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Approved For Release 2006/07/11 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014000260001-1 FEB 195229 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CLASS I F I CAT I ON SECRET/QONTROL.-U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION REPORT REPORT NO. CD NO. COUNTRY Hungary 25X1 SUBJECT organization of a Hungarian Infantry Division car company (12 scout cars), one armored eo*pany (15-17 old T-3ks), one motorcycle company, one motorized machine-pistol company, one anti-tank platoon, one mortar platoon, one communications platoon, one motorized train column. (There are infantry divisions which replace the motorcycle and machine-pistol comipanies_with cavalry companies). An antiaircraft abteilung, consisting of three batteries (each with six 37 **. antiaircraft guns), one aircraft observation platen. NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 799 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION 'OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. a. A scouting battalion of about 600 men. It consists of an armored scout A heavy antitank ebteilung, consisting of three batteries, each with four 76.2 antitank guns. 1. Hungarian infantry divisions are known as "rifle divisions." The organization of the divisions is not absolutely identical, and differences. will be indicateI& later. The organization given below is the usual one. 2. The divisional command has a staff, a staff company, and a security platoon. The divisional troops are: d. An independent motorized battery, with four 76.2 aa,moterized guns, intended as support for the scouting battalion. e. A motorized engineer battalion, with two ccmpanies. (It has not been possible to motorize all these.) f. A ccamunications battalion, consisting of three companies. One is a' ccumunications construction company., one a radio company, one a telephone and telegraph company. CLASSIFICATION SECRET/CONTROL..-U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1 DATE DISTR. 23 September 1952 NO. OF PAGES SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO., THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Approved For Release 2006/07/11 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14000260001-1 6CD Approved For Release 2006/07/11 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14000260001-1 SECRET/CONTROL--U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY g. A transport coluano Part of these are motorized, part not yet equipped. The repair units are those most lacking in equipment. 3. The troops area one armored regiment; three infantry regiments; one field artillery regiment; one medium mortar regiment. 4. Armored Regiment. It has one tank battalion., one tank destroyer battalion... 1 one motorizmachine pistol scouting company. The tank battalion has 33 T-3 tanks with 76.2 ma. guns; it is divided into three companies. The tank destroyer battalion has three companies, with about 12 Russian SU tank destroyers with 76.2 as guns, all together. The motorized machine pistol scouting cempany has one motorcycle platoon and one auto platoon. Infantry Regiments. One regiment is motorized. Each regiment consists of three battalions besides regimental troops known as the preserve. A regiment has three rifle battalions. one antitank company (four 57 a guns and-two 45 mmeguns), one machine pistol scouting company., one accompanying gun battery (four 76-.2 a.guns), one mortar company (six 120 n. mortars ), one antiaircraft company--( six heavy machine guns. 12.7 = 4,, one c? municatiens, company.. oft e engineer c ony, one train column. (The, regimental troops are motorized it most regiaeeuts, especially the accompanying gun and-mortar companies.- In many regiments the mortar company has 82 mmorts ?s.) A rifle battalion consists of three rifle companies (each with three rifleplatoons -'one machine gun platoon; nine light machine guts, 28 machine two maxim machine guns) 9 one machine gun company (12 maxim sudchine., guns )$* pistols , (two m guns,); one mortar company (nine 82 mmomortars);"one antitank plots on one antiaircraft platoon (four 12.7 antiaircraft machine guns), one 'damounicatiens platoon; one motor transport column. The heavy armakentindicated has not yet been supplied to all Hungarian infantry regiments. It will deiibtless be many months before all are fully supplied with their weapons. 6. -Field Artillery . The -gimeht consists of one ranging company and three artillery abteilungs. Many regiments have only two abteilungs. Each abteilung. has three batteries,, each battery four guns. The ranging company is -noterized. Each regiment has one abteilung with 76.2 ma-guns and a howitzer abteilung with twelve 122 mm,howitzers. Medium Mortar Regiment. The regiment has two mortar abteilungs. Each abteilung has three batteries, each battery four mortars, 120 mm. 8. Aside from the troops listed, all Hungarian infantry divisions have se-called training regiments, which supply the necessary reinforcement personnel, both from recruits and through refresher courses. 9. Aside from the regular infantry divisions there 'are some special infantry formations. An "independent rifle division is known of, which besides the regular -troops has one rocketmpa?a3ector abteilung, and a motorized howitzer abteilnng with 152 me howitzers. There is also known a "motorized rifle divisien", which is fully motorized. In this division the antitank company of. each regiment has four 76.2 mmaguns and two 57 am. guns. The field artillery regiment consists of three - abteilungs, one equipped with 76.2 maaguns, two with 122 rm.-howitzers, The mortar regiment has. 160 us, mortars. The heavy antitank abteilung has twelve 85 no, guns. SECRET/CONTROL-U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/07/11 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14000260001-1