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,i7 JANUARY i979 CFOUO 4174~ i OF 2'
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ro~ nrr~~?H~ us~ uN~Y
JPRS L/822'7
].7 January 1979
(FOUO 4/7~) ~
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61BLIOGRAPNIC DATA It~ p~~r~ 2~ Ili�ripirnt~s Arrrsaiun
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'I~ItAN~LA'I~lUNS uN U.~tilt yCtt:NCt~: tivU 1'F:CIINOLUL'Y - PNYSI.C~I. 1~ January 1979
S(;II:NCI:S ANU 'l'I:(;IINl1L(1(~Y ~ (FOUO 4/79) e.
7. Auih~~rr.l 8~ I'crforming (kganir.otion krpt,
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JPRS L/8227
~ i7 January 1979
(FOUO 4/79)
Digital Detection of Incoherent Pulse Signal~ for Che Case
of a Changing~Noise PowEr
No 7, 1978) 1
Zfao-Stage Search for a Moving Target
(A.F. Terpugov, F.A. Shapiro; IZVESTIYA WZ RADIO-
ELEKTRONIKA, No 7, 1978) 10
Surface Waves in Distributed-Coupling Integrated Optics
Components (Review Article)
(Yu. A. Bykovskiy, et al.; KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA,
Nov 78) 16
Radiation-Optical Stability of Low-Loss Glass Fiber
Optical Waveguides
Nov 73) 47
Fiber-Optic Data Link for Telecommunications Systems
(Zh. I. Alferov, et al.; KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA,
Nov 78) 51
Feasibility of Developing Optical Memory Elements Based
on GaAs MDP Structures
(V.A. Gaysler, et al.; KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONI'iCA,
Nov 78) 54
Thermal Radio Radiation From Clouds
. (A.B. Akvilonova, B.G. Kutuza; RADIOTEKHNIKA I
ELEKTRONIKA, No 9, 1978) 59
- a- [III - USSR - 23 S& T FOUO)
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CONTENTS (Conti~tued) Page _
Amplifying Dynamic HoLograms �
(Ye. V. Ivakin, et al.; ZHURNAL PRIKLADNOY
~ Second InternaCional School of Semiconductor Electrooptics
(P.G. Yelisey~v, M.A. Herman; KVA~ITOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA,
Nov 78) 87
Performance of OperaCing SysCems
SISTEMY, 1978) 93
The Theoretical Principles of Radar
' (A.A. Koros~elev, eC al.; TEORETICHESKIYE OSNOVY
Transition Regions in Epitaxial Semiconductor Films
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010034-2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100014434-2
. �
~ UDC 521.393..2
Kiev IZVESTIYA WZ RADIOELEKTRONIKA in Russian Vol 21 No 7, 1978 pp 11-18
[Article by K.K. Vasil'yev, manuscript received 29 Mar 77, following re-
vision 21 Dec 77]
[Text] Optimal and quasioptimal algorithmsare synthesized
for Che detection of signals in the case of a changing
noise dispersion. The asymptotic effectiveness of the
proposed processing rules is determined with respect to an
optimaY signal detector for the case of a known interfer-
ence power.
SituaCions are frequently encountered when detecting radio signals against a
background of interference in which the dispersion of the noise is unknown,
and can vary during the time needed to make the observations. In this case,
an effective solution of the detection problem can be found if in each ~-th
signal postion = 1, N) the observer positions a set of n independent
readouts {xi.}i_1, made in Che region of the inCerference (Figure 1), in
addition to L~he readouC of the input process x0 in the region of the supposed
signal. In this case, the difference ("contras~") between the noise and use-
ful signal readouts is employed for the detection.
e1 large quantity of literature devoted to the problem considered here con-
, tains research on optimal algorithms for signal detection for the case of an ~
unknown noise dispersion, but where the dispersion f.s constant within the
limits of all of the reference readouts {{xi~}i=1}j=1�
In this paper, the noise immunity of quasioptimal rules fo~ p~ocessing signals
having binary and multilevel amplitude quantization is synthesized and ana-
lyzed. The detecturs which are found maintain their effectiveness even in the
case where Che dispersion of the interference remains constant only for the
readouts {xi~}i_1, which correspond to one signal position.
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N~ Optimal Algorithms
x,~ x~,,, xo~ , xn,.~ x~
The synthesis o� the detecCion rule _
~ x~~ xq x~~.n~xn~ in the problem considered here with
unknown and changing values ~f the
~ ~ interference dispereion {o~} ol can
x� xa x~n~ x~~ be accomplished in various w~ys, the
Figure 1. The realization of the in- most acceptable of which is Che fo1-
put random procesa. lowing: the method of maximum like-
lil?ood [1], the empirical theory of
[2] or Bayyesovakiy~s approach [3]. '
Considering the agreement in practice of the synthesis results using theae -
meehods, we shall consider a shorter path, which consiaCs in using
Bayyesovskiy's approach. In this case, the unknown values of Che dispersions
are treated as random quanCities with distribution densities of {w(~ ~
By assuming the continuiCy of Che true distributian laws, it is ex~e~ient to �
choose "nondistorting, in~proper" distributions as Che a priori denaities [3]:
{tu(v~) = 1, v~ ~ 0}~al. '
We shall likewise write the expressions for the combined distributions of the
readouts {{xi~}~'~~}~al 3,n the presence of a signal which fluctuates in ampli-
tude: ~
- N n
4 i 4
~ ~x~ _ ~ Q~ (1 s) ~p 2a~ (1 s), ~l oi3 eXP 2ci /
And for the case of a with a constant amplitude ~
N ~
r~ (x) = n Q` exp 2- Sl ~o ( Xot~ 2s 1 n xa, exp 2Q~
~ ~ ' ~ `
where s is the power signal to noise ratio; I~(�) is a modified zero order
Bessel function [4].
By writing the likelihood ratio A= tul(x; s)/r~l(x; s= 0), where .
a .a N
to~! (x? s) = f... cx, n~~Q~) dQ~~
0 0 ~ /~i . ~
following integration, we find a procedure for signal detection which~is op- ~
timal in the sense of the Neumann-Pearson criterion: ~ ~
T r~ Aa - cxrxan ecTb, Signal present
1 0, u~ � 0}. Thus, suboptimal algorittuns (6) -(8) have specif~ed non-
parametric propexties which favorably dist3nguish them from optimal ones
which are invariant only wiCh respect to scale transPormations.
. . ~tl xR ~ ~ ~QM.1 . ,
. ~
. ~ /1 /I /1
~ ~rw~ l~a+ ~a~.~
, ~ X
, P If K... ~ Sf.~nal K If R
r I" ~
resen,. - -
curNa.. ~ N N N I S33t1~~.
� � ~ .~m. gx'e.sent �
~~m^a Ko curNOe .
K� Signal K
Absent � `PmAOSignal
r - - - z1 Absent
~ E' � E' I
~ ~ - ~
~ n K n~ n K I I ~ I.
- - L-
_6 (c) (d) r
Figiire 3. Structural configurations of quasioptimal algorithms.
~ ~
- * The presupposition f(1) ~ 0 does not narrow the class of transformations,
since in the contrary case, f(xl) _�(x)f(1), and consequently, f(x) = 0.
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The Effectiveneas of OpCimal and QuasiopCimal Algorithms
To assess Che quallCy of the algorithms which wexe found, for the case o� a
large number o� signal pogtions N, we shall make use o� ~he criterion of ~
their asymptotic e�kec~iveness (OAE) with respect to an op~:Lma1 rule for
signal detection for Che case of completely known inCerference parameCers.
Since the 1aw governing the distribution of the accumulated sums for all of
the algorithms considered here approaches a normal law in step with an in-
crease in N, the calculation of the OAE can be accomplished from the fol- ~
lowing formula [ bl ~ p=1im No/N =1im [8m, ( T}/c3s]~~/NQT~
N.~ae N.)oo
where Np is the number of signal postions being analyzed for an optimal de-
tector for the case o� a constant noise power; ml{T} is the mathematical
~ mean value of the statistic T in the presence o� a useful signal; crT is
the dispersion of T in the noise region. We sha11 find the OAE of the
signal process~ng xules (4) -(9) for the extreme cases M~} ~ and M= 2.
When M+~, the e�fecCi�veness of a11 of the deCectors considered here coin-
cides with the OAE of optimal algor~Ltluns based on statistics (1) -(3).
To ~ind the magni,tude of the ef~ectiveness, we note that the statistic a~
takes the form of the ratio of two random quanCiti~s x0~ and r~~ X~I' ~
which when s� 1, follows a gamma distribution. By using the well-known
rules for the composition of probability laws, we f.ind the following �ormula
~or the distribution density of
~ ~~l) = n~~ ~ 'f" S1 ~ ~ ~I~~ 1 'F' S)~~+~
which is ~ustified for the model of a signal with an unknown amplitude where
s� 1, while for a fluctuating signal, for any values of s. Following
thiG, it is not difficult to conpute the dispersion and the mathematical
mean of the statistic (3) and to derive an expression for the OAE of optimal
algoriChms (1.) - (3) .
P n .
n + 2
when M= 2, the formulas for the OAE of optimal :1Zgorithms (4) ar.d (5)
PB = n2k'/(1 -I- k2)2 ~(1 -f- k2)" -1)
And quasioptimal algorithms (6) - (8)
n 2 n
pa = ~Y~~~~ -f- ~Z)) ~ n ~ ~ YZ~~~ - 1
are found in a similar fashion. We will note that in the case considered
:~ere of binary quantization, when Y= 1.0, the resulting detection rules (6)
(8) coincide with the we11-known nonparametric criterion of [7] which has
an effectiveness of
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_ Po�Po~Y~ n ~ : n ~
~ ~ ?
n~id 1~ gub~tanrially lowc~r Ch~n p~ (~tguLe 4). A comperison of th~ optimgl
vr~tur.~~ oC the Chre~hoLd level Y(Tab].e 1) with the vnlueg Y ~ 1~ 0, used in
t~~t~e~ ~'l]~ expiains the emali ].evei of effectivenege pD for large values
af n. ~
Also ghown in ~igure 4~re Che qA~~s nf the proceseing rules considered here
calculaCed on a digital computer ae g fuuction nf Che numb~r of reference
rendoute n in the interfer~nce region, for the corresponding velues of the
opeimnl threshold levels Y, k and h(Table 1). In t1~is case, formulas
derived in th~ liCerature [5j weYe used to calculate the effectiveneae p~
of detection rule (9). An anglyais of the resulCe presented here allows
the following conclusions.
1. The leaet amount of lose with respect to the
P - caee of compleCely known interference parameters
ie determined by the effectiveness of p~ of rules
oe P~ (1) -(3). These same values of the effectivene
p, n~e~� ~re achieved when uaing algorithma (5) -
06 P~ (9) with mu~.tile�- ? emplitude quantization if
a + ~as~~~ ~Z trk~ + as)/l'~ k' 0'j e xp (ibz)~ (1.6)
whsre k2 = ~ k~ ~ 2.
Examples of single-direction interaction of surface waves may be mode con-
verters and directional couplers, including the prism coupler used for TPV ,
mode excitation I6]. This type of wave coupling in TPV also includea non-
linear optical interactions, pha~se synchronization by periodic disturbance
and electrooptical and optical-acoustic switching and mod~ilation [2].
Heterogeneous coupling of surface waves (the plus sign in the exponent
in (1.1)) may occur when their group velocities are aliqned in opposite ~
directions. in this case the coupled wave equations (A~ direct and Bn ~
reverse) assume the form [4]
dA,�ldz=-ckm�B� exp (2i8z), (1.7)
d8�ldz=ik�~,Am exp (-2i8t), (1.8)
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~'Ott b~F'ICIAL U5~ ONLY
where constante k~ and k~ satis�y relation (1.4).
By using ordin~ry boundary conditions for he~erogeneous coupling of
wavea Am(0) ~ 1 and Bn(L) m 0(L is the length of ~he interactiion zone),
we find the aolutions of equa~ions (1.7) and (1.8) ,tn the following form:
B� (0) ~ - i {(k�,,,~k)i(Y^k' --a~ cth (Ll~k' --e') i8~} exp (t8z), (1.9)
Am~L)={(lk~--0'/(~~k~-eych(LVk'_.0'~)-ri8sh(G~k'--0')J} X (1.10) ~
x exp( i8z),
where k_~ k~ An example of this' type of interaction of aurfa~e waves ~nay
be waveguide filters formed by modulation o� TFV parameters. We are also
concerned with heteroqeneous interactiion of coupled wavea in diatri-
buted feedback structures used :or ROS and R8~ lasers, although ther~e are
some differencea here relatea to amplification in the waveguide and the
absence of an incident wave (the boundary conditiione asaume the form A(0) = 0
and B(L) - 0 in this case). More dexailed discussion of this type of sur-
face wave interaction is given in [7, 8].
The form of equations which deacribe the behavior of two coupled waves is
independent of the nwnerical value of coupling constant k. Hawever, the
~alue of k determines the deqree of interaction of the waves or in practice
the distance at which qiven exchange of pawer bet~aeen the interaa~ing modes
occurs. In the qeneral case k aepends directly on the type of the specific
physical cause of disturbance in TPV which leads ta coupling of the wave-
guide modea. The application of coupled wave theory to a disturbed wave-
guide (2, 3] showa that the valuQ of k is determined by the ovarlap integral
of electric field distribution of two coupled waves throuqh the ~:3v~equide
cross-section and by the value of polarization disturbance in the mediwn.
It fs obvious from consideratiion of expressions (1.5), (1.6), (1.9) and (1.10)
for the field amplitudes of interactinq waves that there is a apecific dif-
ference of the phases between their fields. The wave field whose power in-
creases always lags by T/2 in phase from the wave field with decreasing
power. Formally, this directl}?,corresponc]s to ~election of siqns in coup-
ling equations (1.2), (1.3), (1.7) and (1.8). The required phase relation-
ship between polarization create~cl by cnode a~ and the field of mode bn to
which pawer should be pumped is the cause of the temporary laq from the physi-
cal viewpoint. it is well knawn [9~ that pawer dissipation in the dielectric
occure when polarization lags behind the field. Consequently, in our case
the ffeld phase for excitatfon of mode bn should laq behind the polarization
phase which is generated by the field of mode am in phase with it.
Let us naw oonsider some characteristics of wavequide mode coupling with
radiation modes. Prismatic and diffraction raaiation input devices [6) are
characterized by the fact that pawer exchanqe occurs between the wavequide
mode and the nwde continuum. in the diffraction device the mode continuum
19 ~
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consistis of the radiation mode o� the waveguide i~self and in the prismatic
device it consistis o� a seti o� plane waves capable of propagating in the
homogeneous material o� the prism at dif�erenti anglea. The condition o�
phase matching of interacting waves is determined in this case by the equality
a� project3ons of tho wave vectors of the radiatiion modes (for the prigmatic
device the plane waves in the prism material) and of the constants of the '
waveguide mode propagation on~o waveguide axis Z. Coupling of the
modes with ~he con~inuum leads to emission o� electiromagnetic energy from
the waveguide to ~he substrate or to the surrounding medium. As indicated
by the coupling equations for the waveguide mode and continuum [2, 3], due
tio radia~ion the amplitude of the waveguide mode dACreases exponentially:
Am~Am(~) eXP ~-`amZ)~ (1.11)
where o~m is the attenuation canstant �or the m-th waveg~aide mede~ directly
coupled with the value of coupling constant k(10~. By knowinq the attenua-
tion constant of tihe surface wave p(m, based on the reciprocity theorem,
it is easy to analyze the ef�ectiveness of the raverse process wave exci-
tation by a given light beam impinging on the wavequide surface at the angle
~of phase synchronism (see, for example, (11)).
2. Interaction and Transformation of Surface Waves in TPV With Periodic
Modulation of Parameters
Peri odic modulation of the parameters of TPV (its thickness, the refractive i
indices of the waveguide material or of the surroundinq medium) along the
dire cti.on of propaqation of a surface light wave in a wav~guide is used
extensively in integrated optics to develop and create diffraction-grating
filters, couplinq devices, ROS and RBZ lasers, for purposes of phase ~
matchinq in electrooptical, optical-acoustic, nonlinear and other types
of surface wave interaction in waveguides. The physical processes of sur-
face wave propagation in these waveguides are light acattering on the
periodic structure similar to scattering on a diffraction gratinq. Various
diffraction transformations of surface waves to each other and to radiation
modes are the basis for operation of many integrated optics components.
Periodic modulation of TPV parameters leads in the final analysis to modula- "
tion of the effective waveguide refractive index. In most practically im-
portant cases, one may limit oneself in analysis of the transformation and
radiation of surface waves to relatively weak harmonic modulation of TPV
parameters [12-15~. This not anly simplifies analysis itself of the fields
in these waveguideE, but also makes it possible to avoid significant light
losses due to redistribution to higher order diffraction waves. Calculation
of the effects of the interaction of waveguide modes with slight modulation
of TPV parameters is usually carried out on the assumption of the smallness
of variation of the interactinq wave amplitudes at distances comparable to
the radiation wavelength. In this approxfmation, using boundary conditions
for the corresponding field components in TP~I [12-15] or coupled wave theory
[2-5], the analytical expressions can be found for the coupling conatants
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which de~ermine the effec~iveneas of one Qr another ~ype o� w~ve interaction
in TPV. Since only first-order di=fraction processes are taken into account
in both casea in tihe first approximation, both methods o� calculation yield
completely identical results �or the interac~ion constants both in the case
of rAdia~ion (15j ancl in the caee of resonance transformation of waves in -
TPV (eoe, for axample, (13, 5]). Howaver, when analyzing the process of
resonance tr~nsformation and reflection of surface waves with simultaneous
ejection of radiatiion on the corrugated section o� the waveguide (with a
per3od coincident wt,th ~he light wavelength in the medium), one must also
take into 8CCOLlri~ second-order diffraction procosses since the mutual re-
sonance ~ranaformations of the waves in the second diffractinn order corre-
spond in their intensity to radiation (or excitation) processes of surface
waves in the first order of diffraction [16-19].
Resonance transformation and reflection of surface wavea in TPV. Resonance
trans�ormation and reflection of surface waves in 7~'PV with periodic varia-
tions of the thickness and refractiv+e index ot the waveguide material are -
subordinate to the general principles determined by the direction of the
interactiAn of the surface waves in the distributed coupling struc~ures [12,
13]. However, waveguides with periodic modulation of the refrac*ive index
are prefereble in some cases for some applications since deep spatial modu-
lation of the waveguide modes and effective tr.ans�ormation of them can be -
ensured by using a volumetric diffraction grating due to selection of the
slope of its optically homogeneous layers.
Let ua assume that the refractive index of a TPV is alightly modulated by
sine-wave law (Figure 1, a):
n=n1-}-8n cos Kr, (2 � 1)
where ' n~~~ ~nl~ ; r is the radius vector; K= (2 �rf//~ )(-cos x, 0, sin
is the gratir~g vector; is its period; and x is the angle of inclination
of the optically homogeneous layers of the grating with respect to the
Z axis (0 ~ x> (n~, -N sin X (>?t:~o~ (2.17)
this wave is propagated in the substacate (or qratinq) at anqle 8 p~2~:
sin 8as~~(n;~ -N sin gjin~t� (2.18)
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~'Ott 0~'~ICtAL U5~ ~NLY
provided ehati
n~, n~>In�, �h' X ( (2.19)
tt~i~ wava i~ emitta~ in bc~th diraetions simultaneousiy. Moreover, ~he r~1a-
tions of tJ~e intiensities with which a-1-order wave i8 emitt~d to a tnadium
with grating end ~ub~~rat~ ad~ac8~t ~o th~ TPV ar~ coneiderably dep~nden~ on
the angle of inelination of Che homogeneou~ layerg of the phase grating and
may reach a value ~ 10'2 ~~j10a). 2t~e expressione �or tihe attenuation eon-
atant~ p( m for ali thege ca9e~ are found 3n I~24~. ~he effeetiv~ness of in-
put (approximately 71 percenti) aehieved in exper3,menti ~26~ approacheg iti~
th~oretieai ~imit (approximately 80 peraenti) to a siqnifieant deqree.
The pr~valent surface wave amieBion to ona of the media ad~acent to the wave-
guide i~ caueed by 9ragg eaettering of this wave to a-1-order diffraction
wave. in the qeneral cae~ the paranietere of a vo~umetric qratinq should be
eelectec~ to a~complish tihi~ ~raqq aeetitaring so ehai: ~24)
n~~snl, N~2nm sin x(H nm N sin X~n,;~ cos 2X). (2.20)
T,ro gragg inelinntion8 of homog~neous layers of the grating: 0< X,1 ~~'/2
and z 2= n- x~l, are possible at each value of N( < 2n~) . if ~ cos 2
~ na/nm and nZ/c~", then the eurface wave ig esaentially compietely emitted
to the medium with a qratinq at ~~'i and ia Braqq-scattered to the sub-
strate at x= x2� If nZ ~Q~ ~ r~"~ cos 2~~ ~ np ~Z~ , the surface wave is~
emi~ted to the qratinq (or subatrate).
it should be noted aith regard to the use of a volumetric diffraction gratinq
for input of liqht emission to the TPV that the condition of phage synchro-
nism for a diffraction wave and for the m-th wavequide ~node excited by it -
is incompatible with the condition of precise Bragg resonance of the diffrac-
tion grating. Therefore, some sliqht misalignment of the Bragq qratinq
structure fmm resonance is required to ensure effective excitation of the
given waveguide mode I11~.
Diffraction of liqht beama on periodic structures in TPV. Diffraction of
emiasion on periodic structures in the TPV plane is of intereat noti only
for division or deflection of liqht beau~ in fiLn wavequides (27j but also
for epatial-selecLive filtration of tt?em I28-30~. To do this, Braqq type
gratinq structures can be fonaed in TPV both as the result of uwdulation of
thickness ar~d of the refractive index of the waveguide material. For de-
finiteness, let us conaider a TPV with volumetric sine-wava phase qratinq
forn~ad due to weak modulation of the refractive index of the wavequi~e
material (~~n/nlI a 1). ~he diffraction-qratinq structure on which non-
colinear interaction of the surface waves ~n the TPV can be accompli~hed
when the directions of propaqation of the interacting waves do not coincide
with the vector of qrating K, is sham schematically in Fiqure 1, d. In
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ro~ ~~i~ r rc cn~~ cis~. aN~,Y
thi~ cae~ tihe Wol~-8raqg conditiion wl.tih regard tio wavaguide propagation of
emi,~aion hee the form (31, 32)
N~2nm 9In 0, ~2.21)
where ~ i~ the 8raqg di�fraation anqle. rn the considered cor?figura~ion,
the phase qrating operatiee in the ~rar~smiggion mode and l.~s dif�reotiion
effsctivenees 'Y( in approximation o� ~he intieraction of plane waves 3n the
abeence of loeees in tihe TPV may be described by an expression tiotially ,
eimilar to (2.9) (33] where the effeetive 1eng~h o� tihe gratiing L~ tl L/cos e
and ~ N r(2nm x ein B- N) ain 6 is 3ntroduced ins~ead of z. As one
ehould also expecti, the constant k is eignificantly dependent on the index
and polarization of the waveguide modes. tn the case of a volumetric
phase qrating for TM wavequide modea, iti cnn be written in the ~orm
I! TM~ 8n(n,lnm)g12. f 2. 2 2)
The abealute vatue of kTE for the TE-modes is less and is determined by the
value o~ the angle of deflection 2e (see Figure 1, d):
kT~ . -8n(ni/nm)(g/2) cos (2.23)
When the grating structure operatea in the reflection mode [33~, its dif-
fraction efficiency (coefficient of reflection) can be determined by usinq
expreasion (2.4).
Aii that conaidered above aleo remains valid in qeneral features for Braqg ,
diffraction-qrating structures fornied by modulation of the TPV thickness.
Nowever, the form of the coupling constants k in this case will apparently
be more complex (unlike expresaions (2.10) and (2.12)) since Bragg diffrac-
tion on this qratinq structure may be a~ccanpanied by transformation of the
incident wave to a wave or orthoqonal polarization and this problem requires
further inveatiqation [32, 34). '
It should be noted that the slopinq impingement of emission on the qrating
structure during Braqq diffraction leads to distortion of the spatial shape
of the diffracted ar~d transient liqht beams and it is atronqer, the broader
the incident beam spectrum compared to the band of Braqg diffraction angles ;
(frequencies) (29, 35). Specifically, the total width of the diffracted
band transient beams is always not less than a e 2L sin 8. Distortion of
the spatial shape of the signal is usually manifested to a greater extent
for qratinq structures fora~ed by corruqation of the TPV surface, which is .
related to a smaller value of the achieved values of the coupling constant k.
The high spatial-anqular and frequency-selective characteristics of Braqg
type diffraction-qratinq structures permits hiqhly effective spatial-selec-
tive filtration of emission in the TPV during its inclined impinqen~ent on
the qrating structure. Thess spatial-selective filters may find application
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�or multiicht~nnel OLS wi~h channelling (28, 30). The frequency-selective
seleativi~y of a�ilter 3s related tio its angular seleotivity by the simple
relation ~33~
e~/~~--~0 ctg 0, ee�e, (2.24)
which determine~ the dependence between variations of wavelength and the
angle of 3ncidence o� emiegion, leading to the same detiuning from Bragg
resonar~ce. For homogeneous and symmetirical distiribution of the value o�
the coupling constant k by the e�fect3ve length of ~he grating s~ructure
L*, tihe $hape of its spectral charaoteristic is symmetrical ~36~ and the
total apectral width of its resonance ~~1/ a. during inlcined incidence of
emisaion on the grat3ng may be written in the form (37)
~7~11~x2(:1*lL~)f 1-}~(kL*/n)~J~~~, (2.25)
where their effectiive values instead of and L are introduced in L�he
direction o� propagation of the incident light beam ~/~/sin e) and
the value of kL* for ensuring a mir~imum value of Q,~/~ does not exceed
7'/2 (or for grating structures operating to transmission (or reflection).
This approach to detern~ininq the selective and diffraction propertiea of
gratinq filters ie related to the use of approximation of the plane wave
(33, 37~ and is ~ustified when the angular divergence of emission in the
TPV is significau~tly less thari the anqular width of the Bragg resonance of
the gratfnq. in the opposite case when calculating the spectral characteris-
tics and diffraotion effectiveness of a grating filter, the entire set of
spatial components of the wave vectors of plane waves imFinging on the
qratinq mwst be taken into accour~t. The field distributiion fn the diffracted
and transient bedms are then determined by Fourier transformation of the
product of the spectrum of incident plane waves by the amplitude coefficients
of reflection or transmission (29, 35j.
Comparative arialyais of different types of modulation of TPV parameters.
It is of intereat to carry out comparative analysfs of the various types of
modulation of TPV paremeters for selectinq the preferable type of modulation
of film waveguide parameters (if there is this type of modulation).
it is obvious from the previous consideration that the effectiveness of
surface wave interaction in TPV on a qrating structure is determined by the
value of the coupling constant k which in the most qeneral case is propor-
tional to the absolute value of the modulation amplitude of the effective
waveguid~ refractive index /~n*. Actually, limiting ourselv~es to the case
of weak modulation of thickneas h and the refractive index of tho waveguide
material nl and taking into account the expressions for derivatives a nm/ a h
~d a nm/ ~ nl [38), it is easy to show that
k = (n/7~)Arsm~ (2.26)
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where nm gor tihe T~-modes o� TPV upon modula~ion of thickness h is equai ~o
~~n�,)u=Q~n,~~/A,~~~} ~10-~=, cex, (8)
In the domaitt of posiCive temperatures Tc1o ~ 0� C the values of Tp computed
from formula do not differ by more Chan 7 percent from the data in [14]
when 0� C~~c1o ~ 40�C ~nd from the data in (15J and [20] when 0� C
< T < 15�C. ~or confident selecCion in favor of one of the approximatioiis
clo �
shown in Figure 6 research into absorptions in a cloud must be iione at lower
temperatures or the accuracy of ineasurements must be improved.
5. The theoretical possibilities of solving the inverse problems of SHF
radiometric sounding of a cloudy atmosphere are based on the fact Chat a
clear relationship exists between brightness Cemperature and meteorological
parameters as well as that oxygen, water vapor and clouds have a distinct
effect on the spectrum of radiation of the atmosphere. The problem of de-
termining the integral parameters of a cloudy atmosphere has been discussed
in [29, 30, 32-34].
When the absorption in the atmosphere is not too large < 1 neper), the
integral relationship (1) may be wriCten in the form
TR~~, z)�T~v~1-e-~c?~~ea,~~ (9)
where T~P is the mean absolute temperature of the atmosphere. During ob-
servation from aircraft the expression for brightness temperature of the
system "atmosphere-underlying surface" (4) will have the form
T~~~~ ~~~T~x~~~ ~~e_il~luee..~.~+~pt[1-e-t~.~~,~e~+ (10)
-I-R(~,, 0)e-~i.~,�aT~pa[1-e-~~?~~~aa~,
where T~pT and T~p~ is the mean absolute temperature of the atmosphere during ~
rising and descending radiation in the direction of the angle of view. If
the temperature, emissivity and reflection factor of the underlying surface
are known, then by the relationships (9) and (10) one can find the total
absorption in the atmosphere which is associated with the integral meteoro-
lugical parameters by the following relationship [29]:
T(J~r)=To~~~i)'+'Ko~~)Q~'K?v(~r~ Twn)Wr (11~
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_ ~p~lO~~t ceK ~e~
3 ~
Z 3
Z 4
�15 -f0 ~S 0 S T~~o C
F'igure 6. ~xperimental and Cheoreeical values of relaxation eime 't as a
function of temperaCure. Curve 1 is calculated according to relaCignship
(8). Curves 2, 4 and 5 were constructed by exCrapolating experimenCal data
on Tp, obCained with posiCive Cemperaturea in (14, 20 and 21J respectively.
Curve 3 ghows the values calculated according to (15J. The triangles depict
the experimenr at waves 0.41 and 0.82 cm; rhe circles depict the experiment
at wavea 0.82 and 1.57 cm.
Table 5. Permissible errors in measuring brightness temperaCures at waves
0.8 and 1.35 BTy~ and effective temperaCur~ aTclo When determining
waCer reserve
Cloud shape St, Sc;
warm half As Cumed Cucong
year '
Absolute error
8W kg/m2 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.2
dTA(0.8), �K 1.7 3.6 2.0 0.18
8T~(1.35), �K 4.6 10 14 4.3
dTcol' �K 20 11 3.1 1.3
Where Tp2 is the total vertical absnrption in the oxygen, Kp(ai) and KW
~~i' Tclo~ are the weighting absorption factors in the water vapor and in
the water vapor and in the clouds respectively which depend in the general
case on the upper-air distribution of the meteorological elements. Variations
in the coefficient Kp(~) as a function of the profiles of the temperature,
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t~c)It ttl~'1~ IC:iAL U51; t1NI,Y
pres~ure ~ttd humidiey do nnt ~x~epd S percent wieh ehe ~xe~ption of eh~
r~son~nC Crnngieion in rhe viGinity of 7~ = 1.35 nm, wh~re Chey tn~y b~ some-
whut larg~ (44~. Variation~ in the ca~ffict~nt K(a) a~ a funcCien of Ch~
pr~~i1~ of the 1i.quid-wgCer ~nnC~nC in Che alaud gC ~ given r~mperatur~ do
not exceed 1 perc~nt for cloud~ wieh ~ ehi~kn~g~ up to 1 km and 10 p~rcene
�or extended ~umulus clouds with ~ thiCkn~~s of S km or more.
Wh~n mpa~uring th~ rotgl ~bsnrption gt gev~ral w~v~ length~ ~ gyst~m of equg-
eions (11) is formed which is lin~ar wieh re~pece to the unknown pgrameCers
nf CoCul mgse of waCer vapor and w~ter reserve o� th~ clauds, ~nd nonline~r
wiCh r~sp~ct ro the unknown effecCive temperature of ehe cloud. MeasuremenC
of ehe total absorption in the ~timogpher~ at 2 wav~~ i~ sufficienC to de-
C~rmin~ pargm~ters p and W when the effective temperature of the cloud ig
known. The wnrking wave lengths should gatisfy 2 evidene conditiong: th~
CnCg1 abgorption in the water vapnr and in ehe cloud ~dded eogeeher should
form an apprecigble quanCity ehge can be measured with the required accuracy;
th~ determinant of syatem (11) must differ considerably from zero:
D~Kp(A~) f(K. _f{c~~:~ Krv (J~~).
The radio windows of 0.6-1.0 cm, 0.3-0.4 cm and 1.6-3 cm as well as the
range of resonant abso.rption of water vapor 1.2-1.5 cm are the mosC suit-
able for solving this problem.
Instrument and methodological errors affect the accuracy of determining the
intebral parnmetera. Instrument errors include errors in measuring bright-
ness [emperatures and total absorptions; methodological errors include those
in the selection of the weight factors Kp and KW. The contribution of the
errors in measuring absorptions dT(~1) and dT(~2) in the ~rror in determin-
ing meteorological parameCers Q and W can be eatimaCed from the relation-
aQ y (h,~~t~:)~TU~) l+[ti,?~(~~)atU~~ l
Q et(~.~~ti�~�:~-~T(~,~h��(~~) (12>
t~cv Y[Kp(}.:)~T�~) I Ih~,.c~.~1~T�t)1
l~T~~1~~~v~~2~--.1T~%.=~f1~~~~.i~ `
where ~T(~) = T(~) - t02(J~). The errors in determining the total mass of
water vapor and water reserve of the clouds are associated with the errors ,
in measuring the temperature of the cloud by the following expressions:
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dQ tKo(~~)et(~~)--~t(~~)h'o(~~)1x
Q ~U~/{tv(~?a~~1T(~l~)~hw~~?~)~t~~t~~ ~
8Ka 8Kw ~7~~~
x~xWt~~) a-~ --xWc~s) ~--r; -~area~
8W 1 8Kw(1~~) 9KU?(~!)
W~ D~Ko(~?~) B--T~--Ko~~~~ eT a~ ~BT,e~.
. ~
Tab1~ S~hows the maximum errors in mea~uring th~ brightness temp~rature
of the atmoepher~ gnd the effective temperature of the cloud which allow
finfl ing the value of the water r~gerve of Che clouds with a given accuracy.
~rom table S it ig ~vident thaC with the sgme errora in deCermining thp
parameter W the requirements for accuracy in me~suring Che brightne~s tem-
perature at the wave 0.8 cm are higher than aC the wave 1.35 cm and depend
on thn type of cloud cover. With 2 wave measurements the combination of
waves 0.8 and 1.35 cm providea relaCively high accuracy in determining the
water reaerve of stratiform and cumulug cloud covera at valuea of W< 0.5
In the case of cumulus congestus cloud cover a higher accuracy in determin-
ing parameCer W is achieved if a longer wave, for example, the wave 2
cm is aelected instead of Che wave 0.8 cm.
The accuracy in determining the meteorological parameters Q and W are also
affected by the errors in finding the mean temperature of the atmosphere,
the requirements for which are approximately by one order of magnitude less
severe than for measurements of TA. Additional errors occur when observa-
tion is made "from above." These are caused by the effect of variations of
the temperature and reflection factor of the underlying surface (36). The
- relative error in determining the total mass of water vapor dQ/Q has a lin-
ear relationahip with the errors in finding the coefficient Kp. For example,
with variations in the coefficient K at 5 percent the value of SQ/Q is 6-7
percent. In the process an addition~l error will be introduced into the
cloud water reserve value that is being determined which is 1-4 percent
depending on tl~e value of the total mass of water vapor and absorption in
ti~e cloud.
- 6. Observations of descending radio radiation of the cloudy atmosphere were
also made using a laboratory on board an aircraft. The laboratory contained
SHF radiometers [42J in the 0.8, 1.35 and 2.25 cm wave length band. The
flights were mude in a number of areas in Central Asia, Siberia and the Far
East during 1975-1977. Radiation from the upper hemisphere was received
using horn antennas. The antennas for the 0.8 and 1.35 cm channels were
directed to the zenith, ~,rhile the third antenna was at a zenith angle of
75�. At the 2.25 cm wave the radiation was measured at 2 polarizations.
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1~111Z t11~ I~ IC I~L It;~l~, ~IN1,1`
~tengurcmentg wer~ e~ken nc~ the 8ir~r~fe ~e e1~e ~~m~ eim~ di the auC~id~ gir
e~?npnr~ture ~ncl elte height of the upper ~nd L~wer boundarieg of the eloud~.
~igur~ 7 show~ the example~ of rhe pe~fileg of the radio brightnesa tempera-
ture gr ehe f~.9 Cm w~v~ l~n~th ~or 3 typ~~ ~f ~louds: Sc, Cuco~g and Cuhum.
mh~ flighe wag m~d~ ~t lnw gltitude whi~h weg lower than the 1ow~r bound~ry
of ttle elnuds ~nd d3~rcr~Et ~p~~d w~~ 1n0 m/gee~ Sp~ei~l re$olueion wa~
abnut 0.3 km. 'Th~ level of r~di~tion df ~ c1~~r ~ky ig ~hown by ~ da~h~d
1in~. `Th~ prc~fil~~ nf ehp radio bri~htnegs t~mper~eur~g ba~ic~lly degcrib~
th~ prnfiles ~f ttie w~eer regerv~ of the cloud~.
Sc .
Cu cong
~ - - Iso�x
Cu httm
- _ _
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ < <
0 f0 ?0 JO 40 SO L, xM
~igure 7. profiles of radio brightness temperatures, obtained from an
aircraft at wavelength of 0.8 cm for three types of clouds: stratocumulus
(Sc), cumulus congeseus (Cucong), and cumulus humilis (Cuhum). Radiation
level of a cloudless sky ie designated by the dashed line.
W, Q,
xa/n= P/cnz '
~,2 ~4
. Q
Q8 ),6 ~~~.i"...~
q4 Q8
0 SO f00 l50 200 L, KM
Figure S. Data on the total mass of water vapor Q and water reserve of
clouds W, obtained during aircraft experiments in the rear of an occluded
cyclone with an intersection of a secondary cold front. 26 March 1975,
flight Tashauz-Chardzhou.
The aircraft measurements make it possible to obtain the detailed structure
of the field of humidity and water reserve of the atmosphere. Figure 8
shows the variation in the total mass of water vapor and water reserve of
the clouds durin~ a flight at the rear of an occluded cyclone with an inter-
section of a secondary cold front. The data was obtained in horizontal
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~'0[t n~'F'ICIAL U5~ dNLY
~li~ht ~e an nltieud~ nt 2n~ m in CpnCr81 Agia, Thr~~ di~eincC ~ectidns
Cnn b~ iJ~neified in eh~ ~rnph~. Th~ Eir~e ~cceian i~ cloudl~e~~ A Crgn~i-
eidn [rdm rdld ~ir to wgrm i~ obs~rv~d in ie~ Ae 8 di~e~nc~ of ~b~ut 90 km
the ~ir t8fttp~rt~tu~~3 ~h~n~~d from 2~ t~ 25�C, whil~ the valu~ of the m~t~a-
rdlo~i~a1 p~r~meC~r Q increa~ed from O.~S to 1.6 g/cmZ~ Th~ $~ennd g~ction
ia in eh~ xon~ of tihp w~rm ~ir. It hgg ehe ghr~xply ~~gg~d ghgpe ~f th~ pro-
fi1~ nf W~nd thig i~ wh~r~ the cum~lu~ cloud~ were. A~r~du~1 br~akup of
tti~ cloudg wirh ~ d~ereag~ in their water r~nerv~ occurg in eh~ third sec-
tinn. Uuring m~gsurement from ehe gircrgfti Che ~rror in d~eermining the
bri~htn~g~ temp~rgture of th~ cLoud at the 0.8 and 1.35 cm wave 1engChg
wgg 0.6 and 0.9�K regppcCively. The mini~num reported valu~ nf th~ wat~r
res~rv~ of g cluud wgg 0.03 kg/m2 and th~t of the total mgsg of water vapor
w~~ O~OS g/nmz~ ~or Che vglueg of Q and W, which sub~eaneially exc~eded
the~~ v~lu~g, thp errors ~re 10-15 perc~nt.
An experimpnt on th~ "Kosmns-243" satelliCe (1968) showed the possibility
of obtt?ining deta ~n the integral par~r~et~r~ of the atmosphere above the
sen surface (37-40j~ ttadigtion leaving tt~e system "atmosphere-underlying
surface" was received by 4 radiometers in the direction of Che nadir in the
following sectors of the spectrum: h,=8,5 c.?t; ~,~3,4 c~t; ~,~1,$5 c.K ~t ~~~0,8 c.~t,
The temperature of Che ocean surface and it~ amigsivity on shorC wave chan-
nels 3 and 4 were found by the valuea of the radio brightnesg Cemperature
on lon~ wave channels 1 and 2. Then the integral parametera of the atmo-
sphere Q and W were determined usin~ the technique described earlier. Fig-
ure 9 shows an example of thc profiles of the brightne~s temperature at the
wave lengthe 0.8, 1.35 and 3.4 cm during the flight of the "Kosmos-243"
satellite over the Pacific Ocean. The large values of brightness tempera-
tures at wave lengths 0.8 and 1.35 cm, reaching 244 and 233�K respectively,
as well as the noticeable brightening at wave lengths 3.4 cm (~TA a 20�K)
show that the satellite orbit projection intersected a large thick mass of
clouds with large values of water reserve. The SHF radiometric measurements
correlated well with the television and infrared images of the c~.oud covEr.
Data on the total mass of water vapor and water reserve of the clouds along
the pro~ection of the satellite "IGosmos-243" in the northern part of the
Atlantic Ocean are shown in Figure 10. One can see very substantial varia-
tions in the meteorological parameters Q and W during inCersection of the
three frontnl sections. The areas with thick cloud cover are characterized
by increased values of moisture content. In this experiment the errors in
determining the total mass of water vapor were 0.2-0.4 g/cm2. At greater
values of it the absolute accuracy of a single measurement of W is estimated
to be 30-50 percent.
The results of the theoretical and experimenCal research performed estab-
lish the dependencies of the SHF spectrum of brightness temperatures of
the atmosphere on water reserve, temperature, altitude, moisture and other
physical parameters of clouds. They also demonstrated the possibility of
determining the integral meteorological parar~aters of the atmosphere by
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~Ott O~~~CIAL US~ dNLY
Ta (0,81, �K
T ItJS,~Mt30' 35� 40' 45'b.ur, ~
30' 35� 40' 45'x~~r, ~O
30' 3S� 40� 45�~ow, ~e
~igure 9. Profiles of Che bri~htness temperaCure of the system "Atmo-
sphere-Surface of the Ocean" at wavelengChs 0.8, 1.35 and 3 cm along the
pro~ection of the orbit of the "Kosmos-243" satellite over the Pacific
Ocean. '
W, p, .
XI~N= l~tNt
;sr 9~
,z . s
48 3 ~ ,
Qy ' - Q
1 % W
Gut55' SO' 45' 40' y ,
Figure 10. Data on the total mass of water vapor Q and water reserve of _
the clouds W, obtained during intersection by the "Kosmos-243" satellite
of three frontal divisions over the Atlantic Ocean.
means of SHF radiometric sounding. Starting in 1965-1966 parallel re- ~
search of radio thermal radiation of clouds was performed at the Main !
Ceophysical Observatory imeni A. I. Voyeykov, the Central AerologicaJ. !
Observatory and other organizations and was directed basically at determi-
ning the relationship of radio brightness temperatures to meteorological
parameters. The effectiveness of the SHF radiometric method for studying
the cloudy atmosphere was confirmed by experiments performed on the
"Nir~bus-5" (1972), "Nimbus-6" (1975) and the "Meteor" (1975) satellites.
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'1'I~e autl~ors are grateful to N. F. Kukharskaya for compilation of programs
and calculations run on rhe compuCer.
1. R. H. Dicke , REV. SCTENT. INSTRUA4., 1946, 17, 268.
2. R. H. Dicke , R. Berin~er, R. L. TCyhl, A. B. Vane, PHYS. REV., 1946,
70, 340.
3. J. H. Van `?1eck, PHYS. REV., 1947, 71, 413.
~ 4. J. FI. Van Vleck, PHYS. REV., 1947, 71, 425.
5. S. A. Zhevakin, A. P. Naumov, IZV. WZOV MVO SSSR [MinisCry of Higher
Education, USSR], (RADIOFIZIKA), 1963, 6, 4, 674.
6. S. A. Zhevakin, A. P. Naumov, RADIOTEKHNIKA I ELEKTRONIKA, 1965, 10,
6, 987.
7. S. A. Zhevakin, A. P. Naumov, IZV. VUZOV MVSSO SSSR [Ministry o� Higher
and Secondary Special Education, USSR] (RADIOFIZIKA), 1967, 10, 9-10,
8. S. A. Zhevakin, V. S. Troitskiy, N. P4. Tseytlin, IZV. PNO SSSR (RADIO-
FIZIKA), 1958, 1, 2, 13.
9. S. A. Zhevakin, V. S. Troitskiy, RADIOTEKHNIKA I ELEKTRONIKA, 1959,
4, 1, 21.
10. A. Ye. Salomonovich, 0. M. Atayev, IZV. WZOV MV0 SSSR (RADIOFIZIKA),
1960, 3, 4, 606.
11. D. G. Hogg, R. A. Semplak, BELL SYSTEPi TECHN. J., 1961, 40, 1331.
12. D. G. Hogg, J. APPL. PHYS., 1959, 30, 9, 1417.
- 13. C. Tolbert, A. Straiton, BRIT. J. APPL. PHYS., 1959, 29, 5, 776.
14. J. A. Saxton, PHYS. SOC. AND ROY. M~TEOROL. SOCL, London, 1946, pp.292-
15. V. I. Rozenberg, "Rasseyaniye i oslableniye elektroma~nitnogo izluch-
eniya atmosfernymi chastitsami" [Scatterin� and Attentuation of Electro-
magnetic Radiation by Atmospheric Particles], Gidrometeoizdat, 1972, 348.
16. K. Ya. Kondrat'yev, "Luchistyy teploobmen v atmosfere" [Radiant Heat
Exchange in the Atmosphere], Gidrometeoizdat, 1956.
77 ~
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ro~i ~N~rtcrnt. USl: nNLY
17. A, Et, I3nrr~tt~ V. K.~ Chun~, J. CCOpNY5. ftr5., 196Z, 67, 11, 425g~
1~. K, S. ShiErin, "C~:i~~eynniye ~v~en v muenoy grede" [Light ScaCCerinR
in ~ 'rurbid hteJium~, CTI, 1951.
19. G. Van de Khyulst, "Kassey~niye sveCa m~lymi chaseirsttmi" ~LighC
5c~Cterin~ by Small ParCicles~~ ernnslaeed from ~n~lieh, IL, 1961.
20. C, H. Collie, J. I3. HggCed, b. M. EtiCgon, I'I~OC. PHYS. SOC., 1948, 60,
~c z, ~~s, 145.
'L1. bt, t~t. M~g~t, J. CH~M. 1'HYSIQU~, P}iYSICOCHIMI~ BIOLOGIQUE, 1948, 45,
4-5, 9~.
22. Ye. M. F'eygel'son, "Luchigtyy Ceploobmen i nblaka" [Radiant Heat Ex-
change nnd Clouds~, GidrometeoizdnC, 1970, 230.
23. I. P. Polovinn, "VozdeysCviya na vnuCrimassovyye oblaka sloisCykh form"
(EfEecta on Internal Stratiform Clouds]~ GidromeCeoizdat, 1971, 215.
24. L. S. Dubrovin~, TRUUY VNIICMI-MTsD [All-Union Scientific Research
Institute of Hydrometeorological Information], 1974, Issue 7, pp 3-11
25. R. A. Devyatova, TRUDY GIDROrtETEOROL. TSENTRA SSSR, 1974, Issue 148,
pp 73-90.
2G. rt. S. Shmeter, "Fizika konvektivnykh oblakov" ~Physics of Convective
CloudsJ, Cidrometeoizdae, 1972, 231.
1972, 8, 11, 1966.
28. Yu. A. Clagolev, "Spravochnik po fizicheskim parametram atmosfery"
(Handbook on Physical ParP,meters of the Atmosphere], Gidrometeoizdat,
29. A. Ye. Basharinov, S. T. Ye~orov, M. A. Kolos~ov, B. G. KuCuza, TRUDY
' GGO [~Iain Geophysical Observatory imeni A. I. Voyeykov~, 1968, issue
222, 153-158.
30. A. Ye. Basharinov, B. G. Kutuza, TRUDY GGO, 1968, issue 222, 100-110.
31. N. I. Ananov, A. Ye. Basharinov, K. P. Kirdyashev, B. G. Kutuza,
Rt1DI0TEKHNIKA I ELEKTRONIKA, 1965, 10, 11, 1941.
32. A. Ye. Basharinov, B. C. Kutuza, "Trudy 3-go Vsesoyuznogo soveshchaniya
po radiolokatsionnoy meteorologii" (4lorks of the Thfrd All-Union Con-
ference on Radar Meteorology], Gidrometeoizdat, 1968, 96-106.
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~0[t dt'1'YCIAL USC dNLY
A, C, g~ehn.rinnv, I3. G~ Kuruza, BULL. AM~It. M~~~nRdL. SOC~, 1968, 4~,
5, pS Z, Sg7,
34. A~ Ye. B~~h~rinov, I3. C. Kutuza, IZV~ ViJZOV ;~1VSSO SSSIt (RAbIOFIZIKA),
1974, 17, 1, 52.
35. A~ Ye, Basharinov, A. G. Gorelik~ V. V. Kala~hnikov, B. G. KuCuxa,
IzV ~ AN SSSEt, ~'IZIKA ATMOS~'~ItY I OK~ANA, 1970, 6~ 5, 526.
36. B. G. Kutuza, L. rt. Mirnik, A. M. Shutko, TRUnY GIU1tOM~T~OFtOL. TS~NTRA
55Sk, 1969, iasue 50, pp 86-93.
37. A. Ye. Bneharinov, 5. T. Yegorov, A. S. Gurvich, DOKL. AN SSSR, 1969,
188, 6, 1273.
38. A. M~ Obukhov, A. Ye. Basharinov ~C a1., KOSMICH~SKIYE ISSL~DOVANIYA,
1971, issue 1, 66.
39. A. B. Akvilonova, B. C. Kutuza, L. H. ;~IiCnik, IZV. AN SSSR, FIZIKA
ATMOSFERY I OKCANA, 1971, 7, 2, 139.
40. A. B. Akvilonova, M. 5. Krylova, B. G. Kutuza, L. M. Mitnik, TRUDY
TSBNTR. AERnLOG. OBSERVATORII, 1972, issue 103, 73-81.
41. A. B. Akvilonova, A. Ye. Basharinov eC al., IZV. AN SSSR. FIZIKA
ATMOSFERY I OKEANA, 1973, 9, 2, 187.
42. V. 5. Ablyazov, A. B. Akvilonova et al., "Radiofizicheskiye issledo-
vaniya atmosfery" (Radiophysical ^~search of the Atmosphere],
GidrometeoizdaC, 1977, 204-207.
1977, 13, 12, 1307.
4G. A. P. Naumov, IZV. AN SSSR, FIZIKA ATTtOSFERY I OKEANA, 1968, 4, 2,
45. P. D. Kalachev, A. Ye. Salomonovich, RADIOTEKHNIKA I ELEKTRONIKA,
1961, 6, 3, 422.
COPYRIGtiT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka," "Radiotekhnika i Elektronika," 1978
CSO: 8144/0518
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pHYS IC~ ;
UDC 621.378~535.4
Jun 78 pp 992-996
[Article by Ye.V. Ivak3n~ A.M. Lazarus~ I.P. Petrovich~ and
A.S. RubanovJ
[Text] The recording of a dynamic hol.ogram in a so-
lution of polymethine dye on the bas is of ~
saturation of amplifi~at3on has been experi-
mentally carried o~at. The dependence of the
diffract3on effectiveness on the pumping pow-
er and the recording f ield is investigated.
It is shown that it is possible to increase
the sensitivity by one or two orders over the ~
bleachable media. The main experimental pat- ~
terns are qualitatively confirmed by calcula- ;
The known methods for recording and reproducing wave fields are
based on the absorption of light energy. Thi~ applies to both
photoemulsions and to nonsilver light-sensitive materials. In ~
dynamic holography, when bleachable recording mediums with a
short information storage time are used [3], the recording and
(or) reading of a hologram can be accompanied by optical ampli-
fication of the light beams. In this case the hologram is a
substance with spatial modulation of the amplification factor. ~
Among the extensive class of bleachable substances ~or the re-
cording of amplifying holograms~ the most promising ones are
solutions of complex organic compounds [4], which make it pos-
sible to achieve a high amplification factor value. When ex-
cited in the absorption area (Figure la) the substance is '
1Presented at the 2d All-Union Conference on Holography (Kiev,
1975) and the 8th All-U~ion Conference on Coherent and Non-
linear Optics (Tbilisi~ 1976) (1~2].
80 ~
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I~tlk f)I~I~'fCl~1(, Util, 11NLY
~ ~ b1.e~ched while amplification
appears ~Figure lc) 3ns3de the
bovndary of luminescence (F~.g-
~ a ure lb). Recording of the wave
front in band a leads to spa-
tial mo~ulation of the sub-
stance's op~icai ai~d spectro-
~a v~ ~ scop3c properties: the absorp-
? tion coefficient's hologram is
recorded in ~he absorption area
F igure l. Absorpt~,on (1~2) (a) while that of the amplif3-
and luminescence (3) spectra cat~.on factor 3s recorded in
of a dye solution: 1. un- the lwninescenae area (b). _
disturbed� 2. in a powerful -
pumping f~.eld. In [4] the authors realize one
of the variants of a dynamic
hologram in which ampllfication is used at the reproduction
stage. The record3ng medium was a thin l.ayer of polymethine
dye solution. The dynamic lattice was registered by ~he emis-
sions of ~ monopu7.sed laser with a wave length corresponding to
the dye's absorption band. Diffraction of the sounding beam in
the amplification band was ~bserved to occur simultaneausly
with registration of the lattice. In this case there was amp-
lification of both the sounding and diffracted beams. Under
the conditions of the experiment reported in [4], the value of
diffraction effectiveness D was more than 200.
Tn this article we discuss the possibility of u~ing the phenom-
enon of amplification saturation in the recording of dynamic
holograms. Ir, this case, the process of recording the hologram
in the inverse mediwn is accompanied by amplification of the
interfering waves' intensity and the simultaneous appearance
and amplification of additional diffracted light beams (self- .
diffraction in the amplifying medium).
Figure 2 is a schematic diagram of the experi.mental setup. A
solution of polymethine dye #~+568 was placed in container 1~
which has clear ports (for the pre~ention of spurious oscilla-
tion). The initial transmi~sian Tp (1~ = 694 nm) of a layer of
thickne~s d= l mm is less than 10-2 (~ecause of the small val-
ue of T, an exact measurement was not made). The~ center of
the dye~s absorption band corresponds to wave lengich ~a = 682
nm= r~~hile the center of ths lwninescence outline corresponds to
~L= 594 nm. Amplification appeared in the dye layer under the
effect of emissions (r~ = 69~+ nm) from monopulsed ruby laser 2~
which has a phototropi~ shutter. Maximum bleaching of the lay- '
er corresponded to transm~ssion Tp(Tp = 694 nm) ti 0.2 at an
energy density of 2~�cm' . Simultaneously~ part of the emis-
sions of laser 2 were shunted off by~ mirror 3 and used to pump
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].iquid laser 4~ which uses a
'4' sol.ution of the same dy4 ~?nd
~ ~ opera~es on ~rave length 1~ =
~ ~ ~
= 730 nm. The generation spec-
~ trwn was narrowed to 0.3 nm by
I r
- adding a dispersing element to
~ the resonator.
I " In order to form the amplifying
~ hologram, the emissions from
4 I~._____.._ source 4 were sp13t (with the
i_._._~---~--~-- help of light-splitting device
Figure 2. Optical circuit 5) into two beams of approxi-
for recording dynamie holo- mately equal intensity that
gram in the inverse medium. were then directed into the
plane of container 1. The
beam-splitting method insured combination of the mode structure ~
and path d~.fference compens~tion. When propagating in the in-
verse medium~ the interfering waves were amplified and caused a
spatially nonuniform (with a period n= 100 reduction in tYle
population of the excited state. As a result of this~ the amp-
lifying lattice on which the incident waves were diffracted was
recorded in the mediwn.
~ 3~ The results of an experimental ~
measurement of the effective-
~~o :o Z Z~ ness of self-diffraction D1
-"~�~e % (the ratio of the intensity of
, the emissions diffracted in the :
~o ~ o-~-~ s e first order to the intensity of
0 0~~, the original beam) and amplifi-
�~o cation of the dye layer (holo-
o~n_ ~ gram) T~ are given as functions
~a-4 ~a-zf~, TicM2 of the energy of the interfer-
_ fering beams~ for three differ- ~
- Figure 3. Layer amplifica- ent pumping intensity values~
tion T~ (1-3) and diffrac- in Figure 3. The intensities
tion effectiveness D1 (1'- of the diffractsd beams forming
-3') as funetions of pwnping the hologram were measured with ;
energy Ep and recording the help of photoreceivers 6
field E� E = 0.4 (1,I' ) aild ~ and oscillograph 8(Fig- i
0.9 (2~~~),p2 (3,3') ~/cm~. ure 2). The linear amplifica- ;
tion T~ on the 730 nm wave
length was 20, 35 and ~+0. The maximum self-diffraction effect-
iveness D1 reached ~10 percent in the experiment. As the in-
tensity of the interfering beams increased, sa did the diffrac-
tior.. effectS.veness. This increase was most clearly expressed
for high pwnping energy values.
' 82 ~
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t~~ok nt~t~iCiAL L15C nNLY
As is obvious (Figure 3)~ the amplifyin~ mediums' sensit3vity
during the recording of holograms is h~.gher than in the bleach-
able substr~nces, In the case of bleachable dyes, d3ffrac~ion
effectiveness on the order of 1 percent is reached when the
densi~y of the interfering beams' raciiation is F~~�..?(0.5-1)�].0"~
~�em' . Under the conditions of this experiment~ thP use of
the amplification effect made it possible to increase the s n-
sitiv~ty substantially and to push the value of E~ to ti10-~
~�cm- . In connection with this~ the sensitinity decreased
slightly as the pumping energy increased.
A detailed theoretical analysis of the features of self-
diffraction in the inverse medium would be quite compl3.cated.
However the possibility of increasing the sensitivity when us-
ing amp~ifying mediums for hologram registration can be 11.1us-
trated in the following manner. It fol.lows from Figure 3 that
the appearance of diffracted beams (indicative of the recording
of the interference field) corresponds to the transition from
~ne linear to the nonlinear amplification area. This fact
makes it possible to formulate approximate theo~ti-cal esti-
mates of the dependence of sensitivity on the dye's properties
and the power of the pumping wave that are based on an examina-
tion of the features of the light beam's propagation in the
amplifying medium. For our calculations we will start with the
equation describing the criange in the flow when it interacts
with the excited dye (6]:
d l~ I-}- I~P Ie j~o/ ~ ~ 1. ~
dz 1 ; aC1~ a~lP ~ ~ -
812~~'pIT fe AT ~~~-~P) _ 'kT ~~~e ~c~ t .
I'F S e.
C (
aP B~2
T 1 1~ P kT ~~P)
C ~ ~
hr ~ 2 ~
Of. - B12 ~~r,~ t J 1 ~ ~ kT ~~~-~c) I.
~ C 1 l~
Ir� . ~ Jt~~~NB~z ~ (~+a ~ vPl:
Bl2 = Einstein coefficient; = lifetime o~' the dye in the ex-
c3ted state; c= speed of light; N= density of the molecules;
T= temperature of the medium; Ip(ti ) and I~(N~) = pumping in-
tensity in the absorption band and ~ight beam intensity in the
amplification area.
In accordance with (1), the relationship between the dimension-
less intensities upon emerging from the layer (z = d) is
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1~c)lt Ul~l~ IGL~I~ IISI~; UNLY
~ a,,l,, (d)
` ~ ~ .~r, j~~~f~ (3 )
which determines tYle de~ree of ampllfication saturation. We
wi11 charac~erize ~he transition to nonlinear ampllfication by
the value C1. The threshold intensity of the wave as it
enters the~laye~ (I hr) that is necessary for holo~ram record-
ing wi11 then be de~ined as
ith~.~ ~~.~i .~u~i~r~,)~�~.r~� ~t,.~
where S~ = intensity of the pumping wave as it enters the lay-
er. Si~ice amplif ication saturation is asswned to be only
slight in the ent3re layer T~ can be derived from equation (1)
by i~noring the nonlinear ~ependence of the absorption and amp-
lification coefficien~s on I~:
o ,
1nT~._ ~lnTp(1-~ InTP~, ~5)
P ~ aP uP 1
In the same approximation~ pumping wave transmission is deter-
mined from the transcendental equation
(1 -TP)a~IP - inTP-ln7p.
Figure 4 shows the results of
�~1~"r~y the calculation of pumping wave
~~~lT~ ~ transmission Tp , amplifying
~ flow transmission T~ and the
threshold intensity oc~Ichr that
~ determines the medium s sex~s i-
Z tiv~ty, all as functions of
~;s a,s o~, I. Calculations w re made
fSrpT~ =010~3_and 10'~'. The _
~ o,zs value~ k~/k - 0.07 and ~p/a -
I~~ 4 =-10.1 cor~espond to the co~i-
; ditions of the experiment des-
� s ~n za so ~aaa,tP cribed above.
Figure 4. Dependence of The existence of an optimum for
pumping transmission T(1)~ the amplifying layer's sensi-
layer amplification T p(2) tivity~ for the given
and threshold intensi~y of parameters corresponds to the
the recording field a Ithr value (o{PI~) t~-10 follows
- (3 on pumpin intens~ty from the ca~lc~ilative data (see
ocp~ . Tp = 10'~ (1-3) and Figure 4, curves 3 and 4). '
10~ (4). This result is natural and is
c~used by the competition be-
tween the increase in amplification and the decrease in the
value of the effective parameter of nonlinearj.ty
. a,.
u` 1 aplPTp ~7)
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~~ox nrrtci~, us~ ~N~,Y
as pumping intensity ~ I~ 3ncreases. Fc,r small vttlues of a Ip~
the increase in amplif~c~tion is predominant~ because in th~s
cas~ oc* de~reases comparatively slowly. Tn the area of values~
uc I>~c I)o t~ amplification converges on saturatlon with ~e-
s~e~t topp~imp~ng, while a~ decreases in proportion to 1/(apTp).
The experi.mentally obserned decrease in sensitivity (see ~'igure
3) $s pwnping increases is apparently rel.ated to the excess of
,~pIp over the optimum value.
~ Within the framework of this approach~ let us correlate sens3-
tivity to hol.ogram recordin~ on the basis of the mechanisms of
amplification saturation and absorption. By an,alogy with (3)~
we assume that hologram recordings in the absorption band are
achieved in connection with the trans tion to nonlinear trans-
mission of the layer at the value atl~hr(z = 0) _~'t < 1. As-
suming equality of the parameters ~ t= ~ the gain in sensitin-
ity during the transition from absorpt~~n to amplification can
be estimated from the relationship
~s ti r a~ 7'~ C 8,
~~hr ut 1 ocPlpTF ~
In the area of the absorption and luminescence bands' maaimums~
c~c~ and at are approximately identieal. For parameter values
corresponding to those in Figure 4~ a~/at ~0.~. In this case~
it follows from (8) that there is an increase in sensitiv3ty in
the area of the optimum (see Figure 4) by one or two orders in
comparison with a recording in the absorption band~ which
agrees qualitatively with the result of the eaperiment.
Additional Notes: After this article was published~ the auth-
ors worked on improving the experiment desc~ibed in it. For
this purpose~ they succeeded in matching the generated wave
length of laser 4(T = ~20 nm) with the center of the circum-
ference of amplification of the registering layer 1(a solution
of ~4568 dye from which the impurities have been removed). In
this case~ the layer's linear amplification T~ _ ~20 nm) was
ti103. As should have been expected from (8)~ the sensitivitx
gain in comparison with the absorbing la ers was more t~an 103,
while the energy's threshold density E~h~~ 2�10-5 ~�cm . Dur-
ing the experiment~ it was observed that D1 and T~ were not de-
pendent on E in the section of substantial saturation. In
connection w~th this, the value of. D1 reached ...12 percent.
The gi~ren experimental results agree with the theoretical esti-
mates given in the article.
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rox USL nNLY
l. Ivakin Ye.V.~ Petrovich I.P.~ and Rubanov~ A.S,~ MATERIALY
2d A],1-Union Conference on Holography)~ Kiev~ 1975~ Vol. 2~
p 18.
2. Ivakin Ye.V. Lazaruk A.M. Petrovich I.P. and Rubanov
REN'I'1~t0Y T NELINEYNOY OPTIKE (Summaries of Reports Given at
the 8th AZl-Union Conference on Coherent and Nonl3near Op-
tics Tbi11s i~ 1976 ~ Vo1 2~ p 382.
3. Stepanov B.I.~ Ivakin Ye.V.~ and Rubanov~ A.S.~ DAN SSSR
(Proceed~ngs of the USS~R Academy of Sciences)~ voL i96,
i97i, p 567.
4. Ivakin~ Ye.V. Petrovich I.P. Rubanov~ A.S., and Stepanov~
B. I. , KVANTOVt~YA ELEKTROI~IK,A (~uantum Electronics Vol 2~ '
1975, p 1556.
5. Stepanov~ B.I.~ and Gribkovskiy V.P.~ UFN (Progress of
Phys ical S ciences Vol 95 ~ 196 P~+5.
COPYRTGHT: "Zhurnal Prikladnoy Spektroskopii"~ 19'78 .
CSO: $144/0477
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UDC 68~..132.65
Moscow KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA iri Ruseian Vol 5 No 11, Nov pp 2503-2506
[Article by P. G. Yeliseyev and M. A. iierman)
[Text] The Second International School of Semiconductor Electrooptics
"Cetniewo-1978" (named after the sports base on whose territory the parti-
cipants were housed and where the lectures were given) was held ati
Wladislawowo (not far from Gdansk, Poland) from 6 through 14 May 1978. The
first school, as reported praviously [1], was held at the saa?e location in
October 1975. The arganizers of the school are the Polish Academy of
Sciences (Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences at Warsaw)
and the Polish Physical Society.
The international school assembled more than 200 students �rom 13 countries
who heard 23 lectures on various problems af semiconductor electrooptics,
mainly concerning radiation sources. Specialists working actively in elec-
trooptics appeared at lectors. Soviet science, occupying the leading posi-
tion in semiconductor electrooptics, was most widely represented seven
lectures from the academic institutes of Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev. The
lectors also included representatives of Poland, GDR, Japan, Great Britain,
the United States, Canada, Brazil, France, Sweden, West Germany and Italy.
Th~ lectures were divided into the following sections:
physical phenomena in electrooptical materials and devices (four lectures);
technoloqical problems (four lectures);
electrooptical devices (six lectures);
injection lasers (six lectures);
optic.�~ communications and inteqrated optics (three lectures);
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'I'he lecturas wdr~ read in sequence in the same hall so ~hat the stud~nts
could visit a11 0� ~hem. Sir?ce the t3me allocatied for each lecture was
almost 2 hours and since ~he lecture itself comprised 1-1.5 hours, there
were good opportun~.ties for discussion of the problems touched on and for
expl~nation of questions which arose. '~he library, containing copies oF tha
texts of all lectures, was made available to tihe students.
The director af the Institute oE Phys3cs of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
Corr~:sponding Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences Professor E.
Kolodzeiczak, chairman of the program co~~unittee of the school, opened the
work of the school. Member oE ~he Presidium of the Polish Physical Society
Doctor A. Kuyevskiy and Chairman of the Wladislawowo City Council S. Sarafin
greeted the participants. The regular work .:f the school was then begun
wi~h the lecture of the Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences,
winner of the Lenin Prize Pro�essor Zh. I. Alferov "Heterostructures in Semi-
conductor Electronics."
As indicated by the experience of the past few years, the idea of using
heterojunctions in semiconductor devices was exceptionally fruitful, speci-
fically with regard to electrooptical devices. Heterostructures combina-
tions of one or several heterojunctions and p-n junctions in a unified
multilayer system became the basis for new types of radiation sources and
detectors: heterolasers, heterowaveguides and heterophotodiodes. New
trends in electrooptics are being developed integrated optics, image con-
verters and ampli�iers, optical memory systems and so on. The contribution
of Soviet scientists was of decisive significance in these fields. The lec- -
ture of 2h. I. Alferov (Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe of the
USSR Academy of Sciences) contained a survey of the advances in development
of electrooptical and other semiconductor devices based on A.GaAs/GaAs hetero-
structures, whose technology is more developed. Expansion of the range of
applications of heterostructures is of important practical significance.
A decisive step was made recently in this direction whidh made it possible
to create many new heterostructures. The essence of this new stage in deve-
lopment of semiconductor electrooptics consists in the use of multicomponent
solid solutions within the framework of which a wide range of ideal pairs o�
semiconductor materials can be accomplished which are suitable for joining
in heterojunctions. The lecture of P. G. Yeliseyev (Physics Institute imeni
P. N. Lebedev of the USSR Academy of Sciences) "Type III- V Quaternary Systems
for Coherent and Noncoherent Radiation Sources" was devoted to the problem
of creating new heterostructures. The development of the world's first new
heterolasers based on GaInPAs/InP, GaInAsSb/GaSb and A1GaAsSb/GaSb systems,
which cover a wide spectral range of IR radiation, in the USSR was specifi-
cally reported in this lecture.
The Soviet delegation also presented the following lectures: "The Quantum
Efficiency of Light Diodes on Binary Heterostructures: Theory and Experi-
mental Investigations" (D. Z. Garbuzov, FTI [Physicotechnical Institute]
~ imeni A. F. Ioffe); "Photodetectors and Radiation Converters Based on Hetero-
structures" (V. I. Korol'kov, FTI imeni A. F. Ioffe); "MNOS Systems for
, i~
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Optical Revergibl.e Memory bevices tn Computers" (Yu. M. Popov, FIAN [Physics
Jnsti~ute ir?~eni P. N. Lebedev of the USSR Academy of Sciences), "GaAlAs
Heterostiructures in xntegrated Optics" (Ye. L. Portnoy, FTI imeni A. F.
ioffe)s and "Eleotroluminescent Image Conver~ers and Amplifiers" (S. V.
5vechnikov, Snstitute of Semiconductors of the SSR Academy of
Timely developmenta were presentied in the theor~tical and experimental
aspects in these lectures. 5pacifically, method3cal problems of determining
the internal quantum yield of radiative recomb3nation in A1GaAs heterostruc-
~ures were considered in the lecture of D. A. Garbuzov. Tmproving the
characteristics of photodetectors by using heterojunctions and development
of new types of photodetectors and converters (selective photodiodes, elec-
troluminescent photoresistors, solid-state converters and so on) were de-
scribed in the lecture of V. I. Koro1'kov. New promising MNOS structures
(metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor) as reversible data carriers for optical
memory devices were presented by Yu. M. Popov~. The use of heteros;:ructures
with Bragg reflectors in the integrated optics componant base was discussed
by Ye. L. Portnoy. He reported, for example, about continuous injection
heterolasers with Bragg reflectors developed at FTI imeni A. F. Ioffe.
Corresponding member of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences S. V. Svechnikov ,
talked about efficient image amplifiers based on multilayer structures in ~
which the photosensitive material is CdSSe and the scintillating material
is Zn5:Mn. Image intensity in contrast amplification of 200 was achieved
on a mockup with illumination of 10'3 lux.
A number of lectures was presented by the hosts of the school, Polish
specialists. Academician of the Polish Academy of Sciences L. 5osnovski
qave a detailed survey of the characteristics of the most important narrow-
band semicond~uctors in a lecture on the topic "Type IV-VI Semiconductors
as Materials for Infrared Electruoptics." Res2arch associate of the Insti-
tute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Doctor M. A. Herman gave
a lecture entitled "The Coher~nce of Semiconductor Laser Emission" and a
research associate of the ~z:ne institute Doctor T. Bryshkevich gave a lec-
ture entitled "The Electroepitaxy of Compound AIIIB~ and Its Application
. in the Technology of Electrooptical Devices."
A detailed survey of the advances of Polish electrooptics and of the pro-
duction of electr.ooptical devices was given in the talk of Doctor B.
Mroziyevich, director of the Institute o: Electronic Technology (ITE), which
is part of the Polish Electroindustrial Co;npany Unitra. During the past
3 years the institute has achieved significant success in development and
production of electrooptical devices. New light diodes, digital displays,
photodetectors and optrons have been introduced into mass production. New
models of ~owerful GaAs:Si light diodes, GaAs:Zn light diodes for fiber-
optics communications lines and silicone avalanche photodiodes, specifically, '
have been developed. Green light diades based on GaInP have apparently
appeared in mass production for the first time in worldwide practice.
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~"und~mental invest~,qations, for Qxample, in the field of the radiative
mechanism of recombination in compensatied GaAs:Si and A1GaAs:si semiconduc-
tors arA being carried out extensively.
mh~ lecture o� Doctor D.-I. Nishidzawa (University of Tnhoku, Sendai, Japan)
"Mathod of 5toichiometric Crysta113zation of ISI-V Compounds �or Light
Diodes and Injection Lasers" ~roused special attention among the lectures.
Znvestigations directed toward optimization of the liquid-phase epitaxy
(ZhFE) mode of GaP, GaAs and other alectroop~ical materials were generalized
in the lecture. The novelty of these investigations is that, unlike the
generally accepted approach when only pure hydrogen is controlled dur3ng
ZhFE in the gaseous phase over the liquid phase, an optimum value of the
partial pressure of the volatile components of the compound (for each tem-
perature) is selec~ed and maintained in the given case. Zfiis procedure
provide reproduc3ble production of the crystallographic and electrophysical
parameters o� the compound and, which is very significant for the technology
of radiation sources, apparently provides minimum deviation from stochiometry
in the solid phase. This in turn improves the radiative characteristics of
the materials by reducing the point defect concentration.
Doctor T. Nishinaga (Tokyo Technological Institute, Japan), in his lecture,
illuminated another technological aspect of ZhFE the causes and methods
of preventing nonplanarity of the epitaxy front. His lecture was entitled
"The Morphology of the Crystallization Front and Inhomogeneities in Impurity
Distribution During Multilayer Liquid-Phase Epitaxy."
The greatest attention in the lectures was devoted to the theory of injection
lasers and to their fundamental properties. These problems were considered
in ~he lectures of Doctor M. Pilkun (Stuttgart University, West Gerniany)
"Investigations of Optical Amplification and Its Saturation in Semiconductor
Lasers," of Doctor M. Adams (Universi.ty of Southhampton; Great Britain!
"A Unified Approach to Theoretical Problems of Injection Lasers," of H.
Bachert (Central Institute of Optics and Spectroscopy, Berlin, East Germany;
"Investigating the Possibility of Controlling the Spectral Behavior of
Injection Lasers," of Doctor K. Unger (Leipzig University imeni K. Marx,
East Germany) "The Statistical Approach in Study of the Effect of Strong
Alloying and Mixing of Type III-V Compounds on the Electrooptical Properties
of These Materials" and of Doctor H. E. Ripper (Physics Institute of Campinas
University, Brazil) "Injection Laser Modes." One important theoretical
problem of interpretation of the dynamics of generation in band injection
heterolasers was touched on in several lectures and was outlined in more ~
detail in the lecture of Doctor G. H. Thompson (Standart Telecomanunication
Laboratory (STL), Great Britain) "Heterolasers With Band Geometry and the
Effects of Optical and Electronic Restriction." The increased interest in
the problems of the dynamics of band heterolasers is related to the fact
that lasers of this type are ideal sources for fiber waveguide communica-
txons lines. Z'hey are exceptionally compact, simple, easily matched with ,
waveguides without intermediate optics and permit direct (internal) modula-
tion of radiation over a wide frequency band. However, some ar.omalies,
90 `
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specifically, discontinuities in the output characteristics related to in-
stability o� the generation channel, were detected in planar band hetero-
lasers. Narrower br~nd structures and the use of l~teral optical a,~d elec-
tronic rpstriction may be employed to eliminate th6se undesirable phenomena.
For example, these types of lasers with a wide band structure of 2 microns
were developed in the laboratory of STL.
A survey of the problems occurring in development of op~ical communicati.ons
systems was given in the lecture of Doctor J. Diamond (Bell Northern Research
Laboratary, Ottawa, Canada) "The Characteristics of Electrooptical Devices
for Optical Communications Systems." Attention was turned here, specifically,
on the significant success in optimization of spectral matching of the source
and fiber waveguide. Actually, due to development o� heterolasers based on
the GaInPAs/InP quaternary system, the band of wavelengths of 1.0-1.5 microns
became uccessible �or application in optical communications and the condi-
tions of signal propagation are much better in this band than in the pre-
viously developed band near 0.8 micron. This true not onl~? in lesser
attenuation of emission, but also in a smaller value of the ~hase velocity
dispersion passing through a minimum at a wavelength o� approximately 1.3
microns. Restrictions on the line capacity on the part o� dispersion of
the material are essentially neqligible near this wavelength. Heterolasers
for this wavelength based on the GaInPAs/InP system, accomplished for the
first time in the Soviet Union, are being investiqated intensively in many
laboratories of the world. Directly connected to development of fiber-
optics communications lines, some problems and investigations on waveguide
optics were considered in the lecture of Doctor B. Crosinniani (Central ~
Institute of Mail and Television, Italy) "Mode Dispersion in an Optical
Fiber With Regard to Mode Coupling."
Problems of degradation are also relat.ed to a range of problems of the
practical application of heterolasers, Extensive introduction of hetero-
lasers in an optical communications system is ~eing delayed by the inadequate
_ sQrvice life of serial models. Moreover, as was reflected in the lectures
of Doctor G. H. Thompson and J. Diamond, laboratory service-life tests ~
provide the basis to assume that this problem has been completely resolved
since service-life values on the order of 104 hr in the continuous mode
can be achieved at elevated temperatures. These results indicate that this
level of durability will also become accessible for mass production in the
near future.
' The detailed processes which cause degradation of heterolasers were dis-
cussed in the lecture of Doctor H. Wulhaus (Optical Information Systems `
of the Exxon Company, United States) "Generation of Dislocations in
Electrooptical Materials and Their Behavior During Optical Excitation."
Methods of electronic microphotography permit expansion of the detailed
structure of accelerated degration foci (so-called dark line and spot
defectsD. Luminescent topography makes it possible to follow the growth
kinetics of these defects. Doctor H. Wulhaus showed a movie in which the
evolution of degration foci is shown in real time. Experiments indi.cate
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i7 JANUARY i979 CFOUO 4179~ . ~ OF 2
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~~Ok ct~~ i~ It: t AL USI: c)NI,Y
the ~mportant rnlc~ wt~ir,h mr.cltanir,al riL-te~ur,~ .7nd di~locatidns in h~ti~ro-
structurQ~ play in acr~lQr~eion of the degradation proces~.
f~r~,bl~ms roncerning the propertie.~ of deep lumin~scen~ centerg in widexone
materinls a~ere illumin~t~d in th~ l~ctur~~ of Uo~tc~r N. G. Grimmeis ('T~chno-
loqical rnstitut~, Lund, Sw~d~n) "beep impuritie~ tn 5amiconc~uctors and
'~1~eir F?ole ~.n ~1QCtrouptical bevices" and of hr. Ozel (National Center
Eor Telecommunicationo Regearrh (CN~T), France) "mhe UgQ of Strongly Alloyed
ttare-Earth M~teriaY~ in f;1F~ctrooptical Uevicee." Brief ~urveye of advancQs
in various l~boratoriea given outigide the regular 1QCtures by r~presentatives
~f roland, E'rance, Great 6rit~in, Canada an~ Ja~an arouRQd great interest~
' 7t~. I. Alfar.ov, who expregaed the common opinion nbout thQ exceptional
im~ortirance ond undoubted aucce~s of thQ Second internatio�al School of
SemS.canductor ~iectrouptic~s, g~ve a talk At the concluding ~e8sinn in the
nnme cf the participanta with gratitude to the organizers of the school.
boctnr M. A. Fferm$n, chairman of the organizing commJ,.ttee of !:he sehool,
gave aome concluding words. ttQ reporLed that the proceedings of the Second
2nternational School will be published in English undor the title "Semicon-
ductor Opt.nelectronics" (Proceedings of the Second International School on
5Qmiconductor Opto-~lectror~ics "Cetniewo-1978," edited by M. A. Hermnn,
Polish Scientific publishers, warszawa, 1979) and will be distributed to
the partic,ipants durinq the first half of 1979.* It is planned to hold
the Third International School of Semiconductor Electrooptics at Cetniewo
in 19~]..
*Send c~rder~ to the addrQSS: ORwN (Osrodek Rozpowszechniania Widawnictw
t~aukowych) P1~N, Palac Kultury i Nauki, Warszawa, Poland.
Fliseyev, P. G. and M. A. Herman, KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, Jol. 3, 1976.
COPYRIGNT: "Kvantovaya Elektronika", 1978
CSO: 1870
~ Z
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Mo~scow KAK RABUTAYt1~i' OP~E2ATSIONNYY~ SISmII~[Y (How Operating Systems F'unction)
in ftur,nian 19r8 signed to press 15 Jun 78 pp 2-5, 191-192
(A~notation, foreword ~nd table of contents from book by A. Trakhtenberg,
Naul:a Press 22,900 copies, 182 pageaJ
(Text) The book descrtbea the principal functions of operating systems, their
~tructure and their mode of operation. It discusses the kinds of' these sys-
tem.^,, their reactions to signals received from external devices, the computa-
tional situ~ation and the manner in which tr.= computer resources are taken into
accou:?t, and the sequence of implementation of taska is determined.
The fir~t computer employing electronic circuits to perform arithmetic and
' logic operations appeared in 1945. Since then, and until the present,
computers have passed through three stages of development or, as the saqing
goes, three generations. F.ach computer generation differed from its prede-
cessor in the components oF its assembly, in its and in its software.
The first-generation co~puters were of the vacuum tube kind. The number of
tv:~es reached several thousand and they often broke down, so that computer
reliability was low. The operating speed of these computers also was low.
~:~FCnti:all,y, tt~e,y wcrc: lurge ari ~hmometers. The computer then included an
urithmetic dc~vice, a control device, a memory and several external devices.
Computers of this kind virtually lacked any software except perhaps subroutine
librari~;~. Pr.ograms for these com~uter3 aCre written in instruction codes or
in primitive mnecr~code.~. During that period the concept of the "oper~sting
s,ystem" hud nut yet even existed.
The second-generation computers, which appeared in the 1950s, were e.lready
built from discrete semiconductor elements. Their reliability Fnd operating
:.peed:. increased markedYy, and their dimensions decreased. A large nwnber of
electromechanical memory devices and input/output devices had appeared. In
operat~ng specd these computers were markedly inferior to electronic proces-
sors and hence, to reduce proce3sor idling, computer design was ad~usted for
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t~Uk Ut't~iC[AL USL oNt.Y
i,?~~: i?,~,ru~t~?~.rt,inr~ al' Ir~~.~~~~riipLiori ry~t,em~, memory prot~ction rsnd ~peci~l
~PF~aratus for the control. of' external. devicec which made it po~sible to
~Icv~~lop mulLip~rogrum ~y;tema. mhe computcr,~ werr_ provided with ul~orithmic-
~un~uu~c und c;ode trunslutnrs, ;.;nphistir,ated :;ubroutine libraries and service
r,;~nLem:~ F~~~urin~; tt~~~ ~~dju~tment of programn and ~olution of probl~ms. 'rhe
I'irrt ~perating r,,yr,tems, as~uring par,ket, single-pro~ram ttnd multiprogre.m
oper~.tion, had t~ppeared. The first series of ;jo3nt-program machines were
develdped. 7'he in~tructiott system and the software of' all the m~chines in
a reries of' thi:~ kind ora: cither t,he same or ~ component pxrt of ~enior
models witti re~pect to junior models, Models in a series differed chiefly
in produr,t,ivi t,y and direct-~zccess memory volume. The more "senior" a model
wr~,, thc grF~ater it~ potent3al was,
La;;tl,y~ computer~ beg~.n to be designed on the modular prinr.iple. That is, ~
they could be connected to varying numbers and types of external equipment,
var,ying volumes of
direct-access mem~ry, or special units could be attached
Lo the control device and arithmetfc device, and so on.
'I'he third-~erierution computers which appeared in the 1960~ are based on
i.ntegruted circuit~, and thei.r reliabil.ity and operating speeds are still
higher while their dimensions are still smaller. In this connection, the
hardware potential of computers has markedly increased, and their software
ha~ developed extraordinarily to where its cost has begun to exceed greatly
thc co~t oi' the equipm~:nt upon which it operates. The devPlopment o.f series
of computers hau become the norm. The productivity oi a~uiiior model in the
~erie:~ may sometimes differ by a factor of tens of times from the productivity
- of the ~enior model.
The de~ign of third-generation computers is characterized by both the further
development of the hardware deviyed in the se~ond generation as well as design-
in~r of ne+r hardware. This primarily applies to hardware supFort for operating
^,ys~em:~, incl.udin~ the development of microprogram control, addressing and
input/output ~;/:~`~r~s combined with fairly complex exchange deviees termed
chann~slr,. A t,ypical er.ample of the set of program-compatible computers of
t;h~: third generation i~ the series of YeS computer~.
Thc prir?cipal f'eature of the coftware of third-generation computers is the
nvai l~t7ilit,y of :ophi^tic~ ;ed operat3;i~ systems.
Oper~.tin~ ::,y~tem^ ure complex ensembles of programs controlling the computa-
s.i~na1 proc~:r.~ . Th~,y have relieved the programmer of a large part of the
~~xt~au~t,i:ig a.