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FEB 1952 5I-4AA Approved For Release 2002/08/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014300020005-0 CLASSIFICATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 25X1A INFORMATION REPORT REPORT NO. CD NO. COUNTRY Ecuador DATE DISTR. 17 October 1952 SUBJECT Activities of the Federacion Provincial de Trabajadores del Guayas (FPTG) 25X1A DATE OF ACQUIRED PLACE INFO. NO, OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) 25X1X SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NC) The u mmuni t-dominated Federacion Provincial ,de Trabajadoree del Guayas (FPTG)? continues to parallel the Communist Party line closely and to work in conjunc- tion with the Partido Comunista del Ecuador (FCE) against common enemies, such as Carlos Guevara Moreno? yor of Guayaquil, and the United States.1 16 On 12. August 1952 a meeting of the FPTG delegates, some 30 in all, was held at the federationvs Guayaquil headquarters. Segundo Ramos Navarrete? prominent Communist and Secretary-General of the FPTG, made a brief address analyzing the past achievements of the federation. He bitterly criticized the propaganda commission for not functioning properly and failing to distribute leaflets and wall posters which had been printed at the expense of the near-bankrupt FPTG. On the other hand, he praised the commission charged with organizing a benefit dance to raise funds for the federation. Ramos next proposed a series of stereotyped resolutions, such as the followings The FPTO stands for s Higher wages and salaries Abolition of short-term contracts Loner prices A continuing fight against Carlos Ora Moreno Better secial security coverage Stronger labor organizations A fight against those taking land from poor farmers. All of these resolutions were approved. Ramoa ended his address by urging the ' delegates to encourage support for the workers of the Witting Shipyard, who, it appeared, would soon go on strike. The worker& troubles were blamed on the United States, as represented by Francis Vincent Coleman, American manager of the company. 2. Victor Munoz, POE member from Estero Clam, Chilcales? next took the floor and explained that the farmers in that area were being unjustly deprived of their CLASSIFICATION SECRET STATE#EV ARMY NAVY AIR NSR8 DISTRIBUTION FB I Approved For Release 2002/08/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014300020005-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014300020005-0 SECRET 25X1A land and that those who resisted these incursions were taken prisoner and sent to jail.2 30 On 22 August another meeting was held at FPTG headquarters, Three pointe were brought up for discussion, and the following resolutions resulted from these deliberationsa a, The FPTG vehemently protests the attempts being made by the Ecuadoran National Assembly to disqualify Pedro Seed, Secretary-General of the PCE, and Manuel Agustin Aguirre, Secretary-General of the Partido Socialista del Ecuador (PSE), as Functional Senators for Labor. %solu- tions of solidarity would be sent to Quito by all affiliated unions of the FPTG. b. The FPTG condemns the actions of Carlos Guevara Moreno and pro- tests before the masse A protest meeting 'would be held at the Sociedad de Carpinteroe on 5 September 1952, ce The FPTG fully supports the class struggle being waged by the 'workers of the Witting Shipyard and calls upon all affiliated unions to give financialaid to the workers who muld soon go on strike. Token solidarity strike: of one-hour duration would be held as a sign of support for the workere. On 27 August the financial commission of the FPTG met, to discuss results of a fund-raising dance held at the Sociedad de Carpinteros on 23 Auguste It was determined that S/1065 were collected and S/34.0 were outstanding. This money was to be turned over to the FPTG treasury, 59 FPle, meetinge which had been scheduled for 28 and 29 August were canceled when an insufficient number of delegates appeared on these dates, Those delegates who went to FPTG headquarters on 28 August received the wording of slogans to be painted on posters and paeted on walls throughout Guayaquil during the course of the following week. These slogans followed the usual PCE pattern in deneunoing-Guevaeee the United States, the military pact, and lila Semana de la Eceatorianidad".-' 6, A meeting was held on 1 September, at which tine Segundo Ramos Navarrete explained that the local Lions' Club had approached the FPTG to obtain the. support of the workers for a new children's hospital to be built, in Guayaquil,. Most of the cost of the hospital? an estimated S/20,000?0009 mould be fer- nished by commercial firms and eelleto-do individuals', but the Lions Club hoped to Obtain some support from the laboring classes which would most bene- fit from the hospital. Elias Munoz, Communist and FPTG member, denounced this ae a plan to drain funds from the workers. Ramos next brought up the matter of the Witting strikers and again urged the delegates to do everything in their power to aid in this class struggle* 7. Plans were made for a large public assembly to be held on 5 September at the Sociedad de Carpinteroe, and all affiliated unions were urged to distribute leaflets and peters publicizing this meeting* Alberto Santos McrlaD Ecuadoran Communist, read a report On the financial-succens of the dance held on 23 August l9520 8. On 2 September members of the strike committee of the FPTG met and decided to Visit the offices of Francis Vincent Colemans, of the 'Witting Shipyard, Twelve delegates of the FPTG called on Coleman on 3 September toplead the cause of the striking morkerse These delegates were led by Marco Tulio ?rams, Ecuadoran Communist* Coleman exp,Lained that the "fly in the ointmentm impeding settlement of the strike .was Jorge Maldonado Reneilal Ecuadoran Comm- nist, who was apparently attempting to bribe Coleman to settle the strike in return for some S/1000 to be paid to Maldonado* On 3 September the FPTIO delegates visited the 'striking Witting workers to express their solidarity* SECT Approved For Release 2002/08/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014300020005-0 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/08/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014300020005-0 SECRET 25X1A 9. The public assembly of 5 September was generally considered by the FPTG to have been a failure, Sone 300 persons in all attended, Principal speakers at this assembly were Segundo Ramo s Navarretes, Pascual Palominos, And Guillermo Canarte Canarte, A number of resolutions were passedo . among them resolutions denouncing the military pact and calling for a fight for peace, In general these all followed the usual Communist line, 10 'Comment. The principal speakers at all of the FPTG meetings Were Members -of the PCE. PCE-FPTG collaboration appears to be closer than ever and no effort seems to be made to cover u this fact. See 1 2 0. Comment. The PCE has in the past urged farmers to settle on land awned by Others. Men an attempt is later made to evict them :much publicity is devoted to the 'stealing" of the lands of these small farmers by rich and greedy feudalistic landlords. SECT Approved For Release 2002/08/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014300020005-0