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Document Creation Date:
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date:
December 20, 2006
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Publication Date:
October 23, 1952
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CIA-RDP82-00457R014900150010-4.pdf | 219.21 KB |
Approvect R:qr~f.eroa!
~ 1~ 1R`r__Easeern ueroany
Orwanienbur8 Airfield.
DATE OF CONTF ..._._-.~ ~T,..._.., ,.. . _ _..._.
23 October 1952
R In earl.:,, Oepteni:er all defective spots of the runway were being; repaired. On
4 "el>i,emher this work -ra, discontinued.. The asphalt cover of the old runway was
about 10 cr; thick- On 33 September excavation work of the northern and southern
extension of the runway was still under way. A stretch of about 10t: meters was
excavatod to the north and a stretch of about 200 meters to the south, - On
-,epte.r^ooor carpenters began to place boards about r meters r.. and 20 cm wide
at the -ierthern end of the old runways. ..?:ese boards were 25X1
to be used for concretin worku
+v` In late Au~ usta two buildings, one for the storage of broker stones he other
cite frr gravel were ? e = r,,r built at the construction supply dun ? An excavator
and two conveyor heitc were lo-in- e::ployed there. ''ifteen rooms of the cloister
ilx ?.'.ir.:irenhof were reconditioned . The pay office was located there
7, "jetween 2;T August and 5 "e'?te yber9 two additional sheds were. einC bui.l : 25X1
best cf
the 1 i r"t ate rials dur:p at Or ani.en':3ur airfield . Your di ese.? loco:not'ves and 30
lorries were counted on the narrow-- au,e field railway .raciksa at tie field
:is still roi- on at r,0 0 on 2 >e~- , . ?;o ni~'ht bit is la '_eerz u;rc;d so far,
At 6:30 P.T. on 2 Septa tuber, sedan occupied by a l _autenant colonel and 25X1
a major both wearing red.-bordered b .l enaulets drove fro,'_ the airfield toward
nc,to At 7 n sedan occupied by three civilians ertr.ree the 25X1
field. :;emi-trailer was dail;r observed at tY:e fiel(! 25X1
After 3 `'epter her, a' gout 150 railroad carloads rd construction ":iaterials arrived
Gaily at the field, Ceuent was delivered frcr. Ruedersdcrf anl' stones rcra ` axons a
On 7 Septenber, work was only done on the lighting installation of the field wrh ic?g
according to one electrician was tr be completed by 10 The old drai_nage
ditches along the large runway- were filled with cer"nent., Pipes ~() meters apart and
"fitted with ! aucets were installed on the water main. renaretiens for the concreting
cf the northern extension of the runway were under way,:, On . epter'ber, excavation
iiork was still going on on the southern extension of the run ray., A narrow-gauge
Ifold railway track was being, built from the construction su:e ply, dump to the
southern extension of the runway.
100 I
the runway at the field was to be
exten ec:: any about i5O r,e ers to the north? Excavation work w s oh erv?e i there,
Wight '1~ifts were observed prior to 10 Sentamber., Five blocl:4 of buildine-s in the
';:eisse .`;tads wore vacated `:;y the Russians and made available for cnr:rt^uction
workers e_r;ployed at the field? *-;,L*
the southern section of the runway was to be extended by about 'CC riatars Tjo
of about 30 cars loaded with ^ravel arrived at the field,
A_ spur trace. was being built to the southern construction c ; i_n _ Tr,
Cc_*?: ezto kormanyenko s name was n-1reviously observed on a signhcoas~-d lettered
Co s ruction gtaff :119 in '?`:c;" crfhe fide o
Cci s-ent0 The retort indicates that the runway at the field is to be extended
rretE i to the north and 300, meters to the south, thus calm a total length
~1 r, 5
7. meters.
;?='~ cm .ent. The information contained in the present report shows that
con ytructjcri :or' at the field is continuing on schedule. The employment of two
shifts rd' "wore will make it nnossi_ble to complete the most essential co-istruction
work ref ore the bep'inning or the cold season,
Ct''"r?t r,, r.T ~.I...v
Approved For Release 2006/12/27: CIA-RDP82-00457RO14900150010-4