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Ap A &F. ase 2006/08/ !31 -RDP82-00457R014300310005-8 SECURITY II'OTION ? `~ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25X1 REPORT FF ATI REPORT Co NO. COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT Railroad and Road Bridges over the Oder River 25X1 PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO,. OF YNB ONIUM STAYS. WITHIN THE NEAMIHR OP TITLE 18. 68CTIOBS 79Ft AFID 79#. OF THE U. S. CODE. AS AMENDED. ITS 4ANSVIVSIOW O2 REVEL S31ON OF I1 CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY .1LI UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PILO RIOITAD AST LAW lE REPRG 1 U 1011 OP Y!{IS P+IR~ IS PRODIDITEII. 101 ~ p ''xx~ .~ry app IItikM ~..{yy",t 4' .NVf+#hZ~e"i'??.k"+:sw?~ ;ST~'ut.'si~ 25X1 STA7'F NAVY NSR DISTftIBUTIQ~f x AIR FBI P_1 25X1 DATE DISTR. 21 November 1952 NO, OF PAGES 4 NO. OENGLS. 9 alaetchea (LISTED BEU SUPPLEMENT REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1rc bridge ne r Hrze ; Eo13q, Tie structure jr, 3 rrer arch. :,rr_ss br`_d =e, about 1'"'0 r'et`ers Ier g resti rig on four n.oTfl.r bfult concrete r'?ers., 1.meters thick +nd 40 "a(eI 'ers apart;Y T: e bridge? 1iahich as 70 ra i 74 wirrebr.ilt bJ n 1951. There v'ere no ,_(,obr' e: C- tit o4 1., r! 6 e above a.eter level ^ : 4. meter i' depth raver ;: br d : -L.:)riel.er , width of river--tied: 6a0 ~ters: per iottcm gave river banks: loar:; marl gr ivel; ' idth of rori,.1bed: meters ?r'ith 'G-0 tr'?ycks n.o sid.ewa1 :s 1)rt ] ,e I or 1 AT y' t ~) t,lg f .' river banks: rave -tnd loam; width of root lyr" i ?.u mote's with two tracks, n,l two s rlezalk5 .;i. r-;Q;SIFICATION ?ECRE Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300310005-8 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300310005-8 25X1 bridge .f ocring : wooden ; 1anka: r.axi r~ r load c..A aci t 1150, tons. .1 telorhone c=able crossed the `,ridge-, There .'ere no deriolit?i ,,r::, char"-bers., ' 3 ~ d. }ta:-iroad bridge near StaWo T_,e structure is a steel truss bridge abort 12u) r.:eters long, rrith five piers each l..11 meter: tiuick and 30 neters apart. The br:i d,- e, chid: r- is 30 rercent d.e stro res-i in 1041'p > -,s reconstructed b, t u7us.t 1?1-,1, There wrlec,e ro icebreakers, Height of br? 1 above water level: meters; depth river at .x"?td e: IG iietors; width of r';...ver-bed: 30 n,:.ters: river bottom: gravel; river banks: loar:r, aand ,ravel; ,wridf. of roadbed: C voters with two tracks, :nod two s i_ ?et., alks each 1 meter y fide, ?-ric?gc;, floorinr wooden rtan.iks; di.aximum load capacity: 250 tons. telerhofe c.a'--' e crossed the bridge. There were no ciertolttion -hanbe!~s 0? Faiiro,ad bridge near .pamar, q The structure is a steel trus bridge, about l20 rieters long, with three concrete piers e ac.tz m meters thick and six terraporar;T +~,~ooflen piers teach, t meters t.hicci: an.t 30 r:eter?s apart,, The bridge was '~rp i ercent cie:~tro .e? in 1;45 and repaired in a makeshift way by June i9 6 The-'e were four wooden icehroakers, Height of bridge above v ,ter level: 4.5 meters; depth Of* at br dg i,.3 meters; with: - of river--bc:t : 70 spteters; river bot':arrr: 7rav z-ivcr banks: loa:r_ ?ind gravel; Width of roadhr d: 8 r.eters w th two tracks, no s dewalks; maximum load capacit,-: 2-CO t ns. A telephone cable crossed the bridge. There were no demol'itir charber s o (5) i'. hsi._i_road bridle re-jr Deutsc-l: steel trust- bri.l e> .bout ettkc?.:., The structure i a .lw~~; meters ion ; 1'~2 t h five cots-,rote friers each lob rrr Mears thick and 30 meters apart. The hr" ' -e s c,mp1etei y destroyed in 1945 but reconstructed by Sort.. tomber 1953? There are n;: icebreakers., hei_g t of bridge above: Water level: 5 no tors ? depth of river ~a t, '.br d -F : 1.6 :refers; width of river- }r?ci: 70 meters; river L':om ?rave;? ; river banks: loam 'mnfi r.avail : f1-~ori n/; : 4~'oo ten rp1.-en`s; -:~idth of rc; 3dhed: ureter.; with t':.. trace: ra and two s't ,?'e,"al,t s each r,.etor wide; raximum lead capa Ht2250 tons. = telephone crossed the. brid `l e ' f g ,? nprn ."ere ern drener1_ition ch.ir,~:ere.( . t a? Road bridge near Kroeno Odrzanakie. The structure Is a steel truss br i ci e hot 10' meters long tied tlz four concrete Piers each 1.6 nc'te3rs think and 30 meters apart. In 1945, the bridge 4?,?:-s 50 percent: destrojed ; but it was reconstructed by istxnu.st 1949. The were no icebreakers, Height of hrirl:e above wiiter level: 4.5 meters: depth of river at br -.dge: 1.7 meters- width of river-bred: 60 meters; river bottom: ;ravel; river banks: loam and gravel; width of roadt,ay: 7 roster" s and two si.dewwalk.s each 1 meter .was de; height of rr>ilir.;l; ? 1025 meters; bridge flooring:rrsphalt; maximum load cap fi_t;;r: 100 tons. telephone cable =,in t an electric line crosser.[ t~;e brf 'flea There were no demo t ition chambers (7 ) 0.. mgr act bridge ne.a.r Sein a The structure I s a. ste ~l truss b;C i dP ,