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0U 'rRY__. 25X1 C}} Acpv T {gyp{ w i _, end _R +I"e ise 2006/04/18 : CIARDP82 ZQV50 60004-5 EVALUATION- Q12 -PLACE OBTAINED R E F ER E N C ES -a_ PAGES- 4 REMARKS ENCLOSURES (NM.. & TYPE)... ., __jEjLR%_, 0 Octobor 1912 During the period f.ror 2)Au~ st to 3 Septembr?r 195") the Hinrtenburg i;aserne on Guestrower Strasse Schl:,erin. ?1,1 54/T = 6), 'a,s occu ied by about 7,500 soldiers includin'' 1 2"o recrrlits.,. ,lost; of them,, wore reel-bordered black epaulets 1arti1ier -, 25X1 signal or motor transport insig zia. The young sol:liers received basic drill. Trai.nir.;"with six i.T-13_ro Qket l ?r~r eher is not:i.r dh 2,, wring the roricd from 23 At ylist to 3 Septerrber, the `olt gee 25X1 Kaserne on Ludwigsluster Strnsse v s occupied by about 2,500 s lt;iers wearin'p red-bor :.eyed black epaulets w h tank, Marti I_lez Y, signal or motor ti,ansrort 'zrsi nia and black-bor?-lered black epaulets r ~On Je?? tenber, 4 T- 4 t,, n'-.s tania ),nd triz,- 1o t the instal. a on V' aarc the vest,, Intensive training act ivity aa,s cc)nductod in barracks ;Far. snd in front of hp T ris t, Dorinr, the period froze. o3 hugr.s t to S op.terbcr, the ?rueger Kaserne on Lu vigsluster St !asse w is occur-',r-_),,I ?,,r .about 2,500 sol-iers wearing red-1?_or iered black epaulets " ith art ii llerv4 25X1 25X1 motor transrort or si-qna insignia and blue-?horrl-re? 1 25X1 epaulets? nfantry '.r-' and. _ntensive rifle firing ui to ive amr..uni ion. `Ca ree 1" --rim AT guns and 3 x 57-mrr T During the period from 23 august to . bepte-ber the Adolf Hitler x.aserne on Ludwisslu.ster Char ssee v-.s occurod ),; about 3t"..010 sc idiers ,,iear in: black-bor(I.ercd cr- !h.'son epaulets and red- r:'tired !ack epaulets w-'th artillery signal or motor transport ins.gnia and ifniformed women buck-bort'kored crier son e-aulots. about one fourth or the soldiers }.sere recruits. Intensive ?.ra.11a_ng and combat 1-raining was conducted in the barracks Yard c y a - rd in the ad ' i. i Duchholz 25X1 CLASSIFICATION Sr, Approved For Release 2006/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014500060004-5 Approved For Release 2006/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14500060004-5 z:i-I. LT 19Q At 6:30 a.m. on 2 1iu ust coiumn s C 4 prime 'ovcr. s to vii is !.v I ,0-r; guns an c. s 25X1 loccupied by personnel passe{' through Lu,dwigsluster StrIsse he;.ding south (4) nap-, t (1) an inspect iron of the o,.{~ n7. by 15 Soviet officers on 5 r-u;usto 25X1 The present report indicates that the installa- tion ?ncluf'in Elie buildings of the ad ;oinin.= Puesser Doug was reo cuni_ed by tr~-'ops. Grob abl ? br--lorigs to the : 94th G( J:?tz Ri_"le I.vt ere is reason to believe that compoi:en.ts of this division reocc-ipied the Installation. The dT column observed on P2 AucusU prrbabLy bel: n;s to a corns artillery unit of t -~e IX L' tz c~.;,ns , n t--ho Krueger i . Berne. The tanks _ probably ore 10 t:?anks of t he 74th 1 Tank SP Rent of p4th Gds t1t-, RI f I i v .j. Cane ~i1:.4. ~a_re l~as"rne 'The information on x thec ~n }-.Ion o:~ " the barrac; c tall ti.? (4) cct., ...v1.,~ ~i~x.. .~-:ons ins Schwerin indicates no major ch..nges over previous reports - -- - , Deviations by on by t ~e temporary absence of units for practices and/or errors in estimating. SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14500060004-5