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Document Release Date: 
April 3, 2006
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Publication Date: 
August 19, 1952
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CvLASSIF1CATION O7 'T(1f i (}i7'.tr Approved For Release 2006/05/25)I: AIRDP i_ 1_ JJ138001 0005-0 INTR-t r.a t.~,^r ,~r~, ,anYr wr _ ._-REPORT NO.-.-. 1'I pIr, "lil'"vtnyr T fn-r -titg?' ;'r Er" lfi^anrl;an1my-rr 25',X1 ~,~......~ ~..,.~.,~..,_-..._...,.,_.~. 4 _e DATE PREPARED. 7 ,t_1_0 _52 PAGE;S. ? -ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE; REMARKS 0 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 I corning from the Artillerie Kaserne and bo-ond for . ten~Ta ow, a p,mm A shipment of seven factory-now trucks Icoming from Frankfurt/Oder ,nu dispatched to xi 21 Jule ti shipment of two JS tanks from moesor, at 4 p.m. (7) and destined for units stationed in the sLrtillcric Kasernee 23 Ju 'r. A shipment of 30 to 35 u 'C ,:T/CGI TI GL/? Oz' CI.',i > ULLY rI AS.qIFlrP,Tl0N 1. On 23 July 1952, the Flak Kaserno in Drandenb Ii 53/1", 23) was occupied by only a rear detail of 20 to 40 soldiersa ff:~ (1) Shipments observed at the Brandenbur -Altstadt railroad station included: 25X1 12 July. i; -grain, consisting of 10 boxcars carrying soldiers with red- 25X1 bordered black epaulets, and an undetermined number, of Flatcars, carrying 6 x 37.-1am JVL guns and 39 trucks, ca:ia.ns; ro:_a r.a note ax procee ing to an unue mined os a.on at i. p.m.' (2) 13 from Netzoband, bound for fxest Litovsk at 2 pm. (3) 25X1 17_ July. i1 shipment of 4 prim movers towing model 38 122 mm field howitzers and about 20 trucks r z er=,? aserne a bound or A ongraoow, at a,mo 19 July, A shipment of 10 to 12 trucks, c o ling r ova e 2bX1 25X1 LO Ju _ A shipment of seven trucks and four 122-;w. field howitzers, from .ilten ;x abcw to it thenow, at .r p.m. (6) A shipment of two J3 tank chassis from Kirchmoeser to raomsdorfe, Ju`?.t . A shipment of four tank cars from Aken and 2 cars loaded with timber Cottbus to Kir ch- 25X1 2`rankfurt/O or 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13800170005-0 Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13800170005-0 2 On 15 July., the Feldzeugmeister? Kaserne was full: li-;'sitedo she sold a_ers seen wore red--hbrdered black epwt.lets with artillery L si,-nia. Individual soldiers had motor tram part jr i> niar E T77ere green e n terixg and leaving, tv, 1_rrstal3 atTton: 'ix?e Flare user ne was occupied key only a (--uard- detail. On 17 July, the Foldzeu Wr:reistor I'saserne .,,,as occupied to capacity by an sti: ated 1, CJ soldiers wen ring :red-bo :cl rod black epaulets, most o" then with a tillez;r- insignia, `:' ie lar,:p building adjoins the h.:irrachs installation tt aard Fouqu6 .)trasse apparently ser v d as an officers ? billet and as guarded by a sentry. I4norous officers and vromen were seen between this building and the barracks installation, F77 I (it) 4. On 19 July, the large building of the fene;ralfe1d,oii hoist r Kasorne was occupied to capacity. The other buildings of the installation awpp to be only, lightly occupier. Fifteen soldiers carrying two range rim ers were seen leaving the, installation at 11 agran and r? t'w1r?na.r at about 2:30 p>mq 5'eve? iwjo-Load uns were seen in thn open gun sheds in the rear section of the installation 25X1 Tie TWI",-Ak, Sasern 1'7 occupied D' only a ;wax- ; d? tai7- l) 25X1 (l) T.',ate occupation of the leak K aserne bar a guard detail is urrchan;; a 25X1 unit ? with -tea ./ail "Ims a 25X1 T3'v er. to wined units of the 6th tart,,.. Div r 'l, en m aeldboug-moister Irasornen the burr ac?-, installation did not (2) Pr?obabl~j a shiprient of a unit of tsp. 6Va A ?-yy Div to t%. ten abcw,, Ch 25X1 1.3 Julys the arrival in :lte~n t? aber : of an AAA nt nts betw Al ahow and Brandenburg