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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP82-00457RO15500270001-4 FORM NO. 51-4AA FEB 1952 CLASSIFICATION S.NN;Cit r/CQNTROL U S . OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION REPORT REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY USSR/Satellites SUBJECT Methods to be adopted in Settling Account; between. Member Countries of the C,M,E, ' DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS 1, The main principles for settling operational accounts in the export trade between the member countries of the Council for Mutual Economic Aid have been worked, out at the request of their representatives and are based on their experience..1 These principles are needed in order to insure that the data on the fulfillment of trade agreements between member countries are presented in a form permitting comparison and also in order to facilitate exchanges of information on the fulfillment of these agreements. 2. Operational settlements, bookkeeping, and customs accounting are to be organized and run as a system of State clearing directed by the governmental bodies responsible for export trade and by their subsidiary organizations This provides a means of controlling the fulfillment of interstate trading agreements as well as that of the individual State plans and the charges levied on imports an:7. exports. Operational settlement, bookkeeping, and customs accounting, while interconnected, are not interchangeable, but complementary, each having its own special char?,cteristics, The particular point about operational settlement is that by its means information on the total results of export trade operations can be supplied quickly- this is because of its system of rapid registration and calculation of facts and figures concerning export operations and in particular those concerned with loading and dispatch. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION DATE DISTR. 0" February NO. OF PAGES 5 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) In the course of operational settlement not only will the usual trading and tx -'ln'rpor't aUTA:I nt3 be taken into consideration .9 but also the correspon? dence and t~::_t.~= zrr;.ms of the firms exporting the goods, the communications from the custmn,d au6horities9 the transport organizations, those from foreign tradinE or aniz:1I'~ns ant from the foreign trading bodies' representatives at holme and ab r?o ad . NAVY AIR ATION 30hG;R?IT/'COONTROL ? U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY NSRB FBI L1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP82-00457RO15500270001-4 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP82-00457RO15500270001-4 31~,CRfT/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY' 4. All data c;cirr:~rz i_r, operational settlements dill be collated in periodical reports, +,-,-DJ show the progress achieved in the fulfillment of trade agreemerii ry c' ;Cr export organization, how far its plan has succeeded., the charges .u>vied on the import and export of goods, the delivery of goods for export by rrdai:atrv, arid the distribution of imported goods to the national .economy. 5, The data contained in the reports of the export trading organizations will be collated in coi.lective reports on the entire export trade of each country. Guidance on op er,at,tional settlement and the submission of reports by export trade orz anizations will be issued, by t1-e appropriate government department. This department's task will be: a.. To formulate the necessary instructions for export trade organizations.. b. Supervise t.r-~ carrying out within the export trade organizations of the orders 1+ (d down for arrangixrg settlements and for reporting. c. To instep hose engaged on the work of settlement and report writing. d. To check the correctness of the returns and the reliability of the report matter. I e. To study c.ethods for improving the organization, the methods.of settlerierit and reporting. 6. The forms to be used in making reports, the length of the periods to be reported on, and -the dates on which they are to be submitted will be decided b7, -love rmnents in the light of their experience in. the supervision of their export trade organizations and day-to-day control of their activities. The reportiti period is usually one calendar month, but when necessary :nay be shorter for certain goods. 7. The re 1.:tions f,)r the work of operational settlement and the forms to be used in curry in- it out., as well as those for reporting and rendering statistics, are to be drawn up in each country in accordance with the special character o)f its (:xport trade. Id .instructions for the Settlement of Efforts aImports 8. Operational. will be effected on the basis of the quantities, prices, and values of imported and exported ;goods as given in the commercial r.3oclar,,.ent~3 ;.nc :(r.itlirig agreements, invoices, bills of lading, and receipts for l.o -adint- :nd :1 scF~ar e, and as declared by the supplier. In mattei s concern ri ; t.hte r: a d'it of goods, net quantities T,Till be used; and,wbere an a;.re>.eirier t r? 'P f;rc>srs areight for net" exists, accounts will. le made out net. In bartoi 7 , i.} :Frr~ ~; no price for the goods to be delivered has been agreed upo.i, p.-Ice +i ll be fixed on the basis of those ruling in the principa v 1'. it:l.... Its at the time of the conclusion of the agreement. 9. Adju ;t,reerrts ii (h;: t iifiilment of annual trade agreements between countries ,. ach calendar year. Adjustment of long-term at reements and those . a._ longer than one year.w-' ll also be made annually. 10. Goods the conclusion of an annual agreement are to be reckoned s x-.:.r L ..y', but they are to be included in the report on the fulf'i11.ri:i;i., c,' th:: a~;reenlent. Deliveries made in one year on account of liabilitie:> the previous year must be shown separately in accounting. 11. In reportin>; on firu.f`i linicnt of agreements those goods whose delivery is regarded i. be included in the total. The value both of the goods to b-.e , i i_vorer, i.nder the agreement and of those already delivered will he based n' tole prices An the agreement. 12. Where t s >nt ;.r-)vide for the charges for goods, transport, lied other services t?oee pooled, the value of the goods and services supplied. on behalf of th( other country will be included in the total export and import fulfillment f, .? ire's. SdCf0',T/C0NTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP82-00457RO15500270001-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP82-00457RO15500270001-4 3EC & T/CONTROL - U. 33. OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1-HUM 13. The total import, and export figures of each country will be determined on the basis of those taken from the operational settlements. The total exports or each country will be reckoned on the basis of the value of the exported i oe., goods that crossed the national frontier, invoiced prices f.o,h. or franco frontier of the selling country. The date of the export is considered to be: a. in the, case of overland transport, that on which the goods crossed the frontier of the selling country h. that of the bill of lading ,,,in the case of transport by sea., c. the date of departure of the airc raft, when transported by air. 14. The total imports of each country will be reckoned on. the. basis of the value of the. goods that crossed the country's frontier, purchase price f.o.b. or franco frontier of the selling country. The date of import is considered to be: a. for overland transport, that on which goods crossed into the country, b. for transport by seatho date on which the ship carrying the goods arrived in the port of the purchaser. c. in th, case .r!? air transport,the date of arrival of the aircraft in the home: aii?rort. 15. The date of import or export of a ship is reckoned to be that on which the flag of the purchaser is hoisted. 16. In the total exports and imports of each countr;,,the value of goods will also b,-; included i.iliich are purchased in other countries and sold to others without being; actually imporLed'. Details of such goods will be entered separately i.n a sub-heading; when necessary, the country exporting or importing; tat 13 ti_cle ,ill be shown. 17. In. order to facilitate the work of settling agreements, a numbering system will be introduced. This will include the following: a. Title of the export organizatior b. Year in 'P,hich a. reement was concluded c. Name of xpoct,:Ing r- importing country d. A 11umb r i.nd.c,iting the main characteristics of the agreement e. Serial ni mh?,r of the agreement Information Required on Exports 18. The ft I lowing data a required in tench udi.n g an export agreement: a. Number of the request of the export organization h. Date of condlusion of the agreement c. Niuriber of the agreer:ient ci.. Name of the export organization with which agreement made e. List of goods f. Unit or measurr..-:ant (pieces, meters, tons) g. Packing h. Price }ppo?r? unit (c ur. rency to be shown) S}Cft1,T'/COidTROL m U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP82-00457RO15500270001-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/25: CIA-RDP82-00457RO15500270001-4 ?:.i CONTROL -- U.S. OFF1jIru,S O JLY 1.. Total vai j. 19. The following a La rare to be supplied by works exporting goods, a. Number of a rree:n~.r:L. or ordier b. Kind of goods c. Number of ',.nveice d. Number. of railway car e. Destination f. Number of cases= or packages g. Unit of j,!easuremertt h. Gross w e i I;ra t 20. The Poll ovving data are required on entry of export goods into home port: a. Date of entry b. Place of departure c. Number of invoice d. Number of railway car e. Description of goods f . Plumber of e