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u ci not observe any postwar construction work. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25X1 REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY USSR (Sverdlovsk Oblast) SUBJECT UAZ Aluminum Plant near Kamensk-Uralskiy 25X1 PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. YNIB DOCONEAT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFP6'w'Ti1007NE NATNIVALDEFEESP OF TTE !NITND STATES RITb1M T!N 13SACIIN? OF THE SSPICNACA ACT 80 B. S. C.. ET AVID EA. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSULSSICN OE THE REYELATIOV OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY NANNYN TO All 11DAUTNOH14BD PERSOO 10 Pr* - VISITED NT IJW. @EPANDliCTWU OF T1i10 FO7 ! 1s PCA77ISTt!D. 25X1 DATE DISTR. 28 November 1952 NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS.2 (6 pages) (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. The UralskiyAlyuminiyevyy Zavod ,- UAZ - (Ural Aluminum Plant) was located 10 to 12 kn southeast of xa;..iensk-Uralski3r (560224 N/61052QS) on the right, bank of the Iset River. The river was dammed at the plant and supplied water to the aluminum plant and to the electric power station. Short spur tracks connzcted the alumiinun plant with the UAZ railroad station and with a smell shunting station. Both railroad stations were on the Kamensk?- Uralskiy - Chelyabinsk (550124:1/61032410 main line? (i) 2. the construction of the aluminum plant and electric, power station started in the early thirties. In 1939? the plant began production. During the War the plant was considerably expanded with Instal.l.ations from the evacuated Zaporozhe (47049'11/35? a9E) aluminum plant and the electric poor station was also enlarged. No new buildings were constructed in the plant between 1945. and 1913 except some small auxiliary buildings including the new iron faunciry which was _completed in 19)46. Some large bui'idi.n; projects, the foundations for which had already been excavated, were abandoned. The scheduled construction of a third group of electrolytic workshops, which was considered in 19)47, was not carried out, tI .e wartit,e layout of the plant remained unchanged. They ApRr& t;F1%RVJRaat,bI?PP%ff3 . CIA-RDP82-00457RO15000180006-4 - --- --------P thcx?eby - _ increasing the plant production. (2) The plant consisted of two alumina departments, an electrolytic department with foundries, and one electrode department. There were also a number of auxiliary installations including a forge, a mechanical repairshop' an electric repairshop, iron foundries, and a carpentry shop. for the maintenance of plant facilities. Power was supplied by a large steam heating and electric power station located near the plant. (3) the number of workers employed in the aluminum plant In 193k, was 3jOUU to 4,000 per shift. In addition, there were 300 Pats and between 350 to 500 Soviet convicts w rking in the plant. In the electro- lytic department work was done in four 6-hour shifts, In all remaining, de- - partments, three 6-hour shifts :.ere worked. krona 40 to 50 percent of the 25X1 :soviet workers were 1woraen, CLASSIFICATION CONFIDLNTIAL STME NAVY X 14SRB DIISTRt UUTION Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15000180006-4 25X1 first grade aluminum, in base second grade aluminum in ingots third grade aluminum in ingots silumin The grade number in Roman numerals and the plant symbol UAZ were embosses: 25X1 into the ingotsa the greater share of the aluminum ingots a gars Were sent a rolling mill located 4 km from tI-:e aluminum plant, although some were shipped to Chelyabinsk and other uniden- tified localities. Utility items such as pots and aluminum fittings were produced in the plant on a small scale. (5) Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457R01500018000# i, Bauxite was supplied to the aluminum plant from mines located about 10 IM, Kamensk-Uralskiy, and also from mines 200 km away, bauxite wau produced in open pits in the nearby mines. The alumina content of the bauxite supplied is said to have been 75 percent. Part of the bauxite shipments coming by rail were not unloaded at the plant but were sent on to Chelyabinsk. In addition to bauxite, cryolita and soda shipments packed in bags and barrels were continually observed arriving at the plant,. Y incoming shipments of dextrin (sic )o quartz NAM, an we rom a egtyarka (56040I N/ 60?09'E) copper mines which were used in the production process, (14) 6. Estimates as to the anount of aluminum produced daily by the plant varied between 225 and 350 tons. The production consisted-of aluminum, Duralumin nd an aluminum alloy which two sources called silumino The aluminum was cast in bars about J. meter long and. 120 mm square and in ingots of various sizes weighing from 20 to 50 kgo following breakdown of the production: 20 percent 30 30 The aluminum plant and the electric power station were ra;.rrrounded by a high wooden fence and guarded by armed militia. ome buildings of the. aluminum plant and the installations of the power station were under special guard, 25X1Con.rents, (1) 25X1 (2) (3) For location sketch of this platit sae ,nnex 1. is :ncnvn from other records that the installations evacuated from uaporozhe came from ti:e iaporoznne Muminum Combine (DAK) (Dneprovskriy AlyuminiyevyyKoru:binaat),owhich had an annual capacity of X0,000 to 25