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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
October 23, 1952
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)proved For Release 2004/04/ 5 :CIA-RDP82-0045780149100150006-9 xe :?i 1a P( EST 14C): tON-. PLACE OBTAINER,.- -1,N "tii E r) = NT I12 September to 8 October 1952 ATE 73TAINED--,.. ~'.~ ~EY~' EF' E.-NCE vCSFm. F'AG E:) X1 fATE PREPARED, ILLEGIIB From Kroepelin Isle ubukow faI ensleben: 25X1 25X1 25X1 The follow-in troop trains werc I between 12 and 27 September 1952: Date in LrTsnosition of >E'k~ 6i #`?t:2b~'Y" ').'Y'o Trains 12 17 boxcars and 31t flatcarr lb boxcars and 0 flatcars 11 boxcars and g6 flatcars -PNCLOSURES (NO. & IYPE)a....,.. 25 boxcars and 8 flatcars 2'7 26 boxcars and 20 flatcars 23 Octo`aer 1952 Rehap en..> E 'l aus Jorf Reha ;en- Ki ata sdorf Branderihurg- Altstadt vyolmirstr d ? Brandenbur F- I alt; t;,dt 8 boxcars and Forst Zinn !1 flatcar., 25X1 9 bo .:_oars and Ilaldensleben 23 flatcars Dal lr: w?- Dooh rit7 Troop trains c, 27 and 28 Ser tcm er included: 511=1ri 110 N 5 ttCE Soviet `I`:toop ?lr +3 l flat car with Los sax ?lalle tack s 25X1 1 boxc ar and Dresden Orawinkel 3 flat cars with railroad tank district 5 conv erted boxc ars, iralle Gera. 2 boxc ars and railroad 3 flat arti cars with llery pies district ,s 1 flat car with Donndorf; Halle tanks 2a5X13,. railroad cars to be made available between 30 ieptember and 6 October included: 120 converted boxcars on 30 ..epterfber; 350 converted bo:rcars on ! .ctober; 7-5 converted boxcars Erfurt. 75 at Nordf:tausen, 5G at :.einar, and 50 at + other, a13. on It :actcber; 35v converted boxcars; 200 boxca-rs for equior ent; 1,500 flatcars for the transportation o l' vehicle.% and artillery pieces; and. 77 3:cUi& type (30 tons) flatcars for trensportation of ta'': ks; all on # October., (3) 25X1 25X1 25X1 The two trains which were rya le on. 19 e,.,tember went to F ?a.n ~furt ;,der I I on 27 -eptember. 75X1 nom -,ents fl= two troop trains to Fheha,_ -n-Ylausclorf transporting coraponr:nts of the 2nd .s 25X1 Div were repeatedly observed r ., r n is 25X1 25X1 r'K"-orted for the this train 25X1 25X1 carried a component of the 10th :-c Tank Div from 17asdensleben to olmirstedt on the sine day, because 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 but with a cor?poeition of 22 boxcars and 20 flatcars? it was 3W ;. 4 VJ Uu5.L~( ue.ticvec Lsla'c Lnls train as won as the troop train with 25X1 I Ienrriedtf th 10th Odk componens oes ban Dive Soweveer, 25X1 :__onnarF tic the OATJ3 of the unidentified fighter regiment at Eaal~enbur ~Br:.est the previous assumotion is discredited,, other informat .on indicated. that Naas reported -JWas assigned to the' troop train 25X1 Present report, The troop train 25X1 to consist of 5 b',years ana 15 atcars only, 25X1 /?~. :, .~ train t +a . .. cr the carried elements f the 17?11 t.rc3r Tc't11~' X s'P ire -t ,r Mt z ii,ifle Div i-which moved to Letzlin - '.eath. o firan- -rac ce.~:.. Thus, the rcgi rent i,- confirmed until 27 Sortember 1P52 25X1 confirms t be 70th (..4'..x3 of the 2 st rn! 7i: ' ~r r 1.i4.... -e7 1'._.r .in Halle Tint-il .r+nc7r, rr. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014900150006-9 Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14900150006-9 25X1 a "entember 111:;52t, elon;: s to an ai? .c