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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R000'100020003-5 , ~ ~ i i F~BRUARY i979 CFOUO 7179~ i OF i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 FOR OFFIC~AL USE ONLY J~I25 L/8258 _ 1 F'ebruary 19 79 ~ TRANSLATIONS ON USSR SCI~NCE AND TECNNOLOGY PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNO~O~Y (FOUO 7/79) U. S. JOINT PUBLICATIONS RESEARCH SERVICE _ FOR OFFI CI AL U.SE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 IfI~1.lOGFtAF'HIC DA1A i~ Ncp~irt N~~~ JP~S L/ 8258 3~ Kccipient'~ Acre~dion No. SNEET 4~ 1 iile ,~n~l ~ubi~i ~ 5~ epnrt Dnte TItA,Y5LA'CION5 ON U55tt 5CI~NC~ AIVU T~CNNOLOGY - PNYSICAL 1 Februar 1.979 5CI~NC1:5 ANb T~CkINOLOCY, (~'OUO 7/79 ) 6, Au~h~~rf.) 8. ye~rfnrmina O~sanizotinn Ncpt, _ 9. I~cr(nrmin~c f)rpaniaatiun Name ~nd Addre� 10, Proieet/T~skiWotk Unit ~u. Jaint publications Reaearch 5ervice 1000 North Clebe R08d 11~ Contr~ct/Gt~nt No. ArlingCnn, Virginia 22201 12 Sponsoring Orgonizmtion N~me and Addte~~ 13. Type of Repott k Period Covered Aa above _ t 1S~ Supplemcntary Note~ 16. Ah~trurt~ - The report contains information on aeronautics; astronomy and astrophyaics; ~tmnspheric gcierices; chemi~try; earth sciencea and oceanography; electronica and electrical engineering; energy converaion; maCerials; mathematical _ aciences; cybernetics, computsra; mpchanical, induatrial, civil, and marine ` engineerfng; methods and equipment; missile technology; navigation, communications, detection,and countermeasurea, nuclear science and technology; ordnance; physice; propulgion and fuels; space technology; and acientiats and scientific organization in the phyaical sciences. 17. Kcy ~'ords and Doeumene Analyii~. 17a Desuiptors USSR Electronice Miseile Technology Aeronautics Electrical Engineering Navigation and Astronomy Energy Conversion Commuaications Astrophysics Materials Detection and Atmospheric Sciences !~athematics Cot~ttarmeasures Chemistry Mechanical Engineering Nuclear Science and Computers Civil Engineering Tachnology Cybernetics Induatrial Engineering Ordnance Earth Sciences Marine En~ineering Phqeica Oceanography Merhoda Propulaion and Fuela ' 17l~. Wcnti(iers/dpen-~nded Tecros Eq~p~at gpaee Teehnology ~r'- � , _ _ ~ ~f . 4~- _ t~G r.os~r~ E~~w/c~o~ Ol 03 04 07 OS 09 10 11 12 13,14 lb 17 18 19,20;21 22 _ , . , ~ ~ , � s . ~ , ~ ~ r 1!. A.oil~bilicr 5acement . R at t Clua Is 21.` o. o Paps For OfficiPt Use Only. Limited 43e ~ ~ - 4 Nwnber of C~~piee Available From JPRS p e`r " � " ; - , ' ' ~o~w NT~i~~s ~~cv. ~�~t~ , . . . : . - VEC011~aOC t~~d?!ST� . TNtS FOftM W1Y BB REPAODUCED . . _ _ . 1 . . . , . . . . . . 4. ' _ ~ i `.i4~: . - . . ~ ~ ~ - _ ~ ~ -~r-. . - , -w. . . . . . . . ' w . , . . : , . s.. ~wr : . . . . _ , . ~ ' . , .z_ . . , . _ . r.. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 - NOTC � J!~[~S publicnCions cone~itt informaCion prim~rily from foreign newspap~~r~, periodicals and books, but also from news ~gency - transmiysions and bro~dcasrs. M~teri~le from foreign-language sources ~re tr~nsl~Ced; those from ~nglish-langunge sources nre transcribed or reprinCed, wirh the original phrasing gnd other ch~racteristics retained. _ ~ieadlines, ediCorial reports, attd mAterial enclosed in brttckets are supplied by JPR5. Processing indicators such as [TexC) ~ or [Cxcerpej in thc first line of cach iCem, or following rhe last litte of a brief, indic~Ce how Che original informaCion was processed. Where no proceasing indicati~r is given, the infor- ' maCion was summarized or exCracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliteraCed are enclosed in parenCheses. Words or na~nes preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the originul but huve been supplied nsappropriate in context. Other unaCtribuCed parenthetical noCes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items-are as given by source. The contenrs of this publication in no way represettt the poli- _ cies, views or ateitudes of the U.S. GovernmenC. , COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGUI~ATIONS GaVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE T'rIAT DISSEMINATION i OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 I I~c~lt t~l~'I~'1CI11I, U;;l~; ONLY JPRS L/8258 - _ 1 F~ebruary ].979 TRANSLATIONS ON l1SSR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PHYSICAL SCIEVCES AND TECHNOLOGY - (FOUO 7/79) ~ CONTENTS PAGE GEOPHYSSCS, ASTROPIOMY AND SPACE ~fiASS~ Publlahea Fjr st Photoa of Venus Probes (AIft ET COSMOS, 6 Ja.n 79) 1 Results F'rom and Goals for Regi~nal Geological and Geop2~}rsical Work in the Caspian Depression ~ (N. V. Nevolin, et al; GEOIAGIYA NEFTI I GAZA, No 10, 1978) 5 P'UBLICATIONS Using the Critical~Path Method for Military Organization (V. D. Skugarev, L. V. Kudin; SETE1/0YE Pf~NIROVA.NlYE NA FTATE, 1973) 12 New Ideas in Automation (0. T. Tukeshev; AVTOMATIZATSIYA: NOVYYE IDEx, _ . No 11, 1978) 14 Computer Simulation Uaed To Study Digital Transmisaion Systems (L. N. Oganyan, L. V. Pankov; MASHINNYYE METODY ISSLIDOVANIYA TSIFROVYHIi SISTF~I PF~tEIl~CHI, ~978 ~9 Ultrasonic Niicrawelding Technology Featured in New Hook (Vladimir Mikhaylovich Koleshko; UL~TRAZWKOVAYA r~OSVa~w, 1977) ~i Mechanized Agricultural Data Processing (N. T. Baranovskiy; QRGAMIZATSIYA NIA3HINNpy ~HFi~BOTKI EKONOMIC~IE.SKOY INFbRMA'rSTI V 3EL~ SKOM ~ ~ozYa~, 19?8) 27 _ - a- [III - USSR - 23 S& T FOUO) _ I'OR OFFI ~ IAL USy O~ILY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 ~Ok OrCICIAL U5L ONLY _ CONrLNTS ( Co~it Lnued) ~ge I1bc~t;rrx~tu I~'rotn ~t?e ~'ul,.l Lc:utlou ' 111'I'LTLll G~;OI'EIYSICS' (M. K. I'ol~hkov, A. I. Kuznetsov; PRIKLADNAYA c~orzzrxa, No 90, i97~) 32 List of Soviet Articles Dealing With Compos3te Materials (GOSUI~ARSTI/ENNYY KOMITE.P SOVETA MINISTROV SSSR PO NAUI~ I TEK~IIVIKE. AKADII~SIYA NAUK SSSR. - SIGNAL'NAYA INFOFtMATSIYA. KOMPO'LITSIONNYYE - MATERrALY, No 19, 1978) 39 ; I: _ ' I . ' I ~ ! . _ b _ � ~ } FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ~ { APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 rOlt O~i~'ICIAL US[: ONLY G~OPHYSICS, ASTRONOMY AND SPAC~ 'TASS'PUBLISHES FIRST PHOTOS OF VENUS PROBES Paris AIl2 ET COSMOS in French 6 Jan 79 p 3? _ LArticle by P. L.: "Venera-11 and -12" LTex~ The Soviet news agency TASS has 3ust published the first photographs of the "Venera-11 and "Venera-12" probes, which le.nded last month on the planet Venus (Cf. AIR ET COSMOS, Nos 745 and 746). The probes released by each satellite axe identical a.nd carry the same instruments, which are intended principally for the chemical a.nalysis of the Venus:ian atmosphere. The photograph shown here depicts one of the probes in the assembly and testin hall (in landing position, sitting on the circular shock absarbing device~. Note the aeroc~ynamic stabilization shield at the top. - 1 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 i ~ P'Ok UI~'~ICIA1. U5L ONLY ~ ~ i � , t ' ' I . nr ~ � ;4'~ ~ ~9 t V ,�~:rr _ r , . , r . rt~~'M~ ~I~S , ~ ~i;;, i s'~~ ,~r ~ ~ - , R~-~-l ~ . l: _ ~t ,r ) ~ _.,y f ,F rr ~ , C ~~i . ~ ~ - _ i r ' ~ .I ~ _ f . . i , , ~ , ? ~ ~ ~ 2 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ I. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 - A'Oft OI~'I~'ICIA1, USIs ONLY In ~he ather pho~ograph~, the trr~~ectories of the "Venera" probea ar~ shown _ on ~he screen at the 5oviet F'light Control Cen~er. In the photogr~ph below: - "Venera-~.2," which was launched on J.4 Sep~ember i978, traveled the 240 ~.i- lion kil.ometers to Venu~ in 98 days. ~he probe released by the satellite - landed on the surface of Venua at 0630 hours Moscow time on 21 December and continued to flwction f'or 110 minutes. "Venera-11," which was launched on 9 September, also released a probe, which landed at 0620 hours Moacaw time on 25 December a.nd flwctioned for 95 ~minutea ( in 1.975 "Venera-9" a.nd "Venera-10" transmitted for 53 a.nd 65 minutea). _ ~ The next photograph depicts the "Venera-11" descent sequence: release 2 days befcr~ ~rrival) and netration into the atmosphere (at 17..2 l~s~~ aeroc~ynamic deceleration ~t an altitude of about 40 kilometers)t e~ection of the ~ettison and main parachutes a.nd landing. The Venera-12 landing tra~ectory, which can be traced from an altitude of 62 kilometers, is compaxable. The probes landed on the illuminated side of the plenet SQO kilometers ape,rt. ~ , - 3 � _ FOR OF~ICIAL USE aNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 [b[t 01~ F'IC LAI. USl: ONLY - In ~he pho~ograph below: ti~e rel.a~ionahip be~ween "Vcnera-11"and the sa~el- litie orbltlrig ut 35,000 k:Llometer~ (~he ear~h is visible at this moment). , ~ , COPYRIGflT: A.Il~ ET CosMOS Paris 1979 cso: 3ioo 4 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 1~Ok UN'I~'ICIAL U5L ONLY GEOI'HYSICS, AS~RONOMY AND SpACF~ I - UDC 550.812:553.98(-925.22) r RESUL'1'S ~ROM AND GOALS FOR REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL AND G~OPHYSICAL WORK IN THE CASI'IAN DEPRESSION M~scow G~OLOGIYA NEFTI I GAZA in Russian No 10, 1978 pp 1-5 ~Ar.ticle by N. V. Ne~olin, P. A. Blokhin, V. M. Kudymov, S. S. Maksimov (So yuzgeofizika) , G. Ye.-A. Ayzenshtadt, M. G. Aristov (VNIGRI), L. G. Kiryukhin, Yu. A. Ivanov (VNIGNI), T. N. Dzhumagaliyev (KazNIGRI), D. L. I'ednrov (NVNIIGG), and T. K. Nsanov [deceased] (Kaz~ieftegasrazvedka)] C'PexC] The I3asic Directions for Development of the USSR National Economy in 19%6-1980 call for accelerated detection and exploration of new deposits of petroleum, natural gas and condensate in the most,promiaing regions, in- cluding the Caspian depression. Regional geological-geophyeical investiga- tfons h~ve a vital role in the successful solution of this natinnal economic - problem. Significant features of the underlying atructure of the Caspian depression have been distinguished in the couse of correlating regional ~eo- logical and geophysical work. In areas near the side of the depression, on the surface of the base, favorable large, buried structures have been spot- ted or confirmed: Temirskiy, Zharkamysskiy, Biikzhal~ski~, Astrakhanskiy and Troitskiy protrusions,Severo-Kaspiyskiy and Ozinkovskiy uplift zones and~more (Figure 1), which may be promising with respect to the presence of oil and . gas in subsalt deposits. Regionut productivity of thc subsalt complex (mainly lower Permian) within ~he bounda-ics of all border zones of the Caspian depression has been con- firmecl by parametric and exploratory drilling. A number of oil and gas de- ~ Posits of industrial significance have been disco~rered here: northern edge- %apadno=l'eplovskoye, 13orodinskoye, Vostochn4-Gremyachinskoye and others; castcrn-Kenklyakskoyc und Karatyubinskoye; southern-Tortayskoye and � '1'azlii~alinskoye; southwestern-Astrakhanskoye; weatern-Lobodinakoye, Komsomolskoyc and others. At 11~c :~~mc timc, substuntial shortcomings are noted in the conduct of the re~;ionnl geophysical work: 1. insufficient concentration of work in the most promiaing (in light _ of recent data) directions and low volume of investigations; 2. lack of a uniform procedurP for field geophysical observations and their interpretation, which makes the analysis and correlation of thc resulting material difficult; 5 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - . , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020003-5 FOEt OFFICIAL USE ONLY - ~ 1 : ~ ~ X ~40 ~ `u,~ ~ ~ ~ b