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PLACE 25X/ACQUIRED 25xpATE INFO. , 1 , Approved Forgeleate 2063/08/1-2':'CIA-R6082-00457R6148002160 FCA T 0 0 ?,1^.`',z.IP ? r '153a :isa) 09-0 25X1 DATE olsTr .7 ?LiAf 4() 0", near Lisichnsk ?6,) NO, OF' ENCLE0- (4 pases) 112STED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1 25X1 T;-:IS 1.11'01,4LLIATED 1, The chenicaa plant fija Z--evero-Oonets.17, J.o&:atc 3 northeast of. the tolm, of Lisichane: (tC050 3 3 22 ,C) and ,:!-EL??.:t c071ilel.:;11,01 tovn by n. hard SIL^Laced road and a new bridce ovc;r Donets ":17.ere 1;as a strip of rivra:11p1and, al:. out 2 kn. tido, etwoen plazTi.:. in 3evero-Donetsk and Lisichanak., Tht:! vas connected the Cem of aubezhna,ya (49 ?01 11/30023"E),, cfoo-ut 10 km. alrray, by a raiir sp-i.).:r and a road. A railroad track 1C-id 7.7tAlth frc thc nlant joined the main line near lernney U)q/332Oc tha Ufto C the onr2- ts aver opposito the DOT: 303U. plant:. 25X1 Prior to i-hc. sprin',; of 1949, the .)lant t.cT1,7c. belorniri; to t!lo lant vice 013 ..ctr2 Liskimstrcli Coupound). :.:;.rIce that t77)..o., it :.1t.s been reforrc to Zavod or by. its nvierical dcoiLjiatin, 20. ""T, Tras cloalAished _ . prior tr tic war, Lu t was larL:ekr Tx :047 .and the 1-lanuf ature ol a nunboy, of .;)n.t roennstruction ? ji1uncier * , The encloid area of the plant,: n 1?.f: soctionL under .;orlstruotion prior to ar..1. ^ abult 1j.C10 1,.3,:_;0 motors- Adjoi th is Lroa on t.h.c, northw(- a. I c. lo aC , of about 0 , I m was' w_lod aa a c.,.tols, allor,oc3.1y 7:as to booarp a bu.5.11 7 Li3 ] ' CUJ in3talla'Aonr; (! 52/!,) arr.:: the LriLetn7lonetrinitran.ine(G3.(0.(.. in (c 52/D 10) were for the recons soT2c of I'.hik).1 T,oro put into opi-=t:Lor 19U? vrcne us,17.i] fcr purpwos, About 1 ka east a thz:: 1: 1-1=,c,x' of 6oT"... buni.:crs ,Aleh %tro used tc store ? In e7.:;-';.7 19) 9., a de-trIcnt ? nufae,.-,urir picric c...2ic] and .iJure opc,i-a'ul01.1, Laectrieity t:h ,7) th'cru..c>- eloctr, ',KT; Cr' In Verkhlke::u., CLASS F!CAT!O 1,STATE flNAVY I 1_ I DISTRIBUTION I F ARMY APB # 'FM ! Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014800210009-0 ?5X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014800210009-0 cc:;a1LL; S. 25X1P1ant To.2Onroducoe picric acid. Luid its oauctc.: as v7011 as coal-tar dye a. 25X1 I trimethylenetrinitra:Line and iLnorf;anic.? exp. o- sives? such as arilonitim nitrate, wore prod ucod !in th ib pint, ? Fertilizers wore aljo produced_ 3,-k* 5. Thu priraary raw matkirials used in the plant were coal. tar and other products obtained from the coal-gasifying plant in Lisichansk, as well as soda and caustic alkali-Is supplied from the DON SODA plant in Vorldineye. The basic: Taatz.lrials for picric acid were made in the pl.ant 25X1 itoelt. /unable .6os'-,,ate whether the basic material for trimethy.,_enetrinitrarine?,O311606/14 namely hexarriethylenetstramine vas made ir. the plant or was su?plioo from the cutside? 6. As of late ?1743, the number of emplcriees of the entire plant was isti- riated at about 1,000 Soviet worhero and ?OCO relale internees many of Ifnon were GermanL. Prior. to .7itt,T 1951,, exports were iso employed in the laboratories;) but were usually assigned tashs which were not connected with the manufact.ut..nc7. pro:Trza of tile plant.., ? 7? The plant srea was?partly enc:LOSed by a 2,,5 meters hih. arid partly by a board fence reilSorced with. harbo.d wire. The plant viE3.2 guarded 17 irriustrial police, !wearinj,ldu& unifor=s, with vatchdoss.. Several departrie.nts of the T.:lent were parded by nilitcry. porsonnol ? The s ?idlers raoot of ? whom wero cnoiLuL 'tro rod epaulets ? 6 i.ttothg s.hipmento of el.-plosives were carried 1)7: troci:s escorted inacistrial police and equal-Tedit.'