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IN TELWAAAipproved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13900370015-6 FORM NO. 51-4AA FEB 1952 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SF,CHET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION REPORT REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY SUBJECT 25X1DATE OF INFO. 25X1PLACE ACQUIRED Hungary The State Railways MAV THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 25X1 25X1 U CULATE DATE DISTR. 19 September 1952 NO, OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION The average figure of railway engines out of service is 15-2Q sets (Garnituren) for3 6 and sometimes more hours per day. Because of the critical shortage In locomotives the Minister of Communications deals with each case personally and heavy fines are inipose& which only have the effect of embitter-tng the railway personnel. In the only engine factory in the country (MVAG, Budapest) all the leading technicians- have bed missing s-tnce the middle of. the first week in July 1952 and it. is believed that they have been dismissed. Plat cars : The greatest pressure in the repair workshops is being -pUt on the general overhaul of 200, 20-ton flat cars, Safety-signalling devices. On the Budapest - Hegyeshalom stretch these are so that trains can run on both tracks in the.same direction simultaneously. This re-oorganization is being carried out from east to west and the work is in progress near Sz ,r. 4+. Traffic: The sidings near Almasfuzito which were formerly empty were on 11 July 1952 occupied by several hundred Polish tank cars which have been hired to help out the shortage. SECRET/CONTROL - U.-S. OFFICIALS ONLY NSRB For Rele se 2Q0f0 . X CIA-RD 0112 Oo457Rnh 39hn37nn15L6 Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13900370015-6 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY - 2 - 5. On 8 .July 1952 the stations on the Szolnok .- Debrecen - NyiregyhAza line were almost empty: On 11 July 1952/ two hospita],. trains were. observed standing at Acs. New Constructions-e In 1951 priority was given to the immediate bu.ildbng of new loading ramp and passing tracks in 8oproii and Csorna, on the Gyor - Sopr~jn stretch. Csorna was completed, but has not yet been passed by the experts. no work has yet started at Sopron, but one passing track has been laid at both Kony and Rabatamasi. This plan has now been shelved and no further urgency is attached to it. An ore transloading station for trains with a capacity of 1 000 tons was to 'be , built,with urgent priority, at ZAhony. This was to be ready by the 15 September 1952. The press reports about the new line between R&tszilas and Sztalinv ,ros are correct. 10. Identity cakdh: When the Ministry of Commun-iaations and Postal Affairs was s r;lit up in January 1952, the personnel of the new Satin stry was given new 'iddnntity cards. These must contain a photograph of the holder. According to the rl4les printed.on page 3, article 3, the holders are entitled to use all forms of public transport free of charge/ including1trains running according to the war time- tableal The wording of page 2 of the identity card (title etc.) is printed in Hungarian, Russian, and. French. 11. Reduction-of personnel- There is a commission charged with the reduction of personnel in the Ministry of Communications. The chairman is a `Munkasklder' - i.e. a man of working class origin who has been screened as politically reliable. He has ordained that of the 56 employees of the traction section, 23 are to be dismissed and when the head of this department -protested, he explained that his knowledge of railway matters was.confined to the fact that ea train is a thing you get-into and sit down on.' Air raid shelters with 2.5 m. thick concrete walls are being built in Pecs, HatvaA, Miskolc, and Debrecen.. 13 The railway sccideut between i sbAnya Feis6 and Rakos on 4 June 1952 was accurately reported by the Voice of America. There were 35 - 40 dead, 40 seriously injured and about 300 injured altogether At the weekly political meeting the station personnel was told that the signalman in charge of the points had been hanged and.that .the - station master had beert condemned tj life impriainent 14. It is estimated that 500, 2O-ton covered freight chrs will be supplied by To,1a,nd to Hungary by the end of 1952, 1,000 covered freight cars were on order but could not be supplied to -Hungary because of the lack of raw material. ?15. During 1952/ the Gyor Car Factory was to construct 200, 60-ton coal cars in excess of the planned quantity for Russia. This delivery was to replace,a delivery of foodstuffs already ordered. SECR'BT/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS .ONLY Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13900370015-6