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December 1, 1952
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LA IrICA'1ON SSCF E'T CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25X1 REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Eat OerinaW SUBJECT Russian Order For Speotrographs 25X1 ACQUIRE DATE OF INFO. DATE DISTk 1 Dec T*or 1952 NO. OF PAGES 1 .N OF ENCLS. IL! BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO, THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 111!8. DOCUf1ERT CONTAI BS i NFORRATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE Of TI(! UNITED STATES. WITHIN TNR ffi6ANI80 OR TITLE 18. SECTIONS 988 AND 794. OF THE U. S. 00418. AS AMENDED. ITS TRABSR1SSION OR REVEL- ATION OF IT$ COMM" TO OR RECEIPT by AN UNAUTHORIZED PSRSON IS PE0818IT1ID 8S LAW TUC REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM 18 PRONISITED. 25X1 1 , On 11 September 1952, an traidentified representative of the Btiro ftir r, ssen^is" a tiichc ^rsc!~1. n ; Berlin, called on Carl Zeiss, Jena, to Inquire whether an aparatus for the measurement of light ref! cted from l,. rge bodies of , ater could be constructed.: The visitor did no elaborate on the c"i.ce he represented but said that it has beer' acting on behalf of the Fussian AcaderV of ,sciences in 11,,oscow and that the request for the apparatus emanated from the ~cader.yr. 2, The device is a sp, ctro ;raph or a combination of spectror.raphs for measurement of the inter.sityr of light reflected from bodies of water within the wave length interval of from 0 ~ 3 to .1- 2 mu, i easurement is to be made from an 4irplane flyrinp, et. various .'altitudes, It ;as expiained to the visitor, fro did not seem to be a technician but rather a businessman, that Zeiss does not have a universal sj,eectro;raph for the simultaneous measurement of ultra violet., visible and infr:- red light; Zeiss spectrographs cover only two of the ranges, for example the Zeiss ultra--violet spectrograph covering a range from 0.28 to 0,58 mu, The visitor requested Zeiss to develop the instrument; he added that, if necessary, a few million marks would be put at eiss' dis osal., Leiss will give a definite answer after the firm has received a written request containing the necessary specifications from th-, Bilro . The .visitor said that this request will be sent shortly, 3, The Bfro representative said his d'fice at the end of 1951 had handled an order from the Russian Academy for the delivery of an a.njarutus to measure the spocd of flo?..1 of water under a pressure equivalent to a depth of 49000 meters, STATE CLASSIFICATION = NSRB T FBI 0 20U/018; CIS-RDP$?