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00 EC ri (;I ASSIFICATION- Fas+,Apqyf4 For Release 2006/05/25: CIA-RDP8T1 0180003-5 COU;\,TPY 4A TOPIC r So et Sui)ply 5',Upmm- is in the Fuerstenwalde-Kctschendorf "irea 25X1 EVALUATION. DATE OF CONTEN HATE COBTAINFi) REFERENCES. PAGES_ REMARKS--J The folI is an alleoedl complete list of So-1 t supply shipments which, arri7ed at or were dispatched from Sovi t supply installations in ter erstenwalde Ketschendorf area in Aug-as 1 1952 t B - 30- ^ar 0 -. gondola car.,, F - .:'I tear SS - SS-type flatcar F/S - :1-tear with siderecks T - tank car c,mi Shi scents t 9f, 9 F sedans and jeeps 1 :, 1 SS millitary. goods 3 1 rod iron and other iron 2 B 1 r spr4 ugs and other military goods 5 B31 T nitric solution and Military Foo"S 1 B' storage batteries 3 B iron slabs 5 B, 1 C storage batteries and slabs 1 F lumber 7 B military goons 1 B. 12 B, 2 FIB 2 B 1 B 7B 1 'B CLASSIFICATION SF.,C:`:L Brest Litovsk Eisenach Falk enberg F1 ns +erwalde Henni gsdorf ? eipzig Magdeburg Oborschoeneceide Schoeneweide Rum :-lelsburg Schoenefeld Fuerstenberg/havcl Halle Koenigsnras terhausen Loessnitz Luebben T lark er s dorf Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457R016100180003-5 Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO16100180003-5 .9,' Rs~'P/CLTZ;'HGL - U aS . "~ 7CI!u.s 1'1.Y T imher of Cams """ 1 B 7 33 2D military goods " n Uatgoing Shipments in Ikuraastt 1 and 25 9 B military ,Foods Ithrourh 13 B 19 1 i F/S ) through 3 B 25 5 thrcuFh !4 B 11 5and28 2B 18ar.d19 3B 1 F/S 18 14 FIS 2G 1 B 25 2 B 28 and 29 1 B 1 F/S 12 13 23 15 B 26 B 4 F/S 1 B 28 lncShipments in Aur-ast: 1 end 28 4 B military woods 17 2 F/S 1 B ,21 1B 24 3 B -chzrarzenberg Ziesar Zossen to Markcrsdorf "? Hettstedt '~oenigswasterh .?sen Leipzig; Of k wrnielsburg " Kummersdorf Rostock " Fucrstcnberg if Finow it Strausber?g it Brest Litovsk Dallgow-Doeberitz Dannenwalde ri1JVLLU /C(.TYI`RLL - U.% GFT-'TCI/'L3 O LY Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO16100180003-5 Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457R016100180003-5 S1?CR T/C,.r?3'.rR(.L - U.S. ClFICIn., S OULY -3- 12 ..u'-ust 4 F/S rnilit-ry goods from Brest Litovsk 1 B 12 It 15 30 It 17B guns 18 G 5.7 1-11 gins 1 F/s 8 B gins 31 C AA mans 81ls-~ 35 F/S 15 cm guns 12 F/S runs 2 F/S m;litary roods 2B Outgo'.nr Shirments in t.ugust: 16 7 F/S military goods to Pasewa,lk 3B I, It Pase:tsalk 32 cars 15 cm guns 3.7 cm AA guns 7 B milit?i rti* goods IT Binz ) 1 8 F/S 22 11 B runs 29 F IS 7 B gru,.s 29 FS 6 B military goods Magdeburg 18 8 B It F/S 23 1 B 1 F/S 11 23 2 B guns " Prenzlau 6 F/S 11 B military goods 13 F/S SIY:fET/CGN'TROL - U.S. (,VF1rIf J ;? C !LY Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457R016100180003-5 Approved For Release 2006/05/25 CIA-RDP82-00457R016100180003-5 27 10 B g-ins to Dobrilugk 22 F/S 31 1 E 8 F/S rocket la-inc hers If Lrest Litovsk 2 B ' military good; it Crawinkel 14- 3 F/S 4 S5 Incoming Shtnments in Aug,ist: 17 1 R 19 1 B 27 2 B Outfs'oing Shipments in kupust: 18 3 B 22 ss 19 3 B 15 F/S 27 7 F/S 27 4 F/S 27 1 F/S 1 F/S 1 F/S sawn (sic) from Coswin m&Jitary rioods " Zwickau Diesel generators " Cocrlitz trucks to undletermi.ned Rosslau milita-'y goods it " Aken It " Templin Apolda IT Mlten-rabow Incominf- Shipments in Aurrust: 4 thro~wgh 31 SrCRZT/C,T.TTR(,L -? U.S. CI 71 WILY 3 r bandares 7 throurh 19 2 B cod-liver oil and 2 G rlilitaryr goods 1 B lU 15 B 11 3 B 25 1 T military goods n calcium chloride military goods Brest Litovsk berswalde Ritterfeld Schwarza 1)BCfET/C,N7'RGL - U.S. OFFICIALS OILY Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457R016100180003-5 Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO16100180003-5 S:F?CR.i?T/C( N'"RLL - 1J. S . C1FFTr TMI S (JTLY -5_ put nr Shipments in ,urnist: 4 through 11 5 1? military foods and li 4 B P1 ll 3 B of 25 1 B " 29 2 B to 29 1 B It 4B it 30 1B Incoming Shipments 3 14 to ..erder " Perlin Dohna " `-Itrausbert, to i1apdeburg " Lberswalde Crest Litovsk " 11res,'en-11reustadt in l,ur st: 1 B military Foods 2 B flour 2 B military 'Dods 2C 1 B 21 21and24 6B from Chemni tz " Lieberose " Rathenow Boetzow Vo!elsanp Brest L'Itovsk 25 1 1 " 29 1 F/S truck 28 2 F/S military foods 31 " Uranienburg " Schwerin " A1t.enCr:boar " y,erder Outgoing Shipments in ~ur-aot: 1 2 13 mi.lit-iry Foods to Mechterstaedt 1 3 Ghrdruf 1 .1 B to It Crawi nk el 2 113 Lossa 2 1 1 to Colditz 2 B' Schwerin 9 1 B Dranse l3 1 B Weimar 11 1 B " ". Eisenach U.S. ~,FFTCI:i.S i:,NNiY Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO16100180003-5 Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457R016100180003-5 SECflET/CLT:ITRCL - U.c. OFFlnI._i S C?di Y 14 1B military goods to I?ostock 14. 15 15 of " Chemnitz It " Rathenow " "1eisswasaer Incomin?- Ship ments in Aumast: 3 1 B military goods from Klinrenthal 3 2B Burgstaedt 5 Sieversdorf 12 1 B Bautzen 16 1I rr Kaputh 19 and 21 12 B paper " Oruenhainiche:n 19 1 B placards Leipzig Outgoing ",hipments in xuf,mst:. 2 1 F/S military goods to Jucterbog 2and27 2B " Dresden 2 i F/S n Iieimar 2 and 27 2 E lurf-s taedt 6 l F/S n Magdeburg 23 and 25 7B " T. otsdam 27 - 1 B Schoenebeck Incoming Shirments in kurust: 1 and 28 6 F/S military goods 1 B 6and12 5r 1tU u[1CIIutir9 1' and 30 2 B anodes Worbitz 14 3 F/s military goods Fins berwalde 15 and 31 4 B if fiettstedt S: RET/CG1r1 L - U.S. 0FFI "'I; I s C'. LY Approved For Release 2006/05/25: CIA-RDP82-00457R016100180003-5 Approved For Release 2006/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00457R016100180003-5 U.s-:. LFT-IrlfJSG ILY -7- Li 16 19 22 22 1g 1 B 1 B mil spo mil itary goods from Altengra'bow2 %rfl'urt ols -Jessen itary roods 6P'ndlersfcld Outgoing Shipmcn s in alu.^ust: 1 2 B mil 27 4 r 27 1 B 27 1 B 29 1 B itary goods to Blank ensee It l ittstock " Rostock Bergen " 1ildpark 25X1 f'.. Jadaarow: Pieskow: Incoming hip-ion.ts in Aua-ist: 20 through 27 9 R mili tary goods from Brest Litovsk 2 2 fi:; tanks Lieberose Fuerstenwalde I 3 1 S;; tank 3 2 S~ tanks Fuersten- Lieberose walde 25X1 2 1 B tobacco treat F er wal e 1B ft Fuersten- walde 25X1 I 25X1 3 F/S military goods ieustrelitz Fucrstenwalde 1 B 1 G iron Bennirsdorf Fuerstenwal-?e 1 2 2 B military goods Annaberg 1 7 1 T soda Starsfnrt 1 8 1 S S tank Fuersten- Lieberose wales I 1 6 5 F/S military roods ovittenberge Bad -'aarow SJ CiRET/C. NTRLL - U.S U.S. c ? T IALS U1I Y 3 and 4 Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO16109180003-5 Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO16100180003-5 SECI'ET/CC%T7ZGL - U.S. ^FI"T ;. 071Y -8- ommunt. The daily average of cars handled a:7ounted to 22 over a^ainst 2 car ou s . xn :;ay a,._d July. This slight increase is ' nterpreted by the fact hat, an additional 9 carloads of arms and equipment ire handled for the Vrr a ily. S.:CRET/, NT&1L - U.E. U ICTY i_S Cl I.! Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO16100180003-5