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Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13300500006-7 SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION REPORT REPORT COUNTRY USSR (Moscow Oblast) SUBJECT Facilities and Layout of the Insulation DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED CLASSIFICATIq,N.. SECRET Coating Laboratory,, Institute 1609 Fryazino 25X1 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 25X1 1. The building 25X1 25X1 25X1 DATE DISTR. 14 August 1952 NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS.I (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION was four stories high. 60 m long x 20 mwide, 25X1 I I 25X1 Firt Flcor The machine and electrical. shops were installed on this floor. Seccrd Floor The library, administration office, duplicating, drafting, and 25X1 25X1 theoretical rooms, and a section of the high. frequency laboratory were located on the second floor. The work done on the third floor was considered very secret and very few Germans worked there. (It is to be(noted that Germans were not allowed to work in all laboratories because of the high security classification assigned the work conducted therein.) This floor contained laboratories for thyratron tubes television tubes and high-frequency. Fourth Floor e em ca epar men and sections of the High Frequency and - --~~ Television Departments were on this floor. C SI x A _j AIR X FBI 1I /RR ev x PE/SI em A Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013300500006-7 25X1 2. 25X1 25X1 25X1 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13300500006-7 Institute #160 in October 1946, 25X1 the Insulation Coating Laboratory of the Chemical Department. This laboratory was fitted out with various equipment from the USA and Germany. Zee Enclosure (i)s Sketch 1, of this report for the floor plan showing work installations of. the Insulation Coating.. Laboratory. This laboratory was located on the fourth floor. The following equipment was located in the Insulation Coating Labora- tory Point; 1 Technical equipment closet Nails, hammers, tubs, weights, rags, etc, were stored here. Poi (Same as Point 1) Point Drying oven This oven had a temperature range from 00-2000C and had been built by Heravs Co, in Hanau. It was table-mounted. Point Wash basin The wash basin had but one faucet and only cold water was avail- able. Point 51 Work bench (a). A scale for weighing mixtures was located here. This 0-1000 gram soale, which had an accuracy of 10 milligrams, was equipped with a set of weights from 500 grams to 10 milligrams. (b) An enlarging device used to determine whether the aluminum oxide powder was ground fine enough. The enlargement was shown on a frosted glass screen. The trade name of this device was."Lanometer". It was made by Zeiss-Jena; 500. power. The "Lanometer" did not operate properly because the lamps, similar to a 6-volt auto lamp, had been lost in transit from Germany and procurement of.these lamps involved much delay. Point 6 Office desk There was one desk lamp, used for both desks. There were no telephones. Point 7 Office desk 25X1 Point a ball shelf Weighing scale, capaoity from 0-200 grams (0-1 milligram accuracy); it had a rider for 0-10 gram adjustment. Divisions were at every 02 milligrams. The scale was not accurate. It had been made at Budapest; the commercial name was "Erdelin" (approximate spelling). Point 9 Table Used by Mr Y aL-s i ie ~ the engineer. No technical equipment was located on this table; .it had one drawer. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13300500006-7 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13300500006-7 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Point 10 Work table One microscope was located here. It was manufactured by the Leitz Co, in Germany, and had a 50 x 200 power amplification. There was also a binocular on this table which had a 15 power amplification. This binocular was used somewhat like the micro- scope, ie, the filaments were carefully scrutinized to determine whether the coating or surface was smooth and even. Point 11 ..Work table One tank for [::]coating method #1 was located on this table. Usually two girls worked here. Point 12 Work table Two weighing scales here located on this table--one was a 50 milligram scale, American made, and the other was a 500 milligram soale9 German made. Both were torsion type balances. These were used,to. weigh the heaters and filaments after coating. The fila- ments were weighed prior to and after coating to determine proper thickness. A tank was also located on this table. rt.was used for coating the larger heaters, is, heaters that were too large to be coated in the tanks on the other table (Point il), and anodes with the graphite and nickel paste. (For this paste one gram of graphite was used to 4 grams of nickel nitrate. Point 13 Iron frame A sprayin stand was located on this frame See Enclosure (A), Sketch ,2 . This spraying method was discontinued in this laboratory. However, it was still used for extra heavy coatings a lied to spiral filaments considered "secret" by the Soviets Point 14, Wooden table An-electric muffle furnace with a temperature up to 10600C was located on this table. The furnace was used for drying the alts- minum oxide which who received in a very wet condition. The first samples of Soviet-made aluminum oxide arrived from the vicinity of Moscow. By the and of summer 19501 five-kilogram packages, packed in a er bas. One bag was used every two months. received about 100 bags between September 1950 and April 1952, and Q test them and place them in storage. They were not stored in the buildin ey were used in the tube production building. the ma- terial received from the USA (which arrived in large sacks) prior to 1947 was superior in quality. The furnace came from Germany; but,like most other equipment , the. manufacttrer'.s name- plate had been removed. Point 15 Wooden stand A heating plate for heating. coffee, tea, milk etc was attached- to this stand. The Soviet girls ate here. a 1 rj-- snack bar in a small building near the entrance of Institute # 60, ENC0SURE (A) Sketch 1 - Plan View of Insulation Coating Laboratory Sketch 2 - Cabinet for Spraying and Drying SECRET Approved For Release 2006/08/08_:CIA-RDP82-00457R013300500006-7 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13300500006-7 25X1 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Enclosure Alah View of ilnsuk. iov Coo,+iK Laboratory l,oca'kd o h +~a 4_ Ric-or SkETC H ?'A" Filaments were sprayed within this area '"B" Filaments suspended from clamp.s'attached to aluminum sheets took from 3 to 15 minutes for drying 5 or 4 220 v F.1e6%Ic*.l e&4p Eltw+ew~s '~ door legs 40 oPsN~Mg Frost View I Side ytf u) CGb;r t -for Spra4 ivt S`c.e-TGA * av~.d brains Mokar 'ist %awtt Approved For Release 2006/08/08 CIA-RDP82-00457R013300500006-7