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Publication Date: 
November 5, 1952
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Lfil Release 2006/08/08 : CIARDP8?1R~52 1 OPIC-..,Return to Schwerin and. i Sma,r of Soviet Troops and ilitary Information from the .5chweinricr Traini:ng~, ;rea 2XEVALUATION? _ v _Pi~CF ORTAINFn DATE OF CO:NTEN DATE OBTAINED- REF ERENCES_ PAGES REMARKS 25X1 25X1 --_ EPA EO 5 lovember 1952 1 25X1 ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE).. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 0 25X1 I. About 8 a.m. on 30 September 1952, 14 AT guns of about 100-m=n caliber -t,jw d, b ri 25X1 entered the rue ?car z s ,rrie in Schwerin. The column carne from the freight station. The H_ndenhurc Kas~.rrie and the Moltke Kaserne were :till unoccupied. 2 0 On 30 September and 1 October the troops returned from maneuvers tc= l heir military post in Schwerin.. The Adolf Hitler Kaserne was occov .ec_ tfy 4,OOO troops, the Krueger Kaserne by 2,0JO troops, the `1o'lt?kk:e Kaserne b-, 1,000 troops, the Fritsch Kaserne by 1?2L0 troops with AA gunsan-rcc',~c:t launchers and the Puesseelcrug was about 5U percent occupied. Many office ri! were seen entering and leavJng the Goerries airfield. 3. During the period from 30 Septen er to 8 October 25X1 , truck Iraffic heatted toward Perleberg via Wittstock was observed in S cbweinrich. rsquipment incl}.di ng? a great deal of furniture was loaded at the Wittstock railroad station. the slaughter horse in Wittstock served unit..., it Perleberg. It had not slaughtered for units in Schweinrich since 6 Octcbc r, 4. un 3U September, 35 ta: ucka occupied by about 500 soldiers wearing red-'cree _ad black epaulets, 5 trucks with 120-mm mortirs,, 8 trucks with 57-rnfn AT r ns an125X1 6 T-3L tan-&s were seen returning to the Flak Kaserne in Viswar: Prior to 5 October, -rotor vehicle barracks installation:. 25X1 r?ere seen drivinr to an -'c Comment. The information c^ncernin:- the return on 30 Sentemnl er : d .1 October 1 2 of units of the IX IAtz Rifle Corps crnfiims infcrrnation that motorized cle,nents of the corps passed 125X1 through Perleberg and were returning to their military posts frorr, the f ii :.. maneuvers of the Third Shock Army on 3( September. On 29 and 3(; Sep ni'- other units of the corps r?et,urned to their milit-ary costs on 17 rail n4-s. On and after 1 October, the cost in Sc ,wt:r?`n w? occupied as prior to the departure of units for the fzll exercises, e=; Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO1520024000249 j Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15200240002-9 25X1 The 1Ou-mm AT guns which enter d. the Krueger probably belong to the 4th Gr'.s AT Arty Brig (US). Rocket la incht:r: previously seen in the Fritsch Kaserne. Jnits of the 10th Grs RL ?'I- afore mentioned corps were previously carried in the Hi.ndenb rgr ' r E r is believed that, the units which returned to the Flak Kaserne in wi cc elements of the 288th Gds MMtz Rifle Rept of the 94th Gds Mtz F-1-Me had teen detached for the maneuvers. :10omment. during the period f r ri i It Uc Go Er, 11 trains carrying units of the 18th ;'ecz Div departed ffr?c n t. e Jranse and Wittstock railroad stations and that this opc-ation