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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R000'1000'10022-5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ii JANUARY ~ i979 ~ ~ ~ ~ CFOUO 3179~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i OF~ ~ i ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 ~n~ oFr~c1N~ us~ oN~Y JPRS L/8215 11. January ].979 r TRANSLAT'IONS 0~f USSR SCIENCE AND TECNNOLOGY ' PNYSICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY CFOUO 3/79) U. 5. JOINT PUBLICATIONS RESEARCH SERyICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 N~~r~ JNRS publicaCinnS cont~~in infdrm~eian pr.imarily from fnr~ign - n~wgpap~rs, herindicr~ls nnd bnokg, Uue a~lso from n~wy agency Cr~nsmi~sion~ ~n~l bro~dcas~~~ M~teri~l~~ frnm for~ign-lan~uc~g~ snurceg ~re tr~nslaCed; ehdse �rom Cngltsh-lnngunge aources are rranscrib~d or r~printed, wirh Ch~ ~riginal phr~sin~; ~nd orh~r chttr~cteristics r~r~in~d. H4ndlines, editori,~l repnrCs, and mnC~rial enclosed in brgekptis are supplied by JPRS, processing indicaCors such as [Text] ~~r [l:xcerpe) in the first line o� each ieem, or following rhe - last lin~ of:,a brief, indicACe how Che original informatinn was processed. Where no processing indicaCor is given, the infor- mtteion was summirized nr exer~cted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetic~lly or eransliteraeed are enclosed in pareneheses. Words or names preceded by a qu~s- tion mark ~nd enclosed in p~r~nCheses were not clear in the originAl bur have been supplied asappropriate in conCext. OCher un~ttributed parentheeical notes within the body of an iCem originate coith the source. Times within items-are as - given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent Che poli- cies, views or atCitudes of the U.S. GovernmenC. i;:,? i:.:1WS ~~.VD ~ECUI.ATI~;~S COVERNIYG OW\*CRSHIY OF '�:~1".'??~L1'.5 Ri P:ODUCED HEREIN Rf:QUIRE TfIAT DISSE:~IIi~ATION t~ '.'".'^Li(:~1TI~~ BE RE5TRICTED FOROFFICIAL USE ONI.Y. _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 EfIE3l.lOGRAPNIC GATA ~~~'I~~~� 2~ It~~ripien~'!? Aece~nian \a, SHE~T .)PRS l.~ $2~5 d~ I n I~ .u~,l tiul~i u lo , S~ lopntt et~~ 'CItNVSI.A'1'IUN5 UN USSk ;iCiLNCI~: ANU 'C~C~INOLOCY - PNY5ICAL SCiENC~S ANU 7~~CHNULnCY ,(FOUO 3; 79) 6 an a J. 7, ~1uib~~rr~1 9~ F'rrtorming OrgrniznNun Kept~ - Nu, 9, Ih~rlurmin~; Ur~;~in~i~uiun N,un~~ an~l A~I~Ir~~+~ 10, F~ru~eet/1'rek/Work Unit No, ,Jnlnt PublicaCiong ReseArch S~rvice 100d Noc'th Cleb~ Roed 11~ Cnncnct/Gr~nt No. Arlin~ton, Virginio 22201 12, ~I~,~n.~,rin~~ ~?r~~~niiotiun Nami~ ~~nd Addri~rv 13~ '1'YPc af Repott bt period Cavrrrd r1~ ~bove 14, IS, ~u~y~l~~m~ ut,iry Nu~~~r 16. ,16,,irn~ iti 'The report cnntatny inform~tion on aeronautics; astronomy and asCrophyaics; t ~iCmospheric sciences; c:hemi~Cry; earth sciences and oceanography; elecCronics and elecCric~l engin~ering; energy conv~rsio*:; materials; mathematical sciences; cyberneCics, computers; mechanical, industrial, civil, and marine engineering; rt~eChods and equipment; missile technology; navigation, communtcations, detection,and countermeasures, nuclear science and technology; urdn~nce; p}~y5ics; propul.sion and fuels; space technology; and scienCists and sctentific urganization in the physical sciences. 17. A~ ~ U,n,l�. .~n,l Itu~ wnrm An.~ly+.i.. 17a. Ih�~cr~ptur, _ USSIt Clectronics Missile Technology Aer~nautics Electrical Engineering Navigation and Astronomy ~nergy Conversion Communications Astrophysics Materials Detection and A[mospheric Sciences Mathematics Countermeasures Cl~emistry Mechnnical Lngineering Nuclear Science and CUmpuLCl':; C{vil f:ngineering Technology Cyl,erneticti Industrial Enbineering Ordnance I~;~rt1~ ti~:i~:nceti Marine E:ngineering Physics U~~~anu~;raphy Methods Propulsion and Fuels 11b. I,I~ ii~ili~ i. ~~,~i�u�I�udi�,) 1�i�nn~. ~quipment Space Technology ~ ~ ~~i~~~~~~~~~ O1,U3,U4,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,16,17,18,19,20,21,22 18. l..ul.~l~~{uy ~~.urnu�u1 19. ~rcutrty ('Id~s (This 21. ~o. of I~aFrx Kcpurt ) 9,~ i'or (?fCici.~l Usc� Onl.y. 1.imited ~ 2 . ~ccunty ('la~c (1'hi~ 22. i'nre `umber of Copies Available F~rom JPR5 t~,,~~. I;\( I..a~~il'If~O 'JSGOMM�DC �~9'12�P)2 , ~ ~ � ~ '1'fll~ fUR~1 AfAY Hli NI{NRODUCF:U APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 FOR OT~'f IC~11L US~ OvLY , . JPRS L/82~5 ~ ii January ~979 TRAfdSLATIONS ON USSR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ~PHYSICAL SCIEVCES AND TECHNOLOGY ~ ~ (FOC~ 3/79) CON~EN7S PAGF ' CYBEFtNETICS, COMPUTEItS AND AUTOMATION TECKNOLOGY Seminare on Theory and prgctice of Scienti�ic-Technical Information (NAUCHNO-T~KHNTCH~SKAYA IIVFORMATSIYA, SERIYA 1-- ORGANIZATSIYA I METODIKA IN~'OItMATSI0NN0Y RABOTY, No 9, 1978) 1 ELECTRfJNICS AND ELECTItICAL ENGINEERING Exhibite at the 1978 Leipsig Spring Fair in the Fields of Metrology, Data Acquisition, and Dat~-Procesaing Syatems (RADIO FERNS~HEN ELEKTRpNIK~ Jun 78) ' 7 Metrology and Data-Acquieition, by G. Raab Data-Procesaing Systema~ by D, Henkel ' The Detection of a Quasihanmonic Signal Having an Unknown Frequency in Noise of an Unknown Power and Spectral Form (V, N; Prokof~yev; IZVESTIYA W Z RADIOELEKTR(JNIKA~ No 7, 1978) 37 Wave Spectrum Converaion Ueing Spatial Harmoriice (Yu, K, Bogatyrev~ N, P, Yampurin; IZVESTIYA W Z RADTOFIZIKA, No 8, 1978) 42 Studiea of the Surface of Water Areae Uaing Microwave � Radiometry (Review) � (A, M. Shutko; RADIOTEKNIKA I ELEKTRANIlU1, ~0 10, 1978) . 48 PUDLICATIONS The LYAPAS-M PrograrrQning System (A, D, Zakhrevskiy~ N, R. Toropov; SISTEMA ~ PROGRA1~II~lIROVANIYA LYAPAS-M, 1978) 66 - a- (III - USSR - 23 S& T FOliO] I'OR OFI'ICIAL USE 0'VLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 . , I rc~it t~i~~a~ rt; rnt, utit; nrti,Y I i CONT~N~'S (Continued) page ~ , Subecriber Computer Centere ~ (V, I, Makeimenko~ I, V'. Kuz~mi.n; KUSTOVYY~ i VYCHISL~T~LiNYY~ TSENTRY~ ~,978) 71 I ~ ~ Software for Data Tranemi.esion Networke ~ (Alekeandr Mikhaylovich Kryukov,et al.; " , MATEMATZCKESKOYE OBSEPECHENIYE SETEY PD~ 1978) 77 Table of Contente From Journal ~~XPLO~ATIUN GEOP'HYSICS~ ; (RAZVEDOCHNAYA GEOFI2IKA~ No 80, L978) 82 ! , ~ Tab18 of Contente From Journal ~EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS~ ' (RAZVEDOCHNAYA GEOFZZrKA~ No 81, ].978) 85 i i Teble of Contenta From Journal ~EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS' ' ' (RAZVEDOCHNAYA GEOFI2IKA~ No 82~ 1978) 88 , . ! j i ' - _ b r FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 ~OR 0~'FICIAL USE ONLY . CYBERNETICS~ ~nMPUTCR5 AND AU~MATION T~CHWOLOGY uDC 347.7.8:o6i.3 SrMINAR3 ON THEORY AND PRACTICE OF SCT~NTIFIC-TECHNICAL SNFORMATIQN , Moscow NAUCHNO-TEKHNICHESKAYA INF'ORMATSIYA,~SERIYA 1--ORGANIZATSIYA � I~:TODTKA INFORMATSIONNOY RABOTY in Russian No 9, ig78 pp 20; 27-28 (Article by G. G~] [Text~ A report by V. N. Tverdovskiy (A11-Union Agency for Au~hor's Rights) on pracedures in c~cnuirin~ publication and ~;ranslat3on ri~hts for articles c~nd books by forei~n authors and by soviet authors for overseas use was delivereci at the M~rch seminar "Theory and Practice of Scientific-Technical Information," at the Moscow House of Scientific-Technical Propaganda imeni F. E. Dzerzh3nskiy. Since i967, a system.coordinating translations in electrotechnology has been functionin~ in the electrotechnical industry, it was stated in a report on the effectiveness of coordinating translation activity, pre- sented by T. T. Sychev (Informelektro [Division of Scientific-Technical Informntion in E~.ectrotechnology, of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Elec�~:romechanics]). The coordin~,ting system is directed by the Center for Coordinating Translations under the Central Reference Infor- mation Collection of Informelektro. Also developed and in service are guidance technical materials: System for Coordinating Translations in Elec- trotechnolo~ [Sistema koordinatsii p~x-evodov po elektrotekhnike] and Instruc- tions on Compiling and Coding Teletype Requests [Instruktsiya po sostavleniyu i kodirovaniyu teletaypnykh zayavok]. 'I'he particiF~ation b,y ;;cienti fic re ~earch institutes, design ofFices ~and sec- ~ tor enterprises in the coordinatin~? activity is mandatory. F.fficiency in coordinatih~ transl~tions is ensured by a reference fi1P annually supple- mented with 7000 secondary documents. From experience in coordinating translatoz� activity in the sector, it can be stated that eliminution of direct duplication, up-to-date information an scheduled and compleLed translations and prompt filling of requests for translations in the collection, with the aid of modern coding equipment, each year prevents the carrying out of 7000 already-existing trans:iations; the funds s~,ved in this case are roughly 1.5 million rubles annually. 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 I~'Ult UI~'I~' fC I AL U;;I: nN1~Y Tnfnrm~:l.~kt7~o ~~picr~ tr~,n~la~ions nt 3ts own copying center. 5ince i97i In!'ormel~ktiro, on rec~iving thE ~ir~t two cop3es of translat3on~ from organ- ixations and enterprises, transfera ~the first copy onto microfilm and the other cdpy in seciti,~to ~11,-union centera coord~nat3ng translations nf docu- ments of differeni; kinds (patents, s~andards, e~rticlea, books, and so on). G~ A. Tsy~anov (C057NR'7 ~State Scientific Research Insti~ute of Scient3fic- Te;:hn3ca~. Information]) spoke at the Apr31. seminar, de~ivering a paper: ' "Autom~tic Information Retrieval System" (AI~'S) of intersec~or sc3entific- ~echnicnl infn.rmation from expert~nce ~t the GOSrNTI. He sa3d that a Repub- lican Autamat~c Syat~m of Information Retrieval and Dissemination (RASPRI-1) wa~ developed ttnd is functioning successfully in the GOSINTI. Tti~ f2A5pRI-1 3s btiilt on i;he three-~.oop princ3ple. The first loop is embo- dic:d in un Minsk-32 computer and the YeS computer;~i~ is an 3nfbrmat3on re- tri~vnl unit, whosc b;~r~in i:~ ~ multi~ector f31e of retrieval images of docu- ment;s, c~r~;anized in uccnrdance wfth the list of headings of the RASPRI-1 infbz~mation retrieval, system. Within each heading of the RASPRI-1 two modi- fic~~ions of the retrieval file organization are poss3ble: direct and in- - verted. Direct organizatinn of the fi~e of retr3eval images of documents is used in the mode of ~electiv~ dissemination of information.for current inquiries and inverted organizstion--for retrospective retrieval. At the ' pre3ent time the RASPRI-1 information retrievr~7. 3ystem is used 3n the inverted retrieval of information mode. 7'he file of queries is organ3zed ' by he~zding~ . In ttie FiASPR2-1 information retrieva]. system document texts are fed directly - wlthout preliminary intellectual processing, The main attributes of the ~ document formr~t in the RASPRT-1 IRS (information retrieval system] are as follows: aocument number, classification index, input and output data and the document text in the nat+~~ral (Russian) language. The document text can ~ be represented in formalized form--as different kinds of descriptors ex- ~ pressed by the lexic~.l units of ttie Russian langua~e or key words. There- fore, the RASPRI-1 IRS exhibits broad possibilities of compatibility with nther information retrieval systems at the level of document texts repre- sented on machin~ carriers. ~ Z'he linguistir means of the RASPRI-1 IRS can automatically transform a docu- ment text into its retrieval image by self-coding. .~~ecitil tabulated forms are fed into the first I RS loop: each tabulated form hri;; ~,;;et of document numbers corresponding to the inquiry from the view- ~x~int oF ttie lin~ui~tic means of the RASPRI-1 IRS, matching each inquiry number. The tabulated form are used for an address retrieval in the second IRS loop. 'I'he second loop of the RASPRI-1 ZRS is a set of sub,ject-oriented numbered card f'iles of the secondary documents on conventional and machine earriers. Tt~e address retrieval in the card files based on conventional carriers is 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 P'OIt t1h'P' 1 C I AL Util: ~)N1,Y done b,y h~nd, Doriunentn oubrnibtcd arc verii'ied for their relevane~ ~zt th~ ~ addres:s retrieval eta~E~ 'I'h~.s procedure, as 3nfl3ca~ed by the speaker, a11 ws u~ers to be serv3ced with h3~h prec3sion, virtually cloae to 100 percent~ 'I'he third ~.oop of the ~ASPRI-1 IR5 ts ~ collection nf pr3mary informa~3on sources--apecif3ca11y, the TaNTB [central scientific and technical 1.ibrary;j. The loop is $ctivated when ~ user requests a copy of ~he pr3mary document~ In 1~77, 180,000 dncwnents were fed into the RASPRI-1 IRS; about, 31,000 doc:u- rnents were fed ~.n the inver~ed retrieva]. mode: the documents had b~en aent to users at 1600 enterprises and or~an3.zations in Moscow and Mo~cow Oblast, "Operat3onal Characteristics of the Sec~or-Based Automatic Tnformat;fon Re- trieval System in the Indexing of Patent Documents and 3n The3r Retrieval" was delivered by V. I~. Mikhay~ova (Automatic Informat3on Retrieval. uystem fn ~lectrotechnolo~r, "Source" sub~ystem). She said that as the sector-based automatic information retr3eval system grows, a quest3on ar3ses es to the ` - organiz3ng of specialized patent retrieval when expert examinations are un er- way of an ob,~ect under patent protection for innovation or purity or when products are being delivered for export. The conventional approach to pat~nt ~ retrieval requ3res, first, finding its regulation in the I~RCT [Intern~tion . Patent Classificat3on], that 3s, formulat3ng the inquiry in the alphanumer.c codes of this system. The paper examined the possibility of transforming .he traditional inqu3ry in the NIICI indexes into a query for the descriptor re-. trieval system. It was shown that retrieval or~anized by the system prin-' ciple (based on I~IICI indexes) is not effective owing to the considerable sub- ~ject-matter d3ff~iseness of the information in the patent collections. The cause of the diffuseness, V. P. Mikhaylova pointed out, lies in several fac- tor~; of these the principal factor is the ambiguity of indexing because the do~uments can be indexed according to two bases: according to the appli.- cation of the ob,ject under protection and according to its functional desi~,- nation. Descriptor concepts must be used to au~r?ent patent retrieval effec- tiveness. Indexing documents introduced into the f~.le only with the des- criptor lexicon based on the RZh VINITI [Referativr~yye zhurnaly VINITI; Ab- . stract Journals of the All-Union Institute of Scientific-Technical Informa- tion], ~oithout allowing for the specific features of the patent glossary c~:qur~].ly fails to yield the desired results. Experiments were conducted show- in~; the weak consistenc,y of the patent glossary lexicon and the sector-based ~lossnry lexicon based on the RZh VINITI. So the two indexing systems must coexist and must be taken into account concomitantly in the same automa~ic informat;ion retrieval system: the hierarchical clasaificatory field o~ the ~uU,ject-mr~tter f'rapnent of the NgtI and the instrument of coordinate indexing ~ .--the sector-based descriptor lexicon. The correspondence between these two systems i.y achieved by constructin~ ~ classification that is secondary with respect to thc NIICI, a local classification, that is, one tha-t is meaningful only for a~;iven retrieval file. An algorithm of the forma.l procedure was developed for� constructing the classificatory fieid and the semantic names of the clta.sses. The class name is the standard inquiry addressed to some one of the cunceptual fields of the file. T'ne glossary of the documents 3 FOh UFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 ~ [~dk U1~'l~'1CLAL lJSL dNLY j ~ ~ c~uppll.ed by thc r~ystem in i~espon~e to the inquiry is the bas3s for form3ng ; ~.;,1. ~ntries of the cl.asa ~~'he second~,ry c].as~if3c~,tion compared to ~he ~ sector-b~sed lexicon of ~he deacri~torg canstitu~es the 1.inguiatic support ; of the p~tent retrieval w3th regard to ~h~ spec3f~.c 3nquiry, wh3ch cari sub- i ~tantiall.y incr~r~~~ the retri~va~ ~ff~ctiveness. At the Mey seminlir, bhe paper "Sy~tem for. ~a~1.~ fj~in~, rnquirie~ of EntErpriaes ; and Or~anixations of the Natinnal Lconor?~y for Primary Documents" was delivered ~ by 'r. I~', Snastintt (GOSTNmI [5tate Scic~ntifie Research Ins~itute of Scientif3e ; and '~echnical Infbrmation~). She spoke ~bout different primary docwnents ; appec~.rin~ durin~r c~nd t~s a result of inveati~ations, developments and produc- tion activity: reports, articles, rev3ews and so on. The speaker directed : tlie ~.ttPntion of the ~eminsr aud3.ence to ~he fact tha~t not all information ' personne]. can m~na~e ~he method of prept~ring and filling out primary ~,nd ~ aer.ondary docurnento and ~}lc,y .~llow their fluplication. ' Speeif:ically, F'. Snas~ina dwelt on a form of primary documents of impor- ~ tance, such as se~s of designer-drawing docum~nts (DDD) for nonstandard equip- ~ ment arid industrial processes, without which intr~~riucing 3nnovat~ions into pro- duc~tion is ~difficult and often even impos~ible. Yearly, thE GOSINTI fills ~ un 250,000 orders for sets of DDD. Speeific extunples,te how signil'icant is curren~ awareness inform~,- ; tior~ in tlie publicity and dissemination of primary documents; the system ot this information in the electrotechnical industry was examined at length. ~ The inde:c "Bibliografichesk ~,va informatsiya" [Bibl3o~raphical Information] is published in 15 serie~ with a schedu].ing of 1-3 months between issues; ~ "Bib1.3.ograficheskiy ultazatel' obmenr~ykh fondov nauchno-tekhnicheskikh biblio- tek elektrntekhnicheskoy prorr~yshlennosti []3ibliographical Index of Exchange Collections of 5cientific and Technical. Libraries in the Electrotechnical Industiy~ is published qua.rterly; annually indexes are published to the in- formation bulletins, reviews and so on published in the sector. In the speaker's view, copies of the headin~s of ,journals in countries - that are made on order by information users are an important kind of current . r~.cJarene~ , inforrnt~tion. , , , The paper shed 1i~ht on the forms and methods of satisf~ring the inquiries of or~;anixations and enterprises of the na~:ional econo~ for primary documents; m~nti.oil was mzde ~f a trend of the growing number of inquiries: for exa.mple, in 197~+ about 100 ciaily inquiries c~,me to the Informelektro Centz�al Reference Collection, and 150--in 1977; each year sume 70,000 inquiries are answered. Concludin~, t21e speaker stressed that the system of filling inquiries for ~ prim~.r�y documents stands in need of further improvements. The puper "TechnoloQ}r--the Most Imoortant racto r in the Functioning of an Automatic Information Retrieval System" was read by A. Z. Shneyerson (Inform- e.7.ektro). He expounded at length on the most important problems ernerging in the operation of an information retrieval system, The speaker indicated that 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 ~ - I~UIS f)A'1~'(CIAI, Util~; c1Nl~Y now u nrw Hcient~..fic di~cip~.3.r?~ h~s em~r~ed in inf.orma~ion sciencc--the theory oi' documentary autom~~ic informa~ion services, studying the scien~i- ' fic and scientific-technical problems of convert~.n~ from an "abstract ~.nfoi�~ mation retrieval sygtem" to service in a f3xed proceas environment. A: Z. Shneyerson fam3liarized the aeminar participants with the results of studies ~lon~ i.n Informelektro based on the Electrotekhn3ke, Au~omatic Information Re- trievgl. Sys~em. ~ C. I. Gol'dgamer (Infnrmelektro) gave a report, at the June seminar, on sev- eral problems in the organizing, use and upgradin~ of the reference 3.nforma- tion COl~@C'~~.Ori. Remaining as i;he most important probl.em is the automat3on and mechani zation of the set-compl.e~ion of the ref~rence information col~.ection and document- handling. Tn speakin~ about un3fied sector-b~,sed reference 3nformat3on col~ec- ~ions, the speaker pointed out that in mar~y instances they,have no~; yet come on the scene; one reason for ~his s3.tuation 3.s departmental, in several cases, not the sector nature of the activity of the Central Sector AgenCies of Scien~ tific anfl Technical In�ormation (Ts00NTI). Subsystems of information services excunined, under implementation with the central reference information collection; the su~~estion was made to give extra at~ention to systems of - ~tiie selective distribution of primary documents (IRPll [izbiratel'noye ras- prostraneniye pervichnykh dokumentov]). In the speaker's view, by 1~90-2000 the collections of the GSNTI [State Sys- tem of Scientific and Technical Information] wi11 double. This wi11 compel efforts even now to be made to engage in solving several of the leadin~ pro- blem.g. 'I'he speaker elaborated the structure of the functioning central ref- erence information collections of the Ts00NTI and underscored the necessity of their improvement; he maintained that it is time to free the central in- _ formation reference collections from exercising the function of the informa- tion service of the Ts00NTI and to set up information services that in fact must take on providing information support to specialists and scientists in the Ts00NTI. This service is being organized at present in Informelektro. The ~peaker gave much attention to the problem of uncovering the:information needs of variety of information users and methods of discovering information requirements; it was noted that the set-completion of the reference inforMa- t;ion collection must be done on the basis of information requirement uncovered. G. I, Gol'dE;~.mer spoke ~,bout the system of set-completion of the reference informatioti collection of forei~n literature from c~.pitalist countries, func- tionin~; i.n the electrotechnic~,l industry. The incomin~ document flow i.s ranked prominently in the set-completion o� the ~~ef'erence information collection. The speaker spoke about the system of se~tin~; up and controllin~ the incoming document flow funeti~ning in the elec- trotechnical industry. 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 ~ roci nrr~lcin~, trsL ortt.Y i ~ ; V, S.(Yem3rovskuyrl clc:livcred pttper on ~he sector-b~sed system of standar-- ~ diz~tion of informat3on activ3ty. Standard9,z~,tion of in:fo~~ruation activity ~ is linkr:d closel,y w:ith the ~;row~.n~ ro~.e of standards in the control of ~he ; techn3ca.7. level and qu~,l3ty of products . Tn ~'une ~.977 ~n expanded plan of ~ m~~i~.nures for th~ further ~~rengthening of the ro~.e of s~an~ardiz~tion was ~xftimined a,nd conf3.rm~d nt; a,~oint session of Gosstandart SSSR [a~.i-Un3.on ~ State St~ndards ] anfl the Iio~.rd of ~he USSR M3.nistry of the Electroteehnical ' Industry; the p1~,n i~ a3med a~ the further strengthening of. the ro1.e of stan- i . dc~rdizt~tion under which scheduling of ~ctivities in standard3zation wi11 be - improved, anticip~tory stando~rds will be applied anfl so on. ~ The sector-~based sys~em of information act3vity is develop3ng ' ; in C108@ ~,ssoc3.at3on with the standardizing of production, technological. ~ ttind economic ac~;ivity of the sector. , :Ln electrotechnolo~y a long road has beQn covered from setting up individual : techn3cal.-standards and methodological documents to ~he elaborat3on of an ~ inte~~rated sys~em for standardizing information activ3ty in the�sector. The first technical-standards documents were confirmed in 1967-1971; since ~ 1975 t~ie concept of a unified system of ~echnical-st~ndards and methodolo- ~ical-organizational documents is being implemented syst~matical7,Y and con- sistently. . ; Curren~;l,y the complex of technical-standards documents and methodological documents in electrotechnolop~ numbers 50 state standards, g~uiding technical matez�iF~.l~, principles, direc~tives anc~ so on. Included in the complex are ef'fective, under-development (including 17, for the first time) and pro,jected documents. ' The system of standardization con3ists of three blocks: system-wide elements; ~ functional subsystems of input, storage, retrieval and publication of scien- tific an d~technica]. information; and organizational aspects of the function- ing of s uUsystems and elements of the sector-based system of scientific and technic~.l ini'ormation in electrotechnology and the control subsystem. In the system-wide documents a special place is given to the model draft regulai;in~,* the procedures of or~anizin~; an enterprise information system ~ in w}iich all problems of or~anizin~ informataon support of an enterprise into a unified sys~em are bein~ cumulated. , COPYRSCHT: VSESOYUZNYY INSTITUT NAUCHNOY I TEKHPIICHESKOY INFORMATSII, 1978 ~ ioi23 cso: iII7o 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 rnit ort'rC~AL US~ ONi.Y ~L~CTFtONICS AND ~L~CTRICAL ENGINEERYNG EXHTBITS AT THE 1978 LEIPZIG SPRING FAIR IN THE FIELDS OF METROLOGY, DATA ACQUISITION, AND DATA-PROCESSING SYSTEM5 Metrology and Data-Acquisition ~~st Berlin RADIO FERNSEHEN ELEKTRCNIK in German Vol 27, No 6, Jun 78 pp 355-360 [Ar~icle by G, Raab] [Tex~] German Democratic Republ3.c The exhibits of Carl Zeiss JENA State Enterprise reflect the increasing and fundamental importance of microelectronics. Tntensification of science and production based on the use of microelectronics manifests itself in two ways. The availability of photolithographic and microscopic equipment lines, pri- marily as an aid in production and testing for the microelectronics industry, _ contributes significantly to the strengthening of the material and engineer- ing base of this industry sector. In addition, microelectronic components find increasing use in precision optical devices, resulting in more effect- ive and easier-to-use instruments. The COURDIMETER G, an electronic recording device, is used for solving tasks related to the acquisition of photogrammetric test data, and may be readily - connected to all photogrammetric measuring instruments made by Carl Zeiss JENA Sta~Ce Enterprise. The electronic system of this recorder contains, among others, a microprocessor, which aperates in conjunc~tion with a 1K RAM and a 8K PROM memory. Display is on a screen and by light-emitting ` diodes. Another instrument in the f'leltio� precision metrology using a.microcomputer is the DKM 1-300 DP thr~e-coordinate measuring device, which may be used in metrological and testing procedures in all areas of the metal- and plastic-processing industries. With the instrument it is possible to . 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 J ~ mcnsura tools, dovices, and gaugcs. it is suit~bie for Lhe ~oiinwing mea- suring t~sks; , - Lengh m~~surement in unidimensionai, two-dimansionai, and three-dimensional , Certesian coordinates; - Measurament in p~lar and cylindricai coordinate~ around verticai and hor- ~ izontul ~xes of r~tation; - Dir~acL and indirect angie measurements; - point-by point measurements of leveiness~ paraileiness, and roundness. Y~~ . ~ ~6 ~~~"A WF~:JfirMy'r . ~ . ~ ~ 9 - . . {�w Y s ~ . ~ ' ~ r i ~ t,~,' y~ _ ~;~r' ~ * s ~ ~ ~t >t~� ~a ~s~*3 ; . . ~r 'fi'!' ~ ~ w,~?~~.- 1 . ~ ~ syy~'r ~�~:"f~ ' iw~, ~ s~!r ~ T ~ M~�?a ;~'yp ~ � .,~"'3~~. � . � -y ~~.L # ~ ' ~ . ` i.,'" ~ ~j _ , ~ ~ . i~~~`~ ~ ~lectro-optical tachymeter from Carl Zeiss JENA State ~ntcrprise (factory photograph) 'rhe electronic system of the three-coordinate measuring instrument contains, among others, a Robotron K 1510 microcomputer, which performs the immediate evalu~tion via the measuring und evaluating programs entered through the keyboard. The evaluating progrums may be permanently built into solid-state - memories. The microprocessor installed in the EOT 2000 electro-optical tachymeter computes oblique distances, horizontal distances, altitude differences, or hei~hts after entry of a two-digit atmospheric correction, the vertical wind, and the altitude above the control console, displaying the results. 8 ~ FOR ~F~'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 : ~ COtt OFI'ICtAL USE bNLY : 7'he instrum~nt muy bQ used for ~11 surveying tasks up to 2,000 m rango, and . b~cause it contnins a microprocessor performs efficf~ntly and is easy to use. , These advuntagos are particularly appreciated when the insttvment is used in the fioid. 5oviet Union 'Che C 9-1 television speciai osciilograph is used for pulse measurements and visual observation of p~riodic signals. tt is partiicularly suitabie for a thorough study of television signals with visualized grfd (lines) on a vi- deo monitor, such as measuring the difference phase, differentiai gain~ and characteristic lines of the color-carrier frequcncy in th~ SBCAM III B color-television system. Snma tuchnical data: picture screen: 80 mm by 100 mm Pass range of the vertic~l deflecti~h channel: 0- 20 htiz _ Tnput impedance and parailel capacitance: Input I: 1 mohm//35 p~ Input II: 75 ohms . ~ Time scales with possibility of. five-fold expansion: 0.1 micro- scconds per cm to 50 milliseconds per cm Stable synchronization in tho frequancy range ,of: 20 Hz - 20 N~tz ~rror in measurement of signal levels and time intervals: max ,t,5~ Dimensions in mm: ~80 by 160 by 475 Weight: 25 kg 'i'he C1-~9 dua~-beam oscillograph is equipped uith a dual-tilt~unit, one with d~lay. As a result, examinations of uny desired part of a signal of complex -structure becomes possible. The instrument is used primarily in various areas of science and technology for functional checks and maintenance operations o� complex electronic eauipment. Soa:e technical data: Useful picture screen area: 48 tmn by.80 mm Frequency range: 0- 100 MNz Deflection factor: 2 mV/cm to 12 V/cm Rise time: 3.5 nanoseconds Ovcrshnot: S~ Adjustable delay; 1 microsec - 10 seconds F'requcncy bandwidth A+ B: 0.5 mV/cm � Basic error: t,5$ Horiaontal-frequency bandwidth: 0- S M~Iz 9 ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 t'OR ~t'~'ICIAL U3E ONLY Noriznntal deficction factor X-Y; 7.5 mV/cm to 12 V/cm Dimensions in mm: ~48 by 220 by 490 ~ Weight: 19 kg ' Th~ c~ ~800 digital multim~L~r is used to measure resistance values, capacity ; values~ inductivity values, d.c. vo~tages, direcL currents, frequencies, time intervais, and pulse counts. The instrum~nt is aiso suitabie for use as an ' indgpendent measuring system as weli as a measuring unft in automated control - and guidnnce systems. Som~ technicai data; . : ' MeasuringZrange~: U: 10-34- 1033V; I: 10~3 - 103 ~A; C: 10~3 :3102 N~; L: 10 - 10 H; R; 10 - 10 kA; f; 1 Nz - 10 kHz; t: 10 - 10 sec I i ~ . , ~ . j , � . . ~ ~ : ~~t~ ` ~ ~ . y . k~`.K.`.~ ~yf ~ ~.4r ~~~~+N~ d ~ _ ' ~ . ' ~4~.i.: a3 1~ ~ _'T.'~,'. . C 9-1 5pecial television oscillograph from the Sovi~t Union c~ 4800 digital multimeter from the Soviet Union Selection of the polarity in measuring U, I, and f~ is accomposhed auto- maticxlly, as is the selection of the range in measuring f, t, and N. The U, I, C, L, and R ranges are selected manually. M lU ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 ' t~'OR OI'FIC~AL USE ONLY Input imp~dunce in m~~suring ~ U : Z 1 M~2 ' t, f, n: z 10 kR I; 1 M~asuring ~rror: up to 0.25~ Ambient temperature; 5 - 40�C Relative hwnidity: 80~ Dimens3ons in mm: 135 by 380 by 495 ' Weight: 12 kg The P 5085 and P 5016 automatic digitai aiternating cfirrent measuring bridges are fuliy automated instruments for the determination of compiex resistances. They are designed for laboratory use. ~u ~ ~ - ~ .y . _ . ~ . . fi ~ 5125 phase-shift calibrating instrument from the Soviet Union K 484/2 recording and meas~ing system from the Soviet Union , Some technical data: hfeasuring ranges P 5058 P 5016 Capacity in ~ 2�10"14-10-3 10'14-10"4 Inductivity in H 3�10"8-10'2 10'~-10-2 Resistance in ohm 0.01-10~ 0.1-i06 Conductancc in S 10"6-1 - Loss factor S�10"4-1 1�10"4-1 Time constant in sec S�10'$-10"4 Percent deviation 11 ~D.OS-t,~0 - ~OR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 � FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i i , I i ~ Phaso shift 10'3-1 ~ 'fest �requencies in kNz 0.05; 1; 10 1; 5; 10; 50 j Base measuring error in ~ 0.2 - 2 0.02 - 0.05 - 1 ; Measuring ttmo in sec 0~1 - 5 0.03 - 1 Dimensions in mm 490x495x210 490x49Sx210 ; ~ W~ight in kg ~ 30 ~ 40 ; The c~ 5125 phase-shift calibrating instrument consists of two quartz- ~ controiled generators, of which the phase position is changed by a preci- ~ sion phase bridge. The instrument is used for calibrating and checking I o� phase-measurfng systems. ~ Some technical data: ~ Adjust3ng range of phase shift: 0- 359� ~ Basic error: 0.05 - 2� . i Output frequ~ncy range: 1-2~104 Hz ' Shape of output signals: sine/square ; Quartz-generator frequencies: 2,5 kHz - 200 1~4iz ; Dimensions in mm: 490 by 210 by 375 ~ Weight; 18 kg ; ~ The K 484/2 digital recording and measuring system is used to measure d.c. ~ voltage in 30 channels with digital dispiay of the channel number, the ; - result of the measurement, and the measuring time. At the same time, a ~ perforated tape is generated. The system may be used for automatiun of electrical measurements to check the parameters of technological and pro- ! duction processes in scientific studies carried out under laboratory and : factory conditions. It may also be u~ed as a digital voltmeter with prin- ted output. ' The system consists of a c~ 4830 digital voltmeter, a measuring-site selec- tor switch, a clock, a recorder, and a perforator. These components are ~ modules in functional and design terms, and may aiso be used outside the system. , Some technical data; Test-voltage range in V: 0.0005 - 1.000 Polarity selection: automatic Test-range selection: manual, automatic, remotely controlled ' Accuracy class for ranges: 1 V, 0.1/Q.J6; 10, 100, 1000 V, 0.15/0.1 Maximum measuring rate: 10 measurements/sec Accuracy of time-signal output: 0.02~ Dimensions in mm: 490 by 340 by 360 ' Weight: 32 kg ~ 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 i'OR OFFZCIAL USE ONLY ; ~ q _ '*,~l ~ ~ +i \ 5 1 The BM 539 RLCG measuring bridge from Czechosiovakia ThQ exhibits of the KOVO Foroign-trade enterprise in the fieid of electronic measuring instruments were developed and m~nufactured by Tesia in Brno. They demonstrate clearly the effort toward making operation easy and simple. For ex~nple, there were many programmgbie, automatic, and semiautomatic instru- ments among the exhibits. The t~st tr~nsmitter BM 536 was developed for precise measurements in the laboratory and the test field. This instrument is particularly suitable for the determination of bandpass and filter curves. Some technical data: Frequency range: 10 Nz - 12 h4-Iz in five subranges Frequency setting: decadic Setting uncertainty: 1�10'~ with shut-down intermediate-value . oscillator f 1 bit with intermediate-value oscillator on Attenuation of harmonic signals: 10 Hz - 100 kHz: 60 dB; 100 kHz - 12 h9~iz: 40 d6 Attenuation of non-harmonic signals: > 60 dB Internal frequency standard: 10 !w-iz Short-time error of the frequency standard: 1�10"~ after a runup time of 30 min � Frequency-response error; � 0.5 d8 Runup time: 30 min Remote control: parallel BCD code Interface: I~iS-1, according to RS 3826-73 Dimensions in mm: 430 by 190 by 470 Weight: 20 kg 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 FOR OFFICZAL USE ONLY ~ ' , In cascs whore the setting in~ccuracy for the output level~3s too high on the BM 536 gen~rator, tihe programmablQ BM 547 attenuator (damping line) may , bc used, In additinn, it is advisabie to use the BM 547 for damping and ~ g~in measurements on quadrupoles. ~ ~'h~ nM 5S2 vec~or voltmeter is a selective NF microvoltmeter equipped w3th ~ two channel systems, as well as a phase-measuring instrument with simuita- noous display of the voltage and phase values. W3th the spec3al coaxial accassory BP 5321, it is possible to measure the reflection factor of impednnces nnd adm3ttances, the s parameter of quadrupoles, and the para- meters of semiconductors. ~ ~ 'Cho ~nstrument is pa~~ticulariy suitable in in�ormation measuring systems bec~use of its technicai propert3es and oquipment. There is automatic setting of the voltage ranges, phase ranges, and frequencies. Both manual and remotely-controlled ~peration is possible. Programming is accomplished in paraliel BCD code. Some technical data: Voltage measurements: 100 microvolts - 1 V iri nine ranges Frequency range: 1- 1000 h~ir Measuring uncertainty: ~2~ of full deflection at 0-1 V Input impedance: 100 kohms//2.3 pF at 1 1~4~iz Input noise: approx. 18 microvolt Bandwidth: 1 kHz hteasurement of the voltage ratio with dual reading, Range: -80 = +80 dB Basic error: fp.3 dB ~ Phase measurement Range: 0 - �180� Resolution: 0.1� Phase-null shift: 0-~80� fpr every 10� ~ Measuring uncertainty: ~.S� for coinciding voltages in both channels Outputs: Voltagc: 0 - f.l V Phase: 0 - .t_1 V Interface: Remota control is possible with the aid of replaceable interface units for IMS-1 or IMS-2 Dimensions in mm: 330 by 450 by 390 Weight: 20 kg 14 FOR OFFICTAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 FOR 0~'FICIAL' USE ONLY The semiautomatir. RLCG measuring bridge gM 539 is used for prec3se detiermina- tion of the natwork parameters R, L, C, and G~ as well as tolerances in parts. Among others, it contains circuits for the automatic compensation of the loss components on the test object. The compensation of ~he basic value is , accomplished manualiy to four decimais, where the pointer instirument indi- , cates the mistuning direction nf t}ie measuring bridge. ~ In addition to the standard measurements, the 3nstrument may also be used for the repeated measurement (scroening) of parts. Setting of the,tolerance field is accompiished simply at the upper and lower 13m3ts of the ba~ic com- ponent, and the upper limit value of ~he second part. if th~ iimit values are exceeded, this fact is indicated optically. ~ Some techn3cal data; ~ Basic measurements ~ Measuring ranges ' R: 0.5 mohm - 10 Mohm . G: 5 pS - 100 mS C: 0.0005 pF - 10 microF LS: 50 nH - 1000 H 1/L (C): 25 microF - 0.1 F ~ Lp: 100 microH - 1000 H ~ ~ D: 0.005 - 1 Permissible measuring unc~rta3nty R: 1 olun - 10 Mohms t(0.1~ � 1 mohm � 0.2 D~) G: 10 nS - 100 mS f(0.05~ �0.01 nS fGX/100 S�0.2 D~) C: 1 pF - 10 microF f(0.05~ f0.001 pF fp.2D~) ~ Ls: 100 microH - 1000 !i f(0.2~ f 0.2 microH ~.2D~) Lp :100 microFt - 1000 H t(0.2$ f 0.2 microH �0.2D~) ' D: 5� 10"4 - 1.t(5~ �,5 � 10"4) Total range: 0.02$ - 20$ Test frequency for tolerance:~l kHz f1~ ' Resolution: 4.01~ - 0.001~ of the display Dimensions in mm: 480 by 180 by 370 Weight: 15 kg . ' u li~ , . = ~ , y~~~ _ - ~ , - y F4F 4M 541 logic comparator from Czechoslovakia ~ a.-...~ 5~, ,~:~T. : . . .z ~ ~ ~ i 15 ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 FOR OFrICIA'L USE ONLY ` An automatic sorting system anables, in conjunction with the BM 539 mea- , ~ suring Lridge, the sorting of parts with axial leads 3n the given size into ~ throe groups. In measur3ng the main portion, a dec3sion for th'ree groups ~ i.s mado; smallor, larger, and within tolerance, The mechanism of the instru- mcnt pl~?cts tho purts ug~inst the cont~cts. These contacts are connected ~ ~s Keivin clamps, and may bE ccnverted 3nto a two-terminal circuitry. The sortod parts ure collected in three conta3ne~s below the unit. Three ~ counters indicate the number of parts in the 3ndiv3dual containers. '1'ho BM 560 instrument is used for measuring the effective value of the ~ _ qual;~rx factor Q, By means of direct measurement we determine the reson- ~ - ance Frequency o� the measured ob3ect; by means of 3ndirect measurement we ; - de~ermine the coil inductivity, the capacity, and the loss �actor of capa- , citors, the resis~ivity of bipoles, and other parameters. Among tihe ad- ~ v~ntages of the instrument is the low test voltage on the test object. ' Major technical parameters: Frequency range;~ 50 kHz - 35 MWz Basic frequency error: t.l~ Test range o� the quality factor Q: 5- 1000 ' ~ Cnpacitance range of the test capacitor: 25 - 450 pF ' Basic error of the test capacitor scale: ~1 pF for C S 100 pF ~.1~ for C > 100 pF hteasuring range for indictivity values: 5~10'$ H- 0.4 H Dimensions in mm: 180 by 490 by 355 Weight: 13 kg Basic measuring error of the quality factor Q with the BM 560 from Czechoslovakia Range Frequency Frequency 50 kHz - 25 6~Wz 25 - 35 I~II-lz s,.. w - ~0...100 ~ ~ Oo~�~1 e~~ O I 0~~~.t 100. .7G0 ~6 I ~ , o J00...1000 ( ~0 ~ O~~"~)"~ Q Y The BM 538 H~ impedance and transmission measuring instrument has direct display and is suitable for the determination of the impedance vector Z= ~Z~�e~~ and the vector of the voltage-transmission coefficient of quadrupoles A= ~A~�e~~in the 0.5 - 110 1~Mz frequency range~ for which 16 FOR OFFICIAL U5E OYLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 roR oT~~r~~rcrni, ~i,Si; f1NT,v , a separate signal generator is prov3ded, An advantage of the 3nstrument is that it is easy to opar~to; this allows fas~ measurements over a wide ~re- quency range, The operation 3nvolves merely the sett3ng of the,signal fre- ? quency of th.e 2 or A region, and if necessary of the phase angle In ~ specfxl measurement jobs, the built-3,n generator may be repiaced with an , oxternal HF generator having a slight wobble frequency. Independent measuring probes are provided for impedance and transmission measurement. Tho instrument measures 3mpedances in all four quadrantis of , the impedance plane, and is suitable for measuring the impedance of pas- sive and active components, the 3nput and output impedance of ampliffers, ' the impedanca values of transformors and filters, and for matching opera- tions to mo~sure resonance circuits, and so forth. The values of L and C may be read directly on the instrument's scales for the corresponding frequencies. The instrument permitis fast measurement of voltage transmissions of active and passive quadrupoles over the entire phase plane. 'fhe BM S41 logic comparator permits the in-service fast localization of a faulty logic integrated circuit d;rectly on the circuit board, and also permits a simple analysis of the fault with the aid of a probe. Localiza- tion of the �aulty output on the tested logical integrated circuit is ac- complished with the aid of comparators (16 independent chPnnels) which con?pare the test�sample with a referonce component of the same design. ~ The compnrator enables the testing of T'I'L and DTL components with a woxking voltage o� +5 V. Some technical datac � ~ Comparator: UL < 0.8 V lIH>2.OV Resolution: 250 nsec. All level differences of z 250 nsec are com- pared and recorded on the display panel Maximum repeat frequency: 2.5 (?~iz Dimensions in mm: 240 by 110 by 37 Weight: 1.2 kg People's Republic of Hungary ~ The TR-1855/Q 100 SECAM analyzer is used to test and check video signals coded according to the SECAM standard, and checks, measures, and sets the modulation parameters of the SECAM coder. ~ 17 ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 FOIt OF~xCZA'L US~ 4NLY J . i , ~ , ~ ! ~ 'The ~nllowing m~y bo sel~cted with ~he an~lyzer: ; - Composite color-picture signal coded accoxding to the SECAM standard; i - Brightness signal; ~ ; - Modulnted color signal; ~ - Modulated color si~nal witih bell correction; ~ - Demodulatad color signai after subsequent alignment, . , ~ 'I'he c~libra~ion oscillators permit chocking the characterizing frequency va- j ~ues of the SECAM signal, With the aid of the continuously tunable oscilia- tor, the frequencies corresponding to all color signals of the signal to be m~~sured may be simulated and thus measured. Measurement in this case is also accomplished by covering the color signAl by the detected signals of ~ the oscillator. The frequency values may be read on a four-digit LED dis- ' ; play unit in kHz, 'Che accuracy of the readout may be increased by one posi- tion through the use of a vernier unit. ~Technical dat~: Input signal: SECAM-coded composite television signal 5ignal magnitude: 1 V(peak-to-peak) ~ dB (positive white) at 75 St ; Input impedance: 75 SZ ~ Output signals, synchr. signal mixture ~ Sig~ial value: 4 V�5~ at 75 t2~ ~ Polarity: negative Output impedance: 75 S2 � Half-line fxequency signal Signal value: 4 V t.5~ at 75 t2 � ~ Polaxity: negative ~ Output impedance: 75 S2 ~ Test signals SECAht-coded composite television signal ~ Gain: 0 dQ �0.2 dB Fluctuation of the amplitude-frequency characteristic, related to 100 kHz: �0.5 d6, to 8 Ib-Iz Luminance signal Gain: 0 dB �0.2 dB Fluctuation of the amplitude-frequency characteristic: corresponds ; to a Gauss filter, 3 dB at 1.3 b~iz, min. 50 dB at 3.9 dB Auxiliary color carrier frequency color signal Gain: 0 dB tD.2 d6 at 4 I~Wz Fluctuation of the amplitude-frequency characteristic related to 4 r4iz: +0.1 - 0.4 dB between 3 r4iz and 5.2 hWz; -3 dB between 2.75 D~iz and 5.6 hWz; -20 d6 between 2 I~Mz and 6.5 I~Wz 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 I'OR OFFZC~AL USE ONLY r Refer~nce nscill~tors ~ Quartz ~requenc3as DR Da, ; Identifica~ion signai 4756.25 kHz 3900,0 kHz Auxiliary color carrier 4406.25 kHz 4250.0 kHz ~ Y~llow color signal 4361.25 kHz 4020.0 kHz Blue color signal ~~686.25 kHz 4328~0 kHz Accuracy: 1~10"5 ~ . ' Continuously tunable osc311ator : Frequency range: 3,5 - 5 1?~iz ~ Short-term fnstability: ~,100 Hz ' Frequency measurement: ~ Frequency: 10 I~Q~iz Setting accuracy: t,2~10'~ . Display; Four-digit LED display; f3ve digits w3th vernier Resolution: 1 kHz or 100 Hz �1 digital Power connection:,110, 127, 220, 240 V,+~0~/5~-60 Hz Power consumption: 40 VA , Dimensions in mm: 440 by 90 by 415 Weight: approx, 10 kg ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~t ~ , ~ ' ~ , ~ ~ , ~r~ ; ~ " ~ , ~'1_: ; . . . , . � TR-1855/[ [Q 100 SECAM analyzer, from the People's Republic of Hungary ~ ~ ~ ~ 19 : FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 FOR OFFZCLAL USC ONLY , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ s ~ r,~~ ' , ,~r ~ i . , .ti ` + i TR-0307 pulse generator from the People's Republic of Hungary . Y~"~' ~ '"+~,~6i'~'~~?:~ . } ~ E,;~ , ~ ~i~ j, . , ' n~ Wt\ ~ !MM i -.~I~NO Mlti � ~ + ' Z~~+~`~ ~ I ~.r~r ul 3~ j r!r`~�a+r ~ i t~t 1/ ~ TR 0313�pulse generator from the People's Republic of Nungary ,r- _ ~ : � 4r::~ :~..C:S. y TR-4910 signal-form analyzer from the People's Republic of Hungary ;`�~-.:~T~lis~~k$~~� ~ ;r. i f; i~i} � ~ � ~~-i', ~ ~ , , ' `O x'" v'R' 2~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 I~'OR O~I~ ~C~.AL ~SE ONLY 'The res~onse irequoncy o~ thn TR-0307 pulse g~n~r~tor (EMG [Electronic Mea- suring Instruments Factory] 11,590a may be set in a wide range (15 Hz to 100 N~{z). The tr3.ggering possibilities (internal, external, single, ga~ed) expand the range of ttpplications. The inputs adapt tn the T'TL ~ogic levels. ~ A nQw mode of operation is the external width control, which permits the . control o� the output stage wi~h Complex word forms, digitally calibrated times, and so forth. , 5ome technical data: ~ Delay time, adjustable delay-time range: 5 nsec - 30 msec ' Internal triggering, period-time range of the internal . ~ control generato~; 10 nsec - 66 msec Adjustable pulse-duration range: 5 nsec - 30 msec Ext~rnal triggering, response frequency: DC - 100 MHz (with pulse ; , triggering) , Output modes: pulse, square wave, external pulse duration i Output trigger signal ~ Amplitude: 1.5 V/50 ohms ; Rise time: 3 nsec ' Amplitude: 70 mV - 10 V Overshoot: 5 50 ; Rise and decay times: 2.5 nsec - 0.5 msec ~ Dimensions in mm: 132,5 by 443 by 354 Weight: 9 kg Within the framework of specialization in the field of pulse generators, ~ the novelties originate primarily from the People's Republic of Hungary (EMG). A trailbazing novelty is the new programmable, quartz-controlled ; pulse generator TR-0313 (EMG 12,533). It generates pulse durations of high accuracy (error: +1�10'S) controlled from either the front panel or by remote control. The pulse generator consists of a period-duration unit, ~ a pulse counter, three time-interval channels each, and an output stage. , It is used in development laboratories and manufacturing establishments in the semiconductor industry, and also in the testing of amplifiers and electronic devices. All data and operating modes are set on the front panel with keys if the ~ unit is operated with internal control. In the case of remote control, the unit may be programmed on the rear panel with program plug wires. The program-controlled pulse generator may a~so be operated in automated measuring systems. The program inputs are TTL-compatible. If so desired, the unit may be adapted to the bus system of the Type 666 instrument and the IEC bus. There is a seven-digit display unit. 21 FOR OFFICIAL US'C ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY 5ome toahnic~i d~ta; '~iming-puis~ goneratior Opexating mod~s; exLernai, ittLernai tnternal timing-puiso genorator Rrequency: id hHz Accuracy; ,~~10'S ~ ~xternai timing-puise generator Frequoncy: 10 t~iz Triggering signai; TTL-compatibie Input loading: 2 Timing-puiso signal output Output amplftude: 2,5 V PolariLy: positivc : Internal triggering Period-dur~.tion ran~e: 0.2 - 999,999.9 microsec (100 nseC resolution) or 0.2 - 999,999.9 msec (100 microsec r~solution) Accuracy of period duration: ~0.001~ of the seL value �5 nsec ~xternal triggering (~XT.IN) � Response frequency; DC...S Mlz Trigger signal: TTL-compatible Input loading: 2 Pulse category A predetermined nwnb~r of pulses may be output independently of the period duration. ~ach time-interval channel has two outputs. A pulse appears on the pulse output after the end of the set time duration. In this case, the set time duration means the pulse appearing between the S0~ points of . the channel-trigger signal and the rise flank on the output. The dur~xtion of the pulse appearing at thc TIMING output is the same as the set time duration. Synchronous signal output A pulse nppears ut the beginning of the TIMING interval only with external triggering (~XT). The time uncertainty is, related to the external trigger signal, approximately 100 nsec or 100 microsec (with a 100 microsec timing- pulse signal) . The TR-4910 signal-form analyzer system (F.MG S,S00) is used to convert any analog and digital signal, and signal form, into a digitally stored infor- mation, as well as to visualize and evaluate this inforniation by means af muthematical methods. 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 ~OR AFFICYAL U3~ O1~R,Y ~ ~ `Ch~ digitai cnnv~rsion of th~ angiog el~ctric~l signais Lo be testied is ac- ~ ' complished with tho eid of an analog-to-digital 'convertex. The analag ~ yignals to b~ tested of various frequencies may be appiied directiy to ' th~ ~na~og-to-di~it~1 ~onvert~r under gppropriate offset setting~ or they ; re~ch the converter from units connected to the converter, having appron~ riat~ gain or scan r~te. The digita~ly converted inform~tion ia stored by th~ system in a somiconductor-bas~d memory. Ali further operations are per- form~d ~n the signais stored in digital form by means of mathematic~l m@- thads. The content of the memory may be dispiayed on the monitor of the sy~t~m. 'i'he characterigtic parameters of the m~mory contents may be dis- played in numericai form. Relatively simpie mathema~icai operations such ~s uddition, subLraction~ caiculation of puise parameters, and so forth, may b~ performed with the Contents of the memory~ with the aid of an ar- ~ ith~netic unit ~ . 7'he 1'ype TR-4910 offers flexibiiity of the ~nput units and versatility of the m~th~matical operations, so that the system may be put to a great va- riety of uses. important use areas: - Uigitai conversion, storage, and evaluation of signa~ forms in studies concerning any industrial, medical, biological, physical, chemicai, and el~ctricai phenomenon; ~ ~ Oscillograpfiy with digital storage, osciliograph-like uses with digital evaluation; - Measurement of puis~ parameters at high speed; , - bteasurements on dynam~c measuring systems, especially to test integrated circuits. ~T~ ~r ' ~ ~rs ; S ~ ~~~N e~~ ""~~,,'S i � �~t s CMP 4 digit~l level meter from the People's Republic of Poland 23 ~OEt O~FICIAL USE ~NtiY t i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 : . FOR OFFICIA'L USE ONLY . ~I � 4 ' .s.~~r a .:i,.... 'AI~Ww~~w~wwMHH , . ~ ~ } ~ . 4~ i . YF . , M`~a q~'.~' ~ � y / ` ~ ~ ~ ~ E t M,..~,.~wMw~h~ . r � ~ t: ~ .+r... . Selective nanovoltmeter, No 257, Peopie's Republic ~ of Poland The foilowing may be built up by combination of functional units: - Signal-form analyzer - Response signa~~form nna~yzer - Sampling oscillograph with digftai storage of analog sfgnais - Osciliograph with digital storage - Universal signal-form analyzer system. The following functional units are available: Signal-form memory, Type 55100 Memory capacity: 4,096 x 8 bits htemory organization: 4 x 1 Kbyte; 2 x 2 Kbyte; 1 x 4 Kbyte Number af inputs: 3(2 parallel $-bit inputs; 1 series input /for magnetic tape unit/) Outputs for eontrolling the elcctron-beam tube, for X-Y recorder, for di- gital recorder, for magnetic tape recorder, and for external arithmetic unit. 24 FOR OFFICTAI, i1SE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 FOR OFFICtAL USE ON1.Y ; ' ~ t Uigi~nl eonver~er unit~ 1'ypa S51d1 ; Vorticul unit , ; Number o� inputs: 2, ;ndep~nd~nt of each other ~ Coupling; DC, AC, GND , ` i tmped~nce: i mohm//50 pR ~ S~nsitivity: 50 mV/step ; Of�set range: ~9.9 V(in 0.1 V steps) ~ A/D rosolution; 8 bits ; M~asur3ng range; f640 mV -~5.6 V ( Trigger modes: pretrigger, posttrigger j Digitai delay; up t~ 999 times the selected time base . ~ Triggering possibilities: CH1~ CH2, SXT ; Coupling; DC, AC ~ Trigger-level range; f4.9 V(in 0.1 V steps). The controis are remotely operable; their position may be interrogated. Miniprocessor unit: Type 55110 ' Design: binary, 8-bit � ; Functions: transfer of data biocks, basic calculations carried out with ? data blocks, operations within a block, operations with constants, and speciai block opera~ions (puise-parameter evaluation) Operating mode: from built-in keyboard, via external computer Type 666 Display; built-in electron-beam tube ; Memory capacity: combination of ROM and/or RAM with up to 8 kbyte or ROM � and/or RAM with 16 kbyte Sampling-digital converter unit: Type 55140 Input data � Vertical unit: Two channels (independent), 50 ohms, DC Rise time: 350 psec Sensitivity: S mV/div horizontal unit Defiection speed: up to 100 psec/div 'Crigger: EXT, INT ~ People's Republic of Poland Most exhibited products indicate the trend that the development and produc~- tion of selective and broadband voltmeter and level meters is favored. The CMP 4 digital level meter is an electronic measuring instrument for the precise determination of a.c. signal levels in the 30 Hz to 120 kHz fre- quency range. The level is indicated digitally at an uncertainty of �0.1 d6 and the output is BCD-coded for possible recording (TTL level). In the 30 Hz to 30 kHz frequency range, there is a symmetric input and in the 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 t~'AR Ot'FICIAL tiSP ONLY ' 30 Hz to 120 kHz range there is an asymmetric input with switchable input ~resistor (600 ohms, 950 ohms, high-ohmic), The level~measuring range is -60 dB to +20 dB. Dimensions in mm; 128 by 438 by 250; weight: 9~kg. ~ The No 237 selective nanovoitmeter is designed for a.c. vo~tage measure- ments in the 1 Nz to ]00 kHz frequency range. Within the above frequency range, phase and ampiitude measurements o� amplifiers and fiiters, spectrai ~ analyses of low-frequency signais, alignments of ineasur3ng bridges, har- monic distortion �actor measurements, and many others may be performed. Some technical data; ~ Frequency range: 1 Hz to 99.9 kNz SensitiviLy (full range): 1 microvoit to 100 mV ~ with preampiffier up to 3 nV Measuring uncertainty: �0.4 dB Linearity error: 5 0.1~ Octave damping: 0- 40 dB Input impedance: 100 M~1//20 pF Outputs a.c. voltage: 1 V(eff) at full deflection and 600 ohms d,c, voltage;.100 mV at full deflection and 100 ohms Drift (24 hrs): S 0.2 dB Dimensions in mm: 440 by 164 by 330 Weight: 10 kg The PFL-22 digital frequency and time-interval measuring instrument permits highly accurate measurements to be carried out in the laboratory on sine or pulse frequencies, sine or pulse periods, frequency ratios of two fre- quencies, and pulse widths. . There is the possibility of obtaining hfgh~y precise frequencies and using the unit as a decadic standard generator in the 1 Nz to 10 Miz frequency range. Technical data: Frequency-measuring range: 0 to 100 hfiz Instability of the mother generator: f,5�10"9/24 hrs External control possible: S A4iz, 10 hWz Temperature drift: 2~10'9/K Dimensions in mm: 446~by 240 by 96 Wei~ht: S kg 26 ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 rOR OFrYCtAL USE ONLY ~ ' ~ Th~ PCP-7 dual-puls~ generator is designed for ~ests in digitai and computer technology, televi!~ion technology~ nuc~ear technology, and controi technoi- ogy under ~aboratory und production conditions. it may directiy conLr~i relays or counters since it has a high output power. Som~,technicai data: rrequency range~ internai ~ Single pulses; O.S Hz to 50 MQ-lz ~ ~uise pairs: O.S Hz to 25 h9-Iz Puise ampiitude (50 ohms load); 150 mV - 5 V ~ Output ~mpedance: SO ~0~ Puise polarity: positive (normai or inverted puise); J negutive (normai or inverted puise) Output v~ltage (50 ohms): -3 V- 3 V Dimensions in mm: 446 by 340 by 98 Weight: 7 kg ~i~y . g ~ar~t~ T~ ~t~ , ~ ^,~'~e ~ s ~1~~~,rt~ , i ~ ~ ' fC . H 1 x x, . � , ~ ' >.,r': . ~ PTC-1 TTL tester from the People's Republic of Poland . ~ The PTC-1 TTL tester is used to test digital TTL components, digital assemb- lies, and test setups. The auxiliary units required for the testing, such as the square-wave generator, single-puise generator, pulse detector, pulse former, load resistors, and so forth, are all built-in. The testing may be carried out stepwise, under manual control, or under automatic control. . A prototype as reference is required for the testing. Some technical data: Number of outputs tested: up to and including 16 Number of digital combinations: up to and including 21S Digital tcst setups: S x DIL 16; 10 x DIL 14 ~ ~ ~requency range of the square-wave generator: 1 Nz to 3 h~lz 27 FOR OPPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 FOR OFFiCIAL U3E ANLY Output voitages; Up ~ 0 to 0,4 V U1 � +2.4 to +5,5 V ~ Supply voltage: +5 V ~A~25 V ~ Load; S 3 A ' ~ Rippie: S 0.25 V ~ Ambient temperature; +5 to +AO�C ~ ' _ ~ Dimensions in nmi: 390 by 'A50 by 146 ~Weight; 9.6 kg , 'Ch~ ND-960 A fiuctuation-measurin~ instrument is used for tests of the mech- anism of tape recorders and phono~raphs. The instrumenL permits ai~ tests specified for such devices to be porformed in accordance with the provisions ' ~of Lhe IBC as of 1969, Technirgl data: Input parameters Frequency: 3,150 Hz t10~ Voltege: 30 mV to 15 V Input impedance: Z 300 kfl ' Audio fluctuation measuremonts . Measuring ranges: ~0.1; f0:;3; f,t; f.10~ Frequency response: in normgi position linear (according to IEC); 0.2~to 300 Nz ~ ~ with the internal bandpass filter regulated; optiona~ly, an external filLer may be instalied Sound-level fluctuations; ip~'.S to ~0; Dimensions in mm: 132 by 43d'~~by 300 Weight: 7 kg Other Developmsnt Trends T~e ncw gencration of laboratory instruntents controlled with microprocessor was~represented at the Leipzig Fair by the No 7065 digital voltmeter made by Sol~?rtron.The improvement of the properties of the instrument by the systematic introduction of microcomputer technology is indicated in this instance less by the technical pgr~meter~s (see the measuring ranges); it is demonstrated instead by the improvement in usefulness by iuultiple util- ization of the microcomputer unit: Ranges: DC: 10 mY to 1000 V AC ~10 Nz to SO kHz): 100 mV to 10~0 mV R: 10 ohms to 10 mohms ~ Toleranc~: DC: 1�10'S + 4 digits AC: 6�10'3 + 20 digita ! 2~ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE CtNLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 , ; ~Ott tlt~'1~'ICtAt, UJ~ ONLY ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ . ~ fy ~Gf i I~ +"1 ~3q~~ ",.'3 4 ':4' F.s,Y i'Y ;f~ 4 . l, . j { ~ y .7}Y ~ ~1~~~~~ ~ � ~ ` . ~ ~ ~ * ~ F . r h,~e~S'~ j4w.l..`~~~ ~ ' . ,s'~ ~.Y _ _~i/1~'[fee~r..~.~rr ~.~i : I Microprocessor-controiled digitai voitmeter No 7065 ~ from Great Britain (Photo by K. Schwarzer ~14)) Th~ size of the instrument is comparabie to that of conventionai digitai. voltmoters; it permits the �ollowing operations to be performed for comp- l~tion and simpiification of the measurements in nine programs: ` - Muitipiication with a consLant = C~iculation of percentages - Addition nnd subtraction with a constant - R~tio formaLion; linear H Q x/a; logarithmic E e 20 log x/a; square ~ (for power calculations) B = x2/a - Determination of maximum and minimwn values, as weii as their difference, which may be stored as desired . - Prograrnming of limit values, the fact that they are exceeded either way may be stored in the memory - Stutistical caiculations; every test value is stored, arithmetic mean, variance formation, standard deviation, square mean value . -'femperature measurement with thermocouples, conversion of the effective thermocoupie voitage into dispiayed values is automatic - Measurements in time intervai; ongoing time, measurement with start/stop feature during a day; duration up to 96 hours. ' COpYEtIG61T: V~b Verlag Technik, Berlin . Data-Procesaing Systems E~st i3erlin ttADIO FERNSEHEN ELEKTRONIK in German Vol 27~ No 6, Jun 78 pp 361-362 (Article by D. Henkel~ (Text~ The exhibits in the field of computer technology and data proceaeing ~11 ghow highly increaspd versatility. It is a characteristic feature that in addition ta the already customary ESER (Unified Computer Syatem~ line, the emphagig is on miniaturized data engineering and data processing, in vhich ar~as ma3or qualitative and quantitative growth is evident. There is a cleur-cut trend toward the use of microelementa so as to provide the davices With performance characteristics Which meet the modern needs. � 29 FOR OFFICIf.L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 , FOR OFFZCIAL U3E ONLY Based on the favorabio oxporiences, gained with socialist economic integra- tion within the BSBR pro~ect, a start was made a few years ago under~the leadorship of tho Soviet Union on a.similar internationai project concerning the development and m~nufacture of a line of sm~il computers. ~he first re- sult~ af .this project were presented by the Soviet Union by the CM-1 to CM-4 controi computers~ Within gSER itself, a phase of compiex development is just about compieted. Series 1 of the 85BR, of which the dev~ce technology was exhibited in re- cent years, wiii shortly be repiaced by Series 2.This laLt@r designation is used for new data-processing devices made available to users, featuring new and improved system characteristics, increased reliabi~ity, and, of course, compatibility with devices from Series 1. German Deinocratic Repub~ic ~ Robotron Combine State Bnterprise~exhib~ted the EC 10SS data-processing system, which is in Series 2"~~see titie picture).The central component o� this system is the BC 2655 central processor unit recentiy developed by ~ the Robotron combine. It niay be'regarded as a further development of the EC 2640, which has been produced for several years. It has a capability of perform3ng approximately 400,000 operations per second. Even the exte- rior appearance suggests development from the EC 2640. The centrai processor ~ unit has only 50 percent of the volume of the ~C 2640 (three instead of six cabinets). The controi console instailed on the front of the EC 2640 is no longer found. Instead, there is a separate controi module, dosignated EC 7069, which is used 'both by the system user and maintenance technician. The concept of this controi module, including the use of,a dispiay unit with keyboard and a series printer, permits the use of not only an increased communication speed but also offers significantly superior operating con- venience. In a modern form, the EC 7069 control module may also be used in the EC 1040 instead of the interrogation unit provided therein. 'Phe reduction of the volume in the EC 2655 was achieved primarily by the following engineering measures: - Realiiation of the opcrative memory as a solid-state memory on the basis o~ MiDS components. A capacity of IMbyte, including the required power supply unit, is accommodated in a single cabinet. Maximum memory capa= city is 21~tbyte. i 30 FOR OF'~ICIAL US~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 FOR OF~ICLAL U3E ONLY ' - Use of a more e��ective method of power suppiy. ~ The ~C 2G55 realizes 183 commands from the command set o� Serios 2 of the ESER, The input and ouLput system is ch~racterized by the us~ of biock multiplex channois in~te~d of the selector ch~nneis~ and ~y the possibi- lity of data transfer via a 2-byte wide interface, Worthy of speciai menLion is the realization o� the principie of the so- calied virtua~ memory, which ailows the estab~i~shment of a prograam?er using a virtuai operative memory capac3ty of 16Mbyte. This possibility is provided with the also newiy developed OC6-EC operating system made in ~ '~series in the Soviot Union for the large modeis of Series 2. ~ 3~F~~~, ~ J � 1 � ' i ~ ~ w~t..~_r. ~ . _ . , ~a K 1520 microcomputer system from the Robotron Combine , State Bnterprise (factory photograph) ~fnaily, the EC 2655 features an extensive diagnostic facility. Robotron presents a new microcomputer system witPt the K 1520. This model may be used for installation in devices and aiso for the assembly of an inde- pendent microcomputer system.'The primary unit of this computer is a micro- processor in n-channel MOS technology, which has the advantages of in- creased switching speed compared to the p-channel technology presently used. The system is offered in four versions, all equipped with a 4Kbyte memory. Connoction of peripheral devices through connector/control units is possibie: K7622 control module, DARO 1210 perforated-tape reader, DARO 1215 tape perforator, DARO 1250 cassette tape recorder, and BD 4000 alpha- numeric display with printer. The progrartunable minicomputer Robotron K 1001, exhibited already last year, was further developed and is now shown in the K 1002 and K 1~03 versions. The new versions feature broader application field. The K 1002 is equfpped 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 FOR OFFZCIAL USE ONtY with g magnetic-curd unit f~r insertion of progr~ms ~nd data, as we11 as for , output of th~ contants of ~the operating memory, The K 1033 is additionaliy. oquipped with,an internal printer for the optionai printiout of internaediate ~ and finai resuits~ The Eactorios forming part of the Robotron Combine State Enterprise since eariy 1978, the erstwhile Zentronik combine, also exhib3ted new and deve- loped products, Tho DARO 175,0 magnetic-card computer was equipped with the MFM 2/4 fioppy- ; disk unit manufactured in tho People's Repubiic of Nungary. This expands the memory capacfty available in direct access 60- to 120-fold. . The series of smaii bookkeeping machines 1330 to 1350 was expanded by the DARO 1355 el~ctronic bookkeeping machine, It combines the features of the ~ conv~ntionai modeis -minimum space requirement, simple operation, and fast prngram change--and offers the ~dvantages of e~ectronic components compared to electro-mechanical components. The DARO 1255 magnetic-tgpe converter serves �or the preparation of data stored wfth data-acquisitoon devices on 3.81 m~n magnetic-tape cassettes to enable further processing in,computers by conversion to 12.7 mm mag- netic tape, with appropriate data format. The outstanding properties of this insrrunient were achieved in the framework of an international coopera- tion project among the socialist countries. Czechoslovakia developed the ~ keybonrd; the Peoplo~s Republic of Poland developed tha PK-1 magnetic-tape cassette unit; and the People~s Republic of Bulgari~ developed the TSOT- 5003 magnetic tape unit. The ROSY 4000 speech dialog system was developed with the cooperation of Dresden Technical University; this device was exhibited in Leipzig as a demonstration model for timetable information used by the German Railways. This is a character-contralled speech synthesizer, converting a discrete sound-character information into comprehensible s~eech. Nith the aid nf the synthetic speech it is possible to use the telephone as a computer terminal openinR access through the telephone system. Characteristic for the use of a synthetic language is the transmission of smait amounts of information for ~ large number of users. Thus, information systems of ali kinds are regnrded as the m~in applications of the speech-dialog system. 32 EOR OF'FICIAt USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 FOR OFFZCIAL USC ONLY ' ; : , t ; , . ~ p Wk V~ .~4.._~_.. 1 p~.~ ~ . ~ . 1 t~ Ry'e r Y a~~ 1 . ~g~ rtY ( j ~ H . ~_5~ ~~~a'~ xf ~ i t ~v'krJit s~.~� . ~ i I yj~ ~ y1~1~~+F4`.~~,y ?..':~P.., i . L}~i4 ~-:z,~~~t' 1~.~.~~St 1~tr~-,~w ~ ~ ;,,~~g~?~u s::'s~Fnn.~p.~BF~t,7,~'X'i>~ ~ . ~ 1~ ~ ' b K~ y i . ~ s,~i - ~i f ~ . ; ~ ~ ' i' ~ ~ ` i~}n~yyA~, r ~ ~ , r.,. i'~T .,,.~r.~~7~~14~a1m _,i u'4w , f~.~'s - ~ K 1002 programmable minicomputer K 1003 programmable miniaomputier from Robotron Combine Stiate from Robotron Combine State ~nterprise ~�actory photograph) EntierpYiae , ~ 4 ~ . � .,r . ~ , ~ Y. ~ ~ sl~ll~? nehn~r . - CM�7~ - - - - � UdSSR CM-3 control computer from the Soviet Union 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 p ~O~t 0~'F'ZCYAL US~ ONLY ~ ; ~ , _ ~ m;,, ; i ~ , ~ ; ~ , ~ ~ � l ~ , ,o � � ~ e , o { , ~ i ; ~ ~ ; ~ , i. b O ` ~ cri 1t' O i f~P ~ ' ~ 1 0 W.. ~ tA ` N ~ ~ O H ~ w ~ k N t~A ~ ~ l l! ~ � iJ M f~+ H t Y ~ ~yi^R }~1 , ~ e ~1 ~y H ~ ~ ; ~ � : ~ ~ ~ r JK R : 'w' N Q) t ' � 1..~,~ _:Y ''1, C~':`+~, V ~i ~ , r W CT '~i.. t y ; al � b ~ a;;..~ j,~j R1 ~ ' ~ ~ ~i ~ ` C1 t!~ + ' ~rl ~ ~ ~ ~fi. , _ - a�. d ~ 1.1 G) ~ ~ c~ A , ~T` ~ ~ ~ ~x.~" ~ ~y~ 3' ~ Nz~~M.~ ~~V~ ~ ~ ~ ~~j `i~. 4fij ~e. ~a ~ te p x~~., "~ry r :~r~,~~~. i5..} U ~ +�h~~~ ~V~~j fi,~~ ~ ~y ' ~ ' ~Z~ ~tl ~ ~~a~ Y' M ~ f~ S"N . ~w~4lr~r.~~~' ' ~ ~1 ~~T ~ ~ F e~' a ~ 3 i 'r h ~ b : ` ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~A A. ~i ~ ~ i u a a _ ~ . '4.+, v~ 'G~h'~- ~~~K V _ . ~ a~- . 34 FOR OFF~ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 roR ort'ICTAL uS~ oNi.Y ~ �A y~sy~ ~ ~aw; �.q;1~~gy; ~.if_ wl ~ 'ti ~ t~~ ~~s . , d ,.n,�, . ~ ~ : ~ F , 14~4 � ~ ' ~ ':~ro k ~ ~~~~~IF ~ 4 ~r}~ ~ , , . ~~t a,`~ � w~;~ ; ~ r ni . : ~fp1. r;'.. ~ � ~ I ~ I ~ :~.e rh, ~ ~ ~ 1 y , ~ ~t+~� ~ a~} , la $ ~ 1 ~ Z ti: . ~,r~~ Felix C-256 dat~-processing The "bars" terminal processor from system (photograph taken the Soviet Union, with a Flung~rian- by K. Schwttr2er (5)) made screen terminal Soviet Union As mentioned earlier, the Soviet Union ex}iibited the small computer system (SKR) for the first time. This is ~he CM-3 control-computer complex, part of the Cbt-1 to Cht-4 computer series desi~ned in the form of a module. Com- puttrs of this series are designed on the basis of the modular-design prin- ciple. The CM~3 realizes 65 commands and has an operational speed of up to 200,000 operations per second. It permits both byte- and word-oriented op- erati.on (one word has 16 bits). The�working memory has a capacity of up to 32K words. The input/output interface is realized on the basis of the uni- bus principl~. '['he SM-3 control computer may be used as an autonomous system for the a~itomation of design �unctians, as well as of technological processes, and also in hierarchy systems in conjunction with ESER computers as satellite processors ror data concentration a;~d preprocessing. Tt~e "bars" terminal processor was also exhibited in the Soviet pavillion. IC is a connecting unit between various terminal systems and electronic com- puters. Since it operates as a multiple-path switch, it may also be used as a multic-channel adapter in computer centers. Its particular advantage is the microprogram-controlled interface, so that the connection of another terminal than originally intended becomes relatively problem-free. 35 FOR OF'FICIAL USE 0`TLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 ~ FOR OFFICIAL t18E ONLY The People~s Repubiic of Bulgaria and tho Socialiat Republic of Romania ~ The ISOT-0310 am~il computer demonstrate~ that the trend was foi~owed in the Paopie~s Repubiic of Buigaria a~so; sma~i computer systems for scientific ~nd technological controi units in modular design~ Accon~nodation of func- tionai groups ~inciuding peripherai devices and their connection controis) in modules creaLed a modular system which permits simple adaptation to a variety of user needs. in addition to the pror~essor and operative memory, eight peripherai-device controls are offered, They range from perforated-tapa readers, magnetic-tape units a7d magnetic-disk memories to cassetLe Lerminais. The technicai parameters of the ISOT-0310 are of the same order of magnitude as those of the above-described CM-3 smaii computer made in the Soviet Union. Bxhibiting the Felix C-256 compuLer, the Socialist Repubiic of Romania de- monstrated the technological ievei achfeved already in Series 1 of ESER. The central processor unit is buiit in T1'L technology, and realizes 102 commands. A ferrite-core operative memory is used; fts capacity is 256 Kbyte, which may be doubled. The input/output system has muitiplex and selector channels. 'Che alternating-disk unit with a 29 Mbyta capacity (expandabie to 58 Mbyte) was worthy of speciai note among the assortment of conventional p~riphor~l devices for computer systems. COPYRIGHT: Veb Verlag Technik, Berliri 2542 CSO: 1870 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 - . ~~a~~ ~rr YHw� ~L~CTRDNIC3 AND ~L~C'~RICAL ~NOINE~RtNd UDC 621.391.26 TH~ DETECTION OF A QUASINARMONIC 3IGNAL HAVINQ AN UNKNOWN FREQUENCY IN NOISE 0~' AN UNKNOWN POG1~R AND 3PECTItAL FORM Kiev I2V~STIYA VtJZ RADIO~LEKTRONIKA in Ruesian Vo1 21 No 7~ 1'978 pp 108-111 ~ CArtirle by V.N. Prokof'yev, manuscript rece3ved 10 March 77, and following ~~working, 25 May 77) (Taxt] M~itiple alterntttive detection of a sinusoidal signal ageinet a background of noiee ie ~nglyzed, where th~ fraquency of Che eignal belonge eo a rather. broad range of possible values and ie unknown. The practicaily ,~uecified di.gitization of thi~ range into reaoluCion intervals (sectione) i~ aggumed, �or exnmple, wher~ the doppler shift of the frequency is measured by a e~t of filters; the white or nonwhit~ noise power ie unknown; the aig- nul hag a random initial phase or ampli~ude and phase (reception in inco- h~rent or Royleigh channels). The problem is eolved as the detection of a eigngl with the readout of rhe ~requency interval. The aolution rules are found based on the etatistical principal of invariance ~l, 2J, and are invariant to the initial phase of the eignal and the gcale of the obaervations. They keep the probability o# false alarms conatant, do not depend on interfering parameeera o~ data dietributions and are suitable ~or reali,zation in aueoma~ed devices. � "i?hit~~' noi~~. There are M regolution aegmenCs with 2n/T; T is the durntion of the signgl) at fre ~uenc_ies of wi, i= 1, M. The signal in an incoherent ahannel is Si(C) = 2? E/T cos(wit + Ai), E is the energy of the si~n~l in the interval T, Ai is the uniFormly diatributed initial phase, wi is one of the equiprobable frequencies, i E(1, M). It needa to bp de- termined whether the obeerved realization is gaussian noise or a mixture of noise and one(with an indication of which) of M equiprobable signale Si(t), i= 1, M, i.e., Che�following hypnthesis needs to be checked: H~sx(q~n(h, p~~~T~ . H~ s x(t) S~ (e) -E- K(e)~ 1 m I".~i 3, ~1) where n(t) is the realization of the noise with the unkno~n power spectrum Np/2. 37 � FOR O~FICIAL USE ONLY : APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 FOR AF~ICIAL USE ONLY We ~h~11 uee ~s ~he inie~,al ~~mp1e of eha o~cillae~,on x(e), 0 c~ e~ T, ite . quadr~tur~ componen~s in ehe fr~q~eney in~arvalet ' Y) ~{x~, y~ t xr ~yr) �'V x(n cos w~t (~In m~t) d~, r: f,'n= n> M} (tha caee where n> M correepond~ ~o takir~ addieional ~'noise" eagmante~ for ~x~tnpi~, wieh ~h~ ~~m~ valu~ oE tihe noiee ievei ND). T~king eha prerequiaita~ inro account, tha distr~,bu~ion of ehe daCa ~x, y) avaYaged ov~r eh~ phe~~ Oi �or the case of a s3gnal in the i-Ch eegmenC ie! ~ ~ P~ ~x~ Y) ~ ~xP C- ~ 1e C ~ ~ ~ d ~ (x; N~)~ ~ N~ ~ til t~; ~ x; -F ~ e f~A'o Ip(�) ie a modified Ba~eel function; the deneity p~(x, y) for the noise ~,s derived at E= 0. Problem (1) reduce~ to checking the hypothesaes N~ = Ae (x~Y): K~ = o~ (x~ 1+)~ t.. P'r~'t; N~, E are unknown (2) where N~ and ~ are unknown, the eolution i~ to be aought among those rulea which ~re invariant with respect to the acale of r..he observationa. For tha deacription of auch rulas, it is convenient to comput~ the densiry Wi(x, y) of the data for even~a which are invariant ro the scale in th~ apace of values (x, y). Using the procedure of [2j, one can find that here: , ~x~ i?) ~ exp 9) t~~ q~~), i~ ~l=~~ q� EI N~~ 'Y(.,.;.) is a degenerate hypergeometric functi~n. The invariant solution of problem (2) ghould be based on the functiona wi(x, y) or on Che ratioa of ai for which they are monotonic. According to the ~olution theory of (3], in ehe symmetrical pxablem being treated here, the optimal rule.which for a fixed probability a of a false alarm minimizea the error probability (missing and "confueing" signals), has the form: Assume Hi, if si s max s~ > C Asgume Hp, if 811 s~~< C, 1,M (3) where C is the threshold number. Rule (3) is the desired invariant solution of the problem. It differs �rom the well-known rulps for the case of a speci- �ied noise level. in that it ig based on the ratios of s~, j~ 1,M; and for this reason, does not depend on the interfering parameter Np; the.threshold C likewise does not depend on Np (the densities of the statistics s~ for the case of Hp do not depend on Np). We shgll employ an asympCotic (n ~pproximation of the diseribuCions of s~i to estimate the effectiveness of algoritlmi (3). At the limiC of n-~ tFie quantities S~ = 2ns~ are indep~ndent and each have a x~ distribuCion (with two degrees of freedom), which is central for the case of Hp and noncen- tral for the case o� ~ signal with a noncentrality parameter oE d2 = 2q. In ~ 38 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 r~~K ~~~~'tGIA~. U~E ONLY ~ i i thi~ e~s~, w~ obeain tihc~ ehr~ahold G d� eha ~cul~, thg p~obabil~Cy a of mia~ing eh~, ~nd Cha p~ob~bi~.3ey s of ~'confu~ing~' tha signal (Eal~e indicae~.oe _ nf ~ "~ignal" ~~ction)t 'C~+41nt1-~~-a)I/Ml'li ~~~0-a~l-I/At~j_Q~d~y~li _ M~~ . ~ M~'~-~~~~ t ~ ~l t r.. l-~--~ ~ i.h ~ �xp r- T~i, Q(I~ 9~F~ 'ij~ 1~ f))~ f.o ~ whgre � ~Ae Q(a~ b) f x ex~? x-~ ~Qx) dx; ~b ) ig ~ha numb~r of eombinaeione ~ o� a ueing b. In the ~pacial ca~a n� M a 2~ prgC~.~e formulas axe fo~ndt . a ~ [~-~~~1 ~-exPt-4(~-a)})lexp f ~ t..-a~-eap~-q C1-- z /J~ ~~r a Knylei~h channel, the opr3mal invariant rule likewi.s~ has the form of (3) wi~h the snme threshold C; the probabilities S and s are asymptotically ~qua1 to: ' _a~~-u~r _a~~~M~un+v~~~ ' ~1-1 1/M ~~FI/(I+VI e... ~ I~~+~ 'M- ~ i~ -a) 1 ~ l ~ ~'f't~~~h4) where q=~/Np, ~ is th~ average energy of the signal. For the spec~al case n= M~ 2, the precise formulas,for S and E here are equal to:~ a ~1-a)(1~9) a~t fn9l~) , ~ ( ~ ~ a4/2) (1-h U a/2) 9l ' e ~Z a4) I ~ f ( ~ r al~) 7 ~ "Nonr~hita~~ nai~a. To obtain nn invariant solution, it is assumed here that the chAnge in the noige power in the range being analyzed is rather smooth: in it, one can segregat~ m pairs of ad3acent sections so that the noise power ~ in each pair is the same, and equal to Np~/2, r (~cceptable in practice for n gt~p approximation of the form af the noise spectrum). Tr,e indeterminacy of ehe Enrm of the noise spectrum is thereby expressed in the appearance of m unknnwn parameters of Np~, 1, m. The signal can appegr with equal pro- b~bflity in one of the pairs (occupying any one of its sections). As before, we will employ the set (x,y) _{(x1j~Ylj>> ~X2~~Y2~), j� l,m} (the subscripts 1 nnd 2 indicate the first and second intervals of the ~-th pair) of 39 FOR OF~ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 ~ P(~it ~f~ t~' ~C~At, USI; ANi,Y ~ th~ qu~drerura compan~ne~ of the proc~~e b~ing ob~~rved, which we eha11 u~AUme ' her~ ~o b~ a~an~r~l~,~~d linaar proca~~; ehe cl~~~ of ~uch proc~ea~~ i~ bro~d (~nd eoneein~ noC ~u~t ~aueeian proc~se~e) (4). Althou~h the quant~,e~e~ x~~, Yi~, xZ~ ~nd YZ-i, ~',T,m, er~ no~ indapanden~, they seill aeymptoticaily (T M~ 3ndepe~danr and normai eo the diapereione Np /2, 1~. Thie golloWe Erom Vol. i3, Chaptar IV in ~4~, and eha Remarke foii~wing ie. W~ ~h~ii d~~~ra~in~ the inv~ri~nt ~oiution tuia for tha aeympro~ic mode~ e~~ed abov~ �or the obearva~ione. In tih3e ca~e, rula oprimal~~y ie of ~n aaytnpCaeic natura, wh31a th~ properries of~its invarianca which era important 3n prgce3ce ocrur wi~houe aeympeotic hyporhee~B. Con~idering rhe hypoehe~e~ adopted, ~nd the inv~riance of rh~ problem, ona can find eher che eolution ehouid be basad on ~t~tistic of the form v~~v~~ Z m}, where v~ mex(e~, 1/s~), � � z1~/z2~' z~~2)~ � X~~2~~.~4' y~(2)~~ where the quant~ries v~, i,m, are indepet~dent (aeymptotically). Having writCen tha combined diaeribution of the given v for Cha case of u signal in eh~ i-Ch pair of eections, ane can con- vince oneaelf that the optimum (aeympCo~ic~lly) invar3ant eolution has the form _ (identical for incoher~nt and Rayi~igh channele)s Aesume Hi, 3f v~, ~ t~~~c v~ > C, . ' Aasume H~~ if a11 v~ r C, j~ 1 m, Where the thre~hold i~ C��~ II (1-. a)~~"'~/jt -(1- a)~~"'1, ~ The probability of miasing the signal ig p�~~~~i~ Where the probabilities t..~ ~i of a mies with a signal in the i-th pair ate ae follows for incoherent and ltayleigh channels reepectively: a~~ a~t-t/M exp ~ 1 Csh q~ (1... a)~/"'1.{. ( I- a)iiTrh I Z q~( t-n)~~'"~} . ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ - a~ e,~~~~ + e~~~ e~~~ ~ i- a)'f"'1, e~ ~ i+ Q~ .,~o ~t + Q~)-~. ox One can likewise estimate the "confusion" error E. We wi11 note in conclusion that the invariant solution of the problem treated . here can also be derived in the case o~f multichannel (diveraity) reception aith different and unknown noise levels in the channels. , BTBLZOGRAPHY 1. Leman E., "Proverka statisticheskikh gipotez" ("Checking StaCistical Hypotheses"], Moscow, ~auka publishers, 1964. 2. Gayek Ya., Shidak z., "Teoriya rangovykh kriteriyev" ["Rank Criteria Theory"], Mascow, Nauka Publishers, 1971. 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 , f i ~ ~ ~ 3. Middlatdn n., ~~Vvad~niy~ v' ~e~e~~e~ch~~kuyu eno~r~yu ~v~?~~~,u (~~~nereduceiAn eo 3C~1tS,Ht~,C~11 CGtiuflUtl~G~C~,Ott~ ~hao~y~~j, Mo~cew, Sav~~~koy~ Radio Publi~hers, ? 1~G~, a, G. Nt~nn~n L'., "Mnogemarnyy~ vr~mannyy~ ryady~' C~'Muleid~m~n~ion81 T~a Sar3es"~, f Mo~caw, Mir Publi~hc~r~, 1974. ' . ~ COPYR~GNTs "I~v~~eiy~ vu~ov S33R - Radio~~aktronik~,~~ 1978 : ~ ~225 CSAt8144/0483 ; 41 ~'OR O~FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 FOR OFFIC~AL l1S(~ ONLY ~ hLECTRpNIC9 AND ~LECTRICAt, ~N(3INEERINO 3 Yyv ~ WAVE SPECTRUM CONYE~RSION UBIN(i SPATIAL NARMONICS Gor~kiy IZVL~9TIYA W2 RADtOFIZIKA in Rueeian Vo1 21 No 8, 1978 pp 1156-i160 [Areicle by Yu.K. 8ogatyrev and N.P. Yampurin, Gor~kiy Polyeechnical tne~ieute, m~nueeript rncaived 4 Jul 77~ ~Texej Th~ conversi.on o# th~ gpactrum of spatial hermoei,ce of oppoeing aave~ ia analyzed in an ac~ive periadic etructure wieh ~quare-1aw nonlinearity. The epacific featuree of ehr~e-wave interaceion are a~certained for various boundary conditione. The poesibiliey of ~imultaneou~ly amplifying all of rhe~inter- acting aav~~ is d~mon~~r~~~d. Besides the cnuplin~ due to nonlineaYity, coupling can alao ~~3ea bett~reen Wavee which propag~t~ i.n periodic structures because of the intergction at epatial harmonics 2, 6-9~, Where thie coupiing has a subatantial influence on the proceeeee of generating and converting a Wave spectYUm. Theoretical an~ e~cperimental atudies of inreractions of thia type aera pr~viously con- du~t~d pximarily as applied to conservative syetems in nonlinear optics, ag aell as to parametric radio fYequency etructures (2, 7-9]. Moreover, to convert a signal frequency in the microaave band, it is expedient in a number of cases to employ periodic.gtructures uith active, nonlinear elementa (for exampla, for the purpose of boosting the poWer of rhe converted signals). M A Wave device in the form of an LC r'~ line irith mutually coupl~d sections, L t periodically loaded uith active e ttu) , ~ ments having en N-shaped volt-ampere ~ characteristic (Figure 1), Which is typicgl of tunnel, Cu~m diodes, etc., (e) a) (b) a~ u~ i~ etudied in this paper. The pri- mary speci�ic teature of the operation Figure 1. a) The ~quivalent circuit of of such a d~vice consists in the use ~~ection of the structure; of nonlinear, synchronous interaction b) The characteristic of [he at the spatial harmonics of the op- active nonlinear elements. po~ing ~taves (due to undesirable 42 FOt~ OF~ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 rtClc~~ti~n~ �tem i,nl~amog~ne:L~i~~ in ~unv~n~ian~1 wav~~uid~ ~y~eem~) Eor ehn purpd~e ~E Eha n1;~~ci~ne g~iic~r~eion nnd e~nvar~~,on of ~~pnaerum of signal~. The ,~p~ei~ie E+~aeura~ o~ ehren w~ve in �r~eeion ~ra a~cnre~~,n~d for variouA boundary conditiona. Th~ diep~reion ch~raet~r~~t3c (F~~ure 2) o~ tha atructur~ ereaeed hera (~'tgure 1a) corre~ponde to ehe equaeiont , ` ~~ut~ k~ a t~ - Zut~r 1~- cos k 1~~~ ~It1 0~ ~1~ \ . ahar~ wd =(LC)'i~Z, ~nd M i~ eha mueu~~ induce~nc~ b~e~re~n the ad~acene ~eeti~ne. Accord3ng eo (1), ~h~ coadie~on~ for epaLial 8ynehron~,aation in such a etruc~ura for ehre~ w~ve~ ares ' W~ ~ ~,a ~,o' k~ .1- k~ -I. k~ ~ . (2) and e~n b~ met by m8an~ of vary~ng ~ha param~t~r M/L ~or vaiuas o~ ki < 1.5 ~nd (k2) ~ 2. ; ~ To realize the poseibi.lity of obeaining . , the second harmonic 2~a (~here wZ = w3) ~ of the signal frequency being convetited ~ and to provide for etable oparation of ~ . ` �-w~ , rhe 'ay~tem as a whole, i~ is ~cp~dient i.~ here~, in contraet to a self-oscillating ~ ~ ~ . mode, to eelect tha operating point cioee ~ , to t~e maximum og the N-characeeriatic ; ` (Fig~re lb), Where tha folloaring approxi- ' -3" -n x~+y a `k~n ~n * mation ie ~uetified for small signals3 ~ (u) ~ -gu - Su2 ~8~ > ~ ~ S 0, ~ 8 ~ � ~igure 2. Th~ diepergion charac- ~t SUm~~� In thie case, the square-laa tari,stin of the structure where effecta of the active conductivity ~?ill M/L s O.~i C~1,2,3, k1,2,3 gre the dominate the linear and cubic or?es,,ahile frequencies and the Wave numbers the equations for the sloWly changing of the interacting waves)., g~P~itudes Ai(n) and phases ~~(n) of the ~teady-state, timewise interacting aaves . Ca/ac ~ 0) with a voltag~ of u1 ti Al x exp[~(~it - kln +~i)J, u2,3 ti A2,g x x pxp[j(wt,3t + k2~gn + p2~3)~, ~hich gatisfy the conditions (2), have the folloaing fnrm according to [1J: clA~ ~ A~A~ co's d~~ da ~ns = - 2~= A,A, cos . tlA, ~3~ ~n = - 2~, A,A= cos ~D, da - r C~~ Aq - 2r, A~~~ 23, A~ 1 sln ~ / 43 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE OYLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 , , i~'Ok OF~'ICIAL U9E ONLY wh~r~ ~ � - ~Z - ~ - dn, Ch~ mi~eun3a~ d � ~k2I ~ Ik3I ' ~k1~, ~i � ~ pa/3N~ ie th~ coupl~ng coeff~e~,~nC, � , . N~ ~ fl-}~ '~L 'in~ a'�(1-1~ 2L ~ cos k~1-i 1-~ 2M coe k~1 ~~ao~ k~, L ` L 2 J / in e~rm~ of ~xeern8i form, ey~tam C3) ~,e a~milar Go aquQt~,ona ahich deacriba the para~aeric ganar~E~on of aevae in reaceiv8 med~,a [8, 10), ae aail ag ~eimulared Mandal~tam~Hxi~.louin acarearing in eh~ caea o~,oppoeing propaga- Cion di~acrion~ of rhe Srok~e compon~nC end ehe hype~sonic wave (9). Con- aaquentiy, rhe ~olution of (3) formaily maeche~ th~ ~olueiona ~iret darivad in (i0). Ho~ev~r, such a eoiution ~n Cha caee co?~sidered here hae a compisea ly d~fferent phye~cal meaning ae compared to ~lOj,~as wiii be ehoWn beloa. An exact ~olution of aystem (3) for the ~quarea of ampiieudae of eha voiraga aavas hae ehe form [10~~ . . ~1;(n) ~ l~o~n ~ ~ (h n) sn'~(n)~~ _ A~(n) ~ 2tlo~y~r~~�- b+(G - a)cn=X(a)~1~,~ .,q~(n~ 2U~~~(1 - b -f- (b a) cn'X~n)11~~~ (4) Where a, b~ and c(a < b< c) ara the roots of tha equation, . Z~ ~ C~ + 1 ~ 16 l!= Z~-t- Z - " p~ o~ c ~ ~ 0 4~~~, o Z ~ ~i~n)I = Vol Uo~ yo " 2~,Ai~n) ~~~(n)~ ~ s 2~,Ai~n~ ~~~;~n~~ De s Ai~K)A:(~)A~(n) sln ~ A1(R)12~~ are thp integralg of equation (3), X(n) s 2UpI~7s3(c - a)~l~Zn +~(e, k) � � ggn(co~~(0)j is the argument of the elliptical funceiona, ~(0) is the phase $hift at rhe point n- 0, F(A, k) ~ A(1 - kZssin2~]'i~Zd~ is an ~ ' ~ elliptical integrel of the first kind uith the modulus k2 =(b - a)/(c - a) ' A~ (O) ' ~ ~r~ gnd the argumenC A� ~ aresin u (b - aj . 0 In th~ ~impl~st caae of phygical intere~t, vhere there is no mistuning, A= 0, ch~ folloi+ing situations are possibl~ dep~nding on the type of boundary conditions. 44 FOR OfFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 I~t)IZ At~'a'IC tAl, USh ~Nt,Y ' . Z~r~ b~undary caadirion~ for Ch~ high fr~qu~ncy w~v~~, ~~(0~ � a(n~) � 0, ~nd non~~ro bound~ry condition~ �or eh~ low frnqu~ncy ~?~v~, ~g(n0) ~ 0 (n~ th~ l~n~th oF cha etructura), ac~oYding ~G), Cha ~~Qady-et~ee ampli- tud~~ of rha tne~r~ceing wave~ 8res A~InI � rt~~I~~~)~~lA~(~)8t1~X~?t~I~ . A~~n) � +~~~~I~o~'~ ~~ZO) ~~~n)1 ~ ~ . A~~n~ ~ ~~~~)d~Ix~K)1~ ~5~ Whpr~ X(n) . x(n) ~ (~~~3~1~~A~C~In~ ~'1 ~Ai~no)~A~(~+o)~~~~~~~~'~� 'Ch~ funeti~n8 gn~X(n)~ ~nd cn[x(n)~ have a period of 4K, end dn(X(n)) hae a p~riod of 2K; K~ F(n/2, r~) is a compleC~a aliipeical ~nt~grel of tha firet kind. If th~ r~iaeion~hip o~ (sj ~g ~ati~fied ~ ~'(no) ~ (2m ~ 1)F(r.12~ +1) ~m - o~ 1~ 2, wh3ah d~t~rmines the thr~~hold of the ~mpiitude of Ch~ loW frequency wav~ ~t rlie boundary nf ~he atructur~, n s np, eh8n g~neraeion of high frequency w~ve~ t8k~~ pigc~ ~e fr~quencies of w 1 and wa. Wh~n m= 0, a quarter of ' th~ v~riat3~n period of th~ functions snCX(n)~ and cn(X(n)~ is pack~d in ~he ~~ngth of the structure (Figure 3a). The amplitudes of ehe low frequency and high fr~quency wav~~ incr~ase, r~~ching a maximum at ehe boundaries of ehe gtructure, Whii~ the rat~ of th~ir rise sio~ do~n, ~endir:g to zaro. Lf m~ i, thera occurr~ a periodic variation in the amplitudes of the Waves. According to (6), th~ ehreshold valua of th~ ampiitude A3~n~) increaees aith an in~r~ase in the parameeer ms A3 thresh = A~noo a~?ni -h 1)dnlX(no)112n~(23~~=)u~. b) Zero boundary conditions for the fors~ard high frequency aave, A1(0) = 0, and nonzero conditions for the return wave~, A2~3(0) ~ 0. Relationship (6) is not observ~d in this casc. For values of the amplitude of the 1oW fre- quency w~v~ loWer than the thr~shold (m ~ 0), conversion of the aaves ae Erequen~i~g ~f w7 ~nd w3 to a wave aith a total fr�quency of w~ is accom- plished ~ith the ~mpl3fic~tian of all waves. c) Nonzero boundsry conditions for a11 Wev~~: A1(0), A2~3(np) ~ 0. ~or th~ cdndition A1(n~) ~ A2(0) a 0, cxpression (6) is observed. The so- lution in this ease hng the form of (5), ah~re: ~ A~Inol' .~(n) ~ ~~1a(~a(3::s~1'r~n rr 2 ~ r ~sgn~cus ~I?(0)~. \ Uep4ndin~ nn the ~ign of cn~(~+(0)), the picture of the aave amplitude dis- cribution is shiEted pithpr to the left (cos(~9(0)] > 0), or to the right (cos~4(t~)j < O) by a quarter of the period of the function F(n/2,n). The digtribution of the amplitudes of the o~cillations for gny of the modes 4S FOR OF~FICLII. fJ5E O~iLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 l~'~It UN'I~I~IAI, U;1~ ~INLY ~m ~ b) N~e th~ farm ~hdwn in ~i~ur~ 3b. Ifl COftC~~9t CO Figure 3a, the ampii- tud~g of aii w~v~~ f~i1 off ~long n. , . zu,~ A,~IA,,~I ~ ~ . . x ~ ,~A~ _ . ~ 1 ~ Q ~ I ~g~ e~ " (b) ~ " Figure 3. Th~ a~~~i81 dieeribue~on~ of th~ normal3~ed aeve emplitudes ~i~"1 ~ ~i~+~)/+~ Ai101(~~?~~~1~r1~ q ~~1~)~,~la~lt~~~ ~e~~) ~ ~1eU+)lA.,t~) , for the boundary eondieionss a) ~olid liness i~i(4)~ai1Ho) ~ 0~ .1~(no)~ ~C ~ ~ ~,t da8hed - broken iinee: ~'~~p)~ p~ ~~(no)~,o, x~n~~~ 1~ C~~,,~; b~ � ~~~n~~A~(o) ~ X(na) = F(~~ ~ ~1,. ~ The r~gultg obtain~d c~n be phy~ically expiained in the folloaing manner. In ca8~~ (a) and (b), the anergy ie picked off frcm the nonlinear elements, _ and th~ Wav~ amplitud~g ri~e along the structur~. Ia case (c), the aitua- tion is rev~rs~d: Th~ energy of th~ aave is absorbed by the noniinear ele- m~nts c~nd th~ir ampiitudea fail off during the propagation. Zf m> 1, aom~thin~ vhich corre~pond'g to relativeiy lar~e amplitudes of A3(np~, modes t~) gnd (c) alternat~. Valuea of the parameters of ~2 = S3 and 1(V~ = U~) in the solution of (4) correspond to the degenerat~ anee of Wave int~raction When w2 k2 = = k3, and opposing aavgs of ehe fundament~i (w~) and doubled (~1 = 2w2) Erequenci~a propagat~ in th~ atructure. The pfiy83ca1 interpretation of the behavior of the function~ g1~2(n) in ehi~ c~se is similar to that described above. . 2hu~, the r~gults of ~h~ ~tudips Which Were carried out shaw that in a perindic gtructure With nn ~ctive gquare laa ronduetivity, the effective interection of c~ppoging vaveg is po~aible using apetial harmonics, Which nccocap~ni~ed by frequency eonvergion or generation. In contraot Co periodic ~y~ten~ aith rea~ctiv~ pt~r~meters ~2, 3, 7, 8], such structures make it pos- gibl~ to nmpliEy th~ wnvcs in gdditidn tn converting and g~n~rating them. Nnwc~v~er, in contrgst to the case nf ~acplosive tnstabilicy [4~, che effects oC the ~imultaa�dus rige or decay nf the waves are determined here primar- i1y not by the ratio af the phases, by rathpr by the amplitudes of the inter- acting WAVes. 46 FOEt OI?FICIAL U5~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY ~ i , . i 1)i,If1~It)~i1tA1'lIY 1. M.i. Rabi~ovieh, I~.U. R~~anbiyum, "M~~hvu~ovekiy sb. D~nam~,ka eietem" ("Thn Co11~cC~d Warke cE eh~ N~~h~~ Edue~eion~i in~ti~u~~~, 'By~rem : Dynamice~~'j, No 4~ Qo~~kiy, 1974. ~ 2. A~S. Cor~hkov, V.F. M~reheakc, iZV. VUZOV - RAt)i0F~2iKA (PRACEE~iNGS OF TH~ HIt3N6R EDUCATIONAL IN3TITUTFS - RADIOPHYSTCS~, 10, No 6, 825 (1967). 3. S~A. Akhmanov, R.V. Khokhlnv, "Problemy nelineynoy optiki" ("Problame in Nonlinear Opeica"], Nauka Pubiiehera, Moecow, 1967. 4. M.I. Itabinovich, A.t. Fabrikant, I2V~ VUZOV - RAD~OFiZIKA, 19, No 5- 6, 7S3 (i976). 5~ Yu.K. Aogaeyrev, V.P.P~gkh~n, M.I. Rgbinovich, IZV~ W20V - RADIOFIZIKA, ~ 18, No S, 69S (1975). 6. Yu.K. Bogatyrev, K.A. Gorshkov, L.A. Oarrovekiy, RADIOT~KHNIKA I ELEKTRONIKA (RAbIO gNGINfi~RING AND EL~CTRON1C3j, 21, No 3, 458 (1976). A.3. Gorshkov, P.S. Korotkov, I.T. Trofimenko, RADIOTEtQ1NIKA I ELSKTRONIKA, 21, No 6, i344 (1976). 8. K.t. Volyak, A.3. G~r~hkov, RADIOTEKHNIKA I ELSKTRONiKA, 18, No 10, 2075, . (19~3). 9. I.L. Fabelinskiy, "Mol~kulygrnoye rasseyaniye sveta" ["The Mol~cular Scatt~ring of Light"], Nauka Publishers, Moscoa, 1965. : 10. J.A. Armstrong, N. Bloembergen, J. Ducuing, and P.S. Perehae, PHYS. REV. ~ 127, 1918 (1962). COpYEtiGHT: "Izveseiya vys~h~kh uchebnykh zavedeniy," "Radiofizika," 1978 8225 CS0:8144/0482 4~ ~Ott OF'FICIAL U5E 0?~1LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 FOR OFFZCIAL USE ONLY ELECTItQNICB AND ELECTRICAt, ENGZNEERZNa " . ~ , UDC 62]. ~ 371. 3 9TUDIES OF TKE SUItFACE OF WATER AREAS U3ING MICROWAVE ItADIOMETRY (REVIEW) Moecow RAUIOTEKNIKA I ELEKTRONIKA in Ruesian No 10~ 1978 pp 2107-21I.9 (Arricie by A.M. 3hutko~ ~Text~ Theoretical research and expe~imental field studiea wera made of the interrelgtionship between ' the characteristica of a micxowave field and the state and phyaical and chemical parametera of a~ water surface, th~ ~amperaCure and Che degree of " mineralization. Substantial spectral differences in the degree.of influence of various hydrophyaical parameCers on the characteriatica of the radiation were ascertained. Spectral methoda fox deCarmining the eemperature and state of the surface of~the Pacific Ocean were proposed taking inco account the specific features of the radiation field. The problem of de- � termining the optimum portiona of Che spectrum for probing the characteristics of a water surface was formulated and golved by approximation. Estimates of the precision in determining a number of hydrophysical parametera were derived. Introduction Microt~av~ rgdiometry m~thods are effective toolsforthe remote probing - of the surface of water basins. The data of contrast and spectral measure- . ments of the average valuea, the intensity of the variations and also the degree of polarization of the radiation, which can be obtainel by radiometers mounted.on tioard aircraft, contain information on the spatial-timewise vari- ations in Che inCensiCy of wave agitation, the thermodynamic Cemperature and the ~alinity of Che surface layer, with a thickness of up to several cen~imeters, as well as concerning the presence of films of petroleum pro- ducts and floating ice. 48 FOR OFFICI~II. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 ~ F012 QI~~ICIAL US~ ONLY , ~ , ; I 13y vireue of the Ec~cti th~eehe influenc~ o~ varinue hydrophysic~l. parameters ; on Che charactariseic of a microw~ve rad~.aeion field ~.g mani�est ! in d~.fferent port3.ona o~ Che spectirum, it ~.s necessary to chooae the optimal ; epectral rangea for Che reliable iden~iEication of the natiure of a perturbing. ~ fnctor (eapiciglly in Ch~ presence of several pertu~baeion sources aimulCan- ? ~ously). ~ ; ~or the solution of Chis problem, it is necessary to know the sensitivity of f the radiaCion fi~ld in differen~ portions of the microwave spectrum to varia- ~ Cions in the hydrophysical parameters ciCed above. ; The inCensity of the radiation of a water surface is characterized by the j brightness Cemperature*: , I ; I (1) Tb � KTeff ~ ~ where K is Che radigtive capacity of Che surface; Teg~ 3.s the thermodynamic Cemperneure within the boundaries of the skin layer, tl~~ thickness of which, ; tem, ~mounCs to from 1/3 to 1/10 of the electromagnetic wavelength, and there- ' by v~ries within a range of from a few millimeters to several centimeCers in a wnveleng~h range of from 1 to 30 centimeters. � The nuantity K is homogeneous over the depth of the water medium, and is ; determined by the value of Che dielectric permittivity of the water and the specific feaCures of the geometric structure of the surface (wave formations), ~ in parCicular, by the relationships between the characteristic dimensions of ' Ctle nonuniformiCies and the electromagnet3c wavelength. The values of K aC aC given wavelengCfi depend on the temperature and the degree of mineraliza- ; rion (salinity) o� the water. The emissivity depends substantially on the type of polaxization of the radi- ation and the observation arigle. - For Che case ~f vertical and horizontal polarizations respectively: ~ ~ (2) � 41exIYI~a~IcosOcos(6- 2 ) x.~=1-Re~ _ � b , ; leal'cos~A-I-le~l-~-21E,~YIea,IcosOcos~B- 2, ~ * The brightness temperature of the "ocean--atmosphere--space" system is a function of the meteorological parameters of the atmosphere (at wave- lengths shorter than and the cosmic radio radiation (at wavelengths y~uger than 30 cm) in this case. ' 49 ~ FOR OFFICI.AL USE ONLY , - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 ; I~Ok OH'rICT.AL USC ONLY 4v c, o oos 8' ~ ~ ~ ~clA~ i -It~~ ~ coe'A~hl~~l*2Yli co~Ocoa ~Z , , The following eymbole are adopee~ in and ~3)t ~a � E~ - isj~; sj~/cj~ � ~ Cand~; d~ is the loss 8ngie; sa~ - ein 0; ~a~ ~ c~; 6A ~ ' ~gBA, ~ dA~~ 8~ e ~ ~@A~~6A~y1'f'~g18A? . I e~, I ys+t- ~or the caee of vereicel obsarvation, 0~ 0�: 4~1 co~ 2 ~4~ xr~~li~~�Kn~~ " 8 . Ie~1+2Y1~ cos Z 4 The coeffic~.ent of radiation polari~ation, which ~.s defined as the ratio of thc diff~rence in the components TR~ ~Tb. vert~ 8nd TRr ~Tb. hor~ to eheir eum, decreases monotonically with an increaea in the obsarvation angle. . Luyers af foam formations on a w~Cer surface subetantially change the radi- ntive cApability of the "lay~r--waCer~' eystem. Thie effect is due to the cansiderable difference between rhe effective dielectric properties of foam and tlie water medium, as well as to the acattering of the elecCromagnetic rndiation in the thickness of the foam layer. The influence of the factors indicated nbove is manifeat in the form of a varigtion in the average radio brightnes~ value, as well as in apatial- timewise variation in the intensity of radioradi~tion in the case where the spatial resolution element and Che observation time constant are less than the spaCial-timewise correlation ineervals, which characterize the properties of the perturbation source, or are commensurate with them. I. The Characteristics of Radio RadiaCion Under Conditions of Wave Agitation Thc large-scale componenrs of wave formations are described by a steady- stute rundom function ~(x, y, t), which are characterized by Che distri- bution density of the slopes pp(~X, ~y, v) hgving different effective vnlues o~X nnd o~y = v~ X in the direction of the wind and in a direction ~ normal to iC reapective~y (v is a wnve agitation three-dimenaionality in- dicntor). A normal distribution is used, as well as modified forms which are well known in the literature, including assymetrical distribuCions. We shall characterize the space-time propereies of the model by a two-dimen- sionnl normal densiCy of the instantaneous distribuCion of the slopes with correlation functions in the cdrresponding directions. The correlation 5Q FOK OFFICIAL US~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 ~ ~~R nFF~CIAL US~ ANLY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ prupnrtic~H ur~ cluacrlUud Uy ri d~cuyin~ eH~ill~eory ~ift~r@nt , valu~g di th~ indi.nnrnr for tlt~ w~v~ ~~i,t~tion irr~gularity ap (ehe r~tio nf u qu~~i~a~iod Co a corral.~~~an 3ne~rval~ d~fined a~ a drop in eh@ i@vei ~ nf tha ~drr~l~ei~on �~cedti by ~ tim~~), ~a ae11 ~s by a beil funeeion (4~. ~ j Tli~ r~dinr3v~ prap~rrieg oE eh~ ~urfac~, ~he av~r~~~ valu~e of ~c, th~ intengity of th~ vsr~.~tiiong in the r~dio r~di.~eion vK, ~nd ehg polari~~~ion f~c- ror kp � CKV ` Kh~~~KV ~ Kh~ CK~ " K~ � Kve ic~l~ Kh ' K~ � Khor~~ontai~ ~ ~r~ dr~rerminad in a Kir~hhaff approx~maeian ~~rom geom~atr~c op~~ce t ; ( 5 ) R~,e (e~ +V) ~a f f K.,~ ~0, fl, ~P~ ~ ~t1~ ~P~ ti'~e~ +1 ~~e~ +h, P~) d9 dc~ � o~ o. ~6~ (~j) a;,~~O,V~~~~ f f ~x~,~~e~$~'~~~P~-~~,~~d~$)~�~~fl~~~v/~,$~x , o~ a� X.~1 ~~1~ ~P~'~? +V~ Pe~ df? d~. t1er~ a~nd b are normal3zing factors; K~j h are tha current value~ of Che ~ r~di~tive cap~city for v~rCical and horixontel pol~r~.xationg: K~ h~ ' "~Kh,v CKV ' Kh~ co~2a;a i~ the depolarization angle; K~ h are'the local val~~s uf the radi~tion coeEfici~n~, d~fined by relaCionsh~ps (2) and (3)~ rt~e angular function ~or which at centimeter and decimeter wav@lengths ia approxim~ted (with an accuracy of n worse than 90-97~) by polynomials of th~ fnrm: K~(~1) � Kp + AyOi + B~O~, 0 m O1 < 70�; Kh(O1) � Kp - Ah02~ 0~ 0< 90�; O1 n nrc co~ q; q= cos0 cosA - sin0 sin9 cos(~, ~X = , ~ 8~/~x ~ tanA cos~; ~y ~ aS/ay = tan8 sin~; Jn ~ gin8/cos2A is the Jacobian of the transform of ~he denaity valueg pp(~X, ~'y, v) into ~~(A, v); 0, and 8, ~ ara the angular coordinates of the direction of observation and the normal to the surface; ~ ia the conventional density of the dis- tribution of the slope angles with respect to the observation direction, related to the true density ~Sp by the relationahip: ~~fl~ ~D~ v/0~ ~6)~"~No~~~ ~P~ v)P~~~ ~P)~ (7) � cos{U-~ Arctg(t~Ocos(y-q,))} 1' ~ cos t? ~ c ig a normalizing factor; n is a function which takes into account the shnding of the surfnce elements; accounting for only the effects of self- ~h~din~ is accomplished by the appropriate selection of the integration limit~ in the regions f2g nnd 52~. ' ~lpprnximate nnalyticAl expressions for the values of OK, QX and the cor- relntion function nX of the emissivity as a function of the observation angle 0 and the parameter esp have the following form (a two-dimensional � modQl where ~y = 0�; 0~ 0< 40�): : 51 ~ FOK OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 FOR OFFICIAL U3E ONLY Cg~ t1k~,~~A~,?t1~~0 o~b ~~~I;,~o~'~~n~~oo~)? f (9) i'~~,,.(u)"~~~ ~~U'~io(~~)~Foo�po`(u)~~ . For a E~xed v~lue of Ot , (10) rt~s~~~~i~~0~~~~~~~~-��~1.~r~~?i~~~.~~~~e~~ Th~ inteneity og the f1~lctuaCions ae a function of the linear dimaneiona o� ehe field of view of rh~ antenna (the attenuation function of tihe fluc- uations X; cxX ' XQx~ ie determined by tha axpressionst Whan p~(u) ie specifiad in ehe form an exponential oecillatory functiont ~11 ~ x= a~) dea~+i e-~ i 2a~ sln 2nde -h cas 2ndr, , ~s ~ , ~Znd~~ s ~Zna~~ ~ n . whara d~ s d/A i~ th~ ratio of the linear eize of an emitting section d ' eo the average length of a~ea wave A; ~ When p~(u) i,s apecified in ths form of a be11 fuc;ction: x~(a~)- Ze~-4+o--, l2ei~ a,~~~v~a,~-a, ~i-~-~~�~~ + c~z ~ , +a~'C-=m(2d,)-=(i-e-u,~)1 ? l ..d~ 2d, J ~ where dl = d/u0; u0 i,s the size o� the correlation interval based on a drop in the level of the correlation funct~c,n by e times; ~ is the gaussian probability integral. Changes�in the radio brightness which ar~ caused by the long period waves o� a swell with a slope d~A, where 0~ 0< 40�, are evaluated by the approximate expression: (13) aK~~h ~ 2A~~h0A9. An isotropic model has been adopted for the small scale components, which are described by the effpctive height ch and the normal correlation func- tion of the rises with a characteristic interval Z. The radiative properties are determined by the method of small perturbatians by means of comparing the albedo A= R,~, + pJ, determined by the reflective R,~, and diffusion DJ components, with a reflection fac~or R_ for a emooth surface. This is equivalent to comparing aR m R_ - R,y. The size of R,~, 52 FOR OFFICIAL USE OvI.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 , I~0lt U~CCG~AL USL ONLY : 9 f id dp~ined by modiE3~d Fr~~ne1 cd~ff~e~,~nC~ ~6j. A proc~dur~ for th~ approx- 3mne~ deeermi.nation of D from rhe ~ize of th~ ~catieering faetor in the re- ~fl~~tion dir~ction Jo~n~ ehp wid~h o� a cone ~n which Ch~ m~in eneYgy of th~ diffu~ion fialcl 3s concentr~,gt~d wae ere~eed in (2j. The approximaee representation of K�i,(0) and D~(0) permiC~ eh~ d~riv~~ion bf ~n ~pproxim~t~ expr~~~~on for ~~Cimgtin~ Che degrea of ch~nge fn rhe rndi~tive capac3ty*: , z ~~4~ sk?~0) ~(R,.~(0)cos' 0- C C~, cos 0, C 4~, , � , . � Ti~~ rudi~tive ch~r~at~ri~tic~ of the du~l ~cg1~ model are e~t~bli~hed by gub~eieuCing v~1ue~ of K+ OK in (51 and (6) instead of K, whare the qu8nttty AK i~ determined npproximaeely by (1,4). TI~Q influpnce oE etmo~ph~ric parameters on the aize of the av8rage valuea nnd vurintions of the ine~n~ity of eh~ r~dio r~diation ss tak~n into account ~ by ~ub~ti~uting the �nllowing v~1u~g ~.n (5) or (6) instead of K for the mnd~1 0� large gCa1e formgtions (or K+ ~K for the dual aca].e model): � , ~ (15) x~~~~~,$,~~~~'~~)�~x.,~~~~~~~~~)'~'~i--x.,~~~,+h~{1,T~~x X S~~ ~i ~t ~t ~~A~ 1 wtiere Kp is th~ normalized value of the radio brightnesa of the atmosphere ' ar the level oE the surface; YA is Che absorption factor for oxygen, water. vapor ~nd cloud cover. A planar-layer model of the atmosphere was adopted in the calculationg for the case of 0~ Op < 0.4n, and Op is the zenith ' angle: ~ ~[1-esp(-I'(1f~~e?+D,~,~))l upe OGA~7; when 9~~arc cos g; g~cos 0 cos 2+U-sin 0 sin 20 cos ~ ~ T..~._.~~, ' T ' 0 TA, T~ and AT are the temperature of the atmosph~ere at the surface, the ~ temper~ture of the surface, and Che correction for a nonisothermal atmos- phere. * The conclusion was proposed by A.Ye. Basharinov. 53 ~OR OFFICIAL US~ 0~1LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 f ~ , FOR 0~'FICIAL U9E ONLY , , Figura 1. at~,w , ~'f ~b~~~~ ~ The radiativa charace~risCice of the b ~Tb �K ~ i eurface of ehe ~ea ae a function of q4 �~~1 tha intaneity o! wave agieation ~Wind ~ d ~ velocity)t ' ~ 4~ ~ I.0�0�~ :s ~ � 1. Experimant with tha "Kosmoe-243~' , qa satallita, wevelength 8.5 cm~ ~ r a and th~ hietograms are for the qts ~ die~ribution of the 3ncr~ments ass , ~ o in radio brightnee~ (plan view); 4~s 2. Calculation for a model with a a. ~ ?o ~s ~"QY,M/ttR foam layer having a thickneae ~rS'x x~ m/s8c of; (a) A.5 cm; (b) 1 em; ~~~w ~ ~ a' II, III, IV. The data from me8aure- j~~�~ W~;~ Q6 ments e~ken from a ~.~~~s ~;~.M~teR m/sec ahore st~tion fox the , , intena~.tiy of horizontally ' (II) and vertically (III) . polarized radiation and ~ the polarization factor (IV) at a wavelength of 3.2 Cm, Wherfl 0� 80�. Th~ radiative propertieg of foam formations are evaluatpd from the formulas for the emissivity of layered medi~ for models of fo~m in the form of a statistical mixture of water and air, a porous dielectric. Theor~tical mixture relationships are employed to esCimate the effective value of the dielectric permittivity of a foam lgyer (for example, Odelevskiy formulas for statistical and matrix mixtures). Also derived were estimates of the absorption and scattering coeff:cienrs of the model of a foam-spray layer in the form of a cloud of hollow spheroids,which was characterized by a distribution function of the dimensions of Che bubbles, the a~r concentra- ~ tion, the l~yer thickness, and the relative coverage area. Taking into account averaging in the field of view, the magnitude of the fluctuations of raciio radiation ig estimated by the zelationship: �~~'�Y.Q�~; Y.`(do,~'o)~ Idol~(1' )J= ~do�~po)-i-Fe-~~p.?J~ (17) oX,~ are the nonaveraged fluctuations: (18) a.~�~x,YPe(1-P�); 54 FOK OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 l~~k l)1~'1~'ICIAL USfs' ONLY dK~ i~ th~ incr~~~~ in ~h~ du~ ro eh~ foam; R~ 3,e eh~ ~el~t~va fo~m cov~rag~ ~re~; x i~ rhe are~nu~c~on funceion of Ch~ Eiuceueeione; ~ 1/Pn(1 - Pn); d0 ~ d/A; d~~ rh~ lin~~r d~mension of eha fiald of v3,ew; A ig eh~ ~vera~a leng~h of w~ve. R~i M ' . er ~ ~ o ;o . 4d ' ~.J Qa , ~ q+ . , 4~ r � ua ~ a r,~, a~ a.s aa.t~ Fi~ure 2. Th~ sp~ctral dependence of the slope of rhe radi~ativa-wind relationship. The measurement data: l. From th~ "Ko~mos-243" ~atelliCe [11); 2. In the "Bering" experi.ment [9]; 3. From the literature [10); ~ 4. Averaged values. We ghall $ive a few results of the calculations and the data of ineasurementa. . The calculatinns were carried out in a wavelength range of 0.8 - 30 cm, and some of the results are given in (1 - 6j. The experimenrs were coriducted in the period from 1964 to 1977 on the water basins of the Black, Azov, Caspi~n, Barents, and Okhotsk Seas c~nd the Pacific Ocean from a shoYe ata- tion, from aircrgft laboratories, and from ~ s~tellite in wavelength bands of 0.~ - 3, 0.8 -~3.5 and U.8 - 30 cm; the sensitivity of the radiometers was 0.1 - 1� K. Some of the results are given in [1, 3- 7). The measure- ment d~ta confirm the ~ustification of the basic model representations�(see ~igures 1 - 3). At grazing observntion angles, for the case of g wave agitation intensity of up to four balls (4 points on a 12 point scale), the radiative properties were primarily determined by the effective slope angle, practically regardless of the form of the distribution function of the slopes. Based on Che cal- culated data, the sensitivity of the r~dio brigh~ness ta a change in the e�fective ~ngle at 0 a 60 - 80� is characterized by values of around -(2-4)� K/eff. angular deg., for the case of vertical polsrization, and about +(1-3)� K/eff. angular deg. for the case of horizontal polarization. 55 FOR OFfiICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 ~'Ott OFF~CIAL US~ ONLY t An 3ner~~~~ in th~ ~ff~criv~ ~lop~ angl~ from 0 to 1~� with ~~rowth in the ~ int~n~iey of w~vn ~giCat~,on aecompani~d by depo~ari~~eioe of the r~diee~on by 10 - 30X ~n ~ range of an~lee o~ 60 < 0< 80�. ~f ~h~ d~pendenc~ of ~ha e~ope dierributfon ineensity on ehe obeervation dir~ct3on not taken into acEOUnC, ~he ~rror in the determination of ehe val~@e of A~ and cx reache~ SOX and mor~. ~n ~xperiment~ from a~hora ' ~e~tion ar wav~length~ o~ i.6 - 3 cm, depolax~zae~,on of eh~ radiat~on ie na~~d, a~ i,~ a d~cr~~~e ~n ~h~ ~.neensiey of v~re~caliy polarized rad3aCion by i0 - 20� K whQn eh~ wind v~loei~y increa~~~ from 0 to ] m/eec; With horizont~l pol~riz~tion, an i.ncra~~~ in the radio radi~Cion intensity ie not~d wirh a~lopa of about 1- 1.5 � K/(m/sec) (ee~ Figur~ 1)~ Valuee nf the elope of Che radiarive-aind rel~tionahips, which eYe emailer ~h~n follow from the calculation for large wav~~, are explained by th~ emorhing influencg of ~mail ec~le formation~ ~nd th~ d~ap~nd~nca of rh~. ~ff~ctive pgramater~ nf iarg~ ~c~le inhomogene~ti~9 ~ir. thin case, cp), which dee~rmine the radiative properti~s, on the aav~length o~ ehe rad~,ae~on~ The ~~lculationg indicate the pr~gence o� ~zi,muthal �unct3,ons K(~?) and cK(~) (with a wave agitation three-dimensionality indicator o~ v< 1), which were regi~terpd in a number of experimentg. For the case of norm~l sounding, the radiativ~ propertieg are determinQd by foam formationa, small scale compo- nenta, and to a minor degree, by large waves. The daCa of Figure 1 illu- gtrate the calculated and experimental values for the increase in Yadio brightne~s ~t a wavelength of 8.5 cm with a change in the wind veloci,ty. Shown in ~igure 2 is the spectral curve for the slope o� the radiative~wind relationship~ based on meaeurement data from the "KoBmos-243" eatellite [llj and in the "Bering" experiment (9~. ~r,~.~R ~igure 3. The intensiey of the fluctuat~,ons in radio radiation. Wavelength ~s t 3 cm, observation 25�, beam width 3�: 1-2. Calculated values, wave agitation at 3-4 points ~s on a 12 point scale; , 3. Wind waves and awells; ~ 4. Wind wave agitation. rs Maximum values of the fluctuations are to noted at angles of 0= 60-70�. For the ~ \ ~ case of linear dimensions of the field Qs t~~` of view which exceed the length of a o ~ sea wave, the fluctuations are attenuated :S SO /C0 PA7 SAD IGWN,M 56 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 ~ Cd[t AFF~C~AL U~~ ONLY by 5 td i~ tim~~, ~nd eh~ i.nflu~ne~ c~~ ~w~i1~ i~ noe~d (Fi~u~~ 3). Th~ ~ rorr~l~eion funcrion~ er~ di~e~,ngu~.~hed by ~n o~cillatiory character. Th~ inElu~nce df ntmc~~ph~ri~ b~~k~round i~~ht t~ factor ae ~ graxing ~ngl~~ when r~c~iv~n~ hor~~aneal~,y poi~ri~ed r~diation in a wav~- l~n~eh ~dnge ~f 7l a;! em. W3th gn inere~~e ifl eh~ r~dio brighCneea o~ the c~tmc~~pher~, ~he fluctu~eion~ wieh vareical po~ari~~C~on incraaee, and de- cre~~~ Eor horSzon~~l polar~~~tion. ~ 2. 'Ch@ Chgracteri~ric~ af tt~d3a Radiat3on tJnd~r Cond~tions of V~~~at~on~ in the Temperature and Salinity of th~ Wat~r 5urfece CdlCUla~iong of eh~ ~~n~itiviey of th~ radiat~on ~~~id eo varia~ione in ~he th~rmndynamie temp~r~eur~ gnd ~alinity w~re carri~d out u~~ng ehe Debye ~ormulg, tskin~ ineo ~ccount ion~.e eonductivity (6, 12 - 15j*. The gpectral eurve~ tc~r th~ ~lope of eh~ rad3ativ~-t~mp~rature and rafl~.aCive-mineral~xation rp,lntion~hips, d~e~rmined from th~ dgt~ of calculations and measur~m@nt9, dr~ ~hown in Fi~ur~ 4 for ~ever~i v~lu~g o� tha temperature and salinity. A hu~~neitntiv~ eorreapondenc~ i~ ob~erved between the th~oretical and ex- p~ri~nene~l vnluas of th~ radiative ch~r~cteristics.based on the meagur~mene d~ta 1n thc~ centimeter wau.~i~n~th bAnd, obtained under laboratory condi- tidng from on bo~rd aircr~ft laborarories ~nd the "Kosmoa-243" and "Kosmoa-384" ~ut~lliteg [1 - 4j. Th~ dntn of r~diometriC measurement~ at a wavelength of 8.5 cm from the "Ku~ma~-243" gatnllite above Che relatively calm regions of water basinA (Wave ggitation legs than 3- 4 points on a 12 point acale) are compared in ~tgura 5 with the data o� ~hipboard meaeurements of the temperatnre of the w~ter gurfac~ ~7J. The observed gcart~r in Che pointa, besides being due to a possible influpnce of variations in the degree of Water darkness and errors in equipment calibration which were not taken into account, is also du~ to the considernble fluctuation noise of the radiomeCer (approximately dTb ~ 0.7� K at t~ 1 sec) gnd the lack of refinement in the procedure for cum~~ring the duta, in which th~ values o� radio brighttte~s averaged in the field aE view of the receiver with an area of about 2,000 aquare kilometers is matched up with a limited sample (1 - 2 values) of the data of point con- tact measurements. The averaged radiative-temp~raCure �unction is close to linear with ~ slope fgctor which corresponds to the calculated value. The ~ec~ itivity of the rndi~tion field to variations in Che salinity is noeed at wavelengths longer thnn 5- 10 cm. The data af experimenta~ studies * Ttie first apprnximate model estim~tes of the relationships between the thermal and radio brightness contrasts of a sea surface were derived in [15J. 57 ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 I~OCt 01~~'LCIAL U3~ ONLY r,~ . . . Kt *l d~' ~C~' K~~ l '%p/ ~'1 Q~ f~J ~gj ~ . Qp ~ r6J Cb~ t~1 ~ ~ t }e~ . . . , , , ~s i ~s 46 ~s ~ ~ ~ ~ , pv ~o sJ~,c~, . / r~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ r'~ ~ ~ : `4 ' - A 8 ~ ~ ' ~-er, ~-es, ~4s ~-erp 6 �-es~ ~ ~ ~~(i6) ~2b) ~�dT~ 8 ~-aS~ D ~~pD) ~2c~ .Qa ~~~s~ ~3c~ I~igura 4. Th~ gpectral curve for the slope of the radiativa-eemperature (I) and the radiative-8alinity (II) functions. It A. Th~ c~iculated valuea for g salinity of (a) 0%0~ (b) 20 %0+ (c) 40 %0, and a temperature of: ~1) C; (2) 1~� C; (3) 20� C; (4) 3~� C; ~ B. Experimental data from the "Kosmos-243" satellite in temperature ranges of (AT~) - (0-10)� C; (~T2) - ~10-20)� c; (eTg) - (0-30)� c. II: C. Calculated vdlues for a galinity of (2b) - 20 %0~ (2c) - 40 %0, and a temperaturp of 10� C, and (3c) - 40 %0~ 2~� D. ~xperiment~l data from an aircraft in salinity ranges of (AS1) - (0-20) % 0~ (OS2) - (20-30) % Oi ~eS3) - (0-30) ~/00� performed in five portions of the gpectrum in a wavelength range of from 2 to 3U cm from on bourd the aircraft laboratory of the Institute of Radio ~ngineering and ~leceronirs of the USSR Academy of Sciences above the aater basins of the 5ea of Okhotgk (5 ~ 30 - 35 a/pp), the Amur estuary (S ~ ~ ~ = 0- 2 a/pp), and the Tatarskiy Straits (5 ~ S~ 30 %0) at a water temper- ature nf 10 - 15� C provided quantitative confirmation of the representa- tional models which Were developed. 5$ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 f ~'4~i OF~~C~AL U9~ ONLY . ~ ; 'Cli~ ~~n~teivity of rhn r~diat~on f~~id to ~ chan~e in eh~ coneenerarion gnd nompo~ition by p~re~ of eh~ ~aie~ r~,ghe up eo v~lue~ of S~ 200 - 300 %0 1.~ ~hown by eh~ ~~~eui~eiong and conf~rn~d by rhe dae~ from ~xpnrimente , p~rEarm~d ~bev~ ~h~ w~e~r ba~in~ o~ in~~rnai water ~aeervoir= Lake 9ivash ~nd rh~ K~r~-~A~ag-(3o~ ~ay (ea~ F3gure 6). 3. Th~ F~rmularion ~nd Approxim~~~ 3oluaeian of Ch~ Problem of Eeeimat~ng Hydraphye3cai P~rBm~e~r~ ~rom ~h~ D~ea of M~croWave Radiom~tric Meaeure- m~ntg A~ f~11.ow~ from th~ eh~or~~i~cal eoncepe~p~~ and rh~ mea~urem~nt datg, eh~ e~ngitivity of ehe microw~v@ r~di~tion f3e1d to v~riae~on~ in ehe C~mpera- rurt~, ~~liniey,gnd int~n~iey ~f WBV~ agie~~ion vary gubetaneialiy ovar ehe gp~~erum. Th~ ~p~eifie ~p~eer81 f~aeur~~ of radio r~di~tion ~re 81eo ch8rac- ~ ceri~e~~ of porr~on~ of th~ wae~r ~urf~c~ whi~h ~r~ cov~r~d aieh a~iim of peerd~~um prdduce~, or fl~dtin~ ic~, ag w~11 ~f radiation componenrs (or ~b~nrpeion) of rh~ ~tmdgph~r~ (6~. Th~g~ dif~~ar~n~~g ~r~ th~ bngi~ for method~ of d~t~rmin~ng the hydrophys~cal p~rnmererg under cnmpl~x we~ther cond~tion~ from the daea of simultaneo~s ~ m~8gur~m~nrg oE the radio radiation= ` 1QI'+1 ~ ~ ~ / y1'~f ~ ~ ~ ~ Q~~j Q~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ QIA1 ~ ~ ~ 1 Q A~ in gelected portiong of the sp~ctrum 7?~; Q~i~ are hydrophysicai paramatara, ~nd Qi nre atmogpheric paramatere; i= 1, Z, u; u s v+ z(16, 17~. T~ dbtnin r~liublce inEormation, the golution of ~yst~n (19) for ehe paremerere t~~~, t~, ghould be ~t~b1e ov~r a11 interval~ di there variat~on for the case n the exi~ting model indet~rminacy and the natural nonuniquenees of the r~diativc-hydrophysical functiong and the rela~ionahips betWeen the radiative charncteristicg ~nd mereorological parameters, and the errors in measurementa af radio brightness ~hould algo be taken into account. Such a problem is golved by means of ~~lecting spectrgl segment~ which maximize the determi- nent of the g gtem of equations (19)(or minimiz� the error in determining the paramet~rg Q~~, Q~). Thi~ problem w~g golv~d approximntely for the case ahere only the hydropfiysical p~ram~t~rg V, dnd 5 wer~ takefl into aceount (19), with a subsequent check af the gtability of the gnlution and estimates o� the additional errors by meang of accounting for th~ gpecific radio radiatian gpectral features of the ~tmnspheric parameters in the chos~n portions of the spectrwa, and the errors in their ind~p~nd~nt determfnation. ~1 piereWise linear gpproximation of the increm~ents in the radio brightness Cor each parameter is employed to solve this problem: 59 ~OR OP~ICIAL USE ONI.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 FOR OFF~CiAL U9E ONLY . aT~, CQ,) s r~, t~~) - T~, ~Q~Ma P>~' tzo) AT ~Ql~ � ~Ql~ ~ Qfwre~ ~ ~ ~ ~rn ~Ql Q1~n.1~ ~nd rhe linear modei of thn tneorrniaeionehip o~ ehe par~metere 3n each in- dividu~i poreion m� t, It, a, b, c(~~~ 2~).~s also ueed. ~ndeterm- ~ngey facrore Wh~ch ar~ ~nh~r~ne 3n eM~ d~p~~d~na~ af Eh~ ~~dio br3ghtn~~~ on C~mperaeure, eei~n~ty and wave ag~,tation (the chang~ in the elope, paxa~lel di~piQSemenEe o~`Che r~iAeion~h~pe) era Caken ineo accoune, 8e r~il as ran- dam v~riaeione in eh~ r~d~,o brigheneee due eo th~ infiu~nca o~ r~iaead fae- tor~ (for example, fluc~uat3on~ caused by atmo~ph~ric parametere) and fiuc- . ru~ting no~ee. In the absence of thQ infiuence of armoepheric parameter~, and ahere the an~er capaciey of cloude is tak~n into account w~th an error of no more ehan 3~ in wavelength rang~ of A.8 ~,71 S 30 cm, ehe ~olut~on for ehe par8meeere T, V and 3 ia th~ mo~e stabie (Fi~ure 7) in porrions af the epectrum = 5- i0 cm, 7?Z ~ 0.8 -1.6 cm, l~3 � 2S- 30 cm (wher~ 0 e~T$30� C; 0~ S~ 40 %0; 0 e~ V ie, ZS m/ese) . . aT~~ K ~q. p~gur~ 5. The r~laCionahi.p betaeen the in- � crease in r~dio brightness at a o~~~�~ wavel~ngth of 8. S cm and thnrmo- o ~ eO� ~ymamic temperature (experimen~ s o~~� aith the "Koemoe-243" eatailite). ~e/~o Ar these aaveiengrhe, the op~rator of p S to ~S t tS t.�C system (19) for intervais of the valuee T E a; V E b; S E c has approximately the folloWing form: (Z1) kT ~v�. ~ -+0 A s. 4e ~ . ,e,e k+ k~-.0 ki 'The .yppruximet~ expressions (22) -(28) permit the estimation of the error in th~ det~rmin~tion oE the pnrameter T due to the follouirg: g) The parallel shiEs of the radiative functions Tb(T) and Tb(V) by the amounts ~T~ and DVd: ~72~ t1T'~(UCf rl`'~~~.'k:."~T,,'`S~`h-F -f-k~~~k. Table of Content~ Page ~o rewo rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - Introduction. . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1. Structure and OperaCion ~1lgoriChms of DaCa Transmission Net- ' works 7 1.1 Structure of Data Transmission Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.2 Demands on the Pracesses of Information Transmiasion Through a Uata Transmission Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 1.3 Operation of the DaCa Transmission Channel. . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.4 Operation of the Terminal Ob~ecC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.5 Operation of the Nodes of Gommunicatian . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 ' 2. Computer Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 . 2.1 Structure of Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.2 Peculiarities of Software in Data Transmission Networks 33 - 3. Program Complexes Which Realize the Exchange of Informatior. Ttirough Communications Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 3.1 General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 3.2 Characterization of Telecommunications Access Methods 39 3.3 Concept of the Teleprocessing 5ystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3.4 Construction of a Program of Control of the Reports of Telecom- munications Access Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 3.5 Format of Reports of the Teleprocessing System. 49 3.6 Organization of Buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 3.7 Passage of a Report in the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 3.8 Use of Telecommunications Access Method . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 80 FOR OFF~ICIAI. U5~: ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 I H'dlt Of~i'ZCfAL I1~L t)NLY ~ , i E 4~ Sy~~em~ Annlysi~ in ehe Plunning of SofCwarn in ltadia~ DaCa Trang- mi~K~tnn N~rwnrkH Wteh C~nrraliyed ConCrnl. . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . 55 ~I.l SCaC~m~nt 0~ C~111 l~r~b.~um~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ � � ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ � ~ � ~ ~ 55 i 4.'l Mc~in~ oE An~lyztng eh~ Sy~e~m ~ , , ~ ~ ~ . . . . . ~ . . . . . . 59 i 4.3 Mode Witti Inr~r.rupti.on o� Proca~~ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 ! ~I.~I r10(~C nE CyC~icnl I'rocceging ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ � � . ~ � � ~ ~ ~ � ~ � 71 ~ 4.5 I:sCimate oF Che Required Ete~nurces of Che CampuCer. 76 4.6 Interrelation Between the ~xecution Rate and the Delay Time 90 ~ ~ , 5. Uisrribution n� Resources and Software in Computer Neeworks. 93 i 5.1 Networks Wieh a Radinl Seructure. . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . 93 5.2 Networks Wieh a Seructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 ~ 5.3 Networks With Commueat~ble Channels . . . . . . : . . . . . . . 108 5.4 Complex Networke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 5.5 Distribution oE Itesources in Compueer Networks. 121 6. Software of Minicomputera in DaCa Transmission Networks. 127 6.1 MinicompuCer as a Ceneral-Purpoae Control Element of a DaCa Tran~mission SysCem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 6.2 Peculiarities of Che Construct3on of the Software of a Minicom- puter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . 130 6.3 Programmable Subscriber PoinCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 6.4 Communications Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 6.5 Modular Organization of CompuCer EquipmenC of Data Transmission Networks on the Basis of Minicomputers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Sof.tware of Che Multipurpose Communications CompuCer. 151 6.7 On the DisCribution of Functions Between the Programs of the Cen- tral Processor and Che Proc~ssor of the Data Being Transmitted. 153 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Svyaz 1978 . 7807 CSO: 1370 ~ si F~R OFrTC tAL Ii5E 01~'LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 FOR OrFICIAL USE ONLY PUBLICATIONS UDC 550~83 TABLE OF CONTENTS FROM JOURNAL 'EXPLOItATION GEOPHYSIC5' Moscow RAZVEDOCNNAYA GEOFIZIKA ~.n Russian No 80, 19~8 signed ta press 9 Feb 78 pp 171-172 ['Table of contents o~ ~ournal published by All-Union Scientific nesearch institute of Geophysical ExploraCion MeChods, USSR MinisCry o� Geology, and Central Geophysical Trust, RSFSR Ministry of Geology, Izdatel'atvo Nedra, 2,700 copies, 177 pages] (Text] TABLE OF CONTENTS 'Page PossibiliCies for the Vertica~. Grouping of Sources During Seismic Surveying of Foothill Regions 3 ~ . (Ye. Ye. Zemtsov, D. P. Zemtsova, V. I. Voronov) Using Statistical AccumulaCion of, InformaCion Co Attenuate Technological Noises in Marine Seismic Surveying (0. I. Rogaza, G. P. Suchkov, I. I. Korobko, V. V. Trofimov)....... 9 Possibilities for Using the Directional Properties of Lines~of Detonating � Cord During the Seismic Surveying of Complex Structures ~ (I. A. Kobylkin, B. P. Shalimov, A. V. Korkhov) 17 The Role of. Back Filtration in the Processing of Seismic Surveying Materials (E. V. Kolenkov, M. T. Orlovich) 22 'Testing a Quasir~multiplication AlgoriChm During Surf.ace Excitation (E. V. Zavalko, Yu. P. Kostrygin, V. B. Gaveyushin) 27 Effectiveness of the Method of Determining the Difference in Absorption . Coefficients According to Reflected Wave Amplitudes Under the Con- clitions in the Southern ParC of the Siberian Platform (A. I. Shamal.') 34 l 82 FOR OFFICIAL i1SE ONLY ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 ~ I ~Ott OFFICZAL US~ ONLY ~ ; Prnp~rti~~ of Nonlinear Sign~tl DisnriminaCion OperaCore Ueed in Che ! An~lysie of ValociCiea , ~ i (Yu. V. Furkalyuk) 37 ; Selsmi~ Surveying Capabitities Eor Direct Prospecting for Hydrocarbon ; bepogita ~ _ (E. M~ Ya~antsev, V. N. Ryapisov, 0. Ye. Morgunov) 42 , Methods for ~quipmenC Realization of Linear Digi.tal Fil.tera ~ (A. D~ Pakhotin, V. Ya. Remizov, V. V. Spirin, A. I. Slutskovskiy). 47 A Graphic MeChod for Determining the Apparent ResiaCance pT by FormaCion of the Field in Che Near Zone (0~ V. Kiaeleva, Ye. S. Kiselev)..........s......~ 51 A Technique for Making Phase Measurementa o� Induced Polarization ii~ Samples ~ (Z. A. Lezhneva, V. N. Olofinskaya) 54 PossiUiliCies o� Vertical Electric Logging WiCh Induced Polarization When Prospecting for Gas and Oi1 Deposits Under the CondiCions of Che Steppe Zone in the Crimea ' ; (V. I. Bondar', V. G. Zelenchuk) 59 ' A Device for Modeling the Field FormaCion Process ~ (N. S. Sergeyev, Ye. V. Pankratov, A. A. Yaremenko) 62 llerermining the Depth of Che Lower Edge of Bed-Shaped Bodies by ' Gravitational Anomalies (Yu. V. Antonov) 66 Studying the Structure of the Southeastern Part of the Dnepr-Donets Basin With the Help of the Complete Normalized Gravity Gradient Method (V. M. Berezkin, M. A. Demidova, L. V. Kalamkarov) 70 Interpreting the Data From Gravitational Observations in Underground Workings � ' (Ye. G. Bulakh, I. N. Korchagin)........... 77 Determining the Optimum Conditions for Use of the "Fon" [Background] ~ Program (Ye. A. ~tudretsova, V. G. Filatov) 82 Selectin~ a Model Appro:cimating a Structure and a Deposit (G. M. I~omarov~) 86 Determining Rock Density From the Results of Gravity Logging in the Presence of the Effect of Anomaly-Forming Ma~ses (A. I. Prishivalko) 89 83 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 ~ FOR OrFZCIAL U5E ONLY U~ing ti~c~ T~'u11 Normnliz~d Modulus of Che VQCtor of. ehe MagneC~.c Field's Inteneity ~o Dgtermtno Che llepth of Oncurrence of MagneCic Anomaly ~ Sourc~g (V, t~I~ B~rezkin, V. P. Stepanov, N~ A. Dokuchayeva, V. I. ' BOggCOV~~��~~~�����~~~~~����~~~�~~~~~~~~�~~�~�~�~�~~~�~~��~~�~�~~~� 99 Using Normalized AuCocorrelaCion FuncCions Co Detiermine the DepCh of , Occurrence of MagneCically Ob~ec~s (V. N. Claznev, V~ I. Pavlovs~C3.y).....~.........~...........~....... 105 A Syseematic SubsCnntiation o� Aeridl P�tagnetic Surveying on a 1:10,000 Sca1e (Yu. M. Erinchek).~ 108 Theoretical Apparent ResisCance Curves for Real Probes (A. I. Sidorchuk) 1].6 Distinguishing and ~valuating Terrigenous Gas- and Oi1-Saturated Reservoirs on the Basis of Industrial Geophysics Ma~erials � . (L. A. Buryakovskiy, I. S. Dzhafarov, E. R. Madera) 119 � A MeChod of Delineating Stratum Boundaries from Three-Electrode LaCeral Logging Diagrams (V. P. Zhuravlev, Ye. N. Novikov) 125 An Algorithm for Evaluat3ng the Nature of Reservoir SaCuration from Lateral Loggin~ and Tiicrologging Data (K. Kh. Yakubov) 128 Allowing for Measurement Conditions in the InterpreCation of Data GaChered by Neutron Methods (A. V. Bulatov, R. A. Rezvanov) 134 Possibilities for Using the Techniques of QuantiCative Interpretation of Gas Logging DaCa Under Complicated Conditions (A. ~1. Levit) 139 Determining the Porosity and Density of Coal-Bearing Rock in the bonets Basin From Data Gathered During Geophysical Investigations of Boreholes (B. I. Vovevoda) 143 Effectiveness of the riodifications of Density Gamma-Gamma Lo~ging [J11en Investigating Coal Boreholes (R. T. Khamatdinov) 153 F.ffect of the Anisotropic Properties of a Thin-Layered Tiedium on Potential Probe Readings (V. P. Zhuravlev, G. P. Vasil'yeva) 163 COPYRIGIIT: Izdatel'stvo "Nedra," 1978 11746 84 CSO: 1870 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 j ~OR O1~~ICIAL US~ ONLY I'UBLICAmIONS ' ~ UDC 550.83 TABLE OF CONTENTS rROM JOURNAL 'EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS' Mosnow KAZVEDOCHNAYA GEOFIZIKA in~Russian No 81, 1978 si~ned to preas 29 Dec 77 pp 160-161 � (Table of Contents of ~ournal published by A11-Union Scientific Research ~ InstiCute of Geophysical Exploration Methods, USSR Ministry of Geology, and ~ Central Geophysica]. Trust, RSFSR Ministry of Geology, Izdatel'stvo Nedra, ~ 2,700 copies, 168 pages] ~ ; [Text] TA~iLE OF CONTENTS Fage Processing Common Deep Point Materials With Continuous Automatic Analysis of the Kinematic Parameters, Using the Centrgl Priob'ye as an Example (L. L. Trusov) 3 Seismic Surveying by the MulCiple Profiling Method in the Volgograd Region of the Povolzh'ye ~ (Yu. N. Gafurov, S. N. Monastyrev, Ye. S. Pechenkin, B. D. Shleyenkov) 7 . A Method for Calculating Observation Interpolation and Discreteness Errors From Autocorrelational Analysis Data, Using Seismic Surveying ~ as an Example ~ (E. M. Ya~antsev, B. I. t~uzychenko, V. N. Ryapisov) 12 ~ A 5tudy of Interference Waves Recorded During the Excitation of Elastic Vibrations by Surface Sources (M. A. Zavesin, B. V. Semakin)............ 18 ! Calculating the Kinematic Correction Factors in Electronic Seismic ~ Profile Plottinb Devices (Ye. Yu. Yakush) 21 ' Resolving Regular Seismic Signals with the Help of a ~uasiremultiplier (V. S. Gaveyushin) 26 85 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 1~'nlt (11~'l~'tCIAL USC hNLY Page . 5uppr~ss.tnK 1'u1~aCion When Using Pneumatic Signal Sources in Marine S~i~mia Surveying (M. I, t~~laghkand, n~ F~ Ismagilov, 0. L~ Chen, A~ A. Arkhipov)..~ 34 Annly~is of Che ~rrors of a Laser InCerferome~er Used in a Seismic ' ~ pressure UeCector (C. I. Mashinskiy) 36 A Technique for Working wiCh tihe Conract Methnd of Polarization Curves V. I. Kondratishko) 43 An ~xperimenr in Using riagneCotelluric Sounding on the She1f of 5akhalin Island (I. rt. A1'perovich, V. M. Nikiforov, M. I. Usanova) 47 ~ Using Electric Borehol~ Exploration When Drilling in Ore Deposits (V. Ye. Lancla, V. P. K~.zyanov) 54 DeCermining Che True DensiCy of Rock From Gravitational Logging Data Gathered Under Complicated Ceological Conditions . ' ~A. I. Prishivalko) 61 A Solution of the Tnverse Problem o� Gravimetr3c Surveying for Two Contacr Surfaces (Yu. V. Antonov) 75 ' ~ 'fhe InCerpretation of Highly Accurate GravimeCric Data on the Urtabulak beposit (Ye. A. Mudretsova, A. S. Orlovskiy, V. G. Filatov) 82 ' Sotving the Inverse Problem of Gravimeeric Surveying by the Selection ~tethod, With the He1p of a Computer (ri. A. Bykov) 85 Allowing for Local Reief in Gravimetric Surveying with the Help of Small Computers (G. A. Lyubimov) 88 � ~llowing for the Effect of Irregularities in the Upper Strata During ttie Conduct oF Gravimetric Work Under tlie Conditions Encountered in Tataria and Kuybyshevskaya Oblast (N. I. Tyurin, I.. A. Zharkova) 93 Tect~niq~ies :3nd Equa.pment for Bottom Gravimetric Work in the Caspian Sea (P. D. Bagdatlistivili) 98 86 NOR OFFTCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 ~ i ~Ok OI~P',ICIAL USG nNLY ; ~ Page 1 U~in$ Ceophysienl h[erhods eo SCudy rhe Tectonic Seructure of the ; Seurobin~koye Pot~?ssium S~lt Deposie , (M. S. Oreahko, It, R. Rudkovskiy, A. I. Grishko)~.....~......... 101 ~ , ~ Studying the PeCrogrnphic ComposiCion o� the Crystalline Foundation oE tlie L"agtern I'art of the Russian Plaeform on Che Basis o� CraviCuCional~and Magnetic Anomalies ~ (V. P. 5Cepanov, M. K. Anichkina, N. A. Dokuchayeva, V. V. UoroEeyev) 109 ~ . ; Usins Mathemnt3ca~. 5tttCistic~ Methods Co Process High-Accuracy Aerial f M~gneCic Surveying DaCa Gathered krhen Prospectin~ for BauxiCes (Ye. S. Bugay~vu, L. A. Samoylyuk, V. A. Tsyganov) 116 ResulCs of ExperimenCal Work on Determining Che HeighCs of Geophysical . Points by the Aerophoto~rammeCric Method ; (B. L. Kheyfets, I. Ya. Reyzenkin, N. T. Kapral) 122 , Using a Difference-Rangefinding Radiogeodesic System and Equipment from an IndependenC Navigatin~ Complex to Correlated Regional ~ Aerial Geophysical Surveys (A. M. Lozinskaya, V. S. Preysman, B.:A. Freydkin, V. A. Khmelevskiy) 125 ~ Ef.Cect oL the Eccentricity of the Well Tool on the Readings of ~ Pseudolateral I'ocused Probes ' (~i. T. Bondarenko, V. I. OsCrovskiy, T. K. Rubinskaya).......... L31 ' Determining the Specific Electrical Resistance of Rock on a Computer (V. G. Ingerman) 137 Using the Specific Electrical Resistance of Coal-Bearing Deposits to , Study ~he Lithology and Type Composition of the Coals in the Donets Basin (B. I. Voyevoda) 145 ' Ratios oE Radioac~ive ~lements During Gamma-Spectrometric ' Pr~specting f.or Nonmetals , (V. A. Bol'shov) 154 ~ COPIRIGI~T: Izdatel'stvo "Nedra," 1978 11746 . CSO: 1870 87 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 l~'Uk ql~'A' LG IAL USt~: ONLY ~ ~ PUI3LICATTONS ~ ' UDC 550.83 TAIiLE OF CONTCNTS FROM JOURNAL 'EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS' Moscow RA2VEDOCHNAYA CEOT~'I2IKA in Russian No 82, 1978 si~ned to press 13 Jan 78 pp 162-163 [Table of contents of ~ournal published by All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Geophysical Exploration Methods, USSR MinisCry of Geolo~y, and CenCral Geophysical TrusC, RSFSR Ministry of Geology, Izdatel'stvo Nedra, 2,700 copies, 168 pages] . [Textj TABLE OF CONTENTS P3ge Adaptive Multichannel Suppression Filters (S. A. Kats, B. M. Shubik) 3~ Two-Stage Algorithms for the Kinematic Analysis and Adap~ive Kinematic riltration of Seismic Waves (S. A. Kats) 10 A Criterion for Evaluating the Resolvin~ Power of Frequency Filters (V. Ya. Sorin, A. K. Yanovskiy) 15 A Programmometric Investigation of Automated Processing Systems :,`.or Geological and Geophysical InformaCion (P. G. Gil'bershteyn, N. N. Gurin, Ya. A. Kogan, L. S. Popel').... 19 The Possibiliry of Realizing an Optical-Digital System for Processing Seismic Surveying Data (P. G. Gil'bershteyn, Ye. A. Kapilevich, L. Sh. Yunerman)......... 24 Prospects for Using Optical-Digital Real-Time Systems for Processing Seismic Surveying Data (P. C. Cil'bershteyn, Ye. A. Kopilevich, L. Sh. Yunerman)......... 37 Evaluating Nonlinear Distortions During the InpuC of Sei~~nic Information Into an Optical Computer (S. M. Kofsman) 46 88 ` FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 . ~ ro~ orr~cr~ usc oNLY ~ ~ Page ~ Improving the QualiCy of Che PreaenCation of Results of Che Op~ical ~ Pronessing of Seismic MaCerials ; (S. hi. Kofsman, N. V. Shapiro) 50 ~ ; A 7'echnique for Manufacturing Density Filrers wiCh Given Characteristics ~ i (0. A. PnCnpov) 54 i Prospects for Using the Transverse Reflecr.ed Wave MeChod in Che Moscow Syneclise ~ ; ~ (S. T. Zav'yalov, A. G. Lur'ye) 60 ~ , Ttte Relatinnship of the PropagaCion Ra~es of Longitudinal and i Trnnsverse Waves in the Moscow 5yneclise ; (V. V. Molchanov, V. T. Loginov) 67 i A Study of the Itelatior~ship BeCween the Similarity Factor and Phase Dispersion of Sign$1s of a Regular Wave ~ (b'. I. t4eshbey, V. M. Glogovskiy, N. D. Starichenko)............ 71 ~ ~ ' Tncreasing the Effectiveness of the Common Deep Point Method by Wave ~ Selec~.ion According to Apparent Velocity in the Original MaCerial (A. Ya. Brodskiy, A. T. Yakovlev) 76 Increasin~ ttie Effectiveness of Seismic Surveying [Jithin the Limits ; of the Southeastern Slope of the Karpinskiy Range ; (G. N. Goryunov, A. K. Kalinkin) 79 Uptimizing the System of Observations by the Common Deep Point Method on Longitudinal and. Nonlongitudinal Profiles During Detailed Seismic , Investi~ations (V. Ya. Zolomarenko) 86 Determining the Angle Between the Profile Li~e and the Projection of a DiE~'racting Rib on the Observation Plane ; (0. A. Zorin, V. P. Telezhenko) 94 Dis~inguis}iing Fracture 7ones by Refracted Waves Along the I'escfianokopskaya-Surovikino Profile Determined by Deep Seismic ; Sounding and the Correlation Method of Refracted Waves (Yu. B. Konoval'tsev) 101 Possibilities of ~liminating Cable Waves in First Arrivals and Evaluation of Distortions in Seismic Logging Data (V. K. Aleksandrov) 109 Cable [Javes During the Seismic Logging of Boreholes (V. K. Aleksandrov) 114 89 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5 , , FO12 OFFICZAL US~ ONLY Page Predicting SecCions to Which ri~.neralized Waters Have 5pread (Yu. K. Cur'yev, N. I. ne1o11kov) 123 Principlea of the Rational IntegraCinn of Electric Surveying ~quipment in Coa1 Deposits (E. G. Porfilkin, B. I. 2hurbitskiy)...........,~ 127 ~ ApproximaCe Evaluation of the Vein Ice ContenC in the Layer of Cround Near Che Surface (K. V. Gladkiy, A. M. Lobanov) 138 A Technique for Establishing the Sequence of Admission of Ob~ects for CompleCe Surveying in Oil Fields That Are Being Exploited (Yu. E. Kirshfel'dt)..........' 7.43 Analysis of Field Measurements for Several Reference Stations During Barometric Leveling in Mountainous Regions (V. C. Pirogov) 147 A New Technique for Barometric Leveling in Mountainous Regions (V. G. Pirogov) 155 COPYRIGHT: IzdaCel'stvo "Nedra," 1978 11746 ~ CSO: 1870 END 90 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010022-5