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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 ~ ~ , ~ ~ , ?H ON QUANTUM ELECTRONICS . 2~ JANUARY i979 . FOUO i OF 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPIt5 L/8242 25 January 1979 ~ . ~ TRANSlATIONS FROM TNE LENINCRAD POLY~'ECHN I CAL I NST I TUTE' S M0~lOGRAPH ON QUANTUM ELECTRONICS . U. S. ~OINT PUBLICATIONS RESEARCH SERVIttE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 NOTC JPRS publicaeinn~ cnnCatn infurmaCion primarily from foreign newspaperg, periodie~l~ ~nd bonkg, bue glso from n~w~ ggency tranami~~ions ~nd brd~d~~sra. Materials from for~ign-l~ngu~~e snurces gre eranelaeed; eho~e from ~ngli~h-lgngu~ge snurces are Cranscribed or r~prineed, wieh ehe original phrnging ttnd other char~crerisCic~ ree~ined, Headlines, ediCorigl reporrs, and maCeri~l encloaed in br~ciceCg ar~ supplied by JpRS. Proc~seing indicarors gl1CI1 as [T~xt~ or ~~xcerpCJ in Che fireC linc of each item, or following the lasC line of a brief, indicate how Che original informaCion w~s proc~ssed. Where no processing indicaCor is gtven, Che infor- maeion was summarized or exeracted, Unfamiliar names rendered phoneCically or transliterated are encloaed in rarenthesea. Words or nam~s preceded by a ques- Cion mark and enclosed in parentheaes were not clear in Che original buC have been aupplied asappropriaCe in contexC. Other unatCriUuted parenChetical noCea wiChin the body of an iCem originate with the source. Timea within items aze as given by source. The contenCs of this publication in no way represent Che poli- ciea, viewa or attitudea of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGUI.ATIONS GO'VERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 eoz� i REPOitT DOCUMENTATION .~,.pr~pr No, f. II~~Ip1~nt'~ Aea~~inn Na PAQ6 I JPRS L/8242 ,r- 71111 ~nA liU01f11� R~poM O~t� mRANBLA',i'IONS FROM TH~ LENINaItAU POLYT~CHNICAL TNSmITU~.'~~ S 25 Januar ].9 79 MONOC~RAPIi ON QUANTUM ELECTRONZC3 ~ Auth~~h1 K. P. Sel.exn~v (editor) ~ r.rro~i~~�aon ~,o~, ne, ~?~rformint Ort~nli~llon N~m~ ~nd Addnu 10. ~ro~~ef/T~~M/Wo~k Urot No. JoinC Publications Reaearch Service 1000 t7orth Glebe Road i~. ce~cheuc~ e~ o?,mca~ Ne, Arlington~ Virginia 22201 tc~ 1L ~penfatn~ O~pnit~tlen N~n+~ ~nd Addn~f ~ i~. Tra er ~�oen ~ r.Hoa cowr.a As above 14. 1!. luppl~m~ntary NofM ~ 'I'~UDY LPI ( LENIN(}RADSKIY ORDENA F~EDTINA POLI?'EHIiNICI~SIQY INSTZ'1'U1.+ Il~1I ~ M.I. KA,LIlJINA):~ KyANTOVAYA ELEIQ'RONTKA, I,eningrad, 1975 1~. AMtnet (limlt: 200 werdU This report contains theQre~ical and expertmental papera in ~he field of quan~um generators, optical~data procesaing and holo~aphy. The follo~wing problems arQ discussed: physical phenomena in gas (helim--neon and argon) and solid-state (glaes and yttrium-aluminum garnet with neoc'~ymium admixture) lasera; the methods oP selection and aynchronization of the type of oscilla- tions in lasers; the method~: of automatic frequency control a,nd stabiliza- ~ tion; the theory and application of acouatooptiral devicea in optical data procesaing eyatems; the application of hologcaphy in experimenta}. equipment; reaonance and decelerating ayatems masers. oowT.~e M,yrst. o..eNOea. USSR Neon Neodymium I,~~er Argon Polarization lIelium Yttrium-aluminum Light Modulatioa 0. IA~ntIMn/Op~~�[nOM T~rn~ Li~it guide8 a cos~n n.~eiae~v 20~ 20J ta ~w�~i.ary :~.u~.M s~. s.e~rter u..s crn~s nw.n~ :t. ne. d r.s.. For ufficial Use Only. Limited UNCLASSIFIED 166 NwnbQr of Copies Available From JPRS. =a s�~.+h c~... cr~~, r,~.~ UNCLASSIFIED ~MANfi~i7l.lh sN /MI/YCIINI~ M RMN~ O/TIONAL?ORY 2n (`~n cr.~.,ir hr~s-~s~ oq.MNnt d con+rn.R. I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR OFFSCIAL t?SE ON~,Y JP12S ' L/8242 25 January J.979 TRANSLATIONS FROM THE LENINCRAD - POLYTECHNICAL INSTITUTE'S MO~IOG~APH ON QUANTUM ELECTROfV I CS Leninqrad TRUDY LPi (LENINGRAD5K2Y ORDENA LEN'iNA POL~TEKHN~CHE5KiY TNSTITUT ZMENI M.I. KALININA): KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA in Ruesian No 344, 1975 signed to press 26 Jun 75 pp 1~-iii ~Hook edi.ted by K.P. Seleznev, Leningrad Polytechnical Institute . Press, 800 copies~ ~ CONTENTS ~PA~~ Annotation 1 Equaticuzs Describing the N~ul.timode Operation of an Annular Iaser (S. L. Qalkin, et al.) 2 Effect of an Axial Magnetic Field on the Interaction of the Counter Waves oP an Annular He-Ne Iaser With 3ynchronization oP the Longitudinal Modes (8. I,. (~alkin, et a1.) 13 Stuc~y of the Conditions of ~equency SelP-Synchronization cf the Modes of a Linear He-Ne Le.ser (T �0.63 Microns) (V. V. Kozlov, et al.) 18 Be:at Frequency of the Counter Waves in an Annular Iaser as a~luaction � of the Gener~t.ton Frequency (T�0.63 Microna) Considering Backscattering (V. M. Nikolayev, et al.) 22 Stabllizal,Ion oi' the Rcidiutton Frequency oP an Annular He-Ne Laser (V. N. Arzumfu3ov, G. F. Zaytsev) 29 -a- [I -USSR-LFOUO] ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 b'nk 01~'E'iCIAL U5~ ONLY CONTEI~B (Con~inued) ~'ge Effect of (~aa Pr~~sure on the Lnterac~3on of the Polexix~~ion Modeg in a Laser on ~he 3�39 ~.cron Line r~ (Ye. Yu. Andreyeva~ et a7..) 32 S~abiltza~ion oP ~he Frequency Spectrum of a Cont3nuous Ar'~ I~ser by a Longi.~udinal Magnetic Field (A. E. Fotiadi) 3d Bingle-Frequency Nd: YA(~ Iaser 40 _ (V. N. Arzwne,nov, et a1..) .......................e...... Optical l~nd Frequency Discriminator Based on an Anisotropic ~ Reson~tor . 4~ (V. N. Arzwnanov, et a]..) Polaximeter for Iaser Research ~8 (N. M. Kozhevnikov, eb al.) M~il.tichannel Liquid U1.trasonic Llght Modula~tors (V. S. Bondarenko, et a]..) 55 Solid State Ultra~onic Light Modulatora With Light Guides Made of H~eavy Flinbg ~ (Ye. T. Aksenov, et aZ.) Solid-State Ultrasonic Light Modulators (Ye. T. ~1lssenov, et al.) 70 Mul.tichannel Acuustoogtica]. Modulator With Averlapping U1.trasonic Beama 76 (Ye. T. Akaenov, et al..) Frequency Characteristica oF U1.trasonic Light Modul.ators Operatin~ in the Br~~~ Dif`fraction Mode ~ (V. A. Grigor~yev~ S. A. Rogov) Effect of ManuPacturing and Ad~ustment Imprecision on the Operation of an Opti'cal. Data Proceas~ng System (M. G. Vysotskiy) 88 Calculatioa oP the Intensity of Light Scattered by Acoustic Waves in an LiNb03 Crystal (B. S. Abesgauz, et al.) 95 - Some Characteriatics of the Acouatoogtical Interaction in a-Quart2 and Lithium Niobate (V. V. Soroka, et al.) 101 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 . F'OEt d~~ICIAI. U5~ ONLY _ CONT~S (Continued) ~~e Optical Me~hode oP Inveg~igating tihe Char~c~erist3cg of ~ I3adiote~escope~ (Z. A. Vodovatov, e~ a~..) 108 of Surface Roughness by Coheren~ Optica]. M~ethods (T. a. A1lssis, et al.) 112 Holographic Method of Znveatigating ~he Di~tortion of the , Wave Front by ~he Active Elemente of a Solid-8tate T,~eer During the Pumping Period (A~ A. Bugayev, M. M. Butusov) ii7 7 Study of the Various 8ystems for ~he Construction of an Automated Nuclear Magnetometer for Precise Measurement ~ of the Variations of the Nonuniform Magnetic FYe].ds (V. I. Dudk~n, et al.) 121 Ntttural Oscillations of a Cylindrical. Resonator Partially . F111ed With Anisotropic Dielectric (Yu. I. Meshcheryakov, I. N. ToptYgin) 130 Decelere,ting Structures of the 'Ie~der' and ~Meander' Type and Their Uae in Microwave Structures (V.V. Batygin, et al) 134 The~retical Stady of the Line 3hift of the Superfine Structure of ~iydrogen Atoms in a Helium Atmosphere (V1. V. 3atygin, et e~l.) 144 ~heory of Line Shiftatwd Broadeninga of the Superfine - Transition oP an Atom in a Buffer Gas En~rironment (V1. V. Batygin, et al.) i53 -c- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR OFFICZAL U~~ ONLY PUBLICATION PA'TA English ti~le ; TRA,N3LATIONB FROM THE LENIN(3RAD POLITECHNICAL 1~iSTZTUrE' 8 MONOC~RAPH ON QUA1~frUM ELECTRONICB Russian title :'PRUDY LPI (LENIIVC~RADSKLY ORDENA LENINA POLITFF~iICHEBKIY ]NSTZTZTZ' IMEIVI M.~. KA,LINZNA): KVANTOVAYA EI~t'RQNZKA AuChor (s) ~ : EdiCor (s) ; K. P. Seleznev Publiahing House ; Leningradskiy Poli~ekhnicheskiy Institut ~ Place of Publication : Leningrad Date of Publication : 1975 Signed to press : 26 June 75 Copies : 8~ COPYRYGHT : I~eningradskiy Politekhnfcheskiy Institut . imeni M. I. Kalinina~ 1.975 - d - . FOR OFF'IC?AL USE ONLY : :y.~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 ' ~Ott O~~ICIAL US~ ONLY ANNOTATZON ~ext] This collection was approved by the Chief Council on Radiop~ysics of the Minietry of Higher e~nd Mtddle 8pecialized Fducation of the RSFSR. It was rec:ommended for publication by the Scientific Council of the Radiophyaics Department of Leningrad PolyCechnical Instirute imeni M. I. Kalinin. f The Cheoretical ~nd experimental papers in the field af quantum generators (lasers and masera), oprical data orocesaing and holography are published in this collectiun. The following problems are discussed: physical phenomena in gas (helium neon and argon) and solid-atate (glass and . yttrium-aluminum garnet with neodymium admixture) lasers; the methods of selection and synchronization of the type of. oscillations in lasere; the methoda of automatic frequency control and stabilization; the theory and application of acousto-optical devices in optical data proceasing systems; the arplication of holography in experimental equipmenC; resonance and ~ decelerating systems for masers. ' _ The collection is deaigned for a broad'class o� physicists and engineers in the field of quantum electronics and adjacent areas and also for post- graduates and students in the advanced courses. ~ . 1 FOR OFFIG:AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 ~Ok OFF~CIAL U5E ONLY ~(~UATIONS D~SCRIBING THF: Ml1LTIMODE OPERATION OF AN ANt~ULAR LASER (Article by S. L. Galkin, B. V. L'vov, V. M. Nikolayev] [TextJ Annular lasers are at the presenC time attracting Che aCtention of a broad clasa of researchers. The overwhelming ma~ority of published papers on Chia Copic have been devoted to their single-mode operaCion. The calculation wns made withi:~ Che framework of the semiclassical method proposed by Lamb ~1]. Terms have been introduced into the equaCions which take into account the backscattering similarly to how Chis was done in references ~2, 3J for the single-mode operation. The synchronization of the lon~itudinal modes was calculated by the method pronosed in [4] for a ~ laser with a Fabry-Perot resonator. The equations obtatned in our paper are not~limited to the case of purely doppler broadening ofthe line, whicil extends the range of Cheir application by comparison with Che equations for the multimode annular lasers obtained in [5]. In semiclassical laser theory, the electromagneCic field is considered cla8sical, sub~ect to the Naxwell equations, which in the open resonator are reduced to the approximate one-dimensional weighed equation [1, 6J d=E _ ~o;~O Q ~ - ~oPo d ~ - - ~`oY~p� ~ ~ ~ - The solution for the electric field E will be found in the form ' E~Z~ t~ _ ~E~n(t) ~aP ~-lY~t - ~t~tn~t~ ~ ~/(~Z~ � i E4n(t ) eXP I-lY~t - 1"ss~~t~ - ~K~Z~ ! ~ ' ~2~ and for the macroscopic polarization P in the form p~Z~ t~ � rn {~Ca~t~ lsn~t~~ eX~ i-i7~t - l7~tnlt) ; lf(~Z~ ; ~Le~r) ~~~t)~ exP I-iY~t - i~:n(t) - IK~Z~ ~3) 2 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 I~Uk U1~'1~'LCIAL USH. UN1,Y whcre E~,~,,,(r)~ Yi,;,,,(t)~ C�(t), C�(t), S,,;t), S�(t) are slowLy vnryin~ ~uncti.ons; exp(i~ z) and exp(-iiCnz) are ~l�ie eigenfunctions of the resonator;,Knm2~rtn;L~ L is the length of the resonator. Considering Che orthogonalneas of Che eigenfuncCions and neglecting rhe ~ _ aecond der~vatives of En(t) and~~n(t) with respecC to Cime and also tihe terma with ~n~n~Q,,; ~�~n, -E~"- Erom equaCion (1), the system of equations �or the amplitudes and phases of the tyy~es of oscillations in opposite waves was obtained � 4 E~n'~' 2 Qn E~n 1 Sn; ' , ~ ~ ~ . ' ~5~ ~ ~'~n~'41n-'nln~Etn� 2 w . E E t ~ Sn' ts, , 7A ~ 1 n . - n ~ v . ~71 ~ye 4sn -1n~ Esn = - ~ e ! . , ~Aii ' Here a S2o-1-2:~n ~'~'xn L are the eigenfrequencies of Che moving resonator ( ~ ni~~ -~~n ~ is the angular velocity of the resonator; A is the area bounded by the resonator. The active medium in the semiclassical model of a gas laser is considered a s a quantum system with two excited levels a and b where the interaction , with the electromagnetic field is considered by the methods of perturbation Cheory. . The polarization of the medium in the firsC order of perturbation theory [1' . ~tl(Z~ t) i ph� N~z~ t) u,.~ lt ~~2,~ ~t dt' F. (2 - v(t - t')~ . ~ iu~ t' - t)) ~:.c., ~8) Xexp[(~oc ~ . ' where pab ~s the matrix element of the electric di~ole moment taken between the states a and b; Y a, Y b and Y ab (1/2) (Y a~+Y b) describe the transition from the excited levels a and b to the basic (unexcited) level; N(z, t) is the stationary density of the inverse populaCion of levels a and b in che absence of the f ield. The medium is consoidire~he�zccomponent of moving molecules with velocity distribution W(v). y _ of the velocity is taken into account. 3 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LeC us vubstiCute Che value of ~ from expression (2) in the equAlity (8) conaidering onl,y exp[i(~~-vn)t'] and neKlecting the quickly varying terms of the type ex~~i(~a+vn)t'~~ ~ Now 1eC us assum~ thnt the velocity distribution is Maxwell, that is, = W(y) = uy~~ exp ~ - ~1 ~ . Let us intesraee (8) wieh respect ro v, and then leC us proceed to Che spntiAl Fourier polarization componenC /'~~~(t) � ~ f o dN P~~~(z, t) exp I-ih',r~)+ P;,~~(t) = ~ ~ cltP~~1(~, t)c~p ~iK�~~, , (9,. ' LJ On inCegration over z we neglect the rapidly varying terms of the Cy,pe exp[+i(Kn+K �or Chey do noC.make a noticeable co~tribution to Che polarizatio~i under the condition that N(z, t) varies little at ttie distance on the order of the wave length of the optical emission. Afte~ carrying out the indicated Cransformations and integrating (8) with respect to C', we obtain _ ~',`t~ ~Kf! 1El�~t)exp (~l~y�t ~-~~�~t~~ �~A_P`t~Z`yP_ `lo~ ~ Here , ~ ~N~-�(t) _ ~ f o dz N(z, t) exp ~l (P - n) 2~ ~ (everywhere hereafter che'point z=0 will be located at the center of the . active body and considered constant within the'limits of the active body N(z, t); Z~y~ = 2~ (~�dt exp[-(t~+y'j) is the plasma dispersion function. ~M . Replacing lu by 2u and also Nn_u by Nu_n, from (10) we obtain the , exnression for Pnl~(t). Calculating the coefficients C;,1j~ 5;,1~~ Cnl~~ 5~~~ found in (3) from (10) and the analogous expression for P~1~, and subatituCing them in the system n of equations for the field (4)-(7), we obtain the equations for the annular laser in the first approximation 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' � 1 v 1 v pcD n~Z yn Eln; ~ E~n Qn E~n = 2 e~ A'u ~ . s / E2n ~'2 QA E:tn t~ ~1K /VZ! ~vn w~ E1ni l 12~ l 4 � ~ 1 v Pab , ~~n ~fin - ~''b~n~ ~In = ~ b nKr1 ~~1~ ~~n " W~ Eln~ ~ ~ 3~ , ~ . � 1 v , Pue ~yn ~Ptn ~2n~ Ezn = 2 c~ ~ NZ~ ~V" W~ Ez"' ~ Here N~No(t). , , As is obvious from expressions (11)~~14) in the first procedure of perturbation theory the equations for ampliCudes and phases of the - oscillaCions in each of the Cwo opposiCe w~aves do not depend on each other. ~ Ti~~ interaction between the waves in Chis approximation is absenC (with the exception of the case of reflection of waves from nonuniformity in the resonator investig~ted below). When findins P~3~(t), we shall consider only the slowly varying ter,ms with respect to z and drop Che Cerms of the type exp i(KN - KP K,) - iK� ] z c~ ex p(- i( K� KP - K, i- K~)1 z. As before, Che velocity distribution will be considered Maxwell, and after integrzting over v we obtain ~ ~ p~3~~t~ = jabs ~a ~g I~EitF~PE>>~y�-P+�-~ X . X eaP i (,?�t ; ~ (y`E Qlp) - i (~,t ~~,)1 y - X r. r�. d;� ~~o d.,,,~~~, r_ 4 K_~r: + t,,,):~ , ~o ~ ~o l ~'~�+r-~-^E~rE-:E.-, exp i (,~"t 4~") ; 5 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 ' FOiI Ot~~'ICIAL USL~ bNLY ~ I ; . 'P~~~ t~~�t ~y~' ,~o de' f o dt" f o dt'" h X exp ~ - /~'=u~ (t' - s'")!, B~,E~Et,~! ,.,p�,.~ pxp ~ ! (rMt ~pz�1-F' ` 'i~' t ~y~t ~ ~~.t f n d:' ~o dt" ~~o d ' ~ ~ X exp ~ - ~K~u! (t' 2~" t"')'~ ~ exP I- ( ~ ae - C~M -~-1v~ - lv~ ~ tw) t' - : � ~Y~'~' !r~ - ty.~ " ~Y~? J}- !u~ - lr~) t"') IEiMEz~Ez.N�-r-�-~ x ' ~ i X exp (-t(v~t Q~M) - t(r~t 4~'1-I- R(~,t ~1- ~zi)~ f o d'~ ,~o dt� Jo dt~ ~ ~ . r ~ ' ~1 ~ X exp ~ K u~t t"~ Ei,?Ei?Ei~N~?+?-._R X X exp t(vrt q~M) -1 ~r~t -F' 1(yt 4~~� f o ds' ~o dt" f o d:'" X ' X exp f--~-K�u=(t' - t")=] -1- E~Ei~E~,N~M4~t~-n ~ ' X eXP f-.t ~yMt -I' ~~,,,1- !(r't ?~~1 t(v,t 4~,)f ~o dt' f o dt' f o dt" X ; X exp K=u= (t' 2t" i^"):] 1 X exp (Y.~ trM ly~ lr, : ~ � - ~r. - t~~ ty,) S"' (Ya~ - T !y.) ~"'I I : + the same thing but changing plareg with a and b. (15) ~ We obtain the expreeaion for P~3~(t) from (15) b~~ interchanging the ind~xe~ ; 1 and 2 nnd also by changing the eigns in ~11 of the indexes for N(for _ exampie, N_~,~,u_~,~,o i~ replaced by Nn_~,~,p_a, end so on) . ~ Integrating (15~ with regpect tn t'~ t" and T"', we have the final form of the equations for the amplitudes and phases of the oscillations in the third procedure of perturbation theory - ~ � a~Fi~ ~ ~'a~~ ~'p+~_~_~~~rE~~E~~ f yy~~e ( SIt1 ~(yR - r,~ - r~ y~) t ' ~~IA ~ Q~y Y~~~ 8�` eM~3~~ ~%f~ 4f~~~-~E~'E~~Ea, I'~ alf~ 1 X aln ((yA yM ~~~IA r Q~y -~r1~ ~i~ T erg 9~~i~~~ ~ 16~ ~ { .~~i~ v� = Qia Ei~ � Q~E~~ -~,ra,?-?-�--~E~.E~~E~~ ~ 6,.}~ ~ X ~ . ; . XCOt~~"~- ~"y~'~'~.)t~'~rt~"4~t-q~~ ; arg6N~�~ j - a+?~-.Ei.Ez~Ez, ( y,n~ ~ f ~ x COS ~~~e - Yr - ~,~t 4is -~2r T?3~ : 8 rs 9 j,t~ ~ ~ ~ Here 1 ~ Pa~ ~ ~ ~F fo ~ NZ 2 .Qn - ea ~ : ~ 1 ~ ~ ~r2~ ~A _ w . ; o� ~ io blf- ~ ( ~ 1 for }~-~-y-�o-n~0; ' ` i ~rYr�-~'= ~ p for P- n;~ 0; ~ ~ ~ ~ i ' FOR OFFICIAL USE GYLY ~ _ ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 ~OR O~~ICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~r.~� � ~ 6Na~ I ex p(t ar~ eM,~~) u~, = x X { _ s N. + ~ t E -I~ E~) ~4- z~+1i - E.11-h .,i ~ - , + . � N + ~z ~rii E -I- E~~ - Z~~I~ E~~~} . ~~l'!0-~ ~ ( p'~' ~ M + the eam~, but changin~ placea with a and b; (18) ~ _ e~~ ~ ~ e�,~~ I exp (t arg BN,o~~ ~.T ~ ~ u~~ b X Y { t 1 - it NI � i:;~- tt. - t:,l ~ z ~~1 ~ E~) -I- Z ~+1i E~)j . - ~ + ~~,d ~ ~ , rz cT,; F,~ - z c~: -~a~ + . Z,, � . 4N.-~~._~ Z ~.'~1�.~ _ ~ j,:~ + , ? _ ~/4 (4r~ _ *a _ _ t;~) _ ,,s _ q/F f t;~ _ ~~N) ' ~,-?~,r~ Z ~ ~ - i E ) - + ? t:~ + t's.~ I~., - -lF,, -1:,) ~~I~ r . 1 +~j I(~N- o~- r' i - T' Z~~lt ~y~ -'r -1:~ ~ , .F . ~N. Z/*A ~ _ cy'-~. j ~ + ?l - *,o + tc, -h !c,? (2~, - - 2i:~ - !c~ ~ r,l T ~~-~4.-~ . . . ~ Y . ~_/7j n 1 L~riit '`~~~if~~i,~~'~I~TiO~rfT~w~) ~ f . ~ ~y-1;'_A . ~\~ll ~ , ~cM - r�~1 ~20 - + f:, - n,~ - zr:~1 + the same but changing places aith a and b.l (19) iThe analogous expresAions were obtained by SarRent and 0'Bryan [7j. . ~ FOR OFFICIAL USB ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 ~ ~Oit OFFICIAL US~ ONLY H~re V~W V, ~ W V W V ~V E~... E,, ~ ; E~ ~ E, ~ u ' ; Ye ~I'� ~ ~ ~i, 3 rie ~ ~ ~ `fhe equati~n~ for ~~n nnd ~zn were ob~~in~d fram (16) and (.17) by inter- changing the indexeg ~ and 2. Let ug not~ ChaC in the npproximeCi~~ of thp pur~ly doppler broadening of the 1ine, that i~, for ni>o~~ibiQ on on@ ar ~Nd ~eabi@ fr@quenci~~~ On ~chi~v~mene of ~hi~ inv~raion wh~n the 8mpiiEicae~on on ~~ch circuiar ~ o-componene i~ gr~~t~r ehan th~ ioe~~s d~e~rmin~d by th~ Brew~r@r Window, ~ th~ ep~~Crum b@com~~ un~t~bi~ (eh~ ~~n~r~tion 3ump~ from individu~i ~-companent~ eo eheir av~r1~~ ~on@ ~nd baek)~ Finaiiy, for a fie~d in~engity vher~ th~ am~unc eher the ~mplification exc~ed~ ~h~ io~s~~ in the ov~riap zone ig i~ss than th~ emount th~t the ampiification in Qach circuiar a-loop ~xc~edg thQ ioeeee in th~ ~rew8ter reeona~or, gQneration again be~omeg ~tabi~, and Qach mode genera~~8 on ita own ~-circ~ie. With ; en increa~~ in eh~ pumping poaer so m~eh Cha~ th~ ampiification coefficient on each individuai e-compon~nt is eo ier~~ that ~~neration ia poeeible on ; ~~verel mod~s in e~~h circular compon~nt, gpn~ration again wi11 be ; ~h~r~~t~ci~ed by g nonetable epectrum for all valuee of H. This u~a . ~ctually obeerved in the ~xperim~nt. Thug, in the pregent paper it Wae ~ di~covered that ehrough a stabiiization of the spectrum of th~ Ar~' la~er - in a longitudinel magnetie field ig caused not by magnetic field its~lf, but it ie connected with the presence in the resonator of a Windoa at the rirrwxt~r angle. ~ L~ M~~ ~ b~ M~~~ C~ N~~O~ tl, t) M-0 M~Rf1~ ~ Cl, d) N�~~ .e) N�~+o~ f) ' M~~O~ , a'~ M-160~ d~ M�~DO~ . ' ~ � ; 0 � 00~ ~600 M~~ ~ ~2~ i~r.~v '~v hrK (2) Pigure 1 Figure 2 ` K~y: Key: ~ i 1. neratr.d~ 1. oersteds ~ 2. megni~~rtz 2. megahertz ' ~ _ , BIBLIOGRAPHY j ~ s 1. tiridge,s, W.; Rigrod~ W. W. IEEE J. OF QUANTU~t ELECTRONICS, QE~1, ; No 7, 1965. ; 2. Borisova, M. S.; Pyndik, A. M. RADIOTEKHNIKA I ELEKTRONIttA ~ [Radioengineering and Electronics], No 13, 1968, p 754. ~ , i 38 ' ; FOR OI?FICIAL USE ONLY ! . ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOtt OF~tGIAL US~ Ot~R,Y 3~ L~b~d~v~, V~ V~; ddint~av, A~ t~; 3~i~.mav~ V. M. ~NT~ ~Jouitn~i of TQChnie~i phy~ic~~, Na 39, 1969, p i373. ~ 4. 4tAt~, lt~; Dae~, de Mar~. APPL~ PHY3. LET'C., Voi i2, No i, i968, p 17. S. Cc~rod, i.; Spong, F. W. TE~~ OF QUANTUM EL~GTRONIC3, QE-3, No ~2, i967~ 6. Uori~ov~, ff. S. RADIOTEKHNIKA I ELEKTR~NIKA, No 16, 1971, p 4. 7. Kiteyeva, V. ~.f Odintsov~ A. i.; Sobol~v, N. N~ UFN [Pro~reg~ in rh~ Phy~ical Scienc~e~, Vo1 99, No 3, i~69, p 361. 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 , FOR O~F~CtAL U5~ ONLY ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ i i SINGLE-~REQUENCY Nd: YAC LASER ~ (Articl~ by V. N. Ar~umanov, G. F. 2ayesev, S. V. Kruzhalov, L. N. Pakhomov) (Text~ The NdtYAC ~ag@ra are som~ of the moet pro~pecttvp eo13d ~tate ~ quantum iasere for verious applicatioe~ C1~. Th~ baeic problem on the parh of broad ~tiiiz~tion of euch ~as~ra is obtaining the singl8-fr~quency ~perating modp. In comparative~y feW publication~ on this sub~ect, an � in~lin~d Fabry-Perot interferometer was u~ed as ehe longitudinal mode eel~ctors [2, 3). The euehors of [2, 3~ noted ~hae on realixatioe of ~he einqle-mode regimp in a broad pumping rang~ the Q-~factor of the 3nclined ! int~rferometer must be quite high. Ho~?ever, the losses introduced into the ~ resonator by the incl.ined interferometer increa8e 8harply in thia case, the requirement on the preciaion of the manufaeture, ite installation in ~ the reaongtor, and 80 on are higher. The deficiencies of the inclined ; interferometer ae a selector of longitudinel modee muet also be considered " to include the difficulty of runing the frequency correeponding to the ; , maximum transmi~sion factor, the reeonator mode frequency during operation in the laeer :requency stabilization regime With reapect to an external ; standard. � ~ ~ The muitimirror syatems of selectors developed and auccesafully ueed in ~ gas lasers are to a aignificant degree free of these deficiencies. ~ The operating principle of such devices consiate in the fact Chat one of ! .the resonator mirrors is replaced by a complex multimirror reflector having . ; ~ Rhnrp dependence of the reflection coefficient on the frequency. Por r ~r.lection of longitudinal modes in the Nd:YAG laser in the given paper " perhnps the moet succesaEul system proposed in reference (4] Was used. i The schematic of the experimental device is illustrated in the figure. 'fhe laser resonator is formed by the mirrors 1-4. The Nd:YAG crystal 3 aan in diameter by 45 mm va$ uged a~ the active medium. A transparent ~ Gonting Was applied to the ends o� the crystal~ and one of the ends wes ~ beveled at dn angle of 1.5�. The pumping was reallzed by a high-pressure ~ AKRTV-1500 krypton lamp. The diaphr~agm D 1.7 mm in diameter was placed i in thn resonetor for oprration on one transverse mode. ; . 40 ` ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOlt O~~tCTAL lJ~k ONGY Ay wriH drm~ant~~:r.arrJ in r~f~r~ncr ~4~, eh~ 'C-~yh~ r~gnng~dr m~?d~ up of th~ mirYOr~ 1-4 ~an b~ ~on~id~r~d a~ ~ ewo-mirrar r~~an~~or with iength a~R1+R2 formed by th~ mirror i and th~ refleceor, eh~ r~fi~ct3on eoefficient of which vari~~ a~ e funstion of fr~qu~ncy according to th~ follew~ng lew: wh~r~ R2, R3, R are th~ reflection coefficienta with respece to th~ fi~ld of rhe mirrora ~~4 re~p~ctiv~ly; T4 i~ th~ eran~mie~ian coe�fici~nt with r~~p~ce to th~ fi~id of ehe dividing mirror 4; k i~ th~ wav~ number. S~lecting !h~ tr~nemi~sion coefficient of Che dividing mirror 4, it ia poeeible to achieve ~ aituation in which the losses for ~he mode ad~acent to the ~el~cted mode wi11 exceed th~ amplification of the active medium. ~n our c~e~ the indicated 1os~ee amounted to approximat~ly 8X. The poaer reflection coeffieients of the mirrora were equal to tha following; R22~R3~~99.SX, R~Z~96.SX, R42�65X. (12 /~M - ~ - ~ YAG ~d ~1~ A~ c ~ ~ ~i i ~ l, ~ 3~ tQ ? �cu c2~ a~Q~ y p CN OP ~6) ~ , � . (4 . Key� �1. YAC Nd 2. AS:g ~scillograph 3. PD2 photo diode 2 4. SI Pabry-Perot scanning fnterferometer S. Olt optical decoupling 6. PD1 photo diode 1 7. U aa~plifier 8. ZC sound generator 9. SD synchronoug detector 10. UPT DC amplifier I1. I integrator - 12. PEP piezoelectric converter 41 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 ~oH ~~~tct~, uyL drr~Y ~n nrd~r ee d~er~~~~ ehp 1~~~~~ inerddue~d by ehe ~ompi~x r~�le~edr, eh~ ~~eond ~ur~a~~ d~ ehp clividing mirror wag C~~n~illumin~e~d. 1'h~ 1~n~eh af th~ active re~onator w~~ ~quai to ~1+~~~80 cm, and the length of the pa~~iv~ . r~~ungror, R~~h23$8 cm. In~~mueh a~ th~ emplification 1in~ wideh of th~ Nd;YAG 1~~~r w~~ ~bduE ' 150 gi~ah~rez, eh~ ~en~r~eian couid aecur on ~~v~r~i fr~quenei~~ ~orr~~pond- ing to rh~ peakg of eh~ r~fl~etion Go~ffiet~ne of eh~ multimirror~~~l~ceor. In ord~r to ob~~in ~eneration on on~ 1o~gitudinal mod~, ~n auxili~ry ~ ~~leeeor S w~~ hi~epd in th~ r@~onator which ig in ehe form af ~n inclin~d ~abry-Perot interf~r~m~t~r. tn ronn~ction aieh ehe faee eh~t th2 p~ak~ of ~ thp reflection ce~ffici~nt of th~ compipx r~fleceor are quit~ 9harply eeparat~d wirh re~pe~t to fr~quency C~/2C~2~~g)~2'10~ hertz), th~ Q-factor of the auxiliary ~ele~tor can be mad~ low. TFii~ l~ada to a minimwn in the loeg~~ inerodue~d by th~m into eh~ r~eonator, and it inaur~~ Qa~~ and noncriticalneeg of iCg tunin~. 'Ch~ int~rferometer uged in thig exp~riment C was a plane-p~r~il~i q~~rtx plate 2 mm thick with interference coatinge applied to it~ gurface. 'The ref~ection roefficient of th~ coating~ was on the order of 23~. The e~lection mode wgs mainrained using ehe plectronie automatic fr~quency control system. ~or this p~rpose, the modulating voltage of 5 kilohertx frequency was fed from the aound generator (~G) to on~ of the gides of the two-section piezoelectric converter (PEP). The ~ignal generator using the photodiode (FD1), went from the amplifier (U) and then to the synchronous detector (SD). The error signal from the output of the gynchronous detector uas ~mnlified in the DC ~mplifier and fed to th~ ~econd section of the P~P for tuning the ppxk of the reflectian coefficient of the selecting reflector to the generation frequency. In order to elim- inate the residual error, the integrator (I) of the error signal was introduced into the automatic frequency control system, the output of which aas connected to the first section of the PEP. The described system made it possible to realize long^term atable single- frequency generation, exceeding the pumping threshold by more than 30z. The maximum obtained radiation powEr in the ~ingle-frequency mode Was 300 milliwatts. The spectrum of the longitudinal modee was controlled using the Fabry-Perot scanning interferometer (SI) with g base of 100 mm and mirror reflection coefficients of about 99~, the radiation to which Was fed through the optical decoupling (OR). The transverse distribution wae ~ recorded on the screen of an image converter. On disconnection of the ' - 3utomatic frequency control system, the time of existence of the single- ' frequency generation mode did not exceed 15 minutes, and it jumps from mode to mode or generation on several modes directly were observed. The poWer , Cluc:tuations of the output emission increased significantly simultaneously. An ~xprrimental check of th~ investigated system makea it possible to consider it hi~;hly prc~spective for obtaining stable single-frequency Reneration in the Nd:YAC lasers. The optimization of the parameters of 42 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 ~~R hFFfGIAL t)~~ ONLY th~ compl~x r~fi~ctor and eh~ r~sen~tor ahouid, ~n aur apin3un, mgk~ 3~ possibl~ to re~iiz~ ~ingi~-fr~qu~ncy generation with ~ power Co 1 w~te. In eoncluAion, 1~~ ue noE~ thet rh~ inv~~ei~ae~d ~yeeem p~rmite u~ eo proc~ed with th~ ~olution of th~ pr~b~~m af ~~~bilizin~ the radiac~on frQqu~ncy of eh~ Nd:YAG ~aeer. BIBLtOGRAPHX 1. Lind~ren, N. TtiER, No 58, 1970, p 7. 2. Cerhardt, H.; gb'decker, W.; Welling, N. Z. F. ANCEW PHYSIK, No 31, 19~1, p 11. 3. Deni~im~y~r, N. G. ; Nileen, W. G. APPL. PliYS. LE2"TER3, tto i6, ].970, p ~24. 4. Petrun'kin, V. Yu.; Vy~otakiy, M. G.; Okun~v, R. Y. ZHTF ~Journa~ nf Technical Phyeics~, No 38, 1968, p 1983. 43 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 F~Et OF~~CIAI, US~i ONL,Y . ~ ~PTICAt BAND FREQUENCY DISCRIMINAT~R BASED ON AN ANISOTROPtC RfiSANATOR CArtic~~ by V. N. Arzumenov, S~ V. Kruz4~eiov, L~ N. Pakhon~v, V. Yu. P@trun'kin~ . ~ ~ (Tea;t~ A etudy wA~ mad~ in ehis repore of th~ frequency diseriminator degigned fer ineer frequency srabiiization gystems based on paasive ~ ineerferompt~r~. The method of obtaining ehp error eignai in it permits ~ ua to do eaay vith thQ ~canning of the interferometer base and offere the posaibil3ty of significanrly increaeing the rigidity of the aerucCurai degign, thus eliminating eignificent deficiencies characteristic of ehe knovn syetems: dis~urbance of the ad~uetment of th~ mirrora during the proceas of their movemene, seneitivity to vibratione, and ao on. The biock diagram of the discriminator, the baetc element of which ia the ~ anisotropic Fabry-Perot etandard is presented in Pig 1. ~'he emission of the laser ehrough the optical decoupling 1 mad~e up of the po~aroid a and - the quarter-aave piate b ia sent to the interferometer 2, the backings of the mirrora 3 and 4 of ahich are executed from anisotropic material and ? are pha8e platee. The reflecting coatings are applied to the outside surfaces of the piates et the same time ae rheir inaides are traneparent in order to reduce lossee. � A~ is kno~m, the circularly ~olarized light formed at the outset of the ' opcical decoupling can be represented in the form of the sum of two ~ orthogonal linegrly polarized component8 90� out of phase. The trans- ~ mission coefficient T of an anisotropic interferometer aill depend on the , mutu~l orientation of the optical axea of the backings of the mirror 3 and 4. ' ~ + Thus, for para11e1 arranganent oE the axes, the curves for the tranamissian ' coefficient ae a functian of frequency for orthogonal, linearly polarized components of li~ht turn out to be shifted relative to each other. This ehift i~ explained by the fact that each of the light co~aponenta has a different len~th of optical path, differing by ehe amount equal to the ' total difference in path created by the phaee plates. For perpendicular arrangement oF the optical exea of the backings~ Che two curves merge, for the phase plate oE one of the mirrors cauaes ~ag, and the other, lead of the 44 , FOR OFFICIAL USfi ONLY ! APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR d~~tCtAL tt~~ ONLY ortha~an~l compdnent~ ~f eh~ 1i~h~ by eh~ ~am~ ~moune~ Th~ roe~~ion oE . . ~h~ ~ptical ~x~~ ~f ~he eub~txae~e for which eh@ er~n~mi~ginn curve~ in~~reQC~ at th~ point v~ is na~tn~1 ~'~g 2). ~~~~~raasa~~~~ ~ ~ 7 V~ ~ , I a b ~ ~A s ~ , ~ s y ~~g~r@ ~ ~ ~ . . ` ~ ~ . rt ~ ~ r~ ~ _ r,- V-. ~I.- ,-.r ~r:.~_�r~ ~ y1 t! ~ Key: 1. Upd Fi.gure 2 The error signal U~ is generated'in the laad of the synchronous detector 7 (ee~ Pig 1). I~or thi~ purpoee the polarisatfon saitch 5 alterngtely aith the Renerntor frequency 8 tran~aits orrhogonal iineariy po~arised iight c~rapr?nent~ to thQ photor~ceiver 6. The 8mplitude and phase of rhe aignal u d Co na~d at the output of the photoreceiver Will depend on the generation f~requenay diEEerence of the las~r v aith reapect to the standard frequency v. For exemple. Eor vv0, by the differen~e T3 anct T4 reapective~y (see Fig 2). Let us ronaider the discriminqtor characterietic. In accordance With what has been diacuesed U~~~~Tt~~~~ r3~~~~� 45 FOR OPFICIAL USS ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 ~ FOR O~~ICtAL U5~ ONLY ; ~ whrrr 'P~ Cv) nnd TZ(v) ;trr th~ trrt~ir~m.tpHic~n,etent~ nC ehc~ nni~nernhic: lnt~rt'arc?mr.t~r rrNrrrG~tv~ly .fdr ~a~~h of thr orrhdgonalLy pol~r~,xed ~ cempan~ne~ o~ eh~ 1~~he; k is th~ proport~,onqlity factor determin~d by the ~~~i~ie~~y of th~ rr~n~form~tioe~ of kh~ pho~or~~~iv~r ~nd ehe gynchronous dere~tor; ~ is eh2 iighe flux ~t eh~ i,nput o� ehe int~rf~rometer. ~ tn ecc:orden~~ wi~h eh~ pap~r by C~ Nird~, for mirror~ with identicgl refl~ctian ~o~fficiene~ R and in accordanc~ with the notetion asgumed in Fig 2, w@ ha~+e ; ~'~(~r)~ _~Rn l~-R)~ , , 1- 2R tos .~l~ ~r?~, ~r) R~ ~ ; r~~�v~ = 4r.n~i _ R~~ ~ , I- 4R to~ i v;o _ d~,;n er) ~ R'~ ' t H~re niQ and n2R are the lengths of the optical paths for both components ~ of th~ 1ighC; Avav-v~ is the current miamatch; c is the speed of light. ~ � . , KP 8 I ~ ~'a f ..e I ' ~ 4 : , ~ a Q~e i ~ a.~p ' 3~ ~y ~6 e 0 8 ~6 ~ y ' , y I i ; ~ , ; i I ' g ~ Figure 3 . ~ ~ f Cnn~idering thet at the points vl~ and v20 the functions T1(Qv) and T2(~v) } .~rr m.~x~mal r~nd. consec~uently. ; . � ; ~ ~ y~o ~ ~ ` f ~_o =�2?n-. ' ~ 1C. Nird, IZMERENIYE LA7~RNYKH PARAMETROV (Measuring Laser ParametersJ, ~ Mir, 1910. 46 ~ i FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOIt OFFTC~AL USE ONLY where m ig un integer, setrin~ v1p"~20" 0 And introducing the noCation ~~d2m~t~v/v~, we abtain U k~ [ _'Ri~ ' ~ I1 -RI~ 1 , i's' 1- 2R cos I~:w t~:) t R' 1-~ 2R cos lo:~ ~~:1-1- R~' ~ The characteriatics of the discrimin~tor instructed according to formula (1) for symmetric mismatches 6~10 0~20 and R=0,9 are preaented in Fig 3. For opCimal mismatch a~~=A~opt the steepness of Che initial secCion of the discriminaCor characCeristic is maximal. The optimal mismatch can be determined from (1). For R cloae Co 1, ~~opt=+(1-R)/~. IC is posaible to show thaC D~o ~ corresponds to the rotation of the interferometer mirror backings ~or which the curves of the transmission coef.ficients T1(v) and T2(v) intersect at the points o� maximum steepness. Let us noCe Chat the realization of the maximum steepness of the discriminator is not always expedient. As follows from the curves in Fig 3, by selecting ~F~>[1~oP~ with an insignificant reduction in steepness it is possible to obtain a greater region of the operating section of the ' discriminator characteristic. Such important parameters as the delay band ~ of the automatic frequency control sysCem are increased in t~his case. 47 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR O~FICIAL U3~ ONt,Y ~ ~ PULS~ POLARIM~T~R FOR i.ASEIt It~S~AttCH ~ (Articl~ by N. M. Kozh~vnikov~ S. V. Kruzhnlov, L. N~ Pakhamov~ . (Textj At the pre~~nt time the most complpte study has been made of the ; polarization chnracCeriatica of the quantum generator wtth ehe form of the polarization and inteneity of Che emiasion (for example, of gae lasers), slowly vnrying in time, for th~ polarixation analyeie in this case ie based on th~ well-known methods~ The polarization propertiee of the emission of the pulsed solid-etate lasers have been leas investigated due to the fact ~ that the pulse polarimeters required for thie purpose have essentially ; greater complexity~ The latter ia connected with the neceesity for ~ determining with hi~h time resolution both the ellipticity and the azimuth of the completely polarized part of the emission and the degree of polariza- tion of the emission, the intenaity of which is of a clearly expressed ' nonsteady state nature. ; ~ At the same time, the study of the polarization properties of the emission ' oE solid state lasera is becoming more and more urgent, for an entire ' seriea of problems connected with the broad introduction of theae devices in science and engineering will require the uae of polarization-anisotropic ~ elements in the composition of the l~ser. It is also known that.the ; anisotropy of some of the resonator elementa, in particular, the active ; _ body of the laser, easentially depends on the operating conditioae of the generntor, and the polarization praperties of the emiasion obviously are ~ intcrconnected with the renuiining ouCpuC characteristics of the laser. ~ ThuH~ the complex atudy of the palarization of the laser emission is { rrquired which would make it po$sible to solve the problem of its relaCion ; to the other radiation characterigtica and to the operating conditions of ; the Renerator which, in turn, would promote more successful operation in ~ the area of imProving the output characteristica of the quantum devicea. ~ Opera~iag Principl~ of the ~ulsed Polarimeter i , As has already been noted ahove. the polarization analysis of the pulae characteriatics of a laser is connected with the determination of the bnsic p~larization characteristics o� the emission in a time less than the timc of significant variation of the radiation intenaity. For the solution ' of this nroblem it is necesgary with the corresponding time resolution to measure four independent variables, for example, the Stokes parameters 48 - ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; ~ i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR AFFICIAL U88 ONLY nC el~~ elreernmr~~;nc�~tr rmia~ihn~ TI~~ mr.~~ur.Nmnne df ~h~ Stoke~ rnrameehr~ nprrr~r.ti t~~ h~~ t I~r mnNt r~?nvrnl.rilC, whi.c~t~ tN ~~ni~n~+~ted wiEli ~impli~ley of detrrmin~ei~n nnd lnterpr~eaEinn of the value~~ ~'I~~~ ~I~~tc~r.m)nnel~,n ul' ttir 5~~~~krH rnrnm~~terH dtr~~c~t-1y rcmnrc~t~d with the mcthnd nf exp~rimNnenl tocetion o� th~m con~iete in eh~ following ~1~. t,~t u~ eon~id~r faur filt~r~, ~~~h of ahich tr~n~t~ie~ tt~e in~en~iey ef th~ unpolarized light~ Th~ firsr filter ie i~otropfc. ~he ~econd fi.iter i~ a compiete polarizer with horizontal trensmiesion axi~, and the third is ~ complet~ polariz~r with ehe trenamission axis rotated by 45� with r~~pect te th~ eecond, and thQ fourth coropleCely Cranemir~ only the right- circular polarixed light. If the inveatigated light beam ie eplit inCo . four parts ~nd ia fed to theae four filter~, then after the fiLters the int~n~itiee Wi11 bc~ V1~ V2, V3, V4. The d~eired Stokes parametere are dQfined in t~rms of theee valuea in the following way: ! ~~V~; M ~ 2 (1 ~ - V~~~ C = 2 (V~ - V~)t S~ ~~V~ - V~I ~ ~1) The parem~t~r~ nf the p~terization ~llipse and th~ ~iegr~~ of polarization nre relAted to the Stokea parameters by th~ follc~wing expr~ssiona: a~-~erclg~; a ~tQ~~~; ares(n s : p~ fM~ C: s'~~'a l ~~y, Ci S~~ + ~ where a ia the polarization azimuth; b/a is the ellipicity (the ratio of the axia of the ellipse to the ma~or axis); P is the degree of polariza- tion; the direction of rotaCion of. the electric field vector is lefe if S0. All of the structural elements of the pulsed polarimetera known at the present time in one way or another realize the procedure for determining the Stokea parameters baeed on the expression (1).1 In reference [2j, the division of the inveatigated light beam was made using semitra~sparent ailvered mirrore. The compeneation for the veriation of the form of the lIt muat be noted that all of the known schematica for the polarization an~lyxis and, in parttculnr, thoae used for investigation of the stationary electromagnetic radiation are in one way or another connected with determination of the 5tokea parametera. However, in a number o� cases these parameters can he determined successively (under the assu~mption of xtatinnnrity of the degree and form of polarization)~ and in a number of c~lses~ only some of them, if there iA a priori information about the remaining parameters (for example. i[ ia known that the ~tght is completely linearly polarized). Thus, the above-described operating principle of thr pulsed polarimeter differs from the previously known polarimeters only by simultaneoua measurement of all four Stokes parameters. 49 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 ~OR a~FICIAL US~ ~NLY polnriznCtrln en rcEl~ceidn (er~n~mi.g~ion) nE ii~he from eh~ rn3rror w~~ a~hicv~!cl by eh~ H~tup of ~hhm ~uch eh8t Cht iight wauld b~ ~u~C~ssively r.pfl~ct~d (with pe~~) �rom the mirrore, the plane8 of incid~ncp on whi~h w~re orthagonnl. A lnrg~ number of mirrorg required for thi~ purpnee ~ CompllcnC~d Chc~ gCruc~urnl dpsign of th~ in~trumpnt and mad~ ie in~onv~nient Enr hperatidn. tt~f~r~n~~ (3J contain~ a report ~n the ~truetur~l degign of the pulaed polarimpters diEE~rin~ gdvanCageouaiy from thae inv~~ti~aCed in ~2j by combinatinn of the 1i~he divid~r and polarizer functiong in on~ el~menr th~ Brewster p1aC~. Th~ in~trumenC mnnufactured by us~ ehe degcripC~on of which is pr~eent~d bplow, ie analogos~ to that proposed in reference [3]. Structurnl Dpaign of the Pul~e Polarimeter ~'he o ticel s stem of the ~ P Y polarimet~r i~ rresenred in Fig 1, a. Th~ devic~ is mad~ up of three pnirg oE Brew~ter plates. The plan~g of incid~ncp of th~ 1i~ht on the plaCes in eaCh p~ir are orthogonal, whieh pprmita us to hav~ emission a�C~r each pair with the iniCial form and dc~gr~e oE polarization. Thp plane of incid~nce of the light on Ch~ first plnee of the aeCOnd pair is rotAted by 45� with respecC ro the plane of incidence of the light on the f.ireC plate of the first pair. Before the third pair of plates ther~ ia a linear quarCer-wave phase plate, Ch~ axis oC thc hi~;heat velocity o� which ie rotated with respect to the plane of i~ic:idence oE thc light on t}ie firat plate of the third pair by 45�. This mutual poeition of the elements of the device will permit performance of fdur independent measurements of the intensities which are directly related to the parametera of the Stokes electromagnetic radiation. In order to eliminate the effect of the selective properties of the Brewster plates on the readinqs of thE device, the plates are made with a wedge angle of �10'. ' The quar�ter-wave plate was a plane-parallel subsCrate made of K-8 glass ' and a plate made of crysCal quartz in optical contact with it, the optical � axis of ~ahich was located in the plane of the input face. The thickness ~ of the quartz plate was 30.1 u, which corresponds to the phase lead of ~/4 between the orthogonal components of the electric field (71~1.06u1. The light reflection from the Bre~ster plates was incident on the inter- ~ ference filters (a~1.06u, ~71=200 A), and then it was focused by the ' 1enRes (f,.20 mm) on the FD-7K photodiodes which were used as radiat3on receivers. The pass band of the photodiodes was sufficient f r resolution ~ ~ of the individual peaks of free generation of the laser on Nd~ glass. ; 'I'he Rip,n7ls from the pliotodiodes were incident on the inputs of the five- henn~ ti1-33 ~acillo~;r.~p1i. , 'I'lie instrument was tuned with respect to the gas laser beam and after ' mut~~al orientation of the Brewster and quarter-wave plates it was reduced , to matching of ti~e ~as l~ser beam with the axis of the device (using the dir~phragms installed at the input and output of the device with small ' aperture). The calibration required for operation with the pblarimeter was realized using a neodymium laser. in the resonator of which a complete pol~~rizer was placed (a stack of 1$ Brewster plates). The calibration 50 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR OF~ICIAL U3~ ONLY ean~i~t~d in Eindin~ eh~ ~~~ff3ci~ne by whieh th~ r~adingg ~f th~ ch~nn~1~ w~r~ muie~pti~d during th~ furgher rroe~~~ing af eh@ r~~uie~. a~ ~ ~ ~ ? j 4 .f ~ ~sr~rar a ~~rar~ r~r~ ( ~ a/a i , ~ ~ . . ~ ~ ~ ii ` - ` (i) K ~cyu~~o:Po~y tl-J.~ Figure 1 , Key: 1. to the S1-33 oRCillograph After calibration, the device had a precision of ineasur~ment of th~ degrpe of polarization of �1~, azimuth -2� and ellipticity ~ithin the limits of 10~. The large error when derermining the ellipticity obviously was ' connected with inaccuracy of manufacture of the quarter-wave plate. Experimental Determination of the Polarization Characreristics of an Anisotropic Neodymium Claes Laser The Above-described pulaed polarimeter was ueed to investigate a neodymiwn . glaes laeer~ the reeonntor of ahich had circnlar phase and linear amplitude ani8otropy. The laser (aee ~ig 1, b) Was made up of tao plane mirrors 3 and 1 with reElection coefficients of 60X for the firat and 99X for the second, ae active element 6 20 nun in diameter X 260 nnn made of KGSS-7 glass pumped by two spiral IFK-15000 pwnping tubea, the diaphragm S, 7 mm in diameter ~ and the partial polarizer 4 formed by tao plane-parallel plates inclined to the axis of the resonator. The ouCput emiseion of this laser aas attenuated by isotropic filtera 2~ and it was fed through the teleacopic sygtem 1 to the polarim~ter input. A~n experimental determieation was made oE the polari~ation characteristice of the emission for series and counter inclusion of the pumping tubes. The amplitude anieotropy of the resonator Was given by the slope ~ of the plane-parallel plates with respect to the resonator ~xis. Let us first conaider the case o~ counter ~nclusion oE the pur.iping tubes (magnetooptical rotation of the ditrection of polarization in the active body (4] is ahsent). 'Che per~ormed invescigation decaonstrated that the state of polnrization of the laser emission is determined by the magnitude ~C tl~e amplitude anisotropy of the resonator. For loa anisotropy the 51 FOR OPPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 ~0~ AFFICIAL USE ONLY , poi~rizneioa ehnr~~t~rigtieg nf ~h~ ~mi~~ion vari~d r~ndumiy ~xom p~ak to p@~k in eh~ fr~e ~en~~~ei~n puib~ prdc~es~ 4lith ~n iner~~~~ in eh~ ani~aCrepy of th~ resonetor, rh~ inieial ~~ceion of eh~ g~neration puie~ b~ram~ almo~t eampl~e~ly linparly pol~riz~d. Th~ polnrix~tion ~zimuCh in thi~ caA~ exp~ri~nc~d o8ci11a~i.~n~ around th~ po~ition corresponding ro ; th~ direetian ef the a~rie bf ~~l~tlBC trsn~mi~~ibn di thp perti~l p~lsrizer (~i~ 2, 1in~ 1)~ On roCation o� th~ p18ne~poral].el p~ate by an ang1~ cloge eo th~ 6rpw~~er an~i~ (~~~7�, p~0~52), th~ emission was found to be almoat eompt~thly polari~~d during eh~ entir~ ~~ner~tion pulge~ ~ ~i~~~,, ; ~ ~ ~ ~ f i 0! Qd Ql 0 ~igure 2 ' Key: . 1. degreea ; 'these reaultg are easy to under~tand if we conaider that in a resonator ` with amplitude anisotropy two orthogonal linear polarizationa oriented with respect to the natural axes of transmission of the partial polarizer ' are gelf-reproducing. Inasmuch as the losses for the natural polarization nre difFerent, the polarization, the azimuth of which coincides with the ' nxis of Rreateat transmiesion of the partial polarizer has an advantage. Nowever, under d~fined conditions (low magnitude of the anisotropy, high pumping level), considering the weakness of the mechanisms of energy exchange with reapect to polarization, the generation conditions can be executed also for emission with polarization having greater losses. This problem was investigated theoretically in reference [5], with the outputs of which our results agree well. ~ tn the case of successive inclusion of the pumping tubes in the obtained experim~nt~l relationg two regions were clearly observed. A region p>�0.94 (the angle of inclination of the plates ~-0.94, noticeable ordering of the polariza- ! tion characteristics of the emission occurred. The magnitude of the ~ ellipticity and the diapersion of the values in it decreased sharply, and ~ the Eorm of the pnlarization approached linear. On variation of the param~ter p Ernm 0.94 ta 0.62, the polarization azimuth varied smoothly Erom �81 to ,8H�, aprrc~aching the direction coinciding with the axis of ; ~;rrat~+st tr.~nxmiasion of the partial polarizer (Fig 2, curve 2). 52 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR OFFICtAL tJ3E ONLY tn order eo ~xri~in eh~ r~~u1e~ obeain~d, ].~e ug us~ Ch~ eanelu~i,on~ af re�~r~nc~ ~6~, wh~r~e by uein~ th~ Jone~ m~~hod ~~eudy w~~ mgde of Ch~ naeura~ ee~t~~ of polariza~ion of Ch~ analogous re~onator~ A charact~ri~tic featurp of rhE inveetigat~d system i~ th~ exi~t~nc~ of the limitin~ 8ng~e of rotaeidn of the dir~ction of pol~rixaCinn by a nonmuCual rotator ~1imtP~ Which d~pende on the parameter pt ~ (p) = erccos ~ p~ ~ Key: 1. 11m tn the range of anglp I~DI ~~f~m~nl Where Q~ 2y~, two differenr polarizations are reproduc~d in Che resonator with azimuths and lossee which depend on in th~ region ~tpl >tqnplP) two e111ptical polarizatione are reproduced with identtcal loases which do not depend on identical azimuths and ellipticities~ buC different with respect to direction of rotation of the electric vector. This beh~vior of the polarizatinn characCeri~tics of the resonator makes the presence of two regions in the experimental functions under~randable. _ Actually, inasmuch as for large valu~s of the parameCer p two ellipaea - with identical loasea and oppasite directions of rotation of the field vector are reproduced, it is entirely natural (conaidering the fluctu~tion procesaes in real lasers) that the output emission is found to be non- polarized during the free generation pulse. Beginning with the time when - p~0.94 is satisfied, the emission becomes polarized to a significant degree, for out of the two natural l.inear polarizations of the resonator possible in this case, the gQneration conditions are satisfied (for amall excesses of the pumping over the threshold realized in our experiments) only for one hnving smaller lossea. The comparison of the experimental and calculated , behavior of the emission polarization azimuth as a function of the ampli- tude anisntropy parameter permits highly precise determination of the angle of rotation of the direction of polarization in the active body which turned out to be equal to -1.5�. This value of the angle agrees well with the value obtained in reference [4~. Thc results of this paper demonstrated the prospectiveness of using the created polarimeter to study th~ characteristics of the pulse lasers. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. W. Shercliff. POLYARIZOVANNXY SVET [Polarized Light~, Mir, 1965. 2. Sun Lu; Rabson, T. A. APPL. OPT., No 5, 196~, p 1293. 3. Chartier. G.; Aninat, Ch. COMPT. REND., vo 265, 1961, p Br$15. 4. Petrun'kin, V. Yu.; Pakhomov, L. N.; Kruzhalov, S. V.; Kozhevnikov, IJ. M. ZHTF (Journal of Technical Physics~, No 42. 1972, p 1531. 53 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR OFFiC~AL US~ ONLY i ~i~ Iti~enr.r, A. M. 41t~ KVAN'1'bVAYA t.1~i.K1'RONiKA ~t~ut~ntum rt~~eronie~~, Kti~v, Nnukt~vrt dwnk~t, 19h7, p 91 ~ ; h. Kruzhnlov, S. V.; Knyhpvnikov~ N. ~i~ 7,HT1', No 42, I972, p 1452~ : ' ' ; i i ~ I _ i ; . ' i ~ I ~ i i ~ j 54 , : i FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ . ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FAR OFFICIAI, U3E ONLY MULTiCHANN~L LIQUID ULTi2ASONIC tIGlCC MObULATaRS ~ (Articl~ by V. S. l3ondarenko, N. A~ 8ukharin, V. A. Grigor'yev, N. A. Yesepkina, N. V. Kuzneteov, S. V. Prus~�2hukovekiy, V. V. Chkalovaj (Text) As the data inpue devices to ~he coherent optical system for rroce~~ing radio signals it is poe~ible to use diffra~tion uleragonic light modulatore opera~ing in real time. Th~se ei.ngle~-channel and ~paCial- multichannel modularors find app~ication in the optical systems realizing spectral analysis and correlation processing of the aignalg, scanning of the laspr beam with a large number of resolved points and also in rhe systema for optical processing of the signalg of antenna arrays (1-6J. V~ � . K~`� q~ f ~ s. ~ 1 ~ J ~ Ftgure 1 The di~fraction ultrasonic liRht modulators can be liquid or solid-state. In the liquid modulators uaually diatilled water which has high diffraction activity is ~sed as the sound guide. However, as a result of the high attenuation of ultrasound the operating frequencies of liquid modulators are limited and do not exceed ~30 megahertz. In this article a study is made of some of the problems of the optical proces~in~ of signals ~sing multichannel.liquid ultrasonic light modulators operating in the Raman-Nutt diffractinn mode (Debye-Sears modulators) and the Bragg diffraction mode (7~. A discussion is presented of the n~~~~igritt~$ of the m~nufacture of such multichannel modulators, and exnerim~ntal resutts are presented with respect to optical processing of the r~dio signals. 55 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR O~FICIAL U5~ aNLY Opei~nl Pr~~~g~ing c~~ andia Si~n~1~ U~ing U1~r~gnni~ LighC rindul~~~r~ f,~+t u~ r~n~f.fir~r Chr. ~irri.~~~i at~n~1 ~1YHt'1~qk~tflj~ ayNe~m~ ehr m~clutr~ttnn oE tli~~ 1 t~;i~t Plux In wl~lrli 1?~ rf!~i tv.~~~l hy tl~~~ uler,~y~+i?t~~ I)et~y~.~-q~nre ~r Ura�g light mndui~tc~r~~ A g~h~matic nE ~ueh ~ dhvi~~ 3~ pr~~~nti~d in 1 wh~r~ 1 i~ s lag~r, 2 i~ a~allim~eor, 3 i~ a multichann~l uieraaonie ii~ht moduletor, 4 i~ an ine~gratin~ 1~ng~ Ie i~ pogaibl~ eo d~mon~er~t~ (4j ehae an excieaeion of eh~ D~by~�S~~r~ moduletor by a hgrmonic ei~n~i with angui~r fr~qu~ncy S3~2nF ~nd an iniei~l phnge a t~(t) ~ Vn cos 2r.(Ft a) eh~ nmptitude cli~tribution~ 8nd int~nsieie~ of eh~ li~ht field in the diEfrnction ep~rtrfl of +i~e order in Ch~ oueput facai plane of eh~ optical ~y~tem ar~ d~t~rmin~d~by the expr~~~ions; E~~~~ y~ ~ ~in ,e r~= u sie ;r. Nr~~ ~ll~('.) ` - x s(; ~u~D ~ X exPJ2+~ �y t F)! f a1; (i) t , 2 ~ 110~ r~ r .1 ~ u _ sin~ Wv -T ~ ~ r~ ~ ; T u` plz ,~i~c~~= ~ ~ ~ ~ where Bo Eo . � The folloWing notation has been introduced: ~p and I~ are the amplitude nnd intensity of the light beam incident on th~ modulators; J1(~?) is a Bessel function, and ia the modulation index proportional to the ampli- tude oE the input signal; A~S/F is the Wave length; S, F is the propagation velocity and fYequcncy of the ultr~gonic o~cillations; W, D are the width and length oE the ultrasonic channel; u=xl/af, v=y /af are the normalized coordinrtes in the output focal plane; v, a are th~ frequency and Wave ~ lenAth of the light oscillations; np is the index of refraction of the medium oE the sound guides; f~s the focal length of the lens. ~rom expresaion (1) it is obvious that the amplitude of Ch~ light field in the difEraction lobe of the first order for small modulation indexes ig ; proportional to the amplitude of the input signal V(t).1 The position of the diffraction peak of the lst order in the focal plane (u, v) correaponds to the coordinates lIt is posRible to consider the light distribution also in the diffraction lobe oE the lst order. Here and hereafter we shall consider that the , operating region is located near the diffraction lobe of +lst order and w~ shall consider the liRht distribution only in this lobe. 56 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FAR OFFICIAL U3~ ON1~Y u~ x,/~/ ~ 1/!~ ~ F/S, y~ 0, On v~riaeion oE eh~ frequency of th~ inpue signai, eh~ p~ak ~hift~ ~iong eh~ u exia. Con~eq~ene~y~ iE a eignal of th@ Eyp~ V~t)'~ Q~t~ cos ~r. ~~t ,IE) . r~a~h@~ eh~ input af ~h~ moduiaear, ehen th@ iight ine~a~ity di~t~ibueion in ~h~ outpu~ fncai piane ~ith r~sp~ct ~o eh~ u-axi~ ~ti11 corr~spond to ehe @ner~y ep@ctrum af ehQ eignal. A~~ording to the ~seimates pr~eQnted 3n ref~renc~e [9, 9~, ehe optical proc~~~ing gyg~~m with uleras~nic D~by@-Sear~ iigh~ moduiator in~ure~ ~ dyngmic r~n~~ af abouE 4A decibel8. ~ ~ ord~r to ~~rform a~ sp~ctrai ~n~ly~i~ of eh~ ~~e of si~nals V~(t), ~ mul~iehann~l modulator can b~ use8 taith independ~ne cf~~nnels ~1~. In thie rase, i~ ig n~c~ssary to us~ a cylindrica~ optical syetem realizing Fourier trangformatione only with r~~p~ct ro one coordinatp. ~ A~ folloa~ from expressions (1), Eh~ ulEr~soflic li~ht mddulator rer~in~ the input eignal phase; therefore it can b~ ueed ag an element of the multichann~l modulator for che syetem for optical proceaeing of th~ antenna ~rray aigna~s C4-6~. If the modulator par~metera are sel~acted so that the div~rgence of the ultra8onic beama is ineignificant and the adjacent channel~ of th~ c~odul~tor are nonoverlapping beam8, then the light modula~ion ie realised by the ultraeonic vavee in the nQar aone of each radiator D,N2/2 to 4 A. In this cas~ che lig~.t inten8ity distribution in the diffraction apectrum of the Eirst order in the output fncal plane on excitation of the channela of the modulator by harmonic eignals of equal amplitude and with linear variation of the phase from channel to channel by 2na correaponde to the radiation pattern of the linear antenna array and ia determined by the ~xpr~sgion: s f sin ~~Wr~ s J sln RN ~v! ~ a~ ~s T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x C.! - u~ p t~~ ~ c~. + a;~ � c-) A ~ 57 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR Of~FICIAt, U9~ Ot~iLY . ' . H~r@ ~ i~ Ch~ ~p~~i~~ b~Ew~~n th~ ui~ir~~an~.s ch~e~n~i~; N i~ eh~ flwnb~r of shanneia in ehQ iighe modui~tor ~quai Co ~h~ nuteb~r of @i~m@aee ~n eh~ array. Th~ po~ition of th~ p~a~k inireneity i~n ~h~ fe~~l p1~n@ Cu~ corre8poedg ; ea eh~ co~rdin~e~s ; � i . a " 11 ~ ~ i A ~ ~ $ s � % , Measuring thQ poei~ion of ehe peak a1on~ th@ v~axi~i it ie po9~ib1~ to determine the phaee shiPt betWeen the gign~le 2~ra. 3etting a=(d~a )~in~, wh~r~ a is rh~ radia~ wave length; d ie th~ di9tance betiWe~n the ~I:emeneg of the ~ntenna array; ~ i~ the angie rpckoa~d from ehe normai to the ~rray, ae find that , ; s~ ~ eln (3j Each point ~ource of radio emission ~ocat~d in a~ector o� the fie~d of ~ vi~w eorresponda to its oan light spot ~ith its ceeter at rhe poiet v. , Ae follows from expressions (2) and ~3), the width of the light spot ; , ev~ I /Nl. Ti~ig value cor~peponds to the angle e~o,~ ~ I;Nd cos , determining the vidth of the radiation pattern of the aetenna aith respect to the half-poaer level. Conaequently, olution oftthe antenna arraY1 processing sy8tem coincide8 vith the res On frequencies n~~ . F~ (~1 ~ ; ~ ~ Where N is the dimensionless modulator in the direction of propagation ~ of the light (the thickneas of the modulator), the ultrasonic modulator9 ; opernte in the Bragg diffraction mode. Nere oniy on~ of the diffraction ; apectra of the lst order ia observed. For liquid ultrasonic modulatore ~ at l1~10 mm the Bragg diffractioe niode is obaerved on frequencies of ; 25 to 30 megahertz. In this case the distribution of the light intensity in the focnl plane (u, v) on exnat~~~hnlinearevariation of the phasegfrom ~ by signals of eRual amplitude a rhAnnel te channel by 2rta is def ined by the expresaion [10]s . _ ; 58 ' POR QFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ ; : ~ . . , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 F~A OFFICIAL U9~ Ot~fiLY ~ / +?1 ! a sln ~+~d u ~ ue ~?in ~+iiVe~~ ~ J~--- fin . � r.dCu=u~--~, e1lH td~ 6 z x tin RN t?l ~ a ~z s~~i u 1 . ~4~ ~ u a~ ~ ~u~ _ u~) ll~r~ eh@ no~a~ion sorr@~pond~ ~o thae inerodu~~d ~~~1i~r, ~nd ~ ~e ~ A ; sin Aa ~ AB ~ + ~ Ag i8 eh~ 9rggg diffra~~ion ~ng1e~ The pr~e~nc~ in ~xpr~e~ien (4) of th~ la~~ cofaetor ig connected aith ~~ngideration of finit~ Chieknege o# the moduiater H wh3ch ~i~o leads to gel~ctive volume~ric reflec~ion and obs~rvarion of one diffraction order. mhe 1i~ht inten~ity distribution With r~9pert to th~ v~coordinat~ ia ' det~rmined by third and f~urth coE~ce~r~ in ~xpression (4) and coincides With ~h~ distribution (2) obtained for che Debye~Se~rs modulator. The ~ maximum in the light intensity dietribut~on (4) correeponds to the coordinatea X � ft ~ = ll` 'a` 'a s'~ ~ ~ ~ � . A comp~rison of the chargcteristics of ultrasonic modulatorg of both type~ indica~es that the Bragg modulators are energy-aise more inefficient than the D~bye-Sears modulators,and they are aider�band (11j. The poe~ibili~ies of the opticel signal processing system with ulrraeonic light modu~ator and an ieput device are most completely realized for a 18rge number of channels. For the dpvelc,pment of the modulator with a large number of channels it ig neeeseary to determine the mgximum possible density nE the arrangement of the channels, Eor the total size of ita use- ~ ful ~perture is limited by the opticai syetem. This is connected With the Eact that for large npertures the optical syate~a itself begine to introduce phase distortions ahich essentially ~rorsens the chargcteri~tics of the ~ processing system. The density of the arrangement of the ultrasonic channels in the modulator can be increased by several procedures. 1. As aas proposed in reference [12~, uge a multicAannel sound guide sys- tem permitting spatial separr~tion of the ultrasonic channels. 2. Reise the opernting Erequency of the modulator and. consequently, clecreaee thr divergence oE the u,trasonic nodea. Ha+ever, for liquid 59 � FOR QFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 ~ ~Ott O~~ICIAL US~ ONLY ~ ~ mnclulr~tnr~ rnt~in~ thC ~n~rnting ~r~ryupnry i~ 1im~te~d by th~ lnrg~ amoune ~ hf neCenuatihn n~ th~ u]era~nund~ ' 3~ ineren~~ eti~ d~n~ity of tihe arran~emene of tihe chnnnels by uaing a ! muleich~nn~l modu~~eor in which Che ultragonic nodes overlap. ~ The modul8eora w~.Ch overlnnping nodes can b~ u~ed for opticgl procesaing af th~ ~nt~nna array signnls~ Thp invesCigaeion of Che operation of the ' modul8tor indic~tps that on vari~e3on of the angl~ of ~.ncidence of ehe ~ r~di81 w~ve on th~ ant~nna array, the mnximum diseribution of the light ~ Ei~ld will be ~h~.ft~d in eh~ focal plane around the circle with radius ~ k~2tt/A with ita center on the opCical axis of the syseem (13]. The signals with different frequencieg F will correspond ~o Circles with radii kie2tr/Ai, th~t i~, the r8dia~ distribution o� the light intensity wi11 corr~~pond to th~ pow~r specCrum of the input signal, With ehis proceasing ; proc~dure, ehe m~x~.mum dpngiey of the grrangemene of the channels wi11 be limiCed by rhe ndmi~sible magnitude of the electroacoustic interaction between the ~lecCrnd~~ of the piezoconverter. ~ It is pogaible to ghow ~13~ Ch&C on garisfaction of the condition D t n~�~ ~ ~ner� the distributinn of the light field in the diffraction spectrum of rhe ' l~t order in the region defined by the zone of the field of view ~ (v~,d/71pR coincides ~airh the expreaston C~nsev..uentlv, in this �case it is ~ pd~gibl~ in general to neglect the divergence of the ultrasonic nodes. Expprimentgl Study of MulCichannel Ultrasonic Light Modulators ~ The development of the structural design and the process for the manufacture of multichannel liquid modulators was initially carried ouC on models of 8-channel modulators. On the basis of the results of these studies, models of multichannel modulators (40 to 50 channels) were built with a sound gu~de gystem and with overlapping channels operating in the Raman-Nutt and ~ t3rc?gR diffraction nodes. As the electroacoustic converters, the TsTS-23 piezoceramic plates were used. The first of the investi~ated models had 8 channels. The modulator was ~ mnde up of a holder for the piezoconverCers, couvettes made up of fused , qunrtz filled ~ith distilled water and methyl holders for rhe couvette. Eight palladium electrodes were applied to the converter plate 18X10 mm in ! size and 110 microns thick (Fcut~20,megahertz) on one side, and it was � completely metal plated on the other side. The electrodes were arranged ~ With a repetition period of Ra1~5 mm, and their dimensions were W=0.75 mm and H~8rtan. The holder o~ the piezoconverter was designed in such a way ' that in the opecating position the plate of the converter was completely aubmerged in water. The ultrasonic waves emitted from one side of the pi~zoronverter were absorbed by a rubber insert fastened to the holder. 60 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , On the other side oE the converter the waves were emitCed into tihe operating ~perCure nf the,m~dulACor nnd Chey were used ~or modulation of Che 1i~ht beam~ On the bottom o� rhe couvette there was an absorb in~ rubber insert which insured the Craveling wave regime~ The multichannel sound guide system was made up o� a number of oFaque glass partitiona 0~3 mm thick attached wiCh the same repetition,period in a special frame which was inaerted in the couvetCe. IJhen necessary the modulator could be used without the sound guide system. The couvette was rigidly �astened in the metal frame in which proviaion was made for rhe possibil3ty of ad3usting the converter wieh respect to the sound guide sysCem,. ~ The modulators were investigated in an optical device made up of OSK-2 ~lements with focal len~gth of the integrating lense of 1600 mm. The frequency characCeristics of the modulator were measured by the light intensity in the diffraction spectrum of the 1s~ order. As the measuremenCs demonstrated, the resonance frequencies of Che modulator channels differed insignificantly, and the operating �requency band with respect to the~ ~ 3 decibel level was about 10%. The required values of ~he modulation index ~=0.3 was reached for an amplitude of the input signal of 0.5 volts. The magnitude o� the acoustic interaction between ad~acent channels was estimated in Che following way: one of Che modulator channels was exciCed, ' and the intensity of the diffracted light was measured. It turned out that this intensity causecl by penerration of the ultrasound from the adjacent ~ channel was 20 decibels less than the intensity of the light diffracCed on - the ultrasonic waves of Che excited channel. For parallel excitation of the modulator channel, the dispersion in the intensity of the ultrasound in the channel did not exceed 1 decibel. The distribution of the light intensit,y in the diffraction spectrum of the ~ lst order with cophasal excitation of the modulator channels was measured. As the photometric measuremenCs demonstrated, this distribution basically corresponds to expression (2). On excitation of the channels by signals with linear phase ' lead from channel to channel by +90� the shift of ~ the principal peak of the light intensity in the diffraction spectrum of the lst order corresponds to the calculated value of +168 microns. A study is made of the possibility of decreasing the level of the side lobes for which amplitude weighting of the signals exciting the modulator by the following law was introduced: Vn = Vo [ 3'~' 3 COS - l A' - 2 l J� - WiCh this distribution, the signal ampli,tude o~ the edge channels of the modulator drops to p/3. A,s the measurements demonstratedt the side lobe level in this case was 19 dec~,bels, and the width of the main peak increr~sed by approximately 1.6 times. 61 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 f~'OR O~F~CIAL US~ dNLY ~ I~ I ( ~i ~ ~ ( ~ ' 7aMR~, _ . ~ ~ 1 - ySdG ~ ~ ~ ' i jEj;?~~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ !t~ , ~ f�ff r _ ~igure 2 xigure 3 Key: 1. micrdns 2. decibel~ Th~ seructur~l deaign oE the mod~l c~f the Uebye-5ear~ multichannel 13quid. light modulntur (=40 channplg) with the sound guide sy~tem is analogoue to the one investigated nbove. The ~ize nf the opprating aperture of this modulntdr wag 60:(50 mm. The disCribution of rhe ultrgsound intensity in c}~e modulntor channel9 ia presented in I'ig 2. The remaining characteristics nf the modulator are the snme as in the precedin~ case. The multichannel (=50 chnnnels) light modulator with overlapping channels operated in the grngg Eraction regime on a frequency of 2'I me~ahertz. The spacing between the electrodes of the converter in this case was 1 mm. 1n Ctg 3 we see the light intensity distribution in the diffrac[ion spectrwn of the lst order Eor cophasal excitation of all the channela by signals of equal amplitude. The width of the principal peak of this distribution with reapect to the halfpower level will be =20 microns. On excitation of the modulator channels by signals of equal amplitude but with linear phase leads from channel to channel by +135�, the displacement of the principal peak corresponded to the calculated value and was +375 microns. Incidentally, this modulator can be used in the system for opCical processing of the antenna array signals. The performed studies indicate the possibility of creating sufficiently comPlex multtchannei ultrasonic light modulators suitable as the information input devices to the optical signal processing systems for various purposes. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. i.~lmbert, L. B. IRE I,ITERN. CO:JV. REC., No 6, 1962, p 69. 2. Arm~ et al. TTIER, Vol 52, No 17. 1964, p 897, 1. ~tustri', Yr. R.; P:~ry~in. V. N. M~TODY :tODULYATSII I SKANIROVA:JIYA SVI:TA [Metl~ods of Li~ht Modula[ion and Scanningj, Nauka, 1970. 4. I.ambert, Arm. Aymet. ZARUBEZNNAYA RADIOELEKTROI~'IKA [Foreign Radioa elcctronicsj, Vo 8, 1968, p 3, 62 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR O1~FICIAt, U3E ONLY ~i. ~tinkhrnkh~ L. t)~, cC nl~ VOPROSY t2ADI0CLCK'TC~ON~KI (Probl~m~ of ttnciinrl~etrnnirH~~ OT ScrLha, Nn 1., i9'1~~ p~6~ 6. Seark. Tii~tt~ Voi 60, N~ 8, 1972, p 104. 7. Rytov, S. M. iZV~ AN SSSR. SER. FIZICN~ (Newe of the USyR Acadeti~y of Science~~ Phyeice Sert~~j, No 2, 1973, p 223. 9. PreeCon, K. ~L~KTRONIKA ~~lectronics], No 18, 1965, p 12. 9. Lambert, L. SOVttEM~NNAYA RADI~LOKATSIYA (Modern Radar~, Sovetskoye radio, 1969, p 245. 10. Aksenov, `'e. T., pt a1. VOPROSY RADIOELEKTRONIKI [Probleme of Radio- electroni s), Ser. OT, No S, 1973, p 8. 11. Grigor'yev, V. A.; Rogov, S. A. See the presenC collection, p 56. 12. Andreyev, V. A., eC al. "Multichannel Ultrasonic Light Modulator," USSR Author'A Certificate No 3937~1. . 13. Aksenov, Ye. T. ; 8ukharin, N. A. ; Grigor'yev, V. A. ; Pruea~~.hukav~.~:;'.y, S.V. See present collection, p 52. 63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 ~OR OF~ICIAL U5E ONLY I ; ~ ~ l i ~ ; ; 50LID STAT~ UL~RA50NIC LIGHT MODULATORS WITH LIGHT GUIDES MADE OF HEAVY FLINTS ' _ I~1rCicle by Ye. T. Aksenov, N. A. Ye~epkina, V. A. ttarkov, ~ i V. P. Pikarnikov, S. V. Pruss-2hukovskiy] [Text] Ultrasonic light modulatora are being succesafully uaed itt the : sy~t~ams for optical data processing for inpuC and analysis of signals. In these modulators Che sound guides can be liquids (r.o frequencies of �30 megaherCz), optically transparent aolid states crystals ~a- HI03, pbMo04, LiNb03, a- Si02) and also certain varieties of glass). f In a numb~r of cases (vibration, large temperaCure gradient, and ao on) the appli^ation of the liquide can turn out to be complicated. On the ~ other hand the cryatals which could be uaed in this case are at the - present time comparatively expensive and have certain technological ' deficienciea. Therefore, the special glass, the acoustooptical quality of which ia relatively high is of definite intereat for the manufaceure ~ of the sound guides for ultrasonic modulators. The data on meaeuri~g the ` acoutooptical parameters of glass of the heavy flint type (1] indicate tria~t for comparatively small dxmping of the ultrasound (from Q.1 to 2 decibel~?/"cm ~ on a frequency of ~40 megahertz) the coefficient of their acoustooptic~l quality t�t2=n6p2/pS3 is 4-6 times greater than fused quartz. In Che - presented formula n is the index of refraction of the material; p is the photoelastic con~tant; p is the density of the material; S is the speed of the ultrasonic oscillations. From the point of view of acoustooptical qualities and also considering that optically ueiform samples of large . size can be made from the glass, the heavy flints are highly prospective for the manufacture of sound guides of ultrasonic light modulators in the ; frequency band to 1G0 meg.lhertz. ; ~ According to the process described in (2~, several single-channel and multi~ � channel models of modulators made of flints of the TF~-10, TFr3, TF-1 types ! in the frequency band of 20 to 40 megahertz were manufactured and investi- gaCed. Half-wave plates of TsTS~23 ceramic and LiNbO3 Y+36� cut were used as the piezoconverter. In order to obtain the traveling ultrasonic wave regime, the end of the modulator opposite the piezoconverter was beveled at an an~le of ~10�. ~ 64 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR OFFIGtAL USE ~NLY nn eh~ bngi~ uE th~ ~in~1~+-eti~~nhel uiern~dni~ M~dul~ear op~r~Cing ~in th~ Rnm~in-Nutt dil.Frnrtinn m~d~ ne n Erequ~nty af :3h m~gahertx, ~ mod~i of an AeduRtdoreical ~p~ctrni anaiyz~r wa~ develop~d, the ~chematic nf iA pr~sented in Fig 1. itg band with r~ep~ce eo l~v~el bf rel~tiv~ inten~3ty ~qual to 0.~ wa~ 26 m@gah~rtz. The eound guid~ of th~ modulBCOr ~OX~5X6S mm wae mad~ of TF-3 g~aee, 'Che hAlfwav~ p1at~ of LiNbOJ Y~h36� - cut was used as th~ piezoconverter. Th~ dimen~ion~ of the onerating electrodeg ~~termining the region of interac~ion of the l~ght with ~~und are 3XZ0 mm . For ehe input ei~nai v(t)sa co~~nt+~(t)~ th~ amplitud~ and ineensity di~tribution of the light diffracted on ehe ul~rasonic wav~ in the l~t ord~r gp~ctrum 3.n the output focal plane of th~ acouetooptic~l sppctral analyzer is defined by the expreseions [3, 4~: I ~ N JtC,, ~inr. - ~r n e~Pl I~~ -E- ~(~)1+ " ~e - u~ D tin~sr ~ -ul D ~ u ~ z ~ (2) . p ` \ ~ J where i,~ are the amplitude and intensity of the incident light waves; J1(V?) is the lst-order Bessel function; A is the wave length of the sound oscillations; u=x1/af is the reduced coordinate in the output focal plane; f is the focal length of the lens; 71 is the light wave length; D is the sound guide length; m is Che angular frequenCy of the light; S2 is the angular frequency of the sound vibration; ~?=2nRAn/J1 is the phase modulation index of the light wave; en is the variation of the index of refraction of the medium of the sound guide under the effect of an elastic wave; ~(t) is the initial ph~se of the signal fed to the piezoconverter. From the presented expresaions it follows that the distribution of the light intensity in the output focal plane represents the energy spectrum of the signal hitting the ~iezoconverter of the ultrasonic modulator and also that the position of the diffraction peak depends on the frequency of the input signal, and is defined by ratio u~l/A. F'or small angles of diffraction, the directiun of the lst-order diffraction peak is defined by thc expression 6 nr ; a A a~ ~3) A c haracter ist ic feature a E the acoustooptical soectrgl analyzer is the Eact that che ~mplitudes and frequencies of the entire analyzed spectrum ~re recorded simult:ine~usly at the output and not on the i,ndividual fre- quency components. its operation is analogous to the operation of the multich~nnel electronic gpectral analyzer. The number of channels is determined by the number of resolved points. 65 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 ; FOR OI~FIC~AL US~ ONLY ' i ' i ~ ~ i ~ . ~Z~ ~ ~ ~ , r ' - ~ ~ j , V~~) ' - ~ Figure 1 ~ i Key: 1. laeer; 2~ phoCOmultiplier ; ~ , The bnsic parameters with resp~ct to analyzer ie the frequency tieaolution. , In the caee of th~ acouatooptical analyzer it depends on the diffraction i divergence of the light beam connected with the restricCion of the light I wave inc~dent on the modulaeor by the modulator aperture. The angula~ divergence datn with reapect Co halfintenaity level is ~ S Q ~~D~ ~4~ ; - where D is the width of the collimated light beam which in our case is ~ determined by the length of the modulator light guide. The minimum fre- quency interval AFmin which can be resolved is defined as the integral for ~ which the angl~ of deflecCion of the light beam ~A=a/S (~F~in) is equal ~ to its angular divergence. From (3) and (4) we have ~Fmin ' S/D. (S) ~ The number of resolved points N of the acoustooptical apectral analyzer ~ is Na ~ YYII ~F� i Key� ; . 1. min ' As has already been indicaCed N defines the number of channels of the ` equivalent multichannel spectral analyzer. It is necessary to note that ; rhe bnnd nf the acoustooptical spectral analyzer AF, the ultrasonic i modulator of which operates in the Raman~Nutt diffraction mode cannot i exceed ~70X of the basic frequency [3]. ~ ~ ~ ~ i By using the developed spectral analyzer, a study was made of the spectra ~ of Revernl si~nnls. On feed~ng the signal to the pi,ezoconverter of the ultrnsonic modulltor in the �ocal plane of an integrating lens, the spectrum ~ oE the signal was recorded. The intensity distribution of the light field ! was recorded on photoRraphic film. In addition, it was recorded using a i moving slit diaphragm after which there was an FEU-27 photomultiplier. i ~ 66 ' i FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY R . ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The ~i~nn1 from ehe pag~~d ehrough ehe U1-7 Qi~etrdm~eri~ ampli�i~r Co th~ N-110 pen r~corder~ Cor mon~.toring Che opereC~on df Ch~ g~OUgCoqpCiCA1 ~p~ceral gnalyzer, ehe elecrronic ~pecCral analyais ci.rcuie was introduced was included in para11e1 to Che piexoconvereer. The shape nnd apectrum of th~ inve~eigated ~3gnale were recorded by the S1-31 oscillograph and the S4-25 apectral analyzer. One of the investigated signale wag an ampliCude�modulated oscillgCion with a carripr frequpncy of 36 megahertz, a modulation frequency of 1.5 m~gaherCz and a modulation depth of 100~. The spectrum of the ~ignal photographed from the scre~n of the S4-25 device and a photograph of the lighC inCenaity diaCribution in the focal plane, respectively, were pre- sented in Fig 2, a, b. The measured frequency resoluCion for the given . model was y130 kilohertz. The calculated value obtained from expression (5) is 110 kilohertz. The number of reaolved points in our case was ~200. By using the 8COU8C00pC~C81 analyzer it is po~sible also to perform a succesaive analyais of the srecCrum. In this case, a moving light spoC will be obaerved in the focal plane, the instanCaneoua posiCion of which corresponds to the frequency of the aignal propagated in the light guide. The effect of the movement of the lighC beam can be used to create deflectora in the information readout systems, for the creation of the deflection device and the system for formation of the television image, and so on. " If it is necessary to analyze the spectrum of several signals simultaneously, tt~en by using the two-dimensionality of the optical syetem it is posaible to create a apatial-multichannel epectral analyzer ~3j, the integrating lens of which must be cylindrical. In the spaCial-multichannel ultrasonic modulator used in this analyzer, the relation between the channels must be absent. Cach chznnel of this device can~?ave its own operating frequency. The condition that the channels of the multichannel spectral analyzer be decoupled imposes defined requirements on Che sCructural design of the ultrasonic modulator. If the sound guide of the modulator is a monolithic unit, then the admissible channel density is determined by the diffraction divergence of the ultrasonic wave. In the case where great density of the channels is necessary, it is possible to use a sound ~uide with mechanically separated channels ~5]. The distribution of the sound field of the eight-channel modulator with ~ distributed channels is presented in rig 3. From the figure it is obvious that the relation between the channels was in practice absent. The multichannel ultrasonic li.ght modulators in the systems for coherent optical data processing can be used not only for analysis of the spectrum of the input signals, but also for the solution of a number of other problems, for example, for processing the antenna array signals [6~. As w.~s demonstrated in [7J, when processing the antenna array signals it is possible to use multichannel. ultrasonic modulators with overlapping 67 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 ~o~ oFFic~~ crs~ orn.Y ch~nn~l~~ W~ mnnufa~eurpd ~~v~xnl mnd~lg df sueh m~duiaeor~ wieh �rom - 10 ro 40 chnnn~l~ and ~r~qu~nCi~~ frdm 20 to 40 mpg~h~rez~ 'Th~ gound guid~s of ehese modelp wer~ mod~ o� 'C~-10, '~~-3~ 'tF~l gLass~ In th~ majoriey of m~d~]s th~ rnnv~rCerg w~rp aCCElChtd ro rhe ~ound guides u~ing indium bindin~ lay~r~ by the meehod of thermaL comprpgaion~ � . a1 r ~ ' ~w1 � . h . " ' ~~~,,,,,,~hhr~ ~ 1 ~ ~ f r,~ ~ . r ~ , t . t!~~~ ~�+1. e ~ ~ 1~'. , i M., ~ j.'i ~ , ~y~~y ~'~~M~ � . � 1 *i1 1~M.1 Wl.~ ' y' 't1 : ~ ~ ~ 7~~ ~ ~ ~.~t. +iw~u`A ~~yyyG1 1 j ~ M~~~~ ? ~ ~ ~,1~~ ~ ! ~ .1� � ~ ~ ' tl ~ ? t~ ~s. . a 1. ,y~~ rt ~ 11 1~ ~ ~4 t ;,j� ~At r~~ ~N 1 ~`~'I~ ~'y`~~.e 1~:?~ ~Ij~~~~ � t�?',~`�'p` t~~',~~� . 1 ~~7/. ~ ~f'' "r . . . ' .~F � ~ . ..w ~ , . ~igure 2 The resonance frequencies and bands of all of Che channels were in practice , id~nrical. Th~ input impedances had scatCering noe exceeding lOX. In practicc there was no relation b~tween Che channels Chrough the plate of the pie~ocnnverter. In the case of cophasal excitaCion of all of the chr~nnels and also for ]inear phase lead (the case where the phase difference between the excitation siRnals of ad~acent channels was 60� was considered) Che ligl~t intensity distribution aC the 1sC-order diffraction peak coincided well with the calculated value. The distribution diagram of the light field at the lst-order diffraction peak was presented for cophasal equal- amplitude excitation of the channels of the 13-chan~iel ultrasonic modulator on the central frequency of F=23 me~rahertz. The upper electrodes were deposited with spacing of 1.5 mm, and their dimensions were 0.7X20 nm?. The converter was made of LiNb03 Y+36� cut. For the signal amplitude on the ccnverter equal to 80 MV, the signal/noise ratio was I+l~Inoiseal� r~ : ' ~ . . ~ ?i~ . ~ ;~lt!!. . Figure 3 Figure 4 6~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 ~OR OFFICiAL~USE ONLY ~hu~~ th~ hpr~arm~r! hxperim~neg indie8ee ehne ~h~ ultra~onf.e 1i$hC modui~ror~ wirh ~r~und guid~g made o~ g1~e~ of ehe h~~vy eyp~ h~v~ paramet~rg permite3ng gucce~eful appiicati.on of th~m in the system for cnherene opt3cal data proceasing. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Kl.udzin, V~ V. OP~IKO-MEKHANICNESKAYA PROMYSHLENNOST' (Oprical-Mechanical industry~, No 1, 19~2. 2. Aksenov, Ye. T., et al. ZHTF (Journal of Technical flhysice], Nn 42, 1972, p 11. 3. Lambert, L. B. IRE CONVENTIONS RECORD, Vol 6, No 10, 1962. 4. Muatel', Ye. R.; Parygin, V. N. METODY MODULYATSII I SKANIROVANIYA 5VETA [Methode of Light Modulation and Scanning), Nauka, 1970. S. Aksenov~ Ye. m., et al. VOPRO5Y RADIOEL~KTRONIKI (Problems of Radioelectronics~, 5er. OT, No 3, 19~3. 6. Lambert, L. ZARUBE2HNAYA RADIOELEKTRONIKA (Foreign Radioelectronicsj, No 8, 1968. 7. Aksenov, Ye. T.; Bukharin, N. A.; Grigor'yev, V. A.; Prusa-Zhukovakiy, S. V. See the present collection, p 52. 69 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 F~o~ or~Fictni. u~~ ~N~Y _ , ; HICH~�FREQU~NCY SOLID-STATE ULTRASONIC LIGHT MODULATORS ~ [Art~cle by Ye. T. Akaenov, N. A. Y~~epkina, V. A~ Markov~ V. P. PikarnikovJ : (~~xt~ The ultrnsonic dif�raction light modulator~ er~ prospecCive deviC~s for ~i~nai input to the opCical data procegaing eystem. The ultra� sonic modulaCors operate in r~al time and can be bnth single~channel and muitichannel~ An important parameter of such modulatora is the frequency ~ band, nnd in the case of the multichannel modulators, the admissible density of the arrangement of the ultrasonic channel with given magnitude ~ of the coupling between them. + It ig possible Co expand the frequency band and increase the density of the ~ placement of the channels by increasing the operating frequency of the ~ modulator to frequencies of hundreds of inega.hertz. On such frequencies ~ the Bragg diffraction regime is realized which hae a number of advantagea by comparison with the Raman-Nutt regimes: greater efficiency, greater dynamic range, and so on. In this article the results are presenCed from studying multichannel solid state ultrasonic light modulators on frequencies above 100 megahertz. ` In the high-frequency ultrASOnic light modulators spin-film and plate half-wave piezoconverters are used. In the investigated models of tha modulators, the half-wave p1aCe made of lithium niobate Y+36� cut 1, Fastened to the sound guides 3 made of fused quartz using indium binding layer 2(see Fig 1),were used as the iezoconverters. ; P Qn frequencies , .zbove 100 megahertz the thickness of this layer is comparable to the sound ' wave length, and therefore its effect muat be considered when finding the ~ input imped~nce of the piezoconverter. ~ Before making the transition to a discussion of the experimental results, ~ l~t us determine the input impedance o~ piezoconvezter. The knowledge of ` the magnitude of the input impedance permits us to estimate the conversion ~ losses and their dependence on the frequency, and to find rhe conditions ' of matching the piezaconverter to the generator, and so on. ~ i ~ . 70 ` i FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 , FOR OFFICIAL U9~ ONLY , ~ 1 Z~ , , ~igure 1 Ae aae demonatraCed in referencea ~1, 2), the input impedance of rhe converter loaded on ehe acCive acoustic load ie defined by rhe following expression: Z,,, 1,~. K~ 21~ ( i_ cos Y j e~n C', . t'~~ ~o ~ /WslnY=cosY Key: 1. inp ~ where w is the angular frequency oP the sound; Cp is the atatic capacitance of the convert~r; K ia the coefficient of electromechanical coupling of the aelected longitudinnl mode of the oscillations; Y~wk/Y; ~ is the thickneas of the converter; W~2tt/?,3 ie the ratio of the wave acoustic impedances of the materials of the converter Z,~ and the sound guide 23 Eor longitudinal wavee. SepnraCing the real and imaginary parts in expression (1), we obtain Z, 1 1 M ain 21C'~-(216=-1)co~Y) ~ . o-/~ Y ~ tin~ Y y cos~ Y . + 1 K' 2A~ (t - cos Yj ~2~ ~ Y cos~ 1 t W~ sf n= 7' The firat term of expreseion (2) is the impedance of the static capacitance of the converter, and the second is Che reactive mechanical resiatance Xa; the third is the purely active impedance of the emiasion Rg. F.xpression (1) was obtained under the condition that the thickness of the transmisaion layer between the converter and sound guide is small by comparison with the wave length, and its effect can be neglected. This expreasion easily is reduced to the form [aking into account the effect oE the transition layer. For this purpose we must consider that the converter is laaded on the medium with complex acoustic impedance which depends o~ the p~rcLmeters of the binding layer. The magniCude of thia ncouatic impedAn~e c~n be determined by using the formulas presented in refer~~nc~ [3J where n atudy is made of the characteristics of the multi- ]ayer. syatema. 71 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 ~d~ d~~YCtnr, q3~ ONLY ; If th~ r.onv~re~x with wnv~ aeou~ric imp~dgne~ Z,~ i.~ n~red on ~~dund $uid~ with th~ 3,mpedanc~ Z~~and th~ x~s~,stgnce of th~ binding layer 2~~ ehen th~ magni,tude of W in formula C1) ean b~ repiaced by the value og 2 deeermined by th~ Eormul~; a~ ~ Z?i Wc~o~~+'p"itn~ ~ ~ , ~ a '~1~ -ir~ p'~ I elln ~ ' , Key: ~ 1. ac where q7~ e Z�/Zc; W~ ZnIZo; ~D ~~~1+1V c; l~ i~ thp thicknees of the tranaition layer; V~ ~s the epeed of sound in the material of the tranaition lay~r. ' Coneidering (3) and the.eff~ct o� the transiCion lay~r, for the input acouatic impedance of the converter we obtain ~ 1 K~ 2t,K t- cos 7~- J iln ~ Z"~' W o~~ J ~~s~o7-cosY ' ~4~ i The conversion losses ii are the ratio o� the power P~ picked uh from the generator for the matched load to the power Pa which is generated on the ~ radiatfon impedance. The expreasions for Chese powera are as followa; ! E! p �~Re2� , p ~5~ � IZr~- rl' ~ 4Re ~ ' ~ Here E is the generated emf; ZH and Zr are the input impedance of the ! - converter and the generator. , The expression for the conversion losses can be presented in the form: ; !1~ 101g a ReM �Rc~Z~ ' . ~6~ , i . i According to formula (6), considering (4~ the series of amplitude-frequency ~ characteristics was :alculated f.or the converters made of lithium niobate Y+36� cut loaded on the sound guide m~de of fused quartz for various ~ thicknesses of the indium binding layer. For the c~lculations the resistance ` of the generator was considered purely active and equal to 75 ohms. The ~ static capacitance of the converter for the selected configuration of the electrodes of ~.75X5 mm was 60 picofarads, c The anatysis of the calculated frequency~amplitude characteristics demonstrated that the ontimal thickness of the layer for which the minimum ` losses were reached on the SOX band is 6 microns. The electrodes of the 72 ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ i _ f ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR OFFICIAt, U9E ONLY r~nCi~urnetnn nnd ehr l~y~r ~f ehp m~ntinn~d ehicknp~~ w~r~ u~~d in aux mod~1~ oE ehc~ mnduintor~ Th~ ~xperim~neally m~a~ured f requ~r~~y~amplieudp ~hara~eer~gcics agr~~ w~ll With the cAlculAted on~~~ In ehe investigaeed modeie o� th~ m~lticharnei (the numb~r o� channele from 20 to 30) moduiaCor~ lithium niobaCe Y+36� cut plaCea w~re uged ` th~ piezoconv~rr~r~ operating on th~ baai~ r~gonance fr~quency of -200 m~~ah~rtz. Th~ ~ound guide~ w~rp monoliehi~ units of fu~~d quarCx 15X45X75 mm3. Th~ir op~rating faces were mad~ by the m~thod of preci~ion optical grinding and poliehing wieh a precieion on the order of a/6. The converter plates were fastened Co the edund ~uides through th~ 3nd3um binding layers approximately 6 microns thick using rhe procese diacuased = in (4). The trav~iing aound aave in rhe gound guide was created by beveling the end opposite to the on~ on which the piezoconverter wag locat~d aC an angle of ~5� to the d3r~ction of propagation of the sound. The electrodes 0.7X5 mm2 with spacing of 1.5 mm w~re depoaited on Che converter plnte. The excitation voltage was fed Co the modulator channel from the G4-5 ~ generator throngh the strip exponentiaL power divid~r (5~. Uaing thie divider it was possible simultaneously to exciee 14 channels. When measur= ing the optoacoustic parameters of the modulator, it was illuminated by the light of the LG-36 optical generator through the collimating aysCem of lenses. The distribution of the diffracted light intenaity was observed in the focal plane of the output lens located beyond the modularor. The frequency functione for the intensity of the diffracted light were picked up with constant excitation voltage of 1 volt on the piezoconverter. The frequency characteristics of the modulator channels were in practice identical. The standard characteristica are presented in Fig Curve 1 was recorded.with tunin~ on each frequency of the angle of incidence of the light on the modulator so that the intensity of the diffracted light will be maximal. Curve 2 was recorded with invariant orientation of the modulator with respect to the incident light. The Bragg angle was in this , case aet for a frequency of 210 megahertz. It is obvious that the pass band with respect to the half-intensity level is approximately 40 me~ahertz. The measured frequency characteristics are in qualitative accordance with the calculated ones. A study was made of the operation of the model for cophasal equal amplitude excitation of its 14 channels. The shadow dis- tribution pattern of the sound field in the modulator was measured which indicated that the sound beams of the individual channels almost do not overlap with respect to the enti,re modulator aperture. The distri,bution of the light field at the di~fraction peak of the lst ~rder and the diagr.~m of this distribution obtained in the focal plane of thE~ output lens nre presented in Fig 3, a, b. The diagram of the lij,ht �icld distribution wag obtained uaing a moving slit diaphragm 6ehind wl~ich the FEU-27 photomultiplier was located. The signal from the photamultiplier p~ased through the U1-7 amplifier to the N-110 pen recarder. 73 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 i ~Oit O~FICIAL US~ ONLY ~ ~ ' +tMOK! ' � I i ~ ~ i ~ o,~ . ' ~ I . , . os. ? � ~ 0 o � . ; . o a~s � , ~ , , , . ; , .o ~ F ; !85 !9~ ?OS ?lS 225 7J5 ?45 M~u ~2~ ~ Figure 2 ; , ey � ~ ~1. Li/z I 2. mega~ie~~~ Thus, the performed studies of the operation of the models of multichannel ~ salid-atate high-f requency ultrasonic light modulators indicate that the modulators manufactured by the described process can be uaed in the ' systems for optical processing of radio signals. ; i _ . _ i ~ b) ~ 1 .~'A � .,~'.r?'Y; _ .t~ _ ,r~ ~i (1) ~ � ' ~~it,7%Y.~ - h ~ e , i : . ~ ~7,~ ; ; I ' ~~~~"~t` f : i~ i~.'*!', i` � ~'~1 ~y,�f;w: y~.. � t ' . ~ I ~ '~'~X? ~A Nh ; �i~..~;~'~~~.;~~? ~fi~ 1 `k R~ ~hw.~-I:. ~ Y'. / ! I Piguxe 3 j- Key; ~ 1. dc~~.bc~l g ; ~ i , . ; ; 74 ~ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ! I w . ~ . . ~ ~ . . ~ : . . . ' . ~ . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY B~RLIOGR,APHY 1. Reder T~ Winslow, D, K, I~EE TRANSACTIONS~ ~tTT~17, No 11, November 1969. 2. Brekhovakikh, L. M. VOLNX V SLOISTXKH SREDAKH [Waves in Layered _ Media], Nauka, 1973. 3. FosCer, N. I~'. JOURNAL OF APPL. PHYS., No 38, 1967, p 149. 4. Aksenov, Ye. T., et al. ZHTF [Journal of Technical Physics], No 42, 1972~ p 11. 5. Yesepkina, N. A.; Pavlov, B. Xa.; Petrun'kin, V, Xu~ TRUDY LPI [Works of Che Leningrad Polytechnical Institute], No 255, Energiya, 1965. ~ 75 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR OFFICtAL USE ONLY ~ MULTICNANNEL ACOUSTOOPTICAL MODULATOR WITN OVEEtLAPPING ULTRASONIC BEAM5 (Article by Ye. T. Aksenov, N. A. Bukharin, V. A. Grigor'yev, 5. V. Pruss-Zhukovalciy~ , ('Cext1 In the syatem for optical processin~ of antenna array signals inveetig~ted in reference (1J, the light flux modulation is realized by a multichannel acousCOUpCical modulator. _ The dimensions o� the modulator converCer elecCrodes, their repeCition period, the size of the modulator with respect to the direcCion of ' propagaCion of the ultraeonic wavea undthe operating frequency were � aelected in such a way that ttie waves propagated from Che ad~acent converters are nonoverlapping ultrasonic means. Here, ultrasonic waves in the near zone of each emitter are used far light modulation so that in � ~ ench beam the modulation is realizsd independently of the others. Let us investigate Che possibility of optical processing of the signals of a multielement antenna where the field in the far zone of an individual + emitter of ultrasonic waves within the near zone of the entire arr3y of ~ emitters as a whole is used for the light modulation. Here the ultrasonic waves corresponding to the individual elements of the piezoconverter can ~ overlap. Let us consider the light diffraction on ultrasonic waves generated by an electrodcoustic converter of finite dimensions for arbitrary ratio ' between its size W and the ultrasonic ~rave length A, Fi~ 1. Let us give ` the excitation function of the ultrasonic wave emitter t~ � 1. ~3' ( �/2c ' f~y~=~ 0, ly~>~12. . 'Che distribution of the ultrasonic wave field in the region x?0 can be represented ~,n the form of the superposition of plane waves j2J; ~ ; ~ 76 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOtt O~~ICIAL U5~ ONLY - F~x~.Y~ ~ f_. ~'w~ky) pxP Ij ~krY -~-1~k' - kr x~I ~ky? (I) F~x~ Y~ ~,~.o F(y) ~ f,.. ~'~,(ky) exP ~~kyS') dky, wh~re � ~ Ilc rR 1 ~'or~kr~ ~ LR J ~r f(.YI exp `kyy~ ~ \AR~~ ~ r k ~ 2+: j.1. In expregeion (1) the term undar Che integral aign exp~l(k,,y ; yk'~=k,;~x)~ corresponde to a plane wave propagaCed at an angle o~ 9~aresin(ky/k) _ Co Che x-axis. The variation of the index of refraction of the aound conducting medium caused by the ultrasonic wave in it is proportional to the field diatribu- tion ~(x,y). We shall ehow that under the eff~ct of the ultragonic wave the light beam is modulated only with respect Co phase, that is, the condition of Raman-Nutt dif�raction is saCiafied [lj. The diatribution of Che light amnlitude in the output focal plane of the lena located behind the modulator, the size of the eliminated aperture of which D - with reapect to the amplitude of the light beam incident on the modulator will be equal to the following with a precision to the constant factor: E(wx, ~y) (~A ' - Jo J-. exp(L~P(x, y)I e~P I- l~~,x ~i- ~yY~ dy~x= D . c 'I ~ f Q f ~ ~ ( ~ ~'J!~ C.C~ ! ~ ~ C C P l ~ ~\~~~.t" 1 ~yYI1 ~Sr4.x . Nere ~n is the amplitude of the light beam incident on Che modulator; wX=-2nx/af and w e-2ny/af are the normalized coordinates in the output focal plane of t~ie lens with the focal length f; a is the light wave length; is the modulation index where 1 rad. The light amplitude distribution in the diffraction spectra of +lst order E p' = f o f-� F~x, exp t~W~.- Wy1')1 dydx = = f`. ~Q,(kY) ~ f� f". f~~~~~~,y ti~ ~ 1/k: ~ ky2 z) X exp i(~?jx my.v)) dydx; c~k,. ~ 3~ Using expression (2) and integrating~ we f~.nd that with a precision to a constant factoXl - iThis expression pertains to the modulator operating in the Raman~iJutt diffraction regine. It is possible to obtain an analogous expression for the Bragg diffraction regime. 77 J FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 !~'Olt ON'N'LGIAL U5~ ONLY . ~ ~ p. ~ sln rl~`k~-W~~'�W,~~ eln ~(.~I W~~J ex P ~l (1 ~ ` ~~..o_ f-- ---a~---', (4) ~ ~ ~ e,y~ wa ~ ~ 2 ~ WY ~ - - - � i t ~ On sae3efaction of the condition . ; j ~ ~ ~ ~ , , ' R the lasC rwo cofactora in (4) can be repreeented with guf�icl.ent preciaion i in the form ' iln C.~~. ~?y, sln [ IWx ~ kl -Z ~ ' . ~6~ ~ -7~- wy ~~.e ~ A) . ! As followa from (5) and (6) for ' D < W=/n~r..1 ~ ; ~ expresaion (6) quite precisely determines the light amplitude diatribution ' in the diffraction spectra of the +lat order to the n~th null with reapect ; - . ~ to the wy coordinate. � ~ v t m�~~~(,;?) ! y ~.-arx~~ m�oKxew ; ~ 4 I . . O I . i . ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ i i ~ Figure 1 Figure 2 ~ ~ i,et us introduce the polar coordinates W=w cos w=w sin ~ and let us consider the distribution of the diffracted lightyon the circle ~ w~k=2n/A. The first two cofactors in expression (4) are in this case ~ equal to one; and the function ( ~ ' sin C ~ k sin ; ~~sla ~ for ` ~ k sin = nr.; = ares:n ~n -A~, ) ; n - _ I ~ �2 . . . ~ has zeros (see Fig 2). ~ 78 ~ i FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ! ; i ~ . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010049-6 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY '~'li~~ ~IfHlrll~ullun ul' t1i~~ 11~1it Lntuny~ty !n th~ I'~4itl lcngth c~E Ch~ npti~ul gy~t~m on exciC~tion o� nn~ of the channe~.s a� th~ 13q'u3~d l~.ghe modularor by th~ harmonic signaL with frequenny o� 10 me~aherez is presented in Fig 3~ ~he siz~ of rhe converter electrode ~.s d.75 mm, the size of the ~ound guid~ ie SO mm, and ehe wave len~th of the ultrasonic modulations in the water on Chis frequency was 0.15 mm. it i~ obvious Chae the light inten~iCy in the diFfracCion spectra of *lat order is distributed around the circle of radiue w~2tt/A. ` From expression (3) and (4) it ~ollows that the diatribuCion of the light intensity in the focal plane of the optical ayatem in the di�fraction spectra of +lst order is determ3ned only by the gize of the ~.lluminated aperture, that is~ the size of the ill~minated section of the diverging ultrasonic beam and noC by ite poaition along Che x axis. Now let us conAider the lighC diffracrion on the ultrasnnic wave stimulated by the Array of M acousCic radiators loc~ted along the y axis with repetition period R~ LeC us repreeent the excitation function of the arrny in the form F~x~ Y1I,~,.o� F?(YI ~i~->>n F(Y - mlj exp 2at?na)~ where 2na is the phase ghift between the signals of the ad~acent elements of the antenna array, and F(y - mlj = ~Y'- ml ~