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Publication Date: 
December 2, 1952
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R015100170007-6.pdf696.5 KB
CLASSIFICATIOt, CeNFID&ITIAL 50X1-HUM crogntwo ?FIM9(..041RITEN7T Declassified in Part T Sanitized COPY Approved for Release 2013/07/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457R015100170007-6 fiNFORMATPON REPORT co NO: COUNTRY USSR (Chelyabinsk, oblast) SUBJECT Ural-ZIS Automobile Plant near Mass PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. THIS 00c1121ERT COTITAIIISIEFORDATION AFICC/DIG Tilt ncnonALDEFIIRstt ;1 TI1 ? OP 0 1.11111E12 STATES. RITIIIII TUE DRAIM TL IC 09 TIE ID ISECT10115 702 . MI /04. OP TNT U. 5. COOL AZ MIEN050. NU 7112I1$9/1510110IIIIEVEL? .. AT10:1 OF IT, CONTEXTS TO OR RECEIPT CT IL UltAUTI (RUED PERSON Ix/ 15 PROMINTED BE LAW TRU REPRODUCTION 0/ 11113 I'l IN 13 FR001611110 .1.2f.ealtlasitelat.i.sitiltr:Laiii..11" DISTR. 2 Deeembe. r 1952 PAGES4 NO OF ENCLS5 OS pages) (USTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1 -HUM 50X1-HUM 1, The Uralt,ZIS (Zr,??od ineni Stalina.) Automobile Plant is located about 120 km west I of Chelyabinetk\ Chelyabinsk Oblast, and about 10 km north 0150X1 -HUM Riess \ In the arep betwoen Mass and 'he automobile .lant is a, double-track electrified railroad line frail Chelyabinsk to 50X1-H UM au ono p art is Jant.ea e Mass railroad station by Lith a single-track railroad spurs 5 or 6 km long, .and a well- surfacedrce.i. Housing projects, designated Novostroyka or i/ovy Miass, were under constructiQa in the area along the railroad spur and adjoining the plant area on the sou/least. These housing projects 'ware built for the plant employees, soma of tikora were still living in earth shelters, adobe huts lend wooden shacl?.s, as of Sep.tember 1949. The Miass River, flowing from south to north, it past the plant on the west. Ithe river was about 200 meters 50X1-HUM from the plant? A gold mine was in operation in the area west of the plant; hut its eita:t location was not known. Two thaall, plantcowned, shunting loeomotives; several' railroad cars, 19 electric trucks and about 100 motor trucks -were used for hailing purposes within. the plant area, *. 50X1-HUM .2