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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
February 8, 2006
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Publication Date: 
September 12, 1952
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R014300330008-3.pdf127.08 KB
i T(7P1~,..._.wa., 1#.a;~~_Ir~#,~?'~~,.W.n:~.:~?n y~rn~t _.rf~..a1~~~._~C~m~w "'~?..~~"' rr`. _..._.__....m.,. EVAL_UATii DATE OF CONTENT 25X1 rN ACE iNEDI 25X1 DATE OBTAINED DATE PREP'AED2.texi3, REFERENCES PAGES REMARKS.. 25X1 25X1 1. On 22 July 1952, 12 to 15 barracks;.each about 25 to 30 meters fang, were observed in the camp on the north side of Forst F'rote, on both side;a oi' the Bad I oesen .,+ 52/T 78) -- ukulau road. Soldiers wearing black-bor dared blact- epaulets, including 80 percent without branch-of--so v ice insignia. 10 percent with signal insignia and 10 percent with motor traaasport -Insignia were seen in traffic to the cartoncrent Swim- Q t d 3 t : b ll , ,s ,oo n r iee i eting 25X1 area. Thirty front sections, 30 middy a sections and 30 rear sect_i_oit rf pen-. toons and a large pile of planks were stored on thw . bank of the Same !:=era One r,.wtorboat was in this water and two were loaded onto trick trailers., ' Bridge 25X1. sections of oontoons were constructed on. the 3aale River. A pile driver was on 25X1 a ferry, about 10000 troops occupied t 7e camp, beat resi- dents stated 1,200 and 1,500 troops were quartered there, Be lbweeu 2 ard. 500 perm., on 6 August, no charges were noticed,. !'here was no training a_cti%ity- actit'ityr, Trucks ere in the store pe a:reat, 2. On 6 and 9 August, the' engineer camp at Bad lCoeser; Maas occupied to capacity-, ost of the soldiers wore blaclo-bordered black epaulets and a few red b accred. 25X1 black epaulets wit, i' art'.llery insignia, Three mote 3 ?ea drivers me- re tion at three different place es on t+ river., At one site. below 'Paidelsburg, 25X1 troops practiced the pivot; of proassembled wooden bridge sbe'tion;:z wT ""`,h the help f o two 'hoisting gears mounted on a thre e-axle truck,. 25X1 25X1 Fran 70 to 80-pontoons., 1 notorboat, 1 large rphibicris mar and. :i small 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 anptx:L. i ous car nacre seen near the engineer trai.nin. ; z:i.te,o Trucks seen in traffic to the care transporti.r so:Ic' iers with red epaulets, I _ transporti,n, soldier with red-bordered hl.ack ck - -- w . 25X1 tar cafe the same r ^i near camp,, Coy tpaared with another repot pararrao , aich covered a period until the end of July 1952, it appears tnat e training area was mare heavily occupied r::?ter the be inning of Aunust 1 2a Th r; otor vehicle II belong to the EighL.h Gds 25X1 Ar?r y> Jilements o the Eighth (Ids Am V Lc:kacle d engineer equipmen xn swiss on rzi~uste 1i,: is posaibl tJzat engir e~~^ un s returned to Bad Koesen from this area. 25X1 CL-ASSiFICATI n v.,na.. 25X1 ENCLOSURE S Q' o Si CI~Tj ON Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300330008-3