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Approved For Release 2406/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013900370009-3 "..,t nvr' S1- AA FEB 1952 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CD NO. to The new barracks (Noo 1 on t:he sketch) houses the headquarters of a tank regiment, APO No, 6101, This regiment is subordinate to the 7th Armored Division at Esztergomo COUNTRY Hungary SUBJECT Military Installations at TTatpw76vi.ro5 I' a... A K; .. 25X1 DATE OF INFO. 25X1 PLACE ACQUIRED CLASSIFICATION SECRF,T/CONTROL ? U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION REPORT REPORT Lie 25X1 DATE DISTR. 3 October 1952 NO OF PAGES 4 NOOF ENCLS. 1 (1 sketch) 25X1 DO NOT CIRCULATE SUPPLEMENT REPORT NO. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NALIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- 2 5X 1 LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. Commander of the regivents Major Imre TWk Political officer' of the regiment8 Lieutenant JBzsef Balisz Commander of the 3d Battalions Captain Kuppka (fnu) 20 The 3d Battalion servos at the R koei Tank Officers' School as a training The headquarters of the battalion has about '28 mono ` It consists of the following unites ao One heavy tank 6rompany9 equipped with six `T 34/85 and four Stalin III, About 140 mono b, On* light tank company, equipped with 24 T34/7602, About 160 mono eo One transportation company equipped with 40 light Ralba trucks, 10 light Czaepol'Diesel trucks, 12 light Wippon trucks, I light truck equipped with a d 12 motorc Ilea, About One light company of self propel,lipd guns,, equipped with 18 SU/76,20 About 100 mono co One company of sslf-propelled guns, equipped with six SU/100 and four SU/122, About 100 mono ran*, 1 Xavag Diesei traotor, 3 passenger cars, an y SECRET/CONTROL - U0S, OFFICIALS ONLY Raw TD~~REcORDS 1 p~1ED~llS lM~AEDl3> DDB: ~,d X1 AIR X I FBI FARMY RV Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13900370009-3 Approved For Release 2066/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013900370009-3 SECRET/COW TROL - [J.6. OFFICIALS ONLY The Ra,kosi Tank Officers' School 25X1 an The staff and the f acultys Commandant of the schools Lieutenant Colonel Fereno Ferenczyo Assistant Commandant and Political Officers Captain J8zsef MolnAro The permanent faculty consists ofabout 75 officers. There are also visiting officers from field units... The school does not have a numerical designation and is always referred to by name. b. The student body. The number of cadets is about 3,600, They are divided into two groups. i)o Training group (Alk4pz-8as Ceoport). To this group belong those who have had one year of activae service in the armored troops or some other service. They are volunteers or have been recommended by their commanding officers, and attend the school for one yearn (2),, Recruit group (Ujonc Csopo't)o To-this group belong those who have not had any active service. They are volunteers or have been recommended by their local Party crganizatioxtc, or their factory council. They attend the school for two years. ( ). The cadets are divided into 24 companies of 150 men each,, and each company into 3 training sections of 50 men each. The companies are identified by the letters of the alphabot,9 such as company A., and the sections are numbered and are identified by a combi ration of letter and number., such as , /1 Enroll- ment is the school does not guarantee that the cadets will become officers upon graduation. (4)o During the course of traiz:ing eogre cadets are eliminated and some may fail to become officers. Only the top cadets become officersg at present the maximum is set at 25 per&ent of the cadet corps. The rest of the graduates become non-commissioned officers. c o Training g (l)a Each of the two groups; has a different training program., since one of the groups has had training in active) service. (2)o. T'h,.theoretical part of the instruction covers the various branches of military science. 'Emphasis is placed on training which-will produce armored troop officers either for field service or as instructors; The span of training available at the school ranges from armored non-?dznrnisaioned officers to armored battalion comma eree (S)e Two hours daily are devoted to physical training. (4). Combat training.and handling of tank and self-propelled guns is conducted at - the "tankdromee (-Noo 13 on the sketch). () Target practice with infantry weapons, tankas0 and self-propelled guns is conducted on the firing range (Noo 12 on the eketoh)m SECRET/7 CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013900370009-3 Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013900370009-3 SHCT~f;t NT.( , - U.S,, OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1 (6), There are no Rusaiaan officers assigned to the school as instruotorea Hawever'o Russian tank officers take part in oombat exercises,, They have no contact with the tr?oopsg they only advise the officers in charge. (7) All the officers assigned to the school as well as the cadets wear dark blue epaulettes and dark blue insignIf with a gilded tank emblem, d, Equipment 8 The school utilizes the equipment of the M Armored (Training) Battalion,, which is subordinate to the Tank Regiment with APO No, 6201, In.addition to the equip- rent of the .3.d Battalion,,. the school has 10 SU/122,, and 8 Stalin III4 4e The infantry barracks (Noe 7 an,t4o- i) are occupied by a guard force of about 160 men who are guarding. the railitfr'y ino allaations,, warehouses,, and training fields, They are also responsible for checking all vehioul*r? traffic, SWPM/boNTROL U, S o OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013900370009-3 Approved For Release 2066/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13900370009-3 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS OI1Y .Attachment Legend to the attached map-sketoh of the Tata-TNviros areas New barracks for tanks 6Qnstruotod in 194950? and located about 2 kilometers' from the center of town, It' is a single story building, approximately 80 x 40 metersg it can house about 700 men, In the some area there is also a garage., a supply building, and guard posts. The construction is to be continued, Sports field next to the ? now barracks. 3). Guard post and entrance to the barracks. The P,kosf Tank Officers. School. This school has 38 modern buildings which were. constructed on the former Essterh zy property. Further expansion, which will include administration buildings, garages, and machine shops, is expected. The school can accommodl%te-4,000 men. 5). On*,-story building, housing officers of the school. 6). Ono-story building housing the service office and the garrison headquarters,, 7). Infantry barracks capable of housing 500 men. 8). Ammunition depot. 9). Target firing range. 10) School officeW club. ii). Clothing depot. 12). Firing range for infantry weapons and tank guns. 13). Tank training field.equ:Lpped with,,'---semaphore and a public address system. There is also a one-story building, 40 x 40 meters, housing offices and lecture halls. Two gasoline tanks, with a capacity of 180 tons each. They are embedded in the ground and protrude only about 1,5 meters above the surface. They are surrounded by an embankment. ' SMUT/CONTROL m UQS. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13900370009-3 SECRET,/COl1TR0L U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY ATTACHMENT BECRiT/C?NTROL m UWO OFFICIALS, ONLY' 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/02/27 CIA-RDP82-00457R013900370009-3 e=" Approved For Release 2b06102127 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013900370009-3 The Tit TSvAro Area