2(n 1--- k) oQ x~- C2n ~ 1 - + WC ~1i1~~C." ~ R ~os~"+z T 1 nu a~ .rrl.r o~ ~ - r J ~s~x x~^~ { ~ , c~� 4: - ^ r'~1n 21 u~sl:rx~~A+~ T~(?n + 11? c s~n x?~+~ ` x l n-}- 1 f dx - 2~u~`n ~I`n .h ~1~J ~ x~ d.t.~. 'T (2n �1. 1)1 r~In xl"n+t 2~Q '^nl(n I1~~1 \ x / t~.C. - ~'ollowing trnnaformations, we f inally obtain: N T ~ U~ u~ o~ ~~~4Q~) ~0(-o~-)e`~�' [~D~ Q',--- - z u~-- Vo m R 0� C tsf J`~ ~ E- ~ 2 sin x~~+~dx ~~Cx) x A_I [c~R + Nz~_~ ~~�1 H_ . , rU�,r 1 _ x ~-.~~.s,~~, ~~~~~n + ~ I ~ (9) ~rom (7) and (9), the signal/noise ratio is equal to ~ _ ' - y` p- 7 Y jy~ Co~ p, where the coefficient Y determines the losses in the signal/noise ratio which ari,se as a re.gult of tt~e signal and noise passing through the non- linear element. 25 FOR OFFICIhI. U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~o~ ~~rrcint, us~ orn.Y We ehnll gtudy Y2 ag n function of (U~/~, U/v); and since U/v 1, we will - p1nC Che function Y2 ~ f(U~/o) (~'igure 6). It cnn he ~een from ~'igure 6 ChgC with n decrenge in Up/~~ Y~ nlmo rn11s off, i.e., eh~ loggeg in ehe ~igngl/noiee ratio increase. 'This is explained by ehe �~ct witl~ a decrea~~ in eh~ th~eshold, the input aignal which h~g ~ ndrmal d~gCribution, ex~eeds Che threahold for ehe mg~oriCy of Che Cime. Consequently, the matched filCer ig cut off ehe ma~ority of the eime nnd the migngl/noi~e r~tio will fn11 off. When Up/o ~ 1.6, Yz = tt/4, which corregponds to the loagea for n circui.t wieh ~ stiff limiter. Thus, when Up/~ > 1.6, Che lossee in Che eignal/noise ratio for Che circuit studied - here ure lees thntt for a circuit with a~tiff limiter. We gt~nll congider the nction of ~Crong mutual interferenCe (UM/v � 1) on - the gignal element. We shall compute Che dispereion at Che outpuC of one cl~annel oE Che eubopCimal filCer for n discrete mulCifrequency signal, where this disperaion is determined by the passage of the muCUal interfer- ence through the chennel. For simplicity in the calculaCion, we shall assume that the inCerference element completely overlaps the signal element. The voltage at the output of the channel is equal to: , u. e-~re eo~ G.-~, II. - ~teeo~ H �r U~Y1 ~~~~~Y ~ COS h10~ C~S \W~` T~/"~ ~ v y ~ X ~f! tOf ~ R+~f!!01 ~ M r~ r~ ~ X cos w,~ cos (~?o~ + Y) d~~ . ~'ollowing tranaformations, we have: . - Uout � U~Nx =UTT COS~+[aresin ~R~ UM ~ 1-~UM)~J' Averaging Uout wiCh respect to ~r, w~ obtain an expression for Che dispersion: _ U~ T' ~ U~ i--~- z s - D� = U:~z = ~ [are sin u - ~ (~y) l ' ~ In tt~e absence of mutual inCerference, the amount of dispersion determined by tl~e noise and the system operateg in a linear mode. The interference whict~ creates a dispersion which does not exceed the dispersion due to ; noise does not cause a substantial degredation in the noise immunity of the circuit. Its amplitude UM~W~ [I1M~n~] can be cmnputed by equating D~,q to N~T/4, i.e.: U~.mT' 4 arc 3in U� U� 1`~ U~ 1~? N~T 8 T. ~ ~M.W ~Y.W � I - ~UY.W/ ~ 4 ~ ~lO~ - 26 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~OIt O~E'ICIAL U5~ dNLY 8y d~gigttnting U~/UM~n~ ~ z, and tnking into n~count Che ~qu~lity 2Np/T b - e 2NpA~ following Cran~formarion~ of (10), we obtain nn equation in Cerms of z: ~ [ are sin z ~/`i = z~, - , (~1> gy plott~ng a graph of the following funceion in ~igure 7: 7 I Y= r [Z areslnz-y'j ~z~~~ We golve r~quation (11) ~raphically. The graph definea Che function a/UQ = ~ e f(Up/UM~n~): plotting the req~isiCe Q/UQ ratio along the y axis, we find the v~lue of Up/UM~n~ correaponding to it on the z axis. For example, _ when o/UQ ~ 1/3 (at a threshold three times greater Chan the mean equare devineion of the noise), Up/UM~n~ ~ 0.78, or i1M~n~ = 1.2$ Up, i.e., in this C~~se an interference elem~nt wiCh an ~mplitude of UM = 1.28Up creates a - di~persion aC the channel ouCput equal Co the dieperaion due to the noise I~ = NpT/4. When l1M > UM~n~, the inCerference element dispersion is less Chan the noiee dispersion. y In carrying out preliminary studiea of the change in Che signal/noise ratio when the inpuC signal passea through the nonlinear element, we comput~ the noise immunity of a suboptimal circuit for processing a discrete multi-fre- quency signal when transmitting discrete information wiCh two orthogonal ~ignals ~nd with incoherent reception. "White" noise with a specCral d~en- sity of N~ and mutual interference, the amplitudes of the elements of which excaed UM;n~, act on the signal. We deaignaCe a= nM/n, where nM is the number of elements of the discrete mulCifcequency, where these ele- ments are aub~ect to the action of mutual interference; n is the nverall number of elements in the signal. y r' ;0 r - ~ + as gS ~ Q U _ Uc 3 o~UMon. u0~ Z' V~ 0 Y ~ p Qf ~ Figure 6. Figure~7. Considering the fact that the voltages at the outputs of the channels of a suboptimal filter have a finite dispersion and are statistically independent, while n is large, the probability density at the output of the adder can be approximated by a normal distribution. The error probability in the case of - incoherent discrimination of two orthogonal signals against a background of normal noise is equal to [9): 27 FOR OFFICItiI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~C1I2 d~~ICIAL US~ ONLY 1 " t~~ rerr " paW = 1 C n~ In this caseE~ =YnE~(1 -a)=:TE(1 -a)where EL ~ U2T/2 is the energy of a eignnl ~l~ment; nEl is Che energy uf Che enCire signal. Tf the size nf the disperaion from Che interfer~nce elementg does noC exceed the size of Che disperaion due to noiae, Chen D~ ~ nNpT/4, and _ 1~~, i_~~~t?~+ - Perr PoW C~ n ~ e' t' 7N ~i-at' . 2 = `2 . _ When UM C1~e amount of diapersion from interference elemenCs tends Cn zerc. Then D~ ~ nNdT/4 (1 - a) and : _ _ ~t~F, ~~-a?iu~~ ~0~ + E 1-a) P ~ {n ~ _ ~ - 1 4i~' ( er~PoW--~ ~e -2e o . We finally obtain Che inequality: 2 ~-i~zn,,(i-�~~p ~ t ~-i'.~~at~-�~'. ~W 2 ~12~ Inequality (12) is ~usCified for interference, the amplitude of which exceeds UPi.n. ' kU~, where k is a certain coefficient determined from the graph in Figure 7. With the action of interference with a lower amplitude, the noise immunity of the circuit will fall off. For protection agatnst low amplitude interference, it is necessary to reduce [he threshold Up, something which leads to a reduction in y2, i.e., to an in- crease in the losses in the aignal/noise ratio and a degredation of the noise immunity. If the threshold is equal to 3Q, y2 = 1, and inequality (12) assumes the form: ~ 1N� 11 - al now ~ I C 2No (1 . 1 (13) We shall compare the noise immunity of the synthesized suboptimal circuit _ with the noise immunity of a circuit with stiff limiting [2], for which the , error probability under the same conditions is equal to: Perr . ~ e- ~ zn,~~'�~' pow = 2 . In the absence of mutual interference (a = 0), the losses in the signal/noise ratio of the latter circuit are 1 dB (Y2 = n/4). In this case, the noise im- munity of the suboptimal circuit corresponds to the noise imrnunity of the linear circuit, since Y= 1. _ 28 - FOR OFFICIAL IJSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOtt 0~'~ICIAL USB ONLY - 5hown in ~'igure B~re graph~ of Che error probability of a funCtion of the sign~l/noig~ raCio, ~/N~, aC rh~ input nf eh~ resolver of the receiver where a- 0.5; c~rve 1 corresponds Co ehe lower bound of inequnlity (13); curve 2 _ corresponds to the upper bound; curve 3 chgraC- terizes Che error probgbility for a CircuiC wiCh 0 t ~,yo n sCi�f limit~r. Comp~ring curve 2 nnd 3 we ~ee Ci1gC Che suboptim~l circuit has ~ gain in the noi~e immunity nver thae of a~ircuit wieh g - seiff 1imiCer, thp losses of whi~h amdunC to 1 dB ae e result of the 1i.miCing of Che input signal. When Che amplitudes of the int~rfer- - ence elemenCs tend to infiniCy, Che dispersions _ at the outputa of the channela of the aubopti- mal filter of auch elements tend Co zero, ae a a.~ ' result of which, Che overall dispereion de- creases. The error probability in this case is deCermined by curve 1. ~ t f Thus, the gc~in in the noiae immuniCy of Che Figure 8. atrucCure eCudied here as compared to a struc- ' ture wiCh a stiff limiter is deCermined by the - follo~ring: in the first place, by the absence of losses which arise as a re- sult of severe limiting; in the second place, by the decrease in the overall diapersion (the increase in the signal/noise raCio) at the outpuC of the adder as a result of the action of the interference elements having an amplitude of UM UM~n~ With the action of interference elemenCs having lesser amplitudes, the noise immunity of the circuit studied here is degraded, however, as exper- imental studies have shown, it can be asaumed that they will n.:;: exert a sub- stantial influence on the noise immunity, due to their normalization at the output of the adder. BIBLIOGRAPHY - 1. L.Ye. Varakin, I.M. Pyehkin, RADIOTEKHNIKA, 1973, Vo. 28, No 11. 2. V.N. Vlasov, IZVESTIYA Vtl20V SSSR (PROCEEDINGS OF THE HIGHER EDUCATIONAL IN5TITUTES OF T~E USSRJ, RADIOELEKTRONIKA Series, 1975, Vol XVIII, No 4. - 3. L.Ye. Varakin, I.M. Pyshkin, Article in the book, "Trudy nauchno-tekhni- ~ cheskoy konferentsii professorako-prepodavatel'skogo sostava MEIS" ["Proceedings of the Scientific and Engineering Conference of the Professorial and Teaching Staff of the Moscow Communications Engineering - Institute"], Srt SSSR, 1967. G. L.Ye. Varakin, I.M. Pyshkin, TRUDY UCHEBNYKN INSTITUTOV SVYAZI [PROCEED- INGS OF TNE COirAMUNICATIONS TRAINING INSTITUTES], Leningrad, Leningrad Communications Engineering Institute itneni M.A. Bonch-Bruyevich, No 35. 1967. 29 _ FOR OPFICIAI. GSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~Ott d~FICYAL U5~ dNLY 5. Yu.13. Ch~rnyak, t2AD~OT~KttNIKA I CL~KT1tONIKA, 1962, Vol VII, No 7. ~ 6. Levin, "Teoretiehegkiye o~novy staeigticheskoy rndiotekhniki" - ["The TheoreCical Principlea of StaCi~ti~gl Radio ~ngine~ring"], Beok 1, - Moecow, Sovetskoye It~dio Publiehere, 1974. - CO~YItIGHTs "RadioCekhnika," 1978. 8225 C50:1870 ~ 30 FOR OFFICIl,L U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~nit O~~~CIAL US~ ONLY ~LCsCTR~ONICS AND ~L~CTRYCAL ENGIN~~It~10 ` . UDC 621.3g1.828t621.396.677.8~ A 5HI~Lb IN '~H~ SNAP~ OF' A DOUBLE ItING TO SHI~LD ANT~NNA5 AGAIN5m It~'f~R- F~RENC~ MoscoW RAUIOT~KkINIKA in itussiatt No 11, Nov 78 pp 6g-72 _ [Article by Yu.M. Mel~nikdv, tngnuscripe received following revision 15 May, 19~8J (Textj One oE the eimplegt ways of combatittg ehe interferettCe whictiacts on an unCennn ie ahielding the anCenna in Che direction of the incoming inter- ference. ~lectromagneCiC ~hields, which are passive gnd rather aimple de- viceg, permi~ the eolution of n~omplex of problems related to improving ' th~ electrrnnagnetic campatibility of varioua radioeler.Cronic equipment. 'fhc uge of vgrious shields ie described in [~-3]. An gngiy8is ahows that the simpleat, continuoue rectangular or aquare ahields are of little effect- iveness in many casea. The aomparaCively high field level in the ahaded _ region, due to the penetration of diffraceion fields from the edges of the ehield into ehe region of the geo~etric ghadow, does not allow for a satis- - factory compromise between Che level of field suppression by the shield and its dimensions. The electrical characteristice of an annular shield, described in [4J, were studied in [5). For this shield, the ratio of the size of the suppresaion region for a gpecified level to ite area is maximum as compared to other shields described in [4, 6, ~J. Nhen u plane or ~ spherical Wave falle on the annular shield from the left - - (Figure 1), the field is eq~al to zero at the deaign point P on the axis oE the shield, Caking into account the asaumptions sae have made, if the di- mensions of the ahield nre pl ~ p~ 1 3 ; p2 s p~ 2 3 , where p~ is the radi~s of the f irst Fresnel zone, defined for the point wave source and the point P. For plane wave, p~ ! a~r0 . It is a~sumed in the analysis thnt p2 � r~; pl � Y; and pZ - pl � Y, and in this case, Kirchoff's method can be used in scal~r form Without a great loss in precision. 3i FOR OFFICI/+L U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~'OIt U~~~CIAL USC ONLY The shield d~acribed here Cnn be successfully employed to shield compar~- tively podrly dir~CCionnl miarownve nne~nnag ag~inet interference. How~:ver, for ~nC~nnpe with c? relgtively high guin (3~ dB and nbove), ieg eFfectiveness is inadequ~Ce. In thi~ regnrd, there arises Che problem of designing ~ ghi~ld df increased effeCCivene~s, whiCh would perro~.C proC~cCing comparaCively highly directional aneenn~s against interference (for example, rgdio relay link bnCenttgs). � ~X X �1 ~ p ~ ~ ~ _ w,. r p~ yp~ ~ a~~ ~ ~ Y r'p r _ ro p Z ~ x~�2 _ ~ a ~ r~ z � ~ ~ Q . " a C~ ~ d - Figure 1. Figure 2. To solve Chis problem, the field a poinC P can be represented in the following fot~n [SJ where an annular Cype shield is present: I ks U Ul ~ U9 exp f kzr) 1z ~ J J e~p ( f` I,tr,) ~~~P. ~ 1) ~ n Zt follows from (1) that the field at point P is th~ difference between the field of the plane wave at this point and the field produced by the shield. The field distribution produced by the ring has a maximum at point P(Figure - 2). Plotted along Che U axig are vnlues of the plane wave amplitude and [he amplitude of the ring field (curve 1); the maximum of the ring field is - equal in amplitude and opposite in phase to the plane wave field. For this reason, there is complete cancellation of the fields at point P. When mov- ing from point P along the X axis, the equal amplitude and equally op- posi.te phase conditions of the fields are violated, something which leads to a sharp increase in the resulting f ield. The axial symmetry of Che ring easily allows for independent adjustment of the amplitude and phase of the Eield created by the ring at point P and in its vicinity. By incre:ising the area of the ring Without changing its center radius, one c.zn provicle for equ~liCy of the aroplitudes of the plane wave and ring fields not at point P, but at some point xl (Figure 2, curve 2). Then, by changing the phase of the ring field without changing its amplitude, the precise op- ~ posite phuse conditions of che fields considered here cnn be obtained at this point. As a result~ we obtain complete cancellation of the field on a circ2e 32 FOR OFFICItiI. U5E ONLY _ , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~'OR O~FICIAL US~ ONLY ui' rad LuH xl wlti~ n c: ~~itc~r nt point I'~ wl~ich fulls in n plnne nnraii~i to th~ plnne of the rin~. In this case, there wi11 be a partial mAximum of the field aC point P. '~he expregsione for the inner gnd ouCer radii of Che ring nre [5]: _ pimY~o o j~-~---~~~--Y; ps~y'aoro Y~-p'+Y� z By vgrying S wirh a constant y, we change Che phase of khe field creaeed by the ring, while irs amplitude is constttnt. By varying Y with a constant we change the ampliCude while the phase is constant. When ~@ 0 and - Y= 1/6, we obtain the values df pl and p2 for the usual rin~, which pro- d~cea complete suppression a~ Che field at point P. Tl~e expre~aion for Che field F(v,.U,,v, S, y) normalized wiCh respect Co the incident wave, where /'~2 has the form [5j: n zJ ~ ~ ~ P ~ ~/~o~ ~ ~ xo/ro r ~ F~ro. k~ Y) ~ 1-I- exp C-~~=~''] X . ~rr2 _~~~~1 � I~e(,~j .....~t...Y~ ~ k exp - ~ ~ . �v ~ ~ - X ~a1 ~R ~ ~ x'~~ � 1 -~'-T) _~s(2 -p~-F7 ` _ - exp X S' `-~.._s~+ T) " ~ ~ +Y x ~ 1 �Y ~Y a~ ~ (3) It follows from the curves in Figure 3, plotted from formula (3) for differ- ent values o� S and Y(curve 1: the function F(v) for S= 0, Y= 1/6, i.e., Eor the usual ring; 2 corresponds to S a 0.1, and Y= 0.177; 3 corresponds to S= 0.2 and Y= 0.215; and 4 corresponds to S~ Q.25, Y= 0.287) that ut specif ied rinh parameters, Che suppression region can be expanded with r~spect to a speciEied level. Thus, for example, the suppression region Eor the -24 dB level (curve 2) is 42Y wider than the suppression region for - the same level of an unmodified ring (S = 0; = 1/6). The increase in the widtl~ of the suppression region permits a reduction in the spacing between the shield and the unit being protected by~ 1.2--1.5 times. - It would be possible to significantly boost the effectiveness of the shield iE one could suppress the partial maximum of the field at point P without subatantially increasing the Eield at the maximum suppression ~ircle. The 33 FOR OFFICIE+L U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOFt OFFICIAL USC ONLY r.c~m~~en~.yrion oE Ctie Ficld m~ximum aC poinC 1' ia possible by using an udditionnl rin~ with a grcneer r~dius, concentric to the Pirst one. The dlmensians of th~ additional ring should be chosen so that its field ae point P is opposiCe in phase to the field of the main ring. Obviously, this ring should fa11 in Chis case in Che out-of-phase (second) Fresnel - zone. Since the d~nensiona oF the second ring are greaCer than Che dimen- sions of the main one, trs directional pnttern is narrower, and for rhis reason, iC can be assumed that irs field will not substantially increase the field close to Che circle of radius xl. 0 Q! Q2 q,~ 4 r/ To obCain a shield with the wide4*_ possible ~y region of suppression, it is de.strable to use a main ring with parameters ae which Che radius -8 x1 of the circle for complete suppression of - the field is maximal. However, calculations ~~Z show thaC even at s= 0.3, there are no values ` rs of Y at which a sufficienCly deep trough can be obtained in tlie field disCribution in ehe " vicinity of point P. This is related Co rhe fact ChaC point xl Falls in the region of the out-of-phase side lobe of the field disCribu- -Z6 ~r- tion of Che ring, where it is already impossible y to obtain the out-of-phase condiCion of the J~ ~ ring and plane wave fields. For this reason, -:s we shall use a ring with parameters of s= 0.25 - ~ and.Y = 0.287 as the iniCial shield. Fi'U' ~ , Z - Figure 3. As an analysis and calculations for the inner - and outer radii of the second ring show. we have : P3 = E3 j~ ).oro = y~o~o (d - 7t): P~ = E41~~oro = 1~ ~nro ~d 7t) ~ where d= 1. 3353. Tti~ _ quality Y1 can be deteY-,~ined through selection taking int~ account the re- quirements for obtaining the best suppression funcCion F(v), from ehe view- point of effectiveness. For F(v, u, v), we obCain from (1): _t=o+ 4 `n + _ ~ F(v~ v) = 1- t~~ e"' l)~ S e E./o ~ �y v:) EdE. ~4~ - nnt u There is no point in expanding the integrals in a series in terms of the functions An, as for the case of a single ring, since for large values of ~~~3' ~4>> the series converges slowly, something which creates inconveni- ence in the calculations. For this reason, we shall make use of another method. In accordance with [8j: ~ ~a . ~ e-! (vx) xdx = � (U~ (2~, o) i Uz (2k, olj, (S) 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~OR OFrICIAL USE ONLY where U1(2a, o) and U2(2~, u) are the corresponding Lommel funcCions two - variables. By using (5), (4) c~n be reduced to the form: . _i.r ~ _ / a+ , �F 171~ ~l~ V~ � 1 ~ ~Q M~ ~ ~,~X n.t ~ 1 r 2r.En 2r.Env (2'En 2nE vll ~6~ ~ ~e L U ~ \ N'? ' ) + ~ U~ \ !+Y ' �v / J ~ � The ~unctions U1(w, z) and UZ(w, z) are tabulated in [9] for w> 0.5 atid z> 0.5. In the case conaidered hcre, when v-~ 0, and x-~ 0, iC is also impossible to use the tablea. Approximate expresaions are derived in [lOj ~ for Che functions U~(ax, x) ~nd U1(ax, x). By employing [11] (after cor- re~ting rhe misprinCs) and [12], we obCain: Us ~y, x) = Uo ~ y~ x) - cos j C y-}- . y, - ~ ~~(y,X)=~~( y ,x~+Szn 2 ~y+ y~. , . In accordance with [10], we have: Uo (ax+ x) = 2 Jo (x) -f- 1,~ a, cos bx 4~~ +�a~~ X X C( 1-}- a+ - j~l~"a~) cos ~x sin 8~-{- (1-{- a4 Y 2 a~) X X cos ~x cos 8), Re 8; ~ U~ (ax, x) = 1+ a, sin bx 2(1 a~) X X[(1 aa - y'2 a~) sin 8 sin (x ~in 8)-}: (1-~- a4 Y2 a') cos e sin ~x cos 8~~ Im S, X M ~8~ f where a=x/Y~ b= !aa ~ �=ij'(bz_ l~e~o.~~e_ieE ~(-1)"Jea~E)dE. R-1 In the cas~ ~considered here, z=?r,~nv~�y; y= 2.~En~~y~ a= y~~a~ - b = (E� v ~/_vE,,. _ _ 13y making use fo=mulas (6) (8), the function F(v, u, v) can be computed for small values of 2n~nv/uv. In this case, when v= 0 and v=~n, formu- l~s (8) yield the exact value of the functions UD(ax, x) and U1(ax, x) [10]. 35 _ FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 F'Oft O~~ICIAL U5~ ONLY - After performii~g the correapondittg calculntions, the begt sh~p~ of the curvc (ehe deepest and mnst uniform suppregsion in the wide region) for ~(v~ 1, 1) w1g obtained at Y1 ~ 0.1 (the solid curve in ~i~ure 4). Thus, we find the parameters of the double ring: S~ 0.25, Y= 0.287, d= 1.335~, and Y1 ~ 0.1. The corregponding value~ for ~n: ~1 a 0.388; ~z b 0.851; ~3 = 1.111; ~4 1.198. 0 4~ q2 Q14~ U' Calculations of ~(v, 1, 1) were performed on a computer [by ,:4 y'~~ menns of direct integration of (5)~, and uging formulas (6) _8 --(S); tlie precision wa.? ~ood to rhe second decimal place s~U for ~(v) in decibels. In arange of values of v~ 0.1--1.0, -~2 j~ the maximum difference in Ch~ results obtained ott the com- _~6 puter nnd f rom rhe formulas at tt~e point v= 0.1 amounted i~ to 1.3 d~. In this case, the average deviation for 12 points -20 % in the indicated range amounted to 0.15 dB. Thus~ formulus -Z4 (6), (1) and (f~) can he successfully u~ed to calculate t}~e _~8 ~ characteristics of a double ring throughout the range of . ~ variation in v, which is of inCerest in prACtice. -J2 I . Also shown in ~igure 4 are curves which characterize the ~ I u'a� coverage range of the doub~e ring (for u= 0.9 and u= 1.1 -~0}~ -=ufl0 at v a 1.0) . The experimental curve for u a 1.0 and v= 1.0 -~a~1F~d~~ ~ is plotted with small circles. The dashed and double dotCed �,b.-... curve of ~(v, 1, 1) indicates Che conventional single ring. The effectiveness of the shield described here in the form of a doubl_e ring exceeds the effectiveness of the well known single ring by many times. Thus, for example, to produce a suppression of -18 dB at - the edge of a reflector 3 m in d iameter of an antenna operating at a fre- quency oE 4 GHz, the double ring can be positioned at a distance of rp = ~ = 200 m from the ~ntenna, i.e., six times claser than the usual ring. In this c~-~se, its maximum radius wil.l be p4 = 4.75 m, while its area will be _ 2.65 times less thnn the area of the conventional ring which creates the same suppression at the edge of the 3 m diameter reflector. With such a small spacing of r~, the screen is quite effective under the actual condi- tions of varying atmospheric refraction. 'tlws, the screen developed here in ttie form of a double ring exceeds well known screens by many times in terms of eEfectiveness and coverage, and for ttie Eirst time permits the shielding of antennas with gains of 40--43 d8 from directions close to the direction of the main lobe. The interference suppression in this caRe amounts to 20--25 dB. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. E.K. ('reikschat, TNE rtICROWAVE JOURN., 1964, Vol. 7, No. 8. 2. Ruse, F.I. Sheftman, D.A. Cahlander, PIEEE, 1966, Vol. 54, No. 9. 36 FOR OFFICIkI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~OEt O~~ICIAt. US~ ONLY J.~. t3eck~r, J.-C. Surenu, I~~~, 1966, Vnl. AI'-14, No. 6. 4. N.~. nuasey, "Et~f1~Ct~d Rgy Eliminatore", US Prtent, M. C1. 343-g41, r - Nn. 2.763.001. 5. Yu.M. Mel'nikov, TEtUbY NIIR (PROC~~nING5 0~ TH~ 5CI~NTI~'IC R~S~AItCH INSTITUTE FOR itAUYO~, 1975, No 4. - 6. O.P. Frolov~ TRUDY NIIR, 1974, No 3. - 7. Yu.M. M~1'nikov, TRUbY NIIR~ 1976, No 1. _ 8. C.N. Watson, "Teoriya besaelevykh funkCsiy" ["Besael ~unction Theory"J, Pnrt I, I.L.M. Publishera, 1949. 9. Ye.N. Dekanosidze, "Teblitay tailindricheskikh funktsiy oC dvukh peremennykh" ["Tablea of Cylindrical Functions of Two Variables"], - USSR Academy of Sciencea Publiahere, 1956. 10. Yu.A. Yerukhimovich, Yu.V. Pimenov, 2HURNAL VYCHISLITEL'NOY MATQ~tATIKI I MATQiATICHESKOY FIZIKI [JOURNAL OF COMPUTER MATHEMATICS AND MATHIIYfATICAL . PNYSICS), 1969, Vol 9, No 3. - 11. A.S. Yudina, ZHURNAL VYCHISLITEL'NOY MAT~IATIKI I MATEMATICHESKOY FIZIKI, 1961, Vol 1, No 6. 12. I.N. Ryzhik, I.S. Gradshteyn, "Tablitsy integralov, summ, rysdov i proizvedeniy" ["Tables of Integrals, Sums, Series and Products"], Moscow, 1962. COPYRIGHT: "Radiotekhnike," 1978 8225 ~ CS0:1810 37 FOR OFFICIl,L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 _ ~OIt O~~YCIAL U5~ ONLY ~L~CTRt)NICS AND ~L~CTItICAL ~1GIN~~ItI[VG UDC 681.883.63 TtiC 5TItUCTUtt~ 0~ A It~C~IV~R ANb TNE OPTIMUM U~T~CTION Ct1AE2ACT~[tISTIC5 ~OR SIGNAL5 WITH A ItANUOM INITIAL PHAS~, AMPLITUb~ ANb DURATION MoHCOw EtAbIOTEKHNIKA in Russian No. 11, Nov 78 pp 77~$0 _ [Article by G.D. I~'ilin, manuacript received following revision, 27 January, 1978~ ~ [TextJ 5ignals with a random initial phase, amplitude and duration occur in radar, sonnr and other types of range and direction finding of extensive ob~ects (Cheir dimensions are large as compared to the wnvel.ength of Che irrAdiated signnls), the aspect and position of which in the search space (r~~nge, azimuth and elevation angle) are unknown before detection. The model of the useful signal in this case can be represented as: - x U~ B,'-~ BD ~l) cos f~~~ + Pl~ t E(~.~ t. + t~l: ~ ~ -f- te~~ where X(t) and ~X(C) are functions which deacribe the amplitude and phase laws of the signal modulation; t~, wp, S, B and T~ are the moment of arrival, the carrier frequency, the initial phase, amplitude and duration of the sig- nal respectively. In the following analysis, for the purpose of illustrating _ the influence on receiver structure of Che indeterminacy in the knowledge of the signal widtt~, we shall assume as in [1] that B has a Rayleigh distri- - bution, S is uniforro in a range of (0, 2tr), and t0 and c.b are parameters established during detection. Tf~e specific feature of taking T~ into account consists in the fact that tC is a priori unknown (prior to the moment of detection), Thereafter, r~ clian~c:s little from observation cycle to cycle. The minimum useful sig- na]. width is equal to the width of the counding radiation Tp. The range of variation in r~ is determined by the specific observation conditionR [2]. We s}~ull designate the signal energy as 3[E] when B= 1 and t~ = Tp. Then [hc signal energy for any T~ can be represented as: 3c ~8~ ie~ - B� (s~ ~c) B~c~ CI e~/- 8~3Ar~ whcre kT = TC~TO ~8 the normalized signal duration. 38 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~ox o~~tcinr, us~ dt~.Y - ~ The prob~bility rntio Eor the cgse where U hgs ~ R~yleigh distribution, ~ has e uniform distrib~Cion under cdnditiona where the interference n(t) is aeeady-aCnte gausei~n whiCe noise with ~ maChemaCicnl meen of zero and ~ epectral density of Np, Ceking [1] into account, can be repre~eneed in the FolloWing form: � 1 y f~ll~e - 1~; 1V� ~I~ 3R tN� Pfke)dk - e R~ } 1V~ t (1) where � � ~ s~Y fr)lt.l - S x(f, te) y(r) d~. ( 2) - y(t) ~ n(t) ~f� x(t, TC); p(kT) is the probability density of Che quantity kT. ~'or the assumed limitations, the correlation integrgl (2)~ in being t h limit of Che linear combination of gaussian random quantities, is also u guussian random quantity, the mathematical mean value and diepersion of Which are respectively equal to i=~kt and aZ e N~EkT/2a In this case, for a uniform distribution of kT in a range of [1, k.~. m~X], the probability ratio (1) is written in the forna; N~w~ ~ ! kt~= ~ N. } k` e~ ek~� , (3) Integral (3) can be solved by approximation methods [3J squares of the high- es[ precision power. Legendre polynomials �orm an orthogonal system of poly- nomials of constant weight in the interval [1, -1]: 1 d" (x~ -1)" . pn ~X) ~ `2^A~ dxn . This allows the representation of the probability ratio in form (3) in the following form: ~~~~p,~~ ~ 1 sR ~ A~~) N~ N�t31~J i ~=t N� -I- 3k;k~ ~ ~ ~4) ~(n1 ~ , k~~~ ~ kt 4~Mt -1 / rnl ~ 1~1 : ' l~l ~ ~ ~A ' where ! (~-(x~ [Pn(x,? 1 ~x~ ~ ~ ; Xkn) are the roots of the Legendre polynomial of power n(n is determined by the pre- cision ,in the solution of the problem); Pn(...) is the first derivative - of the Legendre polynomial. An analysis of expression (4) shows that the circuit for processing signals with random S, B and z~ should take the form o� a multichannpl system, in each channel of which there is generated the correlation integral z(kT~)), k= 1, n, the square of the absolute value of which is defined _ as ~n~ *c4 ! 1' ~k:i') - 1 Z ~ Y (~)X tu') d~ ( . (5) - where jck~ a T~kik~� 39 FOR OFFICIf+L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 - ~OIt O~FYCIAL US~ ONLY Cxpre~gione (4) ~nd (5) allow for the represenCgCion of Che circuit for the � - ~ opClmum procesc~ing of Che received signals in each channel. The compleCe circuiC (Figure 1) consisCg of gn opCimal filCer OF for a single radio pul~e - oE wideh t~~~, a s uare-law deCecear Kb, a mulCiplier circuit SU uaing multipliers of 1/b~n)(b~n~ r NO + k.~~~~), a nonlinear element, N~, with a _ char~?cCerigtic of the form exp(u/Npbkn~), a second multiplier circuiC uging quadriture coefficients A~�~ and an incoherent ndder-store, which performs - the functions of combining Che video pulses which do nor ace simultaneously, as well as summing them. (A) (B~ (C) (D) (E) With an exponenCial diatribuCion of ~ ~ o ~ kT, one can employ Laguerre polynomi- " :(4f~ % K1! 69 t,tp~jl~r pl � g18 : ~ n~~ N ~ $ ~n ~ke) Cn~ dkT ~ki~ n " 0~ 1~ 2 ~ ; . _ , n u ~ ~ ,ufll t~t,t~ l '~d ~y l ~t ~ (C) ~~H _____M ~ , which are orChogonal with respecC to the _ weight exp (-kT) on the half-axis (0, ~t~ ~q cy no~ s~ In this case, for the signal model con- _ e,~ sidered here, the probability ratio has . ~ the form: (n) Figure 1. ' n ~ ~~e4 ~ AA � No+~~tRtR)3 Key: A. Optimal f ilters; ~~~i N~ +(1 + k;k~) 3 ~ ' (6) B. Square-law detector; C. Multiplier circuit; Where k~~~ are roots of the Laguerre D. Nonlinear element; polynom~als of power n. E. QuadraCure component multiplier; The structure of the receiver deter- - F. Adder-store; mined by formula (6) is similar to that G. To the threshold gate. described above. The difference is de- termined by the number of channels n, - ehe characteristics of the optimal filters at the input, and the quantities Ak and kTk. This makea knowledge of the probability density p(kT) fundamental in the design of an optimal receiver for signals with an iniCial phase, amplitude and width wl~ich are random. ~ The probability density of the quantity z for the case of a fixed useful i signal width can be represented as: sz~~~~ 2z (k.) -z j}3~R~ - Pcn~s~ki) ' 20~ 3~k~ c . : f' . This allows the representation of the correct detection probability and the false alarm probability at the output of the processing circuitry in the ~ form: 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 . ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ a w ' 00/~~e � S ds' Pcn ~=/k~IP~k,~dke e~*v~~~ P dku tv ~ ~ , a - F ~ @ P ~h~~ dkt, ' - S `~I~ , 1 ~ where the following symbols are uaed: 9~ -=./QS, q- 3/0~, o~ ~ N~3~2, The structure of relationships (7) ia similar to (1), and for this reason, Che integrals incorporated in them can be solved by approxianation [3~ using the scheme adopted above, depending on the nature of the probability density _ t(kT). With an exponential distribution of kT, it is easy to obtain: n ~ ~ lo PsI~~+R~R) F - ~j ARFo+Rt1?, D - A~e i+� (~+R.,?)/~ ~8~ - LI . Ral Aal : The quanCities Ak and kt.k are here equal to the correaponding quantities in (6), and F~ s exp(-q~/2). - The ca:Lculated detection curves are shown ~ - in Figure 2 for three cases: a) a signal Q8 'F-~04~ ~ with a random initial phase (solid line); b) a signal with a random initial phase s , ~6~ J0 c~ ~ and amplitude (dashed-dotCed line); _g c) a signal with a random initial phase, Qy amplitude and width (dashed line). The first Cwo are taken from [1], while the gZ third is plotted from (8) for Che follow- ing initial data: 0 2 4 6 8!0 12 !f /6 !B $ ~t - 2, ka - ~~585, ka - 3.414, A~ ~ U.853, A� - U~ 146. _ Figure 2. The precision in the calculation of D for n~ 2 and n= 3 was compared for F= 10-4 and q= 10. The quantities D do not differ by more than one in the third significant digit: D= 0.910 (n = 2), and D= 0.902 (n = 3). It follows from Figure 2 that in the region of large detection probabilities, - tt~e curves for a signal with random S, B and T~ occupy an intermediate position with respect curves a and h. This attests to the fact that sisnal fading caused by fluctuations in amplitude is partially compensated by the increase in its energy due to the pulling of the width. For this reason, the specified detection probability are assured at a lower average 41 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOIt OF~ICIAL U5~ ONLY ener~y oE the eounding ~ignul. AC 1ow probnbilities of correct d~~ecCion, thc �luctuatione in Che width xnd nmpl3Cude aubetnntinlly improve the d~- tecCion c~nd the curves shifted considerably Co Che lefr. The adv~ntgg~g indicneed here are agaured by the more complex atructure of ehe rec~ive = channel, for ehe design o~ which, it is necessary to know the probabiliCy densiCy of Che width of Che useful signal. BIBLIOGRAPHY - 1. "TeoreCicheskiye oanovy radiolokataii" ["The Theoretical Principles o� _ Radar"J, EdiCed by Ya. D. Shirman, Moscow, SoveCskoye Radio Publiahers, 1970. 2. V.V. Surnin, G.D. Filin, "Modeli fluktuatsiy dlitel'nosti gidroakusti- cheskogo ekho-aignal" ["Models of the Variations in Che Width ~f a Sonar Echo Signal"J, AbsCracts of tf~e Reports of the First All-Union Conference - on the SCudy and Utilization of the Itesources of Che Pgcific Ocean, DVPI [~'ar Eastern Polytechnical ZrsCitute imeni V.V. Kuybyshev] Publishing Houae, Vladivostok, 1976. 3. V.I. Krylov, "Priblizhennoye vychisleniye inCegralov" ["The Approximation _ o,~ Integrals"], Moscow, Nauka Publishing House, 1967. COPYRIGHT: "Radiotekhnika," 1918 8225 CS0:1870 - 42 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~Ott U~~~CIAL US~ ONLY , ~ ELECT1tONICS AND ~L~CTRICAL EN(iIN~~RING UbC 519.17:621.391.26 THE APPLICATYbN 0~ TH~ M~TNODS 0~ GAMES TH~OitY TO TH~ RE~OGNITION 0~ TN~ SIGNALS 0~ A 50URCE WHEItE TRAN5~O1tMING TYI'~ INT~R~LIt~NC~ I5 P1t~S~NT IN TNE CHANNEL Mogocow EtADiOTEKHNIKA in Rus~,ian No 11, Nov 78 pp 84-86 [ArCicle by Yu.P. Kuznetaov, manuacript received 15 June, 1977~ [TextJ The formulation of the problem conaists in the following. There are two sources S1 and S2, each of which has a set of n different signale ml, . mn~ The sources gre turned on in random manners S1 is turned or, wieh a probability p, while 52, with (1 - p). The source S1 hag different operational modes. In each mode, only tWO dif- fere signals of the set of n signals, ml, mn, are transmitted, for exampleLmi and m~ in accordance with the law ~i3 =~P(mi) ' q; p(~ a 1_ q}~ i,j = l,n, i# j, where P(mi) and P(m~) are the a priori probabilit~es of the transmission of the signals mi and m~ respectively, while q is a apecified _ number, where b~ 1/2. The total number of poasible operational modes of source S1 is equal to n(n - 1). The signals of the sources are transmitced using a mulCipoaition symmetrical _ channel without a memory in the presence of transforming type in[erference. Such a channel is defined by the set of transition probabilities: ~ P~~ ~ ~ f't~~~m/~ - ~ R_I ~ l~I~ where p~ is the probability of the conversion of a given signal into any other one, where p0 a(n - 1)/n. There is an observing system (SN) at the output of the ~hannel, Where this system should equate the receive signal with one of two sLgnals transmitted by source S1 in the given time interval, or consider it to be a signal of source S2 without indicating the number of the signal. Let the source S1 - transmit th~e signals mi and m~ in the given time interval. Then, the ob- servation system should make one of three decisions based on the received signal: 1) the source S1 sent the signal mi; 2) the source S1 sent the sig- nal m~; and 3) the signal aas aent by the s~urce S2. Ne shall designate 43 _ FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~O~t O~~ICIAL U5~ ONLY these deCi~ion~ wtih the symbols mi, m3 and 52 regpectively. I3y virtue nf r.he gctian of ineerference in the ch~nnel end the randomnes~ of the trigger~- ing of th~ sources, ehe ob~ervntion gystem C~n m~ke bdth correct ~nd incur- rect decigi~n~. Let g> 0 gnd g' > U megn the respective wins of Che ~bger- vc~tion gy~tem for any correct nr incdrre~t decigton cuncerning the sign~ls senC by the gource S1, while h> 0, and h~ > 0 mean the corresponding wins of the obgerv~tion gystem for any correct and incorrect decision concerning the preeence of the source SZ, where e,h > g',h'. 'Th~re is an infc~rmational link beCween the ~ource 51 ~nd Che obgervaCion system ahich cottgigts in the fact that in each time interval of the obgeiva- tinn sygtem, the numbers nf the signals and the laW governing their tr~ns- miggion by the source Sl are known. Ag r~garda the eource 52, it is agsumed thnC it pl~ys ~n ant gottisCic game against the obgervation system, simulat- ing the operation of source S1. In thig case, the operational modes of 51 in difPerent time ~ntervals are nor knoWn to the source 52. We shall adopt ~ the win avernge of the observation aya:am ~s an index or the outcomes in the gnme. The observer strives to maximize iC, while Che source 57 strives to _ minimixe iC. Wa shgll enumerate Che pure strategies of the players. The source 52 hns n strntepies, where the i-th strategy consi~ts in its tr~nsmiCting the signal mi (i = l,n). The strategies of the observation sysCem are conditional [Ij, and they are represented in a more complex form than the strat~gies of the source S2. In fact, since following the reception of any signal, the observation system should make one of three decisions, then the entire set of input signals tu? should be broken down into three subsets, where a particular decision corresponds to each f them. But wi;,.:? a suf f icic7tly large n, the number of possible breakdoWns, a~yd consequently, the number of possible strategies for the observation aystem increase sharply. This complexity can be over- come by means of using one special breakdown of Che set {u}, which is opti- mnl for the solution of the enCire problem as a Whole and consists in the following (1]. . Let the~source S1 transmit the signals mi and m~ in the given time interval in accord.~nce with the laW ~i . We shall sub~ivide the se[ {u} into three subsets: tt~e first contains o~ly the signal mi, the second only the signal mj, while the cfiird, {mii } contains all the remaining signals. It is con- venient to break dosm alI the possible strategies of the observation sys[em into groups of n(n - 1) strategies each. The number of different groups of str.htegies cf the observation system is 27. Of them, only five groups of str,~tegies are the active ones: r m1. m/. 1 ~ f!/ ~ ! ?~~~mrl. !~I ~~A. t~l~ w+ FOR OFFICII.L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~O~t O~~ICIAL U5~ ONLY rmt~ (nrr>> / ~ pi~_ " ~^~h Ml~ "i~l, I ~ ~"',n,' t ~ h rIm~~ m~, (mrj?1 \ ~f / ~ml~ M~~ ~f~~ r~,~ r i fi~ 1 ~:1i _ Tr/ h?1~ s~~ s,l~ I n, t.~ I; Mf , ??r/, (n'll~/ r~h 11t/, (Rtl~~~ 1~ ` ~~`SII Sf~ SI~~ 1~ f w /1~ l~ The gtrategie~ Written o~t here ~re re~d in Che fdllowing m~nner. ~or ex- ampl~, th~ fourth group in~drporat~g thnge n(n - 1) gtraCegiea such th~t i~ 51 ~ends the ~ignal~ mi gttd m~ in nccordanc~ ~ieh ehe ~ii l~w, then the decigion ig m~de th~t S1 sent Che signal mi when mi ig received at the input o~ the observation gyetem, and the decision thet the signal was aent by the source 5Z ahen any other eignel ~ag received. Calculation~ ~hnN that for the f ir~t, aecond, attd fifth groupg of strategies, the win everage of the obaervetion system does not dep~nd on the operational mode af ~aurce S1, ahi~e Eor the third nnd fourth groups of strategies, ehe win aver~~e of the observation sygtem achieves the greategt value for the ca~e of the equiprnbable u~e of different operational modes by the gource ~ 51. We ahall designate the toin average of the obgervaeion syatem when the i-th group nf strategiea is uaed as vi (i a 1,5). The qunntities vi ure equal to; p9B p~ i- 4) 8' (1- p) h'; ne ~ ~q r~ ` 0~ ) B i- P9 ~'~.-g' ~-P - ~ ~ n-1 n-I 9)~~-P~18~-P~1-4)0�B -h(1-P)h ~ ~,~p~l-P~)B+PP~~'~f-(~-pjh- n (I-p)~h-A'I~ v"P9~~-P~)8~-P4P.8'~!-P~~-9)8'~f-(~-p)h- ~ (1-P)~h-h'j; v~"Pg'.1-~~-p)A� " . It can bc geen from these expreasions that the values of vi depend on the relationship of the probabilities p, p and q, Where one can segregate several ranges of linkages between them, in each of which, an opCimal group of observation system strategies is easily found, as is the value of the game v which determines the maximum guaxanteed win average of the obser- vation syatera. Let: . ~-~P~ ~ ~'~'~(~-~Jq~1 -P~� ahere A=(g - 8')/(h - h'). Then for any values of the parameters of the problem~ the fifth group strategies dmninates all the remaining ones, and conaequently, is the op[imal strategy. The value of the game is equal to v � pg'+ (1 - p)h. 45 FOR OFFICI/~L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 F'dR tl~~ICIAL US~ ONLY Wh+~n p~ pi, the n~tut'e of Che applicatiott of the nbservation gysCem gtrgC~- gieg dep~ndg on th~ raCio of Che prnbability q gnd p~. Here, one cgn = gegre~~ee two ~~ges of thig littkage. C~ge 1. d4S1. - ~ (n ~~(1--p~1 ~1~ Under conditidn (1)~ Che ueeful groups ~re the f irst, third gnd fourth - grnupg of gtrgtegieg. Noa let P~! I+n(~ i/'~1~1~ 6P~ ~~h n' P�9~ ~p~� ~2) n I Ln this case, the dominant group, and consequently, the dptimal one is the fourth group. The value of the game is equal to: ~~F9(1--P~)~+l�'9P�S~?-P~1-4)8'~-~~--P)h-- ~ (1-P)fh-~h'). (3) n Further let ~ p'Q~~ Then the f irsr grnup of strategi~g ig dominant, and consequently, it is the optimal one. The value of the game ~3 eq~ul to V a pqg ? p(1 - q)g~ ?(1 - p)h~. Case 2. ~ ~ 1 ~Q~ +P�:(n-I)(I-F~1' (4) Under condition (4), the useful groups are the second, thtrd and fourth groups of straCegies. Now let ~~'n1~1 Ne19~ t�~~ ~~n(~-p�1(~-9)~ ~Pi� ~5) The fourth group of strategies is dominant here, and it is the optimal one. The value ~f the game in this case is defined by (3). Further let: P~- ~.,.nt -P�)(~-9)o GP~ ~ -O~ ~ ~+n-1P�9~ Then thc dominant one, and consequently, theoptimal group of the third group of strategies. The value of the game is equal to p(1- p,)g pp~g' + + (1-pph- n {t-p~(h-A~). . Finally, let ~ P. - 1/~~ -l-~ P~Q~~ 12, and moreover, there is a Chreshold at which the quantity Z' is minimal. The latter is explained by Che fact that when St tends to zero, the noise immu- nity for discontinuous communicationa approaches the noise immunity of a _ discontinuous information tranemission system, i.e., it is substantially reduced. Although in this cnsQ the volume of information being transmitted - is increased, the transmitter power nonetheless significantly increases, something which causes a growth in the referenced annual outlays at low tl~reshold levels. At large threshold levels, because of the increase in the noise immunity, the referenced expenditures fall off, but the average time and rate of traffic transmission are considerably reduced. At the limic when St Che volume of trnnsmitted information tends to zero. Correspondly, the expenditures referenced per unit of transmitted infor- ma[ion increase considerably with a large threshold signal/noise ratio. Tl~e most important parameters of the systems being compared are shown in Table 1 as a function of the reception error probanility for a communications range oE r= 2� 103 km and a threshold of St = 10; shown in Table 2 are the values obtained when r= 1.5 � 103 km and St = 10; shown in Table 3 are the most important parameters as a function of the communications range r when Pp = 10-4 and 5t = 10. From the curves plotted in Figures 2 and 3 for the st~ecific expenditures as a function of the reception error probability for tl~e case oE discontinuous and continueus communications service and ranges oE rl = 2� 103 km and r2 = 1.5 � 103 km respectively, it is apparent that in the first c~~se somewhat of an increase is observed in the expenditures 52 FOR OFFICIAI. U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 , ~OR 0~~'ICIAL US~ ONY,Y q,s 3~~�~~< 6 s~~Q~ 1 4 qn ; 44 2~~pB JecmnA . I'-80qDKM~ 2 NB~p~rANaA ~ 4~ Ne~~ ~3 ~ 4 _.._.~~..5- 4~ nP~'~e�'A e 2 ~ _ r p out 4 ~ tZ st . >0'~ !0~ !0 Figure 1. Figure 2. Key: 1. Z' [kopecks/bit]; Key: 1. Z' [kopecks/bit~; 2. DisconCinuous service; 2. DisconCinuous aervice; 3. Coneinuous service. 3. Continuous service. ~/~p~' wit}~ a reduction in the recepCion error ~~[dfi~/ ~1~ probability. This is explained by a - ~-/,A~,ay decrease in the amount of correctly re- Ne~ f~ ~~Mr,vi ceived information wiCh a drop in the ' ~C~AJb ~3) noise immunity. But Che reducCion in g~ ~\\Pecs~ua"Q'~(2) the absolute level of the outlays is poorly realized, since at low power ~ps 4 =J levels of the transmitters Che ma~or ~ JO PPp~ proportionate share in the~outlays error belongs to large capacity memories. Figure 3. An analysis of tables 1 and 2 shows Key: 1. Z' [kopecks/bit]; that when Po < 10-3, discontinuous com- 2. Discontinuous service; munications is significantly more effic- _ 3. Continuous service. ient that continuous. For exa~mple, _ when Po = 10'4 and r= 2� 103 lan, the annual savings which can be obtained when using discontinuous communications Funounts to S=[ZH - Zn]qn = 67,500 rubles. It follows from an analysis of table 3 that the efficiency of discontinuous communications increase~ with an increase in communications range. For example, when r= 4.4 � 10 km, the specific expenditures for the systems being compared are: ~ ZH � 28.3 ~:opecks/bit; ~ Z~ = 2�8 � lOr2 kopecks/bit. Ic follows from Figure 4 and table 3 that with an increase in communications range, the rate of growth in the specific expenditures for the case of con- tinuous transmission considerably leads the rate of growth in these expendi- tures for the case of discontinuous communications. In fact, when using continuous transmission, transmitter powers are required which are figured in 53 FOR OFFICIt,L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR Ut~'~YCIAL US~ ONLY Table 1. Table 2. (~1) Paw 10-~i 10-~ 10-~ Pow I 10-i 10-~ I 10-� ((1) ( I I (B) p,,, KBr 30 I 300 I 3000 Pd, kQr 15 I l50 I 1500 (B~ pn, KBr 0.15 2 I 20 P,,, KDr I0,075 I I I 10 - Tb~~~ PY6~ I 28 ( 100 I 36? 3 T~~c. py6. I 3i,? I i3,? I 256 (D) ~n) 3N, -'roa ron 3n~ Tetc. py6. I 18 21,5 I 62,8 3n ~ r~ rony6. I 10,5 I 17,7 I 38,6 - roa 9H� 10-~, aoA ( 67,2 I 4,34~ 10-' q,,.10-~~ bi~~ I 17'3 I 115 I 0,89 ~F~ 10_�~ 6on I'?0,8 I 135 I 133 roa I"-O,H I 135 I 1~5 (G~ q�� 9n~ , ~ Kon. I ~,73 ( 15 I 0,@35~10' ' , Kon. I^,iti I fi,37 I^8,7 ~H) 3~~.10 ~6iir 3~~ �10 ~ Gur ~H~ i - - (I) 3,�10~ kon. 8 6,i 1,6 3,97 3~;�10~~ hon. .1 S,Q~ I 1,31 I 2,~ n '6nr I~ ( I uur 1 I ~ Key j~or both tables]; A. Error probability; I B� pcontinuous~ KW; Pdisco~tinuous~ KW; - D. Zg, 10 rubles/year; E. Zn, 103 rubles/year; ' F. qH � 10-6, bits/year; G. qn � 10'6, bits/year; H. Z~ � 102, kopecks/bit; _ I. Zn � 102., kopecks/bit. hundreds of kilowatts. A change in the communications range of several times leads to a considerable increase in transmitter power, someehing which entails the necessity of large capital investments and current ex- penditures. The use of discontinuous communications requires the use of transmitting devices having a power of units of kilowatts. For this reason, for the case of a change in the communications range, the referenced annual expenditures also increase, but the rate of their growth is consid- erably less than for continuous communications. 54 ~ FOR OFFICI/,L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOEt OFFICIAL U5E ONLY ~ 'ruble 3. r, Kw 1500 1000 I 2400 (~HOU I~100 3J00 I 4A00 (A) P,,, KBr ISO 300 4u0 I 600 I 750 1Z00 I 1500, (B) Pa~ rBr I 1 I 7 I 3 4 I b 8( 10 ~ ~C~ twe.py6. 73,2 100 129 I 155 I 174 218 256 3~ ~ ron Ta_ 17.7 21,5 2a,5 I 27,1 :9.4 I33,2I38,6 (D) 3n~ roA I 9r'10''~ ~oA 118 I G9,5 49,9 I 23,1 16,2 I 2,8 0,93 ` ~F~ Qn,~~~~ 6Nt (~37 I 137 137 I 137 137 I 137 I 137 ro,a ~G) 3r'~py~ 6H~ I 5.9 14.4 I 26 I 64 ( 108 90G 2835 (H) 3��10~, dNT I~~~ I 1,57 1,79 I 1~98 I 2,14 I2.42I2,82 Key: A. Pg, KW jcontinuous]; B. Pn, KW [discontinuous]; C. Zp, lU3 rubles/year [continuous]; D. Zn, 103 rubles/year [discontinuous]; E. qH � 10'6, bits/year; F. qn � 10'6, bits/year; G. ZH � 102, kopecks/bit; H. Zn � 102, kopecks/bit. _ ~'1~~i1j ; 48 ~1~ ~ Figure 4. / - ~ Key: 1. Z' [kopecks/bit]; 2. Continuous communications; 4 iNen~C2~~v 3. Discontinuous communications. ~ C~AJb ~ ~Z rppa~~ ~3a ~ COAJb rKN /000 J 6a~v km 55 FOR OFFICIA:. USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~Oit O~FICIAL USC ONLY ConeZueions. The comprehen~ive economic engineering ~nalysig perfdrmed here h~g d~monstrated Che ndvnnrnges of discontinuous Communic~tiong over con- einuous service in u rather wide range of Che m~in pgrameeerg (P~, r, q). BIIiLIOGRAPHY 1. "M~rearnaya r~diosvyaz' ntt ul'trakoroCkikh vnlnukh" ["MeCeor Scgtter itndio Communications aC U1Crashortwave Freyuenciea"], Co1lecCion of ~rCicles edited by A.A. Kazuntgev, Moacow, IIL Publishers, 1961. 2. A. G.Zyuko, "Pomekhoustoychivost' i effekeivnosC' sisCem svyazi" ["Commun- icntions System Noiae Immunity and ~fficiency"J, Moacow, Svyaz' Publishers, 1972. 3. F.F. Yurlov, "Otsenka effektivnosCi sredstv svyazi s ucheCom zatrat na ikh sozdaniye i ekspluaCataiyu" ['~The Evaluation of Che ~ffectivenesa of CoromunicaCions EquipmenC, Taking into AccounC khe Expenditures for Its Desig and Operation"], The All-Union ScienCific Session Devoted to Radio Day, Moscow, 1974. 4. "Ekonomicheskaya effektivnost' i stimulirovaniye sozdaniya i vnedreniya novoy tekhniki avyazi. Informatsionnyy sbornik" ["Economic Efficiency and Providing IncenCives for the Design and Introduction of New Communi- cations Equipment. Informational Collection"], Moscow, Svyaz' Publishers, 1969. COPYRIGHT: "Radiotekhnika," 1978 8225 CS0:1870 56 FOR OFFICIl.L ifSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 _ ~dit 0~'~ICLAI. U5~ ONLY ~L~CTRONICS AND ~L~CTRYCAL ~IGIN~~RIldG EQUIVALENT PA~tAIK~TERS OF GUNN bIODE IN TWO-FREQUENCY MODE Moscow RADIOTEKHNIKA I ELEKTRONZKA in Russian No 10, 1978 pp 2208-a2ii - [Article by A. S. Kosov and T. A. 5trukov~ [Textij Results are presented of the experimental investi- gation of a two-frequency osGillator generating sig- . nals at the basic frequency and the 2nd harmonic. The maximum generated power at the harmonic was 30$ of the maximum power of the single-frequency - oscillator. The mechanism of generation of the 2nd harmonic was investigated. It was shown that in the case studied, generation is basically para- _ metric; that is, the negative conductivity intro- duced as a result of parametric coupling of signals consiclerably exceeded the intrinsic conductance of the diode at the 2nd harmonic. This makes it possible to increase by a factor of two the maximum frequency of Gunn oscillators. The effect of a reactive 2nd-harmonic load on the effi.ciency of the oscillator at the basic frequency was investigated. The possibility of increasing the efficiency by a fac~or of 1.5 in comparison with the ~case of single-frequency oscillation was demonstr~ted. - Introduction Oscillators with output at the 2nd or higher harmonic may be used in systems in which synchronous oscillations are required at the basic frequency and at some harmonic, and also may be used to shift frequency into a region in which an instrument has no intrinsic negative resistance. As shown by calculations [1], at a frequency of 140 GHz the Gunn diode has no negative resistance. However, as the basic frequency is raise4, th~e effect of the 2nd harmonic increases, and a two-frequency oscillator at a frequency of 140 GHz may be of comparable 57 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 _ ~'Oit O~I~'ICIAL US~ ONLY e~~'iciency witih ~ single-~requency os~illatior at 70 GHz. Ati - - the same time tihe power a~ ~h~ b~sic frequ~ncy of 70 GHz remains approximat~ly at tihe maximum produced at this ~requency in ~he single-fr~qu~ncy mode. Additiionally, a reac~ive ln~~ at 140 GHz makes it possible tio incr~ase by a factior of 2 th~ m~ximum effi~iency ati 70 GHz i~ Comp~ris~n witih tih~ singl~- frequ~ncy case. Thus, two-frequ~ncy oscillatiors using Gunn diodes may be widely applied in tihe mm-band and require de~ailed investigation and ~he chc~ice of a sys~em of b~sic parameters. 1. A systiem of equivalent parame~ers of a two-frequency oscillator The approach used for analysis of a~wo-frequency oscillator is ~hat of the authors of (2], applied by them tio the analysis of an avalanche transit-time oscillator. The state of the oscillator is described by the amplitudes of the lst and 2nd harmonics vl and v2, their relative phase ~=~2-2~~, and the _ frequency wo. An active instrument is characterized in addition by the conductance matrix (1> II YII v,, x) � II J~~ - ya~ y~~ ~ Here x signifies the bias, the temperature, and other para- - meters. The equivalent circuit of the active element is presented in fig. 1. The voltages of higher harmonics are assumed to be much smaller than those of the lst and ti~td harmonics, justifying the representation of the instrument by _ a conductance matrix rather than by a total resistance matrix. I-r-~ - ~~iY'~ ~ e1fPi - r,~~~ 1 1 1 yt~~'~ yt~ y~t~:els~r 5iri~rl~�i yz2 ' Yt~~ , ytnt _ Fig. 1. Equivalent circuit of two-frequency oscillator. The condition for free two-frequency oscillation may be written - in the form ~ 58 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~Uit d~~ICIAL U5~ dNLY Y~ (t~�) ~Yr~,~O, ( ~ ) ~~~o) Y~~:~O, Y~ II Uu Y~~ II ~ Uu U,~ where - ~,~fh-.~t ~'i~~rY~~~'y~s ~ L ~ ~ � ~,~-u.?-.~~ Y~�s~y,~+y,~ . v, As shown by experiment, y~2 and y21 have little d~pendence on ~2 and v2 and are proportional to vl: = U~~~k,v,e~~~~w~>~ (3) y,~~ck~v~e~t~~+.~?, - _ Thus, in order to describe the active element in the two- frequency mode it is nec~ssary to know the following equi- valent parameters: yll, the intrinsic conductance of the diode at ~he lst harmonic, depending only on the amplitude of the lst harmonic; y22, the intrinsic conductance of the diode at the 2nd harmonic, depending on the amplitude of the 2nd harmonic~ constants kl and ~,1, determining the effect of the ~ 2nd harmonic on the lst; and constants k2 and ~,2, determining the effect of the lst harmonic on the 2nd. - 2. Design of a measuring cavity The cavity of the two-frequency oscillator investigated is shown in fig. 2. To calculate the geometric dimensions of the diode holder, the method developed by Eisenhard and Khan was used [3]. Shown in fig. 3 are results of the calculation of the admittance of the load connected to terminals of the semiconductor structure with the geometric dimensions shown in fig. 2. A short circuit mode occurs for oscillations with a wavelength equal to bl/2n, where n'.s a whole number, in the plane of the broader wall of the waveguide, where the contact pin 9 enters the coaxial portion. As shown by calculations, with the design studied the magnitude of the impedance modulus of the load from the side of the waveguide for the basic frequency does not exceed 1 ohm in the region of 500 MHz, corresponding to the short circuit mode for the semiconductor instruments examined. Therefore, in order to decouple the oscillations, the height cf the basic-frequency waveguide was chosen to be 8 mm, corresponding to a short circuit at a frequency of 18.8 GHz. 59 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~Oit O~~ICIAL U5~ ONLY 6 ~ ~ , a~ . Fig. 2. b~gign of ~ tiwc~-frequency b r 9 s oscillator: 1- waveguicle 8x23; 2- diaphra~~m= 3- waveguide 5.5x11; 4- , .s ~ tihre~~pin tir~nsform~rt 5 - shortiing ~ ~ p1unger; 6- oxidfz~c~ ins~r~; 7- - Gunn diode; 8- thick volume diaphragm; ~ ~ 9 - contiacti pin. , Fig. 2 V V 10" '0''mho G mho tnha~ so 10 _ 3~o so Irihb s Q ~ s I G 0 �SO 0 -SD s ro Q u ~ GNz 9 gs b ro ~ GHz Fig. 3 Fig. 3. Calculation of load conductance: a- in the region 5-20 GHz; b- in the region 9-10 GHz. The diameter of pin 9 was chosen to be 3 mm to achieve an active conductance far the first harmonic at the terminals of the semiconductor element on the order of 1/30 Go, where Go is the conductance of the diode at zero bias voltage. Diaphragm 2 served as an impedance transformer at the basic frequency. A three-pin transformer was used to match impedance at the - second harmonic. The bias was introduced through an oxidized aluminum insert. 3. Experimental results Investigations were performed with an unencased Gunn diode. The dopinc~ profile was uniform. The dopant concentration was (1-2)�101 cm'3. The length of the active region was 10 um. - The threshold voltage UT=3.5 V, and the threshold current IT=0.5 A. 60 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~UEt d~~ICIAt, U3~ ONLY 9~ mhb 6- et.=~e' ~'ig. 4. Dep~nc~enc~ of input conducti- ~r"~ ance at rhe firsti h~rmonic on ampli- i tuc1~ v2 for v~rieug reactive loads at ~,�~ts~ the 2nd harmonic. 1 ~ - S 6 9 vi, V The investfgationg h~ere perEormed at a bagic �requency of 9.4 GNz and a corresponding second harmonic of 18.8 GNz with a bias voltiage of 2.5UT. Meagurement of the oscillation parametiers vl, v2, wo, and as we11 as the parametierg of the instrument, was made according tio the method discussed in ~4]. The fo3lowing re~ults were obtained: vZ=SV, v~30.9V, Re Y11- - 6 10' mho, Im y11=~30�10'3mho, Re y22~-1.5�10 mho, Im y2 2= ~ . +60�10-3mho, k aD.S�10-3mho/V, ~,1~+16D�, k2=0.8"3mho/V, and ~y2=-70�. The ~ollowing were the load conductances: Yl~wo)=(6-~30)�10-3 mho, Y2(2wo)=(30-j60)�10~3 mho. _ It should be noted that Re Y2(2wo)� Re y2Z. This indicates that i~ is possible tio form negative conductance at the second - harmonic in Gunn diodes as a result of the parametric coupling y21. The value of ~,2=-70� shows the impossibility of describing an instrument with a volt-ampere characteristic having a segment ~ with a negative resistance. The case of a reactive load at the second harmonic, Re Y2(2wo)=0, was also studied. The input admittance at the first harmonic was measured for various amplitudes v~, and the corresponding _ efficiency value for the first harmonic was calculated. - Experimental results for three different modes at the second harmonic are presenCed in fig. 4. The parameter is the angle A2=~-~?~. The case ~2=278� corresponds to a load at the second - harmonic such that the maximum efficiency at the first harmonic is increased by 308 in comparison with the single-frequency case. The case A2=25� corresponds to the case in which the maximum efficiency is increased by 15$. Thus with an arbitrary reactive load at the second harmonic the maximum efficiency of the oscillator may vary by a factor of nearly 1.5. 61 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~'OR O~~YCIAI, U5L ONLY Conclusion Investiga~ions of ~he two-frequency mode show that the negative conductance introduced as a result of coupling between wo and 2w~ oscilla~ions considerably exce~ds the conductance of the instrument at ~he ~requency 2wo for v2=0 in the instrument. This con�irms the proposed possibility o~ using two-�requency Gunn oscilla~~ors at frequencies twice as high as those achievable in the single-frequency mode. The proposed measurement method makes it possible to give an adequate description of the instrument and may serve as the basis for _ the design of ~wo-frequency oscillators. References 1. W. R. Curtice, J. J. Purcel.l, IEEE TRANS., 1970, ED-17, 12, 1018. ~ 2. C. A. Brackett, BELL SYSTEM TECHN. J., 1970, 49, October, 1777. 3. R. L. Eisenhard, P. J. Khan, IEEE TRANS., 1971, MTT-19, 8, 706. 4. D. F. Peterson, IEEE TRANS., 1974, MTT-22, 8, 784. Received by editors 18 July 1977. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka," "Radiotekhnika i elektronika," 1978 9187 CSO: 8144 /0547 . 62 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 7 ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL IIVGIN~ERING PRINCIPL~S OF MINIATURIZATION OF PASSIVE MrCROWAVE STRIP ELEMENTS - Moscow RADIOTEKHDiIKA I ELERTRONIKA in Russian No 10, Aug 78 - pp 2216-2218 - (Article by Ye. L. Bachinina, N. I. Prokhorova, and A. L. Fel'dshteyn] _ [Text] The object of this article is to introduce criteria ~ for the quality of bandpass filters taking into acc;ount all their basic parameters: passband (V.~,$), dissipative losses ~ (bE,db), volume (v,cm3), and frequency selectivity (number of - resonators n). Th~ proposed criterion is of the form bs v (1) -ya--@G>conaG n n This relationship is based on the particular parametric rela- _ tions given in [1-5]: between losses and passband for ~ - v/n=const. [1,2] and between losses and volume for V.~=const. [3-5]. Relationsh~.p (1) has a simple physical meaning. Since the quantity G is bounded below, the simultaneous improvement of all filter parameters is possible only up to a definite limit. - The depandence of achievable values of G on wavelength a, determined by experimental methods, is presented in fig. 1. - Data fro~;? the literature conform to the laws found; thus, a definite system is formed for evaluating and selecting materials from the literature. The practical utility of the criterion G will be explained - through examples. - 63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 H'OEt OI'~ICIAL US~ ONLY Example 1. The following p~rameters G, db~cm3 are given for an opposing-s~ub ban~- ' pass fi].ter: n=7, bE=2.5db, V,~=2~, volume=60cm3. The quality criterion is to be determined. We find - s ~ ns ya n'� ~5 2~~ C-o~f2 db � Cm3 . Conclusion: the filter is poorly designed or constructed, since the to 2o a,~K averagr. value of G in the 10-cm Fig. 1 region is 3(see graph in fig. 1). ~xample 2. The following characteristics are given for a ' _ microstrip fil~er with parallel-coupled resonators: n=5, b~;=4.5 db, Vn=5$, v=4 cm3. We find the quality criterion G=4~ 5~. = 3. 6 db ~ cm3 . Conclusion: the filter is well designed and constructed. S~me charac teristicG of the ba~ic types of S-band bandpass filters are presented in the table. The filters are listed _ - in order of increasing average thermal losses at the resonator for a 1$ filter band. From the table it follows that the basic types of S-band bandpass filters all have G-values of approximately 3; that is, the reduction in resonator volume a from type to type is accompanied by a proportionate increase in - losses; new types of.filters using supercritical waveguides, dielectric resonators, etc. ma~? be evaluated using criterion (1); as demonstrated by experiment, the quantity G for these filters lies within the limits corr~sponding to ~che range of the graph in fig. l; in wideband bandpass filters (passband not less than 5$) the limitations found are immaterial. This makes it possible to miniaturize them, in particular, in pl~nar microstrip form. The criterion shown above and the laws that follow f rom it are applicable not only to bandpass filters but to other - passive microwave elements with resonant amplitude-frequency characteris tics as well. In conclusi on we present an analytic proof of the connection between losses and passband (for a given type of filter). Previously this connection was found numerically [1]. 64 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 _ H'ott ni~CtCLAL USL ONLY 1 We proceed from the known rel~ationship [6~ ~ ~2~ ~Q~ _ = b: - 8,a8 , Qo where Qo is ~he intrinsic Q-factor o� ~he resonator; Qi is _ the Q-factor o~ the ith (ideal) resonator under 1oad. Mu1ti- plying and dividing the right-hand part of (2) by the quantity S, where S~Z~f/fo=V~, we introduce the normalization in n: ~ . b= 8�88 r Q~S f00 ~ 3 ) ~..i , n i_i Vo nQo where Vn is in per cent and V~=S�100~. This equation will be a hyperbola if the expression in braces _ (having the same meaning as the quantity a in [1]) is su�fi- ciently unvarying. We will show that this is in fact t}~~ ca;~t~, ~ Q pa ~ - ~68 _ ~~37 - as iriK~; q~ -~--,~-1_.. �Qa - QS Q?'- I U~M~ Q~ Q4 43 48 Q~ ' ' l'pvNUUei nocmonHCmQo u 6. Q3 - 4 R2 , I'paNUy6~ nocmo,?NCmea npu dab20'/. - 42 ~ Q 44 ~Pu Qa 620y. - _ Q~ - -I I- ~ - ~ ~ - 2 4 6 8 10 11 14 16 1Bn 2 4 6 d m 11 14 16 ldn Fig. 2 Fiq. 3 t limits of constant value of a for ~a/az20$ Fig. 2. Dependence of the hyperbolic coefficient a(normalized) on the number of resonators. The frequency characteristic of the filter is maximally flat. Fig. 3. Dependence of hyperbolic coefficient a(normalized) on the number of resonators. The filter has a Chebyshev frequency characteristic. We wia.l introduce the normalized value ag=a(Qo/8.68); then w a'�~~~";~Q~S- With a maximally flat amplitude-frequency character- - istic 65 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~OEt OF'~ICIAL USL ONLY 11 M ~~CIV ~ yh~sin(2i-f) r ~ 1~1 1�1 2n n ain 2n where h~~r~N.w /yf -~r~N.w; IrIM~~� is tihe allowance for mismatch in the passband. Hence ~5~ yh Q r , n sin (:c/;!n) Graphs of this �unction are given in fig. 2; they approach asymptotically the value 2/~r as n-?~. The region over which aH is relatively constant is marked on the graphs; it is - bounded on the left by the values of n=4-7. Parameters of basic types of S-band bandpass filters DtattnManenan Cpea~trto a~ poNONe~tnYa� ~~ntepn Na Co6crecwian I'a6epnr- TNn nonocNO�nponya~~auic~o ~Nnbspa ~~an na~uce I~~~oitarop Ao6pornocrb nWA n~,,ny~ r,aiiea, np� PeaouaTOpa, rnaeicc t p~ y ~n~ Q. 0, o6~cx~ b/n, 86 f~ ~011110DO,~11L111 (~~IIJibTp C IlOnyOqJil(0~ ewMU poaouaTOpn~ccc Qt 0,05-0,09 7000-9000 f~i,a g) ~DIt116T~ itU ~atl()CJ1Q116QL1:C 00.1tl0II0'(1x 0,2 0,i5 2000-5000 3-8 LOtt048Li11 ~111JILT~ II8 Ctl~l\tCT~11IqIt01l h) IIonoctcoooic muunt c eoapywn~.tK aano.~xot~icex 0,3 0,22-0,3G 2000-2500 2,2-2,fi U~ poRtto-ctop>Kneaoit ~j~nn~~Tp ua 1~ CHNMOTPII9IIOIl R0.7UCICrrBA{I 7T{IIIIift C Boaprymnwac aano.v?etu~eM ! 0,31~-0,50 i000-13Q0 ?,2-3,3 rPOGOlI9AT1.Ili t~111:ILTp IIA cu+i~ieTpun- J) ao~ HoaAY~noii nonocroooii au~nnc 2 0,7 500-700 3-3,5 k~ mnnt~Tp nu IICqAT110{~ cuaiHCTp?tvicoii _ no.yoctconoi'i auuuu 3 f,/.?-2,33 200-300 7,5-8,1 1) ~un~Tp ~ta xwcpononocxouoii zntiuu 5 2,40-3,80 l50-~50 3,0-3,B a) Type of bandpass filter b) Minimum recommended passband, Vn, ~ c) Average losses at resonator for Vn=1~ b/n, db d) Intrinsic resonator Q-factor, Qo _ e) Dimensional index G, db�cm3 f) Waveguide filter with semiconductor resonators ~ g) Filter using superczitical waveguides h) Bonochnyy filter using symmetrical strip line with air fill _ i) Opposing-stub filter using symmetrical strip line with air fill j) Comb filter using symmetrical air strip line k) Filter using printed symmetrical strip line 1) Microstrip line filter - 66 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~OR OF'~ICIAI, U5C ONLY We will'perform similar operations for a Chebyshev amp].itude- Erequency characteristic. The resul~s are shown in fig. 3. In this case the ~symptote has the value aH=1. The fact that aH is constant for botih types of amplitude-frequency character- istic indicates that equation (3) is, in the asymptotic approximation, a hyperbola. References - 1. Ye. L. Bachinina, N. I. Prokhorova, A. L. Fel'dshteyn, RADIOTEKHNIKA, 1971, 26, 10, 46. 2. V. P. Leonchenko, A. L. Fel'dshteyn, L. A. Shepelyanskiy, Raschet poloskovykh fil'trov na vstrechnykh sterzhnyakh, - ["Design of stri~ filters with opposing stubs") (Handbook) - IZD. 5VYAZ', 1975. . 3. V. M. Osipenkov, Ye. L. Bachinina, A. L. Fel'dshteyn, - RADIOTEKHNIKA, 1973, 28., 5, 25. 4. Ye. D. Lotkova, Voprosy radioelektroniki ["Problems of radio electronics"], SER. TEKHNIKA RADIOSVYAZI, 1975, no. 4, ' 110. 5. A. V. Alekseyev, A. Ye. Znamenski~~, Ye. D. Lotkova, Elektricheskiye fil'try metrovogo i detsimetrovogo - diapazonov ["Electrical filters for the meter and deci- meter bands"], IZD. SVYAZ', 1976. 6. S. Kh. Kogan, RADIQTEKHNIKA I ELEKTRONIKA, 1962, 7, 8, 1316. Received by editors 16 July 1976. COPYRIGHT: Izda~tel'stvo "Nauka," "Radiotekhnika i Elektronika," 1978 � + 9187 CSO: 8144/0548 67 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY GEOPHYSICS, ASTRONOMY AND SPACE unc 551.46.oa3 F'UNDAMENTAIS OF THE THEORY AND TECHNIQUE FOR NEUTRON ACTNATION ELEMEN'r AND SAI,T ANALYSIS OF SEA WATER UNDER FULL-SCALE CONDTI'IONS Sevastopol' MORSKIYE GIDRQFT2ICHESKIYE ISSI,EDOVANIYA in Russian No 1, i978 = PP 9$-110 - [Article by Ye. M. Filippov and I. A. Iamanova] Abstract. Based on calculations it is shown that in measurements with neutx on sources with output 10$-1010 - neutron~s one can define in sea water sodium,bromine and � other chemical elements of sa.line composition. Data are given on the accuracy of determining the examined elements. [~Text] According to the change in concentration of salt-formit~g chemical elamen~s in sea water one can solve a whole series of hydr ophysical and oceanological problems associated with the processes of water mass transfer. Chemical methods are currently m8~inly used to determine the chemica.l elements of saline composition. These methods are generally very labor intensive and ase carried out on ships and in shore laboratories. Using such methods - it is impossibls to rapidly solve the aforementioned problem~. At the same time it is known that analysis of chemical elements can be solved rapidly - with the help of the neutron activation method (P1A) [8] which uses devices with radio isotope neutron sources (californium-252 and others), ar with neutron tubes operating on the (d,t)-reaction principle [7~8]. Based on these and other sources of neutrons instr wnents can be created for full- - scale hydraphysical studies~ Besides this, to caxry out NA under ship - conditions laboratory neufix on generators of the type NG-150I, NG-160 and others can be employed that have comparatively sma.ll dimensions but produce - higher streams of neutrons [8]. We studied by calculation the possibility of using NA to an~.lyze chemical elements of saline composition. These elements can be activated both under the influence of fast, and thermal neutrons. Fast neutrons axe emitted directly f~om the source. In the (d,t~-roaction they have energy 1~.6, and in californium-252 on the average 2.3 MeV. The thermal neutrons (0.025 eV) are obtained f~ om fast neutrons dur ing their moderation in water-containing - 68 _ FOR OFFICIA;. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY substances (water, paraffin, etc~~. Sea water is a natural modorator of f~st neutrons. T he NA tochniquos that can be reallzed based on fast and thermal neutrons ase designa,ted respectively NA-f and NA-t~ By combining these techn3ques one can sel~ct the optimal pattern of isradiation and measurement of the ~ induced activity of sea water as applied to the determination of each chemi- cal element or th~ir groups. T he number of impulses gover ned by gamn?a-radiation of radio isotopes emerging _ in a homogeneous unlimited medium, according to [,7,8] wi11 be defined by the following ratioi tQE~ (f) (~P, )a'~. ) J � r Here i--number of gamma-quanta of certain energy emitted by radio isotope; Q--output of fast neutrons from source; E--effectiveness of detector; S-- effective surface of detectori E--macroscopic cross section of isotope activation; nl(R )--function that describes the distr ibution of neutrons at dista.nce R f~om source; n(R )--function of distribution of gamma-quanta. - f~ om the poin~ of their emer g~nc~ R1 to the site of location of the detector R2= V--volume of studied medium. a6'!.~ q6~T Q~RI ~ ttl - ~-e ~ r P~~~-F ~ f c~~ .f ~ ~ o,~ ; ~ 2 where t~, t and t--respectively the time of irradia,tion, pause, and msasure- - ment; T--ha~f-life, If ineasurements ~aegin immediately after the end of irradiation of the substance, then tn=0 and formula (2) adopts the ~.ppearance ,tj Q6.ltr~ . (f,~ ~ !-e. ~~~l T P ~l ~ f ( 06~1 . (s ) / . / In practice the time of 3rradiation and measurement are often selected as equal t~At. In this case formula (3~ is written as: ' r - GQ9~ .Z - f ~fJ = O~ T ~4) . 69 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ro~ o~~icinc, us~ orrLY In activation nf the isotopes by fast neutrons of a spot source the function I ?/cN2 s ( 5) ~ ~ ~ e , , i _ where 7~--mean path of fast neutrons in water~ The distribut3on of gamma- quanta from a spot source without regaa~�d for the accumulation of acattered ' radiation is sub3ect to the 1aw ~ ~ ~P~ e I : . ~/cM~ s ( 6) ` ~ . wliere i;,~--1lneas coefficient of attenuation of gamma,-qi.~a,nta in water ~ By substituting the given.functions in expression (1~~ we obtain the~formula for NA -f _ y~ ~Q~~ ~I ' d~ ~ /6.~`~ ,~e P � ~ (7 ) , r . . - . . The greatest number of i~adioactive isotopes is formed near the source. There- ~ fore, where this is.possible the meas~ements are made as follows: the studied medium is irradiat~d by neutrons, then the source is removed anfl in its place a radiation detector is installed. The calculations for such cases have the simpl~st form~ since hare the distances R~t =R~ venient in this case to compute the inte 2 It is con- system of coordinates~ and formula (7) w~lladoptXthesfollowi) ia aearancecal - ~ PP . - iy~Q ~'~~'~~'rt) d~P . - . f ~7-' - ~ (8 ) - a ' where a--radius of spher ical detector; =iQdSF.f t . obtain QO BY integration we - j 9 _ ~y ~_~~zdt~~ Q e ~~r~~ ( ) . By directing a to zero we have - (,~o L' J~ , imp ~ (10) _ where C~0.5772--Euler's constant. 70 FOR UFFICIkI, USE ONLY - ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONL'Y - For convonience of calculating from this formula figure 1 presents the ae- pendonce of the valueg for the functl,on (1~ on energy of the forming radio isotopea~ The values of coeffielents~Cy are taken from reference book C6]~ The amount ~ in acoordance with [7,8] e~uals 10.28 cm~ ~/.rraJ/,r i~ ' . Gr . _ � . . Mei/ ~ ;470 ~'~~G/ Figure 1, Function (i+ ~Ya)/~ . In practice the source and detector in a whole number of cases are placed a certain distance 1 from each other. Then the distances R and R2 are defined differently~ Here it is more convenient to compute the i~itegral (7) in a cylindr ical system of coordina.tes. For NA-f it adopts the following appearance ' e. rd~ a~ - N=~~;dr fe ~t,c~~> J , ~ z ~~r �L~ ~'~-r t~~-Z _ A detailed comput,ation of this integral is given in publication [11]. There- fore we will only given the final exp~ession for the NA-f technique - ~ ' ~ y~,t-' ~ ~ y~r /Y- ~ { f y E~C ~ ~,l + r~~~+y~~y.-f y �'E~~ ~ ~t y~ dy ~ 2 ~ ~ ~ (12) where Jr ~Q'/P~ ; Q' _ diameter of the instrument. The integral is com- puted nwnerically. 71 _ FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~OR OF'F'ICIAL U5~ ONLY ~c~~ . _ , QJ . - Q? 0,/ 4 ~ ~ 6 ~ MeV ~'iY,~4 . , ~ t ,o9i ' Qs o .s _ Figure 2~ View of Functions N~Q ~(1) in Activation of Chem3cal Elem~nts by - Fast Neutrons of (d,t~-Reactions ~ For convenience of caculations of this expression figure 2,p~resents the values - for the functions N~Q ~(1) ; the lower the energy of gamma-qua,nta, ~ the faster _ the value of the func~ions f(1) drops with an increase in distance 1. - ~ We will now switch to derivation af formulas for caSculations of NA-t, _ T he calculation of the moderation process of neutrons in water-containing msdia is a faisly complicated ma,thematical problem. To simplify it in this case often.a one-group approximation is used L2]. T he distr ibution of _ thermal neutrons with regard for diffusion will the appearance [2] _ e -,,/~s - C ~.~i~L - ~R' ~ f ~ /L.`-Ls ' ai~M~ . S (13) ~ al s ~ ~ here L and~G --respectively the length of moderation and diffusion of neutror~si E--ma,croscopic cross section c~f capture (absorption) of therma,l neutrons inasea water. The number of impulses governed by gamma-radiation of radio isotopes that emerge in sea water under the influence of thermal neutrons in a spherical system of coordinates will be determined from the following expression: - " d,~ . ~ ~ P (E, ~ - `0 1 ~ ~ ~ 14 ) , l ~ . 72 FOR OFFICII.L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOEt O~FICIAL U5~ ONLY ~ where Q �~Qdcf ~f~/~Q'y~C`s yLj,� : Computation of the integrals produces ~~~La ~_y ~Y r~C~ ~~s ~~V/ ~ ~ i ~ 1 With a~---~0 we obtain ~Y=Q, ~~r~+L }1~~~' + ~J^, � ~ t~a) - For convenience of performing calculations by this formula figure 3 prese nts the depenc~ence of values for logarithmic functians on the energy of gamma- qua,nta of emerging radio isotopes. The length of moderation of the neutrons is estimated f~ om the mean values for rise in neutrons [3]. For neutrons G - ofs(d, t) -reactions it is taken as equa2 'c.~ 12.69 cm~ and for the californium _ source--5 cm. The sea water salinity is taken as equal to 32~5�~00� The . - macro:-copic cross section of thermal neutron capture E in accordance with ~2,7~8] equals 0~0324 cm-1, while the length of diffus~on of thermal neutr ons ~2.09 cm, Ca +6" ' ~a, B _ !6 ~ +6 ~ , !f . !1 . , ' ~ � MeV ~~0 0'f /f'.tt ~ b~~' 4~ _ Q~ . Q4' ' ~ MeV ; _ 4f , ,i,H~ Figure 3. Dependences of I~ogarithmic Functions on Energy of Gamma-Qua,nta of Forming Radio Isotopes for Neutrons - Key; a. (d,t)-reaction b. californium so~ce 73 FOR OFFICItiI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~OIt O~~ICIAL U5~ ONLY _ In the case of NA-t the number of impulseg recnrded in a definite time inter val will be determinod by the following ratio~ ' _ ~ r dr ~ ~ a'r ~ d~t ~ ~ ~ r r~ - p J ' ~ . ~ 1 ? ~ o '~i ~ ~t Computation of these integrals is given 3n publication [10~~ In stxmma~ry xe wr i,te _ /y=Q C~ , i (18) G "~~~j ~ I+ G ~ / ~ - ~ e f~~~~~_~~ ~ +~a s -e ~f' ~-t~~t~,~ , _ � ~ ~ ~ s~ B2--the same when G is replaced by ~i~ s � ' ~a,' qt � . .b . - a (~d `j � . ; ~c~ . , ~ 6d>~ ~ ~ ) ~!f t ' . ~ ~ O ~ .f' 'I c'y J / , - Figure 4. View of Functions N~Ql~~(1) in Activation of Chemica~ Elements ~y Thermal Neutrons . Keys a. on (d,t)-reactions b, on californiwn source - c. MeY The relationship N~Q ~f (1) is depicted in figure 4 where the curves f'or the ~amma-q u~nta of diff~re~it ener gy decrease according to the same law. - We nox switch to an estimate of the possibilities of using the NA method as applied to a determina,tion of some of the most widespread chemical elements in sea water. 74 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~Oit dE~'~'ICIAL US~ ONLY Aft~r t~xamining the aro~~ sactions for the ro~ction anrl half-lifo of tha fnrming i~otope~ L1~, woll ~s thdir concantration in saa water [4, 12~ we balieva th~t tha mogt guitable for NA aro the following chemi~~1 elements ( ealinity, n~a~) i oxygen ( 857) ~ chlor ine ( a 9) ,~odium (10 ~,5) , magnesium (1~~5), c~lcium (0~04) and bromine (0.065). The nucls~.r characteristics o~ isntopes that ~e the mnst suitable far me~surements o~ NA-f and NA-t are givon in table 1~ T he thresholds of the re~ctions df all isotopes that devolop under the influence of fast noutrons are lower than 14.6 MeV, there- foro these isotopes can bo activated. I~ they are 3rradiated by neutrons of a californium sources E e2.3 MeV, then only chlorine-3? will be noticeably activated~ The~'~~~re in the future calculations for NA-f wt7.1 only bo mad~ for fast neutrons of (d~t)-reactions~ F'or spectrometry of gamma-radiation of induced isotope activity scintilltttion or semiconductor detectors can be used, The ~ intillation detector s are simple to handle and more eff~.cient than the semiconductors which have a higher resolution~ but can only operata at the temperature of liquid nitrogen~ This complicates their operation. For protection from neutrons the indicated detector s can be scrAened by boron, lithium and cadmium. In the calculations _ of induced isotope activity we svaluate the possibility of using these and othar de tectors. As a semicondu tor detector in the calculations we take a germanium-lithium - crystal 100 cm~ in volume and effective area S=14.5 cm2~ Its effectiveness is evaluated according to C5,6], From the scintillation detectors it is most convenient to use r~ot sodium iodide activated by thallium and wldely used in practice, but the crystal of cesium iodide also activated by thallium since otherwise the activation of sodium in the crystal wlll introduce additional errors to the analysis of sodium of sea water that has very high cross sections of activation by thermal neutrons (table 1)~ T he diameter - and thickness for cesium iodide are taken as 70 mm. For isotopes with complex spectrum we take the energy of gamma-qua,nta for the most intensive lines ( in table 1 they are underlined) ~ The calculations in all cases are for the stationary condition of the medium, i~e., we will assume that there is no xater movement. First we will study the possibility of using the NA method for the case 1e0 (the,detector is installed at the site of the source)~ We take the fol3owing time parameters: for NA-f t~t=60 s, t=2 si for NA-t t~=t~30 min, t=2 s. The calculation results are giresented i~ table 2. For errors we adop~ the designations:,DN and SN--absolute and relative errors in the number of recorded impulsas; QC--absolute error in determining the conce ntration of the eloment in water. Since the product 8 S for germa,nium-lithium detector is 20-30 times smaller than the analogous amount for cesium iodide, then also the induced activity measured with the help of the germantum-lithium detector will be the same amount lower than for CsI(T 1). Therefore in the case of semiconductor detectors to determine the elements with high accuracy comparable to the measurements for scintillation counters it is necessar y to use a so~ce with higher output of neutrons. 75 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 l~'Uit Uh'I~ICIAL U~L c)NLY - CD v~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ �A ~ ~ ~ m � O ~ ^ 0 4~1 ~ ^ r+ O .w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~w m ~ ~ ~ m R'i ~ O m r~ ~ O ~ ~ O I ' - R.j ~ Q Q �w ~ ~ ~ ~Q ~i ~ ~ ~ 0~ N v v ~ v ~ I .a ' ~ m 0~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m _ ~ ~ N N... .r p N ar O ~ ~ ~ . ~ p ~ ~ v W ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v O ~ ~ p u ~ o ii w a~? ~ N ~ - . ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ +N-~ ~ ,Cr~ ~ ~ ap N x � ~ a - � - ~ ~ - o ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ � � Q � ~ � N a~i o.~ ~ ~ � ''i. . - ~3 0 ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ ~ i~ ~rl ~ ~ O oQ pr~ f..~ V' .r GD ~ ~ ,v O R'i ~ ~ ~ N ~ ia O U1 U � v ~ ~ O rml I O 4~-I >.0 O f~.' t~ ~ �q fA FI 4-1 rl Eq _ ' ~ ~ c~ m (A ~ [O 0~~! rl O . N GO ~ m ro � ~ C: r-1 r-1 N O [r] O U ~ m ~ v m ~ ~ H - y o E-+ o~ a o~~ o�,~- , i, ~ r ~ w ~ U [ . ~ 4~ ~ ' . . ~o m m ~ A ~~8 vmi ~ .�c p � ~ C� ~ ~ ~ t`'~ ~ H ~ ~ i.. ~ ~ _ H ~ ``~j ~ p~ ~~.0 p ~ ~Q ~ ~ 39 x _ w 76 - FOR OFFICIl,L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR OFFICIAL U5~ ONLY T able 2. Calculation Results from Determining Content of Certain Elements _ in Sea Water by NA Method with 1=0 - Element Number of E impulse s IJN imp 6N�fo C�~oo - N im - Fast neu~trons of d,t)-react on, Qa10 neutron s, Ge(Li) Oxygen 866718 817 0~122 ~ 1,OS Chlorine gg,~ gp g,g8 0,84 - Sodium 9000 . 55 . 1~80 0~18 Magnesium gp 7,g 12~80 0~17 _ ~ _ Fast neutrons of (d,t)- reaction Q~1010 neutron~s, CsI(T1~ Oxygen 21134897 ~ 4597 0,021'T 0,186 Chlorine 26661 168 0~8I7 0,116 Sodium 84990 291 0~343 0,098 = Magnesium I339 38~6 2~7.86 0~097 _ Thermal neutrons from (c:~t~-reaction, Q=1010 neutr.on~s~ Ge(Li) _ Chlorine 2406 � 49 ~ 2~0 ' 0~38 - ; Sodium 1100T0? ~ 1049 0,085 0,01 559~ 78 1,94 0,02 Calcium 1118 . 88 3~0 0,012 _ Bromine ~ppggg S28 ~0~8 1,95 �'2'0~ Thermal neutrons f'rom (d, t} -reaction, Q=108 neutron~s, CsI(T1~ - = Chlorine 729 2? 3~7 0,70 Sodium gS9458 ~83 0~17 0~018 ~ - Magnesium 1242 '35 2~84 0,038 = - Calcium 190 1~ i~28 0,029 - Br omine 18804 II.7 0,68 5~6~1fl~ Thermal neutrons from 252Cf, Q=10$ neutron~s, CsI(T1) Chlorina 2827 S4 1,85 0,95 - Sodium Magnesium ,1348868 1161 ~ 0,08~ 0,009 Calcium 5110 ?l,S 1 ~40 0,019 Bromine 758 27,4 3,84 0,015 ~ ~57000 299 0,42 . 2,72�10 After compasing the data obtained by the NA-f and NA-t methods (table 2) - we see that with identica.l conditions the activation of chemical elemants of a saline composition occurs more intensively under the influence of thermal neutrons. Sodium and bromine are activated here best of all, while by fast nAUtrons--oxygen. This phenomenon can be employed ~o investigate the rate of sea water movement [11]. 7 7 FOR OFFICIA:. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~'0~ nI~T'ICtAL U5~ ONLY , Table 3~ Calcul~tion ~eaults from Uetarmining Contont in Sea Water of Certain ~lements by NA Method with 1~10 cm ~].omont Number of ~rror~ ~ ~ impi~lnoa imp bNyb C� oo . N imp F'ast neutrons of (d,t)-reaction~ Qd1010 neutron~s, Ge(Li) Uxygen 402880 834.? ' 0,168 1,95 Chlorine ~ 280 18 8~2 1,18 Sodium 867 26,8 S,8 0,41 Magnesium 8~8 2~8 98~8 0~64 Fast neutrons of (d,t)-reaction, Q=1010 neutron~s~ CsItTl) _ Oxygen 12T70848 5874 0,028 ' 0,24 Chlor ine 7988 89,4 1,I 18 0,212 Sodium 18800 198,4 0,T88 ' 0~077 Magnesium 140 11,8 8~45 Q,114 Thermal neutrons from (d, t) -reaction, QC1010 neutron~s, Ge(Li) Chlor ina 828 28,8 ~ 8,4? 0,88 , Sodiiim g~807 82S 0,18 0~01? - Magnesium ~ 1789 42~3 2,98 0~032 ~ Calcium 409 ' 20,1� 4,88 0~020 ~ Bromino 81820 1T8 0,68 8,84�10~ T her mal neutrons from (d~t~-reaction, Q~108 neutron~s, CsI(T1) - Chlor ine 155 i6 8~8 ~~2~ Sodium 120529 347 0,9 0,080 Magnesium gg2 24~ 4,g 0~05? Calcium 124 11 9,0 0,098 Dromine 87g2 9g 1~0 0,00085 - Thermal neutror~s from252Cf, Q=10a neutron~s, CsI(T1) _ Sodiumne 145 I2 8~8 1,8 - Magnesium 68274 281 0~38 0~04 _ Calcium 221 15 8,7 0,08 '~romine 89 8 12 0,048 2238 47 2,1 ~ 0.0014 In the transition frvm sources with output 1010 to sources with 108 neutron~s with other conditions equa,l it should be kept in mind that measurement errors will rise by an order. The calculation rasults for 1=10 cm and tn~ are glven in table 3; with an increase in the distance from 1=0 to 1=10 cm the measured amount of induced activity is reduced for each chemical element differently, This - is linked exclusively to the amount of energy of gamma-radiation emitted by the isotopes. ~ 78 - FOR OFFICI~w USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ~oK o~~rrctnL us~: oNLY With a�urthbr incroase in the distance 1 to 20 cm tha measurod effact fnr - NA-t i~ raducdd rvughly 3-folc~ in measurements with sourco of (d, t) -reaction, and 5-fold in moasurements with a californium sourco, Analysis of the data of tables 2 and 3 permits the conclusion to ba drawn that o� the ch~mic~,]. elements of saline composition chlorino is activated - the worst of all, T horefore it is better to analy7o it by NNM-t L9~ or NGM [10~, Sn determining chlorine by NGM one can use tha eamo datector as for NA= in the case of NNM-t it is necessary to include in the set of NA apparatus an additional psastic ~cintillation de~t.Actor~ The possibility of using a ormanium-lithium detector in measurements by NGM is examined in publication ~10], Unfortunately there are no data cci the use of scintillation detectors for t~heso purposes. Thus, in NA with sourco ~ 10~-1010 neutron~s a number of chomica:L elements of so~, wator aro activatad (tables 2 and 3~. For gamma-spectromet of the i~o1;oE~es that here it will bo more convenient to use scintillation deter.tors of the type cosium iodido since in working with such crystals one c~,n uso sources of neutrons one-two orders lower than in tneasuremonts with a~ermanium-lithium detector~ T herefore it is preferable to begin a check of th~ possibility of using NA with meas~r ements with scintil~ation sources. In switching from sources with output 10~U to sources with 10 neutron~s with ot,her conditions aqual one should bear in mind that the measurement errors ~ wi.ll increase by an order. In analyzing the aforementioned one can dr aw the following conclusions: - the methods of neutron activation analysis can be completoly used for ~ d~tormining the change in content of chemical elements of a saline composi- tion under full-~cale conditions. Highly accurate determinations of chlorine in wat~r can be simultaneously carried out here by the technique of NNM-t or NGM, If a stationary neutron generator with output to 1012 neutron~s L8] is - - installad aboasd the oceanological ship then, by irradiating water samples of approximately 1 m3 volume with other conditions equal from those examined the chemical elements of saline composition can be analyzed with even � greater accuracy. In addition, with the help of such generators a whole serie;; of other chemical elements that are coni;ained in sea water in small c~uantities can also be analyzed. - BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. A liyev~ A. I., et al. "Yaderno-fizicheskiye konstanty dlya neutronnogo, aktivatsionnogo analiza (spravochnik)" Nuclear Physical Constants for Neutron Activation Analysis (Reference)~, Moscow, Atomizdat, i96g. 2. Kozhevnkikov, D, A. "Neytronnyye khas akter istiki gornykh porod i ikh i~pol'zovaniye v nefte~azopromyslovoy geologii" LNeutron Characteristics ` of Rocks and Their Use in Oil and Gas Geology]~ Moscow, Nedra, 197~+. 79 FOR OFFICIrw USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 rox orrzcinr, us~ oNLY 3~ Kozhovnikov, D~ A.i and Yudin, V. A. "Effect, of Ine].astic Scatter ing on _ Riso in Neutrons in Rooks," in "Novyye metody 3 apparatura yadernoy g~eofiziki i~eokhimii" [Nuclear Methods and Apparatus of Nuclear Geo- Physics and Geochemistry], Moscow, ONTT VNTIYaGG, i9?o, 4. Maro, Dzh, "Mineralnyye bogatstva okeana" C"Mineral Resources of the Ocean"], Moacow, Progress, 1969� 5~ Reznikov~ R. S.= and Sel'dyakov, Yu, P~ "Promyshlennyye proluprovodni- kovyye ~rribory" Clndustrial Samiconducting Instruments], Moacow~ Atomiz- dat, 1975~ ~ 6, Storm, Ei and Israel'~ Kh~ "Secheniya vzaimodeystviya gamma-izlucheniya - spravochnik)" [,Cross Sections of Interactinn of Gamma Radiation Reference)]~ Moscow, Atomizdat, i973� ~ _ 7. Filippov, Y~, M. "Prikladna,ya yadernaya geo~'izika" CA:pplled Nuclear Geo- . physics], Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR~ 1962. 8. Filippov, Ye. M, "Yadernaya geofizlka" ~Nuclear Geophysics~, Vol 1~2~ Novosibirsk, i973~ 9. Filippov, Ye. M. "Possibility of Using Neutron Methods to Determine Chlorine Content of Ocean Water," MORSKIYE GIDROFI2ICHESKIYE ISSLEDO- VANIYA, Sevastopol'~ No 2~ i977� ~ - 10. Filippov~ Ye. M~ "Possibility of Using Gamma-Radiation of Radiation Capture of Neutrons to Determine Chlorine Content of Sea Water under Full-Scale Conditions," MORSKIYE GIDROFIZICHESKIYE ISSI~DOVANIYA, Sevas- topol', No 3, 1977. - 11. Filippov~ '~e. M. "Study of Possibility of Using Neut�ron Activation Method to Study the Velocity of Sea Water Currents," Ibid. _ 12. Khorn, R. "Morskaya khimiya" ~Max ine Chemistr y~, Moscow, M ir, 1972. - _ Received 4 May 1977 COPYRIGHT; Morskoy gidrofizicheskiy institut AN TIS~3R (MGI AN USSR) ~ i978 r 90 35 Cso: 1870 $o FOR OFFICIl,L iJSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR OFFICIAL U5~ ONLY - - GEOPHYSTCS, ASTRONOMY AND SPACE unc 551.463.~:621.039,8 POSSIBILITY OF DETERMINING SEA WATER SAZINITY AND DENSSTY FROM GANII~IA-R,ADIATION ATTENUATION 5evastopol' M ORSKIYE GIDROFIZ ICHESKIYE ISSZEAOVANIYA in Russian No 1, 1978 - pp 90-97 LArticle by Ye. M. Filippov] Abstract, Based on calculations it is shown that when moasurements.are ma,de with the help of radio isotope ' sources that emit about 1010 photon~s, and the nano- _ second technique the soft scattered radiation of 30- 60 keV wi11 carry information on sea�water salinity with accuracy 0.01-0~033~:~ while the haxd radiation over 80- 100 keV--on sea water density with error about 3~105 g~cm3. = LText~ Publication C8] has shown tha,t the technique based on gamma-radi- ation absorption (GRA) can be used to determine sea water density. This _ same technique in recording soft scattered radiation in the range 30-60 keV can be used simt:~~at;4ously to determi~e the sea water salinity, To determine the density of different substances usua.lly source~, of gamma radiation are used below 1 MeV. The main effects of the ir interaction with the substance.are Compton scattering and photoelectrical absorption. The - - summary coefficient of gamma-radiation attenuation will 'be formed f~om the coefficients z-z~ +T~ =~~P + ~'~P 1� ~1~ that determine these two effects of interaction betWeen t11e gamma quanta and - the substance. _ The coefficient for the Compton attenua.tion of gamma qua.nta is defined from the ratio z=~e 6= q p6 = o,lap6 -~,c P� ~ ~2~ , 81 - FOR OFFICIl~L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 - FOR OFFICIAL U5~ ONLY N Here ~ p= y~p --number of electrons in a unit of substance voluma= N--Avogadro numbar= ~A--ratio of atomic number of chemical element Z~to its atomic weight Ai ~k--effective cross section of gamma quanta scattering [2,3~6~7]~ The expression for the linear coefficient of gamma radiation attenua,tion due to the photoeffect is defined from the ratio ~ zy~ q 6y~ _ ,V I ~-~~P r P ~ ( s ) where --amount of effective cross section of gamina quanta attenuation in the _ substance due to tha photoeffect L2, 3~ 6~ 7]� The size of the exponential factor m for the ga~nma qua,nta with ener 0~ 1 0~ 2 0. - ad~pts respectively the following valuess 4~04, 4.20,34.27,~'4.33,a4a36'a~eV For media with complicated chemical composition instead of s S~ is intro- _ duced~ and instead of the atomic numbers of the chemical elemen~s--the effecttve atomic number [9] ~ ~ Z~~ ~ t~~ Z` ~ ~4) i - n - where ~h~P = ~0. ; pi--weighted cnncentrations of i-th element in _ . studied mediwn; ~i~Li~pi-_ratio of atomic number of i-th element to its atomic weight, For f~esh water ~~0.555 and for sea water with salinity 17. and 35�~00 resp~ tively 0.55~jPand 0.551. The relative difference in values ~sc e = J9~p ( p~J ~ ldc~o ~ -/�c~o 100 = 0 ~ 721 . P - The effective atomic number for f~esh water L3qo=7.45, while for water with salinity 17.5 and 35�/00 respectively 7.72 and 8.00. The values of the mass coefficients of gatnma-radiation attenua,tion for fresh water taken from reference and computed for ocean water with salinity 35�~0o axe given in table 1. I~. is apparent from it that with E: > 100 keV there is practically no influence of the photoeffect. With EYd8(~1`rkeV the rQlative difference in the coefficients of gamma-radiation attenuation in fresh an~ ocean wa,ter ~~r (gg�`bo) - (Ogoo)~ 100~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~}u ~ 1. iy& ( see ' table 2 , i, e , ~ ~ is located on the level of change in the value S for these media, but opposite in si~n. It follows from this that if ~8a water is irradia,ted with streams of gamma, qua,nta, of 100 keV and over, then f~om thc~ data of recording ; rad iation of 80 keV and over one can judge the density of the sea water, and 82 - FOR OEFICIAI. USE OKLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR OFI~'ICIAL USC ONLY Table 1~ Mass Coefficionts of Camma-Radiation Attenuation in Water~ cm2/g E~,1) f'lpecxe opta (0�/00) OK@9tIN58CKfIA ona (95 /oo) ~caB - ~ ~ 20 0~178 0,499 0,876 0,17Q8 O,Q590 0~83E32 30 0~183 0,131 ~ 4~814 0,181? ' 0;1763 "'~'b~858d'' � 40 0~183 0,0489 0,299 0,1813 0,068Q 0,2504 ~0 0~180 0,0258 0~204 0,18~10 0,032a 0~212G 80 p, ~ ~7 0,0191 0,190 0,1772 0,0172 ~ 0,1 fl~~ti~ , 8~ 0,170 0,00502 0,1i3 0,1691 0,007a�~~ 4,1788~~'~~ t 00 0,183 0,00240 0,1 E5 ~ 0,16Z2 0,0033 r,~l a55 150 0,147 0,00085 0,148 ~ 0,1 ~GS 4,OJ096 �O~~Ir~7~3 200 0,13:~ 0~000258 O,195 O~1345 0~00098 0~1349 - 900 O,ll~a 0~0000T0 0,118 0~1175 0,000108 0~1178 400 0,108 0~ 108 0,1059 O, l OS3 . 500 0~0968 0~0966 0,0882 0~0962 G00 0~08A8 � 0~0895 0~0892 0~0892 800 0,0?88 0~0788 0,0?83 0~0789 1000 0,0707 0.0707 0~0704 0,0704 1500 0~05T9 0~0574 0~0571 0~0572 Key: 1, keV - 2. fresh water 3, ocean water from recording radiation under 80 keV--the salinity ~f sea water and the amoun~ - p~P. In practice studies of sea water ase usua.lly carried out in specific regions in which the limit of change in salinit~ is known. For each such region the ~ R~p will be very small (close to zero , while S~p can always be ~;omputed. The amountscS� for such regions will also be very small, while � is computed in advance. The distribution in water of the scattered gamma-radiation from sources with different energy obtained by cal~~ulation is given in publications r2,6~, Book ~3] gives the spatial-energy distribution of the scattered radiation for _ a cesium source (E,~a661 keV) obtained experimentally, In his work V. I. Utkin [5] cites the calculated spectra of gamma-radiation for the range 0-200 keV obtained in an app~oxima,tion of continuous losses for media with effective atomic numbers from 6 to 13. By using these data the ~pectra were computed for fresh water and wa.~er with salinity 17.5 and 35�/00 (f~g 1) . ' 83 FOR OFFICIl.L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR OFFrCIAL USC ONLY Tab1e 2~ Contribution of Photoeffect to Complete Coeffici~nt of Gatnma- Radiation Attenuation in Water - 1 2 C89A A4HH- ~p~ ~gOCTL fl. SORa q6CX8R ~ ~89qAHNII ' ~~B ~O~I00~ ~~~00! ~lu ao a i,s a7,4 s,e 60 11,7 1b~9 8~8 - 80 8~9 8~8 1,8 80 2~8 4~0 1~1 - 100 1,4 ' 2~0 0~8 180 0,44 0~88 0,21 Z00 0~18 0,28 ~ O,C~9 - - $00 0~08 0~10 0~09 _ xey: _ 1, keV 3, ocean water 2. fresh water 4. difference of values ~ It is apparent f~om the fi ure that the spectrum obtained in the a�pproxima- tion of continuous losses ~solid curve 1~ agrees welll with the s~pectrum - _ computed from the method of moments (dotted curve 1~ for rr=5 [2]. At such distances and over~ as shown in publication [3~ the spectrum becomes equi- ' - librium and com~pletely identical. Therefore in determining the salinity of ~ sea water the indicated distance will be the optimal. Publication [2] �presents the spatial-energy distribution of ~amma radiation - with sta.rting energy 255 keV. For this radiai.ion 'L ~.125 cm--1(water) . The _ size of the mean length of ~Ehe primary radiati~n in water J~= t s=8 cm. F`rom ~ ~r=5 we obtain r=5 1~=40 cm, Consequently, in determining the salinity of sea water the distance between the source with E ~255 keV and detector should be selected as equa,l to 40 cm. F'rom the source;c~put out by the all-union association "Izotop" selenium-75 approaches the closest to the indicated value (T=12o.4 days, E~00 (16~), 3~4 (1a5~), 279 (299~), 264.5 (71~)~ 199 (l.f~), 136 (6i~), 121~'(20~), 97 (3~9~) keV, and others). As we see its most intensive is radiation o.f 130 ~ 264~.5 ~,nd 279 keV . From the spectral dist.ributicns of gamma-quanta(fig 1) it is apparent that to determine the salinity of sea water it is best of all to record the scattered radiation in the range 30-60 ket~. According to the data of publi- _ cation L2] the radiation intensity for one incident qua,nta will be I~ 5.51~10'7 photon~s. Further in the calculations we will start f~ om Qhe parameters of ~he selenium sotarce. Currently the all-union association - "Tzotop" is supplying sources with exposure dose power 1.2~10-5 R~cm which can be placed in a lead container weighing about 6 kg. Such a source in the range N100-440 keV emits 2.2�1010 photon~s and corresponds to 84 FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR OFFICIAL U5L.ONLY - ~ Na~r�r~o.' ~ _ ~e`'~ / ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ . ~ ~ . . ~ I ~ 1 ~ - I ~ ` . I ~ I - - I _ .o , . ~ ~7 ~~~9 b) - Figure 1. Spectra of Scattered Gamma-Radiation Key; 1, for fresh water a. rel. unit - 2,3. for water with salinity 17�5 b. keV and 35~/0� 51,5 mg~equiv Ra or 290 mCi. To record the radiation (in calculations) we - use a plastic detector 40 mm in diameter and 100 mm high, i.e~, the same as - in publication [8~, The effectiveness of recording gamma quanta of 30-60 keV averages 0.5. As a result we obtain ~hat with t=,3 min the rate of calcu- lation in fresh water will be 4,36~10 imp, in water with salinity 17.5�~~0 _ --3�56'10? imp, and in water with salinity 35 �~00--2.$~107 imp. Based on these data we obtain that salinity Sd35�~oo will be determined with error _ Sc0,00666�~00, d Sn ea �3 4 5~0,020�,/00, while salinity Sa17.5� oo--with ~ errors ~S=0.00294�~0 , LlS�~,~~ d0,0088~~0~, . Ca~.culation 3.04~ 101 imp with = � td3 min will corrdspond to the energy ran~;e 80-255 keV . The erro~r of determining the density is obtained from ~,he ratio [8~ _ . dP ~ Z'r /Yt ~ I ' 06,5' - d,8d'�!0 ~ g/cMs~) ~ Fr~m here p�3' A F�2~~5'10-5 g~cm3. These amounts ase obtained for r=~= 8 cm ~ ~ ~ . ~3 P=40 cm ( 2 c~etector~) , - T hu~, in creating an instrument with three scintillation gages the de sity of sea wa+er can be determined with t=3 min with limit error 2.65~10-~ g~cm3, - salinity--with 7.imit errors 0~01-0.02 �~~o. The c~Pnsity here is measured 85 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 ' I~'Ok OA'F'ICIAL USL ONLY _ rle~J ~ d.0 , ~ I~rtiF~. I. t�r~r I ' ( ~s'~ra _ I I ~ - I - ~ ev � aT ,Qa'f~r.,d _ Figure 2. Spectrum of Cesium Source Recorded with Plastic Scintillator _ with Vaxious Thicknessss of Steel (Iron) Housing with the help of two scintillators placed at a distance of' 8 cm f~om the 7 source, and salinity--with the help of one detector 9plaeed at a distance of 4Q cm. In ~reasurements with cesium sources 8. Ra) C8] with the help of a third detecc~r set at~r~60Pcmton~SC(n2determineV salinity with QS~ ~a =p.014-0,0~2 /oo with ta here is defined ~ith a. 3 min. Ch,e~ sea water density P~~ 3 10' g cm3 with ~=11.5 em 8_~. In the examined instruments in order to determine p and S highly stabilized systems are necessaxy with reference gamma, radiators, A nur,iber of such works - are described in publication ~1].:~n density measurements a, a threshold system one can use the instrument housing. radiation that has passed through the housi Figure 2 depict~ the sp~ctra of agpasent that the intensity of the recordable radiationngishieduced~lOlfold - as ta th~ maximum for d=2 mm with E=50 keV, for da4 mm with E_ 65 keV and for d~s6 mm with E a70 keV. The i~idicated filters essentiall~ do not distort the radiationYin the hasd section of the spectrtun with E> 200 ke`d. Thus, in the densitometr ic gagas the soft scattered radiation~with E< 80 keV can be suppressed by combining a metal filter (instrument housing) a~`'d electronic circuit. It is necessary to make the housing of the ga,~es 86 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY No~~~ ~ ~ a f~ j J l0 ~ i ~ _ y; ( b) ~ ~p r ~r.~4 Figure 3. Equilibrium Spectrum of Scattered Gamma-~?adiation ' Key; _ 1. in water [3] a. rel. unit 2, 3. deformed by layers of absorber b� keV - _ 5 mm thick made of plastic and - duralumin for the "salinity" channel of light materials (fig 3) that axe weak absorber~ of soft radiation (plastic, duralumin, etc.~. Measurements of the recordable radiation can be made with the help of intensimetric high-speed rad iometers. - In recoiding radiation with energy 30 keV and over a measurement will be made - of the product of water salinity times density, while in recording hasd = radiation with energy E>80-100 keV--density. To exclude the effect of density on the channel ~of"salinity" one can use the approach of normalization for readings of the "density" channel M~N ~N~,~ . Such approaches of measuring radiation are widely used in nu~~ar-geophysical studies and have shown good results [5,7]. Tha�5ize of the ratio will depend only on the change in the salinity of water, i,e., M~(S). In relation to the fact that - in the salinity channel rates of calculation axe recorded on the order 2� 105 imp~s, for measurement of such rates one can use inorganic scintillators ' of -the ~~ype NaI(T1) as well that have time of scintillation 2.5~10'7 s. Here _ the radiation in the range 30-60 keY can be recorded with the help of a = highly stabilized one-channel gamma-spectrometer, and in the density channel-- ,.ch the help of a threshold highly stabilized nanosecond~ intensime~~er. - L 8 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 FOR nFFICIAL U5~ ONLY BIBLIOGRAPHY 1~ G ar t, G, "Radioizotopnoye izmereniye plotnosti zhidkoatey i binarnykh sistam" LRadio Isotope Measurement of Liquid Density and Binary Syatems]~ M oscow, Atomizdat, i975~ 2, Le upunskiy, 0~ I., et al. "Rasprostraneniye gamma-kvantov v veshchestv" LSpread of Gamma-Quanta in Substances], Moscow, Fizmatgiz~ i96o~ 3. N e lipa, N. F. "Vvedeniye v teoriyu mnogoI~atnogo rasseyaniya chastits" ~Introduction to the Theory of Multiple Scattering of Particles], Moscow, A tomizdat, ~960~ 4~ Storm~ E.i and Israel', Kh. "Secheniya vzaimodeystviya gamma-izlucheniya - (spravochnik)" ~Cross Sections of Interaction of Gamma-Radiation (Reference B ook)], Moscow~ Atomizdat, 1973~ 5, U tkin~ V. I. "Selektivnyy gamma-gamma-kar otazh na ugol'nykh mestorozh- de niyakh" LSelective Gamma-G amma-Logging on Coal Fields], Moscow, Nauka, 1975. 6. F ilippov~ Ye. M. "Pr ikladnaya yadernay,a geofizika" LApplied Nucleax G eophysics~, Moscow~ Izd-vo AN SSSR, i962. 7. F ilippov, Ye. M."Yadernaya geofizika" LNuclear Geophysics]~ Vol 1, Novo- sibirsk, Nauka, 1973� R 8, F ilippov, Ye, M~ I~amanova, I. A.= and Doronin, I. F. "Question of De- termining the Sea Water Density with Gamma-Radiation," MORSKIYE GIDRO- FIZICH~SKIYE ISSI~DOVANIYA, Sevastopol' , No 4~ i976. ~r-- 9~ K haukovich, I. M., et al, "Effective Atomic Number of Inifinite Homo- geneous Media with Sources of Gamma,-Radiation," ATOMNAYA ENERGIYA, Vol z5, No i, 1968, Rec~ ived 28 July 1977 - . - COPYRIGHT: Morskoy gidrofizicheskiy institut AN USSR (MGI AN USSR)~ 1978 9o3S CsO: 1870 _ , . = 88 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 I FOR OF'FYCIAL U5L ONLY 1 ~ GEOPHYSICS~ I. .~ONOMY AND SPACE ~ UDC 621.317,725(088.8) EXPERIMENrAL CHECK OF A BASELESS METHOD FOR MEASURING THE ELECTRICAL FIELD IN THE SEA Sevastopol' MORSKIYE GIDROFIZICHESKIYE ISSLEDOVANIYA in R ussian No 1, 1978 PP 157-i63 [Article by Yu. P. Butrov~ M. V.Panenko~ Yu. I,. Tsibul'skiy] - - Abstxact, Experiments with a baseless measuring system ase _ dascribed. It is shoWn that it is basically possible to eliminate the effect of an electrical field of induction while moving in a magnetic field. Causes for errors in " the system o~peration are examined. _ LText] The method of ineasuring an electrical field in the sea with the hel�p of spatially se~parated electrodes tha,t form the base does not make 'it ~possible to exclude the electr..ical field of induction that is directed in the base conductor during its movement in the eas th's geomagnetic field. Publications L1~2] theoretically substantiated the possibility of elimina.ting this defi- - ciency if instead of a base the measur ing system used a length of non- conducting surfaces (current fair ings)~ while the electrodes were placed in the center of each side of the fairing. In such a measuring system the electrodes are geometrically superposed with accuracy to the thickness of the nonconducting surface, i.e., do not form a base, consequently, during the movement of the system in a geomagnet ic field with the same accuracy the effect of the electrical field of induction is eliminated. The purpose c~ the e;~periments was to investigate the effe~;;t on the measvre- ment results of the m~~vement of the system with current falsing in a geo- magnetic f ield. For this a complex was set up (fig 1) to mechanically ~ unite two measuring systemsi polyethylene sheet fairing 1 with angular electrodes 3 symmetrically arranged on both of its sides, and control base - 2 whose le ngth corresponds to the size of the equivalent base of the fairing, The vertical position of the fairing is guaranteed with the help of float 5 and weight 4. Tt~~e synchr onous realizations, one of which is illustrated in figure 2 pre- sent an idea of the reaction of each system to the rate of movement, On the record ing obtained with the help of a base system the jwnp in voltage _ 89 FOR OFFICIEiI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY s o ' ~ ' l , o ' ~l ' ~ / J ~ 0 o ' ` . , Figure 1. Complex for Comp~arative 5tudy of the Effect of Velocity is distinctly recorded when the towing velocity is included (fig 2,a) which - ? indicates the application of electromotivc~ force of induction in the conductor when it inter sects the magnetic forc;~ lines. In the measuring circuit with fairing there is practically no application of e lectromotive force of ind uction, and there are no jumps in voltage when the towing velo- city is included in the recording. In individua,l cases an instability of ~ the recording is observed, and the so-called aftereffect impulse of chaxac- . teristic shape emer ges (that shape as after the third engagement of towing on fig 2~b~. ~1~ ~1~ - . ~ ) (1) ~ ~a~`~ '~2~' (~2~ ~2~ a ~ffvd ~ b~ , , .P�~v~i ) ) 1 ' _ ~ ~2) lll 2 (~1) ' ~ Figure 2. Model of Synchronous Recording of Vo~.tage in Circuit - Key: _ a. of electrodes of ineasuring base i. Drift - - b. of electrodes of fairing 2. Movement 90 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY - ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034424-1 , FOR OrFICIAL US[: ONLY 'Che citod result; conf irm the basic possibi:.ity of ex:cluding the olectro- mative force of inductio?: with the use of lengths of a nonconducting surface - instead of the base in a moving measuring system witr~ electrodes~ I'urther a study was made without a control b~,se. Thej towing of the systom _ in clifferent directions in calm weather and without c:urrents made it pos- sible to draw a conclusion on thc~ independence of th~ recorded signal from a change in the course. In the ~presence of a curre nt a signal was success- - fully modulated from an olectrical f ield excited by the current and the movement of tho measuring systdm in a circle, Th~ amplitude of the obtained - sinusoid is proportional to the horizontal component of the field intensit y generated by the current, The latter confirmc. the possibility of using the - rotating system with fair ing to measure the intensii:y of the electr �cal field excited by the curre nt~ and consequently~ to cletermino the curre;~t velocity. The creation of a measur ing system that :~inks with rotation would it possible to determine the vertical epure of current velocities in the ocean. T he next experiments were directed towaxds revealin~; the different factors which could introduce errors into the operation of the system with fairing. _ The de~pendence of the voltage in the circuit : f the electrodes on their . arrangement on the fairing was checked with tne help of towing the fairing with the alternate advancing of each electrode. T h~ asymmetry was ^~z5-3o cm. In a specific experiment of moving one of the electrodes ahead no anomalies were introduced into the recording. When another electrode was advanced an ~ - instability was observed in the recordiag each time towing was engaged: an impulse of ~.ftereffact of characteristic shape develo~ped as in figuie 2,b. After the system s'.topped moving the electromotive force of the electrodes returned to the former value. Thus, analogous impulses axe observed ur,3er different experimental conditions. - Therefore we should attempt to find the reasons for this phenomena. We will axamine the physicochemical processes tha,t ase possible here. When the nonconducting fair ing is immersed in sea water, due to the adsorption - of ions on each side of it a. double electrical la er is formed, while in ~he ad jacen~t liquid--a layer of free diffusion ions C3~. The average thickness - of the ion-diffusion layer Q r and the contact ~ depend on the water " tempera-ture and the concentr.ation of substances dissolv~d in it, as we 11 as on the material of the fairing (palar, neutral dielectric) whose electro- chemical properties and surface condition can differ on two sides. Under - such conditions even a str ictly symcrtetrical arrangenent of the electrodes does not guasantee the absolute identity of the electr ical phenomena on both sides of the nonconducting surface. The complete electrica.l charge of -the ion-diffusion layer on one side with uniform distribution of the contact voltage ~01 in a~cordanco with L3] _ E . (1 ? , ~ = C ~o~ _ .~l1 T f'o~ ~ 91 FOR OFFICIE~L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R000'100030024-'1 , . ~ , ' 8 MARCH i9?9 CFOUO i4179~ 2 OF 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 ~OIt dt~'~ICiAL U5~ ONLY c--cap~cit~.ncai f; --oloctrical pormo~bilit~~ of tho liquidi S~-~,ro~. of ond s~do of' the fa~sing oqual to C~h (figura 1, With tho movdmont of thd f~,iring, rnl~tivo to tho atroam of' ~ratar with volocity V tho dif~union layar - is attracted by tha cr,~ving lio,uid, a cur~ent of ions of one nign devalops (for example~ positiva) J~, proportion~l to velocity V, Nith regard for axprossion (1) tha currant J+ can ba writtan in the form P ~ - g t� d r; t ~ci -~Jf4 r~ol � ~ 2 ~ ~ - whilo the mean density of this current, depending on tho width of f.~iring h and thickness of ion~diffusion layerpr will equa.l .7 ~ ~ /'~`'i (~I ~ ~t~' _ ~er y.~'s~~ ~~~o~ ~ .,t'e a . Gn the othvr side c,f the fairin~ current with dettsity j correspondingly omdr~es. We present tho fairing in a syste~ of three mu~ua~~y perpendicular - ~lar?os P, Q and S. F--~plane of tho actual fairingi Q--plane passing through the ~enter of tho fairing ana transv9rsa to the stream of xater during its horlr,ontal movamvnt= S-~horizonta.l plane passing through the center of the faSring, _ = In thc~ absonce of symmetry of the adsorption processes on the txo sides of - tha fairing relative to the plane P~+1 #`~+2 and j~i~j+2. Since the charges _ of ono sfgn are carried away by water~ on the i�ront edge of the fairing a, shor. taga of thQm c~e~�~slops and on the back edge--an oxce~s~ as a conseq~ence , of xhich a field of outside forces E is formod that is comman to both sides. On oach ; ida it elicits equal inverse currents xith density - ~ =~f'~ _ (4) where ~~--cond~ctivity of sao water. The density of the inverse current - ! +~�s � ~ Z . ~ f~y subs~ituting this value in formula (4) and considering (3) we obtain ~ f_ E~a~ f + ~ (d + ' ~.z~~.~er l ~y.~a~~ ~ i~ ~ (8) . _ ~ 8~' ` e~ . ~ ~ / . ~ 1 - Thu~ the field E dopends on the velocity V, the pa.rameters o:' the current fairing and the sea xater. In the presence only of the indicated asymmetry the points of ~ero poten- ~ ti~l O1 and 02 axe located in the center of each sic~e of the sheet and the _ olectrocies in them do not record the difference in potenitals. . 92 FOR UFFICIl,L U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 ~OEt UHI~'ICiAL U5~ ONLY - With addition~l ~symmetry rel~tivo to tha plana P thn pol~+~ of zero potdn~ tial ~ro di~placod realti~ra to tho centar diffarent dist~nco~ from pl~no Q~ roma.ining in p].ane S~ With the horizontal movemont of suCh ~ nonconducting surface tha electrodos ~,rranged in the central points of the fairing side~ racord tho difference in the potentials not equal to zoro, If thnra is anymmetry nnly in thn pla,nes P and S, than tho points of zaro potantial 01 and 02 ase displaced dif~erant distances f`rom pl~ne S, remaining in plane Q, Then the differdnr,e in the potentials of the electrode~ witt~ horizontal movement of the nyat~m equal~ zaro, sinco in tho fiald ~ tha - ol~ctrodos are located on the line of z~ro potential~ Then the movoment of - the fairing along tha vertical is accomp~nied by tha emergdnca of a stationaxy field E in whict~ the differenca in the potentials does not equal zero~ IIriaf movament of the fairing along the vertical is possible ~t the initial ~ moment of towing if thera is a strong 3erk. With asymmetry in relation to three mutually parpc,ndicular planas P, Q and S tho differonce ~ and.~ is reco.r~ied with horizontal movement, and ~1' - y'2' with vc~rtical (~ee fig~Ire 3), _ Q _ ! ~f y, .f f - y, J . ~r . ' P _ f , Figure 3, Example of Possible Arrangemant of Points of Zero Potential on _ Txo Sides of Fairing with Asymmetry of Adsorption Dynamics Ralative to :'lane~ P, Q and S T he advance of one of the electrodes in the aforementioned experiment ar ti- ficially imitates the indicated asymmetry. The aftexeffect impulse can be interpretod as a recorc~ing of the result of the summation of ~hese differences ~t ~l which for the studied case had opposite signs. A.t the starting moment of movement when strong vertical jerks are possible, and the horizontal velocity has not yet reached a suffi~~ient amount, and When the fields E and Ei develop, according to the lbsolute value the second addend dominates (stazting phase of the impulse). In the next period with 93 FOR OF'FICIA:. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 E~'0[t 0[~i~'ICIAL USL dNLY atoady-~tato towing vel.ocit~ ar?d r~nduction in vdrtioal ,jorks the fir3t = addend ~nr thn modulu~ risos, and thd adcond is reduce~, Tha top of the impulso--equ,a.lity of two dif:ferennaa 1n potentials, In tho absonco of vdrtical ~orka the field C, and consaquently, the aacond addaiid disappear, whilo tha diffe~ence 1- con~tinues to riga somotime~ a11~ the way until towing stops. It would seem that with an increase by the water flow of all diffusion ions and the establiahment of a~tationary field ~ the indicated differen~e must ~ established on some definite 1eve1 corrospnnding to the given towing velocity~ Since sumetimes this doea not occur it is more likely to hypo- thdsize that in the flowing water stream ~he properties of the surface of the noncondu~ting material are continuously altered. Tn any case the studies made show that the condition of dynamic equilibrium of adsorptinn during moveme nt of the fairing in sea water is not always attained~ There can bo other.reasons for this phenomena,for example, the drop in tem- parature cf the electrodes on different sides of the fairing~ This will be _ disr,ussed further, Thus, the asymmotry of the adsorption processes significantly impair s the stability of recording and i:~troduces great interferences. To diminish them it is necessary to make a fairing of neutral dielectrics that possess the maximum homogeneity of the adsorption processes over th~ entire surfaca, and _ high stability of the adsorption proces~es during the movement of the fair ing at any velocity, T o select the matar ial that possesses the listed properties t~ the greatest maasure a number of tests were set up in which the behavic+r of different _ dielectrics in the role of current fairings was revealed. At the same time a check was made of the effect of the heterogeneity in the fairing materials - and the electrode housings. Fairings were studied tha.t were ma,de of orgar~ic glass~ pol;�9thylene (neutral dielectric) and polyvinyl chloride plastic (polar dieiectric) electrodes in hnusings made of organic glassi in _ addition on the electrodes of the first two fairings polyethylene sleeves - were appliad. The indicated measuring systems were successiv9ly itept for a certain time in the sea with simultaneous recording of the voltage in the c ircuit of electrodes, The testing conditions wer6 matntained as identtcal as possible for all the materials. In the beginning and end of each test tha zero was recorded of the electrodes immersed in the vessel xith sea water. The obta.ined realizations that are a recording of the change in the sign~,l in time are reduced to the colamon level of zero of the electrodes. A conpazative analysis of the curves shows that to make the fairing the most suitable material of the studied dielectrics is organic glass. The factor of th6 heterogeneity of the materials of the nonconducting surface and tho electrodo housings does not play an importa.nt ro13. Thus, the key factor for the operation of the system is the ma,terial of which - the fairin~ is made~ and in the first pla,ce, the adsorption properties of this ma.terial. 94 FOR OPFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 I~'OR OI~"F'ICIAL U5L ONLY A 3tudy ~i' tha af'i'oct, of temper~,turo on tho ~ystum with f~,ising w~,s ma,da undar l~,bora~tory conditions. 'Pwo electrodos sopasated by a thin nonconducting 3huot wera immorc~ed into a vessel with saa water, The water was heatod at f irst in tuxns at each electrodo, then simultanaously at both electrodes, Continuous recordi~ of the electromotive force of tho electrodes in the proceas of the experiment mado it possible to conclude that such heating doea not influence tho recorded voltago~ With a sharp changa in the watar temperat~me at one electrode a~ump in voltage is observed on the r~cording ~ which is L~epeatod with the opposite sign during analogous heating,.of tho second electrodo, A noticeable change 3n the voltage in tho olectrode cir - cuit is observed already with a temperature differonca on the order of 0~2- _ 0,4~C~ However it should be no~ced that when working with fairing under natural conditions the probability of any noticeable tempdrature drop in its - electrodos i~ sma11. In such close points of the medium a difference in temperaturQ is possible only with insuf~icient stabilization of the fairing ~long th9 vertical in the preeence of a large vertical temperature gradient, which is possible, for example~ in sunny weather in tho noar -surface wator - _ layer, Based on the preliminary experimental studies it was confirmed that it is possible to excludo the effect of movement in a magnetic f ield of a system with current fairing on the measuremant results of an electrical field in the sea obtained with the help of this systemi the reasons c~ere established for errors in the system operation with nonconducting fair ing: asymmetry of tho adsorption properties of the ma,terial nn different sides of the, a shar p r ise in the instability of the adsorption properties of the fairing _ material in the flowing water. stream, and drop in temperatures at the - elactrodes on different sides of the noncor:3ucting.surfaces=a, conclusion was ~ drawn on the possibility of using in subsequent experiments organic sheet glass that an~ong the studie raaterials possesse~ the greatest stability of adsorption. - BIBI,IOGRAPHY - 1. Lopatnikov, V. I. "Problem of Measur ing Electrical Field in the Ocean~" MORSKIYE GIDROFIZ:ICHESKIYE ISSI,EDOVANIYA, Sevastopol', No 4, i973~ 2. I,opatnikov, V, I. "Faram~ters of Measuring Systems with Current F'airing," MORSKIYE CIDROFI?ICHESKI:'E I5SI,EDOVANZYA, Sevastopol', No 2, 19?4. 3. Krayev, A, P. "Osnovy geoelektriki" [Fundamentals of Geoelectrics], Mosco~r-I,eningrad, Gostekhizdat, 1951. Recaived 20 tday 1977 COPYRIGHT: riorskoy ~idrofizicheskiy institut AN USSR (MGI AN USSR), 1978 90 35 CSO: 1870 95 FOR OFFICI/~:. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 ~OR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY i CEOPHYSI~S, A~TRONOMY AND SI'ACE ~ uDC 551,46,08 ~ CALCUIr1TI0N OF AN EQUIVA?~ENT $ASE F'OR A MEASURING SYSTEM W1'rH CURRENT FAIRTNG OF A R~CTANGUTAR FORM Sevastopol' MORSKIYE GIDROFIZICHESKTYE ISSLEDOVANIYA in Russian No 1, 1978 - pp 117-120 (~Article by V. I. Lopatnikov, T, p, Stadnik, and A, S, Boguslavskiy~ Abstract.. T he theory and procedure for calculating the ' parameters of baseless measuring systems to investigate an electrical field in the sea a.~.e discussed. The algorithm and calculation results of the equivalent base for the ~ system with rectangulas current faising are given. The calculation data can be used in the practi,ce of hydro- physical research. ~ ~Text] The problem of studying an electr ical field in the sea with the help of instruments that drift together with the ship is solvad on the basis of using baseless meas~ement fairing [~1 ~ 2]. The most important paxameters of the system with fairing of simple~ shapo (circle~ elliptical disk) are defined analytically [2]. When the indicated systems were put into practice it became necessary to employ fairings of diverse shapes in the form of a rectangle, piece of helicoid surface, etc. It is easy to see tha,t the graduating operations to determine even individua,l parameters of such systems are very complicated~ and in addition, inaccurate. The analytical methods are limited~ Therefore in order to calculate the pa,rameters of ineasuring systams with fairin~s of a certain shape it is expedient to involve nwneri- cal methods and modern computer technology. _ = Publication ~3] presents a method of numerical solution for the general vroblem of fairing of a dielectrical sheet of arbitrary shape placed in a - '?omogeneous current field, Based on this method we will examine the calcu- lation of an equivalent base for a rectangu�1ar current fairing. The boundasy value problem for the potential that descr3bes the fairing by the electrical current of nonconducting sheet S has the appearance 96 FOR OFFICIl,L U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 , roK n~~ic r.nL usL orti.Y - D'~~.~0 outsido S . ~ ~=0 for S (1~ ~ y ~ y~ for - where --potential of hon?~geneous ~lec~trical field not excited by sheet S by whic~i in the futura wi11 be mearit rectangle with sides 2a and 2b, ~ Wo finci the potential ~ in the form of a sum of and the potential of a double layer� of density v(P~ _ ~ ~M ) ~ S�c + I ~ ~P ~ ds,, , (2 ) C~ r~ where P--actual point of integratiot:i M--point of observation; r--distance ~ between these pointsi n--external perpendicular at point P t~ t~ie surface _ of the rectangle. As s~iown in [3]~ the denaity of the double layer v(P) is limited in all points of S. We will break the i:nte~ral in (2) into the following componentss y~iyj-yo~~y~+Y(a)f~)d~s + ~ f y~~X~~'~ ds, ~s) ,y ~ y~f,,s~ , where QS --circle of sma.ll radius R with center at point Q on rectangle. In - the firs~ integral the amoun~t v(P) is taken out for the integral due to the insignificant amount of R and the limited nature of v. By differentiating (3~ for the porpendicular to the rectangle and the limiting conversion with M--~Q with regard for the se~ond and third equalities in the _ system of bound~.ry conditions (1~ one can obtain an integral equa.tion for the density of the double layer 3] ~ ~q, - ~ { V~ dJP +?~ol . . (4 ) - j J eJ~ ~�4 - The ~olution to (4) can be obtained by the method of successive approximations. The convergence of the method for any small R is proved in [3]� By breaking the surface of the rectangle down into n squares from the side 2R we rewrite the integral in (4) in the form of a sum 97 FOR OFFICI/~L IJSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 . - FOR OF~ZCIAL USE ONLY t ~a ~ ~~dSP = ~ V(P ~ + V (Q (s ) J-4,~ P4 f.~ Ji P4 ~�a~ P4 ~ Here Si--square with center at point Pi~ x~yi} , The index i traversea the ~ - valuea f~om 1 to n, with the exception of ~he number of point Qi S- pSQ _ area formed by the square S with center at point Q~x ,y ~ minus ~he - circle QSQ, The integralQ ~noluded in (5) ,permit the ~nagytical expression - sdS,~ _ (x~ ~ - XQ~+( y~ -,P_ya ~ _ ( x~ XQ +(Y ~q + . ; ~ (x~*,P-:r4 ) (y -~P-yQ ) (x~ ~ )(y+~P-yq ) ~ _ . ~~X~ `,P- x~ ~+(Y~+,P-Yq!_ ~xc-~~xa~+~y"~''y~1 (x~-R - x,~ ) (y~+~P-y~c~ ~x~r'~ - XQ i~yi 'R-y4 .~~�z~~~z' . J-e,f '0~ _ Thus, the integral equation (4) is replaced by a system of algeb~raic equa,- - - tions - r~~ ~a~~ .~'Z~~~Q~ +Z.r' V~P~ -~-1~f~ . (e) ~%7 ~ P4 ~i4_ i Algorithm (6) is easily realized on a digital computer. The program of computations was compiled on the AICOI,-60 algorithmic langua,ge. Here mass ` values v(P ) were calculated for several rectangles with different ratio of sides a~id equivalent base C~e for current fairings of the same shape. The main property of the double layer potential s~(a)'~(Q~) = v (4), whero points Q and Q' lie on different sides of the fairing p?~_~ze produces - a simple link between the size of the equivalent and the density of - this layer in the center of the fairing - ~ ~~(Q)-yC~)s v ~~l . fl . El . The calculation results axe expressed by curve 1 of the figt.~e. Hare along the x-axis the ratio is plotted for the sides of the recta.ngle a, and along b 98 FOR OFFICIl,L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 ~OIt O~FICIAL U5~ ONLY _ \ ~o , - ~ - , r ~o~ , a~.e Figure ~ Dependence of Size of Relative Equivalent Base Q3K~ on Geometxy of - Fair ing 2b iCeys 1. For r6ctangle 2. For elliptical disk the y-axis--the ratio of its equivalent base to the infinitely long band of width 2b, For c~~mpaxison curve 2 is given which expresses the same relation- shi~p for faisings in the of an elliptical disk with semiaxes a and b, _ Curve 1 lies above curve 2, but does not intersect the straight lino with ordinate 1 corresponding to the infinitely long ba,nd which expresses the direct dependence of the size of the equivalent base on the linear dimensions of the fairing~ F`rom the value of th, equivalent base one can determine also two other para- meters in the system with current fa;s ing: inner resistance and amplification factor for the curre nt if the dimensions of the electrodes (size of t:ie opening in the fairing in the case of a current system) are small as compared to the dimensions of the fairing ~2]~ The findings confirm the effectiveness of using numerical methods for calcu.- ~ lating the para,met~rs of ineasuring systems with current fairing, and can be used to p~it these systems into practice in measuring an electrical field in the sea. One should note however, that the convergence of ths process of successive agproximations for equations (4) and (6) is very delayed with a - reduction in R. This results in an increase in machine time and is a short- coming of the cited calculation method. The question of improving the con- _ vergence of the examined algorithm requires further studies. BIBZIOGRAFEIY 1. I,opatnikov, V, I. "Problem of Measuring ari Electrical Field in the Ocean~" MORSKIYE GIDROFIZICHESKIYE ISSI~EDOVANIYA, Sevastopol', No 4~ 1973~ 2. Lopatnikov, V, I. "Parameters of Measuring Systems wlth Current Fairing," MORSKIYE CIDROFIZICHESKIYE ISSIEDOVANIYA, Sevastopol', No 2, 1974, 99 FOR OFFICIE.L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 - t~�oit orrtctnL us~: ONLY 3~ ~tadnik, 2, P, "Numerical Method f.or So].ving tho Problem of Fairin~ Dioloctrical Sheet by Ditect Current," MAGNITNAYA CIDNODINAMIKA~ No 2, 1977. - Received 7 September 1977 ~ COPYRICHTs Morskoy gidrofizicheskiy institut AN USSR (MG:C AN USSR)~ 1978 ~ 9035 CSOi 1870 ~ , ~ 100 - - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 FOIt C~1~'~TCIAt., USL ONLY ' PUBLICATIONS - ~ INFORMIITION NETWOAKS AND !~HEIR ANALYBIS Moscow INFORMATSIONNYYE S1~TI I IKH ANALIZ in Russian 1978 signed to press 't Jun 78 pp 2, 213-220 [Annotation, table of contents and list of abstracts f'rom bcok edited by A. D. Kh~,rkevich and V. A. Germash, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 2,550 copies, 220 pp.] ['I'ext] This collection det~,ls with analysis and synthesis of information nets ~ and individual elements. 6Zuestions of numerical analysi.s of certain queuing ~ systems are discussed, and incomplete-access systems with a finite nwnber of waiting positions and low ].oad intensities are analyzed. The results of load measurements in rural communication networks are presented, the work of certain computer networks, particularly ring structures, are described, the synthesis of digital commuiiication network structures is discussed, and the operation of information d:Lstribution devices, e.g. spatially rearrangeable _ switching networks wfth pulse time division of channels and with loop connec- tions, nonordinary one-time [razovyy] switching systems and systems in homo- geneous networks, ar~~ analyzed. Nodal switching systems are matrix switching units are discussed. The collection i~ intended for specialists dealing with questions of the de- sign of communications networks and switching units in information distribu- - yion systems and the operation ~f various types of queuing systems. - Contents p&ge ' A. M. Gersht and A. B. Mitnitskiy. The Influence of Abrupt Changes in . = InE~~ut F~'low Intensity on the Effectiveness of Tandem Operation......... 3 L. G. Ionin. Investigation of Irreversible States of Queuing Systems with Repeated Calling and a Finite Number of Sources 13 M. A. Shneps-Shneppe and S. N. Stepanov. Some Relationships for Systems - with Repeated Call Attempts 25 Yu. M. Kornyshev and A. M. Zelinskiy. Analysis of the Status of Sub- scriber Lines 31 101 FOR OFFICIAL USE Oh'LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 ~OR qFi~'ICTAL US~ ONLY M. A. ;;1?neE.~:~-ihneppe iLnd A. V, Arutunynn. Optimal Tncomplete-Access 5yn~emu with a rinite Number of Waiting Positions Under Minimal Load _ Intensities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 A. I. Cromov and V. A. Naumov. An Approximai:e Method f'or Study of - Mul~iphase Systems 46 S. N. Stepanov. Iteration Methods for Numerical Calculations on " - Rueuing Systems 51 B. S. Taybakov. Current St~tus and Prospects of Utilization of Com- - puter IJetworks 57 L. V. Andreyev. Some Ring Data Transmission Networks 67 - Ya. L. Shreyberg. Some Results of Statistical Analysis of the Operation of a Computer Center 76 N. I'. Nikiforov and A. M. Svetlitskiy. A Method for Synthesis of the Optimal Structure of t~ Digital Interex.r,hange Communication Network... 86 A. I. Krapiva. On Identification of Independent Trees of a Graph in P.roblems of Communications Network Viability 99 Ya. V. Fidlin and V. S. Shul'ga. Optimization of Spatially Rearrange- able Switching Network~ with Pulse Time Division of Channels........... 105 G. G. Moro zov and Ya. V. Fidlin. Digital Switcning Networks with Loop Connections 1?0 - M. P. Zyuz'ko and L. A. Shor. Nonblocking Systems for Nonordinary . Switching 129 L. A. Shor . Nondis,joint Systen,:� ~'or Nonordinary One-Time Sw~tching. 132 N. I. Viti ska. Multistage Systems for One-Time and Nonordinary . Switching with an Arbitrary Number of Dis,joint Inputs and Outputs..... 135 V. A. Gar~r.ash and V. A. Shmelev. A Switching System with Unreliable Relays 140 - Ye. 0. Naumova. Iterative Construction of Nodal Switching Systems...... 144 ~ Ye. 0. Naumova. Estimation of the Blocking Pr,':ability of Some Nodal _ _ Switchin g Systems 148 A. P. Kiselev. A Method for Switc hing Two-Pole Elements in a Homo- - geneous Computer Medium 154 V. A. Sh~~^lev, V. A. Garmash and V. D. Shershukov. A Matrix Unit for - - Contact Switching 162 I ~ 102 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 ~ I~'Olt UFF'ICIAL US~ ONI.Y - N. T. Artyukhin. Contro~. of One-Time 3witching Syetema with an Arbi- trary Number of Arriving Demc~nds 169 - A. A. Podol'skiy and D. S. Shitova. Th~e Question of Controlling Main Distribution Frame Switching 178 V. D. Vitchenko. Eatimation of Relative Complexity of Integral nigita]. _ � Communication Network Switching Nodes Constructed with Structurally ~quivalent Switching Units 187 S. G. Sitnikov: On One-Time Switching Systems with Blocking...,........ 193 M. F. Shimko. Ana?,ysis of Characteristics of Aggregated States of a Group of Channels....~ 198 Yu. A. Baklanov and A. D. Kharkevich. A Graphic Mode1 of a System for _ Collection of Information ott the Quality of Call Sez~vice in a Switch- ing Center.~ 202 Abstracts _ A. M. Gersht and A. D. Mitr~ttskiy. The Influence of Abrupt Changes in Input , Flow on the Effectiveness af Tandem Operation. - The question of deter~nining effectiveness of tandem routes with a nonstation- ary (,~ump-t~~pe) flow is studied. The results are compared with the station- ary case. Bibliography, 6 items. G. L. Ionin. Investigation of Irreversible States of Queuing Systems with Repeated Calling and a Finite Number of Sources. A theorem on the transition of the system described to an ~rreversible state in which service is impos~ible is proven. A method for calculatinq the - average tine for transitinn to the irreversibl-e state is discussed and illus- ~ trated with examples. Tnbles, 1~; illustrations, 5; bibliography, 4 items. - M. A. Shneps-Shneppe and S. N. Stepanov. Some Relationships for Systems with Repeated Call Attempts. A model of a complete-access grading which gives the best approximation of - subscriber behavior and leads to a system of equations which are easily solv- ~.b1e by computer is discussed, and relationships between the main probabilis- tic characteristics of the model are presented. Illustrations, biblio- graphy, 7 items. Yu. N. Kornyshev ~nd A. M. Zelinskiy. Analysis of the Status oP Subscriber Lines. . 103 ~ F~R OFFICIAL LTSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 - COK Of~'6'TCTAL US~ ONLY A mathematical model describing the busy and no-an~wer conditions of a sub- sci~iber who is called is discussed. T'ormulas for the main service quality ~ characteristics are derived and an analysis of ineasurement results is made. - Tables, 2; bibliograpY~y, 4 items. _ M. A. Shneps-Shneppe and A. V. Arutunyan. Optimal Incomplete-Access 5ystems _ with ~ Finite Number of Waiting Positions Under Minimum Load Intensities. - A ttieorem asserting that when load intensity tends to zero the optimal incom- plete-access system in terms of loss probability, with a finite number of w~iting positions, should contain the mctiximum number of individual lines is proven. Illustrations, 2; biblaography, 4 items. A. I. Gromov and V. A. Naumov. An Approximate Method for Stud.y of Multi- phase Systems. An r~pproximate method for study of multiphase queuing systems which can be ~ , described by Markov processes with a finite number of states is proposed. ~ The basis of the method of the method is expressions satisfying the station- _ ~.ry probabilities of states of two-phase systems. The precisior., of the method is illustrated for certain 3- and 5-phase queuing systems. Tables, 1; il- - lustrations, 2; bibliography, 7 items. S. N. Stepanov. Iteration Methods for Numerical Calculations on Queuing ~ Systems. - The convergence of iteration methods for numerical solution of systems of equations for statistical eq,uilibrium is discussed, the speed of convergence of the iteration process is ~tudied, and praci;ical methods of accelerating convergence are exa.mined. Illustrations, l; bibliography, 4 items. - , V. S. Tsybakov. Current Status and Prospects of Utilization of Computer Net- works. The current status and trends in the development of computer networks in the West is discussed. The two most important network configurations are con- sidered: the configuration with a centrally-located compizter center and the confi~uration with a centrally-located trunk network. The hardware which made - construction of the networks possible is described: high-speed communication and digital transmission lines, packet switching and adaptive route selection. _ Some existing networks and the tasks performed by them are described. In con- clusion, the main stimuli to use of computer networks are identified. Illus- trAtions, 5; bibliography, 15 items. 104 FOR OFFICIAL L'SE OIdLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 ~ I~'QR UFI~'IC lAL USl: ONLY I,. V. Andreyev. Some Ring Data Ti~anemission Networks. Mathematical models of ring-type data transmission n~~tworks a~re dtscussed. ' Such netwarks consist of a single central exchange ~,nd several terminals connected by a communication line. Data are brought from the terminals to the central exchatige and from the ~entral exchange to the termint~ls, with the ~ first type of data having gxiority. Not more than a single message may be transmitted at one time on each secticn of the line. Accord,.n~ly, some data ~ _ must be delayed at intermediate exchanges while more important messages pass through. The number of waiting Fositions for each exchange does r.ot appear _ to be limited. Stationary queue length distributions are f~und for each ex- change and for each message delay time in the network. Illustrations, 1; - bibliography, 10 items. ~ Ya. L. Shreyberg. Some Results of Statistical Analysis of the Operation of a Computer Center. On the basis of various statistical data that have been collected, the article - - an~lyzes the distrtbution of' the incoming flow of orders reaching a specific computer center and the servica time for random values. It is shown that the computer system in question can be studied as a queuing system with a recur- - rent input flow and an exponential service time. A number of other statisti- ' cal resu~ts are obtained, and recommendations for organization and analysis of computer operations are given. Tables, 3; illustrations, 4; biblio- grapt~y, 6 items. N. V. Nikiforov and A. M. Svetlitskiy. A Method for Synthesis of the Optimal Structure of a Digital Interexchange Communication Network. � ~ This article presents a method for synthe~is of structures for digital inter- exctiange commtsnication networks which are -aptimal in terms of capital expen- ditures, based on transmissions with pu1sE code modulat~,on which have been = developed and put into use. BibliographY, itPms. A. I. Krapiva. On Identification of Independent Trees of a Gra.r~h in Problems of Communication Dletwork Viability. Machine algoritYzms for determining the number of k-dependent trees of a non-- oriented graph are presented, alon~ wi+..h a theorem on the maximum number of = k-dependent trees of the graph and an algorithm for synthesis of graphs whose ~ - 3egrPe is not less than a value sepcified in advanee. BibliograpY~y, 5 items. YA. V. Fidlin and V. S. Shul'ga. Optimization of Spatially Rearran~eable ' Switching Networks with Pulse Time Division of Channels. An algorithm for optimization of multistage spatially rearrangeable digital - multiplexed and supermultiplexed switching systems for special optimization functions which are not necessaxy propor~ional to the number of switching _ points is given. Numerical results are given for specific equipment and cost functions. Tables, l; illustrations, 2; bibliography, 2 items. 105 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 I , 1~OIt U1~[~[CIAL 11;;1: (1N1.Y G. G. Mr~rozov and Y~s. V. ~'idlin, bigital Switching Net~~rorks with Loop Con- - r~ections. MeLhod~ of usir~~ lo~-~p c~nnections in digitul switchirg uysetms bot;h for thc ~ � r.rentfon ~f b,Yp~s:s route3 nnd for seeondnry multiplexing of the switchinp ' sy:item~ discussed. A noniterative method for calculating loss probr~bil- ities which is suitable no~t only for space-time systems but also for non- matrixed systems is discussed. A comparative analysis of a number of inethods ~ for cnlcu.lating l.osses is made and the corresponding computational equations ~ for a three-str~~e switching system with loop connections, variable delays and a space-time di~tribution o� chattnels is given. Illustrations, 8; biblio- ~r~.phy, 17 items. - hi. F'. Z,yuz'ko and L. P. Shor. Honblocking 5ystems for Nonordinary 5witchin~. 'I'he f~rtirle discusses switrhing systems which allow, with identical ;naking ~?id brcaking of connections, the connection of any specified ii~put to severr~l outputs. Structural paremetera of such systems are optimized for limited quantities of simultaneous cennections proceeding from a sin~le input and for the total number of simultaneous cor,nections. Bibliograph~y, 3 items. , - L. A. Shor. Nondis,joint Systems for Nonordinary One-Time Saitching. It is ~hoWn th~3t if sWitching points are placed between two t~d,joining ~utputs in Li dis,joint system for ordinary one-time switching, and the inputs a~e con- sicierecl as terminals, i.e. as both inputs and outputs, it is converted into a nor~di~,joint system for nonordina.r,y one-time switching. Illustrations, 3; bibliography, 2 items, PJ. I. Vitiska. Multistnge Systems for One-Time and Nonordinary SWitchin~ with zn Arbitrary iJumber of Dis,joint Inputs and Outputs. tdeLhod~ for design of multistage systems Working in the one-time switching mode and muking po~sible any connection between one of 10 system inputs and _ nr~ r~rbitrary subset of outputs without blocking are considered. The para- meter~ which require a minimal number of sxitching elements for Lhe one-time nnci n~~nordinury switching system structures Which have been obtained are de- r,f~rmined c?nd formulas for estimation of expenditures on sWitching equipment arc~ fourid. I1lustraLions, 4; bibliography, 4 items. '1. A. Gr~rm;ish and V. A. Smelev. A Suitching System with Unreliable Relays. A mF~thod for de~igning a sWitching unit xhich is resistant to k-fold failures i:~ described. The system has k/n times as many sWitching points as a system bz~ed on the Shannon-Moore method, Where n is the number of sWitching netWOrk - nnd outputs. Illustrations, 4; bibliography, 2 items. 106 fiQR OFFICIAL L'SE vSLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 F'OEt Q~~ICIAL US~ ONLY - Yc. 0. Naumova. Iterative Conetruction of Nodal Switchin~ Systems. - The design of~multilayer switching structures based r?n upplication of the - iteration method to planar nodal awitching circuits is dettcribed. F'ormulag for calculation of the main structural parameters of iteration systemg are given, Illuatrations, 2; bibliogrAphy, 2 items. Ye. 0. Naumova. Estimation of the Blocking Probability of Some Nodal Saitch- ing Syatems. A method for finding the upper and lorter bound for determination of blocking proba?bilities of single-connection and k-connection planar non-dis,joint nodal switching nygtems consistin~ of aimilar elements is given. Computational formulas ure obtained by uaing the method of probability grttphs. Illustra- tions, 8; bibliography, 3 itema. - A. P. Kiselev. A Method for Switching 7'wo-Terminal Elemerts in a Homogeneous - Computer M~dium. tt is proposed to use spatially staged s~itching syatems to connect homo- ~ ' geneous two-terminal simulating computer elements of the medium among � themselves. Estimates of the maximum recovery cr~ain for the graph are made, and these are used to extablish a priority of two-terminal elements, makfng it possible to decrease sWitching unit size. Illustrations, 3; bibliograpt~y, 11 items. V. A. Shemelev, V.A. Garmash and V. D. Shershukov. A Matrix Unit for ~ontact , Swit;ching. Expressions for the ratio ~ of noise to usefl,tl control signals in a t~o- _ dimensional matrix With multicoordinate control as a fUnction of the number of groups of independent control Windings and circuits operating the sWitchtd element are presented. The distribution of the magnetic field Within a matrix With three-coordinate control is discussed, the nonuniformity of the magentic field Within windings of various groups is determined, and a distribution of mngnetic-controlled contact elements in the matrix is chosen. Formulas xhich mnke it possible to obtain the necessary relationships betxeen currents in - the Windings for different coordinates so as to assure a specified value for ~ und to estimate the deviation of the latter are presented. Illustrations, 3; bibliography, 5 items. N. I. Artyukhin. Control of One-Time S~itching Systems With a.~ Arbitrary number o� Arriving Demands. Nonblo~king algorithms for establishing connections in nonsymmetrical one- Lime svitching circuits vith truncated sWitching units in four-stage systems with limiting and witl~ an arbitrary number of incoming demands are ~eveloped. Illustrations, 2; bibliograp2~y, 8 items. 107 FOR OFFICI.II. USE O;~iLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 ~ ~,ok or~ tr, cni, us~ ONLY /1. A. 1'ociolnkiy nnd n. S. Shitova. 'rhe Question of Mriin llistribu- t ton i~'r~une Switching. - 'I'he problems aseociated with rontrol. of main distribution fr~ne ~witching ~y~- tems are considered. A method for separate control of the capacity of graupa - of power lines within a branch and the establishment of bypass routes is pro- posed. Tracking of the numbei� of free lines in the group is implemented i.n order to determine the necessity of reawitching power lines. Illuatrations, 3; bibliography, 8 items. V. D. Vitchenko. Estimation of Relativc: Complexity of Integral Di~ital Com- munication Network Switching Nodes Constructed with Structurally Equivalent Switching Units. ~ The design of a switching unit in a digital communication network using switchinp, units constructed from non-controlled time-coordinate converters is discussed. An equation for the relative complexity of the switching system in question in comparison with switching systems constructed with switching units with controllable time-coordinate converters is obtained. An example of the comparison is given. Tables, 2; illustrations, 6; bibliography, 2 items. S. C. Sitnikov. On One-Tirae Switching Systems with Blockin~. The causes of production of blocks in one-time switching systems with limita- - tion and without limitation of the number of simultaneous connections are studied. Most detailed consideration is given to blocking resulting from the use of simplified algorithms and procedures for making connections. I1- lustrations, 3; bibliography, 14 items. M. F. Shimko. Analysis of Characteristics of Aggregated States of a Group of Channels. Possible methods of representing a group of channels in a network With dynamic - control are discussed. The relation5hips betWeen the length of time spent by groups of various capacity in aggregate states are given for a Wide range of losses, along aith expressions for the frequency of change of these states. An analysis of the results obtained is given. Illustrations, 4; bibliography, items. Yu. A. Baklanov and A. D. Kharkevich. A Graphic Model of a System for Col- lection of Information on the Quality of Call Service in a SWitching Center. The qunlity indicators for servicing of calls by switcY:ing center automated - control equip~ent are studied. A graphic model of a system for collection 108 FOR OFFICIA[. USE 0;~'LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 ~OR OF~ICIAL USE ONLY und ~nalysis of information on the quality of servicing which is uaed to _ determine the required quality indicators ia propoaed. Tables, 3; illustra- tinns, 3; bibliography, 3 items. COI'YRIGKT: Izd~atel'stvo '~Natilta'~, 1978 8480 ` cso: 1870 109 FOR OFFICIAi. L'SE O;v'LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 ~0~ OFFICIAL USE ONLY PUBLICATIONS LIST 0~' 50VIE'I ARTICLES DEALING WITH COMPOSITC MATERIAL5 Moacow GOSUDARSTVENNYY KOMITET SOVETA MINISTROV 5SSIt PO NAUICE I TEKHNIKE. AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. SIGNAL'NAYA INFORMATSIYA. KOMPOZITSIONNYYE MATERIALY, - Vol 3, No 21, 1978 pp 3-4 - [Following is a listing of the Soviet entries from SIGNAL'NAYA TNFORMATSIYA. KOMpOZITSIONIJY1iE MATERIALY (SIGNAL INFORMATIdN. COMPOSITE MATERIALS), a - bibliographic publication of VINITI. This listing is from Vol 3, No 21, 1978] [ ~accerpts j 1. Influence of annealing on the structure and compatibility of tungsten fluoride with atructural graphite on a sublayer. Yemyashev, A. V., . Sla~~gorodskaya, Z. V., Martynov, S. Z., "Konstrukts. materialy na osnove ugleroda" 1978, No 13, 70-78. - 2. On the kinetics of phase growth in a diffusion layer between solid and - ~rolten metals. Pimenov, V. N., "Fiz. i khimiya obrabotki mater.ialov," 1978, No 4, 58-63. 3. Influence that the strength of the bond ~etween fiber and matrix has on the nature of destruction of a composite material reinforced with briCtle boron fibers with a metal matrix of. aluminum alloys. Shorshorov, M. Kh., Kolesnichenk~, V. A., Yusupov, R. S., Ustinov, L. M., "Fiz. i khimiya obrabotki materialov," 1978, No 4, 117-123. 4. Investigation of the influence that processes af interaction of a melt with a substrate have on the kinetics of gallium f low over the surface of thin $ilver films. Grebennik, I. P.~ Langkhammer, Kh., Shipkova. I. G.. "Fiz. i khimiya obrabotki materialov," 1978, No 4, 75-80. S. A solder for diamonds, E1'h~r borazon material and otiier superhard _ materials. Naydich~ Yu. C., Kolesnichenkc~, G. A., Zyukin, N. S., Kostyuk, B. D., "Svaroch. pro-vo," 1978, No 7~ 21-23. 6. Determining temperature stresses in metal-plastic parts. Ushakov, B. N.~ "Sb. tr. MVTU im. N. E. Baumana," 1978, Vol 16, 3-11. 110 . FOR OFFICIf,L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY - 7. P. Joining di~similar hard-Co-weld materials. Dubovik, A. S., Oaipov, A. A., U55R Author's CertifiCate (B 23 K 11/10), No 573293, filed 14 Apr 76, No 2348940, publiahed 27 Oct 77. Morphological stability of thitt filme on reinforcing fibers. Gol'diner, M. G., Mazur, V. A.~ Malinovakiy, T. I.~ Yagubets, A. N., "Fiz. i khimiya obrabotki maeerialov," 1978, No 4, 112-116. 9. burabiliCy of AG-4g fiberglass plasCic with bending in sulfuric acid. Shevchenko, A. A., Krasovitekiy, A. 5., Starikov, V. P., "Fiz.-khim~ mekh. materialov," 1978, Vol 14, No 4, 121-122. 10. On the influence Chat the geometry of iniCial mesh elemenCs has on the properties of high-poroaity fiber material. Zorin, V. A., "Polucheniye i i~sled. svoystv novykh materialov," Kiev, 1978, 153-156. COPYEtIGHT: VINITI, 1918 661(' CSG: 1870 - . 111 FOR OFFICIt,L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 ~OIt OF~ICIAL U5~ ONLY 1'UBLICATION5 LIST 0~' SOVIET ARTICL~S UEALING WTTN COMPOSIT~ MAT~ItIAI.5 Mogcow GO5UDAI~5TVENNYY KOMITET 50VETA MINI5TROV 555It PO NAUKE I T~KHNIK~. AKAU~MIYA NAUK 5SSK. SIGNAL'NAYA INFOItMATSIYA. KOMPOZITSIONNYYE MAT~RIALY, Vol 3, No 23, 1978 pp 3-6 (Following is a liating of the Soviet entries from SIGNAL'NAYA INFORMAT5IYA. KOMPOZ175IONNYY~ MAT~RIALY (sIGNAL INFURMATION. COMPOSITE MATERIALS), a bibliographic publicaCion of VINITI. This lisCing is from Vol 3, No 23, 1978] [Excerptsj 1. On terminology and clasaification in the field of composite materials. Solomin, N. V.~ "Poroshk. metallurgiya~" 1978, No 7, 102-103 (~nglish abat.). ' 2. On the classification of composite materials. Pshanin, N. P., "Poroshk. metallurgiya," 1978, No 8, 102-103 (English abst.). 3. Interaction of tungsten fibers with cobalt-based matrices. Miro- tvorskiy, V. S., O1'shevskiy, A. A., "Poroshk, metallurgiya," 1978, No 7, 57-64 (English abst.). 4. Influence that surface treatment has on the propertias of carbon fibers and plates based on them. Kobets, L. P., Polyakova, N. V., Kuznetsova, M. A., Kolyasinskaya, 0. 8., Samoylov, V. S., Bondarenko, N. V., "Mekh. polimerov," - 1978, No 4, 579--582. 5. P. A method of butt-melt weldinR titanium and its alloys to high- temperature stainless ateels and alloys. Poplavko-Mikhaylov, M. V., 5trizhevskaya, L. G., 5tarova, L. L., Zhuravleva, L. B., Kulikov, F. R., Sorokin, S. Ya., Karev, V. P., Berlin, M. Ye., US5R Author's Certificate (B 23 K 35/32), No 280719, filed 28 Jul 69, No 352930, published 28 Oct 77. 6. Accounting for initial heat stresses in studying the energy capacity of flywl~eels made by Winding compoaites. Portnov, G. G., Kulakov, V. L., "Mekh. polimerov," 1978, No 4, 615-620. 112 FOR OFFICItiI. US~ ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 ~OEt O~F'tCiAL U5~ ONLY 7. incln~tiC prop~rCi~H ~f composite mat~rials. Mechanics. "Novoye v xnYUbezh~ nauke~" 1978, No 16, 295 pp w/illug. 8. On Che .developmene of micrni,nhnmoga_neoue plaeCic deformation in laminar camposites. Yavor~ A. A., Mukhin~ V. N., Abdrazaknva, N. A., "Izv. AN SSSR. Meeally," 1g78, Nu 4, 157-160~ - 9. FaCigue fractur~ of a laminar composite. Aniehch~nkov, V. M., Mileyko, S. T., "Dokl. AN 5SSR," 1978, Vol 241~ No 5, 1068-1069. 10. Viscoelastic stregses of temperature ahrinkage in linearly reinforced _ media. Popov, A. I., KuzneCaov, S. V., "Mekh. polimerov," 1978, No 4, ~ 737-?40. 11. Determination of characteriat~c volumea of regular composirea by Che merhod of photoelasticity. Koshelev~, A. A., "Vestn. LGU," 1978, No 13, " 86-91 ~Engligh abst.). 12. Influence thnt the rate of heaCing has on thermal deformation of carbon- meCul plates in different media. Tret'yachenko~ G. N., Gracheva, L. I., "Probl. prochnoeti," 1978, No 8, pp 68-71. ' 13. On the question of optimum arrangement of the reinfarcing in plates. � Ne~eirovskiy, Yu. V., "Mekh. p~limerov," 1978, No 4, 675-682. 14. InvesCigation of the mechanical characteristics of a compoaite material with volUmetric atructure. Pichkhadze, G. P., "Mekh. polimerov," 1918, No 4, 621-624. 15. X-ray extinction determination of the diameter of silicon carbide whiskers. Shchetanov, H. V., Gorobets, B. R., Chernyak, A. I., Kondra- tenko, A. V., "7.avodsk. lab.," 1978, Vol 44, No 7, 827-828. 16. On the problem of studying the strength ~iroperties of carbon fibers based on polyacrylonitrile fibers by ultrasonic methods. Kotosonova, V. Ya., P~repenko, I. I., Frolov, V. I., "Mekh. polimerov," 1978, No 4, 724-128. _ 17. Influen~e that crystallization rate and heat treatment have on the structure and properties of eutectic Cu-Cu22r composite. Somov, A. I., _ Sverdlov, W. Ya., Tikhonovskiy, M. A., Oleksiyenko, M. M., "Fiz. i khimiya obrabotki materialov," 1978, No 4, 124-129. 18. Inves[igatian of [he kinetics of crystallization of two contacting _ ingots. Solov'yev, V. V., Sokolov, L. A., "Izv. AN SSSR. Metally," No 4, 102-104. 19. P. A cladding layer plate for composite ingots. Shevbunov, E. V., Ovayannikov, V. Butorin, V. I., Tokarenko, A. A., USSR Author's Certificate (B 22 D 17/20), No 579096, filed 22 Dec 75, No 2199935, published 20 Nov 77. 113 FOR OFFICLl,L U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1 FOR 0~'F'ICIAL U5C ONLY 20. A device for mnking cylindrical sandwich apecimens based on SyntacC foam. Li~atov~ Y~. A., Kanovich, M, Z., Levdttova, T. A., "zavodsk, lab.," 197P~, Vol 44, No 7, 887-888. 21. Ott filtrneion of c~ polymer binder in the seCting procege. Murznkh~nov, it. Kti., "Mekh. poLimerov," 1978, No 4, 740-742, _ 22. Chemical heat Creatment of two-layer nickQl-chromium composiCe elecrro- lyCic cnnCinga. Arkharov, V. I., Yar-Mukhamedov, Sh. Kh., "Fiz. tverd. tela (Kiev-bonetsk)," 1978, No S, 66-70. 23. Low-cycle fatigue of a composite material wiCh dispersed fill~r under cyclic compression. Filyanov, Ye. M., 5hchedrov, A. K., "Mekh. polimerov," 1978, No 4, 653-657. 24. Particulara of t~nsile ~eats of high-strengCh unidirectional composites. - ' Zhigun, I. G., Milchaylov, V. V., "Mekh. polimerov," 1978, No 4, 717-723. ~ 25. L1eCermination of conditions of ~oint plastic deformation of rhe com- ponents of bimetallic wire with a soft coating. Tuktamyshev, I. Sh., - ~ 5tichegolev, G. A., "Tekhn. progress v metizn. pr-~ve (Moscow)" (formerly "Metizn. pr-vo"), 1978, No 17, 21-2~i. _ 26. K. Insoluble lead-based alloy anodes. Dunayev, Yu. D., Alma-Ata, Nnuka, 1978, 316 pp, w/illus. 27. Electroslag surfacing of a small blast furnace bell with composition alloy. Shekhter, S. Ya., Reznitskiy, A. M., Lazarenko, Yu. N., Razinskiy, V. V., "Avtomat. svarka," 1978, No 8, 43-44, 47. _ COPYRIGHT: VINITI, 1978 6610 CSO: 18~0 ~D 114 FOR OFFICIl~L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030024-1