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Document Creation Date: 
December 14, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 15, 2003
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Publication Date: 
January 9, 1953
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R015700300001-8.pdf99.27 KB
INTELL.ftA 21 FEB 1J52 51--*AA Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-DP82-0045.7R015700300001-8 CLASSIFICATION SECT h6 T CENTRAL I NTELL I GENCEAGENCY CIRCULA TE 25X1 25X1 INFORMATION REPORT REPORT NO. COUNTRY..' East Germany SUBJECT Zeiss Jena Optical P1afit DATE OF INFO. 25X1 DATE DISTR. 9 January 1953 NO. OF PAGES 1 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1 REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 1o DuringJ'uly 1952 the-VVB Opt,ik Zeiss '9 Jena, produced 771'00 field glasses (on a, scheduled 9,200)._ Of tahe e9 80 pe cent were 6 3O 1.5 percent 15 X 50F Ond5.percent 1argei? glasses weighing 15-pounds apie , and intended for mounting on a stand 0 The diamete~r of he front Lena is about 10 to 12' cm The p Soduction. of medical eq ip eht has been almost entirelt suspended 9 with the exception of heatless ope ?ating,la.;mps. Production costs rose about 4 percent from 1 May to 1 August 1952. 2. P oduetioh du .ng August 1952 I-eached 9,700" field glasses, of which 65 percent optical sights were 6 x-30 and the rest 10,X 50 -and 15 x 50. Production of eonti cued; about 30 were produced it A xst . Gyrocompasses were ctred- after plans of the Aska is worke the number -is not ascertained. 'PLACE ACQUIRED THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITEDBY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 3. cost of about 17,000 DM each. The production of microscopes and lens cells is vet limited. The productiora.. of iurve ` po?tentiomietera has been 's spene d tempora;ri : r beca. so the VEB Medi .lnteclrnische Werke in Leipzig .stopped deliveries Ortaale moving pi e 'I p aPPa Luse s so a d