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Publication Date: 
October 9, 1952
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p.N1 f: I..OFAX 27. 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/08/0 . ;,C14-RDP82-00457R014300030011-2 CLASSIFICATION ~~ S1:CU ITY IT OR IATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY East G?rmany SUBJECT One Hundred Million Frame-per4eoond Camera Development at Zeiss. Jena PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 25X1 25X1 DATE DISTR. 9 October 1052 NO.. OF PAGES 1. NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTER BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS DOCOLICRT CORTAIRS IRPONRIATION AFFSCTUI9TNB ISATIORAL DEFENSE: OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE IEANINO OF THE I.3PIONAON ACT EA' U. S. C., it AND SS. AS AMENDED.. ITS TRADSRIISSIOR O@ THE WIEVELATIOI OF ITS CONTENTS IN ART CANNER TO All UNAUTEIOR13MD PU11ON 1.9 PDC- NIDITID I m LAW, RHPDODUCIION OF THIS PODU IS PNOHIERTHD. IN; .THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 N_3 CIF"W[ATE to In F'e'bruary 1952, the Berliner Technisches BBfro (BTB) of SAG Transmasch., formerly part of SAG Avtovelop notified VEB Carl Zeiss, Jena, that it was working on the development of a special camera with an exposure time of one hundred millionth of a second, Oberirigenieur (fnu)",,1ucherpfennig of BT'B pointed out that the development was based on a paper by M n Sultanoff s "A 1004 000., 000 frame per second camera"*,, In order to develop the camera, B'I'B reouested. Zeiss to produce a latticed screen (Gitter), of four by four inches with lattice lines having a thickness of one ten thousandth of an inch and a. screen constant of one hundredth of an inch. It was furthermore srectfied that the lines were to be drawn on a metal layer and to be tearzed upon a glass plate, The thickness of the lines was to be very exa.d.t? 2V Zeiss accepted the order for the screen,. In August 1952 the Zeiss Feinteilerei was engaged in making the required screen under the direction of Meister (master artisan) Orlamuende who was being assisted by several scientists of the Zeiss Poinmess departments At that time the screen vas not yet completed omment0 The article was published in The Review of Scientifio Instruments, Volume XXI, Page 633, 1950. CLASSIFICATION XI HAVY NSFdB I-AI9 DISTRIBUTION Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300030011-2