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Document Release Date: 
March 19, 2003
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Publication Date: 
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;jr aj `; ,pgMyed For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-004578015 1004800 !TRY 77 1 C :nera 1 .:111 tax?~r Ini err a n on I` ALUATION, 25X1 ~. -._ aPLAOE OBTAINED __..u. DATE OF CONTENT -.~ DATE O TAINED._._._- B E. FERE N CE'4....,... , nS HEMARKS.._..-.__ 25X1 25X1 25X1 _1a love-at er ..._.DATE PREPA,R1:D_~ ~..__ 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 1, Dnrin ; the ai -'ht. of 5 October 19x2 the tank unit arrived at the Adolf Hitler is ;erne on .11.1herstaedt(ir 3trassea kernburg S2/,, 76) 14- The engineer unit (:.. sent en 1V its st ily vehicle a to ' he rlili tar;: Host and renamed at an ztr~a.c'cnt s li.ect t,ia ",tp Do:isa?1 Ak(: to on n `1c t(7)Crg ZYB:~ vacant wxf 6s 1t for a ; ^?a ,? !? ' ryy ! 2 2 On 11 :?ctoher 1252, abo-it 160 trucks untrained. a t the I thenoj9 i t r 'ere m r-~ t.? railroad 4tation, 'ibo a- 22 -2-34/05 11 1 J e s '.'f':dactke._3 3.3 Un 13 Octob(-~r , L:ari ?`7ittka1I i. /y ) was vacant + fit., On 1t; October the uriits which had practiced there started ] o ?'1 '1.1 ""? C J ~ )-3e 1 area 4 Trucks continuously S ,i1F3 railroad e'ta i i .+.ns ~1L4' _ 4?Q. c3 "it 25X1 25X1 25X1 2. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Con entn The tank unit is t??P tank . eo.. afl i o.~ the unido`e'ij13-eC ,C}u?eocr it o the i~a:?rraent The unidentified eri.4;inecr re4,ioent of the 3D was secr> iri the trairiany area o'' Aken on 2C Lliepte' }be I? It is irohah1e that g on S October. tho. re,i ie it was 'l ? that area, p7'G3L2.1} bl :::):dam ruc G7 , a~; t)rid.^os t?' la u ere }.Lt.] ~, 7..; )C1 in CO'.a )111CtIo a with t ho ~'] ` ? s y ~XBI"C1 the ''x] 'hth ~Gd s r%rny- in f, a. rea between Aka1 and i on 18- and 1.2 )ctoi er' >r.f,~, c k on the e =?,jv a ,Af IFICAT1ON S U0R_iT~ Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15300480008-6 Octoc r 19j2 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15300480008-6 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Corr enter units o the -),, rt i -.1.3,s iir::.iy returned to theircosts probably ,oin;, fro i 7.3 thenow to .,:,~;ersv:a=Lc e fro::? :doss `uudicke to Ora iieDour : Q t?i 1 iel exercises in the area of 'tathenow, Co;; rient? Information li,, other rmureas indicated that Cerao _' _ a.t, raid as only )arti.aliy occuai? d ark 11 It is _)roteblo that the cario was vacated after the cod-Jction of the ? d1 .ia_: 1?vers of the third. oliock Amity, in aid-Q to'cC?7's 25X1 ra ~CO;:c:1 nt, the a.a.rt e?;?,rainod a 5paren tai ' 'oro units of t e "XI" `,'.ads z le 'or -s ;:ir3 "o-rt c.! cry troops 25X1 of -;':Se :J ith 'Ms krmr, 'n-i ; first trains to leave ',oro oo.servod on r,o:,ute 25X1 r?a:i ' Kesel:.urn to the district of :Ia1le on l ;,ctobor. i.iot1Aer re )art indicated that I2,D railroad czars had to ne for runs to 1 ry ose.ibztr-, and . !'e 2i - rttri 't, ~.?. . xioc fro-, 1I 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15300480008-6