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Approved For R Ol F i~O457R01 ~~ 00 }9 F ATI T. CD NO. A..?` COUNTRY East- Gerimany/Austria iF $f3 tFCT Order of rt:itttl c f ScyUUt;. Grrmr Forh-axe AM. rm a Volkspo iized PLACE 25X1 ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. ATION OF ITS COr' ENYS 10 Oft RECEIPT DY AN UNAUTHORIZED PBASON IS PROHIBITED DY LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM I$ PROHIBITED, 25X1 25X1 DATE DISTR epier:, :r_'; ,9552 NO. ~O SEEN LS. 2 (S po.ges) SUPPLEMENT T REPORT NO, UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. I epor(:, received during the period fron 1 July to 1 A1u ust 1952 revealed no changes In the general 03 ' estorn Gcrraanyo 2. The f ollowin;; units in the ovie t occuipe Lion zone of Germny -x 25X1 permanent locations and dates of observation were confirmed het?reen 1 Ju:~lv and 1 August 1952 ao G 'IQ Units of he Grei') of C ccu i tior4 qi Forces Ge-41g!2~IZ. 56th :iotor Trans :Zog;L PCT5DAL 6 July 25X1 An i n"r EeCt 131:%iiDLMRG 2-4 :1 r 36th Pon. 2-ridge egt L AGDF13U1;U June iLl 6th Liu ty iLiv :t i1~111;_1 V; 19 Ju7)r CLASSIFICATION gyrRR r sPi1TE NAVY ` x PaSPe~ ~~ DiSTR(E3UT1074 FBI ER~ME& Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13400300005-9 I Approved Fir, ase 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13400300005-9 0,I IU , I 6th i:.iort Brig (US) 13th now Arty Brig (US) 124th IIv ii[rw Arty Brig (U,13) Hq 314th Arty Div (US) 14th AT Arty Brig (US) 6th Gds AAA Uiv (m) 32d AAA Div (US) Ala Eiraith Guards d o Arq,W iiq IIq 13th A..AA Div 220th Hv Tank `3P Re ,:,,,t 143d (Gds) Array Arty Drig 446th Sig Bn 257th Rotor Trans Bn An Arty Brig of the XXVIII Gds Mtz Rifle Corps Hg 39th Gds Utz Rifle Div 112th Gds Utz Rifle Regt 1.17th Gds Mtz Rifle Regt 120th Gds :Mtz Rifle Regt, 87th. Gun Arty Regt 45th Gds b'n,-,r lei He 20th. Gds P; ec Div-. 65th Gds x.:ccz Regt 172d Gds i-krn Party Rept An A,LA Rev?, of the M Gds Rifle Corps 27th Ods Sig Ian UIq 57th Gds i.ttz Rifle Div 172d Gds Utz Rifle Regt ].7?sth Gds = "T+,2 Rifle Re-t w EC1ii T~ RAn1Ayl[~p?`at,t1~ _ June iY 1.LUEI' ~4Y 23 July B` UOIDETIMItG 9 July PO SRAM 5 July RM :r N area 8 Jelly CH M1 T7,--/ UL, 10 June area FRATv"KFUR.T/C er-- OEStRIN 28 June -IEIL11-R,-NJ0IIF> i 19 April VJ'EMAR. 1 July GL.,AU CHAU 18 Juxrir ALTEIDLTLG 2 July 1T ILLIAR 5 Bch [.I>; IR 11. June GI MA I Ju1,v 0.TIFiD1WF 4 July P z.AUls?iN 11 June r.~t:IITIIvGEN I July 0F'J;RLF 29 June P.I.AUENY 21 April S IALI'";IF3 (?) 4 July Jr.EINA 30 June t'IJ.IU? P. 16 June J: '1A 4 July, I;A.U;.3UI"tG 4 June I?!/!Uf. B?U ''G 26 June FIAU11,10UPAG 4 July iIA t 30 June T ;i. 1,s1.L.P,~.W F Li T..r) 30 J,21-4' 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13400300005-9 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013400300005-9 25X1 :128th Gds Gun lrty RRegt 89th "pis Sig Bn Hq? 21st Gds %cz Div GOTHA 16 Juno 25X1 IdAULMURG !s June I1A LE 29 Jun 69th Gds Leez Reg;t 70th Gds L-Iecz Regt A Gds Sig Bn of the 21st ads i;Iecz Div e HALLE (? ) 21 May 24 June cc Third 3hUc1: Ar!mra .Army IIq LWI' M4BURG 19 June 136th Gds Iiv Tank SP Ilegt DUI G 23 June 25X1 tlq LXXIX Litz Rifle Corps An Arty Sri;; of the LXXIX Litz i ifle Corps 594th Litz Rifle Regt 597th I.Itz Rifle Regt 6)4th Gds Liecz Regt 10s RL Pleat Hq 94th Gdds Mtz Rifle Div 2333d 4-ds :stz Rifle Regt 7)4th (IfV ?) Tank SP Regt 199th Gds Gun Dirty Belt Hq 13th Llecz Div 59th i ecz Regt 60th i ~ecz Rest =DAL 23 ;. ;ay 4 July rIOOOT~OC~ Tb STEMAL 12 July S`. EIJDAL 12 July IIILLER5LEI3LN 24 April SCIIrI" -MIN 12 July L CIL.;ERINI 24 June 1IAGEr:o 20 June SC&ERIN 15 May t'J IS;.,.AR 7 May 21 June TTPT,RLEBEEG }~ L7tTDil y\ISLUST 1 July PAPCHIM 23 June d,. rirst Guards I.:echanized l1 M ilq 8th Gds Lies Div 19th Gras aecz legt 20th tia IT O= ;._eCt 64th Gds Tr Tangy, SP Vogt lot Gds '" ank :e,,,-L 350th (?) How . x ty Root 26 April 25X1 Li:IPZIG- 16 April SCi Il.`I;IIAU ~~URZ.EN 6 I::arch L::;IS 'IG 7 April L3ORI'NA or GRIL i 26 LIay ELLS JD JRG i,ci< T/ Approved For Release 2006/08/08 CIA-RDP82-00457R013400300005-9 Approved FQr.,f 1 Vase 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13400300005-9 23d. Tank ile~,t 108th"Tank R eat 70th Gds Mr Tank 3P i,egt 140th ,ads Tank liegt 13L th Ids Tank RwTt Ii5th Gds Tank r Vogt p tft Jd ; :Iv 'l'ank :pia i .e t 0:;u"""J.1 19 I."area 1 : arch KD TT':;dHE 21 April LU ZJIN 22 April B j ?' 11 7'1 i.1 1i41 . DiL' is ;103 . 23 ..larch e? acco s echanizeci :;rfryc ixry 1,q 2d Lii ht Arty Brig (US-) 1 9th Gds 11ankD: v A !.IGLU 11v wk SP lle`,t of the '9th W's Tani: Div 33d trds i tw 3.+.6.[~ heftt li Tank Tng :i;n Of 'tho 9th Sdn Tank Div IIcj 12th Gds Tank Div i th Gds Tank Ii;e[; 49th ids T : i Logt 66th Oda Tank eg t 71st Cads 'Iv Tank SP f,egt 226th Ilcrt SLert 205th ;.n 07th (?) "cn u3t 59 t,6.1 Tank Tr J,n (u s ) 1{q 1;3t ;. f. c Dj~l ? 19tY2 `u w; th' a f:.C3gt :LDTI T 13; aiG 13 July (1s11::T:iillux 21 ::tom i UI3 TI,i LITZ 28 June i;~S~LI?ul~y.,I,I3Ub;~ ~_ a.~r L";LItiii't'Ti 1 July Ii! "Jztt;PYTI3 27 June I.uU~~i`. I T; 20 June s,~:t1,UrI TI 27 June 1...! ''(II2III'i'IId 27 June a ii ?; iil,idl'PII June Ui.IlTW 0D 1l Ju no 2 July .dvI 1',1,1: Juno ii-- }. 29 July :i. L ..i.. 1 n l: llii.x.i. r1..I Z 4 i pri1 s ,> m. iiird auardo "belznr ,ed :`x r tilt a... ,c.~L~1i of the 62d ~:... Div (L+"! t ;.. 14, July I.TT, i~ IJ'i (?) Jul 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13400300005-9 Approved For t q 'e 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013400300005-9 .5 25X1 Rq 14th Gds lHecz Div 49th Gds Lecz Itegt 10th Tank Ite*t HIq 6th Geis Tank Div 78th Gds Hv Tank SP Regt AIq 7th Gds Tank Div iIq 9th ?ecz Div 69th Mecz Regt 70th ilocz R.egt 30th Gdo I?v Tank SP Regt 692di floe, ;irty I1ogt JIBETEIWOG 21 Juraa 25X1 JUETERDOG 21 June JUETERBOG 21 June 'WITTE NI :ItG ti July iITTENBEIFG 23 June fl SL,AU June CGTTaB 22 June COTTBUS 9 May C OTTBUS 27 May SPREMBEIri 3 June CdPTBUS 7 May % Fourth Guards I.Iechanized 312th Geis RL Regt 51st (?) trcl llegt Iiq 6th Gels 1;Iecz Div 16th Gds Liecz Reg 17th Gds i,Iecz Rogt 240th Geis Dort Regt 324th Tank Thg Bn Ilg7thGdsl:ieczDiv 17 June 25X1 EBEFt54ALDE 21 rebruary IERNAU 1 June BAD I'REIEN-, V ALDE 15 June 5 June 5 June BERPi&U 28 !Lsy FUERST N 1ALDE 13 Ju r 824th Gds Hv Tank 3P Regt FRAIIKFURT/Oder 11 Jul y Hq 25th Tank Div 83d Gds Hv Tank. SP 1 egt A Tank Trig Bn of the 25th Tani, Div IHq 10th Geis Tank Div 3m CP,AMIEI3UURG 25 May PRFl ZT AU 16 June t'I`:J1fEIf3'itG 10 June KRALPITITZ 11 Ju.'1' r/UEIaSllQit Zf~.SSETu~J'~E3'P:rBOG Area,., There are indications that the Courmard Echelon of the GOFG which moved to the area of V;UENSDpitF-Z0SSEN is quartered in the installa- ,a.ons aimr Z0 3 I4 and the adjoini 1 unde:.r rounC it to ~r37~ion 5 i..7L (L !',T/ Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013400300005-9 SECI2,:..1" 8 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013400300005-9 Area of the Fourth Gds L ecz S yr? Numerous trains carrying special units returning to LI-ITLIIJ and LIEBEROSE from other training areas revealed that the units of the. Fourth Gds `T.ecz "rmy were still at these troop training, wounds. A new troop camp was under construction near VII,1 IAIIIJSIJCH.F in, the area of TEI,IPLIId,, A new branch line was scheduled to be built from VOGCLSAUG to the camp. Special Exorcises, 6. ao Artillery,, After a reshuffle of units in mid--July, otrong elements of the 6th Arty Div including the 25th ILL L' were still conf ix ed in ALTEN- GRAT3OV until late July,, ":ovements probably of the. 121ath I'M O.cr Arty 3rig (US) of the 6th Arty Div between BI AflDI NDURG and. ALTEN - G half of July,, RABOIII and.vice versa -Vero f'tser ed during the second A brigade of the 34th Arty Div (US) started returning from ALTLI.I- GRAB94 to POTSDAM in Late July, As no elements" of the other heavy artillery units of the two rifle armies which had been confirmed there in June were reported departing, it is believed that they were still stationed there in July, Elements of the follo'.ring units were identified RL units arrived in ALENO11AB0 J, coming from the training areas,, During the firrst days of July, artillery units, mortar units and as they were unloaded s 25X1 Eighth Gds Array: The unidentified Arty Brig of the XXVIII Gds I:~!tz Rifle Crops, the E7th Gun Arty regt of the 39th Gds Utz life Div, the 172d Gds flow Arty Regt of the 20th Gds Llccz Div, the 914th RL Regt (US) of the XXIX ads :.itz Ildfle Corps aid a mortar unit of the 57th Gds I:t2 Rifle Div. Third Shock Army, A rocket launcher unit of the LXXIX IItz Rifle Corps and an artiilor;? unit of the 207th .It.z Rifle Diva. First ads 'ecz Lum. Second Gds LIecz A'- Third ads Ilecz t1: A rocImt launcher unit., probably of the Cth eels I.Tecz Div. A rocket launcher unit of the 9th Gds Tank Div.. E''1ement: of the 199th Light Arty brit were at ALT1 IGRM30:"J from 3 to 16 July 1952. One artillery unit each of the 6th Gds =lecz Div and the 7th Gds Liecz Div, At least elements of the aforementioned units returned to their 25X1 permanent training grounds or posts ih mid-July 1952? Other e1nen of these units subsequently arrived in ALTEUMADOV+ and some departed oirl., as Tt Jul ' it was possible only to determine that they belonged to: J ECP? U.T, Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13400300005-9 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013400300005-9 LEC2GTr g, Area between I,X!'1I1 rCJ and STI;IMAL. On about 10 JulZr9 units of the Fourth Gds t1sez P.r y embarked upon a r;iajor exercise which proceeded in the direction of the Elbe River and to rc the ARNEBURQ-JELi0HW+ area,, On about 10 July, about 15 trains were concentrated in the trainin area in addition to the troops aaf_th tanks, armored scout cars and AT guns and started re turning to TEi,;'LIN, LIDDI OSL, and E ,I SdA LLE from: the area of JERICiHGII on 13 July. In conjunction with the engineer practices mentioned in paragraph c, the problem of the exercise may have been a counterattacl. against an enemy who had penetrated across the Elbe fiver from the west and was to be repelled? The exercise probably was completed on 12 July when Iaridgeheads were established by forces from the east. It could not be determined whether the units of the Third Shock Prmy and the Third Gds 1.:iecz Army' which? according to paragraph c, trained on the west bank of the river represented the enemy forces,, h, Area of I''IIISTJ, I~jAI,uI?~.DOBILILUGKn A signal command post exercise began in the M TI F:;AI E-DQBRILUGK area on 12 July and was still under way on 30 July. Headquarters and signal units of the GOFG, the IV Arty Corps., the First and the Third Gds L2ecz ;xy, the Eighth Gds Army and the air force parti- cipated, AAA units were also seen in the training area, 7. The rotation of personnel began on about 15 July, crossing station.- of I'LII:uFPIP;Q F #iA' KFUflT Oder and 'Ui3F,Pi of at least class; others however belonged to the 1932 class o The. departure of the 1929 class which is due for discharge was reported only in iso- lated irict.ances. It is believed, however, that discharges will be made at an increased rate during subsequent weeks o SEUL'w , I 17 shuttle trains was observed until 27 Jta -1 2. The unloading of these trains was confirmed 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013400300005-9 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013400300005-9 3J;ClgT'/ 14 46th Gds 1.1ecz Regt 15th Tank{ Regt 106th Gds l1v Tank SP f egt Iiq 95th Gds Litz Rifle Div 2814th tads Iltz Rifle Rest 3464th Gds IIo* Arty Rel;t IIq 23d AAA Div U/i ma I'gt U/i Ma'. Refit 1SLOSTM-1,11:UBURG 25 March BRUCE/Leitha 2 Plarch KAGIIAN 7 May ST. POE,LTELN 15 May EIS1,iSTADT L. May ALLEI'TSTEIG 12 May KORIIEUBURG and STOCK BAIT 1`' nay TOCIUrThAU 23 F.Iay 3 0CKTLRAU 10 April 37capone observed tended to indicate that the 32d Gds How Arty Refit of the 13th Ode 1 ecz Div was located in KAISI1 T INBRUC1i, ,Milo the un- identified mortar regiment of this division was otationed in GOETZEN - DORF0 Tr. a3xain~ o 18. No complete units were transferred to troop training grounds in July 1952. The training activity observed did not exceed battalion lever. In late June and early July in. the area south of V:CENNA, the 13th Gds Mecz Div conducted a he.3dquarters and signal corx nd post exereise which chiefly involved iaeadquarters of the mechanized units and tack units of this division. Artilloxy units, AT units and tank units of F the 13th Gds LTecz Div vr-.re transported by rail to the DOELLERS1tEILi troop training grounds. The 8th Gds Tingr Bn of the 13th Gees Lieez Div returned to is post in : LOSTEIl EUBU G from an engineer training site in the area of TULLN in mid-July, 190 Twenty JS.-3 tanks wore ieen entering Camp SP1IATZERNI near STOP0ELTUT which quarters, ar.:ong o hher units, the 150th Gds ?cnk OP Gun Peet of the 95th Ode Utz Rifle Divo This is a further indication that about two conpan:i s of the SP L-un re ir-iente are now bein ; equipped with hoLavy tanlbs 1Ie3Co inent. For the location of the individual div lions arc? the in pen ent uaaits in Jja,3torn Gert any and the exact dates of confirmation., see Annex 1. SECIIET/ 25X1 25X1 25X1 .Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013400300005-9 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13400300005-9 Annex 1 25X1 g Q.gata-on_ of ?ivis].on ar. I ZdaTLgnc ntUnits i Eastern Germany. Last date o' confirmation in parenthesis. Lout= 6th Arty Div The bulk at ALTENGR 30 J' (26 July) 4th AT Arty On IWEGEN Island (13 July) Brig (US) 34th Arty Div (US) The bulk at _ALTENNGRAB0W (mid-July) 2d Gds MA Div The bulk in the ' 7JESYSDORF- KUML ERSDOP,F area elements at WUSTROW (21 July3 Elements returned from ALTEPa- GR.A OW (27 July) 6th Gds AAA Only minor elements at the Div (US) - post', elements at WUSTROVJ, 32d AAA Div (US) KOLN G5BRULCK' .ALTENGR.ABOW and in the uranium mining area (early July) Elements at the posts (26 July) elements at WUSTROW (shipments to and from WUSTROW early and mid-July) ; elema? is at J 'TLRBOG from early June until mid-July, elements at the COTTBUS air- field (16 July) U/i Engr Regt In the AKEN-DESSAU area (13 July) 36th Pon Bridge Probably at the training are, Regt 3 kxa east of ROSSLAU; Rear details vacated the barracks installations of the post (26 July) 13th AAA Div Elements from 'J,ILM+AR pre- sumably still in OIIRDRUF (mid-June) elements returned from ALTEMR:BBOs I (3 July) 43d Gds Army The bulk at ALTLIIGR.ABOW Arty Brig (14 June) 38th (?) Army AT Elements at OH RDRUF by rota ,ion Arty Prig (21 June) elements at KINDEL (,lid-July) Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13400300005-9 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13400300005-9 Annex 1 220th Hv Tank E' Regt 19th Indep Gds Lngr Bn Ha Y CVIII Gds i' tz Rifle Corps Arty Brig of the XXVIII Cads ?::tz Rifle Corps 316th RL Regt (US) AAA Re-:-,t of the XXVIII Gds Mtz Rifle Corps 380th E.ngr Bn 39th G6.s i_;tz Ri 'le Div 20th Gcs ..flecz Div Hq XXI. ds L t: Rifle r,, Corps Arty Brig- of the XXfi G(s Itz Rifle Corps AAA Red. t of the XXIX Gc s LItz. Rifle C?rps 94th RL Regt (US) of the :'rat Gds 1,11 tz Rii'le Corps Engr 1i:. of the XXIX Gcs T tz Rifle Corps 57th Gc .s f[tz Rifle Div 25X1 -ems Llements at ii.IITUEL ( 3: ~Juiy) At BAD KOLS N (21 June) Probably at OIIRD`F UIF' as previorsly At OHRDrtJF{' (28 June); elements moved to <i:NGRADOV., (1 July) At 01-1111)LUF (19 June) and the F'LTRIROD.A area At OIIR1) ,I;~' (mid-Jane) At TEI.IPLIN (3 July) The bulk at OHRDRIJF (mid-July) artillery units Moved to ALTEIC~RAB0; `3 July) ; the en ,ineer battalion near DL SS au (2d July) Eler.'-ents in the U`HED 11"- CRAt IINKEL area (tumid-July), the wng i n ^er battalion near DE S.AU (21 June) ; artillery units moved to 'AL TIEITGRid3u,= ((2 July) units of recrl it: in :J]-'.A (13 July) At KIPTI)EL or LOSsA.; the barracks installation in AM TWURG a:'ant on 2 July At K IA"TDr,L (26 June) Three shipments from K1I11DT to WUSTROI'J (4 to 8 Jura y) Elements from KIT-1,11111 to ALTEPTGRi\BOW (2 July) Near DESSAU (2 June) The bulk at KINDLL (12 July), elements in GOTHA (11 July), the engineer battalion at BAD KOESLI'T (21 June) Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13406300005-9 Approved. For& 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013400300005-9 25X1 'Un 't 21st GCs a'. ecz Div 3d Gds AAA Div 44th Army Arty Brig U/i Amy AT Arty Brig from BR ATDLYBURG 15th GL s Engr Bn 136th Gds liv Ta= iki: SP 13egt Engr Br of the Dc Litz Rifle Corps 94th Gc.s I tz Rifle liiv 18th ocz Div U/i RL Reg=r of the LXX Ltz Rifle Corps Arty Br-i. g of the LUIS, Utz Rifle Corps '{ ~{ ! y of .+ the /I k3.hiB Re' ,t JLhMIX 1'Itz Rifle Corps 890th Lngr Bn 207th Utz :cif le Div 19th GE?s Llecz Div .136 ti (s iv Tank SP lLegt Loc.at The bulk at LOSSA (15 July) 2 the engineer IDatta1J on near DESSAU (2 Juno) Elements at 6IUSTRO1': (mid-June) Elements at ALTIMIGR.ABOWT (mid--June) The bulk at ALTS JGR.ABOW (17 July) In BITTJAU (14 July) At LETZL l:t3G HEATH (6 Z~`' y) s Individual vehicles at ALTE;IIGRA ,0 (14 June) - elements at the post (17 Junne) in t',IT.TK.AU (June) The balk at the posts ~ elements at the zonal border (16 July) ; elements of the engineer battalion in I3ITTK.11U (8 L" y) Elements in the 1 IlTIS OCK area (14 July); the engineer battalion in BITT 4U (3 LIry) AAA Regt at A ST1 O'y (=:r-id-J aly) At the ST:ND.AL military post (11 July) In, ROSTOCK (23 June) Elements returned from NUSTROW (12 July); at LETZLTI'3G 1-IL;LIII (22 July) In BITTKAU (.14 J'tly) Elements practicing at LET ZLING H MATH by rotation; elements of the 1-low Arty Rego; at .ALTh 1`IGRABOVI (2 July); engineer and infantry mits in I3 ITTKAU (12 July) Elements from LUGDEI3UT s at LETZLING HEATH (27 Ju :!e), the engineer battalion and ,AAA units in BITTK.AU (14 July) Dlemen.ts at L' ',TZ,111G l:LA 'al (4 July) ; elements at ALTE?1- GRABOLI (mid-June ) Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013400300005-9 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13400300005-9 5+-GRL,T Gro,,_ t,or ~'Ir 25X1' 4th Gds AAA Div The bulk at KOLT IG8BRULCK (10 July), elements at 'ddUSTROV (12 July-) Lngr Units Probably in the area south of 1.11JU LB%;lG on the Llbe River (raid-? ay); elements in GOULITZ (~2ntil 14 'ay) 8th Gds Metz Div The bulk at KOEI'IGSBBUECK. -(20 June` RL units moved to ALT1,211GRABOc1 (4 July) 9th Tank Div The bulk probably in the Zi .I IIAIN area (mid-July) 11th Gds Tank Div The bulk at KORIIGSBRUCCK (11/1. July) Me - ' r` 31st ML Div Liements rotating between '.7JSTRO11 and the post (two shipments each between 16 and 21 July); elements moved to ALTEIIGR.ABOh1 (29 July) 2d Light Arty Brig In the area northwest of (US) I3LUSTIF1L 1TZ (22 J u.ly) Army k,nr Units In the area of JL `ICIIG1 on the Elbe River (late June); elements at the post (4 July) 9th Geis Tank Div The bulk at the posts (24 July); -elements presumably in campy north and vest of NLUSTRLLITZ. RL and A1.1 units at .ALT~i1 G (early July), the engineer batta'ion at the post (10 Ju y); the 33d Gds 1' ;Ttz Rifle Refit transferred from PA%S J.AIK to F1J;RSTLNBI;HIG (mid-July) 12th Gets Tank Dkv In tent camas near the post (.1 July) artillery units returned from ALTENGR..ABOJ (22 June) 1st fecz Div The bulk at the post (21 or',_1 y) rotation of AT units at ALT;IT GI.;J'i d (29 to 32 July) 11q Third In the Adolf Hitler Camp south Gas i. ecz Ar?rmyy of F-PCIEST ZITMA since mid-July Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R01340030.0005-9 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13400300005-9 SECRET. Annex I 25X1 62d AAA Div (US) 199th Light Arty Brig 91st Gds RL Regt 35th Engr Rest (US) and Engr Bns of the Divs 14th.. G ds L1eez Div 6th Gds Tank Div 7th Gds Tank Div 9th Uecz Div Elements of the Hq of the Fourth Gds IMeez Army 63d Atfi. Div (US) 312th Gds RL N.c t:. 11th ('?) Gds AT Arty Lr ig Army :I:Lngr units' Div Engr obits 6th Gds ITecz Div In the a t T .1.5Er SD0 F and LUCICEVINIALDE area; elements moved to, (5 July) and returned from, ,'USTRQWW (22 July) Transferred from RE}IAGET3 t_-~ the JOI;TEFJ30G area (July) ; elements at ALTEIIGRABOW (3 to 16 July) .At the LUCKEIF.ALDE military post (.' July) Elements in the WITTETNI3ERG area (15 July); elements at the SPERI:INNBERG military post and/or with the divisions (late July) The balk at the post (19 July) ; AAA units at CJUUSTE0V 'between 2 and 10 July The bulk at ~'~ 1U)EI .-'fA i ; :1DOI F (9 July) ; elements at the post (11 July) The bulk at LET LING IMATH (9 July); elements in the F ITTK.AU area (11 July) ; and AAA units at .ALTMIGRABO between 3 and 17 Jul; The bulk at L ISSUASSLR (16 July) Transferred to ALTENGIWT OW (29 July) Six shipments to ALTS NGR.AE0x'I (28/29 July) ; two shipments to WUSTROu'J (24 July) Elements at the cost; elements moved to A jT' VIGRABO (29 Jti y) At TU:?PLITI' (3 Ju-l.y) Probably at TI._TP ~~IPI, With their divisions (mid-July) At TEJIPLIN (late July'); AT units at ALTE 'JGR.AE0 7 between 3 and, 13 July; AAA unit at JTJT,TEflOG 26 J u ,'' Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13400300005-9 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13400300005-9 SECRLT- /trine.: 1 7th Gds I:iecz Div &t LIEBi OSL (19 July) ; AT and AAA units as t-ionty oned above G92=- gr-ISI= a= 10th Gds Tank Div At LETZLENG HEATH Camp DO~.,L : (early July3 25th Tanis Div At TEi 'LIII (3 July) ; AA units at JUETLR 3OG (early June until late July). S1;Ci4ET. 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13400300005-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13400300005-9 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13400300005-9