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Appra qh, % ftl use 2006/03/03: CIA-RDP82-00457RO13900060001-5 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CLASS I F I CATION ISFCR T/C0I '`OL OFFICT -Imy SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION REPORT REPORT REFEr COUNTRY Pola -,DO NOT CIRCULATE DATE DISTR. 9 September 1952 SUBJECT Telecommunication Industry NO. OF PAGES 2 DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED OF THE UN.ITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 79} AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. CD NO. NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 The Production of radio, telephone and. telegraph equipment is supervised by the Central Administration for the , lectrical Industry I,Centralny Zarzad.Przemyslu lektrycznego), al. Staling, Dom.Erecsona, Warsaw. This office issues directives and approves pl s and projects which are worked out byte Tele- riadiokomnianikac,d_jnego TIR) The technical division of this directorate is located at ul. Ratuszowa 10, Warsaw, while the administrative offices. are at diviaon e 1o ed any Russian th y er I-r ul. Koperh.ika, Warsaw... Up to April 1950, nei. The two greatest technical experts within the DPTIRw.e an engineer named Ftutriik d another engineer who received part of his training in Massachusetts.. .The largest factory for the pr.odction of radio and radio-telephone sets is the State Tele Radio Technical. Works at ul. Grochowska 33~, Warsaw, which employs approximately 1,500 workers. This factory also produces field telephones. The equipment manufactured at this factory is produced from both Polish and Soviet ,11rawings and plans. The State Radio Receiver Factory (Panstwowa Fabryka Radio-odbiornikow) at Dzierzomi.ow employs approximately 500 workers and in 1950 produced about 1,.000 radio receivers per month. Most of the sets which are assembled here are the four-tube Pioneer type, These sets are manufactured; at this plant under a license agreement made with the Swedish Gas Accumulator Co. (Svenska Akiiebo.laget Gasaccumulat.or-A.G..A) of Sweden in 1945/46. Radio tubes are produced in the former Philips factory at Ka1olkowO45. 3- /d'$ e orted from 4 im d p enum, ar The necessary mE0tallic raw materials, such as molyb .such Sweden. There has been, and perhaps still is, some import of finished radio tubes from Eung .ry CLASSIFICATION SECRE4T?/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY [STATE ,:x NAVY X NSRB DISTRIBUTION I ARMY Lx Am yedl%~ RwLloo~ A~41;M_Fvv 1 _U Approved For R 3: I R 7 900060001-5 25X1 25X.1 25X1 25X1 Underground: cables.are produced, mainly Polish Cable (Kobel Polski.) ig Irakow, also by a smaller factory in Bydgoszcz and by Norblin in Warsaw. Finished radio transmitter,8 (short wave) are purchased mai: ly from A,,G.A. in. Sweden. The UB (Security $olice) and the Air Force are the main consumers. interference transmitters have been. purchased from England,, Ship's radios have been purchased In Sweden, Rolland, and to a limited extent,,Denmar. k. Foreign trade involving electrical equipment is handled by the state-controlled firm., Electrum, al.. Pulawska, Warsaw. The director general is Knothe, an engineer and specialist in high current. The vice director is Sell, a specialist in low current who is from the Poznan region and who was employed in a.Siemens p m't' before the war. The UB controls all shortwave senders, including those. of diplomatic posts .abroad.. The UB, which has its own radio workshops, has bought several foreign radio parts through Electrum. Radio Poland (Radio Polski) plays a unique role in the government. the Ministry of National Defense transmits its orders to foreign countries t,hr Radio Poland.(sic). Radio Poland. has its own repair shops on ul. Polua (s?c). Warsaw. Technical experiments are conducted in Raszyn (R53/P98) which is carefully carded and.''has a very large radio.sender. The Raszyn sender is located in an area completely covered with trees and so isolated that it__ was: not possible to observe anything of importance either from the road or from. LOT a s airport. Radio Poland empl s a large numaer of independent specialists, including;Soviet citilian persons 2. Comment o According to.a decree dated 2 August 1953 te, Poland was placed under the administration of the )1 nistry of Post and Telegraph- SECRET/CONTROL U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013900060001-5